Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    i ! ) , i
After a Strong Opening 5n Wheat and
Dora These Cereals Became Weak ,
Hun of Tlilrljr-T\to Tlinitsiind Hog * unit
Jlcnvy liitlnintr * lor Toinnrrow
Jlroiiglit 1'rlcci In tlrit l.lno
llutrn boirnil I'olnti.
CHICAGO. Oct. 21. Sfter a MronK openIng -
Ing In the uhciit aiul corn mnrkcta they
became wcnk ntul cloned with respective
lc KC8 of Uc und He per bu. The oats nnd
pro\lskn innikets vero even heavier thnn
wheat nnd cnrn. Oats lo t lie per bu und
pork Sc a bbl
The uc.ikncm In wheat was largely caused
by heivy northwestern receipts nnd Im
proved reports fiom the Arsentlne crop" .
Thcco was n Rood demand at the opening
nt a 'iC ailviince over yeiturduj'H close
There was but one jtolnt In the t.irly news
which wan tllstliitlly cncouraBlriK to the
bulls , and thai wni nn advance of 9d per
quarter In the \3luo of Argentine wheat
on ocean inFinKt Yesterdaj'a rojiorted
decline of Cd per tmniter In thtit description
of wlitat had been a severe < ll .ipiKntiiient ) [
to the bulli , and today's amended or Im
proved price was till the more cncouruKliiB ,
bclnt ; totally unexpected. The beari In the
market who were short expcctid a Krait
denl of timidity foi n few inlniitea , nnd did
not ccae < bu > lnir until they observed that
I'unlridKe hnd his Kraimry open and was
shovclliiK more whiat from It In among
the buyers than Um Pre likely to Ht.itid
very Ions After kecplnB December at
from 61'nC ' to.11,0 for a minute or two , It
Kohl down to We but had to submit to a
wor c lireik lifter about hulf an hour , vvlH'ii
It ilioppod fiukklj to fiom K iC tor.iKc JlJJ' ,
In thP incnntlmi' , hiul declined fr in r.s' , < .
to 5SUo at tlif otH-nliiB to Ki' c Notwlth-
BtumllnK the repuitiil advance of 9d for
ArKintliif wlual a Ntw York dispatch suld
that n cnlilpffinm finm Liverpool to u , prom-
incnt Kialn Hhlpper tin ro quoted nn easier
fcvllnir at the cloce on aciount of Impr ved
reports fnin the Argentine The market
here was vvtakenpil by what canufiom
Now Yiiil ; on the subject referifd to. Maa
w-hent closeil tit from 6"Hc to 078c , and
December at fi2\p.
JteCLlpts of i-orn were 100 cari , rnmpnrpd
With the intimates of 75 cars. The ex
pected iceilpH lomonow aie 110 call. The
rnaiket held up I > or ovir yesterdav s clos-
lnn price until about f rty-llve minutes fnun
the iloie nt which time there wns - weakness
ness on ni'i'ount of the declining tendency
offtheat The lowest prices of thi- day
ivcie current fit the close Rlnv opened
at MVu alul " 'op" ' ! atID c to 49'ie. The
shlppinK demand , which caused the llrm-
ness yesterday , was evidently exhausted , as
there was none whatever today. Uuslness
was modoiately aithv neir the close but
nervous and easily Influenced by the bujlng
or Bi'lllnB1 cf niodeintc tjuantltles.
TradtnK In cats was Htlll dull and prices
BUftcied anothi'r decline Outside orders
were limited , and what little business was
doliiR wns nil scalping and local The con
tinued we.iKni'ss was partly Inlluencod by
a like feeling In < 'orn , ullhntiKh the vry
heavy casli inaik"t wns principally Inlluen-
tinl. May HUH ted a shade firmer at 32c ,
sold to aJUc and closed nt that price.
A run of : UOW ) lurid of hogs todaj anj
31,000 head cntlmatod for tomorrow aceunts
for thewciiknets In the piovlslon tnaiUct
I.OIIK nnd shoit clear liicon v\as auoted Is
lower In Llvvrpoul , and the dotnostie de
mand for spot Roods was reported to be
very limited. Per these reasons , aided bj
the hostility to the bull side cvlmtcl by
packers , tinmarlu1 ruled very heavy and
prices had a severe break I'ork cl' ' sed
with a loss of o5c and lard and ribs eudi
The leuOIng futures ranged as follows :
Artlclca OPBU. _ I _ HUh I Low. | Close
r.i ] , 62 ' <
Dee . .
May. . . . BB1 } 07
Com No. 2.
Oct ROM 60 BO
Nov. 1,0 so
IVc 4U'i 4KI. 4KS
JIny. 49.HGJ *
Cat B No 2
Oe-l. . . . 28 274
Nov. . ' 'Bis t'HUi VHJd
TnrX per bbl
Jan. . 12 15 12 IB 11 824 11 .S3
Oct. . . 7 D2H 7 07W 7 OSS
Jin . . 7 m 7 03 0 87K U H7't
Hiorl Illbs-
Oct. . 0 .15 0 .12
Jan. . C 1'.IL $ 0 ID u oo
Cash ( inotiit cms ixcie ni follows.
nomlnnl No. 2 roil. 32' iii2'ic.
COHN-No i MeNi > 3 Jillotv ,
OATS No. ! ! , r\r. No. 2 while , 3llij31V.
No. 3 wlillp MVSfSl'iC.
IlYIJo 2 IC'Sc
lAIliY ( No : . 53c , No. 3 , ISSule ; No J ,
rr.AX RIIO-NO : i , ji ici 4515
TIMOTHY HlJIJIl-l'ilme Jj 3Va5 40
MIOVIHIONS Mi p rk. per Mil { 12 Ortin2 r. . pfr UK ) Hri (71ii. Slmil i Iln. elilD8 , l < -a\
JOSJQC.40 , ilrjbilti'.l hhoulilrrs. lioxtil f. s'af ' (
COO , vlinrl ilcnr oUles , Uix < ] , JO 75WU.Si7'5.
WHISKY-IJtetlllcm' llnlslicil fcooJs , IHT pal.
$1 23.
Sl'OAHS Out lo.if , unchanged
The folloulng nire the rt-ceipn anil Blipm ! nti
today : ,
.M\V voitu IMIIAI , .u\nicer.
Vcaterilay'ii Qiiotiitlon un Flour , drain null
IVciilnliiiiH , .MnlnU. itc.
NUW YO11K , Oct. -I'LOUn-HecelplB , 25100
Uils. ; expuils , 19400 Ijbls. , Bales , 10.000 pkg-s
\V ak , with Miles small , only iiri'sslnx need *
lielnn Illli-d. Snnthein flour , dull Il > o lloui
dull ; sales , 150 bbls llucUuluat Hour , etcady ut
. . . . T-DuII.
COKN JIIIAlr-Qultl , Kales 100 M-ls , 2ir >
sacks ; jclluw vvtstein , Jl 12114 , Drandjvvlii"
HYll-iDull , cur lots , 52Q53c : boat loads , 5M
IfAlll.irY-null No 2 Milwaukee GOfiClr
IIAIIhKY MALT Nominal , western , 70ii75c
WIIIJAT Itocjliits , I104HO bu , ex | rl * . r. . 0
liu , ; cults , 3.S55ei04 bu futuies , 42,000 tin. n > l
Hpot. dull , Xi > . 2 red , store and rlevntor , 5l'i5i
I5\ic \ : afloat , 6H - : f o Ik , C5i4c. No. 1 northern
4iio dtllvereil , No. 1 hnid , I6c delivered dp
tlons opt mil momentarily higher on linn cable
and foriltrn liujlnn , then hroke shnn'ly and wer.
weak all das under active luljlllff of long
denial of the ArKc-mlne dnmace * toi > nnd wi-ike
late liUrrpool advices COMH | nt ' e decline
No. 2 ml , 1'tliniary closed ISijc , Ma ) , fiO
61'4c , lo > ed at COSc. October cloned nt U' . .
November ilfmid at 5'lc ' , Uecernher , DO 1 loft
M 11-160. clmtel at ( GHc
COHN Ie-ieliti , 20,000 bu ; exports , 14300 bu.
Palo * . 32,1l liu futures , 18 2W1 liu spot. | u (
dull , No. 2 , fi7 > i In elevator , t'tc ' all'at One ca
new lejected , llrst of season Sic. No 2 white
tS'4 f , e ) . h. nlloat Optltms opiiird firmer in
rain west nml moderate rectlpts , but later di
cllned In n > mpalhy with wheat nnd closed n
'io net declineJanuary. ; . Sa JlSl'lP , closed n
U14C ; May , Cd'4SiMl o. closed nt W'lc. Ocli > htr
closed at 67e ; No\emher closed at K'ia ' ; Do-
cemlier , 51io.
OATS-lfecelpts , 91 ( XIO liu ; exports , 100 liu
nates , 7i0ouO hil futures 131000 liu SK > L
Biot | , ac-tlv ; Ko. 2. JH c. No 2 , delivered , KM
S21JC , No 3 , Sc. . Nu 1 while , -3le , No
white , 34H.O , Irack , white western , JS03S '
track , white state "
, 35jfl"Jc. Optlnna opeim
steady , then declined with Iho other mirket
and rlosetl at ijJ\o net decline , January , 3J'si
closeil ut 33'jiFetiruary cloted nl 3Uio Mav
Sl.if3Sc , closed at 36c October close < l at 31' ' r
Novemher , 3l'i < ii31Se ilosed at 3Hic ; Ueccnilwi
82J J327ie , cloik-d at 3'ic.
HAY Dull , Bhliplne. 450C5e ; good lo choice
HOI'S Weak : slate. , common to choice , old
3l7c new. KIMOltr , racllte coant , 3UO7c.
HUiS-rirm , wet salte. ) New Orleans , at )
lected , 43 lo GS Iln. , 5c , lluenoa As res. tin20 t
tl Urn. , 1UTe : s , dry , 24 to JO IIJK , t-Hfitc.
I.lATIIiit Quiet hut steady , hemlock sole
liuenoii . \ > rc , light tn heavy weight. 15llto
\VOO1 Htcaily , domestic llfcce , 19Q:4e ; pulU
I'ltOVISIONS-Ileef , quiet. Cut meals , dull
pickled bellies , 7 ; So ; pickled shoulders , & '
plcklet ) hams , 9J3'Sc ' , Ijird , wenk. wesu.
iteiim tliiaetl ut > 1.10 ; city , CHcj * ale , 150 tierce *
October closed W , & nomlnnl , l > ecemlr , J7.S
nominal ; rertned. w-tak ! n > ntlnent , 1775 ftiut
America. | s.womK iind , She. I'ork , dull , nev
lllet.3. tl,75if4 50.
IIUTTKH Stt\u1 > ; nritrrn dairy , 21c : \\t > > | ,
creamerU > ti3Hc ; ; western factory , 1II4 > . .
KlRlns , J3' ' c , Imitation crenmery. ISiJISc , stat
dairy. ltfi22Hc ; Htulu cre-amery , ltfr-Jlic.
C'IIGKSi-siettd1erj : part eklins , JHU71-cj Ju
* klm > 3c
| ; ( H1S Dull , 8tat and I'tnniylvanln , 24 21'A
rec-eliitJi. J3.e ! lik s ; western f I tali , 17t/l9 < ] (
I'tri'liaUhrM-HtetulUr ; United closed ut S3
bid , , In bulk , 12,65 , I'hlladelpllu. u-i
llnltlmore. In bulk , 16.00.
UOHIN I'.tm , trained , common lo good , tl-
01 IV
Tl'llPnNTINInrm at II.2S01.49.
TAI-LOW Steady , city , 12 per pkr. . 4 itj4tt.
count rj' , pkK > . free , 4 < V ' > c. as to iiuullty.
ItlCt-Klrm ; domeitlo , lair to extra , 4 > itiV < c
Japan , 4' > c.
MOLASSUSBlend ) - ; New Orleans , open kettle
Coed to e'hoie' . tS636o.
COTTON bKKU Ollr-Qulit ; prlmn truOe , Hi
off ormli2" 24 ) [ llmr bulter K'n t SMJKo.
chilli B vrllow 3 < prim" yellow .We > How nff
rmleK. SMiJfli prime whit * , Xlfllk n mlnnl.
fOI'I'KK < 'l iwl ipilit brukels prke , te.SS't.
i lmnRi > prlres , 19 VlfrU "H
TIN-Dull , easy , strait' , III8MJ14M ; | > late .
. ullli , .IfiniPMlr. Jl l .
I , i\H-liiill , lirokern pilce for bullion , I ) ;
exchange price for tpot , J3 Ic93 IJ'jC.
Cnndltloti of Trailo mil ( Jn > : ill > u DIM
M | ilp mill Timer I'rmluen
The tnaiKit on Imlter dnc * not liow much
chnni/p , prli'cs irmnlnlng In about the same
Tlio reirlplB of fipsh Inld egR * nr < - very aultt
nml tin re aiu nut onmigh cutnlMK lo supply tlio
drmntnl. The ( 'nnt bulk of the nrihnls consists
of held slmli , cold flnnmo nnd Billed ICK * . As
u r > ftult th > market Ix Kraduolly Miming up un
Btrletly frefh laid stork
Tin1 frellnK III ( he poultry mniket was n little
Letter 3 < uliida ) nwlnif tu the fuel tint n rnr
\\I\H li d d out , \vlnch rlrnnrd up tlio mirket
In | uctt > K" "I rhapi * 1'rlrcs remain nbuut the
snm n * th < u < c iiuoteil on tlio pirvlnuit iliy HO fnr
an i lili In mill fmvh nte concermil. iheie nrc
lunnUiiKrjs nnd dinks nunlnir thin wi ? tin-
CIIMI ii fin ibi > t imn anil the ill ravens hn\c
lotiFiril Hi Ir prln s In < uiip.iucnce. |
Tlioie H plinty of VPO ! tu suppl ) the ilnnunl
nmt prlcis do nut recover vei ) iapldl > fiom
thP Hint of last UPfk.
The hay inatKd Is aliout Ftendy ArronllnB to
n ripuit i.iinpilid from mune 1 TiO1) ) rrptl > 's to a
l < tdr of linult | > pent out by J V I'lirvvoll c < nn *
| ian > of ( li' < nio. tin hiv crup of the ilirfti'iil
stati s Is us fiiliiiws : Knn as 16 , NcbiasKn J.
llllnils \\wiiiniiln 75 , Texas 97 , f-nutii lml < nlii
JS N'utb n.iknla LU , .Mlwourl J. , Mlnm-wla. r .
luvri , II , MlihlKnii 7 * It will bo noted that UK *
cmp In Ilu > f'Ltlim uf the cdiinliy frum vvhlih
loniilui. l oci URloini-il lo draw supplies la ver >
I Minn nml di uli i here still KlvcIt as ( liclr
I njntniii I'uil ' pili cs will rule high all the si i son.
yil jlnlli nr :
III Tn.ll-1'n. kln slock. 9e , fair to froo.1
c-uulilij. llfiillc ih'ike to fiin < ) , I(1fil7c ( , gal In ml
tttiinipiv , l'i f.U > , tiiparatur cieamerj , MJ21c
I'nl 1.1 U.lid Inns , 4'i < , flillnt , ' clilLlii .
uc : ditikt. CiiTe , iirln | , ; tutllrja , tc , old lur-
keJR ffi < . fepM , M -
. ilii ? stiluly firsh laid. 17e
< > A.Mi : I'tnlile chlckeni , SIHIIIK. pfr doz , { JO )
rn" ± j | iiulili' rhlilcini , old , pit do(2 7j3.i
Krnus > utitr. p , i , | oz , } J.7' 3 1 RroUfe , old
jipr U z J2 t > . blurvnn lull , p-r < los . il >
Hrpi-ii uliiK i > i ilnz. Jl 'I , dui.l , < , mlxnl
per I\H \ * II i fil lu. ranvnMjnLUs , $ lt ) > ft43i , in il-
lnnl < and nil lund' . 1273 , nunll 51 2'Ul W , deer
raildlix. Il4f ( H. anlil'pu ' tadd ) , 13 llo
vrVI < i'liiiln * fat ind small veals are quoted
nt Sc IHIW nnd cnnw , 3/lc. /
4 111 rsi. UiFionsIn full cream , now inilio.
! 'm ' NtliiaxUa and Iowa , full rream , He. No-
insltn ' mid Inni put nKini . 7'jSc ( , I.lmLiirKrr ,
'i. 1 lie , liilcl , , Xo I , 12c , H l * . Xo 1. II
llAV-rpliiiil Inv. t * i9 , mlillnnd J7 ; lowland
M. MIsiiuvv Jij Color makes the priceon
ny l.lKht KluiiUs K II the bcaC. Only tup grades
rl/iw dip pilrc"
i'llil.O.Sft Old hlld" per dnz , 7Jc.
POTA1OHStslein fttuk , tat lota. CJo ,
null lntH 7 ir icXnl. 70g72c
OI.U 111'\NK Hand plekid , navy , JJ.23 , me-
I at , common vvlilto beau ; , ll'iff
) n nidi i , G"ii770r.
'AHII.\(1i-Oii : nidtrs 1'ic.
'iiiuv : : I'M do ? . aiffi'c.
! UIJT rOTA'IOUS I'er bit , 4325 ; Jersey ,
75 pei lib !
Tinfliit fiult auction of the wet It \\n * held
tti nl iv nml nn more will In- held until I'lldiv
litiifTtiliiKs jt-ttiidiy c < .ni | titl oC n hnlf eat
f On K n ( mini H and a rar of Cullfiirnl i pticlies.
mrs nnd nulnt iThe Interest In 1'nclno cout
lilt IHK aluiiit pIiiM-d out for this sea-am nnd II
dnulilful If the million sales arc continued
iiith Immer ( 'allforiila Rinu-n | were ve ic-aice
nrlnK tin- list two or Huee divs nnd It Is n
lllli nil niitl'i tn Und anjthlnc In tint line
nit < in lu rihlppid New Ynrk snipe * urt
liiiiiiliint ( nil tinmirkft hiis brt-n gradually
inilnpr up as the clop U m-urly exhausted
mil itli-ns
(11 IM'iillfiiiiila : per 50-lb liox $1.50
APPl.KS-CtoiHl stuik , per bbl , 12 50e2.75 , Mlch-
uali Htoi U , tl.
riMiIIKSCnliroin'a freestone ,
ln > ,8 75fi81 > \
I-1.1 MS V.illf > inln WeijIlOi ) .
liHrilftt. mi peed shlpplnc stock v.ln-
i ; . < ' ! Jl 73
OHAI'IIS Concords 1Mb baskets 2ff2 ] > Cil-
iinhi Tnkiiy SI until . ' 3 , Mtihcat , JIOKilSI
I 1 ! VNIIl.llltlUS Cape Cod , fnnc > , 10 SO p = r Lbl
Tnoi'iCAL ruuiis.
OH.\N1IN-Mxiiin ( , IJO , 200 , per l x 1J 5)
1m Idas } 1 'ft
IIAKANAS Hiolce stock 7D 2 50 per bunch
MIMONrt r.ini > Messina , 300. ) j S60 H DO
I'l.S'IJAl'I'I.KS None.
OYfiTKHS Medium per can , I2c : horao shoes
"c. ovtia standauls. ISc ; extra selects. ISr ,
onipnnj si lects 23c. New York counts , 2Sc.
VUld- Kim > per Ib , 18e , choice , ICc.
HONIJY I'nlifurnln 15f. dark honey ,
MAI'I.r. HVlll. I' Gallon cans , per doz , $12
NUTri Alminiils IC J17r , Kngllsh walnuts. 128
1c , filberts , l-'c , lliazll nuts , 10tT12c ; eastern
hcstnuts , 1/c.
MUIJI1'ure ! Julep per bbl , H , half bbl S3 23
ItlDUS No 1 Eicon hides. 3'4c , No. 3 Rrecn
ildes - , No 1rrcn ( Baited hides Ii4c ; No I
-leen unlli-d hides 3' c. No 1 creen salted hides
> to 40 Ibs , 4'ic' , No 2 cri-en Failed hides 25 In
Ibs , ? ' , . , No 1 veal oalf. 8 lo IS Ibs 7c ; No
vwil calf. S to 1 ! Ibs tc ; No. 1 dry nint hides
o. No 2 diy flint hlds. 4c ; No 1 dry salted
tides Co , part ureJ hides Ha per Ib. le&i than
ully cured
SHUErpr.I.TSOreen salted , each , :3 60c ,
recn salted tliearllnRB ( short wooled early skins ) ,
inh. mwjnc. Oiy shenilings ( short viooled cail >
Kins ) jVo. 1. eueh , 6G15c drj' Bhearllngs ( short
vvonlcd milv skln.s ) No 2 , each , Sc , dry flint
iitnsns and NebrSBkn. butcher wool pelts , per
b. , cctual dtrht 68c ; dry ( lint Kansas ami
SVbmska murnln wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
vclght , 4f61ic , dry fllnl Colorado butcher wool
ielts " jier Ib , actual vclght. 4fl6V4o , dry flint
"oloiaila nun rain nr > ol pelts , per Ib , actual
veight. ( SCO , ( have feet cut off , aa It ll useless
o pav freight nn themt.
TALLOW AND C1RGASE Tallow , No I l\c.
itlovv. No 2 , 4c. greate , white A , 4c , greaue ,
white II. .Tic. grease , jellovv , S'-lc ; grease , dark ,
' ic ; old butter 2i2Vtc , beeswax , prime ,
augh jtUo
St. I mils ( < nrriil Unrlcot.
ST. T.ul : H , Oct. -I'LOril Finn and un-
\ \ llhTfter n Btron or oppnlnjr p ld iff
"ly tlotlni ; 's ' i c I.- * low > esleidav ; Ni > i
_ tu > h , 4S' i , Uifcenilier , 4J'j84Hf-11c Mny.
coilNtikfii > d nff with vvaent elotlnK ' ©
.1 dnun. No 1 in xpil. taih , 46'5c ; October , 4l . - .
us-nib. i. 4.V. Mil ) 43Me4614C.
O V. r.S U < ill and lower , No . ' capli , 2Sc , Maj ,
" '
bid fur Xn 2 this side
U.Mtl.iViMil.'s : of 5UW bu. Minnesota at
' < .
UltANl'ii ' - . e-ist track
hiii : : ) I.uwer nt J1.43.
HA\-Qilnt !
Ill-TTr.ll-tJulet nt lecent decline.
I.IIAO Hull at J2'i."J
SPi'.i.Tin-riimtr : m $320.
i OIIN MIAI : < - s-.wii ! 35.
I-OTTO N TlllS-tSo.
1IAIIIN(1 ( I'siiiO c- .
1MIOV. ISIONS llmlcr. lower. 1'oik , standard
ne H joMilm ; . $1.75 , l.anl , flrmci ; prime steam ,
it > W , thiike , > 7. ISneo-i. packed shoulders J0.75.
ut\K , 1710 , ribs 17 , thoitH , JT 3I'i. Drj Fait
mints. InJSP Fhouldeis , (5C2H : IUHKH and libs ,
| ij i - ) sluirtit. So 75
ItlA'CIl'tt * riour , f2iXX ) hlils ; Mheat , 28 OuO
Ini . 1111 M s ii'X ' ) bu , raitn 23.n hu.
.SIIIP.MIlNIH-riuui b.U'W ' bblsUlcal , 20 > X )
bu , com. 7V)4 bu , cuts 10 OW tu
AIIiuiriiolltiont | 'Mnrkot.
MINNKAPOLIS. Ocl 24 Wheat -was weaker
in tinaveiiit ; ! - ttnlnj although the early sales
iviin limitat pilieH fully equal t > the price *
jf tinrucvl'us day 1 ( it r tininurkfi Ixcame
dull and lulirs luiliirully declined anil closed
Hh nit Hi to ' 40 lowt-r nil nnnind than > tterdny
A lit Id- win at WHS ri | < t > rttd tn have liet-n taken
nl tli' ' ' Ki-alKiaid foi i spurt , but tinclearaices
were small und did m t Indicate atry large
iniivimint of that ilmiaiter , while small out-
t.ldf oitlt-rn In the h > eiil mnikct created an
ia.ty fii-lInK llpcelpts. 445410 hu . hut were IOT
Hiiuill Ii' inctt ( heeiirient requests , ijlilpm nts ,
111.200 hu ( . 'lost October , 56\e , Ot-cember , 54Tbc
May , C7 4 < i57T e On Hack No. 1 hard. 57V r
No 1 noilheni. (6 < | C. No 2 noriluin , iJe. 'Iho
( him inHiki-t wax wriiU Patents , 43 10-83 < U
bakir.t' 31 * i4ii2i ) The prvxliictlon was entl-
rn.iud ut 3xi * > > Mils lor the nvint ) four hours ,
hhlpmi-nm , 40.UQQ Llila
.Siccul.illiii | Hi'iictK'd tlio I'olnt of Utter
NI3\V YOIIK , Ocl 21 Tlie stock market
lodiiy leui'iuHl Hie point of titter BtaRna-
tlon , the upKietrute of the transactions belnu
IPSH thuii ti 1,01 V > tili.ire < > , nn nmuunt of busi
ness that IH fiequently done In ICBS thuii
H Hlnglu hour uf a fairly active Jay.
Whether It Is that the leading operatora
ami the Knicrnl public are keeping "out
of Wall trect" pfinllntc the elections , or
ai e from triullnjr by the great
number of icoijrnnlzatlcm schemes Involv-
[ I\K \ thtIcMdlnu rnllroad properties , which
uninovliiK : fonvanl co sloixly ami vvlth
luiltliiKhlt'iu4 , tne thliiK Is ver > * certain , thut
Iho Khnn11111 r ket In lapsing ; Into n state
of hnpelcpH Iniietlon. DurliiR- the month of
Ut lolif r , 1VJ , tin.- trade on the Stock ex-
ihanKviis notably active , and a jcar ago
toilay the bales footed up 5,050.000 ahnres , or
an uverune of 101,000 t > lmri'H an hour for
the entire cluy , while today's vales lire only
a little oxor b-.f"X ! ) Hhares. HiiKar moved
up " 1 Ppr cent , reacted 14 per cent nnd ral
lied 'i pet cent , Biilnlni ; 1/3 tier cent on the
da ) , tit 1'u ul , which led the railway lint
In tilt * dealings , fluctuated within a range
of & * per cent , llurllngton * vas held vvllhlu
u Hliullur limit ; Ilock Island within \ < t pc-r
cent and NortliweKlorn 14 per cent , the Int-
DT lok-lnir ' per rent and the other 3 per
cent , apprnMutlnir ' to , per cent on yes-
tfiilay's t-luHlni ; Oregon Bhort Line nil-
\uiued | per cent on a , sale of 100 shures ,
closing at I lie hlulie t. fonpolldateil Gua
broke 2 per cent , but recovered ! ' < per cent
al the close. The market closed ipjlei , but
fulil.v linn.
'Hie bond market wan fairly active , the
KuleH leiuhltu : ( he total of $911,000. The
ItudliiK vsiiu nrm In tone , u.nd most of the
more Important chunxea were toward higher
ll uies. The Atchlson iMiies led In the
ttudlnir , and were- heavy In the earlier deal.
Ings' , but rei.o\ered the renter part of thp
fcjsK , K.IIU ttt the clobe the lit are ilonu Ji
Ill1 totil Fnles of Klti < Ks , tolay were 61.1513
aiiH. Inrlnilliii ; Alt Ill-tun , 310) , American
Stmnr. IDOOi ) , ltiy < ? lntp Has , 2 , Iliiilinitnn.
2 Hi ) , rhlcneo din. 32H. Constillililtd Clan 3 W ) .
1 > Milling ,4 Cittleftedlrtf 3 70H General Klec-
tiit , 2 M. llock 1 lnnd. I'M hi I'aul , 7.KOO ,
TtlinesBI f ( Ami and 111 n 3 t 0
Closing 'uiotutluiis ui bonds vveie as follows :
Lt I ) 4,11 O 4s. . .
U. S t.scoui ) . . . . .Uio'mis . . . 71
LT.S 4n- ; . 1IIH 0 II itS A ( is.
I ) S JHCUUD . . . . lllli 'do 7s
M ) SJH rair . . . UH II. A.T C. 5s . . . 104
'I'-iolllcllsoCUS. . 1(11 ( * ' nu
A ] i , Ul ms A . . . M K. A.T. let tl'
Ala 01 m II do Jil-U
A In ClftHJ C. . . Mllliril UnloiUH. .
VI i Currimclcft . N J.C'unt Ocn 53. 117
LT N nv C'on la ir No I'.ic. IBIS. . . .
Missouri ( ! i . . . . Km NC I'ac 2nd ! . . . .
NT. tin i-.i' ' NV Consols. . . . Ifl
do 14 Kit tloS F D.'b Ol. 111
s. ( \ nonfund . . . . . H. OV IBIS . . '
Tenn now r-t 0. 71) ) St. V Consols 7B
ToiiiinoBotO. . IDS St. P C 4.P W'.na.
Ttiin oltl ( Is. . . no SI fj\l M C5CI1 5s.
V'a Conturlcy. . . . s L , VS F.Uan ( J. VH
< lo dcfeiroil . . . Tex 1'ao l t . . . 87
AlchlBon In. . . . ' " JR'I
AlClllHOII iH ! A . . 1UK U. 1' . I'stiof : UJ. lllJ'l
fan.ul i "o lw1s ! I lt : \ \ CR : blioro 4s . . .
Cun I'.io IHIS 03. 102H Soutliorn H It. Ss.
D , V. R. CH . 115'il
llostnn Stun * On it itltiif
Oct. 14 ! Gill loins , l > { 32 nar conf
llmu loans , a1 ! ( .In nc. cant. Closing price i fa.
Bteie-lcH bD 11 ,1111 in In ! i ; a nr *
AT A. S. f . . . .
t\m. Siifrar. . . W. Elcc. Hfrt. . . .
Am Sum pid . . M'ls Ciint ra I 4
AlchlHdn 2dB . . . . 10
licll'lclt-pliono AlclllHOtl 4R (111 (
Honton 4. Albany VI4 ( Ninv laislinil ( Is . 100
Hoaton A Maine 14iH ( lien iic-ctric : os. . . 100WJ't '
r. . 11 4.0 . . VVlB Cent , lats . . 103' <
77H AtluitlQ
( nn Elociric . : ir IloHton A. Mcmt'HU
Illinois stcol 1 ! ) Ihitte.d HOBIOII. 11131.
MixlLin rcntril .
.V. Y 4N K . . . .
Old Colony .
Ortrcni hliurt
Onion IMclOc Qiilnuv UU
W'lM KlKl . 'rainarncli 151) )
W.kiul n M . HI
Sin rnuuMio .Mlnlnt ; Mock Quotation ! .
SAN FRANCISrO Chit. oloaUu
QUO ! ulons for mlnliw Hlorts to lay wuro ai fol
Alia . . . Ooiiltl A Curiy . . CO
Alpha Cell . . . . 11 U.ilo.1 Norcross. 80
AnilrH . . . ( II JllHtlCO . 2S
Helrlior . . un KciiUic'ij Cun. . . . 7
Hello Isle 7 Mexican 110
Kent .V Ilulchui Mount Diablo. . . 10
Iloillu Con 12r. Oplilr . 30'
Bullion. 37 Ovoiman . 20
Hnl fi Con 10 7S
C.11 < > ( lonUi If. 00
Challiir uu Sk'tr.i Kondi . . . 01
ContiOince 125 Union Con . bU
Con Oil i V.I IM5 Utah Con . 6
Con Iinpcrl il. Yellow Jacket . . 70
CrovMi I'oliu
SlUor InrH. (53 ? < ( iO.Hso Mexican dollara , 52MQ
. " .Ic. DiallB , nlelit , U'c ' teligiaplilc , 1'JHc.
Na v Vo.'k Illiilnijiititljn
NEW YORK Got 21 Ttiu following ar t'u
llnlvvcr 11 JillO
Choler 70 Opliir. . 300
CrovMi Point. 73 PUmoiUh . 10
Con C-il & V.i. . . 47.1 . 11)0
Deartwool. . . . , no .1MH )
Uould .CCtirij. . . sr Slurra NovaiU. . . HO
HaleI Norcroes 80 . nr.
llomcbtako . 13UO Union Con. 70
Iron Silver 10 Yellow Jacket. . . . 7U
MPXICIII . . . . 116
London btnrk Otiotutlnm.
LONDON. Oct. 211 p in closlnj :
Cnnidlan Paclllc .
Irlu2d9 : . . .
HlH Central.
Mexican ordinary
ChlciiRO I-rult ( Jiiotiitloim.
riHCAOO , Oct. Jl The Unrl I'rult csmpanj
Hold C'lillfornl i fruit at auction today as fol-
| UT\B : Klcfci p urs , $100 , fcnlv\ny peaches 7Cc
Krupeq ate aril\ln niofttl > In poor conilltmn
TuKny , half oratis , "WeOJI 1" , double crutea , 3 ( JO
< | 145 fornlrhtiin , hnlf nates. Jl Muscit , half
< -rat s. 70c f l 0 < ) , impiTor. : half crates. 7Sif/80c
I'ftrter Hro cmii | n > . Clilcajto , sold te\cn cnrs
of California fruit lit uuctli n Double To k 115
RTnpt-s , JJWiiSlO , plnRloa. Jl 0001 10 , AVInlpr
Seckel piars , JJ 45 < T3 7V , Cllout .Moico.uli , Jir < 0 >
I.V ) , Ileurre I'lnlrmaiiH , Jl.TO-iilTS. COO'H I Hi-
nil plum * . II 10 ; ( Viliiuililun pcara. Jl 30 ; lleurre
Uleln tl 3"il 31 Tortrr llri > s cuminny. New
YoiVt Holil lhu H tar1 * : nimble Tokay Krupea ,
iiirliii'M. xltiKlte. (1. > < | 15 ; Cm'n late led
pluiiiB , Wiii7rc' . Wlnlei Hoikel p atH 13.03 , W n-
ter Nelll * . II UfTl.a ) . 1'ortir HIOH compans , Unn-
ton solil one car Double Tohay miipes , 12 12JT
llultliiiuro M , rni'lB ,
UAI.TIMOItlX Oft. 24 I'LOl'Il-Dull ami un-
clumKeJ , icCplptH. 1 ( > 407 bbl 3. ; rhlpmenta , KM
Mils . B.-ilr-H , .TS bbN.
MI1IJAT Dull , ns > ; tpot ami month , MUG
54H' : DfcemlPr. M'iti-Vi'ie ' , 3 ear , EO'tMVse ,
iitpniiier No 2 r.-.l Ma Mil , rfeelptii. 2J.7W bu ,
KlilpinentH , 04 000 liu. . Blocli , 1 005 Mi l > u. , K.ilcs ,
M , Ji > bu . nilllnK vlu-at bj canqilp , K'jC.
IO11N Dull , jeai 43 > 4c bnl , receipts , 5 < J2 bu
iloofc , 17 110 liu ; aali's , 4.CUO Lu ; Boulhe.n
white , tiMSWe.
IIYI ! Pull , No 2 , Me. ucfliils , 2162 bu ,
stock 21.U34 bu.
HA1 Quiet but sleudj. footl to choice timothy ,
URAIN mniOHTO Dull Init firm : uteam to
I.Knrpool i > cr quaiter , 1 I'&d October ; others
unehanie < l
bl C3.MI rirm and uneliangcd
rilI2i : > 3 rirm.
Ne\r Y < irk HryOnoiU Murket.
NKW YOItK. Oct. 21 1C was a flow ( lay In
all lirnmtien of ( he IniUe anil. IxnltleB a llmlleil , It has rrilned ttlnco early nnon anil the
i-xamlnallon uf rolornl utiil fiincy gooils wns
ri ndi'reil Impracticable IiecnuBe of the lowering
hkliHKHlntit ghlng atlentlon to hrrlnt ; Kootls ,
llm Ntrnc ftaturetf ha\t * pre\allccl anil new bust *
ne A % MS llRht nnd iei trltel ( tu absolute nccts.
aklPB. 1'rlntlnu cloths weu quiet anil uteiul }
TrUiii M'litut Ulintiitlona.
ami easy , Ueiembcr , K5c ; May , 95 ! c ; clean i ] ,
II Sli centals.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I In iiu'lul > iitfs.
N15W YORK. Oct. -CleorltiKs , JSO,637,075.
lialances 14 875.900
IIAI.TIMOIin , Oct. -Clearlng-B , I1S32,1S1 ,
lulunces , * r.l-S8
} liitIIN , Oot eight
ji > s , Right , M nurka
PHILADIIU'IIIA , 0 < l M Ilie Iwnk clearlnss
tuiluj \\i-re Ill.CSd 131. bulunccs , ll.UiISSS.
ST l.OIMS , Oet Z4.-cMi > arlnBB. $3.(94.M9 ; bal-
unroa , (500,081. Mone > ilull. uj(7 per cent.
MRMI'IIIH. Del 2l.-Clearlnr , J3f.8. ! . : bal
ances , J87.5W New Y'orl. exclmnge sOllns at par
NEW OHhKAKH. Oil. : i ClearlilRS , II.1IS9J2
New York exclianne , bank , pur ; commercial ,
II. U premium
LONDON Ov.1 2OoM < In < iuotetl toilay at
lIuenoH Ayivn at 213 Miclrld , 16M. Il3l , n. 23.00.
Ht. I'llenbuiK , W , Atlifn > , 77 , Home , lOi.W.
Vienna , 103.
flHl'AOO. Oit -llriirlncn. JH 673.0M
Money , 4M4'4 per Cfnt nn call , 5 J6 on time. New
ork fxolmme. par. rorelgn uzchange. BterlliiK
commerclul , (4 M < J4 b7.
LONDON. Oct. J4.-I r , m. Bar 2 ' .il
per ouncp. Mono , qukt , U per cent The inte
of ilUomnt In the iiprn market for Bhort bill *
In ! s per cent and fi > r three monthB1 bllU 9-16 ,
- balance lo > la >
4111.407,151 , KolU rnvrrr. 00WJ , 23 , Toilay'n In.
create In tout rr enn of ci\er | KC OiO was
rau ed In part by ih ipcelpu at Nenr York
Bublrvasury ol t-VOx ) In irol'l to mire national
bank circulation und JI .C".X > ut VWIadtlpLIk In
exchoiiKu lor DBI
Receipts Show Mnrketl- ' Improvement in
Both Quantity-anti Quality ,
Hulk of tlio OfTorliicn ItaiiKcn. Hardly U ] >
tu 1'iilr t'4inn nnU Sloi'licr * I nil
Jlctter HiiR * hell I'roely lit
lamer 1'rleos. .
Oct. 21.
Hecclpls of cnttlo for the past Uirtu da > s
Imve fnllen about wo short ol arrivals iUtt-
Ing the ilrsl half of lust week. TodajV
liberal hog run cut the shortage In thin
kliul of stock clown to about 100 head.
Sheep Btijipllei lime Iticrt-nscil nearly 3,500.
There were a few hundred more cattle
on gale than Ihcru were a week UKO toduv ,
ami while theru were u few- loads of coin-
fed natives licte lictler than any that have
litcn on sale latel > , the bis bulk of the iti-
rivali i-.ime direct ftom the ratines of the ,
west and were gener.illy deliUeiu. both In
He h nnd aual'ty. ' There wore pome choice
1,130-11) . fed steers that readily found a
ptirehus-or al 15 33 , gome that were only fait
brought f ) 03 , nnd a few odd bunches tint
\vt-ro neither fat not fair , sold down around
$ -75 to J.1.23. These prices B'C ' n fair Idea
of the market. Choice stock was In vi'fJ
active tli'iiuiml nnd stroiiK , the medium
Krntles were about steady and ( lie under
Kr.ulca were In limited demand ami lower
The tame was true of the western raiiKcrs ,
although the difference In qunllty was not
so preat nor were the prices so fat npntt
Poor lo very Rood giassers sold nt frcm
V to $3 0 There was a tolerably fret-
movement thioughout and a .eiy fair clear
ance wns made.
The cow mm ket wis well supplied todaj , ,
thcie bcliij ; In tlie ncigliboihood of Boventj
lends on kale. The ileiniind Inckril uiKenc.v.
and on all but the m re de-xh.ible giailw
prlces shaded lower CaKes were In good at ctcaily prices , but all but the
best giailes of bulls , oxen and sings sold : i
shade.lower. .
The stacker and feeder trade wns dull
and lower on all but the lust stock. Oood
fleshy feeders move'd oft f reply al strong
prices , but there- was not much of that kind
hero .Medium grades ruled slow and com
mon light stock cuttle were a Otug on the
niaiket. the supply bclni ; lar e and out
of all proportion to the ( iomainl. Good U
choice feeders me quotable at $2UJftJ.15 ,
fair to good , $ J 23ft 20) ) : and common grade ?
from $2 III ) down Itepresentntlvc sales :
utLzssci ) unnr.
Av. Pr. No. Av. Ir. No. Av. Pr
. 833 f2 71 1. . J3 23 I .1313 II 33
.117 Z 50 38. . lIT'i 4 3J 13 .1436 5 33
, . : so ! 10 1 63 1 .070 2 00
. 761 1 S3 7H ) 1 fij .10JO 2 00
SC ) 1 33 . WO 1. Oi )
810 1 23 'JIG .1130 2 ( It )
, 521 1 10 93S 1 73 . . 933 2 00
, 70) I 10 1 75 . .Ml 2 0-1
, 1101 t 40 .1010 . . SSO 2 0- )
, . i.7J 1 13 I . . lift ) . . 92 2 W
, . 780 1 & > 12 970 1 75 10 ,0 2 HO
, . 'C ) 1 W lO.'J 1 75 . . bOO 200
. S30 1 CO SV > ' 7r 1. . "
. SSO 1 C-l 14. . i.17 S . 8d 2 03
. 9 0 I t > M . . S5.I i 10
. 918 1 fi ) IOCS I SO 1 . A1V ) 2 13
. 873 1 M 9SO 1 Si ) 1 . . [ ISO 2 15
. 313 1 Cl ) J31 81) 1 . .10J ( ) 2 15
570 1 S3 1 .10h ) 2 15
on i n 22 c Sil 2 21
55 i : > ) . 815 4 109'i 2 21
1 ion ) i so 10 . 840 i 4a
3 758 1 W 2 .1070 1 17
21 , liwo l v. 24 . . 815 1 S3 1
1 1100 1 0) lO'O 1 ni ) 3
1IS ! > 1 fli ) 5. . ion ) i on 1. 'UO 2 S3
IS . . X'2 1 0) ) 13 . M.1 1 t ) 1.I. . . S10 2 2ri
7 . . si i G > > 3 i m .121) ) 2 21
1 .1110 1 M 11. 1. . .10.10-2 23
13 . . S10 1 K i KI ; i no 3..12S3 230
. . 93,1 1 65 ( C . . . ! ) ! > S 2 30
1 . .mo 163 90) ) 2 CO 2 . . .1233 2 W
1 . . . 570 1 S5 fi < i ItO 11 . , CC4 1 71
1. . . (00 1 S3 1. . , fSO 1 75
. 323 110 7 . . '
' - 578 140 , CIO 1 7'i
10' . 4SS 1 41 5 . . 112 1 W 578 1 75
10'H . 811 1 10 5 . . Ul 1 50 TH ; i 7 :
H ! 121 1 tO 13 . . 6JO 1 C : . , SSO 2 3j
SV ) 1 5- ' . . . ! 193K2-51 . 140 4 25
HO 1 60 B. . .170 2 5) . 1131 2-i
1 . IJO 2 Ot ) 218 2 5-1 , 1 4 21
1 . .13) ) 2 00 i. 170 2 W . 110 4 23
1 . . 220 2 00 n.i. . 277 3 00 , 110 4 25
10 . e > \ 2 OT i. J70 3 00 130 4
15 . 272 S 00 i.i i.i. . 230 3 M 14) ) 4t J5
1. . 330 2 00 i.i 130 3 73 210 4 23
3I. . 330 E 31 i 1110 4 00 110 4 2" .
I. . 307 233 3 123 4 00 18) ) 4 fi
. 350 223 1 . . 100 4 00 27D 4
. 410 2 40 1 . . 1C ) 4 00 130 4 50
. 320 210
. 900 I 10 1. . . 1330 1 65 1 $
1 50 1. 670 1 70 .1413 1 W
1 DO 1. 1110 1 70 .13W 00
, . 079 1 50 1.l' 1170 1 70 .1510 00
.1410 1 55 l' . nso 170 .15 * ) 01)
.1400 1 CO 1. . 1130 1 73 .14RO 00
. .1320 1 CO 1. . .1700 1 SO . 10 = 0 10
, . 870 1 CO 1 . . .1170 1 SO . 1300 25
1..1470 2 . . 7SO 1 S5 1MO 3 00
1. . , ro l 23
1 50 4 , . .1117 2 31 IT. . . 773 2 45
1 . . CM i ro ; 5. . .540 2 35 II. . . 792 24J
1 . . 810 i 71 2. . 42b 2 23 1 . . 487 2 45
. 7M ) i 7 > 4. S75 2 :5 15. . . 828 2M
I ! . MO 1 75 27. SIS 2 23 . in * ) 250
i . . 650 1 00 1. 700 S 23 . 701 2 10
4 . . MO 2 CO 23. 2 H II C70 2 "iO
1 . WO 2 CO 1 410 2 i'5 1 . 470 2 50
20. . . C32 ! 00 3 5CC 2 30 24 (20 2 50
11. . . 475 2 UO 7 MS 2 30 14 lOiS . ' 53
1. . . mo 2 W 21 SIO J30 CIS 2 60
1. sio 200 50 rat 2 JO . 875 2 60
73. 7fli 200 450 2 30 11. . CIO 2 05
1. . 510 2 00 , 710 1 35 5. 10W 2 C5
1. . coo : oo , C25 2 35 20 . ' > 64 2 Gi !
1 . 760 2 35 4. 72. 2 K
1 . CIO 2 00 10.C. . 2 31 9 . .1118 270
38 . . 531 2 01 C. ! T3i 2i . . U73 275
33 . 507 2 20 8. rss 2 33 15 . .10t 3 27i
4 . . 787 2 20 2C ll 55 233 7 . . .10S2 2 S3
19 . . 633 2 20 9 WC 240 10. . .1078 2 83
. 1146 2 20 18 . . 447 240 1. . . SiOO 2 00
. 4.5 ! 2 20 I . S.OJ 240 ' ' 1187 2 ' 10
. W7 2 25 3 . WC 240 w' . 1004 3 00
. 055 223 11 . . T1& 2 4' ) 3. . 10U 3 25
1017 , 4.10 2 45
C. Hlrkln
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
2 oxen ICC , $2 23 15 iixt-n . . . .ISIS ( X O )
1 K.r. tltr 1100 2 . ' > 7 toilers . . .1177 3 10
54 feeders . .1015 3 10 100 CUVVB 940 2 13
1 bull. . . 151 < l 1 21 3 bulls 1550 1 40
40 crms. . .1017 " "
wl" C. Smith.
4 rows. . . .1023 2 < H 103 coivs. . . 102i
1 ro . . . . , . . 013 25) 1 lim . . . , 1070 2 3D
7 co a. . . . .lOll 2 30 75 fec-lc'ls. .1117 2 85
W. II. KliiR.
1 cnv , . , . . .10cV ) 1 CO 3 cows 1150 2 00
111 COM fi . , . 1017 2 2
J W. Mlll.-r.
I bull 1330 1 SO 1 bull . 1C30 1 50
1 hull 1410 1 50 Slmlis. . .12DO i no
1 bull. . . 1720 I 50 1 bull. . . .1130 1 50
1 lu-ICer. . . 700 2 ( ) 1 cow. . . .1090 200
1 co ' . . . . 1070 2 S."i 2 cows. . .1JI5 2 25
4 COWB , 11S2 2 2 > 1 ! cows. 879
7 con s. . .1)75 ) 2 23
I. H. IV dor
1 cow . . . . 1030 2 00 1 cow . { 61 j ro
4 IOUH . lO'i'i 2 25 3 CD K . 670 2 23-
5 fee U rs IW ) 2 C5 R fecjera. . . 6D4 . ' 2365
' '
. .1070 2 33
Ognlalla Caltlt Company.
1 bull . . . 1340 1 50 " U conn . . . . Zlli
1 atee-r . . . .1150 2 50 t ulcers . . . , .1312 3 CO
C II Chllfman.
3 let-tiers. . .1230 2 W - - -1 fee-Jcr. . . 913 245
51 fet-dera. . .10SS 2 43 ii
II filnwii-r.
2 bulls. . . . 15 14) M feulcru . .1141 2 45
J L. ' CtM * .
S cow a. . . 057 2 25O ' 17 t > ters .1158 3 13
O Lifer.
5 rim * . . 1000 1 M 1 sir , tlir. 110 2 2 >
31 KI\\ . . 11-16 2 SI 6strR , tlK 115' ) 2 4)
1 nivv . . 1020 24-1 1 lr. Ilif. , 1140 J SO
1 atr , tlf , .12SO iO , W steers . . , 1200 3 K
B. TillQtson.
2) cow i . . , . 164 1 7S 89 COINS 917 210
ft-eder . 1113 " . 50
UrnviH y , nriiio i n.
1 cow. . JiJ. ) 2 a S7 2 K
23 CUWK one L 1 le fcir ! . ! ! ll' 210
7 rt dcrs. . , .U34 2 W _ „ _
Jamca. .11111
I bull 1J70 I io u ir ; eteers 3 10
J. ! < * .
ISstrers 1IT3 3 10 ( ' *
J. C. Volinson.
10 steers. . . .1167 3 10
J. Mlllsnp.
2S utters . .121'8 3 10
1) . O. Crliman ,
11 cows SCO 1 90 ' 17 ems 931 223
t.3 rows 857 1 C5 SS cows. K'O ' 2 15
9 culves. . . 101 37S
A J. Wall-Bin
I Hull 1170 1 40 1 cow 1060 1 40
S cow if. . . . 015 1 40 31 cows 1W7 2 10
1 cair . . . . 140 3 00
Kennon Unix.
1 feftltrr . 620 * CO M feeders. , CIJ S
40 feeders US7 2 CO
W U. Toetfr.
4 bill In . . . . , 12CO 1 50 Ik COWL. . 1027
IS cowtt . . . . 933 8 S3 , 19 xleern. . . .1100 275
Cl Ilawxhui-rt.
I fee-Jer. . Itw ) 2 U > 1 Itfdc-r. . 970 2 M
1 lerder. . . 1 ISO I ! U ) 1 fuller. . .1UM 2 DO
1 fi filer . . t 50 I feeder. . lOwl ZM
2 ferdfMH . > ! 0 ! W 4 f fulcra . 872 2 M
4. fcrdern IOJ4 I K 44 fee-lem .1040 2 3
t'Hrpfiiter. Hlone A Kunter.
1 fleer WO 3 ( ) 4 utrori . . . . E7& i 00
I cow 2 W 3 row * MS 2 00
S7 uteers 1ltJ 3 W I C'OUB 1116 2 33
1 cow . .lO'Om 2 65 4 , fef.ltre. DC.- 2 70
3 f erdrni m : 74 i cuir DC.220 3 V >
12 Bin-era. . .W2 3 W
\V U. Hlmon.
1 bull 1 U 1 bull 1S74 1 59
steers 1003 3 W S Htecri . . . 1002 2 M
ttcirs 1111 30
O f. O. Klmlnill
2lnllU . . . 1320 1 M 2 < * r K . M5 I K
flnn. . . . W 2 M 12 feeder * . . . 5 , t 70
feeder * . 511 J 70 1 steer . 10W I W
Pt.-rr . 1011 2 W
r. Bhaftr. .
rou * . . . . Dtt 1 01 1 hull . W I Id
S cent . . . . fW 2 1 % 1 feeder. . . . W > 0 S W
feeders . . . S * ) 2 5
Ji hn Arlnirtde.
Lulls . 12S3 Iff ) ( ( . . 920 210
1 stag . 1100 215 22 utters . . .11)1 316
I * , lit land ,
7 cows . OKI 215 I J steers . , . .103 $ 2 S3
I feetlei * . i'JS S W
1 ! Ixisee
7 feeelfrs. . . 1W3 275 c cows . 10IS 2 IS
11OC1S It has bci-n noinc time ulnte rcri-lptsi
enovir 100 enrs but that tiumboi wn nllKhtl5
xcceiled tmliiy. The qinlltv of tae offering *
00 , vva < better than It hi * Iron foi some time
hit unx a I iilt nil the n < iiil Unit can he Pnld
r Iho tnaiket , Imwevtr fur trade ruh-d mllur
low and prices IOc to 1" > lower than Turtihj
.ride . from n small Rhlppiipr oulti foi trigs fitim
rimuir nf ChlciiKD , tinpitKiis liunop ill * . , d ill
rade. AR IIOKwele iiuotint Unver in l'hciitf
nd provisions wen- dull nnd uwii ) ofT , selle-rK
ere urnernlly Inrlltieil to miikt- tile best of the
tuition an I take their medicine. AH u it-suit
moviinent wn rc.ioonibly livdy. and hy tin-
lid Hi * of the foirnnon lltth * of ai > ronpequemi-
miliiMl In llr l hands. Full In K < l ni-illuni
t-lKht nnd lirivy IHIRS sold very l.UKilv nt
mm ' H 50 to tlbii. with one cholctIpuil ut tl 70
'he common to RIXII ! llsht nml Ilidit mlxt-l utiift
i | 1 mi tl } nt | 4 3o ti > 'l 41. with | IKI nil I s tick
axs nt from 13 te > J4 - < Hnuch Ktiilf i liN nml
nds nnd thrnwrtits mid ut around $2 V ) to J3.
'hibit , - bulk of the trndlni ; todav wn nt ( linn
I 40 to JIM. ai npalns ! 1 Bl to } l in 1iin di >
nil 14 C' ) to } l so one week ago todiv Iti-pic-
p Mies :
Av. Sh. IT , Ko. Av. Sh. IV
4 . . . M . . . Jl 21 M . . . 221 S'l ' Jl >
8 . . . IIS 4i ) 4 M Ji ) . . . . 213 SO 4 W
213 . . . 4 30 73 . . . 230 80 4 Srt
Kl 44 4 W I' , . . : ill 1CH I IK )
1C3 4) 4 3.1 f.1 . . . 210 120 I 54
1DG 2 > l 4 35 1.1 . . . 219 IM I V )
2il 21) 4 33 73 . . . .2)1 ) 121 4 ,0
151 60 4 S3 ' , . . . 2.,3 . 120 4 . ,0
.IS1 . . . 4 S3 M . . .r214 411 4 60
150 (0 4 tj X7. . . . 1 ) M t M
UO ICO 4 S3 75 . 225 2X1 4 Vi
0 . , . . . .ITS 10 4 ? 3 2(5 ( . 218 10 4W
n . isj 20 4 io sv . im i i 4ri
1 . 204 . . 4 40 K ) . . . 22) ) IfiO r o
l . 211 IS ) lli ) Cl . 2.-7 sn no
1 . 4 > J . . . 41) bJ . . 212 SU I ol )
I . 3 . . , I ll ) Dli 1S1 320 I CO
7 . 151 12i ) | | ) Cfi . I2 2i 4 10
192 8) 4 1) 104 . . 211 lb > 4 T2'
22(1 ( IW 14) 78 . . 23J 2HI 4 , . " „
2.10 . . . 4 43 t9 . . . J.O 40 4 02' *
.ISO . . . 4-13 fO . . . .1U7 44 4 t2 a
.510 . . . 4 10 6S . . . 27b 2lil 4 5
211 . . . 4 40 B1 . . . 21S > 0 4 r ,
.211 . . 4 40 72'I . 4 -.1
SOS 210 4 U II . . . I * ' . 4 . ;
.202 200 4 15 73 . . JV. 120 4 '
I . 215 IV ) 4 40 7Z . . . 2.i4 SI 4 . :
3 . 17 d20 I 10 4H. . . 2T3 . . 4 Vi
201 2i 4 40 D-i. . . ! > ' , 80 4 ' . .
ISO 120 44) ) CO. . . . Jl.S . 161 I 5' .
211 . . . I 40 71. . . . Jll 4 j.
13 . 1R.I . . , 4 44 Gl. . .10 I ) 4 5.
. 2.22 40 4 4'i t-J . . . . . ' 'J IW 4 ,5
. 201 t t 4J 57. . . . 2'G 4 Ii
112 . 4 4 > 77 . 2U 100 4 Si
. 110 4' ' 4 4i 09 . . 217 4 oj
. 3JS SI 4 41 73 . . . 2.T ICO 4 rli
226 10) ) 4 45 Kl . . . 211 60 4 C,3
221 20) 4 I" . 7. . . . ' 72 4D 4 K
2.11 tO 4 41 74 . . 22.1 10 4 .1"i
313 . .44- 70 . . JI7 2K > 4 (5 (
2 ( * 40 I 45 07 . 215 40 4 63
S2S 2 3 44. 70 . JJI 160 4 W
. .2J1 210 4 4" C9 . . . . ' 33 W 4 55
llil 121 4 43 63. . . 212 4 55
. 2Ji 230 4 f 71. . . . J2G 120 4 55
193 . . . 4 43 74. . . 2JI .4 ' .5
. 221 8) 4 41 6) . . . . 209 10 4 51
. 233 I' ' ) I 45 70. . . . J74 4 57"
3. . . . 23) 204 4 43 fl. . . . 329 SO I CD
1 . 227 120 4 43 7fl . U7 SO 4 CO
2 2 . . . 4 4" ( ,2 . . -Ti 10) 4 CO
211 . . . 4 43 72 . . . . 2.4 1GO 4 Cl
18 ! ) 2IW 4 43 72 . . . .2S3 80 1 V\ \
49 . 1"S S60 4 47'5 ' f-5 . . . 2 Ii . I 00
9 . 193 40 4 47'a ' JO . . . 2 2 . I CO
3 . 2.H . . . 4 50 CO . . . . J S 1 Cri
29 . 224 240 4 JO TO . . . . 321 ICO 403
9 . 17 ! | . .450 G ! . 2 > 1 12) 41. "
1 . 2IJ 40 4 CO GS. . . J17 4 I.1
3 . 3U , . .450 57 . 337 240 470
3 . IM . . . 250 . . . 116 . . R 00
S3 . 14 . . . 25) S. . . 110 . . 3 > * )
4 . 123 . . . 2 50 2. . . 210 . 3 ID
3 . . . . 27-i 5 . JIG . . 311
150 . . 2 73 IS . 7G . n 31
1 . 170 . . . 2 73 23 . Sll . 1 ;
1. . . . . ICI . . . 2 M ) 111 . 52 ID 1 tf
4 . ISO . . . 2 85 8 . . r.b . 3 'i
1 . 2O . . . 2H 23 . 7S . J 3)
2 . 2'0 . . . 2 S3 22 . . . 09 . 3 30
1 . 2 * ) . . . 2 90 171 . 30 3 50
1 . 33i ) . . . 300 13 . 07 3 m
1 . 32) ) . . . 3 (10 W . . . 07 3 , J
3 . 213 . . . 300 153. . . . 70 3 5
3 . 2G'i . . . 3(10 17. . . .81 . . R 3
1 . . . 210 . . . 300 4t . Id2 . I"
0 . 223 . . . 3 CO 51. . . 143 . . 4 00
2W . . . 3 04 31. . . IbJ 40 4 00
235 . 3 04 6S. . . UJ 40 4 05
1 The imrXetvaa dull and vveiik , with
10 chaiigi- cither In the lUmund 01 tn prh *
lun-is were wnntlne n. few muttons nnd iambi
ml the hldfl wt-re too low to Klilt Bflltis no
Ions , nnd trade ruled slow. 1'alr to choice na
Ives are tiuotahlo nt J2.25C2S ) fair ta KHU !
1 interns { 2 00(82 ( CO ; common nnd stock sh < ti
I 2.1JJ1.75 , Ktxnl to choice 40 lo 10'-lb. lamlw
2.M5j3.50. Hcijrc-sentathc- :
Vo. \Vt Pr
4 culls . in$1 7 !
3 native ewts . SI 1 >
4 nnttvo ewes . ! > 2 2 r
23 nativecwcs . 92 2 25
lEilits | iii.l ll , i Hltitia nf Stiic' < ,
Olllclal receipts nnJ disposition of Bt tk ns
ih > un by the books of thet'nlon Stnckartls
cnmpnny for the tvventfiiur houis entllns at 3
o'clock p. \\edncsdty , Oetolicr 21 , JtSI
C nrs He-ad
-little . T7 4 113
Ii.K8 . 103 7 CA2
Sheep . S K73
Hujers Cattle Hoc * Sheep
Om.ihn. 1'acl.lnff company . . . . I r22
The G H Hammond Co . . 411 2 J.3 SIS
Swift A. Co . 4SS nil 423
Iho Ciidibv Pat king Co . . . 997 1.784 81
It Heckcr .t DrRim . 142 . .
Hamilton & Stephens . l."J
Vansant & Co . 78 . . .
T Ij Cnrey . 727 . . ,
HUSH A. Ilrjfua . 47 . . .
J. Uilmmn . 1C7 . . ,
It llecker . S5
Itenton * . \ \ " . 250
O II. II from K C . 201
I ) Armour Chlcipo , 111. . . . 6J ?
Shippers and fcodeis . 6C5 10J 140
Left over . 500
Total . 4.S22 S.I51 933
'I hern "VVtiB Nu Illsiurlilng : Inllucncn In
( iittlo Vcstrrday.
CHICAGO , Oct 24 In the radio nivket today
there were no illstuiblnK Influence ? nnd nnise-
qnently vnlut-s remained without Important lluc-
tuatlon Trade optneil hlovv and did not de *
velop mote than a mole n e Ueree of activity
latci. but luve 8 wtie wllllnKto take tli stuff
on tic- basis of foimer quotatlona , aid Inleiv
of the l.ilKe receipts holders were not Inclined
to IntKt ujion higher pi lee4 * The da > 's 8upp1 >
onslsled of about 11 CXW natlvoK , O.OJO westerns
and l.&JO Ternn cuttle Anjlhliif good cnoufih
for shippers found bujeis at lirm prceti.
kinds vcra st ady. Sales WCTU mainly nt fiom
51.75 to liM for native cows , hclfera and hulls
ami at from tl to 55 W for steng Westerns
wire salalile nl from H.73 lo II 09 for poor to
choice , and Texans v.ue ftronu at from $12.1
U > $3 SO Theto were few sails of liuiRiTa nl
ovc-r $3 50 anil from J2 13 to (2 bj luuKht must of
the Texnns The stock nnd feeder nmiket was
steady at from 13 to J3.1J , and.the calf niaiKcl
( Inn at fn ril S.'W lo (5 & ) .
Tlio day's run of hogs was entltnnlc-il at 3I.D01
head mult HK il.C13 head fnr the laHt three ilay.s
ntralnst 67.0SX head la l year I'llcea weie liivver
TradliiB lie-Kan at a decline of 5e and wound uj
nt a further lots of a nlcitol Njulrt-s & Co.
the lloKton packers , weie out of the marKel. nntl
It was to this fact the declines vveie principally
tine Choice heavy eol.l oft to fiom Jl ii to
fl 10 , and It wan hard wutl < to call out a hlij
of more than ; l C5 for lihlitwelkhtt. aveniges
< if leen than 1,100 Hi ? The i.r iler | url of the
stuff uld at from $1 CT > tn II Sj for in. illuin nml
heavy and at from JIM to f4 65 for
Ixita of itour and common suld at from M L5 to
H M , nnd there were many uales of 111:3 at fn m
13 to H CO
sheep were nKaln llfiht In receipts , as
hy tin- punt few dn > s , anl the niukui contlmieil
t * ln v a strenBthenlnn tend ncy However , 2
there were t > man } Ktnle sheep In the jards to
admit of anv ronildenible advance , nelkiH parl-
Ini ; with stock ut from 7ic to 13 fur poor to
ruolce sheep and fiom II M to (3 75 for ] > oor to
lambs Taney lamhs would have brought Jl
ls C-attle , It 000 head < alvei , & 00 head ,
' ) ii ) head , sheep 15.000 head.
The livening Journal reports.
HOOS Ilrcclpts 31 OK ) head , olHclal yesterday
21 ai h ( ml , Hlilpmc-ntn. 1,123 ; left nrt-r
nUiut Born ) head , aualltjIs qulle fair , better
than for pome days post , market Is quite ucttvp
but weak , and pigs are tfPic lower siles rariK <
nlniut II 2D& < 45 for lluht 4 20fl4 r , for ruugl
acklnir. $4 10214 U for mixed , 11 SOif-l ! > ) lei
iMvy piicklnK and shlpplne lots
CATOlItecelpt ISOuil head , market fairly
active , tH > tl KTaiU-s firm and S&lOc higher , othcm
SHKIJI'-HeceiplB 1 ! W ) heal market mr.ler
ntiO > active and firm , prleeii n shade higher.
Kait8a Cuv l.un MIK-K .MitrKet.
KANSAS CITY Oct 21. OATTJ.i ; Ht-celplii
4oi ) head , shljnni-nU 4.J > l heud. market Ktraily
Texas Btc-erK. I2.i'fi33il. ; TexiiH cmis , ll.TCjj : 10 I
beef stwm II40 < 85.Cli native conn Jl Will W
storkem nnd feedera , | 2.15 < a3 K , tull and rnliMl , [
II I * ; } 3. M
1KX1S Iteoelpts. 10 3 * ) lienil. uhlpmrntii 1 6M
head ; market tfilOc lower , liulk of FHHII |
4 heavy. It tef4 H : packcrx II MU4 7 'i
mixed. JC/i 4W ; lljdlti (3711443oiktri - , | M
04 K. plK3. S3.-IOU I 33
HKKii' Kerlit | 1 CM heail , ihlpnifntH 405
lit ail market linn , mllvea tMii3 ( ) westerns
! 2.2u < p < JU , stockere and fue > 1er . ? 2'wf/250. l
.St. Ix > iils l.lio Stock .tliirkcl.
BT LOUIS , Oct -CATTI.n-llfCelpti
hMul , ihlt'inentB l. " ' head market dull und
IOV.IT to tell native Btenii 1 200 lb . uveraKt
14 71 , Utrhl and common , liljfC.O cuvvi. II toil
200 Trza utecru , IlKhl to inudlum , J2GOU300
co\v i ant ] built.
IICH1H Kecclpti 7teiJ hi-ad. fhliJincnlii. 70C
ht-adi muket ueaJt and IdUISc luwcr , cle-c
- 4 ' 1
THIS WEEK AC AIM-Hut { you lot. > heller on the
prices. Tlicy arc .simply out of li lit , ami you net the goods for
about ( he price of uttrtagc Von Ciinnot u'll'ord to .stay away.
Come early.
for this antique oak , pol
ished , combination wnrdi'obc
Fuliling Bed , former jirlco ! M5.
Ingrains voitli 75c , now. . . 34c Ranges , worth $27 , now . . . $12,50
Brussels , worlli $1.25 $ , now . . 55c Heating Stoves , 'r ' ' now. . 3.25
Vclicls , worth $1.50 , now. . . 70c 01 Healers , now. . . . 4.85
Malting , worth 35cnow _ lie Base Bunurs , worth $31) ) now 14.75
Hemp , worth 25c , now. . . . iOc Zinc Hoards , worth $1,50 now 98c
Smyrna Rugs , worth $ -1 , now. $1.72 Stove I'ipa ' , worth 20c , now. 09c
Smyrna Rugs , worth $6 , now. 2.50 EDO\VS ! \ , worth 20c , now. . . IOc
811) ) unrth of u'ooils ,
SI ) > or uoak or 8 1 par ninntli
tt"C unrtli ol L-IMI ( | ,
81 flO i > ur irook or 0 pot- month
83 ( > mirth nt uuoili ,
Hi ! pur iriuk or fJK per niantli
870 irurtli < il KOiidi ,
S3 no prr u k or SIO per inontli
SIOO ir in III of KOIM | ,
Sl ! per weeK ur Bl ptr month
Tultc jnurtliiilcc-Uo don't careai
oo worth l uooils
Illp wlilrli juu chouse. Ol pmn > ul < or Sin per inoulh
Formerly People's Mammoth Installmant Hous
Open Monday and Saturday Evenings.
hpa\y , fl CHiB4 71. Rood lluht nml mixed. | l WQ )
4M plus common and much J 1 1 ' ( 1 M
SHIJUP-i-lUcelplH , 2,4Ui ) head ; thlim | > ntM * 00
head , mil kit < lull nnd iluiKRinu. imtH < >
t2302Ci)1 ! [ Texas feeiieis (1 K ; Iambi , $3 2i
Incrcaxo In 'Markctliit : un < I
Ilirrpint ; ) In Output I IIP PP. it nro.
CINCINNATI O.t. ! l ( Tel. . > nram )
Tonionou s 1'rlce Cuirent will MI ] The mar
Ki'tlnic ol hriBS Is cnlniKliif : ind ciultc fur
this time of sear The ueiU's iiatKInu In the
wist Is SS'i.Wl. OK.ilnst 22 < ) WO for the preceding
wt-ik , nnd ITO.On ) for the correspond IIIK time lust
} ear , inaklnu a total of 82SXW hlm-e Mured
agi nst 6 GlC.OiK ) a jcar UKO. i'lornlm-nt plBcofl
compart- follovvs.
ftnw York llv i Mut-h Mm hoc.
Nn\V YOUII. Oct. Zi.-OATTl.r.-ll < til.ts | ,
t SHU lii-ail , fnlrly iit-tlvo nn I Me nit. nnilvc
BteerH , Knriil. IS lOft * S.5 , medium in fall II iOH
'm , Inferior to unlln.iry , U 5-'Si I IS , 'Ii xans. ti l
il3V > , elry COVVH , II LOW2.17'/t
Slliii : > AND I.AMIIS-lt < cpitfc | | 1320. ) liond
dull ami unch.ingcel , tlit-t-p | > or ti < iirline tl ttfl
7i , common to primp. I' ' MJ4J.3 5 , ehuleo ) l.
HOOh Hcetlitn | , 11,700 head , ulionte-i , tup
hogs , | 523.
Nttirlt In Sl lit ,
Ilernnl of rpcclpla nt tlio four principal mar-
Icc-ta for Wtlneselay , October 24 , lk l.
Cat HP. HnKfl Kliepp.
Soutli Omaha. . , t.m 7WJ673
Chlcaxo 1S. 00 31 CO ) 15000
KonHaH 'lt > SIM 1 300 1,500
St. Ivoula 5.1HKI 73W 2,40)
Totals . 17 133 602S.J IJ.S7J
c on ON .MAIIIU ; r.
Moiomrnt uf the I'roilurt Attracting Alli-n.
tlon In lv York.
NI3W YOIIK. Oct > ZI-fOTTON-Qulet : mlil-
dllne , M.c. net rtcelpts , none , emnx letvlptii ,
CC09 luilca ; exports tu Oieat liiltaln 6 I > M lialea
export ! to continent , 617 bales ( orwanled 3,21. '
bales , milix , 1)3 bale's , all xplnncrH. si , i kt,0i7 ( !
ales ; total net receipts today , S3 BIB | UPH. | ex
poll * to Clrnit llrltaln 3. . 14 liide . utix-k , 77C.71i !
> HlfS. ciinxolldated net rreelitii 20 * 744 liultM
exports to Great llrllaln ,'J lialtH. to I'lame
24,161 bnles ; to the rontlm-nt , IS 3SS hul M , tuliiU
receipts , I 6fi9. ni bulcs , export * lo llieiit Jlutiiln
bales , to France , 114 'M Isles , to e'Jiilln-nt ,
Oltl.IIANH. Oct. ! 4 - -COTTON- i.
mlem , pot , t.tM l ile . to iilllve l , < > / > baltH.
receipts. IS Ml hales exi ms ctrtitlntnt. 7.IW
bales , stock 23)373 ) l > ale Tulurt-p r\m < ly , wile * ,
U Ml liili-M. Oetiiher V' J2 , nominal , Noveml > er.
1522 noinlnul. iHieniln-r. l52S4t ti , January ,
I7ai37 , lebniar ) r,3 | ( XI. , 5 ll > h
CU. April , I748O747 , June. llMjS.W , Julj
HT J Ql'lH , Oct -rOTTON-HtPiirty , mid
illlnir 5V , wil H 12001-altn T.SW hulK
hlimienti , 6W baleit. luck , 17.UK ) balei
YOIIK , CM. H.-bLOAIl-lt.w , dull and
Dueber = Hampden
17 = Jewel
arc known by railroad -
road men and other
-Ports to be unequalled -
equalled for wear
and accuracy.
The Duebcr Wakh Works , Canton , 0.
Commission Merchant
Grain an.l I'ruvihiuns.
Private \vlrea to Chicago and New Yor'j.
til buiiinciis ordtrn placed on Chlcusa
ttoard of Trade ,
CoriexpondtncQ eollclted.
Offlte , room 1 , New York Life Building.
Telephone KUtt.
> ail < r. fnlr relln nif 3 : , centrlfuKal DC tent , 3'4CJ
H.I 1 1-9 l. > l IIHKH 1 1 ntllfUBiil , M teal , al 3 > lc luid
nildllii mil Saturday 6'xxi ' II-IHB M tent , at 3 lie.
LONDON. Uit 24 Hl'OAIl Cane , quiet , cen-
trlfiiital Java , 12s 3d , MuHcuvndo. fair icllnln *
IDs 2d
( tiftt i
Ni\wonK , od zi
lt.uel > vti-ndy at ] OiMV ! polntH deilln * . and
KtntTally wtalc nn lei lovvtr taltlm nnd iK'ul
ttfllliiK elOMed Hteady nt ] 0f t& polnlu derllnat
KHhH , 17 , 7W ImKH. IneludlnK. Ottil i. JIS i'.O
13 3D. Novimher II. 25fil2.ll. li-i-cnil > fr , 111 Wit
II n > . lanuiiry , III Jl. March , II2HO , Ma > J107S
fl'lH ) , epot mffi-e , dull , nominal. Ill 87it :
mild , ijuki , Cunl'ivn , llOdOi&lS ( , rali > 9. 10.00-5
Uik' Mexliuli private lei inn , Vfl IHIKH HI" wvrt
Hold ut II. \ \ \\aiHlnnjf-i- MII-H | from N w York
] ciieiday | , I Mi IriKH , New } mk nto < l < twhiy ,
ITS W ) I.MKfl . , rnltfd Htatia rlnch 2VJ < Xr ) Lacs'
ftfloal for tin' llnltnl rltatm , ol Ml bagn , Unlleel
KtattR Btdoli In xliihl. 3lo/m II.IKH.
HANI < > H. Oct -Market Inactive KH"-1 nv.
fiHEH XantuH , (2 , rccelplM , 4i.-f tak ; "tuck ,
1IAMH1JIK1 , Oit. 21-MaiKet Ktt-ady , , II , .
IIAitlO < l 21 Market opened Irn-giilur at
If .lullli" , at i : in ilerllniT , clonc-d ut lfl > .tt
el < cllnn , tntul luilc-H it UO ) IIIIKP
1(10 ( Hi : JANiiUO : Oil. -ilurkPt qul. t at
Jllir rn haniriII IS160. . ncelplH for three da > i.
n i K ) IIUKU , tileaietl fur tin ; I'nllitl Rlate'H , | HL >
UH > K 7iuoo IIHKH , chaud for Ruropu , two Ja > ,
e.i/X ) Ijagu , ilock , 3ll. < f li.igM.
KANHAH C'lTV. Oct. 21 Will ! AT Slow and
lunar , Nt > . 2 hurd. 47tHC , No. 2 red
rejected , 43tH3c , kulfit by Miinhlx "n 'ilmiicf ,
f ii h , MlKnlfDlpril river , No. 2 hanl , Oiil5i-jO ; |
No. J red , I2' c
COItN iloexl tltmunil and Ito higher ; No , I
mixed I3'SC. No a Hliltv ,
OATH I'lHliuniiid.
al , ,000 bu i oorn , none ; oativ
Hllll'li.NTUtuut : , CC4 Lu , ; corn , non ,