/-\-tr A TT * rv TH ? tr > . ririrnr\T T7T ot i on t THJ ; OMAHA DAILY COUNCIL HLTJFFS. - - NO. 12 I'liAIU. BTIIECT fcy tarrUr to nnjpitt at lh city. it. W. TltTON. lue . Tni.tTHClNEfl nuslnti * nine * . Kx 1 | n'ght KlHor , No J8. .MI.M { .I Mayne Heal KittleaRtncy , 539 There will be a special corclavo nf Ivanhoe rommanilcry No. II , K. T. , tonight tor work In the red cress. Leo Kvarin celebrated bis birthday last evci.lng at liis home on Willow a\civuo b > entertaining a party of his frlendi. Mr nnd Mrs C. M. Mavnard entertained a numb r ol little people Tuesday evening In honor of the ninth birthday cl their daughter Mlgnon The ladles of St. Krancla Xavler's Catholic cbunh will glvo n. social thla evening In thr church bisemonl lor the bctulU. or the poor cf the church The city marshal lias cleared an.iy the obMructlnns In the chape of fences and the line , on Tenth street fiorn Twenty-fourth avenue south to the city limits The Trinity Ladles' Aid society will hold Its qiiartcrly reception nt the residence of Mrs John * n today at 1 p. m. , corner Seventeenth avenue and High street. The Hlnti erltcml foot ball t am ot tbla city will go to Nebraska City November 3 to pUy the High school of that city. A large crowd will accompany the players from here. Justice Vl n performed a dodblc wedding ceremony vr-sterday. The lartiea were L. \ \ ' . Pcpo nnd Lyde lllrd , both of Oakland , and T F Danfoid of llondcison and Kmma lllrd of Oakland Tiie lemalns nf Mrs. Caroline 12. Hand who died of heart disease Monday nt IndianX ola , were brought In on the train yesterday morning and taken out to Qulcle cemetery vvhero the funeral took placo. An effort Is being m.ide to secure the nett year's meeting of the Young'Peoples Socie ties of Christian nndciivor for thla city H mcpts todav nt Sioux City nnd & 00 dele- Bates ere expected to be present. Encampment No. S , Union Veteran I-eglon , will hold their annual banquet at their hnll on Thursday evening , October 23. It Is ex pected flint every comrade who Is In the city and nblo to git to the liall will be on hand and cat. nobcrt C Vincent was arrested on this slclo of the river on the charge of being n fugitive from Justice. During the day he was tuincd over to It. Iloseniwerg and taken to Omaha , where he la wanted for disposing of mortgaged property. Zcph Hughes bought some candy nt 0 C Ilrown'H store on llroadway last night and gnve the little glil who waited on him $1 In ppjinent , which was found to bo counterfeit. Ho was arrested by Oillcer Claar nnd will be tumid over to the United States authori ties. ties.Chief Chief Scanlan. Deputy Marshals Fowler and Anderson nnd Officer Weir no Corning today - day to testify before the grant ] Jury against George Williams and 13. I'aikcr the two men who burglarized tlio house ot Dr Siwartz of that place and stole a lot ot Jewelry , some ot which they had in their possession when a nested. Itobsrt H Lee wh' ) sold diseased hogs to families In Garner township some time ago. was given a hearing by Justice Field yester day. Uveiylhlng necessary to n conviction was proved excepting his knowledge ot the fact that the meat was diseased. On that point the state fell down , and Lee escaped by the skin of his teeth. Cl.ira Ilnnklns commenced n divorce suit In the district court yesterday agalnM Marlon IlanUliiH. Moth are residents of Un- Ocrwood. They were married at Muscatlne la. , In 1SS3 , and have three children. Mrs Ilanklns accuses her husband of drunkenness nnd cruelty , and wants , In addition to the divorce , the sum of | 100 alimony. Manilo Williams , whoso house nt the corner of Ninth street and avenue O was pulled by the marshal Tuesday night , pro tested that she vvaa an honest , hard working woman , who took In washing for a living Yesterday morning aho changed her mind after the court had assessed a flno of $10 $ against lur , and paid the amount without a murmur. The boom In the northwestern part cf the city has not yet struck so hard , but what we can sell several desirable cottages In that locality at a very low price and on easy terms. Lougec & Towlc , 235 Pearl street. Dull * < ! ruincil ii l.lquur License. George S. Davis , the well known Broadway druggist , bun been granted a permit by the court to buy and sell liquors of all kinds for medical purposes , and he will carry the best grades made and will supply the general public at the lowest prices. A I. 2'AlttHUt.ll'JIS. Ficmont Denjamln of AVOCA was In the city fcstcrday. Mrs. T H. Wright of Palrburs' , Neb , Is ( ho guest of Mrs. it. O'Urlcn. Miss Cora \Voodbury has returned from a visit with her sister In Illinois. Rev. J H Davis Is In Webster City at tending tlio Iowa Haptlst state convention. Mr and. Mrs E. E. Hart left last evening for a visit of a couple of weeks In Chicago. Colonel J. M. Alexander ot Sidney. la. , Is the guest of Superintendent II. W. Savvjcr. I. M. Trejnor will accompany Senator \Vllllnm II. Allison as far as Defiance this morning , Augustus Ilcrcshelni nnd Julius Zlmmeill have returned from a limiting trip In the Nebraska wilds. Walter C. Spooner has returned from a business trip through Colorado and will stay at homo for a couple of weeks. Mrs. H. It. Randall , Jr. . of Lincoln. Neb , la visiting Mrs W. S. Cass and Mrs. E Mlltonbcrgcr on Washington avenue. Mrs. 1' . II. Montgomery ihas gene tote MarslmlltQVtn to attend the meeting of the Iowa branch of the Woman's board of Mls- elons. Mrs. It. Janes , stenographer at the Sand wich Manufacturing company's otilce , has rc- tuincd from a visit of thrco weeks at Pond du Lac , WIs. Among the lowans who registered at the Grand hotel jesterday were J. Simon nnd W. T. Wllhman of Ies Molnca and Ir. J. M. Wyland of Hartan. II. C. . Ilurlwcll nnd brldo , formerly Mrs Illount , passed through the city from their former liuirtr twelve miles east nf here to their new honu In Coffee county , Kan. J. C. lluirmijrr 1 uiu-y I'lttent , Hungarian Process Hour. Made by the oldest milling arm In the west , makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. Ask your grocer for It. Trad * mark : "Blus RooBler. " _ _ _ DomMtlc icip breaks hard water. The Pcth > bridge meat market nt 635 Broad way has been sold to Ons Henrietta , who will continue tlio business with Increased facili ties for giving the public the best meats at the lowest prices Just received , a new Invoice of all the latest styles In millinery at Miss Kagsdalo's , 10 I'earl street. _ Domestic leap outlasts cheap soap. The following marriage licenses were sued yesterday : Name and A ldrf-s. K A. K. Shustur , Uouclaa county. Nebraska. 40 J.illle MatHou , Douglas county. Nebraska. IS Frank GUdw In , Council Bluffs . 23 Anna Itoberts , Monroe county , Iowa . 235 Adolphle 13. Marcoe , Sarpy county. Neb. 3t Sophronlu , Kaiser. Mills county , low a. . . 17 1V. . Pope. Pottawattamle county . 22 l.yde tllnl , PattawMttamle count } . 20 T. F , Dnliford. Henderson , la . 33 imir.u : Hlnl , 1'ottawattainlo county . 21 l.unil llros. bell < ltit. We ha > e thlx day cold our stock of mer chandise and fixtures to W H. Mullln , Any one Indebted to the firm of Lund Ilioa. will call t the storp on or before November 1. cettlo account and save expense ot collec tion. Lund llros. , Main street. Tim King's Daughters of the Christian church will she an oyster supper at the tabernacla Thurkday evening , October 25. Everybody United , Kajla Uundrr. 72t Uroadw y , good ert T L 167. NEWS FROM COOSCIl BLUFFS Senator Allison Addresses a Orowdetl House Last Night. P.10SPEREO . UNDER REPUBLICAN RULE loivn Inrrrniccl llur iVctiltli Hinlcr n Prn- tortho 'laHIT More thin Miinur.kctur IUK stalei Caiisn of tlm Cnuiitry' * and lu < nri > . It was a magnificent go the Hog that greeted Senator William II. Allison last evening at Dohany's opera house. In pannift , dress circle , balcony , and even gallery there was not a vacant scat , vvhllo hundreds thronged the ntflcs. listening patiently for tv.o hours to a man who evidently knew what he wis talking about. The stage was also full of eager listeners. Whenever a good point was scored -nnd they came frequently a hearty round of applause would go up , and alto gether there was bflt little resemblance to the meeting ot the democrats and populists the evening before , nt least In point of en- lhusla m. One striking feature was the large number of ladles In the oud'rnce. The speaker commenced by answering the i claim that the i resent hard limes were the result ot years of republican misrule by quoting , statistics which showed vividly the vust Improvement that had taken place dur ing j , the ycirs that the affairs of the govern ment hail been Intrusted to that party. The valuu of the property of the country In 1800 was one und a third times that In I860. The amount of manufactured products had In creased ; from $5,000,000,000 In 1SSO to J9.300- 000,000 < In 1890 Still , In the face of suib figures , It had been charged that the policies of Hie repub lican partv had bsen sucli that tha pi ogress had not bcin equally distributed. In reply to this , he quoted from the census , which showed that the agricultural di incls , which were supposed to have been discriminated against , had exceeded in general prosperity the manufacturing states , while Iowa ex ceeded all her nelghboro in growth , town had Increased In the amount of her wealth by the sum of $1H7 per cap ta In the ten years preceding 1SHO , while Massachusetts had increased only by the turn of | 23 DEBTS OF IOWA PAHMBRS. Tn reply to the charge that Ion a farmers were burdened with debt , he showed that \vhllo the % aluo cf each farm was $2,500 , the average amount of mortgage Incumbranco . was about $800 Seven-three ! per cent of this mortgage Indebtedness was for the pur chase of the land , 17 per cent for Improve ments , and 9 per cent represented Incum branco placed upon It by farmers who had grown tiled of farming anil had decided to go into other business. This left 1 per cent of the mortgage debt caused by unproductlve- no"3 of Iho business. Some men In thla county , he admitted , had | become ver > rich , but It was not from the | policy of the republican party , but rather from the sudden growth of the nation and the largo cities , and the gre-it Incioase In value ot railroad property With the ex ception ef the Union Pacific and the North ern Pacific , both of which had been cliar- tcr d by the United Stales in order to brlrg the Pacific states Into clusc connection with the rest of the country , all railroads , had been chartered by the states , and whatever gain they had mudn uas tlio result of the right to do business conferrEtl upon tin in by the laws of the states. He admitted that Harrison's administra tion had cost the country more money than CIcveland'ti first , Just as the latter cost more than these of Garfleld and Arthur , which preceded It Hut take out the amounts spent on the navy and In paying bick the direct taxes to the states , nnd Harrison's administration would bo found ns economical as that ot Cleveland's It was true that when Cleveland left the white house In 1889 the treasury was full , while when he re turned four > ears litter It was empty , but It V.B. & because the tariff had been revised In 1889 and sugar put upon the free list. In 1S90 nn attempt was mode to enlarge the market for American products by making reciprocity treaties , but In the law just passed by the democrats whatever gain had been made In this way had been lost After nil , however , the talk of enlargement of the market Is a myth , lor 82 per cent of all products of the farms must bo consumed nt home , and , with the exception of wheat and cotton , nil have their prices fixed by the prices In this country. The reason for this large home market lies In the fact that the diversity of Industries In th s country en ables every worlilnginan In this country to consume twice as much ns his brothers In European countries. CAUSH OF CHANGED CONDITIONS. 1 What has caused the change In our con- dltlon since ISO. ! , when evary one who wantei work could get it , at fair wages' It Is the election of 0rover Cleveland on a platforn that declared In favor of overthrowing the policies of thirty-two > ears of rppubllcan rule Hy this new policy the labor of 4,300- 000 citizens Is opened to the competition o not only themselves , but to that of 300,000OOC of Kuropean countries , where wages are les > than one-half of what wo have In this coun try It has disarranged our Industrial con dltlons , thrown laborers out of employment , caused the laborers to call on thi , banks of the country for the.r little savings to enable them to live , am thus caused a bankers' panic as well as In - dustrial distress. To nu remedy this the popu - lists want to Issue paper money that has 110 redemption , but simply floats on the crcdl of the United States. Your candidate fo congress In this district , who embodies till view I call him neither democrat nor popu list , for you know what he Is stands on th Omaha platform. Tlicy don't print that plat form very often , but as 1 remember it , It .ls I In favor of tlio . government buying up th ? railroads and loaning money at 2 per cen 1 on cotton , chickens , and pickles for security > They seem to forget that the only way t crcato wealth Is bj labor either of thcl brains or their hands There is no lack o money , but lack of certainty as to whethc labor will be employed at fair wages. "Abraham Lincoln once said that he dldn' know very much about the tariff question , but he knew that If an American bought a ton of Iron from an Englishman for $10 , the American had the Iron nnd Iho English - man had the 510 , while. If the Iron were ' produced by an American mine by Amer can labor , America had both the Iron rind the $10' , thus enriching1 our own people Instead - stead ol the British. To do what our demo - cratlc friends want to do Is to change fron a protective tariff to free trade in a sing le day England mudo such a change , but B he ] took fifty years to mnko It In , commencln - In the early 30s and finishing In 1870. REMEDY POR THE DIFFICULTY. "What Is the remedy for our present dlillcultles ? To restore confidence In our Industries and In our money Don't elect a man with Weaver's beliefs , but cist your vote for A. L. Hager .who will faithfully represent Iho principles I have shadowed forth. If a democratic majority Is elected to the next congress tha work of tearing down our Industries will go on In the same way as In the past two jeara , and labor and capital will both be rendered Insecure. Hut elect a republican majority and you may depend upon It the legislation that is made will not bo In the interest of the furnace fires of Great Brltnlti. " Senator Allison gave n highly Interesting history of the . ,2 passage of tlio Wilson tariff bill from the time It was first Introduced In the louer house until It was finally passed , with 653 amendments , by the senate and the "party perfidy and party dishonor" process was complete. Ills audience gave him the most earnest attention throughout , and there ; la not a doubt that he made votes for the : republican candidate. Domestic patterns can only be had nt Vavra's new dry goods store , 112 Broadway. Dry pine klrdllng for sale. Cheaper an cobs. If. A , Cox , 37 Main street. ne Mutt Hum 1'our W. I ) . Stlllamn , the attorney for O. E. Guston , who had two old men named Wood ward up for examination as to their personal property , and succeeded In getting an order from Judge Macy for a couple of watches which they carried , U not at nil tatlsflc-l with the result ot the venture , and Died an Informa tion jCBterday charging them with contempt of court. He claims that when they were on th wltneii stand they swore to hiving a couple of walrhcs , almost new , with fine movements , and he counted on realizing 125 or | 30 from the tale of each one After the order of the court was Issued directing the watches to be turned over to Gaston , Still- man , clalmi that the watches that were claimed were old , battered up relics of a b > gone age , worth psrhaps n couple of dollars lars for the memories that cluster about them , but not worth a sou tor marking the flight of Pother Time The two old gentle men wll be up Before Jude Macy Saturday morning at 9 o clock to explain their actions. LOOK I.NO roil UjUit. ( fen CiHCK of > iir < | > tper A6 ct Hie Subject of a I.OKI ) ( Jnnrrel. When the Nonpareil passed Into the hands of Receiver William Arnd among the assets were nine cases of wine , 10S bottles , and a case , twelve bottle1 ! , of Bourbon whisky , worth In alt about $120. For sonic time It was kept nt the notice , but a few nights ago It is alleged to hnvc disappeared , and now the Carpenter 1'aper company and the Great Wcstirn Type foundry , both of Omaha , are looking with straining cv s for the placeof Its concealment. Ycsteroay an amendment to the petition of inlervetuon was filed b > these two corporations In the fore closure suit nf E. E. Hart against the N'on- parlel Printing and Publishing company , which rlted , In substance , that the liquors on Tuesday nlgtit last were becretly removed from the oiric to some unknown place by the receiver , art ! are now be ng k pt by him or borne one In his -employ A political cam pa IK n now being In the height of Its glory , the Intcrvenors are afraid that the liquor will be u ed for some improper pur pose , and ask that It be returned to the ofllc' , so that it may not bo squandered. Judge Macy Issued an order citing Hecelvcr Arnd to appear on Saturday , October 27 , and show cause why and order shall not bo made re turning the liquor to Us iitaca In the journal istic sideboard. In reply to some nue-t ons jesterdny Mr Arnd said that the I quor was moved from the establishment simply to keep temptation out of the wav of some of the boys emplojeJ about the place , whose appclltlo for strom ; drink mlpht be rendered uncontrollable by tli ? ease of accumulating a Jag. It was not reckoned among the assets when the Inven tory was taken , he said , because , for one thing , It could not ba sold without the pay ment of a liciuor tax , and. for another , be cause he d dn t know It was around the olllcs until a few days ago. It Is now In the pos session of Ernest E. JIart , the mortgagee. cini-.u. : Tlie Ivlns i > f All Tenix-r.incn Krlnl.n Kui Hut All liitiila. The extraordinary demand created for Copps Cheer In all temperance communities ft hero lnto\lcntlns beverages cannot bo sold has led envious alleged rivals to attack It and misrepresent It Among conservative and cautious dealers who do not wish to even approach the line of violation of law , and families who don't wont an Intoxicating bcv- er.igo In their lockers , these misreprescnta- tions have led to the most crucial tests for alcohol known , and the beverage , while sparkling. Invigorating and health-building , has luxji found to be as harmless us the mildest soda water. Thus tlio nllegod "friendly warnings" coming from 1 Hie fel lows who think themselves rivals ( .rove to be selfish misrepresentations made for the sole purpose of enabling them to force the sale o' nauseous and unwholesome compounds Wheeler & Hcreld Council Hluffs , la . are the originators and sole brewers of Copp Cheer , and give an Indemnifying bond to every dealer , while the beverage speaks for Itself. Itut If more proof Is desired the en dorsements of ministers , Judges , chemists and phvslclans can be referred to as the > have appeared In The Bee dally for weeks , and hundreds of others In our office. r.rUK ! Hotel , C'mmcll Hindu , 1Cm > iMU3tl. Newly furnished Every modern con venience First class In all respects. Hates ? 2DO to $3.00. K F. CLAltK. Proprietor Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sal n Gas Co.'s office. Toe laundries uc Domestic soap. S iiti-ncpt fnrllirvr. Bob Limerick , who burglarized several freight cars on the Wabash railway tracks at several different times and pleaded.guilty to the charge , was sentenced to two years In the penitentiary by Judge Macy jesterday morning. Pred Treynor , for the crime of larceny from a budding in the daytime" , the value of the stolen goods being about $75 , was given eighteen months In the penitentiary. William Leu Is , who forged the name of A. P Max.leld to an order for a suit of clothes upon Fisher S. Son , merchants of Underwood , was given fifteen months In the penitentiary. A motion for n. new tral In the case of William 'v'anDyke , found guilty of stealing a suit of clothes from another colored in on named Johnson , vvaa argued In the after noon , and a decision will be rendered today Leo Torman and Tom Watson were both granted continuances until the next term of court. A. T. Tlalns. found guilty of assault and battery upon \r. McKinzle , a S'lver ' Creek township farmer , will be sentenced today The maximum sentence is thirty days in the county Jail or a fine of $100 The case of Maude Dryant against the motor company will ba tried this morning. The motor company has stipulated that no fight will bo made upon the question of Its li ability , but a stubborn fight will ba made against paying the $10,000 demanded by the plaintiff. Several physicians are to give the results of the examination they made ot the young lady's injuries. ouit i.ivr or i > mcis. lloston Store , Louncll HlnfTs , In. Prices may seem the same , but values offered In this list are much better than ever shown by us or any of our competitors. 4o Canton flannel , worth CVlc. 3io cream domet flannel , worth "c. 3c Indigo blue prints , worth 5e. 5c good cotton batting , worth 7c. 7c , a regular lOc batting. 25c gents' cheviot thirts , full size , worth 33c. 33c.39o 39o gents' outing shirts , worth GOc. 19e fancy and Dlaln cashmere , worth 25c. 25c yard wide ell wool cloth , worth 39c. 39c 40-Inch henrlettn cloth , worth 58c. 48c 4C-lnch bennetta and serge , black , worth 75c. GOc 50-Inch gloria silk , worth GOc. 69c all uool skirt pattern , worth $1. 17c , over CO dozen Swiss handkerchiefs , worth 33c 12 o Swiss embroidered handkerchiefs , worth 19c. Ladles' ribbed underwear , l" c , 19c , 25c , 33c. Special , look over our new novelty silks. Correct things for waists. Blankets , spec al values offered In all grades. FOWLEH , DICK & WALKER , Doston Store , Council Uluffs , la. Today. The places for registration will bo open today and tomorrow , from 9 a. m until S p. m. All who ilia not io-to at the last gen eral election will have to register anew. The following are. the places In each precinct First Ward. First Precinct Wheeler & Hcreld's , 134 East Broadway Second Pre cinct F. Merrlnm'e , 207 East Broadway ScconJ Wnrd , First Prec net E T. Wat- terman's , 43 North Main street Second Pre- c'nct L. G. Knott's , 700 West Hroadway Third Ward , First Precinct Max Mohn's , Creston house , 217 South Main street. Sec- end Precinct Mike Nolan's , 913 South Main street. Fourth Ward , First Precinct B. S Ter- wllllger's barn , 224 South Main street. Second - end Precinct T. C. Jackson's , 621 Twelfth avenue Fifth Ward. First Precinct J. AVardlan's store , 1C01 West Broadway/ Second Precinct _ j eter Kane's , 1000 South Seventeenth ttreet. Sixth Ward , First Precinct C. H. Mc- Cullough'B barber shop , 11 North Twenty- third street Second Precinct W. O. Whit- Ing's place , 510 Locust street , West Council Bluffs. Washerwomen uie Domestic soap. Premier egg cupe at Lund Bros. New sterling silver novelties , very beauti ful nnd styllth. at Wollman's ' , 403 Hroadway Cuunrll " e c"y councll held a brief ami unlm portent session last evening , and among iaother things heard the report of the city librarian and ordered it placed on file. A resolution was passed ordering the transfer - fer of { 1,000 from the police fund to the general fund The auditor reported $1030 available In the judgment fuiiUI An ordinance was pasgcd 'grfthtlnR the Xorthwcutern Hallway company the right to lay tracks across Thirteenth street at First ftvcntie. Wlrkham Uros. were awarded life contract for repairing the curbing on Uromlway , Main and Pearl strrrts wherever repairs were needed. A lot of sidewalk bids were laid over until the next meeting , and the ctuncll then ad journed to meet at 9 o'clock llils morning. l > nn < iin' < Otcrtnc ! ' < l > nU % In the face of lower prices , ami the con tinuance ot the sluggish condftlqi s of trade , our sales for the lust week sliow a handsome Increase The reason Is that 'the shrewd buying public appreciates our large assort ment of nobby styles and the fact that they can bo purchased at two-thirds the price asked at other stores. $5CO $ ladles' shoes , hand turned and welted , for $3 50. $100 ladles' shoes , buttoned or laced , tor $300 $3.50 Indies' fhoep , button or lace , $2 50. $300 ladles' shoe' . $2.25. $2 25 line kid buttoned or laced needle 1 olnts for $1 50. $1 00 kid patent tip and calf for { 1 00. and ba > s' dress and school shoes from 75c to $1.75. Infinls' nnd children's shoes , 20c to $1 00 Stacy Adatns' men's fine sheer. $1 00. All styles , razor , narrow and square toed shoes from $150 to $1.00. A min's nice shoe for $1.00 Wo have the finest line of men's patent leather and cork cole shoes In the market. KvcrvthliiK tint one could wish , and at a prlco to suit all. Duncan , the loader and promoter of low prices , 28 Main street , Council Hluffs. AllllDKt It Hull. An affair of honor , which might have re sulted In one or both of the participants be ing lrlghten d todoath , was narrowly averted yesterday by the arrest of one of them , and from biint ; a romantic tale of gore It has dropped Ignonnnlou.ly Into the unromantk pale cf n Justice shop. W. S McCoy , who has sometimes b ° en known to work at the combination trade of balloon nscpuslonlst and weather prophet , and n Wtlzk'e ' , a neighbor of his , loved the same girl. Tor a time the smiles were distributed fa rly evenlj , and neither one cared Dut finally McCoy began to have the Inside track , nnd Wltzkle's proud nature rebelled. In the presence of a witness he solemnly callcJ McCov's attention to the state of affairs , an 1 offered to light a duel The time was to be at 2 o'clock In the morn- Inf , the plac a lonely spot In Falrv eft cemcterv , and the weapons razors. Uut McCoy was not cf a romantic turn ot mind and instead of accepting the challenge he went before Justice Vlen and swore out an information , alleging that Witzkle Imtl said that if he d dn t fight a duel he would thrash him out of his boots the first time ho saw him on the street Witzkle was arrested and will have hearing this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ih-Viil'n Alr'llirht Heaters are at the head. They are con structed on sclintlflc principles. All prices. 504 Broadway. Bcuriclus * music house has fen expenses high gtado planes are sold reasonably , lie Stutsman street. Hog cholera preventive and cure by Dr. Jefferls , Fletcher avenue , Council Bluffs ; will stop the dlseaso In one hour. Trial bottle , } 1 Pcaslee's celebrated ale and porter now on draught at Grand hotel bar. Selected hard wood for heating stovas. II. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel.IS. . Havana Freckles clgar.Davis , wholesale agt .1 cji.t.wii ; < w n.M'B. Pullman AllrKin I'rrjmllco mi the I'nrt of tlio Cliltugo ( imrt. CHICAGO , Oct 24 The Pullman compans has applied for a change of venue from Judge Gibbons In the quo warranto caie brought bj Attorney General Moloney. The ground alleged for a change was prejudlca on the part of the court. The defendants stated that Judge Gibbons had written a book on the ownership of land by corporations and that his views as set forth therein would make on Impartial hearing Im- poslble The application for change was re sisted by Attorney General Moloney and a long argument by both sides folowed. In the course of the argument Mr. Maloney - loney vigorously attacked this affidavit and said that the man who signed It had com mitted moral nnd legal perjury. Judge Gib bens affirmed that it was evident In reading the allldavlt that the father of it had not read his book , as not a word from cover to cover opposed legitimate corporations. This declaition from the court was practically n substantiation of Mr Maloney's accusation for the affiant needed to have rend the book before ho could affix his name to the Infer mation. The allldavlt wus signed by A S Welnshelmer , secretary of the defendant company. The court announced it would reserve Its decision , and arguments will be continued tomorrow. The book written by Judge Gibbons , which was the cause of all the argument , was pub lished In 1888 , before ho was on the bench and Is entitled "Tenute nnd Toll" A num her of references are made In It In regard to the Pullman company and the following quotation is one on which the Pullman com pany bases Its application "The Idea of a home that Idea , the Incarnation of which In man's life is essential to his true develop ment and happiness finds no association with Iho name.of Pullman. The people dwell In houses not their own , and their tenure is subject to termination at ten days' notice , a condition embodied In the lease , the corpoiatlon reserving the light to cancel that lease oven though the rent may have been paid In advance for u longer period than the time of notice btlpulnted Is not this In contravention of the law fixing nnd maintaining the relative right of landlord and tenant' The rent may be paid In the forenoon of the first day of the- month : In the afternoon n decree may be promulgated that notices be Issued to tenants In ten days In this connection we must not forget that about 80 per cent of the laborers were In the employ of the corporation In control of Its petty kingdom , and all the others are em ployed In business which Is under Its Influ ence. Such an absolute extinction of indi vidually and such an utter absorption of that Individuality by a capitalistic organiza tion is without approach or a'parallel In the history of any other modern civilized com munity. Iij many respects the power ot the Russian czar pales into utter insignificance In comparison with the power of the close corporation which rules Pullman. Can It be said that Iho power Is always rightfully ex ercised ? " "Man Is not perfect , though his coffers be filled with shekels and lie be knighted by the king of Italy. That power Is there ; the only.escapc from It U by emigration. Within the limits of this laeal ( social and Industrial ) real escape from the all-pervading influence of the corporation' Is impossible. Many grievances exist , many acts of Injustice occur , but no one dare Utter R cry for helper or redress. The laborers'at Pullman believe that 'spotters' paldi eavesdroppers of the company mingle with them , to catch and report to their masters any sign or word expressive of disapproval or criticism of the actions of the authorities "Pullman Is the only community of 10,000 people In the United Stales that has not a newspap3r published within tts limits. The freedom of the press here Would be limited to the promulgation and appYov'al ' of the decrees and dogmas of the powers' thai be. "What a spectaclel . ; Ten thousand people In utter sUbJcHlon to the cupld ly and limitless 'power of a dozen men , organized and co-operating as one man. who owns a pieuila city , exempt from mun clpal burdens and responsibilities. Not a single roan of all that 10,000 dare express an opinion about the affairs of the community In which he dwells The rules of the com munity beget a civility little lets than blav- ery , a dependent : ; that Is moral weakness and mental degradation. There Is a culpable lack of attention In the meager provisions for religious Instruction The seating capacity of the halU la Insufficient for the accommo dation of the people , and the- rental de manded is so high that It Is with difficulty that any religious denomination can pay It. The company , with an eye tlngly to its own selfish purposes , provided ! meat and shelter for the body , but makcth no provision for manna for the soul. The soul cannot forge a bolt or line a boiler. " Chance ol Trrtun of Feilurul Court. By an act of the laet congress the datei for holding the terms of the federal cout\ wcro rhangul ns follows At Omaha , upon he first Monday In May and second Monday n November of rnch year At Lincoln , on the third Monday In Janu- , ry and first Monday In October. This Rives Lincoln two terms Instead of one , ns here- afore. At Hastings , third Mondav In Apt II At Norfolk , on the fourth Monday In April. ii r..iftnu : M.sr. u I r , FitllnwrO liv t linidjr Readier riiurndiiy. WASHINGTON' , Oct. 2l.-Thp forecast foi riiursdnj Is : Tor Ncbiupka and Kan ns Fair , south , shifting to vvosit winds , cooler and probabl ) . loud ) ' Tliuisday. For Missouri nnd towa Fnlr ; followed by lie-reusing cloudlne-.s , brl k. poutb winds , \vnrmer In tbr eastern P rtlon. For South Oaknta Pnlr , prolnbly foi- Jowed Iw local showers ThuiBdiiy night , \vlth colder nortbwext wind ? . I.iniil lieiord. OFFK'i : OF TIII3 WHATItKU lU'nKAV. OMAHA , Oct. Jl Omalii recoiil of letnpfr- ilute n ml rainfall , coinpuicd with the cor- reipoiKHmr day of past four years : 1S9I. U91 1 92 ia Maximum tompeinture . "i ? rl r > l 79 Mlnlmutn temperature.S \ Si : tl r < 0 Aver.ige temperature. . . . CJ 4J 12 01 Preclpitntlon W .00 .00 00 Condition of ti'iiipeinturo unit pieclpltatlon it Omul i a fur the day und Mlnco Mauh 1 , ISlil. N'orniil temperature 49 Kxcefs for the Ony 13 Accunnilatod e\ies" since Mnich 1 . - 73S Noun 11 preolpltntlun 07 Inch Ilt-llclciKV for Iho tin ) 07liuh Total pieclpltntlon slrco JIaich 1 13.8) lnch > s Accumulated deficiency since March 1 1521 Inches Jtciiiitft | from Other Stiitlimt nt S I * . M , sf 3 * o ? n.5 Oinihn 01) ) Clrar NorlU t'Littu III ) .1)1) ) ) Clear Valentino 7(1 ( OO'l'artclouil ' ) 7(1M Chicago M lltfCloudy. , M. LOUIH Cl 00 t'llMl St. 1'iui ( ill llOCli-ir , I ) . u ( .n i > o n fil ! III ) rir.ir K ins IH L'lt > III ) rit'ii ( II ) Clcir 01 ( II ) t'leiir ' . ' lljlrieii llclin.1 IU ( HI I'.lrti loiub lilnmirclc fill .DDiCk-ir Ylucint Cl ! 1)1) ) ) ( 'liar ( JIlCJCIIllll . II 'J on I'arlt lot ily Miles L'Hv (1J ( .1)1) ) ) IMilelouilj- ! u stun . Til .iHlli'li.ii- 1 < \VELblt , Lou ll Koraaut OlljUi. REGISTER TODAY. Only Three Itcnmiii'ti ; ; 1 n.\s fur Itt'gMra- ll < m ot V otere. UeRlstrars v\lll sit In every polling booth of the city today from 0 a. m. to : p. m. Cvery elector must register this year. Do not neglect the matter. Days for registration are : Thursday , October 25. rrldaj" , November 2. Saturday , November 3. ' low i "Miprt'iiifl Court Ailjtiiirnii. MOIN'tS : , bet -Special ( Tele gram ) Tlic Inst He slon of the supreme court was held today and adjoin imient taken until January 1'ive opinions were handed down and arRiinu'iitH submitted In the case of the Metropolitan Tmst com pany nsninat the IVs Molnt-s & . Northwest ern < Ualhvny company on forctlosure of certain tuortHUKff The following ( ItcMon were filed GeoiRe Martin , appellant , itKiilnst A.1 \ and O. U Shannon , administrators of estate of I ) 11 Shannon deceased , ljon district , lev used The | \VeliPts company against the c'tilcnKO , St Paul , Minneapolis < Omali.i Knlhv.ij company , nppellnnt , O'irl < n district , le- versed George S Ooodc against the Chi- CUKO , llticl < Island & I'utltlc Hallway com pany , appellant , \\npello tllsttlct. reversed. M J < 'aibett against Ij W. Hinnl , ap pellantVlnncatiluk dlstiict , alllimetl P. A. Holanil npilnst J. C. Klstle , appellant , Ply mouth dtbtrlct , aliiinicd Torpedo limit Trtiil 1'mtpnnril LONDON , Conn , Oct. 21. Hough water today compelled The postponement of the machinery trial of the toipedo bo.it Krlcci-on. It will take place tomoiiovv If conditions are satlsfaetoiy Tjo | ) I'oiiiulry'I rtml Mmle .Honey. NKWAIIK. N. J , Oct 21.-The Ametlcan Type roundry company was In session liere lidny A rope rt of the tiu iiu i showed the total npxcts of the company vvtr > I'VM SV * , ami the total liabilities J < iJU W 'J IK- runningof thp Imilnr" * during tin. past year i-ost JIW 571 , nev.rrthflo s Ihc lum- tvin > made a piorlt of JlM.iVI > cvv for Hie Army. WASHINGTON' . Oct. 21 lSp * > riul Tele gram ) Major Camlllo S S Coir , tilttlith cavalry , is relieved from duty at the Infnn- try and Cavalry school nt Tort Lcavm-north , nnd will relieve In th Department , of the Columbia , I.leiileiinnt Colonel John M. llacon , Kirst cavalry , who Is aiilgncd to the Department of Colorado. Lieutenant Charles Treat. Vlfth nitll- Icry , relieved on the staff of Major General Oilier O. Howard , will Join Ills liattiry. Iliitlirrford 11. llnj.- . Jr. , M.irrli-il , COLVMIIl'S. Oil -Ituthrrfnrl U lln > e son of the lutepnpldent. . and Miss Lucy 11 Plait nf Mils city were umnled today Iti Tilnlty H | > l cojiu1 eliiuch b > Itiv Pr JOIIPS of KeiiMin college Mr and Mr Haven will ri-side beie YOUNG MOTHERS ? . . . . We Offer You a Remedy V'hleli ; * Insures Safety to Life ol Mother and Child , j TOOTHER'S § FRIEND" Sdroig I Afler Mf\ne \ ono bottle of ' Moinrns FlUBMi" I suffert-il but llttlo | iMn , ami < IM not erparlcnco Unit wcaloie-M nft < rnnr < l i usual In nidi i-n cs-MRS A > Sin HAOE i UaxterSprlni : " . Kan. Sfnthj M llor EirrfM nn receipt of rrlc > , I eii'lfcr bottli- Hook to M. thru mailed I tree SoM Iij mi l > ruffl'l > > I IinADFlFMi IUnt'lATOUC : ' ( > . , .Ulnnla , ( in. rVlade a well Man of HIMOOO REMEDY rr-.OKfCES THE AUO * B _ 111 dl'I TS In CO II VVS. ( "urtt nil' Nrrroul llncnfi I Alltllir Meiiori , 1'All.Ml-t ! pUHCI ? , l Iltl > l.uiiai- lonlit'iiiiLrncriMiiii and quli kly - l.nuL Vnnlna < l lit olil or 50 my 1 aiilj rnrrlcilin Vi/t | .n , kot 1'rl upl.tui a pa kacc Slturi r OOullli n wrltli'il Riinrnnlen tin urc , i monpir n.ltnilr < l l on t tut/ " " Initiation , lut Inrlil < n Iciufnjr IMlM'l ) , If your armrirli't linn nnt r t It vnwill ? Gmltprri.t1il. ) -ntnkMffdlvalCD , Inpi.t ( hlfigo , 1IU | vrctiregf tl SOLD by Kiihit & Co , Cor islh end Douplai.sbls and I. A 1 tiller te Co , GDI UIU Bnd Uounlasa SIS , OMAHA , NUI ) . Or. E. C. West's NervO anil Grain Tft-aliient rn'il under iHiililvuHrltten Rimranlee , bynntliur- M tiucnts only , to euro IVeok Ilvmnry , Lcr * of r.ln ami t ervo Poivcr , I/OjtMr.Dliootlyni < * l.nesi ; I'M Ijf-o ; Hill Jri'HJiic ; Ijiik ol OnlilliU-jLo ; i > ouino ri ; ] q ltiuU ; all Dnln ; I.o sof Pimoi Iho OencinllM > OFKIUB In dlliT BCIenun'illij ir-nxtrtliiu , 'ioulliful I irars , or Kidf t\o IJto of > baux > , Uiiluni or I.lqunr. vhlcli PIJOM leml le > r/ , Cnn uniji4lon. ImnnuynndDfnlh. liyinnll . - . "jni , ii Jcr5 : wilh wrtUen luiirtnitro ( ouri or .vn'\ \ mow : . \Vl.sT'H COUOItayillll' . A cortnlr H lor C _ > isli" . Colds A ttira illriiieliltls , Croup > , "iiiK O > u'h , 8ii ( Itiroit. rieMnnt lotnko 1 < i-iloM WkMIH , nowESc. ; eli ' wiod ouly by Goodman Drug Co , Omaha. CfTlciUA IIEJIEDI73 cleniito the Mood , ttln , end sculp of every implicit , Im purity , mill UUtate , vtlullur iltn- plr , Fcrufuluus , ulnr.iihc. or lie- redltnry. In a word , Itcj arc llio lii ( .iirtB. blood purilit tf , .iiul humor xniedli of moduli H , .mil \\lien HitLi t phy lclon fall. Sold Ilironu1 ! ' il GUPJ9 NF Cur&r the effects ot , einf ions , impoteieyt vai.coctle and canatl- pat Ion One dollar a box , six for J5. For $ alc by TIIIJ GOOD MAN DRUG CO. . Omaha , Neb. for Enfants and Children. "CaitorlalisowellndaptedtochlMrcnthat I Caiturln ciirtH Culle , C'onrtlpitlon , 1 recommend It as Kipcrtor to any proscrlptlou four Stomacb , Piarrhtra , : : nictutlon , Lnonmtomo" 11 A ARCHEK , M I > , Ivllla Wornw , gives fclecp , and promotes di 111 Bo , Oitord i/t , Krooklyn , U. Y. Wiluout Injurious 'ne < llc-allon , "Tho usj of 'Castorla Is fo universal nnd 'Tor w-vcrsl jears I have rccomrctnisJ its merits bo well known that it seems a work jour 'C'astonV c-1 flia'l ' "l aya continue U of supereroKntloii to indon-w It. Yen tare the do SD as It liai Invariably produced bcncllcla/ / iutcUlgent fa-iillli-s who da not kecpCastoria tritaln easy reach. " . PJUUIEC , II. D , , cs , I ) P. , th Street and'thAvc , New York City New York City. Tni Creo-AfT ! CovriKT. 7 SinKi-r , Kcw Vonit. CITT. You remember the story of the prisoner , who , on beinj ; asked If lie was guilty , replied , "How do I know , Judge , till I henr the evidence. " Now It requires no evidence ( except your own feelings ) to convince you that you arc guilty , if you are not tailing advantn e of the remedy at your elbow , which will restore you to good health. If yon iloubl , read what others have experienced. Whether you are a man or woman , it costs money to be sick When you arc well , you arc n breadwinner , and a monsy-maUcr , Others suffer with you when yon are sick. If you are "under the weather" don't delay , but provide yourself at once with LOGAN'S SARSAPARILLA AND CELERY COMPOUND IT IS "UP TO DA.V& , " IT \17AVS CLTR73S. It is the only remedy that purifies the blood and acts upon the nerves at one and the same time , TRY IT. SOLD BY ELL DRUGGISTS G.W.PANGLE M D . . , , , The Good Samarihn. 20 Years' Experience. 01' I)1SF.\SKS Ol' MP.K AND WOMUX. rKOlMUKTOlt OF TUB M'OUI.D'-l linilll.tl , ll.SI'KN- &AKYOF nintrtM : : . 'V ' / treat tlio fol/omng / dscases. Catarrh r f ibp Hcul , Tbrontnnd lamps : DIs- rncnqof tln > lit omul Kar , Pits ami Apoplexy , limit Pi i IIMII. . u-r ( i iniil.vint. Kidney Com- piumi r < cr\oiin i > c1 > llit > . cental > rosHl < iii , I.IISM ill XiiiiHtuxt. } \VoaltnuNMi I > ai ' 10 liiiKl nii\ t \itia Dane i * lllm UIIMMHI \Vluii S , lini ? Sc'inl ilii PIMM soics , 'l'nili > UIH inn ! 1'lstiilii iti ituo rcuioM'tl vtllliiMit lite liiilli * of < Ira\vliiK u clroji ol lilnoit. AVoimuiilli Her tliHIciitc nririiiitt rt'Hloreil to Ill-aim. l > ro | > sL'ltrutl vvltli tuppluur- Special \tleitlloii Kite to l'rlMil < " ami Vciictcut nlMui ofjill Uliicls. sr < > to S.iooflloilcit for um Vein-real nlscimu I uinnof rino vvliliotit Jlertur > . l pi Wurmen einovnl In i d nt Hiiro hums , orm > pa } HcmuiihoUU 01 1 1111' cmul most } wiin utrrniCTii > \\lllFUvoIiriMuidluiiuliidKordollui8 by call * Inn on or usniK1 DR. G. W. PANQIE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. Tin' mil v I'll ) nlclii n Ailiodin tell nlnitulla * pet MIII ultima ) ll Lilian ijiif Minn. UIIIBI. nt u illHlnnciM'liil TIM yui'Slloii 111. illli , > o 1 for men. No U fur vviitnen. All corro < pomlenoti Mrktlv confidential. Medicine twit bj cvpue : ! . Adduts nil lettcrj to 555 BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Enclose lOc in stumps for reply Steam nn I Ho > Wntor Hoatln ? for Roolcioicoa and Buildings. J. C. B1XBY , 202 Main. 2)3 ) Pearl Streets , Council BlulTs , Iowa. QEO. P. SANFOnD. A. W. niCKMAN. President. Cashier. Firsl Minna of COUNCIL BLUFFS. Iowa Capital , - - $100,000 Profits , - - - 12,001 } One of the oldest banks In tlio Mute ot low * . Wo solicit > our business and collections. w pay 6 per cent on lima dcpo tu. We irlll t > * Pleased to cee and servo you. & Bainbrifee , rsGi In tlio State und federal Courts Kooin t 2Ul7S'J > , . bunurt Illock , UIIIM Ii iiliirTn , luvtiv NEBRASKA J3A.NK { / . .S. ' ' llinatiti lli'iwsttoi'tllinatiti , Aebrtiskti. CAPITAL , $400,000 SURPLUS , $55,500 OlllccrB nml Directors Henry W. Yatca , pre . Ident , John S Collins vice iiiralik-nt , Lewis S Itcctl , C.-iBlilcr , VVllllum II. a Hut-lieu , nnt cashier , THE IRON BANK Uo tnil inn mnrvrlonii Kr nch lknir.liCALTHOS free , uud a lenil Riiarmitcollict CXI.TIKIB will h'llll'lll.rhiir. , .l I ml. lom , CtJICI- Hiirrmalitrrhrii.rlcMrJo nd IMS I Olll ; l.o.l V Igor , 1st it anil iftatii/ej , iJlrr , . . VON MOHL CO. . GoU l 'rl < ln < ( i > l > , ( iKlonlll , < lklo. EDUCATIONAL Tnn KoiiTmvr.srnitN MII.ITAHY AOAD. I.MI : , niain.ANt ) I-AUK , II.LINOIH. The niosl Ijeuiltlful nnd liciltliful locution orj I..iKc Mlchlenn lliaruuch C'l.mtlcnl Aiudcmli ) and Commtrclal C'ouraea i\rry : Instructor & FIMLlnHst In his branches Undureiil by tlio les- Ulntura of llllnrils , and unnuully InpijetUd by official reiuincntalHss ol ihe alale. Hcsulon opens Htptembtr 10th. lllus.lraled cutiilutruo nt oa application. Notices . Htieot. iKculiied liy riUKLrulil'ii eroccry. A | > l > ly to Mix Molin. Cicston Imuue W'ANTKO , COAT ANU Vl.ST MAKHlt. luii-anl , 139 Main ntreet CllHlNUys CLHAMH ) . VAULTS ChHANUD. IM llurke , nt VV. a Homer's , 633 Urnailway. ron HAM ; on THAUIJ , 320 ACHKH OK LAND In Hock county. XrlTaika. CD arccn timber land In Michigan , will Undo dilur for stock of Krncrnl mcrchamlliM' , und will put In caih I10UOO ) or II.&J01W , linuBo and lot In CoUar. price , ll.CMOU , will trjdifnr ntuck of gencru iiieixliandlse and put In IMvM cam. line rtB- liltnce pniperty In Council Illufle , pi Ice , H.WMOO , will trail < . tor fftnerul mock and put In ll.OWO ) cauli All coir'KIioiiiknco to b con * lidtnllal Aildrcm lock box 41 , Council Ulurt * . WANTKD , 1'OSITIO.V AS IIOOKKI'KI'KH Ort BUriGgranlipr. mornlne * t-viiilngn uuJ tUtur- ilay . AddretH W II , llee , Louni.ll lllulTa. roH HATiT"oiiTTnAiJB. ON A"'OIT.NT oij liknenB , liaki'iy ami icetaurunt uolntf gooq liunlniss , Mm location , cheap lent AUUrcm il 18 , lleo olllcc. A NICI ; iiitK'ic COTTACII : ron unNT. BI rooms nnd luilh 31 llt-nton strKl. tut 112 M per mantli. Call today. KOH i\CltAKOn. LOT , WITH HTOFM5 anil dHflllni ; mrnlilnci ] . In Council uurlh CC/ ' ) " ) . with Im-iimbrunce nf . for in < rcrmndl or 10 to Ii ncren uf land , dre i g ; . ' , HIT. c'uiinoll llhirfu MT MY rAHM Acuia'i from Nikola all cultivated good billldlntru Ad fa A J 1'orUr111 I'ranklln u.\enu , uiurtii.