TIT TO OMAIFA DATT Y TITTrnST > AY. OOTOTITffn. QT . IfirU. exctusd from pronouncing the words In ques tion. The correctness of these rumors can not ho vouched for , and the tact la only mentioned that ther are In circulation and are receiving frculi nourishment from the absence of ncwi about the wedding. How ever , as news from Llvadla generally takes considerable tlmo la comlnK. news of the marriage may ttllt lie expected. The Hcrlln correspondent of the Telegraph says lie hears It Is probable that only an ecclesiastical betrothal and exchange of rings occurred today between the czarewltch and the I'rlncess Allx Such a betrothal , ac cording to tlie eastern church , Is as Indis soluble as marriage. No announcement of such a ceremony , however , has reached the Hussion embassy In Berlin up to this even ing. niMtrsTU ) ITII ins .itm. German OfTlrcr Throw * Up 111 * CnnimlMlnii In thn I himArinf. . VICTOIUA. 11. C. , Oct 21. Among the passengers on the I'tnpress of Japan v-ns Major Illchlcr , late of the Chinese army , who throw up the post of Inspector Reneral of Tlen-Tsln In dlsguct Ho waa formerly In the German army and was commissioned by LI Hung Chang a couple of years ago to Inspect all troops , regulars and mllltla , and nuggcst Improvements Ho entered heartily upon his duties , but BOOH found It Impossible to perform them. Ho found corruption and fraud rampant , even his re ports to 1,1 Huns Chang being garbled and cut before reaching him The war with Japan wan never cxptcted and when It came China's troops were In a state of demoraliza tion , poorly armed , poorly drll ed and gener ally disorganized. Large turns of money had boon expended to Increase the effectiveness of the army but found Its way Into the pockets of various ollkcrs After leaving China , Hlchtcr spent a short time In Japan and had a long conference' ulth hlp.li Japan ese oinclalB at Hiroshima. AVlion taxed with lia\lng slvcn away \aluable Information Itlcliter laughed nt the Idci for ho said he could gain inoro Information from them than bo oould give to the Japanese. The Japanese had been preparing torni for several years They had a complete survey of every port Major Hlcbter said they had excellent Information mation as to the defenses of Tlen-Tsln. HUN DOWN nil : 1MKI.S. UnkiKiirn S.illlnir Vcmi 1 ont to Iho llottom liy tlin lllfMI.IMIT SOUTHAMPTON. Oct 21. netweon 1 30 and 2 o'clock > estcrday morning the Ameri can llnor Paris , which arrhed here tonight from Now York , ran down and probably sank an u nl ; noun ship Tlie weather was very thick at the tlmo and n heavy rain wai fall- Ing. As soon as the collision occurred ( ho Paris was put about and a search made for the rhip After a time the \essel , or a capsized - sized wreck , \saa reported off the starboard side , but sight of It waa lost before a life boat could bo lowered Nothing further was seen , although the Paris lay off searching until daylight. The steamer sustained no damage be > end having a portion of her rail bent and two wlro stays brokon. Sailors on the Paris say the sailing \csscl showed sig nals of distress after the collision and that screams ucro beard aboard her. It Is stated that a wlilto light was seen on board the ship til r eo minutes before the collision , but that no rod or green light was visible until after the steamer had strucK Captain Watklns declines to iiuiUo any statement except to the compmy's officials Passengers on the Paris criticise the delay of the steamer In lowering a boat and getting the searchlight working. _ m : UNITING TIII : CIIUICUIIKS. liffort tn firing Ilio I iiKtorii unit Westcin C'litliollr Glinrrliift Ingnlher. IfOMn , Oct. 21 The conference to arrange It possible a reunion between the Eastern and Western churches , a movement that had Its Inltlutho In the pope , was opened today , his holiness presiding. Among the high church dignitaries present \\crc Cardinal Ilamapolla , pontlflclul secretary of state ; Cardinal Ledo- chowslcy , prefect of the congregation of the propaganda fide ; Cardinal Lingenlcux , arch bishop of Helms , France ; Cardinal Vlncenzo Vannuttelll , Cardinal Gallmbcrtl , the two Catholic patriarchs or Syila , and a delegate- representing the Maranltc patrlarclu. The pope addressed tlie prelates on tlie return of the eastern cliurches Into Catholic unity and invited Caidlnal Languileux anil the patri archs to give a statement of their views. Tlla conference will bo resumed In a few days. _ Mlirrlod n IJliHilun I'rlnro. 1'AHIS , Oct. 21 The marriage of Miss Susan Tucker \Vhlttlor , diugbtcr of General Charles A. Whlttler of Boiton , to Prlnco Belloselsky-nellszersky , one of the czar s nidoa-de-camp , took place at 2 o'clock this afternoon In the Itusslan church on the Hue da Hue A second religious ceremony of marriage afterwards look place at . ! 15 p in In the American churcli on the Avenue de Alma. Both ceremonies were attended b > tlio ellle of the American 'and Hussl.m colonies. The American churcli as well ns the Russian chucch were beautifully deco rated for the occasion General Whlttler gave the bride away. Prince Orlolf was the best man Among those present vcro I ) iron von Molirenhelm , the Unsslaii ambassndur , and the lion. James I ) Hustls , the American ambassador. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IMItorH Ari < MUil for I.lhel. COLOONt : , Oct. 21 Hcrr Kleaor. publish er , and Herr Pestlcr , editor of the West Deutchcr Algomlno Zeitting , were charged tpday with libeling Baron Marschali von nioberstcln , Imperial secretary of state for for lgn affairs , who , the pnper declared , In spired an article In the Khdderadasch , mak ing charges against Itaron von Kldcrlen- Waechter and other foreign odlclals. The public prosecutor stated In court that the minister of foreign affairs had nothing to do xv lib the article. The civil court ordered that the trial take place November 20 , when the foreign minister will testify The evidence of the witnesses for the defense , Including Chancellor \on Caprlvl , Herr Illch- ter , leader of the frcsselnlgo volkspartel In the Helchstag ; General Spltzer , Herr Pols- torff , editor of the Kladdcradusch , will be taken In Berlin. MiMldliig t iTi-inony nf thn I raroirltcli. LONDON , Oct. 24 According to n dls patch received hero from Paris , n telegram was received In that city from Odessa at 11 o'clock this morning saying that the mar- rlaso of Iho czarevitch to Princess Allx of Hesse-Darmstadt began this morning at Llvadla. According to another dispatch re ceived hero from Paris a telegram has teen received at Darmstadt announcing that the conversion of Princess Allx to the Greek faith took place yesterday In the presence of the procurator general of the holy synod pobledeiisteff The ceremony Is said to have taken phco in the strictest privacy. tlio fluid Mimil ml for Tort Itlco LONDON. Oct. 21 A Madrid dlspatcl. says ; The finance committee of Iho Cortes has decided to establish n gold standard of currency for Porto Hleo The Mexican dollar will hereafter bo need as a basts of weigh for the value of silver SERIES NO. 41-42 HIE AMERICAN ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY. 4 COPagea 260,003 , A JKtiif of Xnmclnttit anil a Mini Tliero lire mom Ihlnre InstnicUTe , useful. Itid eiilriututns In Hint crou booU , "Thn American Encyclopedic Dictionary , " than in Ktir BlmlUr publication ever UstiuU. Tlila treat work , now Jor ilia Urst tli u liiarra wlihta tua reach o ( everyone , la 4 uiilquo publication , for It U at Uio mno tlin j n peril cl dk'Uonary nnd a compk'ta ouonlo. pedln. Only that number of thu booli correspondIng - Ing with the "erica number of tlio coupj.i BreMntrd will bp dnlh er < M ONE Sunday I nd IlirraYralctUy coupon v with 16 cents lu coin , will buy ona pan of Tlie American Unrycloixylla Ulcuoa- rjr , Send orders to Tha B < j\j Ofllcj. morders should ba acldnmgl tJ DICTIONARY DEPARTMENT WHY ADAM CEDE RESIGNED Hero of the "Bitch Baik Breeches a Party Man Above All Things. PREFERRED HIS FRIENDS TO HIS OFFICb Innlitcil on Diilnff Cninpilffii Work Wlillo borvlnc tlioi I'rdrrnl Uuiornnicnt , C'ontriir/ the Order * < ) f tlio .President Olnpy'n Letter. WASHINGTON , Oct 21 The publication In St. Paul of Mr J. Adam Bedc'a letter ot resignation as United States marshal Is re- ' girded at the Department of Justice as a sumclent reason for the publication of At torney General OIney's letter of acceptance In the course of his letter Marshal Ilede , after unconditionally tendering his resigna tion becanso he cannot conscientiously obey the president's order forbidding federal ap pointees doing campaign work , says "I do this because the party to which I have ever given my allegiance and In the principles ot which 1 have an abiding faith Is managed by know-nothings and mountebanks and charged with evils that come from others' crimes. When I must choose between public ofllce and my friends , I will lake my friends and nothing Shall stand between my best ef forts and their best Interests " Ucdo speaks In eulogistic terms of his friend , Major Ilaldwln , who Is making the canvass for re-election to congress , ot his record during the war and during his term as representative In congress , and speaks with extreme bitterness of the fight that Is being made and concludes as follows : "Once more the dogs are ba > lng on his trail , but tliero Is a God In Isincl who takes care of Ills own. " The attorney general's letter accepting Marshal Bede's resignation Is as follows. "I have yours of the ICth Inst , In which you tender jour resignation of the office ot United States marshal on the ground that you cannot conscientiously govern yourself by an order of President Cleveland of 18SG , which forbids federal offlcors from engaging In political campaigns. I have just been obliged to call for the resignation of a United States marshal who bcglnlnng a political campaign with npecchmaklng ended by shooting and Is now under Indictment for murder rroni the tone and temper of jour letter It would not be surprising to find you In a like predicament should you undertake to be a political worker and United States marshal at the same time Undue excitement and recklessness are- al ways most Inevitable when the ordinary po lltlcal partisanship Is added to personal Inter est Inseparable from olflceholdlng Your resignation as marshal Is accepted to take effect upon the appointment and qualification of your successor " Mr. Cleveland Jn his executive ordtr Issued July 14 , 1SSG , sajs In part : "I deem this a proper time to especially -warn all subor dinates In the several departments and all officeholders under the general government against the useof their offlclal positions In attempts to control political movements In their localities "Oinceholders are the agents of the people- not their masters Not only Is their time and labor duo to the government , but they should scrupulously avoid In their political action , as well as In the discharge of their official diitj- , offending by display of obtrusive par tlsanshlp to their neighbors who have rela tions with them as public officials They should also constantly remember that their party friends from whom they have received preferment have not Invested them with the power of arbitrarily managing political af fairs Individual Interest and activity In po litical affairs are by no means condemned Olllccholders arc neither disfranchised nor forblddon the' exercise ot political privileges , but their privileges are not enlarged nor Is their duty to party activity but ofllcoholdlng. " ItlM'UlIMOAN CIU UAMJUKT. ( ircat niitliorlnK of Party LniUliTH nt tlio liar Htato rupltnl. BOSTON , Oct 21. The Ilepubllcan club of Massachusetts'held Us fourth annual ban quet and ratification held In Music hall this evening , with 1 COO members present and many guests. The banquet was followed by rousing republican speeches by republican leaders Frani U II Appleton of Peabody presided , and about him sat the guests of the evening Governor Greenlnlgc Lieuten ant Governor Wolcott , Hon Anthony Hi gins , United Slates senator from Delaware ; lion Harold Scwald of Maine , and lion T. t H.iwley of Connecticut. The good things f the collation had been disposed of shortly tter 7 o'clock , and President Appleton rap- icd for order at 7 15 , saying " \\o are assembled as republicans , but we vclcome to our organization those formerly f other party faith who have come to recog- ilze that the Interests of this country are jest served by the republican party In the lour of victory let us be wisely cautious hat our ship may meet with no storm and rials wb cli shall make the campaign of .800 In the Icart doubtful as to success. May axtr party's platform contain pledges to pro- nioto and protect our business interests on and and sea , and alwajs guarantee a cur- 'ency ' and financial policy tint will bring trosperlly to oar people In their varied call- ngs and be highly honored at home and , broad. " Mr Appleton then Introduced Colonel Green lalgo , at the mention of whoso name the an dlcnco broke Into loud and long cheering As soon as he could be heard he said 'I think I can safely say that we gather icro tonight not as men without hope. To .13 the future Is fair and full ot promise' The governor alluded to the republican wave of success which has swept several sections of this country and asserted that he wo sure It would reach Massachusetts , but ho cautioned the republican party of the state not to be over-confident Lieutenant Governor Walcott was then called upon as ex-preslilcnt of the- club and one o the leaders of the young republicans of Mas gachusetts. Ho said "Until two years agi the young and even the middle-aged voters had never experienced a democratic admlnU tratlon. The government had always beci In the control ot the republican party. A that time the crew of the btiip of state wen led to turn the vessel toward ruin , led by th < democratic siren's deceitful strain Now they are saying 'What was the matter will the former pilot of the ship ' "Tho ovations which Thomas B. Heed o Malna and Governor McKlnley of Ohio ar meeting everywhere show that the futur Is bright , and the enthusiasm with which Gov crnor McKlnley has. been greeted In the very heart ot ths south Now Orleans augur that a break In the 'solid south' may not b far off. " The speaker vlgorouslj denounced the cor ruptlon of th > democracy In New York an what he characterized as an attempt to off set It the arrest and compulsory return t Europe of Iho coachman of the republlcai candidate for governor of that state. In calling upon Harold M Sow all of Maine President Appleton Introduced him as on who had been In the darkness , but had foun light. Mr. Sew all , after extending the greet Ings of the party In Maine to the assemblage said In substance that he laid no claim t having found the only way out of the demo cratlo party , as there -were never so man avenues of escape from that party as today After pajlng trlbuto to James G. Blaine , h said : "Great Britain is the last countr In the world the people of America wish t confer any benefits on , either by leglslatto or executive act. If lu be possible for peace-loving people like ours to have a tradl tlonal enemy , assuredly that enemy Is Grea Britain. " Senator Hawley of Connecticut was the las apeaker. He uald ; "I feel , as It Is said th Englishman frequently feels. 'Let's go out am kill something. ' The people have had an ex perlcnco of twenty months an outrageous dlifirnceful experience. We'll have anothc president. God willing , soon , The demo crata now claim there has been a revival o business. There has. but what kind ? Th Wilson bill has not a single friend an those who ore responsible for It offer apolo glea. You liava full notice , however , that Is only a vantage ground from which I carry on an aggressive fight ugalnst ou Industries What will be the result * Fur ther reduction of waget and a repetition , o is experiences ot the past Iwcnty months , rolcctlon Is the only prevcntntlve. " 1'npullm County Central C'oinmlttrp. A meeting of the populist county central ommlltco vvns held last evening at Knights f I.alor hallj but a quorum was not present nd an adjournment was taken to Saturday venlng. Monday night a meeting was held and hough the county convention did. not pass a esotutlon authorizing the com tn It tee to fill acancles , a subcommittee was appointed o fill by petition the vacancies on the legls- atlve ticket , caused by the withdrawal ot lessrs. Huthcrfard , Lady , Moulton and leadlmbcr This subcommittee was also nstructed to circulate a petition for G. T. Vlttum for county attorney , although the vlthdrawal ot the regular nominee , II. C. Jell , has not been filed with the county lerlc. Petitions for legislative candidates were Igned yesterday asking that the names of Ous Payne- . Michael Nelson , A A Perry nd Charles Johnson be placed on the oinclol allot. Many members of the- county central com- nlttco are opposed to this action , preferring o endorse four regular democratic candl- 'ates rather than place In the field by etltlon populist candidates , and tlio question f the ratification of the work of the sub- ommlttee will como up Saturday night. It 3 also said that a reconsideration of the ctlon ot appointing the subcommittee will e moved for At the meeting- Monday night the executive ommltteo of the central committed was Ischarged and a new one selected. Judges mill clorkH In llpinitiid. Mayor Hemls Is experiencing considerable UMlculty In finding men who are anxious to ; ervo the city as Judges and clerks at the : omlng election , nnd in many of the clghty- ne voting precincts he Is short the requisite lumber. All of the applications for the positions nust b& In by Saturday noon of the present veek , nnd If the applicants do not show up at a more rapid rate than , they have during ho past few days , the Indications are that he vacancies will have to be tilled when the lolls open on election morning In some of he districts HID election boards are already 11 led , whllo In others neither judges nor ilerks have been appointed Parties who arc lompctent and who are desirous of acting In ho capacity ot serving as Judges or clerks hould file their applications with the mayor nt once , that they may bo sworn In and be eady for work. In selecting men for the icsltlons the mayor will give preference to narrlcd men who are competent and who are mt of employment. Teller DriilcR Doing : a l' | iull t Convert. PUEBLO Cole , Oct. 24 Senator Henry > ( . Teller tonight denied at some length at , n Immense mass meeting the newspaper umora that have been circulated that bo vas a populist at heart and was likely lit any time to follow the course of Senator OIIEB lie was first and primarily n sll- er man. he- said but believed In rcpub- Ican principles , as he always had He aid : ' I am a republican I have been a republican all my life , and I expect to ic- maln a republican as long as I live " Ho Ifxlared that the adoption by the Ohio lemocracy of a free sliver plank at 10 to had done more to advance the cause ot jlmetalllsni than all the populist efforts hroughout the country. liully ut Ji'Tmm fiiiuiru. | A populist rally was held last evening at reltcrson square T. C Kelspy , the chairman , stated that owing to Illness the speaker of the evening J. J Galllgan , was unable to be present , and n his stead he Introduced D. Clem Dearer. Oio made a short address Ho requested Nobrasksns to vote for llolcomb for gov ernor , nnd gave roisons why he himself should be supported as candidate for con gress. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ llnrrlKoii ArrUi'H In New York. NHW YORK , Oct. 21 Ex-President Hiir- Ison arrived here this afternoon It Is mdcrstood Mr. Morton will personally ask Mr. Harrison to deliver four speeches here during the campaign. 1 nciil I'nllticiil Notes Gcorgo W Shields , chairman of the demo cratic congressional central committee , made a final effort yesterday to Induce D Clem The Independents will hold a mass meeting at Imposition hall on Saturday evening at vhlch Judge llolcomb and other prominent speakers will address the citizens. The meetings at Jefferson square will be held every night during the campaign. Deavor to withdraw from the race and leave ho democratic field clear to Gov- rr.or Boyd The two held a conference it the Paxton and It was an extended one , lr Shields used every argument at his command but Doaver declined all overtures ind announced his intention to remaJn in the congressional race until the end The letter from J. A Dahlman. demo cratic candidate for auditor withdrawing rom the content , ' " still In the hands ot the state central committee and no action has as yet been taken with regard to It The committee has until this evening to Ills t with the secretary of state The populists ! are Insisting that the withdrawal shall be lied. On the other hand the democrats are : ioldlng It back In the hope of receiving con cessions on the county ticket J. H. IMmlstnn , chairman ot the populist state cantral committee , who has been In : ho city for two days endeavoring to com jileta the fusion between the democrats and icpullsts on the state ticket , left for Lincoln jesterday after having failed to accom illsli his object. Other members of the com mittee still hope to bring about an amicable agreement The whole matter hinges on the demand for the withdrawal of the popu- 1st county ticket. The populists refuse to get out of the way , and so the matter rests. I'lCOJIHiKS 1 * } > TKA1 > OJ'.UOA/.T. Women Crying fnr 'Iliolr Investments ut tlin Olllrr"i ot I'lttKluir ; SvtIndlcru PITTSBURG , Oct. 21 Over 100 women , many with babies In their arms , stormei the office of George M Irwln & Co 's discre tionary pool this morning. They one and all demanded the return of the- money the > had Invested Manager Irwln made a llttla speech , In which he told them that they could have their money by giving five dajs notice after the date of the next dividend but did r.ot state when that date would ar rive This did. not satisfy the women , am the offlce was cleared by a policeman. Manager n X. Devlin of the Plttsburg branch of the American syndicate rcturnw from the headquarters at Chicago this morn Ing. Depositors have to semi their notices of withdrawal through the Chicago office Mr Devlin painted a rosy picture of the affairs ot the concern and promised that a large dividend would be declared In a few days. At the other discretionary pool offices matters are comparatively quiet today fllpf-tliic of Ontrul l.ubor Union. At a meeting ot the Central Labor union last night August Ileernian of Tailors unloi No 92 , was chosen as a delegate from the central union to the meeting' of the national organization of the American Fed era tlon of Labor , to be held at Denver In December. Labor mass meetings , It was decided should be held on Friday evening , Noverabe 2 , at South Omaha , and Saturday and Monday evenings following1 at exposition hall , Omaha I'urimco Cuinpnny Ailvxncei Wages. PITTSBUna , Oct. Zl. The Carrie Fur nace company has advanced wages ot day laborers from 11.05 to $1.20 per day. It I believed other employers of labor who have been paying less than $1.20 for day labo will restore the- price to what It was prlo to the panic. This 10 the second advanc In wages which has occurred In Plttsburg this year Tlio other was to laborers a a Southslde mill. They , however , only re celved 7 c ita of an advance. Met Uealh In HIP Unit. HAHLAN. la. . Oct. 21. ( Special ) Gcorg Obrecht met death In a well near Irwln Sat urday from the effect ot "damps , " IJo hai entered the well lo clean It out and wa overcome while being pulled out , and ft ! back Into the well and expired before he ! could reach him. Ho was well connecte ami highly esteemed. lloli Kntteh * to UoTrloil. HEIvLIN , Oct. 21. The trial of Ilobert I- Kneebs , the American trotting horse owner who Is charged with fraud In racing horse under assumed names , will begin tomorrow JKLAHiJMi'S ' ADVANCEMENT leal mult : Substantial Increase Through UnmU.d ] | Natural Resources. GOVERNOR'JREf FORD'S ' OPTIMISTIC REPORT II t opiilntloik nnil Vnluutlon FUiiros Mnko n Good hfllmVlIc-I'nriirn Slntrbooit irklli tlioiliiillAii Territory Imt Not on Her Oivn Footing. WASIIINOTON , Oct. 24 Governor AVII- lam C Ilcnford of Oklahoma territory has ub in It ted his annual report to the secretary f the Interior The general condition ot the crritory he sums tip In the following1 Oklahoma's progress has been steady and apld eer since the 22d of April , 1SS9. Cap- tat has not as JD ! sought Investment to any ; reat extent In Oklahoma , but there has ieen a real and substantial Increase of health from the unlimited natural resources f the territory , and It now furnishes ono f the best fields for capital In the United itntes. lleports by county clerks to the territorial .udltor on February 1 1891 , shoued the lopulatlon to bo 212i35 ( , but Governor Ilen- ord now estimates It at 250,000 The taxa- ) lu valuation of the terltcry Is } 19 91' 922 " he assessed auatlon ! of the railroad prop- irty U $1,330 512 the alue of the \Vestern Inlon Telegraph company's property Is $52- 20 There are fifty-six banks In the lerrl- ory six national and fifty private In discussing the resources of the territory nd Its agricultural Improvement , Governor lenford says "All Kinds of products grow n Oklahoma and stock raising Is In a rapid tago of development. Manufacturing has iiit llttlo developed There arc strong Imit ations of valuible mineral deposits although ongrcss has declared the land non-nilneral ; ? hcro are also surface Indications of coal , as and oil " Probably the most Important part of Gov- rnor Henford s report Is devoted to sUte- lood , nnd the admission of Oklahoma and ndlan territory as one state He says- 'The question of statehood for Oklahoma las been much agitated , and the people are Itvlded on the question. Some desire state- lood for Oklahoma with the present boun- lary , others prefer to have the matter of tatohood deferred until such time as Okla- loma and the Indian territory may bo ad- nllted as ono state , . As separate states lolther Oklahoma nor the Indian territory kould rank among the great western states Ither In e < ctent or wealth Together thty vould be equal to the greatest , and In my pinion , the greatest state west of the MIs- IsslppI " MKH : NOT PA ostiil Kniplciyot In I'ron Dclhrry IJnditr Civil Scrvlrn Itntim , WASHINGTON' , Oct. 21 Postmaster Gcn- ral Dlssell has adrersed a circular letter o all free delivery oillces In the country elatlve to rforcsd campaign contr.butlons le cites two sections ot the civil service law , vhlch provide that no federal tmploje shall iollc't or give money for political purposes , ilso that no olUcsr shall discharge promote ir degrade , or In any manner change the ifflclal rank or comparison of any officer or . or promise or threaten so lo do , for giving or withholding or neglect ng to make ny contribution of money or other valuable hlngs for any political purpose. General llssell adds * "The forogolng provisions opplj o jour olllce It being a free dellvcr > post ilflce , and muH 'be strictly compiled with t also must lid tlcnrly Understood that no ilerk , carrier or rfther employe of your odlce vllt be jeopani&e | < l In his position for a re- usal to comply \vjtli a request for a political ontnbutlon Upon receipt of this , letter > ou vlll prepare a nuijib r of copies hereof , and est same conspicuously In each division of our office. " Thet postrmister'-Bencral , epeaklng of' this irder , said that lt was a compIHnce with he law. and be Intended to have It enforced n all offices In the department. "The Postofllce department , " ho said "Is a justness , not a political Institution U has icen my endeavor to conduct It on business irlnc pies , so as to give the people the best possible mall facilities We do not want he service crippled or Interrupted for po- Itlcal advantage " hTUIKi : COMMISSION ICIH'OUT. tlentlni ; Ilrlil In be > < ret and .Vollilng fin on Ouf Concornliii ; It. WASHINGTON , Oct 24 The national itrlko committee appointed by the president o Investigate the great strike at Chicago reconvened In the office of Commis sioner of Labor Wright After the last tieetlngs. the members of the committee vent to their homes to prepare subdivisions of the report to b ? presented This has been argOy completed , and the committee Is now engaged In giving final shape to the report o the president The sessions are secret and no Intimation U given as to the nature of Ilia report It Is understood , however that the Inquiry will deal with the strike in such a way as to make the report one of the nest \altiablo contributions to the literature of social problems It is said also that the mportant rulings recently made by Justice la r Ian of the supreme court ot the United Uates In the Jenkins Injunction case arc In Ino with the conclusion drawn from the htwago outbreak as to the rights and limi tations of strikes The report will be sub mitted to President Cleveland soon after lie returns and It will remain for him to deter mine as to its publicity. ,1 up UK-fin ixp : < > rtMiiml Imports. WASHINGTON. Oct. 24 Rugeno German United States consul at Zurich , has trans mitted to the Department of-Stale an clabor- ate report upon the commerce and Industries of Japan , made up by the Swiss % lce consul at Yokohama The total Imports of Japan for 1893 amounted In value to $88,257.171. or $17,000.000 In excess of 1812 The exports for 1S93 were ? S9,712,8C4 as against $91 102 754 In 1892 an excess over Imports of $1 455 091 The principal exports outside of silk were lace and tea The cotton spinning Industry Is making great strides lu 1887 there were twenty- four mills with 130,000 spindles and In 1893 there wore forty-three mills with SS5.265 spindles. Manual labor being cheap , the spinners can meet all outsldo competition and th& foreign Imports of cotton have fallen off considerably dliicc 1888 Import * iBrreiullig fium Mexico WASHINGTON''Oct , ' 24 In a report to the Interior dearTOeht ) | United States Consul German at Ma moas says the effect of the new American * arff | Is being felt in In creased trade v\tbhnorthern | Mexico Large exportatlons ofBdreieed hides , mules , horses , etc , have been iadiled to the usual exports heretofore mad nnd the prospcctH for a large spring builn < W Is most cheering Un der the. operation of the McKlntey act all live stock ceaswli.to be exported , the tariff on horses andijnujfs being $30 each , from two to three ttiuiviitho selling value of the animals In MoikS * > ; This amounted to total prohibition and ) until September 1 not a live animal of a y iWnd had been exported. Larxe exportation * ) of dressed hides and leather show annthw new feature that shares the benefit of tbfllW'llson schedule. I'acino Cotf Vffll Uo for the Navy. WASHINOTpN , Qsi24. . Commodora Clill wick , chief of the equipment bureau of the navy , has received complete report * from the commanders ot , the ahlps engaged In the Iierlng sea , patrol , on the results attending the experiments with Pacific coal. All o : tlio vessels had sonic of this coal aboarc and they consumed about 10,000 tons The trials were confined to thu Kalrhaven anc the Dlue Canon coals , and while they weri not as thorough as la deemed necessary to fully establish the quality ot the coal , the result was -very satisfactory as far as dls closed. Secretary Herbert has determined to pursue the experiment further and vvll cause one of our naval vessels to make ex liaustlve tents of the- fuel , probably using ll on a cruise to Canada. l'ortual .lulu * lu Saul Protection WASHINGTON , Oct. 24 , Portugal has ac cepted the Invitation 'of ' the United States and has signified her adherence to the agree ment arranged by the Parts arbitration for the protection ot the sc.U la tlie North 'aelflo ' ocean nnd Uerln. aca About two nontha ago Iho State department setl ) out a : oto to all the mnrltlmo powers save Great Drltaln. which -was already Included , Invlt- ng them to join In this agreement. These \\era duly acknowledged by nil the recipients nnd the first nation to accept was 1'ortucal , which thereby binds herself to forbid her sub sets to enter the closed zones In pursuit ot seal ? This Is Iho only response BO far re ceived. hUIT TO lllll.'AK 11ll : THUHT. Appeal In the Sucxr Trint < I > HP Now Itcliifr Arcuml lit V iDliliiRKiiii WASHINGTON . Oct 21 Argument was jegun In the United States supreme court oJay on the appeal of the government from he decision ot the United Stales district court for the eastern 1'cnnsjUanU district n favor ot the American Sugar Heflnlni ; company , n. C Knight nnd the Spreckels and I'rnnldln rellncrles. ngnlnst which the : overnmcnt brought suit under the Sherman null-trust law. Hx-Sollcltor General Phillips opened for the got eminent and John Johnson r the refiner * . The present suit was brought originally \ltli the Intention of having the sale of the iroperty and business of the Knight , the SprecKcls , the franklin nnd the Delaware itiBar house companies to the American Sugar leflnlnR company declared void nnd Illegal , mder the Sherman initl-triist law The at- ortieys for the got eminent In their nrgu- nent sought to show Mint the four I'hili- lelphla companies prior to March. 1&'J2 mnn- ifacturexl Independently of the American lugar RoflnltiK company 33'-4 per cent of the otal sugar iiianufaUured In the United States , competing with the American com- mny , nnd that b ) obtaining the control of .he stock of these companies the American ilelinlng company obtained n virtual mo- lopoly of the stignr refining business of the Jnlted Slates , and wns thus able to limit : ho production nnd Increase the price of re ined sugar The consolidation was chimed o fla\o been a combination and conspiracy to effect an Illegal object. 1 im.MSHIMi 1 KOIJU VI , IIUII.DINCS. Tlioso nt Kri'inont inrl Slnuv I'nIU Urine riiolc < l Aflvr l > y the Aiitlidi-ltlcn. WASHINGTON , Oct. 24 ( Special Tele gram ) A T. Carlisle , lnsp ° ctor ot furniture for the Treasury department , who has charge ot furnishing all new public buildings , has lust returned from his tour ot Inspection in the northwest. Inspector Carlisle made n visit to the- new public buildings now under construction ut Kreinont. Neb , nnd Sioux Tails , S D , and h.is juet completed his list ot furnishings for these two buildings , which m will recommend Secretnr ) of theTreas- .iry Carlisle for uppn al As soon as this list Is approved by the secretary the ndier- tlsements tor the bids will be made. The line to bo allowed for receiving the bids vlll ba about ten days , nt the expiration of which time the bids lUll bi > opened nnd the contracts awarded Air CartHlo believes hat the buildings at Fremont and Slonx > 'alls will be completed by February 1. 1895 , ind that the furnishings will be ready by hat time. V. K West was today appointed posttn.is- cr ut Kuroka , Adirus county , lalce U. S Thompson , resigned Kcciignl/pd tlio lliiwiillan CoiiHiilx. WASHINGTON Oct 21 The president has rccocnlzcd the consuls and \lce consuls of the new consular set\Ice of the Hawaiian republic , \lz Bllsha H Allen , consul general at New York , Gorh.im D Gllman , consul gen eral at Boston ; Robert II. Davis , consul gen eral at Philadelphia ; Chailes r Wilder , con sul general at San IVanclsco ; John f Tay- orlce consul at San rrnntlsco , nnd the following consuls George H. Coates at Seattle , James I. Halllcr , at Tacoina ; James G Swan , at Port Townscml , John McCracUen , at Portland , Ore , Harrj I'ood , at San Diego , Ca ! Tlio exequaturs Imvo been duly Issued and the new republic of the Pacific Ib now luly recognized In nil its fullness. - 1i > n hy a I.UK olii lun. WASHINGTON , Oct. 24 Henry E Lewis of Lincoln , Neb. , has been appointed recolver ot the First National Dank of Kearney , Neb. i ; 10 JI't'MI..I.V. . I'hll.ulelplilnns Do Honor lo I.lttlo Mac ' 1 lu Miintuiiint Uuacrlliuil. MIILADKLPHIA Oct. 24 In the presence of clvlo and military dignitaries from all > arts of the country and amid the crack of uuskets and the strains of martial music the equestrian statue of Major General McCJel- an was unveiled In the north plaza of the city hall here this afternoon The general's \Ulovv and their son , Colonel Geoige H. Mc- Jlellan , Governors 1'attls.on of Penns > Ivanla lejnolds of Delaware , McCorkle of West Virginia and Flshback of Arkuims , Major Jeneral Schoficld , commander-ln-chlef of the army , and a host of other equally dis- Ingulshod persons were present The handsome bronze equestrian statue Is ho most artistic of the kind In Philadelphia t stands on the northwest corner of the ; quare surrounding tlio public buildings , and s a monument to the perseverance of the McClellan Memorial association , as well as to the soldier citizen of their native city. The statue was designed bj Henry G Sllicott of Washington , chief modeler of the United States government under President Harrison The work Is full of lite , cxpresb- Ing warlike ardor in Its highest form. H Is of heroic size , and Is finished in the most artistic manner H Is made of United States statuary bronze , from one to ono nnd three-eighth Inches thick The horao Is 109 Inches long and Its height Is in proportion Tlio figure of General McClellan Is one and one-half life sUe. The statue uas cast In these parts scparatolj Head of horse , body of horse tail of horse , each leg of horse and the plinth which supports the charger The figure of tlie general Is cut at the boot tops and under the belt , the head and arms being cist sep arately. The -various parts are securely bolted together and make the monument really stronger than It It were cast whole. It was cast by the Ames Manufacturing company of Chlcop"e. Mats The movement to get up a statue commem orating the glory of General McClellanwas begun by a little band of patriotic Phtladel- phlans soon after he was burled In Trenton N J , but as money came In slowly the Mc Clellan Memorial association was formed , Colonel James H. Nkholson being elected president. A hundred or more of the foremost men In Philadelphia belong to the association The Memorial association pledged Itself to raise (10.000 and the citizens promised to collect J20.000 The statue was finished nearly a year ago , but the Memorial association would not allow It to be brought to the city until everj dollar necessary to pay for It had been subsi rlbed Then the members went towork with In creased determination , and a few weeks ago a sufficient amount was raised. In the last six months $0 GOO was collected Then Major Vulle wrote to send on the statue It arrived In Philadelphia. September 28 and Is now on Its pedestal The pedestal was designed by Paul M Pclz of Washington , and built by James Halston of Philadelphia. It U of granite , In nlasslvo and beautiful form , and Is ODD of the handsomest pedestals In the United States It has a broad base , embellished with festooned wreaths of bronze On either side are ornamental bronze panels bearing Inscriptions telling the virtues of the splen did American In whose honor It Is set up Tha whojo work Is thirty feet high and about fifteen feet long The ceremonies of the statue were opened by prayer by Hev. Ir McCook. Gen eral Smith then made a stirring address , re ferring to the dead hero as thn creator of the Army of the Potomac A poem written for the occasion by Dr. S. W. Mitchell , was road. As the flags fell from the statue a salute of seventeen guns was fired by battery A of the National Guard of Penn sylvania , and the First regiment band played "Hall to the Chief " The program was then resumed , with orations by General William G. Kranklln of Hartford , Conn. Governor Pattlson and others The statue Is twenty-three feet nine Inches from the ground to the crown of "Llttlu Mac's" hat. The casting , after a model by Sculptor S J. nillott of Washington , U C , shows the general In full field uniform Iowa Mule Mil ( I I era' Monument DBS MOINES , Oct 21 ( Special Telegram ) The bronze statute for the soldiers monument ment which was cast In Chicago will bo on exhibition In the Art Institute tb re until to thU cltf. if.ef3t.rsf OUTLAWS' ' SWAY IS SUPREME Affairs in the lutllan Territory Rapidly Approaching a Crisis. CIVIL AUTHORITIES ARE POWERLESS If United State * .MuriOml * Do Not Clipclt tlio IjiwlrMiifM Troops \Vlli Ho I nl I I'll Into WASHINGTON , Oct. 24. Tlio Indian ofllce has received nnothec telegram from Agent Wisdom at MusKogee , I T. , relating to the trouble experienced from lawless men In that section. He sa > s : "Tho Cook Bins of outlaws In force H camped at Gibson station , eight miles from here on the Missouri , Kansas & Texas road It Is believed that another holdup is con templated My police force such as I get together , Is not equal to the emergency , and Marshal Crump at Kort Smith , Ark. , writes me he has no money to keep marshals in the field lor a campaign Affairs hero are In a desperate condition business suspended and people generally Intimidated. Private Individuals are robbej every day and night. I renew my recommendation and earnestly Insist that the government , through the proper channel , take the matter in hand and protect Its courts and tltlzens who are lawful residents In the territory Llceiiied traders are espcclall } suffering , and they are here under dispense. This state of siege must be broken and something donate to save llf * and property " This telegram was referred to Secretary Smith , who called the attention of the sec retary of war to his request ot yesterday that Iroops be sent to the Indian Territory and suggested the urgency of early action as desired by the government It has been determined by the Interior department oil ! clals to break up the lawlessness In the Indian Territory If the active assistance of the War department Is secured Attorney General Olney has sent telegrams to the United States attorney and the United States marshal at Port Smith to do everthlng leglt- lmatel > within their power to prevent Iho Interruption ot interstate commerce and the detention of the United States malls If thcso efforts fall. It Is assumed that the military will be called Into requisition Secretary Smith was as'kfd to day what he should recommend to prevent permanently the lawlessness and reign of tenor that now exists In the Indian Territory "Abrog-ite the treaties , abolish the tribal relations , es tablish a territorial government , and extend the Jurisdiction of the United States over the whole territory " he replied promptly The secretary expressed the opinion tint local self government of thn civilized tribes was a failure thus far. Their Icgltlaturc. ) make laws , but there seems to be no waj of enforcing them Men who had all along been opposed lo the course he suggested now E > aw there was no other way out of the difficult ) He would see that the Indians were protected In nil their properly rights , but he would hive the United States control sufficiently to rid the territory of the outlaws. If a ter ritorial government were cstabll&hcd , judges would be sent there to administer the IRW& , nnd the governor who was appointed could sco that they were enforced The report of Governor Itenfrow ot Oklahoma advises the consolidation of the two territories , saying the whites would then piodomliuUe This being called to the secretarj 's attention , ho said that the white people in tlio Indian territory now largely predominated , but they had no voice in the affairs of the ROV eminent It was true that among the white people tliero were many who were now causing trouble but if the United States had com plete territorial jurl'dlctlon over the terrl- torj they could drive them out nnd the better clement . would prevail The secretary said the Intnide-s now In the Chciokec country should be driven out. The department , he added , would not In terfere further In the Sllan Lewis case from the Choctaw country , and ( hat It Is probable Lewis will bo shot. \t > trnins of the I.nto War Itrnicinlicrod t > y tlio < ion r l ' oirniini nt. WASHINGTON , Oct. 24. ( Special ) Pen sions granted , Issue of October 12 , were Nebraska Original Julian r. Shafner. Beatrice. Gngo ; Uriah Ilon&cr , York , York. Increase John C Knapp , Palmer , Mcrrick , William True , Hudson , Hayes Ueissue James M Jester , Omaha Douglas Original widows , etc Harriet Lattlrner ( mother ) , nianrhe , Chase Iowa Original John II. Peel , WaubecK Linii Reissue Silas W. Harris , Cresco. Howard , John Kelly , Mlllvllle. Clayton Or- Itial widows , etc Elizabeth Cozard , Cum berland , Cassj Nicholas Fleenor ( father ) , Nora Springs , Klojd South Dakota Original George IJoard- rnan , Sioux Palls , Mlnnchaha. Increase George H Green , Custer , Cueter ColoradoIlctssue Adolph Leppcrt. Daw- kins , Pueblo Mexican war survivors Phll- onda D Moore , Montiose Montrc-se. Montana Original Michael IJarry , Tort Custer , Ouster. REUISTEH TODAY. Only limn llcinnlnlnc 1'iiyn for I'rglvtrn- tliiu nfOCTK. . Ilegls-trarB will sit In every polling booth of the city today from 'J a. in. to 9 p I m Kvery elector must register this year. Do not neglect the matter Ia > s for registration are : Thursday , October 25. | Friday , November 2. S | Saturday November 3. I IVixit JUiirkrt. ST IXIUIS , Oct 21 \ \ OOI.rKatlicr qulot with. Home demand noted for nearliy lirltjit mi' Uiutu and tut * washed. A Gentle Corrective ii what > ou nci < l when jour liver becomes inactive. It's what you gctwlien yon take Dr Picrce's Plcnsant Pellets , they re free from tlietioUnce nnd the griping : that conic with the ordinary pill. The best medical authorities aRfce that tn icgulati UK the bow e Is mild methods me { inf erable. 3"or every de rangement of the liver , stomach anil bowels , these tiny , sugar coated pills arc most effective They po about their wort in an easy and naitnal way , ami Ihcir KooJ lasts Onc < - iiM-d , Iliry nro nlivnMin In- vor. Being composed uf the choicest , concen trated vegetable ex tracts , they co-it much more than other jiilU found in the market , yet from forty to forty- four arc put up in each - scaled glass vial , as sold through druggists , at the price of the cheaper made pills " Pleasant Pellets " cure biliousness , sick and bilious headache , dizziness , costiveness - ness , or constipation , sour stomach , loss of appetite , coated tongue , indicciilioii , ordys- pcpsia , windy bclchhigs , "heart-burn , " pain and distress after eating , nnd kindred derangements of the liver , etomacli and bowels Put up in scaled glass vials , there fore always fresh and reliable. Whether as a laxitwe , or in larger doses , as a gently acting but searching cathartic , these little "Pellets" arc unenualed. Asa "dinnerpill , " to promote digestion , tai-e one each day after dinner. To letieve the distress arising from ovrj-cntiug , noth ing equals one of these little "relicts. " They are tiny , sugar-coated , miti-biliotu granules Any child readily taVes them. Accept no substitute that may be recom mended to be 'Must ut good " It may be better far the dealer , because of paying him a better profit , but he is not tlie one who needs help A free sample (4 ( /doses ) on trial , is mailed to aur address , post-paid , on receipt . of name and address on postal card. Address , WoRr.D'S Dlsi'lir-SftRV Mr.DiCAL , ASSOCIATION. . Buffalo. N , V. KNOWLEDGE firings comfort nnd improvement nnt3 t nib to personal enjoyment when rightly twu. Tlie many , who live bet ter Ihrm others Mid enjoy lifo more , with le a expenditure , by more promptly fKiikpth'i * the world's liofct prodtictn lethe the needs of physical being , will attest < the value to liwiltli of the ] iurc liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy , Syrup of Figs. tf Ita excellence is due to its presenting1 in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste , the refreshing r.nd truly I liMicflcinl properties of a perfect lux- t athi ! ; crTuctually cleansing the system , dispelling colds , liendaclnvj fttid fevers \ and permanently curing constipation. It has civeii satisfaction to millions and met vmh tlio approval of the mciljcnl profession , becan'o it acts on the Kid ney : , iiiver and Howels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from ovcry objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs Is for sale by all drug- isU in 'lOcnim $1 IwiKIcf , but it is raan- t ucturcd by Iho Cilifornia Fig Syrnp o only , whose name is printed on every iickage , also the name , Syrup of Figs , nd being well liifnrn ed , you will not substitute if oflernd. MfeBl S I Tills extta- ordinary Je- { Comtlpatlon , J > ! Juvcnator Is zziiuvB , tlio most Falling Sen. wonderful fnUonNcrv discovery of oustnttohliift tlio BRO. U of the oyra has been en nnd other dorsed by the inn Is. - Strcnsthons. tine Jnou of InvlKoratta l-uropo aud and tones tha Amtrlcft. Hudyan Ii uiaft cure Hob Ility , _ Nervousness , tludyan stops J > .mllBloUt , Premaluieims niuldevcloixa of the d is- mid restores charge in _ ( > organs. ' ( lays. Cure/ J'alua in the / ) back , losses LOST by uny OT JUAN1100D nightstoppod quickly. Over Z.OOO private Indorsements 1'retnaluicncsa iiuum HiU'uttnci ' ; lu the flrrt Btagr It U u iinplom uf etmlnal weaknosi and bairtnncsi u um be cured In V ) Uayi by tbi use of Iludynn Th new discovery was made by the cpeclnlltti of Itm old famous Hudson Medical Institute. II la the strongcm vltallzer made It 1s vtry pow r > ful but haimlms p-'J for SI 0 a package. 01 li packOK i for J5CO ( plain uenlpcl boxei ) . Written RUaianlco Kven | for n cure If you bill eli loirs , nnd arc not entirely cured , slic moM will bo pnt lo you frco of all rhnrBC. C nd tot ctrciilnni nnd t tlninn'i ' ! Aclilre HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE Junction Stockton Murkot , mid Kllh Streets , San k SEARLES & SEARLES SPEGJailSTS , Chronic WE Nervous Private AND Diseases K KI9 B99 Ireatinentby Mail , CoiisulUlioii Fro Calarrli , till diseases of the nose : , Throat. ChestStomachLivur.Blood Skin and Kidney diseases Lost Manhood and all Private Dis eases of Men , II on or mUlroHs , Dr. Searlcs & Scarles 1411 I'liriuin Sin . , Ointiliii Null A M US bi VI j vT C Wednesday-Ttiursdas ® OCT. 24-25. TWO NIGHTS ONLY TRATJK L. BIXBY'S NKW DOMKSTIL IT.AY IiiliTiuetiHl bj Prink Loiwu and a Orand Crist Tin niuHt larTtMtlj Htmiliif illiiioiUni prixluc- llniiH A | > 1 ly full ( it lu irl Mill linnm llmbi'l- ilslitd wllli m iL-nllUciit wc'iK ry and m.irllluv of- Jicts. Silo oi > UK Tuendiy niorulnir nt UHIU ! lirlcoa 55U ri'Horvcil eutn ut CO cuUi eaoli iBTH StrTHEaTER > ( " 'W Tclopliono 1C U TONIGHT. TONIGHT. Tlin ML310AL COMKUV-NOVKI.ry Matinee hnttmlny .Mull mo Prices. Any Seat in the House , 25c. I5THST. THEUTRE TKr.Kl'HONI ! 1311 4 NIGHTS , CouMuenoiuK Sumlny Mat The I'unnlmTliinB ( Imt 4-11-44. A r\ju B COMKDV Mivni/rv. ilntliuuNocliRsdny MutlnioYulinMlay , SATURDAY , OCTOBER 27 , AT SP , M. 'Ill THE Omaha LicderKianz and Saengerbnnd. ( Jlmrlo * IVIcrson . Jlrfrl. ? ° r Cn-it VlolliiUi linns Albert Tlio .lostinli Oalim . oo n And tlio tflrtt Infantry Hefilmeiitllaml.N 0 , IT Admission , 50 Cents.