Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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DellvTt < S ly carrier la nny part of the cltr.
! ! . W. TIL.TON , Lcuee.
S IJuslnni otllce , No. 4J | nlghl
tailor. No. > .
Mnyno Ilcul nute Agency , r.30 Ilroadway ,
The Ganymedo Whp l club will make a
300-mile run to I.lttlc Sioux ninl return to
morrow morning.
S. P. Vanatta li "ut with ft chnllengo
to General James V. Weaver for ono or
more Joint debates.
A marriage llcinse viim l surd yesterday
to Hans Danker , nged SI. and Ultima Ivcrs ,
oged 22 , both of this county.
H. P. Kerns nnil K. Slgwart arc each serv
ing a thllly-day tentcnre In the county Jail
for stealing corn and sweet potatoes from
J. It. Mcl'hcrron'a garden.
The fcot ball game that Is to take place
today betvtsn the High school team of this
city mul the Crclghton college team ol
Omaha , will commence at 2 . .0 sharp.
Tlie ladles of St Kroncls Xavlcr'a Cr.lhollc
church will give another eoolal for the bone-
ni of the poor of tlio city In the basement
of the church next Thursday oven'n ' ? .
The Dudley Huclt male ( lUarlel will fclng
Bun-lay afternoon nt the I o'clock service
In St. Paul's chinch , and In the evening
at the first Presbyterian church In Omaha.
Pilgrim Sisters. Academy No. 1. will meet
In regular soislon this evening nt :10 : slmrp.
After the meeting refreshments will be
sen-id and an entertainment will be given
by the * children.
Mr. nnil Mrs. Henry Iloblnson and the
Misses Koblnton hnve tfsued Invitations for
the openlns of their new conservatory of
music , to take place on Thursday evening.
October 2. . from S o'clock to 11.
William Rogers' saloon at 538 K. st Hroad-
wny was entered by a sneak thlct Thursd-iy
morning nnil the rash drawer was robbed
of abi ut $ J in pennies. A bojllo ofhlsky
was the only liquid rerreahmcnt that stuck
to his fingers.
P. II Wind commenced Ihc work of ex
cavatlng yesterday lor the foundation of the
new gymnasium nt the school for the deaf.
Ho has nearlj completed the work ot erect
ing the lllgli cclioal building nt Stuart and
a ICO.OOO school house at Van Meter.
UcRiilar meeting < -f Commercial Pilgrims
this evening All members are earnestly re
quested to be present. There will ho Im
portant business There will DC several can
didates for Initiation and a social after
wards , Riven by the Pilgrim Sisters. Meet
ing at 8 o clock shaip.V. . A. Travis , sec
Articles of Incorporation have been flleil
with the county recorder by the Ozark Land
nnd Mineral company , whose capita ! stock
Is $3,000,000 , The Incorporates are : P. G.
Noel , A A Uoblnscn , M. A. Low , \ \ . H.
llcsslngton.V. . 11 Vincents , J. li. Johnson ,
Darney Lantry , C. Caldvvcll and C. O.
Charles and Kittle Laweon. charged with
receiving and concealing some silverware
stolen from the house of T. Turner In 1-re-
mcnt , Neb. , had a trial In police court yes
terday morning , but the fctate was unable to
prove that they bought the goods vlth the
knowledge that they were stolen. They were
The residence of T. 13. Dunbar , 719 SKtl
avenue , was entered by burglars Wednesday
night , who obtained access by breaking n
window light. The family were getting
ready to move to another part of the city.
The goods were nil packed up and the family
were away from home. After rummaging
around among dry goods boxes for awhile
the burglars gave it up as a bad Job and
took nothing
Mrs. William Gard , who lives on Wabh-
Ington avenue , near the corner of First
street , was walking along Broadway Tliuiii-
day evening when she was Insulted by
man named Fred Wood. She went home
nnd told her husband , who went out with
her to catch the fellow. He was raked In
by the police about midnight anil given a
trial In police court yesterday morning. He
was. found guilty and given thirty days In
the county jail.
William H Sherratt , father of Frank W
Sherrntt cf this city , died at his. homo ii
Uuford , S. D. , Thursday. He was a resi
dent of this city from boyhood until about
ten years ago. He was a member of com
pany A of the Twenty-ninth Iowa Infantry
under the command of Captain J. P. Wil
liams of this city. The funeral will take
place today under the nusiilcea of the Gram
Army post of Iluford. The son left for that
place last evening to attend.
The Do hong Industrial school will resume
operations today at 2 p. m. at 161 Ilroadway
ono door cast of the Ogdcn hotel. Mr. Do
tong says the delay in reopening the sclioo
after the summer vacation Is due to the
fact that n permanent location has not beei
secured. The present quarters are only tem
porary , but It was thought best to reconvene
the school without further delay. AI
teachers and pupils nro requested to be 01
hand , Visitors are also invited.
Mrs. F Browncld was consulting with the
bounty authorities yesterday trying to de
vlso tome way of getting possession ot her
14-year-old son , who has hijsn working tint !
very recently for Cole & Cole. Wlthou
giving her notice he i > ackedv up his grip twi
or three days ngo and startwl out , and noth
Ing has been heard uf him since. She think
ho started out with EOIIIQ' friends for a
cruise down the raging Missouri. IIu Is olc
enough to choose his cn\n guardian , so Urn
the county olllrlals are unable to take an )
action toward helping her out.
James A. Dooley , who paid the penaltj
for the crime of murder yesterday mornln
on the gallons nt the Fort Madison pen I
tentlary , was an Inmate ot the county Ja !
at Council UluCTs two years ago last Ma >
the day after he committal the crime. H
bora the reputation of being of n brutal n.i
turo for years before he did the act tha
cost him his life. He was here for severa
days , waiting for the- public wrath to dl
out sulllclcntly BO > that he might be take
back In safety lo Adams county.
I Vol' Alr'llKht
Heaters are at the head , They are con
Btructcd on scientific principles. All prices
COI Ilroadway.
Now sterling silver novelties , very beautl
ful and stylish , at Wullman's , 403 Ilroadwaj
Eagle laundry , 721 Uroaclway , for < jco
work. Tel. 167.
Havana Freckles cigarDavis , wholesale ngt
Domestic coap outlasts cheap soap.
1 'Kit * O.11 , 31 i.N T/O.V.
Qeorgo Ailgate , Jr. , la ot the Gram !
Z , S. McFatrldee of Ies Molnes Is at the
C. U. Swpet has bought out the Ogdeii
hotel ne 3 stand.
Ilcv. C. I * . Kvaus of Oskaloosu Is the
gut-si of Dr. A. 11 Carter ,
Dr , Gcorsi * 1 > . Herron U making his head
quarters nt the Grand hotel.
lira , J , J. Stewart anil daughter left hat
evening for a brief visit with her parents
In Oskaloosa , la ,
M U. Jones , accompanied by his vvlfo nnd
daughter , U the ciicst Of his brother , J. J.
Joiies. fcr n few days. Ills homo U In
Sandwich , 111.
Mrs. Mary Ilalrgrove anil daughter , Fran
ces , who have been visiting Mr. and Mre.
% V. A , HlghBrnUh , returned Thursday nlglit
to their hoinu In Jackeonvlllo , III.
W. O. Wlrt had hla arm dressed Tlnira-
day ami found It progressing \\ell on the
road to recovery. Ills phjslclan says , how
ever , that It \\lll bo tuelvo or eighteen
months beforetie can use It at all , and
U will always bo weak. One of the bones
of tlio forearm was shortened by the loss
ot two Inches and Iho other by tlx Incliei.
Tha pieces were Joined together with silver
wire , the/ operation being performed with
the lots of conilderabla miucular tissue and
resulting- the nrm being about tno Inches
dorter than Its mate.
Domestic patterns can only bo had at
Vuvra'a nuvv dry goods store , 142 Uroailuay ,
Wcsbcrwomen us Domestls scap.
Primler tea cups at Lund Qroi. ,
W , M , William i Try'ng to Interest Cap
italists in a How Sleeping Oar Scheme.
Can lid Dull ! Cheaper 'Hum tlio I'liltiniiiK
nnil Arc .Mui'h I.em Topliratf Mat-
tre f to Hu Inflated
ultli Mr.
W , M , Williams , ho lives on Harmony
street , IMS a plan for building sleeping cars
which ho thinks Is destined to knock Pull
man out of business. An effort Is being
made to Interest so mo of tlio prominent
fln.inclera of this clly In the project of start-
Inu n factory , and with this end In view
Hubert Olllcer Invited a number of them to
his ofllco last evening , where Mr. Williams
laid bare his scheme The first car , he say ? ,
an be built for $14,000 , and after that the
osl will bo about $11,000 or 112,000 , or prob-
bly half of what n Pullman coach costs.
One main advantage his car has Is that the
te'stit ' Is nearer the wheels , all the top-
, ea\lnoas of the Pullman sleeper being
voided mul the rar rendered less likely tel
l ! > over. It can also be built on a lighter
cale , on nccuunt of the more even dlstrlbu-
lon of the ueight. One unique feature of
he afTnlr Is the manner of filling the beds.
' mattresses are made of rubber and
heic is a pumping apparatus attached to
he wheels , so that when the car moves air
s pumped Into the mattresses until the little
ube which makes the connection Is with-
lra\\n. What would happen In case of a
iiiiictnre the Inventor does not say. The
ifiicr berths are made In much the same
namier as the "vestibules" of the passenger
C -ch s. so that when not In use they He
up clo e against the side of the car.
Mr. Williams Is posbejsed of a great deal
< mechanical Ingenuity , liiul his plan met
lth HIP approval uf all who heard tils ex-
ilanatlon. Once before ho appeared before
ho public In the role of an inventor , his
nvcntlon beln i : n chair which could b
urncd at ivill into a bed , a refrigerator , a
rath tub , or almost anything clsc , excepting
a piano and a cooking stove.
A M\V 1,1 IT < r 1IAKU.UN3
'or Suliiriliy mul Monday ut tlin lloMtnn
11-4 cotton blankets , good weight , DSc a
Ladies' flannel skirts , all wool , C9c each ,
( i'.ic Shaker flannel , Ic a yard.
Turkey reil damask , 12V&C a yard.
A good , all linen c.ash , Cc a yard.
Lad IPS' winter weight vests , 12 > fcc each.
33c vests and pants , lc ! ) each.
GuntH * heavy underwear , all btjles , 23o
'flCll. '
Cunts' liL'.ivy wool underwear. O2',4c ' each.
Gents' vorklng shirts , 25c each.
Gents' heavy cotton iochs , Cc a pair.
L-idles' heavy wool mittens , 15c a pair.
Children's wool mittens , 15c n pair.
oj-lncli pongees and sateens In light color.- * ,
vorlh li'/ac , to close. 3c a yard.
Good standard prints , 4c a jard.
liullgo blue prints , 3c a yard.
lied and black figured calico , 3c n yard.
A new nbsoitment of storm serges in navy
jlue and black , get prices. Special bargains
n atrlppd and fancy silks for vvalsts.
Council Hluffs.
Mum Ht Clone
Amateur nsttonomers , equipped with
ilnoculais , as well as professionals with
Ixty-foot refractors , will rivet their gaze
upon the bright disc of the planet Mars to
night , which Is ono of the most conspicuous
objects In the heayens. Millions of telescopes -
scopes In every clvllbed land on the globe
have been turned on the rnady-faced star
every night for many weeks , for It has been
blazing In the sky with Increasing brilliancy
ilnce June , but tonight It will be at its
lerlod of greatest brightness. On the 13th
if this month It was 1,000,000 miles nearer
o us. but It was not directly opposite the
un. and did not turn Its full Illuminated
Use toward the earth. Tonight this occurs
and the planet will be at Its brightest and
lily about 40.000,000 miles away. It
IB llftecn years before It will be in the same
position again , but the earth will not then
be In quite the same position In its orbit
hat Is now occupied , so this will be the
best chance to get better acquainted with
our neighbor than we will have for sixty
yeais A powerful field glass will resolve
.he pl.inet Into a disc , and a glass magnl
, 'ylng llfty diameters will show Its surface
: ibout as the moon appears to the naked
eye , or through a pair of opera glasses. The
; ilanet rises at sundown , and at midnight it
is exactly south.
vicTomou-5 cm-rs
the King uf All Temperance Drliilin Knock *
Out All ItlviU
The extraordinary demand created for
Copps Cheer In all temperance communities
where Intoxicating beverages caunot be
has led envious alleged rivals to attack it
anil misrepresent it. Among conservative
ami cautious dealers who do not wish to even
approach the line of violation of law , an
families who don't want nn Intoxicating bev
erage In their lockers , these misrepresenta
tions have led to the most crucial tests for
alcohol known , and the beverage , while
sp.irKliii , Invigorating and henlth-bulldlng
hits been found to be as harmless us the
mildest soda water. Thus the nllcge
"friendly warnings" coming from 1 ille fel
lows who think themselves rivals ) .r.ive to lie
selllsh misrepresentations made for the Mil
purpose of enabling them to force the salter
or nauseous and unwholesome compounds.
Wheeler & Hercld , Council llluffs , la , are
the originators and sole brewers of Copps
Cheer , and give an Indemnifying bond to
every dealer , while the beverage hpeaks for
Itself. Hut If more proof Is desired the LMI
dorscments of ministers. Judges , chemists
and iilnslclnns can be referred to as the )
have appeared In The lice dally for weeKb
and hundreds of others In our olUce.
d Vertical Writing.
The semi-annual round table of the superIntendents
Intondents of southwestern Iowa convenu
last evening at the superior court room o
the county court house. About seventy-live
of the teachers of Council Bluffs- were pres ,
cut , together with thirty or more promlnen
educators from out of town. An Interesting
discussion was had upon the subject , "Is Ver
tical Writing a Kail ? " In which the varlou
claims made In Its fa\or by the friends o
the new system wore brought out , as uel
as those of the opposition. Its friends claln
Hint It Is more liygenlc , moro easily taught
and , as it covers less space , moro rapid than
the now prevalent sloping characters , whll
each ot these claims Is disputed b > thos
who are Inclined to look upon the new systen
.is moro of a fad than anything else Thos
who took part Id the discussion were Ir
Mnrblu of Omaha , Superintendents Chevalle
of Ittxl Oak , I.acey of Shennndoah , Sawyer o
Council lUutts and norland of Alton , and th
Misses Van Ness of Denison and lllood o
Council Illuffs. The second meeting will b
held this morning at 9 o'clock In thu as
sembly room of the high school , when othe
subjects of Interest to educators wilt be taker
J. C , IIiiRniujr a liinry I'utrnt ,
Hungarian Process Flour.
.Mado by the oldest milling firm In the west
makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. Asl
your grocer for It. Trade mark : "Blu
Hog cholera preventive and euro by Dr
JefftTis. Fletcher avenue , Council Hluffs
will stop the dlaeasu In one hour. Trla
bottle. 1.
_ _
For line special upholstering and the bcs
hair mattresses go to the Council Bluffs Car
pet company. _
Dr. ll Trou''turn.
Ir. Oeorge T. Herron lectured at the Chris
tlan tubernaclo last evening before a goo <
sized audience on the problems of govern
liitMit , Ai the occupant of the chair of ai
piled Christianity at Iowa college , Qrlnnel
the only one of the kind In the country. Dr
Horron U entitled to coiuilderable conMilcra
Ten and his recent acldret-a before the grai
uatlnK cluss of the Nebraska State university
which resulted In his being denounced as n
anarchist by new | > ap r all over the- country
had made the people anxious lo hear ivhnt
Ills \lows were which had caused 80 .much
talk. Dr , Herron Is not an anarchist , but
ho takes i very advanced position on many
of the economic questions of the day , and his
tnlk last night was along the lines laid down
by Homo of the most prominent thinkers of
the day , HU audience was highly pleased ,
and the two lectures , this and Munday even
ing , will undoubtedly be attended by most ,
If not nil , who heard him last night.
Kl.Ot'll. II.ODII. rl.OUIl.
Spcdut riour tsnle ililn Week nt
r. o. i > .
In order to make room for 2,500 sacks of
flour duo to arrive on the "Oth of this month ,
wo will make the- following low prices , for
this week only :
Ilrown's C. O. D. Patent , the best flour
iade > , and a souvenir In every sack , goes this
eek for 85 cents.
Garland , the well-know brand that was
warded the medal at the World's fair , goes
t iO cents.
Acme made from the best Kansas hard
heat , SO cents asack. .
The genuine lltiffnlo flour , only 75 cents.
Trusty , n good family flour , 63 cents.
Reliable flour , only 50 cents.
Hye graham , 40 cents a sack. Uyo flour , 40
etits a sack. Wheat graham , 20 cents. Corn
leal , 1C cents a sack.
llemember these prices are for this week
nly. HUOVVN'S C. 0 D. ,
_ Council Bluffs , la.
District Court ilotttiii ; * .
The Jury In the case of James Miller
gainst John T. Huzen , sheriff of Pottawat-
anile county , returned n verdict yesterday
gainst the defendant. Pullman & Het-
Inger , n Neola firm , commenced attachment
rocccdlngs against Sillier for a. team and
.agon which they alleged that Me was try-
ng to take out of the state. Miller replcv-
ii eel It , on the ground that ho was not try-
ng to leave the state , but was merely mov-
ng to this city , which he has since made
ils home The Jury held that ho proved
Is case , and so awarded him n judgment
or costs , but refused to give him the dam-
ges he asked for The sheriff will look to
'nil in an & Heltinger for the amount of the
est ? .
William Van Dyke , a colored man , was
rled for thu crime of burglarizing the house
if another colored man , named Johnson.
'ho evidence was all In and the Instructions
< f the court will be read this morning to
he Jury.
A motion for a new trial was filed by the
efcndants In the case of Aultman , .Miller &
'o. against Ueichart llros.
Siiiiiu f uoHtliMH anil Answer * .
Who has reorganized the price of shoes In
Ills city ? Sargent.
Who makes the lowest prices In shoes ?
Who carries the best shoes In the city ?
Who can you rely on for good shoes ?
Who vlll give you a new pair If they
on't wear ? Sargent.
Who will take pains In fitting jour feet ?
Who always does ns he advertises ? Sar
Who will sell you the best shoes for
l.DO , $200 $ or $3.00 ? Sargent.
If these things are all true , why don't
ou buy your shoes nt Sargent's ?
I. miles of tliu -
Miss Conrad , deputy supreme commander
f Ladies of the Maccabees , organized a
ilvo In Council Bluffs Monday evening with
wcnty charter members. The following
adlcs were elected as officers : Lady com-
nander , Mrs. Jessie Tnllia ; lady lieutenant
commander , Mrs. Bertha Groom ; past lady
commander , Mrs. Mamie West ; lady physl-
Man , Dr. Susan Snyder ; lady record keeper ,
Mrs. Mary Bolln ; lady finance keeper , Mrs.
: telle Kemp ; lady chaplain , .Mrs. Nancy
Jomp ; lady sergeant , Mrs. Clara Precious ;
ady mlstress-at-arms , Mrs. Ida Copley ; lady
sentinel , Miss Florence Bolln ; lady picket ,
Mrs. Maggie Ward.
A meeting will be held this afternoon for
nstructlon at 103 Pearl street.
The Grand Army of the Itepubllc will give
a dance at their hall on Monday evening ,
October 22. Admission , gentlemen , 35c ;
adles , free. Dalbey's orchestra will furnish
music ,
Just received , a new Invoice ot all the
atest styles In millinery at JIlss Ragsdala's ,
.0 Pearl street.
Dourlclus' music house has few expenses :
ilgli grade planes are sold reasonably. 110
Stutsman street.
\Vnute < l to lie 11 Patient.
R. A. Robinson Isi the name given by the
nan who Is accused of stealingDr Janncy's
clothing and money Thursday night. Ho
claims to have been working nt Honey Creek.
; Ie went to the ofllco to have his foot , which
10 had cut badly with an axe , dressed , but
finding no one lg , ho grabbed the stuff and
sailed out. Ho limped decidedly , and It was
easy to track him from the office down
Fifth avenue and along Eighth street to
Broadway. Ho decided not to stickle for
requisition papers and was brought from
Omaha by Chief Scanlan jestcrday morning
Pcaslco's celebrated ale and porter now
on draught at Grand hotel bar.
Gas cooking itovca for rent and tor eala l
Qas Co.'s office.
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
dmi'Kcd willi Seduction.
Guy Andrews and Dick Laiulon , who nere
charged with assaulting several people at a
dance on Lower Broadway the other evenIng -
Ing , wcro turned loose by Justice Field yes
terday , but Andrews was Immediately ar
rested on another Information , filed by the
mother of Grace Hulbert , who was In a com
promising position with Andrews when he
was caught by Olllcer Weir Thursday morr.-
ing. The Information charges the crime o.
seduction. Thu case will be heard this
morning at 10 o'cloclt.
Dry pine klrdllng for sale. Cheaper than
cobs. H. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Telephone
Selected hard wood for heating stoves.
H. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 43.
The laundries uca Domestic soap.
Down with tlio I'urlj' Cnurim.
The great historian , John Clark Kldpnth
contributes nn article to Tha Sunday Bee li
which ho declares that the party caucus
system affords a bad man's trap Into whlcl
good men are enticed. He- holds It to bo
undemocratic and unamerlcan and that 1
engenders bossism In politics , A strong
argument is presented favoring its sup
I'or StcnlliiK Iliirituarr.
Joe Dllger , who Is wanted In Columbus foi
stealing $50 worth of cutlery from a hard
ware store , was iirrestcd last night by De
tcctlves Dunn and Donahue.
i.ow JIATI : i\cuitsr.uN3. :
October "Ilil mul November ( till.
The Missouri Pacific will run home-seeker ,
and harvest excursions October 23 and No
vcmbcr 0 at halt rates ( plus $2) $ ) for th
round trip from points on the main line
western division , Kansas City to Omaha , In
elusive , and Omaha Southern t Nebraska
City branch to all points In Arkansas , Texas
points on Its lines and on the K. C. W. & G
railway , in Louisiana ; points on the Peco
Valley railway In New Mexico. aUo to Dem
Ing , N. M. For full particulars , pamph'ets '
circulars , folders , etc. . descriptive of the ter
rltory to which these excursions will be run
apply to agent at depot , Fifteenth and Web
ster etrrets , or company's offices , northeab
corner Thirteenth and Farnam ,
Passenger and Ticket Agent.
Assltstant Freight and Passenger Agent.
Homo VlnltorV Kxciirxlmi * vlu liltI'onr ,
On October 17 and November U the Bl
Four route. In connection with western lines
will tell excursion tickets at one fare fc
the round trip to oil points on their line I
Ohio ( except Cincinnati ) , Indiana and Mlcl
Ig-an. Tickets good twenty (20) ( ) days froi
date ot sale , Here Is a tplendld opportunlt
for visiting the old homestead before wlntc
bets In. For tickets ami full InfornmUo
call en any ticket agent , or address K C
McCormlck , passenger traffic manager , or U
It. Martin , general paisenger and tlckr
agent , Big Four route , Cincinnati ) 0.
Ixcithig Experience of a Yonng Civil En
gineer in the Mountains of Mexico.
mid en Tiirrrnt nf Itiilii In UIB Slprrit Mmlrr
iK In Mexico Cntmrft it Trrrlblo
I.umMUlu Tuo Atiu'Mcnu ' '
Tourist Killed.
IR.APUETA. Mex. , Oct. 19. K. 0. Warren ,
young civil engineer ot Chicago , has ar-
Ivcd lure , moro dead than alive , from n
ourney across the Sierra Mndre mountains ,
lo started six months a BO from the city of
Oaxnca , and crossed the mountains to the
iort of Sallna Cruz. He then proccc'e 1 along
10 coast of Col I in a , where he fell In with
wo Americans , named James West and
George H. Crenshaw , both of Philadelphia ,
ho wcro making a pleasure tour of Mexico ,
'hey proposed an overland trip across the
loimtnlns to the City of Mexico. About ten
ays ago they were passing through a moun-
aln gorge In the vicinity of Los Colchos ,
bout ninety miles south o ( here , when the
aln began to pour down In torrents. Mr.
Varren was riding In advance of his com-
anlons , when , without warning , a terrible
andslldo occurred West and Crenshaw were
aught and crushed to death , and Mr. War-
en narrowly escaped.
' < ille < i Ilmo Grrut Dllllrully In Illnpcrslne
tli Croivil ,
VIENNA , Oct. 19. Ten thousand socialists
net here nt the 'Soflensall , In the Land
trasse section of the city. The place was
lot largo enough to hold the great crowd
ml hundreds were turned away. Dr. Adler
nadc a speech In favor of universal suffrage.
At the close ot the meeting those present
ormed In procession and marched to the
tadt Park ring , accompanied by hundreds of
nounted and foot police. As the dense
hrong was traversing the Stubcnthor bridge ,
inglng and shouting , the police made a des-
erate effort to disperse the crowd , but failed
nd the procession continued the march until
he fling stra&se. In the inner city was
cached. Here a squadron of thirty mounted
iollce charged the crowd with swords. As
he police were charging one > of the
lorses fell and a number of other horses
tumbled over him , bringing their riders to
he ground. Horses and men were struggling
m the ground , and many of the socialists at
lie head of tlio procession were knocked
lovvn. Fifteen socialists and one policeman
were left lying on the ground severely In
ured. The procession was ultimately broken
up and many of the participants were arrest-
d. Among those Is custody Is Dr. Perns-
orfer , a member of the Uclchsratli. Ho vsas
ecognlzed by the commissar } ' of police , who
irdered his Immediate release and apologized
o him for Ills arrest Dr. Pernstorfer pro-
eated against the brutality of the police and
leclared their Interference had caused the
Uiole disturbance. Ho Intends to question
he Kelchsiatli tomorrow on the subject.
uomio riuii : > MUST SHOT.
TcHllnuiny ItCKiirillnir I ho-Duel In Mexico
Other XmvH of Ihikt Country.
CITY OF MUXICO , Oct. ly. Ilamon
'rida , one ot the late Verastlgue's ' seconds ,
leclared before the Judges that Senor
Romero fired the first shot In the duel. The
hlef of police , General Louis Caraballo ,
nformcd Judge -Do Lahose that It was
umored Romero Intended Jumping ball.
Scnora jose Verastegul has Instituted suit
igalnst Colonel Uometo in the sum of $41-
JOO for the ItlUIng of her husband , chief
of the government stamp department The
suit will be pushed , In addition to the federal
proceedings against Colonel Ilomero.
Charles Spencer , the American who was
accused by the Young Men's Christian asso-
.clatlon of the theft of $200 , was declared not
At a bull fight In Puebla one of the bulls
umped among the spectators , wounding eight
The Cellma volcano Is again In eruption.
rngllsliiiien Ho Not Wnnt toca Him 1'iisa
from AinbnsHiiitor to Senator.
LONDON , Oct. 19. In a leader the Times
says that the only regrettable point In Am-
> assador Bayard's cordial and sympathetic
references to England Is that they appear
o have something of a valedictory chn"ter. .
f he cares to have a senatorshlp K will
loubtless be bestowed , for his state Is justly
> roud of him. His resignation of the am-
jassndorshlp would bo the more regretted
jecauso he Is not Only actuated by the kind
'eellnga toward what Americans have not
ceased to regard as the mother country , but
las brought liiblght as well as sympathy to
the study of our national character and In
lieiolullon Not Ifn < l in Ilrarll ,
MONTEVIDEO , Uruguay , Oct. 19. Admiral
Saldanha da Gama banqueted a number of
Irnzlllun officers last night. All drank to
the success of the revolutionary cause , and
iledged themselves to take active part If the
fira/ll committee here decide to con
tinue the struggle after the inauguration of
Dr. Moracs as president Sympathizers of the
Brazilian revolution are Jubilant over the
recent victories in Hlo Grande du Sul.
General Saralva Is now pushing northward
with a considerable body of men Intending
to attack the government forces at Matte
Orosxo. Sixteen officers have left hero to
Join the revolutionists.
KOIIKTO Mini for llcuvj-
CITY OF MEXICO. Oct. 19. General Are
Garcia , attorney for the Verastugul family ,
presented In court u claim for $41,000 for
damages and expenses Incurred. The claim
Is against all who iray be guilty of causing
the death of Verastugul. Ilomero inatlo an
humble " apology to the Chamber of Deputies ,
which" will bo read in the session tomorrow.
It Is claimed the governor of Novo Leon has
been challenged by Ilomero.
General Boluos , tlie > ex-Salvadorean , has
reached Mazatlan. It Is said lie Is coming
here to meet General Kzeta ,
llill'lirHS u f Montrose
LONDON. Oct. I9.-i Tl ! dutchess of MentIs -
Is reported to be dying.
The duchess Is a ilaugnter of the second
Baron Declcs. She 'ivljii born In 1819 am !
was married first to the fourth dnho ol
Montrose , who ( Hed'p' ' W4 , becond to Wil
liam Stuart Stlrllng-Cfrawford , esq. , who dier
In USX , and thirdly I ,1S S to Maicus llenrj
Mllnor , esq. She. lij h/iown on the race
tracks as "Mr. Manton.-
AViinlil Ihlilo ) Afjrliunlittiiii.
ST. PETERSBUHfiriQct. 19. The Novoe
Vremya declares ( the event of the
military Intervention . ,0 . Great Britain , In
Afghanistan , Hu sar"vltl : be compelled to
take similar action. ,
) ) K
The Novoo Vremya adds that this Joint ac
tion upon the part f-Great Britain and
Russia will nccesBartlJ l < id to the partition
of Afghanistan between these two powers.
< \im.i iliiiitUm Huu to .li'iilouiy ,
VICTORIA , Mex. , Oct. 19. There Is mucl
excitement here over the assassination o
Amlrlas Salnzar , the sen of a prominent am
wealthy merchant of this city , by George
I'orras , a well Known young man. The deec
was committed with a stllleto. Salazar was
stabbed through tlio heart. I'orras was
jealous of Salazar's attention to a notorlou
SoiiiiHI In High 1'rrncli Circle * .
PARIS. Oct. 19. Several of the leadlni ,
newpapcK have alluded to a scandal in the
hlghiet circles of society. U Is stated M
Clement , a coirmlsbary of police attached to
tin.I'ttlaU do Justice , examined several Im
plicated perbons yesterday.
li < ir.ite l I.ul'.4)rettfc' Cnit .
PARIS , Oct. 19 , Captain Nathan ApplHon
the delegate of the Society of the Sons of the
Revolution of Massachusetts , at 3 o'clock thl
afternoon placed upon the tomb of General d
La Fayeue , In Plchus cornetry , the Lronz
emblem of Iho society , which was forwarded
here for that purpose. AH the leading Amer
icans In Pnrls. and the descendants of the
Frcrch who took part In the war of Inde
pendence , as well aft the surviving members
of La Fayctto's family , were present.
Quern ( ilvrn Her 'on riit ,
LONDON , Oct. 19. The Gazette tonight
prints nn order In council by the queen , dated
October IB , consenting lo the marriage of
Prince Adolphu ? of Teclc , eldest son of the
duke and duchess of Teck , and brother to
the duchess of York , to Lady Margaret Qros-
venor , the joungest daughter of the duke of
Westminster , probably the wealthiest noble
man In England. The engagement of the
prince and Lady Margaret was announced
In July last.
lToiiM | Pouring Into Ilen-Titlii.
LONDON , Oct. 19. A dispatch from Tlcn-
Tsln states troops arc pouring Into thecity. .
General Chesncy of the British army has
received permission to accompany the Chi
nese army to the Held.
A dispatch from Shanghai announces that
the Chinese court is seriously considering
the advisability of removing Irom Peking to
Slngan , In Sheral , tho'ancient capital ot
China. oil , \ il i ! ( < 3lacl < - llio Mnrcr Allu- .
SIMLA , Oct. 19. The latest Intelligence
received her ? from Cabul Is Oated October
13. Upon that date the ameer of Afghan-
stnn had Improved in health.
CALCUTTA , Oct. 19. A dlspaich from
Engineer Pyne , In charge of the gun factory ,
tc. , at Cabul , says that the ameer of Afghan-
stan Is In better health. Mr. Pyne himself
aw the atnccr on August 11 , when , however ,
10 was extremely weak.
China lo lri" < IV.ioc ,
LONDON , Oct. 19. A special to the Times
rom Tlen-Tsln sa > s China desires ppaco ,
ecauso , though aware of her Immcns1 re-
crves of strength , she would willingly avoid
ho sacrifices , risks and expense of bringing
hern Into action. She will , however , face a
eng war resolutely and will rally such forces
.s will render n Japairso conquest Impossl-
ile , though the effort may exhaust loth tides
AVcl-lliil-VlYi llolnjjMtroiitrlhmieil.
LONDON , Oct. 19. A dispatch to the
? lmes from Shanghai says It Is reported that
China Is raising a loan of 20,000,000 sterling.
Wei-Hiil-AVel Is being hurriedly strengthened ,
'ho troops In the forts there fear a sudden
apanese naval descent. Honoris have been
ecelved of a serious rebellion In Foochow.
Krjintoil I lie lll llt.llnur I'ro [ > ( Jiil.
BERLIN , Oct. 19. The municipal council
> y a vote of ninety-four to eighteen has re-
ected a proposal made by the- socialists to
stabllsh eight hours as a legal day's worker
or all worklngmcn employed by the council.
rinii victim or iii
.9. Theodore Ammerman , wounded by the
militia during the riot Wednesday night , died
it 6:45 : this morning , making a total up to
his hour of flvo killed.
I'lro linns ut C'olf.n , Coin.
DENVER , Oct. 19. Half a dozen fires of
ncendiary origin have destroyed over $30,000
vorth of property In Colfax , across the river
rom Denver , during the last two days. A
vigilance committee has been formed to pa-
rol the streets at night , and the firebugs
fill be Ijnched If caught.
I.nillrH In u riillllriil Iliilly.
YORK , Xeb. , Oct. 19. ( Special Telegram )
'ho York Flambeau club 1 eld a granl railat
his place last night. Over l&O torch bearers
and fifty ladles with Japanese lanterns were
n the procession , A crowded house was In
; "MS ! 3
gls a scientifically prepared liniment
and harmless ; every ingredient Is of
. . recognized value and In constant UBO
| by the medical profession It shortens
& labor , lessens pain , diminishes danger
lo life of Mother aud Child. Book "To
I Mothers" mailed free , containing valuable - c
[ able Information and voluntary testi-g
j monlala.
j Sent by Express or Mall , on receipt of price , K
< tlWperbottlo. Soldby All Druggists , "
IvilAIiFIF. ! . ! ) UCdUUTOU I'd. , Atlanta. ( la.
B 12 \
The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' ' Experience.
% VOMKN. rnorKir.Toii OF THU
/ treat the following Diseases :
Catairliof Iho Head. Throat nnil Limps ; Ols-
cast's ot the IIjo mul liar , 1'its end Apople.\y ,
Kourt .DiM-'iisu , I.ivi'r < . ' < > iii.laiiit. | Kidney Com
plaint , ( ervouH ulillltj. rental IJc-
prvHKlon , I.OHH of 3Iiiiiliootl. Hem-
inalVcaUiicHH , Ilmtit'lc.s. II uplift * lJU
use , St Vltua' DIIIICC , Itlic'iiiiintifiin. I'uinlj > l6
White Hnclilnjr. Scrotulu , Fever MW" , 'I'lini-
orw uiicl I'lstula In into rcnio\ccl
wllliout tile Itiille or ilra\vltiK u
drop of blood. "Womanwilli licr
delicate ortiUUH ruHtorocl lo
lifaltli. IlropHy cured -\vitliont
taj > l > liiKr. Hpcclal Altenlloil xl ; > < -'i
lo 1'rlvateiiiicl Vutiurcat IllHeaseH
of all IcIuilH. Sso to 85 < n > /lorlcit for
any Venereal lllf > ease I cannot euro
vltllOllt HIercur > . Tupci Worms romovx'd
In two or HiK'o lionrt , or no pay. Ilfiiiuri holds
or 1'lles cured.
TIIOSKviio Aitr. Ai'nirTii )
Wilt pave llfoand hundiods of ilolluis by call
ing on orUBing
Tlia iinly I'll ) hlr Inn \rliiiiiin loll \\lllllullH
n IXTSIMI uilhiiiita < ililii-ii ( < iiientlon
TllCIH lit II lllkllUH'll Nl-llll fill OllfHtloil
Illuiik.Xo. 1 for inunN < i. U for'viniiH-ii.
All corrcepondcnco striL'tly conlldcntinl
lledlclno bent by e-xpreea. Adifrei-s all letters
. w. J AX I.I : , M. . ,
Kncloso lOo In stamps for reply
--Special INloticcsi
id Uurke. at VV S Ifumei'i , KS Hroad ay
roil SA1.I5 OH TKAUR. 350 Al HEd OF LAND
in Kixk rtjunty , KtbntKkri , 64'J ' arcuti timber
lun.l In Michigan will mule < -lllu-i I r bimk
ol Kciuinl nit rclianilln' . ami mil | > ui In tasli
ll.IMM w 11 MO 00 , lii.iwe nnJ lot In c'alfn * .
lirlce. II.GU4U4. 11 Irulf for stwk uf KciKral
nifrclmnJIiM1 ami juit In fMk > < f > ru i. lln res
idence piuiwrty In Council Jllurfn. pili-e.
J8.000 00. will trade for Bintral utock nnil put In
ilGWOO uisli. All n ji r 111'oniU-iu u lu lie cun-
lldtnllal AddrcM lucK lox II , Cnuncll llluffs.
\VANTii ) , I'OrtlTIOX AS IIOOKKnUI'I H < llt
nlfniiKraiilier , inornlnKK e\nilHK iind Haiur-
duy * . AiMrennV n , < -e. Council Illures.
fur Klrlx Call on < > r n < li1ii-ha lIiniil'iyii
AKriKj' , Graiul lluiil Annex. Council HlufTx.
I.AI > IKS-CAN rt'ji.s'iHH yof iini.i1 OK AM.
Kind a. Cull on or nddrcw timnln ) mvnt Abtn
CSruml llultl Annul , Council IlluftK.
olckiUKB , li.ikcry und rtMuurunt d lnic " " '
hUHliirwi IIllu ILKulI-n clitnp mil Acl'lnm M
Ik. lice ulllre.
roit HKNT STOIin Hfll.MNO. ! 10 t.V
etr < " t no Ji l l li > I'lttRi luM r cry Aiijil >
lu Max SI < hn , CrmKn h u--n
X-unfurO , iu Main uineU
Rubbing , Scouring.
Cleaning , Scrubbing1 ,
is no doubt great ; but what they
all should know , is that the time
of it , the tire of it , and the cost
of itj can all be greatly reduced by
This weeLr Jiiat xirliat yon need RIGHT NOW
And never no , never- have wo quoted siicli os-
trorxioly lo\v prices before. Read them , then couio
naid see the goods and Io convinced ,
$4.50 for this Elegant Velvet Couch
Mudc up in first-class htylc , polished oak frame , covered wit
rich pattern velvet ; has cambric covered bottom , maki'ig it d us
proof reduced from SIO.OO.
SKI north of comli ,
SI per week or SI pur month
ii'.Tjvortli i > l iriiiiili , per woolc or O per mouth
fifiO irortli ol Knoll * ,
tfLi PIT tvcok iir SM per inaulh
& 7.i worth of cooili ,
i K."tl per \vook or SI" per inontli
SI00 irurtli of Koixlt ,
_ , , , . , " * : { ller " 'iiuK or SIS pur monlli
„ , .
your cholce-Wo ilon'c cite n , , ,
9.oo VJrUl ( > ( CMB (
Hip ivlilcli you choose , | SI per Huolt or St.1 ! pnr maiit
Forms ry ! People's Mammoth Installment Hous
Open Monday and Saturday Evenings.
. . . _ , . .
A 1 V- . matinirc > u „ -
our VVarranly Goes wilh Each Mathln9 (
l > resslsa2-linr
It lias llir I li'cil ( ipciilng of
: uiy
Diuililc stioko 1'ress , lit
tliu World.
Hnlcs light ; clr.ift
Capacity ; Construction ; Durability-all Ihc BCST.
Talks , They tnlk in tons the language of profit.
They nre easy .sellers. They are a doable stroke press.
Profitable to handle. Write fur catalojue and discounts.
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
All kinds of Dyelnff
nnil Cleaning done In
the lilKliiBt Htylo Of
tin- art KiuJfU unJ
Ktnlncil fnlirlca miul
tu Inok aa Kood im
\Vi rk promptly
miu anil ilollvcred
In nil jmitK ot Iho
country. BonJ for
lirlre list.
C. 1.
ruailKity , ni-nr NiirlU-
western Uepot.
rrtlihonu ] 22.
T70AT l/v IJA.NK\ \
V. H , llciionltury , Uinulta ,
CAPITAL , - - $400,000 '
SURPLUS , - - $55,500
OSlccri ana Direclort Htnrr W. Tnlti , | ir i
ldnl ; John a Colllm. irlpt ld nH trfirl ,
d. Tleed. Cuhlcr ; William il. a Uurhti. ui : > ' .
ut caibler.
Simanm ,
lu the Htntt ! mid IVderal Courts Hootns
"uti-7-b-UfchUiurt Illock , LUUIK.II ulull. , luu
I'realdent. Cashier.
First Naliona
Capital , - - $100,000
1'roHlH , - - - 12,000
un or the oMeit banfci In the list" ot low * .
Wo collclt your bunlneii and collcctioni. W
pay ( [ > er cent on time depuilK. Wewill t >
I > lrHKil lo ten and eorve you. i
hKictiliiililnV Mi-t-llnc. i
Notice IB hereby Klven tint a special
muullng of tliu Htnikli' ' ld ( r of tile Houtli
1'latle l.ainl cninpany will bo belli ut thu
ulllco of mild company. In Lincoln , Neb. ,
un the 10th dny of Novcmljer , 1&9I , for lh
liuri > o o of conHi < U > ntiK uiid uctlriK upon trie
matter of extending or rcncwlntr tlio artU
clu-H uf Inc n'urntloii of suld company. , ,
Uy order of Iho boaid of directors. * /
H O. IMIII.Ml'S , Becretarv.
Lincoln , Neb. , Oct. 16 , 1WI. O1S QM