TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEnVESDAY , OCTOBER 17 , 180 < JU Cooks , Laundresses , Waitresses Everyone of them read The Bos Want ads. Therefore , families want ing help , seldom fall to reach them the day ad Is published. "Wants are run In both morning and evening papers without extra , coat. 17 words lor 25 cents. Coachmen , Waiters , Valets. 8PBGIRL NDTIOE8. . Advertisements for these columns will lo taken until 12:30 : p. m. for the evening , and until 9:00 : p , m. for the morning nn < l Hiindity editions. Advertisers , Ly requesting n numbered check. can have , annwrra nddresied to a numbcrd letter In care of The Ites. Answers s < i addressed will bt delivered upon presentation of the check. Ilatefl , Vie n word tlret Inscrtlun , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23o lor llrit Insertion. These advertisements must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. EXPERIENCED LADY STENOCSRAl'HER DE- Hires position. Can furnish machine. Address Itoom 22. Duuglas block. A-JIGS7 18 * WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED , A FEW PERSONS IN EACH place lo du writing ) send stamp for IM-pase L ok of particulars. J. Wuodbury , 121 W. 421 Btrcet. N. Y. City. II MG3S WANTED , LAllOHEUS , SOUTH : GOVERN- inent work In Tennessee and Arkansas Kramer , labor agency , llth and. Fnrnim street. U &KG > _ I $ _ WANTED. GENTLEMEN NEWSPAPER CON- trlbutnrs lit every to\tn to report all Important happenings nml write artlcleu fur publication on uny subject. Experience not necessary. Good fray for spare tlnn * . Our Instructions tell you liow to dn the work. Heml stamp for full pnr- tlculars , Modern Press Ass'n , Chicago . III. n-117 WANTED. SALESMAN : SALARY FROM start ; permanent plice. IJroivn IJros. Co. nur- Berjmen , Oilcngo , 111. 11 11IO30 * WANTED , RELIAIII.n YOUNO AND MID- dlc-affpd "men In eveiy count ) to art us cor respondents nnd special pilvato detectives under Instructions for the laiKrst nnd best equipped detective bureau of theIdnd In the country. Prevloui experience It not rrtnihpd nr necessary. Small l > o > a ami Irresixinslble liarticj will confer n favor on ui by not unswi-rlnK. leferrnce ) given and rctiulicd. Have been established for years. Kemf stamp for full particular nnd get the best criminal paper published. otTerlni ; thousands of dollars In rcwnnU for parties who nre wnnted Mat I on it Detective Iturcau. InJIanapolls. Ind 1I-M170 MEN OP GOOD ADDRESS C-AN KIND STEADY employment and coed pay by calllntr at 151G DOUKI.IS. It-MlW O2U WANTED. RELIAIU.K RALESMP.N ALREADY traveling to carry our luhrlcantM PH n. side line. ManufncturciH' Oil Co. , Cleveland , O. U M27C-N3 * ' WANTED ; aooD COAT AT ONCE. John IfVS ? , Red Pali , la ) ] t-M'J3 WANTED , EXPERIENCED" .COAL , MINERS lo go to Shcrldim , ) V > o. Apply at olllciSherl - dan Coal Co , JCM rnrnam. 11 M731 13 t WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED , LADY NEWSPAPER CON- trtbutora In every town to report all Important happenings nnd write articles for publication on any subject.eiIcnce } | not neee Miiy. Good pay for pare time. Our Inftiuctlmi lell you liow to do thework. . Mend stimp for full par- tlcularn. Modern Press Ais'n , Cilcagn. 111. C IIS USD PRESTON'S I1EST Fl.OUIl. IT GIVES entlro Batlafactlon. All grocers eill It C-Miro-N5 LADIli > ; WANTINH FIRST CLASS G1IU.S call at Scandinavian" Y. I , , home. Office 203 K. mil street. C MM8-3Q * GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply nt 1C31 So , 3Jth street. C M7J5 17 * WANTED , OIUL FOR Gl-lNintAL HoFsE"- worU. 2223 Locust st. C 73i 17 * WANTED AT 3013 CHICAGO ST. , COMPETENT Slrt la do general hotmwcik at ewxt wrices. C 711 17 * FOK KENT HOUSES. HOUSES , P. K , DARLING. HARKEIS RLOCIC D-8M _ HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE C'lTY. THE O. K. IJavli company , 1WS Farnam. D SU3 KELKENNY A. CO. R tl , CONTINENTAL 1H.K. D-8M _ _ NEW 1-nOOM COTTAGK NEAR IIIIMIS PARK , J8.00. Vlilellly Trust cojini.iny , 17UJ i'jrnam. ' ' ID-ROOM HOUSE. L.MICH HARX. 27TII AND Indiana , a\enue , I1.VDO. Cli l-'lral Natlnmt l.n.nk. D M811 FOR RENT , EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. K& Noutli 17th si. : ut * > r.-rx-oiu cell as * ivlth barn. < l. L. Grwn R. 9 , llaiker L1K. D-65T DESIRABLE 7-TtOOM COTTAC5B. 2sn WOo7.- \vorlh anRlnsKtilt JJios. . lUtker b k.DJOO D-JOO FINK 7-HOOM COUNER FLAT AT 701 S , ISTII Btiret ; rnnge nnd nil other conveniences. W. C. Halter , room Ml 1'axtnn block. _ J5 * a HOUSEslfc STORES. K.D.WEAD.I5 & DOltaLAH GOOD FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES , JS.W1 PER month. I. . H. Bklnm-r , SIO N. Y. Life. -M277 _ HOUSia , W , G. TEMPI.ETON. PAXTON I1LIC. n-MI7 Nli _ FOR HENT , TWO 8-P.OOM ELEGANT IIUK'K houseit ; all modern con enli-nccsi I bluck from Walnut Hill motor , CJ. Comptroller' ) ! otllci- . D-J13W ROOM HOUSE OUST VACATED ) NO. 2721 Jiu-Usou Htreet. all mo < b < rn Iniiirovernents , cplemlM repilr (12 blockH frum court house ) , paved stieet , cluap irnl tt > iir > ! l family. Key itt cntbiRv second < li ir tve t , l > im H , Wheeler , jr. , Douglas and 151 U sis. ( Injurauc-- . ) D 563 SM19 HAHNEY STIIERT , 13 ROOMS , MODERN and flrit clati. John It. WibnttTII' ' ) Uouid of Tradebuilding. . * D W 9 ItOOUS. 631 SO. I7TH BTKUCT. D-SSi-NIl * _ _ IIOOMS ; at SO. 17TH STIlEth1. D-585 DWKU.INas IN Al.lt PA UTS of the city , 1) . II. tihenrc , 4R I'uxton black. U MM MIS' x > Ksm.iiiMio-iiooM HOUSK. dollars p r month. Inquire 191 ! ) Uuttgr st , l-C > _ _ " rbit KENT" TWO six-itooit TI.ATS AT 5 and 111 S. llth clrnt. la roi l con.lltlon. A. J. room 911 Ut N.it'l Ixmb blcte. l Olt HIZNT , UOL'HK'ON' N. W. COIl. an AND Wfbster. K. II. JfnlEliU U MCTt U * _ roil HKttT , HOUSUJT 111 AKI > 1 S , WTH \ ut , cliolcc. L ) . V. Bhalc * Co. . First Nat. bank. H-MSSS _ E-ROOU HOUSK. IIAI.L AND U.VTH UOO&t. Inqulr * 823 H. ISth Jtrvtt. 8-110011 UODKIIN HOUSH , ONE fn > m Park avcnuet Distant location. 110,00 ; 7- room home. Orclinrd Hill , 17.0 * . 8 , 1C Hum. phtty , B3 New York Llf * . D MtM -l IOU8RIlATl AND CtsET. IN rjooj rviulr. at KM H. IStli. 1 linw-ronin house , JT N. tU Btrwti chmp. MODKUK rcp.Ur , toot ranje , bam , umpes ami fruit trrn la Urue yai-J. 6-rooni cuttasd. (100 ; full * lxc lot , tn goal rr- ia.lt. Call and e Vldtlity Trust Co. . 1:0 : Far- num. -7ll _ E-UOOU Jtousi : , is oo MONTH. AXD NICK u ruont I > a cmtnt , II.W montli. Sift So. tlst , ncai Uuon t. l1tl K * -nOOullOUBU. T NQHTH IITH STII. D JS9 i < -ROOM iiotiai : IN1 EXCIIANOK van Uld twanl. Omnut fualljr. IU 8. llth ave. D-JU Mi * FOR RENT rURMISHED BOOMS. KOR IICNT , NICRI.T FUUNlSHnD SOUTH room , modern cnnnlencea , to ono or two Mil Dodge. K-M7M _ roil IIDNT. NICEUY FURNISHED HOOM9 , with or without bourJ. Call 210 , Uouelas. U-843-17 _ _ noojts. isos cmcAoo ST. oni ? or two gentlemen. C M369 NH'nr.v FtrrtNisiinn rnoNT nooM. JS.M ! nlso lipitroom for J5.00 : Kcntlcmrn pr fcrrc < 1. 710 North 0th street , near AVcbster. U t C3 IS * _ Nirnr.v FimNisnnD IIOOMS , stoonnN CON- vcnlenccn , at 2021 California , Btrcrt. ' C-M7C623' _ _ A I.AHOn SOUTH FJIONT HOOM. 1024 DOUC3- lai street. E M70I 19' _ FtTRNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICD HOOM WITH BOARD. CHEAP. 2405 CAS3 F 3M.QU' _ _ NICELY runNisuKD PIIONT noo&r , WITH nlcovc ; also drat class board. 2531 St. Mary's nvcnuo F 421 IS' DusinAni.n nooat. WITH noAnn , IN rni- \nte ramlly. 7 ! N. 15th. F MS52 17" FinST-CLASS DAY I1OAUD OIVKN AT TIII3 Hrunsnlck cafe S15 .Soutil 16th St. . for J500 per fleck. Nothing better In the city pan ba hnd at the price. K 5SO-2J * 1'LKASANT 11OOM3 AND BOAIID. J133 IIAU- ney. F CIO ! ! ) KhEOANTf.Y KUHNISIIED SOUTJt FRONT room ontl private Ixjard ; nil convenli-ncfs. 2110 Douglas street. r M7G7 18 Tim HII.t.SIDn. I8T1I AND DODcfc. FUll- - nlalied ana iinfiirnl"hel rooms with bonrd ; Bteani heat ; also day board. F M 72) IS' ciloiciV IIOOMS. sixoLn on KN SUITH ; muUrn ; private family. KXt S. Stih nt. nt.T T 727-21 LAIIOR SOttTir AND EAST ItOOM , AVITIt Mint class boird. o\crlooklner n terraced lawn , for two gentlemen. S01 > St. Marya uve , I1 7 < C 82 KL'UNISIIRD SOUTH HOOM , 1VIT1I TIOAHD ; nil con\enlencea , very reaaoflablp. 2 3 Ht. Mary's arrnup , jr _ 11759 23 * MODKIIAT.R rnicKS FOB nooirsVITII Inmrd. HU ChlcaRO. F 11731 2J WANTKIJ. A CI.Ull OF OCNTI.UMHN TO h'jiird nml nwtn ! special terms f most ilr lmWc iDcatlon. Address A 30. Iteo. F M731 21' NtcntT < rifrtNiRuSiF'iOOia. WITH * ' * UNFTTKNISHED ROOMS TO BENT. 3 nOOJIS IN 11U1CIC PLOT. 1C03 MJAVKN- worth etrcot. a M70S IS * 4 UNPl'ItNISIinO HOOMS KOIt HKNT. WITH bath , second llwir nf \\\o \ Blory prlvnte renl- dence , < X 0) . 2I1S Kriklne it , north 21th. U-7W 22 * FOB BENT STORES AND OFFICES rOU RENT. TltKSTOHV BIIICK HUILDINO 916 l-'jirnam street. The building has n llre- prw > f. cement basement , complete Bteftm heat- Ine fltures. water on nil Doors , uua. etc. Ap ply at the olllcq of The Hep. 1 510 TOR HUNT. TKREn-STOHY AND BASIIMUNT store ImlUHnc at 1011 Kiinmni B ! > ' [ ; em.il ) mores and outers In tCxpoaltlim building , ad- Jolnlnn I'lflcnntli Stiret theater ; hall 2ixlW feet at 1OH Karriam street , nil In freed t'ondl- tlon. A. J. 1'npiileton , room 311 Ist Null bank bldtf. 1 MiMS N1S AGENTS AVANTED. WANTKD , IN ALI , PA1STS OP THR IJNITKD Slates , people t earn tide ) to Jl'J.OT ' n day MclllnK tr > cnnaumera an nrtlolo worn In : every one ; It possesses im Improxwl fratfiro nor found In any simitar article , thU arHs It nt lirht ; vrry little erne money required l y re- llutlp nenla ; , l > uslne < < leKltlmate , peimanent anil very reltablp ; exclusive territory. .Xddresil Perfection Co , , I.ynn , Mnss. J M7W 17 * AGnNTS WANTRD TOrt MOUNTED IlEKI , ami wire trctcher ; ever } ' fanner wants one. LIP IJnis. , 307 South ICtli street. J > 17J7 17 * WANTED TO BENT. WANTED. FtmNISIinD nOOM AND UOAUD. Genllernan ami wife , without children , want nrat-cla room or rooms and board. In strictly private American family : references exchanged ; hoard In it house l < eep rs need not reply. Ad dress , for four days A 2 : . llee. K 121-16 * I1V VOt'NO I ADY ANI > MOTIIHIt. TWO I'UIt- nUlmt. heated rnoini for UKIU hmi eheeplnr ; invisl tn * rensi > nable , private family preferred. Address A 31. Bee. K 1I7S9 IS * STORAGE. STOHAGE , WILLIAMS & CltOSS. 1211 H.UINHY M-90J STOHV5K Ken iiotra-nrior.n ooous ; CLEAN ml cheap rale. II. Wills , llll Tainam. il 901 OJI.VAN 5 STORACU : CO,150i FA It NAM. Tel 15K M-805 nisT STOIIAOI : nim.DiNr. IN OMAHA , u. s , KOV. bunded warcliuu.so. llou > > hi > M Kood.i itorvd. Lmxrpt rutca. 1913-1015 Lcavemvorth. M-SJfl ILHAN' , IJIU' STOUAOn KOIt CAHUIAOES und bUKKlert In imr new brick bulldln ? , 1C08- l'J-13 llarify at. Columbus JIUEKy Co. M-433-2I ittionins. HTC. , BTORIID. P. Karbach & Buna , Cor , I5lh and llowaid Sis. WANTED TO BUY. I HAVE OUSTOMKH FOU A KU\V NICE , cheap bulldlnr lots for cash ; do not answei thin unless you hav a bargain. J. A. L < itKren , U3 llrawn blucl < , NIV23 19 WANTGD TO BUY , A NCWSPAPKn , iiTIIEH snuill nflernoau dally or weekly in Etowlntj town. State price and Blza of ptaiif. Addrcu A M , lee. N MTCS 21 * SALE FURNITTJnE. 'AYMKNTS UASI , YOU WON'T MlfH YOX.T uirncjI ow prices on furniture und lioiisehok interpr1s Cr llt Co. , C13-015 N. Ittlt "t 07 OUT ENTIRE STOCK OP PURNf lure , stoves , etc. L. Altman , MS N. Hth. BTOVHS AND FUHNlTI'nn AT COST. MUSI ba * uld at onceI , llrusnell , 710-712 N. 16th. t O M 5S O29 I'-UHNITURD AND ENTinB HOUSKHOLI effccta for jal cheap. 2211 Dou&laa it. 0-7M 13 * FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS , CIIBAVIiOT CHICKEN AND OHNAMBNTAI Itfcce nudt. C. It. L . Ml Uouilaa. q-7 > ir- YOU UUY. IIUY THR BEST ; MACICIN tn.ih.-B , rubber 1-oots , arctics , lyrinKei of nl klndi ; eaa tublnji ; all belt quality. Omahi Tent & Awnlnc Co. , 1311 Faroam at. Q-5U HANK AND PI.ATTK VALL.EY BAND FOI Kale. C , W. Hull Company , 20tn and Icard ats 0-90 ? IMPOIITED HAI1T2 MOUNTAIN CANAHIHS warranled ilnien. U.M ; J gold nth with globe I1.S3 , youne rarrots. J1.W tu > 20.na ; bird cajej eed , tc. UeUlet'a bird store , W N. l th street Q-W2J9 Nl GOAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF flea to 2W S. 16th it. , Ilrown block. K B1IERIDAN COAU EXCELLENT BUDSTrTUTl for h rd coil and JJ.M ton cheaper. ICOft l at turn itTMt. Buln entrance ISoard ot Trad * . OLAHIV OT AN T8. NO PERSON CONSULTING THE WOHLtMtB- nown 1 clairvoyant , Prof. Almeda O , w * ever dlnappolnted. In rlaMe Mtlsfactlon re- nulled In all cn e , as r roved by Innumerobl * tetllmonIM * . In henlth , WMlth , hnpplnru. nil In trouble. despair , or doubt , will Hnd pooltlve relief and jwurnnce of IncnlculnWo Iwnent by coniultlnc the most elebr ted clairvoyant Ihn t'nlwd Stat ever knew , Tlifl rrcfc or poiweMPH power * of marvelous character , un urpo od by nnjr so- cnllcil medium or future reader. Illn success In the ra t proves his Mist ability lo help you now. 'nlervlew him nnd you will sar he In the Brenl- t wonder of the age. The professor chollennes 'ie world to iirorfr hts equal In tlie great powers hlch he possesses to tarry out all he promises. l overcomes your enemies , removes family oubles , restores lout affections , causes happy larrtace with the one > ou love , removes evil iHucnce , lal habltf , gives correct Information n law suits , divorces. Ibst friends , etc Valua- lo aJi-lce RUen to ladles nnd nentlemen on i\e , courtship , mnrrlaire nnd liow to ehooio n .Ifp or husband for future happiness ; wlmt buil- , ess best edaplcd lo spee > ly riches ; tells tf the. > no you love is true or false ; slock speculation * . specially. The professor does not require" to eturn tn such methods as TfrypHan chnrms nnd ther frivolities. He Is no fortune Idler , but life reader from the laws of science , that In. Jalrvoyancy. nnd those who hove been hum- UffRed by pretenders the professor wlshet theme o cjtl bi'fore fflvlnp up In despair , ns lie guar- nteei prompt benefit. Correspondence strictly onlldentlal. Pend slamp for reply. Remember h number , 821'.4 N. ICth street , Flat A. 9 to B , iundays Included. 8 M72J SO * .IRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium : 7th year at 119 N. Hth. 8-8H MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. rtADAM SMITH , W2 S. mil. JD FIXOR , room 3 ; massage , vapor , alcohol , stenm , sill- phurlne nnd sea baths. T M63G 20 * , IAS3AQn. MA DAMP. UERNAHD , 1419 DODQE. 1MD. LA RUE , 110 SOUTH 15TII. T-"T4S N15 * TUBKI8H. BATHS. , ADinS' TURKISH UATHS . ; HOURS . , 9 A , M. to 8 p m. Beauty Culture parlors , removed f'om Karbnch llldg. to 109-10 llee Illdr. MC4I PEKSONAL. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD FROM UNnOLTED Hour at Imoiten L. llamsey'fl , 217 N. 16th street. U M317 Oil OATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. 318 tf 8.U U 914 MACKINTOSHES & RUDDER DOOTS. ISU Far. 'HY8ICIANB ' WHO DISPENSE THEIR OWN perscrlptlons can secure valuable Information free by addressing P. O. Box 811 , Omaha , Neb. U * * M t S3 COMPOUND OXYafiN CURES CONSUMPTION. asthma , bronchi ! IB nnd calarrli. Homo treat ment IS 00 per month. Three days' free treat ment , room 204 Uouglai blk. , lllti ana DO < ! KC. U 1ES O29 OSCAR 8UNDBI.L , FOR H YEAnS WITH O. W. Cork , has removiil his slioo repair hop to 8. 17th street , nortN ot Douglas. U M21 > Nl 'HESTON'B CALIFORNIA FIjAKES FOR breakfast ; superior to oatmeal. Try It. U-M371 N5 VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LAllIES Health book or consultation free. Addroni or call Vlavl Co. . 340 lies Udg. Lady attendant , U 107 iIME. LA nOOff. MASSAGE , 1C09 LEAVEN- vnrtli street , tlilnl lloor , front rootnR : Hvo rtrsl- class opeiators. TJ M5jQ 17 * WANTED. HKWINO BY THE DAYl aOOD cutter nnd IHtiT , inodernto charpcs. Aildiesn A ) I5 , Hee. U MOSO 20 * [ rcn cunTAiNS CLEANED EQUAL TO now. IlruispN nn < l other Kradea n upeclalty Hec our specimens of work , 143S No. 20th street. U S17W N15 * WANTED TO 150 H HOW" 500 00 ON FIVE choice GO-foot lots In C1o\frdale nddltlnn , Omaha. Address. E. A. Cooper , M7 17th strwl , Denver , Colo. U M7J1 23 * THE 3IELLK EPPnilLY CORSET , MADE TO order from measure. 19W Karn.im "jr J. , U-'Mlb * lilt VIAVI ! HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Hen-ltli lK ) < il < and ronsullitlon flee. Aildrrra r call. Vla\l Co. , 316 Jlce Milff. LnilV atli-nitantn. U 107 AULA1SAUQH Frjl CO. SIANUrACTPRERS or fur Karrncnts ; Turs neatly repaired. Pur muffs at cost. Room SOI Karbjcli blk. Tel , 1813. MONEY TO lAJAN REAL EHTATB , LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. 1" . S Cheaney , Kansas City , Mo. ANTHONY LOAN Sc TRUST CO. . 3WN.Y.L1FE , loam at low rates for choJco ( security In Ne- bratka and Iowa larmi or Omaha city proportr. 1 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOIIQLAF county. Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1T02 Farnam st. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVED OMAHA real estate. Ureunan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W 918 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Parnam st. W 913 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha rcnl estate , 1 to 5 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnnm. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , $3,000 nnd upwards. 6 to 7 per cent : no delays.Y l"aniam Smith & Co , 1320 Farnam CHAS. W. TAINEY , OM. NAT. BK. W 921 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at C per cent. W. D , MHkle , lit Nat. bankbldR "W-9J2 VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Sriulre , 248 IJea blip. "W 568 WE HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS for short time naper or 1st class mlse. loins. II. II. Harder & Co. . srouml lloor , Be bldr _ WE HAVE PRIVATE MONEY FOR AN 48M nnd n ? . " > OQ loan. T. D. Wend. 16th nnd Douslas. W 723-17 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS hones , ivauona , etc. , at lowest rates In clt > no removal of jroods ; strictly confidential ; you can pny th loan oft at any Urns or In nny mount. mount.OMAHA 1IORTOAOD LOAN CO. , 206 a ICtb street. X 021 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N , Y. Life bids J. D. HADDOCK , JIOOM 427 RAMQU BLOCK. X 823 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- lure , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind o chattel security , at lowest possible rates , \vhlcr you can pay back at any time and In nn > amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. Room 4 , Wlthnrll block. X 928 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED. RKLIAKLK KAN WITH I3M. TC take rxclualvD ale of a new nrllcle ; pold tc Kcneral xtoren. hardnare nnd harness dcnlern business a monopoly und good for } 2OOQ } vnrly If you nro laoklnx for the best pnylnR bui'nes In the Mate for th capital Invested cnll ant sec what I offer. E. Shaw , Arcade hotel. V M71S 17 * SUCOESSl'DL SPECULATION Ol'EN TO ALL try our nyiullc.ite B > alem nf speculation ; In crrase jour Income ; Information free. Rend fo clrculAr. Thompson & Dcrr Co. , 39 Wall street NL-W York. Y M7C2 17 FOB EXCHANGE. A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EX chaneo for youne work horses or mules Lamorcaux Dn . . 300 S. Klb. Z 103 GOOD PROl'EHTY TO EXCHAN.C1E FOI in-rchancltEO. In wrltlnK glva full particulars , Address Loch lloi C7 , Sheiton , Nebraska. Z Mill 19" TO EXCHANGE , $2. 0 CASH INVESTMENT In Omaha , property and KM cash for 12,50 stock shoos or clothing. C. F. Harrison , 91 N. V. Life. Omaba , Z 541 23 FOR TIIADB. GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY centrally located , clear , for large tract of Ian near Omaha. Will assume Incumbrance or i > n dirrerence. Kmiulra at SOS ! liurt street , city. HAVE ORANOH AND GRAPE LANDS IIi sunny Florida for tot or housa end lot. Ad dress A 19. Omaha UM. M 9l )1 > FOH TRADE. TiqUlTY IN HENTAIj I'ROP erty tor residence In southwestern part o town. Address A 21 , Ue clnce. Z U722 17 TO EXCIIAUC3E. STOCK. OF GENERAL , MER chundlsv. Invoice II.4W.OO. All new Roods an never been offered lor Bale In any retail ( tons "Will exchange tor real estatn and part casl Write a. A. Bowes , Ellendale , N. D.M73I /-M73I 2l I HAVE 15 ACRES WliST OF 'OMAHA ( IM proved ) to exchange far a. small home In th city , This la a tare chance for nonie one wh wishes a. country home , D , F. IlutchUcn. 1C K. 15th'street. K M7W 17 S2 VICTOR BICYCLE. PNEUMATIC TIRE. T exchange for typewriter. Addrvuii L. E. Hob ofti , 8tlh and. Hamilton. Z 7U 18 FOR TIIADH. OOOD HOU8I5 AND IXIT FO iirlntlns material , Address John M. Thompaor Panore. la. 2 M759 19 * FOB , SALE HEAL ESTATE. OAUDEN LANDS , 6 MILES FROM POST OS Oca cur terms. Cill tt MO N , Y. Lift. n E-7JI OMAHA LOT FOH BALE CIlEAPl COR. Ol 2Ist and Caitellar street * . Writ * to H. Petti von , 13t .lr , Neb. HE M5M Nl FAKM LANDS , a F. IIAJIIUSON.DIJ N. T. LIN R E I1IN22 > . ESTATE. noicn aAnnEN LANDS , s MILES FROM Omaha poitoirice , 10 toJM screi , nom trad * . N. D. Keyrs , 11 Paitoii blk. II E- AHOA1N8. HOVPESJ/nfiOTS / AND FATIMS , sale ot trade. F , K. llwllnr , tl rk r bloclc. I - itE-srr OH BALE. NEW 4-ROQ1I COTTAQE ; CEI . lar. cistern , city vateri cor. 10th nml Sahltr ; JI.IMOO ; long lime. lif t HIS Farnam. Snru. u l Burn * . * * G ICE 771 IOI1TLY HALF LOT-ORCHARD HILI. . south front , lhiw or four block * north of re errolr. Addrcra A 8 , "U * * DITIcc HE 8)2 ) 19" JIB CHEAPEST PnOPfinTY r.vnil OFFERED within 8 NilrvuteV wi lk uf Dee bulldlnir , full lot. AVII1 lake chpnp Diilrldo lot u part pay ment. Fidelity , 170J Fnrnam St. RU-COI-IJ O YOtt WANT A PINK INSIDE HUILDINQ lotT We will iifll you one within a mile for half Its value and tnko-nn nntsldo clear lot n * part pa > mcnt. Fidelity , 1702 rnrnnni St. ROOM COTTAOn AND IX5T , 25. An east front lot. near Hansrom park , J7W. Cottage and lot , 34th anil Chlca ro , il.Ofl. CotloRf nnd lot , 3M and Webster. fl.OW. IltCKnnt cast front lot , Oeorgla avenue , J ! , 00. Cottage and lot , east of park , 12W ) . Comfortable noutli front cottage , north , JSOO. CottiiEc nnd halt lot. Franklin street , J \ 7-rvom house nnd full lot , Just oft Lowe n.ve , 3i > ) cash ; price , 42,000 We liiue a. nlco east front lot near Hanocom arfc. price H.OOO , on which ue will build house o suit for t M tlrnt p.iyincnt. F. . WeaJ IStli cuid D. , Douglaj. Jtn-720-lT 10 ACRES , BO MILP.S FROM OMAHA. 12,200. 400-ecre farm , 13 mile * from Omahn. at IIT.50. F. D. Wrail. Hill tnd Do lii < . 1113 726-1T ACRES. I2,0 .W. a ) acre * , Jto.ntwflo. 2H ncrex , l + .Ono.co. 40 ncren , J2.O .M. 42 iicres , II.ROO.W. IM acres. J10 , < > IK ) . xo acres , jsroo.oo. 74 acre < , lt00.00. 40 acres , I2.r/KI.UO. 8 > l acres , 18,000 C- ) . C. F. llatTlflnn , 912 N. V , Life. RE M7M 17 PIANOS AND ORGANS. THIS WEEIC THE FOLLOWINQ INSTRU- raenls , for cash or monthly payment * : One Hale upright piano 1170,00 Another Halo upright piano 150,00 , > ne Hall & Son upright pla.no , HO.DO ) hlo Valley square piano . , , , , . CO,00 Ma win & Ilamlln organ 12.50 } eatty organ , high ton 22.SO imlth American orpin , high top 27.60 rnjtor & Farley organ , high top 3300 Klmball , Emerson and Hallet-DavI * clanoi. A , 31OSPB , JR. , 151 ! Jou < las st. Mill O31 F PURCHASED AT ONCE One upright piano , ISO. sold. One 3-etrlng now scale piano. J1S7.&X One new IVeinnan , KM. One new Wpgman. J500. One Estey organ , 35. One Klmball organ. t25. One1 Biy Stnta organ. $20. od. Hold. One Shonlnpor. I2S. One cwxt orRnn , SIS. Wt > 3 < 3brldgcDroa. . . 1 J N. 15th street. 87i on MUSIC TEACHER. MARTIN CAIIN. TEACHER OF PIANO- forte. Studio , 406 N. 5Jil t M1TI O31 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. Q. F. GELLENnECK. BANJOIST3 AND teacher. ISli ) California street. D14 DRESSMAICING. FINE TTIESSMAKINO AT LOWEST PRICES. Madame Corbel t. 424 N. I7th St. , cor. Casa. M14I O2S DRESSMAKING IN PRIVATE VAMILIUH.FJT nnd style guaninteed A Jrcss A 22 Dee. M 715 JO' DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 2120 SO. 10T1I , * BICYCLES ItEPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires nnd cundiles. Suf a opened , repaired. C. It. Heflln , locksmith , 311 IN. Htli it , 3 H1CYCLES ALL STYLES. M ALL PIIICES. 8end for our Il&t of eecond-hand and shopworn - worn bicycler. Repairs and c > cla sundries of nil kinds. M. O. Daxon , 402 N. Uth Bt. nt DICYCLE PRICES COT IN TWO. A ' 91 Fowler for SS4.M. A ' 94 Sylph foe IS7.il ) . Othermakes equally , ur low. 8ea our stock and get * our prices before buying. A. II. I'KHItlOO & CO 1211 Douclas Ktrttt. 857-0-27 STOVES. BEST HEATERS ON EARTH. Ite sure you examine them before you buy. Parties who desire the cliolco of the best line of cloves on tha market must buy cither th favorite bascburner or th Oak heatlnic ittoves. They hare been manufactured tha past ZO years , and where they hare been used alongside of other cloves have proven themselves the moit economical stoves made. We guarantee them. They are the cheapest and best itoves made. We have tha Horn steel range , a model of per fection. A. M. McCnrcar , 110 N. < 16th street. M224 Nl PLTJMBEKS. FREE PLUMIHNCS OF EVERY KIND. GAS , Bteam & hot water heating ; scnrrage. 313 S. 16. 922 JOHN ROWH & CO. . PLUMBING. STEAM AND hot water heating , gas fixtures , globes , til S. 15. 933 KItUGGK HUOS. . SANITARY PLUMBING , GAS tilting , drain laying ; Telephone 1270. 2S1S Leivenworlh street. 683 17 ELECTKIOAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical anil gen eral machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Omaha electrical Works. 617 mi 619 S. ICth Ft. 813 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western elec- trio Supply Co. , US and 42 S. IDtli st. 044 WOLFE ELECTRICAL CO. SUPPLIES AND electric wiring. 1511 Capitol ave. Tel. 1111. MII2 031 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes mada new. Sit 8. 10th. 810 DAMAQED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 71 N. 18. Ill THE NEATEST BARBER SHOP TN CITY ; court ot IJ e building. Fred Buelow. Ill ROGNER & EISELE. SION PAINTERS ; work at lowest prices. IMS Douglas itrn-f. MS1 } } UNDEBTAKEK3 ANI > EMBALMEKa H. K. IJURKETT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chicago ist. , telephona > 0. 837 SWANSON & VALIEN , UNDERTAKERS AND emt > almerg,1701 Cumins St. , telephona 10(0. 933 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1117 Farnam St. , telephone , 223. 833 C. W. BAKER UNDERTAKER , 61S B. H HT , . ill GAS FIXTURES , WE ARC CLOSING QUT OUR ENTIRE LINE oC eas and electric light fixtures , globes , etc , , at coat , ns wo are aosoiutely retiring from the lliture business. It will pay to bus t once. The HuMwy & Day Co. . 411 Soutl Ittli St. . Itamgg bulbjlnfr 619 O21 QAS AND ELECTRIC L1QHT FIXTURES made In design and llnlth to harmonize will any architectural style desired by F. M , Rut' ' ell. 313 H. llth street/ ' M7DO O22 STOVE BEPAIKS. BTOVU REPAIRS FOR 40,0011 DIFFERENT makes o ; stoves. Wate ! attachments and con nections a specialty. 1207 Douglas street , Omahi Btovo Repair Works. I M-175 S. B. STEWART. FWJRISTJ ALL KINDS OS bulbs and cut flowers ; 1C22 Capitol avenue. S7J-OJ ) JJEW BULBS , JUST IMl > OnTED , CUT FLOAV. crs. Ilesa & Bwoboda. Paxloa hotel , 1411 Fam M1U OJt SHORTHAND AND TYPE WHITING. VAN BANTU BCHOOIi OF BHORT HAND N. T , Life , Omaha. Aslt for circular. 791 r.OOSE'0 OM. BUSINESS COLLEOE. IS & I'A P. Mi OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEUE. 16T1I AN1 Douglas ; send ( or catalogue. Rohrbough Urot Mai NI TYPEWHITEB3. STOLEN TYPEWRITEJ13 OFFERED KOI ssla should make 7011 suspicious ; luimy the ; sr * mojlly Bmllh's. Try one and you will un derst&nd why ; full lint of supplies. Smith Premier Co. , 17th and Funam : telephone , I2S < FOUND. IF MRS. BENTON WILL CALL AT IIAYDEJ Tires , concerning a. luis she will flnd It to he advantage. M 717 U * BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A HOMB OR SKCURH GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. A It. Ats'a , 1704 Use Uldff. U. U. NaUlnger , S o. M BU BHARK3 IN MUTUAL L. AND II. ASSN. I'At f , 7 , S per cent when 1 , I , I years old. alwayi redeemable. 170 * Fatnam it , Nnttlnger , eee. sa CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS , HAMILTON 1IROS. , GENERAL CONTRACT. or * nnd builders , carpenter work , * term win- doTrs and doors. 414 8 , ISth ft. , tfl. 1179. MID3 OJ3 C. C. MOItRILU CARPENTER AND BUILDER , paper hanging nnd stgn , brickwork and plas tering. Olllca 109 a. lllh st. , telephone 40S. 815 TAKEN UP. TAKEN UP , LAIIOi : 1113 tl COW , UPPER pirt face while , right lilp dawn , 3110 Houlcvard nvenup. T , U. Bush. 717 1" TAKEN UP ; HMALt , HAY PONY , ONE WHITE hi ml lot , ' , about 8 yenm old. Call til r.4th . nml Center streets , Henry Oleson , M76I IT * OPTICIANS. THE ALOE A PENFOLD CO. , SCIENTIFIC opticians. 1IDJ Farnnm St. , oppoilt Puxtou hotel. Eyes examined free. 791 HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY TON OR CAR LOTS. WE buy liny. A. II. Bnydsr , HI ! Hurt st. Tel. Hff7. NEBRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY , ernin ana mill ttuff.Ve iirs nlways on tli market to buy or sell. HOI-4-3 Nicholas st.95S 95S HOTELS. AETNA I10USD ( HUHOURAN ) N. W. COR 13\h nnd Dodge. Hoom by day or weth. , DAHKcn , jloo rnn DAY , ua noows. In the heart of the business liouxes. Bpeclal rates and accommodation * to commercial tr.iv- elcra. Itoom nnd board by the week or month. Trunk Hllditcll , llgr. 313 MERCHANT TAILOKS. I. WISH TO ANNOUNCE T11K AlUUVAJj OK IMl'OHTiU AND DOMCariO Fall nna Winter WOOLTJNB O. A. Llndqultt , llerchunt Tailor , Sit S. 15th st wear COE.N10E. WESTCnN COHNICE WOUKS QA VANIZHD Iron cornices 1722 St. llarya ave. Kt EAGLE COnNIOCS WOUKS. JOHN V.VE- netcr. prop. . 103. 110.1U N. llth. Ilstab. IS61.SCO SCO - ' .BST FURNACE 1IADG , SOFT COAl , BStOKK cunsumlnrr and hard coal Jurnaccs. Katlo Cornice . lllh st. W > nice Work * , 108-110-113 N. DR. OEOnaRS. NASON , DENTIST. SUITE BW Paxton. block , ICth and Furnam els. Tel. 712. Dlt. PAUL. DENTIST , J020 HURT ST. 961 TAXIDEKM1STS. AND runs. BEND FOR CATA. loguc. Georco U. Brown , jr. , & Co. . T03 S. 16tli. 119 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COMMKTlCIAt. COLLKdU. 16T1I AND Douglai ; Bend { or catalogue. Kohrbottith Ilro * 112S1 Nl VVHOLKSALE COAL. JOHNSON IinOS. , WIIOL.K3AL.B llHALKIta IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence ollcltfJ. : 73 Faroam it. Kit DYJi WORKS. SCHOEDSACK , TWIN CITY DTK WORKS. 1521 Fiirnam Btrcot. Dyelntr of e crr Jeacrlp- tlon and dry cleaning. B4 > BTENO OKi P. J. BUTCLIFPB. GENERAL STENOCJ- trruplicr. 233 Uco bulldlne. Telephone i'Jl.M9II M9II RAZORS , KHKAnS. CL1PPBH3. LAWN MOW * ere , etc. A. L. UnJeland , IOC S. mil. 792 BICYCLE RIDING. BICTCLD ItlDINQ BC11OOL , mi CAP. AVB. H1I30 N2 UPHOLSTEBING. UPJIOLSTRUINO VEH.Y CHEAP THIS MONTH II. 8. Walkln , 2111 Cumin ? . T l Ul. lit JOB JOB PRINTING CO. , FINK PIIINTINB ot nil kinds. 12th st. . lies bulldlnj l"i : PAWNBBOKEBS. II. MAnOWlTZ LOANS MONEY. < IS N. 16TII. NIOHT SCHOOLa. IIOOSE'U OM. BUSINKSS COLL.EQB. 13 & KAH. Notice la hereby Riven that a special meeting of the stockholders or the Boutli Plntte I-anil company will be hold at the offlce of said company. In Lincoln , Neb , un the 15lh dny oC November , UU4 , for- the purpose of conslderlnR and aellni ? upon the matter of extending or renewlnc the artl- tles of Incorporation ot said company. By order of the board of directots. H. O. I'HII.MPS , Secretary. Lincoln , Neb. , Oct. 16 , 1S31. O1G OJOt 11UBEAU. SUES & CO. , Solicltm's. Bee Butldinsr , OMAHA , Neb. Ail visa PflJI ! ! , RHlLWHYl'iMEGRRD Leaves I CHICAGO NORTH WEST'S | Arrl\ OmahalU. P. Depot , loth & Maeon st.i. | Om.iha ll:0amr. : Eaitern .Express , " . . i:30pm : 4:00pin : Vestlbuled Limit" ! ClO.un 4Xam. : . . . Mo. Valley Local 10:30pm : tMlpm..Omihfi Chlcngo Kpcclul Leaves ICH1CAUO. UUIIUIKRTO.V & . Q.AirHc | Omahaj IJ-pot 14th and Mason Sts. [ Omaha 445pm ; Chicago V Btllmlo 7. . . 9.10am tjnm : Chlcaso Expiess < : l'pii 7:02pm : Chicago and Iowa Local 8:00am : ll:30am : . . . . .Paclno lunctlon Loot Bopm Leaves IliURLlNQTON Ac MO. " ItlVEn.lAuUet Omahaj Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Ornhai 10tr : < im Denver Express T's.wTim I0t5sm : Deadtvood Uxpreis 4:10pm : 4SOpm : Denver Express . . . . . . . . . 4inpm ; :50pm..Nebraska : Ixical ( except Sunday ) . CiWpin iliam..Lincoln Local ( except Bunudy.ll:25am ) : LeavcVj K. C. . ST. J , & C. II. iArrives Omahal Depot lOlh nnd Mason Hts. | Onuha * lISam : Kansas City Day Expres * . . , . . 553pni ; tiUpm.K. C. Nlxht Ex via U P. Trans. 6,50am Leaves I CHICAGO , R. I. & PACIFIC. Arrives OmahalU. P. Depot. 10ih & Maion 8th-.I Omnli % 11 ; 15um..Atlantic Express ( ex , Sunday ) . . , 6OTprii : C29pra ; NlBht Express 9:50nm : 4:40pm..Chicago : Vestlbuled Limited. . . , l:03pm : 11:3jpm.Oklahoma : Exp. ( lo C. B. cxSuoll3ipu ) ! ! WEST , 6 ; 00amOklahoma & Texas Lxp. ( ex. Sun ) ll:30pm : lilOpm Colorado Limited 4JJpm : Leaves I UNION PACIFIC * . lArrlyei QmalialUnion Depot. _ l > lh & . Mason Bts. | Omaha I000am Kearney Hxpresv , 3Wpm : iilEpni n..Overland Flyer 6IOprn : JMSi.rn.Ueatrlce & Btromsb'g- ex Bun ) 3SOpm : ( UOprn..1'acino Express 10S5aro : t'.tOpm Fast Mall 42upm ; Leaves I CHICAGO. Mil * * c ST. PAU1 * lArrlveT OmshafUnlon Depot. 10th and Mason Bt * I Omaha C.SSpm Chicago Limited , ; . . . . 930am ; ll10ara..Chicago ; Express ( ei. Sun. ) . . . , GWpm leaves I F. , E. & MO. VALLEY.- | Arrive ! Omahal Depot 16th and Webster Sta. | Omaha ' ' ' ' S'iOSftm' , Deadwood'nxpresi. , . . . , . , . , BjlOpm lOSam.Ex. ; Bat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( i ; * . Man. ) , GllOpn COOpm..Norfolk Uxpras ( Kx. Sunday,10:4Sart : CiOpm Ht. Paul Express Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrtvei Onnhal Depot 15th and Webster Bts. | Omaha ( ; 00am Bt , Louis Hxprest. : ) an 8:30 : [ > m Bt , Louis Express t'.Kpn _ ltlOpro..Dsitlr ( x. Sun. ) Tfebrasks Local. , 9:19 : n LeaveT ] C. , BT , P. . M. & O. lArrlvfl Omahal Depot IMh and Webster Sta I Omaha l00am..8loux ; City Accom. ( Ex. Sun. ) . . . 8OJpn : 10OOaoi..BI : UE City Accom. ( Bun. Only. ) . , f.OSpn II:15pm..81oux : City Express ( Ex. Bun. ) . .UKan : t30pm ; St Paul Limited. . . ! lD.-in , t PACIKIC.l Arrlv i OmahaUnloa | Depot , 10th A Mason ats. ) Omaha : Wam.Slouj City Pauenger 10:2 : ( > pra litipm , .Bu Paul Kiprem 10Wara : L vi I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC : lArrlvti Omshal Depot litti and Webster Sts. I Oman * Bt. Paul Llmlt-4 9:4Jam : t30pm. ! . Chicago Limited s40an Leaves I WAIIASH ItAILWAY. lArrtvei OmahalUolOtt Depot , loth A Mason Sts. | Oniahl tU : | > m.Bt. Louis Cannon Ball.12:3Jpm HOOKS AHI > rxnwmc.ti.9. THE SHKRMAM LBTTERS-Edltca br K.achol Shennmi Thorndlke , Cloth , 3JS papw , J3. Charles Scribnor'a Sons , Now York. From MeRcath Stationery Cotnpanx , Omaha. The letters nro the correspomtcnco Iwtwccn General and Senator Shornian during n period ovcrlng morn than half n. ccntur- , from S37 to 1891. There U * omelhlnK very unique n the open candor and conflilentl.il in minor n which the brothers unbosom their minds n those loiters that gives additional relish to ho account. The peculiar value of the o plstlea U not only In their ohnracter s n species ot memoir ot the writ ers , bill In. the relation they bear to il&tory , In which both writers \vcro imminently Identified , making history , as hey wrote It , and dlscussltiR nlTnlrs before ho event , mther than after these hnd trans ited. Particularly Interesting nro the antebellum - bellum views of slavery and Its danger to the outh , nnd on the question of building a road o ( lie California coast at first only con- j-ldorltiK a nBon road , and later a railroad , ho Utter bdiiK flrst viewed as too stu- > endou3 an undertaking nnd ono of too doubt- ul a nature as to the outcome. All In nil , t Is a valuable contribution , both biographi cal and historical , and U euro to be highly appreciated. COEtm D'ALENE By Mary Hnllock Foote. Cloth , J1.2& . Hotighton , Mllllln & Co. , Boston. From Megeath Stationery Com pany , Oman a. Amid the hardships and excitements of nlnlng llfo and the tumultuous reign of nn- irchy in the Coour d'Alcnc reRlon during the trlko of 1S 2 , the thread ol this simple love torr Is Interwoven. The tale is highly ro- nantlc , and Its characters are picturesque ind Interesting. AM13IUCAN SLAVES IJy Ono of Them. Paper , IDS pages. The American Eiifiravlni ; Company , Chicago. This anonymous work has reasons for being anonymous , as It Is simply tailing under 'alse colors. It Is rather opposed , If any- : hlng , to labor Interests , nrWl lias-only words and empty generalities to offer as > a sort of ioft soap , while Its tendency Is toward con- using and leading away from the main and vital Issues. It lias nothing' now to teach , and Its- only reason for publication Is to prollt 'rom the craving among1 the working classes 'or more light , 'ALL , THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD , " By Mary J. Saltor. Paper , 103 pages. Published by the nuthor. A Fill END IN NEED Dy Mary J. Saltor. Paper , 120 pages. Published by the au thor. Both of the above publications , containing entertaining short stories , ivero loft with ua by the author , who has been deprived of eyesight , and offers her work lo the public is a means of self-support. Her persever ance surely Is deserving of success. THE CHAFING-UISir SUPPER Dy Chris- line Terhuno Derrick. Hoard cover , 75 cents. Charles Scribncr's Sons , New York , From Megeath's , Omaha. Consists ot practical suggestions ns to how and when to use the chafing-dish , and shows methods to bo pursued In preparing various dishes to bo embraced In a chadng- llsli menu , SUIIEKA ENTERTAINMENTS Paper , 30 cents. The I'cnn Publishing Company , Philadelphia. From Megeath Stationery Company , Omaha. Contains a wide variety of new and novel ntcrtnlmncnts suitable to nil hinds ot public ind private occasions. AMONG THE ESQUIMAUX I3y Edward S , Ellis , A.M. Cloth , 3L7 pFiRes. The Penn Publishing Company , Philadelphia. From Mcgcath Stationery Company , Omaha. A. story of adventures under the Arctic Tele , In which Jack Cosgrove , a bluff , hearty Bailer , about 40 years of age ; Hob Carrel , 17 and Fred Whnrton , ono year younger , are tha leading : characters. The style of the wrller Is lucid and natural , the yarn reeling > n In a manner \\ell suited Juvenile ears , better press , paper and binding are excellent , and the whole posseses features bound to iruko It popular. TUB SILVER CintlST By Ouida. Cloth , f 1.25. Itncmlllan anil Company , New York. From Chase & Hddy , Omaha , A story much shorter than the usual from this author. It tells of a peasant girl , Carts , who lived In the solitudes of Maranma. She tempts her lover to dtp up his mother's grave for charms burled there. He. finds a silver Image of Christ , which the girl takes. 3ho sells the relic , and deserting her lover , applies the proceeds to living In freedom n the great outside world. No writer is. perhaps , a greater master of the secrets of : he heart , and for rendering- them compre- lenslvo to the ordinary mind Otilda pos sesses a rare gift. "A Lemon Tree" is an iddltlonal short story by this writer , cm- Kkllfd In tlie ratno volume. W11TJN LONDON DUNNED By G. A. Honly. Cluth , 403 pnges , $1.GQ. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York. From Me- seatli Stationery Company , Omaha. A etory of the restoration of the rule of rrum\vell ami of the great fire. No more romantic period could hnve been selected tn uakc n. thrilling and deeply Interesting tate Inn this era , characterized by the extrava gance of the court of. Charles II. , and the Ireadful Incidents of the great plnguo , fol- loweil by the destruction of London by fire , together with a commercial activity that railed England to ths flrst rank as a com- nerclal power. The story follows the for tunes of a young lad through all the strange vicissitudes arising nut of such an era of unprecedented Incidents as those just cited , It Is ably written , and the typography of the soak , coimlcd with Its numerous brilliant Il lustrations , ullr add to It7 fascinating power. CZAR AND SULTAN My Archibald Forbes. Cloth. 381 pases , $2. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York. From Megeath Stationery Company , Omahn. The adventures of a llrltlih lad In the Ilusso-Turklsh war of 1S77-S are here nar rated. The author , In his preface. Informs ns that the materials arc taken largely from the war letters written to Iho Dally Nevis durlnx the period In question by his ml- leagues , Messrs. MacKali.ni and Millet ; from Captain F. V Creen'a history of the war ; from Mr Kem'ravltch-Dantclienko's ' "Per- tonal ItenilnlJcenoGR of General Skobeleu : " from the late Valentine Ilaker Pasha's "War In Dulfinrln. " and from sundry Hupslan nar- tlwj. The name of the writer Is a suffi cient guarantee us to tie mltnblllty ot the portrayals of war In this romanrp nf 1h haitlellelil , nnd to Its value as a most enter taining medium of Instruction. The style of the book U first cliss , Just a Us literary material , nnd thr > ro Is no doubt tnat Itvlfl highly appreciated. 'fli U .lo.vfill I With lho exhilarating ser.se of renewed health and strength and Internal cleanliness which follows the use of Syrup , of Fig * it unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond tlir > old time medicines and the cheap tubstltiitcs sometimes offered , but never ac cepted liy the well informed. THE NEW TARIFF OFFICIAL POCKET The HcKlntey and Wilson Bills compared from Government Statistics rvcnr DUSINEES MAN AND VOTEH WANTS ONI HADE SUPPLIED BV PHICE 10 CENTS 'OILS UBARIIOPQ & CO , CHICAGO BAILEY , Dentist , I'axtoii lilnclc , Ulth ana Pariutui Painless Extraction cf Teeth-Painlesa Filling Pull net teeth $3 00. SllVfrnillusa $1.00 p rc ( ioldSJ.OU. Oolil Croivnx W.OU per Ivoth and at taclmicnt Telephone 1085. I ulyAttendant. Herman Spolou. UBB DR. DAI LEY'S TOOTH POWDER. Lost Manhood troi.hr. telurrlir cured by INlMl'lMUe Kr ulndaollemcdy. WUh riilt | iMuu i r , floldbj J. A , Fuller & Co , Corner tjth ind DouulauSU OMAHA , NEB- A ffrnolfs Bromo-Belerg. Iplondld ror&tlf amnt for K r out or Blcl K od ch , Urtln KibauiUon , Ble leiinH * l cj l ot nhkial KMir > lglai'al o for IthDU B Bullun , Gout , Kldnur liliordvrs , Acll l > r < p pttA. AoujKila. AnttdoM for AlecbV * f nil olh t CIWUM , Trka , ID , ii nd W. ' C1IIE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 151 B. WetternA enu . CHICAU'J , Tor uU l > r alt droEECt'U. Omaha , CAN COLLECT THE TAXES Phis Locality Much Benefited by the Ruling' Announced , MPORTANT SUPREME COURT DECISION City Trratnrjr of Oninlm Itellovetl o ( .I I'.mburrn'Miient lijf thr > bottlmnpnt of the fuse Hnlo of Urnl Kitmo fnc Hpcrlnl Tntpft , LINCOLN , Oct. 16. ( Special n the supreme court this morning an oplm on was handed down overruling the decision of Judge Ambrose In tlio case Involving th authority ol the- county treasurer to sell cat estate upon which special 'municipal axes ( or city Improvements tins boon lavtod and nro delinquent , Tlie cnso was brought toloro Judge Ambrose In tha form ot an application by Prank Knnsom for a writ , ot mandamus to compel County Treasurer Irey o sell real estate on which tlio taxes wora lellnqucnt In the city ot Omaha. Judge Vmbrose held that the property could not 10 sold by tha county treasurer It there worn no county and state taxes delinquent. The part ot the syllabus containing tha opinion of the court as to tha authority to sell says : A municipal corporation possesses only such powers as are expressly conferred upon It by the statuteor nro necessary to carry Into effect some enumerated power. The power "tt > levy and collect special taxes and assessments" upon renl estateto pay lie cost ot street Improvements , expressed n section 69 of the net governing cities ot : ho metropolitan class , does not alone carry with It , or Include. the ( rawer to sell the real cstato upon which such tax or assessment Is Imposed , In cnso of non payment. The mrxle designated by said sec tion , for the collection of special taxes or assessments by distress or sale of personal property , Is not the exclusive method pro vided by tlio legislature for enforcing pay ment of such special taxes. Whether the jlauso contained In said section , providing 'or tha seizure ami saleof personalty for .he satisfaction of special taxes , Is consti tutional , la not decided. The term "all mu nicipal taxes , " employed In section S3 ot chapter 12. Compiled Statutes , does not In clude or cover special taxes levied against real estate by the city for the Improvement of streets and alleys. Section 91 ot said chapter , construed In the light of prior and subsequent sections , confers authority upon .lio county treasurer to sell real estate for the nonpayment ot special paving assess ments , legally levied thereon by a city of the metropolitan class , although there arc no Icllnqucnt state , county or general munici pal taxes of any kind against the same prop- rty. OK ADVANTAGE TO OMAHA. The decision ot the supreme court in re versing the judgment ot Judge Ambrose la of the greatest Importance to the city ot Omaha. The city treasurer has been for Komo months greatly embarrassed In his operations by reason of the fact that prop erty owners have availed themselves of the duclslon to withhold the payment of their special taxes. As a result the- collection ot special taxes hns been Insuftlclcnt to meet the payments on the bonds ns they became due , and In consequence the city officials have been put to no little trouble In caring for the Indebtedness. Some time ago City Treasurer Bolln ad dressed a communication to the city council , setting forth tlio facia and urging- the ne cessity ot providing for an Issue of $50,000 worth of bonds to prevent damage to the credit of the city. The subject was re- furred tothe lltmnco committee and that committee , together with tlio city treasurer , vtas enabled to arrange with local banks for sufficient funds to meet the payments as fast as they became due. The decision handed down by the supreme court this morning relieves the city treasury of Ua embarrassment , for there Is now nothing left but for delinquents to settle their dues to the city promptly. Tha settlements nra likely to be made with all the more promptness from the fact that the city treasurer , in order to be on tile safe side. Included the special taxes In the list of delinquent taxes recently published , and all property upon which special laxes are duo will bo eold at tare sale next month unless the taxes are paid before. Since Judge Am brose rendered his decision last February the payment ot special taxes Into the city treasury 1ms decreased. In eight months , at least H50,000. and there Is now duo about $200,000 on 14,000 separate descriptions. A large proportion of this large amount will be speedily covered Into the city treasury under th decision ol the supreme court. The case decided this morning by the supreme- court can bo stated.In . a nutshell. Has the county treasurer of Doug1as county authority , and Is It his duty , to sell real estate upon which the city of Omaha , a city ot the metropolitan class , has duly levied a special assessment authorized by law. and which special assessment la delinquent and unpaid , there being no general * taxes ot any Id nil delinquent against the property upon which thu assessment was levied and Is de linquent ? For some tlmo beforn the case was taken to the district court there had been much dis cussion nf the question as tinted above : The- exigency was pressing. The city had issued large blocks of bonds to pay for paving , sewers ers , sidewalks , grading , etc. These bonds had been sold and worn falling due. The cost ot the Improvements had , been assessed against abutting property , but the special taxes out of which the city proposed to pay off the bonds were not paid. Finally Frank Hansom , acting tor himxelf as wall as the city at Omaha , applied to City Treasurer Bolln to purchase n piece of property upon which ( ha special assessments wre delinquent and un- pilil. He tendered the amount of the taxes due and demanded a tax title to the prop erty. In order to bring tha matter to an 1s- bne the city treasurer declined the offer and Mr , Hansom applied to Judge Ambrose for a writ of mandamus compelling the city Ircaa- u-cr to receive the money nnd Issue the title. Judge Ambrose handed do n a lengthy anil elaborate opinion , In which he decided that the city treasurer could not sell the property upon which tha sp clal assessments -were de linquent. The matter was then taken to tha supreme court. fsmin ( lilt nf Iliislnesi. A most Important branch of business In tha human mechanism Is that transacted by tha kidneys. If your kidneys huvo gone out ol business , look out ! Soon they will become diseased , tmlers they resume the payment ol their debt to nature. Use Hosteller's Stomach ach Hitters at Ihe'sturt and all will bo well. Employ II , too. for malarial and dyspeptio troubles , constipation , liver complaint anj feebleness. Til ! ' , ICIIAI/TV MAIIKii' ; . INSTUUJtENTS placed on record October 1C : WAUKANTY DEEDS. E A Dluin and wife la n P Hamilton. lot 19. black 13 , Inl 10 , block It , lot XI. block H , Orchard Illll , 13.000 C K Marna.nl to It P Manning , n H lot IS , block 112 , Houlll Otnnliu , , 1.000 J H Dux-Re ami xvlfe to J 1) C Huicli. lot 1. block * , Cotlagft park 2,500 1) H llurnmnlis and wife to A. 11 Hams. 0 V lot 7. block 1 , Slieridan Place 1 A M Haneit nnd wife to I ) 8 Burroughs , w % name * . . . . , . , . . , , . . . , . , . . , . . I Peter CiKkull l < i O H Llnnabarry. n 10 feel lot I. bloc * 37 , South Omnlm 3 BOO C A Aljorcromli'n nn < l wlfa lo K V New Imll , lot 19 , 1)1 xk 19. HI-IKES' Place t IllclmiO Jiiiulls'i to. J P Connelly , lot 13 , Ford's Hariitng.t mid BOO J P Cimiully niij wife to Mary llurdlsh , name , . , . , 800 J r > Ztltle and ) ! > In C I , Porter , lot IT , block 0. Summit a < Iil , 1,009 QUIT CLAIM HIiiH. ! : J C Lnnklri > nml wife ( o n It Lunktree , H uf n 150 feet lot 29. llurr Oak , . , . , , . 83 DEEDS. Hunter In chancery tn It H Clulc , lots 1 til * , bloclc II. Vest Bide „ . . . . 2.603 Sheriff to J A Ilorbncli , C0i 9 fret corn- rnenclnji at 8 comer 21 Hi mid Paul streets H.OOJ Special master to II I1 Cmuwcll , lot ZZ , block W , Dundee. Place , , , . m Hams in Kdwnnl Hayes , lot 102 , Nelson's add 611 Kama ( o Ii II lire , lot 3 and | iart ot lot 1 , block 8 , UU1 add , 1.IW Tola ! amount of transfer * JJI.Wi CapUIn Sweeney , U. 8. A. , San Dleco , Cal. . says"Shlloh'u Catarrh Kemedy la tba Mrs ! medicine I have ever found lint ivooM do me any good. " Price We.