Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Slid Down and Made a New Low
Fiico Bccord ,
New T.O T 1'ilre tor December Wheat \Vn
Jltmlo nil Soon no Ilin JU-sulnr Trading
Commencril < li t Oprnul
Weak In By hy.
CHICAGO , Oct. 16. Wheat slid down
ward today until It had tnnde a new low-
price record for December , nt Blttc ; then ,
aided by Ijuylns by flhorts rind report * of
cash business , the mnrkct reacted , Decem
ber closing steady , nt lie higher. May corn
Closed 14 higher and May oats unchanged ,
but provisions were weak , finishing ut de
The new low price for December wheat
was made ns soon aa the regular trading
commenced. The opening trades were prin
cipally nt from 51T8c to C2c , with a sale or
two at from D2c to 52 < { e. Another shiive
was taken off the under side of these quota
tions before any Improvement started.
When- began to recover It was under the
load of the corn market , which was the
llrat to give signs of reviving animation.
The routine statistics of the day and re-
porta from outside markets were discourag
ing to the bulls. Some demand for canh
wheat was reported early In the day , but
< ] ld not exercise any Influence until It was
aided by the recovery In corn. Receipts ,
-were 215 cars. At Minneapolis 338 carloads
Were received and at Pululh 881 , making
J.220 , against 92D cars a year ago. Primary
market receipts were 810,000 bu. Export
clenranceH of wheat on dllour from the At
lantic ports were 3SOWO ( bu , December Im
proved to from MUc to ri2'ic. with several
relapses of Its falling' sickness , which sent
It back again Bovernl times to Kc ! , but It
was In one of Its linn moods near the close.
There was considerable buying by shorts
at the close and the market Unbilled steady ,
at EMic.
The corn market opened firm , but the
ehorto were Inclined tu take their prollls
and some Improvement In ptlces followed ,
principally from the Hume cause. There
was , however , very small offerings of cash
corn to go to- store and there wns Home
demand for It. The Inquiry for new No. 3
and No. 3 yellow to arrive , wns also rather
better than It was yesterday. About 60,000
bu. were placed at the following discounts
under May prices : For November , No.
3 , 4'iC ' under ; No. 3 yellow , 4c under ; for
IJecembej' , No. 3 , 5c under ; No. 3 yellow ,
ic under. The receipts were 210 curs , or
69 less than estimated. For tomorrow the
estimates are only 100 cars. The latter was
one of the bull points of the day. May
opened at I8j' c , with a limited trade tit
48c. It lluctuated for over an hour be
tween 48c and O'.Sc , and then Improved to
from 43lic to l \c , where It closed.
Oats opened weak , In sympathy with the
early tone of despondency In wheat , and
Improved later In the session , as did the
other markets. Ilecelpts were about as es
timated. The opening pi Ice for May was
S2H and subsequently It sold as low as
SI tie. It rose to 32Vic , lluctuntcd between
that and 32c during the most of the session ,
but rose near the close to 32Hc again and
, ia. ed with buyers at that.
1 Weakness ruled In the provision market
and the opening prices were nt a decline
from yesterday's closing prices of 7Vic In
pork , 7'/4c In lard and 2'XjC In ribs. At the
close the following were the reductions es
tablished ; In pork. 12VJ.C , lard and ribs ,
each EC. Hop receipts were heavier than
looked for , being 21.0X ) , Instead of 17,000 , ns
estimated. For tomorrow the estimate Is
31,000 head. The Increasing receipts are
bearing nut the predictions of the packers
and Is the reason for the declining ten
dency In provisions ,
Casli quotatlonn ivcie as follows ;
Articles. I Opou. Low. ( Close.
Whcat.No. . 2
Dec 5 = MK
Com No.2. .
Oct. . , 48H
Nov 4HW 40
Dec 4014 47 5
Cam No. 3. , .
Ocl i7 | ! {
May 3li } S2i !
I'ork per bid
Jan , . 12 30 1'J H7W
Ocl 7 CO 7 00 7 00
Jan 7 'JO 7 10 1 'JO
Short Ulb3-
Ocl. , 0 05 q cp o or ,
Jau 0 SO 0 27t !
I'ach < iuotatlons were as follows :
FLOl'll Unchanged.
W1IKAT No. 2 prlnK , E4UGH'Sc ' ; No.
49c ; No. 3 red , Cli4j 2c.
COHN-No. 2 , 49 > , ic ; No. 3 yellow , 4'Hc.
OATS No. 2 , 27'ic ; No. 2 white , SlflSUSc ; No.
t white , 30 31c.
IIYK No. 1. 4&HC.
HAULUY No. 2 , Me ; No. 3 , ISHSSSlSc ; No. 4 ,
KLAX HKED-No. 1 , J1.I3.
TIMOTHY HEHD 1'rlme , J5.3rt.
PHOViaiONS Mesa pork , per bbl. . l12.Mfll2.73.
Lord , pel * 100 Ibs. , I7.C5. Hliort rll > ! > , Hides , loose ,
( C.659G.70. I > ry palled idiaulilcrH. boxed. ) C.12 ! ; &
.23 ; Bhort clear nldea. boxed , t6.87H5i7.03.
WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed gocxln. per cnl. .
BUQAUS rut loaf , unchanRed.
Thn faliening were the receipt ! and shipments
today :
Ycslcrdny's Quotittloni 'on Flour , Urnln anil
1'rovlnloim , .MetnlH. ICte.
NEW TOKK , Oct. lO.-FLOUH-IlecelptB , 28-
SOO bbls. ; ciporlH , 2C.300 bbls. ; sales , 10.COO pkE-i. :
markel quiet and Irregular , lluyers arc well
upplled and hold oft waltlnpt for conccEslona ,
buying only for Immediate needs. Southern Hour ,
dull. Ityc Hour , dull ; f > ale , " 00 bb ! . liuckivheat
Hour , nulel nt il.7S02.00.
COItN lllCAI Easy ; Rales , M > bbls. and 2,400
Backs ; yelluw wcslera , Jl.12ei.15 ; Urainlywlne ,
ityK-Hteady : car lots. & 36CIC.
IIAUI.IOV MALT-Dull ; weslern. 70073c.
WHKAT Heeelpts , 235tOO bu. ; exports , 37,500
l.u . , ; sales. 1,7KKJO ) I'll , futurea and 90,000 bu.
spot , Spot , steady ; No. 2 red , In stoie and ele
vator. SlVic : new , 5i 4o In store nnd allout ; f. o ,
l > . . tOJic. nlloat ; NO. 1 northern , 65Hc. delivered J
No. 1 hard. Gl'ie. dellvercil. Opllons broke the
lo\f record on early sales , owing to weak cables ,
lost ubout c on big crop reports , liquidation and
foreign sellmK , but > eon milled and wus K < n-
crnlly steady all dny on Rood caeh demand at Ihe
w st and In sympathy with corn nnd closed firm
Bt Mo net advance ; No. 2 red. March , doped
Mc ; May , 0t&BO ! 7-lCc , cloned COKc : October ,
cloieil 8H4c ; November , closed 6t c ; becembur ,
K 7-16CM 11-ICc. rlosrd Kc.
X ltN Itecelpti , 3,009 bu. ; exports , 300 bu.j
wiles , 5,000 bu. futures and i'1,003 bu. spot.
Hpot , Hrin ; No. 2. SSa In store and elevator : tali
Ci SHe nltMt. Options opened weaker with wheat.
but milled and were ( Inn nl ) day and on smaller
receipts than expected closed at ' ; < f'jo advance ;
January. Bl BC2e. close. ! 62tc : May. 62U :2'ie :
closed 62T&C ; October , closed 65'ic ; November ,
C4 tf ! > 5 < ; , closed KiCi December , MiiKSSHc , closed
OATS Itecelpts. 32.800 bu. ; eiporls , 600 bu. ;
sales. ZIO.WO bu. futures nnd W.OOO bu. spot.
? R ° h.J.tead3y No2 < "UffSlHc ; No. 2 , delivered.
S-'til)32Hc ) , } o. 3. 30X ; No. 2 while , 35e : No. 3
white. Sllic ; Irnck. mixed. 31f32c ! track , white ,
SSJJ'M'.ir. ' Options , quiet but steady all day.
I'liwed nl nbout unchansed prices ; January , S3' !
ft'3JHe. closed J3 4c : Krlnuary , closed 3 c ; MayT
cloced JiiVic : October , cloned 31Uo ; No
vember , ! U4f3IT4c , closed SHici December , 32H'S >
82Sc. elostJ SJ-Jic.
llprs.Dull and heavy ; stair , tommon to
chirice , 3O7ci I'nclfla coast , 4HC7C.
i , ' , WJjMc ; good to cholc ,
Lrirmwel : jalted New Orleans se
lected , to 63 ibs. , &C ! lluenoa Ayres , dry , SO to
Ibs. , He ; Texas , dry. 24 to SO Ibs. , &Vi 6c.
Ll-ATHiil Hteady ; hemlock sole , Uuenos
Ayrc , light to heavy welRhts. UUlSc.
\VOOIw-Qulet ; domestic Ileece , 13a4c ; pulled.
I'llOVISIONS-Hecf. quiet. Cut meats , steady.
I-arU , steady ; western steam closed nt S naked ;
city , J7.15 ; salfs. Si ) tierces October : closed al JS
asked ; January , J7.K. , nominal ; rellned. easier ;
rontlnrnl. l.3Jr B. A , , ; compound , J .00 { |
8-Ir5tv KVrk''eillly ' new me H4.KOI5.W. .
Jll'TTUK-Stendy ; wentern dairy.
wewlern creamery. 15 25c ; western factory , lfi
ICO , Klglns , - . Imitation creamery. Il&l9c
late dnlry , Hf23c ; iUte creamery. li 2fx > .
CHEKSB Dull , state , larire , StflOUc ; imnll ,
( Hlfllc ; patt skims. JliCT.ic ; full iklms , 3o.
L'CIO.SFirmer i stata and rennsylvnnla. 20fj
22c , Ice house. IMjiSHc ; ivcitern fresh. 15G20C
cases. I2.COOI.2S ; receipts. 7,776 pkus.
TALLOW Weak ; clly , 4Vc ; country , 4'ic.
I'KTUOr.Bl'M Nominal United
: cloned at S2io
Iild ; Vanhlnglon , bbls. , ii ; rrllneil. New York ,
JJ.ID : 1'hlladflphia and Ualllmore. $3.10 ; Phila
delphia and Italtlmore , In bulk , I2.CO.
JtOHIN i'lrm , strained , common to good , II. N
Tl'ltPnNTINE-Qulft ; ZSUc.
JUCK Steady ; domestic , fair lo extra , 4V&9
Uo , Juran. 4) ) > e4 c.
MOLAH8ES BlMily : New Orleans , nprn krttle ,
gnoil la choice. : SiS6c.
na IKONStradyi Scotch. $15.00CM.:5 ; Amer
ican , jmwmw ,
LKAU I asy , broke ' prlcea , 13 ; cxchanga
iirlces. W. 15.
TIN U'euki Straits. n5.30tfl5.SJ. Salfi on
'Chang * today , I ton * October tm 4 Jli. 15 ; U
on fpr > t ( In t JI5.33 : is Inns January tin at
IMS ; 1 rarlosd NovemW lend nt U.lZ'.i. '
Bl'ELTKH-Uarely steady i domestic , 8.40S >
'corrun-Qulftj lucker1 price. P.62tft ex-
: hnnRi > price. J3.COtJ9.t-5 for spot.
COTTON HKIJD Oil/ Inactive uml weak , but
nomlnnl nt nny quotation , with only small par
cels salnblp. 1'rlmp crude , I o ; oft crude , ST > c !
ellow hutter grades , 37f3 C | cliolco yellow , 31(1
Kf. nominal ; prime yellow , 3HM2c ; ) ellow off
grades , 3 < . < cj firlmo white , 3c , nominal.
Condition nf Trnilo nn.l Quotation ! aa
Hlnplo nnd Fancy I'roilubn ,
Strictly frcili eggs are not at all plentiful and
ho market Is itronir ,
Thera Is plenty of poultry arriving , anil nc-
coiillns to nil account ! there Is sill ] plenty bnck
n the country. Chlcnjo Produw remarks that
f the big supply wns all there wan In the situ
ation to make tha outlook rather unsatisfactory
he ooultry men would not worry about the
matter n front deal. Tha worst feature Is that
here Is a bis lot of poultry anil ivi corn of
coniequencc to feed It with , Jolin Foley. poultry
salesman for II. L. Drown A Son , ciprcsseil
Ihe opinion that there would be lota of poor
loultry In the market this fall , "Chickens will
ic plentiful , nnd peeler limn ever before , " he
said. "People will not have the corn on which
n fallen Ihem , nnd already we are Keltlnir lots
> t Ihln poultry In Ihe market. One of our Ne-
irnskn shippers etnrlvd from his station In Nc-
jruska the other d.iy with a car wclfihlnit 11.300
b . , nnd when II Rot here It had gained 300 Ibs.
'ram the feeding the chickens ( -nt In transit , no
hln were they when thi-y started , Iowa nnd
Missouri | > ullry Is lioldlnR out falily well , but
: hcy nre not up lo what they ought to be.
Turkeys mo Boliit ? to bo Ihln from lack of corn
: a feed them , nml they nre always hard to sell
when thin , nn-1 with nn extra heavy supply In
sight the outlook Is anything but encouraging , "
HUTTKIt I'acklnB Block , Sc ; fair to peed coun
try , U'jHf ; choice to fnncy , Wlicj Knthered
cieamery , 10020C , separator creamery , 20i 21c.
IHlfJS I'er doz. , strlclly freh , lic. !
( IAMH Prairie thickens , youns , per doz. , $3.7S
tjl.00 ; prairie chlckenn , olil. per < 1oz. , $2.oOiJ2.S3 ;
Krousi * . jntuiir. per doz. , li.r.OfliTj ; Krouse. old ,
per doz. , $2 ; blue win ? teal , per dot. , Jl.l'iil.W ;
Krecn ivlmt teal , per < 1os. , JI.OJHI.'JS ; ducks ,
mixed , per doz. , Sl.flOW1.10 ; cnnvunbacks , | 3.CiOfg )
4.M ; nmlliirds and i d heads. t2.Mii3.Qi ; iiunll ,
5l.2r.rn.50 ; venl n saddles , H l o.
VI3AI. rholcv fut nnd small venls are quoted
at K'itr'lo ; lariru and coarno , 3i-lc ,
CIIKrsi-"VVlscjiiBln , full cream , new make.
12l c ; Nebraska nnd lou-a , full cream , lie ; Ne-
" iskA nnd lowu , part skltna , "IfSci Llmburger ,
| . 1 , lie : brick , No. 1 , 12c ; Swiss. No. 1 , II
HAY Upland hay , 5S ; 47.50 ; lowland.
17 ; rye stiaw. If. Color makes the price on
liny. Light nhnilrn sell tlie beat. Only top grades
l.rU ! top pi Ices.
I'UiKONS-Old bird" , per do. , 7JC.
POTATOES CSood Hlock , 75c.
OLD IIKANS Hnnd-plcked , navy , $2.25 : m -
lluin , tl.SOQ1.94 ; common white beans , | 1.75@
ONIONS On orders , 70iri75e.
CAnijAOE-On orders. UiHl c.
8WKET 1'OTATOKS Per 'lb. , SftJ'ie , or 13.50
per bbl. ; Jersey , JJD1' r r bill ,
QUIN'Cns-Cnllfornla. per M-lh. box , { 1.50.
Ari'I.KS-Onod Block , per bbl. , j.W5J2.73. !
PKACHKS California. freestone , SOc8I.OO ;
InR1" . "OH75C.
I'l.UMS California. WcgH.CO.
1'CAHH Ilartlctt , no good shipping stock ; win
ter Nellls , Jl.JSBS.OO.
nilAIMIS Concoide , 10-h. ] Imrkrtn. Sic : round
Jots , 10c ; California Tokay , ; Muscat.
CIlANUEEniES Cape Coil , fancy , $ J.75fflO.OO
er bbl.
ORANOnS Mexican , 150 , MO , per box , J3.M ;
Florldas , IJ 50.
KANAKAS Choice stock , J1.7S1J'2.50 per bunch.
LEMONS Fnncy Messina. 500. * 3 ; 3K > , JI.75O
D.OO ; choice Messina , 300. * l.50.
Notwlthstunilliis th exccpdlnBly small stock
of Pe : sum Oaten remaining In market , e\yn the
Now York Itullclln , and the Inillcntlons farorlni ;
in actual scarcity of the fruit , dnalcm this sea
son appear lo be laklns ery llttla Interest In
the offerings of new crop to nrrlvp , the liidlffei-
encc ot the trade beliiK ntti-IUuteO to the un
certain feelliiK that Is entertained relative to
first deliveries. Owlnc to the lateness of the
Irst ll < lp In Scp.ember this jvnr , the Inltlnl
shipment dlil noi pt't under way until t'.io 2uih.
At that time four cnrcneavero htnrtd three
for En lund nnd one for this country , but In
crossing the tap at llussornli on" of Hie Cng-
Inh carnoes Rrwundcd and the vessel , It Is said ,
will there remain until the first tide of the pres
ent month relieves her from her unfortunate
position , from nn Interested souice we learn
.hat the Ocnmpa. the direct steamer from t his
port , which has a CIUKI > of 4S.S31. boxes , Is a.
leet Ixiat and will make an ununimlly quirk
vayaso to her destination. The consignee of the
arKo. we undeistund , la counting upon the dc-
Ivery of the fruit at least two weeks In nd-
. once of ny stock 'that will be landed here via
Cngland : anil Ihousli jilenseil to receive thin
assurance , the trade nevertheless Is disposed
tu nwalt the course of events and watch the
progress of the boats ns they proueed upon their
westward coutse. Of the two steamers bsund to
Kntrland , one only Is ciedltc'l wllli posiess'nr
considerable fi > < ' l. and It Is upon this vessel
that the attention of the trade H at. present
riveted , as a pait of the fruit contained In her
cargo Is destined hither ns a competitor of the
direct shipment ,
OYSTnua Medium , rer can , Kc ; horse ehoes.
Uc ; extra standards , ISc ; extra , select ? . 18c ;
company selects , 23c ; New York counts , 23o.
KIOS Knncy , per lb. , 20c.
HONEY California. ISc ; d.irfc honey , 10la.
MAIUiK BYnUP Clnllon cons , per doz. , 12.
NUTS Almonds. l SJ17c ; English walnuls. 12 ®
lie ; lilbcrtii. 12c ; Urazll nuts , 10Q12c ; eastern
chestnuts , 10O12HC.
CIDKK-I'ure dulcf , per bbl , , 5C ; half bbl. . 3.33.
IIIIJKS No. 1 creen hides. 3Uc ; No. Z green
hides , 3Uc ; No. t preen salted hides , 4Uo , No. 2
ciccn salted hides. SUc : No. 1 jreen BnileJ hides ,
25 to Ibs , 4'ic ' : No. 2 creen salted hides. 23 lo
ID Ibs. , 3lic ; No. t veal calf. 8 to 1J Ibs. , Ic , No.
2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. 5e : No. 1 dry flint hides.
6c ; No. 2 flry Hint hides. 4c ; No. 1 dry salted
ildcs , 6c ; part cured hides I4o per lb. less than
fully cured.
SHEEP PHl.TS-Green salted , each. 23fCOfl ;
creen inlleil shearllnga ( short woolea early sklna ) ,
each , lOJfSOc : dry * henrllns" ( short -oolctl early
skins ) . No. 1. each , ( fflSc ; Ary shearlings ( short
woolcd early skins ) , No. 2. each. 6e ; dry flint
Kansas and Nebraska , bul'cher wool pells , per
t > . , actual wetKht , 64fSc ; dry flint Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual
weight , 438HC : llr > ' " 'nt ' Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 40CSc ! : dry Hint
Colorado murrain wool pells , per lb , , actual
wclKht , 43'io ' ; ( have feet cut off , as It la useless
to pay freight on them ) .
TALLOW AN13 GREASE Tallow , No. I , 4 > c ;
tallow. No. Z , 4c ; KTeasev white A , 4c ; crease.
white D , 3VSc ; erense , yellow , SVSci grease , dark ,
Sfio ; old butler. 2H2'/Jc : beeswax , prime , 15020c ;
rouih ytllow , 1V > Q2C.
St. Loul * r.i-iifirnl
ST. I.O13IS. Oct. 16. FLOUR Dull , unchansed.
AVUI3AT Hold oft early , but rallied on Im
proved IjuylriRclPBlne H < IUc p : No. 2 red.
cash and October , < sc , December , Wo ; May ,
COHM Followed wheat , clnslnc Ith n net sain
of iifi'Tic ; No , 2 mlx d , cash , 4Cic ! ; October and
December. 4Scj May. 45iS > ( c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 , cash , Me ; October , ISsic ;
May , J2 > jc.
IIYK Salable : track. 50o.
11AHLEY No change.
HUAN rirm ; CJ'te.
KLAX SrKI > -Jl.'ll.
HAY Uettcr ; prime to choice timothy , JO.OOO
IIUTTKU Slaw , weak ! unchanged In price.
LEA U-Klrmer : t2.Xi.iQl.1O.
SI'ELTER-Dull ; H.CU aBkcd.
I'HOVISIONrt Quiet. Pork , slnn-lnnl mess ,
JoblilnK. I13.M. I ird , prime steam. JT.SO ; choice ,
37.G3. llacnn. Hacked xhoulders. J7 ; lenis , 17.CO ;
TiliB , J7.CO 7.C2i,5 ; shorts , H,75 7.7'i. ' Dry salt
meals , Inosn shoulders. 10 ; longa , JJ.OJj ribs , JG.75 ;
shwts. WM.
HKCK1 ITS Flour , 7,000 libls. ; wheat , 15,000
bu. ; corn , 2C.OOO bu , ; oats. 37.000 bu ,
BlIII'MKNTS AVhcat , SI.700 bu. ; corn , none ;
bu , ; corn , 1,000 , bu , ; o.its , 18.004 bu.
Nenrly One-Unit nf I ho TliutneBi Doin VHS
In Sucur Slmres.
NR\V YORK , Oct. 1C. Nearly one-half of
the business done on the Stock exchange
today was In the shares of the American
Sug-ar ItttflnlnR company. Good buying was
developed In the stock In the early dealings ,
which was credited to a prominent Insider ,
The board traders followed the lead thus
Klvcn and without any Important reaction
nn advance of 2j per cent was recorded ,
the last belns ; the highest price of the day.
Iteporta were put in circulation that the
susrnr trade was Improving , and that the re-
llnerles of the trust would foan atralu be
put In operation. It is not to be said , how
ever , thut these- reports had any ppeclal In-
lluence upon the course of the prices In the
stock market , the upward movement belnc
purely the result of manipulation , St. Paul
was second in point ot activity , nml durlnir
the mornlntr was sold by London and local
traders , with the result of a decline of > (
per cent , which was later recovered , the
llnal unle , however , being tt per cent below
yesterday's. Thp other grangers were but
lightly dealt In , and fluctuated within limits
of > i per cent , rturllngton calnlng- per
cent , llock Island ' .i per cent , and North
western standing unchanBed on the day
There was brisk selling of General Elec
tric In the oiicnlnij' deals , which were at
tributed to an Insider , and which broke the
stock I per cent , the full decline beliut re
covered before noon on the revival of the
report thai It Is thi- Intention of the company -
pany to shortly reduce Us capital stock.
Uurliif the afternoon the shares reacted
* i per cent , and rallied % per cent at the
clone , leaving n net loss of M per cent.
Chicago Gas opened ' 4 per cent lower , but
quickly moved up T4 per rent , subsequently
reacting H per cent anil rallying > i per
cent , the latter fraction being the Improve
ment made on the day ,
Western Union was In better tone today
than on yesterday , moved up U per cent
on a small business , closing- th e But
point touched. Manhattan recovered some
what from yesterday's depression , and some
ot yeitcrday's nellem were buying today ,
jut there etlll remain gome short contrncts
uncovered. On the buying of today a 2 per
cent Rain Wng made , tha cloning- sale being
nt the Maheat price made. In the rest of
[ he lint very little business was done , anil
fhe tendency of the market WIB UownwarU
during the greater part of the day.
The gold export scnro had little. It nny.
Influence on Iho market , nnd In the final
lenllnw , nlthough the trading -was Intensely
lull , n Rood tone prevailed , and the mnrkct
closed ilrm. The more Important declines
on the day not nlrenily noted art ! One nml
three-quarters per cent In Delaware & Hud
son nnd Cordage preferred , 1H per cent In
Norfolk & Western preferred , 114 per cent
In Itallltnore & Ohio nnd Kast Tennessee
ooconda preferred , 1U per cent In Wheeling
A. I ike Erie preferred , 1H per cent In II11-
nolfl Central , and t per cent In New Jcrnoy
Central nnd I'lttsburjr , Cleveland , Columbia ,
Chicago & St. Louis. Distilling. Atchlson ,
Missouri I'nclllo nnd Northern i'aclllo pre
ferred closed nl yesterday's figures. A gen
erally easier tone prevailed In the bomt
market during the- early session. After
midday , however , the weakness wns more
pronounced , particularly for Genernl Klee-
trlc Oebenttire CH. which sold down 3'5 per
cent , to S.V.J , and finally closed at B7'J ' per
cent. A fair amount of business was trans
acted , the pules amounting to t j3S ( > 0.
The more Important changes arc : De
clines Union Paclllc cold CH , 4 ppr cent ;
Vtc'ilson , Cole a lo & Pac'tlc Is nnd Colorado
Midland Is , S per cent : Cleveland & Canton
llrstp. 2J per cent ; Tennessee Coal and Iron ,
Birmingham division Is , 2 per cent : Eric
2s , Consols trust receipts , 1H per cent ; At
lantic A I'nelllc , 1'4 per cent , end Kansas
Pacific consols , Manhattan consols Is. Mil
waukee , Lake Shore & Western Is , Oregon
Improvement consols Is , Hichmond & Dan
ville equipment Gs and Cordage llrsts , 1 per
cent. Advances Oswego & Home seconds , 2
per cent ; Wiibnsh seconds , 1'J per cent , and
St. "Paul gold 7s nnd Toledo & Ann Arbor
llrsts , 1 per cent.
The Kvenlnf ? Post's London cable- says :
The stock markets were dull today on nc-
count of the Illness of the nineer of Afehan-
stan. Consols have fallen a qua tcr. Amer
icans were Hat on advices thut gold ship
ments from New York to the continent wore
beginning. Ccnernl Pacific was Hat In spite
of the notion of today's meeting of share
holders. Americans were n fraction better ,
but dealings for the moment are almost
entirely In South African mliips.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Atchlaon 11. P. II. AO *
Ad.llilH Hxpros ? , . . 147U NorthweRteni , , . . llV
Alton. T , II 32 do pfd 14 :
tlo pld 1711 N. Y. Ccnlr.1
Am. Exprpsn Ill N , Y , AN , Enif. . . .
nalllnioroAOhlo. 74W Ontario A W in
C'anailal'aclllo . . . t > 4H Oregon Imp inMh
Canada Souilicrn. > * > ] Oreiron Jfnv
Central Pacific. . . li : o.s. r &u. N. . . .
Ches.AOIuo I'ncino Jtatl
Chicago Alton. . . . M'- I' . O.V B
C..II. A.Q M'7iM
ChlcatroOaR 74U ' I' I'.iUco. .
Consolidated G.n 121' llc.'iillnir 114
C , C , C. , VSt t , . . . as1/ lUchmomlTorm. .
Colo. Coil .t Iron as17 do pfd
CotlonOll cart. . . 30 n. ov. . ,
Del. .tllud.soii. . . . ] ( u , a. vr.vM
Dal. Lick. . .tV. . . . IKS Iloelt Island
U. A 11.0. pfj St. Paul
U. & C. P. Co PH St. Paul t > fd
Cast Ten i ] lou St. P. A Omnn.-i. . .
. . . . - . do ptd
do t > M [ Southern Pac
FortWavno 1A3 Suirar IlHttiiery. . .
O. Korthorn pfd. . 102 Tonn. Coal Alroa
C. A K.I , pfd OU Texas Pacific. . . .
HouklnR Valloy. , ' T. .to. Conl. pfd. .
111. Central P2' Union Pacific
St. P.-tDiilutb. . . . . ' 4fl
K.A T.iifd 51 W. St. L ! P ! ! ! ! ' . !
Laho Krlo.t W. . . do pfd
do i.fd . . 70 WellH Fareo B . . 111 !
Lnlio Shor Western Union , . .
Lead Truat W. A L. E
Louis vllloiN. . . . do pfd
Ixjulsvlllo.VN. A. M S.SU L
Manhattan Con. . . ii. AK. a ID
MciiiDhlH.V C 1(1 ( (1 , K
MlclilimiCeiit. . . . N.L
Mo.I'aelflo C. I-.i. I
MohlloA Ohio. . . .
Nashville dm. . . US H . A ; T. C ' ' ' ' ii'v
NatluunlConlaro. 12 T.'A , A. SN'M' ! . . rH
do jifd. . . , T. St. L. AK. 0. . . . 1
N. J. Central 1L'7 to ! pfd f
N A W. pld S. R. H ! ! <
Korth Am. Co do pfd 4 Hi
Northern P.iclno. t'i Am. Tob. Co Vf H
No. I'nc. uW - . do pfd 11)5 )
The total Pules of atiicks today weie 172,221
shares. Including : American SuRar. 82.100 : llur-
' " . " 'Sf'l ' Wo Gas , 9.100 ; Ueiiernl lllec-
trie , 13.10D ; Manhattan Consolidated , 4O ; I mls-
r"itJJnsllv"p- | : "endlnjr , 2.1W ; St. 1'aul.
2J.330 ; Wevtein Union , 7,100.
Xt-w Vork .Money Market.
J-.a y at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent : closed
at 1 per cent.
KT15IH.INO : - .
l-XCIIAN01--Opene.l : strnnff. but
closed bllKhtly ensler. with actual business In
b1lce.lSJ1.11j5 ! : lt S4-875ig-4.87S for demand nnd
at JtS6J4fi'4,87 : for alxty days ; , rates. ll.7'.5
ffJ.S3 nnd ? l,6S'i@4.8a ; commercial bills , JUCfr
4.BOVi. ' " '
OOVKHNMKNT nONDS-Klrm ; atate bonds.
dull ; railroad bonds , weak.
Closing quolalloni on Lends xfcre as follows ;
fj g if ' ' Dr&"nrai is . RU"
U.S. 03 COUP. . . . . 11PH Erlo 2nd8 "
U. S. 4srt)3
U , S. dscoup clo'Ts. . ' . . . ' . . . . ' . " . 05
II , S. UHruz utl II. A.T. C. Da 11)4
Pacific ( la of 1)3. ) . . 101 dotis. . . . , . , ' o'
Ala. Class A ioa M.K , & .T. 1st Is. . Kl
Ala. Class U Jill tlo td4a
Ala. Cl.-iaa C Union Os. .
Currencies N.J.Ccnt.Gcti.53 , 11
L.i. Now Con. 4s. . 05 No. Pac. latR
Missouri Ua lliu Nc Pac.Jnas HS
N.C.03 lag N. W Consols 142
iloJB KID do S. V. D b. Si. 111 !
S. C. nonfund I1 R. G , w. Uta li.'J
Tenn. new sat U. Tsi St. P Consols Tfl. .
Tenn new sots. . . . 102 SI.P.C..VP.V.Ss. .
Tenn. old < > a 110
Vn , Cenuiriea. . . . C3V S. L.AS.F.Gen. . ' US
do tlclerrod H Tex , Pno. Uts. . . . 7 > (
AtchlBon IB 07 Tex. Pac. 2a L'fl'J
Atclileon ' 'a A. . . . 20 U. P , Ista of 'lJ. ) . } ' " ' * l
Canada So. 'Juda. . 1(15 WestShore la 103
Ccn. Pao. Uts ' 03 , . Southern U.K. Aa.
D. ± . R. G. 7a lloli
San rrnncl-ico .Mining niocl < Onotntlons.
SAN FRANCISCO , Ocl 10.-Tha official olimlng
quotations for mininghlooltft tod.iy were as fol
lows :
Alia . 2.1 Ooulil A. Curry. . . . "tUT
AlpnaCon . 13 llnlu& HorcrosB. H5
Anclca . 54 Julia H5i :
lclch < ir . 100 Justice 20
Dellolslo . 7 Kentucky Con 8
Hest Allclcher. . . . 305 Mexican 125
Uodlo Con . 110 Mono 18
Bullion . 40 Mount Diablo 10
UulwerCou . 10 Ophlr 270
Calpdonl.i . 13 Overman 21
Challenge Con . 52 Voiosl 74
Chollur . 01 S.ivaeo 5 $
Coiitldencc . 125 Sierra Nevada. , . , 00
Con. Cal li Va . 470 Sllrer Hill ,
Con. Imperial . 2 Union Con 70
Crown Point . 78 Utah Con 70fi
Exchequer . 4 YulUiiv Jacket. . . . 813
Silver barn , _ , Mexican dollars
53Mc. Drafts , Bleht : , 12ie ! ; lulegraphlc , ir.o.
O10STON , Oct. 10. Call Joana , IM32K pjr cant :
lime loans , asUK per cent. Uloatnf prloaj for
BtockH.bonJs anJ mtnlii ; nu.irji :
A.T. A. a V Wostlnxlt , Elocu-la
Am. Suifar W. Elcc. pJd. . 62
Am. sugar pfd Atchlsou 2ds .
Day state Gas Atchlson la .
Hell Telephone. . . . Novr Borland Us. . 110
UoHtoni Albany. . 203 Oou. Uloctrtc 6 = 1. , . BUM
Boston A Maine. . . . 14S W'ls. Cent. Istt. . . . 6H
C. . U. Aa 25
KttchtmriT Atlantic . 10
GIMI. lecirla 35)4 ) Beaten Ji Montnnt 20
Illinois steal. . , . 407U Hutto.t lloaton. . . . 10V
Mexican Central. . 7U Calumet A IloeU. . 2(1(1
N.Y.AN. E 12 > J Coiitenulal , . 7B
OrC'ton'Sliort Franklin . 12
IttiQbcr Kc-araarj-a . 7
Union Pacific Odeeol.i . 2U
UVsi Knil Qulnc.v . HO
W. Eml Qfd Tamarjolt .
NaiT fork Ulul.rj
NEW YonK. Got. lO.-Tha followjuj an tha
cloalnr mminr quotations :
llnUvcr . ! > . > Uniano fiOO
Cholor. . . . . . BO Ophir. 270
Crown Point . 7R Plymouth 10
Con. Cal , A. Va. . . . 400 Quick silver ICO
De.'idwooJ . 5U doproforraJ 1IUO
Gould A Curry . KII Sierra Nevaaa 1UO
. Standard US
II oinest.-xlto . 1 5(10 ( Union Con , . HO
Iron Silver . in Yellow Jacket. . . . 800
Mexican . 125
London stock fjuotatlnni.
LONDON , Oct , 1H. I p , in. cloalny :
Canadian Pacltlo. . lidu St. Paul coin. . . . . , CTR
Krl . ufj N. Y , Central . 1OI ) J
Erlu2d 75 t'cmmylvanla , .
Ills. Contra ! Oil * Iteadlna .
Mexican ordinary , lli.'l Mea. Ceil , now la.
I'lnnncliil .Notc .
MKMI'IIIS , Oct. 16.-ClearlnB , fiil.OOS ;
anew , * U3.077.
BOSTON. Oct. 16. dealing * , | i,81I.IS ) ; bal
ances. Jl.SDO.WS.
IIAI/miOllK. Oct. 16.-Clearlngs. J2.K4.I6S )
balances. f307ei ,
NEW VQHK , Oct. lC.-CIearlng , JM.057.2M.
balanc-es. '
I'HILADELPHIA. Oct. ie.-ClearUiK , 112.325. .
501 ; lulnnces , | l , < i97COO.
HEHL1N , Oct. 16 K change on London ,
days' Uht , 20 niurku 25 pfK.
1'AIUH. Oel. IS. < p , m. cloic Three pr ont
rentes , lOlf k7fl for the ajL-ount ,
CINCINNATI , Oct. lfl.-Money. J06 per rent
New York exiharue , | mr. Olearlngn , < J,1I9,300.
WAB1UNI1TON. Oct. 16.-Omh balance In the
trraiury > - wan lllii,011n ! ; cold renrrrc ,
| < JO. IM.KX ) .
NEW OHI.KAN . Ocl. 16 Henrlng * . 2.K7. 5 .
New York exchange , bank , par ; eummvrclal ,
11.25 discount.
HT. I-Ot'18. Oct. 1(1. ( rifntlnim , 13,111 , RU ; bj | .
nnce > , IIM.904. Hones" , dull ut D 7 per cent.
KxehnnKB on New York , 7to < llneount bid.
rillCAnO. Ocl. ! . Cleurinca , lU.lSI.ODO.
Money , 4tHH per cent on call uiul 3fj5 uer c nt
on time. New 'Voik exchange , 0u oltvuunt ,
Foreign vxchanrv , firmer , ttvrllnu , coinmerclul ,
)4.8TQ4.t7 % ,
LONDON. Oct. U.-duld li quoted at Ituenoi
Ayrrs at 230 ; JlfulrM. 10 ; Llibon , n , HI I'flern
burs , U > ; Alhfni , 77. Home , 109. 70 ; Vienna. 103.
Th amount of bullion withdrawn , ( ruin ti
ot KiiKlaod lodaf waa
Receipts for the DayBractioall ; the Same
as Last Week "fn "Numbers.
Heavy Receipts nnil Loire r Miirknti liast
Hare n UpproMlni ; , li fleet nn Iho Locnt
Sltuntlou HoKtt Blioiv Almoit
tlioiin ! > L'oiulltloiiR.
TUESDAY , Oct. 16.
Receipts of cnttle nnd phecp were pretty
much the same na thcj- were a week ago
today. The two clays' supply , compared
with Inst week , shows an Increase of about
3,000 cnttle nntl 2.000 hags , while Bheep sup
plies -liave fallen off over 10,000 hcnil.
There were less than 1,000 cattle on Bale ,
nnd these were very larscly western
rangers , Including comparatively few good
beeves , to pay nothing of choice atock.
Heavy receipts anil lower markets east
mnde u dull , \venk trade- here on nil but the
bent stock. There was a bunch of very
fair 1,212-lb. natives good enough to brine
$4.40 , nnd a sninll bunch of choice 1,300-lb.
rangers trotmht ( I. The bulk of the fair to
KOO < ! 1,000 to 1,200-1 b. ranpe steers sold at
from W to $3.30 , with rough , thin stock nt
from $2.40 to J2.93. There wns nn ensler tone
to the trade throughout , and not much life
to the movement , although n very irood
clearance was finally made.
Cow Htufl ruled steady to a shade easier
thnn Monday. The demand , was only mod
erate nnd the supply lllieral. Veal calves
continue In jjood request nt Hrm figures , and
rough stock of all kinds ruled steady. The
Mocker nnd feeder trade wns not a whit
better than the clone of last week. The
ynrds wore full of low grade stock , for
which there wus no demand whatever nt
nny price. Fair to good stock showed no
change , Hood to choice feeders arc quotable
ut from J2. 0 to ; fair to good at from
$2.2f > to $2.60 , nnd common grades from J2.20
down. Representative rales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
7. . . .1071 13 ( JO 1. . . .13K ) JS. 50 1 . . . . ! I70 $3 . ' 0
1. . . . 10,10 3W l..l rx ) S M 33. . . .1212 140
I. . . .1000 3 85
1 CJ 13. . , . Dffl 1 80
cows ,
. . 72S 1 55 3. . . . 837 1 75 13. 840 2 05
. . 777 1 25 ' .10W 1 73 ' 850 2 10
. . 830 i r. : o ! . . 5 S 1 75 3. 610 2 10
. . Its ; 1 35 4 ' ' . . 735 1 75 2. 1010 10
, . 771 1 35 14. . . . 7 ! > 1 1 75 15. 796 10
. . Mi > 1 44 1. . . . 030 1 80 I. 1110 10
. . S7S 1 41 X. . . .1001 1 0 II. 1071 10
. . Stl 1 M : o. . . 872 1 SO 17. M.1 10
. . 7(0 1 M i " . 923 1 W 4. 920 10
. . 741 1 M ii" .1112 1 80 79 10
. . 714 1 M i. . . WO 1 EO IB. . . . 737 IB
. . MO 1 CO . S25 1 SO 1..1HSO 15
. .1170 1 50 38. I BO 1. . S30 15
. . t.SI 1 50 38.a. . . I'M 1 85 1. . .1010 15
. . 822 i ; , o a.I. . . 730 I 85 1. . .12SO 20
. . 710 i M 13. . S70- 1 S5 17. . .1022 20
. . 750 1 50 .1110 I 85 6. . . 878 20
. . 715 1 M . ! I4 : . 1 k5 12. . . 803 20
. .1(100 ( 1 SO I. . .H iri 1 85 1. . , SO
. . MO 1 55 13. . H2 1 85 -1. . . .1012
. . ! U5 1 51 13. . . . SOO 1 M 1. . . . 890
. . S50 i r - > H. . . . .947- 90 11. . . . 833
. . 778 1 55 l. . . .llnrt"l 0 4. . . .880
. . 870 1 I'M 6 [ 'Irt ' ll'J3 ] . . . S30 23
. . an 1 CO ! . . . . 772 2.00 S 971 30
. . 02.1 1 CO 2. . . .1210 100 ! ; 3. . . .10,0 ( 30
. . SS7 1 GO 1. . . .IS20 20J 1. . . .1110 230
. .1000 1 GO 27 . . . SIO 200 15 928 230
. . ! 3 1 CO 5. . . . Xil2 2-00 ! 0. . . .1rtl5 230
. .1033 1 65 SS M2 i 0 2 7CO 235
. . CIO 1 IS 3. . . ,1103 200 3. . . .1170 2 85
. . 780 1 G5 19. , . . B3C 200 .13. . . .1018 2 ? 5
. . ! UC 1 7l 1. , . . WO B-00 10 984 235
. . 833 1 71) S 1070. .200 . . 989 240
. . 074 1 70 1. . . .1UO 200 . .114 * 2 CO
. . 070 1 7. , 11. , hOa -3-O'i . . 810 250
. . 680 1 75 . .15W 255
lin/FEUS. /
. . 4S1 1 5 .K1 1:50 : 4. . 555 1
. , -17.1 1 40 ] ) . . . . 4151 1 60 C , . . CDS 173
. . co 1 .VI 9. . . . Ml ICO 13. . C81 173
. . co 1 . ' ,0 6 _ SH ! 1 BO 2. . H 183
. . .1M 1 10 S ) ) . . . . n.1 : .l ! IS 13 , . 325 IMS
. . 75 " 1 M . . . . 030 1 G3 SI *
. . Ml 1 50 ' > ' )
2 cows nnd culves , ? . . . ? , ? ; . : . J57 50
1. . . . 370 123 1. . . . 370 D'25 1. , v. 2Ci > " . ' 3 SO
S. . . . 223 123 1. . . . M 2 W vw 4.X.-'lSJfa3 | 75 '
c. . . , 275i i 23- i/ . ; rc i z.w i , no 373
1. . . . 250 1 50 i3. . . ' . S30SM 1. . 111' S 7n
1 50 4. . . SW-2W. 1. . IJ 373
. . 231 101 1. . . 3M > 250 3. . Ill 4 "W
. . 2S3 173 3. . . 13G 300 1- . I2 * 4(10
. . 370- 2 00 2. . . 123 3 00 11 , . 170 400
. . 70 200 2. . . . 113 300 1. , 114 4 00
. . 23' ' ) 200 1. . . . M 300 1. . ll 400
. . 2.V 210 1. . . . 210 3 00 2. . 170 423
. . 330 4. . , .115 350 0. . , . 14 $ 425
. . 535 115 1. . . . 810 1 M 1..1230 ISO
.11120 1 M 1 _ 830 ICO 1..1I54 ISO
.11M 1 M I. . . . 3SO 1 63 1..1220 1 SO
. 570 1 . ' 0 2. . . .1175 1 ( T > 1.14I < > 115
.1320 160 3. . . .1130. 1 C5 1..1500 1(5
.1360 1M 1. . . .12IO > 1 65 2..1IWO 1 R5
.IS2O 1 W 2..10S6 1 65 1..1220 1 S3
.1230 150 1..132I ) 170 1..1320 100
.12CO 1 f,5 , 1 _ 1J30 173 1..1400 200
.1U30 1 W 2. . . .1100 1 73
1..1J10 200 4..13S7 210 1..194 * 225
1..13M 230
I. . , . KO 155 10. . .348 225 23. . 950 ! 40
5. . , . KM 155 1. . . 4SO 2 2J 4. . . . 862 240
o . 445 1M . . . 851 225 17. . . . W 240
5 ! ! ! . -IGO 175 1. , . 500 225 3. . . . 82S 540
4. . . . -US 173 0. . .700.2:5 IB. . . . 072 340
1. . . . 4W 173 3. . . 450 223 21. . . . 819 S 45
3. . . 833 173 S3. . . 848 225 22. . . . 639 245
7. . . b 4 173 18. . .10)2 2 . . . . BSI 250
1. . . . 0 183 9. . . 622 330 25. . . .979 250
S. . . 190 200 13. . . CU 230 28. . . .1046 250
3. . . 650 2 iJ 7. . . 914 230 24. . . .BOO 160
. cso 2 0 6. . . 'Jli 230 41. . . .1181 2 CO
. 670 200 1. . .I030 230 15. . . .1000 2 CO
. GSO 2 00 J3. . .1DI5 230 8 873 2 CO
. 370 210 19. . . . S3S 230 IS. . . . 911 250
- . . ! iOl > 210 20. . . . 800 230 23. . . . SOS 215
37 , . . 79(1 ( 220 11. . , W ) 230 3. . , . S6D 270
9. . .1102 220 7. . . 6S9 233 0. . . .9SS E 70
10. . . GS2 220 3. . . . 820 233 13. . . . 6M 275
16. . . 89S 220 01. . . . 7C7 2.35 23. . , .937 21
. 535 220 ) . . 0.2 35 2. . . .8M ) 2X5
. . 097 225 S30 231 81. . . .1167 300
. SIS 225 W32 35 . . 10(3 ( 300
. tS3 97C 2 35
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 cow . SCO 1200 1 cow . 620 12 00
2 COWS . 850 200 1 COW . 970 200
2 cows . 933 250 7 atrfl , tlR..1317 2 21
1 slwr . SI2i ) 25i ) 2 steers . 1050
1 ti > er . 1030 250 1 Bteer. . 14JO 2 C3
2 Btvcrs . 1010 300 2 PteerH 1050 300
1 Btwr . 1100 300 10 steers 1030 3 CIO
1 sU-ri-H . 10C2 2 C5
41 cnws . 915 183 45 stcerH 1053 300
3 elm , 111- . . .121(5 ( 1C } IstdT. 8SO 2 CO
21 Bteers . 1021 3 00
S. B. "VVelr.
2 CO\VH . 915 240 3 aim , tie. . .1010 244
l Mr , UK. . . . 9 < 0 2 10 1 sir. UK. . . . .190 2 4
1 Kir.,0 2 40 2 Hears . 1290 3 IS
2 bulls . ' .1500 150 2 bulla . 1130 154
22 cows . 941 2 IS 18 COWH . 887 2 2S
1 Bleer . 900 2W 1 M'vr . 1190 301
23 slews . 1071 300 C nilves 19 3D *
II. C. owfj- .
1 Hlni ? . 1210 130 2 cows 970 190
7 dteern . 1022 260 6 Rt er . 995 2 CO
4 cows . 1050 2 7J 4 Mcera 1185 S 15
3 steers . 1030 312 . 17 slvcrs . 1154 X CO
1 bull . 1470 1 85 1 heifer . 1130 275
15 81MTH . SS 3 25 1 steer. . 12SO 3 30
1 uttrr. . 1020 3 3rt S ti > ets..1007 330
S su-i-ra . 104S 3 34 C steers . 1312 4 OJ
: bulls 1470 1 60 cow . 620 2 00
1 cow I020 8 30 1 cow . 820 2 30
11 cow a 15 2M , -r 1 cow . 670 2 31
1 cow 1170 ! 3i ) i 'I cow . 1030 270
1 eow 870 _ M * , . 3 cow . 870 2 SJ
II cows * 77 SZJ _ ; . . . cows . 1030 335
2 einvn 1350 S35 C3W8 . 880 235
18 cows 10)3 ) S35
I bull 1310 1TO I C'lWH , . . . .1100 2 30
13 sirs , UK.1211) i steers. . . . 8C3 S 75
U eowu 959 Z35 ,
1 Lilian , ! .
2l > uls ! UI'M 1 70 _ . J cow. . IDflO 200
1 cow 111U 2 . ) -jr J ciiws . 1062 230
1 cov.lino 2 .1) < ! t 5 row . 1010 280
15 cows 1WJ 2 5) ) - - - - > I-OWK. . 101 250
1 steer HTu t 93 j132stcrrs . ,110 283
11 cows 803 t 7 ( 0 fa cow . SOD 170
0 culvert 37(1 ( 539 1 i-Hlf . 400 230
SI cows 966 2 ! - - SiiteWH 1WC 240
1 ulcer. 1150 30 > tjr3 I'alf 11 * 425
J. NV-MStz ,
1 steer. 950 3 ft ) " . 5l ate.-1-s . 1D7C
II. JAWfti'mnB.
1 cow . 1080 H WI . | ouw . 1110 240
fl rows . lul * ! 40 1 bull . 1ISO ISO
1 tull . 1500 165" ' Tl COW . 931) 1 7S
I C3W . 10JW 173 f'SWIWB . 990 21V
I25 Bin ) M6 strt'ris . 1145 280
1 ! cows 12M 95 3 COWH. . 942 2 S5
15 Hirers 1011 3 M 2 Hlreit . 12K ! > 354
N. T. Kenm-ily.
14 Blvero . 1121 3 0 > >
IHHlrt llc < * lpta toiUy were not a great dfo
liort of t.OOJ licuil. ami the icenornl ijuallly ot
the nrrlvulH wtw f lr , l il tip to tlie ircent uv-
vniK < * . With aimilu reciilpt * IIITS , luwcr inurkela
east , a weak , ilrcllnlnir lutivUlon tiadu ami a.
very llinllnl klili'i'HiM mill i > culatlv ileninnd ,
svlletu were cotnj > rll * l I" nuk * 5c and 10u con-
Cf lon to bu > r In orclrr ( o rtlrel rulm. On
Urn rally market U unit generally Jo , tut before
the rlOHM It wuu Imnl wurk lo get within l o of
Momlny'M ] irlci > s. Pair lo rhtilc-e heavy and
liuulicr wt-lKlit hof ( > " 'M inoitly at fiom 14. (0 uj >
to H. ; > S. with the lulr to poor llithl un < t light mlictl
null at from .71 il wn to J4.6 * . UoiiKh muff.
Iritis ami ( lock hogf. tula n > 'nrrully at frnni
IJ.75 lu 4.K > . ThirloM ) wa vry wrulc.
a few lixult Mill un 'ld. ' Tlir M * hulk of the
tmdliiK today wufl "t Iron ) 14.75 to 14.15. OK
UKulIut 14. W tu llbntluy and 14.99 tu 15 un
Uil 'lliccdajHn'ifstriUtivu aUi ;
No. Av. Sh. IT. Ho. Av. Bh. Pr.
W , . . 147 40 * < 54 e . . . . St WU70
vi . ia uo iw . : u o ito
1 in ( JO Ift1 M 5 169 ISO
7i . - . . ! Kit 4 TO H 211 (5 4 W
ft m . . . | ti i 275 SO 410
f < lit . , , 110 3 J . . . 4 W
1. IM . . . 4 W 74 , , ,254 l 480
S m . . . 118 74 " 31 4 } 480
, . . ! 240 16 } CI 5l5 4) ) 1 tO
44 WO IfO I S -7) ) 212 1&5 480
T. , IS * 80 170 72 207 WO 4 CO
10 StS SO I 70 7S 213 120 4 M
CS Ml 1(0 470 6S 270 19) 4 CO
1 SW . . . 4 70 7 3ft ) 160 4 (0
S = 90 . . . 470 M If3 (0 4 SO
79 1M 10 4 70 Mi IKI 1GO 4 SO
= 37 0 4 70 Cfi 251 2SO 4(0
87. , 302 4 479 3fi 219 . . . 4 SO
24 210 ISO 4 79 K ) .197 CO 4 SO
K 2Z7 40 4 70 7S 367 13) 4 SO
. , , . . . , . , . , 4 7i ) 270 . . . 4 SO
. . . . . . . . , , , 4 70 tu WO 1GO 4 S2'j
3 , .2M 40 470 C.I 241 SO 4 82 < i
17 200 . . . 470 CO 273 60 4 $ .1
W S" SO 47S 4 ! M . . . 4 S5
* 9 Ml . . . 475 7 2CS 120 485
B 2 . . . 4 75 71 : :7 40 4 85
4 SS7 IS ) 475 M 310 200 4 S3
tl ! 27 BJ 475 23 236 . . . 4 8'i
5 2'JS ' . . . 475 20. . . Ill . , . 485
4 1 ) . . . 475 cs 2S1 120 I SI
6 SX > 2SO 4 ! 3 70 SB . . . 4 f5
4 300 . . . 4 75 9 ] )5 so 4 85
M 194 MO 475 71 2M SO 485
72. 207 240 4 75 t ! ) 221 . . . 4 S5
9'J 17 1GO 475 74 2IJ 40 485
74 205 240 4 75 . . _ , . . . : . . . 4 S3
85 221 200 475 [ . . ' . . , .2M SO 4 F3
K > 279 40 4 75 6 . . . ' 191 . . . 4 85
,4 221 M < ) 4 75 CI 271 . . . 4 85
80 231 SCO 475 C 2.V. . . . 485
10. . . 213 SCO 475 CS , 22 80 485
70 aw . . . 475 fT 279 . . . 465
S3 221 40 47.1 71 251 40 4 SO
25 217 120 4 78 ( VI 271 , . . 4 S'O
5 312 CO 4 75 70 g 40 4 W
1 330 . . . 473 K ! BO SM 495
rins AND nouon ,
1 &W . . . 375 43 H . . . S M
8 1SS . . . 273 -IS 71 . . . SCO
II M . . . 275 3 71 . . . 375
4 1 ! > 3 . . . 2S.5 62 116 120 4 O )
II 215 . . . 2 0 1 250 80 4 00
2 310 . . . 30i ) SS l.VI . . . 4 15
1 400 . . . 3 O ) D 107 . . . 425
2 30 . . . 310,7 ! I1 . . . 435
1 290 . . . 325 8 IC3 . . . I M
15 90 . . . 325 US 121 . . . 4 SO
S1IEK1' Six double-decks nf la.ih natives nnd
westerns madu up the supply today and they
found a plow , dull market , lluycrs wanted them
awtiy down on account of tha bad reports from
Ihe oast. Hollers cotihl not nee It thai wny , and
up to a lain hour nothing had dunged hnnds.
Fair to choice natives nre quotable nt JJ.25j2.80 ;
fnlr to treed westerns , J2.mi(2.G ( < > ; common anil
stock sheep , Jl 25C1.7B ; KooU to choice 40 U IW-lb.
Iambs , $2.2503.50.
ltrc litiutul IIUpOKJttnii of Stock.
Official iccelplR and dlepoaltlon of rtock ns
fhown by the book a of the Union Stock Yards
company for ( ho twesity-four hours ending lit
3 o'clock p. m. , October 10 , 1VI :
Cars. Hi-mi
Catllo Ml 3.72S
HiiRS tl 5.W
Hheep 0 1,278
Buyers. Cuttle. Hoca. Sheep.
Otn.iha. 1'iicklnfr company. , . . 0 fi3 ! . . .
CI. II. Hnmmoml company. . , , f-03 ld > 2 . . .
Hwlft and company S , " , < ! 1,534 . . . .
Cudiiliy 1'ackliiK compa-iy. . . . Ki.1 1,020 . . .
It. llecker & Uegm Iftl
J. Lnbnmn 75
I , . llecker .l
I.CP Hothsohlld ; . . . 43
O. H. It. from K. C 101
O. 1 > . & P. Co. . Clcveluiul 0 2 l . . .
Shippers nnd feeders 3,193 S3 . . . .
Left over 200 SO1)
Tola Is 4.13C t,6
Mtuutlou In Cut Ilo Him ( Jtiliiiprovn
Throughout tlin 1115- .
CHir'AnO , Oct. IS. .The'situation In c.iltle was
unlniprnved. Oonitnon to rulr sratlca romprlsctl
nlnioat the entire supply , and prlceH for cuch
therefoic remained w , , lt. Of the S.GOO head re
celved about. C.W ) were raii ers. leaxlns 3.MO ns
the supply of natives , Sales of the former were
K'-nwrnlly nt from J2.M lo ? 3 10. and prices below
J5.W took most of the unlives. Hculluwnc cows
old ar-und J1.25 und eilm quality ' , r'M to
liW-lh. steels were quoleil a high us tC.20. The
otTerlnis of well-Ilnl ? lied cnttlp wciw few nnd
were lirrnly held. Th. ' common kinds were ulnvr
and ia y. Htockers nnd feeders nre receiving
conpld'Tablp Fittentioti nnd mi btint ln BO
price-nuotfd tit fixim } 2 to S3..V ) .
Another lOo was pared off from the price of
th hoff m.irket todiiy. nothing wllln nlwve
$5.35. and the bulk of thu biiflness lielng dune
below { 5.25. Heciipls continue to show a Inrge
IncreaKp on the rccvnt iiverjffp , which fact tuken
In connection with the < lpprm lcii In IIOR prj-
ducts l IhoUEhl sulllcleiit lo nccount tor the
xlirlnkiiRn In the value of live stock. Incc
urday the arrivals lm\i > bwn fntlier more than
63,000 hmil. ns ngalnst 34i > head for the same
tlmo l-ist wofk , und In the mi-urititiif pi Ices have
declined from 20o to 25o per ICf ) Ibs. The quality
la not n K" l ns usual for tlu eoimun , there
beluK many yiMing piss nnd a larso percentage
of common inlxeil lota. Sales were fndii } 2 to
$4.25 for -culls And from J3.25 to $ ; .SO for prime
Choice , srieep nnd Inttilut sold w.cll. They were
only 11 .Hnuill i > tt of Hie ( .upplj'j and , llje de-
iniitnl 1'lns lirlnoljiully .centered In ihat ffruuV * .
Hellers were In a position to Hell out qulelily anil
at Rtnmj ; prices. Poor to fulr sorts were not In
demand and were as weak fin before. Slieep
went niuiutl nt from 7.V o 13.2" , und lambs at
from $1.59 lo J1.25. .V hit of fancy Hhropshlre
larnbt brnught J4.50. hut they were liner than
anything hcen hero n < rvnl1v. Sheep Bold mostly
at from 11.75 to $2.75. und tlie pruvnlllns tirleea
for lumbs were fiom M to H ,
HocHpts Cattle , 8.MID head : calves , COO head ;
hoBH. 2C.OOO head ; nhwp , IS.OV ) head.
The Evening Journal repurts :
1IOUH Ileo-lntB , 2G.OUO liead ; ofllelal yesterdny.
34S3 ( head ; rtilpinents , H.92S head : left over ,
nliout 'i.V ' heml ; quality fair ; market quite
active , but weak and Sfilfc' lower than yester
day ; wiles ransed at tt.WfiS.ia for llBlit , H.Km
4,70 , far rough paclilnic , $ l. JSii.r , for mixed , 11.73
4i5.30 for heavy packlns asid tlillinlni ; lots nnn
J2.25WI.7i for pigs.
CATTLU Itecelpts , Rrx head ; mnikct dull nnd
witiker nnd SifHOo lower.
HHKEI' Kwrlplp , H.O10 head ; mnrket fairly
active and steady for good Krudes , common
Now York Llvo SNicU
NEW YOmr , Del. 1G. UKE3VHS Ilecelpls. 39
'lead ' ; no trading : Ruropran cables quote Amer
ican refilirenilor beef nt 8S9UC per IK Kxports
today , 7 1 beeves , 2.640 rlu-rp nnd 2.1SO quarters
of Ij. ef.
CALVRS nccHpln. 200 head ; market slrady ;
vmlH , poor to prime , S3.00fi3.73 ; fair wvslcrn
raJves. J3,75i3.60. (
HUMKl' AND I.AX1HP Hecelpls , 1.C94 hend ;
10 cars on sale ; market steuily ; sheep , oidlnary to
fair. J2.GO' 3.0 ( > : lambs , Infeilor to fair , fS.SO ®
HOGS-necelpls , 2,508 head ; market nnn ; lop ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
St. I.mils 1. 1 vi ! ( jtnck Market.
HT. i-oris , Oct. if. . CATTI.K iicceipts , B.
head ; shipments , 5UO head , market fairly active
and Btrndy ; native steers , l.lifl to 1.200 llw.
t.1.7f3. 0 ; llitht nnd mnmoti. J2.4)S3.M : covvs nrd
lielferu , J1.90W2.10 : T xas sleetH , 1,100 Ibs. aver
age , J3.0r'n3.v > ; llKlit und crHinmm , J2.M5j3.'Ki ' ;
cxiws. f2.OWi2.35.
HOOa Itecelpls , 2.PV ) head ; shipments. Si )
hend ; market steady ; ln-rl heavy , $3.00 .1 10 ;
K0-l llxht and mixed , JJ."iSjTOo : ; pit ; : ) , uommon
ami rouKh , $4.25if/4.W.
SIIKE1" Ilecelpls , 4,500 head ; slilpmcnls. none ;
mnrkri ilnll nnd 25o lower ; native mixed. J2. . ' , ] { ?
3.0o ; lutnu , 13.2J.
ICniiNiis City llvo .Stock > ! : irket
K'ANSAS CITV. Oct. -CATTI.K-I'.ecelpls. .
15,500 head ; shlpim-nts , 1.400 he.ul , market flow
and weak lo lOe lower ; Texas steers. $2. 10ft 5 00 ;
TVxas cnws , fl. 50 2.50 ; boor ulcers , t3.40QI.7j ;
native rows , Jl. IJ'iiJ..KI ; slockers end feeders ,
I2.1063.M ; bulls und mixed , 5I.Clffl2.M. (
HOQS Ilecelpls. 13.010 head ; uhlpmcntH. 3I
bend ; market CiJlOc lower ; bulk of sale * . $ l.7Oi >
4.80 ; heavies , J4.7Ji&5.liO ; packers. J1.8iKf5.00 ;
mixed , J4.t06l.50 ; lluhls , $4C5 $ < 5,73 ; forkcrs , $4.70
B4.75 ; pics. $3 85HI.73.
aillHil' Itweipts , 2,700 head ; shipments , 600
Ill-mi , market slow , but steady.
tttoclc In Hlclu.
Itrrord of receipts ul Iho four principal mar
kets for Tuesday , October 16 , IS I ;
Cattle. Hoca. Sheep.
South Omaha . 3,728 5890 1,376
Chlcuso . S.tOi ) 26HH ) H.flnO
Kansas City . 1B.W4 13.804 2,700
St. I uls . O.COO 2OO , 4,500
Totals . . 33.828 f-TM 2ti,57
niliiiiniipnllsVhent Market.
MINNKArOl.IS , Oct. IC.-Cnse | : Ocloher. TSoj
December. 6l'i 34'i'1 : May , 57c. On Irack :
No. 1 haid , Wise ; No. 1 imrlh.'in. 55'ic ; No. 2
northern. 54i(5IUc. The wheat market was vary
steady tuduy. xvllh the closing1 prlecs of futures
quite Inn name n yesterday , while cash wheat
closed ' .ifr'.le lower. There xvas fair tradliiB In
May , but very llltlo dnlng In December. The
demand for cash wheat was still active nnd at
current figures tlide were buyers for much moie
than was offered. The features ncalnsi nn advance -
vance In wheat were heavy Tlalllo sh1pment > ,
iiil t cables , nmull cauh demand for all classes
of excepllne norlhwesl fjulni ; . moJeinte
clenranceH and quite lulge rales acHlnst north-
went cimnlry purchaKes. Tin-re WHS considerable
liuylne l < y Khi > rt8 tit cover , und lilts helped to
Husluln the market , and lo It was a Ui United
Ihe reason for no further tin-line In prices tod-ay.
Krcelpts , 215 , ( X J tu , ; Hlilprnents , SC.UOO bu. The
country movement x\a reported larKe , with
fHrmera selllni ; freely of their uhent In elevator
xt < miK < ! In the Interior.
Flour , steady ; patents. J3.l3ij3.40 : bakers. $1.85
& 2.20. 1'rtxluct estimated at M.Oji ) bbU. during :
tln > 21 hours ; uhlpnienls , 30,00 } tide ,
NHW YOItlC , Ocl. 16. HITflAn naw , dull and
nominal : fair retlnlnir. 3o ; mnlrlfuKal , DC lest.
8 Je ; refined , quiet ; No. t , 3 13-16jle ; No. 7 ,
siiiil 15-16o ; No. X. 3ii < J 13-1 Co ; No. 9. 3 9-IC0
3tic ; Nn. 10. 3'ii(5 ( 11-10 < M No. 11. 3 7-l tt3Sc ; Nn.
12 , 5KW3 H-16 < " . No. 13. i 15-lfKl ; tin A , 4f 4 15-IHcj
moiilil A , 4'.1H 13-ir.c : stundard A , 4 l-Ifi'i4Hci
oonf eel loners' A. 4 l5-ir HHc ; cut loaf. Cfli3-ICc :
crudheil , r , < uf. 3-ltk : ; powdered , 4 11-16'u ITio ; Eianu-
lutwl. 4 7-16c : ciiliei , 4 11-K < -.W4'ic ! ,
IXJNDON , Oct. ] . m lAIt-Cuitf , flrm ; Mus-
( X > vnd3 , full' rrllnltik' , lt M.
Kidman Illy AliirkrU ,
KANHA8 PITY , Oct. -WIIKAT Dull and
weak ; No. red about 'ic lower. No , i ! hard ,
N , W , HARRIS & GO ,
163-165 Dcnrborn-at. , Chicago.
15 Wall-it. , New York. 70 Stile-it. , Boitoa-
'B R men GRADE
UautM * B < Bold. CorietconliBct SoUoltcd ,
It's ' Stoves d Carpets
This wools-Just what yon need RIGHT NOW.
And never no , never have wo qnotod such extremely -
tromoly low prices boforo. Road thom , thou oomo
and see the goods and bo convinced ,
$4,50 for this Elegant Velvet Couch
JMudc up in lirst-clnss style , polished oak frame , covered with 'J
rich pattern velvet ; luis cambric covered bottom , making it dust
proof reduced from $10.OO.
Ranges from S2.5O Ingrains from . .lie
Healing Stoves from. . . $2.75 Brussels from .47c
Laundry Stoves from. . . $2,90 Velvets from 69c
Gasoline Stoves from. . . . $1,98 Body Brussels from. 58c
Base Burners from $ 12,5O Malting from .10c
Oil Heaters from $4,25 Hemps from. . ; . . . . .lie
SID mirth of Evenings.'J
SI per iveeU or 81 | > ar iiinntli
W2fi worth t iromli ,
91.50 per ivooh or 0 per month
8SO worth of eooil ,
9" per ivook or 83 per month
875 worth of tcotiili ,
SS.rso JILT track or 81O per month
S10O worth tif Ken < t > ,
SU per woclt or 8l per month
Tnko jrnar uliolcu AVe don't c.iro n worth nf conili ,
Hip \vlilcli you ulioono. 4 per truolc nr Sl. % per month
Formerly People's Mammoth InstallniBnt House
Open Monday and Saturday Evenings.
WH3&m = 5 ? d ' S S S
Jnsullirila , l'/ilis : In the Buck , Hcmltml .missions , Nervous JJcbllltri
jiuiplc3 ; , Unlllntss to Marry , UztiaujUngDrains. . Vnrlcocrlo and
ConRtlpatlon. I
gji x- ' - a-w cui'li > UMHclGnnc : < i thallvcr.tho tddneya and tbo ttrlnni7
gBEFORE MD AFTER orffanaofalllmpurlUca.
CU11II3NK Btrotifthcna anrt restores om.ill wenlxonjan * .
The rr > a on BtiilererH are no oureil hy Doctors tn boc.inso nlnctcnr \ cent nro troubled with.
Pie fitllls. ciWDKNIi is the only known rcmc < ly to euro without nn opomtlon. S.OOO tea
llmonln . A wrlttenpuarantcw ( riven and money roturne-1 U six cores docs not effnol a por-
Kanmtciiro. 61.00 a bnr.Hlx for53.0(1 , \\y mall. Send for jlroul.-ir and Ifjtlmonlnln.
Afli3rpii.UA.VOL M : i IOINK { ; ( > . . P. O. Ho : : t07l ! ( Stu : Frr.ndlHco. Cal , For Halo bjr
OOODMAN DHUQ CO. . 1110 FurnnmStrcot.Omaha.
I7c ; No. Z red , 43c ; No. 3 red , 43@4lc ; rejected ,
( JOHN HWlo lower , slow ; No. 2 mixed , 4Ce ;
No. 2 white. ISfflGc. . ,
OATS Active , Iiul unclinnprcd ; No. 2 mixed ,
2SVS i3 c : No. -white , aiUCSSc.
IIUTTEH Sliswly. uncha.iKcdj creamery , 18Q >
21e ; dairy. ISSfl'f.
HKCKII'TH Wheat , 16,100 bu. ; corn , none ;
oal ? , 3.70i ) bu.
BlIll'Ml-INTrtWlwil , 34,700 bu , ; corn , none ;
oats , none. _
A mo 111 ; Iho rurrlmvcn IVern Two Oinahii
YORK. Ocl. 10. For account of John
Hey & Co. , 'manufnciurcrs of the 'Wnlervllet
mill shawls , nnd by order of Cooley , Tunibull
& Co. , the selllns ngents , IVIlmcrBcn , Moirls K
Mitchell made n pre-emptory sale oC 15.000 lone
and square shawls. There xvas a fiood company
of tuyers from reprcsentnllx-o houses of Ihe
country. The wila w H mode tn clenn the stock ,
aa the mills will miika no more except to fill
special ordcts. The results were nbout ! 0 per
cent below current uilces. The II. II. Clnflln
company were large buyer * , nnd next to them
xvere Ulcc. Stlx & Co. of St. Louis. The prices
xvere ns follows : ArllnKton Hrjunres , 67x07 , from
N. . WlcmieV , J. i : . Mmmlfe. ft Ken Onvilm ;
SIcKlltrld ; l > ry Uo , ils company , nice. Mix ft Co. ,
Kt. Louis ; Hmlth-Mrford Dry Oooils company ,
KanmH Clly ; John H. Uillialn Dry Goods com
pany. Kt. Joseph. Mo.
NUW YOUIC , Oct. 10. Oulaldo of auction sales
the market WHS almost featureless , ns usual on
u day there are no mall orders of Importance
to work upon. There wns noma business done
for spring In dress wear tpecliiltles but the
chief sales weie the result of forwiird'nKH ' on
previous orders that ore taking many ivvxls.
1'rlnt cloths dull nt 2hc for conlractn to Jan-
0JWM. . Ill-Jill Irfll ) WI V. * " - *
moderate ; yornu dull , and prices favor buyers
Cnffrn 'Market.
NHW YOHK. Oct. K.-rOFl'En-Optlons
steady but Mflfl points lower under dlB.ippnlntmK
calilei and Kun.penn fflllnif : reactwl on contiu-
dlctory crop advices , broke Inter under a benr
raU and weak at unehanBcd to 5 polnH
decline. Sales , 2S.WO baits , InclmllnK : Oi-tiilxM- .
J12.CO ; November. II 1.75ft 12.00 ; > eccnil T , J
1113 ; January , JlOWiill.OO ; Kclnuary. 110 JO ;
March. J1H.73010.85 ; Apill. 'I0.-0- ' , , " ! ? " ' c""fc- , ,
Illo. dull and nominal ; No. 7 , H4.7aSU.J)0. ) Sllld ,
dull nnd heavy ; Cimlova , llH.Oliil'.i.W , rah-s. none.
War hou o dfllvi-lles fnun Ne Yolk yeslerduy ,
7 sa biiK : New Yoik stix-lt lr lity. 13D.IIS IIOKS ;
l.'nlloO HtaU-B nlock. 218,488 baB ; afloat for 111 *
I'nlled Hluti'B , 2U."d > IOHH ; total vUll.lo for Ihe
United Stales , 458,232 bags , uealnal 377.4IS bax
"SANTOS , Oct. 1C. Quiet ; peed averagi ! Santos.
11110 ; rewlpt . two dayn. 38.COO baea ; stock. 41S , '
000 baK : cliiircil from Santon for New Otlcani ,
October 14. 6,000 b KS ,
UAMIU'RO. Oct. 18. Quid : prices unchanged
lo 11 pfu. lower ; salon. 2.1 * ) Imcii.
ICAvlli : . Oct. 16. Quiet. Ufflif 1'iwer ; nt 12
m. , 'if mlvwiwj at 2 p. in. , W idvanca ; cloned
Uf | i > wrr lo Vtt hlKher ; Bales , 1.200 tagg.
1110 In JANKlItO. Oct. 16teady | No. 7 ,
111 25 : rxc'hinKP , UW'U n-celptB. lo l days , 10.001
buK ; clenrtHl for the Vnll l ttlatrs. l.'ifl' ) bags ;
clt-aml for Kiliorc , none : stock , JIX ( > J I .a tin.
AMSTUHHAil , Oct. 16. Dutch Baku wrnt off
ut about 2Vio below bioki-rs1 valuation ; markel
tan-ly fcteady ; gixxl ordinary Java , OOc.
Dululli M'hrat Murhet.
nUI.L'TII , Oct , H. WIHIAT Clowi No. 1
hard , I-UKI and Oc-tubrr. 67o ; No. 1 northern , curh
and October. M c ; December. KVic , May. Wtc ;
No. 1 nortliein , cush , CJ'.ic ; No. 3 , We ; rejected ,
TrUro Wheat .Market.
HAN KIlANriSCO. Oi't. 18.WHKAT - Dull ,
December , W * < i , May , WSc ; cleared , 10,367 cen
tals , > _
"Wool Jllitrkat.
8T. I.orW , Ol. . ! . WOOL-Qulet. unchanged ,
With slow demand.
Am ] this Is what she Bnlil :
"Upon what meat hath this , my Ceasor fed ,
Your elastic step doth Indicate a man
CjultD competent wltlml this licmlepliere lo
( loocl wife , you thus would hava mesup
With you the nectar sweet and drain the cup.
Venus like , throw oft Iho mantle of distress ,
Ily U | HK Electro-Magnallsin tha recent great
success ,
Ilesp'y. ,
To be found both day and cvenlnR at Hoora
420 N. Y. Life , "Omahn'a Carlsbad. "
fOUY _ , t , , , ,1 , --y
gE 0
Thlt FnqtaUL.
f JSnn dir cures
quickly anil peripi *
MI . . . nontly all nerrous
fdlsen&o \ , lucb aa Weak Jlpraorr ,
fxi of Drain 1'ower , HendKclie , WnkclulneVi ,
I. nt Vllulliy , nlKlitlromlstloiii.orlli1iuniiii.l
potency mid niistlniillimig < 'acuuiii1 by joutlif
ci-riir * orcxcroci. Coiitnlna no oidatei. | L _
nerve tonic uuU lilnml builder , Matcl tliepalb
anil pnnr'tronK and plump. Kn llT carried In rub
pocket. Slivrboxi O for VS. l\T \ tnnll prepaid
wltli M written Kimra ! tefllocure or mono jrofundecU
\Vtltoinfor free incdlrul liooU , ent eolcO In
plnlu wrapper , whlcb contnlns teitlmonlnlt and
nnnnclnl rnfereneei. Nn cliurro riconinltn *
tlniia. Jf'tuiiri of ImitaHnni. t-ol hy our advei *
tl ed agouti , or nrtiln-n JRVL HEE1) CO. .
tla oulc Teuiplo , Chlcuro , III.
CONNHI.L. 151.1 DOIH1K , KUIIN .t CO. , 13th A
Commission Merchant
Grain nnd Provisions.
Private wires to Chicago and New Torfc
All business order * place J on Cblcaci
ilourcl or Trade.
Correspondenc * solicited.
umce. room I , New York Uf DulWlne.
Telephone 12US.
If you wish to be iiiccoiifur In " .SI'ICU
I.ATION" in crnln ur stuuki , irrlta lor par-
tlculuri. J.ti. MlttlVVMNd A CO. ,
Hanker * and llroutn ,
Iteferencos la I Alaimtliiocklliil
lucvcrjr hUUk CUlCAUOi