THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE . - NO. 12 PEARL STREET Delivered by c&nler to any part ot th cltr. H. W. T1LTON , L i M. TELEPHONES Dullness omce , No. t nleht tailor. No. J3. U/AOIt .1IKAT/O.V. * Mnyno Heal Hilato Agency , 639 Broadway. The funeral of C , D , Walker will tnko place this afternoon at 2 30 o'clock from his late residence , 808 , avenue B. Mrs. Prouty , who lives two miles from the clly near the Chautaumta , fell from her buggy while returning from a visit to Irvlngton , Neb. , and broke her arm , An Important meeting of the Rcbekah Re lief association will be held nt Mrs. Wltter's , Eleventh avenue , between Third and fourth streets , thlB. Wednesday , afternoon. Air Interested please attend. II. II. Van Brunt Is about tt > erect an addi tion to his cartlaRO warehouse on Ponrih Btreet. It will llo Just south of his present building , and will bo GGxlOO lect In size , and ono story In height. John Mlllfl , a waiter In n restaurant on Bryant street , felll with a glass pitcher In hlH hand. The pitcher was broUca and the glass penetrated Ills wrist , severing an artery which had to bo spliced before It would stop bleeding. The HlRh school foot ball team will play the Crclghton college team of Omaha at Its grounds , corner Twenty-first street nnd Fifth avenue , next Saturday afternoon. The boys played this same team last year , and the game waa a draw. nov. J. H. Davis , pastor of the Baptist church , was tendered a donation by his church members last evening , A large amount of provisions , together with quite n sum of cash , was brought In and a pleasant social evening was had , > A fine horse belonging to B. F. Clayton of Macedonia , was stolen Monday morning nt 4 o'clock. A party of searchers arrived In the city during the day , but up to last accounts had not succeeded In running down either the rig or the thief. gt , Andrew's society will meet this evening al S o'clock at the new Knights of Pythias hall. In the Mcrrlam block. Instead of over 102 Main street , as heretofore. It will also bo noticed that the time has been changed from Friday night to Wednesday of each vi cek. A. N. Lund left his horse and buggy tied In the rear of his store on Main stieet yes terday afternoon , and when he went for It to go home to dinner , found It missing. H Is supposed to have been taken by sonic ono who did not know how cheap horseflesh Is just now. The Odd Fellow a arc talking of trading oft their property where the Mint saloon now stands for other property on the other side of the street , and erecting their much talked of building there. There Is not much likeli hood ot their getting Into their new temple much Inside of two years. "A Cold Day" nnd "A Chip of the Old Block" will be the double bill at Dohany's thla evening. Both these plays arc highly spoken of as specimens of the farce comedy line , and with the added attraction of Ed I > \ Coglcy In the cast there Is little doubt that the opera house will be well filled. The Presbyterian Synod of Iowa will meet at Independence tomorrow and \vlll continue over Sunday. Hev. Stephen I'helpa , D. D. , of this city , Mill attend , and during his ab sence there will bo no services at the First Presbyterian ehurch unless an announcement Is made through the papers to the contrary. At the last meeting of Kncampment No. 8 , U. V. L. . and Ladles Auxiliary 17 , appro priate resolutions ot respect were passed , relative to the death of Pennsylvania's nnd Iowa's war governors , A. G. Curtln and Samuel Q. Klrkwood. nnd copies of the reso lutions sent to the families of the deceased. William Johnson , a tailor , became afflicted ntth jagomanla yesterday afternoon and lay down In the rear of the Baldwin block to enjoy hlmielf. A crowd of 100 people gath ered around him , under the supposition that ho had died , or at least had fallen In a lit. The patrol wagon landed him at the city Jail , nhero ho was charged with being an umar- nlslicd ( IrunLnnl. The committee which has been soliciting funds for the old of the Y. M. 0. A. has succeeded In raising about $1,500 , most of which will go toward paying the Indebtedness of last > car. It Is announced that as much moro will have to bo forthcoming before the trustees will feel warranted In hiring a sec retary and putting the association Into ac tive existence again. Joe Dusrlml was gl\en a trial In police court yesterday morning , on the charge of stealing a gun from Charles Frost. The value of the weapon turned out to be less than $20 , so that petit larceny was all that could be proven. Ho was accordingly given : thirty days In the county jail , but on ac count of his previous good reputation this was suspended for the present , B. A , Meservy , a young man employed In Dr. II. S. West's dental office , reported to the police yesterday afternoon that some one had entered the odlcd during the absence of oil the bccupanta and stolen a fine suit of clothes. After every patrolman In the city had been warned to keep on the lookout for the thief , another dental student confessed that ho had simply perpetrated a very poor joke on Mescr\y , whose apprehensions were relieved by getting the suit back. We are pole city agents for several of the oldest and strongest fire Insurance companies In the noilcl. We also negotiate farm loans at the lowest possible rates , Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street. Xoivsfrom Xo v Vurk , Our Mr. Whltelaw , being now In New York , advises us of the tremendous drop In prices of dry goods caused by the new- scale of prices that go Into effect January 1 , 1S95. Manufacturers are trying to unload their suiulus stock at a great sacrifice. Being among the eager bujors , he could not resist the temptation of being able to give the people of Council Bluffs goods at manu facturers * prices , so bought heavily. Fifty : cases ot these goods arrived last week. The ' latter part of this week will see the balance of these goods unpacked and ready for Im mediate delivery to our patrons , who can expect big bargains In our line. Watch the dally papers for our prices ; which cannot bo duplicated. FOWLKH. DICK & WALKER , "Boston Store , " | Council Bluffs , . la. V.lK.lUU.ll'113. H , A. Crawford of Des Molncs Is at the Grand. II. 13. Grim in left for a visit to Des Malnes last evening. Mrs. O. Q. Drew and con Harry , have returned from a few days' visit In Nebraska , V. C , Fllcklnger of AVInthrop , la. . Is visit ing his brothers , A. T , and I , N. FllcWnger. Mrs. H. I. Forsytho and children returned yesterday from a visit with relatives In Franklin. Ind. Mrs. M. Duquette and mother have roll turned from a visit of two weeks In the eastern part of the state. I , M. Troy nor left last evening for a flying trip to Des Molnes , where he will attend a Sunday school contention. Mrs. A , W. Culver of Emerson , la. , and Mra. Sidney Curtis of Sloan are In the city , guests of Mrs. A. B. Moore. Mrs. Denver Smith has been called to > yd- aietown. la. , by a mcssago announcing I ho serious Illness of a relative. Dr. MPtt-rcnee Saunders and family of Man- " kota , Kan. , are vlcltlng the family of Sheriff Haien on South Seventh street. ( Mis ? Van Camp of Omaha la visiting Cap tain O. M. Brown und his niece , Miss llogp. nt hie residence , 107 Seventh street. W. J..Jamison and J , C. Mitchell returned yesterday from Des Molncs , where they al- tended the bate encampment of the Shrlner * . Marbhal Frank P. Bradley has gone to Des Molnes to attend federal court , which opened with Judge Woolson on the bench yesterday morning. Tha ladles of the First Presbyterian church will lake orders for comfortables and qullta of all klnda und sties. Leave orders with Mrs. Walter I. Smith. 126 South Seventh street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stovepipe 80 a joint , Swalne's , 7-10 Broad way. Premier egc cups at Lund I3roa. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Ed Bird Will Ilavo to Spend His Honey moon in , SEPARATED FROM.HI5 NEW-FCUND BR DE Ordinary Prnrrsien of Acquiring bunlclcnt M'culili to linnlilo III in InVcd Hero lee Slow Ch.trno ut llnrelury Over Him , Sheriff tlnzcn returned yesterday from llollvnr , Mo , , whera he went to take Into custody IM Illnl , tlio alleged Oakl.lnd bur glar. It now appears that when Bird went through the various houses at Oakland , he did so with the purpose of providing funds for buying a wedding trousseau. Some time ago ho became engaged to a young lady In Ilollvar. and when he left Oakland , between two days after committing the burglaries , he went to the homo of the young woman , and they were married. The sheriff had to tear him from the embrace of his new wife nnd trot him off to jail. Bird does not look 111(0 the hardened criminal he Is painted by the good people ot Oakland , although It Is known that he spent a term In the Fort Madison penitentiary. ri.ouic. ri.ouit. [ > 3vUI riutir Sale tills Week nt Hroivn's { ' . O. I ) , In order to make room for 2.EOO sacks of Hour duo to arrive on the 20th of this month , vo will make the following low prices , for this week only : Urosui'a C. O. D. Patent , the best Hour made , and a souvenir in e\ery sack , goes this week for 83 cents. Garland , the well-Know brand that v.ns awarded the medal at the World's fair , goea at 90 cents. Acme , mailc from the best Kansas hard \\heat , 80 cents a sack. The genuine Buffalo flour , only 75 cents. Trusty , a good family flour , C5 cents. * Itellablo flour , only SO cents. Rye Rr.tham , 10 cents a sack. Rye flour , 40 cents a sack. Wheat graham , 20 cents. Corn meal , 10 cents a. sack. Itemembcr thcs.o prices arc tor this week only. UHOWN'S C. O D. , Council Bluffs , la. coiM-.s CIIIIH : AMI 111:1111 : TUNIC. Tliu King of All Tenipatiinco Heieni e" , : > 1'rrfprt Substitute for Linger Hrer. Can be sold without license , either govern ment or state : dealers guaranteed by In demnifying bonde. Endorsed by leading pliy- s.clans , Judges and ministers. Wheeler & llereld. Council Bluffs , la , , are the sole man ufacturers In the United States. Thousands of testimonials. Wrlto for prices and In formation. Crofton , Neb. . Sept , 29. Wheeler & Hcr- cld. Council Blurts : Please send mo by freight eight cases Copps Cheer to Yankton , S. IX Tliu goods glvo very good satisfaction. I would llko to have exclusive sale. J. J. CarmlcliiGl , general store. COUNCIL IILUPPS , Oct. 6. I have rare- fully examined tlie sample of Copps Cheer and the bum pic of Herb Tonic , and beg to re port the finding of less than 1 per cent of alcohol In either. A. D. Foster , Chemist. N'o Manager W. S. Wright of the Council Bluffs ( Jus nnd Electric Light company has Issued an order that no visitors are to be al- loved hereafter nt the company'e electtlc Dower house on Third avenue. In the past a favorite custom among the people residing In the vicinity has been to visit the place during the evenings for the purpose of seeing the wheels go 'round , nnd Incidentally taking n shock. Mr , T. J. Carruthersvlio until now has been chief electrician , 'ttas. cry obliging to his visitors and shoxved them the mysteries of the machinery to tliolr heart's content. The recent accident. In which one of the workmen lost his life , has resulted In the Issuance of the new order. Hog cholera preventive and cure by Dr. | Jeffwis , Fletcher mcnuo. Council Bluffs ; will stop the disease In ono hour. Trial bottle , ? 1. , Svalnolll sa\e jou money on stoves and ranges , 710 Broadway. Stovepipe Sc a Joint. Hefore buying your need heater call at Bwalno'a , 740 Broadway , and see the Acme heater , the best airtight stove made. Stove pipe Sc a Joint. For fine special upholstering and the best hair mattresses go to the Council Bluffs Car pet company. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Just received , a new Invoice of all the latest styles in millinery at Miss HagsOale's , 10 I'earl atrcet. ! MHV for linger. General James B. Weaver and Congress man A L. Hagcr were sent a letter a. short time ago by the Union Labor Protective asso ciation of this city , asking them to arrange for n joint debate. General Weaver has an swered the request In the affirmative , stating that he stands ready at any time to meet Mr. Hager In one or more joint debates. So far no word has been received from Mr. Haicer on the subject , and the democrats are saying that Hager Is unwilling to trust himself to Weaver's tender mercies. It Is claimed by republican leaders , however , that Hager will shy his castor Into the ring when the time arrives , and the malls are being anxiously watched. Ssata may now be reserved for Dr. Hcr- ron's lectures at the Christian tabernacle , October 19. 20 and 22 , without extra charge ; , ' at Utielmoll'H book store. Course tickets , COc , The general subject of the course , " "The Regeneration of Society. " Domestic patterns can now be had at Vavra's new dry goods store , 142 Broadway. Domestic goap outlasts cheap soap. Dry pine kindling for . sale. * Cheaper than cobs. II. A. Cox , 37 Main street Telephone Jlnrrliipe Licenses. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday : Kama and Address. Age. Jlurtwlfr OottHpen , Omaha 30 Jliiry UlliMnun , Omaha. 37 Smith , Pottawattamie county 2S SiMinun Derwln , Pottawuttamle county. . . . 37 t , . It. Kramer , Pottan.ittumle county. . . . 23 JlagRle Stay Oleson , Pottawattamie Co. . . 18 William II. Russell. Omaha 29 Mary U JJII1 , Omaha m Bourlclus' music lioueo has few expenses : high grade planes are Bold , reasonably , 11 Stutsman etraet. IleVol'i Air Healers are at the head. The < ' are con structed on scientific principle ? . All prices. E04 Broadway , New sterling silver novelties , very beauti ful and stylish at Wollman'a tly. , , 40S Broadway. . . . . . . . . . Alr'tlglit Heaters are at the head. They are con- Etructed on scientific principles. All prtcesr CO I Bronduay. Peasleo'a celebrated ale and porter now on draught at Grand hotel bar. Eagle laundry , 721 Broadway , fsr gcoJ Viork. T < l. 1&7. Ia\ana FrccWcs cigarDavis , nholesala agt. Dcmeitla toap brtaks hard nater. Selected hard wood for neatlng ttovea. II. A. COX. 3T Main street. Tel. 49. The laundries uc Domestic loan. ,1. ( ' , Ilorrinuyr Fniiry Put en t , Hungarian I'rocets Flour , Made by the oldest milling flrm In the west , nukea lighten ! , whitest , sweetest bread. Ask > our grocer ( or It , Trade mark : "Blue ft cotter. " Wanted 40 horses to board on the late T. P. Treynor farm , BV4 miles fact of Council Uluffn , J. W. Carothers. 112 Fourth atreet Gas cooking to > es for rent and ( or salt at Gil Co.'ii office. Waiberwoinea uw Doraeitlo ioan > nivrATTA TATTV TlT'Ti'V1 < in1 TiLCT ! > A .V. 17. IftOl * . 1O H.I ,1 MAI IIS , Supreme t'onrt Leclsioni , DHS MOINl.'g , Oct. lfl.-(8poclal ( Tele- i. ) The follow IIIR opinions were filed In the supreme court this morning : Jlrs. L . I * Wore ct nl , appellant ? , against Hlrnm I'urtly et nl , Des Molnes illslrlct , modified and afllrmcd ; State of lown , appellant , against Elizabeth Price. Mahaska district , alllrmrtl ; Mary Kcefe , ndmlnlstrntrlx , against the Chicago & Northwestern Hall- wny company , appellant , Clinton district , reversed ; Patrons & Dolan and James C. IJavis against Oeorge A. llnxvley , appellant , Keokuk supreme court , reversed ; D. O. Jesstip n gainst O reola county , appellant , Oscepla tllHtrlct. nnirmecl ; W. A. Hawley , administrator , etc , against the City of At lantic , appellant , Cass district , nltirmed. * round ItiiRlnrM Dull , CHESTON , la. , Oct. lfi.-Speclal.-State ( ) Senator J , U llaish has Just returneil from a trip through the New England Btntes and his observations from a business nnd political standpoint arc Interesting. He says the manufacturing Industries are prac tically nt a standstill , nlthougli some little activity Is generally l rtepres od nnd the New- Icelanders at tribute It to tlic democratic laws. "This " condition , sav Senator Harsh. " is making republican votes very fast , and during my entire trip I met only two democrats , ami they were not vciy'cTitli'uslas'tTci' ' Irniil ) < rii atun Dues a Knife. CItnSTON , In , , Oct. 16.-Speclal ( Tele gram. ) Verna Harper and C. M. Alexander of Osceoln , while Intoxicated , became In volved In a quarrel nnd Hnrper stabbed Alexander with n pocket knife , Inflicting eleven Imd gashes. Alexander cannot re cover. Harper Is in Jail. Attorney U T. Kuril , tlio Slouv City de faulter , was n resident of Union county ami a. student In the law ofllce of the late James AV. McOlll. 1'ntiiI I.otiTa" Quarrel In loun , DAVENPORT , la. , Oct. 1C-As the result of a lovers' quaire ) , Charles Kaliler , a young carpenter , shot Lizzie Uchtorf In the face today , Inflicting1 a serious wound , nnd then Kent a Imllot Into his own brain , djlng Instantly They had been keeping company for pome time , ninl had made preparations tcmarry. . The gill will it-cover. llmliT tlmlivol * . CEDAR HAPIDS , la. , Oct. 1C-Special ( Telegram. ) Frank Church , the route agent of the Burlington , Cedar Iluplds & North ern ami loua Ccnttul lines. In attempting to board a moving1 freight train nt Gntrlson this nftctnoon , uns thrown under the wheels and Instantly killed. Ills hume was at Mason City. lo Tlflcvps. CKDAH HA PIUS. la. , Oct. lC.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) The bicycle thief la busy In this city. Sfituiday night John Wean had a wheel stolen and today K , O. Newton's wheel was taken from u hallway. There Is no clew lo the thieves. toivti I'lMtoOlcc Ituhhctl. MASON CITY , la. , Out. IG-Shellleld post- olllce was robbed last night. Consldciable money nnd stamps were stolen. Tlu > police of all the adjoining cities have , been notllled. FROM SOUTH OMAHA. 1'ubllo Ulirury Ilcmjflt Concert Mnglc City < ) OM4ll > , The program for the benefit of the public library to bo given at the Presbyterian church October 23 , Is as follows : Quartet , Mrs. r. A. Crcssey , soprano ; Mrs. It. 0. IlasUns , contralto ; Mr. W. M. Godd- man , tenor ; Mr II. O. Hasklns , basso. Hccl- tatlon , Mrs Mary 1C. Monroe ; piano solo , 31rs. R J. Scykora ; vocal solo , Mrs. W. R. Sage ; recitation , Mrs. Mary E Monroe , piano solo , Mr. Sigmund Landsburgocal ; solo , Miss Jeannette II. Mullen ; recitation , Jlrs. Jlary B , Monroe ; song , quartet. MuiIc City < Joi < l | ) . Mr. J. S. Gosney Is In Lincoln attending a meeting of the grand lodge of Odd Fellows. Three boys were arrested by the police last night for disorderly conduct. Their rendez- votts was at a cave at Twenty-fifth and O streets. Mr. James Callanan , the < populhUnomlneo for assessor , wishes to have It distinctly understood that he has not withdrawn his name from the ticket. Peter Peterson applied at the police sla- tlon last night for a warrant for the arrest of [ John Graham on the charge of assault. Both the men work at Cudahy's. A number of the friends of Councilman Koulsky last evening visited his residence and presented himself and wife with two comfortable rocking chairs. Councilman Mels made the presentation speech. At the lesldence of Andrew Httlton , 2217 Bancroft street , Mr. Elmer E. Peters of Green Illver , W > o. , nnd Miss Serah J. Mut ton of Omaha were married yeslerday itby Hov. R. L. Wheeler. A'ltcr ' a wedding dinner the couple left for Green River , where they will nnke their home , Mnrrliigti Licenses. The following marriage licenses were issued - sued yesterday : Namennd Address. Age Kdwln Huff. Omaha . 2 > Sophia .M. Hols , Omaha . 21 Eugene M. Roll , Omaha. . . 21 Anno. D. Williams , Omaha . 20 Spencer Trlplett , Omaha . , - . S2 Lucy Linear , Omaha . 30 George O. Chase. Omaha . 23 l.tllle Uoyd , llnrlan , la . 2G Frank Stelnert , Omaha . 30 Hulda Anderson , Omaha . HG Minep 3laniitor ) < Ml In Thnlr Pens. DEBEQUE , Colo. , Oct. 16. Thrty-fh ! e high bred bucks belonging to Herb Young , and twenty ordinary sheep belonging to John Fllzpatrlck have been slaughtered In their pens , presumably by cattlemen. It la reported ported that Young's main herd of 3,000 sheep ! on the range have alto been slaughtered , but this Is doubted , as the herd Is strongly guarded by well armed men. linpo.irhlng u Ilimltli Olllrrr. MILWAUICRB , Oct. 16. Impeachment pro- ceedlngs against Health Commissioner Dr. Walter Kempster for the manner In which he handled the smallpox epidemic In this city ivcre begun In the common council last night. The testimony will bo taken in a few days. 1IK.ITUBH FulrVentlirr , Westerly Winds anil Cooler by MR lit. WASHINGTON , Oct. 16. The forecast for Wednesday Is : For Nebraska ami Kansas Fair ; westerly winds ; probably shifting to north ; cooler by Wednesday night. For Missouri nnd Iowa Fair ; continued warm , westerly winds Wednesday ; cooler by Thursday morning. For South Dakota Pair ; cooler ; north winds. l.ociil Iteconl. OFFICH OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , Oct. 16. Omaha , record ot temper ature and rainfall , compared with the cor- i expending day of the past four years : ' 1801. 1893. 1892. 1891. ! Maximum temperature . . . 81 76 SO 77 Minimum temperature . . . . 52 46 ci C3 Average- temperature G8 ( it 70 G3 Precipitation W .00 ,00 .00 Condition of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 1EUI : Normal temperature K ) Kxcess for the day is Accumulated since March 1 , . , Col Normal pteelpltatlon 09 Inch Deficiency for the day 09 Inch Total precipitation since March 113.63 inches Accumulated deficiency since .March 1. . . , H.7C Inches Jtoportft from Other Stutloiu at A I' , M , pr 111 OLOHQE . HUNT , Local Forecail GLADSTONE AS AtikYMAN ; _ , , > c if Will Put on the Robes of p. .Driest in His OldAQe. . 3-4 STRANGE ALLEGATION MADE IN LONDON Story tlml the Kx-Promlcr'of Itaglnml It to Take Holy Orders A' LAng-Chcr- Illicit Denlrc The ! , & I'romptty ' Contnidlcto < l , LONDON , Oct. 1C. The World today made an assertion , subsequently shown to be untrue , which , however , Is. attracting considerable attention la spite ol Its lack of foundation In truth. The World asserted that Mr. Gladstone has long entertained the Idea ot taking holy ! orders , and that It was for this reason he determined to retire from parliament. The ' World added that If Mr. Gladstone's health , and sight allow It ho will shortly bo a candidate for ordination. Air. Gladstone , In response to a question as to the truth ot the statements , said the report was quite untrue. TO L IUTIUX : THIUH INTIMCESTS. Central i'liclllo Security HolilorJ. Send a Representative tu Amnrlni. LONDON , Oct. 10. At a meeting today of security holders of the Central 1'aclflc railroad - road , Mr. C. 12. Drcthorton presided. Mr. Orethorton explained that the object of the gathering was to consider Important pro posals , which would be submitted In view of tlio company's unsettled relations with the American government and the Southern Pa cific railroad. Mr. Hlgglns , a shareholder , moved that a committee of seven ba appointed to take such steps as It might deem desirable to represent and protect the Interests of the European shareholders. Ho thought the committee ought to carefully Inquire into the reason the railroad had .fallen Into Its pres ent position. The committee will consider the vital question of the debt owed the gov ernment before arriving at a conclusion re garding what steps should bo taken" for re constituting the line. The motion was car- rlcil unanimously. Mr. Clarcnco Smith , member or parliament from the eastern di vision of Hull , moved that the company secure the services of Sir Charles Rivers Wilson , the secretary and comptroller gen eral of the national debt , who is believed to bo about to- retire from the comptroller gen ' eralship , nnd arrange with him to go to America In the interests of the European shareholders of the road. Mr. D Marks , a shareholder , said that he was not nblo to be sanguine as to the utility of a mission to America , but ho thought the security holders would do well to secure the services of Sir Charles Wilson. Mr. Joseph Price , another shareholder , said that the difficulty ot tlio company was In the registration. There were , he added , 52- 000,000 shares In this country. In ten share certificates , In the names of "Tom , Dick and Harry , " lesldlng In California. They gave proxies to Mr. C. P. Hun.tlngton , and they were the parties who elected the directors. Mr. Clarence Smith's inqtlon that the committee secure the services of Sir Charles Wilson and arrange with him to go to Amctlcj. In the Interests , of , the European shareholders of the road was then adopted The committee which tljo meeting decided to appoint upon the motion Mf Mr. Hlggtns , with Instructions to talte sffch steps as it might deem desirable to 'represent ' and pro tect the Interests of Etlropean shareholders of the road. Is composed of Mr. George Fred erick Banbury , mornber of parliament for the Peckham division ofi Cambemell , Mr. John U. Akroyd , Mr A. P. Compton. Mr. . Daniel Murks , Mr. R. D 'Peeb'les , Mr. Joseph I'rlce and Mr. W. Newshead. AUSTRIA HAS A IHO Lliccrlng lludc t 1'rcBontril by tlio .Minister of rininci ! at V'enim. ' VIENNA , Oct. 1C. In the lower house ot the Austrian Kelchstag today the minister of finance submitted Iho budget estimate for 1805 , showing a surplus of 2,457,707 florins. The minister added that the accounts forlSOS showed a surplus of 29,500,000 florins. This statement caused a sensation and was. fol lowed by prolonged cheering. Continuing , however , the mlnlstei of finance said that 6,000,000 florins must be de ducted bicause the' stock of gold In the trcas- ury had been converted Into coin to that amount. The actual surplus , therefore , was 23,500,000 florins. The direct taxes produced 3,260,852 florins and indirect taxes produced 24,651,363 florins above the same taxes In 1832. DII > ATTACK THE TOWN. OrTer of Aid from tlfo ItocM JlccUnctl by the PortiiRUfHP. LONDON , Oct. 10. A dispatch received to day by the Pall Mall Gazette from Johannes- berg confirms the Iteuter dispatches In regard ehe gard to the attacks recently made upon the Portuguese town of Lourenzo Marquez , Doln- .na goa bay , southeast Africa. The Pall Mall Gazette al zette dispatch says that nine Portuguese soldiers l- lIn diers and two white women were killed In the attack made on Sunday last. The dispatch says the Portuguese have de clined the offer of the Transvaal public to land Boers to the assistance of Lourenzo Marquez. The Portuguese are afraid to admit .tilt mit the > Boers into the town , believing that It might not be easy to dislodge them when their services would be no longer needed. TO H Ii I.IKKIIIIU UUSlfANI ) . Only Declaration fop Princes * A1U In Joining ing- the Ore ok * hiircli , BERLIN. Oct. 16. The Kreuz Zeltung says that Princess Allx of Hesse has obtained ibUy tained concessions from the Russian holy synod such as no one In a like position ever before secured In embracing the orthodox faith. The princess. It la averred , will not declare her former religion to be accursed , nor will she state that her conversion Is due to the conviction that the truth lies not with her own , but with the Russian church. U is added that the holy synod will be sat isfied with a simple declaration that the princess joins the Greek church In order to bo of the same religion- her future hus band. i u Klein ITns it IJlSfKcll(3lno , SAN SALVADOR , Oct. 1C. Letters re ceived here from Ant lntolLEzcta and pub- llshed In the newspapcta assert that he has the backing of the United States govern ment , and will soon return Jit the head of a largo armynd conquer1 So'th Guatemala and Salvador. It Is reported1'Hhat the Guate malan government has1 btdh humbugged by an American ex-eenerat Worn one of the southern states , who took money for making a feint on the northern-border of Mexico with a base of operao\s ( | \ In the United States , In case Guatemala , should fight with Mexico. The American , ! ltsls said , secxircd (100,000 , but left the steamer at Acapulco on his way north , and has dlszppearcd. Precaution * to I1 rut ret the Czar. CORFU , Oct. 16. Tile"'Greek ' government und the local authorities ot Corfu are busily engaged In taking measures for the safety of the czar. The police are carefully watchIng - Ing all the Mrnngers at Corfu , and all ar rivals from this time on wll | bo required to give good accounts of themselves. The chateau of the king of Greece Is be ing placed In thorough order for the use of the czar. Several Russian officials have already arrived here , and others are ex pected shortly. The pullce precautions will Include a patrol of the shores of the whole Island , In order to prevent the unauthorized landing of strangers. AUrinpt * on Pa ( iiima'n Julfe. SIONTEVIDEO , Oct. 1C. The police re port that an attempt to hill Admiral da Oama has been frustrated , and that two of the would-bo assassins have be n arrested , one a Portuguese , and the other a Brazilian. Both arrived three days ago from Illo de Janeiro , BLEW OTJX TJUE GAB : r Rncdlth Srrtnnl Clots Jtpr rue thins on Lighting Very llndty Confuted , Selma Anderson , a , servant In the employ of J. W. Marshall , C2Q South Thirtieth street , blew out the gas In her room Monday nlghl and In consequence now occupies a slab In the dead room at the morgue. About a month ago the deceased reached this , coun try and came direct tt > Omaha , seeking em ployment. She could not ( peak a word of English. Last Tuesday the Marshall family cmplojcd the girl , who Is about 27 years cf age , to work about ( ho premises. Before retiring Monday night the girl wna Instructed In the operation of the gas jet , but It Is supposed that she- forgot her Instruc tions and blew the light out. Whoii the family awakened In the morning a strong smell of gas wa3 noticed In the direction of the ser ' quarters , and an Investigation was Instituted. Mr. Marshall found the servant girl's | ' door closed , but managed to gain ad mission through a window. Ho found the body still warm , and a physician was sum moned. . The medical man found life ex tinct , nnd gave asphyxiation as the cause. A cousin of the deceased , Ida Lundatrom , works at 509 Dodge street , and an uncle , August Fogerstrom , lives nt Central City , nnd has been notllled. An Inquest was hehl by Coroner Maul yesterday , and a verdlci In accordance -with the facts wo * rendered. < rr.up/n / > ms SLRKP. Tragical llcalli iif u I'rlrml llud Prryccl on Itli Mliul A Tatiit l.cnp. CHICAGO , Oct. 1C. Engineer "Tom1 Regan , one of the best known railroad men on the Northwestern , died In his boarding house hero today as the result of n lent from a second story window while dream Ing of a recently killed friend. Regan was deeply affected by the death , and after at tending the funeral decided on a few days' vacation. He retired early last night , and about midnight leaped through his window and fell to the sidewalk , fatally Injured. He regained conciousncss before his death and told that ho dreamed that he watt on an engine with Halley and that he and his friend had jumped together. TCiiTliBiNG ECZEMA Editor Town Plain Denier Cured of In- * BtillX-ralilo Itching and t'uln by UioCutlcura Remedies. No licss Than L'Jvo Physicians Can- suited. Their Combined Wl&tlom. Followed Without BcncIH. lamslxty-qlic rears old. In AupistlB 3wai troubled with tlia ] > ccullarsl < ln disease people of my age are subject , knonn among medical men as eczema. Its flrst appearance was near the ankles It rapidly extended over the lower extremities until my legs were nearly ono raw sera ; from legs tlio trouble extended acre a the hijis , shoulders and the entire length of the arms. tUa legs anil anna creatly swollen vvlthanitchincr.ljurrilnKp'iln , without cessation. Although the beat incdlcaladviconttaltiatilouaa euiplo > edi no less than the physicians of tlio tilaco udng consulted ami the prescriptions being the result of their combined wisilom , the disease , thoiighapparciitlychcckeil.uoiild u-cur ina fewda > aasb. das c\oi ; tlurtuglts pragma my weight fell awnynbout twcntj-lho pounds. As an experiment I oeRan the useof CuricruA , following the simple nnil plain instructions Chen -null tlio KRMFiilRs , ami in four weeks Jon ml mjsolf well , with ektn sort and natural in color , the itching and lain omirclv relieved. W H. JIKAI ) , Editor Iowa Plain Dealer , Crcsco , la. CUTICURAlMKS WONDERS J CiiTiouttA Itrjir.uirdapcedllycuroMer.v humor and illsca < o of thu akin.scalpand biped , with loss of Hair , whether ( tilling , burning , scaly , jiiraply , anil blotchy , wheshersluiploscrofulous , iictcilKnrj , or contagions. lieu | ih > slcians fail. I wag opera ted on two\lcars ncoforanahsccss , -which leit a ranninp nero , vvlilch five doctors said could only bo helped liy anotucr operation. I almost ( ; ai up In tlcip.ifr , f3.M worth of the CCTtrutu Ren Lines cured rne. and I nm now- well and stroair. Was. ANNIE Kb'LUX. 1101 ! Laurence St. , Ipnver. Col. Sold throughout the world. Price , CtmcunA , 0c ; BOAP , 2 > c ; ItEsotvtNr. 61. 1'riTTsn Dr.uo AND CiitM.C'onr. , Solo l'roprleior , Bo ioD. 5m"IIowtoCuic8Un Diaeate * , " mailed froo. PISVI PLES , blnckheodi , chapped and oily i kin cured by CUTICUIU MEDICATED SOAP. FREE FROM RHEUMATISM , In ono iiilntitu Iho Cnllcura fty jt Autl-r tn Plaster rellevts rheu- , _ C-x S-Amnticsciaticdipkidnu\iliffltaud : ' S * i The Queen of M -IMS. Excelsior Complexion Remedies WERE AWARDED World's ' Fair Medal and Diploma. Showing their superiority over nit other do mestic or foreign romc < ile . MMC. YALE IB the Creator of licauty Cul ture. Iniloresil by congress MMi : , If A US. who la ncknowleflgcd to be tlia beautiful uoman thlnp , Mill continues to grow more beautiful e\ery tiny , Aga dues not Becm lo affect her mirvelous beout > Her secret - , cret lies In the use at her own wonderful rem edies. They combine within their composition every Ingredient tacking In the human llenh to give it the desired youthful nppearance. Any woman ran maliff herself just ns fair nnd lovely aa her heart desires If she will use these reme- tlli-s occordlnn to their directions. They con tain no Injurious Ingredient , absolutely guaian- tccd to us all that Is claimed for them. GUIDE1 O Joseph Inland I/vtlo of Pltlnburg , nn old- Imp river itinn , Ol l yesterday. The tuk Mary Krrnch , BUPPOMC ! lo have been lost on take Crlo , has arrived ante In pore. Junn VlRll shot ftntl killed Jose Ortlnpn at Bclcn , N. M. , yesterday. Jealousy was the cause , Mra. nettle Hnrrlson. widow of n In-other of ex-President Unitlson , died txt Mlrmcap- olla yesterday. C. F , nohlnson of Kilos , Mich. , was suf focated. l > v escniiliifC BUS Monday night at tv hotel In Clkhatl , Iiul. The boiler of Henry Voters' mill nt Cnry. O. , exploded yesterday , fntally injuilliH tl > ! engineer nnd n laborer. The postofllce at New Allmny , Intl. , wns robbed ) of I4.0CW In stamps nnd Jotx ) In cash nt the noon hour yesterday. The Free Methodist conference In Fe slon at QreenUlle , 1ml. , voted nualnst urnntlUK the prlvllego to prcnch to women , Andrew McCortnlcU of the- Ono Hundred nmJ Twenty-seventh IlllnoH volunteers , has been nwimleil a mcdul tor gallant , conduct at Vlcksbuw. Incitement Is runtilntr lilRh at Hull Hill , Colo. , on account of the dhoolliiK by depot } sheriffs ot Cnimon nnd Short. Threats are openly tnado to snck Colorado Cltj. When Bnby was tlcfe , wo tier Castorla. When she was n Child , slio cried for Custorla. When she bccatnt > Mlsa , ulio duns to Caitorla , When Etio had Children , the K.-UO llicm C. : > torla Or HIP Liquor llnlill l'o < ltl rly 4'urrd by itdnilnln < rrine Dr. HnlDra' 4iold4-n Nporlllr. Itor.nbs clvcn In < icup orcoflr ot Ui , orln food \illhouuho knonledffi > ortno patient. Itl lnolut ) \ karmlc 8. aad Trill effect a permanent und ipccdj euro , whether ihfl p&Mrnt * e n moderata drlnhordr an elooholO wreak. It hat been riven In mauitudi cf CM9s , and In every instance & peifeot euro htufoU 'wod. It Sevtr Full * . ThenyaleaiDDColajpreBiiAted , lth the BpeolAo , It becomes an utter Impossibility rtQe lIQuor appetite tooiltt. HOUIkN IIM'CIFIU ri ) . Viop'r , riarinnntl , 48-DKCB book of partUtOira Ire * . To bo Uad n' , r sajo by Kuhn & Co. , Druggists. Cotua and Douglas street ! , Omaha . , . Hatch Slat. 1SJI. Aloe A Penfold Cot I urn < ery much plcnsca Ip commend vr. u Seymour's ability n nn opll- clan , liavlni ; b en satisfactorily fitted with elan , rs .or astlcnutlsin and derived great benefit thereJinm In my professional work. I would reo- commend all of the artistic slon piofr to cli ) like wise. Very trulr , J. LAUlttn WALLACE , Omalm Academy of Fine Arts. UCADACHi : CAUSED UY KYD STRAIN. DON'T T1UFI.13 WITH 1OLH UVCS. Many persons uhosc heads arc constantly ach- Ins ha\e no Idea nhat relief sclcmlllcally fit tea classes will elve them. This theory la now uni versally established , "Impropeily flMcd glasses will Invnilalily Increase the trouble and may lead lo TOTAL llI.INDNEbH. " Our ability to adjust glasses safely nnd correctly Is beyond question Consult us Eyes tested free of ctmig . THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , Opposite I'm'.en Hotel , LOOK FOR Tim OOLD LION : Purely Yegelablo , Prepared from the orlglnnt formula pro- 'ervedin tlio Archives of the Holy Land , lmy ngau authentic history dating back 600yearn. A POSITIVE CURE for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel troubles , especially CHRONIC CONSTIPATION , Price CO cents. Sold by nil druggists , The Franciscan Remedy Co. , 131 VAN BDREK ST. , CHICAGO , IIX. . ' for Circular aril Illustrated Calendar. Beauty's Secret- BEXAUTY Pimples , Dmc Itcaaj , nnd Skin Diseases cured with Mine. Tale's Special Lotion .No 1 nnd * Special Ointment No. 2 , guaranteed price , | 1 00 each. Excelsior si Fool aucirantred lo remove wrinkles and every trues of age. Price U.W and 33.00. Excelsior conpiexion Bieocn. OuarantDed ta remove eallotvnesa. moth l > atclie and all skin blemishes Gives natural completion of marvelous beauty. Price 12.00 per botlle ; J3.CO for 3 bottles. [ xceisior noir ionic , Turns crny hair bnck to its own natural color without d > e. The llrst and only rem edy In tlm history of chemistry Known to da this. Htn [ > 3 liulr fnlllne In from 21 hours to one week ; crfateR a luxuriant growth. Price 11.00 per bottle , six for $5.00 , Exce'sioi ' Guaranteed ta develops a. beautiful IjUBt and neck ; Rive * firmness ta the Ilerli and denies a natural condition of plump ie . I'rlce 11.60 < uul 13.00 , Greniscoii ! lime. Ynle'ii wonflerful remedy for removlnu and ( leitroytne the urowlli of * cperllou hair takes but live mlnulea to use , ilaes not hurt , Irritate or even make the skin rodj removes every trace In one application. I'rlce J5.00 ia FfecHiQ and FrecKigs , Mnie. f. Vale's ivonlerful T.a Freckla I * kn > wn In t > the only cure for freckles. In frmn 3 ila/i to ono week after Its Drat ap plication. p > ery ( recklo will disappear and the complexion become < u clear ns cr > ntul , Price tl.VO Her battle. Excelsior AH BIOSSOU Gompiezioii creom OO. " " tl10 Sl"n BmOOtl1 ' Excelsior Hood niener nd beautl' mole and won Exirocior Removes nnd destroys forever moles and nans. I'rlce 130) . [ ye-Losn aid wm Grower Makes Iho laches. STOW thick and long1 , tin eyc-Virows luxuriant ami shapely , clrencm " " 1 Jcaulln's tl10 eV i euaranlceil pure. Elixir ( Cultivates natural rosy cheM. . a HonJerful skin tonic , I'rlce Jl.OO per battle. Ante.i. / . ifoie's fxceislor Fertilizer Curei constipation. I'rlce II.5\ mm Blood ionic Purifies the blood , nets on tlm liver , lililneyi anil builds up the e > nein. I'rlce 11.00 pel bottle ; six for ( S DO. Mme. il. Yale's wonderful cure for nil klndi of ftinaln weakness. Prk JI.K > per bottle i ; li for 15.00. SOLD BY DRTJGCHSTS. Full llnocnrrtcd by Kuhn &Co. , 1Mb and DouRla streets , Merchant & Ylckcr * , 10th and Howanl. Kinslor Drup Co. , 10th und FarnamV. . J. Hushes , U4th nud Farnatn , Gco B. Davis , Council Dluffs , and bjrulldrtiRgists. At wholosjle by E , E. Urucc A Co , nncl HichunJaon Drug1 Company , Omaha. Mall orders and correspondence may bo sent to Mme Yale's headquarters. i All first class druggists iUl Mine , Vale's runt-dies , ' MM El. M. YALEl , TEMPLE OF BEAUTY , NERVOUS PROSTRATION , (3IDR11TUINU ( ) INSOMNIA , NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA MELANCHOLIA , AND THE THOUSAND ILLS THAT FOLLOW A DCRANOCD CONDITION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ( , CEREBR1NE tue tstr CT orTMt BBAIM or TMC ox , UHOIPI THE roNMULA of Dr. WILLIAM A. HAMMOND , IN HIS UBOHATCmV AT WASHINGTON , O. O. oose , D onopo. Putet , Pin PHI I of a Dn eMM , * aBO. COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO WASHINGTON , D. C. tno ron BOOK. i * KUUK & CO. , ACJHNTS 1'On OMAUA. . DOUGLAS' J IS THE BEST. NOSQUCAKINO. $5. CORDOVAN , rRtNCH&ENAMEIlEOCALF : $3.5PPOLICE < 3SoLES. 2.WORKING EXTRA FINE. 7-BOYS'SCHOOt LADIES , SENO TOR CATALOGUE W I. ' DOUGLAS * BROCKTON , MAS3.1 You en n nvo money l > r ncnrlnir the \V. L. Douzlnn 8U.OO Ulinr. Brrniiftr , tro tire tbo largest manufacturer * c ) thl graOcof nhoci la the world , nn < l Runrautco Ibell taluo bjr flumping tba umno anil | irlc nn tl > < bottom , which protect you nh'filnit lilshprlceiaua tlm inMJtemim'9 | m > IHs. Our sbccs rqual cm torn " work la ttjle , cnsy nttlng amicnrlnn qu&IKIri. \Vo hare tliom fcolil everywhere ftl loTTtr prices foi tlm trnliio Kl\rii Him any other make. Take no nub- Blltutr , K j our ilcakr cannot supply you , wo can , Sold by A. W , Bowman Co. , 117 N. 13th. C. J. Cnrlson. 1218 N 24lh. EllesSvonaon. 2003 N. 24th. Ignatz Novvmnn , 424 3 , 13th. W. W. Flshar , 2925 Uoavonworin Kelly , Stlgsr & Co. , Farnnm & IStii T. A < Crossy , 25OO N at. So. Omaha Stcnm nnd Hot Wqlor Hoollnv for Residences and Bulldlng3. J. C. B1XBY , 202 Muln. 2 ( - Pearl Streets , Council BlulTs , Iowa. COLE'S AIR-TIGHT WONDERFUL WOOD HEATEfl la a da ) ' liontn n rtom In cold weather , Hold * ro 43 lifjurw 'I liu litHt ot lt < iluen. Duron MIKK ! , obs , Itnsh , Sold by the trade o\erywliere. B uro thu agency at once. Manufactured by OOLB , & OOLEi 41 MAIN STREET , QEO. P. SANKOnD. A. W. President. Cashier. First National Of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. iinita ) , $100,000 Prodis , 12,000 Dn nt the oldest banks In the state of Iowa , \V ยง solicit your business and collections. W * pay 5 per cent on time deposits. 1Y will b pleased to tea and serva you. -SpecIal TSfoiiceas CL.IANIDS VAtit.TS CLKANBD. ij llurke , atV. . a. Homer1 * , US UroadMray. WANTii > TO HtJV KOIl < 'AHII , VACANT IntH in Da lilts & Palmer's ruhl. rentral snh- dlvlelon , illKhlund Phirp ; Muync's 1st add , Klulllu'a niiUHv. . nnil Pottir & Cotib'H add [ must b rlirap. P J , limit ; , Ko S I'earl street. rort flAun on. TIIADI : . 3. ) ACUUS ov In Itixk county , Kthraslcn , C1J urtes tlmbe * lunj In Michigan , lll trailv i-lther for ttocli of Rrnerat morrhandlre , und will nut In rusli 11.00000 or U.WO.OO. hou.-.o and l < a In Culfax. price , ilG40W , will trade for htoiU uf sencrol inerihandlxi and put In * r//i < ( oth : line ret. liknco property In Cnunoll niult * . price , ILOMUO , will trade rnrsenpral stuck and put la Jl.OM.OO caeh. All torrcipondence to ba con- A'ldivm luck box -II , I'nuncll Illuffl. WANT > : i . POSITION AS HOOKHinn'KH OH stenogrjphcr , iiKii-nlnKK , iVfiilintn und Hatur- duj . Addrt-us AV 11 , lice , Counell lHuffn. ntoM itiaiuixoK : OK Mci'ilbe , MornliiKnlde , riuitdny ev minx. lctot ) > el T , on > - thertnut lioisf. weight about 1.000 pounds ] four while feet , bald fain unit white rjn ; hud ehoei on ; any Information or return of hortt will bu nultnbly rewarded. I' . II U'hltc , 6th itreet and 13tll avenue. Council Ulliffii , " iMiifj : > v nNToir : Ai.r , KINIM for Klrls. Cull on or uddrtyH UmploymtnK AKency , flrnnd Ilutel Annex , I'uunUI Uliilts , rmtNiHii yotr IIIJI.P ot" kinds. Cull on or address ntn | > ! > inent Agency , Urand Hotel Annex , Council iilurf . WANTKI1 FJVn NR'13 71OOMK TOIl HOIIBR. keeplnr In Illoomcr ugljoul dletilcU C It , U olllo * .