Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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private rooms for consultation , -where they
remtlncd lor . short lime , when ther
emerged , having decided to- Bit In bane at 2
o'clocK la tha afternoon to hear argument *
frhr scott should not transfer the case to
the dockcl ol some other judge for trial.
The work of Iho tlve Judges WM completed
shortly after ( ho Opening of court , and after
the declilon had been reached ono of the
members ol Iho bench was designated M the
party vrho should notify Scott of the action
nnJ Invllo him to bo present at the hearing
and give till reasons , If ho had any , why a
transfer should not be granted.
Tile criminal section of the court opened
with nothing to Indicate the atorm which
vas soon to burst In tuch lury. The trial
of a case had been commenced when o
bailiff Irom ono of the other courts entered
tlio room and passed a paper up to Scott.
This gentleman read the document , which
was nothing clso than a notification of the
conclusion which had been reached by the
Dvo Judges upon the Subject of the removal
of the alleged libel case from the docket of
Scott. Having concluded reading Scott ad
justed his spectacles , looked about the room
and brought his clenched flit down In front
of him , and ground out between his teeth
the words. "Take that back to your Judge
and tell him that ho had better mind his
own business. "
Members ol the crowded lobby were
gUrtlc-d as the bailiff gathered up the paper
and slid out of the room. They knew noth
ing about what was the cause of the out
burst of tamper , but they were not long In
Ignorance , for Scott soon opened his vials
of wrath nnd proceeded to spill the contents
with the moat rcrkless abandon. Elevating
Ills voice to a falsetto tone ho stated that
lie had been cited to appear before the other
members of tli& bench at 2 o'clock In the
afternoon and RHOK cause why the trial of
the Hosowater case should not be transferred
to the docket ot some of his associates upon
the bench.
This statement was like pushing1 a poker
Into a bed oC liot coals , for It sent the
flames and sparks to the celling , while some
of the timid ones In the lobby sought a
cover. Now and then he pounded the desk ,
making the inkstands , books and other
loose objects dance a lively jig. white sev
eral small boys In the rear of the room
smiled loud enough to be heard out In the
Having pounded the desk until his list was
au red ns the wattles around tlio neck ot a
male turkey , Judge Scolt remarked that he
had Informed himself of the delays and at
tempts that had been made to get this case
from his docket. "I find , " he continued ,
"that attorneys have gona before tha other
judea * to try nnd get them to make an order
that the cane shall not be tried before me.
There Is no law for a change of tills kind ,
xccpt where the case Is to be taken to
another county , or before the Judgeof an
other district. "
Burning with Indignation , or at least that
Is what Scott said was burning him , he read
tha application for a removal of the cause
and then commented upon the men who had
inado the afllilavlts on which the motion was
made. He omitted mention of Mr. Hose-
water , but paid his respects to the others ,
caylng , "There Is Slmeral , " but that was all
he said concerning this gentleman. Turn
ing his attention to the other parties , he
nald , "Perclval , a man who has been fount !
guilty of contempt and sent to jail ; Est.i-
brook , I don't know anything about him. "
Having disposed of the parties who dared
express themselves in the atlldavlts , Judge
Scott flew off on another tangent and In a
stage voice declared , "Wo have now met at
the cross roads , and I do not propose to
take either side , but Instead , I am going to
tread right In the middle of the road.
Hero I am , an American citizen C2 years of
ago , and stand upon a broad gauge platform
that will permit me to give every man n
fair and Impartial trial. If I did not want
to glvo Kosewatcr a fair trial , the motion
might bo excused. There Is no law to take
this case oft my docket , and It will stay
there. If there ,1s any monkeying about It ,
some one Is going to be cited to appear for
contempt , and I think I am pretty good
.authority on contempt. " Ths last portion of
the remark brought out a mullleU round ot
applause ; bill It waa quickly hushed , as the
balllft threatened to eject n. man from the
room. '
Continuing , .tho judge added , as he brought
his fist down upon tlio'tTcsk. with another
muffled thud , "Kdwartl Rosewater will be
tried In this court It I live , and I will live
If they don't kill me.
"I .was elected to perform my duties , and
I propose to stand by the people and the
law. I don't propose to send this case out
to three judge * , as was done In the Kcmle
Impeachment case , and then have them find
nothing. "
To show that ho was a braveman. . Judge
Scott added most emphatically , "I fear no
power but tlja power of the people and Oed ,
and I am not going to stand any shilly
shallying , either. If there is any there
will bo some contempt cases on the- docket ,
qnd I tlilnk'that I am pretty good authority
"I have asked twu Judges outsideof this
district to come here and hear this case ,
but they will not come. One did not want
to bo abused and the other was sent alter
and was. scared out. "
This ended the seance nnd the crowd dis
solved Into the thin air , while Judge. Scott
wrapped himself up In tfio cloak of his own
Importance and remarked that he was ready
to go on with thfr hearing of cases.
Promptly at Z o'clock In the after
noon Judges Hope well , Ambrose , Blair ,
Keysor and Ferguson appeared In court
room No. 3 , wher.o .the flvo Judges
ascended the bench for the pur
pose 'of sitting In bane" for the purpose of
iletcrmlnlnc If the Bennett case should be
removed , from Judge Scott's docket.
Aa soon as the court was called to order ,
Mr , Slmeral , ana of the attorneys for Mr.
llosowatcr. said that he had Intended to
DKVO the flies of the case before the court ,
but that ho had been Informed by Clerk
Woorea that Judge Scott had Issued an order
that they should not be removed from his
office. ' 'Mr. Bailiff , " remarked Judge Hope-
well In Ma usual quiet way , "you will tell
the clerk to produce the flics In this case. "
Soon after this order was Issued Mr ,
Moorcs entered the room to state- that moat
of the files In the case were In the possession
of Judge' Scott.
"Mr. Clerk. " said Judge Hopewell , ' "You
will ascertain where these flies are. Sea If
you can get them and then report your suc
cess. "
Soon Clerk Moores returned to say , "Judge
Bcott tells , mo that he Is busy examining
the ( lies and you cannot have them. He says
that lie wants no Interference with his
duties. "
"Mr. Slmeral , " said Judge Hopewell. after
ho and his associates had conferred for a
few moments. "You may read your mo
tion and make your statement. "
Mr , Slmeral read the motion for a transfer
ot the case , the same as Is printed herewith ,
after which Judge Hopewell asked , "itr.
Day. are. you here representing thestateT"
"I am , " answered Mr. Day , the assistant
county attorney.
"I will say this , " remarked Judge Hopo-
well. "Tho motion In this case for the
reason assigned Is a delicate question to
pass upon. The motion , however , has teen
made , a.nd , like every other motlnn , la en-
SERIES NO. 39-40
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an orders ahouM ba aJJroajal ti
tilled to a hearing. It Is proper that the
fnctn should be known , that the Unr nhoitia
ba presented and that the Rtate should be
represented. Judge Scott li entitled to be
heard K ho desires. He has been notified
nnd has entered a protest , -which Mr. Day
may read. "
The rirotfst , signed by Scott and directed
to the other judges , waa to the effect that
the ca a wan upon his docket , assigned to
him , He held that 1C the case was
transferred then any other ca > o could take
the same course. The defendant had Ills
rights of npneal.
"I had arcn another Judge , " wrote Scotl ,
"hut HoscYiotcr played h'm ' and he would not
come. The plaintiff objects to one ot you
trying the case an strrnuoiiily as does
Koicwater object to me trying It. "
Ho Insisted that ho should be left to try
the case , and said that the press of busi
ness prevented him from being presnt.
Jii'lgo Hoppu-ell Instructed Mr. Slmeral to
make his showing.
In arguing for the transfer Mr. Slmeral
said there had be-n nothing * ald or done by
.Mr. Hosewater to prevent any of the out
side Judges coming to Omaha nnd trying the
cane. It wns generally understood that one
of the Judges , with whom Scott had conferred ,
had told him that ho did not care to coma
here and wash his Judicial linen. The wlt-
ncsso.1. Mr. Slmoral urged , had been notified
to be present and give testimony.
In response to this statement , Judge Hope-
well asked , "Mr. Day , " ( addressing himself
to the assistant county attorney , who ap-
prared on behalf of Scott ) , "Is that true ? "
Mr. Day responded that the witnesses had
been served , or at least those for the prose
Continuing his remarks , Mr. Slmeral
quoted law , tending to show that the Judges
uero Justified In making the change asked
for , and that any one of them would be com
petent to try and determine the Issues. The
right of every man to have a fair nnd im
partial trial was a constitutional right.
granted by the laws of the United States and
the mngna charter. It was urged that
prior to the time when the Information
against Mr. Tlosewnter was Hied In the police
court , Judge Scott had said that he expected
this case to come before htm , and that at
that time ho had declared that he was In
tending to turn it over to some other judge.
one outsldo this district. In making that
statement he anticipated that Mr. Uosowatcr
was to be arrested and held to the district
court. If there ever was a case where a
change was Justified Mr. Slmoral main
tained that this was one.
Assistant County Attorney Day In behalf
oC Scott declared that ho and Mr. Slabaugh
had been assigned to try the case In thq dis
trict court and disclaimed any prejudice
sgalnst a transfer to the docket of any mem
bers of the bench In the event" that It was
taken away from Judge Scott. Ho held to
the view that the criminal branch of the
district court could not be Interfered with ,
nor could the dignity of the same be In
fringed upon. > If the showing for the trans
fer was sumclent , he should not object to the
removal , but he could not help but think
that the purpose of the motion was an In
fringement upon the duties of the criminal
branch. Ho did not believe that there was
any law for the transfer and he was sure that
the rule of the court could not apply. It
was a matter of Indifference to the state
who tried the case , but ns the criminal
Jocket had been assigned to Scott , ho main
tained that he was the- proper judge to dis
pose of all criminal matters. XJonslderlng the
lateness of the time of the filing of the
motion , Mr. Day.thought that It was hardly
fair to ask for a transfer.
Judge Estelle , In behalf ot Mr. Hosewater ,
said that It was no pleasant duty fir him or
Ills associate to perform , but it was a duty
which ho was compelled to perform In the
interest of justice. "If my cowardly legs
were controlled by my heart , I would put
the Missouri river between myself and this
rourthouse. " added Judge Estelle. Mr. Es-
lelle said that all that he asked was that
the contract between the state and Mr.
Ilosewater bo carried out and that he be
ijlven a fair and Impartial trial. There was
a principle at stake , above and beyond any
Individual , and for that principle he said
that he would fight as vigorously as though
his life were the issue. It the law waa silent
upon the inbject of the change to another
judge , It certainly did not mean that a man
had to be tried before a Judge who could not
bo fair and impartial.
Scott's former action lit handling the case
Mr. Estelle described as being like unto the
voice of Jacob and the hand of Esau. While
there was no power named to take a case
from one judge and transfer It to another ,
there was an unwritten law that a man's
liberty wai not to be put. In Jeopardy by
causing him to appear before a man who
was his enemy. The trial of the case , he
contended , would be a mockery and could not
but put the court of the district court Into
Jisrcpute if It went on before Scott , It being
known that he had such hostility against
Mr. Rose water.
"Outside of the statutes. " added Mr. Es
telle , "we are today contending for our
rights , as did the barons of Hunnymede ,
when , with ihelr swords and shields , they
wrested from King John the charter whlcli
3ald that every man should be tried before
u fair Judge.
"We are now confronted by the statement
of the county attorney that our motion for
a transfer of this case has been made too
late , and -when wo were up before Judge
Scott when Mr. Roseualer wns arraigned.
wo were then confronted with the statement
that our application was made at too early
a date.
"Judge Scott said that ha had decided to
transfer the trial of the case to some other
Judge. Personally , I want to say that If he
will pass upon the law as Inadvlcably as he
has passed upon the facts' that have been be
fore him. ' I certainly want the trial to be
had before , some other Judge. The attorney
for the state says that It is too late , but" I
don't believe that II la ever too. late to ap
pear before an unprejudiced judge of this
district to ask for a fair trial when on Im
partial Judge Is upon the bench and an
honest < ury In thu box. "
Asking for all of the papers In the case ,
Judge Hopewell , at 4 o'clock , stated that
the Judges would retire , and at the end of
thirty minutes they would return with their
findings. Time dragged heavily upon the
Immense number ot people who filled the
court room , but nt last the judges returned
and upon taking their places upon the bench
Judge Hopewell read the following :
In the district court of Douglas county.
State of Nebraska against Edward Ilose
This matter coming on to be heard before
the court. Judges Hopewell. Keysor , Fergu
son , Blair and Ambrose being present nnd
presiding therein on the motion of the de
fendant to transfer the trial of said cause
to some other judge of aald court on ac
count of the bias , prejudice nnd hostility
against defendant , of Judge C. n. Scott , on
whose docket the cause now stands for trial ,
and the. said Judge Scott having had due
notice of the hearing of said motion and the
state being represented by II. I , . Day , as
sistant county attorney , nnrt the defendant
by his counsel. Judge Kstelle and Edward
Slmtral , nsq. , and the court having heard
the evidence nnd the arguments of counsel
and being- fully advised In the premises. It
Is ordered that the Raid cause be and the
Bame Is hereby transferred from the crim
inal docket to trial docket No. 3 , presided
over by Hon. George W. Ambrose , for trial ,
there to be proceeded with as he shall di
rect ; and It Is further ordered that the
county attorney nnd the attorneys for said
defendant be anil they lire hereby required
to bo nnd appear before said Judge on Oc
tober 17. 1531 , at the opening of court at 9:30 :
u. m. . there to receive such directions from
said judge as he shall see nt to give in rela
tion to the disposition and trial of said
cause. And It U further ordered that the
clerk of this court be und Is hereby directed
to place said cause upon said trial docket
No. 3 , nnd to place In the hands of said
judge the information and all and every of
the fllea and papers therein. And1 the said
clerk Is further directed to make all Journal
entries In the proper journal ot said court
room N , 3 , Including this order.
Judges ,
October K. 1831.
The < above order was delivered to Clerk
Moores and the court adjourned for tha day ,
the attorneys and other spectators having an
Idea thai the excitement of tlio day wai over ,
but In this they were counting wthout their
hosts , for Judge Scott Btlll had a part that he
wanted to put upon the boards before the
KOhig down of the sun. The Information had
been wafted over to his room th .t flve
Judges ot the district bench had taken the
Kosewatcr casa from his docket , and had
ordered It to the docket ot Judge Ambrose.
The Information caused Judge Scott to turn
llrld with rage , and hastily sending for
Clerk Moorcs , lie read the l&w to that official ,
tolling him not to allow tha papers iu the
io go out ot his hands. Then taking his
pen , with one easy twccp of his hand , ho set
aside the order made by live judges ot the
dUtrlct court and entered the following In
Its atead :
The State of Nebraska against Edward
Hosewater :
It l.i ordered that the order this day
ulRiied by Melville H. Hopewell. William W.
Keynor , A. N. Ferguson. Joseph H. lllnlr
and a. W. Ambrose , netting the above cause
for irlal nt court room No. 3 , nnd the or
ders and direction therein to the clerk ax
to thp disposition of papers In said case
and tha whole and entire order be and the
same Is net aside , abrogated and held for
naught , because said cause la on the crim
inal docket presided over by me and the
disposition of Raid case reals alone under
the law with tills branch of the court , nnd
the proceeding ! * by said judges attempted
to take said case out of this branch of
the court Is illegal , void nnd of none effect.
Bald cause Is set down tot- trial In court
room No. 1 , bcforo me , at U30 ; 11.111. , 17 Octo
ber , nnd the clerk Is ordered nnd di
rected , not to transfer any of the papers
pertaining to said cnso to any other Judge
or to any other court room than , to mo In
my court room , No. ] , court house. Said
rlerk Is also ordered to notify the defendant
Hosewater that he Is Ordered to bo present
In court room No. 1 nt 0:33 : o'clock u. m , ,
October 17 , for trial and to serve upon him
a copy of this order.
Having removed a load from his over
burdened mind , Judge Scott onca more di
rected bis attention to Clerk Moorea , tell
ing him to not enter the order made by the
tlve judges In the Journal of the courts.
"What shall I do ? " asked Mr , Moores.
"Oboy my orders , " -replied Judge Scott
with much vehemence , "nnd If you let any
of tha papers go out of your hands , and If
the papers , in this case and the docket Is
not on my desk In the morning , I will cite
you for contempt. If you enter the order
made by Judge Hopaxvell and Ills associates
I will cite you for contempt. "
Moores did not say that he would obey ,
and It he would have said so ho was not
given time , for Judge Scott opened up again
and said : "I don't allow you to go Into
other courts and get orders telling mo how
to dispose of my business , "
After the court had adjourned for the day ,
and after all of the orders bad been Is
sued. Mr. Moores was asked what he was
Intending to do In the- premises , to which he
replied : "I shall obey the order of the
court , carrying It out to the letter. " Upon
being asked what In his opinion constituted
the court , Mr. Moorcs answered with a smile :
"Five judges , I suppose. "
This morning lively times are. anticipated ,
as the trial U called for both courts , and
some ot the papers are In the hands of the
clerk , while others are In the possession of
Judge Scott , who yesterday Intimated that
there would bo eome contempt proceedings
If any person Interfered with him In the
trial of the now celebrated case.
I'npo Divorce rusn 1'opp Through Hole
Jdtclilc'g Apology ilfjiCCcd.
The Page divorce case has been given an
other airing In the courts , Elam , the husband
of Fannie Page , filing a number of aflldavlts.
In which It Is charged that his wife Is not
above suspicion. He produces the affidavit
of Maud Miller , who swears that whllo ahe
was living on North Twentieth street Mrs.
Page lived In the same house , and that one
day a man called on thewoman. . He was
taken Into a private room , when then nnd
there Maud Miller avers that oho look a pair
of scissors and cut a halo In u blanket that
hung betwin the rooms. To the hole she
glued her eye and discovered Mrs. Page and
her gentleman friend in a very compromising
position. Mrs. Eva Ellis , who occupied the
house , allege3 that she looked through the
same lido and witnessed thu same things as
detailed by Maud Miller.
Elam objects" to paying over alimony , de
claring that his salary has been cut and that
he Is t-arnlng only enough to support himself
and his boys , who are dependent upon him
tor a living.
8lAtor * lit Cmirt.
An Interested crowd of spectators were
hanging about ( Judge Amrbojo's court yester
day watching'the trial ot a case where two
sisters were arrayed against each other In a
? 10COO damage suJtJI.jMiUc upon. tle | , table
there reposed "itwopairfj of scissors and a
large sized carving knife , all waiting to bo
introduced In evidence.
It Is the case of Reglna Marrow against
Em-Sly Hespeler , and the plaintiff alleges
that on January 31 , 1S93 , the defendant as
saulted the plaintiff with one pair of scls :
sora. In another count the plaintiff al
leges that the defendant got In her'work , the
knife and the other pair of scissors getting
In their work. ' On Independence dayilSD3 ,
the plaintiff charges a lot ot hair pulling , all
ot which the defendant denies , alleging that
she has always been a good and kind .sister.
Scott ICrjitrtfl Itltchlu'n Apology.
Albert S , Ritchie , upon his owa motion ,
was before Judge Scott yesterday , where
he Informed the court that Monday when
he was disbarred from practicing in the
criminal court ho was Innocent of any at
tempt to rrtislead or Impede the administra
tion of justice. The court listened , and then
sent the attorney out Into the cold world ,
Informing him that the order would stand
until after an Investigation could be bad ,
In talking to Ritchie , Scott remarked : "You
are one of the attorneys who wanted to in
vestigate me. and now I propose to Investi
gate you before I accept an apology. "
While Ritchie Is barred from practicing be
fore Scott , the order does not extend any
court < : uiline .
In the case of the atate against Andrew
Wallenz , charged with having Bold liquor
without first having secured a city license ,
the Jury returned a verdict of guilty.
Sam Payne , the alleged murderer of Maud
Rubel , was arraigned In the criminal court
yesterday where he. entered a plea , of not
guilty. There was no- time set , for the trial ,
but the- date will probably bo fixed today.
Emma L. Van Etten has sued the city of
Omaha In an action to recover the sum of
(200 damages. She alleges that last May
some agent ot the city broke down her fenca
and that by reason thereof cows entered upon
her premises and destroyed shrubbery of the
valut ) alleged.
In all of the suits against the Hawkeye
Grain and Commission company , the Sioux
City concern which had a branch in Omaha ,
and which went to the wall last spring , I. M ,
Neuman has Intervened , alleging that the
money which he holds In his hands Is his
own and does not belong to the bucket shop.
All of the parties , who have been sued by
the Llntons have departed for their homes ( or a time the English litigation Is at an
end. Affidavits are on file asking that the
J 13.050 suit brought by Shard , the English
barrister , be stricken from the files. This
suit la against Adolphus and not against
Phcebo Llnton. who Is the sole owner of the
Omaha property ,
Movement ! ) of henffnlnt ; Yrngeli October 10.
At New York Arrived Stuttgart , from
Bremen ; Norwegian , from. Glasgow ; Werra ,
from Genoa.
At Naples Arrived Italia , from. New
At Bremen Arrived Elbe , from New-
York ; Wltteklnd , from New York.
At San Francisco Departed Gaelic , for
Yokohama and Hong Kong.
D. J. Gates , Albion , l at the Merchants.
J. F. Crocker , Kearney , has a room at the
0. O. Snyder and wife ot O'Neill arc at the
J. J. Andre of Petersburg Is a guest at the
W. n. Proctor , Nebraska City , Is at the
J. II. Duller and wifeof Nebraska City
are registered at. the Hellene.
W. B. Morgan ot Lincoln waa ono of the
Mlllard's late arrivals last night.
C.V r Compton. agent of the Tallow
Candle company , la at tha Barker.
Mr. Lawrence Keogh , agent ot The
Hustler company. Is at the Barker ,
C. Ii. Hover of Papllllon came In yesterday
and checked hla grip at the Merchants.
Mr. J. A. Reed , manager , and Mr , Ike
Lando , agent of the Conrojr & Fox company ,
la "Hot Tomallej , " are domiciled at the
R P. Steela and family , formerly of Central
City , this state , are In Omaha direct from
Ban Francisco , Cal , They wcro noncombatants
batants in the J50.000 tram robbery on the
Southern Pad no last Thursday night. Mr.
Bte-ele waa at one time editor of the Central
City Courier.
vl )
California's Tiring Dutchman Lowers the
Flying fclMiloinrino Style.
3 1A8 -
III * I'M co Makers Uiinblo to Cnrrjr Him rust
IhimiKli M > * Ju MHO form mid fit
for AVIi t , Trji ve < l \TomIcrfiil
SACRAMENTO , Cal. , Oct. 10. On the 2Slh
of September John S. Johnson caused a sen
sation In bicycle , circles the world over by
riding n inllo \VuUlmin ' , Mass. , In tlio
phenomenal time of lCOi. . This -wonderful
feat was eclipsed In this city today when
Otto Zelgler of .San Jose covered the in lie In
1:50. : clipping nearly a full uecond ofT the
world's record. As a matter of fact ho did
rldo the mlle in n fraction over 1:49 , but as
one ot the tcveral watches made It 1:50 :
flat , the JuJges placed the official time at
that figure.
This mile of young Zelglcr's Is'tho fastest
ever run on n bicycle. It was made with a
flying start , and he was paced by tandem
teams , one taking him to three-eighths , an
other to the nve-elghths and the third pac
ing him to the outcome. It waa a typical
Sacramento autumn sky. The sky was with
out a cloud and the temperature Just warm
enough' to enable the racers to put forth
their best energies. Thcro was a light breeze
from the northwest , and this , it was feared ,
would not allow of record-breaking , but
Zclgler was In fine form and determined to
make the effort. The riding was done under
the supervision of tha Sacramento Athletic
club wheelmen , under the rules of the League
of American "Wheelmen , which makes It
the oniclal record. The Judges were II , A.
Moore. A. \ \ ' . Williams and II. E. McCrca.
Tha timers were C. Patton , H. H. Blair and
GeorgeKnelr. . Ileferee , W. A. Hubbard.
Starter , L. S. Upson. The pacemakers were
Wells and Hall , Smith and Olscn , and Del-
mar and Hamilton. The start was a flno one ,
and the quarter was passed In twenty-six
and three-flfths seconds. The half mile post
was patsed In the phenomenally fast lime of
fifty-three and three-flfths seconds , leaving
ZeiKler a full minuteto make the , last half
In order to beat the records Around the
turn the wheelmen fairly flew , looking like
three orange-colored balls rolling behind the
Inside fence. Near the three-quarter polo Del-
mar and Hamilton were getting under way ,
and by the time the others came up they
were at their full speed. Thcro was a per
fect pickup , and the wheelmen at the score
vcro fairly trembling with excitement and
enthusiasm as the watches ticked off 1:23. :
Zelcler still had twenty-seven and thrce-
ntths seconds In which to equal Johnson's
record , and there was no reason to fear he
would not beat it , for the fresh tandem
riders were bringing him down tha course
at a tremendous rate of speed. Within
about sixty yards of the wire , Zclcler , who
had been riding almost on top of his fresh
and speedy pacemakers , could wait no longer ,
and. shooting out to one side , he ( lew past
them and passed under the wire as already
stated. In a fraction under 1:50. : Thereis
no doubt that ho could have lowered the rec
ord fully two Seconds more had the pace
makers been able to lead him.
Jockey Uoimliub iit Oaldry Get n Dora of
.IlKlRA Clllfk'H Justice. ;
OAKLKY , Ooj. 1C. In the second race
Jockey Donahue % vaj suspended for the rebt
of the mectlnij' for , bad behavior at the
post , Jockey JUa.rHn left for New York
tonight. Only one favorite , the last one ,
won today. Iiesultsc
Flrst race , spiling , $103 , for .S-yenr-olds
ami up , suven furlongs : .Henry Jolt ins (25
' " , 1) ) won , Tremnna ( S tt > 1) ) second. Two
O'clock ( T to 1)hlrd. ) . Tin1c : 1:28VJ. :
Second race , ! clllnK. . $100 , for 'J.y cur-olds ,
? * , ' "f'onR ' * : , nuck Kly (8 ( to 1) ) won , Startn
( , , ir.5) ) WJnd-i Iflcnroon (3 ( teA ) third , Time ;
lllu'/i , . r
Third race free handicap , for 3-year-olds
and up , mUe and an eighth : Lehman ( t
to 5) ) wpni -Buckwa i 5 ( to 1) ) second , I'lutus
(10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : lCGi. :
Fourth race , JIOO- for 2-yearrold colts ,
eleven-sixteenths of a mile : Islln (25 ( to 1)
Fifth race , JIOO , for 3-year-olds am ] up
ward. mlle and seventy yards : 1'oarl Song
to S ) won , Darevela (7 ( to 5) ) second , Sister
Anita ( fiO to 1) ) third. Time : l:47 : .
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 16. Ilesults ut East St.
Ixiuls : Flrat race , one mile : resilience
won , MlKS Baughman second , Mean Enough
third , Time : 1:52.
Second race , three-quarters of a mile :
Chenoa won , Jack Bradley uecond , Belle T
third , Time : 1:344.
Third race , thlrteen-slxtcenths of a mile :
Odesla won. Robert Lntta second , Winifred
third. Time : l:2S > i.
Fourth race , four and n half furlongs :
8econd > Alr Tlelu
Fifth three-quarters of n mile : Char
treuse won , Yosemlto second , John IHckey
third. Time : 1:21H. :
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 1C. More good races
were on at the 'Imposition track today.
Three favorites' landed money for the pub
lic. In the second race , Illrd Dobson , a 10
to 1 shot , created some little surprise by
coming In first. The track wns fast and the
weather perfect. Ilesults :
First race , flve furlongs : Jerquet ( even )
won , Steve Jerome (8 ( to 1) ) second , La
Grippe (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:05 : % .
Second race , four furlongs and llfty yards :
Bird Dobson (10 ( to 1) won , Hnbblt (3 ( to 5) )
second. Dixie D (5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 0rl : ,
Third race , four and a half furlongs : Ben
Wilson (6 ( to 1) ) won , .Dalay W (12 ( to 1) sec
ond. Wrestler (10 ( to.n third. Time : 0:57. :
Fourth race , four furlongs nnd 150 yards :
Moloch (2 ( to 1) won , Kingcraft (8 ( to D ) second
end , Little Ell (12 to 1) third. Time : 0:5Sy. : .
Fifth race. Fix furlongs : Hill Arp (2 ( to 1) )
won. Pacolet (2 ( to 1) .second. Twilight (15 ( to
1 > third. Time : 1:19 : ,
CHICAGO , Oct. lo. Results at Haw
thorne- today : First race , six furlongs :
James V. Carter ( even ) won , May McCarty
( C lo 1) ) second. Little Nell (20 to 1) third.
Time : 1:18. :
Second race , flve furlongs : Tlm Murphy
(3 ( to 5) ) won. Pedestrian (8 ( to 1) ) second , Sen
ator Irby (1 to 1) ) third. Time : I:02i4-
Third race , mile and a sixteenth : Major
McLuughlln (10 ( to 1) won , "Wblsey (3 ( to 1) )
second , Percy (3 ( to 1) third. Time : . 151V } .
Fourth race , six furlongs : Montre ( D to 1) )
won , Leo Lake (1 ( to 2) second , Midas ( S
to 1) third , Timer 1:16 : % .
Fifth race , six furlongs ; Hadlator (5 to 1) )
won , OolclbUR ( C to 1) ) second , Itlco (8 ( to 1) )
third. Time : 1:17. :
Sixth race , sic furlongs : Dockstadcr (7 (
to C ) won , B. F. Fly , Jr. , (4 ( to 1) ) second ,
No Remarks (20 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:18.
Seventh race , overflve hurdles , mile- and
a quarter : Jim Norvcll (50 ( to 1) ) won , Tyro
( S to B ) second. Japanlca (2 ( to 1) ) third. Time :
"PROVIDENCE , R. r. ! Oct. ic.-iiesuits at
Narag-ansctl : Five furlongs : Charm won.
My Gyps second , Pplydora third. Time :
Five and a half furlongs : Lodl won , Sir
John second , JuIja. Blrd. Tlrre : 1C8. :
Mile : Marshal'VoW Figaro second , Pan-
way third. Tlme.a : 33U. .
Five furlongs : Red , John won , Nick second -
end , Uerwln third. Time : 1:02V : $ .
Mile and three sruIters. | over seven hur
dles : Marcus wpli.l.iPhevy Chase second ,
Lithhert third. Tlnfe } 3:2fK. :
1'rnfrsslonnl f > t Hall
NEW YOrtK , pcJ.jjlG.-At Eastern park
this afternoon th a Brooklyn professional
foot ball team < Mfe4ed Philadelphia by a
score of 8 goals to Wx
NEW YOItlC. oOqtn 1C. The professional
fopt ba.ll players , from " Boston made their
first appearance in ftnls" City today at the
polo grounds Ire a.cnamplanBhlp game with
New York. Score ? ' Bfiaton , D ; New York , 2.
WA8HINGTONl"Oat. ! . Baltimore won
from Washington tlti ithe professional foot
ball game by a aeortf-ot 10 goals to 1 ,
Twerity-Fimrjjloiir Hecord llroken.
CLEVELAND ) * oct. IO.-LOUIS aimm , a
member of the Cleveland AVheel club , suc
ceeded at 6 o'clock this afternoon In breakIng -
IngIho world's record for a twenty-four
hours' run. covering383)i miles and 170
yards , or 270 yards less than .181 miles. The
Lest previous record was 374 miles and was
made by Kd 8 , Bpooner. " Qlmm rested but
seventy-two and one-half minutes during
the twenty-four hours' run. The last mile
was made In 2:54. :
Hot Time In a Itnud Itucn ,
CEDAU BAPID3 , la. . Oct. 16.-SpeclaI (
Telegram. ) The first road race of the Bo
hemian Bicycle club was run today from
this city to Fairfax and return , a distance
of twenty miles. Severe , with six-minute
handicap , finished tlrst In sixty-one min
utes. Janda , one minute handicap , made
best time , tlfty-nlne and five-eighths mln-
utrs. Htepnnek , scratch , being forty seconds
behind. .
Fall Meeting at llolmnnt ,
PHILADELPHIA , Oct , 16.-The fall meetIng -
Ing of the Uelaiont Driving Park associa
tion begun loday. Weather clear nnd track
fast ,
2:33 trot : Marlon WllUes won In straight
heats , I Hue Hey second , Magnolia Queen
third. Time : J&TK. 2:27tt : , 2:21" : , . Marty C ,
Perretto , Corslco , Victor , John 0 and Clay
more also started.
2:18 : pace : Little Btrnthmoro won first. BCC-
om and fifth heats. Crafty won third nnd
fourth heats. Time : 2:1 : 4 , 2:16y. : 2:15\J : ,
2:1G : 4. 2:17Vi. : Hnpplncsa , Sheriff , Imlgrtty.
Orundcr , Bessie M and W L nltio stnrtrd ,
Noit ClinllciiRo for tlm Cup AVIlt Bo with n
Hunt nf Iho I.I in It Length.
ailEUNOCIC. Scotland , Oct. IC.-lt may
now be taken for granted that Designer
Watson lias the lines alt out for n cup chal
lenger for 1893 , anil Just now Inn ord.ers ,
nnd Patrick IH preparing' to see Lord Dun-
raven nnd talk thu matter over with him.
On most reliable authority tlio statement
13 made tbnt Lord Uunraven decided that
his llrst Valkyrie , which measured seventy
feet on the water line the ship with which
lie rlinltenped three years ago wns hardly
large enough for his nil-round purpose , con
sequently lie decided to challenge next year
with nn eighty-footer. He held strongly
to tills notion until a little more than n
month ago. when he learned that Fife had
nn order for n boat over ninety feet , and
that James Gordon Bennett's new boat
would turn out to be a ninety-footer. In
the latter event ho saw but little chance
for an eighty-footer on the other side to
win the cup , nnd being- bound by his own
precedent , which allowed all American boats
available for the defense of the cup to be
counted In again , | ie wisely decided to KO
the limit length nnd build a ninety-footer ,
thus asking no favors of the Now Yo k
Yacht club ns to length. In fact , there arc
mojiy hero who believe that Watson has
himself preferred a ninety-footer to a
Work on the boat will commence nt once ,
and the clmlenne ] may be sent a little
ahead of the olllclal required time.
Watson will say nothing about his new
order , except that she will 110 doubt be
across and sail for the cup. It goes with
out question that , as In the case of the
Thistle , nn attempt will be made to build
her In secret. In building the ninety-fooler
Lord Dunravcn has irene to the limit of the
new deed of gift , and , consequently , need
have no fear of existing boats.
Six ICrrntH on tlio Cnrd Otvo the Talent
1'lrnty at Opportunity.
NASHVILLE. Tenn. , Oct. 16.-A. fair nt-
tendunco was at the park today and the
racing was Rood. Six events gave plenty
of good sport , two of them being unfinished
races from yesterday's and the regular card.
Weather perfect and track fust. Only one
record was broken , and that in the " -year-
old trotting' class. Ilesultn :
2:20 : class , pacing , 7800 ( finished from
Monday ) : Venture won second , third and
llfth heats. Time : 2:1HS : , 2:10 : > 4. 2I2& : . An
gle D won fourth heat. Time : 2:12V4. :
White Line won flrst heat , lime : 2:09 : > 4.
Guerite also started : Brookslde distanced.
2:15 : class , trot , stake $2,000 ( finished from
Monday ) : K. W. Ford won. In straight
heats. Time : 2:1074 : , 2:08 : 5. 2OJi. : Mocking
Bird nnd Prince- Herschel also started ;
Gertrude and Happy Courier distanced.
Melroae stake , fl.OOO , for trotters , 2-year-
olds , eligible to 2:50 class : Impetus won
first and second heats nnd race. Time :
2:15 : > i , 2:151. : Oakland Unron , Scourlne , Kll-
lana and Miss Kate also started ; Kaglc
Pas J nnd Satin Slippers distanced.
2 15 clnps. pacing- , purse $1,500 : Hubensteln
won In three straight heats. Time ; 2:17'i : ,
2.13H. 2 Wi. Direction and Lizzie Moe lso
2:23 : class , trotting1 , stake f2,000 : Alar won
In thre < * straight heats. Time : 2:12. : 2H : ,
2:13Vi. : San Mate , Maudle , Bomlinn AVIlkes.
Jr. , Billy Bolton and Jim Willies also
2 19 class , trotting , purse JSOO : Helen Ley-
horn won In three straight heats. Time :
2:18. : 2:1H4 : , 2:15 : % . Merman , Pat-My-JJoy
mill Lara G also started ,
lonn's T.ntrxt Snnivitloii Turn * Oft Mlle In
2:00 1-2 ut lien Molin-K.
DES MOINES , Oct. 16.-Speclal Tele
gram. ) The attendance nt the Capital City
Driving' park races today was better , about
2.COO persons being there. Weather excel
lent , track fast nnd races exciting. Strath-
berry in the 2:12 : pace again lowered his
record , taking the llrst heat In 2:0 : H , by
qnaiters as follows : 0:30. : l:0ls. : . 1:35 : , 2:00'.4 : ,
showing' that he Is capable of 11 2:01 : gait or
better. In the last heat .Strathlx-rry was
pocketed nnd was compelled to slow up or
drive- clear around the rest of the bunch ,
winning easilyin 2:03 : ; bv auartera : 0 : 0'4 ' ,
l:03y : , . 1:36 : , 2:00. : The track record for trot
ting wns lowered to 2:12Ji : in the 2:13 : trot.
Summaries :
2:12 : pace , purse $500 :
Strnthberry , b s , by Ho eberry Ill
Susie a. b m , by Little Henry 423
Great Heart , br s , by Mambrlno Ilus-
nell 2 0 3
Two Strike. K K , by Ferguson 3 4 E
Webber Wllkes , b H , by Penrose 0 3 C
Charley Ford , s g , ny Dexter Prince. . 774
Fred 1C , blk Rby Shnclelnnd Onward 557
Time : 2onV4 : , 2:09V4. : 2:09. :
2:13trot : , purse $300 , ( unfinished ) :
Nina Medium , br m , by Ulley
Medium 3 116
Hobble P. br E. by Charles Caffery 1432
Russell Mont , b s , bv Lord HiiHscll G 7 2 1
Senator A , g B. by Tramp Panic. . . 4240
Strontla , K K , by Sam Purdy 2554
May Douglas , B in. by Fred Dous-
las , fi G fl 3
Mnyby , b m , by Oxford Boy 7377
Time : 2:12H. : 2HU. : 2 : Vi , 2HH. :
Huild Hint liivvr llorHe nnd HorMu
DKS MOINKS , Oct. 16.-Speclal ( Tele
gram. ) The fourth annual tournament of
the Highland Gun club commenced today.
The attendance Is very large , nearly all of
the prominent marksmen of the state and
several from Illinois , Missouri , Kansas , Ne
braska and Minnesota are on the grounds.
The weather was perfect and some good
scores were made. C. W. Budd nnd Dr.
W. F. Carver shot nt 100 live birds for a
purse of $400 , Budd winning by a score of
% to 92. In n shoot yesterday between
Hudd and Carver , the latter won , 1)8 ) to 9. > .
Budd and Carver will meet again at Chicago
cage next month.
Ijeorcn Onr I.oio Ills Wife.
74EW YOUK. Oct. lG.-Mrs. Jennie B.
Gore today obtained an absolute divorce
from George Gore , the base bull player.
Withdrawn ! nf County Kunili Starts n Ituii
an thu Mercpil Hunk.
MEUCKD , Cul. , Oct. 16. The Merced
bank , which has been dong business hero
since 1KB. closed Its doors this morning.
The failure Is due to the bank's Inability to
realize on Its securities. As yet the olllclals
of the bank have made no Htntemcnt , but
It Is known the bank had over $200.000 loaned
to merchants and rangers of this com
munity. on which they could not realize ,
The concern's statement to the Mate bank
commissioners In July last gave the bank's
resources as $213,029. The principal Item * of
the bank's liabilities nt that time were , : Cap
ital paid in coin. $18,000 ; due ilcpofltoia ;
$100,037 ; due other banks. $25.000. The dlieo-
tors of the bank are all substantial business
men. It Is believed that the depositors will
be paid In full and that the failure will
have no disastrous- effect upon the business
of the community.
While the failure is undoubtedly due to
the general financial stringency , the imme
diate cause of the suspension Is said to beef
of a political nature. For years It has been
customary for the county treasurer to place
the county funds In open deposit with the
three banks of Merced. County Treasurer
Bartlctt was defeated for rcnomlnatlon In
the recent democratic county convention ,
and attributing his defeat to the Interfer
ence of the ofllclals of the Merced bank , he
demanded the county funds deposited with
the bank. Part of the money was paid
to him. Other depositors learning of
the action of the treasurer withdrew their
deposits. Thus was started a run which the
bank could not meet. This evening there la
a report that Treasurer Bartlett'H bondsmen.
will compel him to withdraw the many
thousand dollars which he ban on open de
posit with the Commercial Savings bank
and the * Security Savings bank ,
Cnrlilnn Cnntott l.'niled.
CHICAGO , Oct. 10. The army carbine
competition was concluded at the Fort Sher
idan range today. The gold medal was won
by Corporal Utvlns of the Tenth cavalry ,
with a total score of tSD. In the distin
guished marksman class for the cavalry
the gold medal was won by Sergeant Heusrr
of the Second cavalry , with a score of 15
points. This anally settles the army uhoot
for this year.
Hlmrt foil en htorlrH. >
Ed Hope , colored , was arretted yesterday
afternoon by Officer Ryan on the charge of
stealing a pair of trousers from the ctora of
E. Jacob , at 1107 Douglas street.
Yesterday afternoon thieves entred the
residence of Jarne * Wardlaw , 1410 Dorcas
street , and itola a. suit of clothes valued at
Henry Shipment of Tin flute.
SWANSEA , Wales , Oct. 16. It Is esti
mated that G,000 tons of tin plates were
loaded here today on board uteamera bound
Tor America. Stocks of tin plate are lower
than for monthi ,
Two Sisters of St. Joseph nnd Two Patienta
the Victims.
Houston , Tom * linn tlin I.nrgnt I'lro In tlm
HUtory at the Tiutn-I.u n Will Toot
Up Almost llnlf n Mllllim-lu-
HOUSTON , Tex. , Oct. 10. The worst fir
In the history of Houston brolco out at 2:11 :
this morning , and bcforo U was placed undc
control , at 4:30 : o'clock , not only had a
largo amount ot properly been destroyed
but two sisters of St. Joseph wcra burned ti
death , two Infirmary patients also perished
and a third sister was dangerously injured
The fire originated Iu the San Jaclnto hotel
or rather boarding house , Franklin and San
Jaclnto streets , from whlcli the blaze cprcai
rapidly to adjoining small buildings of St
Joseph's Infirmary on Franklin , destroying
also a large two-story frame annex and the
new four-story brick main building.
The destruction of these buildings was ac
companted by loss of life. Sitters Dolora
and Jane were burned beyond all posslbl
recognition , while Sister Clothlldo was fear
fully burned about the face , neck , breas
and arms , her recovery being In doubt. Two
patients are also missing , and there U no
the slightest doubt that these also- perished
On San Jaclnto street the fire sprout
to a one-story cottage and next destroyec
Alexander's three-story boarding house , man
aged by Mrs. J , J Hnssey ; the three-storj
brick building of W. N. Shaw , occupied by
the I , M. Rushmore Grocery company , am
J. W. Hancock , stationer ; A. Chleno's , three
story furnlturo house and AV. L. Folcy'n dry
goods house , the largest In the city. It wa
4:3Q : when the flames wcro at last gottci
under control.
The losses and Insurance are : New build
Ing of St. Joseph's Infirmary , loss $60,000
Insurance $8,000 ; old building , loss $12.000
Insurance unknown ; San Jaclnto house
owned by Jacob Hornberger. loss J5.000 , In
surnnco unknown ; H. Freund'a house , los
$2,000 ; Insurance $700 ; F. Alexander , furnl
ture stock , loss $25,000 , Insurance $10,000
building owned by L. M. Rich , loss $12,000
Insurance unknown ; Mrs. J. J. Hussey , fur
nlture , loss , $1,500 , Insurance unknown ; lious
owned by T. W. Brlnghurst , loss $2BOO , Insurance
suranco unknown ; N. W. Haw building , los
$15,000 , Insurance , $12,000 ; Rushmore Gro
eery company stock , loss , $15,000 , Insurance
suranco , $12,000 ; J. W. Hancock
stationer , loss $20,000 , Insurance $ CSOO ; A
C. Chlmno & Co. , furniture stock , loss $70 ,
000 , Insurance $30,000 ; AV. L. Foley , dry
goods stock , loss $105,000 , Insurance JGS.OOO
building , loss $13,000 , Insurance unknown
Chlmno's building , owned by J. AV. Jones
loss $15,000 ; Insurances $10.000. Total loss
$433,000 ; total Insurance known , $155,300. oj. % nus oi.n sroitr.
L.DXOW O nun Ittoo Piling Up i\lilmirfl of
1'ollcu Corruption.
NEW YORK , Oct. 1C. Policeman Cnlla-
han'a "pull" wad the subject of the cnrllesl
Inquiry today by the Lexow committee.
James Smith , who keeps , a restaurant In
Greenwich street , told the committee how
the officer came ( o his place Intoxicated one
day last week , threatened him with n revolver
ver and otherwise conducted himself In a dis
orderly manner , winding up by taking the
witness to the police station. Lawyer Moss
told the committee that nil In duo season the
police commission would bo called upon to
explain why Callahan and other brutal or
drunken officers wcro permitted to remain on
the force undisciplined.
Joseph Frankcl , a saloon keeper , told cf
paying Policeman Shclvey $5 a week for
"protection. " and of having been arrested
upon a trumped-up charge and bulldozed Into
paying $200 for the assistance of "Silver Del
lar" Smith to save him from the elate prison.
Frnnkel was discharged 'without a hearing by
the police justice after the money had been
Counsel Gnff called the committee's atten
tion to the registration of paupers and crim
inals released from Blackwell's island. Ho
said he. had written to Superintendent Byrnes
and the commissioners of charities and cor
rections concerning this Illegal registration.
He read the reply from Mr. Byrnes , In which
the superintendent said he had taken steps to
bring to Justice those who had registered
Illegally. Mr. Goft Bald 800 Inmates of the
workhouse had been released without judicial
John AV. Goft of tlio Lexow committee-
a letter to the commissioners of charities and
corrections. Informed them that if the notorious
rious "boat house" frauds upon the registry
wrre not stopprd this year and the wholesale
manufacture of voters out of Insane paupers
and parctlc drunkards put to an end , perti
nent < ineatlons would be put to the board by
the committee.
Cruirs of Ves ol Lying OfT Vullejii , fill. ,
A'ALLEJO , Cul. , Oct. 1C. The largest
force ever landed by the United Stales
navy on the Pacific coast and the fifth In
point of numbers ever landed by the Amer
ican navy al ny lime , participated In a
naval brigade drill at the Mare Island navy
yard this morning. There were CSO olll-
cers and men In the line which was formed
on the water front at a o'clock. Landings
were nade from the Mohican , Adams.
Ranger und Alert , which are lying In the
stream , and this force was uugmented by
crewH from the Philadelphia , Yorktown ,
Bennlngton , Independence und the Mare
Island barracks. The brigade foimcd under
command of Captain C. M. Thomas of the
Bennlngton mid inarched to thu grounds
back of the marine barracks , where u street
riot drill and buttle tactics , were curried out
In the presence of Admiral Heurdslec nnd
other ofllcerH. At the conclusion of the drill
nt 12 o'clock the marines participating In
the maneuvers were highly commended by
Admiral Beardslee.
In Its > Vorat Form
Life Almost a Burden
f > Glorious Change Ouo Solely tn
Hood's Saroapnrllla.
Mrs , O. Kino
Geneva , Ohio ,
Catarrh U a constitutional disease , and there
fore It cnn only be cured by R constitutional
remedy like Hood's Barsaparllla. Itead what It
did for Mrs. King , concisely ezpressd In her
own voluntary words )
" 0.1. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass , i
"Gentlemen : From a grateful heart I write
what your grand medicine , Hood's Harsnparllla.
has ( Jone , for me. Five bottlei cured me of
catarrh In Its worst form. I think It was only a
matter of time , when It would have ended la
Bronchial Consumption.
I can scarcely realize wherein n few months ago
Ufa wai almost a. burdea , sick and discouraged ,
DOW I ahi Writ nnd tlappr , gaining flesh
and a new being. And all owing to Hood's Bar-
Hood's' 'Cures
uparllla. I will never bo without It. Youri
yratttiiliy. Mns. Ci.xitK KIKO , Geneva , Ohio.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills , jaundice , bU.
i , sick headache und constliaUoo. 20 * .
Destined to Improve the Condition
and Well Ucin of Thousands ,
ntaiirr i.\
.1/iirA-nt , Sitnv. t fj7 > r. JluftMt
anil Other 1'lii/tilclnn * .
A man or uoninu with perfect digestion.
the result of a healthy stomach , has no need
of a nerve tonic to brlnp sleep , nor unrsapn-
rlthis tu purity their blood , nor cod liver oil
ami pro-digested foo.Is to make them fat.
Why ? 1 ! i cause a sound atomach perfectly
digests , the food , making pure , rich blood ,
steady iiorvca. Round sleep and nil the healthy
flesh a peieon needs Io carry.
Dr. llostlck recently slated that any ona
out of health , lurvous , sleepless , run down J
In flesh , with poor appetite , not know Ing Juat
what was the matter with thorn , MhoulJ
look to their digestion , to the stomach , nnd
there would nnd the secret of the wholu
trouble. He says nine out of ten will have
no nervous trouble , no Impure blood , no
weakness anywhere when the digestive
organs do their work properly. To cure In
digestion and dyppopsln he never advises
"sarsaparlllas , " "stomach hitters " "
, "pro-di
gested food" or any other secret patent
medicine , Ilo says that the best thing , the
Hafest nnd surest ciira Is Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets , because they are composed of vcgo-
tuulo essences , fruit salts , pure pepsin nnd
bismuth , and will euro dyspepsia In eviry
case If taken persistently and regularly.
Some of the cure * made by Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets nro llttlu short of miraculous ,
Mrs. Charlotte Lane of Uunsomvlllc , N. V. ,
writes : I have taken only ono GO-cent package -
ago of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nnd am al
most astonished at results , they have bcno-
fllted mo so greatly. I have always under
stood that dyspepsia was Incurable , but now
know It can bo cured , for I nm fully satisfied
with what tluy have done for me. I can
eat and enjoy my meals a great deal better
and feel bettor In every way nnd have only
used fine package.
Mr. J. O. Wondly of Peorln , III. , writes : I
was unable to oat anything but the plainest
food , and even that often distressed mo , but
since using ono box of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets I turn eat anything and everything I
Mrs. Samuel Kepplo of Glrly. Pa. , writes :
I have bo3n entirely relieved of my stomach
troubles by your Tablets. I suffered three
years with sour stomach and gas at night I
am thankful fur them.
Mrs. A. R. Bowen , Darnard , Vt. , writes : I
think Stuart's Uj-Kpcpsla Tablets are the best
thing for dyspepsia I ever took , I will
recommend them to any ono troubled as bad
as I was.
Although a new remedy , yet Its remarka
ble success Iu nil kinds ot stomach troubles
has practically settled the qustlon that It la
the best and safest remedy that can bo used
for weak or disordered digestion.
It is prepared by the Stuart Chemical Co , .
Marshall. Mich. , and for sale by druggists
everywhere at CO cents per package , thus
placing it within the reach ofoveryono
wishing to glvo a remedy so highly com
mended a fair trial.
Yl'hon Cold
When Thirsty
When Exhausted
ry a cup of
made from the world-known
Liebig COMPANY'S '
Extract of Beef
Which makes the finest , beat , cleanest ,
most palatable Boot Tea , with the real
flavor. Unapproachable ) in quality
and flavor.
| | | [ | |
Trcatmentby Hail , Consultation Fro
Catarrh , till < Jis.-isM of the IIO.H--- ,
rhroit.Clic.stStuinauliLIvurUlo : < > d
Skin and Kidney disease ? , Lost
Manhood and all Private D Is *
eases of Men.
Ca 11 on -uldri'HH ,
DT 9firIP < ; iniFarnamStroot
1 , OldlllS Oniiiha , Neb ,
A M U a b . M fciN 'rt = .
BOYD'Sj FrkJny ( ICT. 11-20
Saturday ,
Sardou's Masterpiece , DIPLOfclfljY
Saturday Ilntlnoo , Oscar Wllita'a Lnleitt Satlro ,
A Woman of Ho im orlanc3
Prices ; JUO. 1.00 , 75c We , 25c , Free list
Mispended. Sale opens Thursday morning.
! * ° * '
aa , an , txi > an
Telephone 1031.
The" original anil tilclurequ play ,
Bee the Thrllllnc Sword , Bco tli
Three Old HpurU. Hce lluOkluliuma Itooiiienu
B < - tha Kunny Couit Jlnom.
Matlneo I'rlce Any . - ! In the lioute K cent * .
ISti ST.
POPULAR PRIHES-'i' . : a nnd U ) Cunts.
Tulriiliunu 1BI11 ,
. .
TIIUIMV , our. it
. . . . TIIH 'Inly fn . . . .
In Iho funiibBt | of nil HID Into u y farce
-coined Jos
. < Sl.-itlncii HiUurdny.
COMING. Pet tl. t2 , U. II. CUNUQY FOX
Oil and Walef Color Paintings
And OtherWorks of Art.
Now on exhibition In tha
Open dally ( except Bunduy ) a.m. Io' ' It [ t.M ,
Op n buiultix from 11 m , io C u. m
ZS cent * .