Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    OMAHA PAH.TT , OCTOBER 16 , 1891. 5
Blob Silver Mines Discovered in the GulchEJ
of Montana ,
I.umpClntch rilling with Prospector ! Itrlt-
Jlnnt Outlook of Itrleei , IVjro , Cdej In
the CVnt r at Ilio Hay Creek Coal
rieldi Ucnoml M externNewi.
Reports are still coming In from the new
allver camp on Lump gulch , and each one
only serves to confirm the. fact that It Is a
wonderfully rich district , No camp ever
illicovered In Montana possesses the same
reiources as Lump. H Is convenient to two
P" ? railroads , sara the Helena Independent. The
Northern Pacific branch to Boulder , ElUhorn
and Hanln passes up the I'rlckly Pear at the
mouth of Lump gulch , only a short distance
from the mines , whllo the Montana Central
Is even nearer at hand. The leads , so far
as developed , have proved exceedingly rich In
silver , and the wonder la that they were not
Ul covere3 long1 ago. Up to within a year
ngo the only good paying mine over dls-
coyerd In that section was the Legal Tender.
This mine Is situated on the east side of
Prickly I'ear creek and lo the south of the
new camp. It was rich In native and ruby
silver , and produced many hundred thousands
of dollars. It was supposed to have been
worked out several years ago , but while It
was an ore producer llmea were lively In the
neighborhood of Clancy. Since then more
or less prospecting has been going on , but
nothing was uncovered of consequence until
the new camp ol Lump was discovered. Now
a. wonderful change has taken place. There
Is Ufa and evidence of activity on every
iiand. The railroads IIBVB put In sidetracks ,
and the business ot transporting hay , grain ,
provisions and ore Is dally Increasing , and. If
this continues to Increase It Is safe to say-
that the new town of Lump will soon have
x railroad right In tha midst of It
At the present time a conservative esti
mate places Iho number ot minors and pros
pector * In the camp at 250. Lodes hive b en
located all the way from Halford's lanch on
th Prickly Pcnr to Buffalo Hill on the old
Peerless J nn"e road. The country rock is
granite , and the leads are true UBS urea , car
rying remarkably rich ore , which every one
will understand when It H known that they
pay well to ship at the persent low prices ol
The nnt mine to ship ore from the new
camp vsas the Liverpool , owned by Thomas
O. Merrill nnd John S. Miller. This prop
erty Is claimed to have been located In the
early COs , since which tlmo It has changed
hands many times , but was located only lo
be again abandoned. Finally Air. Merrill , the
original locator , secured control ot the mine
for the third time , and with John S. Miller
liegan active work. Since December last u
nhaft has been sunk to s depth of 300 feet ,
and from this mine and the Washington , on
adjoining claim owned by Messrs. Merrill
A Miller , $100,009 in dividends have been
I ) a Id during the last eighteen months. The
Liverpool Is equipped with a hoist with a
capacity of BOO feeU At the present time
the pay roll Is J200 a day , which will be
largely Increased with greater development.
The ore averages about 200 ounces in silver
and carries 10 to 12 per cent lead , The oul-
31111 Is shipped to the East Helena smeller.
The Little Nell , owned by Robert Uell and
! Dr. Charles II. Head. Is the next property
3n point of development In tha district. It
Is developed by a shaft 150 feet In depth.
The vein between the walls Is about eight
feet. From the lower levels fine gray copper
ore averaging 200 ounces Is being taken
cut. The Little Nell Is undoubtedly a. fine
mine , and Is worth a great deal ot money.
Another flno property is the Little Alma ,
which Is being worked by a company , of
which Dr. T. II. Plcasants Is president. The
nhaft is down 125 feet , and contains a ten-
inch streak of gray copper assaying over 200
ouncea to the ion. Besides tlioso 'enumerated
3ialC a dozen other good prospects have been
opened ,
The principal reason this district had not
luen opened up sooner Is because In only a
very few Instances has good ore been found
< m the surface. H is found at a depth of
twenty-live to thirty feet.
It will ba asked "Where Is Orlggs ? " It
Is twenty-two miles northwest from Spear-
Ilsh , S. D. , twenty-four miles northeast of
Sundance , on Hay creek , and in the center
at the Hay creek coal fields. H Is located
In the Hay creek valley , an section 27 , town
E4 , range Gl. The location selected tor the
town Is a very pretty one. there being na
tive timber along the creek and nearly sur
rounded by bills , yet room In the valley for
a large city.
That Griggs will bo a town of some Im
portance is evIJent from the following' fact * :
It Is named for Nebraska's poet and lawyer ,
N , K. Grigga , whom nearly all know ; there
are large quantities of coal at depths varying
from ninety to 240 feet deep ; It Is on the
north side ol an excellent farming country ,
aa a trip from Spearflsh will fully demon
strate. The country lying directly north
and west Is an xcellent grazing country ,
with streams of water every few miles , such
as Belle Fourche ( which , by the \\ny , Is a
beautiful valley , thickly settled upnf.h
thrifty and well-to-do farmers ) , Little Mis
souri , and othaf smaller streams. There Is
no other town of any Importance
vrlthln a. distance ot twenty-two
miles In any direction , there will un >
doubtcdly be two railroads built Into Grltrgs
In the near future , as tbe coal found he re-
Is of a superior quality"nnd In unlimited
quantities ; the top strata or vein lies ninety
feet deep and Is six and one-half feet thick ,
and this vein has been discovered for several
miles north anil couth , and In quality resem
bles very much Rock Springs coal. Another
strata has been discovered at a depth ol 2-10
feet , which Is eight feet thick , and Is a
harder and better quality than the upper
The town site la owned by the Nebraska
Land company , who now have an engineer ,
E. L. Dllllngs ot Crete , Neb. , surveying the
alto Into lots , and ) lots will be ready to place
on the market before the middle of October.
Among the prominent men who compose the
Nebraska Land company are : D , T. Drake
ot Crete , Neb. , Tobias Castor of Lincoln ,
and E. M. Wcstervelt of Grand Island , Jlr.
Crake is now on the ground superintending
the platting , surveying and starting ot Iho
town. The coal company , aside from the
town site , have 3,000 acres of coal land south
of Grlggs , nnd hire ordered diamond drills ,
which will be here In a few days , and they
will then Investigate- lower vein of coal.
4 } Indications point qulta strongly to this
being the coming coal camp of the north
west , as It has advantages auporior to others ,
being surrounded by agricultural and grailnp
lands. In order lo get here , buy your ticket
to Epearflsh , then take the Spearflsh and
Grlggs stage line , and you will pass through
' one ol the moat beautiful valleys In the
4 world the Spearflsh valley , A number ol
business men are now walling for the com
pletion ot the town site survey to erect their
liulldlngs , and , when completed will put In
good stocks of goods.
Way up In one of the most Inaccessible
portions of the Huachuchas range ot moun
tains there I * situated perhaps the most
untqua mining In the world , says a
Preacott special to the Denver News. The
sixteen men who daily toll In the Genera !
Booth mine are all members ot the Salvation
army , and the profits ot the mlno all no
Into the treasury of that organization. The
history ot the location and subsequent de
velopment of the mine Is interesting.
"Old Dick" Taylor , the discoverer , Is one
ot ( he best kncwn and moit successful pros
pectors In the territory. Coming to Arizona
la the early days when the whole south'
western country was a wilderness given
aver to tba bloodthirsty Apaches , he has
prospected the country from one end to the
other , an& hai made more valuable locations
loan any other ono m n In Arizona. The
One Horse , Had Luck and I > : sert mines , ii
the Htrqua. Hal a. country , the Apache am
New York , In tha Superstition mountains
the King , In ( ho Dradshaws. and many other-a
ware located by aim , and have since
fortunes for the Investors.
Dick Taylor -was perhaps the most pro
fane man in the southwest. His vocabu
lary of invecllro was something phenom
enal , and was brought Into use on the
lightest provocation. The plctureiqueness
and Tolubllltr of his oaths were proverbla
orer the territory for many years. It U
* , aid that After each eala Taylor ttould In
st la . jur't crub stake and then pro
ceed lo expend th remainder at thft moner
In the nlldcit debauchery. At ono tlms
ha ran through -with 110,000 In two weeks
In Phoenix , throwing his money away In.
( ha most reckleis manner. Ilia money
enc gone , ho returned to bis prospecting
and touched no liquor until Ills next sale.
It was Immediately after the Bale of the
Apache' mlna lor (15.000 that he started
on hit wildcat debauch In Phoenix. Forever
over n month he did not draw & sober
breath , and , at latt , reduced again to poverty
and wakened mentally and physically ,
he profeised religion at an open nlr
meeting ot the Salvation army In Phoenix.
For over two months he marched with the
army at ill nightly meetings , but finding
such a routine lite too irksome he
again itartcd for the hills. Noth
ing -was heard from him for over two
months , and It was reported that he had
perished on the desert , but one day he
again turned up In Phoenix with a. burro load
of rich ore , which set the town ablaze with
excitement Some of the nuggets which he
brought In were valued at $50. Kvcry ono was
surprised when he announced his -Intention
of turning his latest find over to the Salva
tion army.It. . was duly proffered nnd ac
cepted by that organization and fifteen men
volunteered lo develop It.Vorl ; was com
menced over a year ngo under the direction
f Taylor mid has progressed steadily since.
The pay streak Is sixteen Inches wide and
i pild well from the grass roots. The- ore
treated In two crushers erected near the
nine , but It la proposed soon to bring In a
en-stamp mill. Strict religious discipline Is
Maintained In the camp , and the profits , after
laying- the necessary expenses , go Into the
reaaury of the army to aid In the work ot
hat organization. Two shIWa of ale men
each work under ground , while the remain-
ler attend to the treatment of the ore and
rannportatlon of necessary supplies. An soon
at the stamp mill Is erected the working
'oix'e ttlll be Increased. It Is estimated that
i early $8,000 lias been realized from the
nine E.O far. Supplies are freighted 100 miles.
A Grfrngeillle , Idaho , correspondent ot the
Spokane Spokesman-Review sends his paper
un Interesting letter relative to operations
at Florence , th north Idaho mining camp ,
ulilch , In the early COs , produced millions
of yellow gold In a few years and waa then
abandoned to Chinese and. the coyotes. At
tint tlmo Florence von a flourishing town
of 15,000 Bouls , money flowed llko water , and
every one wan happy. The old camp at
Florence has always been a mystery no one
ng able to account tor such rich deposits
of gold In a basin on top of the mountain ,
yet thorn it wns and is , as Is evidenced by
llacovcrles ot quartz lodes carrying .free
gold which have recently been uncovered In
he old placer workings. It appears that the
reabon these lodes have so long been hidden
'rom man's cupidity la there is nt > outcrop
on the surface all being what is known as
jllnil leads ; yet only a , lew feet ( ten or fif
teen ) below the surface quartz leads are now
jelng opened up which carry from $100 to
$200 per ton In gold. And there are not only
one or two , but at least a dozen , which have
been sufficiently prospected to show their
great richness. While mining- men hae
pondered and wondered1 It the good old mln
ing days were a. thing of the past , never to
return again , a few energetic prospectors
Imve quietly prosecuted explorations until
sufficient Isshown to makea quartz boom ,
the equal of uhlcli has probably 'never been
seen In mining.
Dan Dwlght , a well known Coeur 3'Alencr ,
concluded to try his luck in one of these old
claims , and selected one from -which Tom
Clark In carty days took $1,000 from a very
smalt pocket and then abandoned It , believ
ing It played out. Mr. Dwlght sank a shaft
twelve feet and exposed a. well defined vein
of free milling ore , which assays from | 50 tc
1200 per ton in gold. Ho followed the float am !
[ omul another claim In which free gold Is
abundant and which prospects well with B
Chirtes Cone and others have two claims.
One of them shows a two-foot vein of $200
gold ore and the other has three small seams ,
two to four Inches wide , which carry nearly
$200 In gold per ton.
Archie Monroe has relocated a claim from
which $75,000 was taken from a small pocket
Some fellows went in there three years ago.
built a five-stamp mill , lived on wines aiu
high priced goods , thinking they had the
whole world In their hands , and after taking
out this amount threw it up and. left the
country. Mr. Monroe sunk only a tow feel
nnd again found a large deposit of free mill
ing gold ore , which averages $100 per ton
In gold.
A. P. Nurse went In about a month ago ,
was prospecting around rather carelessly ,
and found a plcco of float which would go
about $1,000 per ton In gold. On the second
day he stumbled on what he believes to be
the lead , nnd after sinking twelve feet has a
three-foot "vein In the bottom of Ihe shaft.
Grltman. & Co. relocated what is known as
the old McKay , which has not been worked
since * & 8. McKay at that time took out con
siderable ore , which netted him $100 per ton
In gold after being packed several miles to
the mill. It was then abandoned. A few
years later John Clark , an old pioneer , and
still a favorably known merchant there , at
tempted to find the lead , but gave It up.
Orltman & Co. prospected a little and found
a ten-Inch vein , from which 10 to 30 cents
to the pan has been washed out without
pounding any ot the quartz.
The SVavcrly is owned by the- same
parties. A shatt has been sunk twenty-six
( ect and the vein seems to be wider and
richer as depth Is attained. It is proposed
to erect an arastra at onco. Only half a
tulla distant the eamo parties have located
the Willis Sweet claim. Rich float which
hod been piped out In the 60i led to the
discovery of this'property. . Th * vela is six.
teen Inches wide- and carries $200 In gold
per ton.
The- latest development la a mining way
which Is creating considerable excitement
is a gold discovery near the Black canyon
road , about forty-five miles south of Prescotl ,
says a Prescott special to the Denver News ,
A man who has recently Inspected the new
camp is enthusiastic over the outlook , and
says that from present Indications the camp
promises to bo a lively and a producing one
in a fenmonths. . The discovery waa made
by Jesse Davis of Mayer nearly a month
ago , lie was taking a short cut across the
country , and while coming over the. mesas
near Miller's he stumbled across a large
blowout of white quartz. The rock was
heavily copper stained and carried free gold
In a great quantity visible to the naked eye.
Bringing some of the rock home , Davis tried
panning It , with successful results. Two
claims were at once located by Davis , the
Golden. Wonder No. 1 and No. 2. Some ot
the ore taken from the surface will mill $200
per ( on. An us&ay from the , Golden Wonder
No. 1 , taken two ftel from the surface , re
turned 1210 per top gold. A shaft Is being
sunk on the claim nnd several tons ot ore
are on tlio dump , which , judging from born-
spoon tests , -will run much higher than the
original assay. The district is an entirely
new on9 and In a place * where prospectors
have never looked for gold. It resembles the-
Vulture district , -with little mesas running
bore and there , and the rich find is on top
of these.
There is already a great rush of pros
pectors to the new camp , coming principally
from. Big Bug and Cuapparal. About twenty
locations have already been made In the
vicinity of the Golden Wander. The new
camp Is well situated , being less than a
quarter at a mite from the Black canyon road.
The water supply is abundant.
Leadvllle gold producers , like those of
Gllpln county , cut a small figure in the
known , list of dividend payers. That Lead-
villa has great mines In her gold bell no
one disputes. These , however , are operated
by small companies ; who dhlde the profits
and hep the figures from the public. A
gentleman who visited that camp a few-
days since , and who knows considerable
nbout mines and ores , says the Denver News ,
avers that the Little- Johnnie , the property
of the Ibex lllntng company , on llreeco hill ,
could. In Its present state of Incomplete de
velopment , lift JGOO.OOO per month In gold-
Ellver ores , running In values from $ (0 to
J7t > per ton. the tllvcr averaging about
twenty to thirty ounces. This Is practically
a gold ore.
The present output of the. Little Johnnie
U estimated at $200,000 per month. The
ere la treated at tha Leadvllle
smelters , and tent to Argentine , near
Kansas City , for separation and redoing- ,
Hence none ot this gold Is deposited at the
Denver branch , mint , the transportation
toward the east being cheaper than the fig
ures which pr vall between tha Missouri
river antl Denver , Considerable development
work Is under way In the Little Johnnie.
Tha different laveli are being united , and the
mlno la bclnj ; placed In first-class form for
ixtcnalve nnd Mcady production. It ii prolia-
ly the richest gold mine la this country to
Near the Little Jolmn1 , also on lire ceo
hill , the Little Vtnnle Is being worked by
company ot teasers. Men In their post-
Ion y little about profits. U Is alleged ,
ion ever , that the Little Vtnnle shipped
,600 tons of gold ore , worth about MO P r
on , during the month of September , Thla
would place Us output In the neighborhood
f 161,000 , or twice the amount credited to
lie Victor mine at Cripple Creek , which
pays monthly dividends of 5 cents per share
on Its capital stock.
Lemlville'K KoM twit is being steadily de-
elopwl. The capital invested there thla
en son Is well catlsfled with the outlook ,
while properties for sale are by no means
neccnt storms In the mountain ! are driv-
ni ; the deer out Into the lower altitudes.
They are pawing Craig by the thousands
and the citizens are laying in a supply of
meat. The tourists who have been hero In
great numbers this season , says a Craig
special to the Denver Republican , have not
made n wholesale slaughter of game as a
rule. Tli game seems to bo about as plentl-
"ul as It una a year ago.
The stopius are also driving the tourists
out ot the hills. In the last few daya the
Jevcrcaux parly , from Glcnwood Springs ,
he Hoblnson parly , from Pueblo , the Wln-
ihcster party , from Now Haven , and a num
ber of others have gone , each having secured
some flno specimens ot heads , etc.
This hns been by far the largest tourist
eason on record for Craig and California
park. The stages have been loaded almost
dally , besides numerous persons who como
'n by private conveyance.
Almost e\cry state In the union east of
icro has been represented. Among the most
noted pleasure se kcrs are the officers and
stockholders of the Winchester Arms eom-
sany.who have Just departed. Their com-
ng to this country was Instigated by the
company receiving some photos of game
taken In this vicinity by local photographers.
J. S , Peltz of this place. Is the owner of a
ranch near Mlnnekahta station on the B. &
M. , upon which he has a fine melon patch.
says the Caster Chronicle. Two of his
roys , aged 13 and 1C years , who were charged
with the duty of looking after the patch , dis
covered upon their visit to the patch the
other day that a goodly number of their
choice nielsns were missing , and noticing
: ertoln tracks through the patch , they traced
them to a ditch -washout near by , where
they found , neatly covered over with grass
and weeds , the missing melons. The boy *
w ra satisfied that the robber of their melon
patch was an animal ot some kind , and In
jrdcr to determine what kind ot an animal
II was , and to put -an end to further
visits , they decided to watch the patch
nights , and in case ot the anmal putting in
jn appearance to kill It on the spot. They
kept up tholr isatch , and one night soon after
the stealthy robber appeared in the form ot
a largo cinnamon bear , nnd proceeded at
once to the special business he had planned
Cor the occasion. The elder boy awaited a
favorably opportunity , when he raised his
rifle and with quivering arm nnd unsteady
aim he flred. but the bullet missed its mark ,
and with a howl of dissatisfaction : Bruin
made rapid strides for his lair. These ani
mals are said to be exceedingly fond of
melons , and in this instance it was the evi
dent Intention to store away a supply for
future use ,
Humboldt's water works bonds have been
sold at a premium.
Auburn's watqr bonds have been sold and
the work Is to be begun this -week and pushed.
Two-year-old Etta Walker of Cedar Kaplds
has died from eating the brimstone oft n
handful of matches.
B. "W. Kyle Is manufacturing a rotary
plow at Arlington from which he hopes to
make a fortune for himself ,
Sir. N. 51. George of York county was
seriously Injured by being thrown from his
buggy Into a barbed wire fence ;
M. C. Frank of York , -who has already had
a leg and an arm taken off , has had a lump
removed from the side of his face.
. D. Matthews , the well known Ne-
braakan , has removed from O'Neill and
taken up his residence In Arkansas.
Talmage voted $5.000 for water bonds by
79 to 22 , The plant Is to cost $8,000 , and
$3,000 Is to be furnished by town warrants.
A spark from an Elkhorn engine set fire
to the prairie and burned up a house and
barns belonging to Mike Gllmore In Dawes
Money Is flowing in fast for the building of
new United Brethren church at Blue
Springs , and It is expected that work will
soon be commenced.
Dr. S. P. Hough , an Aurora physlcan , has
died of hemorrhage of the "lungs. Ho was
on the point of leaving for the south to spend
the winter for the benefit of his health.
Flinster & Co. of Hastings opened up a
furniture store at Grand Island on the first
ot the month , and ten days later it was
closed by the sheriff on judgments for $2,103.
John Beasly at Wayne got into a fight
with his eniyloyer. Carl Snyder , and Snyder
had his ear chewed off. Beasly made his
escape and a warrant has been Issued for his
arrest ,
Mr. B. E. Sanborn ot Sarpy county Is ex
hibiting some samples ot cotton that he has
grown on his farm and which indicate that
cotton could be successfully and profitably
raised here.
Penny & Son's store at Fullerton was
robbed of $300 worth of clothing and furnish
Ing gooda by thieves , who broke open the
back window. The cash drawer and sate
were not touched.
D. F , Marquettewas discovered by some
friends digging a hole in the cemetery a
Burchard , and on being pressed for an ex
planatton. he declared he had had a revela
tlon that large sums of gold were burled
Ernest H. sutler ot Nebraska City wishes
to chance his name to Ernest H , McClellen
on the ground that his father deserted him
when he was a child , and he wishes to speni
the remainder of his life under his mother's
The old soldiers or Central City went to
remove the body of a man named Nick who
was burled in the potter's field seventeen
years ago. All that they found in the
grave was a pall containing the clothes
and the bones of the legs and thighs. Some
body had evidently stolen the body.
NellBh will entertain the Nebraska Concre
gatlonalista this week. The thirty-eight !
annual meeting of the general association
of Congregational churches Is being held
there , and many of the leading Congreca
tlonalMs ot the state will be present. Tues
day Is the principal day of the session and
some Interesting papers are down for ills
cusslon. The latter part of the week the
meetings ot the Nebraska. Home Missionary
society will be held , and on Friday evening
the Inauguration of Hev. J. F. Ellis a1
principal of Gates , college -will take place.
Great damage has been done to hay and
headed grain In South Dakota by the wine
having blown off the tops and let In the
The new flouring mill being erected at
Hot Springs Is being hurried to completion
and will blow In for a trial run on or about
No vein bar 1.
Over 5,000 patents to lands In the Huron
land district are In the office awaiting
claimants. Some of the proofs for these
lands were made ten years ago.
The B. & BI. railroad has a party of sur
veyors at work running a. line from the depot
at Hot Springs to Wind cave , It la thought
that a line of railroad will bo the result.
The fat cattle shipments from the Black
Hills ranges this year will amount to nearly
$2,500,000. The Elkhorn Railroad company
will receive nearly $350.000 for transporting
this product to Iho Chicago and Omaha mar
Messrs. Harrison and Griffith of the United 1
States geological survey are making Woon-
socket headquarters and will remain in the
Held until driven in by cold weather. Up to
thla tlma something over 1,500 square miles
of the proposed irrigation survey has been
made thli season.
In North Dakota 90 per cent of the farms
are owned by Iho persons cultivating them
and BO per cent own free of Incumbrance.
The debt on farms amounts to $11,168,851 , or r
S5 per cent of their raule , and bears an i
average Interest of f > .54 per cent. The debt t
on homes is less than $1.000,000 In this state.
Threa years , ago several Injunction * were i
secured at Egan against Sioux Falls liquor t
dealers. Joe Klrby drove over to Flandreau i
and wrote telegrams to Interested parties , as
follows "liaise jour umbrellas , as It 1i
likely to rain. " These were ordered sent
collect and tha operator tor a them up. ICIrby
sued for damage1 * and was awarded $160 ,
The cans was appealed and the supreme
court has Just re-rjcrtcd the decision of the
lower court.
The new unlvcrsffy full , which Is being re
built by thecltltQns of Clny county , la
ngaln moving Tapldlj * toward completion. In
the construction a number ot new features
have been added which were not included
In the first plans , - hd In consequence the
funds were found short some $1,000. ,
George Chamberlain , one of the oldest set
tlers of Charles alls' ' county , la also- one ot
the "cake takers" In matrimonial matters.
lie was married for-Uie sixth time at Kdger-
ton. He was wed tnls last tlmo to Mrs.V. .
C. Chamberlain , ( h Ionian he first married ,
and Just forty-ono years from the first wed
The building ordinance at Sioux Falls has
been declared Invalid by tha supreme court.
Joe Kirby , nn attorney , built a building con
trary to the building ordinance. The lower
court held him llttblo and ho appealed the
case. Ho argued that It was unconstitutional
In that It gave * sweeping and arbitrary powers
to the building Inspector ,
Some months ago the supreme court ot
South Dakota , by a decision that beer did
not necessarily mean an Intoxicant , nnd the
court could hold It to In any case , brought
down the wrath of the prohibitionists. Last
weektlio court squared llsclf In another case
t > y holding as follows ! The- courts ot this
state will take notice that the bevcrago
known as lager beer 1 nn Intoxicating liq
The leading results of the Investigation of
farm and home proprietorship in South Da
kota Is that 1C.19 per cent ot the farm fami
lies hire and 83,81 per cent own the farms
cultivated by them ; that 52.38 per cent of the
farm , owning families own subject to Inctim-
branco and 47.62 per cent own free of In
cumbrance. Among 100 farm families , six
teen hlro their farms , forty-four own with
Incumbrance , and forty without incumbrance.
On the owned farms there are Hens amountIng -
Ing to 115,481,031 , which is 38.GG per cent of
their value , aad this debt bears interest at
the average rate of 9.C2 per cent , making the
average annual Interest charge } 68 to each
family. Each owned nnd incumbered farm ,
on the average. Is worth $1,846 , and is sub
ject to u debt of $712.
The last outstanding railroad bonds of
Boulder county , which la $200,000 , have been
The Lion mine at Empire has developed n
body or ore four feet wide , which assays $22
per ton In gold anJ a small per cent In sil
The Argyle company , which Is mining ex
tensively In Gllpln county , has developed n
vela eighteen Inches wide , In the eighth level
of ono of Us properties that yields JG38 per
A Denver miner had n considerable quan
tity ot Baker contract ore tested by local as-
caycrs. Sixty-four assays returned nn aver
age of $15 in gold to the ton. The ore Is
considered freemilling. .
La Belle , the new gold camp , has between
600 nnd 700 people and more arriving every
day. They report a vast deposit of gold-
bearing ore of low grade , so easy to work
that it would pay handsomely.
In Jlontezmna camp , Summit county.
where the ore runs largely In silver and
lead , the low pride of both metals has
brought mining almost to a standstill. By
the time the nmel.en ) has taken out his
charges the miner has nothing left If bis
shipment does riot close with a balance
against him. The Rttl Jacket , North Polo
and Silver Cord will continue to ship , as
they are nil in rich ore.
A gigantic project U now under consid
eration by Prof. Joseph Hill of Lcadvllle.
an eminent geologist , which involves the
driving of a tunnel- penetrate the center
.of Battle mountain , with the Intention of
cutting ail the. ore1 chutes On the top. A
flno 'shift house tmdi extensive machinery
will be erected ut thoj mouth , of the tunnel.
Much Interest has beu created at this place
and It Is thought that a large body of ore
will be opened upi
J. tJt Clark and , Tom Allen -have Just
shipped a sample of- pre from the/ Elkhorn
group at Bear creek , which Is' ' the richest.
inlnerat' ver1 foundifo'his ' district. Tha pro
was assayed it ith * Pueblo snmpllriK works
nad gives returns , of. SB5 ounces of gold per
ton and 3,853 ounces of sliver , making the
ore. Worth from $19.000 to $20,000 per ton.
The owners claim that they have a fine
body of this ore and that the sample was
brought down from the point where- the ore
was first opened up.
Kokomo , ono of Summit county's best
known camps , and a great producer In the
daya of silver , has one- mine which produces ,
at the present tlmo 1.000 ounces In gold per
month. It also contains one of the largest
lead mines in the state , the Wilfley , which
can lift 1,000 tons dally If the quotation and
the market justify the work. The ore. ship
ments of the camp are increasing so rapidly
that the Denver & Rio Grande has provided
extra service. The South Park rood also
reaches Kokomo , but Its haul Is up hill.
Still another ilch strike Is reported from
Blanca. Mr. James L. Locke of Canon City
has uncovered a vein near the Vesuvius
mine from which assays were made running
from $80 to $284 to the ton. It is clearly
defined and Is about eight feet wide. Several
strikes nearly as good as this one have been
made during the past three weeks. The
camp Is forging rapidly ahead and will soon
become a heavy producer. It Is so situated
that all work can bo carried on and pros
pecting done through the severest -winter
A hunting party near Sheridan killed six
bear , two of them grizzlies.
There is considerable snow to bo seen on
the hills which surround Laramle.
A new town to be called Barrett Is to be
laid out In the northern parrot Crook county.
A new and promising vein of gold has been
discovered in the vicinity of the Centennial
valley. ,
. Sheepman Hob Jones of Saratoga. Is meet
ing with great success in raising Oxford
Five apples -were grown In Sundance this
year , the first ever grown In the place. They
were of the Siberian crab variety.
The Pennsylvania Oil company is making
preparations to begin the shipment of oil
from their- Salt creek , Natrona county , wolfs
in large quantities.
Several syndicates have made arrangements
for the shipment ot Mexican cattle to the
ranges of the west. The cattle can bo
bought there for $7 a head.
Mayor Hurt of Casper received a telegram
from Chicago stating that the sale of the
$40,000 water works bonds , has been made.
It Is expected that the city- officials will be
able to begin work on the plant at an early
Mr. "William Hernet of Otto brought n car
load of steers from the , Grey Bull rlrer over
the mountains nr\aislilppcd them to South
Omaha. They averaged 1.G25 pounds ant
sold for $4,20 per 'hundred. They nettec
him about $59 perhead.
Report comes from Pass , creek that during
a recent storm a jvhlrlwlnd plcke < l up a
two-story barn , Htetf , belonging to a. 0
LaPolnt , an-l c-rrledllt about sixty feet and
crashed it b alnsUXtja.slde of a hill. Ills
team was left standing tied to the manger.
The Saratoga Sun'States that the business
ot feeding cattle In trial region of the state
for market is very.profitable , , and that a
great deal of It will bo done this year. A
magnificent samplb lbV wheat raised In the
Star valley , in UlnU bounty ; at an altitude
of 6,000 feet , has.nead over four Inches
long and Is well filled with fine kernels.
Some oats grown In'the ' same section pro
duced ninety bushel .per acre ,
A canal l now being constructed by the
Fettetwan Canal cimipany , which Is the
most Important development enterprise over
undertaken In Converse county , The canal
taps the North Phvtte river on the south
bank about five miles , above Fort Fetter-
man and extends down the river Ion a dls-
tanco of ten miles. The canal la fourteen
feet wide at the bottom and has a capacity
of 150 feet of water per second. This quan
tity ot water is amply sufficient to Irrigate ;
10,000 acrea of land. The Brockaways. and
other enterprising citizens of Douglas are be
hind the enterprise. Three miles nf the
ditch la already completed and the promoters
of the enterprise hope to have the balance
of the ten miles finished by next June.
Ed Renslver , a Uqiitllla wheat king , has
threshed 63,000 bushels from his 3,100 acrea.
Complaints am numerous concerning
thefta of flowers and faees from The Dalles
Quail are reported unusually numerous In
Josephine county this year. In fact , it Is
said flocks are frequently seen within the
limits of the corporation of the city of Grant' *
Pass. During the bard winter of flye year *
Selling out the
The most gigantic sale of really fine - |
clothing ever inaugurated.
H. Cook Clothing Co. ,
Successors to Columbia Clotllillg Co. ,
, .
13th and Farnam Streets Omaha.
quail were well nlfih exterminated , as
the snow covered their- feeding grounds for
several weeks.
John Day Is promising Itself awool -
scouring plant In the near future ; also a
sash and door factory-
'Someof the fanners of eastern Oregon
are buying Nebraska hogs \ and will feed
tjiera cheap Oregon vlieat this winter.
'A levee , 1,300 feet long , is to bo built at
Pcndltfton , as a protection against the raging
TJmatllla. It will contain some 4.000 cubic
yards of earth and a large amount of riprap.
Snow fell to the depth of sit Inches on
Bomo of the mountains north of Mitchell.
The same day snow -nhltencd the tops of the
highest points , and In some places extended
far down the mountain side.
A. rider who has just left the White Ilorso
company tells the Ontario News that this has
been a good year for them and Harper Dros.
Thcso two companies have employed about
seventy riders this season. They are the
largest cattle owners from the- Union Pacific
lo the Central Pacific. Their ranges- extend
from Willow creek to Chain springs , on the
Wlnncmucca. Each company keeps a bunch
of aboutseventyfive saddle horses. Some
of the range riders stay out two years without
going to town , and \\licn a cruvvd of them
50 together they make things pretty lively
around Wlnnemucea.
Oakosdalo Is figuring on a system of water
works. A bid of J24.000 has been offered.
HlUynrd has no license ordinance , and Its
Eoven saloons run ultle open all HID time.
Boya tend bar and are among the patrons.
A petition asking the Okanogan county
commissioners to order a vote on the ques
tion of removing1 the county seat from Con-
conully to Chelan has- been filed with the
clerk of the board. It has about TOO names
Hop picking is still going on In the Pur-
all up district , about 400 pickers being it
work In the Meeker yards. The capacity
of the big kilns is not equal to the hops
picked , and so the pickers have to bo laid off
part of the time. Showery weather has also
been Interfering with the work.
Mrs. Oliver Warrnoth Is reported by the
Colfax Gazette to have caught a trout In
the North Palouse- river that measured
twenty-one Inches In length and weighed five
pounds. The big fish broke- the line , but
Mrs. Warmoth plucklly waded into the water
and rescued the line , the corks onhlch kept
afloat , and succeeded In landing thj finest
trout caught there for several year * .
Eighty-one per cent of the farina In this
state are owned by the persons cultivating
thorn , and of this number 73 per cent awn
frea of incumbranco. The debt on farms
amounts to fG,960,100 , or 28 per cent of their
value , subject to an average Interest of 9.87
per cent. Forty per cent of the- homes are
owned by tlioso who occupy them and SO
per cent own free of Incuuibranco. Ths
debt on homes is $5,225.270.
The theory that free gold quartz docs not
exist on the western slope of the Cascades
has been exploded by the discovery of the
Leroy group of claims a short distance
southwest of Monte Cristo , "says the Snoho-
nilsh Eye. A nugget valued at about 75
cents was picked out of a piece of the quartz.
The ledge Is said to be a mammoth one , and
la located at an elevation of over G.OOO feet.
It has been prospected with several tunnels.
In all of which the free gold quartz la shown.
Twin Wall vns brought Into Spokane from
Wcrutcheo by Deputy Marshal Thompson.
He la an aged Chinamanwho claims to
hive been engaged in placer mining along the
Columbia river for twenty-live years , but
had no opportunity to register , under the
Geary law. Ho speaks Chinook fluently and
saya there are white men in Urn Okanogan
country who have known him for twcnty-
' .our years , The court gave him an oppor
tunity to procure affidavits of his long rest
denco In this country , with Ui9 view of
permitting his registration as a. Chinaman
entitled to reside In the United States. He
waa ono of the party of Chinese gold hunters
who rocked out $10,000 in ono season twelve
miles below Wenatchee , and gave tha place
the nameof Ten Thousand Dollar bar.
The Utah sugar factory has resumed work
and sugar of the manufacture of 1894 Is now
on the market.
An offlcor from Alaska nays at the present
Mto of slaughter the Heals will be extern ) !
nalrxl within five yean.
Tha Port Hall reservation will , perhaps , be
the next reseravtlon thrown open to settle
ment In Idaho , and the day when this will
bo done Is not far In the future , a& over ?
effort la being ; made to that end.
The September report of the statistician
of tno Department of Agriculture has boon re
ceived by the Western Colorado Academy o !
Sciences. The per cent of the matured peach
, crop of Colorado la the highest of any * tate
In tha union , being 01 per cent of a Vail
crop. California Is second with S9 per cent.
The first annual report of the Harqua ITala
mine , Arizona , allows a surplus of $150.000 ,
from which a 10 per cent dividend \vlll be
paid. *
Up to date the factory at China , Cal. , has
consumed 28,000 tona of Chi no beets and
nearly C.OOO from Anaheim. SK and a half
million pounds of sugar have been shipped.
Every Industry of the territory is repre
sented at the Utah exposition , which opened
October 2 , and the exhibits , especially of
agriculture and minerals , surpass anything
shown In former years.
The Mountain Home Republican says :
"Hlchard Henliam of Onyh'co county is In
town showing some fine specimens from the
rich strike ho recently made on quicksilver
mountain. Ho took some of the rock to
! 3olso a short tlma ngo and It assayed $565
of gold to'the ton.
Ono of the largest deposits of gypsum In
Iho entire country has been discovered and
located on the Idaho sldo of Snake river ,
about SK miles from Huntlngton. This gyp
sum is dt excellent quality , easy of access
from the railroad , and properly located for
easy and cheap working.
Hay la practically worthless here this
year , says tha Halley ( Idaho ) Times , and
many thousand tons have not even been cut.
Early thla season the price wan J5 to $8 par
ton , delivered In town. When the new hay
began to como on the market the price fell
until It Is now from $2 to $4.
The Alaska-Mexican Gold Mining company ,
operating in Alaska , shows a profit for Au
gust of 110,700. This la a London syndicate ,
In which the Rothschilds are Interested. H
will pay a dividend ot-10 per cent at the end
of the year and will increase Its mill ca
pacity from sixty stamps to 120.
Grading has commenced on the extension
of the B. . A. & P. railroad to the Ullter
Root. The light or surface work will bo
pushed from now until the cold weather
seta In , when the heavy rock work will bo
started and kept up all winter , with the
intention of having everything ready for
the tracklayers early next season. Con
tractors also began operations on the high
Una from Hoclter to the Anaconda mines
in Buttc , with about COO men and 200 teams.
Soma little mining excitement Is reported
from Sallna ever the discovery of some rich
silver veins. It Is understood that the find Is
near the mouth dlwhat Is known as Soldier
canyon , three ml lew cast of Sallna. The ore
is very Ilka that of the Silver Ueef. Assaya
of It run about $20 In lead , Oliver and gold
load and silver J17.GO , gold | 2.50 , on the
eurfaco. The owners of the mine promise
to erect a mill and locate a townslte at once.
A canal to furnish water power Is already
It la announced that the railroad running
from the port of Altata , on the Pacific coast ,
to the town of Culclacan has been pur
chased by a syndicate of New York capi
talists , and that It will immediately be ex
tended to Durango , Colo. , where connections
will be made with the Mexican International
road. The government concession for this
road Includes a road from Durango to the
City of Mexico and to the port of Tampa.
C. P. Huntlngton la said to be at the head of
the new enterprise.
Since the enactment of the Geary law
many Chinese have como Into Arizona from
Mexico for the solo purpose ttt securing
transportation to their native land at the
expense of the United States government ,
The exclusion law provides that In the dis
cretion of the court Chinese found unlaw
fully In the United States may bo Impris
oned at hard labor for not more than one
year and then deported , It Is likely that
hereafter Chinese convicted on this charge
will bo given the full benefit of the law to
stop the wholesale Immigration of Mongolians
from the south.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou
bles. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggliti.
all rich , natural colors , arc produced by the Im
perial Hair Ilrgentrntor , The cnlora ura fast anil
washable , but will nut itnln the tcalp.
restores gray lialr to lt natural color and glrrg
color und vitality to lulr spcillnl by teaching
Muitaclie. Ix-ani. cjtbrowi ami eyelashes may be
colored with II. It U perfectly clean. Bend ( or
tree book about It.
CIIKMK-AI , MI--O. co.
132 Vlirril AVUNUIJ. N. T.
Bold by Sherman * JlcConndl , 1913 Dodgi St. ,
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Strange but True.
A magnetic fleld gclentlnciilly and convenient-
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cr. liver and kidney difficulties. Neuralgia nnd
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ure. Open ivenlugi.
Uoom120 N. Y. Mfe. Telephone 1011
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Skiit nnil KU1 noy discuses , Lost
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Call on oraddroa * ,
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trm > h > . tie. turrlf cnrrd > r JNltAI'O. Hie K"M
llliuiuoItemed1YUH"rtui tnir ueu > ' . BoldU/
J , A. Fuller & Co. , Coiner ijtb and Douglass Sts ,
EUitlo Stockiiifi. Uelormlty linuc * . Tnmtft
Crutches. Uattcrtci , tfyrlimes. Invalid and iuO"
. : td Suppllu. The Lion Drue House.
1(08 Faroam Htr C ODDO II > I'titon Uol-
" 00-EOH New York Ufa HI UK. . Omaha. Neb.
U tlio only
Women Excluded.
18 r * r * iperlenq
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1 4th and Farn am SU.