Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Usual Break in Grain Prices Followed the
Government Boport.
Corn Oprned About Mtenilr but Immediately
llrgnn to Sj-inpalhlir with the
Yielding1 Spirit of the
Wheat Market.
CHICAGO , Oct. ll.-Thc government re
port wns followed toduy by the usual break
In the price of grnln. Wheat end corn are
each 5ic lower for Mny delivery tlmn at
the close- yesterday , Provisions milled near
the cloae on buying by packers and closed
slightly higher. May oats llnlshcd with a
loss of Sic. Very little Interest In the wheat
market was displayed by the traders today.
The government report did not raise the
average of the crop much above the pre
viously Indicated production ns had been
expected. A report said to emanate from
the Argentine- consul nt Washington was
given as the cause of some additional heavi
ness with which the market became affected
about noon and due to which the price of
December broke to 62'-Jc. It advanced to
BHc and declined to KJttc , with nn Inclina
tion around 63Uo up to the time of the
more radical weakness referred to. The
Argentina authority quoted was reported
to have said that the area sown to wheat
In that country was variously estimated at
from 10 to BO per cent larger than In the
year before. The market was dull near the
close , December finishing at file.
Corn opened about steaily , but Immediately
began to trymiuUiIze with the yielding spirit
of the -wheat market. The opening price
was from oO'-lc to KOVic for May and It be
came gradually weaker as the session pro-
greased , resulting In " decline ni-nr the
close to 4'JM.c , with 4 Hc bid at the end.
October fell from WVic bid to 2 c at the
Another active Besslon was passed In the
oats market. In sympathy with corn and
on account of the offerings , prices suffered
a decline. Stay opened Vic up from yi'Hter-
day's last quotation nt xc ; , yold down to
32U : < - ' , and closed nt fiom 32ic to 3H&C.
The provision market was linn at the
opening , but soon weakened. Those who
bought on the little bulge of the day before
tried to secure their prollt. When they hnd
dropped their loads and 12'X > c had brn
knocked off the opening price of pork , the
packers came to the rescue and left closing
prices 7Wc higher for the day In pork , 2l4c
higher for Inrd and ribs unchanged.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | llTiiii. | Low. I Close. ' ?
Dec G2J4 |
May i
Corn No , 2. .
Ocl 4PJC
Nov. 4 OH 4W4
Dec 47H' ' 17M
May. 48.41 4UH
On IK No. 2. . .
Oet , . 28 28
Nov 2BH
May 82H
J.t 12 OS 12 77W
Lord.10(1 ( Ibs
Oct 7 r.n 7 53
Jan 7 32 7 40
fctiort lUba-
Oct 0 30 0 G5
Jan 047J *
Cart quotations vtta aa follows :
1-LOL'K Steady.
WIIKAT No. 2 springKQXc ; No 3
nominal ! No. 2 rod , GOKWSUtc.
CORN No. 2. 4 ! > 4c : No. S yellow. 4 ! > Hc.
OATH No. 2 , Me ; No. 2 white. 31'.4t(32c ; No.
I white , SOftfi31Hc.
1SY13 No. 2. 47V-C.
1 ( All LEV No. 2 , 53c ; No. 3 , 474c ; No. 4 , 5 (
KIAX SKiO-No. 1 , $1.18' $ .
TIMOTliy SKKD-1'rlme. J3.30.
1'HOVISIONS MPXH porlt. per libl. . J12.S05JI3.10 ,
lard. per 100 Ibs. , JT.CS'.i ; nhoit ribs , sides ( loose ) ,
6.C 8 < 1.70 : dry salted nhouldern ( bnxcd ) . | C.37 > 47 ( !
6.60 ! short clfnr fides ( boxnd ) , J7.00n > 7.1.5. : ! ' 4
WHISItY Distillers' finished uooils , per sal. ,
$1.S3 ,
The following were the rccelpti and shipments
I'cdlcrdny'n Quotations on I'lour , drain nml
Provisions , .Metals. lite.
NKW YOnK , Oct. 11. FLOUn-ltecclpts , 41-
100 bbls , ; exports , 19,500 bblB. ; sales , 29,300
pkgs. ilnrket dull. Southern flour , dull. Ilye
Hour. Blow ; sales , 300 bbls. Iluckwheat Hour ,
stonily at 11,7501,00.
IHU'KWHKAT Quiet at 50070c.
CO11N MEAIv Steady ; sales , : i bbls. , 140
HYK Qul t ; car lots , 4sg51c ; boat loids , C2R
IIAIII.KY Dull : No. 1 Milwaukee , MitCJc.
XIAKLUY MAl/r-Dull ; western , 700SOC.
WHEAT llecelpts. 83,600 , bu. ; expuitH , 19,100
bu. : sales , 2.9M.OW bu. futuifs , ISO 0-X ) bu. Bmt. [
Hpot market strong ! No. 2 red. In store nnc
elevator , ESUc ; new Fcbrtmiy , & 7'.to delivered ,
No. 1 northern , C6He delivered : No. Z hnid ,
tjo delivered : pilceii WMO wruk and In the
afternoon declined to the lowe'ct point on record ,
under bear at I neks ; cables were weak ; No. ' .
ro < l. closed at Ho net decline ; May , 61 6-lt
G2e , closed t 61 4cj November closed at MV-c
Decemlwr. ftVififfTUP , closed nt & 8HC ,
COHN Hecelpts. 7,550 bu. : exports , 10 0-W bu.
sales , tw.ow bu. futurcn , 8,000 bu. spot. Spot
market nominal at 55c. Options unmet ] wnilt ,
declined all day under free selllns by trade-is
and sympathy with wheat , closed at { J'-c ' net
decline ; May , MUfti&ftc , clused nt tulle" ; Oc
tober closed at MXc ; November. KUMKlta
cloBsd at WUc ; December , 63HeJ3 ic , closed nt
OATS Hecelpts , 31,200 bu. ; exports , J.IM bu. ;
wiles , ) bu , futuies ; CO.OO'J ' bu , spot. Spot
market dull : No. 2. 3I fl32c ; Nu. 2 , delivered ,
3JM@-33c ; No. 3 , JlUc ; No. 3 white. SSIiftSCc
No. 3 white. 35c. Options weak all ttay , closed
ft ' 40o decline ; Mny. W ! f37'ic. closed nt
MTic ; October elosed at 31Hc ; November , XV ,
U32T4C , closed nt 32Wc ; December closed at 33'ic.
HAY Dull : Rood to choice. J6.W07.I5.
1IIDKS Steady ; wet , salted. New Oilcans , se
lected , 45 to 65 Ibs. , 44B-5o ! ; Ituenos Ayres dry
20 lo 21 Ibs. . He ; Texas , dry , 24 to SO Ibs. , S
I HATIIEIt Steady ; hemlock sole. Duetios
Ayrrs , light to heavy wclchts , 15 18c.
WOOL -Qulct ; domestic lleecc , 18024c ; .pulled ,
9) 230.
IIOP8 Quiet ; state , common to choice. 3ff
to : Pacific const. 414C8ie. !
COAL Dull.
IMlOVISIONS-tleef , qulot. Cat meats , dull ;
Tickled bellies. IHCS'/lc : pickled hums , B'.i f
lOc. Lnrd , steady ; western steam closed at
13 ; Oclnber closed at 13 ; January , 57.KO , nom
inal ; refined , steady. Pork , slendy : new moss ,
JII.MO15.M ; extra prime , nnmlnal : family. 11J.W
U15.EO ; short clear. J15.MR15.70.
IltlTTEH Steady western dairy , lS015cwest
ern creamery. 15 < j4c ; lilglns , 2le.
KOOS Slendy ; western , fresh , nei9c ; case *
I2.25C4.SS ; receipts. C.2J1 pkss. '
ClIEKSE-Tluli ; state , lame. 8OIO4c ! ; small.
! Mc ; part skims , 4 So : full skims , 3 4c.
TALUOW Easier ; city , l % J4ie ! : country , 411
QSc. as to quality.
I'trntOLHUM Nominal ; United closed at S2TJc
HOSIN Firm ; strained , common to eood , $ I.M
TtlilPENTINU-Qulet. Me.
HICU Firm : domestic , fair to extra. 6ic-
Japan , 4HRITic.
MOUABSUS Dull : New Orleans , open kettle ,
teed to choice. I8 36e.
LEAD Quiet ; Jletn ! exchange quol.itlon , > 3.15
G3.1714 ; bullion bi-okers * nuotallonn , (1.03.
PIO inoN-Dull ; Scolch. J19.00JJW.2J ; Ameri
can. JtO.OOfJ13.Oi > .
dull. TIN Ilarely steady ; slialts , 513C2'.5 ; plat's ,
SPELTEIl-Dull ; domestic. J3.408.43.
COPPEH Quiet ; -brokers' quotations. M.f , ;
ales on 'change. 8S tons. Including cnnli , toilay
at HMO ; spot. J15.M ; Octolier. J13.55 ; November ,
H5.M ; January. JI5.40 , nnd ex-Lydlan Monarch
from dock at 115.TO.
COTTON 8KED OlU-Inactlve. lower , to sell ;
prime crude , 26 27o ; off crude. 25if6o : yellow
butter grades , 87C38c ; prime yellow , 3233o.
MlnneaiHilUVlic > rtt Mnrliot.
MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. ll.-AVhent was easy and
3ulet from the first this morntnif. and trading
ull In futurt * . The demand for envh whi-at
wan active , quickly absorbing nil the offerings
on track or to arrive at about the same pre
mium tbovu December ns previously obtained.
Hecelpts era said to bo Increasing at country
stations , and the elevators ara buying more of
th stored itraln. Itoads repoitcd bud yet In the
country , preventing still larger receipts. In some
section * where tliu roads will admit receipts nro
about aa largo as they were before the rains.
In mnny purt , however , the roads prevent
active business and the farm movement Is neces
sarily lighter. The question f holding back
wheat In farm granaries for higher prices seem to
t entirely lost right of In the northwest and
all ore selling apparently without reference to
any possibility of an sdvance. Farm feedlnK to
snimnls Is goingon brlikly In some portions
and considerable wheat will be consumed In that
tray. Ther * was nothing but that feature today
that hod a tendency to prevent short relllng
and further consequent decline. There was come
December wheat here for sale , hut as the tnidlne
had gone out of It u few days nxo they feared to
* ell I' , end there- seemed to b no very great
demand for the little there was offered. Neuily
everything Is done now In May , and for that
month Intro was at llmen fair activity. Flue-
tuatloni mere generally light , not exceeding
about He. Clcwe : October , W'4C. December ,
WUSiWVic , May , M'i ( tSc. On track : No. i
hard , OHic , No. 1 northern , ( CtiCi No. I northern ,
Ho. Old wheat continued to tell lo abovi the
quotation * , nccelplt of wheat T re 30-
20 bu.i ( hlpmrnti , 13COO , bu.
The flour market wns easy In sympalhy with
the small decline In wlirat 1'atfnu , (3,2003,10 ,
Uiken , II WflJ.SO. Prxlucllnn , for th 31 hours
wan estimated Jit 95,009 bblr ) * l > liineni ( , 37,747
UJ1AI1A ( lliMiHAL
Condition of Trnilo nml CJtiotniloni aa
Htuplc nml I'uncy Proiluco.
The butter market Is lower on account of the
condition of the eastern market , The packers
lave made n decided cut In the price on pack-
ng stock , ns will be noted fix in the quota
tions. Quotations !
1IUTTKU Packing stock , 9c ; fair to good
country , HillSc ; choice to fancy , 19920o ; gath *
ered creamery , 2021c | ; separator creamery , 22f
KOOS-I'cr doz. , strictly fresh , IJIUCc.
LIVi : POULTUY-OliI hens , 6c : roosters ,
3ci tpilnv chickens. 6'.4fi c ; ducks , 6p7c ; eprllu :
turkeys , 708c ; hen turkeys , 7 < jSc ; gobblers , 5P
Cc ; old RCCSC , 4B5c.
OAME 1'ralrlc rlilckon.i , young , per dot. . 13.7J
fl-3.00 ; prnlrle chickens , uld , per doi. , (3.0092.25 ;
grouse , young , per doz. , l2.6uH2.75 ; grouse , old ,
per doz. , > 2 ; blue wing tcnl , per dot. , J1.KSJ1.W ;
icreen wing tenl , per doi. , Jl,251flW ; ducks ,
mixed , per doz. , I1.00ftl.10 ; canva. < l > ncks. I3.ro1
4.00 ; mallards nnd red heads , J2.60&3.W ; quail ,
ll.2.i l.W ; venison saddles , 14911CC.
VIAI , Choice fat and small veals are quoted
at G'.iftCo : large nnd coarse , 3/4c. /
CIIKKSI3 Wisconsin , full cream , new make ,
12Hc ; Nebraska nnd Iowa , full cream , lie ; Ne
braska and Iowa , part skims , "CSc ; I.lmburKcr ,
No. l , lie ; brick , No. 1 , 12c ; Swiss , No. 1 , 14SP
"nAY-Uplnnd liny , $ ? : midland , * 7.60 ; lowland -
land (7 ; no straw , J8. Color makes the price
on hay. Light shades sell the best. Only top
Erodes bilng top prices.
PIGliONS-Old birds , per doz. . 75c.
The quantity of celery that Is shipped to
Omaha nnd either consumed here or shipped
out to nenr-by points Is very Inrge , In the
past n Inrgi propoitlon of the celery handled
hero came from Kalamazoo , Mich , , or was
sold nn having come from that section. At
line time It was hardly thought that any other
section of the country could grow really Rnud
celery. Oilier cectlons of iho country , how
ever , have been giving more attention to tlie
growing of celery for market with no small
degree of Huccei-s. California now ships a great
deal of celery to this market , nnd at some
seasons of tha > ear the pupply ! Is almost en-
tlr.'ly from that stnte. During the past two
years parties In Nebraska hnvo commenced
to experiment with this vegetable , nnd aa far
with marked success. This year nbout forty
acres near Kearney ucrc planted to celery nnd
fifteen ucres nt Monroe , while there nrv 'mall
patches at llobron and Florence. The Krorney
and Manioc crxpa weio purchased by an Omaha
hnupo making n. specialty of handling celery , and
they are now receiving from these twi > sources
nlxMit 400 dozen bunches per day. The crop
Is about half harvested , and the growers esti
mate that the yield will amount to fifteen to
twenty rars all tnld. Quotations :
POTATOES Onml stock , 75 TSOc.
OLD MEANS Hand-picked , navy , J2.23 . ; me-
ihuni , JI.SOUl.W ; common white beans , J1.73tp
ONIONS On orders. 700750.
CAHDAnij On "orders , 115G
CE'.KIIY Per dnr. . 30fT43c.
SWEET POTATOES Per Ib. , 202140 , or J3.50
per bbl. ; Jcisey , { 5.50 per bbl.
The European apple crop Is almost n fa'lure ,
says Garden nnd Forest , and InrBO expoitn-
tlons from this country may therefore bo looked
for. Two thousand bbls. were sent nwny last
woelc , and more than Itvlee that number will
no doubt bo forwarded duringtlie present week.
Inasmuch nn theie Is not n full crop In Canada.
> ind slncu the product of the United States will
not be halt that of nn average yeur , It la fall-
to nesumc' that prices will ba high. In fact ,
the prices In England are already good. A
few careless or unscrupulous shippers have
< lone very much to Injure the American ex
port upplo trade by sending Inferior and badly
packed fruit , nml this tends to give n name
to the entire supply from this side of the At
lantic. Newtown Pippins were already favorites
In the Ensllfh markets , but they have lost their
position lo some extent , owing to the fact that
other green apples have been shipped from
this country and falsely branded as Newtown
or Atbemarlc Pippins. Hed apples , such as
Ilaldwlns nnd Kings , now bring the highest
price * .
Holland and Uelglum ship 000,000 bbls" . to Eng
land In n good yen- ) , mostly early and fnll sorts ,
says the New England IlamoMcnd , but this sea
son will hardly epaie one-third quantity.
Fiance will probably export two-thirds of her
usual supply , mostly fall stuff , Australian fruit
won't be nn until early spilng. England's own
crop Is very shrift , imd at liest does not stand
much show ngatnst prime American red winter
apples. There are fully six months during which
the EiiRllth maiket will present nn antlve de
mand for American fruit , Baldwins being most
popular. This Is likely to keep our domestic
markets clrar of nny Accumulation of nil the
nlro winter apples tlmt can bo moved nt J2.00W
3.00. At that price the United States nnd Canada
ought lo Iw able to export tOO.OOO to 750,00) , bbl * . ,
aBllnst 17R.OOO bblfl. last year , 1,500.000 of the 1KI1
crop and < J7. > ,000 bbls. In 18S9 , The census re
turns the United States crop of 1859 at 57,250,090
bbls. , of which nil but 1,000,000 , bbli. were grown
In twenty-seven states. Our domestic market
nnd our surplus for export Is controlled by the
crop In eleven states. The west will probably
tiiko at full pikes all the surplus west of New
York sliitc. leaving apples for export to come
from New York nnd New Kngland , which may
ship west more than enough to counterbalance
Michigan. Pennsylvania and Ohio exports. New
York and New England will equal ISSS's small
crop unless nipped by early frosts , and at the
prospective higher rnngo of pilcos ought to ex
port mote than In 18S9. Quotations :
QUINCES Cnllfnrnln , per CO-lb. box , J1.50.
APPLES Good stocK. per bbl. , t2.C032.7S.
PEACHES California fiecstone , (1 ; clings , 75tJ
PLUMS California. OOcQll.25.
PUUNES 90cfiJ1.25 ,
PEAKS itartlett , no good shipping stock : 13.
Hardy and 1) . Clalrgeau. J2winter ; Nellls , J1.75
CJHAPES Concords , 10-lb. baskets. Me ; round
lots. 19c ; Callfoinla Tokay , Jl.j5ftl.33 ; muscat ,
J1.25O1.3J : cornicheon. Jl.2531.35.
CHANIlEltUIES-Cape Cod. fancy. JS.75010.00
per bbl. ; Cape Cnd , choice , J9.60ao.75.
CHANGES Mexican , 150 , MO , per box , J3.00O
3.50 ; Florldas. J3.60.
BANANAS Choice stock. H.752.r,0 per bunch.
LEMONS Fancy Messina , 200 , 15 ; SCO , Jl.JSffl )
3.00 ; cholco Messina , 3W > , 11.10.
OYSTERS Medium , per can. 12o ; horse shoos ,
Me ; extra standards , ISc ; extra selects. ISc ;
company selects , 23c ; New Yoik counts , 2Sc ,
FIC1S Fancy , per Id. . 20e.
HONEY California , 15c : dark honey. 10@12o.
MAPLE SYRUP-aallon cans , per doi , , J12.
NUTS Almonds , lG < 917c ; English walnuts , 12ft
14c ; nibcrts. 12c ; llraill nuts , 10@12c ; eastein
chestnuts , lO lS c.
CIUEIl Pure Juice , per bbl. , IS ; half bbl. , J3.23.
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 3Uc ; No. 2 green
lilacs , Sllc ; No. 1 green called hides , 4Uc ; Xo. 2
Ki-ocn salted hides , 3Uc ; No. I green salted hides ,
55 to 40 Ibs , 4Vic ; No , 2 green salted hides , 25 to
(0 Ibs. , 3Hc ; No. 1 veal ralf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , 7c ; No.
2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. 6c : No. 1 dry [ lint hides.
Gc ; NO. 't dry flint hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry salted
hides , EC : part cured hides Vic per Ib. less than
fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Oreen salted , each. ! 5 rCOe ;
green salted shearlings ( short woolei early skins )
each , loiff20o : dry shearlings ( short wooled early
kins ) , No. 1 , each , 6O15c ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 2 , each , 6c ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
Ib. , actual weight , BjJBcj dry nint Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight , 4S6'io ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool
pt'lls. per Ib. . actual weight , IffCHc ; dry flint
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib , , actual
weight , 4IOe : ( have feet cut off , as It Is uselei
to pay freight on them ) .
TALLOW AND OIIEASE Tallow , No. 1. 4 ,
tallow. No. 2 , 4r ; grease , whlto A , 4ej grease ,
wlille n , 3V4c ; grease , yellow , 3'io ; grease , dark ,
2c ; old butter. 2W2VSc ; beeswax , prime. 15020a ;
rough yellow , IHO-c. *
Attondniico nt thn Auction Sales Vestortliiy
Wiw Fulr.
LONDON , Oct. 11. The attendance at the
wool auction sales today was fair , nnd the
tone better. Competition was ffod , even for
faulty goods. American buyers took 400 bales
of greasy Victoria The American pur
chases so far amount to fully 13.000 bales.
German. French nnd English buyers were nl
woik actively. The number of bales offered
were 11.978. of which 1,600 were wlthdiuwn.
Following nreth * ule In detull : New
South Wales. 60S bales ; scouied , IMltflK I4d !
greasy , 4\JiffSd \ ; Queensland , 206 bulea ; tcomed ,
lOdffla 2'Sd ; jrreasy , 6'fjCd ; Vlctoila , Z.439 bales
scoured , Sdflls 6d ; Krei.Hy. 6 W6d ; South Aus
tralia , 250 Imli'H ; scouted. 60:0.1 ; Kfea > y , Kj'IUil
New Zealand , 7t53 bales : HCouied , 4V4dBls 2.1
greasy , 4f914d ; Cope fif Good Hope nnd Natal
1,72(1 ( bales ; scoured , 7V4deis 4d ; ureany , STitfSd
ST. LOUIS , Oct. ll.-WOOL-Dull nnd un
Sccnrltloi Opencil nnd Cli > sc < l Firm , Hut
Speculation WHS IrrectilHr.
KEW YOniC. Oct. ll.-Thc stock niarke
opened and closed firm , but In the Interln
the speculation was Irregulnr. At no time
during the day wna the volume of business
heavy , The cliques and room traders sttl
monopolize the- dealings and the commission
houses report customers as scarce as ever
London was In tlie iniirhct aa a buyer , bu
confined itself almost entirely to St. Pau
and Louisville & Nashville. Louisville i
Niishvllla was notably strong- , being in Root
foreign demand , as well as a favorite of th
tocul traders , oh Icily on a report that the
earning ! ) of the llrat week In October \voul
Bhow a heavy Increase. The stock close.
nt the highest of the day and at an ail
vance of 1H per cent. Western Union los
H per cent on the Jay. Today's movemen
In Sugar Is accredited to u leading manlpu
later of the shares , who worked more con
vervatlvely tlmn usutil , for the stock \vu
held within u range of less than 2 per cenl
An advance of H per cent was made at th
opening nnd then a quick drop of 1 per cent
followed by a sharp recovery , and. In th
late dealings , by a further advance , whlc
brought the prlco up to 8 < U. a total gain
from the low point of IK per cent and at
advance from last night of 1 per cent , To
ledo & Ann Arbor shows a decline ot 2 pe
cent. Leather preferred 14 per cent uni
AVlieellng , Lake Erie preferred utul Colorad
Fuel 1 per cent. The other changes wer
merely fractional.
The bond market was Irregular during-
morning and early afternoon , but In th
later dealings became strongla sympathy
with ( hi sliure gpcculatlon and closed In
good tone.
The Uvcnlng Post's London cable say * :
Of the dccrrae In Iho Dank of Knglond
his week CG11.312 tvns In coin nnd bullion
ind 14C ( X ) reprrscnts the net gold exporter
or the week , the details lielng130.000 to
Urazll , 13,000 bar sold chiefly for Germany ,
vhlle 131,000 cntnc In from China. The re
mainder of the decrease In rrscrve wna due
o cash gone Into Internal circulation. It Is
cported here that Bold IB beginning to leave
N'cw York for I'nrls nml Germany. The
tock markets were quiet today , but with n
> etter tone. Americans advanced about We.
'ho Argentine gold premium continues tu
nil nnd nil South American securities are
The following- were the closing quotations
n the leading stocks of the New York ex-
today :
U P. I ) . , t 1 }
dnms Express. . . 140 Northwestern , . , ,
Alton. T. II 31 do pfd. ,
do Pfd , , . . . 170 N. Y ,
Am. Express J& N. Y. AN.Eur. . . .
laltlmornAOhlo. Ontario A W.
: anndi Pacific. . . . Oregon Imp. . . . . .
Canada Southnrn , OreirouN.iv . . . . . .
Central PnclOo. . . 10 O , 0. t * A U. N. . . ,
j. A Ohio I'nciacWn.11 , . , . . . .
; iilcniro Alton. , . , 142 P. I ) . A B
: . , n. ft Q. . . . . . . . . . 72H ! PlttBlmrp
' I' Palaco. .
; onsolldatpd' izV Heading
i.c. avsu L. . . . Richmond Term. .
3olo. A Irjn 8 do pfd
Cotton Oil Corl. . . U. O. W
) ol , A Hudson. , . , liia H. O. W. pfd
> el. Lick. A W. . . 1IIH Hook lal.infl
' ' ' ' " " St. Paul _
I'.AO.'P.'CO. . OH St. Paul nfd 11 fi
Cast Tenu 10. St. P. A Omrvli.1. . .
Erlo do pfd
do pfd Southern I'.ic
" 'ortW.iyno Sugar Ituflnory. . .
, Northern pfd. . 11)1 ) Tonu , Coal A iron
! . .IE. I. pfd uu Toxni Pacific. . . .
locking Valley. , 1HM T. AO , Cont. pfd. .
11. Central 1 II Union Pacific
si , p.AUuimii. . . . 24 U. S. Express
T.A T.Dfd ? W. St. I. . A P. „ . .
.nkoErloA . W. . . 7M do pfd
do pfd 70i } Wells Fargo E . .
Shore 13DH Western Union. . .
Trust W. A L. E .
iVllleA N . . . do pfd N. A .1 ASt , L
' ilaiih.itt.-in Con. . . 112U U. All. O
'IcmiihlHA C 10 O. E
JlchUati Cent. . . . OH NL i
ilo. Poelllo B7M . F. AIde
ilohlloA Ohio. . . . 1BH do nfd
< . . t8- H. AT. C
National Conjnjo. T. A. A. A N. M. . .
do pfd T. St. L. * K. C. . . .
1. J. Contra ! 111) do pfd
. pfd s. R n
Am. Co. . . . . tlu pfd
Jorthoru Pacing. Am. Too. Ca Klllii
No. Pac. nfd do pfd 100
The total rnlrs of Blocks twlas1 w re loO.OJI
harex , Including : Atchlson.I.SOO : Sugar , 36W :
lurllnffton , 9.4WJ Chicago Gas. 7. W ; Ulstllllns
Cnttlefecdlng3,100 ; O.-neral Eleulrlc , 3,6W ;
ilsvlllo & Nnnhvlllc , 5,100 ; Itock Inland ,
,000 ; St. Paul , l ,400.
Js'ow York Aloiioy Slnrkel.
Cnsy nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 IHT cent ; closed
at 1 per cent.
cunt.TEULINa nXCIIANGI-J-Stradv. with
IncHs In bnnkura' bills nt M.8Ti,4ia'4,6T , , % for do-
nand nnd at JI.6VsO4.SOi fnr Hlxiy days ; posted
ales. SI.S7WI.S7lj and SI.ES'.S ; commercial bills ,
GOVERNMENT HONDH-KUong ; state bond ? ,
teody ; railroad bonds , Jinn.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
U ' " ' O.Alt , a 4s 80
U.S. Oscoup ! ! . . . llOUi Erie Uriels
U. S. 4fcrcir 114 U. U. AS , A. 08. . .
U.S. In coup do 7s OS
U. S.'Jsror UU II. AT. C. 6s ,
t'.icIfloOsof'03. . . 1U1 dofls 100
Ala. CI.1S3 A U.K. AT. 1st , 43. . B1i
Ala , Class D 104 do 2d44
Ala. Class C D'l',4 UnlonOs. . los'
Jurrenoles ll' ) ! N. J.Cent.Con. 59. 117V (
l.a. New Con , 4s. . 04i ! No. Pac lets
MlHBOiirl Ua 100 Nc Pac 2nds HUH
N.C.j ( 1K5 N. W. Consols. . . . 141H
do la 101 do S. F. Dnb. 63. 113
B. C. nonfund 2 II. O. W. lets
Tcnn. now set tl. 7S St. P Consols 7s. .
Tcnnnuw sets. . . . 100 St. P.O. * P. W.Ss ,
Tcnn. old Os tin St.L.AI.M.Gcn.oa. 70
Vu. Centuries. . . . CD S. L. A 9.F. Gen. . U 03
do deferred K Tex. Pac. 1st * . . . . NUK
Atchlson 4s OH Tex. Pae. 28 2SH
Atchlson Sis A. . . . ! } U. P. Ists of ' 0.1. . 105H n So. Utids. . 105 WestShoro-la . . . . 105
Ten. Pac. latg 'US. lOL'H Southern It. It. Ca. S3
D. A. K. R. 78 115H
Ho-itou Stoo'.c fjuotutlDiH.
BOSTON. Oct 11 , Call loans. 2O3 p r cent :
llnio loans , : ! 4i4 : per cent. Oloitn.prlais for
flocks , bDurti nnd mlnlnr 8hir3J :
A.T. A Si F . 35M
Am. Siiffnr W. Elec , pfil K
Am. Suarpfd DO \Vls. Central 4
Hay Statu Gas 12M AtchtBOn Sds EOK
Hell Tolephorio. . . . AtublBOii Ja OH
Ikmton A Albany. . 205 Now Kuclaii'.l ( ! a. . 111)
UostonAMnlne. . . , ISO Ocn. Electric BB. . .
do pfd . . - . Win.Cent. Isls. . , . :
C. . 1) . AQ Alloncz MlulntrCo. ao
Kltchburc 7(1.4 ( Atlantic 10
Gen. Elcutrlo 37 Ilouton & Montnn'V
Illinois Stcol BOWi Iluito liOHlon. . . .
Mexican Central. . Wi Calumet i HecU. . sos
N. Y. AN. E 30 Ccutonnlal
Old Colony. 17RW Frnnkllu low
Oregon Short Lli.o Ko.ii-anrt.-a
Hupbcr. Osccoln 23s !
Union Pacific Ouincy UO
Went Ena T.imaraclc ISO
VV.Kiid Dfd 8SH
Sun FmncUco .Mlnln ; : Srock Quotation * .
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct ll.-Tho official closing
quotations fur milling Blocks today wcro us fol
lows :
Alia n Mexican l15 ;
" " ' " " Mono IB
Uulelior. . . ! 75 Mount Diablo 10
llcst ( V Belcbor. . . . 1:15 : Ophlr ass
CodluCoi itl : ) 1'otoal gn
Ilulwcr 10 Savairo 87
Cuollar C > ! ) Sierra Nevada. . . . 10.1
Con. Cal A Va 4U ! ) Union Con 82
Crown Point 80 Utah - . . . 7
Gould A Curry. . . . 7fi Yellow Jacket. . . . 80
Halu ANorcross. . 00
I.diulou stock Quotations.
LONDON. Oct. 11. J p. in. closing- :
Canidl ! n I'actUc. . St. Paul com
Ills. Central flfl Mex. Cca. now4a. I'J
Mexican ordinary , 17
IAlt ) SILVEH SOHil Per ounce.
MOXEY ! < tier cent.
Tliu rate ol Ulacount in the open market lor
Nliort bills In V per cent , and ( or three monllib'
blllB IS l-lUM5ilKTCC'llt.
ConHtilR formom'y nnil tli account , 1U1 7-1 it.
Tliu amount of liiilllon wlllitlrawn from iho Batik
ot England on balances today wau i'jlUUO.
Now Vorlc UlalnV ( Jintuluai.
NEW YORK. Oct. ll.-Tho { ollowinf arJ thi
cloaln ? minin ? quota 110113 ;
Cliolor. fi5 Plyinontti in
Grown 1'olnU . . . . 70 Slurr.iNovaaa. . . , . 105
Con. Cal. & Vn. . . . 40(1 ( Standard 110
Dcadwood .10 Union Con 80
Gould it Curry 70 Veliow Jacket. . . . KO
Ilaloi Korcrosa. . SU Iron Silver 10
Homostake 1450 Quicksilver ISO
Mnxicau 1S5 do preferred I40U
Oninrio 600 Ilulwur 1'J
Oplur. 'J75
Financial > ntm.
NEW ORLEANS. Oct , 11. Clearings , 11,0 % 7I.
I1EMPII1S. Oct. 11. Cleatlnss , $276,111 ; bal 28
ances , J79.987 ,
1IAL.TIMOIIE , Oct. 11. Clearings , J2,1SG,9C7 ! bal
ances , J274.403.
1IOSTON. Oct. 11. Clearings. J13,483,9i5 ; bal-
oncea , Jl.278.6,9.
NEW YORK. Ocl. II. Clearings , $50,270,132 ;
balances , J5E00.142.
PHILADELl'IIIA. Oct. II , Clearings , J10,2 < ! 5.-
021 ; balances , Jl.732.417 ,
CINCINNATI. Oot. 11. Money. 36 per cent.
New York exchange , 25c discount to par. Clear
ings , 12,130,904.
LONDON , Oct. 11. snnAR-Cane , ciulet ;
centrifugal , Jiiva , 12a 'Jd ; Muscovado , fulr rc-
llnlng , 10n M.
I'AHIS , Oct. 11. Three per cent rentes , lOlf
SHc for the account. Exchange on London ,
ISc for checks.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 11. Drafts , sight. 12Uc ;
telegraphic , 15c. Sliver bars , C3yt@C3 o ; Mexican
dollars , 13i53'.Sc. , 47
1X5NDON , Oct. 11 , Gold Is quoteil today nt
Ilnenos Ayres nt 227 ; St. Petersburg- ; Rome , 73
103,50 ; Vienna , 130. 71
ST. LOUIS , Oct. U , Clearings , J3.968.262 ; bal
ances , JM7.722. Money , quiet at 687 per cent.
Exchange on New Yolk , 7Ec diocount bid.
CHICAGO. O < t. 11. Clearings , Jll.MS.O.O. Money ,
4f'l'i per rent on call ; 6@u per cent on time ,
New \ork exchange , 40o discount. Foreign ex
change , tlrin ; sterling- , commercial , } l.8JVi I.M'4.
PA1US , Oct. 11. The weekly statement of the
Itank of France * hawt ) the followlnir changt-a ns
compared with the previous account : Notes In 10
circulation. Increase , 13,375.000C ; treasury ae-
countH current , decrease. .425,0uof : nold In bsind.
decmise , 6l25 , 00f ; billsTllscoimttd , Increase , 32-
10iKKf ( ) ; silver In hand , decrease , D,425,0u0f. ,
LONDON. Oct. 11. The Hank of England's rate 27
of discount Is unchanged nt 2 per rent. The
weekly statement of the Hank of England , Inaiiei1
today , shown the following changes , as compared IX
with the previous account ; Total reserve , de 26
crease , 255. < XX > ; circulation , Oecrc. [ 257,000 ; bu ! .
lion , decrease , 1611,312 ; other 8et.rltle * . decrease ,
[ 161IHO ; other depos4tn. Increase. 42,849,030 ; public
drponlls. Increase , U-'S.O" . ) ; not en reserve , de-
creaHe , 1734,00 } ; government securities. Increase , 2
(3G9V,000. The proportion of the Hank of Eng
land's reserve to liability , which last week nim
6JJ.10 per cent. Is now (1,70 per cent ,
LIVERPOOL. Oct. Il.-WIIEAT-Clo.lni :
Market rtrin ; demand poor ] No. 2 red , wlnlt-r ,
4s 2d ; No. 2 red , spring , 4s M. 19
CORN Firm : demand poor ; new mined , gpnt
4s 7d ; future * , firm ; drinand pCMir ; October
4s 7 % il ; Novi-nilxT. Is 6'4d ; December , < 3Hd.
PROVISIONS IVsrk. duU : di'inand | Ki > ir : prime
mes * . western , 70s ; prime mess , medium. 6i
Cd. Ileef , dull ; demand ; extru Indlu mm W
73s Ikl ; prime men * , SIM. Hum * , dull ; demani
moderate ; short cut , 4s W. Itacon. steady
demand moderate ; Cumberland rut , I9a ; shor
ribs , 4 < ) ; long rlrar , 45 Ibs , , 4U ; lung und her
clear. W > Ibs. , 4 > > s ; shoulders , dull at 31s C.I.
CHEESE Dull ; demand poor ; lines ! while am 12
colornl. 49s Cd.
TAW/JW Nominal : prime city , n * .
COTTON BKKl ) OIL Steady ; demand mod
crate , spirits. SOa M.
rt'RPENTlNE Steady ; demand moderate 16
spirits , 20n W.
ROSIN Steady : demand fulr ; common , 3s Cd
HOPS At London , ll'aclflo coaul ) . steady ; do
manj mcdcrate- ; ( new crvp ) , li ICttflS Un.
Oattle Ecceipls Still' ' Liberal kit ITot In
Eicess of tbq Bcqairomenta ,
Is <
Gooil Juotili | fur Urcsneil llecf
Sell Mrll UnfllT tirade * , Cmrfl , Cnn-
ners and Sluukcr * Straus Hoc *
liutlicr tVciik liut Stondy ,
THUnSDAV , Oct. 11.
So far this week , compared wlUt Inst , re
ceipts Bhow n fnlllnr ; off qf nliout 4,00) cattle ,
while hoK supplies have Incrensed fully that
much and sheep nearly 13,000 head ,
There was n very fnlr run of cuttle , ul-
thoURh U fell nearly 3,500 short of last
Thursday's deluge. Included In the receipts
were some twenty-three loads of Texas cut
tle from Kansas City , billed direct to local
slaughterers , anil not offered on the market.
Western rnriKers of poor to fair quality
made up the lilff bulk , of tha supply , and
dressed beef men experienced considerable
dllllculty In securing anything like enouch
steers to suit them. Eastern reports were
In the main bearish , liut notwithstanding
that fact there wns a strong , active market
for anything at nil useful. Low smile and
thin stuff sold at fully steady prices on tic-
count of the active competition from feeder
buyers , while the good lleshy stock , what
Hutu there wns of It , generally sold nt a
shade stronger prices.
For cow stuff the demand from all sources
wag of n very urgent character , and while
the supply wan liberal It was not at all In
eKccES of the buying orders. Prices ruled
strong to a dime higher than Wednesday
on nil grades and all of a quarter higher
than the first of the week. The movement
was free and about everything In this line
was disposed of by the middle of the fore
noon , veal calves met with n ready sale at
strong prices nnd bulls , sings , etc. , fold a
.simile better than for the past few days.
Iluslness In stoekers and feeders was un
usually active today. Everybody was lookIng -
Ing for light stock cuttle and did not hesl-
ttito to pay a We to 15o advanceto get
them. All grades , however , were stronger
Hid u big volume * of business wns trans
acted. Good to choice feeders nrc quotable
at $2.7093.15 ; fair to good. J2.10fZ2.70 , and
common grades from &i,25 , down. Itcprt-scnt-
atlve sales :
No. Av. Pr. .No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . 710 Jl 1)0 a..looi n to 1..1100 J20I )
760 1 00 6..109C I S ) E. , S21 200
720 1 00 13. . . . 1,3 ; 1 SO : r. 2 10
Si- ) 1 23 II. . . 850 1 80 4ii 9HS 2 10
8M 1 33 11. . , CSS 1 IG 3. 890 2 10
Ml 1 40 .1050 1 S3 9. C$2 2 10
870 1 BO . 900 1 Si 21. 801 2 ID
930 1 SO . 852 1 83 tl. 821 ! 2 ID
821 1 CO 17. . . 'SO 1 (3 853' 2 15
825 1 M G. . . 702 1 & 5 13. . 891 2 IS
SM 1 50 ID. . . 70S 1 fS 7. . 2 13
S 1 1 I i s ; 12. . .950 2 20
82 > } 1 GO 1. . . .1190 1 90 2. . . .1163 2 20
. TSI 1 0 1. . . 1 90 17. . . . BU 2 20
2J. . . 1 M 3..IOOT 2 25
, Il070 1 0 , 9SO 1 90 2. . . . SS3 22 }
.893 1 CO is ! ! ! . 1 90 G. . , 930 2 25
. ; IB i < „ - , 2. . . . 934 1 90 DOI 2 25
, .817 1 C.1 20. . , . Sll 1 ? 0 Y.I i 800 n 23
. . sr i 7. . . ' . 9 > S 1 M 2. . ' 930 * * 25
ID 920 1 93 2. . , 9Z3 2 23
I..1019 1 65 li.AltSO 2 00 1. . , .1170 2 23
t. . . . 832 1 70 ' 19. . . . S15 2 23
9. . . . 897 175 iM'.IISO 200 5..1122 3 SO
2. . . . 9SO ) 1 71 r.,1056 200 13. . . . 831 2 34
2. . . . 84' ' ) 1 73 1. . , . MO 2 00 I. . .1180 2 30
1 910 1 75 C. . 20) 2) . . . ! ' 79 2 43
7. . . . 912 1 7S 1. . .1010 2 no B. . .1055 2 43
i..nv ) i 73 900 2 UO 14. . .1078 245
S. . . . &S.1 1 84 J. . 810 2 00 .1130 2..5
IS. . . . 920 1 61) , . , . 8-X ) 2 0 2. . . . H33 2 Ki
7. , . . 90S 1 60 W..HO 200 1..1100 3U
I. . . 1 00 { . . . . 730 1 75 13..727 20
4. . . 1 45 1' . : . B70 1 73 4. . . . 6G2 2 10
8. . . 1 M I. . . . MO i ; : *
11. . . 4)2 1 15 nco i .5 -Ifllll C40 2 19
1. . . 530 1 4 ife 123 1 80 ' J.t. . 20 2 13
% . : . r.13 1 M 653 1 DO" i.-dno 2 r
s. . . , S10 1 CS 10. . . 1 94 3..r72ti 2 25
, xs I 70 It. . . 90 4. . . . CCO 2 2 ;
. MO 1 711 13,176 1 83 I. . . . C72 2 2. " .
170 } . . ' . . ' 1 S3 2. . . . S.O 2 CD
/ CA1.VI5S.
. Ml 1 25 7. . . . 252 2 04 W. : $8 3 oo
3-10 140 l"Iv220 2 25 270. 3 01)
: so 1 50 I.-.TKO " 277 3 23
2-10 1 50 1 25 . 2 ! 155 3 2.5
2.150. 175 2 23 ' 1. . , . 330 3 CO
sHII'-Jos' 52s 2 25" ' 1.H27CT" 3 CO'
- 115 " 2 40 2.7. . 230 3 "
3..I 213 1 73 i ! , ! : . ; 410 2 M li' . ' . . 130 3 CO
374 1 73 ) . . . . 100 2 CO 1 , . , , 110 4 00
125 200 1. . . . 290 2 CO 1 , . . . 120 4 00
s oo 2 SO 1 , 120 4 ? 5
196 200 323 273 1. 100
200 3 00 IS. ISC 4 23
1. . . , 130 3 00 120 .4 23
. .1220 1 40 1..10IO 1 . S80 1 75
, . 7S3 I 50 1..1SOO 1 05 - 1 , .1200 1 75
. .1410 1 50 1. . . . SSO i r.j .1170 1 SO
. .1370 1 50 1. . . . 9SO 1 65 1.V..1100 1 M
. .1545 1 GO " 1 C > 1..1200 1 * 5
. .1SSO 1 CO ili2io ! ! 1 70 1 , . , . GO 1 sr
CSO 1 60 1 70 1..1010 200
1 . . .1230 1 GO ill ! ! < so 1 75 1..1370 2 00
1. . . . 950 1 G5 1..1050 1 73. 1..1370 2 CO
1..1320 1 75 2..1193 1 SO
1 GO 22. . 637 2 30 J6. . . 902 2 C5
, 810 t 00 10. . 652 2 3(1 ( 1. . . , CIO 2f,5
] . . .1000 2 CO 1. . 3SO 2 K 2 C5
1. . . . 80 2 W 3. . 971 2 40 lo. . . , GII : <
2. . . CIO z oo 16. . Ul 2 40 2 C5
1. . . 160 2 10 . 660 2 M . . 743 2 5
11. . . S2J 2 10 . 131 2 CO . . 7C3 270
. 1S 2 10 . CS3 19. . . . 70D 2 70
si ! . & 00 2 15 . 629 2 50 10. . . . 932 2 70
i. . . . KSO 2 15 . 6SO 2 50 17. . . . 943 2 7S
2" . 74 S 20 . CS6 2 CO ! . . . . 787 2 75
. 50 2 : o . SI2 2 CO 1. . . . 4M 2 75
ill . 770 B ) 23. . . 700 2 G5 r. . . . . 320 2 75
7. . , 792 225 . 777 2 C5 4. . . . 611 2 75
S. . . 620 2 23 27 . 7S3 2 Co I ) . . . . 9S7 2 75
2i" . 781 2 55 10. . . 727 2 E5 . . . . 516 2 75
. 783 Z 23 . bJS 2 60 5. . . . 730 2 75
ii ! , 420 2 25 12. . . 4SO 2 CO 14. . . . 822 2 75
n. . . rri S25 . 875 2 CO 31. . . . C83 2.75
4. . , 400 2 25 . (20 2 CO " . .102J 2 CO
2. . . ri5 2 25 11. . . Sir , 2 fX ) ' 2 SO
I. . . CM S23 .1037 2 M 'lion 2 ST.
I. . . 310 . MS 2 C5 . .1032 2 90
M. . . 7SI 6. . . ( .90 2 C5 . . US3 2 90
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 fer-dcr 9SO f2 SO 27 feeders. S92 2 CO
31 steers 1110 2 sr > 1 cow 8' ' ) )
1 cow 610 200 1 cow. 950 2 00
3 cows W6 2 40 1 cow , 830 2 40
9 COWH 931 2 C5 2 calves 3W 1 55
1 cawa 1157 2 C5 1 steer 1320 2 80
3 Bteers 1090 2 W 2 feeders. . . . 990 2 60
1 Btr , tig..1200 2 51 1 cow lliJO 2 55
2 row * 10IO 4 cows 1110 2 25
4 cuws . . . .1035 2 25 1 steer 9.0 2 70
2 steers. , . . . .1015 2 70 7 stetrs 1071 2 75
1 heifer . 640 1 00 6 heifers. , 010 1 C5
3 heifers. . . . 1 65 helfrrs. , E42 1 70
heifers. , . . 1 70 62 COWH. , . . " ' 36 2 10
1 feeder . 2 W ) 32 feeders. . . . 447 2 50
C foedere. . . . C03 2 CO 1 calf 130 3 00
C sirs , Us. . . 930 I 23 C btl-s. Us..1094 2 40
31 cows 751
11. Connors.
19 cows 1023 23 2 steers 1190
P , Travis.
S COIVB 1033 250 17 steer * KC3 350
IV. Pyle.
14 cows 872 1 8i 10 ntccra 06 275
7 heifers 8.002 M
W. C. Church.
7G feeders. . . . 950 3 73
a , Scott.
11 feeders..1091 2'i ! > li feeders. . ,1021 27.-
1 bull 1MI > 1 61 1 fctr , tig. . . S3) 2 00
5 feeders. . . . 900 2 25
Peterson Uros ,
C COWH 870 2 2&1"0 cows , . . . ,1043 2 CO
109 fct ? iB . . . .il2i7 3 60
Sirs , D. Shields.
cuws D5S fr 21 feMler * . , . , 99J 270
\Voalern I'hlofi Itejt Coniiany. |
3 sltiM 1020 150 99 cows , 851 2 20
Blra. Tex. . 1069 2,43 , 86 sirs , Tex. . 1082
Btrs , Tcx..lV81 S , . , i
J. McKenilc.
COWB It * > f 04 cows 210
4 fevilers. . . . 957 S 60 feeders. . , S 10
9 reeiloia..llCl 2uo , ' , ,
v , IIHunn. , ; .
I bull 1070 175 ' 2 eleers 1173 2 90
1 steer 1010 2 CO 2 Bleera 1035 290
4 fpederH. . . . & 17 2,60 t rocJcrB. . . . 927 2 CO
ulcers 1170 I ! ' . .
Itay BtatoLU-o , BlocU Company ,
109 iwa. . . . . . U72 SIS' 21 Hli-fia 1ISO 303
II. JLIlublnson.
1 bull W rS > r I bull 1320 1 65
CU\IH , , . . . . . S31 1 7 COWH 540 1 75
1 > . 780 2- 8 Km , UK. . . C33 2 25
1 Mr. HB-.12M CBV ii 43 tr , IIK..1113 2 3.5
IXinvB . tl'S ScHOi I 13 calves 230 2 CO
steers . 908 S 33 meet * 1190 2 73
Si Itlcv.
1 ler. 1150 & Btcorn 1182 2 S3
1err. . 1510 1 > 820 - B3
1 row 1040 SS3 37 rowi 1042 C3
ttetn 1MO 2 * * 252 * lens USti 303
H. iC Tllt lsej' .
Klcuws 1026 20A. >
A. Norvlll.
Ica-w 1340 1 7S Crows 10.V ,
Ill-own 1078 213 4 flertu 1032 2 75
i rlevrs 1150 3 4 < steers 120J 3 45
N. Norrcll.
cuw * 0(1 ! 10 M COWB..1073
A K. Mnrr.
I tow 8 10S5 j W 25 cove. . 1056 350
Oru llult-y.
i cow 9)7 2 C5
U-7 Cattle Cumpanr.
| Mill IliM 1 50 I Btr , lltf..l-0 ' 50
LUWH. . . . . . . 958 2 M
Ijt-uvriiwuith Catlls Company.
1 | , u11 1540 1 7i 1 COW 1020 1 90
; town f80 223 3 fec-iler . . . . S10 263
f iK-ra. . . . 915 J 50 21 fenlers. , . . M 2 70
P. S. Knglrlirecht.
3 lJir . . . .llM 275 22 fenk-r . . . .1070 3 DO
I' M. Hleuart.
Brows 970 175 1 tug970 1W
rowM , . , . . * M S 45 I strrr 1070 i Bl
1 Uttr ION tU 1 feeder 870 270
IHHiH-lU-celjjln ana picking up ami the qual
Uy of the hOK linprovInt. The supply tutluy
um moro liberal ttian ( or torn * limy and the
quality of the oft > rlnit wcs the licit
Tor wotlrR The marxct very uneven. nl
ihnuKli for tha mom part th tendency ot prices
was lower , Liberal eupplles , weaker lirovlsloni
the thyncM ot shipping anil tpeculatlvi ijuy-
i nil bearish elements , nml while nonir
Of tha Rood to choice heavy hoc * told at steady
irlcn early , the general market opened lower ,
,110 , weakness qn tli commoner underweight Hurt
n mnny Cases nmountlnfc to n nickel decllni at
east , Sales nbovc ft were scare ? , altlioUKh a.
ninch of rliolcu hr.ivles brought JS.tS , Tlie Imlk
if the fair to if'xxl mixed JIORI sold at from
I. SO lo 15. ami tlia rommoni > c tight ml mil nnd
lURh loads went nt from JI.IO to JI.80. with
lig * anil gtock hogs at around 13 to tl. The pen-
ml trade was dull and dragglnir. but brnrtd
IP lowanl the close anil dually wound up nun ,
, lie bulk of the IrndliiK. ns on Wednesday , w. a
it from JI.80 In 93 , ns computed with 15 to Jj.lO
one week ago to lay , ItrprepcnUtlva sales !
" No. Av. Sh. Pr. Ko. Av. Sh. Pr.
1C2 ISOJI.V ) 69 819 120 tl M
214 SO 4 CO 62 2C. 200 4 BO
173 10 4 W 6S 2J 160 4 DO
171 , . , 470 21 250 120 4 DO
t 201 ! 00 470 41 181 ZM 4 UO
1P1 120 474 43 231 60 400
87 173 320 I 70 M 210 ICO 4 00
0 212 329 171 ! C2 211 120 4 00
, f. . 1M 80 4 75 63 209 120 4 DO
17 201 1)00 ) 4 75 178 191 SCO 4 90
S ISO . . . 175 85 2IZ 320 4 DO
X 157 . . . 473 69 217 240 4 M
li 173 120 473 7J 200 210 4 DO
17 200 120 475 78 223 120 4 B3'4 '
II 188 120 4 SO GS 250 ICO 4 H.'i
t 197 120 480 Cl Zii 240 4 9214
0 1SS 120 480 tl 215 120 4 B2H
54 165 KO 480 0 235 ICO 495
5 212 120 480 71 2IS 240 495
S 193 120 4M 71 219 2SO 4 M
2 210 . . . 480 GO 250 40 485
214 200 485 91 l l . . . 4 DS
7 SM 200 4 85 70 241 2)0 4 03
8 200 210 4 M 70 210 SCO 4 93
1 2J 2SO 485 71 239 SO 453
12 202 160 4 8 > 87 233 2SO 4 ! ii (
> 4 211 200 485 CS 242 2 < )0 C )
'it 222 81) 4 83 5 3H . . . ! > W
I ] 231 SCO 483 f.S 213 200 6 00
17 217 . . , 4 t5 C3 251 120 COO
1 277 . . . 4'M C7 2)1 . . . COO
9 103 . . . 4.85 71 2W 40 CM
M 213 Si ) 483 74 2 1 320 t 00
81 203 . . . 485 33 250 2 < 0 C IX )
U7 211 32i4 S.r > 78 230 2i ) 600
'S 179 SO 485 5S 2l 200 S 00
:2 : 222 SO 483 76 2J3 . . . CM )
a 222 80 485 Ci 2C1 40 f. 00
' 9 216 . . . 485 01 291 40 & 10
fl 223 160 490 TO 317 40 & 20
-0 240 160 J flO 213 334 . . . 5 2o
" 2 237 40 4 94
1 100 . . . 2 CO 2 210 . . . 310
1 100 . . . 2 CD 3 20) . . . 325
1 S70 . . . 2 CO 193 61 . . . 323
1 220 . . . 27. . 1 100 . . . 325
S 2 . . . 275 2 V . . . 321
1 12) . . . 2 75 2 215 . . . 325
1 IV ) . . . 301 12' ) . . . 325
1 230 . . . 300 1 SCO . . . 3 23
40 M . . . 3 00 2 215 . . . 325
13 .68 . . . 300 1 270 . . . 35)
3 35.1 . . . 300 73 Ill . . . 104
2 225 . . . 300 C3 IDS . . . 10. )
1 ISO . . . 300 107 1S2 . . . 150
8HKI2P None fresh were received. The mar
ket was nominally unchanged. Ix > ca ! killers
were till after KOOI ! muttons nnd liimlis , liut
there was no demand whatever for common and
stock hecp , even at bedrock prices. Kalr to
choice natives are n.uotnl > te nt (2.2532.90 ; fair
lo coed westerns , | 2.00 < 72.60 ; common and stock
Rheep , { 1.2502.25 ; Rood to choice 40 to 100-ll > .
lambs , ! 2.CO < | 3.75. Representative sales :
No. Wl. Pr.
IIS culls 77 } 173
13 culls 101 ISO
Itccclptftmid Disposition of .Stock.
ORlclal receipts and disposition ot stock as
shown ty the Ixioks of the Union Stock Yards
company for tlie twenty-four hours ending at
3 o'clock p. m. , October 11 , 1894 :
Cars. H'ad.
Oittle 191 S.30S
Hogs S3 .OGS
Horses and mules..i 4 101
Duyers. Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
The G II. llnmmoml 0 601 2.015 115
Kwlft nnd Company 932 l,3l >
The Cudahy Packing Co 1.295 2.410
A. Haaa 3
n. llccker & Uegen 234
J. Lobman 112
Decker 120
Armour & Co. , Chicago 21
O. 11. 31. , from K. C lf.0
Cudahy , from Kansas City. 451
Shippers and feeders 1,651 213 12
Left over 200
Total 5,692 6,019 127
Mora Good Cntllo In the IVns tlmn for
Some Time.
CHICAGO. Oct. 11. There were more good
entile hero today than for Bomo time past , and
nnlcs did not show up well. In common nnd
medium Knulpg theiu was no clianco. The Blip-
ply -wiis moderate , und about everything was
worked oT. ( NulUcs were"incited at from (1 to
SG.25 , with pales very generally at 11.75 and (2.75
for cows , heifers nnd bully , nnd nt from $1 to
J5.75 for steers. Sale * of westerns were on a
basis of from -tl.7i to fl.M for poor to choice ,
and Texaa catllu were quoted at from $1.23 to
13.50. There was n , RWX ! Inquiry for stockera and
feeders at from $2 to $3.60 , anil the cuif market
was steady at from 12.25 to 32.60.
The hop matket underwent a further Improve
ment. There was a brisker demand , unit prices
went higher nit uround. They advanced from 5c
to 10o Immediately upon the opening of busl-
nesx. but n- little Inter * nnytiring could be sold
at lOo ndvnnce on W * > lneMlny' prices. Although
the propmtlon of Rood hogs \vus small , the bulk
ot the 23,030 head on Kale sold above (5.10. and
there were many Hales at from (5.45 to 5.55.
The close was ptione. With several thousand
sheep and Ininris In the pens nnd fresh receipts
of 20.000 or more , buyers hnd things nil their
own way. Comparatively few of ( lie sheep went
above 12.S5 , and the bulk could be bought below
(2.65. Lambs were quoted at from II.DO to $1 for
poor la choice.
Receipts : Cnllle , 17,000 head ; cahcs , 800 head ,
hugs , 20,1)1)0 ) liMi'l ; sheep , 20,000 head.
The Uvenlne Joutnal reports : 1IOOS nccelpts ,
20.000 head : olllc'.ul yentcrday , 17,557 henj ; ship
ments , 8,323 head ; left o\er , about 3,600 hencli
quality , hardly so good ; market active nnd firm ,
prices about Go Irifther.
CATTLIJ-Itccelpts , 17,000 head ; market weak nt
C@10o decline.
S1IKKP Hecclpls , 20.00J hcatl ; market only
moderately active ; prices weak , SiflOc lower.
St. LoiiU Live Stuck Mlirllet.
RT. LOUIS. Oct. II. CATTLB-Recelpts , 3,700
head ; shipments , 1,700 head. Market nctlve
and about steady ] native steers , fa'r butchers ,
Il.65fi5.70 ; llgrht nnd common. J2.3JJJ2.7 , ' , ; cows ,
Jl.75ffl2.40 ; Kockers , (2.TO&2.75 ; Texas sic.-rs ,
SOO to 1,0 * ) Its. , J2.90 < rt3.10 : cows , (2.1082.23.
J1OOS Ilecclpts , 4.DOO head ; shipments , 3,000
head. Market belter : best heavy , $3.35 ; ( rnnd
mixed , (5.15SC5.3J ; fair to medium light. $5.00
66.10 ; commod to ordinary Ilsht , (4 80pl.W.
8HKEP Receipts , 1,6-W head : shipments , none.
Market quiet but stcaJy ; aliecp and Iambi ,
J3 ; lambs , (3.25JT3.7 : .
City Live Ntuck Mnrket.
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 11. CATTLE necclpln ,
7.000 head ; khlpmenl , 3.800 head ; market dull ;
Texas etevrn , t2.COi3.CO ; beef eteci . $2,8095.60 ;
native cows. JlSOff2.10 ; stackers nnd feeders ,
2.35fi3.50 : mtxet ) . Jl.f,0ff3.25.
HOGS Fieci-iiits , 6.000 head ; shipment * , 1,000 )
lieud ; maiket strong to 5c higher ; bulk of Bales ,
* 5.00ir5.10 ; lieavlos , $5,101(5.25 ( ; packers , mixed
nnd IlKlits , 15.0053.10 ; pips , J3.00 4.50.
SIIKK11 UecdplR , 4,000 hnnd : Bhlpments , 2,000 4
head ; market steady and unchanged. 4ln
A' v York I4i-n Stuck Murlcot. ln "
NEW YOIIK. Oct. 11. Hl-Jnvns-Uecelpts. Cl
head ; very little JuiiiKi light bulls Bold at J--1S
_ . AND LAJIHS-Kecripts , 8.100 head ;
market strong , but dull ; feheep , poor lo Eood ,
t2.00Q3,00 ; lambs , common In gaud , t2.75OI.25.
HOC18 HecelptH , 2.221 head ; market firmer ; In
ferior tu choice IIOKS , ? j.SJ3j 0.10. ;
-Stock In Hlghc.
Record of rt-relpts at the four principal mar
kets for Thursday , Octobur 11 , 1804 :
Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
South Omaha B.20 ? 6,06i )
Chlenco 17.0CO 20,000 JO.MO
Kansas City 7,000 6.000 4WJ
St. Louis 5,700 4,001) 1.C03 ch-
Total . 33,003 30,863 25,000
Cuffnn Market. eh.I '
NKW YORK , Oct. II. COI'TKE-Optlons bu
opened steady nt 10i(20 ( points decline , ruled ba
Brnerally weak under lower Kurnpean ndvlccs baf
and closed steady at I0' i')5 ) points net decline ; CO
KaU-x , 39.2SO bacs , Including October. I12.3D ; No- ba
vember. I1&.C09J15.CO ; l > ecember , Ill.lOQIl.lS ; Jan
uary , fll.5&11.80 : Maicli. llO.nofiHO.SO. Spot cof
fee. Illo , dull , nominal ; No. 7. 115.00. Mild , dull
nnd nominal ; Cordova. llg.2Mjl9.GO ; sales , none. qu
Warehouse deliveries from New York yesterday , 4.4
7,937 bass ; New Yoik clock today , 16.103 bacs ; ba '
United mates etock. MS.SSO bags ; afloat for the baml
t'nllnl HUtcs , fOS.000 I IB : total visible , for the ml
United States , -t4ti ! > & 0 bags , iig.ilnat 331,921 , LOB" i
last year.
8ANTOH. Oct. 11. Quiet ; Rood nvernge Santos , -
110.10 , rc-selpta. 3,000 lniK * ; slnck , 433,0 < Xl bags , ba
HAVItE , Oct. 11. Opeiud qtriet at tjf lower ,
closed IrreRUlar ut W r.-jt decline ; total sales ,
25.G * > ) bocu.
RIO UIO JANH1UO. Oct. 11. Steadv ; No. 7 ,
til. 23 ; exiliance , lid : receipts. 18,000 lays , i-a
cleared for the United Stales , 3.000 bags ; an
cleared for Europe , none ; Hock. SOS.OW bag * . *
KIUIKUB city .Miirketn.
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 11. 1V1IKAT Soft nbout
i > o lower' , buid VITJscuice at nn advance uf
lie ; No. 2 hard , 47SilkNo. ; . 2 led , 46c ; No , 3 HP !
red , 4V ; rejected , l.'iil'le. HPCo
COHN Steady ; No. S mixed , 17c ; No , 2 white ,
OATH Slow , > ,4c lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2ili28'iiu ;
No. 2 while. 2v o.
HUTT15H U'eak stocks du
, nccumulatlnei cream
ery. ISSj'Zlc ; dairy , lCW17e.
EatJH Quiet und steady : Hlic.
ItKCKIITS Wheat. 1 ,2W ) bu. ; corn , 700 bu. ;
( utH. 2,700 bu ,
HI I II 'HUNTS Wheat , 1S,4CK > bu. j corn , none ;
oats , none. _
I'eorln. < irtiin
tl KOHIA. Oct. 11-COUN Kuiilcr ; No , 2 , ! lo ; U
o'.ATS Active but IrrPKulnr ; No , 2 white , 39 lit
fc30Ho ! N" . 3 white , S9li 30c. dc
UYIi-Kcarei No. S. 4 loc. 80
WlIISKV-r'Irm ; high wine basis , I1.J3. 80ai
HUCKII'Trt Wheat. 3 COO bu. ; coin , i.7& bu. ( dc
wits , 4 , < ' i bu , ; rye , Gun bu , ; barley , tf bu.
SHII'MKNTBWheat , ncne ; i-orn. none ; oalii , dch
21 , M bu. j ry * . l.SJ" " ) bu. i barley , 4.20U bu , <
Niivr York llry 4i < iod < .Murkot. fa
NGW YOHK. Ocl , II , For current want * the a
demand wu > very uneven , and for Ilkn auurt- coHI
nientH , y 't the coUectlvu u\f \ were fulrl ) " Rood. HIW
On tha part of many vUUInc buyers attention W
was rxlendod tu ull offering * of sprlntf Koodl InT
and lor printed cottons th aJvunc bu > lii Kii T
Hints or Kicks ? Which ?
You can have a happy experience , coming from hints or
v a sad experience , coming- from kicks. Now in the matter *
of cleanliness , if want the happy cxpqri-
take the hints tl at Pearlirib
gives. Use Pearlinc for washing !
( all kinds of washing ) and you have
case , economy and safety. IS
there a hint in thq fact tjint hun
dreds of millions of paclo
ages of Pchrlme have
been used , and tlig sal.e
increases ? But if you want
sad experience , take the old-fashjonc3
vyay with soap , and rubbing and scrub
bing. That's hard for you , and for thq
things that you wash. It's all rub , rub ;
rub in other words , it's the experience based on kicks.
-j | m Peddlers nnd some unscrupulous grocers will tell yon ,
j-S " 'l'prrO 'pjf "this ! " e ° ° .d " "Ihe * mc " Pcwllne. " IT'S
- - _ - W dfJL Xy > FALSE 1'eailine ts never peddled , If your grocer send *
you an injllatjoh , be. hone fi/i/ tot * , i29 J JIBJ I'VLB , New York.
Special Stove Sale
Steel Ranges. . . . , $24,35 $ worth $38.0
4-Holc Raitfcs 4.90 worth 9.75
Base Burners ' 11.35 worth 20.00
Base Burners. . " . 14.75 worth
Cannon Stoves. . . 1,75 worth 3.50
Parlor Cooks 8,60 worth 17.60
Laundry Stoves 3.40 worth 6.50
Oil Heaters 4.90 worth 9.75
Oali Stoves 5.65 worth 11.00
Parlor Heaters" 7,60 worth 15.00
Special Carpet
Wool Ingrains 49c worth 75c
Unon Ingrains. . . . 28c worth 50c
Smyrna Rugs $ 1.24 worth 3,50
Tapestry Carpet. . 4Sc worth 90c
Foi- this pretty full-nicUclod Velvet Carpet 59c worth 1.25
Oil Heater , which
you elsewhere nbout $ S. The IMy Brussels. . . . 67c worth 1.25
name of it is "Splendid. " and 'Icnip ' Carpets 12c worth
rmuied ,
rightly for it Is a
splendid oil boater In every Misfit Ingrains. . . . 4.60 worth 9.50
Bonso of the word. Wo
solo ngonts ( or ' 'Splendid ave Oil Misfit Brussels. . . . 8.75 worth 17.00
Heaters of styles , carry nnd a largo guarnntuo variety Lace Curtains 9Sc worth 2,50
every ODC to give satisfaction Portieres 2.95 worth 7.50
or rofundod. '
Window Shade's 24c \vortli 75c
8IO irurtli of iroocll ,
Sljiorireok or 8 1 par month
83ff worth < it Kood * . per week or 0 par month
830 world of caiidl ,
S3 par week or Si per inoutli
S7.1 worth of no : > iH ,
92.50 t > orveok or 810 per month
$100 worth uf RODili ,
193 per IVOCK or CjilU per month
Tuke your choice We ilon't care 4 | 15303 worth of gooili ,
flip Trlilcli you cliooso. 81 par n-oak or 911 pit in on
Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House
Open Monday and Saturday Evenings.
hnws steady crowth. Jobbers report the retHll
iwde Improving ; , but not sulliclently eo to roller
foi mor than normal reassortments. eiccopt
rlicro choice Fpeclallles can bo had at jobb.em'
ulcea. 1'rlntlnK cloths arc milct at 2 15-igc ,
M. LuulH Geuurul JUurkct.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 11. 1'LOUIl Better , but > 13t
luolably chnngcd.
WI1KAT \ Declined steadily on the government
eport , closlne ' { o off ; No. 2 red , cash , 4SVic ;
itoier ! , 48c bid ; December , 49 % < tf-184c ! u'd ; May ,
CORN Weakened with wheat , cloning MOSc
ff ; No. 3 mixed , cnah , 60o aakod ; October ,
8 ic. nominal : December , 45c ; liny , 46Hc.
OATS Weakened with the other ccreali. elos-
na > ! io ilown ; N . 2 cash , SS'jic asked ; OctfJjer.
3 c ; May , 32y4@J2 c bid.
1 VK 4Sc bid for No. 2 cash.
1I UUAN 1I 61o bid. east truck , sicked.
FLAX HEED 11.43.
TIMOTHY BUID $4.9005.29.
1I A 1' UnchaiiRed. , . , ,
1j HUTTElt I AVealccr ; separator creamery , : i0i ;
oed to cholco dairy. ! Wc.
KOOS 15c. , ,
LKAD Clo c < l at 12.59 ashed. /
BPEL.TEU-J3.2' E ' ) .
CO1IN MKAIv JS.4082.IS- /
WHISK V-11.53.
1'HOVISIONS Firmer. Torh , Btandanl mess.
obblna , J13.C2I4. Lard , prime steam , I..65 ;
holce. J7.W , Dry salt meats , loose shoulders.
: lonss and rlba. JC.6 ; shorts , je.7i. Itacon.
lacked shoulders. 57.25 ; lone ? . J7.EO ; J7.Cb ! ;
. ' '
'iTEyKl't-TO-'nour I , 7.DOO bbls. : wheat. SO. MO
iuj corn , 21.COO bu. ; oats , 25,0H ( bu.j rye. none ;
Rllli'\ri'NTS ! Flour , 6.IWO bbls.i wheat , nnne ;
oro. ! 3,000 , bu.i oatV , UOO bu. ; rye. 1,000 b . ;
larley , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cotton . 'Miirknt. '
ST. LOUIS. Oet. ll-COTTON-l-16c lower , but
lulet ; inlddllni ? . 5 I-ltcj sales , 400 bales ; receipts.
.400 bales ; BtilpmcntB , 3,700 balm ; stock , 11CW )
'aNi\V ORLEANS , Oct. U-COTTON-Steady ;
nlddllnK. S S-lCc ; Rood low niWdllnK. 5 6Oc ,
> od ordinary. S 1-lCc ; net receipts , ll.KOt bales ;
foss , 13. ; expoil to.Qrcat Ilrltaln. 3 , 0
u-iles : to the contlni-nl. 5,373 bales ; talcs , t.lbO
pales ; stock , 137,737 , bales. _
DlllnthVlunil .Miirket.
DULUT1I 1 , Oct. 11.-WI1 EAT-No. I hard ,
oj h nnd October , 5Sc ; No. t nottnern , cnsn
md October , S6 ! c ; lecoml ! r. K o : May , 69o ;
. . 2 noithern. c.i h , 63V ic ; No. 3. Sic ; rejected ,
71JCJ to arrive , No , 1 northern , 68'i .
Oil SI rkeH.
pot , 39 ; September and Octobur alilpmenta via
"ape , 39 3d. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HAN i FllAN'CtBC'O , Ocl. 11 , WHEAT Very
lull ; December , Hljc ; May , t2c.
YOHIC. Oct. II. SUOAIt-naw. nominal ;
enned , dull ; oft A. 4 H80.
Short l' ilk-i Mlurli-s.
Two sneak thieves entered Alfred H , Do-
> ng'B residence , C23 South Twrnty-Hlxth
itrect , j-cstenlay afternoon through the rear
leer and were jireparlng to carry away
tome goods when u member of the fiimlly
iimrureil. The thieves ran out the rront
loir and escaped. Nothlnfi- was stolen.
Bainucl Campbell and John llacklney , a
uoy 11 ! j'cars old. were arrested yesterday
afternoon by Oillcera Ilcnfroiv and Moran
pnhsInK counterfeit money. Campbell U
color l elevator conductor. He had a
ounterfelt dollar In hlu possession jes.erday
ind decided that he would buy * ome fruit
with a part of It. Ho lie nave the bqy Huck-
Iney a. quarter to perform the transaction.
rho Italian fruit vender ( o whom it wan
WM. LOUD ON. , i
Commission Merchant
Grain and Provisions. I
Private wires to Chicago and New YorL
All business orders placed on Chi cat j
Uoard of Trade. . ' ,
Correspondence solicited. I
Office , room 4. New York Life Eulldlnft
Telephone 1303 ,
If yuu tvlch tu ho Hiicceasful In " .
LATJOV lu rulu or Blocks , vrlto tor par *
tit-ilium. J.M. liltOW.NIHH & CO. , .
Hunker * unit llroHers ,
licfereiicrs 1 1 .Momuluock lltiUdlQC.
In every State. ClIItMUO. . , , _
Klvcn spotted tlie coin Immediately and tha
officers wcro Boon on the trail of Campbell
ana the boy.
MUi MuMoir * Million * . >
When Miss Russell , the alleged Engllsty
heiress , was arrested some lime ago fort
stealing$75 from the Woman's Christian
association home she claimed to be well aty
rjualnted In St , Paul , Chief Seavey wrote
to the police there and asked about Mlsa
Russell. Yesterday an answer was recelyetl
Chief C'ark of the St. Paul police says t ;
a Mrs. Saneone , who U a pliydlclan , knjw
Miss Russell well. She also says that
HusEell was adopted when 3 years old
Mr. Talbot. and that as soon as Mrs. Talbo
dies the young woman will Inherit the pr
, J
Arc You llolni ; Aliroml '
For health , pleasure or business , and wqyjj
not have your voyage marred by sea-alckjj , '
ness ? Then lake uloiiK with you Hostettpr'ia
Stomach III I tern , and when you feel tha'
naseau try a wlneelassful. It will cffQpt S
magical change for the better In your ISV
tcrlor , and a continuance of It will mve you
frcm further attacks. As a means of OV4)C ) {
coming malaria , kidney , dyspeptic , nervous
and rheumatic troubles , the Ulttcrs Is uaj"
Ill * Tuite for fruit ,
Fritz Springer was arrested early yeetcr *
day by omccra S , 8. Urummy and LuHp
for burglary. Fritz Is a carpenter and his
shop la at present situated on Thlrty-ftrst
avenue and Pacific , street. Above the aboty
his employer had placed a lot ot jars ot
fruit nnd preserves , *
With such a temptation before htm Frlta
fell. Ho lo-e off the padlock , cntured an , |
selected about a dozen Jars. Ho was gc-
liiK away with these when the officers leti
him und had him carted off to jail. - letir1
Tlmr. Joyful F
With ( he rxlillaratlng cenie of renewt
health and strength and Internal cleunllnei
which followi the tue of Byrup ot Pig * li
unknown to the few who have not progressed
beyond the old time mcdlclnei and the cheag
nubitltutea lomctliiiti offered , but never
cefted by UIA well loformed.