nrrra OMATTA T > ATT.Y 11 Cooks , Laundresses , Waitresses Everyone of them , read The Bee "Want ads. Therefore , families want ing help , seldom fail to reach them the day ad is published. Wants are run in both morning and evening papers without extra cost. 17 words for 25 cents , Coachmen , Waiters , Valets. 8PEG1RU Advertisements for these columns win be taken for the evening , and until S.OO until 12:30 : p. m. p. tn. for the morning and Sunday editions. Advertise , by requesting a n" can have answers addressed to B n" In care of The llee. Answers so a be delivered upon presentation of the Rates , 1'io n word nrst J"1'0" ? ' ' thereafter. Nothing- taken for less mut run consecutively. SITITATION8 WANTED. VVANTHD , SITUATION IN COUNTUY JOH nml m' * p.iper . onice. by P"10 Address Y28.Ileo onice. _ _ I1Y VN KXPERIirNCnD LADY children to teach In i " their own homes. Ilcst ot .i. Y S7. Ue ° OIHce. A 10 WANTED , ONE OR TWO OFFICES TO TAKR . Address Janitor 11. canof , Rcod references. 1321 Fiunoin. A-Mail If M. ticket omce. WANTED , YOIJNO MAN. SIUST - w k ot Voine kind ; anything ! make meCoff , uulck. 1815 N. 27th st. _ A-53S 10 _ WANTED , POSITION AH COLLECTOR. OIlDKIl or delivery clerk : 3 daj a week or every aIteVnlimy 'furnish horse nnd Inww and leferencea. Add Y C2 , llee . A-510 10 W'ANTED MALE HELI ? . WANTKD A FEW PERSONS IN EACH pla.-e o lo writing ; send stamp for ISO paRe bnok of particulars. J. Woodbury , 127 W12,1 ti eel. N. Y. City. _ 11-MB3 WANTED. LAROREKS , SOUTH ; OOVERX- inent woilc In Tennessee nml Arkan-as. Kramer , labor agency , llth and I n > sm30 , 5Ji WANTED. GENTLEMEN NEWSPAPER CON- In every town lo leport all Importnnl hajmenlnBH and write articles for publlcMlon on any subject. Expeclenre not necehsaty. O od tvuy for spare time. Our Instructions tell you how to do the work. Send stump for full par ticulars. Modern Press Ass'n , oUI WANTED , SALESMAN : SALARY TROM stnrl ; permanent plncc. Brown Urns. Co. , niir- seiymen , Clileago , 111. _ U 114 OtJ * WANTED ! IIELIA'DLE YOUNCS AND tn act as cor- dlP-iiRed men In every county rcspomlenf.1 hnd private detectives ' under Instructions for the lorgest nnd best niulpped detective bureau of the kind In tlij cmmtiy. Previous experience Is not rea lred or neci'B nry. Small boys and Irresponsible . parties will confer a favor on us by not c answering. Referen6es given and requited ' lliufl been established for years. Pend stnmp for full particulars and get the best criminal paper published , ofTtrlnc thousands of dollars In irwnnls for patties who nro wanted. National Detective IJureau , Indianapolis. Ind. U MltO JtlEN OF OOOD ADDRESS CAN FIND STEADY employment and good pay by calllns at 1" 1 DoiiKlns. H-MM9 025 WANTED. RELIAHLE SALESMAN , ALREADY tiaxellnjr , to carry our lubricants as a side line , Manufacturers * Oil Co. , Cleveland. O. WANTED , MEN IN EVERY COUNTY TO ACT nfl private detectives under Instructions ; experi ence unnecessary ; send stamp. National De tective Bureau , Indianapolis , Ind. B M295 12 * WANTED , DRUG CLERK. ADDRESS Y 38 , Boo olllce. B S62 WAXTKD , A GOOD SIIOEMAKI'.n. ADDRESS J. .1. Mntirath & Co. , C33 nroadway. Council Illllfl's. 111. 11 SIKH It WANTED , ACTIVE SALESMAN TO HANDLE nttr line ; no peddling ; nalarv , $73.00 per month nnd expenses paid to all. Ooixls entirely new. Apply ( illicitly. P. O. Box 550S , ItORton. MOPS. WANTED. SALESMEN , GENTLEMEN OR ladles , for Nebraska. Kansas , Colorado nnd Kimth Dnkota. Must be active and with Rood nilil'i't-s. Huslncss Unlit , genteel nnd quickly linirned. Addicss Y 61 , care Omnha Ueo , Om.ilm. Neb. H-MSK 11 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED. LADY NEWSPAPER CON- trlbutoia in every town to report all Important liapiii'innits nnd write articles lor publication nti uny subject. Experience not necessary. Claud pay for spare time. Our Instructions tell you how In do the work. Send stamp for full par ticulars. Modern Press Ass'n , Chicago , III. C lit WANTED , LADY TO ABSIST JtU IN MY business during her leisure hours : good wages Kuaianteed. Mrs. J. Crank , 1218 Pacific. C M5)9 11 * V8K PRESTON'S BERT KLOt'R , IT GIVES entire bntlafactlon. All grocers sell It. C M370 N5 WANTED. OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- vvuik. 2300 SouthJIth street. C-481-11' WANTED. A COMPETENT NURSE OimT ; refeirnce . Mrs , E. Roscwatcr , 1711 Douclns street. C 513 U' LAD1EH WANTINO FIRST-CLABS GIRLS call nt Scandinavian Y. L , home. Olllco 2 j N. 18th street. C-A1558 M' 1'OB BENT HOUSES. JIOtVES , F. K. DARLING , BARKER D-833 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OK TUB CITY. THE O , V. Davis Company. 1305 Farnam. D SJ ! ) K ELK EN NY & CO. , R.I , CONTINENTAL UI.K. D-SJ7 FOK IIINT : , CHEAPEST C-ROOM COTTAGE with bath In' city : only (13.00. 303 ! California tlreet. D M3CJ NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE NEAR It EM 18 PARK , W.W. Fidelity Trust Company , 17W Knrnam. D-.MIS3 JO-UOOM HOUSE , LARGE BARN , 27TH AND Indiana avenue , 115,00. 317 First National bank. D M643 FOU RENT , EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. KC Boil th 17lh St. ; alsn 5-room cottage with barn. G. L. Green , R , S3 , Barker blk. D-tir , wuith ve. Illnuwalt llniu. . Darker blk. PINU 7-ROOM CORNER FLAT AT T01 S.10Tl n ct ; ranee and all other conveniences.v. . C. llnller. room 511. I'axtonblotk. D 309 HOUSES & STORES. & DOUGLAS D 20UI FOR RENT , FROM NOV. 1. A FIRST-CLASS S-ronni house , nicely furnished , with all mud- rrn Impruvements. locate ! un car line. VVi nilk'j fiom city hall. Cheap. Address Y 31 , lire. D-M30J _ I ROOMS , HALL AND HATH ROOXL IN. HU I re 828 B. Hill street. D-M3S3 13 _ QOO1 > FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES , $1.00 I1 EH month. U S. Skinner , 310 N. Y , Life. D-M877 _ _ 8016 MASON STREET ; 8 ROOMS. MODICItN. eU-gant location , $ > Oi ) ; nisi 7-rcxim house In Orclmrd Hill , newly painted and papered. 41.00. 8. K Humphrey , VIA New York Life. _ _ _ D- Miff H * HOVHES. W. Q. TEMPLETON , PAXTON HLK. D M470 Nt _ -ROOM BRICK HOUSE : FURNACE. 1JATH. ir n good barn. 1M4 K. Uth street. Jii.00. Omaha Real Ettate and Trust company , room < IWe lllds. D-M8U _ _ FOR RENT. TWO t-ROOM KLEQANT IHttCK house * ; nil modern conveniences ; 1 block front Wulnut Hill motor. IK. Comptroller * ntllce. D-M3M - _ _ * _ HinOMCOTTAGB. WKLL AND CISTEIIN. HIT N ISth. StS.01. 7- room house , 4209 Lafoy- rtte avenue. Walnut Hill , city water and els- iitrn. JIS.OO. O , G. WnJUcc , Jll ! IJrown blfc. , llth and Uouvlai. D Mli $ 11 * FOR BENT HOUSES. Continued. I'LTTABANT 7-nOO.M HOUSE ; MODERN. 2002 Dodge ttreet. D 4SO 13" I OR RENT. 10-ROOM DWELLING ; MODERN Cinvenli > na-si flrat-class location. Enquire of " t- Clark , S-JOS Doug-las. D-M508 K > * - IN GOOD REPAIR. CALL H. llth street. 12.W. D 520-11 * . . . ' . FOR , nt ail Wtbstcr utreet. D-M503 14 FOK BENT FURNISHED BOOMS. 1'OH RENT. NICELY FURNISHED SOUTI/ room , modern conveniences , to one or two gentlemen. 2047 Dodge. E M7M rf > n.inENT - NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , with or without board. Call 2107 Douglas. E 8IC-1T Ptf NIflHKD ROOMS. I80S CHICAGO BT , Suitable for one or two gentlemen. E M36J roil RENT , FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL MOD- ern. 201. . Douglas. E M374 12 * rtJRNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS , 620 iiuth 25th avenue , E J03-15" TWO LARGE , DESIRABLE FURNISHED rooms In private family. 2313 Fatnam. E M453 13 * rTlll.NlSHED ROOM. MATH , M. lMt rARNASL E 537 12 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE IIOOM WITH UOARD. CHEAP , 2100 CAS3 ! < 331-O11 * I'l-RNIHHED HOOMS WITH BOARD. 241 } Dnuglaa. I' M772-O15' ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS ; STEAM hiMt ; reduction innde to parties roomlm ? to gether ; at the Webster hotel , 1519 Howard JitieeU F M288 H NICE LARGE FRONT ROOMS , SINGLE OR ensuite , furnished or unfurnHhed. with Hrst- clasa board.2019 Slary's ave. ! " M367 12 THE HILTisiDir noOMsl FlTTsT-CLASS table board , steam beat. ISth and Drelue. FM1T9 13' MCKLY FURNISH HO FRONT ROOM. WITH nk-ovo , also Ural class board. 2533 St. Mary's avenue F 521-16' DESIRABLE ROOM. WITH BOARD , IN PHI- vnte family. 70S N. 19th. r 1IS5S 17 AGENTS WANTED. CANVABBERS. SOLICITORS , AGENTS OR any reliable person of average Intelligence nnd good address who ran present nnd advocate a popular national enterprise ot inestlnnblo value to the Individual and homo and family protectors can sicurc Mendy and profitable cm- liloymcnt by addressingllev. . W. F. Eastman. ( .02 He. building , Onmhn , Neb. J-M503 15 FOR BENT STORES AND OFFICES ° R RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING 910 I-aniam street. The building has a fire proof , cement basement , complete steam heat- Itrs flxturDS , water on all floors , gas. etc. ApPly - Ply at the ofllca of The Bee. I S10 STORAGE. STORAGE.WILLIAMS & CROSS , 12H HARNEY M-003 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS , CLIVAN and cheap rate. It. Wells , lltl Farnam. ir-904 , M-712 OM.VAN&STORAOE CO,150S PARNA1I. Tel. IK' Jit 503 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. S gov. bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leavenworth. M.-908 CLEAN. DRY STORAGE TOR CARRIAGES and buggies In our new brick building. 1603- 10-12 Harney St , Columbus Buggy Co. 403-21 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED. CHEAP BUILDING , 12X14 , WITHout - out plaster , for removal. State price and loca tion. Address Box 77 , Bennlngton. N M530 12 * WANTED , HORSK AND TWO-SEATED buggy for hl.s keeping for winter ; very light wolk and best of care. Address Y 69. Hec. N M522 12' WANTED. A STOUT HOI1SB , SINGLE HATl- anil spring ttugon cheap for cash. Ad- tln-BS Y C3 , llee. N M5I5 11 FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. Low prices on furniture and household goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 013-615 N. 16th st. O-907 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNIture - ture , stoves , etc. L. Altnmn. OS N. ICth. ICth.o o ses STOVES AND FURNITURE AT COST. MUST bo sold at once. I. llrussell , 710-712 N. 16th. O-MS53 O ri'RNlTl'RE AND ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD I'fTtcta for jale cheap. 2211 Douglas t O-M3 15 * FOR SALE , HORSES , WAGONS. ETC A. 11. CLARKE , HORSE COMMISSION DEALer - er ; union stock yards. South Omaha ; all classes of horses constantly on hand ; eastern & south ern bujers are here for fall supply , Auc. Snl. P M322-O11 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST CHICKEN ANU ORNAMENTAL fence n'ade. C. II. IrfC , Wl Doir.ii. : iJ-143 UANK AND P1.ATTE VALLEY S VND FOR Bale. C. W. Hull Company , 20th and Irard ts. Q-30S IF YOU BUY. 11UY THE IJEST ; MACKIN- tnrhcs , rubber bnots. nrctlcs. syringes of all kinds ; gas tubing ; all best quality , Omaha _ Tenl & Awnln ? Co. , 1311 Furjam t. Q 543 IMPOHTIJD"HARTZ MorNTAiN CANARIES , warranted singers. J3.SO ; 3 Bold ll h. with globe , I1.S5 ; > oungpanola. . Jfl.W to $20.03 : bird cages , seed , etc. Gelsler's bird ( tore , 4DC N. ICth trr t , Q-M2JO Nl MISCELLANEOUS. riRST-Cl.AS3 SQUARE PIANO TO RENT. Reference required. No children. Address 11J S. 20th street. H-M4I9 H CLAEaVOYANTS. MRS. DR. II. WAUREN. CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium , 7th > ear at 1U K. 16lh , H-SI1 MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. MADAM SMITH. ti 8. 11TH. ! D FLOOR , room 9 ; massage , vapor , alcohol , Bteam. cu | phurlnp and sea baths , T M411 13 BERNARD. I41S DODo T MSuT n TURKISH BATHS. LADIES' TURKISH BATHSj HOURS , A. M. to p. m. Beauty Culture parlors , removed from Karbach llldg. to 103-19 Bea Illdr. MtH PERSONALT BATHS , UASSAaE. UUD. POST , > 19H a 15T1I. un WIIOLH WHEAT 11READ FROM UNBOLTED Dour * , ! Imogen U llamsey'i , Z17 N. Kth strMt. U-UI17 Oil PERSONAL. Con tint ] M. DKLLB EPI-nnLEY IS FITTnD AND HBAB- Ured to the figure : nlwuyfl remains shapely nnd Is better prepared to retain the flnrr ouHn"i of A bciiutlful ngur Ili-vn any other. Nln raensurcmenui are necessary ami all flttlnit Is done by experts. It's the only corset thai makes one nhapely and U appreciated by evfry lady who calls at parlors. 1300 rnrnam street. U-M378 OU MACKINTOSHES & RUBBER BOOTS. 1311 For. U-8H AULABAUGH FUR CO. , MANUFACTURERS of fur garments ; furs neatly repured. Pur murr * at cost. Room 301 Karbach. blk. Tel. 1811. UM OU PHYSICIANS WHO DISPENSE THEIR. OWN perscrlptlons can secure valuable Information free by addressing I * . O. Box 812. Omnha , Neb. U-M7SJ COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES CONSUMPTION , asthmn , bronchitis nnd catarrh , Home treat ment 10 00 per month. Three divs' free treat ment , room 200 Douglas blk. , ICth nnd Dodge. U-151 O23 LACE CURTAINS CLEANED EQUAL TO new. Call and examine specimens oC work. 1433 N. 20th si. U-M1M 13 OSCAR SUNDELL. FOR 12 YEARS WITH O. W Cook , hns removed his shoe repair shop lo S , 17th street , north of Douglas. U M21J Nl IlESTON'S CALIFORNIA FLAKCS roll breakfast ; superior to oatmeal. Try It V-M371 NS IAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book or consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 34 IJee bldg. Lady attendant. U 107 , IME. LA ROOK , MASSAGE , K.OO LEAVEN- worth street , third lloor , fiont rooms ; two flrnt- class operators. U 51550 IT * CUT TIt7s " 6uT AND PRESENT AT COWAN'S Photo Studio. 531 Broadway. Council Bluffs , late of Omiha. It will entitle yt t to K cab inet photos , th > very best , and one 8x10 panel for II.C9 ; without this , | l.50 ; for 10 days only , U M5" > 7 14 MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. ,1FC , INSURANCE POUCIHS LOANED ON or bouffht. F. S. Cliesncy , Kansas CllyMo. _ ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , US N.Y.LTFE , loans at low rates for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. MONET TO LOAN ON TARMS IN DOUGLAS county , Improved nnd unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1102 Tarnam t. \V-917 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA teal estate. Brcnnan , Lovu & Co. , I'axtnn blk. \V 918 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St. W 919 MONRY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha rpnl rstnte , 1 to 5 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Farnnm. LOANS ON IMPBOVED * UNIMPROVED CITt property , W.OOO and upwards. 0 to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. Farimm Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnnm , W-B2D CIIAS. W. ItAlNEY , OM. NAT. DK. HLDC1. W 9J1 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA IIHAI , ESTATF. at G per cent. W. D , Mdkle. l t Nat. tank blcljr W 92 VERY LOW BATES MADB ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Squire. 213 llee blOs. U' 306 WE IIAVn SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS for short time paper or 1st class mice , loans. II. II. Harder & Co. , ground lloor , Ilw bide. 5V-M1IS MONEY TO 1.OAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN OK rtTRNlTUIlR , PIANOS , horses , -wa ona , etc. , ot lowest rntos In city ; no removal of goods : strictly ; you can pay the loan oft ut any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 S. 16th Rtrret. X 923 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , ' 01 N. Y. Life bldg. X-021 J. D. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 UAMOE HLO < 7K. X-325 MONK ? TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNIture - ture , pianos , horses , wagons , ur any kind ot chattel security , nt lowest possible rntcs.rlilch you can pay back nt any time und In an > amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUAUANTEB CO. , Uoom 4 , Wlthnell block , X 928 BUSINESS CHANCES. A SPLENDID INVESTMENT : WILL SELL A Rood paylnK paint and wall paper business located In this l\e ! and progicsslve dty. Ad dress box 85 , Grand Junction , Cole , FOK SALE , A GOOD PAYING RETAIL BOOT and shod stor In tlio BI.icI ; Hills , cnrolni ; a block of J 1,000 00. doing n business of $14.000,00 a year , and residence ; good reasons and reference , Address Y 10 , Omnlui Hee. Y MIOO. 12 FOB EXCHANGE. A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO iX- change for young work horses or mules. Lamorcaux Bros. , 301 ! S , ICth. Z 103 GOOD ISO ACRES OF LAND N. E. NEBRASKA to trade for merchandise. Address Y 43. cure Ree. Z MCO 12' GOOD 1 ROPEHTY TO EXCHANGE FOH merchandise , In wrltlnc Blve full particulars , AJdrcsJ Lock Itox 27 , Slielton. Nebr.t k.i. z ami n4 TO EXCHANGE , J2.COO CASH INVESTMENT In Omnha propeity and J300 cash for J2.500 Block shops or clothing. C. F , Hnrrlsnn. 'J12 N. Y. Life , Omaha. 2 5U 23 FOR TRADE GOOD BUSINESS centrally locati-d. clear , for Inreo trnct of lanil near Omaha. Will nssumo Incumbrancc or pay diflcrence. Umiulto at 2CO.J Hurt street , city y M ; FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. GARDEN LANDS , & MILES FROM POST OF. flc easy terms. Cell at 810 N. Y. Life R U-731 CHOICE GARDEN LANDS , 5 MILES FROM Omaha postolllce , 10 to ICO acres , sorio trade , N. D. Keycs , 617 Paxton blk. Jl li MS27 1IAHGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. F. K , Darling. Darker block , HERE IS A SNAP OWING TO REMOVAL to Chicago , will sell my homo , 1511 SUeriTum avenue , nt a , very low price ; 9 roams ; all modern Improvements , lot , Wxl23. Look at house , and If It suits you , \vlll make price to suit the times ; li cash , balance on time , H. M. Hulse. RE MS75 12 FOR SALE. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; C13I. lar. cistern , city uater ; cor. 30th anil Suhier ; $1,250.00 ; lone time. Inquire 3318 Farnam. Karu- ucl Hums. uu 773 OMAHA LOT FOR SALE CHEAP ; COR. OF 21st and Oastellar streets. Wr.te to I ) . 1'atei- bon , lilatr , Neb. HE MMM NS FARM LANDS , C. F. HARRISON.012 N. Y. Lite. It E 618N2S" IRRIGATION' . 240 ACRES IN PI.ATTE VAL ley. under the Ulm Creek Irrigation ditch. In Buffalo county , for pale. Gentle ttlope , just right ( or Irrigating ; beautiful groves , rich soil and flret-clnss Investment. Lawrence Kcllcy , Kearney , Neb. ISK MH3 ll STOVES. UEST HEATERS ON EARTH. Be sure you examine- them before you buy. Parties who desire tha choice of the best line of stoves on the market must buy either th * Favorite baeeburner or the Oak heating stoves , They have been manufactured the past 90 years , and where they have been used alongside of other stoves have proven tli melvei the most economical stoves made. We guaiantee th m. They ma the cheapest uud best stoves made. We have the Uorn it eel range , a model of per fection. A. M. McCargar , 410 N. Kth street. SIM ! NI CARPENTERS AND BUH/DEB3. HAMILTON RROS. , GENERAL CONTRACT orn and buHilda , carpenter work , ttorm win dowa and doors. < ll S. ISth St. , tcl. 117'J. M10C O23 C. R. MORIULL. CARPENTER , AND I3UILDER paper hanging and signs , brlckuorl : and plai Olllce 409 a. 14th st. , telephone 408. 408.BIJ BIJ TYPEWBITEK3 , STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FOR sale should make you suspicious ; funny they are mostly Smith's. Try one and you will im- del stand why , full line of supplies. Smith * Premier ( .To. , nth und Farnam ; telephone. iSSt M-PJ9 FLOBISTS. 8. n. STB WART. FLORIST ; ALL KINDS OF bulbs and tut lioneraC1 ; Capitol avenue. B75-O3 < > NEW I1ULI1S. JUST 1MI-ORTED. CUT FLOW- ers. IU & Swoboda , Paxlou hotel , 1411 Fam. Ml O31 COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF tlco to 203 a. I6th St. , IJrown block. 9:8 EHERIDAN COAU EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE for hard coal and } 3.H ton cheaper , 1605 Far Dam itreel ; tnuln entrance Hoard ot Trade. 1S3O2) TAKEN UP. TAKEN UP. SMALL TIAY PONY , ONS. white hind leg , about 8 years old. Call a (4th and Center street * . Henry Oleson.CM CM 10 * PIANOS AND , ORGANS. THIS WEEK THE i IrOLLOWINa INBTHU. meats , ( or rash or monthly payment * ! One Hale upright piano , . . . , , . , I170.IM > nether Hale uprlghr TTUno. IV.01 5ns Hull & Bon uprlfht , piano 110.00 ) hla Valley square rhinp < < 01.0) tnson & Hamlln organ 1I.KO tenttr organ , high .Uns KM 'mlth ' American organ , hlsh lop I7.M 'atlor & rurley orginhlnh top. . . . . . . . . . . S' > . ) vlrnbaJI , Emerson nnd lUllet-Davli plnnoa. A , llOSPKn JR. T , 3SU DouMa it. a Mill OJ1 F PURCHASED AT-ONCH One upright piano , * JQ. Bold. Mu'J i One j. trln ? new Bcalfl plana , US7.M. , . One second hand WeKronn , 1300. One new Wegman , IJM. One new Wcgman , ililX ' One IXc > - organ , $ U. One Klmbnll organ , II ! , One Day State orimn. 124 One Burdett * organ , > 2i , Hold. One Bhonlngor , J2.V One good organ , { IS. Wcwdbrldge IJ.-os. , 124 N. I5lh etreet. 871 O3T MUSIC TEACHEB , .IARTIN CAHN. TEACHER OF PIANO- forte. Studio , 408 N. 23d St. Mill O31 MTTBIO , AKT AND LANGUAQE. 0. F. GELLENHF.CK. RANJOISTS AND. teacher. 1810 California street. 911 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPK FACTORY ; OLD lilpcs made ne - . CIS S. 18th. 8111 DAMAGED MIRRORS 11ESILVERED , 71 > N' . 16. 911 THE NEATEST HARDER SHOP IN CITY ; court of lieu building. Fred Iluelow. all nOGNER & KISELE , SIGN PAINTERS i BfJST work , at loncst prices. 1513 Douglas strut. ELECTBICA1SUPPLIES. . ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharned ; electrical nnd gen eral machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Omaha electrical Works. (17 and 613 B. ICIli st. ' OU ILECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light nnd motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western elec tric Supply Co. , 41B and 420 S. 13th et. 941 WOLFE ELECTRICAL CO. BUPPL1C3 AND clcctrlo wiring , 1C11 Capitol ave. Tel. 1114. M13J 031 BICYCLES. BICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tlrea nnd sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. n. Heflln , locksmith , 511 N ; Kth st. 931 BICYCLES ALLSTYLES. . ALL TRICES. Bend for our list of second-hand and shop worn bicycles. Repairs and cycle sundries o ( all kinds. M. O , Daicon. 402 N. ICth Et. 833 BICYCLK PRICES CUT IN TWO. A ' 9-1 Fowler for J8I.50. A ' 04 Bylph for 187,60. Other makes equally as low , Bee. our stock nnd get our prices before buying. A. H , PERR1OO & CO. . 121 DougUi street. 66J-O-SJ BICYCLE BIDINOK BICYCLE RIDING SCHOOL. 17H CAP. AVE. N2' UNDEBTAKEBS AND EMBALMEBS II. K. 13URKETT , FUN1JRAL DIRECTOR AND pmlwlmer , 1618 Chicago , St. , telephone SO. 937 WANSON & VALiEtf7 UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers.liQl Cumins St. . telephona 10GO. . . 93' M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 Farnam St. , telephone , 223. 939 C. W. BAKER UNPEUTAKER , 013 S. 10 ST. , Sll OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. , LEADING OPTICIANS , J. F. Ponder , mnnairer , Eyes tested free. 223 Eouth 15th , IS Klnslsr's drug store.U631' THR ALOE ft PENFOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC opticians , 1408 Famam st , opposite Paxton hotel , Eyes examined flee. 791 OMJ > IIA OPTICAL CO- . LEADING OI > TICIANS. J. F , Ponder , manager. Eyes tested free. 22J South 16th. Jn Klnsler's drug store. M223 15' GAS JTXTUBES. WK ARE CIXSINO OUT OUR ENTIRE LINE of gas and electric light fixtures , globes. etc. , at cret , as we nro absolutely retiring from the flxture business , It will pay to buy at once. The Hussey & Day Co. , 411 South 15th St. , Itame.0 building. 549 O2I GAS A ND ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES made In design and finish to harmonize with any architectural stjle desired by F. M. Hus- Bell , 313 8. 15th street. M790 O22 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURR GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha. L. & V. Ass'n. 1704 Uea Jllder. G , M. Nattlnstr. Sec. JI-053 SHARES IN MUTUAL L. AND n. ASSN. PAY G. 7 , S per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , nl nys redeemable. 1701 Farnam st. Nattlnger , sec. 952 SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITINO. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND , N. Y. Life. Omaha. Ask for circular. 7SS r.OOSE-S Oil. BUSINESS COLLEGE. 15 & I'/.R. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 16TH AND Douglas ; send for catalogue. Rohrbough Hros. M22I Nl STOVE BEPAIKS. ST6VE REPAIRS FOR. 40.000 DIFFERENT makes of stoves. Water attachments and con nections a specialty. 1207 Douglas street , Oman * Stove Repair Works. M 1731 STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS : ALSO hotel range and general asBortment of ranges. cooki & heater * ' water attachments put In & connected at J. Hughes , C07 S. 13 st & Jackpnn. 942 013 HOTELb. AETNA HOUSF. ( EUROUEAN ) N. W , COH. 13.n and Dodge. Room by day or week.Mool Mool HOTEL DARKER , J2.00 PER DAY , 110 ROOMS. In the heart of the business houses. Special rates and accommodations to commercial trav elers. Room and board by the week or month. Frank Illtdltch , Ugr. 313 PLUMBEBS. J. J. HANIGAN. PLUMIHNG. STEAM AND hot water heating. 2705 Leavenworlh St. 031 FREE PLUMBING OF EVERY KIND. AS , steam & hot Mater heating ; sewerage , 813 S. 16. 932 JOHN HOWE & CO. . PLUMBING. STEAM AND hot water heating , gas fixtures , globes , < 21 S. 15. 933 BBESSMAXINCr. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 212D S. 10TH. 2-O15' FINE rttESSMAKING AT LOWEST TRICES. Corbelt. 42i N , 17th si. , cor. Cam. Mill O2 > LADIES , CALL AT 1513 'DOUGLAS STREET for latest designs In ilu sniaklng , work cuar nnteed. ' , - 11512 15" HAY AND'OBAIN. BUY YOUR HAY I1Y TONSOR CAR LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. SnyderJlHS Buit st , Tel. 1107. NEHRASKA HAY CQ- , WHOLESALE HAY. grain and mill stuff. We are always on tha market to buy or sell. 1102-4-0 Nicholas st. > ' " H 95S COBNlpE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 1722 St. Mliy'n asc. 953 EAGLE CORNICE 'WOTUKS. JOHN EPE- neter. prop. , 10S , 110..llSTf. llth. Estab. 1841. ' 663 DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE S. NASONfDENTIST. SUITE TO Puxton block , ICth and Farnam * ! Tel. 112. 112.9S1 9S1 DR. PAUL. DBNTI8T. 2020 BUHT ST. 951 MERCHANT TAILOB9. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THI3 ARRIVAL OP IMIXHITEO AND DOMESTIC Fall und Winter "WOOLENS. Q. A. Llndqulst. Merchant Tailor. SIS S. ISth t. MC07 FUBNACES. TEST FURNACE MADE. EOFT COAL SMOKE consuming and hard coal furnaces. Kaela Cornice - nice Works. 1CS-110-11J N. Hth St. W > QBINDING. RAZORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERS , LAWN MOW- tn , etc. A. L. Unatlahd. ] 0 a. 14th. ' JOB PRINTING. JOIJ PRINTING CO. FINK 1'HINTINO ot all kinds. 17th at. , Uco LullJIny , to ? LOST. _ _ _ XJST-A L\DrS CIAMOND PIN. SUITAOLU rfward will b pnld If returned to l > r. R. C. Moore , Z19 B. 39th t. M458 10 * _ J5ST , ST. TIKIIXAUD DOC1 : ANSWERS TO name o ( llrui-e. Iteturn tu 9011 i'aclflc rtrccti liberal rt ard. MS43 11 < _ . IRISH SETTEn. A11OUT ONI1 YFAll old. Iteturn to 1813 Clucagu utrret and get ro- wiinl. MM ! 11 * _ . .OST. wiurn SIII.CH cowt FINDER WILL l > o rewarded by returning ths wtne tn C3 8. 31st Mrcct. MV.J 13 * STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINE At AIL STEAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly every Saturday from New YorU for Londonderry and Glasgow. City ot Homo , October 13 , 3,30 | i. m ; Hlhlopla. Octo ber M , 830 ; a. m. ; FuriiessU , Octo ber Z7 , 4 p. m. Saloon , fccond das * , nd eteemce , smgle or round trip tickets ( rom New York or Chicago nt reduced intes to the principal Bcotch , English , IrlKh and nil conti nental points. For money order * , drafts , out ward or prepaid tickets apply to any of our local ugenU or to Henderson Dros. . Chicago. CABPET CLEANING. t ! . D. MERRYMAN , CARPET AND HUO cleaning tvnrks. 720 S , 14th ; tel. 8611 office 1501 Farnam ; lei. 1559. Jt 3Z3 OH COMMEBCIAL COLLEGE. ' OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. UTH AND Douglas ; send for catalogue. Kohrbouirli Hros. MI21 Nl STENOOB&PHEBS. F. J. 8UTCLIFFE , GENERAL STENOG- prapher. 233 Ueo building. Telephone 597. WHOLESALE CO AL ] JOHNSON 11HOS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds u ( coal. Correipondenca solicited. 1008 Farnam . i 6CHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS , 1521 Farnam street. Dyeing ot every descrip tion and dry cleaning. $47 TAXlDEHMfSTi ! TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- logue. George S. Brown , Jr. , & Co. , 703 S. 16th. 94 $ UPHOLBTEBING. UPJIOI.STRHING VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH M. 8. Walkln , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 602. 968 NIGHT SCHOOLS. IIOOSE'D OM. BUSINESS COLLKQB , 15 & FAR. G04 PAWNBBOKEBS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 413 N. 16TH. 713 BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitoi-3. Bee Building , OMAHA.Nob. Atlvico FREE Always KellaMe , Purely Yegetablc. Perfectly tasteless , clexantly roated , purgt , regulate , purify , cleanse/ and strengthen. H AD- WAY'S PILLS for the cure of all disorders of the stomach , bowels , kidney * , bladder , nervoui diseases , dizziness , vertigo , coitlveness , piles. SICK HEADADHE , FEMALE COMPLAINTS , BILIOUSNESS , INDIGESTION , DYEPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION -AND- All Disorders of the LIVER. Observe the following symptoms , resulting from diseases ot the dluvstlve organs : Constipa tion , Inward piles , fullness of blood In the head , acidity of the stomach , nausea , heartburn , dli- gust oC food , fullness of weight of the stomach , sour eructations , sinking or fluttering of the heart , choking or Hudocatlng sensations when In n lying posture , dimness ot vision , dots or webs before the sight , fever and dull pain In the head , deficiency ot perspiration , yellowness of the Ekln nnd eyes , pain In tha side , chest , limbs , and sudden flushes of heat , burning In 'hA lew'doses of nADWATS PILLS will free th system of all the above named disorders , l.'rioo Kfi cunts , n Itux. l < l by liruffuUts or Hunt \ > y Mail. Bend to DR. RADWAY & CO. , Lock Do * SU ; New York , for DooH of Advice. A NEW LINK GUFF "GUPIDEfSE" Cure * the effects of selfVuse , excesses , emf ions , impotency , vai.cucele and consti pation. One dollar a box , six for 35. For Bale by THE GOOD MAN DHUQ CO. , Oinulm , Neb. RHILWflYTiMEGRRD Leaves I CHICAGO & NORTH WEST' N | Arrives OmahalU. V. Depot. lOtli & Mason SU. | Omaha ll:05am : . , . . . .Eastern Uxpress . 6:30pm : 4:00ptn : . Vestlbuled Limited . 4:4Djm : ! 5iam . Mo. Valley Local . I0:30pm : 6 10pm . Omaha Chicago Special . 2l5pm : Lea\es ICIUCAQO. ItlJULINOTON & Q.Arrives ( Omaha ] y pot 10th and Muson Sta. " I Omaha 4:45pm : ; . . .Chicago Vestibule. . 9Wam : 0:45am : Chicago Cxpresa 4:25pm : 1.02pm Chlcagu and lonra Local 8:00am : ll35am ; Pacific Junction Local B55ptn ; L7a s | DIJRLINOTCiN & MO. RIVERTlArrlveT OmahaJ Depot 10th and Mason tits. | Omhaa 10.15am Denver UxpreHS D35am ; 10lSam ; Deadwood Uxpress 4lDpni ; 4iOpm : ! Denver l xpress. . 4:10pm : 0SOpm..Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday ) . . C.r.0pm : 8illain..Lincoln Local ( e > cept 8unady.llilam ; K. C.T ST. " J. 'iTcrif. JArrlvea" Depot 10th and Mason tits. \ Omaha ml. . . . Kansas City Day Express B:55pm : SilDprn.K. C. Night Ex. via U. I' . Trans. 6SOam : Leaves I CHICAGO , It. I. & PACIFIC.rrtves | OmahalU. P. Depot. 10th & M.imin Sts | Omah llilSam..Atlantic Kxpress ( ex , Sundny ) . . . 6:05pm : G:2Spm : Nlutit i : | > n-s U:50am : 440pm..Chicago ; Veatlbuled Llmlttd. , . liOJpni ll35pm.Oklalioma i : p. ( lo C. It. ex Sun.11:3 ) : pm WEST. _ " " 6:03am.Oklahomi : K. TI-XHK ixp fe"x".Sun.Il:30pra ) : C'olorudn l.lnill.-.i < ; iOpm Leaves I UNION PACIFIC lArrlveT OmahalUnlor. Depot , lOlh & Mason Bis.I Omjha ! ! ! ! ' " ! ! ! . . i'lyer. . ! ! ! " . ' " E40pm ; 2:15pm.Beatrice : & Stromsb'g Ex ( ex Sun ) 3:50pm : C40pm. ; , . . , .Pacific Express , . , . .10 : & jm 6.30pm Fast Mall -4:2ipm : Leaves I CHICAGO , W1L. & KT , PAUL lArrlveT Omaha ( Union Depot , loth anil tl a on sts | Omaha 6:35ptn. : . . . .Chicago Llmltnl 9:30am : lljlOam..Chicago Uxpresn ( ex. Kun. } . . . . C0 ; i > m Leaves I I' . , B. & MO. VALLI3Y. ( Arrives Oiimhal Depot 15th and Webster Sts , | _ Omaha 9:05am : T.Deadwocxl niprens. , , KIOnm : 9orainHi. ( Bal. ) Wyo. Ex. ( Kx , Mon. ) . B 10pm ; 00pm..Norfolk Expresa ( Ki. Sunday,10l5im : 0,30pm . .St. I'.iul Uipress. . , , 94Dam ; Leaves I MISSOURI PA < ' [ KIC. 1 Arrives Uiniha ! Depot Uth and Webster Sts , I Omaha S.OOani St. Louis Kiprcss. . . . . . . . . 0Wam ; 9.30pm St. Louis Kxprras 6:55pm : BilOpm..Dally ( ex. " Sun , ) Nebraska Local. . SUOjm Leaves I C. . "ST. R. M. & O. Arrives Omaha ] _ Depotlith _ _ and Webster ' Bis. | Omaha 8,00am . .Sioux City AcconiT'lUx. Sun.i. . . T05pm 10OOam.BIoux ; City Accom. ( Sun. Only. ) . . S:03pm : ] l:15pm..Sioux : City Express ( Ex. Sun..ll:5' ) : > ani i:3 ) : < pin St. Paul Limited. * . . . . . . . . 94 ! .itn " " " " Leave * ! "SIOUX"CITY" & PACIFIC. " ( Arrive * OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason St . | Omaha tl5am : . , Sioux City Passenger 10:9pra : UMpm St. I'aul Kxpreia lOiOOam Leaves I SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. { Arrive * Omahal Depot ISth and Webster 81 * . I Omaha J:30pm. : . . , . , , St. PaurLlmlted.r9MOarr 8 ' 30pm. . . .ChlcaKOLlmlled _ . UaveTl "WAllABH nAlT7wrAY ; lArrlveT OmaliaJJJnlon Dt-pot , 10th & Mjion Sta.l O-natn " . . . .St , Louli Cannon ! . . " . . . , " : ; ) PAID ITS USUAL DIVIDEND Dhicago & Eastern Illinois Fays Six For Ooiit in Spite of Strikes , TACKLE EMIGRANT MATTERS OCTOBER 15 Proposal or the Illinois Cent nil to Sell Itniimi Trip Cntllornlu Tickets vli % New Orlrnn * for 810O Ilpjnctcil MeetIng - Ing Catmtllnu 1'nrlllo Hilton. CHICAGO , Oct. 10. The annual report of tlio Chicago & Eastern Illinois roiul , which was published today , shows net earnings for Iho entire1 year ending June 30 , of J39I- i48. Gross earnings , $3,860,114 , against :1,4113.939 : , In 1S03. During ( he months o ( May and Juno , while the great strlko of the coal miners was In effect , the earnings de creased from HID previous year $210,000. S'otnllhslamllnR this falling off the road managed to pay C per cent ou Its stock : h rough out the year. Commissioner Kurmer of the Trunk Line association 1ms fl.tnl October 15 as the ditto [ or the meeting- between the Trunk Line Western Passenger associations In re lation to the emigrant troubles. The meetIng - Ing "HI bo held In the city. At the meeting of the Western Passenger association today a proposition of the Illinois Central to put In effect a round trip rate to California from Chicago of $100 , via New Orleans , was defeated. The rules of the association WPTO amended to admit of the sale of mlleaga tickets through the agents of other association lines , the present rule requiring that all inltejgo tickets must be signed In mo presence of an authorized ngcnt of the line Issuing the ticket. A resolution was adopted authorizing the Trunk lines to apply , via association lines , the same rates as are made by the Canadian Pacific on domestic transpacific rates to China and Japan , The question of holiday rates was taken up , the proposition being to allow a fare of ones and one-third for the round trip be tween points In the association not over 00 miles from each other. The question was passed temporarily to allow absent lines time to record their votes , but It will un doubtedly pass. Tha federal grand Jury today Investigated the charge that during the last three years rebates were paid out by the Santa ! > Ua'l- road company to shippers In violation of the Interstate commerce laAldaco P. Walker , ono of the receivers of the road , was subpoenaed to appear wltn bcxl.s and papers which will , It Is believed , contain much Information. Mr. Walker was engaged - gaged , however , and was excused until to morrow morning. Two witnesses wore pres ent , one of them , Isaac Thompson of Kansas City , a well known cattle shipper , and tha other a former employe of the Santa Fe at Kansas City named Taylor. The books of the company show that Thompson re ceived rebates , but the grand jury did not get much Information out of the shipper. ELKIIOKN Al'TEIS T11K TItADI ! . It Will Demand n Shnro of the lllack llllli An official of the Elkhorn re garding the newly publlsjicd train service of the Burlington , which will go Into effect about August 20 , and the action his people would take to meet the competition for Black Hills business , said that his road would bo In the fletd for Hot Springs business when the summer came again. "Whether the business will warrant a. through train to the Hills , Is a question , in the event the officials decide upon n through train It will necessitate n local train from Norfolk , but If this becomes necessary , It will bo done. The Elkhorn Is forty miles shorter to the Hills than the Burlington , and that Is a difference of an hour and a half In time. Wo could put on a train from Omaha at 5:30 : p. in , and land passengers at Hot Springs at 8:30 : a. m. , leaving a half hour later and arriving a half liour sooner than the Burlington , our dlstanco to the Springs being 513 miles , against 553 miles on the Burlington. In fact , the , Burlington does not get started toward tbo Hills until after leaving Lin coln. When the spring opens and business commences to push toward Hot Springs we will ba In the field. " HUNTING I'I'.liDINCi CiHOUNDS. Stock Holng Shipped to Winter 1'oliits t Ho Fed. "Within thirty days there will not be a hog In Nebraska It the present condition of affairs keeps up , " said railroad freight agent yesterday. The general freight agents of the various lines of roads centering here are. kept constantly busy quoting rates for the movement of live stock from Nebraska to feeding points In Indiana , Michigan , Arkan sas and portions of Kansas where feed Is plentiful. It Is not the Intention of these applicants for rates to forsake the state , butte to winter away from places which have been greatly affected by the. drouth. While there Is a steady demand for rates for the trans portation of household effects from many portions of the state , the Immigration will more than offset the emigration. Itnllmty Note * . General Manager Dickinson Is In Chicago on business connected with the Union Pa cific. II. II. Morley , southwestern passenger agent of the Michigan Central , Is In the city. General Freight Agent Crosby of the Burlington Is In St. Paul In relation to matters between his road and the Northern Pacific. The Sioux City & Pacific will run a special train today to Sioux City , leaving Omaha at 7:45 : a. m. , for the great race batween Ilobert J and Patchen. Returning tin ? train will leave Sioux City at 7 p. m. , arriving at Omaha at 10:30. : The time card of the Burlington and Its Dillliigs train as published In The Bo of yesterday has brought out the Union Pacific "carder. " who announces that leaving hero Wednesday at 2:15 : p. m. the Union Pacific can land passengers In Portland at 7:45 : a. m. Saturday , as against the Burlington- Northern Pacific time of 9:45 : p. m. Saturday night Uut to Helena , Spokane and Butte the Burlington time Is much superior. Ar j Viiur Children hubjeet to Croup ? Every mother should know that croup can be prevented. The first symptom of true croup is hoarseness. This Is followed by a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy Is given freely as soon as the child becomes hoarse , or even after thorough rough cough has developed , It will prevent the attack. 25 and & 0 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Storing County foul. The county commissioners want several able-bodied men , who can handle a EBW and hammer , to assist In constructing the new coal sheds along the Missouri Pacific tracks. The commissioners are paying 25 cents per hour for this work , but can not find enough men willing to work to make the progress deslrod to get the coal stored away before the stormy winter weather , Commissioner Llvesey has charge of the construction of the sheds. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou bles. Trial Bizt , 25 cents. All druggists. I1U , Iavr Wiw Broken. Ono of the workmen on the Leavenworth strcl culvert over Saddle creek , had his jaw broken by a falling piece of Iron plate yester day. The plato grazed his jaw as It Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry toy Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. fell , without Injuring Mm , but rebounded 1 [ rom a piece of timber striking Mm a second 't tlmo and shattering his Jaw. Dr. Towns wai telephoned for , and went out ami drcsied his injuries , BEFORE THE JT7DOEB. Ono ot Ilia Contempt On art Ooc Otrr Until Yesterday Judge Scott called for the , sheriff and demanded to know It ha h3 ret succeeded in. serving attachments ot Mr. Kdward Hosewnter , editor of The Dee , The sheriff said thai ho liad been unable la Und Mr. Kosewater ns yet , nnd understood Hint lie was out ot the city. Scott ordered him to trine the editor Into court as soon ns possible. Ho then called for Mr.V. . D. I'crclvnl , nnd the latter soon appeared In the court room. Scott notified his especially appointed attorney to proceed with the con tempt case against Mr. 1'erclval. The at torney read the complaint nmdo out by the county attorney , which contained a verbatim copy of the alleged contemptuous nrtlcle. < < This caused a smllo to spread over th& faces of the spectators , but Scott saw noth- } tig funny about It , After the road Ins of the complaint Attorney Kdward Slmernl , who Is representing Mr. I'crclval , filed his answer to the charges , admitting that ho Is a reporter for The Omaha tlec ; that the said newspaper had a circulation In Douglas county and the Kourlh Judicial dis trict ; that said Cunningham H , Scotl U A Imlgo In the aforesaid district ; that said al leged contemptuous article was published In The Heo , October 6 ; but the defendant de nied each and every charge , set forth In the complaint and prayed that he bo dis missed Immediately. Scott refused to do this , and set the hear ing for Saturday morning , fixing Mr. Pcrcl- val's bond at J500. This was excoptcd to by the defendant's attorney , and then a tuple bonds were filed with the clerk of Iho courts. Attorney Slmernl nskod that a date bo set for hearing the charges against Mr. Hose- water , but Scott refused and Bald that ho wanted tlio editor brought Into court by the sheriff and then ho would Rot a data for the trial. Ho asked where Mr. Itoso- : water wns , and Mr. Slmeral replied that ho would bo In York tonight , -whoro ho tv ageing going to deliver a speech to assist in de feating Tom Majors. Scott wanted to know If It was a democratic or populist speech , ; but said that he didn't believe that ho had ' ' any right to take judicial notice of politics. Does Nut l.lKe Ills Job. The receiver of Ackennan Bros. ' printing establishment filed his report -with the courts yesterday , showing that ho had collected about $1,000 worth of accounts , but nlleglng thai the remainder could not bo col lected nnd were worthless. He asked to bo discharged , but the attorneys for the other side objected to his dismissal on the grounds : that he had other funds in his possession which had not yet been Bottled upon claim ants , and because there was a case in the supreme court pending now that might maka ; the final settlement much easier and still J reriulro some more work by the receiver. Judge Scott will examine ithe receiver's report and will make a ruling In the caaa this morning. Minor Court Mutters. George Smith , the man who was convicted with Jardlno for the larceny of some sugar , was taken to the penitentiary Tuesday on order of Judge Scott to commence servlnjf his term of four years. Lillian Gray has sued for a dlvorco from Milton S. Gray. She alleges nonsupport , cruel treatment and adultery as her grounds for a separation from her husband. She also desires to be given the custody of her four daughters , ranging In years from S to IS. SOLVING A PROBLEM. Figuring Out Hovr lloth Kmls Mixy MoMado tu IMcot. The problem of providing sufficient funds to carry the flro department through the re mainder of the year which haa been agitat ing the Hoard of Plro and Police Commls- ? Blotters ( or some time past has been brought 't Into tliB city council by the resolution Intro duced byi Elsasser Tuesday night \yhlch pro vided for the transfer of $10,000 ( rom the gen eral to the flro fund. The resolution wa.s re ferred to the finance committee and It la pretty well understood that the committed , will recommend that the resolution bo not Jj. passed. While a number of the councllmen have expressed themselves as being In favor of any mcasura that would carry the fire department through without endangering any other fund It H not believed that the general fund Is in a condition to stand such a demand. Up to September 1 the amount paid into the general fund was $204,738.73. Of thli more than three-fourths was expended during the first nine months of the year , leavlnq $44,300 for the demands of the remaining- three months. As there are still some amounts to bo paid tn. It Is estimated that the amount available for the remainder of tha year will bo about $50,000. At the- previous rate ot expenditure this would be just about enough to last the year out , but the extra expense of the general election will have to come out of this , and as this Is estimated at $10,000 the strictest economy will have to be uaod In order to carry the fund through the year. Comptroller Olson stated yesterday that It would be an absolute Impossibility to talta the $10,000 from the general fund for the flra department without scrlouslv crippling the city and leaving a large deficit in the fund before the end of the year. Thcro ts a bal ance ot $0,000 In the city hall fund which might bo applied for the benefit of the flr department , but It was not unlikely that that would also be needed for the general ex penses of the city. The only way that the- comptroller could see In which tie fire de- /i partment could be helped out was to postpone - * pone the payment of the December bills until ' , the January appropriation ordinance. If this i was done thcro would bo enough money avail able to carry the fire department through. The city had been exceptionally prompt In geUlne bills approved and placed in theap. . proprlatlon ordlnnnco at the earliest possible- data and the comptroller believed that It would be no Injustice to ask the small credi tors of the city to welt thirty days for their | pay , as most business men had to do. It is ' barely possible that this plan will b sug gested to the council. Clnimliorlnln'it Colic , Cholera mill iJlnrrlimn \ "I would rather trust that medicine than any doctor I know of , " says Mrs. Hattle Mason of Chllton , Carter Co , , Mo. . In speak ing ot Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera , and Diarrhoea Ilcmcdy. For Bala by druggists. Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache. Trial Jlze , 25 cents. All druggists. o Kor Knocking Out un Kfc. Henry Henderson , Jr. , who knocked out the right eye of J. C. Green of 012 South Thir teenth street , last May , was arrested In Council Illnffs yesterday and will be brought to Omaha as soon as requisition papers can be made out. Henderson Is a mulatto. lie spent his youth in the reform Echool , to which ho was sent from here , and altico his release has been landed In Jail on a. variety of charges. I 1113 ItUALTV MAKKr.T. INSTItUMENTS placed on record October 10 , 1894 : WATHIANTY DEEDS. n A Murray and hushnnd to C A. Khcpard , lots 1 nnd 2 , block "D , " HaundtTfl & II's , add t 1WO n A llciiHon and wife to New England I/can nnd Trust company , lot 8 , block. 13 , Hrlg-ss' I'lace , . I Hamo to name , lot 19 , block 13 , samo. . , . 1 11 J C llvun nnd husband to 1' J Mo dolilrlcfc. lot 2 , block 9. Con-lsan Place * CM 1C r Manning to E C Uateit , lot II , block 3 , Hummlt 1'lnco , 10,040 Ilyrun Heed company to K A IleiiiinlnKcr , lot 7. block C. Drake's add. , 2.000 J I * Jlegeuth and wife to Everltt Buck ingham , n'.i of wtt lot B , Windsor 1'loco , TK QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. O A Htiirr nnd wife to New England I/oaa nnd Trust company , lot 10 , block 113. IlrlKKB' I'lace Joafph Darker and wife to I trick O'Con nor , e 11 fret lot 3. block 2iD , Omaha. . Chlssle Uorrte to B M Silver , lot I , block 2 , Hliull's 1st ndJDDK DDK OH. Special master tn W K Filch , loll 1J and 14 , block 114 , Dundee 1'luce , . . . . . . . Hamo to same , lot * t. 10 and II , block. Ill , xamu. . , , , , , , , Hamo to same , lota G. 10 and II , Uoci , 101 , * ain < > , , , . . . , . , . > Total amount of tiajufcrs 4 St.lM