Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Boaid of Trade Markets Were Very Dull
Yesterday ,
Corn Opened Easier In Sympathy with the
AVenkneM of Whcnt Oilier Cnrcnts
Sell In t'uninnntice with the
Lender * Slocks and Ilomls.
CHICAGO , Oct. 10. Tli e Bonnl of Trnde
/nnrhcii were very dull toilny. The uncer
tainty recm-ainu the Rovcrnmcnt report pre
vented heavy trmllnir , ami fas responsible
for moderate wenUncHS. December wheat
closed ttc lower. Muy lo lower ; May
oats unchanged. Provisions nnlshed with
moderate gains.
Wheat won t | lct anil weak nt the open-
Inp , then had a few minutes of moderate
activity , while It tumbled down .a further
step or two , after which It recovered a. trifle
and became funernlly dull. The traders
evinced no disposition to make many sales
or purchases , In view of the uncertainty ot
the government report. The usual routine
news was not of n. character to seriously dis
turb cither the bulls or the bears. Uurlnn
the forenoon December kept within the
range of Mtyc and KJhe , nnd Stay nt GKc
premium , The market recovered Its tone
toward the close , December selling up to
63540 , and Jlay , which hail Its premium re
duced to Go at the same time , sold at Kfikc ,
cluslng prices weret December , KU4 < fjW1,4u. ,
Moderate buying caused the closing steadl-
Co'rn opened easier In sympathy with the
weakness of wheat at that time. May was
offered at fjo-ic ! , imalnst 5o4c ! at the close
yesterday. The number of cars Inspected
since yesterday morning- was reported Hi
seventy-three oars , compared with an
estimate of 100. In the other lines
shipments for four hours were only
124aX ) bu. , compared with IS3CI1
Tin. on the corresponding time last year. It
did not take pellerB long to crowd the price
of May dawn to COc , after which there WHS
enough recovery , at which the market stuck
for 11 long time. Not for several months
has trading been as llcht ns today , A little
liuylng ( Irmcd up the market at the close ,
and May finished at 50'4c.
The activity In oats continued , ami a gocd
day's business vvaa translated. The govern
ing power still lay In corn. ItuyliiK orders
were principally from the cnunly , although
considerable stuff was taken by parties here.
Sellers were quite numerous. May started
a Nhade easier , at from 33Uc to 33c , sold up
to S3&C ami back to S3',5c , closing at 33Ue.
Provisions closed dull , but firm. The
shorts were Inclined to cover In a careful
way , nnd the offerings were so light that
a very little buying was needed to advance
prices. Hog receipts were IS'.OOO. and their
price was quoted from EC to lOc higher.
I'ork , nt the close compared with yester
day's last quotation , was lOc higher ; lard
7Hc higher , and ribs 5c up.
freights were slow and steady at I'.lo '
for corn nnd l'c fcr oats to Buffalo.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | en. I High. | Low. | Close. .
Whcat.No. 2
Oct 01 r.1 .
Dec r.1B3W
Com No. 2. .
Nor. EOtf BOH
Dee ' 4H > 4
Mny. BO' BOH
Cats No. 2. . .
Del 2flJ ! 28 2RK
Nov. . . . . . . " "
Slay 33H 33
I'rrk per ubj
Jnu 12 70 12 72K 12 40 12 70
Lnnl.l till IDS
7 00 7 Oil 7 no 7 00
Jan . 7 38M 7 37M 7 30 7 H7 ! <
tliort Ulbs-
-Oct. . . . . e r. n ns o .10
Jan . 0 4 : o -is (1 i)7i ) ! 0 45
quotations wcio as follows :
F1.OPHSteady , unchanged.
WHIJAT Nc. . 2 sprlnc , 55iy5 ; ' ,4c ; No. 3
Wo , N. > . 3 nil , 5I'4 5 : > Sc.
CORN No. 2. EOHc ; No. I ypllow. 50c.
OAT.S Xo. 2. 28Vic ; No. 2 white , 3H.iSi'.o ;
No , S whlln , SO'iB'Smc ' ,
11VI : No. 2. 4Se.
IIAHLIY NO. 2 , sic ; NO. 3. 3ic ; No. 4 , sec.
KLAX HKBD--NO. i , $1.49.
TIMOTHY Sii-2D Prime , $5.30.
lUtOVIrllONH-MeM pork , per bbl. , $12.83813.10.
Lniil , per 100 Ibs. , $7.G2 > 5. Pliort ribs. sides
( loose ) . $ S.60fi6.7tf ; dry Balled houlder ( boxed ) ,
JG.37'/uG.W ; ghort clear , sides ( boxf < l ) , J7.M5J
WHISKY Dlstlllcra' finished goods , per gal. .
The following were the receipts nnd shipments
loday :
1'cBtorday's Quotations on Flour , ( iruln and
Provisions , .Motuln. lOtc.
XTWr YOHK , Oct. 10. FLOUR Receipts ,
14,500 bbls. ; exportH , 15.000 bbls.j sales , 12Si
Ibis. Maikct flat ; everybody vvallhiK for the
pmernment report. Low grades generally firm ,
owhiff to scarcity. Southern Hour , dull. Hye
flour , tiu'ct ' ; sales. DUO bbls. IJuckwheul flour ,
firmer nt $1.75i2.00.
IHVK.WHKAT-Qulet at COffTO * .
CORN &IUAL Steady ; tales , 200 bbls. , 2,400 ,
'tYU Quiet ; car lots , 49@31c ; boat loads , 5
.Y Dull : No. 2 Milwaukee , C037G20.
IIAIH.IOY MALT Dull ; western , 70 < f'SOe. (
W11HAT Hi-relpts , 01,000 , bu. ; exports , 49S 0
1 UJ Hales , l30.l)0 ) < > bn. futures , IG.OUi ) bu , ( , | K't ,
Rpot market dull but tlrmer , awing to scarcity
of red wheat ; No , 2 red , In utoro and elevator ,
Kic ; nllout , 56T4c : t. o. b. . Dic. ulloat ; No. 1
northern , CJ'Jio ' delivered ; No. 1 hard , 7e de
livered. Options weak nearly till day. under
expectations of bearish crop report ami pros-
Jierla of a. free movement west. The bears
sold u peed deal of wheat , liut tried tu cover
In the afternoon , nnd prlcew at onro milled Ht
Me from bottom , nnd closed nt USSVtC net de
cllno ; NIL S icil , Mny , ( .1 1-lClfCl 15-l c , clo d
lit 61Tlc ; June , C2 > ifli'2'.5c. closed at G2'ic ; Oc
tober closed at MHc : November elosed at CC'tc :
DecemU-r. C6T.C57 1-lCc. closed nt S'iic.
COIlN-llecelpts. 22,300 liu. : exports , 59.400 bu. ;
sales , 215,000 Lu. futures , 16,00 * bu. spot , tfpot
market dull ; No. 2 , EHe In elevator ; CO ic
atloat ; yelloa87'Jo delivered. Options weak
up to 2 o'clock on predictions of a bearish crop
rcjKirt , but after that hour rallied partially
with wheat , nnd closed at 'ie net decline ; May ,
Wi ? 5Jio , clewed at W5ic ; October , CeUftSG'.ic1.
cloMf l ut 56Hc ; November , f > 5056c , cose ) < l at
M : ; Ii-ceml > er. CSSffMlic , closed nt 53ic.
OATr ! Itecelpts , 62,401) liu , ; exports , 6,500 bu. ;
Bales , 7,500 bu , futures. 47,000 bu. fpot. SIKII
market dull ; No. 3 , 32 c ; No. 2 , delivered , SJUe ;
No , 3. 31 > 5c ; No. Z while , JO Jc ; No. 3 white ,
S5Hc ; track , mixed western , 31 t3lc ; trnek.
white western , 8Stf40c ; track , while state , 3D
* 0c. Options opened lower under large receipts ,
but afterwards rnllLed with wheat , clonlnc at ! ic
nel decline ; May , 37ift37ic ! , closed at 37V4c ;
October cl& ed nt SIVic ; Novemtwr , 33jS3Vii' .
cloaetl nl 33o ; December cloed at 3lc.
HAY Dull ; gooil to choice. JO.COffT.TS.
lllDKS Steiuly ; wet , salted. New Ol loans , se
lected , 4i to 65 Ibs. , ( 'iljac ; lluenos Ayrca. dry.
20 to U Ibs. , lie ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , S
( | 5Hc.
LEATHER Steady ; hemlock sole. Ducnoa
Ayres , light to heavy welfihts. 15fisc.
WOOL Quiet ; domestic tleece , 15024c ; pulled
HOPS Quiet ; etnte. common to choice , 3O
Sc : I'liolllo coast , 4HC3'ic. '
PUOV181ONS ne f. < - < uiy ; beef hams. J1S.CC
19.00. ' t meabJ , ( tendyj plckleil shoulders , tttc
pickled hum , 'JliOlOc. , steady ; win en
Btcam cloHcil lit 18 asked ; October rlnsnl ut (8
nominal ; January , J7.80 , nominal ; refined , steady
I'ork , dull.
Hl'TTKn Dull : western dairy , 13 J16ej woslcn
cn-amery , IJjjilc ; wcntern factory , l015c : 1:1
Kins. Sic ; Iniiiullnn creamery , WilS'.ic ; stuta
ittLlry , 14ii 3c : Ktat crramrry , ISii'JIc.
C11UKSK Uulli stale , large. 8 10' ' , e ; small
IHc : part pltlnu , 4fSc ; full skims , 3O3Uc.
KUUH Dulli stat and IVnnsylvnnlo , 19fWk-
lc | IOUM > , li 16\ic ; receipts , .2 ! > S pkgs. ; wexteu
frwih , lTiUH < * i ca e , J2.K5H4.69.
TALLOVY-Kasler ; city. 4XU4 c ; country , !
O5ius tu quality.
I'UTKOLUl'M Nominal ; United elo st at 82'tc
UOSIN Film ; strained , common to good. $1.30
i0 1 * 35.
Tl'RrHKTINtQulrt. . Kf.
IlICK-Klrni ; domestic , fair to extra , < ; o
Juptn , 4Htf4T c.
MOLABSKS-Uull : New Orleani. open kettle
rood to rlxiirr. 2S > SSCc.
P1Q IHON-Qulet ; Scotch , H9.M020.SJ ; Amer
lean. fll.cOttl3 , < X ) .
TINJul t. llrm ; straits , 115. 15.73 ; plntfs
IJUlft ,
COPPKH Quiet ; lirokers' quotations , 19.50
Metal exchange quotations , a.6iQS.T5 ; bullloi
brokers' quotation , 13.60.
I.BA1J Quiet ; Metal rxchanm quotation , J3.1
Bi.lTUi bullion brokers' quotations , W.OV
TINalrs. . 20 Ions March , 113.23 : 20 ton
February , J15.M ; If tons January , 115.33 : 10 ton
April. M5.I3 ; K tons November , tUSK 60 ten
D c inl r , IIS.SS.
COTTON tJim > OH InactlYF , lower , tu * ! !
prlina i-rude. JtliiJc ; oft crude. KQltf yclluw
Lutter trradra. 7fJSc , prime y lluw. Siimc
6PKLTiU-Quk-l. domestic. p.40Cfl.CU.
MlnnrnpulU Wheat Market.
MINNKAPOI.IH. Oct. 10 _ Thrra wna toni
nrdxlnir In May wheat today against country
receipts , , but the bulk of trading against coun
In * purchases was through sales of true
wheat to arrive. Th deminil was very brisk.
jp , a clui ot train , anj ttltm on track o
o arrive were ( might After by local elcvntor
otnpanles and local mlllfrn. The premium
bove Utcembrr was kept up nnd Inrrenieil n
motion on ncrount of the acthlty of th il -
maml for cnuli luff . llccrlpts at Interior
-mint * are better than last week , but lua not
p tn lh nrrlvnls thcra during the provloun
wo or three weeks.Vlmt lltllt nlionslh thcie
va In the miuket for futures MC.IIIIHI to coino
hrouBh the renotts c { cxliitordljuvy amouhls
f wlirat being fed to 1) ) ! > f k. Karly
Filers ; were buy nic back toivnid Ilio close" of
ho session , and prices advanced about UP for
utures , nnd closed He lowtr than yesterdsy.
while track wheat closed nt the sinno price as
n the previous < 1ny. Close : Oclotx'r , 8'Hc !
lcctml r , 65o ; Mny , MHc ; on iraitc. No. I
lard , C7 c ; No. I northern , f.Cci No. 2 north-
rn , WUo. llpcclpts were 2T3.4W bu. : sliltimenls.
M.OOO bu. The flour trmrket viis iulel | ; patents.
5,2003.40 ! Inkers , II JOfr : ) . The production
was psllmated nt SO.OOO bbu. for th twenty-
i > ur hours ; chlpmenlii , 30,000 bbls.
Condition of Trailo mill Quutmiluiil on
8taplo nnd I'liimy I'rotlticn.
The market on poultry Is still wenU r , will
a noted from Ihe quotations Klven belo-.v. TIiu
applies of old fowl * nro especially largo , ami
lolders find U hard woili to move stocks even nt
lie very low | > rlce * quofVd.
A falling off in the receipts of hey Mid a
onftequent chrlnknco In tlic holOlnKs hits pro-
uced a firmer f.-flhin In tlio market , and n
ew ' -lie's of the choicest lnve bren repotted nt
< ) o nliovo cm-tent uiiotitlnls. :
HUTTiit : I'nckliiB sleek , lie ; fair to good
omitry , Ilffl5c ; choice lo fancy. ] 'Jf/20c / ; K\th- :
reil citurnery , Ioyic ; neparntor creiim r > , 22U
2Jc.IXIOS I'nr di2. , Ktrlctly fresh , ISfllCc.
LIVIJ POlM/riiy , Old hens , IVic : roosters ,
c ; fprliin chickens , G B c ; ducks , 5SHc ; ciulnij
uikeH , 76Sc ; hen turkeys , 7 u ; gobblers , 5i
c ; nld K'-ff , 4ijc.
lAM12 ! 1'iHlrle chickens , yoUIiR. per doz. , $2.73
r3.)0 ' ; pralrln clkiUins , old. per doz. , 12.0 2.25 ;
; riuse , yount ; . per < 1OK. , $2.0ji72.75 ; Kfouse , old ,
ier iloz , , $2 ; llu < - whiK teal , per doz. , $ l.25tfl.5 < ) ;
-ici-li tvlni ; teal , per doz. , $ l.2Jr/1.5l ; ducks ,
nixedf | ilciz. , Jl.Wii 1.10 ; ran\n > l ne.ts , S3-OK
. < ) ; mnllaids nnd ic-l h.-nd.-l , > 2.60J.uO | ; ciuali ,
V1AI ! Clinlt'e fat nnd small vnls me quoted
t TiVifiOc : lnr o anil coarse. 3B4 < r.
I'lIUKKM-WlsOTnsIn , lull cream , new make ,
2' . c : NcluriKkfl. nnd lown , full cream , lie ; Nc-
iruyKu nnil lown , prut Bltltns , 7fiSc ; LlmburRer ,
' [ > . 1 , liu ; brick , No , 1 , 12c , Swiss , No. 1. 148
YlAY fplajid liny. $8 ; mldlaml. $7.50 ; low-
unil. $7 ; i > "e utinw , J0.z Color ni.ilioa the price
m liny. I.lKlit ! iniU-8 sc-ll the beat , Only top
irndin brinB top preen ,
PIOKONS Old birds , per doz. , 7o.
Tlic auantlty of celery that li shipped to
Omaha nnd either ronsumrtl here or shipped
jut tn near-by jiolnls Is very larse. In the
last it liifBQ propitt-tlon of the celi-iy lunilled
icio rninu from Kalamazou. Mich , , or WHS
old nc havhif ; ronui from that uectlon. At
me IliniU was hardly thought that liny other
ecllnn of Ihc country culd , Ktow rcnlly Rinxl
elory. Olhfr pectlons of the counlry , how-
ver , linve bt-cn giving more attention to the
i'owini ; of celery for maikct with no small
lopreo f BUccc'S. California now ships n. great
Jciil of celery to this market , and at sjme
seasons ut the jcar thff supply I * nlinast en-
Iroly from that state. Ditrlns the pnst two
/oars / parties In Nebraska hnvo uunmenceil
0 ex | > cilment with this vcKClalik' , and so far
vltli nmrKnl success. This year about forty
icres near Kearney were iilnnleil to celery and
Ifleen acres nt Monroe , while there are smnll
lalclips at Hebron and Florence. The K arney
nnd SIcmroe cu ps were purchased liy an Omaha
lousn niiklnK : a specialty of handling celery , an I
hey r < - now recelvlnit from these two sources
tliotit 'luD < ltizett bunches per day. The crop
1 nliout half harvested , and the growers esti
ate that the yield will amount to llftren to
Avpnty cnrs nil told. Quotations :
POTATOES Gond stock , 75fl60c.
OLD llKANS-Hnnd-plcked. navy , J2.25 ; me-
Iliuii. ll.kOWl.W ; common hlte beans , ll.'oif
ONIONS On orders. 70C7oc.
( . AUIIAGB On ordorn. I'.i
fK'.CKY Per dot. , 31 < ! J45c.
HWKKT POTATOBH 1'cr Ib. , 2fi24c. ! or .CO
per bbl. J Jen-ey , J5.50 per bbl.
N ) nnctlon snlo WHS held yesleiday , the llcht
Icmiinil of the prev'ous day cntislnir ever } ' one
to feel Hint It wuiild be better In miss onu day
mil Klve the marltet n chance tci clean up.
The ii'oelplH of prapes nt the prcxrnt time arc
< | iilu- I a IK i' . anil the stock Is very line. Nothing
eoulil ln > liner thnn the California grapra Dial
re liclnf ? hint to this maikct. Quotations :
QPINCEK California , per 50-lb. box , Jl.CO.
APPI.IM Goal sleek , per bbl. , | 2.COffJ.7 .
PKACIIKS California freestone , $1 ; clings , 75B >
! .0c.
PLt'MS-Cnllfornln. SOcGJ1.23.
PIU'NKS OOcffH.S ) ,
PKAHS Hartlelt , no Rood shlpplni ; slock ; I ] ,
Hardy nd U , Clalrgcau. J2 ; winter Nellls , $1.55
< } ItAPBH Concords , 10-lb. bafltets , 20e ; round
lots , ll'c ' : Callfurnln Tokay , Jt.25B1.35 | muscat. ! . : ! " > ; eorn-lcheun. $1.2J@.35.
CIlANIinURlUS Cnpo Cod , fancy , $5.75310.00
per bbl. ; Cape Cod , choice , JD.50&9.75.
Mexican , 150 , 200. per boj , J3.000I
3.CO ; Klnrlda.s , (3.50.
HANANAS Choice stock , 51.75iff2.CO per bunch.
I.i.MONS FFincy Slesolna. 300. $5 ; 360 , $1.7361
5.00 : rholiH ) Mvsslnrt , 300 , H.W.
OYSTI3R8 Medium , per can , 12c ; horse ahop.i ,
< \ ; extiii standards , ISc ; extra selects. ISc :
cottipiiny selects , 25c ; New York counts. 2Sc.
KK1 Fancy , per Ib. , ItfjlSc.
HONEY California. 15c ; dark honey , 10012C.
MAPLB MYHUP Gallon cans , per doz. , $12.
NUTS Almonds , 16317c ; Kngllsh walnuts , 12O
He ; Illbcits , 12c ; lliazll nuts , 10Q12c ; eastern
chestnuts , 1201IC.
CHJUIl-l'uie lulce. per bbl , , 1C ; half bbl , . $3.2J.
HIDES No. 1 Bteen hides. 3'ic ' ; No. 2 green
hides , 3'ae ; No. 1 green salted hides , 4V4C ; No , 2
Rreen salted hides , 3lc ! ; No. 1 green salted hides.
25 to 4 < ) Ibs , 4'ic ' ; No. 2 fircen salted hides , 25 to
10 lb . , 3'ic ; No , 1 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . ' Tc ; No.
2 veal cult , 8 to 15 His. EC ; No. 1 dry flint hides.
6c : No. 2 dry flint hides. 4c ; No. 1 dry salted
hides , Cc ; part cured hides Uc per Ib. lesa than
fully cured.
SIIHKP PRLTS-Oreen salted , each , 25@Mc ;
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
each. ICfrSOo ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early
eklns ) . No. 1. each. B lSc ; dry shearlings ( short
woolpd rnrly skins ) , No. 2. each , 6c ; dry flint
Kansas and Nebreskn butcher wool pelts , per
Ib. . cctual weight , HiSc ; dry flint Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight , 4iiGVic ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , lUOHc : dry Hint
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight. 4 c ; ( have feet cut off , as It Is useless
to pay freight on them ) .
TALLOW AND aUKABE Tallow , No. 1. 4Sc ;
lalloiv , No. 2 , 4r ; grease , white A , 4c ; grease ,
white II , Slic ; Rrense. yellow , Z\ic \ ; grease , dark ,
" % > - ; old butter , JSJWf ; beesivax , prime ,
rough jcllow ,
Trading In Hocnrltles tlio MglitcBt In
Volutno for .Many Weeks.
NK\V YOItlC. Oct. lO.-The trsulInB in the
Stock exchange today was the lightest In
.volume for many weeks past , and the spec
ulation wan of but little Interest , Except In
Sujrar , St , Paul and Chicago Qas , the sales
did not exceed -1,800 shares In any single
stock , and but one reached that figure. The
nrbltraBe business was small , owtnjj to the
fact of It being a Jewish holiday , which
kept ninny of Uie leading operators out of
the market both here and In London , At the
opening the market was heavy nnd a small
fraction lower , but there was u quick re
covery , lifter which the dealings became Ir
regular , and dullness was the prevailing
characteristic of the situation up to mid
day. In the early afternoon a selling move
ment of small force set In , under the Influ
ence of which prices again declined. Abcut
1 o'clock u rally took place , prices being
well maintained until shortly before the
cloHo , when another reaction took place , the
market closing weak and generally at a de
cline from the closing figures of yesterday ,
Sugar led In the transactions nnd was In
demand to cover short contracts , the bears
having taken nlarm at the cable advices rc-
iiortlrig the German sugar trade to have
been ruined by the protection clauses of the
new tariff bill. These purchases sent the
stork up 2 ,4 per cent , to 8li but In the later
dealings there were fairly free offerings of
the Hhares , causing n reaction to 824c ,
which left only % per cent of the gain.
The preferred stock scored nn advance of
Vs per rent. St. Paul was the most active of
th railway list nnd under sales by I ondon
and the trailers Induced by the heavy de-
creayo In earnings for the first week In
October receded % per cent , closing nt that
low point.
The other ( rrang-ers were not largely dealt
tn and moved In narrow range , liui-llngton
standing unchanged on the day , and Hock
Island and Northwestern losing U per cent
and Vi Pr cent respectively. After an open
ing decline of ? i per cent In Chicago Has ,
the recently formed bull pool In the shares
net to work to ndvonce the stock , and sent
It up 1 % per cent , to 7414. the movement
culminating about delivery hour. Lack of
supporting orders nnd some realizing- sales
resulted In u IOSH of H per cent ut the close ,
the efforts of the clique being rewarded
wllh a net gain of % per cent. Western
I'nlon was not prominent In the , transac
tions until 2 o'clock , when upon the publica
tion of the annual report which was gen
erally regarded ns unfavorable , a drive was
ituuln on ( ho stock , which caused u depre
ciation In Its value of % per cent from Hit
beat i > tIce of the day. The Cordage stocks
were marked down 2H per cent on the com
mon , and G per cent on the preferred oh the
liquidation of a long account. Thent'is no
news touching the company to account for
thU decline anil the last prices were at rc-
coverlea of Itt per cent and % per cent
rentwctlvely. Ijike Brio & Western preferred
and Ht. Vaul and Omahn preferred each de-
ollned 1 per cent on the dny. the other
IOSIH-H beingIn the smaller fractions. Na
tional I.liiBeed rose 3'i per cunt on salra of
200 frhures ; Delaware , l.ucktiwiinrm & West
ern reccnllnff an advance of IV , per cent
Great Northern preferred and Day State Qas
each 1 per cent.
Tim bond market was irregular on a
moderate volume of business , the total Bales
being $620.000. The changes In prices on ( he
liiiy's transaction ! * are mainly confined to
fr.ictlonw. The only Important movements
being advances of 2 per cent In 8t. I'au
flnttH , Southwest division , Toledo & Ann
Arbor firsts ; ifc. per cent In Northwest Con
ols 7f > a.nd 1 per ctnt In LoulirUlo & New
Albany general fii mul Toledo , .
Western flrit * . Declines : nrooklyn Etc-
vnted ftrsii , 4 per cent ) Knnsas & Tex4s
sc-conds. m per cent , nntl Northern Pacific
conds nnd United States Cot-tlngc , fir Me ,
per cent ; .Minncupolj ? & St , Louis acconds
id nt I51J
KvcninM Post's London cable Bays : The
'cwlsti ' MMuy nntl the miserable weather
laujW nn I'lle ' day. Americana were flat.
At Ihe clo.-i.- they were sllghtl } ' above the
vortt , but unless there Is a strong bull
nltlallve on j < jur side , no support Is ex-
iccted hero until prices have touched a
ewer level. South Americans were llrm.
lollnnd and Spain arc taking gold , from
The following1 were the closing quototlons
on Ihe leading stocks of the New York ex
change today ;
tcll Ol7 U I' . U. .t ( i. . . . . . 4H
Adnnn Express. * 14U' ' { Northwestern . . . . 103
AllOtl.T. II 31 do pfd. . 14:1 :
no pfd no N1. Y. Central DliJt
' N. Y.ANKnir. . . . Bl (
laltlmorcioiiVo. 7.1 Ontario . .tV IBM'aclfle. . . , 04hi iit-ron imp is
: ; miul.-i fouiliemi. StiJl Orvron N.iv 23
'fiitrnl Pacific. . . 10 O. S. L.AU. N. . . . 7
ihen.Aoiuo it ) I'ncincMnll in
111 tango Alton. . , , 142 P , D.AE 3M
3. 11. A O 7 ° W
' ' ' ' " ' PltiHlnire K > : i
lii'tciHroaiiS ! , . . 7Mt Pullman P.ilaco. . 1(10 (
: onitolldilc < l (1i ( 121 KoadlnK 18M
c.c. C.ASU r. . . . 3SH HIchmondTorm , , 17H
lolo. A Iron ri do pfd 22
lultonOll Curt. . . .10 K. O.V in
Dul. .VHndson. . . , ltl : : H. 0. W. pM inrj
) o1.I/ick. It VV. . . Inland en
) . &RO. pM 32M D ( . 1 1I1II * . , . . . .
D.AC. F. C0..1 , tU ) SI. Paulnfd
3ml Tonu 10 si. P. \ Omnna. . .
lirlo ] 4 do pfd HIM
dopfil M7K Soutlicrn Pao
? orl Wnyiio 1S3 KonnL-ry. . .
T. Northern pfd. , lOlH'Tenn. ' CoalIron 17M
3. ATS. I. pfd U J To us P.iolllc. . . .
" " "
tockinir i 1H ! < T , , tO. Cent.pta. .
H. Central HUH Union Pnclflo 11H
"it , P. .tUulutli. . . . a4 I U. ,4. , Kxpre 3
: .k T.ufd yl > 4 W.St. L. A P
LnkoErlo-fc VV. . . I'ii1 do nM
do pfd 7MiVellHl ( ) ; . . Kt , .
alto Shore 135 " Union. . BS
" .cid : Trust 3Hi ! K , . . . , 12M
. .otilsvlllo.t N. i . i 03
-onlSVllloJkN. A , M ft St , L. . in
tl.inli.ittiu Con. . . II UK A u. a. .
iluinuhlu.l. c 10 O. K ,
illchliran Coin. . . .
Mo.Paclflo 27 ? , , C. P. A. I
ilohllo.V Ohio. . . . do nfil
fanliTlllo Clint. . , rtH III. AT. C w
NntlonalCor.l.i/a 1IM T. A , A. fcN , M.
' do pfd Ill T. St , L. &K. 0. . . . ' r
. J. Cenlrnl 111 pfd
NAW. pfd S. H. It
irtliAiu. Co Oo'pfd
forthomPaclAo , Am. Tab. Cede 100
No. Pac. nM . . . . do 1 > M 100
Total sales of slocks , 133,23) ) shares , Includlns :
Atchlson , 3,700 ; Ameilc-in Hucur , 04,000 ; Amerl-
2an StiRnr preferred , 3.100 ; Hay State , 3,100 ;
lurllnctcm. 4 , 00 ; Chicago Oas , 14,100 ; Distilling
Hul Cnttlcfeedlm : . 3.500 ; Louisville & Nashville ,
,100 ; Heading , 2,200 ; Richmond S W. P. ccr-
Iflcates , nflh assessment , pnld , 4,100 , ; Hock
slajid , 3.SOO ; SI. IMul , 18XX ( ) ; United States
Coitlage , 4,300 ; Western Union , 4.100.
Novf York Aliincy Mnrlict.
Lasy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed
nt 1 per cent.
STEIILINO EXCHANaC-Stronp. with actual
business In bankers' bills nt l4.87 > i24.87U ] for de-
nnnd ami nt $ I.6G',4S4.SC for W days ; posted
-ntea , $ I.SJfjl.S7V4 and $ i.3H ; cominciclol bills ,
GOVEIINMUNT ItONDS-riim. Slate bonds ,
dull. Railroad bonds , Irresufar.
Closing quotations on bonas were as follows :
D.'A B7o , 49 SOU
J.S. 6HCOUP. . . . . Erlo 'Jnds * res 114 O , H. , tS. A.03. . .
U.S.IBcoup 114M do 7s
tl. S. 'JB rojr. . . . . . M II. iT. C.GS
PnclflcUaof'UI. . . 1(11 ( doOs 100
Alii , cima A 10' . ' M. K. JtT , 1st 4s. . til
Ala Clasa U 101 do 2d 4s 41
Ala. Clwi C Mutual UnlonOa. , 10H
Mrruncles . 117) ) $
. .n. Now Con , 49. . No. Pac. Is is 113
MlHHonri liu 100 Nc Piic. Unas 87K
N.C-lis N.Y. . Consols. . . .
do-Is do S , F. Dob. us.
S. C. noniund U. U. W. Ists
Tcnn. now aet U. 58 St. P Consols 7a. .
Tetmnow noli , . . . 102 91.P.C.AP.V.Ss. .
Tenu.old ) CU St.L.&I.M.Gen.Sa. . 78
Va. Comiirlea. . . . 597H S. L. AS.P.OOII..O tID
lo dcforru'J 7H Tex. Pac. lats. . . . 80
Atchleou 4u Ti-x. Pac. 2a
Atchlson 2u A. . , . U. P. > Wof 'Oi. .
Onnailaso. 2in1n. . 10 j West Mioro 4s 11 ! S
Ccn. Pac. IBIS ' 1)5. ) Southern II. U. 58 , SS
P. & . R. G , 7n
Iloitou Stoo : <
BOSTON , Oct. 10. Call loans , 2a2 oar cent :
lime loans , UiU per cent. UlCBlni prlcw for
Btucke.baiUs iui.l mlnlii ?
XTT. & a F . h. Electric
Am. Siisar . W. ElL-c-pfd .
Am. Siicarptd . OU ! < Wla. Central .
UurstatoUus . 1H Atehlson 2ds .
lleuTettipliono. . . , 200 Atublaon 43. . . . . . . .
IlontOM.V Albany. , 200 XowEnelanJ Cs , . 110
IloMotiJtMuInu , . , . 150 Gen. Electric 3s. . . 110HW
C. . II. &Q. . 7 ; ! WlS-Cent. l u. . . . 67
Fitchbure . 77.4 AllouezMinlnjCo. CU
Gen , Blcctrlo . 37' Atlantic . 10
lllltiola Steul . SO Iloston .t Montnni
Mexican Central. . SOi llntlo.t Bcinton. . , .
N. Y.&JN. E . 115i Calumet &llccli , .
Old Colons' . . 17HH
Orccon Short Line 7I Franklin
Hubbcr. . Kcariiarjo .
Union PaolQc . OsceoLi . 24
WCHI End . 54 Quincv . 9U
\V. Kn l ufd . R3 Taniarnck . 167
Run Francisco JIliilujj Sioclt < Ju tiitlon * .
SAN PItANCISCO. Oct. lO.-Tho ofJlclal closlns
quotntloua for mining Btojka today were a fol
lows :
Mm ] j Halo .t Norcrosi. HA
llollelslo 7 Muxlcnn I''O
Bulchor 7.1 Mount Diablo I''OO ]
Ilcst .tllolclicr. . . . 125 Ophlr 285
lioillcCon 125 1'otosl 71
Ilulwcr. 10 7O
I'liollar oil Sierra Nevada. . . 05
Con. Cal .t V'a 4iO ( Union Con 80
Crown Point 77 Utah 7
Kurehn Con 35 Yellow Jacket. . . 88
Oonia & Curry. . . , 74
Noir Yorlc Mlnln , ' Ocntitlnai.
NE Y YORK , Oct , 10. The foltowinr ar3 tlo
cloitns-iniiiini ; quotations :
CJiolor 05 t'lymoiun 10
Crown Point. . . . . ( is Slurra No vaOa 105
Con. Cal. , t Va. , . , 475 Stamlanl ] 15
DuatUvoO'.l AO Union Con 80
OonM&Currj 80 Yellow Jacket. . , . 80
Halo.t Norcros3. . 85 Iron Silver. , 10
HoincHtaku 1 ISO Quicksilver 150
Mexican 130 Uo preferred 141K )
Ontario BUO Uulwer 12
Ophir. . 200
London Stock Quotations.
LONDON , Oct , 10. 1 p. m. closing- ;
Camdlnn Paclilc. . OH St. Paul com
Krlo ] 4H N. Y. Central 103
Erlc2ds 70K Pennsylvania. 02M
Ills. Central 81H Itoatllni ; 0
Mexican ordinary , lliji Mcx. Con. now4B. BO
I'lnnncliil Note * .
MRMPIUS. Oct. 10. Clcarlnsa , JH7.247 : bat
oncps , J5C95.
BOSTON , Oct. 10. Clearings , H2.S37,792 : bal
ances , | 1,3C6,3J3. ,
NEW YOUK. Oct. 10. Clearings. J77. 38,229 ;
l > alanc i , IC28.421.
PAIIIS. Oct. 1C. Three per cent rentes , 102f
15c for the account.
P1III.ADEI.P1HA. Oct. 10.-CIearings , J10.9I7-
[ 14 ; balances , Jl,801S87 ,
NEW ' OIlLnANH. Oct. 10.-Clearlnp8. tl,3K.2C6.
New 'iorh exchange , bank , par ; commercial , 2Sc
illecmint ,
CINCINNATI , Oct. ! . Money. 300 per cent.
New York rxchange , I5o discount to par , Clear
ings , J2.512.SCO.
SAN FHANCISCO , Oct , 10.-Draft , Bight , 12',5c ;
telegraphic , uc. Silver bars. eaiiQWHc. Mexican
dollars , UffiJlic.
ST , LOUI8. Oct. 10. Clearlntcs. M.814.059J tnl-
nnees. 1521,821. Money , dull ; bQ7 per cent , Ux-
change on New York. 75o discount Itlii.
LONDON , Oct. 10. Gold Is quote. ] to < lay at
Iluenoa Ayrcs at 230 ; Lisbon , 20.CO ; Madrid , 18.00 ;
St. 1'oternburg , CO ; Athena. 77 ; Home. 103.50
Vienna , 10,32.
CHICAGO , Oct. I0.-Clearlngs , J15,143,000.
Money , 4WIVi per cent on call , Cw per cent on
time. New York exchange , COc discount. For
eign exchange , firm , Sterling- , commercial , II.8.VJ
LONDON , Oct. 10. The nmount of bullion with
drawn from the Ilnnk of Knglnnd on balance
today Is 50.000. liar silver. 29 S-1W per oz.
Money , ! l per cent. The rate of discount li
the open market for nhort bllla la 54 par cent
and for three months' bllla' . 8-18 per cent ,
Liverpool MurkeU.
LIVEUPOOL. Oct. 10.-WHEAT-Clo e. flim
holders offer moderately : No. 2 red winter , 4s
3d : Nu. 2 red spring , 4s M.
COUN Firm : holder * offer npurlnKly ; new
mlx l. spot , 4s 7d ; futiirra. firm ; holders otter
sparlnnly ; October , 4s 3d ; November , 4a Ud
DccpmlMT , 4 l > ld.
KLOt'll Uuii ; St. Louls , fancy winters , 6s 3d
PHOV18IONS Lard , dull ; liolders offer epar-
Inglr ; spot. Si ! Cd ; futures , holders not offerlnr
I'ork , euy : supply poor ; prtm mess , wcsteni
71s 3d ; meillum nuts , , wntvrn , 63s M. lleef. dull
supply poor ; extra India mess , 75s ; prime mess
61j 3d. Hams , ilull ; holders offer moderately
Bhon cul , li . Itacon , Bleadyi supply good ; Cuin-
( ilancl cut , 39a ; short ribs , 40s ; lonir clear , 4C
Iba. , 40s ; lout ; anil shore cleur , 55 Ibs , , 4Ca : uhoul
ders , dull : Sis Cd.
CHEESE Dull ; holders offer sparingly ; finest
while ami colored , 49s Cd.
TALLOW Nominal ; holders not offering ; prime
fit ) ' , 239 ,
COTTON 8EKD OIL-Steady ; Us.
TUHPKNTINK-Stcadyj holders offer freely
spirits. ! 0s Sd.
UOSIN Steady ; holders offer sparingly ; com
num. Jx 6d.
HOI'S At London , Pacific coast , steady ; hold
era uffer moderately ; new crop. It 10st/2 ICs ,
lun H > City Mnrlnti.
KANSAS C-ITY. Oct. 10. W1IHAT Plrm r
No. 3 nurd. 47MScj No. 3 red.tetilSVia ; No. :
red. 4&ft45Vic ; rrjected. i : HJc.
CXJUN-Steady ; No. 1 mixed , 47c ; No. 2 white
OATS-UnrhangnJ ; No , 2 mixed , 2tf ' ,4c ; No
2 while. SJHtflJc.
UL'TTUIt-XYmk ; cram r10Kc ; fanc > - . 1
Laos Quiet : H'.ic.
UECKIITSVluul , JS.OOO bu. ; com , E.OOO bu.
o&ts. 1.100 bu.
eillPUENTS-Wbeat. rKO Lu. ; corn , 32,000
bu. ; oats , uoue.
Supply nt the Yards'All that Was
as Regards Quantity.
< )
Not Enough Good Cuttle to Test tlm Btnr-
bct , but Offering Sell Well-Hogs
Open SlinT'nml Close Htrong
nnd Higher ,
WEDNESDAY , Oct. 10.
Compared with receipts for the first half
ot last week , supplies for the past three
[ lays show a falling off of BOinc 700 entile ,
vhllo hogs hnve Increased about 2COO , antl
ihccp nearly 14,000 , head.
The cattle market wns well enough Bup-
> Hetl ns fnr as quantity was concerned , but
hero were liartlly enough desirable fnt
iteers on sale to test Ihe real tone of Ihe
rade. All classes ot buyers were out after
itippllcs , local dressed beef men In partlc-
ilnr , and as there were no good to choice
here sellers had no trouble In work-
njj off tlio common stock nt Kood , strong
rices , A few odda and ends of Brass na-
Ivcs sold at from J2.23 to $3.50 , nnd westerns
old largely -nt from $2,75 to { 3.23. Eastern
markets were nil reported stronger , antl Ihc
rlRht kind of cattle would have sold readily
at higher prices.
There was a strong , active cow market
odny , with prices firm to Gc and lOc higher
han Tuesday. Everybody wanted cow ? , and
he sixty or seventy loads on sale were not
oiitf In changing hands. Venl calves sold
nt rather llrmer llgures , and the same wns
rue of bulls , stags and rough stock gen
A big business -was done In Btockers and
feeders , but as the offerings were hugely
of low grade stock prices were generally
> retty low , although not a particle lower
hnn recently. Good , smooth , well bred and
lleshy stock sold stronger. Good to choice
feeders are quotable nt from 52.70 to f3UG ;
fair to good nt from $2.10 to 12.70. and com
mon grades from $2.25 down , Representa
tive sales ;
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . SOO fl 35 1..130012 50 12. . . .1033 $3 DO
1. . . . SIM 2 40 2..1275 J CO
20. . . . 4V ! 2 23 G..10S3 200
1. . . . 920 1 25 7. . . . $82 1 63 15. . . . 855 203
1. . . . 750 1 23 1. . . . 910 1 65 6. . . . SCO 2 10
C. . . . 611 1 23 1. . . . 810 1 70 2..1015 210
1. . . . 620 1 23 15. . . . S7S 1 70 4. . . . 907 2 10
755 1 23 ' . . . . 911 1 70 7. . . . S34 2 10
4ii ! . S1G 1 33 1..104I ) 1 75 1..1020 2 10
S. . . . 906 1 55 1 109' ' ) 1 75 5. . . . 801 2 10
1. . . .070 1 35 1. . . . 910 1 75 1..10SO 2 10
3. . . . 743 1 49 3. . . . 943 2 10
3. . . . 786 1 40 1. . . . 970 2 13
1. . . .1090 1 40 6..1111 2 15
1. . . .CM 1 4l ) 12. . . . 8X1 2 15
1. . . .770 1 60 15. . . . 950 2 15
1. . . . 930 1 50 22..1001 220
J. . . . 010 1 M ' " '
2. . . . 915 1 60 9. . . . 897 2 2J
' ' ' . 830 1 50 4. . 930 2 25
l' . , . 03) 1 50 4. . 912 2 25
2. . . .770 1 60 11. .
2. . . . 003 1 50 . .11JO 223
. 812 1 60 3i ! . .1023 2 23
1. . .850 1 50 3. . . . 9 ! > li 2 25
11. . . 831 1 65 I. . . .110J 2 23
5. . . 130 1 65 17. . . . S35 2 23
3. . 830 33. . . .SO ) 2 2)
G , . 970 1. . . .1030 2 23
111. . . 793 9. . . . 85.2 30
. .1140 814 4. . . . S55 2 30
. 686 4. . . .1127 2 40
' K30 - 1. . . .1230 2 4
s'.i 0. . . .1030 2 40
39. . 781 2 , . . .1250 3 50
7. . . 480 2. . . . 711 1 90
' ' 410 2 . . . 750 1 9)
1. . . 12. . . . 710 1 UO
3. . . 1..UKM 1 90
2. . . 1 , . . . " ! > GO 2 00
4. . . M 7. . . . 892 2 Oft
I. . . 1. . . . 660 2 00
2. , . 1. . . . S40 2 00
15. . . 1. . . . 400 2 0 > >
1. . . 1. . . . S20 2 15
15. . . 1. . . . SOO 2 25
2. . . 1 , . . . 770 2 25
4. . . 2. . . . 423 2 23
2 _ . _ _ . . 1. . . . 790 2 CD
51 ! ! z.rr ; TSSi ootsr.vtiuo i w
cio no . . :
" '
1. . . 200 Oil 4. . . , 232" 2 W ) B. ' . . IB 3 SO
1. . . 70 M 1. . . 100 3
1. . . 290 2 M 2. . . 110 3 D4
' S90 2 W 2. . . 133 3 55
4 . . 305 2 00 1. . . 100
2 . . 245 2 M 3. . . HO-
1 . . 210 2 00 1. . . 120
1 . . 390 2 10 " ' ' ' 135
1 . . 330 2 23 i" . . . 150
3. . . 283 t 25 1. . . 140
5. . . 276 2 M . 4. . . 163
1. . . SO 2 M 1. . . 100
1. . . SO 260
. . .1090 . .1130
. . . 700 . . G70
. . .1100 . .12SO 8)
. . .1070 . . SIO b' ' )
. . . 950 . .1030 85
2..1210 . .1470 t > 5
1..12SO . .1170 85
1..1110 . .1150 85
. . , 910 . CO 85
1..1040 ICO ! 5
2..14CO 1 CO ! ! l039 1 75 .IK * ) : oo
. . ,1180 1 GO .1110 2 oo
. . .1290 ISO . 610 2 25
. . .1200 ICO
1..1820 300
1. . . , 720 175 : . ' 1 7 1..10SO 200
1. . . . 530 1 50 31. . . . 711 2 SO 13. 651 2 f,0
7. . . . 912 175 7."SOI 230 5. 318 250
2. . . . MX ) 200 38. . . . 853 233 1.G. . , 420 50
2. . , . CS3 200 25. . . . 83'J ' 2 40 G. , 631 S 60
2. . . . 443 200 . . . . 893 2 40 12. ffS \ 50
3. . . , 458 2 OJ 2. . . . CIO 240 12.z 555 260
1. . , . 630 2 00 2. . . . 860 2 40 z ! ilD2 2 50
4. . . . 623 2 00 2. . . . 850 2 40 3. . . . 416 2 60
7. . . . 733 2 10 2. . . . 703 2 40 ' ! 50
2. . . . 293 2 10 10. . . . 406 2 40 2 ! ! . ! 509 85
! . . . . C23 2 1. . . . C30 2 40 21. . . . 867 2 55
3 , . . . 683 2 20 11. . . . 750 2 40 19. . . . 54 $ 2 55
1 , , . . 410 2 25 ] . . . , 920 2 40 37. . . , HJ 2 65
2 25 11. . . . 875 2 10 ] . . . , 430 2 55
600 2 2fi 18. . . . 80S 2 40 8."M 2 55
9SO 2 25 1. . . . 910 2 45 3. . . . ! ' ) 2 CO
Cl0 ! 2 30 S9. . . . 900 2 45 10. . . , 608 2 00
594 2 30 10. . . . 299 2 45 1. . 75G 2 CO
G2S 2 30 " 4. . . 985 2 M 7. . , S72 2 CO
823 2 30 22. . . . 3S9 2 CO 21. . ,771 2 CO
8:0 2 SO IT. . .660 2 M , 0i B f.5
832 S SO 1. . . . 544 2 CO c ! ! , 350 2 65
717 2 SO : s. . . 445 2 50 21. . . . 053 2 63
1. . . , 530 2 SO 21. . . 749 2 CO S3..10CO
C. . . , 749 2 SO i : . . .563 2 50 S. 984 2 70
12 , . . , 629 2 30 19. . . 703 2 CO 7. . G92 2 70
14 , . . , 838 2 30 . G55 2 50 . 587 2 70
5. . . , 818 2 SO .330 2 CO ( . . .1007 2 75
1. . . CIO 2 JO Z. . . 400 2 50 . 803 2 75
12. . . 031 220 55. . .1000 2 50 13 ! ! . . 910 2 75
2- . 440 2 XO 7. . .551 2 60 14..1053 2 80
26. . . . 790 2 30 5. . . 543 250 10..1053 2 ! > 0
28. . . 51 2 30 11. . .491 2 50 27..10GC 293
7. . . 700 2 SO .1UO 2 50 11..1132 3 00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
Asa. Lucas.
Blnills 1354 170 1 bull 13SO 200
257 steers. . . IOJS 290 27 cows Sa 255
J , N. Carroll.
2 Btra , tig , . .1530 22S 14 cows . 995 2 30
20 feeders , . , M3 ! 75 ' 17 steers .1279 3 00
11 Btrs. tie . , 1035 2 33 B sirs. tie. .1212 2 (4
50 COWB. . . . 937 Z 50 , 4 COWB .1057 200
W. C. Church.
3 cows. . . . . . .1120 S3" ) 5 cows . 954 2 20
1 steer. . . . , , . .1170 2 7S IS steers .IH6 2 73
20 COWB , . . . , . , 92
. Scott.
1 steers. . . . .1190 2 75 11 steers. .1230 275
1 cow ? so Ua - . 203 1 75
- a-
218 cowa. . . " " "
"s * . K.-Drlnlc.
9 Etr8.tli,10l3 23'ITT ' 48 feeders. . . 515 255
1 steer. . .1350 264 1 steer. . . . , 1060 325
22 steers , . .1M1 S2S--
a cows . IMS SV * , 77 cows . 10U 2 CO
16 cows , . 908 ajjl , ! ,
IJay State i.lve Stock Company.
S3 feeders. . . .1041 2W7 67 feeders. . . .1013 Z 60
27 feeders. , . . 1163 25 * ' , 41 steer * . 1215 S 15
44 Hleera .13X1 3 IS'1 ' 93 alcern . 1207 SIS
3 cows 10C 2-WV" .
W Reynolds.
1 bull KIO 1JS. 2 bulls 13M 160
9 cowa 1025 l.Wc.i 47 cows SM 2 S5
II. .ll.-Ualrymplc.
2 bulls 1J05 _ . . . 1 cow 1000 205
2 COWB WO a 05 8 cowa 975 205
1 cow 1110 2 03 2 cowa 9S5 205
1 cow 1030 205 1 cow 1060 235
1 cow 1IM > 2 $5' 23 COWB 10oD 233
2 cows. 9Z3 S33 i cowa 1175 2 33
1 cow IIZO 335 1 cow 840 2 33
4 Btrcrv ii ! 2 80 C steers 10M 2 SO
3 Bte rs 1040 2 SO
J. A. Hunt.
1 bull 1140 160 1 cow 1110 200
3 cowa. 983 200 3 cowa 8V3 235
9 cowa. B9 235 B cows. 9C6 233
J fd-clera , . , . 890 2 SO 4 feal ra.lll)3 ) 2 SO
7 feeder * , . , . W3 2 SO
IIOC1S T i re wns a. very good run today , nnd
the general quality of Ilia offerings wna Ix-tUr
than It haa bwn for Bornetime. . Uoth heirs
and provisions closed lowrr In Chicago Tues
day , and bums alt started In ratlirr bearish ,
bidding lower on everything- . Salesmen , how
ever , stubbornly Intlsted on at leant stead/
prices , end the exly trade "was Blow , Later
oa more bullish news from Chicago and with
some tpecuJatlve Inquiry the moiket brnctd up
and toward Hie COM thera were tales that
showed B.II of a. to advance. Kalr to yond
mixed hof sold largely at from $4.S3 to $3 , jvllh
tavern ! of Ihe best heavy loads scattering ; up
ta 15.20 , ttnil common light mixed and roiiKh
stuff from $ ( .fO < 1own to $4.50. Pies , dock hogs
and thruwouts sold nt around J2. & ) to J4.I5 , Tha
cti'te was urtlvu and t tha high point of th
d.iy. Trading im v ry largely n.1 from JI.SS
to 13. OB 'iFulnrI } (90 to 15 on Tuesday , nnd
H.W t'4 1513 QUO > vrK oeo toOay , Imprest-nu
ll ve tji { | r
No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Ar. Bh. ft.
II IM 40 II CO K 310 . . . II W
0 US JM I 50 71 221 120 4 W
93 151 IOC I U 71 210 ICO 4 DO
J2. , 1S3 H ) | (0 75 214 try ) A BO
tl US SO 10-0 M 212 240 4 BO
.1 1 3 . . . 170 123 723 4SO 4 92VI
-7 201 12170 77 239 210 4 93i !
4 1 7 11,0 I 73t ! G.1 U 200 4 92t !
3 24 ! Wl I DO 7 13 , . , 493
, i 21 * ; sc i * o e us so 4 us
1 370 . . . ISO . . . . . . . . . . . 495
8 ? . . .SOI 120 ISO 4. . . 232 , . , 495
" m 12U IM 5 2I . . . 493
IX'l 120 4 SO 1 130 , . , 493
170 . . . ISO 1 270 , . , 499
fl IS ! 170 18214 3 2&I 493
2 1S7 120 4 S3 4 233 . . . 495
1 3)1 ) . . . 4 SS 2 320 80 495
2 1C 100 485 3 KG , . , 493
1 20 ! ) ICO 415 6 ill . . . 495
7 487 . . . 4 85 76 213 210 493
D 218 160 483 G ! > 223 80 493
. ! 214 . . . 4 S3 79 220 . . . 4 M
,1 2:2 160 I 85 f 211 160 500
4 2i7 : ' < ! * X3 57 274 SO K N
7 231 ill 4)5 l.tJ 237 200 B 00
2 214 8) 485 72 121 80 D 00
1 2 5 . . . 485 Cl 238 200 5 00
2 213 2" ) 4(5 43 219 80 5 00
3 212 80 4 87',4 82 310 200 5 00
9 212 250 4 87lj 93 230 320 B 00
1 215 120 490 C3 23S 40 5 02W
2 213 40 4 SO CS 233 80 5 02V4
3 217 40 4 90 SC V ? 80 5 03
9 211 . . . 490 59 273 . . . 505
317 40 4 90 55 ! ! C7 , . , S Oj
228 200 490 C7 ! ! > C . . . 605
2.18 200 494 63 S.VS . . . 510
211 100 4 90 59 302 . . . CIO
212 SO 4 90 71 272 . . . 5 10
235 . . . 4 IK ) 60 2S3 160 020
2 S 200 4 90
rids AND noirau.
1 170 . . . 2M 4 132 . . . 323
2 250 . . . 2 tO 10 H4 . . . S 50
1 180 . . . 2 60 1 120 . . . 3 DO
5 2(12 ( . . . 260 61 72 . . . 3 BO
1 230 . . . 2 CO 42 113 80 373
1 330 . . . 275 1 230 . . . 400
1 210 . . . 300 90 163 ICO 415
5 CO . . . 300 6 131 . . . 415
BIinKl' There wns not much chanKO tn the
situation. The supply wns liberal nnd Included
i fair gprlnUllnR of gom\ stuff , both mutton * and
nmbs. On account of the heavy receipts lately
tit all marketn the demand wax not nt all urgent
from any quarter , but It was possible to rr/nlUe
rlKht around steady prices for the rlsht kind of
BtocK. Common stult nnd atocUcre were flow
sale and generally lower , Fair to choice natives
are. quotable nt fiom $2.25 to | 2.90 ; fair to Rood
wentcriis , from $2 to J2.CO ; common nnd slock
sheep , from 11.23 to JJ.23 ; coed to choice 40 to
100-lb , lambs , from HMO to (3.73. Representative
sales :
No. Wt. Pr.
233 mixed Mockers K ) t2 25
18 stock ewes 107 125
1 native lamb 70 .100
1 natUe lamb 70 300
1 native lamb 80 300
1 nntlvo lamb 80 300
1 native lamb 00 3 IX )
1 native lamb CO 300
ilccclptnuml Disposition of Stock.
Ofllclal receipts nnd disposition of stork nn
shown by the books of the Union Slock Ynrds
company for the twenty-four hours endlnu at
3 o'clock p , m. , Wednesday. October 10 , 1HI4 :
Cars. Head.
Cnttlo 197 5,106
HORB C9 5,189
Sheep 17 4261
Horses and mules 1 25
Iluycrs. Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
Omnhrt Packing company 471 . . .
Q. II. Hammond company 540 1C05 . . .
Hwlfl nd company 747 1,222
Cudnhy Packing- company 1,198 l,8iO 120
A. Unas 231
Hamilton & Stephens 105
J. L. Carey 22 :
I. lleeker 24S
O. II. II. from K , C 138
Shippers nnd feeders : . 1,237 131 827
Left over GOO . . . 210
Total B.163 B.3S1 1,187
Cnttlo Prices Worn Firm nn Small Arrivals
In Other Llnca.
CHICAGO , Oct. 10. Cattle prices were firm ;
arrivals , 3,000 head less than fcr last Wednes
day , and the supply for the first half of this
week nhowa a loss of 9.000 head. Holders were
confident and ndvanced prices were demanded ,
but buyers did not seem to be ready to pay
higher Hsu res , nnd the market wna sensibly
stronger , though there was no general advance.
There Is a. continued scarcity of ripe beeves ,
and In that class the tendency was upward.
No doubt , fancy avernRlnff 1.4W to l.OX ) Ibs.
would have brought 5C,2i ) on today's market , but
nothing like that description was offered. "Willis
there were a few trades around IS , the bulk
of the business was from (2 to I't.M , and nt
from $2.CO to $3.2-5 for westerns. Only about
500 Toxnns wereoffered. . The price wns strong ,
the demand exceeding the supply. There was
n fair trade In mockers nnd feeders at from
$2 to 73.50 , nnd veal calves nt from { 2.25 to
J3.50. Of the 14,000 cattle received quite 6.003
were rangers.
Iq hogs there was a further stiffening of prices
today , for which the surprisingly light receipts
(17,000 ( head ) , nnd the firmer tone ; of the pro
vision market were responsible. The opening
was brisk , with "prices rangingfnim 6c to ] 0o
higher tlvan yestenlaj-'B clofe , and the advan
tage was held throughout. The best heavy hoes
sold up to from J5.63 to J5.CO , nnd there were
unles of choice assorted lights at from i3.35 to
J5.40. Uut these prices were not l cached In
many Instance * , the quality belnc common ,
prices below $3.30 taking the Krealnr part.
Klneo Saturday there haa been n gain of from
lie to 23c > ) er cwt. , rtich lota ns packers prefer
showing ne most change. Lightweights sold
largely a ; from $5.03 to $5.S3 , and from $5.15
to J5.40 bought most of the medium nnd heavies.
There were- Bales of poor stuff at from J1.C5 to
$4.75 , and of culls nt from $2 to $4.25.
The demand for choice sheep und lambs was
fair nt steady prices , the best of the sheep
belns quoted at from $3.23 in $3.30 , nnd from
$4. ) to $1.30 being the quotations for choice
lambs. Medium to good qualities were about
steady , nnd poor and common lots were not
wanted nt former prices , the latter being freely
offered at from 75o to $2 per 100 Ibs. llecelpls
were estimated at 13,000 bend , inak ng 57,413
head since Saturday , na against 42,020 head n
year ago , and I8.M3 head two yean * ugo.
llecelpts : Cattle , 14,000 head ; calves , 500 head ;
hogs , 17.000 head ; sheep , 13.090 head.
The- livening Journal reports : HOOS lie-
cepts , 17,000 head ; olllclal yesterday , 11.19C head ;
shipments , 6.423 head ; left over , about S.tKW
head ; quality shows some Improvement , Mar
ket active und firm nt an advance of 5 10c
per 100 Ibs. Snles ranged nt J4.7oiT(5.3o ( for
light ; J1.70f4.9) fcr lough pa-klnit ; $4.8i@l.E ( fjr
mixed ; Jl.8.05.5r for heavy paek'ne und ship-
pTlng lots , and J2.40ff4.95 for pigs.
CATTLE Receipts , 14.000 head. Market mod-
eratfiy active and llrm at WlOc advance on
best grades.
SHHIOP Receipts , 13.000 head , Market mod
erately active and unchanged.
Output railing Off Homo hut Still 1'nr
A Head of l.l t Vcir. :
CINCINNATI , Oct. 10.-Speclal ( Telegram , )
Tomorrow's Price Cuirent will Bay : The packing
for the week In the west indicates n total of
175,000 hogs , compared with 185,100 the preceding
week and 100,000 last year , making a total of
7,775.000 since March 1 , against 0,180,000 n year
ngo. Prominent places compare as follows :
1SQI , T 1S937
Cliltvigo 2,503,000 ! 2,295,000
Kansas City . l.llO.OOfl ! 822,000
Omaha 902,000 CSS. 000
St. Ixmls 436,000 8,000
Cincinnati . . . 233,000 171,000
Indianapolis . 319,000 23I.OM
Milwaukee . . . 310,000 1SJ.OOO
Cedar Ilaplds 171,000 178,003
St. Joseph . . . 248,000 139.0W
Sioux City . . . ICS.000 103.00- )
Oltumwu. 191,000 114.000
New York llv Stock Market ,
NEW YORK. Oct. 10. HKKVE3 Ilecelnt * .
1,180 head ; 20 cars on sole. Market steady , but
very dull ; native steers. Inferior to fair , $ l.20
5.15 ! fairish , Colorado , $3.45ffl3.50 ; bulls , 11.500
2.23 ; dry cows , $1.20H2.40. Oilier European cables
quote American steers at 9811c per Ib. , dressed
CALVES Receipts , 1,330 head ; 1,190 on sale.
Market very dull ; calves steady ; veals , poor to
prime , $3.50ffl5.83j grasses , $2.50 ; u en tern calves ,
13 ZJ > * "
Sliii3P AND LAMBS Receipts. 646 head ; 48
cars , on sale. Market slow ; prices llrm ; sheep ,
poor to prime , $1,60S ( .25 ; selected , for export ,
$3.5 ® 4.12H ; lambs , Inferior to choice , $3.3584.50.
HOaS Receipts , 6,679 head ; 332 on sale ; choice-
state hoes , $6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nt. Louis l.lvn Stock Murliot.
BT. IXDUIS. Oct. 10.-CATTLK Receipts. 5.0M
head ; shipments , l.OuO head. Market steady for
natives ; Texnns active , strong ; native etrers.
common light , J2.10-B2.50 : medium , $3.20g3.l ;
feeders. J2.Z5 : cows. $1.75fl2.5fl ; Texas steers ,
light. $2.1082,75 ; COWB , $2.10 2.15 ,
HOGS Itecelpts , 6,700 head : hlpmenls , 300
head. Market active , strong6fiiOo : higher ; good
heavy , $5.2085.85 ; fair to eoo.1 light und mixed ,
$ ; pigs nnd common , $3.504/4.60.
SHUKP llecelpti , 3,000 head ; hlpmnt , JOO
head. Market active , strong : mixed , $2.502.70 ;
lambs , $3.30 3,50 ; merinos , $2.70 ; native sheep ,
Kansas City J.lro Stock .Market.
KANSAS CITV. Oct. 10. CATTLK "Receipts.
11.000 head : shipments. 3,60 head. Market dull
nnd low ; Texas steer * . > 2. S&3.10 ; Texas cows.
ll.k54C.MO ; beef steers. $3.25 < U5.40 ; native cows ,
ll.Mci3.10 ; stockera and feeders , $2.50(13.25 ; bulls.
HOU3 Receipt ! " , 8,000 head ; shipments , 1,300
head : bulk of nales. $4. W5.10 | -avle , $5.0W
5.15 : park era , $4. Mi5.05 ; mixed , } l.Mfi5.05 ! ; lights ,
ll.7KrS.OUs Yorker * . $1.9385.00 ; plus , 13.00C4.50.
SIIKKP Receipts , 3,000 head ; tliljimentu , 1,000
head. Maiket dull.
Muck In .1i-lit. (
Ilccord of receipts at tha four principal mar
ket * Wednesday , October 10 , 1891 :
Cattle , Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 6,203 5,789 4.2G1
Chicago M.OOO 17,000 1JWO (
Kansas City 11.000 8,000 J.OOO
Bt. Louis 6,000 6,700 3.000
Total 35,208 ! M H ,
Chloueo I'rult Quotutlona.
CHICAGO. Oct. 10. The Earl 1'i-ult company
Bold California fruit at auction loday , reallilntr
Ilia followlmr prices : Tokay Grapes , slnclit
crates. SOcOll.tO , double crates. I1.7J-U-M ; llu > -
cat. > lnel crates , 0c6$1.05i doublt crates. (2.00 (
tt onee and you will-like thousands
of other housewives - use no other :
Special Stove Sale
Steel Ranges $24,35 worth
4-Holc Ranjcs 4.90 worth 9.75
Base Burners 11.35 worth 20.00
Basa Burners 14.75 worth
Cannon Stoves 1.75 worth 3,50
Parlor Cooks 8.60 worth 17.60
Laundry Stoves. . . . 3.40 worth 6.50
Oil Heaters . 4.90 worth 9.7B
OaK Stoves. . . . . . " . 5.65 worth 11.00
Parlor Heaters' 7.60 worth 15.00
Wool ingrains 49c worth 75c
Un'on Ingrains. . . 2Sc worth 50c
Smyrna Rugs. . . . 1.24 worth 13.50
Tapestry Carpal. . 48c worth 90c
For this pretty full-niekolod Velvet Carpet. . . . 59c worth 1.25
you Oil Heater clscwhoro , which ab jut would $3. Tlio cost Body Brussels. . . 57c worth 1.25
narao of it la "Splendid , " and Icmp Carpds. . . . 12c worth 30c
its rightly mimed , for it is a
Bplondid oil hontor in every Misfit Ingrains. . . 4.60 worth 9.50
of the word. Wo
sense tire
solo ajjonts for ' 'Splendid Oil Misfit Brussels. . . , 8,75 worth 17.00
lloators , carry a lar o vtirlo- Lace Curtains 9Sc worth 2.50
ty of Htyloa and gimrautuo
every one to give satisfaction Portieres 2.95 worth 7.50
or refunded.
inonoy Window Snailcs. . . 24c worth 75c
SIO worth of irootlB ,
81 per weak or IS I par month
83(5 ( worth "t trnml , ! ) per week or 0 | ior month
851) worth of cooiN ,
i 'J pur n'oolt nr iR per inontli
S7. worth < > f C ) "H , per irnak or ! $1O i > or nuinth
S100 wurtli of ifiioili ,
S3 par w oic or $12 per month
mir choice \Vo ilou'c c.iro worth r cnuiH ,
Illp urlilrli you cho : > se. SI pur wbolc or 815 jipr inon
Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House
Open Monday and Saturday Evenings *
J2.05 ; Jlnlnpa , slnfile crates. J1.0KM.IO ( , Pnlway
pcacheB , SOrSfll.OOi Howcll peain , J1.C5 ; Winter
Ncllla , Il.22ii1.50 ; EftKtcr llraurre , J1.25W1.50 ;
Winter Shekels , half Ixjxea , $1.60 ; ICrlfer , J1.5S ;
DleJ. $1.25 ; II. Hardy. $1.75 ; Ulinit Moixtiu , JI.70 ;
11. ClalrBcati , 1.5 Wl,75j silver pnines , bUciiJl.OO.
Porter limn , cornpiiny , C'hlcniru , sold Mv earn
Callfipinliv fruit today nt auction : Douldo Tukay
fcrupes , tl.7Cf(3.-l5j ( Blncle. IHc J1.25 ; MuaculB. SOc
SlU.33 ; a > rled , 11.1091.70 ; Curnlch > H > ii9. (1 :0 ;
double , J2. < 0 ; cllns ( I.evl ; peaches , 7cWl.uO ; r-al-
, 604/'JOc ,
Porter Uros. company , New York , one cnr :
Bnlway penchea , H.3081.70 ; half Miiccatfl , fl,15 ;
Tokny , MilOOe ; cling peaches , liJi635c ; U. Hardy
pears , H:5i5'2.30. ' _
At the London Auction Sales Fifteen
Hundred llnlr \ \ \Tltlidrnwn. .
LONDON , Oct. 10. At the wool auction wiles
today 11,502 hales were offered , of which 1,500 ,
were withdrawn. The n-malninK American buy-
era took practically nil superior irrcasy nnd
ecoured , their purchases amounting to 500 bales
at extreme prices. Fine cross hreedH made full
value , and all Inferior lota were either with
drawn or cold nt , lower prices. A. poor quality
of Falkland Inland woola was offered , amount-
hilt to 1,328 halpn. nnd only part neru bolil ut a
nllKht decline , Followlne are the Hilcs In de
tail :
New South Wales , 2.0SG bales ; wourcd , BliOO
Is Z'.Jd ; CTermy , SVi < 110d. QueenHland. 2-17 bnlea ;
Hcnurvd. WOla l d ; Kfeasy , 6i ! | C > ; d. Victoria ,
1,33 Imlefl ; Bcouml. 7ilC2a Id ; itrea j- , 4 > i 10V4d.
Bouth AiiKlmlin. tCI l le" ; ecoured , 7OlMid |
greasy , iHQbtid. New Zealand , 3,101 hales ;
Bcmireil. 8d01n ' , jd ; Kreasy , 4 < ? 10V4d. Tape nf
Oootl Ilupo and Natul. 2.2S8 balcn ; Ecoured , t'jil
OU 4d : Krenxy. 4nU > d.
BT. LOUIS , Oct , 10. WOOL Dull ; unchanged.
bt. I.oilU ( ioiKirul AlitrlinC.
ST. LOt'IH , Oct. 10. VLOt'It Quiet , steady.
Wll HAT Unsettled by the pendlnif governim-nl
crop report , finally.cloning 1'lCo up ; No , 2 led ,
rush. 4&,4u : Oelolwr , ISlio ; Docemlwr , We.
COHN Won dull , loslnff ' , iftio on untlclpated
crop Improvement ; No. rnlzKl , cash , 51c ; Oc-
tel jr , % c ; November , ISc bid ; December , 46c ;
OAT8 Firm ; N" . 2 , cash , 29c ; October , JStfc ;
Deoetnlier , 23ije [ May , S3 < i | 33Kc.
II YK Higher ; 49Vic bid for No. 2 , cash , cast
IIAIH.KY No tradlnu.
HltAN In demand ) tile , racked , cast tratlc ,
FLAX HKini-ll.O.
CLOVKfl HKiltT.3M : * .06.
II A Y L'nchanKei ! .
Ill'ITKt' Weaker ; peparator crcjmcry , 210 He ;
Rood to cliolre dairy , 20u.
KOOrt Knrler ; 15o.
LKAIt Htronif : K.W : chenilcnl. nud , 53.
Hl'KI.TEIt Qulel. steady ; J3.2i ) .
COUN .MiAI - 2.W'S2.M. '
PUOVI8ION8 Ilull , eaMfr. Potk. Hlnndnnl
mess , joblilnir , SI3.50. iJild. primp uli-nin , 17.10 ;
choir * . J7.W. Dry sail menu. In ! ) * ! nhoulileni ,
IOIIKM anil ill * . IMOi hort , l .60. liamn ,
Hhouldora. (7.20 ; lonji . 17,50 ; rlb , 7.C.i ;
. . . ,
HKt'KH'TB Flour , S.ofK ) libls. ; wheat , 18.000
liu. ; corn , 10.f iO bu. ; oalx. 23,000 bu ,
KHIP-MKNTH-FI-jur , 6,000 ht > l , ; wheat , 1,000
liu.j corn , 3OW bu. ; out- , MHO bu.
New York Dry llooiMMarlml. .
NI3W YOHK. Oct. 10. In connequenoo of n
ralnitnrin nf grrnl ouvcrlly until In In In the day
and tlm Hebrew fan day , excludingrmuiy wllrm
untl buyer * fruni thu market , the drnmnd ling
tioen > ry Iliiht , and wu new buiam-Kii by
pot purriwiiHTi. TIiu onk-r tlemand won of lim
ited proportion ! . On the other hand , very lart-u
soltn were reached through forwordUiK * of nil
description * ot roods from tha mills direct to
tha mark t of i > urchu r . nl.ereby many cur-
Dueber = Hampderi
17 = Jewel
are known by ra ! .
road men and other
) ADJUSTED experts to be ujt.
Pn. WATCHES equalled for wear
and accuracy.
The Dueber Watch Works , Can < oo , Q.
Coiniuission Merchant
Grain niul Provisions.
Private wires to Clilvago and New Yorfc
All business orders placed on Chlcugi
Uoard of Trade.
Correepondenca solicited.
Office , room 4 , New York Ufa Building ,
Telephone UOS.
If you wish to l > u micc < - iifill In "SPICCD
IATI4)N" In grain or storks , wrll for par- "
tlcnlurs. J. H. IlitOU'.MNC ; & go. ,
llitnl TH und llruker * ,
Itcfcrmrei liil .Mouiulaock lliillUloir ,
In every Ktute. CIIILMUO.
rent wants nro beln ? miiipllnl , yet BUCI hlp.
uii > nt are not Rolni ; fonvanl In the quantltle *
desired by ninny miirketa. There nro no stocks
nf moment wllh ucentH , end tlio lone of Ih *
market la very utendy. Printingclotln , qulel *
at 3c , and no Bales retried.
NI3W OIII.EANS. Oct. 10. COTTON Quiet :
HHlt-H , Bi > ot. 2,100 tulcHj tn iirrlve , 1,100 balca :
imllnnry , 4 * > u ; B oil ordlniuy , 5c ; middling , CSoi
K < < ) mlddllni ; . 7o ; nUdilllntf fair , CHo ; fair
7 ILKo rerelpm. 10,702 biileH _ ; exports to kranc |
11 leu
WJ.59 ;
6.i 3 :
All'ddllng- .
Sucitr IMurbct.
- - - ' nom
1A1NDON , Oct. 10. Ht'dAH-Dull and hMvyi
rentrlfuirul JRVH , ISM ; MUBe < j\adi > , fair rennuir.
l < * dj beet BUKar , quiet , October , 10 * ;
Per , 10s. _
If rhro tVheat 4J notation * .
May , 3C | clt itd , MJ.41J ctntal *