Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    OMAETA DAILY BEBt aio&DAY , OCTOBER 8 , 1804.
Delivered i/y carrier to ny part of the eltr.
' H. W. T1LTON , Le sw.
TELKPIIONES Iluslncil ofllce. No. 41 ; night
tdUor , Ko. a.
Mayre Heal Estate Agency , 639 Broadway.
"Charley's Aunt , " one of the best of
Frohman's attractions , will bo presented at
Doliany'a this evening.
The ladles of the Presbyterian church wilt
have a concert on Tuesday , October 16 , by
the Mozart Mala quartet of Omaha.
Mr. nnd Mrs. \ ( ' . W. Sherman entertained
a family gathering last Friday evening at
their home on South Seventh street In
honor of Mrs. F. I ! , Kvnnswho left the
following day for her new homo In Fort
Worth. Tex.
The High school foot ball team had n meetIng -
Ing on the gridiron Saturday afternoon with
an eleven composed partly of the young
lawyers o the city , The school boys were
no match for their opponents , either In
w , ' -ht ( or skill , but they managed to prevent
them from making more than touchdown ,
That was made before the game was ten
minutes old , and all through the afternoon
there was not another score.
We have on hand a largo sum of money
for Investment In Iowa farm mortgages , and
will make desirable farm loans nl a lower
rate than wo have ever done before. Lougcc
& Towlo , 235 Pearl street.
currs 011.53,1.
The Kliiu o' All Tomponuico Jlcrcrngo' , a
I'crfcct HuliUltutti for I.HRIT Ilcur ,
Can be sold without license , cither govern
ment or Btato ; dealers guaranteed by In
demnifying bond. Endorsed by leading phy
sicians , judges and ministers. Wheeler &
Hereld , Council muffs , la. , ere the sole man
ufacturers In the United States. Thousands
of testimonials. Write for prices and In
I have used Copp's Cheer and find It n
wholciome and pleasant drink , entirely de
void of any Intoxicating Ingredient.
U. S. Commissioner , 4th Dlst. , Iowa.
I have tried Copp'a Cheer and find same
verr similar In taste to Lou Jon t'.loiit , and
that it Is an excellent appctUr , und with
out doubt It Is a very healthful Leverage.
Judco of District Court , 15th Judicial IJIs-
trlct , Iowa ,
Copp'e Cheer Is a very refreshing summer
drink , anil I believe a very healthful one.
J. E. K. M'OEn ,
Judco of Sup3.-lur Court.
The recent autumn display of millinery of
Ilss Vlagsdale attracted o. great deal of
attention. Ladles can now have an oppor
tunity to get bargains in the season's nov
Mr. J. Perry's old friends and customers
--Will now flnd him at Morris Bros. ' shoo store ,
GO1) Broadway , Roots and shoes made to
order ; perfect flt guaranteed ; repair work
of all kinds neatly done.
Instruction en the piano will be given to a
,1 Hulled number of pupils by Mrs. J. A , Rolf ,
1022 Fifth avenue.
l * 1'Alt.init.ll'US.
Harry Hardln of Gretna , Neb. , Is visiting
his relatives on Fifth avenue.
Jlrs. M. A. Ilaker of Cincinnati Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs , T. E. Cavln.
W , C. Estcp and wife left last evening
for Chicago , where they will spend a couple
of weeks.
Miss Kathcrlno Ogden , who Is teaching
school near Woodbine , spent Sunday at her
homo In this city.
Ex-Secretary F. M. Wright of the Young
Men's Christian association will enter the
Methodist ministry.
T. D. Cavln left last Evening for a. busi
ness trip through Wisconsin after spending
a couple of weeks at home.
Allan Dawson , managing editor of the
Sioux City Evening Tribune , spent Sunday
In the city , the guest of his brother , T , C.
Dawsor _
Jllss Anna Atkins , who has been visiting
her sister. Mrs. C. E. Luring , for several
wetks past , has returned to her home In Cin
cinnati , accompanied by Mrs. Luring and
children , who \ylll visit In Ohio for some
Ilttlo tlmo. _
NOW \\l > HllVO Hot It.
This time It ts a fresh meat department
under the management of on expert meat
cutter and ono who understands cutting
fresh meats , so that when It Is ready to
servo It Is flt for a king , And the quality
Is away up , and the prlco Is way , way down.
Just think of It , four pounds of chuch steak
for 25 cents. Choice round steak , three
pounds for 25 cents ; sirloin , from 10 to 11
cents ; porterhouse , 10 to 12 centa ; boiling
beef , 3 to 4 cents ; pot roast , 5 to C cents ;
pork roasts , 10 cents ; pork chops , 12V4 cents ;
pork sausage , 10 cents ; mutton stew 3 cents ;
mutton chops , 8 cents ; leg of mutton , 10
Wo are still headquarters on all dry salted
nd smoked meats. Now you can ECO
what cash will save you at your breakfast ,
dinner and , supper table. Remember , we are
the only exclusive cash house In the city
and can save you 25 per cent on all household
necessities. Itcinembor , the big red store ,
cor. 4th ami Boardwny , where a child can
bur as cheap ao a man. C. 0. U. Drown ,
dealer in everything.
Art und the Nredlo.
Miss M , Sutler , having purchased the
business heretofore conducted by Mrs. Nlles ,
will open at 10 Pearl street Monday , In the
same building with Miss Ragsdale. She will
put In a new iiiul complete stock of stamped
linens , embroideries , patterns , silks , etc. , so
that the ladles of Council Bluffs , to whom
Miss Sutler needs no Introduction , can secure
of her everything desired for the needle
nrt. Miss Jess to Clark will bo retained
by Miss Sutler.
J. C. lluffmir' I'uncy 1'atent ,
Hungarian Process Flour.
Made by HIE- oldest milling firm In the west.
makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. Ask
your grocer for Jt. Trade mark : "Blue
Rooster. "
_ _
Bourtclus received three first premiums al
the Mills county fair in Silver City for his
Crown pianos and organs. These Instruments
received also medals and diplomas at the
World's fair In Chicago.
Selected hard wood for heating stoves.
II. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 43.
Washerwomen use Domestic neap.
Triiti'llnir Jlon l > ln .
Quito a number of the traveling men of
! 4f > this city and vicinity responded to the Invita
tion extended them of taking dinner at the
Grand hotel last evening. The menu was
what It nlwnjs Is at the Grand , the best In
the land , and the occasion was one of much
enjoyment to tlio travelers and their
Euests. Tbo following composed the party :
A. T. Hoffmnyr , Frank Trimble , C. C , Van
EUcn of Chicago , Ed Howe and wife , Miss
Jennie Honn , F. L. Ellis , H. D. Harlo. E. J.
Btrow. H. Coffeen and wife , E. W. Keys ,
ll. W. Bllnn , wife and daughters , O , II.
Dyar and wife. L. I. Edson and ladles , W.
0 , llorland and wife , L. C. Jerome and sister ,
A , Ulmer , Will. am Moore and wife , M. F.
Rohrcr and wife , Mlts Lolls Armour , K. P.
Johnson and wife. W. A. Stelnkopf and lady.
A HI ) ; Crmril Coming
To testify to the merits of the- Garland
stores and ranges. They will be along to
join the great throng already using them.
P. C. DoVol sell * the Garland ,
Good hard wood for Kile for heating stoves.
43.65. J , K. Ulce , 200 Main street , Merriam
A full lln of the latest and handsomest
dealgna In carpels , llncoleum , oilcloth , etc. .
just received. Prices always the lowest at
O. D , Carpet Co. , 407 Broadway.
Cai cooking staves for rent inj for sal * tt
0i Co.'i office.
Miss Bedlson will give mandolin and
guitar lessons at her home , 908 Fourth ve.
Premier gs cups at Lund Pros.
Itundrle * u Domeulo cocp , _ _
Another Advance in Insurance Ilatoa Hangs
Over Local Property Owners ,
Circular Announcing tlio Net Loss at
U'Mch Huslnms Is Heine Coritlucteil
Is Out , I'rcsaglnc Actjpn Xo-
waril Uniting Premiums , j
A circular Just Issued by H. Dennett of this
city , Inspector of lira Insurance companies ,
presents figures which are calculated to show
that there Is. no great amount of profit In
the lire Insurance business. The lessee and
expenses ( not Including dividends ) for the
flvo years ending December 31 , 1893 , amount
ed lo $573,821,012 , whllo the gross
premium receipts amounted to $552,116,126 ,
which makes a net loss on tlio five years'
business of $21,708,8S7. Just how much
the parenthetical clause referring1 to
dividends may Include the circular
decs not tell , but the fact of
Its being there Is an Indication that there
must have been some dividends declared.
Statistics show that an average of one flre
Insurance company falls or retires each
week , the year around , BO the same docu
ment says. H Is stated that on the st ongthof
the statements contained therein another
rlsa In rates will bo made. Already there
has been an advance ot 1 per cent per an
num ordered In risks on buildings where
electric motors are used having ground con
nections. It Is claimed that there Is much
more likelihood of there being a fire where
motors of this kind nro used.
HKNNISd.V 111109.
.Monday's nig Sale Tlio Uiiy to IJuy Dress
Com ! * , Clonks unit 1'lno
22-Inch black satin rhadamc. a quality
always sold at $1.00. Monday B9c yard.
21-Inch black satin duclies , never sold nt
lets than Jl.25 , will go Monday at SCc yard.
26 pieces'32-Inch figured drapery silk , was
S5c , Monday entlro lot 4Sc yard.
30c black Henrietta goes at lc ! ) yard.
COc all black hcnrlctta goes at 39c yard.
CO-lnch black gloria silk again Monday at
59e yard.
C bales of 36-Inch unbleached muslin , Manv
day 3H < s yard.
Standard dress prints , also light shirting
calico , Monday 3' o yard.
Floor oil cloth , 23c yard.
$20.00 Aslrochon lir capes , 30 Inches long ,
full sweep , Monday , $12.00 each.
$25.00 Astrochan flr capes , 27 Inches long ,
Monday JIG , 00 each.
$ SE.OO beaver capes , Monday J65.00.
1150.00 mink capes , 30 Inches long , with
6-Inch flr tall border , now ? 90,00.
145,00 wool seal capes , $24.00.
fC.OO chcnlllo curtains , beautiful dado top and
bottom , Monday $2.98 pair.
1.000 Bkclns zephyrs , all colors , also black
and white only , Monday 3V c skein.
Moauett carpet , J1.08 a yard.
Body Brussels , $1.10 a yard.
Wilton plush velvet , $1.10 a yard.
MoiUay will be a big bargain day all over
the store. Open Monday evening.
Council Bluffs.
Major IIulfor < r A < ! i1rc on the Work of
tlio Association.
An audience of about COO people gathered at
the First Presbyterian church to hear a
talk by Major E. W. Halworth , U. S. A. ,
on the subject of Young Men's Christian as
sociation work. For some time past the local
association has been In hard financial
straits. and It lias now come to
the point wheie , unless something la
done It will have ( o closa its doors and go
out of business. Tlia fact of so large an
audlenco being present shows that n large
proportion of the church going people of the
city are opposed to Its going under and Is an
Indication that their support will be rendered
when It becomes Imperative.
. After excellent muilc by Mrs. W. W.
Sherman and the church choir. Major Hal-
ford was Introduced , and commenced by
saying that the popular statement that the
economic value of every man to the com
munity In whloh he lives Is about $1,500 U
not strictly true. God's estimate puts man
a Ilttlo lower than the angels , and Shake
speare Bays man Is divine. The most
dangerous men in any community are not
those who inhabit the Jails and penitentiaries ,
but those who live In stone houses , look out
of plato glass windows and dress In broad
cloth , for It Is their apathy that allows young
men to go down to ruin because of Insuffi
cient safeguards around them.
There are S.OOO people in Council Bluffs
amenable to the Toung Men's Christian asso
ciation , and at $1,500 apiece this foots up
$9,000,000 , which Is equal to- all the material
property In the city. There are 300 men In
the association , which at the same reckoning
makes the Y. M , C. A. plant worth $450,000 ,
a more valuable one than any other In the.
city. And yet the association Is to be al
lowed to go down , and nothing at all Is being
done to preserve this valuable plant from
ruin. The sum of $55,000 $ Is paid Into the
city treasury each year by saloons , but of
this amount only $1,587 finds It way Into the
publlo library for books. Thousands of del
lars are invested In churches , which are not
open to the public more than four hours out
of the 1GS hours of the week.
"Tho Almighty didn't make Iowa or Ne
braska to raise hogs or corn on , You eat
the corn and the hogs , but after all , the
only finality In the world Is man. Tlio time
will come when your stocks and bonds won't
count for anything , " "Tls coming yet , for
a' that , vhen man to man the world o'er
shall brlthers bo for a' that. " The gospel
of brotherhood la being preached over the
whole world today. Neighborhood IB not
marked by street lines or kinship , but
as far as the world extends. The telephone
and telegraph have obliterated distance and
brought Lapland to your doors. Every boy
Is your boy. Ho closed with an eloquent
appeal to the audience lo come up and help
the association to the extent of their ability.
Dr. Phelps followed with a statement of
the needs of the association. There was a
debt of $1,200 on last year's work , and It
would take $2,800 to carry on , the work next
year. Ho nsked that this amount , $4,000 ,
might bo subscribe ! . Tha audlenco sub
scribed $1,068 , not quite enough to pay up
the debt of last year.
The Hoyal Hardman piano , over 45,000 In
use. Sweetest tone , finest action , best work
manship , over 700 used In the best families
In Council Bluffs and Omaha. Sold nt Muel
ler's , 103 Main street.
Peaaleo's celebrated ale and porter now
on draught at Grand hotel bar.
llo Dropped Himself ,
COUNCIL BLUFFS , Oct. 7. To the Ed
itor : I was not expelled from the Fifth
Ward Populist club. I was dropped from
membership by my own motion , and was
declared dropped while the committee
on resolutions was at work upon
them. I was not ousted from the
secretaryship , I resigned , as the records will
show , I am a populist and will support Gen
eral Weaver , but I have some reservation as
regards the mixed ticket ; a portion of It Is
all right. I have always been and am now
unreservedly opposed to endorsement or
fusion of any kind.
Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway , fr.T
work. Ttl. 157.
Dry pine klrdllng fcr sale. Cheaper tlian
cobs. II. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Telephone
Duncan's shoes are always the best and
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
SutTeruil , Too.
A gang of thieves that Is now making
Council Bluffs Its headquarters showed that
the members of tt have not a suitable awe of
thft rigors of the law , even when the latter
are clothed with 200 pounds of human avoir
dupois and draped In blue clothes and. brass
buttons. Among the five houses that
were burglarized , during Saturday , two
war * Iht homes o Offlcora Wlalt and
Covnlt. The tatter's house. nt
35 North Blxth street , was entered whllo nil
the members of Iho family were away , anu
everything was turned upside down by the
thieves | In their search far valuables. Co-
valt fftlftsed a flno new overcoat and about
vh worth of old coins , some of whlo he had
vV fof twenty-five years of % re , Aj
Wlatt/B h.ousc , on the corner of urijthvay
and First street , nothing but a revolver
tfos foumj missing so far up could be learned.
The residence of i j. SlmpiolijJ5 Beh-
ton street , was burglarTzed yes'terday after-
were away. Mrs. Simpson returned homo
about C o'clock and found that the house had
been thoroughly ransacked and a gray wolf
skin overcoat , valued , at $03 , was mlsMng ,
together with a pair of mother of fiearl
opera glasses trimmed with gold , a RinnU
gold lace pin EC ! with three garnets , and 12.25
In cash ,
Attrnctloim for Momliiy.
Call and examine qualities and prices and
will bo convinced that we are leaders.
In our dross goods wo show the largest
assortment of novelties and fancy weaves In
the city. All prices guaranteed.
At 25o a yard wo show a big assortment ot
fancy mixtures and brocades worth 39o yard ,
40-Inch all wool mixtures and matelosRO
e fleet H , worth 50o to CSc , our prlco 39o a yard ,
A regular 75o goods In beautiful edeots and
designs , big aBsdrtment , wo now offer Ihom
at 50c a yard ; tton't fall to see this bargain.
100 novelties In rough effects , 48x45 Inches
wide , we offert at 67c and 76c a yard.
Fifty pieces of the new English tailor
suiting and cheviots , In pin checks , strings
and fancy mixtures , the nobbiest goods of
the season. See value at $1 and $1.25 n
See our new assortment of fancy silks for
Fowler , Dick & Walker ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Concert nt St. Xnvlor'n.
The first of a scries ot Sunday afternoon
concerts was given at St , Francis Xavler's
Catholic church yesterday afternoon , the
largo audience room being well filled. Mr.
Jr . H , Slmms opened the program with n fine
rendering of Gullmant's "March In D , " on
the t organ. Miss Zena Lange made her
first appearance as a solo singer , showing
herself the possessor of a very promising
soprano voice. Prof. Sutorlus , the Misses
Louo , Mr. Cummtngs and Mlts Crandel
of Omaha played two selections on
mandolin and guitar , and would
certainly have been encored had It been any
other day or place. Miss Jcnnlo Keating
sang an "Ave Maria , " by Ballo , and Mr. I.
M , Treynor sang "There Were Ninety and
Nine , " by Campion , both of them sustaining
the good reputations they have earned as vo
calists. Mrs.A.6. McCalllstcr played an organ
piece by Batiste , and the choir sang a couple
of numbers. A collection was taken , net
ting about $30 , which will be turned Into
the music fund. At the close of the ton-
cert those participating were served with
lunch In the rooms In the basotnent by the
ladles having the affair In charge. The
success of the entertainment was such that
others of the same kind will probably bo
given at Intervals of a month or so through
out the winter.
The Dudley Duck male quartet of this city
has been engaged to glvo a concert at the
church on Tuesday evening , October 30.
Card 1'nrty nt 1. M , Tre.vnor'i.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Treynor entertained a
party of thirty of their friends delightfully
last Friday evening at their home on
First uvenuo In honor of their guest ,
Miss Lizzie Gartner , who leaves
for her homo In Ooshen , Intl. ,
this ucek. Everything was Japanese ex
cepting the guests ; these entertaining were
dressed In Japanese costtnue ? , the decorations
wcro Japanese , so were the favors , and even
the ices were manufactured In a Jap's own
Image , with a tiny parasol stuck above his
head. Cards were the principal amusement of
the evening. The first prizes were awarded
Mrs. L. T. Shugart and T. C. Dawson , the
second to Mrs. Everett and Dr. II. A. Woodbury -
bury , while the consolation prizes were
berne off by Miss Charity Babcock and C.
H. Osden. During the evening an Informal
muslcalo was given , these taking part being
Mrs. Hughes of Omaha , Miss Babcock , Mr.
Ogden , Will McCague of Omaha , and Mr.
Treynor. _
New sterling silver novelties , very beauti
ful and stylltli , at Wollrnan's , 403 Broadnay.
IVIn * .
The suit of Colonel William Henry
Kncphcr against the Chicago & Northwestern
Hallway company was finished and deckled
In the district court Saturday. Knephcr
was suing on a claim ot $35 , which he had
bought from H. E. Southard , for wages due
from the company for his services as night
watchman. The company put In a counter
claim for damages , alleging that Southard
stole enough goods while he was watchman
to offset the claim. During the trial the fact
was proved , and It was also shown that
Southard had served a term In the county
Jail for the crime. The verdict was accord
ingly for the defendant.
The case of Dan Carrlgg against the Chicago
cage & Northwestern for $600 damages for
the killing of a horse , was settled and dis
Bourlclus' music house has few expenses ;
high grade pianos are sold reasonably. 110
Stutsman street.
Seaman Think * or 8uicl < lo.
Oscar Seaman of Dreda , who was sentenced
by Judge Woolson the other day to an eight
year term In the penitentiary for sending
obscene pictures and books through the
malls , does not take kindly to the Idea of
having a hole of that size cut out of his
career. When ho was taken out of the
court room to the county Jail , he told
Deputy United Slates Slarshal Hlllweg that
he did not Intend to spend eight years In the
penitentiary , and that If It was necessary
he would put an end to his existence. A
close watch Is kept over him by the Jail
authorities , and everything has been taken
away from him that might help htm In car
rying his design Into execution.
Havana Freckles cigar , Davis , wholesale agt.
May Bo Stolon.
P. n. Dunlap Is the name given by a man
who Is in jail with a coat In his possession
that Is thought by the officers to have been
stolen somewhere. In ono pocket of the
coat Is a large package of papers , among
which are deeds , mortgages and the
like , footing up several thousand dollars
In all. Among other things Is the last willet
ot Isaac Hendrlx of Shrewsbury , York county ,
Pa , , and a mortgage for $9.000 given to
William L. Sherwood by Milton Hendrlx ,
and eeveral other papers which bear the
ofllclal stamp of S. O. Saulsbury , county
cleric of Sarpy county , Nebraska.
Domestlo toap breaks hard water.
A Tlirirty Villa
Detroit Free Press ; "My wife , " remarked
a gentleman the other morning , "la one of
the thriftiest women living. "
"In what respect ? " asked his partner ,
"This way ; she was giving mo a tremen
deus scolding the other night for forgetting
something , and I bet her $1 she couldn't
keep still for half an hour. "
"And she did. and earned the dollar eas
ily 7"
"Sho did ; she did. "
"And you had peace cheap ? "
"I didn't ; I dhln't. She grabbed a pencil
and a plla of paper , and I'll be blamed II
she didn't flre language at me that would
have made the hair curl on a campaign edi
torial. "
A WVlconip.
Washington Star ; "Senator So bum , "
said the constituent , "we're mighty gl d ter
see ye home agin. "
"Thank you , " replied the senator , his
bosom swelling with appreciation.
"Yesslr , we're that glad tcr see > e home
agin that We'regoln * ter do the best we , kin
ter fix It so's ye'll stay here the rest o' ye-r
nit'ral days. " _
an Inllunncn.
Washington Star : "How do you like that
cigar ? " usked the man who had just pre
sented his friend with a treed.
"Excellent. One of the best I have smoked
In a long time. "
"It was presented to me by a friend. "
"Yes. I thought It must hare been. "
A yiiocn I mlrr I'utifKliiuait.
The Ilttlo queen of the Netherlands , though
only 13 years of age , says Le I'atrlote , al
ready ghotvs ilgni of ( hUimo' Independent
character as her late father was distinguished
fdr Tluls she coftslderli It beneath her fVral
dignity (9 respond to the , greetings of
loyal subjecla , ndtwIthUamllng the observa
tions oC her governess to ( hat cnecl. dnj
* - - - - - -
fiwilslimcnt. the governess tent her
nmTdlatcty rlfler Inertrelurfi h ofno.
fiVcn ) ! If I h'aVe lo refioaficB
fatheral > ( * ' .
Klv ? minutes alter thj | formal protest her
majesty -A-a's pluhgcd la n spund sleep.
. , , ,
t.--- !
Sound rr.nciplcs Kiianclaiod lij the Turty
The republicans of Nebraska In conven
tion represented deplore the dlsnjtroijs re
sults of tlie "chang4" In the policies cl the
national government , decreed by the
at n Unit when the rAcntal balance of the
country was temporarily dlsturood by the
exhilaration of n long course of peace , p og
res a and material prosperity , nnd the ciumor
or demagogues and political quacks , and
confidently appeal to the people "f the
state for a return to the conditions that ex
isted prior to the elections pC ltf ! .
Dlmnayed by the financial devulMoit tliat
paralyzed the business centers cf 11,0 coun
try , whim the results of the national nnd
atuto elecllona made It certain that the
policy of protection ot home industries and
the guarantee of public irritlt an ! i > sound
currency were about to lie overviMwn by n
democratic president niU a cnngrexs c"eino-
cratlc In both branches , the io.Ucn of the
party , wholly In power for the flrn tli ) < In
thirty years , have had ri lthvr ll.a confute
to embody the principles set f > rtli In their
national convention nt Ohloitfo in Ifgiriti-
lion , or the wisdom to uoanJon their tr.ient-
tncd raid on the Industries ot the cjurtry.
But they have kept the busing itiiertBt of
the people In suspense , vul nitcurciinly dur
ing twelve months of unprKUabla debate
over the work of framing .1 \inuo bill ,
founded on no clcltnlto or recognizable eco
nomical system , corrupt on Its face , dls-
criminating against northern Industries for
.he benefit of the south , openly denounced
jy a majority of those -whose votes tan led
t to Its passage , nn l not only fraught v.-'th.
llsaster to the people , but confessedly
tamped with "party perfidy and iiariy illii-
lonor. " as an abandonment of the c.xusc
if a. "tarlft for revenue only. " and the prln-
pleB nnd. pledges upon which they were
) laceil In power. "How can they face the
icople after Indulging In sucn uutr.igeous
Iscrlmlmitlon anil violation of principles"
.a are found In almost every paragraph of
he Sugar trust tariff bill ?
In view ot the practical results ot a year
nd a , half of democratic rule , we leulllrm
. ' [ th renewed faith and fervor the platform
f the national republican convention nt
Ilnneapolls. Wo demand the restoration of
.he A/nerlcan policy ot protection uml com
mercial reciprocity with our sister republics
if Mexico , Central anil South America and
he governments of the West India Inlands.
The republican party of Nebraska has al
ways Ijecn lhe consistent friend und ag
gressive champion of honert money and It
now takes no step backward , \\hlle we
favor bimetallism and demand the use or
both cold and silver standard money , we In
sist that th(5 ( parity ot the value of the two
ftietuls be rnalntalned , so that every dollar ,
paper or Coin , Issued by the government
shall be as coed as any other.
We adhere to the doctrine that nil rail
way lines arc subject to regulation and
control by the state , and we demand the
regulation of railway and transportation
lines to such extent > anil In such manner as
will Insure fulr nnd ( reasonable rates to the
producers and consumers of the country.
To that end we Insist tliat laws shall be
enforced forbidding- the 'fictitious capitali
zation qt such corporations and that the
constitution ot the state shall be rigidly en
forced wherein It la provided : "No railroad
corporation shall Issue any stock or bonds
except tor money , Iribor or property Actu
ally received and applied to the purpose
for which such corporation was treated ,
and all stock dividends ami other fictitious
increase ot the capital Stock or Iridcbtcd-
ness of any such corporation shall be void. "
We are In favor of thp enforccmertt ot all
.aws , whether they affect the Individual or
the corporation , nncl we .therefore demand
the enforcement of the maximum rate bill
passed by the last legislature until the
sarne. Is declared vojd by the courts or Is
we are In favor of-the Enactment of la'A-
by congress that will provide for the supe.
vision , regulation nnU control of corpora
tlons eniragcd In Intqmtatp commerce.with
a view to preventing the' fictitious capltfcll- '
zatlon and excessive bonding of .subn cor
porations. ' ' ' ' " "
We denounce nil combinations of capital ,
organized In trusts or 'otherwise , to control
arbitrarily the conditions of trade , and ar
raign as criminal legislation the manifest
conoes3l6ns of the tariff Mil now In the
hands of the president vo the Sugar and
Whisky trusts.
We recognize the rights of laborers to
orcanlze , using all honorable measures for
the purpose of dignifying their condition
and placing them on. d.n equal footing with
capital , to the end that they may both
fully understand that they are necessary to
the prosperity of the country. Arblttatlon
should take * the place of strikes and lock
outs far settling labor disputes.
The extirpation of anarchy is essential to
the self-preservation ot the nation , nnd we
therefore favor ihe pending bill in congress
for the exclusion of anarchists.
We recommend that the ensuing legisla
ture Bubmk an amendment to the constitu
tion , to be voted on by the people at the
next general election , providing for the In
vestment ot the permanent school fund In
state , county nnd school district bonds ,
We believe that the Industries of our state
should tic diversified , to relieve the mass of
the people from dependence upon one class
of agricultural products subject to crop
fallurcB , and It belnfr demonstrated that the
soil of this state Is ndpptcd to the produc
tion of sugar beets , even In dry seasons , a
source of incalculable wealth , we favor leg
islation that shall bring to our people Us
full realization.
Ever mindful of the services nnd sacrifices
of the men who saved thp life of tlie nation ,
we protest against the Illiberal and unjust
policy of the Pension department under the
present administration , and pledge anew to
the veteran soldiers of the republic a recog
nition of their just claims upon a grateful
Tlio Hunting : thttt Htlrroil Knthuslngin on
l-'oilornl Illll.
They were sailing majestically down Chesa
peake bay , says the Cleveland Plain-Dealer ;
they entered ho "river , " that buoy-marked
track that leads Into Baltimore harbor ; Fort
Carroll was passed and the spires of the
beautiful homo of the oyster stood outlined
Ilka a string ot Fourth ot July fireworks
ready fof the torch. They were BO filled
with patriotism that for a long , long time
neither spoke. They could only think and
At last his soul burst from his lips :
"Isn't It grand ? "
"Beautiful ! " v
"Charming ! "
"Sublime ! "
"Little wonder , " ho continued , "that
Francis Scott Key should lx > Inspired amid
such surroundings to write a song that
could move fleets , and armies , and nations "
"Oh , yes ! " she chattered , "tho grand
glorious , beautiful , brave , patriotic 'Star
Spangled Banner.1 'And'1 It was here that
ho looked and saw-r-what place la that ? "
"That Is Fort McIIonry , where the bom-
baidment occurred-i ' ! rn
"Grand ! Orand ! "
"And that Is FedoraUljIil - "
"Oh , yes ! I see JVeldear old flag flying ]
Look , look ! They careKfcheerlng It as they
did then - " 3- )
"Hah , my dear , > veiBre vastly more pa
triotic than those / Ul togles ! Sco how the
banner waves In thpgbrpezol How thn hats
go upl How the ladfea wave their hand
kerchiefs Yip , yip whoo-rayl Darn the
Stars and Strlpesl" lrr the pennant ! The
base ball pennant oftJ9il Yeo-o-o-p ! Who-
o-o-ruw ! " and it wdslwlth a superhuman
effort that she prcvnU .il him from leaping
overboard and attciiip lpj ; to swim ashore.
Largest iftili Kvor Horn.
The largest babiIt time of birth of
which the mcdlcor pf " 'Ihe world have any
record first saw the -light of day at Macon ,
JVercur5al Poison
Is tlio rcsultof tbo usual treatment of blooddls-
orUurs. Ilia sjiiem Is Riled nllU ilcrcurr ami 1'ot *
arb remedies morn to bo dreaded than itit dlienio
and In a sliort irbllo Ii In a far no e condi
tion tlmn before. Tlio most common remit Is
Qholf rrrol-icm ( ur < * l > lclib. H. 8. Is tbo
IvnCUlTUlCISm most reliable euro. A
" - v . .ien bottles xlil nfforil
relief where all olao lias failed.
I Mirrored tr > m a rero oILnck of JlercnrUI
Klioiim.uiira.mif arms and IrK * beluic sirollvu to
moro Umn twice their imlural site , cnuilna the
uiuxorcruclatliiR i.alni. l pentbundrcisofdol ! >
larswltbout relief , but aflcrtiikliiiriLfttirbottlei of
11-jif.V.u llmproTCdraiildljr.nndnm nown well
fcsKC'aCVH inan.coinpletelrcured. Icanbeartllr
sv < ii fii fn recommend jonr wonderful medicine
tounjrouc stnicUMl with thisr > slnfnl dl ca > o.
W. K.IAIii'
Oar IrcstlM on llloo.l snd tlkln Dlscsics milled free
tasii ) tdiirefi.
SW1PT SPECIFIC CO. . AtlnnU , dm
da , , during thp summer of 18W. The child
was the offspring bf Iho Lonnons , Iti lather ,
Vlll Lennon , being a well known ' '
Qf that burg , Whn the child wa J4 hours
old It weighed but on' ? and one-halt ounces
less | , than fortV
S 1t ± - . .
lion AD Indiana Orator Cnuqlit nnd no *
Captain W. n. Myers , who h a been placed
at the head of the ticket by the democracy
ot Indiana , and who was given In the con
vention ono of the grandest and most en
thusiastic ovations ever accorded to man ,
Is deserving of the- honor and trust. Aside
from his grand record as secretary of state ,
says the Indianapolis Sentinel , Ills personal
popularity and sterling Integrity , ho pos
sesses an Indomitable will , which enables
him to overcome all obstacles and triumph
under adverse circumstance . During the
state democratic convention this last charac
teristic of Captain Myers was brought out most
forcibly and displayed tp ihe admiration of
the delegates. It vtfis whle | the captain was
on the platform' $ < $ & 4.000 democrats of
the state and delivering his cloquorit speech
of acceptance.f * "
When Captain { .lyejs was a boy his father
kept telling him about cracking walnuts
with his teeth. Ho dldTi't ' Jjollcvo It would
hurt them , and , ns hf liked walnuts , ho
kept mashing them betwctfi hjs molars to
save the time necessa/y to liunt up a stone.
He had a curiosity tc- find o'lit wjial effect
cracking walnuts would really1 hAve ori the
enamel. And now--ell , he Isn't cracking
walnuts. In facl , ho doesn't really care for
them any more , Tlmo and again durjnt
the last few decades of year } has tfis dsritlsi
planted his feet firmly between the captain's
shoulders and then just pulled till he that
Is the dentist was red In the ( ace. First
the molars went , then the bicuspids , and last
came the Incisors , Ot course a now crop
was procured , hut they were never so reliable
as the old ones those walnut teeth of boy
hood days.
As aforesaid , the captain was delivering his
speech of acceptance. He was earnest , and
thp perspiration was streaming down his
face. The new set of teeth felt n Ilttlo
shaky , and he was nervous , but ho never
let on. His will power came Into play.
"Yes , gentlemen , " said he , moving his
hand across his mouth , "thero Is cer
tainly In my mind today no for dis
may. " Hero he felt an uneasy sensation
which caused him to mutter , "d - those
teeth. "
"Tho republicans blame our party with
the recent depression , and : hurl In our teeth
( they're ' loose again ) reproaches for bringing
about the panic. They say we're going to
pieces , actually falling opart " Heft the
captain grew so earnest that he shouted
forth the words with all his power , and with
the words out cafno the teeth. They shot
out tike a catapult , and for a moment It
seemed as though the speech must come to
an abrupt termination. But ho hadn't at-
terded every game this season for nothing.
He knew a thing or two. He threw out his
hands , made a running catch that would
have brought down the grandstand , flagged
the teeth , replaced them and continued with
out a moment's hesitation : "But It's a He ,
gentlemen. Wo may split up a little ones
In awhile , but wo know how to get to
gether again. " ( Applause. )
It was ' so dexterously donethat few
noticed It , Many men would have bcn dis
composed , but not the captain.
A Well Tuld ( untraclor.
Falloy , the self-called patriot contractor
and the Haussmann of the French revolution ,
obtained the contract to demolish Ihe Bas-
tllo and cart away the material , and made a
good thing out of It. He built with the
stones the bridge over the Seine at the Place
do la Concorde , the guard house of the
theater on the Boulevard du Temple and
the house ) at Iho corner of the Boulevard
Polssonlero and the Rue St. Fiacre , lie em
ployed 1,000 workmen In demolishing
the " " old prison fortress. The blocks
' of stone he was unable to use
'as a builder were turned to account
In tha carving out of the models of the
Dastlle- , which he got the fcoverhmenl of
the republic to buy and tend to the chief
town * of the newly made department * na
patriotic gifts , Ho thus cleared a n t profit
ot nearly 4,000. With the broken up mor
tar Aijd qthcr rubbish he made a concrete , out
of : which small Dastlles , which patriots
eagerly bought Vitro molded. The sum lie
received for demolishing and carting off tlio
Uaptlle was (10,000 , an Immense sum In his
Dreslau , a celebrated juggler , being At
Canterbury with tils troupe , met with such
bad success Hint they wcro almost starved ,
He repaired lo the church wardens and
promised to glvo a night's takings to Iho
poor If the parish would pay for hiring a
room , etc. The charitable bait took , the
benefit proved n bumper , nnd next morning
the church wardens waited upon the wizard
to touch the receipts
"I have already disposed uf dcm , " said
Breslau ; "do proQts were for dc poor. I
have kept my promise , and given dc money
to my own people , who are de poorest In
dls parish I"
"Sir ! " exclaimed the church wardens ,
"this Is a trick. "
"I know It , " replied the conjurer ; "I live
by my tricks. " '
Stiililu'd by Her Star *
The cries ot a woman coming from the
Universal restaurant on Scventli street near
Broadway attracted a crowd last night , says
the San Francisco Chronicle. The woman
was nicely dressed and was quietly eating
fthen slip suddenly gave a wild cry and put
her hand over her hca.rt. The crlea brought
Police Captain Fletcher with the crowd , and
the woman said that some ono had cut her
In tlp ) side. The captain , with the assistance
of the woman's sister , opened her dress
and found that she had Inceil so tightly that
one of the coract steels had broken and
the sharp cdgo had cut her.
often lopcnils on beauts' , The lo s of one menns
the loss nt Ihe other. Qrny linlr la scMon lioaii-
tlful. liulncil linlr. strotikcJ and patchy from
bleaching never Is.
perfectly restorm a rich , lustrous color , tnnkrt
the hair lioalthy , nml Is clean. Steaming miler
or Turklnli luitlm do nut affect It. It Is as nat
ural as nature. OeU-ctlun Impossible. Dock about
It free.
2 nrth Avmuc. N. y.
Sold by Rhermnn & MiConnell , 1513 Dotlne Bt.
Omalm. Nebraska.
Of Ihe K.iqtior < ri > K I'ohlllirlj Cured
by adnilnlstPrlutr Ilr. iluiucs'
fioldcu Ni rrJllc.
It o-m be given jo h oup of ct > fl a or t s , or In foo4 ,
without trivkaowlqdir ; or tle patient. ItlssbnolutolT
utrioUv. 1d'J' ' ttcct a , p rmunint and iptfdy
ffare , wh thr IhJ r * " " " ' ' * mod r te drlokeror
au alcoholla wrccb. 1C tar been clven In t toutanaB
of oust , anil In eittj inslanto a ( Serfeot ours till fol-
V.ncd. ll\ < ! > rrl'ull . ThegystetnonceImpfcgOttcU
, tlj ( be SDeoir.Q. It b Mne > < n utler linposilbllllv
it me tlquar ppttlto to oilit.
UOLMiKMl'MtrUO : CO. . I'rap'r. , C-lnclnnatl. J ,
4a-t > Aa book of csrtlcvJnrs lro . Ta be had o >
or tale by Kuhn & Co. , Druggists. Co rue
Kth and IJouglas streets , Omaha
ollnljIoDriitnl Uork
at Lowest I'rlces.
Full Hft tcotli on rubber $3.110. fit tuar-iiuocd. Sil-
v8r tllllnya fl.ou : pure gold * _ ' .UO.
Office , 3rd UODT Paxton BlooV , ICth and Far-
rnm Stroots.
Telephone 1085.
Lady Attendant. Ucrman Spoken.
Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless Huhstituto
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothinff Sj-rups , nnd Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' nso by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
fevcrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd ,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles , cures constipation nnd flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
Castoria. Castoria.
"Oatorla la an excellent medicine for chil " Ctutorla 1.1 soircll adapttd to children thaH
dren. Mothers hara repeatedly told mo ot Ita I recommend Has superior toany prescription
good effect upon their children.11 kiiowa to me , "
DR. O. C. OSOOOD , IT. A. Ancncn , U. D , ,
Lowell , Mass. 111 Bo. Oifonl Et , Brooklyn , N. Y.
Castoria U the bckt remedy for children of "Our physicians la Iho children's depart ,
which I am acquainted. I hope Iho day la t ot merit have spoken highly of their eiperl-
far distant when mothers will consider the real cnco in their ouUlda practice with Castoria ,
Interest of their children , find usa Castoria In- nnd although wo only hvro omoug our
lead of the various quack nostrums -whichcre medical supplies "hat Is known as regular
destroying their lorcd ones , by forclug opium , products , yet wo are free to confess ttHA tha
morphine , soothing tyrup ami other hurtful merits of CaMoria hae TK * to look with
agents down their throats , thereby Beading favor upon It. "
thciu to prematnro graves. " UNITED IIosrrrAfc irs DippRHgAitr ,
Dn. J. F. Kntcnioor , Boston. Mass.
Comray , Ark. ALLEH C. SMITH , Prea. ,
Iho Contnnr Company , 77 Murray Street , Now York City ,
All kin Hot Dyolnt
nndOio mln ; donoln
the hUhdit style of
the arc. t'n la I H J
Et.ilaoil fibrlji in ml ate
to lee I : n ( tool ui
now , Wortc promptly
dona ant Uellroral
In nil parts of tni
price ( lib.
o. A. MACHAN ,
Proiriat jr ,
Ilroaclwny. ne-ir f
Hchtorn Djpot.
Tel liana 'J2.
Weak , Nervous Men !
VON hoh T l > nliamb\iff8-edbytlieVElfctricD \ lt .1 > "r lloirflaflerBr."Bolnj , >
I till iC ' " " T * Vueuuin , " Fre " - li
* jroa4TrocIie I" Cure" ( jnacks , sndwho r round
1 * v vnnr lf trmwtuit older A.DU wortai V/1II Mhj hay * irirrn UD Inilflinalr.ssrlaif
rra c , ordr
hWrlUn. if.ll tUtorjofjooreu , . iqJf etrSIION ) USTa > il IMr > r > PMk. Mj KMsrc
B .M , lkillUri"l. I tn.cnr.Jlb.oiiSd , , IC1I Ct t 70C. Iwtutl l wr inn li f.
> vnM rfUklnrtrMtmn3 ( lM hr , * CaM l'ftUoD , p nH > o.llr r l > | ! ) , HM.odl
. r ,4UlaM t . * rT b rrbql , fr P.O D.BlM r4 r.4.l A trtti4lf ItfUi nuy dirM * t
f. N. . WuoD , President , CHICAGO MEDICAL A SUHQ1CAL IH3IIIUIE , 30 Van Buien St. Chicago , 111.
Locornotor Ataxla ,
. .
Dose , s drop * . Price , two drachms ,
Columbia Chemical Co.
BIND ran taon i i
Strange but True
A mnRncttc llcM scientifically and convcnlcil
ly I'oiiBtrucldl. Its effect Is mnn clous In nllAj
Ing pnlii curliiK female troubles. Toning up U
nervous nnj muscular sjstrm. beoutlf } Ing ( h
complexion , nllnylne Irritation Incident lo blu'd
der. liver nnd kidney difficulties. Neuralgia an (
rheumatism anil ninny Ills of a kindred na
lure. Open evenings.
Iloom 420 N. Y. I.lfc. Telephone 1012.
< o a dny heats a mom In cold weather , HolJ ,
flro IS hours. The beat of Its clnss. Bu m wotfK
cobs , trash. Sold by Iho trade everywhere. 8
euro the a&ency at once. Manufactured by
Role agents for Ttiullnnt Home and Genui
Hound , Oak Stoics. I'rlces from JC to $11 , -
Sloam nnd Hot Water Hoatln lot
Rosldonoos and Bulldlnja. i
202 Main. 203 Pearl Streets , Council
Bluffs , Iowa. 1
President. Cashier.
Fiisi National
Capital , $100,00t ]
Profits , . . . 12,001 ;
Ono of the olJeet banks In the itate of Iowa
We tollclt your buslneu anl collectlani. Vf
pay C per cent on lime deposit * . \Y * will
plcftied to > e and icrvt you.
" Special rfofclccsi
located ; prhato family. Address II IS , Bee ,
Council Ulufft. '
Ud IJurke , at W. U. Homer' a , MS liroadway ,
thlelds , Nicholson & Co. , COO Hroiul uy.
two barns , HiringIn feed lots , 170 acres cull
Ilvutcd , woods , pasture , A bureuln , 123 pjt
aero. Intlde fruit fntim. bearing- und planted )
vegetable and fruit lands. Carson & Ilalrdl
room , Everett blocli. Council lllufta , la.
\VAN'rE57 coiii'nTKNT omiT KOU oSK
rrul housework. Hcferencfs required. 103
Fourth street.
liver-colored enr > , brown > ot nn left snouldqr
und rump ; answem lo the name of "J'rlnc * . ' , '
Uiaylsli-brown setter dog ; anwwers to nnmo of
"ftMirt " Liberal reward will be paid for Injt
foimatlun leadlnit to ihclr r very. JUava
word ut lira ( illicit. Council IJIUifiL 1 >
WANTID , aiui < ou oKNunAij HOUSED
work. Apply ftt once. 11 H. ilh strttl. T
otllca work. Address , with reference , H
Use orllce.
, u. t ivVoodUwn pork ,