THE QMAILV nvruv JIOHNINO. T : HM or JW wlilioal Bundn , On.i Ymr . I R > iv and jSun.l'iy. out Year . 10 W I'lr xM-liK . & > M ntH . . . J Kiirt-l-iv- * , . Ono. Venr . . . . . . SW Hiitniifar ! > < , Ono Year . 1 * 1 tw , One Y nt . CJ OinnliM The Ufa . Smith omnlin. Turner X unJ T-.ventyfourlh 8(1. ( Council Itlnrr * . J ! I-cntl Ktnt. . ( 'hkajrii Otllce , 317 CliamlnT ut Commerce. N nr Turk , llwinn 13. II II , Tribune DMg. Wellington , liw i Street. N. W. COnKKSl'ON DUNCi : . All ctjmmimli-.illmi.-t tfl.illm : to ntvt * anrl 'ill- torlnl mailer irtoiiM ! nililim eii : To Ilia 1-IJitor. iii' i.rrrrnits. All liuKlnnti Idler * ami rcinll lance * should be aililrvurit ! u > ' 1'lif l : > I'ul.Hslilnj ? comp-.iny. Oniahi. Dinltr. ilucKn nnit fuBluinc-i onlcin to ib ? niatla imtnMf * to Ilic nlr of Ui'V enmpnny. 'run 111:1 : ITLMSIIIXO COMPANY. KTATKMKNT or CIUCUIJVTION. II. Trihutk. setrrt.iry of The Iteo Pub- lUlitns i-mnimiiy , bt-lnfc duly rwoin. cay * tlint the nclii'v number of full nnd comtilula coiilen of TliH Itally Mtinlnir , rvrnlnff nntt Sunday Hoc prln lo < J ilurinif the month of Bcfilcmlwr , l l. win ii ru 21 MS 10 2J.IM IT Sl.i'i-i , 21.08 11 21.Hit . 21,31 1-1 21.013 8 , 21,1V ) SI 2V/.7 * * 1 " * * | . 7 ! 21 > ll zi.iir , 1 , II , I : i . . 2JWI 2) ) , ' (71 inn n 2ir ; 51. It 21 2 J 21.071 13 21.2)4 sv Mir 14 Jl.l ) n. 2I.7J1 fr li 21,273 n.w. . 'SLOT ! Totnl CITTwi Leys ilc'litciluns fur unroH and returned cnpi , 6.K.SJ Tolnl > M . ' IUJ Pally iivfmse net circulation , 21,347 Sumlny. ononon n. TZSCIIUCK. Sn-nm to before me nml sulwcrlbcd In my pn ? onrp til In in ot Octobc.- . " , ISO I. ( Seal. ) N , T. PHIL. Notary I'uMlc. \\'K rrjolco In tlin qiilukenod conscience of tlin people ronrnriilnp ) > nlltlrnl affitlrs , uml trill linlil nil public : olllcorn to it rigid ro- ipannllillltj' nnd niffus" ( tlint mcnni 'ptodRo' } that tlin prosecution nixl punishment of all irlio liotrnjr official trunti slmll bo fmlfl , thorough anil ui partni ; . N'ntlonal Kcpuli- llcan riatforin , 187(1. Io\vn's loyalty to Senator Allison docs not ( lotnu't In thu Icitst front her ho.spl- tallty to Ciovornor JIcKInley. It Is nnnoiincert that whisky hns ni' down. Just tis If whisky hart not been solus down all the time ! Goi'ortior MeKluloy npnnreiitly tlv- cllned to tu'ccpt Ihc coaohliiff of the solf- npl > olnto < l dtctiitors of what he .should say in his Oinnha speech. "When HIP Heiirchlt ht In turned on the movement to savu the credit of the state the people will discern the real object of the parties engaged In the play. Franklin JlncVeash , the democratic nominee for senator In Illinois , has not yet had Iho audacity to challenge Gov ernor MeKliiley to debate with him. Tile petition of the democratic rump ticket should be headed with the name of Czar Iloldrese. with Touurllngton Castor at the tall and K. Martin In thu middle. The death knell of collestf hazing lias been runs so often that one is almost led to believe that the obnoxious prac tice lias ut least as many lives as a eat , if not more. From tlte number of challenses for political encounters llyln around In this vicinity one would almost believe that the center of the pugilistic world had been removed from the Ilnb to this section of the west. Tim regrettable thins about the oper etta of which the Gernfati emperor Is said to be the author of both words and music Is that he Is in a position to have It put upon the stase and even to com pel nn audience to sit out the entire per formance. No end of treasury decisions will ho required before the disputed and am- billions points in the new tariff are { satisfactorily interpreted. The revenue law of 1801 promises more litigation than any of Its predecessors , because it was more hastily and more crudely con- stnielcd. There can bo no tiirllt cer tainty under a statute whose provisions are subject to continual change of con struction. The publishers of Iho works of Prof. Ely announced that they are unable to supply the Increased demand for his books since he was exonerated by tha iuycBtlKiithiK committee which made in quiry Into charges of socialistic teach- liigrt. It will be now in order for thu ambitious writer on economics to have himself publicly accused of harboring heretical doctrines. Enterprising book I publishers will take notice. I Omaha Is closing a building season which , taking all the circumstances Into r consideration , is certainly creditable to the city. There has been no building lioom , but there have been erected a fair number of uupretentious structures , together with a half dozen or more large blocks , tlint are evidence of metro politan progress. In all the other cities of the surrounding northwest n dearth of building operations has been notice able , so that Omaha will compare favor ably with any one of them. No better Index of the material prosperity of a community can be found than the will- IngiiL'ss of Investors to make improve inents in real property. Judged by tills standard Omnua will easily hold her own. Philadelphia complains that In the re distribution of the army for the pur pose of strengthening the garrisons In the neighborhood of the larger cities Baa was altogether forgotten nnd left no better protected from foreign foe and In tcnml uprising than before. This neglect she Is Inclined to view na an Insult , pel-Imps unintentional , but none the less to l > u resented. Philadelphia ( ought to regard the omission rather In the light of a compliment. Slio constl lutes such uu orderly and quiet city when compared with her neighbors tlmt there Is no call for thu near presence of troops to preserve the peace or to re press Insurrection. Under the now theory the army Is to bo located o'nly in those cities which cminot look out for themselves. Philadelphia appar- docs not full within this cUisa. SOCIAL i'nurir.KMH w letter of Mr. Robert P. Porler In this Issue of Tin- Joe ! will 1 > o found ex ceedingly Interesting ; and especially so to those who are giving nllentlon to problem. * * It appears that In Ut Jliltaln the inludH of statesmen are being occupied more fully perhaps than ever before with questions relat ing to the cure of poverty and to mak ing provision for old-age pensions for Iliosp wlio may have to be cared for after i-Hii-hlng n certain age. The some what surprising statement is made that of the uorklug cli-04 : ! one 111 two , If he reaches the nge > f ( W years , Is almost certain to come upon the pcior law for IIK ! subsistence. This demands from the stntian annual exvcndlttire of between .fl..iiK ) > ,000 mid ? r.0 , < ) f 10,000 , and yet with thU large outlay there IK great piivntlon and suffering among the old nnd Indi gent. Mr. Porter , riys that as nearly as on ti be atfortcilned the number of pan- pt M in Grout Hrltuln Is 1t17ini : , about 1.5 per cent of the population , the pan- PI'IN ranging In ago from 1(1 ( to 05 , but i lie number of thow between < ! 0 and I'M Is nearly IMS per cent of the population. The letter gives exceedingly interest ing information * as to the pension scheme advocated byMr. . Joseph Cham- irrhtlu , who hns always taken a deep ntcrest In questions relating to the iVurklng ehiHso.s , nnd also to the govern- unit life Insurance and annuity bnsl- loss , regarding which little is known In his country. The AnuTlcim working- nan. unfamllliir with the conditions surrounding the laborer In Great Krlttiln , will be surprised at some of lie facts stated by Mr. Porler and will lanlly fall to find in them good reason for questioning the superiority of an oiinomlc system under which such ihlngs exist. In the countries of conti nental Kurope there is also n great deal if interest being manifested In social problems , Germany and Denmark hav- ttg made the greatest pi ogress toward their notation. lUsmarck Is entitled to .noru credit than any other statesman if Europe for what he accomplished In this direction , and all the plans ho In stituted appear to have thus far worked satisfactorily. There Is an old ago In surance or pension scheme In operation it France , and a more ambitious one l.s n contemplation , modeled , perhaps , upon the German plan. The Italian government is also considering the es tablishment of a pension fund for old igo with state aid , but the unfortunate llmincliil condition of that country wnr- isuits the belief that It will ho a long time before anything of the kind can be put Into effect , If It must wait for state : il.l. . il.l.While While all this Is of Interest to the stu- ilent of social questions and as evi dence of the general and growing ton- lency among statesmen to devote water consideration to these problems , what has already been accomplished anil what Is proposed iu European countries would not be practicable In tlu > United States , because these schemes Involve a measure of govern mental .paternalism not compatible with uur political system. All our govern ment can do , as indicated by Mr. Per ter. In by-wise legislation to enable our people to take the fullest advantage of their opportunities , so that the working1 classes shall have constant employment nt remunerative wages , from which they can make provision for the time when they are unable to earn a subsistence. XERDKl * COiV.SI7fc.IB HEFOH31S. < 'or more than twenty years the queF- tion of reforming the consular service of the United States has received earn est discussion from time to time , but still the service has not been reformed up to the standards of other great com mercial nations , and observant Ameri cans traveling much abroad are com pelled to admit Its Inferiority. During the administration of President Hayes a serious effort wns made to elevate and Improve the character of our consu lar service , and with good results , but the example has not been sedulously followed by subsequent administrations and consequently much of the good then accomplished has been lost Gradually the old method of appointing men to consular positions with little reference to their fitness or capabilities has re turned , and carelessness In this respect bus been more marked under the pres ent administration than under any of its predecessors in twenty years. During the administration of Presi. dent Arthur , Admiral Erben , recently retired from the navy after forty-si * years of service , made an investigation oC the consular service , and he hns since had much to do with It. In a recent in terview ho gives his views regarding this .service , and as a well Informed and en tirely unprejudiced witness what lie says Is entitled to great consideration. Ills general arraignment of the sen-Ice is that it Is largely filled by men who Jack knowledge regarding trade and consular work nnd who take little or no Inter est In the service. Many arc unfamll iar with the language of the countries to which they are accredited , others have gone to their posts as a mere mat ter of convenience , and still others are consuls for the personal gratification and therefore give only a perfunctory attention to their duties. Exceptions to the rule of Incompetency and Indlf fereuce are In the larger cities and more Important ports , but Admiral Kr ben has found consuls at such places by no means up to the highest stand nrd. nrd.The The familiar explanation of this state of things Is tlmt our consular sen-ice has always been a sort of political nsy lum , n convenient place for satisfying the demands of n class of politicians who could not be used nt home. In stead of following the example of other nations and appointing only practical men , well acquainted with trade affair * , to this service , our policy has been to give these places to politicians , and for the most part to an inferior class ol politicians. Thla belnj ; well understood the remedy Is plain and there ought to be no dltllculty in applying It The con tiuUir service must be divorced from pol Itlcri ami only men appointed to It who have tlie proper quallllcatlons. Tenure in the service should be during life or good behavior , with promotion for the faithful and efllclent performance of duty. In a word , the civil service pdncl pie should bu applied to the servlco anc thouo employed In It should receive at * nfloqitnto com pen Mnt Ion. It Is a fault of the service nt prenont that while1 some consult * are overpaid the majority nrc wretchedly underpaid. It these reform * were Instituted the United States would n n few yearn have n greatly improved lonsular service and one tlmt would epny nil that It coMs , ns does Hint of Great Britain , France and Germany , who manage this service upon sound irluclpk'H. TJII ; DI r.w ; ( According to tlin latest advices the nse of tlio emperor of llnsshi Is hopp- ess. Prof. I.eydcii. tlit1 Get mini special- at , stated to tlu > Associated press rcpre- tentative tlint the emperor has Hrlght'a llscase. nmlvhllu It In : is yet In n inllil form it Is complicated with other nil- nents. Though not confined to Ills bed ; he nllik-ti'd nutoernt of nil the Unsslag s reported to 1)0 very weak nnd nimble ; o attoml to nny of the business of slate. .la may live weeks nnd evoti niontiis yet , for nothing tlint tnedlenl science ind nklll can do to keep lilm alive will left undone , but all the Indications nve that tile rnynl sufferer Is under n sentence of death from which no mortal lower can rescue him. Alexander III. Is not an old nmii , hav ing been born In 18J5. lie succeeded to ll.e throne In 1SS1 , on the murder of i Is father by iilhlllHl conspirators. Ills . areer lias not been imrtlctilarly notable , flic assassination of his father imbued ilm nt once with nu Intense fear and latred of nihilism , ThN led him In the nu-ly part of Ills reign to exclude him- * elf from the public and to live In close retirement , nud nt no time has he been free from dreud of the machinations of the nihilists. To destroy this secret or ganization has been one of the chief nlms of ills rule , and Siberia has been kept well peopled with those who Imvo fallen under suspicion of being Identi fied or In sympathy with the nihilists. Tn developing the military power of Itnssta the present czar has simply fol lowed the policy of his ancestors , nnd Indeed there Is little tlmt he has clone for strengthening the empire the credit of original Ing which belongs wholly to lilmself or to his reign. There has been little if any improvement In tlc | interim ! affairs of Hnssla lnce he cnmo to power. Civilization In that vast empire lias made no marked progress. The Kiisslan people can hardly be said to bo better off as n whole today than they were on the day when Alexander III. ascended the throne. On the other hand , his reign hns been marked by mimeroiirt intrigues , by a despotic rnlo almost as rigorous sis that of the most despotic of his predecessors , and by IH-oserlptloiis and pel-seention.s which 1mve elicited the protests of the civilized world. Two things are to lie said to ills credit , lie 1ms been a potential friend of the peace of Knrope , and lie has con ducted himself as a dutiful husband and father. What effect the death of Ihe czar would have upon the political affairs of Knrope is an interesting question. The most intelligent opinion appears lo been on the side of the view tlmt It would cause 110 serfoim disturbance. The czar- owltz , who will succeed to the throne. Is in Intimate relations with the fier- mans and English nnd is about to marry a cousin of the kaiser and n granddaughter of Queen Victoria , If this union Is consummated it ought to strengthen the friendly relations , be tween these three nations. Xot much is known of the Grand Duke Nicholas , the heir apparent , who Is of n somewhat retiring disposition , and It Is the opin ion that lie is unequal to the of wisely governing and directing the des tiny of the Knsslan empire , but It Is easy to make a mistake In estimating young men who display modesty and dltUdenco. Circumstances often develop unsuspected qualities of greatness In men , as all history shows. The dentil 1 of the czar might produce some politi cal changes , but there appears to be no reason to apprehend that they would beef of a nature to disturb the peace of Ku- rope , which all thu nations now seem well disposed to maintain. Is the dormitory system necessary to the success of the American college ? Have colleges with dormitories any ma terial advantage over th < so without dor- mitorles ? These are the questions that have again been raised in two of our loading Institutions of higher learning. The University of Pennsylvania In Phil adelphia has practically decided to In vest n. portion of Its endowment In buildIngs - Ings for the use of resident students. Columbia college In New York City , on the threshold of Its 141st year , in se riously debating whether its academic school has not been handicapped by the fact that the students are compelled to board In private houses as best they may. The alumni association , on Mon day last , passed n resolution "that the trustees ought to provide dormitories for the undergraduate department , " 'but President Low and the trustees do not seem to be very favorably Inclined to the proposition. In favor of the college dormitory It is urged that In no other way can the true "college feeling" be developed. The students who reside together form little communities by themselves , become most Intimately acquainted , and by rubbing against one another draw out a loyalty to themselves and to their alum mater that makes them devoted to the latter's welfare forever after. Parents who send their sons to college are sup posed to experience a greater sense of security when the students are under the control of college authorities during the whole day Instead of during class hours only. Several of the most popular colleges are conducted on the dormitory plan and It is but natural to ascribe their popxilarlty to this feature. The dormitory system , on the other hand , has nt times manifested a distinct tendency to overdo the "college feeling" and to create little bands of nitllans who are terrors to the communities In which they reside. The separation of the student body from the people sur rounding them makes the members feel that they are above the regulations to which ordinary people must conform their conduct , and hazing pranks hava brought more disrepute upon colleges than years of college loyalty can efface. There are , furthermore , Institutions of standing equal to the best that have no donnltorTes , m Fevcn wtiere the dormi tory system J jnost pronounced very few of the Ifl a nmniige to secure nccoinmodntti iiif/mlll nfter they Imvo been one or yenrs lit attendance. More to the ; Htlll Is the claim tlmt there Is absolutely nothing In common between the nmnngcinenr of a great educational iSMljutlon nnd the running ' of n huge Intfrd'ng house. Let n state university propose to board nnd lodge student * nnd | jie cry ot pnternnllsin will bo hurled ifgalnst It. As n innttft. gf frtet , the dormitory system Is essential only to the smaller colleges nnd academics. No one even proposes it for * the university depart ments , where the subject Is now agitat ing. The collegiate work of the great universities Is gradually becoming of less nml less comparative importance , nnd for them the question of dormi tories must nlso decrease In Importance. TEMl'HUAXCK HKFOHM. For a sensible and practical discussion of the saloon problem consult the arti cle of Dr. William Howe Tolman iu the last Issue of the Independent. Dr. Tel man Is a practical man. He Is the sec retary of the society which , under the presidency of Dr. PiuUlmrsf , Is doing so much to root out corruption iu the po lice department of Xew York City. Ills contribution Is only one of a symposium upon the drlulj yyjl presented Iu that paper , but It stands out from , nil the others by very reason of the practical view which its author takes of the sub ject. ject.While While his fellow contributors are busy figuring how much Is annually lost to the country through the saloon , dilating upon the beauties of prohibitory laws and constitutional amendments , describ ing the advantages of the Norwegian system of state dram shops , or arguing learnedly upon. Hie two-wlue theory of the bible. Dr. Tolman starts out with two candid admissions llrst , that the saloon Is a power Iu the life of a com munity , and , second , that closing all the saloons In the city will not put an end to the evils of which the saloon Is an ex ponent. The abuses against which the temperance agitation Is directed are effects nnd not causes , nnd the causes of the evils of Intemperance which cul minate under saloon auspices must be traced far back of that Institution. What we have to fenr from the saloon as at present conducted Is Its tendency to disintegrate the family , and the rea son for this Isjhi.t the saloon offers con veniences and comforts which ought to he found In the' ) homo , but which are not. not.Dr. Dr. Tolman then , goes on to enumerate some of the causes which create a de mand for the saloon , which Is not. In his opinion , an unmixed evil , according to present social | iind economic condi tions.To commence wltlj , the system of machine politics In , vogue In most large cities often recruits Its ward heelers and district bosses from the sa loon element. ' which naturally makes the saloon tin ) center of local political Influence. Statistics are quoted to illus- trata this point. tottho effect tlint out of 1,0012 political inei'tlugs made the sub ject of inquiry In 1SH7 , < > : tt : wore hold In saloons and ninety-six next door to sa loons. .Secondly , the tenement house , at tended by overcrowding nnd poor sani tation. acts necessarily as a feeder to the : mloou tlmt has heat , light and air. Fl nally , the lack of proper amusements and means of recreation are Similarly powerful supporters of the saloon. Liquor Is often only a minor at ( met Ion. For example , in the most densely popu lated assembly district In Xew York City there are ItOli saloons , to say noth ing of tlie coffee houses , dives and other resorts where liquor may be obtained. In some of these christenings and wed dings take place In Ihe back rooms ; many a lodge or society of workmen holds Its meetings In rooms connected with or over the saloon , the proprietor recouping himself for the low rental out of thu resultant patronage ; bowling alleys , pool and billiard rooms are com mon adjuncts ; facilities for letter writ Ing are made possible ; the convenience of toilet rooms Is carefully attended to , and the attractions of congenial com paiiiousldp are always at hand. With all these accessories we are asked : "Why Hhoultlii't the saloon ilourMiV" The- suggestions offered ns to what can be done to counteract these forces muy ho summed up in a few words. The Tee To Turn Is a combination work tngmeii'H cafe , offering all the features of the bust equipped saloon except the bar. The improvement of the water sup ply , with the establishment of drinking fountains and watering troughs , where man nnd beast may bo refreshed without - out stopping nt a saloon , nnd a greater abundance at water In the tenement houses , will tend to cut off the liquor Imblt in Its inception. People often resort - sort to the saloon because the water nt their homes cither Is unlit to drink or require * considerable exertion to uecura It. Public lavatories , again , if opened throughout the city , would draw off pa trons of the wHoon * Many men patron i/e the saloon "for 1he sake of the lava- lory , nnd becanso they have an inherent Kcnse of ineiin orislii { getting t-omethlng for nothing they will buy something to drink in order -recompense , the pro- prletor for this"co"n\eiilence. If men re- sorted to the saloon for no other purpose than lo secnr * Intoxicating liquor the temperance prflblJm | would bo lin- mensely slmplll feu. Mr. ElbrldgeAv erry , at the conven tion of humane societies held at Albany last week , came out In the course of an address in fnv"or oT the Introduction of the whlliplng post to be used especially In the pimlHhuu'nPSf ' people convicted of cruelty to chlldre4i. He maintains that the penalties of line and Imprisonment nr Inadequate to check this species of Inhumanity and thinks that the only practical way of putting a limit upon It Is to treat the offenders to the same 'kind of medicine which they have In flicted upon others. ) Yo scarcely think tin suggestion will bear fruit In the very near future , but It Is interesting as showing what remedies the humane so cieties are ready to adopt. Mr. Gerry , unablu to devise a now and effective check for child beaters , says that he IH willing to take a step backward nnd return to the odious whipping post , now almost universally discarded , lie- 'ore life people consent lo such retro gression they will have to bo convinced hat thp | Is no other possible remedy. Voters in Now Yo.rU at this year's 'lecllon will Imvo no fewer than llftce'n allots handed to them , of whlcli , in order lo express themselves on every olllce nnd question b fore them , tlioy will mvo to vote six. Tills Is owing to the pe culiarities of the New York Australian liallot law. which requires n separate ballot to bo printed for every list of lomlnntlous tiled In accordance with the provisions of the statute. One set , for exnmple , covers the nominations for state offices and consists of live ballots , representing the democrats , the repub- leans nnd piohthltlonlsts , the socialist ! ! and the populists. The seta covering the constitutional amendments consist of only two ballots eiich , one for nnd one against tile proposition. "Were the blanket bnlljit In use In New York there . ould be n great deal of consolidation and much of the confusion necessarily resulting from the present system could lie avoided , There would also be an immense saving In expense , In time nnd In trouble. New York needs few things worse than n revision of Its election uw.s. The charity pawn shop which was es tablished In Now York by the Provi dent Loan society for the purpose of advancing money on personal property of worthy applicants at reasonable rates of Interest has gone through the first four months of Its career with a busi ness that Its promoters are satisfied to call a success , it had a capital of $100- 000 , subscribed by wealthy people In terested In its charitable aspect , and bus effected lonns to the amount of $130,000. of which $ ! 2. in < )0 ) hns already been re turned by redemption. It Is proposed to Increase the capital stock to $2TiO,000 In order to expand the volume of trans actions. It Is furthermore claimed that the good effects of the Institution are not confined to Its own borrowers , but are also sliared by the patrons of other jiawn shops , whose proprietors have been forced to display a marked lessening of greed In their dealings. It Is per haps too early to Judge finally of the experiment , but so far everything points to Its success. The custom of formally notifying a candidate through a committee that he hns been nominated to an ollice which lie has been seeking with all his might and main and of having him go through the formality of accepting a nomination made perhaps In Ids presence Is a pe culiar feature of national politics that Is just now being introduced more and more widely Into state politics. In New York and Pennsylvania It has been the practice of all parties for some years. Other states are beginning to adopt it and probably before very long It will be a common procedure every where. It enables the candidate to take his time In preparing his speech of ac ceptance and affords nn occasion for a grand party demonstration. There Is HO seldom any doubt of the nominee's will ingness , or rather eagerness , to run that the notification.nnjj _ acceptance can belittle little but an artificial ceremony. The commotion caused by the letter of Colonel Merritt llnrber , assistant ad jutant general of the Department of the Platte , declining to serve on one of the comnitUceson arrangements for the re cent reunion of the Army of the Tennes see nt Council Uluffs , seems to have Ucen largely n tempest iu a teapot. The most that can be said of Colonel Barber Is that he acted a trifle hastily under a misapprehension of the facts. lie was not aware of the custom which permits the appointment of persons to serve on committees without llrst consulting them and leaving It to them to express their willingness or unwillingness to act when notified of the appointment. Tha whole affair was entirely outside of the sphere of ollldal conduct and It Is ques tionable whether It is of sutliclent lim portance to warrant ollldal cognizance. Wliore I'rntvctlnn U NiU - < l. Pnllmlelphla Record. If any region of America needs protection for its Infnnt Industries It would seem to be Alnska. Not only are the hunters extermi nating the seal In her waters and threaten- In the extinction of her fiir-bearinB nnl- mals , but Fish Commissioner Murray has de clared that even her streams nrc being robbed of their last salmon. The protection that Alaska should have , la n. luost stringent code of laws nnd an etllclent government to enforce them. Vrflt TuIkH Too Milch. KnnsiH City Slnr. Mr. Vest could not have arraigned the democratic confess more severely than In the remark that "In looking back my sur prise continues to Increase , In view of nil the nurroumllngx. that we passed anv 1)111 at all , " Here -was a coiiKress. elected and empowered to reform the tariff , as It pledged Itself to do ; yet Mr. A'cst Is sur prised that "we passed nny hill nt all. " The democratic committee should Instruct Mr. Vest to cut that sentence out of his speech , The rivotal Contntt Iu Now Vork New York Bun. If Hill , now the democratic candidate for governor because he was thu almost passion ate choice of the stnte convention , and be cause In politics he Is of the hold and un- selllsh kind to face nny dllllculty when called upon. Is to be beaten In November nnd Now York Is to be put In the repub lican column , the consequences will be apt to be much graver and far reaching lethe the national demociacy than the loss of a great plate government , or even the loss of a national election two years hence. llenolli-lul KfTccts of Ili-clproclty. IncllanapollH Journal. Ex-Senator Hdmunds stated a good point tersely when he Bald : "The reciprocity portion tion of the MrKlnley tariff was a reciproc ity of exchanges and not of competition , " It la one thing to secure the free admission of American products Into foreign countries by the partial opening ot our doors to for eign products , and quite another to throw our doors wide open to foreign competition without securing any advantage or equiv alent In return. The reciprocity treaties negotiated under the McKinley law opened foreign markets to American producers , while the new tarlo Jaw , coupled with the repeal of the reciprocity treaties , surrenders that advantage and opens American mar kets to foreign producers. I'ather uf thrVrittlirr lliiroau. Chicago llemlil. Captain Howgute claimed to be "the father of the weather bureau service. " and Is described as such In the press reports of his recent arrest. He was no such thing. Ills claim was false. Hut It served him In a scandalous era of dishonesty am ] Imposture to acquire high olllce , public distinction and personal aggrandizement. The "father of the weather bureau serv ice" was Increase A. l.aptiam. a modest nnd retired but ripe scholar , who lived In Milwaukee He wan the first to note by telegraph the progress of the wind cur rents nnd storms nnd to predict their ap pearance In snecllled neighborhoods. On the Btreneth of a weather dispatch from Omaha In IBffi ) or thereabouts , he an nounced the llrst storm on I.alte Michigan that ever was heralded twelve hours In advance of Its arrival. The nrst work of the weather bureau was under his charge In Chicago. It was an the mnall beginnings of Dr. Laphnm that Ihe entire system of tha signal service wan based. rvuvr.n mix as. Mr. Iloflney Hanlic , two ot Cf > nnectlcut > defeated tfiu'tldatca , appan concldorabry cut. up over tha returni. Tlio project-it ! Oltni mlicrmont ot the Clilncjo empire by Jap.iu looki. 111:8 n pre mature onumtrnilon o ( unlnrnb.iteil poultry. Deiplte the threatened nlnllcutloi ) ot Iho emperor of China mul ibc nnfen ot KnRtftnd , the oM world rolls nroutnl without n tremor. The office ot the tn < c collortnr of New VorU N now open nml sixty-seven o.\lrn clerks nrc- employed. Tlicro la In all about ? "S,000OW to bo collected. Last Sunday -viai the "dryMl" day In Now Vork lor a quarter cf u century. I'm Innately luch grent reform UUnis ns tlrooklyn , llo- l > okcn nnd Jcrncy City e.iiiie to the reiciis and relieved the drouthrltu copious schooners. The New York Advertiser is 87 yrnrs old , Itul It < ] OCB not look It. If there Is any moss on Its splno It Is kept under cover. Its lungs ECcm to Improve ultti age nml UK vocal chords dally twitter the gleeful song , "We'll Uury Old Dave In November. " As soon ns a sufficient supply can bo harvested on tha cl.isslc glades ot the mur muring Nemaha the Itnniaculalei under the leadership of ( he noted Impressurlo , Prof. Tobc Castor , will blow open the campaign with hickory clubs. The professor will piiy the freight. The oppressed nnd distressed Arthur I'uo Gorman Is now accused of stampeding the New York democracy for Illll. This sug gests the probability of Maryland's smooth worker being the prime mover In the bolt of Nebraska purists. Herman Is a promoter of Immaculate movements outside of Mary land. land.The The latest liarmony movement among the distracted democratic factions In New York Is an anti-snapper endorsement of the shout ticket conditioned an the nomination of draco for mayor. This plan will bo a sera test of the Tammany stomach , but ns the tiger must have some rations It will humbly take Grace before meat. Kentucktann uro loyal to Kentucky nnd don't care a rnp who knows It. A Sunday vhlt to the metropolis of the stnte affords a striking Illustration ot how the- homo Inluslry movement Is rooted on the south cldc ot Ihc Ohio. You can't got a shave on Sunday , but you can bathe In the liquid products of the state. Tha saloons arc wtdo open , A Chicago court has been called upon to RVO ! a definition of the term "growler , " not the 2 per cent variety , but the can which rushes nnd lubricates. Jt Is hoped the court will brush aside the foam ulilch obscures the real article and go to the bottom of the problem , regardless of subsequent pains and headaches. The question Is an Important ono and Its settlement will tend to soothe the mental agitation of those who hit the can , s JT.V A dainty llttlo fob chain Is studded with diamonds and has a ball of brilliants on the end. end.An An owl for the hair or to wear as n brooch Is beautifully modeled In diamonds , with eyes of yellow agates. A double diamond heart set with pearls , with ono pearl dropping from It , makes a most dainty brooch. A butterfly of diamonds , studded on the wings wUh rubles , emeralds and sapphires , Is admirably effective. Uanglo bracelets arc still worn , as they show the beauty of a row of well matched fit on 05 with splendid effect. A comb surmounted by two dainty llttlo Mercury wings united by a knot of diamonds is a most popular ornament for the hair. A pretty arrangement for low dresses Is a collar of tulle Just gathered , and the fullness divided at Intervals by lour diamond bars. One of the novelties Is a snake bracelet to bo worn around the top of the arm , thickly Incrustcd with diamonds , and eyes of emeralds or rubles. A pretty new brooch Is a beetle balanced on a bar of gold with ruby eyes. Another Is E true lover's knot pierced with an arrow and having a single pearl In the center. Largo ornaments that can be worn either In the hair or on tha corsage are In great favor. A cojjple of ostrich plumes In iflfamonds that quiver at every movement are unusually light and pretty. Tortoise shell blended with chased silver Is In great favor this > ear. especially for toilette ornaments. A pretty three folding looking glass has an edge of lace-like design In pierced and repoussu silver. Although the half hoop rings are still greatly used , the new suits of small , all round ring of diamonds , rubles and emer alds , In Imitation of the early Victorian era , are dainty and look well for young girls. The opal Is to be the fashionable stone of the season , the prejudice against them having In n great measure died out. A handsome brooch lias a big opal nlth yellow and green flames sel In a circle of diamonds , with a larger diamond at each end of the bar , to which the brooch pin la attached. Slgnincuticn of tint Applause. Chicago Inter Ocnn. . "Wilson , In his London speech , said : "Our protectionists have been building defenses to keep you and other nations from com peting with us in our home market. The tariff reformers are breaking down these defenses , " Kngllahmen nho hnve been every year gathering- their millions from American trade were doubtless astonished over the Idea of being kept out , but none the less pleased that their profits were to be Increased. No wonder they reretvcd his speech "with thunderous applause. " nuttx , Golden opportunities do not travel by & time ( able. The feet of truth are iluir , tut they never slip. The value ot gold depends on weight. not polish. The doopcat woundd are those Inflicted by a friend. A flood day does not Always begin trlth a brlcht mornlnn. N'a amount of cultivation can make a tlilstlo bear fruit. Hard work U only hard to the e nho du not rut licnrt In It. Ilc.ivrn Is full of windows ( or those tvha have faith to look up. There are men who like to speak well of others on a tombstone , There IB no way of getting children to bo good lllo showlnn them how. If some pe-opln had money enough they would vex themsclros to death , Shadows have no clawg , but thef have frightened many people to death. The sermons that Impress us most an not ahvuya the ones \\o In church , Iho ixpnrinlril lent llonk. Milwaukee ( Vntlntl. It would bo Idle to conjecture how Mr. Cleveland himself feels about the suppres- olon of his two rpiimilcnble letter * , when ho wrote to Mr. Wilson lie doubtless thought Ma Inlluencc Mrung enough to dt'Rtioy the bill IIP was attacking , and did not foresee that heould afterword bo quoted against hla imrty In a decidedly unfriendly spirit. Llut he know well enough vhen he wrote lo Mr. Calchlnga that every word of criticism would , bo u-n'd agtilmtt the ti.irty which passed the bill lie was unwilling either to slpn or to veto. 1'osslbly porno of liln more foolish admirers may regard thin elimination of his letters an a persecution fur his free dom of ppecch , * ! * 'Olt 1.0AM .N8H.MO.VS. Buffalo Courier : A cynic rises to remark that if Kv < > had anything at all on It waa probably a. full liat. Chicago Journal : "Honl nolt qul mnl y pants" . Is the latest comment on the wo man's bicycle costume. Indianapolis Journal : "I henr. " said the clam , "that you arc going In far Christian socialism. " "You have been misinformed , " avei red the oyster. "It Is church sochilUitn that T expect - * - pect to figure In. " Chicago Record : lillgers-- ! tell you thin literary work IH terribly wearing. Why , I've Rot writer's cramp. Willis Working on a book ? Ullgers No. Signing petitions for candi dates. Texas Sifting * : Mrs. Anderson So your daughter Is studying for the singe ? Mrs. Hi-own Yos. and she Is progressing very rnpldly. "How far has she got ? " "She has already had her photograph taken na f.ady Macbeth. " Plttsburg Chronicle : "Name some of the quallllcatlons for a Unite 1 States senator. " said a profcisor to a young man who wai being examined for admission to college. "He must be 30 years of ago , be above 16 , Dutch standard , and bo nble to stand the pol.irlscope test , " replied the applicant. Ha got marked 100. Puck : The Ilev. Mr. Harp" ( solemnly ) My dear friend , cannot I say something- turn you from your present sinful and ruin ous course ? Remember that the wages of sin Is death ! Alkali Ike Aw , shucks , elilerl I'm not follerln' this yerc course fer wages ; I'm simply In It fer the fun of the thing ! Indianapolis Journal : "Hello , Jack ! " re marked lloreas. "Call me John , please , " responded J. Frost. "Every advanced woman who. writes a novel nowadays has a hero named Jack , and I Just don't want to bo classed with such a crowd. " TOO HAD. , Now York 1'rcss. VJ. The moon Is beaming overhead , The pair are parting at the door ; "Good night , " they've to each other raid Two solid hours and more. There heart responding- unto heart , They aland beneath fair Luna's light- It la too bad that they must pnrt "Until tomorrow nlghU - " omsivx. n. D. DlncUmore In Al.ilnnto. . "O , fle ! The sad thing I have heard ! A most distressing rumor , Just brought me by n little bird , Hns ruined my gocd humor An act I crumol beiir to name , And in a place secluded ! f O. 1'olly , I should die with shame To do the thing that you did ! " i "Aunt , can you mean that stupid tale About my cousin Charley. the poor boy looked so pnlc When I met him In the barley ? What happened there was strictly tills So let them make the best nf It I gave him less than half a. kiss. And he gave me the rest of It ! " T.i.l f'KS. Dunniy. Whirl ! dead leaves , whirl ! In your withered waltz of death. Whirl to the dlrglng music , piped By autumn's mournful breath. Whirl ! dead leaves , whirl ! Dance wllh the ghostly breeze , Over the bare , brown earth , Under the naked trees. Whirl ! ilQful leaves , whirl ! And dilft In n. dreamydance , Like our own short lives. Blown here and there by chance. MOXJWS noiiTii on YoinuHUfur II.IOK. This Sort. A suit like this , of cheviot , cassimere , scotch tweed , mixtures ; black , blue , grey and all the new fall novelties. All "long" cut , and sacks cutaways ways and double breasted ; trim med with first quality serge or farmer satin ; sleeve linings the best , sewed firmly with double silk thread in all seams , pockets oaught up and made by as good tailors as there are in America , cloth thoroughly shrunk before out. Sizes for tall slim men , tall fleshly men , short slim and short "chunky" fellows. We nt all builds of men perfectly , and make slight alterations to correct any little peculiarly of build , such as sloping or round shoulders. All this for $15 , $18 , and $20. You can't get ready made suits like them in Omaha at any price , and merchant tailors would charge you $30 , $35 , and $40 for no better suits. Better look at 'em now while you can get your size color and style from the full stock. Browning , King & Co , , Reliable Clothiers , S.V. . Cur. 15th and Dotty Ian.