THE oar AH A DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , OCTOBEII 3 , iso-i. Wanted. WORKING GIRLS Praise The BOB for the energy it shows in se ' 17 curing situations for trutum , them at such small ex pense. Thousands of families read. The Bee want ads' each day. In. both morning and evening papers. 8PEG1RL Advertisement * for these column * -nlll be taken until 123J p. m. for the rrcnlnx , nnd until 9:00 : n. m. for th mornlne and Sunday wllt'uns. Advertisers , l > y reriuentliiR n. numbered check. can have nmwcn addressed lo n nuralnTwl leltj-r in care of The Ilee. .Annwere no ndilrewk-il will b delivered upon presentation of the cliecK. Rates , IHc n word first Insertion , la n won ! thereafter Kotliliiff taken fur lem than SJB for " " : "ndvertlBcment must nm eon ? ciitlrely. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION I V I.ADV A3 I OOKMi3Pl.n : : einerlenc * end Address . , T K- . SOU California st. A M1G7 G WANTED M ALE HELP. -WANTRr ) , A i'KVf PERSONS IN EACH ' ca to do wrltlns ; Hcml nlami | for 1J > pan * k of particulars. J , Woodbury , 127 Y42d street. N. Y. City. H-MO8 WANTKI3. LAMORERfl. SOUTH : GOVKUN- ment work in Tennessee nnd Arkansas. Kramer & O'Hearn. labor agency , llth nnd Farnnm strrets L _ 1 _ BAKKrt" WANTED AT NORTH I'UVTTi : . NI2II. HchuH & Well. H-8.3-7 WANTHP. Ain.n MEN FOR Nun. . H. D. . MO. . Kansas nnd stnteaeM to orK nlo our Bolieina In towni ; no aollcltlnB ; no Invralm-nt ; < lcrtl with the lttpr l element In ench tnwn : ci-i.-tnt. IntelllRfnt ludiei ran ivoik t It the sime us men. Address nt once box * 30 , Sidney. la. _ II * MSv CAnrKNTIJISS WHO WANT BTRADYVOUK all winter enclose I9c stninn Cdmninn.P.nM Weather Strip OMiipntij- . Cedar Uliiftj. NiK. for particulars nrut miplc. li Mtss-j * mBCTIVKS-WB WANT A iTnLIA 11I.E mm In every loe.illtto act n prU.ite de tective under ln l ructions. i : pcrlenre not neeess.iry. Send uliiinp for pirttculnrv American Dclccthc ucency , Ind innn 1Ind. . 15 J. > 1 WANTHD. anNTLiMiN : NKWST'AI'nn CON- trlljutont In CM-ry tnwn to report all Im-.wrtatu hnplienliiBs and write- articles fur pulillcntlnn on nny subject. n.\rierlence not uro'isi'y. Oi l [ ifty for spate time. Our InMrucllons tell ymi how to d tl\f \ work. Pend stamp f < ir full lur- tlcillars. Kodtrrn Presa A Vn , Clilcaco , 111. WANTI2D , HAI.KSNfAN : PAT.AnV rilOM start : peimanent i > lnce. Dronu Urns. Co. . nur- , Chicago , III. J ) 111 Oil * WANTED nKMAHI.i : YOtTNi ANn MID- < llct K a JJieft in , i erjvounty > q net as cor ; leMininlonfrt Und Btieulal prlrnttfMlcitlvM Under liiBtructlona for th6 liirBt't. nnd lie t OTUilpVtM dcucllvo bureau ot tlie klitil In the country , frevluii * exjierl'iics li not rni'ilren ' or nm.css.iry. Kmnll lioys und Itiisp nslb ! . ! jinnies wilt ct > uf > r a fnvoc on us hy not nnsuvrfns. References Blvi-n und riiilied [ , llavn liecn CKlnldlshed for ytsirx. Hend tlump for full nartlciiUira and Bc-t the l > e t criminal rni > cr published , offerlnc thoilsnntls of dollaia 1n renrd fur imr'leit w"o nre wanted. Kutlonal DvtevtUo Uuteau , Indlnnai > . ! | l < . Ind. It MltO MKN OP OOOD AIlDKHSf ? CAN 1'IND STHADY emplonnenl nnd Rood pay by oilllnxnt Douglas. l fl HAI.IHMIN : , dlately. O. D. IJonJ. room 8 , ilS S. titli street. U-J1217 ! WANTED. BY MANt'l ACTt'nnt"TRAvHU - inK salesmen tn sell to merchants nl > v Apply at room 610 , Fheel > block , from 9 n. ni. t > 4:50 : p. m. - _ _ 2 COAT WANTED AT * Dcnlson. la. U ! " TBAMB TO IIAUI < UOCK ON ivcst Dodee street. Jt.ic.idum road. Sit 2 * AIIB VOlf V for IH , DO pr wp-U7 Slan In c nntry tnwn lirefcrred. J , II. Clay. M 1'lftli uvenui' . C'hl- cnso. U 31211 S RAI.KHMKN TO TAKI3 OnUHOS AND Itrj- culvo ilepnglts for llrst-clnsa nicrtliAnt tnlloiliR : n good thltu fur ttie correct man ; ir > l > n"K'on or bond. n.irtoii Tailoring us > , 17 ! ( Tirk street. Chloosn. Ill , II-.M211 ! _ WANTrin , A MAN TO TAKE AN OW1OK nnd repreaftit a ninnttfarlun > r : J5 < ii > t"-r week ; small capital rriu'red. ' .Vldres , vllli stnmp. Manufacturer. IMS 2IJ. Concord Junction Hans. 1V-5I2D V roflt TINNRUS WANTC11 AT ONCU. COI.K & Cole , -II Main sired. Council KliilT * , la. I1-M.M7 3 WAKTED 1-EMfl.LE HELP. WANTED , cm TilTCAN end Iron ; uperlencfd. 1C21 N , 12,1 f'-JSliS' WANTKD , I.ADV Nnwtfl'AI'niS CON- ttllMitnra In p\ory town tn rei irt all Important ImppenmBi Hn.l write nrlMoi for p'llillontkni on nny stitject. HxpeilPne * nol jiecesxaiy Ojil puy for sparu time. Our Instruct Ions l ll you how to do tin vfiHk. Send rinmti fur full par- tlcularn. Moilsrn 1'rcss As-j'n , Clil-ngi ) , III. C tl " WANTBp.nx F' von end work. : 37 r > dge opp. WANTRD. AN : .vi : Ktfl , Ucfcrcnci-g. Kjinnni t. 'OIl BENT HOtrSES. IIOUSK3. P. K. DAKLINC , RAltKBIl D-JM iN\ , I'.vrrs or TIII ; crvri : O. 1' . L > a\lu Oiiiii.iiiy. | IMi 1'nrnnin. n m Kl-UClNNV : : i CO. . It 1 , CONTI.N'nNTAI. 1JI.K D-SJ ; _ FOll HE.NT. CHBAl'KSr 6-IIO05I COTTAOB vlth butlv in city ; vnly J11W. : u : > Cullf.rnU ttrtel. D M30S NK\V .ItOOM COTTAOn NI3AU IIISHW PAIUC , IJ.PO , Fidelity Trust Comi-uiiy , IWi Kiriuim. D-.MH5 _ _ IMtOOM HOt'HK. I.AUUn IIAUN. 27TII AN'D Indluni nvi'ouc , Ili.iH. 311 first Natlunat lank. n-aisn rort itiT. : niciir-nooM MO\IIIN \ : Hoiwi 8:0 S < > lith ] Ith Bt , utaj l-ronui i > ott pt nlth tl. I. . Oien. It. 2S.larKerljllc. D-C3I T-ltOO.M COTTAOn. K11WOOl- wottrt mo. UlnE\valt llrus. , IMrUer tlk. H-OW _ FOIl HHNT , TWO B-nOOM , RtKOANT 1IUICIC tlat ; all modern oonvenlmivs : 1 Mock from Hlh street motor , IJJ.W. Comptroller' * < iflle . I'lNIJ T-llOOM COUNI-tlt FLAT AT 7KI S. ICTII street ; mnu < and nil nttier cumcuh-m'eo. . C. Ilaller. room 811. I'nxton blo.k. ! ) - F .AT AT Tsn. : nti rumr * nnd nil other conveniences. W. Ilaller , Dom HI , I'axton block. D 300 en HKNT7 -IOOi ! IIOL'SU Alr , CON- venlencts ; elf run I looillon , tart the thing for % ltrji-cla s iKKirdlnit huu > e ; iuui > lent. Ad- dr M Y 2 , Hr otllco. D-MSW S HOUSE KO.U2S CAIjviUNIA ST..l1 ItOOMS. nil in.-Klern Improvemtnt * . burn fnr 4 liorkti. L. U. llulmf * . CIS N. Y. Ufv HI In. HUNT. IH.IXIANT -IUX)3I IlorHK ra onable.S J Hurt trr t. D SCI- CUEAI' HOUSES iroi'NDKl ! Kater. J. W. Squire , iij Dee t > Mf , , ' -J 1-nOOM J. lle bldtf. l-illW FOR RBNT , 4 It-ROOU I1RICIC modern convenience * , nl JUC nnJ fun " - nt a bAriraln to rltfM lutrty. Qlobc l in * r Trust Co. , Utll nnd ) ) * .1ge. lit" IOUSSH * r BTORKi 7I > .WHAI > .1 & ! > OttlU\S POR BKNT HOUSES. Continued. 3-ttOOM IHIICK IIOUSH ! rt'H.VACn , pns , Bond barn. 1621 N. lOtti tr et. . Umnlii Ural Kstato nnd Trust company , room t. lic HUg. D M1J _ 301S HAKONSTHKKT ! 8 ROOMS , MODKHM , rleKint locnllon , lia.OT ; nlso 7-rooen house t\i \ Oicliarcl Illli , newly | lntcd and paiwred , | T.H\ B. K , llamphrcy , 028 New York Life. D SI1654I FOU 11CNT. 17U NOIITII 14Tlf ! D M1J9 6 _ -IlOOJl COTTAGE. 836 SoT IlST STItKI T\ _ p-m s _ _ r ° , It , J'KWT. TOONT HOOM NlfniuV KIJIl- nlshed. IS M ; nlso tM > droom for tft.00 , 710 North ZOtli street , near "Webster. U 132 4 roit IlKNT. A NICE l7\ilOtt COTTAOn. S rooms , pooil utnljlc , large lot , No. JSOS Cnll- fornla strict , rent J1KM. ( Apply on premises or to T. C. tiruner. Ttoom 1Viiic block. D 2313 _ _ _ _ 9-noo.M Hoi-sK. iioDnnN roNr.NirNccs. : . vacant Oct. 1st , clic.iii rent to Bin-ill fnnilly. No. 2,21 .Incicaon st. D. II , Wheeler. Ji. , Douglitt and Uth St. U 238 3 n.N'R D-llOOM HOUHG , MOtiKUX , l'L'1.1. IXJT. on i.tat Blieel , clnso to H inrcoin ] > ark , nt Brcat birguln : mlsht con < ller nnmo truile lo.veni > ort & Waterman , 822 N. Y. Life' . 1 > M23t 4 ECU BEMT FTJBHiaELED BOOMS. rou isnsr. NICKI.Y rrriNistinn ni-ni. nunlein convrnlonccs , to one or twi -eii. 2017 _ rnoNT noo.MS. 2021 DAVKXPOUT , OR RENT. VERY DHSIRARI.B i uiv.-icii i. loom with private family. 25IJ Fnrnam Etieet. E MS25 3 roil KENT. NICELY I'l'ItNIrfHIlD ROOMS , with or nltliont board. Call 2137 Dmislas. K-815-17 PINK ROOMS AT T1IU OI.TJ Tl'HNBR HOME , IClli und Howard. . i : 872 5" . ROOMS , zen IIARXKV STKEIIT. K-202 8 IlKNT , 2 Pl'nNISHKD UOOM8 , CIIRA1' , for light liuuseliceplns , at onco. 3101 Cntlfornla st.ect. ] jM209 4 NICII.Y nru.visiinD ROOM , BOUTII nx- IIOSUIP. ono or two sentlcmen , with or without boilld , ! W7 foss. , U M21I 5 * FURIJISTIEP ROOMS AWD. BOARD. FRONT DOOM KOK TWO ; \VtTH sriHCTI.Y llr t diio-t board. 2109 si. K 2JO UNI'PRNISll FRONT ANL > "llACK I'AK- lor ; nisi furnished rooin with bcnrd. 2in nnd 213 H. 2oth st. F MSS ! ) NICK nOOSC WITH HOARD , CHUAI'T iflS C.\SS I'tTRNISIIKLl IIQQMS WITH IJOARO. SB5S i' 11772-Or , * ItOOMK AND riRST CI.ASU HOARD , * 2l IJougUw. r M7JS-O2I * _ NICKI.Y ri'nNisiicn IIOOMS WITH HOARD ; teima ILM sen able. 613 N. 2JI.1 stii'rt. F NICK LATtnK FRONT IIOOM , PIN.OI.K OR cnunlle , fuin'Mird or unfurnlsluil. wllli llrst claas Ixjunl. 2dl ! > Bt. itiiry'a Ave , r 97V S N1CKI..Y Fl'RNlSIIED FRONT ROOSC. WITH nteiivff , fur tno ; also niiit-ilnsa bcnul. 2333 Kt , M.iry'n avcnua. ! ' M102 0 * UWBTJBN1SHHI3 ROOMS FOR KENT 3 ROOJfH IN DRICIC FLAT. 1 I.KAVKN- worth street. O M1S2 5 * AJW1 OFFICES CORNUR STORE. t < H , Ml POL'OI.AM. INQU1IUI 92S. 1-8)1 ) FOR HUNT. T"n 4-8TOHY tUUC'IC tirir.Kl.VH 9I rninnm stieet. The bulldlnir linri a flrc- iiroof. crmi-nl Inifcment , rumiiluUi stPrtin heat- Ins nxttir - < , wntur un ull fluors , K" * . etc. Ap ply at Iriollleo of Tim Flee. 1 BID FOR. IlKNT. ROOM Si 1IY Si ! D rU. OH OF my ntore. suitable for cloak * and mitt * ; ( rood light anil cle\ntor service. Mr ; . J. llenton. 1-802 TOR RKNT PART OP 8TORK. Rl'ITATil.i : Cor ilowvr utand. st < ° am h"at , l\l > 3 l-'arnnn. AGENTS WANl'BD. WANTCO. IIVJHY MAN ANI > WOMAN WISH- Inif employment to wrlUUH : cntlu-ly new linn of biiilm-b * ; laves evriy family o\cr J23.00 yearly ; nu experience ne < * t'Miry ; p.ntlciilarH flee ; numples Me. Uranltv S. P. Co. , Omaha , Ntb. J M211S' IAl > V AOK.VT , II' YOl' WANT NMJW HOODS , qukl. ( . . IIPW , liiR'i prollts. Kixid rnlUfiictloti , urltu l.ulles * Supply Co. , 31 IS I'uicst nvcmii * . Chlc.ipo , III. .I-M2JT U' WANTED TO BENT. A 5-c-nooxt OOOD iiottsn WITH YARD AND bain Ruiith p.nit of ths city tirefrrn * . ] . Ad dress 1201 I'aclllc gtreat. K--1ST-2' STOKAGii. iiAua & CROSS , un HAIINKY STORAGE I-'OR HOt'tJEIIOLD GOODS , TLKAN und ihe.ip intc. R. Wells , Ittl i'unum. MJI M-7U OM.VANiS.SUORAGE CO..1M : KARNAM. Trt.lMJ M-auj IinST STORAC.IJ Rril.DlNG IN' OMAHA. U. S. go\P. liondeil ivarrhnuse. IlnunehoH icooUs stored , lowest rates. 19 3 ll * > Lcavenw rth M -sy TDJBUY. WANTKTi TO I1UY BTOCK DRY ( lOODS 6li gencnil mcr-'handlse chrap from [ unly nliu must lenll c promptly ; can rlose ht otico ; cur- reipondercfr contldcntlal , Addresa Y SI. caio Ilee. N-illS'l ' 6' : > -ii.\Nn HOOKS isoriiiIT rou CASH &t Autl'iu-irlnn book lor > - ' . 15I > Fmium stieet. ' WANT TO UUY A GOOD TIAU.'W SAl-'J ! AND Lock Co. ' * vault doors ; veil used. I-ock box . Ovvltun. Nct > , N 101 t POR SALE FURNITURE. TAYMKNTS KABY. YOU WON'T SIISH YOUr immey. l > \v priced nn furnllur * mrl lumieholt. goodl. Kr.ltrpl-lso Credit Co , 6tI-Mi N , ICtli vt , O-'JOT CT.\SIN < ! OPT UNTIRK BTOL'K Ot' ' L < V < F , ft' . . ' ' " , etc. U Altman , SOS N. Uth. 0-5CS _ _ " * \f , 1 Vl ANU riJRNITURK AT Co"riTT MUST V iU at rnce. I. llrusacll. 31)-7i : N. Kih. _ O MMJJKJ RA.SCii : TOR SALU CHEAP. : J55 bT , JtARY'S art- . _ O-il.'tl FOR SALE , HOH3E j , WAGONS. ETC GOOD I'll VS. rHAK. , t ; PIIAHTON. TTT l > lmcon : , IM. DruininmU Carrlngn Co. t IIARaAINtt ; rilYB. IHAKTOXtf ; 1 suny l li cost. Drumim/nd Carrlaza Co. A. li. ci.AniCK. nonsi : COMMISSION UKAI. er , union stock yards. Houth Cmahn nil claoea ot horiM con < t nlly on lunJ. ran tn & suulli rrn bu > ei < nro lier for full supply Aur ANU Gi.STMJ PONY Apply room ill. Uee LulldiuK. V11 : U I * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CHKAP1J8T CIICIiPN ! AND ORNAMENTAL. f Ltp n-a < tt. C. It lief. VOI PIU.JMI.J m X1ANK ANH l'tATTi : VAMjTY : HAND IfJtt. mle. CV. . Hull Company , snh nn < l luml st . qx ) _ _ _ FOR BALK FUL11LobnKD GORDON BKT- ttr : I month * old. Inquire " 3. " 176 North nth avenue , Omaha. q-M'U IP YOU IIIJV , llfV Tlin 11KST , MACKIN- t he , rubber boon arctic * , syringe * of ml hinds ; gx * tublnfl ; nil tirM quality Omnht Tent A Ami Ing Co , nil Tarnntti st. Q. HJ IIAVI5 TKN rRAMU rOTTAOi : AT KTH tuiil I'nrnam streets and I offer for ral . to IM removal , at almost your own jirlie. They mn In rMf fmm ( lire * to five rimmi frf me quick. Walter G. Clark , 1218 llamcy street. Q-813 ItATlTK MOUNTAIN CANARlKs w.mnnted timbers. tt.S ) : 3 ROM ll h. with irlobo. Jl. 5 ; younic patrol * . JS.IM to 121.00 ; bird cased , * d , etc. Gclilcr's bird store , WO N. 16ih street. Q-MKO Nl _ LOUIS 8TKRN , COMMISSION MCtVci I ANT 1N heron anil egret plumes. lensl lerni ninl bird * uf every deMrlptlna , nlUn.itnr kln . mo s , mid nil priulhcrn utvducls. No. 32 U < md strei't. N'ew York. Q-M215 ! MISCELLANEOUS. CR93 POOLS AND VAI'I.TS CT.nAXr.O. .TOHN .NVlJK > n. olllco 411 .4. lltli street , let. 117 $ 11-183 OT CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DU. ii. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. RH- Rnbte business mvdlum : 5th ) enr nl 113 N. Kill. H oil MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. MAIMMK SMITH. COJ 8. 13TH. in FLOOR. room 3 ; msr.Kaar \ , nlcohol , steam. Kill. phurlne and sea balhs. T MML C * MMK. LA HUB. 410 T MUM O13 * MASSAQn. UADA.MIC BERNARD. 1114 IlODOfJ T M7K S TURKISH BATHS. IADIKd' TURKISH HAT1IS ; JIOURH , 0 A. M. to 9 i > . m. He.iuly Culture iwrlors , lemoved from Kmbach lililg. to 1W-1" " ) Hec lllilg. M6H PERSONAL. UMiiRRLUiR MADS : . IIKCOVKRKD AND im- palred. 105 South Sixteenth street. XT-912 JlATirS. MASSAGE. UME. POST , W.i S. 1BTII. U 3H WHOLR WIIKAT nnKAll TROM UNtlOLTUD Hour at Imoeen U Ilamscj's , 217 N. Wlh utr t , U M317 OW nut.T.n F.rpKnt.nv is FITTED AND MGAS- ured to tlie ( Isuri1 : olwajs rrDmlim clwpely unit Is better iircpareil to n-taln tlio Iln r outllne < of u tonutlful tlifiiri * than nny oilier. Nlti niii3urenient ar necessary and nil nttliii ; IK dcmu li > - pxorl | . It's tlie onlv coistt that rnrfkos one sli < ip l > * nrt I * apl > rcclnte l ! ) > ' exory tody who calU at parlors. 1 C9 Kiunam stroi-t U M373 O13 MACKINTOHIIKS .t. ItfUIICR HOOTfl. 1311 Tar , U 311 ii Ki'n c , ot fur uarmenti ; fum np.itly repnrtil. 1'nr l nil IT at mat. Uocin 301 Karbiich lilk. Trl. 1512. U 5lJ Oll ! WHO DIHPENSE THUIU OWN ilptlons ran K curn > nluitie | Information fieo by addressing P. O. Box t3 , Omiha. Neb , JIMP. l.A HOOK. KrA HAOR ISM I.KAVKX- nottli Htioot , thlid llojr , fiont rooms , un > Hrst- . , U M-15 y * cn j4 vpt-.atois - COMI-OUNI > x voactmKs a. tlmii , biunchltU nail caturrli. Ilomi ? treat- tnenl f6.W iwr montli. Ttiree d.i > V five treat ment , room : CO DoucUa Ml ; . , ICth nnil I > lje. U 15S O ± ) LACR CUIITAITS'S CLiAMi > KtJDAr. TO new. Call mid examlno eptjc'inem or work. 143S N. Wth ft. U MIM 13 _ VOITNO MAN. T < Y1-7ARS OP AC.R. 1-IIO- prlptoc nf tiill'H Illj ; establishment emplos Ing nuTilier of persons , desires correspondence ultll hulno objection * toMov ) with n I"W t > turly marrlnge. Ijiily must lie a Christian , Tlio i orer In vnitlily KOIIIIH the mwc prefer- able. Honorably Inrllnrtl laily ( trillt-rH will bi > treated with contempt ) desiring n Invtiif ? hus- bnnil and happj' home , nddrcifc * Y ZG , thin- olflce. U-or 2" OS 'AH HUNIini U FOR J2 YRAltS WITH O. \V Cook , tins remiiyil his hoa iepalr Bliop to 8. t'tli street , north of Uouglas. U MID Nt VJAVIlIOMI3TUnATMCNT TOa l.AUIUS. llnltli IwoU nmt ronrullallon trtf. , Vhl-fss or c.ill Vlavl Co. , 34 Hoe IJ < lar. , pr K'otmrll UlufTH o Hcv. S03 & SWJ Slciilam Mk. Lady U-913 Till : MANY I.ADlia CALLING TO HRU MISS lacy' tine mllllnpry will be iilniKvil to fee n v-iman * coiset anil made by n woman. The corset clI pta > i-J nt HIP U'orM'a fulr Utll bo shovn. Onlers taken for thr celt1- Innleil "Anwlum Henuty" by Mrs. A. M. Kins , will ; iI-3 ! IHu-y. 315 South 13th utiMt , Omaiu. U S124J 5 * LOAK K2A1 , ESTATB. I.ll'K INKBUANCU 1'OLIOIKS LOANT.I ) ON or bouuht. K S Choaney. Kansas city. JIo. " ANTHOXY IXAN' & TIU'ST CO. , 318 N.Y.MKB , loitiH at Inw r.itefor choice , i-ouirlty In Ne braska and Iowa fiirms or Omaha City property. W 9W MONIY TO IOAN ON KAnsis IN DOUOT.AH iiiiinly , InipronMl uml unlmpcovcil Omuhn real wl-ittr 1'tdfllty Trust Co. , 1752 Taimm ct. W-91T n" TO IX1AN ON IMI'TWIin OMAHA estale. llri-nnan , Love & Co. , I'.ixton bile. \V-91S MOXRY TO LO\N AT LOW ROT It.VTRS. TIIK O. ! ' . Davis Co. . 1504 f.iinum nt. W 5 1IONI3Y TO LOAXAT lwKST UATBS ON Inipi cived nnd unlmtu-uvetl Omnhn estate , 1 to 5 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170J FArnnm. AV-D17 LOANSON IMI'nOVI'.D A ; 1'NIMI'ltOVRD CITY froiHity. tl.WO and upwards. C to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. Funutni Smith & Co. , 3320 Farnnn. urn INSURANCK POLICIES rm Fame rifioltaled. Welllver f : io. . Phlla. . Pa. AV-M97I-C3" rH.tV. . P.AINKY , OIL NAT. I K. nLDCJ. W-S2L JK XiV TO LOAN O.V OMAHA ItlZAK RSTATK ul G r i rent.V. . U. .Me < ( .le , list Xnt. bankLlilR VV-9SS MONEY TO LQ AN CHATTELS. MONIY TO LOAN ON FrnxiTrnn. PI\SOS. iMines. WUKOII.H , tie. , at lowest inte tn city : in of uoodi ; ( trlctly ounndentlal ; von can | > .iy the l"nn < UT at any time or In . ! ny urn iiint. iiint.OMAHA MCIRTQAOR LOAN CO. . SOS K. Kill fllre-t. X 8.3 MOXUV TO LOAN ON PHUSONAL PflOP- crty. llnirlit L iu Co. , 701 N. Y. l.lfibids. . - J. 1 ! . 1IAODOCK , IIOOM 427 IIAJIOI3 WJOCK. X-Dii MON11Y TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD Fl'JlNI- lurr. lilanos. hnrvr . iVniroiMi nr nny klml nf c-h.iUH tevinlty. at luwe t possible lates , wlilch sou cuu pay bick nt any time nnd In itny Hiiumiit. J.'HJULITV LOAN aUAUANTIIE CO. , IliMun 4 , Wllhr.fll block , X 3M BTTSIWE53 CHAKCES. C I'lMl CL'NT PUOriT.S WKRKI.Y. WITH HVI.C ) ( apllnl. I'niifciin , ltrmlze'1 rtatlntlca ftee , llcrnon ii I > ner. S3I llroudwiiy. N"iv YoiU. Y M1U Qj' MON15Y C : > r Rale vr-iy Imv oulnir la liccllnln : tuollti of pivprk tor , Ilex [ ,33 , Horlon. K'nn. - I'Oll KALE OR TRADi : . J10.00) 00 It the bi'St job printing company In Memphis , IVnn , . to a good oftles man or camaner. Ay- ply at onto to J.V. . Varnon. 3101 California , tliuel. Y MJ1P 4' bfCCIIS.-Fl'L BPKCL'LATION OPEN TO ALL ; try nur sjndlcnte system of speculation : In crease your Income ; Information free ) rend for circular Thompson fJ. Derr Co. , JS Wnll urcet. New YorV. Incorporated under thn a Into of N w York. Cnpltnl. J1J 010.00. Y-MEJ3 3 FOK EXCHANGE. OMHA IMI'HOVIU ) AND UNIAIPIIOVKU ri-stdence piopprty nnd eastern Nobrnska farm land to trade for dry KCHXJ.I Wunc ta iK-Hl ultli owner. Hex lie , hchujler , Neli. K-UKt OJ _ A ooon i.oT IX"IAST OMAHA TO iTx" ihane for jcurii ; vorte liursea or mul . | jmur.iuic Uroa. , 3W s . Itlh. 7. l1\ lMl'ltl > VJ-i > JM ACltlJtl IN WYANI > OTTI3 CO. , Ohio , ami tint rviK'.en.-d with 1011 acrrx , il- j lntner K d town In Hancock I'o. Ohio , 1 } trail * fur ea t m N li. land or iniTfliandU- . Ilex US , Sclmylor. N U. K MUl O3 o A. < csn AND miAvh I.ANPS "IN tunny riortdn to tinJt for nous ? and lot Ad- drem Y 15 , n < M , V. MH5 3' TOU luTuiTANOll ljilwo niJKCTHlC LIOHT pliint In on of Ue Ixvt mlnlns tov.iu In Colorado. l'a > K JS to ) per cent net. M'.i'.i a Bt&iK of RocnU or BHid lands or cliy iin'p--rty Ilk fcilo for part or all Oood rr > i.Hoii for dlnpismr of the pripo.fy. Fu'l ' rarl'U'an to ai > y oim mean r. fiu'lnrsi. Q. U , Viiillnce 818 lliywn Lliwk. K-J | 1 s Hoi'sia AND L.\noi > LOT pp.n-n UOM"M. fur seed frfim. flrur lots tur a lualnrn. P U. W ad. ICia ud IXujUj. X + .M ] M fl FOB SALE-5TEAI. ESTATE , IIAIUJAINS. HOITIEH ; jr oTs"ANO FAHMS , nle or trade. F. K.I narlmc. Darker block. TOR BALK. NRW tBDOM COTTAGE ; CKL- 1 r. cittern , city n T i cor. III ! ) nnd Snhler ; Jl.i30.00 : lonr tlm . , Cti'iulr * 1311 Fnmam. Hamutl Rums. UT'lH R B-773 rARM LANDS' , f. F. U&RHISON. tlttt OARDEN I.AN1W. ' ! m. S FROM TOST OF- lice easy terms. Cftlt nt 8W N. Y. Life. CHOICE'ciAnnEN LANDS. B M ILBS FROM Otnahi iK tolIlee , 10 to 160 acres , some trnjl'- X. D. Keyes , CI7 l'AVloi ] blk. R E r HALR-LOT I. Ht.CHKcpAUNnRita ; & IllmrtMUgh Add. , $ ! < . Addrrsn Y 2 . He. . .r.ii > HIS iM a riNR 7-n jiotvn. cotrr , IM. ON MOST nlRhtly lot nfT Iiovrf n\t. , 3 < 55 Franklin v' , , J3.00U. Will tnh ( rm T tot i t pi > ment , or wilt nccept J100.00 cash mid monthly pa > "ient . F. , Wrail. 161h nnd IJuujilai ) . 1H ! M3 7 7-H HOt'SI ! AMU LOT I HLOCKrt FHOM cmirt house 8-r house , Kounlze plate , \iltli Lain. , . , ( , S3',0' ' ) 4-r hou < e. Wth t. south , lir ) .i > j cash , in Ice 6WM 6-r house , lltli St. . near car CG2.CO 8-r cott.iirp , eail front , nenr It imrk. . . 2,500.00 2 < 1\vpIlnK | and business buildings , Zlth St. . a innp , SW.OO F. Ut WeaJ. ICth & IlniiBlAB. HI : a > J PIANOS AND ORGANS. IF PfUCHASUD AT ONCI3 One upright i-lnlio , JIO. One plann. 5s5. One 3-strlnit nen- scale piano , J187.50. Ono second hand \VeKman , JMW. One second hand WCKIIIIIII , (300. One new WeKinan , MV ) , One new Wrinrmn , JW. One llntey orean. $33 , One Klmball ortfan , J23. Ona Bay State orffan , JIO. One Hurdette orxnn. J25. One Hmlth American , J30. One Shonlncer , tK. On Kood orgnn. JU. Wowlbrldga Hros. . 130 N. ISth street. S71-0-31 THIS \VIRK : THH FOLLOWING INSTUU- mcntK , for cash or monthly payments : One Hale uprlKht plnni ) J170.00 Another Hale upright I > liino > 1M.OO One Hall .1 Son upright ] > lane 110.00 Olila Valley square piano CO.OJ Mason K Hamlln orgnn 12.50 llealty orR.m , hleh to ) :2.SO fimltli American orRnn. lilKh top 27.50 Tu > lor K Parley oiian , hlnh top 35.OJ Klinbatl. nmer on nnd Hnllet-Davlt pianos. A. HOSPK , JI . , 1M3 D7ucla st. Mi : O31 MUSIC TEACHER. MAriTIN CAHN , TBACIinn. OF PIANO- forte. Stud1 ! ) , I"K N. 23d St. Ml.l O31 MUSIC , AKT * .Mu i/AJNGUAGE. O , F GRLLENDECK , HANJOIST3 AND teacher. 1B10 California street. 814 PIANO AND VIOLIN TO PARTIES ; HRASON- able. OldolsiU Mendclbcrv'n IKth nnd rarn m. M12I O ) BIOYCLtS. HICYCLES inTi'Ainni ) AND RIMODRI.RD. Tlre and sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C , It. llcilln. Iiicksinlth. 311 N. ICtli st. 931 IUCYCLES , NIIW AND OLD , J29.W TO JUS.OOi easy payments : we lent nnd rrpilr. Otnnha IJIcjcle Co. . K3 N. 16lh nt. ! I33 HICYCLtS-ALL V AL Send for milll t of > rccond-litinil nnd simp- wurn bicycles. Itepalr and cycle sundries of all kind ! . M. O. Uartfn. 4'JJ ' N. ICtll st. 930 HJCYCLK PRICRS CUT IN TWo ! A ' 54 Fowler for tSI.W. A ' 94 Sjlph for $37,50. Other makes enunllv n low , See our stock and set our prices before biiylnc. A. II. PKWMUO & CD. , 1211 Doutlai street. 6G7 O-27 BICYCLE' BIDING. DIG-YOLK mnixc tciiooi. , int CAPITOL axemie. * ' M23S N2 * STO.VES. HEST HIATP.S : : ON'HAIITH. He sure > ou examine them hcfcro you buy. Parties uho desire t'io cliulcc of the best line ot Moves on the mirlSPt must buy either th-s Favorite lancburner or , the Oak Iieatlni ; stoves. They ha\e IKOT manufactured the past 3' ) years , nnd v. liero they him } , ! , < n usi-d alonnldr of other KtuM'S have piQVtn thamaeJvcs ( he- most economical itoves inadr. We Krarorv c tham. They aio t'w cli".il > eil rind Vest skovd madt > . We lm\e th lljri utM' rnnce , n model of per- fpctlon. . * A. M , McCaruar , M NKth strc t , . MJ24 Nl nULIAIH.U STOVi : cdMPANV. 2IIJ NORTH 16th btrect : cnali or < MD > - pajmeiils ; new or hccond-ha'.d , iilw > BttntM bousht or exchange ! . W 7C1-8 TYPEWRITERS. STOLKN TYPRWJUTRHH OITRRKD FOIl sale xhould malce JKU uiiclouH ! ; funny they nre mostly Smith * ! " . Try onn anil you will un derstand why : full line ot supplies. Smith- J'lemler Co. , 17th and Parnam ; telephone , 1S34. M 02D . OMAHA PnOPLn DOX'T Fteal t > pev r1ter , they buy of us. Why7 Ue- e use the IH-nsinoro Callfiraph nnd Yost are the best machine * made ; they will outwenr miy ti > e\vrltcni made , and do a better nuallty of work. Our supply "department Mill be sure to you. Hend yuur nucltincH to us If you want them icptlrcd. United Typewriter .V Supplkt ) Co , , lCt : > Fiirnam Hi.I let. 13 3. U30 urrrTnn THAN MOST $ : oo HOTRLS IN Omaha. Our ratey. Jl.OJ to 11.50. Hotel Hlclic- llcu. C3eo. Mitchell , prop. , 1DS-1U N. 13th. IS ! O7 AF.TNA norai : ( nt'itofKAN ) N. w. con. 13th and Uudge. Ilooni by day or ecl ( . MiSJ OJ _ HOTEL UARKRR. IS.O P Elf DAY , ItO IIOOMS. In the heart of tha business house * . Bpeclal rales nrul iiccommoilallonH to commercial trav elers. Itnom nnd bimid 1) > the \\cek or month. Frank Hlldltch , Msr. 313 GAS FIXTURES. WI3 AlUfcLOSINO OUT Ot'n RNTIHR of gas ami electric UuM fixtures , i ; lobes , etc. , tit ca < t , us inre absolutely retiring from the fixture bunlnes-M. It wilt pay t buy at once. Tim Iluwy At l > ay Co. , Ill South 15th t. , Kamge building. CIS O21 OAS ANO r.LL'rrnic i.iniiT FIXTURES made tn design and ( liilnh to harmonize with any urrhltectinal style desired by T. M. Hus- sell , 313 H. Utll Ktteet. H7W Oi2 H. K. Ht'IlKRTT. Ft'NKHAL niRKCTOH AND rmbulrner , 1618 chlcaRO Bt. , telephone W. 917 HWANSON s\\l.lKN , r enibahnots.lTOl Cumins St. , telrphone 10W. M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKEN AND RM- balmur , 1117 Furnani st. , telephone , 223. KJ C W. 1IAKEH , UNDlTrtTAKlfn , 13 S. 16 ST. 5U ELECTS 1C A L fc. ARMATL'RES AND CONVERT E RS REWOUND etornge battetles locluiiKnl ; electttrul and gen eral maclinl : t ; miperlor nurlc mtarujiteed. Omaha electrical Worku , C17 and 019 a. ICth st. ELKCTltU'AL RNOIXEEItS AND CONTRAC- toiH for clcclrlu light null inutur rbinlH ninl ull kinds of etectrlcnl con-structloii , Wcstein clec- trlo Bupply Cu. , 118 iind ' 1-0 H , lith st. 911 WOLFE ELlXTRirAT. U0. SUPPLIES AND electric wlrlns. 1614 Capitol ave. Tel lilt. lilt.on on DUSINE33 J OTIOES. _ OMAHA MEERPCHAt'M PIPE PACTORYi OLD pipes nude new , CU ti. 16th. 910 DAIIAOED MiiiROP.s niaiLVRRnBriiJ N , it. _ . _ . . ; _ _ 9ii. run NEATEST iiAunnn SHOP IN CITY ; court ot Uoo bulldlnjr , , , Ifrvd lluelow. ill . : > koik at lowest prices. ,1511 Douglas utrc-u. OPTICIAZTS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. . LEADING OPTICIANS. J. I' . Ponder. nnnaBer.iifEjes letted free. KJ Boulli KHi , In KlnslcrV drug Etur , 41C-31 * T1IE "ALOI3 4 PRNPOLD CO. BCICN"npTc opticians , ] 43 Parnim st. , otlioslts Paxton liotsl. Eyes examlni-d'fr-e. ' 91 Or-TICIANS. J , F. Prmder. manuxcr. Eyes tented frco. S.'J South IGth. In Klnilu'j .Ililir store. MK3 15- ASS'JOXATIOJf. YOl' CAN M.UCU JlOttl ! INTEREST ON YOUR money by pnylnc II or m > r p r uirnlli t.ian In nny ra\lrnr ( tank. Inve-itUute. Mu tual Loan and UulUlInc Amx ai'.n. ' O. M. Naltmicer , secretary , 17' . ' ! l-'avnam H : , 032 HOW TO OCT A HOMR OR Interest on mvlnga. Andy lo Omahu U A [ 1. AM'II ITOt Hie HUU U M Nnttlnjcr. Hoc. fcHOltTHAN JJ i Af I JJ VAN NTH"BCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. N. Y. Life. Omaha. . Asls for circular. 79 ] OM. 11V8INRSS COLI.COR , U fc FAR. OMAHA COMMERCIAL. COLLHOB 16TK AND UougUs , Kind for catalogue , r.juboush linn | U31 NX STOVE HEP AIRS. HTOVn ItRPAUIS rOTl liVCOl niFFRRENT makes of stnvrs , Water nlUchni'nts nnd eon- necllons a rrteclnlty. IM7 Douglns street , Omnhs. Store Hepnlc Worlts. M.-17S BTO V lUil Allia O F ALL KINDS : ALSO hotel rnnire nnd tcenernl Rssottmrnt of t nite , cooks A heaters : water ittlftchmenU put In ft connected nl J. Hughu , C07 S. II t & Jntbrnn , SIS CIS PLUMBKUS. J. J. HANIOAN , PLU-MIIINO. STKAM AND hot writer heallm ? . 27W Lea enn rlli st V31 FJIKB PU-ltniNO OF KVKRY KIND CIAS , sti-nm & hot water hwitlng , mvfiagt , 313 fl. 1C , M ! JOHN UOWK * CO. . PLttMtMNO , STRAM AND hot nuter heatinggn fixtures , Ktabes , 421 K. 13. 933 DRE3STfl.AK.ING. DRRSSMAKINO IN FAMILIES. JIM S. 10TII. M 1M-OI5" FINH DRP.SSMAKINO AT LOWR8T PIUCU3. iladnme Corbett , 421 N. Kth St. . cor , C IM. Ml 14 O231 HAY AND GRAIN. HUT YOUR HAY I1Y TON Oil CATl IjOTS. WR IAIV hay. A. H , Snyder. 131J Hurt at. Tel. 1107. ttl NRI1RASKA HAY CO. , WIIOLE.1ALH HAY. Ktnlti nnd mill stuff. We are nlw.i > s on the market ta buy or sell. 1IKM-G Nicholas st. st.SM CARPENTJERS AND BUIlpER3 , , _ C , n. MORRILL , CARPRNTER , OFF1CR AND Rtaro fixtures n specialty. I'ntchlne and pl.i.i- terlnc , 409 B. 14tli St. , telephona 4 3. a 18 HAMILTON IIIIOS. . OKNRRAL CONTRACTors - ors and builders. cnii nler work" , starm win dow * and doers. 414 8. IStli St. . tel , 117 ? . Ml08 O21 MERCHANT TAILORS. I WISH TO ANNOt'NCR THH ARRIVAL OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Fall nnd Winter WOOLKNH Q , A. Llndnulst , Merchant Tailor , SIC S. IJtli st. M6Q7 _ OPAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS RKMOVRD HIS COAI * OF- Ilce to 20J a. 13th. t. , Olrown blix-k. OW * SHGIUDAN COAL. EXCRLLRNT SUUSTlTtrTE for hard coat and J3.50 ton cheaper. 1603 Far- tmm street ; main entrance Heard of Trade 1U 02) MEDICAL , JtOMB FOR LADIES 11EFORR AND DURINO conllnemont. xvlth best of cure ; crmimunlc.itlnn conlldenllal. Mrs. K. Volliman , gmduited mld- Vflfe. 401 South 81 h street. Lincoln Neb. M-2M-0- FLORISTS. S. n. STEWART. FLOIIIST ; ALL IvlNDH OF bulbs and cut flowers ; 1C22 Capitol aienu ? . 87J-03 * NRW I1ULB3 , JUST IMPORTED , CUT FLOW- ers. Hess & Swoboda , Paxton hotel. 1411 I'am. HI5d O31 COHN1CE. WRSTRRN CORNICE WORKS. GALVANIZI3D Iron cornices. 17KSI. Mary'a ave. 035 EAOLR CORNICE VORICS. JOHN HPE- netcr , prop , , 198 , 110 , 112 N. llth. Estub. 1881.WO WO DENTIoTS. DR. OEOROES.JJASON. DENTIST , StUTB 203 t'axlon block , Kth nnd Farnam nts. 'lei , 712.OC3 OC3 DR. PAUL. DENTIST , ! )20 ) I3URT ST. OS4 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COMMKRCfAL COLLUOR , ISTH AND Douglas ; send for catalocus. IU ° , iibuu h Itios. M221 Nl STENOGRAPHER : ! . r. J. suTCLU'Fn , GENERAL STENOO- erapher , 232 Jleo building. Telephone f > l7. JUIS DYE WORKS. SCHOEDSACIC. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS. 1S21 Farnam ntreet. Dyclns of e i-ry descrip tion and dry cleaning. 947 TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- Ocorgo R. Drown , Jr , . & Co. , 703 S. 16th. 919 CARPET CLEANING. G. D. MERRYMAN. CARPET AND RUd cleaning works , 720 S. lltli ; tcl. 61 ; otllce 1502 Farnam ; tel. 1553. H-323 Oil e\3 , WAGES. DEST FURNACE MADE. SOFT COAL SMOKE consuming and hnnl coal furnaces. Eagle Cor nice Works , 105-110-112 N. lltli St. 50 UPHOLSTERING. UPilOLSTERINO VITRY CHEAP THIS MOiVTH M. S. Walkln , 2111 Cumlnc. Tel. C02 , > C3 NIGHT SCHOOLS , HOOSK'S OM , UUSINESS COLLEGE , 11 & . FAR. CM PAV/WUttOKURS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 413 N. 16TH. V'HOLE SALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited , 1003 Farnam t. 13 GRINDING. RAZORS , SHEARS. CLIPPERS , LAWN MOWers - ers , etc. A. L. Undeland , 10 S. llth. T92 ' HORSESHOEING. MRS , THOMAS IIALONEY , 912 N. 16TII ST. JOB i > KlNTING. REED JOn PRINTING CO. . FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th at. . Dee building. W7 RHlLWAYTiMEGHRD Leases I CHICAGO & NOI1T ] I WKST'N [ Arrives OmalialU. 1' . Depot , IDtli & SIason&t3. _ [ Omaha llDSim . Eastern . t:33pm < :00pm : . Vestlbuled Limited . i:10im ) : e am . Mo. Valley Local . 10 : pm Ct3pm : . Omaha. Chicago Special . SUpm : Loa\e | Cllia\UO. HUtll.lNC 1'OX & Q.Anlvi- | _ OmahaX | _ ) p3t Wtli and Jtaoon SU. _ ( _ Omalm :43pm : . Chicago Vestibule . BSOom : 9:4Snm : . . Chicago Kxprcss. . . . . . . . . . . 4:23pm : 7.u2pm . Clitca fro and Iowa Ixxsil . B:00am : Il3ain : . Pacific JunctlonLocal _ . C:5jpm : Leaves IIJUnLlNOTON" * M" Omiliat _ JOepot lOtli and Mason Bl . 10l"iani : . Denver Rxyrew. T , . B:3im 10:15am : . Dendwood Kxprcss . 4:10pm : 4:50pm . Denver Kxpivsa . llnpm : 6Mpm. : . Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) . BiMpm Lincoln Local ( except Sunady.ll : .im Leaves" } If. C. . ST. J. & C.'n. ( "Arrives Um hal _ Depot 10th and Mason Bt.i. [ Omaha " "oFIJam . . . .Kansas City Day Express , . . 5:5 : > pm t:45pm.K. : C. Nlaht Ex. via U. I' . Trans. : Leaves I ClYTCAOO , It. ' I. A PACIFIC. I Vrrlves OmalmlU. 1 > . JJrpot. l th & Mason Sts.i Omaha 10l'mm : , , , Atlantic ixpres3 ( ex. HunJaj ) , , . Q/lpm C:3pm : . NlKht Kxpresa . 0:1 : Jam < :4pm : , . . . Chicago Vcstlbulrd Limited , . , . lpm : llganm. Oklahoma lxp. ( ta U. H. ex. Hun ) . B:35am : WKST. C:35am : , Oklahoma & Texas Kip. ( ex. SunMlTsSpm I'.Mpm . Colorado Limited . ll9pm ! Lea\5TT UNIONPACIFIC. . | Arrlre OmahalUnlon Ufi'"l. 10th & Mason Bts. | Omaha 10Mjm : . Kearney Kxpreasr . 7. . . SiSCpm 2ISpm : . . ' , . . Overland Flyer . . . . . 6Oi : > m 2:15pm.IleatrtCB : & tJtromsiri ? Kc ( ex Sun ) 3pm : ' 6MOpm . I'aclnc Uxpress. . . . : C:30pm . I'.i t Mall . , . IjiJpin leaves I CI iTCAGOrM I lITte STrpAUL.lAr7lveT OmahilUnlon Depot. ICth nn d Mnaon Hi s. | Omnh a c"-35m | . .ChlciiKO Limited . 7. . . ! 3"a"m ll:10am. . . .Chlcaso Kxprest x. Sun ) . . , 5 ; 'pin fTaTeri KTUTft MO. " VALUUY7 [ ArrTreT Omjhal Depot Utli and Webster 8t - J Omnha SWam : . DeuJwoo.1 Ilspri-as . Siltpm So : ; > im.iii. ( Bat. ) Wyo , Ex. ( Ex. JIoii.j. CilOpin . > : ( X'pm.Nuilbi : : Kiprcra ( Kx. Sunday ) .lOilStni ( : ZOpm . tit Paul Impress , . , , , . . . SilJim Leavu I MIS SOlut I l "A crt'IC | Arrive * Onnhal Depot 15th nn.l Webster St . t Omal'a ViOOam . Ki. I oulK Kxprjs . , , , , . a ' . ( Bam S.IOpm . HI. I ouls IJxprrKs , . J5Jpm ; tIOpm. : . Dally ( ex. Bun. ) Nebraska Local. . 9 Hun " " " "\es"f "G , 8T. 1' . . M. & O. ( Arrive * OmahaJ _ Depot _ Uth and\"obsler _ _ Stj _ | _ tlnviha :00im. : Sioux City A" < wj . ii ; . tfun.i. f'Kpm 10OOam.HInux : City Accum. ( Sun. Oab ) . I-OJpni . .Sioux City UXIK-OS < f.i. Sun. ) .Iliilnr. ) . . . . . SI. Pa ul I.tmlted . .3 H.liil } HIOUX CITY ft PACIFIC. lArrlr * * OiimhalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mjsun 8t * , | Omaha O.Wam . Sluux City I'amenxer. . , , . , , H:5 : < pm JASpin . . Bi. Paul KsproM . _ . _ . _ . .lu.Wam l.nv < -i I SIOI'X CITY ft PAflFir , Arrives _ Omahal _ Depot Utli and Welit rbis. _ I Omaha "c . Si I'-lut Limited . 'J llllii a e4 I \\\BABU nAIMVAVl . m-T ) Pnlon P poi. lath & Mason 8u. ( .Si ni. . . .St. Ix-uii Cannoa Call . It ( Jot COAST RATES TO ADVANCE AH tlio Roads Interested Have Ooma to an Understanding. SOO LINE JOINS IN THE AGREEMENT .Me in born ot Ihfi I'oilrratcil Ilonril I' ten 1 oil nltti tlio Dvclslnn uf .ItiMlco K Ilnrtiiu a ml < ll q ( lie ItritMinnVliJ , There has been constileraulo opposition sliowt on tlio part of the "Sot > Lino" to the proposed advance In commodity rates to Kortlt Pacific nml I'ttRot Sound points In conformity with ( ho nilvniico In etnas r.itcs mntle effective- September 17. The "Soo Une , " which Is n part ot the Canadian Pacific , tins Insisted that the advance \VBB too great against Portland and too much tn favor ot San Francisco- , but the opposition of the "Soo" people has finally been over come and tlio advance will become effective October 20. This Is but carrying out the exclusive announcement of The Uco made last week In reviewing tlio altiiatlon as presented. The advance In commodity rules , and In the tarllT sheets there are some thirty pages of commodities enumerated , will bo effective not only to North Pacific coast points , Including East Portland , Albltia , and Astoria , but to all Ptigot Bound points , Including Seattle and Taconin , and will bo advanced from 23 cents per hundred o"n the higher classes of commodities to 7V& cents on the lower classes , the o Increases bcliiR added to class differentials. The class rates wcro advanced from 25 centu to 7 cents on the date abovo'mentloned and the evenIng - Ing up of commodity rates was Inevitable. H will bo Interesting to note what Portland will do In the matter , as It Is n. clean discrimination In favor of San Francisco , rates to Portland and San Kranclsco having boon the same heretofore. I-IIASEI : > WITH TIII : i > irisi ; ( N * . Simply 1 tucks Up Wlml .ludcn Ciiltlvrnll Salil In His Di-rlitun. C , A. Petrle , a member of the federated board of the Union I'aclllc tyaleiu and chair man ot the crluvance commltte'e of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen , was Ju bilant yesterday over the decision as handed dovwi by Justice Harlan of the su preme court of the United States In the Jcn- Itlns appeal. Mr. Petrlo said : "Judge Jan- Ulna , In the eyes of labor , took away the constitutional rights of the employes of the Northern Pacific when he forbade them from le-aylng tlie- service of tlio company. We ba- llevo It to by a fundamcnlHl principle of our government that a man may quit the service of another man or company if the employer threatens or seeks to reduce the wages paid to said employe , I do not countenance a resort to vlol ncc to prohibit other men from taljiiiG the places cf strilters , but I do Insist upon being allowed to RO to those men who are contemplating taking the places of the strikers , and stating the facia to them , to try to Induce thorn not to tale said places. The court of appeals has strengthened the learned opinion of Judge Caldwell In a manner somov.hat unexpec ted , but it plainly shows that right will triumph eventually. When a man's salary Is cut he has a right to object , and I maintain that If he can peaceably resent the cut by a strike , then it Is his business to strike , al ways refraining from , acts of violence that will bring discredit upon himself and his or ganization. The decision will bo far reachIng - Ing in ita effects , and may strengthen the growing opinion that arbitration Is tha only salvation between the working man and his employer , " General Manager Holdrego when asked his opinion of the Ilarlan decision , said that ho had not road It closely enough to hazard an opinion as to its merits. Ho thought , however , that Judge Jenkins was not reversed , but sim ply that clause-prohibiting the men from striking on the Northern Pacific modified. "This Is simply nn Individual c.xse , " said he , "and cannot be applicable to the great majority of cases arising wherein the condi tions are wholly different. Still , I would not desire to bo quoted on tlio merits , of the decision until I had read thaholc opinion. Newspapers have a tendency to condense opinions of this kind nnd very often leave out a connectliiK clause that materially changes the whole opinion. " STAUTKD U'LTll A IJtIW. SessUm of Iho Sllsionrl Slnte rc-du Not l.lli-lyt i Ho iriirnniiiloiH. KANSAS CITY , Oct. 2. The Missouri Slate federation is now In session lic-rc. It got started on Its deliberations this after noon , and hot feeling at once cropped out. P. E. Duffy wanted to suspend the rules and elect a president immediately , giving as his reason that ho wanted a fair presiding offi cer , which he did not consider President Borgherm to be. Mr. Anderson of at Louis considered the motion a direct insult to the president , and said If It prevailed It would split the trades unions ot St. Louis wide opon. President BerKherm said his Job was a thankless one , and he would be glad to be relieved , lie said that the reason that the delegates wcro making war upon him vvas because they could ' not use him. After a heated dlscusslo'n Mr. Duffy wlthdrqw his motion , and the convention adjourned for the day. The St. Louis delegates have been instructed lo vote for Independent political notion , and will , It is said , favor an endorse ment of the populist state ticket , A. fight will probably occur on this proposition later. UNION 1'AVJPIC Plunnlnc Nrnr Conipftltlon fur tlifi Itur- llnstnn In Montimn. ST. PAUL , Oct. 2 , Freight Traffic Mana ger J , A , Monroe and General Freight Agent Schumacker of the Union Pacific are In the city and today met Receiver Clark and Gen eral Passenger Agent Lomax. H lu under stood that the Union Pacific and Northern Pacific are about to enter Inlo n closp traffic arrancement either at Jlutto or Garrison , This will give the Northern Pacific another feeder , opening up another Junction point , and will give the Union Pacific another line to the north Pacific coaat and a strong competitor for the Ilurllngton , which has recently opened Us line Into Hillings and en tered Into a close traffic arrangement with the Northern Pacific.- Ilililt.Mint On. The Omaha Street Hallway company has applied ta the city electrician for a permit to equip the Dodge street cable line with electricity. The change In the motive power of the line lias been comtcmplated for some time , but It Is only within a day or two that the company has fully decided to equip lliu line with electricity. The poles hav been ordered , and uork will begin at once , Kliurt l.lno Unto * M'lllnlrmvn , CHICAGO. Oct. 2. The Alton. Wabash and Missouri Pacific roads hare issued a cir cular , through Chairman Caldwell of the Serpent's ' Sting , COHTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON ) . . icaliHlbrft.8. P. ObitlnM loroi. end ulcer * yield . Itremoroithe tolKboallnzponeri. i poliun.nndTiiilias up > Um. ) A KMi3EI tloabla treailu on tbu dlieata IU treatment milled free. SWIPT SPECIF O CO Atlanta , Do. LOST. _ IX > ST Olt HTOI.KN ritOll 1(93 HIIKIIMAN ave , , ung Hcotcti terrier dog. Color , y lnw ] , fair. KU. Will t'uy 1J.W reward to pally llnd- tnii ium . 2) ] S Western rnsxcnjier msochtlon. snnounclng the rllicontlnuanca of ( It short line rtM between point * In Texas and points en w 4 south of the Ohio river , west ami south M IMfkernbiirK , \ \ ' . Va. Thr application li otillo tickets sold nt St. Lotili nnd KansM Cltr. An exception Is md oC business l anil from El IMto , Tox. _ Morlh ru 1'ixlllc llondi In IlnfAttlt. NEW VOIIK , Oct. -Tho eommUtce rep- resonllnff thf second inorlRtiKO bonilhoWcf * of the Kortliern I'aclllc lUllro.Kt cointianr tintlilcs holders ot those bonds the third conwcnllro default of Internal tool ! plie yesterdnr anil that It U desirable that they should , deposit their bonds At once tinder th conimtttca nnd protective Do you have hcmUclic , dlir.lnpss , drowsl- ness , loss of npprllla nnd other nymptomi 4i f biliousness ! Hood's Sartniiarllla will cure you. HJ.IXOIH < / JlUt.t.KTT ! ? . ' , All T.lun In Oixid Fiirm , hut n ( ! o < nl II a la H Necdoil. SPniNQKIKLD , 111. . Oct. 2. The Illlnoto weekly crop bulletin Issued ttxhjBSJII Conditions have been uniisuull- favorable , n4 cansldernbte work tins been accomplished. Seeding of fait grain | , WCU nilvunccd , and In many sections lias been completed. When ! and rye nro coming nlonc ; well and are re- porleit In line condition , Corn Is now beyond danser of frost. Cutting Is bclnb pushed , and In many sections has been finished , and con- sldcrablo of It Is In shock. Some corre- spandents report consldcrnblc smut corn Orasses have mntlo conslderalilo growth. Meadows and pastures nro generally In fln condition. Peed Is now abundant. I/ato car- dona nre also In good condition. Clover yield while below the avcraKo Is of Rood quality. Late potatoes and turnips are Improving : , nlth prospects of n yield better than wad anticipated some , llmo DRO , Whiter apples are bo I UK gathered , but the outlook for thin crop Is poor. A Rood rain would 'greatly benefit growing crops. 2'E.iaV t > TH4f. CUSFlttK.VT tlitU IIo Will Currj Out Ilia Vl.mi Nrxt AND , Me. , Oct. 2. E. C. Reynold * of Cape Elizabeth , who organized the relief expedition here , received a letter from Lieutenant Peary , dated Anniversary Lodge , CJieonlaml , August 16. In this letter Lieutenant Peary writes that \vlillo he did not fully realise lila plans tha lost year ho has still another year bcfor Mill , lu which he la confident he will win. The run in dlfllculty this year was the torrlbla weather , rough and cold. lie then goes on to say : "Whatever j-ou may see In the papers ta the contrary. I have ample provisions for next year. My parly , though small , Is nn cffecllVE ) otio and we can remain hero with the most complete safety. Uvcry native In the tribe is n friend and willing assistant and I shall tale no risks , I am only work * ing to carry out my plans and shall take na risk to accomplish thbui , " A fi AO irXt'KSlKX r.V. The following Is what the Baltimore Sun has to say In regard to "Olorlana , " whjch will appear at the Fifteenth Street theater for three nights and Saturday nmtlnee , com mencing Thursday , October : The production of "Olorlana" was singu larly rich In Individual success , Miss Illancho Chapman ns "Glarl.inu" filled tha part AV 1th delicious humor and fully sus tained the character of the dashing young widow. Mies Theresa Alston as a hand maid , all forlorn , with love awry , plnycd tha part with extravagant absurdity , Nothing funr.o7 ttn tlie slim mold dresicd In BIls * Chapman's gowns has been seen on our Btano this cvason. There was a Jcnlous and Inflammable ItusBlan count In tlio piece , and It was admirably played by Walter J. DrnokH. This Impersonation frequent/ ! Dassoil from comedy over the line Into bur lesque , but It was Incessantly provocative of merriment. A cockney man servant was in title by George Hallton exceedingly hu morous , nnd was on a par with the brit worlc done by the others. Mls Arllne Athens of the "Derby Win ner" company yesterday received from .Mrs , James J. Corbett a silver belt , n. fan si mils of the champion's own silver belt. It U a very pretty piece of workmanship , nnd wn niailu In London. ' At the Wednesday matinee an almost en tirely new last act will be presented by th "Derby Winner" company at the Fifteenth Street theater. The new act has been In rehearsal for some time. Its production promises to strengthen the play greatly ana to nuilco the performance nn almost perfect one. Orecon Kidney Tea cures mrvotis heart- r.U'.es. Trial sfze , 23 cents. All druggists. Ilinlnon Oullouk Urlclitor. The Union Pacific , In view of the hcary stock shipments to the eastern matketa , has decided to make special efforts to catch the trade by furnishing cattlemen with the bolt of service In the way of fast time and care ful attention to stock whllo In transit. The first step In this direction has bean the- cutting down of tlio slzo of trains when found necessary to do so In order to Insure a fast Bchedulo being carried out to tha letter. This action on the part of tha company will bo hulled with the greatest xatlsfactlon bf shippers all along the lino. Officials look forward to the heaviest stock business within the next sixty days that tha Union 1'acltlo has over had. Numerous orders have been received for stock cars for shipments west of Cheyenne , -and these are now being sent to their destination as rapidly as possible. Every day business lu Improving nlotlg the main line and Superintendent M alloy is re sponsible far the statement that the "VVypmtng division has not been so busy In several years as now. According ta the Drob- dlngnaElan Larry , there arc In use on this division 104 engines , divided us follow * ; Cheyenne to Laramlc , 1C ; Laramlo to IUw- llna , 38 ; Rav/lliia to Green Tllver , 33 ; Grean Hlscr to Evunston , 13 ; Kvanston to Ogden , H , Two more engines were put on Monday on this division and several more are to b put on on the alxth district. I'aily In the season on the Wyoming di vision 111 oransa specials were handled , and In the past two and a half months 260 trains of delicious fruit have passed the dispatcher at Cheyenne east bound. MnrrlitRu Licences. Tha following marrlago licenses were Is sued yesterday : Name and Address. ARTS. Mike O'Neill. Gouth Omaha 27 Suinil MorrUey , Omaha 21 Fedilur Flossen. Itainxen , In , 21 Ann * liUsen , Irvington , Neb , 21 John T. House. Florence. Neb , , 3J Airs' . Theresa Ktlnger , Florence , Neb. . . . . . 27 Mnlnck Ilennegan , Omabn , . , , , 27 . Elizabeth Oallalln , Omaha 20J TIIK M.inicirr. INSTHUMENTB placed on record October & 1894 : WARRANTY DEEDS. Daniel Kendall end wife to Ell Haldel- iimnn ol al , lots 7 nnd I , block S , Ken- dall'a add , t MO Jtaulk Lund to A Tl llnnten , > r U lot 21 , block 1. Campbell's add , &M Henry Mnder lo Julius TrtltschUe , undlv Vj uf.s li nw H\V 2-H-12 A. . , , 1,000 J H Mills to Katie Dougherty , lot II , block 1 * , Ambler 1' " 4M I C Claikscn and hushand" William I'eul < , < Sxii'i ' ( e l In block "Q , " Hlilnn's 2d add i Knme ti > Ltizle Ooidon. sum * . . . . . . . . . J L Wllklo and wlf to C A Hempe ! , lot 7 , KenilnKton , , , , , . . . . fTI n N 1 licks and wife to L Q Harding. * El feet lot 2 , blnck t , Hanicom 1'laee , , . , I Heir * of Ilyion Heed to llyrau ll nl com * panundlv U lots 1 and IV , block 1 , lot 4 , blork 2. lot 9. block I , lots 13 and IS , block I. lot 7 , block 0 , lot 7 , block 4. lots 3 n4 IS , block 7 , lot 7 , block 1. Draka'i udd , , I QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. W P l-'uray to J Jl Turay. lot i. Cimpbell't subdlv , In block "l' _ , " Shlmi'i M add , . I L O Ilardln to J w Qartnonv , to ( eel lot I. block 6. Hinicom I'laca , , , , I Llizlfr Muboney and huiband to H J lar. 1 Unit , n 10 fact lot 12 , blaok 191 , Bouth Omaha . . 1 DEEDS. Bp-rlnl muter tn Notional Llfu Insurance coinpaiiy , w tS : i feut of 11J.S13 f t of n M foul lot 103 , fluo'ii add l.ooa iiame to lame , w 2) feet of c 01 feet of n IS feet , iam . . . , . , I.OM Total amount ot Utuufer *