THIS DMATLA TJAPyr OCTl'OBJgR 3 , TSD-l. n DISTURBED BY A TWISTER "Vicinity of Pa/to9 City Swept by a Dis astrous Oy clone. FARMER'S ' RESIDENCE TORN TO PIECES John Melton , M'lle nntl Children Carrloit u IJIitnnon lit Onn II u ml r ml VnrtU ml llrnjiio | < i In a 1'lrld Onn Will Die. PAWNEE CITY , Neb , , Oct. 2. ( Special telegram. ) A oj-clono struck ihlt county dbout seven miles south of hero night uL 9 o'clock , ami followed In almost the sumo path as the otic that caused so much de struction la t ye. < r. It first touched at the farm of John Sehusa , near the Kansas line- , and unroofed a barn. Then the nlorm jumped a mile .mil struck the farm house of John Nelson. The Nelson family had none to Toed , ami without warning the house was picked up .mil torn to splinter ! ) , Kelson , ) ils wife nnd five young children being car ried n hundred yards and dropped In n corn field. All were hurt , tut Nelson managed to gather them together in the darkness and went after help , having lo go a. mile to the nearest bouse. One p.year-old girl had her head crushed l > y a flyltis Bpllnter nnd will die. The family la not family hurt , nlthoiiKh Mrs. Nelson Is terribly -wounded about the head and back , ami llio others are badly bruised. The house ivaa totally destroyed , the tim bers being scattered across the fields for a mile. The next place struck by the cyclone was flt the Means farm , where a barn was de molished. Here the storm raised In the nlr and passed on lit a northeasterly direc tion. The track of the storm waa about 100 feet In width and appeared during a hard downpour of tain * No severe wind was noticed In other parts of -neighborhood. . WICHITA. Kan. . Oct. 2. The tornado which played leap frog through the northern part of the city last night fortunately con- fltiwl Itself to damaging property nnd left humanity alone. Uulldlngs ot all kinds were demolished , twisted out ot shape ami re moved from their foundations , yet their oc cupants suffered no harm outsldo of bruises nnd scratches , and not a. single fatality nc- companled the destruction to property. From hero the twister lifted nnd disappeared to the northwest. Prom what can bJ learned from surround ing towns Ihe tornado seems to have con fined Its ntlentioiis to Wichita. PEIWY. Oll. : , Oct. 2. This city was visited by a severe rain storm last night , Many business houses were flooded nnd consider able other ( Inmatedone. . In the town of McKlnney , ten miles north of here , business l > c > iiso , < i and residences In the lowlands were Hooded. Much damage was done tp goods In stores. PNKUMATIt ! TIHK KXVIMHKH. AmusingAccldiMit Involving n Vming1 I.ndy In I.lnciiln I'ti nsho | > . LINCOLN. Oct. 2. ( Special. ) There was an amusing Incident In the pawnshop con ducted by Mr. Adler , who has gained consid erable notoriety of late. A lady In need of a llttlo money came In with a ring , which she proposed lo hypothecate ut the usual 10 par cent a month rate. While making her arrangements she placed on a stand against which a pnoumatlo tired bicycle waa leaning her valise. The pawnbroker was unwilling to loan her the amount ot money she demanded , and In a huff slie threw ths ring dn the open valise and closed U with a snap. Just as she did so a tremendous explosion was heard , nud the nolghbora came running In , under the Im pression that there had been n bomb thrown. The visitor was In a faint , and half a dozen ncarud spectators wore found around the door whoso fears were only pacified after they had learned that the report vraH caused by the explosion ot one of the pneumatic tires of the bicycle. An Intcreatlrg character In the city today U W. C. Eddlcson of Charlton , la , , whose snow white hair and mustache would make him a subject of Interest on any street. Ho xvas a resident of Lincoln In 1SGS , and haa scon the construction ot nearly every buildIng - _ Ing of any size In thecity. . V. The committee on arrangements for the McKlnley demonstration on Thursday an nounces thai already they have received re sponses from flltcen bands which will par ticipate In tlie parade. There will also be over 300 mounted men In the parade and the Indications are that the demonstration will be one ot tha greatest In thu history of the city. Euclid Martin was In the city today , but stated that his visit had no political signifi cance , as he was on his way to St. Louis on some legal business. He stated , how ever , that he would shortly file an answer , \o the protest of the democrats against the acceptance of tlio certificate of nomination of the "rump" democrats. E. E , Mcdinty of Wilbur , who has been at Hot Springs for eomo time for his health , nnd P. I , Foss of Crete , were In the city today. At the regular meeting of the city council last night an ordinance : was passed providing for the construction of what la to be known an the North Sldo viaduct on North Ninth slreet , over the tracks of the Q nnd Klkhorn railroads. Its total length Is to bs 1,875 fe t , and the rant Is to be assessed against the two companies Interested , A special election lo vote on the proposition giving the council the authority to borrow $200.000 for the purpose and also the authority to assess damages has been called for Novem ber 6. On Friday and Saturday the state associa tion of superintendents nnd principals will meet In the office of the state superintendent. At the regular meeting of the school board , held last night , ono ot the most Important steps taken -was- the adoption of a resolution providing for the enforcement of a regula tion at lo the examination of teachers be fore belnc allotted a position in any of tha city schools. The report of the superin tendent showed the total enrollment In all the city schools for the past month to be D.C02. and the average dally attendance as 4.S17. Reports from Texas are to the effect that General J. C. MoDrlde , formerly n resident ot Lincoln , Is making a great campaign for congress on the populist ticket In his district. Porter Sherman , a prominent orator of Kansas City , will address the Polltlciil Science ence- club at ths State university tornoTow night on the subject , "Neither Capitalism nor Communism ; a I'lea for the Middle Classes. " Thfr .marriage ceremony of Reman G. Dawes and Miss Dertle Burr , daughter ot C. C. Burr , will occur tomorrow evening at Ihe First Presbyte-lan church. Th * 17-year-old boy who was killed In the railroad wreck at Woodstock , III. , Sunday morning wan Themns Iltley of this place. The boy's father was similarly killed" a few rears ago at Wllkcsbarre. Hortentlus Holtzntan , who was arrested Baturady night on the charge of attempting ft. .criminal assault upon Miss Lillte L.unb , was discharged by Judge Waters , th * com plainant falling to prosecute. George Hush , the hotel thief who was de tected operating at the Capital hotel during fair week , has been found guilty In the ills trlct court and Is on his way to the pcnltan lUry. LiiilicK1 A. O. U.v. . Auxiliary AlorU. ri\TTSMOUTH. Oct. 2. ( Special ' , ' . B'am. ) TJi thrd : annual meeting of Ihe crand lodge of the Degree of Honor , the Ladles' Auxiliary society of the Ancient Order of United Workmen for Nebraska , con vened lit this city today , and some ISO lady delegates arcIn attendance. The election of mcerwat. . held tonight , alter whlca a. reception was tendered the vliilora by the members of the tno local societies. The ses sion will continue for three days. I'lratcU ! Employes , PJLATTSMOUTII. Oct. 2. ( Special Tele- mini. ) The suit of Charles Miller against Liwroncc Stult was decided in the district court In this city yesterday In the plain- tin's favor , Miller Is an employe of the Burlington railway , and on an account owed Btull , which the Utter sold to a Sioux City eollectlne agency , hlnwages were car- -mi _ eld for the iccouat , Miller did not rtslit Iho g&rnMirnjrkt proceedings. fcut brought Suit ngalnit Btnll for damage In the turn 01 | 1GO , Millar'ertllcU * by the jury , trim for $100. Local railroad men whoa 5 nige * liava been g r- nlihecd by llio tame loira sharks , and who are now contotlng the proceeding * In the courts , tecl highly elated ov r Miller's vie- lorr. MANY 1 1 envy Knlni In Oleo Cuuitty Do Much IJumngc. NUnttASKA. CITY , Oct. 2. ( Special Tele- grain. ) The heaviest rain for years vlalled this section last night. For fully three hours It fell In torrents. CoisUlernblc ; damage- was done by bridges being washed out and cellar ? flooded. The water company sus tained. quite a toss by trenches washing out and cavlnc In. VAU..EY , Neb. . Oct. 2. ( Special. ) This section u ( country was visited by a steady rain , \vhlcli lasted during the day yesterday anil last nlulit. It lias revived the grass and made stock water plcnlllul. NEWCASTLE. Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special. ) Another lieavy rain began falling at this place last night , and has continued up to the present time. The ground Is now thoroughly soaked and fall plowing will bo resumed. WYMOIU3. Neb. . Oct. 2. ( Special , ) The second heavy rain this fall Is falling this evonlng and Is hailed with delight. Fall wheat and rye , of wh'ch a gr.'at doll has been sown , wilt now gel a good start and will win ter well. Two largo buildings now In the course of construction will ba delayed tem porarily. BENEDICT , Neb. . Oct. 2. ( Special , ) A number of sliowera have fallen hero today. Tills l the first rain that has visited this section for weeks. Farmers nrn greatly en couraged , as It will now allow them to pro ceed with their work of putting In fall groin , which the hitherto dry condition of the soil has prevented. TAI1011. la. , Oct. 2. ( Special. ) The heavi est rain for years fell hero yesterday and last night , a steady downpour lasting for hours. Some culverts were washed out. This mornIng - Ing a team with two men went down with a bridge near town. TKCU.MSKH , Neb. . Oct. 2. ( Special. ) A three and one-half Inch rain foil In this local ity last night , the heaviest In over a year. VallejNntrs niut l > r onnl . VAU.EY , Neb. . Oct. 2. ( Special. ) Mrs. W. II. Wclsebach and daughter , Ktta , who have b ° en visiting the family of Mr. and MrH , J. C. Kclley for the past eight weeks , loft last evening for their home at Elkhart , Ind. Ind.Mr. . and Mrs. George Stoltenberg have re turned from a visit with relatives at Ash land , \Vhttinaro Bros , shipped two cars of sugar beets to the Norfolk factory this morning. This In the first shipment that has ever gone out of this o'.ty , and probably of Douglas county. TI.U firm has twenty-live acres , which are of an excellent quality , Three now spans ore being put In the Platle river bridge at this point. Hog cholera. Is prevailing In Valley to an alarming extent. Mrs. Sarah Harrier halest lost eighteen fine hogs ; J. J. Mlllor has lost twenty-three ; John Osten has lost over 100 head during the full , and Charles Harrier has lost fifty-one head during the past three weeks. James Mitchell ol Perry , la. , . who has been visiting his Bister , Mrs. J. J. Miller of this city , left Sunday for California for the bono- flt of his health. The' populists will nominate1 their precinct candidates next Saturday evening. II.V. . Stewart , teacher of the Valley Cor net band , has been elected to the ofllco of treasurer of the Nebraska State band union. John C. Wnturm N'uninil for Senntor. SYRACUSI3 , Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special Tele gram. ) The ndjourned meeting ot the Otoe county republican convention was held In the opera house here today. The convention was called to order by Judge Hayvvard , chair man of thn convention. The name ot John C. Watson was presented for state senator and the vote was. unanimous , There were six aspirants for representatives and on the sixth ballot Patrick Roddy and Addlson Fait were nominated. Paul Josson received the unanimous nomination ot the convention for county attorney , and Charles Dorman for county commissioner from the Third district. J. Ran McKco Is chairman of the county cantral committee. During the convention speeches were made by Roddy Je&son. W. C. Sloan , Judgtj Hayward and others. _ Churgvd villh Kuilier.Klemrnt. BEATRICE , Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special Tele gram. ) J. P. Myers ot Odell had his prelim inary hearing In the county court today on the charge of embezzlement , and was placed under bond In the sum of $1,000 for appear ance In the district court. The claim of the prosecution la that a banking1 company was formed at Odell with Myers as cash ier. and the parUes forming the company , to gether with tha cashier , signed a note for $5,000 , which Myers' negotiated , and , It Is alleged , misappropriated the funds. Up to today Myera has treated the matter a a. sort of joke , and did not oven think It necessary to make any defense , his attorney making a motion , after the state's evidence was In , to dismiss the action , but the mo tion was overruled. l.rilugtoii I.ltlgiitlun , LEXINGTON. Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special. ) Court has been In session here the past ten day * , with Judge Holcomb presiding. In the casei against D , F. Hilton and \Vllllam Thompson , the latter entered a plea of not guilty and tried to prove .in alibi , but was not successful , the Jury returning a verdict ot guilty of assault. Judge Holcomb sen tenced him' yesterday to three years In the penitentiary and overruled a motion for a new trial , A change of venue was asked by Hilton's attorneys , but was overrule. : ! , The cases against King , Burke and Don nelly for assaulting and robbing a farmer have not been reached. The crimes of these parties were what led to the attempted ! lynching a few months ago. Kucupeil Jill I Hints Ciiptiircd. AUnURN , Neb. . Oct. 2. ( Special Tele gram. ) Frank nice , Joe Connors , William Curtis and Charles HUES , the four jail birds who overpowered the deputy sheriff at Wll- her last Saturday night , took his keys and arms nway ami changed places with him , were captured hero today by Sheriff Glas gow and Daputy Hill , after a lively chase through the timber on the banks of the Nemnha. The sheriff of Saline has Identi fied the men. .Myaterlnui IMfa NEBRASKA CITY , Oct. 2. ( Special Tele- gram.VIIllam ) H. Miller left his house Friday , telling his -wife that ho was going to PerHval. In. Since that time ho has not been eesa or heard from , Mr. Miller Is a prominent contractor and builder , his business Is [ n a flourishing condition and his domestic relations happy. Ills disappearance Is a mystery and foul play Is feared. fulled l ( > Ilolurn till ) Train. TKCUMSEII , Neb. . Oct. 2. ( Special. ) A few days ago a traveling man giving' the name of W , H. Whatley hired a team of horses and a buggy of A. B. Noble , livery man at Sterling , to make a trip Into the country. Nothing has been heard of him or the team etnce. and It U supposed ho skipped the country. Sheriff AVoolzey has offered $50 reward for his capture. AlloBiMl Jlomct llrriilcnri Cmight. FREMONT , Oct. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) Sheriff Mlllkeu returned this morning from Grand Island , having In charge two men , who are supposed to have stolen a gold watch from Charles H , May's residence hero a few days ago. They gave the names of Tom Jones and Jack Haughorty. The watch was worth I2o , _ MlnUti-rn Mart. FREMONT. Oct. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) The Episcopal convention of the diocese of Nebraska commenced a three days' session hero this evening. Several noted divine * of the Mate are present. An Interesting pro gram has been arranged * llcrll i Store Knblioil. BERLIN , Neb. . Oct. 2. { Special. ) Last night the hardware store ot 0. H. Illllman was broken Into and about $20 worth of cat lery stolen. The thieves made their entrance by cutting out a , panel In the rear door , Working ; imiiu Irrigation Dllcli , LEXINGTON , Web. , Oct. 2. ( Special. ) Work Is being rapidly pushed night and day upon the Farmers and Merchants Irrigating canal , about 203 tneu and Uauu twine em ployei. COMMERCIAL MEN PROTEST Prominent Members of tha Craft Expose tbs Sch.ine of the Eogus Element. BRASS COLLAR BRIGADE IN POLITICS Knights ol the Orli ] Who Art Uvtrj-uno to Support the Cliaiiiilun fttnmltng In Their Own Light , LINCOLN , JJcb. , Oct. 2. ( Special. ) The recent meeting of politicians wearing travel * Ing men's badges , held at the Lincoln hotel , has resulted In the following proclnmatlon Tieaileil : "Attention , Traveling Men ! " At a meetlns of representative traveling men of Nebr-inka , held at the Lincoln hotel , Lincoln , Neb. , September 2 , 15H. ! a perma nent organization for Ihe campaign ot 1831 for the election of the entire republican ticket was effected. Thp olllcers elcctetl were : E. .T. Cullen , president , anil C. I' . C'nlilsvell secretary ; with the prcxlilent , secretary , W. K. Jones , n. II. Unthburn and 1'reil A. Wilson , executive committee , with headquarters at the Lincoln hotel. The following was adopted : We , this unclorsifrneil traveling men , believing that the election of the entire republican ticket at this particular time * . In the state of Ne- liniskit , will best nerve the ItiterestH of the entire ntnt < \ herewith unroll our names In evidence of our hearty support of the ticket of 1S91. AdilresH till communications to C. C. Ctlldwell , secretary. Lincoln , Neb , There Is considerable talk among the trav eling men not Identified with the machine as to what authority the Gathering had ( o nrro- gate to themselves the name of traveling men and to glvo out ( lie Impression that the whole fraternity of Iho state was to be voted like a flock of sheep. Many ol ( ho representative traveling men ot the city make no secret of their Intention to vote for Holcomb , and they claim that a wholesale representative Rollclt- Ing patronage from people of nil stripes of politics has no business to go out with a collar on his neck , branded with the name of any politician. Itia-UIIMCAN 1MI,1YAT WAVJffi. Joliii SI. Tlinraton Aildrrnsr * a T-urgo Cronril and Kccfllret un Oviitliiu. WAYNE , Neb , , Oct. 2. ( Specalf ! Tele gram , ) The largest republican demonstra tion of northeast Nebraska occurred here to night. The procession was formed on First street , headed by the Wayne Cornet band ; nsxt came visiting cluba bearing torches , followed by Fovcnty-flvc members of the Wayne Republican club on horseback , carryIng - Ing torches. The procession was two blocks long , and there was continual cheering throughout the line ot march. The opera house hu-d bevn arranged to seat over 1,200 people , and It was packed , a. number going away unable to secure a seat , H. U. Cor- bit , candidate for state superintendent , made a short address , and was cordially received. He was followed by Hon. John SI. Thuri- ton , and never has any man received such an ovation In this part of the state. He spoke of Bryan , who had said that If he was sent to the United States senate he would work to secure the government foreclosure of the Union faclllc road. The speaker said that there were stockholders In the Union Pacific railway that would give Mr. Uryan 11,000,000 to secure the foreclosure , as the proparty would not sell for the first mort gage Indebtedness and the government would thereby lose Its entire Interest In the second mortgage. Mr. Thurston dwelt upon tha protective tariff and Americanism , and touched on the money question. IIU address was forcible , eloquent and logical , and for two hours he was greetad with round after round of applause. IIOICOMIt TEJflJKItii > A HKCIH'TION. riiittarnoutli I'coplo Sliulio llamU irlth the 1'onulitt : Loader. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) Judge Holcomb was booked for a. speech In this city tontght , but the In ability of the committee to ; p'rocure a suit able hall prevented a meeting , and Instead a. public reception was held In Iho office of Hotel Rlley. where the Judge mot several hundred Plattsmotith dtlzcns In u general handshake. 'He was iwell received and made hosts of friends. Holcomb's vote In this city and county will be surprisingly large. South Dultotu Itepulilltniis. BELLE FOURCHI3 , S. D. , Oct. 2. ( Spe cial. ) At the republican convention of Buttc county , held Inthis town Saturday , the fol lowing ticket was placed In nomination : Rep resentative , George E , Hair ; treasurer , 1) . R. Evans ; sheriff , Ocorgs * S. Fuller ; auditor , John S. Barr ; register of deeds , J. W. Van- horn ; county Judge , II. L. Mullengcr ; clerk of the courts , T. U , Rollins ; state's attorney , H. II. Wldner ; county superintendent. Miss Amy Dlrd. Republicans are strong and united In this county this year , and expect to overturn the small populist majority of the past four years. A vigorous campaign has been outlined. Andrew * Tulki at Trenton , TRENTON. Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) Hon. W. B. Andrews , re publican nominee for congress , ad dressed the people of this county here today , Ro.iste\l oxen , bread and coffee were served to all of the fanners In attendance , no dis tinction being made as to political views. Andrews held his audience of EDO for fully two hours , and Interested every one In at tendance. The York Glee club amused the people with campaign eongs. Wuahingtoa County J'olltlci. BLAIR , Neb. , Dot. 2. ( Special. ) The democrats and populists have fused on every thing In the county , and even on repre sentative float with Hurt county. Both parties seem to be- afraid to put up a man alone. It now stands In Washington county republicans against the "field. " Whllo the republicans Imvo carrleU county olllcss In this county against the combined efforts of both populists and democrats , It looks doubtful this fall. I'oiu nnniiinlgii Openril nt Co/ml. COZAD , Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) The populists held their first meeting of the campaign here today. Addresses were made by Hon. J. II. Powers , J. N. Gaffln and J. O. Lynch , the latter the candidate for represen tative. There was a fair turnout of farmers ami an average amount ot enthusiasm. Slirrnlny for Kmmlor. DAVID CITV , Neb. . Oct. 2. ( Special Tele gram. ) The republican senatorial convention of the Nineteenth district \vas held here to day. Judge Holland of Scward county was chosen chairman. George P. Sheesley of this city was nominated by acclamation for senator. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oton nu < I Can * I'npuINtf. NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) The Independents of Otoe and Casa counties held their float convention hero today and nominated George W. Leldlgh. Mr. Leldlgh was a democratic member of the last legislature from Otoe county. chun SpiHi ! < til Curtla. CURTIS , Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special Tele gram. ) McKelghan epoka here today to about 140 persons. His remarks were a repetition of two years ago. Ills whole song win In praise ot the new tariff bill and ridiculing Prof. Andrews. l-'uslon In 1loilin. FREMONT. Oct. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) The populist Dodge county convention today endorsed the democratic county ticket J. W. C. Abbott for county attorney , and W. J. McVlckcr and D. Rastede for representatives , Karl'i Clover Hoot , thB great blood purifier , gives freshness and clearness to the complex ion ami cures constipation ; 25c , COc , 41.00. Sold by Good n , an Drug Co. Tlioy All Want tn Soldier ) . The movement of troopj Interests all rail roads * l present , nearly every road center ing here having succeeded In getting ; a slice of the business. Monday the Elkhorn took tha troops from Fort Nlobrara destined to Fort Leavenwortu as far as Lincoln , where they wem delivered to the Mlieourl Pacific The troopi from Fort Robinson war * also moved by the Elkhorn to Orln Junction , from wliancq the Cheyenne and Northern Will carriIhem to Fort D , A. Hussell , their new 'qv ' AFPAIIIS AU .SOUTH . OMAHA. Clinton Moreno Hcnppolntm ! mill Cniillrinrtt ni Conncllnmif 'M'noil'n Httcrrmor. Mayor Johnston presided at the meeting of tha city council last' ' Might and succeeded In having his friend , Clinton Morgan , confirmed aa councilman to fill the vacancy In the Klrat ward. Two weeks aeojast night the mayor appointed Sir. Moreoiin but the appointment was not confirmed. Mr. Rowley wai then np- polnted , but that gentleman also failed to secure enough votes.1 * A raft of names were then urged upon Hie mayor , and a red hot fight was on when u'compromlsa was effected and the councllmen agreed to confirm Mr. Morgan In case his name was once more In troduced. This was done and Iho properly owners of the ward are satisfied with the se lection. The ordinance opening up Thirty-third street south of Q passed. An ordinance was Introduced condemning a atrip of land on Thirty-ninth street from S to Q streets. The ordinance governing bill posting was passed. The license Is placed nt $15 a month. Winter hydrants were ordered placed at Twenty-fifth and A and Twenty-sixth and A streets by ordinance. A petition , liberally signed by properly owners recommended that N street bo paved with vitrified brick between Twenty- fourth and Twenty-seventh streets. The matter was referred to the committee on streets. A petition , signed by Peter CocUcrell and others , asked for permission . to lay water pipes from O and Fifteenth to Fourteenth and Seventeenth streets. This water comes from a spring In that locality , and the ex pense of laying the pipes cornea from the property owners In the locality. The mat ter was referred to the committee on streets and alleys. Mr. Dulls got through a motion that the city engineer grade approaches to Seven teenth street on Q. Inspector Howard reported that during the last month he had condemned thirty-six hogs and six head of cattle. Upon motion of Mr. Conley the city print ing for the balance of the fiscal year was awarded to the Drovers' Journal nt legal rates. Mr. Hulli fathered a resolution which parsed , compelling the street railway com pany to comply In detail with the city ordi nances or forfeit Its charter. In compliance with a petition filed by prop erty owners , a four-foot sidewalk will ba laid on Twenty-second street from K to L. Chief of Police Hrennun was Instructed teat at oncn repair the bridge at Albright. The city engineer WBH Instructed to estab lish a grade on Q street from Thirty-third to Forty-second streets. WANT OMAHA TO HELP. I'rojactorn of : \ Trnnnroiitliirutal Air IInn Sulinilt u 1'ropiMltlon A number of prominent citizens gathered In the mayor's otllijt ; .last night to consider a proposition from , William Dallln ot Chicago cage , vice president , ajid manager of the. Atlantic anil Pacific Construction company. Mr. Dallln Is pushjn'g a transcontinental railroad , which Is to connect the two oceans In an air line andjwltlj double tracks , but ' which Is chiefly on-p'ap'er as yet. Ills propo sition was that the 'city should promise to pay the company j$40,000 when the road reached the city , alifl' ( o subscribe and pay for $100 worth of stock'now. J , II. Dumont was appointed a committee of one to con sider further with Mr , , Pallln. According to the presentations of Mr. Dallln , tliB company1 proposes t , .build a d9Ublo track air line-'road frSm New York to San Francisco , , wblph will not dlvwge from Us course to reach any city and which will pierce 'niountaTnl tond" 'su'rnldunt other obstacles without deflatingfrom' ' n straight line. Dy this means It Is proposed to shorten the distance between San Francises and New York by 000 miles , and that between Chicago and New York by 20 < ) . The time between the first two points will ba forty-c ght hours , and the last two thirteen hours , ths rate of speed being sixty miles an hour , Including stops. The entire line , It Is estimated , will cost $400,000,000 , $125,000.000 of this to be ex pended between Chicago and New York. It Is Intended to Introduce a 1)111 ) In congress placing the entire enterprise under the su pervision of the government for the endorse ment of the bonds of the road , A British syndicate Is back of the project , which will take $125,000,000 worth of bonds at B per cent , the bunds being told at 90 per cent af their face value If an Indjpendent company builds the road , But If the government en dorses the bonds at 3 per com they will sell at par value. Mr. Dallln said the survey had been com pleted nearly to Chicago and would reach the Mississippi river by December 20 , when the syndicate would give . $1,000,000 to begin the building of the road. The company was a lit tle in the hole and Wanted thu western cities to help It out to reach the river. The con tract with the syndicate requires die comple tion of the road to Chicago by 1898 , and tlus whole road by 1900. After the scheme had been outlined no one said much , but the meeting appeared to voice Mr. Rosewatcr'a opinion when he said congress - , gress wouldn't give any help , and , If It did , the road would collapse , as there Is not enough business to support two roads between New York and Chicago , while there are now six. TIIHITV yji.lltS FUll MltltllKll. CyrilH Dunn Kctitcnnml at Itliilr for Iho KIIHni ; of William Taylor. BLAIR , Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) Cyrus Dunn , the murderer of William Taylor at Desoto , August 20 , was sentenced today by Judge Keysor to thirty years at hard labor In the penitentiary , one day In each year to be solitary confinement. Dunn Is now 28 years old. By good bD- havlor ho can shorten his terra to twenty years. Dunn took Ills icntcncj without n change of color and had nothing lo say far himself. Everybody U satisfied with , the sentence and think Judges Davis and Osborne , the prisoner's attorneys , did well In defending him and In saving him from the gallows , g 3iEinc.ii. voi.i.Kim j'HKintisrttxnAitr. OMAHA , Oct. 1. To the Editor of The Ilee : Would you krrtdrj'roiit of your charity for the suffering poor1,1 nuke known to the public through the columns of The Bee that there U a free dispensary at the John A. Crelghton. Medical college. Twelfth and Ma son ? Yours slncerel)1 ! ' * " JAMES HOEFFER , S. J. Hoii't Wnut , jto. jluhill r < Ml , F. L. Gregory , representative of the ReadIng - Ing Coal company here. In replying to the charges made by some'of the retail dealers that the Reading people contemplated going Into the retail coal -nUWness , said. "There U no truth vvliutcvfir-lii , the report , except as we may ba drlvqnrlnto Dial position by the Coal exchange. j\M have no desire to go Into the retail trudo ; wo are wholesalers and If we can sell : otir" coal , of which we have a large stock itfLHa'nd , to retailers , we will be content , but' lfj , he retailers refuse to purchase our coal'.then wo will have lo look to those who will buy from us , which may mean that wo will have to become re- tall dealers ourselves.- However , there Is no intention on our part at present to do other- wlsa than we have b3n doing continue to sell to the. trade. " With HIM .triiir. The leave of absence for seven day * granted Second Lieutenant Howard R. Illckok. Ninth cavalry , In orders No. 73 , dated Fort Robinson , Neb. , September , li extended ten days. Major Charles F. { Humphrey , quarter master , United Statis army , chief quarteri master of the department , will proceed tq Fort Nlobrara , Neb , , and Fort McKlnner , Wyo. , to Investigate as to the transfer of cavalry stables f am the former and to de/i Urmlne the proper distribution of tin quartermaster' * property at the latter post , returning on completion of these duties tg his station In thla city. The best imported Kersey Overcoats , beautiful , stylish garments in blue and black colors , elegantly made and trimmed We save you $5 to walk three blocks out of your way to get ours for The new Vicuna Suit and the genuine English cheviots in either sacks or cutaway 4- button , regent cut , save you lots of dollars for ours are only Boys' elegant Cheviot Suits in dark effects , for ages 14 to 19 years , long pants , will save you nearly $5 for ours are SUPPOSE you can make a dollar by walking a block out of your way would you do it SUPPOSE you make two dollars then , would you walk 2 blocks SUPPOSE you make three dollars O would you walk 3 blocks We don't profess to have the gilded palace with the gilded prices as a sure accompanl * mcnt together with high rents and big salaried slick salesmen but We sell our goods on their merits alone. We know the clothing. We know the trimming. WE SAVE YOU We know the making. MANY A DOLLAR. We know its popular. GOODS WELL BOUGHT ARE HALF SOLD. [ GIVE US A TRIAL. ] Cook Clothini successors to Columbia Clothing Co , 13th and Farnam Streets , Omaha. SPOILED 1 MCE SCHEME Rcok Island Fo'cctivcnTake in a Brnco of Would-Bo Train Eobbaw. PLANS ALL LAID WITH GREAT CARE Intended to Stop the Tniln at tliu Water TunU Seven Mlle * Kntt at * > t. Joseph and Illlle the Kx- I > rc9 * anil .Hull Cur * . ST. LOUIS , Oct. 2. A special to the Post Dispatch from St. Joseph , Mo. , says : Lee Jonea and "Scarfaccd" Charley I-'rlzzell wore arrested hero today , charged with conspiracy to rob the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific train. The pair have been under surveillance some time. It being known that they , with others , were planning a train robbery. The conspirators were betrayed by one of their own band. A week ago It was planned to rob a westbound Rock Island train .and to blow It up If necessary. This was postponed and last night finally abandoned , the would- be robbers learning Hint the police were after them. The arrests followd and others are expected. Since the attempt made about a month ago to rob the Denver express the officers of the road have been looking for the men concerned In the enterprise. Suspicion pointed to "a long-haired crook from the Indian ter ritory , " as the prime mover. The chief spe cial agent , Martin Flynn , of the Rock Is land , went to St. Joseph and was not long In Identifying the "long-halrad craok" as Jones , who had recently arrived frcm the Indian territory and carried his character on his face. Hewaa a blustering bully , with no visible means of support and with a habit of frequenting disreputable saloons and associating with desperate characters. Among his associates were Lee Frlzicll and a man named Callaghan , who. u few days after the arrival of the railroad officer , was arrested by the local o Ulcers on u charge ot burglary and was lodged In Jail. It was learned that the trio had instigated the former attempt and that Jone * and Frlzzell bad not abandoned hopes of ultimately gainIng - Ing possession of the treasure In the express and mall cars. Special Agent Klynn returned lo Chicago , and September 9 a meeting was held In the office of General Manager W. I. Allen , at which were present ( leneral Superin tendent Dunlap , General Manager Al len , Special Agent Klynn anil De tective B. A. Burchard. As .1 rtsult ot the meeting Burchard on the following day took a train for St. Joseph , and. In the gulso ot a Chicago crook , went to the Ilnffalo Head saloon , a resort much frequanted by Jones , Krlzzell and similar characters. It was fair week and the'town was welt patron ized by gamblers nnd other adventurers from the surrounding country. It was an easy matter to gain access to the society circle In which Jones waa A fihlnlng light , and when , on September 17 , Flynn. In the guise ot a Chicago gambler out of luck , ur- , ved at the Buffalo Head , Burchard was In a position to Introduce him. "Burchard was right In It , " said Klynn. tpeaklng of the .episode. "He was ut the head of the table and Fred Jones was at the foot. Krlzzell was there and half a doieti ex-con victs were also at the board at which Bur chard presided. "Jones U a character. He drank freely and talked openly ot crime. He- was a hideous looking object , six feet tall , with broad shoulders and powerful physique , His tons , black hair hanging from beneath a broad-brimmed sombrero did not conceal any part of the most repulsive human face I over say. While In a fit Jones fell Into a camp fire and bis entlrt face was burned al most out of human semblance , "Ho was one whose criminal proclivities could not have been concealed. He was 33 years old and possessed of a liberal educa tion. An accomplished artist , he would network work , and openly boasted that be would yet outdo the > exploits of Jeaie James. Jones had Herved two terms In penitentiary for counterfeiting , but had escaped all pun- lahment for a long Hit of violation ) of the state laws , and neemed to "winder at will through the Indian territory , Kansas and Missouri , with perfect Immunity from arrest. Ho was the leader ot the gang with whom Burchard waa on friendly terms. Jones was always heavily armed. He > would not hesi tate to shoot on the slightest provocation. But ho was not really a dangerous man , lack ing mental force and depending for his repu tation on brute courage and blufT. "A more dangerous man was Lee Krlzzell , also an ex-convict. He was quiet and watch ful and sometimes appeared to suspect that Burchard was not all right. It required much tact to dissipate the fellow's ' suspicions , but the detective finally succeeded , nnd was taken fully Into the confidence of Frlzzell and hla friend and associate , Prank Llnburg , Bur chard was finally admitted to all ot the plans for a raid on the train. The party was to consist of Jones , Llnburg , Krlzzell , Burchard and two 'good people' who were to be on hand In time , Tuesday evening , September 25 , was the time set for the attempt. The Denver express , due In St. Joseph at 7:40 : o'clock , was to be Intercepted at the water tank , seven miles east of town. As the locomotive stopped at thu water tank one of the bandits was to break the couplings behind the mall and express cars while the others commanded the engineer to go ahead into a deep cut half a mile up the track , leaving the passenger cojches be hind. In the cut the work of robbery was to 1)0 completed , four men going through the express and mall cars , \flflle one. armed with a rifle , kept watch on the engineer and fire man. " Oregon Kidney-Tea cures backache , Trial iilze , 25 cents. All druggists. HKA I'll ' Kit Fair and ( "color UYntlier with Xcirthnett M'liuU. WASHINGTON , Oct. I.-The forecast for Wednesday Is : Kor Nebraska anil Kansas Fair ; cooler : northwest wind * . For South Dakota Showers In the parly morning , followed by generally fulr weather ; northwest winds ; slightly tlKlng tempera ture. For Missouri Fair ; west winds ; cooler. For Iowa Fair ; cooler ; northwest winds. I .oral Krr r < f. OFFICE OF THB WBATIIKH I1UIIEAU. OMAHA , Oct. 2. Omaha record of tem perature nnd rainfall , compared with the corresponding day of last four years : 1891. 180. ! 1502.1SOL Maximum temperature " 1 57 M 74 Minimum temperature M 43 4i M A-.ernge temperature HI Kl B2 C4 I'jeclpltatlon 00 , > .00 .CD Condition of temperature nnd precipita tion at Omnbi for the day and since March 1. JSW : Normal temperature CO Rxcess for the day : Accumulated cxcosw since March I CS4 Normal precipitation 10 Inch Kxcess for the day < t > Inch Total precipitation Blnco Match 1 13.C3 Inches Accumulated deficiency Hlnci- March 1 13. < 3 Inches lloports from Other Stitlutl lit a 1 * . M. " i " Indicates trace of rain. GUOUQt : R HUNT. FoiwrvU OffleUl. When Dabwa slct , wo e e hr Castorla. 'Whsn tlisnag a Child , tlio crtoU for Caitorla. When eha became Jllsi , Bho clnnj ? to Cortorlo. Wbea ihoUaJ CUIUrcn.bliu satothem Caatorla I. YALE W1NNKR OFTHK World's Fair Modal and / iploma. THE HAIR CONQUERED WME , M. YALM'S Excelsior Hair Tonic , ITS MIGHTY RULER. Tor the first time In thr hlntnry of tlio wnrlil Clr.iy Hair 1a turned tmck to Its niituml ajij color without ( lye. Mine. Vnlo'ri Kxcrl- ulor llnir Tonic han the marvt-louM unwer of KitinK tlin natural coloring manor cliciilallon. ccmawiueruly , of rc-stmlnic the gray Imlrn tu tliolr own original rnloiTlia romplrle rmisler > ' i > ( thla nmrvrlouH compound over ttio tiumiin lialr haa cre-alcnl a ecnulnc convntlou nil ovur Ihe wnilil , anil H discovery Im been lulled with endlejj Joj' . Them wll bo no more eras' Imlr to worry over now , nni ] no longer uecrKflnry to URO In- jurlntiK aiUncial hair liven. Mm < - . Vnlc'i iklll as a rhrnilst linn never been ciiinilli'il by mun or unman. Kim BtnniH nlone n queen nnd conqueror. Tlio whole world buwa ilown lo her an u pioneer ami Bclrnilat. Kxcelilor Hair Tonic w < il itop uny c.iso of lialr trum falling In ! 4 linurx. U ll a minnintred cum fur unv tllinent of the Imlr or ( llHearu ot the srulp. U In uhnolutcljpura ami fri'u from mulleins Injurious , It ran bo taken Internally with ptrlfCt. mfi-ly , It contain * nulh- Intf Ki'eauy or tlcly ; lina a ilelljglurul , ucllrat * odor , nnd makeit the inont perfect hair drewlne known for general HIP. It wll nld In Uerp liiK llio Imlr In curl. It createD a luxurlent , clou gy growth nnd prBtervri ll naliirul color unl ( llio end of your d jAfter irray lialr haubwl re.sloreil to lt nnluinl color wllli thin lonlo It U not neconsnry lo continue IU lisa except ul Inter. vain ag a tonic , ai Iho hair Brown out from Iho fcalp lla own , color tha same aa before II turned cray , FAN lUliI ) HFAIft Ulsihoonlyiomcayon IV1V lULiU III.HUOtir , | | , | ( nowii to inuka the hair crow on bald lu-ndx. De vuro thai you get the uenulne. Ilew.ire ot counterfeit * and Im itations. Make < ur mat nvery bottle linn Mrne. Ynlo's photo on and tabled Mine. M. Ynlo'i I3 - ceUlor Hair Tonic. < iuaranteeil lo icKtora Krai' hair to Its ortKlna ! i-olur without Oye. Trice ll.M per bottle , lx for .IX > . KM by all Druggist ! Mail Orders Pilled Mine. M. Vale. Ilenuty and Complexion Bpcclallil Tempi * of lieauly , 119 Blate-it. , Ctllcairt ) , III , PERMANENTLY ORI0 CURED HO PAY UNTIL CUREfl * I lf t YOU 10 8.COO PMIIKTB. Write for Btnlt References. . . . . EXAMINATION FREE. Jo Operation , Mo Detention from Business , SEND FOR CIRCULAR , " "M l.ER CO. , New York UIi UI'OK. , Omaha , Nel