V-VTg fl TILJ'J ' UMIAI1A UAll.il Jll'JlS : JfSTHSUAY , HIfll'TJGMUJlill JJO , 1804. TIIE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE. COUNCIL HLurrs. . - NO. 12 1'HAHL Dtllvmd by carrier to n > " part ° f the c" * ' II.V. . T1LTON , Lessee. TBl.nPHONIJS-Uuiilnfii office. No. 43 : night ailor No. * = j 1IIM > H 3IKSTJU * . MBJ-J Heal n tate Agency. BJO Droadwar- I'aul Tullcjs Mill Klvc n violin ole al the Congregational church tills evening. The (1l\crce ( suit of ClIttenB against Glttcns has been po tponul until the November term. Children will not lie admitted to the Macc.iboc's entirlalnment Tuesday night Unlrsa nccompanlpl by aduHa. llev OtorKC Muller will conduct Hie usual jitoplii'a religious ECIlces at Liberty hall to night. All are cordially InMted. The latt of the evidence In the Altchlson divorce case won submitted yesterday and the case was taken under advUenv-nt by Judge Macy. The Merchants Maroons and the Orchard- \Vllhelins of Omaha will play ball at the t'nloii Driving park today. Game called at 3 o'clock p in. Judge Mftey finished tip the equity work nt Oil * term of courL yesterday afternoon Next Monday ho will taUc up the law doeltet , and th' Jury will lie calbd. Archie llultt. aged 42 , anil nil/abnlh Bcliliiimcl. njed ; 21 , b'jth tit O.mha. were granted Teenies to wed yesterday find wcie married by .lUFtlco Vlen. TJiu foot ball teams of the Council muffs nnd Onuhii High schools played n , game yes terday , whlciv resulted In a complete victory for Oinuha. tl.e rcore being 38 to 0 Pevenl en hundred soldiers passed turjugli the city. b-nnl for Washington. I ) 0. , Krl- d y nlgl.t. They complied the garrison until liow located ul Port .Niobrara Neb Next Pr'dJj ' night the Ancient Order of It n I H ! \ Volume n wll Ifor the first time o-cjpy their new ituiters | In the Meirlnm blocl < In the KnlghtH ot Pythles halt. On account of Mrs. Uohuny's funeral thu concert to take place at St. rrancli Xavler's concert to tuku place at St Kwnr's Javier's church thl nflernoon has been postponed one veel ( . The Danube society. Hod Men Decree of 1'ocalionlns. and the Knights of the Macab- bi OH will Bhottly n.ovc Into the hall over 10'j lv , rl street , recently \acated by the Knights of I'yUil.ia. Allen Pa > anil Htrt Hinds welie the names given by two mm that were found parsing the night in a box car. Kaon had a revolver , and for ( hat were compelled to liquidate a fine In the sum of $10 70 The Ladles' Aid society of St. Julia's Krig- llsh Lutlicipn chinch meet Thurstlny after noon at the leBldcnce of Mrs. Q.V Snyder , i'J7 South Seventh street. The annual elec tion of odicors occurs at the meeting. Next TUBKdti ) r\cnlng the Kn'glits of the Maccubecs v.Ill give a r-efi literary and inn- 8lc.il enteitalnnuMit In the opera houpse Major Hnytiton and Miss Blna M. West arc both to In present , and give brief addresses. On Tuesday evening , nt 8 o'clock , a con- flrmatiun class will bo commencpd In Orjct church , corner of t'nlon ' and Pierce streets All who ro Interested In receiving the In Mructlon nrc Invlled to attend. John I" S'lnptoii , ro to' . All members of Abe Lincoln post 111 as rcnible at headquarters at 7:110 : a. M . Tuas day , October 2 , to act as escoit to General G M. Dodge nntl the Society of the At my of tin Tennessee on their arrival In the city. 1 A Sackett. commander. Cliff Huugh , who was fined for eommltt'ng nn ntsaiilt nml battery on a couple ot mer lit a. Croiosnt City dance and arrested uialr nn the charge of assaulting another of ttu party , WIB dlbcharcod by justice Vlcn , thi evidence being Insufficient to hold him All members of Abe Lincoln post will at ecmblo nt Tie.idn.uirtcrs at 7 30 a. in. Tues ilay morning. October 2 , to act as escore li General 0. M. Dodge nnd the fcrlcty of til .Army of the Tennessee. RcKiilatloii nin Dodge iouvenlr badges lll be worn. V A Sackctt. Will nnd Tred Strong , the two small eon cl a camper living cast of tha city , ran nvia ! from home a couple of claya ngo , taking vl ! ] them t o ponies belonging to their father They w re traceJ to Glenwood nnd picked ui by the ofHctis of that town yesterday. Mi Strong " 111 go after them. The ! < ; iliig that the only good Indians ar thu dead cues s certainly not true , for thcv are right here In Council Uluffs a number n jood Hfdmcn who desire to have their man .Tlpnds Join them In a peace dance on th * ltp of Sevcnttenth sun. Traveling MOII G. S. 1) . , Ml , at Woodman of the AVorU hai : It IK a bad business policy not to Keep jnu lioinc Insured In n thoroughly reliable 11 r Insuianco company such as the PaUtlne c Mftnchp.ster. Ki'glan'l. This company Is reprc scnted b > l < oucee & Towle , 235 I'earl strcci tovpi. Stoves. * > t < ivi- . Huy your stoxca of C. O. D. Dro\\n an iuo 2f > per cent. Wo arc sole wgents for the celebrated Ai IliiKlon Stcelc ranges , io > al and Impiolnl N'o : man base burners. Victor favorite , Vlcti prize and Home Itulo cook stoves. Aetna and Golden Kule Hound O.ilt ; , U thu Majt'stlc. Splendid and Novelty oil stove The celebrated airtight stoves only JG.OO , Itenlcmber , ve will sjive you money us fuel If > ou buy your stove of us. Co it. nest Centrrvllle lump coal $3.23 per toi II , A. Cox , 37 Main. Tel. 43. Duncan's ' ehoes are aluaya the best an cheapest. P. M. Hunter of Ottumwa Is In the city. D. H .Hose has returned from Colorado. Mrs. H. A. Ballanger and two chlldrc left yVsterdny for lown City. W. S. Moore of lies Molncs Is In the clt the guest of his niece. Mrs. Grlswold. J. S. Vctzcr , president of the defunct Cm county bank , vias In the city ypKtcnlay. Dr. J. M. Darbtow was upon the strce yesterday , walking with the aid of a cane. Mm. Mary Ilalrgrovo and daughter > Jacksonville. III. , are guests otV. . A , Hlg ! Emltti and family. P. II. Evans has located In business Ii"orl Worth , Tex. His Mfo leaves ne : Thursday to Join him. Charles Ilarlck has recovered from a so eral weeks' alego of typhoid fever sufilclent to bo about hla business again. Hcv. Mr. Hhybach of this city has rccelvi a call to Iho pastorate of ( ha S\vedl : Lutheran church at Stanton , la. Charles A , Vex , deputy city clerk , l.s Corning , visiting his mother and sat ! ( whom he has not seen for several years. John Mlthon bus returned from B.Ul Creek. Mich. , where ho attended the ma rlago of F. M. Mithcn and Miss Tarrcll. Miss Luella Hogo of Cambridge , 0. , w return from Dulutb , Minn. , this morning I a visit with her uncle. Captain O. M. Drou on Soulu Seventh street. "Father" Schrlner , ono ot the olde Masons : In the country , and Mr. Derryin : both ot Mount Pleasant , are In thu cl guests uf G. II. Jackson and family , their nay home. Samuel Trude of Chicago Islsltlng ! eon , l'W , Trudo. and the two expect * tew days to go on a hunt In Dakota. A. Trude , the well Known Chicago attorn who Is a brother of 1 * . W , Trude , pass through here , homeward bound , a day or t ago In his special car , loaded vlth game , the result of hla recreation. Hev. 0. 0. Illce attended IheAwoclallon Congressional Churches at On.iwa tha p ; week. Mr , Hlco organized the church the and lias , not vHte < l the place for thlrty-t yenrs. He found many changes , but R there were come of his early parlshon etlll living there who grelted him most c Ulally. Mr , Hlc U now the senior minis In the sksoclatlon. Svtalne vrlll sav you mou-y on stoves a rat gen. 7 < 0 Uroadway. Stovcplpa 8 c a Jol Gaa cooking ttoves for rrni and for eil Cn Co.'i offlct. Pictures and flags for decorations at Uu KTKIII Ijiuiulrjr Co. (20 Pearl ttreet. Telephone 290. Ueaarttlo loip bieiks htrd wattr. J ] NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Stcck Yards Company Fi'ejlti ' Articles tif Incorporation Yv8tertki AR ALL OF THEM CHICAGO MEN Sinnn I'.irtlni Wtin Sninc Thno Ago I'll oil Arlldrft of InriirptirHllon nt HID Illinois lunu A Nelirimkit Itnlltrny linlclr 1'iir- tlcs Claim it nil ) He 11 Illff .Affair , Articles of Incorporation were filed at tlie court house vestcrday by the Council Bluffs Stock Yards company , un organization with a capital stock of J2.500.000. The Incorporators - tors are Joseph A. V&rly , It. C How ell and M. It. Whin. ' The same halo ol mj'stery ' that surrounded the recent filing of articles by the Illinois , Iowa & Nebraska Hallway com pany as exhibited In this c.isc , and there are unmistakable evidences that the two papers had their origin In the came Immediate vicinity. The Incorponitors are Identically the same , und the young man who deposited them vth \ the county recorder did bin errand and then vanished In thin ttlr In the BJinc delighttul Wandering Jew fashion An Investigation failed to dltclose the exact plans of thu company but u certain gentle man In this cliy who Is commonly supposed to luve knowledge of Inside facts , suites that he 1ms positive Knowledge that thin Is no airy pclienie , Ilku some that have once In awhile been ppruiiB upon an unsuspecting puhl'c. ' I'oi reasons of Ills own he prefers to Lojp In the background , buthe mys. "You nn > fcdy v.itli cerlnlnty that within .1 ver > shoil time Council Bluffs will have one of the biggest stock yards und at least thiecof the biggest packing houses to be found anwhere In the coiintr ) . Per months past iicuotli.tlniia have boon going on with this end In view. This Is what the ircent i Utin land values In the northwestern part ot the city means. As every one knows , und as the records nt the court h'jusi ! have been alrcaiU ijuoli'd by The Bee to show there have been u large number of real estate Iraiutes lecoidcl during the luHt sK montlis There iir - many more that luve not jot been brought out of their plg- pen holes , for reasons that wore biifflclent to the panics car.cernnl. Although the re- coidins ot those articles fii'iilshes u clew to the meaning uf tht boom , It is only a partial one , foi fuiihei developments will bring out large ditctprlsos that have been hanging flru for home time , but lire rapidly being brought to a focus "The Inwardness of the railroad plan Is not > ol ready tu lie made public , but It Is enough to tuy just now tlmt it Is started for the purpose cl carrying on the work ol the stock > anls and packing housuh. With out disparaging the ndvantngeu of South Omaha , It I ? a f.ict that that place Is not In it with noilhwcst Council Bluffs when It comes to n comparison. The South Omaha yuuls have to Import their Ice from C'ot Oft , the > ardK up there will have the Ice nt tlieli doors. TliTB will be no necessity of tunnel- In , ? a SlSo.OlO sewer through the uide of a biufl to get rlil of tinrefuse. . When tin present plans are cairled to completion the railroad connections w.ll be so much bcttei that fully tventy-four hours can be saved , n'.ilch Is a uooil deal in the life ot a side ol bp f 01 pork. " The .irtlcles provide that vvoik liHll In cumtnencsd a fnoii as $1,000,000 $ of tlie stocl his been BiihscrlbeJ. Accoidlng to tin tutctnc ts of thofe Intimately connecte * with lh affair , a large amount ol stock hai already bean subscribed and psld for. Al three of the Incarporators ere Cbl.igo turn Tlif lnipi-03slc.il has gained ground appjr entlj with good re < ion. that tlie stack vaids vilicn they come , will be located on tin ground north of the levee .bordering on Ihi rlvei bink. List cvonlnc n report w.is curvint that tin Union Dilim patk had been Buld but ill lliofo x.'ho are In u | ios'tlun tu tnu\v lefusf t ajy whether or not the repjit is conect IttiniOt lian It ( h.it the LJiilun I.-Alid and Im piovenient company , of which John W I'ati Is the rcriicscntatlvc on this side of th rlvt-i , was the purchaser. Mr. I'aul wn lin-K'l ' UK to the truth ot the iiinior , but h simply bald that he v.as not In u pasUloi to talk , nnd declined to say anything , lurthc elsev. . lie nt ho ipport kaboutt edspea ud"ta L-l'o when thu deal tint wan reported to b haiiRlng flro a month ago , by which Onuli pan leu vvuro to buy tlie park fell through. Wlutovcr is meant by all the development Unit are coining to light , the public Is give to unCUrbtdtil by those on the lnlde that boom will ha upon us In the next few ila > t- not n luoni Hist will consist ol wind , but on lia.sei ] upon | ) iiblu ! Iniprovemenls of a vast ! Impoitunt nature. A good many peoplewh htve been Inclined during the pait fe1 weeks , to regard the reports chat % vere rli ciliated now and then as minufaetured b yoino unr * with a Kood Imuglnutlon. arc con : ing aioiind to the belief that there Is scum thing In them after all. HoMon Murr , We offer for a starter for our great te days' tulu the following bargains. USc Kng'lsh ' cashmeres , 36 Inches vldt1 ! a iml Yard-wide all wool ladles' cloth , worth 39 for lir.c. .Ml wool novelty dress goods , worth CO for fOc .1 yurd. r Uc .ill v.ool caHhinc'rc-H , DOc a yard. Fifly-'iioH gloria Milks. fiOc a ) aiO. Ti'c gray blankets , JJSc a pair. $1 blown blankets , CTc a pair. $1.75 may mixed blanlcets , full 11-1 , fc $1 1U Our $5 blankets , In gray and white , 53. ' u pilr. Itliic ; and icd prints , 3c a yard. Best light prints. 4c a yard. American blue prints , Cc a yard. rine SiK.ony yam , Tic a skein. Yard-wide muslin , S' , c a jard. Ladles' vests und pantR , l' < * c each , won Me. Me.Ladles' wool underwent , worth Jl , for "i c.ich. c.ich.Union Union suits , from ! iuc to $3. Watch tin- papers for u more complete 11 of bargains. HOSTON STORU. Fowler , D'ck & Walker iufi'.s t IUIK. : iH Klnc of All Teiniinranre ltr\crate * , rei-frcl StitMiitiito fiir I-URI-P Hccr. 11 Can be sold w liliotit license , either gover nicnt or state , dealers nuaranteed by I demnlfying bond. Endorsed by leddlng pli slclans , Judges and minister * . Wheeler Heield , Council Dluffs , la , are the sole ma ufnctiirers In the United States. Thousan of testimonial.Wtlte for p-lces and 1 fiirniatlon. Ou the buck ol an order for a fresh co slgnment of Copps Cheer. Lelloy Woi Culn , In. , writes under d to Septc iubor J "Had a republican rail ) here UU night noiild luve astonished the Rods to t ce t w.iy they came after Coppa Cheer. " HAMHUmi , la . Sept. 21. Wheeler & Hi II eld : The Copps Cheer and Herb tonic > r liand , and we are pleased to stale that ' nro slurtlng out with a very good sale for beginner. C B. I'lilllpps , Cate IVMaln. Tbe cauro ol the present boom In n eslate ! a due somewhat to 'he succtSii cale ol fruit and gatden lands b ) Mess Hay & HessIn the Klein tract , 'they hu " 00 acres in amounts to suit , tui'-.ible 1 trull and gardens. AUo bearing [ rnlt fan lur sale. _ , T. ( \ llurfniAjr' * I uncy I'ulent , Hungarian Process I'lour. Mailo by the oldest milling linn In the we niaki's lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. A your grocer lor it. Trade mark : "Jll ol Itooiter , " Waiherwonien use Domestic icap. e llur jlHrl/cd Tulior' * PontxflN'r. Ill A telephone message from Tabor COM\O ) the Inforinatton yesterday that Savage's fti r- rcr had been entered by burglars the night I fore and robbed of 100 rli.gs , n lot t.f vval clulns , knives und other srtlelra il value , amounting In ull to eevT it. hundred itpllara. The fellows who i it.it the deed wrru evidently profi'mloiuK it they bluw ou'ii thj , saf with the utni nu-itnena. und stole cvuvythlnK that was h- be found luslilo. They then stole u liandi am ) puiuixsl their way to Mvlvern , whi thvy teak u train for Glenwuol Thi It w&3 nnit stated that they hli u rig to go lu the country and get a Job c tint : wood. Sheriff Campbell went after tli ana overhauled two ftlloviB. but the proved to be the wrong ones , and they were released. All trace of them beyond Glenwood has been lost. One of them Is described as dark , five feet teven Inches In height , evi dently a Spaniard or a mulatto , and dressed In dark clothing ; the other vas five feet ten In height , weighing 170 pounds , light com plexion , wearing dark clothes and a striped noolen shirt. _ IIINMM : N 1.1101. SurprUliiR Iliirgnlii Siilo Monday. Pine wool dress goods nt prices never be fore quoted. Compare our prices with others. Attend this big sale Monday , 200 pieces standard dress prints , 3c yard , Dent quality light stinting calico , 3' c yard. 30-inch unbleached muslin , 3 c yard. 5 bales cotton balls , He roll llHo ! snow white cotton baits , 8c each. Bverythlng Identically as advertised. Buy your dress goods of us Monday. RG-lnch black cashmere. ISc > ard. OOc quality , strictly all wool , black hen- rletta , goes Monday at S9c yard , C5c quality black licnrletta goes Monday , Me yard See the black henrletta you can buy ot us Monday nt CKc und 7Cc yard. You will pay S5c and. * | I.OO for the identically sani'- thing elsewhere Again Monday we sell Co-Inch black gloria silk , worth $ L2G. at GSc yard. This seems impossible , but Its a fact. Come in and see It. 4G-lncli navy blue and black storm serge worth $1.00 , at C9c yard. CO pieces 1C and 19-Inch silk plushes , nil colors , worth C3o and 41.00 , Monday , : Mc yard German knitting worsted yarn , IDc skein. 1.000 skeins saxony yarn , Cc skein. 500 boxes Ice wool , 12 ! < .c box. 3-pound feather pillows , E9c oach. SH-pound feather pillows , C9c each. Down sofa pillows Monday & 9c each. Save money and buy your underwear of us. us.Ladles' 40c quality Jersey ribbed % ests and pantw , Monday 25c each. Lidles' jersey ribbed combination suits , 50c Advcitlsed by others nt JLOO. 100 10-4 white crochet bed spreads go Monday nt 75c each. Special b.ii gains in blankets at C9c , 71-00 , (1 50 and SI OS pa r. Strictly all wool 10-4 blankets at J3 00 pal ; . SPECIAL CLOAK SALE. 30-Inch , ustrachan fur oapi > , IOC Inch sweep , go Monday at J12.00. Actually worth $20.00 Ladles' $1 60 navy blue and black diag onal mackintoshes , Monday at ? 2.'JS each Children's iddeidown cloaks In tan and gray , age 2 to C ) ears , Monday at $1.50 each BENNISON BROS. . Council Bluffs. _ .lalir MurkU The relicaiEals for the Jnhr Murkt are progressing finely , and , the different parts being brought together , present most artistic und beautiful pictures The street In front of the room where the drills are held bhows that all the citizens are largely Interested In this good work. The little children , from E years up , go through their parts beautifully and It Is wonderful the amount of work ac complished In so short a time. The opening jerft i mance will tie on next Thursday even- tnt , continuing Friday evening , with a iiir.ll- neo Friday afternoon at 4 30. Kach perform ance will be different. The opera bouse will be decorated , and various markets , such as candy and llower markets , where * home madi cat.dlea ccn be- had , attended by ladles' In Herman costume Ics cream 11 be scivcd during Intel-nils- Hion and will be passed by young ladies and gentlemen. Lemonade Mill also be served There will be a full rehearsal on Monduj nlgiit at the opera hou e. Ovsr 300 people will appear In costumes of the different na tlocs In the darccs , drills , tableaux , and tin tpectacnlar production ol " 1'Icd Piper oi Ilamellne. " The director , Miss Clara B. Goodman o : New York , Is a gifted young lady , who ha : made a specialty of conducting such enter talmncnts and has msl with maiked suctec : wherever she Ins been. She Inspires he ; associates and the children under her In htructlnn with a rare- degree of enthusiasm to that the difficult task cf training the per formcis In the short time of two weeks In been wonderfully successful The Jnnccs are : Failles' Curnlval By IMna Keellne , Mabe UoiKlntnl , IJai-el Balrd , Oeiieviev cRoff , Bes sic Cstep , Kintna Smith , Mary O'NIcl , Gene vleve Coal , Gutta Vagler , Margaret Bnntly Killth Jacobs , Anita Blerworth , Hael Wood bury , Nellie Benton , Alice Miller , Lclli Stevenson , Maude McKesson , Hazel I'ipmnii Delia Gordon , Ida Gordon , Ida IMpinan , llsue Brown , Bes'le Crane , BlancheVulkinhnr ? Ullo , Bro > vn , Sadie Besley , Anna Boltcs , Mat lc ! Space 27. Mountain Maids Dance By Xoe Hill , Clar Troutman , Madge IIollenbocnthc1 Watson Kdlth Tlionias , Brena Stone , Maude Dealt ) Kittle Brnoliett 8. French G.ivotto Mlas Boll , Mihs Iniinil : Miss Kittle James , MI H Cvuns I. Hungarian Gp&y Dance and Chorus B Mary Barclay , Bessie I'ryor , Brownl Walker , Canle Murph ) , Nolle Jouc-s , Dor Lyon , Clara Fiamant , Clara Krecht. Mn ItofT , Mrs Mullls , Will Holn-es , Cbarle Jeffries. Joseph Ecijnc. W. A llolln , Norrl McCarrille , W. M. Allla , W , A. Bowmui Clyde Carroll 18. Grecian Dance By Jennie Slyter , Bciiia Hoagland , Clara Wjkoff Carrie Murph ] Kato Bennett , Lulu Fowler , Kaiina E'rec : orlck , Brownie Walker. Mitude ( tublnsai Mabel Cook , HattleI'aco , KdltliV > kof Katie Hacer , Orola Blalne , Maude Hoberl son , Rose Wind , Stella Gilbert Clara Krach Stella Mclntlre Klolse C'arsp , Mlna Gnte : Maggie Kemp , Rosalie Kicnnan , Jessie Per tlus , Nettle Glass , Rub- Bryant , Bessl Prjor , Laura Holnes 28. KRte Greenvvay , Bumble Bees and I'lovvei Tracy Hollenbeck , Guss > le llamnipr , Ann Benner Silvia Snyder , Bruler Leach , llsrtl \VolIey , Mamie Benton , Nellie Mayne , Bel McFadden , Kay Bell. Jennie Wudsworth , Be ; sle Raymond , IMI 111 Sherradln , Uachey Hal son , Fannie Lavert , Helen Metcalf , LIU Join son , May Crane , Helen 1'robstle ' , Uutti Ba stow , Hazel Hummer. Chaillc Sprultt , Artln KVJIIB , Lottie Gordon , Jean Claree , Tonni Hardln Bernard Brown , Ralph Robartso Hjward Main , Albert I'oug ten Jimm'e Ben Walter Williams , George Miller , Oarlai Piyor , Krst Dorland , Clarence Albcitson , Ci Bourlclus , Harry Young 39 , Japs Nellie Franey , Ada Sargent , nth Cook , Bvallne Thomas , Hazel Adams , Veil Williams. Myrtle Kandry , Edna Hall. Mai I Koss. Carrie Hohrer , Florence Kiniba Bertha Uoff , Maggie Wright. Maivl Bel nison , Ella Young , Georglo Mitchell , Mnm Robertson , Grace StevenRon , Agglo Beaco Winnie Foster , Fannie Grass , Mabel Niche son , Dora Hitchcock , Loreta Cvans , Hliln Yager , Winnie Ttlfer , Kthel West , Kth Blgler , Brownie Matliovvs. JZinnia Kniin Z Irish Jig Mattle Hare , Busle Deno , Kdi Bell , Maude Bell. Electric Uance Mlss Hare , Mlsa Jlne Miss Inman. A souvenir program h being publlshe which Is most artistic , and will bo sold f 10 cents. Reserved seats , 73 cents. A mission , CO cents. Matinee , 25 cents ; cli dren , 15 cents. _ J. J. AAM ! : ATII A to. 'P ' SHOE SALHI SHOR SALE ! Still Continues I Ladles' dongcla Lid , button and lace , U. ' . . Ladles' Oxford , 93c. ' Ludlow & Co.'s hand made , $3.70. Men's shoes , Jl.OO. Men's shoes , fl.50. Men's shoes , f2.00 Men's calf and pattnt leather , 2.-l5. Itazor toe , calf bala , hand made , $3 Op. J. J MANHATII & CO. , r.3 ! Broadway , A full line of the latest and lianilsoini designs In carpets , linoleum , oilcloth , et Just received. Prices always the lowest C. B. Carpet Co , , 407 Broadway. Dry pine kirdlliig fcr sale. Ct'eauer th cobs. H. A. Cox , 37 Main street Telepho 48. UeiiKM'i-ntlo Toiviin'ilp CnnillilittM. The Kane tow.nt.hip < leinocrau met I evening at the court house fcr the pu'pi of nominating a township ticket . 'I. Wlilttle ! < i-y called the meeting to ord reo Frank Trimble was chosen clitlrmun. u o- S. Lobhart secretary. An Informal bal oh ; h fur juvtlcc of tbo pence brought out < of following candidates : P. B. Hpeticrr , Ml ofnl ! ' . H. Guanclla , 28'J- ; Ambrose Burk 20 Id C. A. Hummer , 20li ; AV W. Conex , ar O. Wesley. JS : William Lar.on , 17 ; O. "t Hoblnsun , .1. On the lint formul ballot Spi to < -r unit Guanella were nominated , the I ir lowing being the vote Spencer , 31'0 : GUI re olla , 274 : Burke , 23Vj ; Hammer. IBVjlCon re IS ; Wesley , 14. Larson , 17 , On the th 3d ballot tie pojulUtK got a top. Burke rtce tm Ing 29 votes , and lie- was declared the nui m ne Jr ] Tht Informal ballot for conaUblo as fellows Dan Williams. 30 , Wallace Me- Facldon , 10 Gvorfce1 Shoemaker , 43 , IM Brooks , 34 , II. W. Manner , 19j Ijars Johnson. 8 On the formal trtiloU the vote stood Wil liams , 37 ; McFmWenl 7 ; Sliocmakcr , IB ; Brooks , 35 ; Manntrt 17 < Johnson , 10. Wll- HamK , Shoemaker ttnd' ' Brooks were declared nonilnated. William * is also fa ill to bo a populist. ' i Halt of the local democratic party wns. brought out on the Informal ballot for town ship trustees. On the first Formal ballot C , L. Nelson was nomlndtcd for the long term and W. A. Wood tot iW short term. C. A. Machnn was dominated lor cleric by acclamation. W. S. Shoemaker of Omaha made si few remarks and the convention adjourned , Stove pipe , only Be joint ; stove pipe el bows , Sc each ; 3 tin tups for Cc ; jelly glasses , 25c per doz , ; wooden palls , lOc each ; 14-quart tin pall , only lf > c. GROCERY DEPARTMENT 10 Ibs. granulated sugar for $1.00. 100 Ibs. granulated sugar for (5.25 ( 3 cans tomatoes for 25c. 3 cans corn for 25c. Gingersnaps , Do per pound. Tresh oysters , I2'4o can. We liavn a full line ot flower pots nt about one- half regular prices. BROWN S C O D. No. dear reader , a Garland stove will not pay off a ? GOO mortgage every year , answer the door bell nor carry In Its own coal , but It will save you from a quarter to a halt of your fuel and add to the beauty and comfort ol > our home. P. C. Dcvo ] Belle them. fJruinl Millinery Opi-iilnff Ladles , you are Invited to attend the finest millinery display of the season at Miss Sprlnk's , 10 Main street. Tuesday and Wednesday , October 2 anil 3. A beautiful little saddle horse for sale Children can ride or drive It. inquire at Robinson Proa. ' llourlcltis' music house has few expenses ; high grade pianos are sold reasonably. 110 Stutsman street. I'oi trait of General Dodge nnd other wur pictures at Bushnell's. Stovepipe 8c a Joint , Sivalne' * , 740 Broad way. Eagle laundry , 721 Broadway , fcrjcoi ! work. Tel. 167. _ Momenta soap outlasts cheap soap. Unj light llurilury. The residence of Mr. Welch , a postal clerk on the Union Pacificat SIS Fifth avenue , was entered by burglars yesterday and a new suit of clothes and a new pair ot shoe ; taken , besides other properCy. The police were furnished with a mcaser description ol the burglar , but they have but little hopes ol capturing him. _ The man who makes the Haidman plane Is a haid man to beat , and Mueller. 103 Mali street , Council Bluffs , sellsthem. . ? l 00 kid Rloves , C c pair. Four-button , In black , tans and brown , Monday at Bennleoii Bros. ' Nrhon ! . Western Iowa college , commencing Monday evening. _ Selected hard wood for heating staves. II. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 48. Havana freckle ? clgf.ir.D3.vla , wholesale a t. Premier egg cups at- Lund Bros. Suit for t'aniiuos. J. C. Lewis , the farmer ot Lewis town ship whose hay burned Friday , comninecec n suit lu the district court jesterday agalns Farmer SshultzJ 'wljose ' men started tin Humes which resulted In the destruction o the property. Constable Baker served no tlce ol the suit on the defendant. I sh.-ill close my business In Council Bluff : Saturday October ! OJ 1 have a benutlfu line of commenced embroidered linens am new stamping patterns. The ladles aie al Invited to call and ace- them Mrs. Nllos. Before buying "your wood heater call a SnalnoB 740 Broadway , and see the Acm < heater , the beet airtight sieve made. Stove pipSc a JotnU _ -f f 11 i Instulctlon on the piano will be given to tli.iited number ot pupils by Mrs. J. A. lion t 22 Tilth avenue. $1.00 Kid gloves , 69c pair. Four-button , li black , tans and brown , Mondaj at Bcnnlsoi Bros. ' Cole's airtight heater sells from J6 00 t $11.00. None genuine without our name o : the lid Sold only at our store. 41 Main street Beware of Inferior linltnt.ona. Cole & Colt Tbe laundries uc Domestic soap ( H'T or fllK ( IHUISAKV. The longest continuous land line nl tele graph In the world Is acres' . Austialla. A belt In one of the bli ; flouring mills a Minneapolis , contains 200 cow hides It Is 26 fret long and v.eiglm over a ton. Abner Dcrsott , a negro living In Hlckor Mountain township. North Carolina "has head vvhlcli imnMtics thirty-two inches i iJicii inference- The results cf the recent expedition t the polor r.Rlous prove that north of " degress the ice over the whole surface avei ages G.OOO feet In thickness. India has 27,000,000 acres In rice , 18,000,00 In wheat , 75,000,000 In other food gialn l.bOO.OOO in sugar cane , 261,000 in tea , 10 000,009 In cotton 1,000,000 In Indigo , 300.0C In tobacco. At NIpzlR. la. , a watermelon \lne gre and extended ono of Its. branches Into a hoi that had been cut in a Urge hollow has : wood trco. At last accounts a melon ha formed on the vine , which was too large t admit of being removed through the openlni Mrs. Mary B. Harris of Uoxbury. Mass bus had for thirty years the hobby ot co lectlng buttons , until now her collectlo numbern 12,000 different kinds. Thirty yeai ago he made a wager that there were moi than ! 99 different kinds of buttons ; sli i cached the thousand mark Ins de of a > oa but once etsrted In the fascinations of "co lectliiK , " her pursuit was kept up Mr Harris has come Interesting buttons In hi collection. One was v.orn by a soldier I Napoleon's army , another by a soldier I \ \ asblngton's. The I"nclluli KnUuind. Railway statistics lor the year 1893 i England have recently been Issued. Thn hundred miles of track construrted durlr the year make the total mileage for tl United Kingdom 20,64G , which represents t authorized capital of nearly 1.100,000,00 Theie were carried .30,000,000 first-class pa se-ngers , CO.000,000 second class , end 782.00 ( 000 third-class , it total ot 873,000,000 In a Two hundred and eight million tons of ml erals und 85,000,000 'tons ' of general mercha dlse were transpoVtcd a distance ' 142.00 ( 000 miles. The /eturns of the capital I vested are steadily 'diminishing ' , being nc 3 6 per cent , /pSiilt duo In part to the d mamls of the. pttbllc for Increased accot modatloiiB.and of , yqrkers , for higher wage No Accounting for 'lumen. A dentist dlcd' , > n , a run ! 'own In En land a few days ! as * , alter spending ov fifty ysars In pulllAg1 the molars of JI'H fi low citizens Il'Jl7n , < l made it a hobby keep all the teeth A'hlch he had drawn the course of liir orolesslonal caieer , ai took great pride , loathe collection. Wh his will was openfd it was found that had ordered tl.q ccUectlon of teeth to placed with b iu in. his ctllln for burl His heirs fulHlM tils command , and almc 30,000 teeth were- put into the coflln with t dead dentist. II , omn aretutologlM of future century ihall happen lo open th grave he will havr "food for thought" A come difficulty , perhaps. In explaining t l-rereiico ol to many teeth. Drouth unit < rlulc. Truth ! Old Mr. Berkley ( to his wife ) Ji think , dear , a camel can work eight win days without drinking ! Mrs , Soalticy ( with u withering look That's nothing ! I know on animal who w drink for eight da > 8 without doing a bit Mr. Koakloy elgha resignedly and turns the aldeboard. int. i ) . v. Noilco uf llv linr * or lout unJrr W * I"- v.rd llfly ccniii ati ad'iltluniil line. Irn oiiti rdv" v" Itt'TLKHSaturdfty mornlnp. BenUml ' ' * a , Mrs. C. 1) , nutler , nt 1615 btrrrt , Remains will be taken to Uti. & | .N , Y. , tiUs alternoon. LONDON'S ' POLICE FORCE Hmplo nud Sonsib'o Higulatious that Prevent vent Scandnls , RUN ON BUSINESS PRINCIPLES HlglilK nf Kvrry L'Klroll , I.IMT or Illgli , Arr llrgnriloil irllh Morn llc * ] > rct In 'M.in- urrlilcut iiilniiit : | Tlmn in Doino- crntlo A n 'r It u. LONDON' , Sept. 1C.Vhlle Kew Yoi1 ( li boiling and bubbling over \\ltb Indlgnntloii about Its blackmailing police force It may be comforting to It to reflect that while Its oltlcers of the law are , many of them , dls- rcpulable thieves , they are still elllclinl offi cers of the law , London's police may be honest , but , alas ! they are oo stupid ns to almost nullify their virtue. The entire protective lorce of London Is divided Into two distinct bodies , knoun re spectively as the metropolitan police and the municipal police. Here Is the spectacle of one great city officered In Its most Impoi- taut department by two bodies of men tinder distinct and Independent control , while they are. created fop nnd devoted to the same \\ork. H Is an JncoiiKrully that on Its face terms nioro difficult to explain than the somcuhat similar condition at one time cOMIni : In New York , when the police nnd the dctnc- tlvo departments utre under dirfetpiit heads , and there was no leg.il obstacle to each force contesting the authority of tu ) > other , even to the extent of refusing co-opiratlon . .hen public Interests demanded It. Hut in London the Inconsistency Is not so great UH appears upon the surface and It Is due entirely to the dual form of govern ment here existing This arises fiom the JealcOsy or haughty pjrslstcncyvlth which a Finnll section of the metropolis i lings to Its Individual Independence This district , technically known HR "the city. " has Us own distinctive government Its own lord mayor , aldrrnian , council Jind all the olhet paraphernalia of a large municipality. When , In thf distant past , aspiring Lon don , confined within the old Homnn ualls that marked Its boundary between Temple Bar and Tower Hill , sent up Its -voice for a EIcater Lundon as jou at home , have raUcdoiir vole s for a greater New York ) , the adjoining tonns and parishes C.IIHV In to constitute the largest metropolis In ex istence. These combining parishes wire numerous und Included names that are fa miliar to the whole world , ns nov. being districts of London. They are Kensington , Westminster , Marylebone , Uelgravla , Hajs- water , nioomabury , St Pancrns. Ulinglon Clerkenwtll , Shoredltch , Whltcchapel , Heth- nal Orecn , Wapplng , Lambth and man > others. All these places agreed to be gov erned by one body , now known as the city council , but the original city , while willing to Join the combination , refined to give uj > Its own lacaf government , and has main tained It ever since The lord mayor of London , whoso title is , perhaps , PS vvrll known as that of any olllclal on earth , is therefoio , In reallt > the ruler of only about one-twentieth of ihe enormous collection ot people called London The 1,000 men composing the police on duty In "the city" ars. termed the municipal lorce , while the lf > ,000 on duty In ell other sections of the metropolis are known ap the metropolitan force. The metropolitan police are dlrfctly and exclusively under the Imperial government owing alltglance to none but the homo secretary. niUBEHY UN'KNOWN. Bribery In comraiallvely an unl.nown of fense In London. There ate two very sim ple rules upon this subject. Ono leads : 'Tho plvlna to cr taking of any bribe by an > public cffccr or cervfiit f r an official jet is n mlsdeaneanar , ' and the econd "i'o- llce oincorB who borrow or attempt to borsow money fr ni a subordinate , or fr.m a licensed vlctualer , or any pen-on licensed bj the po lice authorities , render themselves liable to immediate dismissal. " So fir as It is possible the temptation to bribery has teen reduced to its minimum In London by acmialntlng the public with the tnio limitations ; f a policeman's power. One i1 the surest safeguards lies In the fact that street peddlers , those standing along the sidewalk , earning a meager existence toy the sale ol various articles , fiult , toys , piuiles , and the lll.c , are charged no license , and their right to earn a living and I he necessity lor their doli.g so is lecognlzed by the au thorities Such people , as well as so-called disrepu table characters , frequently llnd themselves brought before the district courts , where they arc plainly told the extent of the priv ileges they can legally claim , and an oppor tunity Is granted them to make any state ment or charges they mnv have reason to make ag.ilntt the ofllc rs with whom they come In dally contact. Thej realize the pawc. ' of tht court , and are ( oniclans of Us protection , therefore Ihev have no reason for withholding any Information they ma > possess , or declining to relieve themselves of the burden of persecution nt the hands of any officer. Judges , too , are slow In t-entpming upon the charge of disorderly conduct those whc are alleged to b guilty cf this off use v > hll < In pursuit of tlielr rtgular trade or occupa tion , whether that be selling Roods iilong the Strand , or strolling In Piccadilly with Im- pruper purpose. The uncivilized lib rtlcs taken with the Independence of a citizen In N'sw York , where nn officer may make ar rests at the dictates of his own prejudices or his captain's Interests , and critaln of being suppoitcd by the Tammany Justice , do not prevail In London. In fact , the liberty ot the subject Is far mor * carcfuilr considered and preciously guarded under the police regulations of England than under those prevailing In the Unite } States. HOW BRUIEItr IS HANDLED. Despite the piecautlcna that have b en taken respecting bribery , the lack of ability to control this evil , even In a body BO well regulated an the metropolitan police , was shown a few years ago by the wholesale transference ot the West End division of the force to another district because It waa found that the men of that particular tcctlon bud succumbed to the temptations that I revall thereabouts In gr-ater extent than o sen here , and had accepted bribes ot various descrip tion from residents or habitues. Dut the tiansfer was made with as little publicity as possible , und the scandal was not spread through the press ol the country to th > dis grace of the government nnd the nation Wholesale raids upon disorderly houses or undesirable promonad < rs on the public btrects , done vIth the purpose of replenish ing depleted police coffers , are seldom , II ever made , because the psllce have no an thorlty In themselves to lake any such act' ' ion , excsptlng , of course , In the face o ; most flagrant breaches of decorum , and tin examining magistrate would require tin most convincing evidence that such an ex tremc step was justified beyond alt question The possibility of a police captain armci with a warrant In blank , authorizing liln to arrest Individuals without distinction upoi a certain street , or In a certain building such warrant being procured by the captali for bis own execution , does not exist hen as It does In New York , nnd UH non existence irducea the chances of brlberj very materially , al the same time taklni from tin captain the character of a niagU irate , to which he Is In no degree entitled MANY SAPEOfAIlDS. The legal routine through which a com ylalnt passes In order to reach the llnnllt ] of a raid Is Its presentation by th ! originate : to the local governing body of the par tlrular district or parish In which the offensi Is alleged to have occurred Here It Is care fully considered , and If the parish consider It of EiifT.rldit Importance , nr llnds the cam n'atnt ' well taken. It Is laid before a ruagU trate for bis opinion , and by him referred Ito the commissioner cf police , or his represen tatlvc. ar.d then. If an nrrcM Is thought de a warrant Is Issued und turned eve to tht ? superintendent of the division In quen tlon and by htm the warrant is rxecuted. VhU icmevvhatcircuitous process Is an other deteirent to corruption nincmi ; the bed to cf th ? pollcr , and Is likewise a rcanonabl protection against InjuMlce bring done to th citizen. At the same time , It U a preventIve Ivo aratnst such tinsermly exhibitions u police excess B as too frrmicutly occur I it. New York. The almoit total abnente of bribery ai surer ! by tbe * ilmple precaution * remove pne excuse Tor Iho ilalenco ol private 01 ' xauUatloni such ai I'arkhurst soclttlcj , an DON'T KNOW WHAT AILS THEM CATARRH THE REAL CAUSE OF MANY CHRONIC MALADIES .Vflftctleil , or Vrrtlunl.eil , tl l Crrtatn to lti'h > tt Suffrrlntf nnd Vlnen t Tirv RtrtntJ'ttlltni 1'tll 'Jlnlr JiriH-rtrnrr llote Ottirr Xiiffrrrrs May < ! rt In T.lnr. Great numbers of ppoplf puffer from tha malign poisons cf rntnrrh. BB from other subtle chronic niukdlee , without nny cor rect or deflnlt Idea of the nature of their affliction. Many OKeascv known under vail- out. tpeclflc tinmc'x , arc really ut a calnirluil origin and nature. Hvery part ol the muc ous lining ot the noic , throat , car" , eyes , he-id , lungs , Rtomacn , liver. howcl > , klJnc > B and bladder , are subject to disease and blight by catarrh. The proper course for sufferers Is this : Oome > to the office for free- examination and trial Irt&tmcnt Tin- rich and poor alike nia welcomed by Ur.t. Cope'nnd & Shepaid , It % ou live a'/ from Hie city nd for n < ieiil n blank and ask for mall ti .itnunt in clthtr Instance , and whether by mull or cRlco treatment , the patient may be nmiii' d Of the speediest relief and cure posrlbltto onl'Oitencd ' mniiclnc A Kl-CKNT CASK. Mr.iltiam Xe p , 3oth Htreet and Avenue A. Council Hi lifts , Is u ( killed me * hiinlc ut thu smelting worKn. UILLIAM NBUr * Hilili i nn I \\xim > \ "I had sour Momach or acid djspi-ps-Ki " ta0 ! he , "ever since I was a i-niall boy. Mouthful ? of sour gus and fluid -wen' i-on- stanUy lif-lrh ng up from inv s.toin.irh Tour oi live Urn s over > month I l > ud bad t-pcll of biiluilii attack. At tlic'sn tlnirs Intdipp bi-aduchc with vomiting k pt mo from wuik. [ ; \en a drlik of waloi noulil net mi ] down F 'i > ok pounds , of s-oda and iniifti d'her hluff , but got no real bonetils. Alter a while ths Mdnvvs and buuclt became Hliigglsh , adding much to my misery The tti'dlin-nt ic-Hilly given me by Lr ) Cnp'lund & . f\\tp \ \ i < l lias cur'd mo alter > P.IIJ ot 'otnitnl I din't \\nnl to tire jnu by tplllng the thousand mlserle-B felt by n dv popilo bin \vlll jiict sny that thc.su ph > slcians gave me a new stomach so It peums and cleansed my whole sstem 1 am entirely well now Thelr'b Is , In mj opinion , the b" l trt-almi'iit Known for dyspepsia nnd like 1ro'ible . " A NliKLECl'Kn DISFASK. MIC , W. D I'inK , Madl c-ii Neb. Is one ot Mie best known vvoin n In the state. No lady htandB hicher than she in her home town , wheie her huiband Is station agent for the U P. road It li worth ) of note that Mrs. -Special I\foi5cas : itooM roit RKNT : cnN-m.vir.Y located , inlvatt Cam.lj .V Ulicsi 11 U , lice , Cuundl DlufTb. CHIMNKtS fT.iANil3 : , VAl'I.TS CI.HAKIU ) . JJd llurhc at VV. S llomci'u. 6CS Itronilvva/ . I.1KT OtnA 'ANT I.OIS WITH OlllIUN- .N'li liolJini & . C . , CXW Iltoiidunj- . ONI : or TiiimhT.AiiAiiKtii's IN the city , with nn CHt.ibtislictl tin < le , cull be ttou lit it.ieonabtj. ul will i\i.hatigt ; fi > r gnu 1 lent e liili > J. l > . JuluiMjn , 0 5 IfiuHiluu > , Council Ul u Its. TWO NICILY n Jt.N'iPiui > nooM.s rou tent. , JO Kin avinua on lAbti , SQt'Mii : 1'iA.NO ONI : SOI-T on Ii.Uil uwl lu-uUr nnd dium , ulso w nilow tl.aOi'5 L' J S rih Bliecl. M-ArilC STOCK I'.UIM. TlWEI.MNQ IIOI'Hi : . two IMIII * . rprliiB In fi-iil loin , 1TD UI-IHA ml- ncic- Inside riult fa ins tirailnR an I | > ! antiil , Arei'labli * nnil f m t lundx. Cm BOH & IIilnl , icioiu 'i ' i\ < rut lilnclc. ( niincll jinlT. : < , In. the rational view taken by th ° milliorlllis cf the particulur offrites with which such -ccletles assume to deal , remove * the only reinalnlnc excuse That criuades In which the police arc made to ligure b > rxertlni ; their tyranny over the citizen , could be set upon foot In London for political ends or ! ) or tonal advantage would b ? qulto as far ruttide the bounds of possibility as would the establlchmcnl at this ilaj ot an absolute mcnaichy. Those gulliy ot minor off uses , fast driv ing , colliding with othfr vehicles and similar shortcoinlm. are not summarily uricsttd ami deprived of their liberty lei even a tew hours , . Their names and addresses are taksn , they are notified to appar before the magistrate at a certain day and hoiti , nud allowed to go their way until that bom ar- i Iv c" . AURHSTS WITHOUT WAKKANTS. On the other hand , the authority to arrest without a warrant Is given far a greater number of offenses In London than It Is with us. For example , In addition to the prescribed I'M ' of crimes nnd aggravated misdemeanors justifying nirekt by nil police the world over , the London force ) H cm- wtTpcl to apprehend at once , without being armed with a mafllelrnU-'B wuir.uit , all pei- soin believed to bo guilty ol abluction , abo'tlcn , accessory to crime , accusat'on ' of crime to extort money , bigamy , c\tortlon and writing threatening letters. As If to somewhat counteract this extended privilege , the police ( ire Instructed In their code : "Hetvare of being overzejlotis or med dlesome These ore dangerous faults Let your anxiety bo to do your duty , but the meddlesome constable who Interfrrei un- ncccssu-ily upon every trifling occasion , stirs up Ill-feeling against the force tnd does more harm than good. " A misconduct table , enumerating ads which Jn the department are comldered faults , contains a few items that inlglit profit ably bo called to the attention of American cities. They are , using unnecessaiy violence to a prisoner , talking and gossiping on duly , accepting gratuity without reporting It and bringing In or taking an Improper charge. IVnaltles lor th se offenses are enforced. Many of the rules governing the London police lire or appear to be needlessly exact- Ing. One of thei > o la Iho requirement that all blngl * officers and constables shall reside In the station house to v.hlcll they are ut- tachi-d , and permission to married men to reblilo elsewhere will not bn grunti-d until they have served for a period not 1 ss than twelve months on the force. Another Is that no man connected with the force utmll during the time of such connection or during the period of six months after lie may have left and entered some other business bn per mitted to cast a vote for any iiiunlclp.il or other officer presented for el cllun. Them Is a provision In the laws governing the police that any man who ha * served on the force for a period of not IOH than twenty-live years shall bs entitled to a pmslon upon hla retirement. Until reconlly this question of a pension MUB merely : i matter ot courtesy with Iho commissioner , but now , having become a law , the men f el better Ealltfled and ono cause of complaint hat thereby been removed. Trutu In I urnltuiT , Aft Importer of rattan furniture claims thai It Is lmpos lble to keep up with the vjgurlei of public lastr. In thu seasons when In Imports big chairs customer * come 'roum and complain that there's nothing low rnougt for a woman to occupy In comfort , and wher next nelson he Imports small chairs there h a growl because tlietr Is nothing roomy am luxurious. Thi > bent of the Oriental fiirnl turn Imported lor the la t fifteen years Imi taught the westrrn world a lesson In luxury and It Is worthy of note that the light , coo chain , loungei end the like ot Ohlnwe Japanese and East India mak are peculiarly fitted to tb itml-tropical tumour cl tbii regie * , i links treatment was conducted mainly through the malls by the "homo treat * tn nt. " .Mrs. rink Bays ! MIIS. W. D PINK , Madison , Neb. " ! 'o many h/iv / ickcd me about the ro. 9 > , ilti nt my trtami'ti' wuh Di Shepnrd that 1 Klv ih facts publicly I suffered as tli > , u- sands ol women do from negl cted catarrh. y y doctors could int. or would not , treat mo JOT my leal trouble , nnd Hie catarrh poison K't hold of my whole body and nearly rulnctl mo II had been walking ! t > my system slltro 1 was U' .vec.it. old. lm > KOI in icti woree about four > ears ego , v hen I lit"l la grippe. Tlis imi.'ctis lining of m.v nose and throat were flrrt affected 1 'ird ' a , wulury , nasal dla- clLfgB for a while then tl became offenplvf , flild llie loft rij tiU twtlleil shut The loft uve ran watsr nnd gave tnr stinging pains , fcji-sn my sloum.li wan altarked. Tor flva vt-ars I was a dvrprptk and couldn't ' digest ( . Mj'iflh food o fiiinlBli any strength or ! ! h \s the c'l'-sare cpreid the bladder suf- fridl uls'i , RlxInK me unypcaknble dlslrcsq. MHhiifJerlriKS kept rest nnd sleep away mi- I , ! : uy nervous system Mag about exhausted. "Sim ! ! f tell how Dr. Shepard's work has srlel on me ? "Krom being u wcnk nnd wretclud Invnllil I have come to be hearty and healthy In evfiy lospect. I can'l go up town vvIMtotit sumc of in ) ft lends spraklnfr about tha greai change. I bellcv = Ir ) Shepard's treat ment ( AH du tor oilier women all U has dona foi me. If You Cannot Conic to Oiiuiltiv Write for mall treatment. Dr. Shcpard , In peiKonnl chaice siiporlntends the mall de- paitment , and by a bjstem of close- corre spondence * can treat those out of the city ( Hilie as well as those who come to the office. Ft ml for a symptom blank.Medicine shipped orelully nnd clmnged frociu ntly. Try this triatmenl. DRS , ( OPr-LAND & SIIEPARI ) , ROOMS 311 AN1J 312 NDW YORK LIFE BUILDING , OMAIIA , NEB. Olllcv Hours 9 to 11 n m. , 2 lo li p. m. Uvonlnss Wcdncsdnys and Saturdays only , 0:30 : to 830. . Sunday , 10 to 12 m. Sisam nn-1 Hot Watsr RoaldoiO33 nn'.l J. C. B1XBY , 202 Main. 2.3 ' Pearl Streets , Council Blullh , Iowa. RAILWAY I i ME CARD ft ! I.eavea | CHICAGO NOIITIIWKST'N | Arrlvei lU. r. Dipol. 101 li Mason Bl , | Oinahft 11 05am . Kiiktein KxprcHS. . SIOpia 4 OOpiu . VcBtlljulc.l Minlti-.l . JMO.itrj Ma. Vnlley Local . 103 ; prn Omaha cnlc.igo Kpoclal . 2lpm : & QIArrlve * Omuliul U pjC lOtli and Jin sun HtB. | Omaha 4 :43pm.TTTr. : .Chicago Veutllnile . 9Wo7n : 8ljum : . Chkusa ICxpiczs . 4Kpm : I.O.'pm . Clilcnic" nn < I lawa Ixical . 800arn ; ll:3'jun . I'nclllo Junction Local . I Lav < s IIIUltLINOTON ft MO niVKH.Airlvc | Omalial Depot 10th ana Mumn Hit. I Omlma UeiiM'i i\iiFe8 : : . , . . , , , 'J:3Sam : 10iam . Di.lduoo.l Kxinesn . ClOpm . . Di-inci r.xpic. u . 4lO : | > m S.Mpm .Npljliukn 1 , 0011 1 ( except Kundny ) , , : 'iOiim 8. iSum. . Llntoln I/nul ( except t3unady.H2Saii ) ; ) I.eavvs I K. C , ST. J ti C. n. Oinalial Dejiot lOtli iincl Maeon { its. I Omaha 8.Jam. . .Kansan Clt/ Day f xiircii Etlupiq i.K C. NlKlit Kx via U , i1. Trans. 6oOani ; Leaven I CH1CAOO. II I & PACITIC. jAnlvea Omulialu. P. Depot. IQtli A Motion HU. | Oiiuli * UAHT. \VHH P. CTiSam Oklahoma. & . Tuxis Cxp ( ex. Hun.ll:3Spm ) : lSSun : Colorado Limited Ip vi-s t UNION 1'AC-jriC. ( Arrive OmalmlUnlon Dipot , 10IK & Macon Sis.I " 10 Wnm Kearney llxpres 2.15pm Ovilnml riser Biiopifi ZIJim : | HeiUrice & Hucmub'e Kx ( ex Hun ) 8'Wpifl -IOjtn | I'aclllc llxpnsa , , , JOlMflii ] t 30pm I'u t Mall. . . Leiven I ( 'HICAGO , Mil. . & ST PAUI * . OiiialiiilUnlon Dcpct. Klh nn l Mason 8t I Omi BTsSpin. . . . . . .CIilr Bo Llmllei ) D:30nnt r"f 11 10am. .ChliiiKu Kxiuw ( ex , Bun. ) . , , , t:00pn : > , "V".T"- . . MO "VALT.liV ; [ ArrTvti" . | _ Depol tttli and U'ibMer ata. I Umahft " " e-0 am DfacluooJ HXIUPM , r.:10p"n" : 9-o iLin ( Ux. But. ) Wyn. Rx. ( l.'x. Mon. ) , ! , ; IOpi : .NoilolU Kxprem Ilix. Bun < ] a > ) I0l6uid : & .i8iun St. 1'aiil Kxprcis _ I PAIMI'IC. | ArrlVe Ouulml De | > t IMIi imd Wi-tnter Bin. I OmubQ ' 0jin . . . Kt. UouU ICxprerg 1,00am 9 30pm . . . Ht. l o'il" Kxijrii. ! . . . , , . . , . fl-.r iiJOpni .Uallv ( ex Bun ( Nelitntha txunl. . 9 : Leaves I < * . " , HT 1' . . M. & O. ( Jinah | DCt15.th ulid " f S 00am .Sioux T'lly Ac < ftin. < ix , Bun , ) . . , I.Pipiq J9 OOam.-Bloux Clt > Accnm. ( Hun , Only. ) . , t.feunj 12 f.pm.Bloux City ixpreF tDic. Hun ) . . . t DOpm Bl. 'lUl l.lii-lltil . . . . . t MO ntl I.fave | BlOltX CITV c rAClFJllArrl OmuhalUnlon Drfot , IDIti A. Munnn Ht . | Onmli e.J'.Bm . . . Bloiit T'lly I'anenger I0:20pq : ' _ . _ . _ . . . . . _ 1'aul IXKCM W-Wan I BIM'I "BIOUX < 'ITV ) mahft | Dei > ot IStli and W b ter Bt . | Oroali * l : ! 0pm . . . HI " 1'aul Uinltrd il5am :3ipm CliUuno Umltcd „ . _ f.tOn1\ \ I.fan I WAIIABlTlfAl MVAlf. ( XrrtVi. OmntialUnlon U i > ol. lOlli h Maion flti.l Omuhi "l-Mvta St , Ixiuli Cjnnon IiallUJii.ia : L BUREAU. SUKS it CO , , Solloltot-a. Building , OMAHA , Neb. Advice fR