THE 07KA1IA DAILY BEJEfo srNPAY , SEPTEMBER HO. ISfri. TURNING OF THE TIDE . Ctcicty Swells lo Give a Female Mimtrcl Performance nt SMART WORLD DOINGS THE PAST W EK JtnlorlnluinniU for Ml KlMiim nml MM. lluclcliolz Vrmrntutloit of .MrilnU ut Itnllnvao Mrlng * Out & Crotril at nulitr * Society > ntc4. Society Is standing with reluctant feet here the brook and river meet Just at this time , not knowing which way to turn. It Is the "between" period In the social world and will continue to until the romliiK out parties for this season's debutantes arc an nounced. Then ono may expect to sen a lit tle moro life and animation among the iwrlls. The only thing at present talked cf Is the coming minstrel show at Boyd's by Iho Bwellost of iwloty women , rehearsals for which are now going on at the horns of ono of the leaders. Mrs Virginia Mcl'ormcll , vim made the success of the mlnatrcl per formances In Council niuffa , Is In rharge of tli ? stage management hero and It leaks out she lias discovered remarkable versatility in at half a dozen of the fair M'.X who vltl tslt In the first part and In the olio da serpentine danc s , "splits , " and othei fea tures nf the Rood old fashioned vaud vlle ! I'orty young women will appear In the flrcl jiart , which promises to be kaleidoscopic In cllect. Itumor BBJS tha "end vfotnen" are rehearsing In a battened room on ( . 'apltol ' hill , an I the joke * nro guarded so zealously tli it an oath U retjulred from the comrdl- vim s not to divulge a single rib ( kl < ler un til the night of the performance. A stump Bpeeih will bo made by one of the debutantes of lust year upon seme of the trlmmeis of KJikly which vl\l , \ bo north the price of . \ din - in I slou alone. 1 he name of the company has not yet b"en tli'clded upon , whether I.a Hclle Creel ° , Klhloplan Songsters or Dahomlan Chur.ners The word female has , hovvjver , been con- il'MimtNl , as the joung women aru afr.ilil f < - iiialc minstrels might confound their orgjti- intlon with anotlrr female aggregation of v ry shady reputation. Thtf p rforniane3 vlll bo Riven for the benefit of the Creulu nnd will crowd the houpe 1llf U V III \\VlllHiij ; , It would be hard to Imagine a prettier wedding thin that of Allsa Isabel \V > nun ' ( laughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wyn an , nrd Mr. John * iV. Itobblns , which was iz-vl Tuesday at high nonn at the f.imll > re Idcnca of tha brliln. HOC South Thirty- first street Hsientlally a home redding tlie house was bla7o with golden rol , v.ltli here and there cut flow era to add their color to the II oral Bchemc. Vt noon the wedding procession entered the drawing room from above stairs , pre ceded b > two pretty children , who suspend ? ! I1) ) " " ribbons forming the line down wlih-h tinibrldal pirty passed , Muter Ciosliy V'nian alii StelH Gregory. The bride's niily attendant was her sister , MUs Mav \Vvnian , the best man being Mr. P L. Mc- Cij , Kev. S. Wright Duller performing the ceremony. The bride , -who is a most charming yo-ing vunian , nas daintily gowned In whlto crtpe il chine , with n veil held by orange bios- fotiM , carrying a bouquet of bridal roses Tlie bridesmaid was also most , sweetly at tired In wlii to Swiss , carrying a large bunch of golden rod and maiden hair ( era * . Following the ceremony a wedding break fast was served , later the bride nnd groom leaving1 on their honeymoon Those present vne' Mrs. George Hoigland , Miss Iloag- Innd , Miss Helen Hoaglind , Mr. Paul Hoag- lilnil , Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Wyman , Mr and lira W. T. Wyman. Mr. and Mrs. H. r Yr'jinaii. Mrs. Mllla Wyman , Mtis Itelcne Wyman , Miss Mullen , M's Ilelronymua , Mr. U.P. , . Hal lock. Kr. and Mrs. W. S. Hovvell , Mr ? Bweeney , Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Morris , Mr nnd Mrs. Bailey , Miss IJalley , Mr. A , M Mlllef , Mr. E L Vaughn , Mr. and Mrs C V. Heaford , Judge and Mrs Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ilarford , Miss Hirford , Mlsd Mary Ilarford , Mr. and Mrs Hartman , Miss Jtarlman , Mr. Walter Wills , Mr. nnd Mrs H 1L. Olmsted , Mr. and Mrs. P. L Grcgorj , Mi IP.TUC Adams , Miss Ruth Adams , Mr .aid Mrs. O C. Williams , Mr and Mrs. And'e.\- < and Or Bridges. Mr. and Mrs Roblilru will lie at home after November 1 at 30U ! Muton Bluet. _ SprixllliK thn I'll rl I ill ; riiicsln , In honor of Prof. Krlesel , an oM-tlmc resident of Omaha and a man who has taken n active part In the sports of the Germans , a farewell party was given Thursday even ing at the home of Mr. and Mr * . piilUii Aiulies , 1807 Farnam street. The evening was spent most delightfully. Vocal and In strumental selections were given , the play ing of the Mindolln club being especially appreciated. Prof. Krlesel leaves for theeazl very soon to engage In the theatrical bus ! ness , The following guests were present jle.-srs and Mesdames It. S Lucke. J Pejt- Jier , I. Shcdlvvey , H. Rohlff , W. Altstadt. It Stein ; MIssea D , Lucke , r. Fruelmuf , Tracj Jalui , Clara Jalm , Kva Strieker , Nina St-hi Knnna Mclslnger , Minnie Andres , Kd : Andres , Clara Stoln , Sophia Ntederwleaer Km ma Andres , May Slcln , Selma Andres Messrs. Phil Moeller , Paul Wurl. John Krag- ? Otto Nlcderwloaer , Will ICuehn. Cmll Stfln Jlobert linger , Alfred Mullet , Chris Humtnti Ous Doyle , Julius Krlesel , Prof Carl Krlival Messrs. C. II. Carter , Gus Kuehno Lour Kauth , Theodore Ileckor , Henry Kummi-rov > urprlHftl lluilr I'rliiiul. Tuesday oveiilng , In honor of Miss Auun- ; ! Johnson , who has recently returned from i six v\eeka' visit in eastern Iowa , a number o her friends RIV ' 'or an unusual1" pie" " " Bircilaa par y. The Miss a Harle ot 'cntana who. In company wlih their mother , un stopping In the city a few days on their wa ] to Chicago , were also honored guests , am tuada many frlsnds. Tlio tlmo waa cccuplei with a. variety of gamea , followed by r fteslimenta , and all present expressed them pelves as having spent a very enjoyable even In ? . ThosJ present wern : Misses Herman , Me Drlde , Drennan , Peschon , Monnlngcr , A ma nil. Johnson , Allda Johnson , Gertrude Gibson Delia Gibson , Kdlth Baric , Mabel Barle , Allc Craig , Ned Craig. Nellie Uutterflold , Ma : Hutterdeld , ami Mrs. Iloag ; Messrs Uadds Kunlclc , Liowls , Hoag , Slrakesbury , Ursson II. F. rillsbury , M. A. I'lllsbury , N'ctlicrly llatio and Norrla. l. cnl her \Vfililinf. Mr and Mrs S. Heyn oC 132 South Twenty fourth street , celebrated their leather vv d ding at their beautiful residence last Thtiri day cvenhiR. The house vvas tasteful ! decorated In ev rgieens and smllat. Aftc listening ; to several selections on tha plan and violin hy Messrs. I.andberR an I Hey and enjoying themselves In a frlciUly gun of high ( We. th guests repaired to the dln'n ' room , where a delicious repast wag served Among thosa present wore : Rabbi Leo A Franklin , Fred Sellgshon , Slgmund Linds bers.Mr. and Mm Max Morris , Mr and Mn Emit Ganz. Miss Kelly Levy und Mlt > ss Ila tie and Juliet Morris. A most dellahtful social event occurrp Tuesday night , when bomo of the members c Kountio Memorial Lutheran church plannc a house warming for their pastor In his honi ul the corner of Twenty-fifth street and S Mary's avenue. A very large company gall ered during tha evening , and good cheer an marry making characterized the occaaloi Bomo very fine recitations , vocal nnd Instn mental selections vrero rendered , and n freahments Vfere served. TUo members ho : tliotr pastor and his family In the highest < teem , and Iho evening's plcaaure and fellov nhlp tended to itrengtaen the tlw that bli them I'leHsnnt Soclul l-unutli > ii. On of the pleasant affairs of the seasi wth urprl8o pirly tendered Miss El Smith , at her home , 1817 Capitol avenu Thursday u veiling , Tlie house was beau fully decorated with cat flowers In great pr fusion. Mualo and dancing were the ocd Si tha eveulng until a Uta hour , when d In refreslimfnts were Served Mr Truik Fhn- agan favored the guests with one r ( hit select recltathtK The following were present. Mr mil Mrs It. Gnrllchi Mr. and Mrs U II. Dcvlcs. Mr * . Smith Stlsncs Pray , Tompicll. I. vvls , Addla and Mny Carl In , Casslo and Inez Ar nold , IJaker Wlgman Kdhotm Carnell , \\lmli-n , Perkins , Alice , I'.lla end Kathleen Smith , and Messrs Klfo , Younger , Knousc , Holden , Ulce. Diaper , Clark , Ilreck , God frey , Phllbln , Turay , Flanagan , Johnson , Haber and Weslerdahl. I'nlnrlulllrd for Mis * Ki Ki\ln. Miss Klssam of Hrldgeport has ccll the guest of honor at a number of functions since her arrival here , two piitertalmnenls having been given for her duilng the past week Miss Tolpelror the hostess at one of the e pretty though Informal affair * , It hav ing been her desire to Inaugurate the Debu tantes' Cooking club for another season ot high living , but the absence of to many ot the ex-debutantes compelled a change of piogram , nnd a luncheon was given for Miss Klssam Instead. The table vas beautifully dccoratc-l with guldin rod , whli h can bo made wonderfully cfr ctlve by the deft hands of women Besides Miss Klssam there were present Miss Alexander , Miss Hlmebaiigh , Miss Cady , Mlis Mary Nash , Ml s Hums and Mlis Smith The second function for Miss Klssum was glvtn by Miss Pearl Hartman Friday after noon , n Kensington , ami was one of the plcii anlcst affairs of a lather quiet week socially To amuse her guests Miss Hurt- nun icvlved the "ISIshop of Otford'f puz- ? \t \ , " ami bo quaint were the questions and to hidden that the guc'tg Imd a line time solving the problems embodied In the puzzle. Cards were hnndtd each guest with the puz zle , places being left for the answent After thu guests had nntwerid the comntdiums as bnst they could the cards -were collected and a reckoning had. Miss Alexander won the first prize , a silver button hook Miss Curtis the septnd , a sliver letter opener and book mark Refreshments were servel and the aftcinoon was perfect In every de tail inlliir \ * > oiiirn'H'lirlitliin Aiuxicliittoti , The following classes of the Voting Women's Chi lull In association will l.e'ilu U Is week. Tuesday 7 ID p m. , October i , dress making , Miss Mason ; elocution , Miss Filler , atcnograpliv , Mrs. Newton. Members cf dress making class nio requested to bring a twontj-lnch ruler Wednesday , " " 50 ) > m. Current Topic rlnb Miss Falrbrotlinr ; physi cal culture the Preeca system , Mi H Itoot and Miss Knight Thursday , 7J" : ) p in l' n- man'hlp and arithmetic , Prof Ho'irlnuph Frldaj , 7 JO p m Physical cultuio the- elcclrlc syhtem , Mlsa Uruen a-nl MlsM IIu- pcr , general history Miss Shlppey Prof 'lorrens will take charge of the class and Mi George M V. CIu rlalit the FiiMch These classes will probably hculi vurk next week The Gcrmnn und Kngi's ' , ! llteratiiro rlisscs will be orginlzcd later. New classes will bo formed on request of eight mem "rs : . All ilatsed are free to muinhcis nf the as- sociitlon. Those deslri'ig ndmlttanca 1o any of the clisses are reqnistel to bring their membership tickets with them If you arc not a membci call at Hi1 assothtlon loom , 10B Bee building , nnd sec MUs Tav lor on Monday At liill.-vnn tElllii ItiuiRO. As h is been customary for a number of jears ijack , the awarding of prizes hj General lliooke to the succsssful competitors at the llellovue ilde range Ims bo n made much of by the swell c rcles of Omaha , und Tucsdai of last week was no excsptlon to the rule A special tialn carried the fashionables to Ilellevue. where the day was spent In the most delightful manner Imaginable General Hrooku and staff were present In full regi mentals , and the sight of so many line marksmen , drawn from all pests of the de partment , vvas Interesting In the extreme. Among those who went from town were : General and Mrs. Brooke. Mr. and Mra. J. N. II Patrick , Mra Henry Yalc-3 , Mrs. Hcldrtge , Mr. and Mrs. Thompson , Mr. and Mrs. Flor ence , Mr , and Mrs D. H. Wheeler , jr. , Mrs. McKenna , Mrs Luc us Wakelcy , Mlsi Doano , Mlds Dalcomba. Miss Bessie Yatcs , Miss Mc- Cltlland , Ml&j Tukey , Kiss Klssam. Miss Alexander , Miss Snmmeis , fltlsa Whltbread , Miss McKenna , Miss Ilu-thoU , Miss Jcntle Yates. Mr Falrdetd , Mr Ou'ou , Mr. Itcdlrk Mr. Gariican. Mi. liarlln , Mr. Mullen , Mr. John Patrick , Mr Luther Drake , Mr Hittln VI rdillirul ll ! < lillcl.l. A right preltj vveJdlng uas bolemnlzed NVcdncsdaj of la at week at Rlchfleld. Neb the contracttnj ; parties beltii ; ; Mlsa Nellie Mny Fitch , daughter of Mr William Kltch. a former resident cf this city , and Mr W F Weber , the ceremony tuklng pl.n. at 7 o'clock , Rev. J. P D Llwyd of the Chinch of the Good Shepherl , this city , ofllclatlng The bride wai att nded by Miss Maud Fitch , the best man b"lng Mr J W ParUh At the close of the ceremony a wedding dinner \\is served , follow d by a recaption , which \vas attended by a large nmnbor ot people ple friends of the bldo and groom Those present from Omaha were : Mr and Mrs T. W Kelly , Mr. anJ Mrs. T. R. Neal Allsses Alma and Peart Urlau , Blanche Addle nnd Fanny Doherty. Minnie Neal , Mattie and Cornyn Taggart. Liura and Stella liatdorf Messrs. John J Jackson. A H. Olerlch , Louis Wymlller J. W Parish. Dr E. J Tiggart of Gretna , Neb After a shorl \\edilliiK tilp th ? bride and groom will be at home at 161S Kjner avenue , this city Iliiiulni : I'nr y for > lr < rnrhliol/ . Miss Amy Barker , whose unassuming \vnyj and bright mind have made her a host o | friends , threw open the doors of her beintl- fill home on couth Thlrty-sevpntii streal Thursday evening for a small dancing party In honor of Ipr guest , Mrs Bnchholz oi Norfolk. The rooms were prettily orna mented with flowers the lloora were can- vnsed and thiv mus'o ' excellent feUiirc : one woi.ld expect In such a perfect herm Instead of dancn cirdi bannerols wore hunt under the uhnndcller and designated HIE style of danc ? to follow There waa n de licious punch a ° rvod In the hall , refresh' ments being served during the evening Among thos'3 danc'ng ' were Mlsscff Col petzer , Cady , Uau'-i , Alexander , Me Slmne , McCormick , Sargent ; Messrs Cmlahy Mercer , Smith , BlacUvvcll , McMahon Vlctoi Rosewnter , George , Gilbert. Kl < li.u-d * and I urgcr. At the residence of the bride's par nts Mi' , and Mrs W. II. Barger. Hebron. Neb. Sunday , September 1A , at 1 p. m , Mr Davit J. Richards of Omaha and Mlsa Gertrndi Barger were united In marriage , HIder L. II Humphreys of Geneva , ofllclatlng. Mr Rich ards Is superintendent of the mechanical de partment of the State Deaf and Dumb In stltuto at Omaha. The bride Is a native bn resident of Hebron , esteemed by man ; friends. The ceremony was witnessed by i few of the near relatives and Inllmat friends , Mr and Mrs R charda have retnrnei from their wedding tour and are at homo a the Institute. I'lcMwut I nn-lnj I'nrtr. A very delightful surprise party was givei In honor of Miss , May Helns Saturday even Ing of last week The early part of tl , evening was spent In games and cards , iftc which dancing vvas Indulged in , this boln followed by on excellent supper. Those that tco'c part were- Misses Nelll Gregg , Katie Ryan , Belto Ryan , Deal Ryar Luna Powell , Alice Ilelns , Delia Kdholit Tlllle Wagoner. Lulu Wagoner. Annie Nerd wall , Loura Wright , Messrs. Charles Sea man. Ernest Powell , Frank Freeman How ard Heyman. All Llndblad , Mr. Sink , Wllll Helns , Lee Hull. Johnnie Austin , Durt Naso and Bonn liutts. DoliiK-t In ' "i1ll Clrolci Miss Nears has returned to her home 1 Lincoln. S. Acnsteln has returned from an extcndc . western trip. Mls Murto of Peorla la the guest of Ml : Kate McCormick. Miss Jentlo Yates has returned from he visit to St , Joseph. Dr. Bailey and family have returned froi thotrtsll In Illinois. Mrs Arthur Wakeley has returned froi her visit to Wyoming. Mrs A. II. Coffroth of Lincoln U the guci of Mrs. J , V , Barnard. Mrs. Lnclua Wukeley and son left for the homo In Chicago yesterday , Mr. and Mrs W. S. Rector have returnc from an extended eastern trip. Mrs. William A. Merrls entertained a fe friends at dinner Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Blatcky and daught have arrived home from the cant Mr and Mm , Paul Cbarlton will be " Uomo" Thursday afternoon , October I , fro half nfu-r I to 1 o < lo < k at 1033 Bonth Thirtieth avenue Mr and Mrs * A" R Dennett have re turned from their summer outing. Miss Bessie Stonrtm returned on Monday from a three weeks visit In Minneapolis. MRH | Marie Case of Fort Mudlson , la , Is visiting the Missed Chaptnnn lor a few days. Mlsa Jessie SturRlf" ni/'a her mother , Mrs. Bnshnell , will leave for Cleveland this week. Miss Marie Cnse of Furl Madison , In. , Is visiting the MIssea Chapman for a few days. , Mr. Harry Lctloy Crnminer has entered the Chicago Mt-dlcal college In the Junior class Mr nml Mrs. John Godfrey oC Zancsvllle. 0 . are guejls of T F. Godfrey , 1817 Capitol avenue , Mrs Wersells leives for Chicago today , after n veiy delightful \lslt among old friends Mr Francis 13. Bailey nnd family have re turned from their summer home In Honey Creek , la Miss Grace Hlmcbiugh returned last Sit- u'day nftel a most delightful summer spent ut HIP lakes Miss Palmer , who has been In New York for the past ten days , is expected home In about a week , Senator C. F Mamlerson ntoppcTl at the Bwell Hotel Waldorf , New York , on Thurs day of last week Mr and Mrs. T L Talhterro and son re turned home Frldaj after a three weeks visit In the east. Mrs James Hedge and MSH ! Stella Harmon , who have been visiting friends In Cheyenne , have returned homo The marriage of Miss Gusslc Unimiati and Mr. Harry Miller will bo celebrated In the evening of October 2 ! La Rosa social club will give an enter tainment next Friday eevrlng In the Areunmn rooms In The Bee building Mr. M L Powell has received a year's detail to Wlllett's Point. This will take from army circles one ot Us most popul ir ollleers Mr nnd Mis M. A Johnson 2218 Leaven- worth , are entertaining their sisters , Miss Anna C Hllbcurnc and Mrs. IJmma Kerr ot Carml , ill. Miss Carrlo Forbes of Portage , WIs , who has been In the cltv for some , time , the guest of Mrs Harry Nott , left for her home last night For Mr nnd MrsV T Shard und J. W. Cooper and son of London , Mi. and Mra Joseph A. Garnean entcrt lined at dinner last night. Miss Nellie Baitin left Friday for J'hlladel- ph'n ' , where she will study water color paint ing At the Industrial Art school during the entire winter. V'r and Mrs William H Abel of Wln- fleld. Kan. , have been In the cltj for a few days , visiting with their son Fred S Abel , nt the Albany. Mr Allison G Andrews and family of 1211 South Thlrty-flist street , depart from this city Tuesda > next for Ogden. Utah , where they will make their future home. Miss Grace Crawford eldest daughter of Dr. A Crawford ot this cllj , left Thursday on the Fl > ei" for Caibon Wyo , where she will b ? the giifdt of Dr Carter's daugh ter , Grace Miss Jcasle Thompson of Toledo la , who has been -visiting her brother. Charles D Thompson , and famll > of 2112 Doughs street for the past month , retained to her home last Thnrsdu } . Mr. F P Klrkcndall has returned from Columbus. 0. , where he attended the funeral of Mr. Kills O Jones , of the firm of Klrken- dall , Jones & Co Ml Jones died September 1 , at the age of C9 years. Miss Helen Hoagland and Miss Louise Reed leave for their schools today , cha- oroncd by Mrs Louis Roj3 Ths former lll rcsuino her studies at Miss Graham's chool , Miss tteed to enter Miss Ely's school Mr. nnd Mrs John Mnsselman of Dead- vood visited at the residence of Mr and rlrs. L H. Koitv last week Mr. Mussel- nan formerly resided In Omaha and Is now he general mamger of the Black Illlla Tele- ihone company Mis Remington Notson , a former Omahi eachcr , who jol ed the ranks of tiB | com mercial travelers list August , Ins returned 'rom a week spnl In Wayne county , where ilto wa < i the guest of-Prestdoht nnd Mi's. J. M Pile of the Wajne Normal college , Mr and Mr3 Herman Onrllchs. who are .0 leave shortly for MoMco , were serenaded ast Monday night by the Sutorlin Mandolin club and the Temple Mala quartet Saveral quests were present to enjoy the niusii. with ts accompanying refreshments an ! merry- naklnti ; The- first regular meeting of the Woman's club will be held at Myrtle hall Monday ate o o'clock. The program will consist of the president's address and "vacation notes " The new rooms In tha Boston store bu'.lding will bs ready for occupincy b > the second meeting. October IS. Miss ndlth n. Phelps and niece , MUs Jean VnnKuran of 2820 Hamilton street , who for the past eight weeks have been visiting friends In Chicago , Niagara Falls , Toronto , Georgian Bay imd other eastern points , have returned home delighte-d with their trip and much Improved In health. Mrs. WcsfcelU , w Ife of Major Wcssells , who Is the guest of Mrs Francis Wessplls , ll not return to Fo-t Sill , whence she cam ? , as orders have been received since her arrival hero removing them to Jeffe-son Barracks Ihls Is a very agree able move for both Major and Mrs Wessells An Informal evening at cards vvas given by Mr and Mis. J F Barnard on Thursday last. The guest of the evening was Mrs. A B. Coflrolh of Lincoln. Thoto present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomnson Mr. and Mrs. Schu macher. Mr and M-s. Keller , Mrs. lleall , Mr and Mrs Francis Wessclls Mrs Major Wcssells At the residence of the bride's parents , on Wednesday evening last , Mr Charles Coppoc'i and Miss KIK Ruef were united in marriage Rev. D. D O'Dell perfoimlng the eeremonj The presents were numerous and pretty. Mr and Mrs Coppock will be at home to theli friends at 507 South Twent-ninth street. Mr. and Mrs. Ira G. B Mapes have re turned to the city after an absence of thnx months In Colorado Tuesday evening. In honor of Mr. and Mrs Edward Hcjwood. a number of friends gath' ' ercd at their residence on North Twenty , sixth street , the occasion being thcli silver welding anniversary. The fam ily gathering waa n complete ear prUe to Mr. and Mrs. Hey w ocd , vvhc had no knowledge ot the event until tlu house vvas Invaded by the family party. Re freshments were served and the occasion t\a' one to be remembered. Thursday evening , the 20th , Mr and Mrs AI Waggoner were pleasantly suiprlsed b ; the ladles cf the Aid foclcty of the Hanscun Park church and their husbands , who ti the number of 100 took possession of tin Waggoner residence and proceeded to hav u gocd time Mr and Mrs , Waggoner vvcr completely surprised as their guests fllei In , and even more so when their pastor , 01 behalf of the Ladles' Aid society prescnlei Mrs. Waggoner with an elegant and sub stantUl silver baking urn , beautifully chase nnd suitably engraved. Later In the even Ing refreshments were served , and the guest dispersed only after a royal good time. The hop at Fort Oiiaha list Saturda ; evening vvas an unusually gay affair , I being given In honor of the range officers many of whom have distinguished themsalve tor mnrvelois marksmanship. Quito a num ber of town people attended , and all pro nounccd tbo dance a great success The mu sic was fine , nnd during the evening a dell clous supper v.'ns served adding greatly to th comfort of the dancera. Amont ; thosa preaen were : Cautaln and Mrs. Gllole , Captul : nnd Mrs Taompson , Mr and airs Florence Miss Doane , Miss Bessie Yatcs. Miss Dick inson. Miss Crandall , Miss Mct'lelland. Mis Whltbreid , Mr. Lindsay. Mr Mlkey , Mi Ljons , Captuln Crowder , Mi. Gulou , Mi Falrlleld , Mr Ualdrldge , M" . Whltbrcad , Mi Patrick. The new Metropolitan club rooms end ha ! 23d and Harney streets , can be rentsd fc the staicn of 1S91-95 for weddings , partlei entertainments and balls. Tor dates Inqulr by letter or In person of B. Neurnan , root 1 , Barker block. Teltphont , 735. The lades who have visited the milliner opening on Douglas street the pa.t two day have gore Into eistacles over a newcorsi there exhibited A i > uiilu nit I.uily IllojclUt * . CHICAGO , Sept. 23. "Jack the Ripper has broken loose and Is making life full i terror to the fcmato bicyclists who ride I Washington park during the evening. H plan U to watt bchlng a tree until a b'cycll in bloomcrRnceiycs nloiiff , ( hen ho springs oiu nnd pllrt Tito raw hide vigorously Ho has severely whipped two young women and oral others. VFM < M/ . t'lHfl./'V. The formation t the Omaha Dice club by a number of tie 1 ruling main gingers of this city Is n moraine t In the right direction and should meet with the hearty encouragement of n musical-loving public It Is the Inten- tentloli of the club to confine Itself to music that the peoplpIH appreciate , and not at tempt fllghtH/ln ; the rendition of Important musical compositions which require- careful rehearsals for. moulds. While Mr. Torrens will have the direction of the club , the selec tion ot imisl < i.Hr1 be left entirely to a com mittee composed of Mr C. L. Delict , Mr. L. I ) Copelunil nmj Mr C 31. Ogden , the club having as officers I ) . II. Wheeler , Jr. , presi dent ; I. II. Traynor. vice president ; C. 15. Abbott , secretary and treasurer The execu tive committee In D H , Wheeler , Jr. , chair man , Walter B. Wllklns , Harry Burkley , H. W. Henderson , C. 12. Abbott , It Is not the Intention ot the club to an tagonize any of the older musical organiza tions , but to attempt lo fill n place that since the early da > s of the Apollo club has been left entirely vacant. The club will aim to give catchy songs In a manner artistic and musical , leaving to other organizations the rendition of oratorios nnd heavy chornsei , It will aim to be , ns Its name Implies , a glee club , unit Invites Judgment along these modest lines. The personnel of HIP club , which Is exceed ingly strong Is an earnest of the good work anticipated , and ns the club will give at least two concerts this jcnr , the Initial per formance will be watched with Interest Composed of twfnly-foiir nf the best voices In Omaha nnd Council Bluffs , fnllulc secma Imposslblp If the members show a measure of devotion to the new organization. The following Is n list of the singers Tenors : Otto Wolf , A T McPherson , C C I'cacock , Council Bluffs , I. M Traynor , Council Bluffs , A J Van Kuran , I'rcd Abel Second tenors , Walter B. Wllkln-i , Jay Northrnp , II \V Henderson , Dan H Wheeler , jr , A B Treat , C. II Ogden and T I' . Trnynor , Council Bluffs. First bassos Charles L Denel , Hurry Burkley , C. E Abbott , Jill Baldrldge , Robert McRoberts Second bassos- Jules 0. Lumbard , Luclcn B Copeland. Walter CSraham , n. S. Allen nnd W. L Thlckstun , Council Bluffs. Miss Anna Gllmore and Miss Shelley Bar- rlger are coming to the front In their musical careers The Westminster Choral union will resume Its studios for the season next Trlday even ing , Qctober G , at the lecture room of the Westminster Presbyterian church Arrange ments ar > complete for taking up Important studies during the coming season , which will Include selections from "St Paul , " by Mendclsshon ; "Twelfth Mass , ' by Moarl ; "The Messiah " by Handel ; "The Cieatlon " hy Haydn and "Elijah " by Mtndelsshon New memb rs are Invited to avail themselves of the Inducements tendered by this organ- Nation , which wilt be of Interest to those who vvWi to BtLdy the very best of music. Miss Mullen , a South Omaha joung lady who sang at Mrs. Cotton's recitals last sea son will be hrard again very shortly. Mr Cockrcll of St Mark's cathedral , Chicago cage , sang In the "Choir of All Saints' church here last Sunday night. The musical program for the St. James orphanage fair , which is to be held at Hx- > osttlon hall next Monday evening , Is as ollows , j itajiduitl Heart ! 'Match Montanelle Sutorlus Mandolin Club Quartet Nellie Wnh n Lady Temple Quartet lanto Solo Mr. C II. Cumming- * ' " Song Tepalcli Sntollus Mandolin Club. Solo . K Mr. Joe r B irton Dream of Me ti , Skelley Temple Quartet. Selection II Tjj-ovutoip Verdi Suturlus Mandolin C'lub. . Dr Baetcns * of Jhls cltyt has written a violin concerto , vhlch will be produced In Chicago saortlv. The concertojwlll bo played by Mr Max BoTuVx , unquestionably one of the leading violinists of the day and -who Is concert\master or Thomas' drchcstra , with "ull orchestral accDinpanlnient _ , The musical department ot the Wonnn's club will give Its flrst program of the sea son the latter part of October. The pro gram will bo In charge of Mme. Mnontefer- * ng and Mrs. Cotton \vlll assist in the vocal lumbers. The choir at Trinity cathedral has been so frequentlj Importuned to repeat Men delssohn's beautiful "Hear My Prayer" that It will be given at the morning service , Sun day , Octlber 7 Mr Martin Calm and Dr Baetens will play at the orphan's fair to be given at Ex position hall The selections will he from St. Heller and Ernst's Pcnsee's Tngatlves Mrs. Cotton Is to give a series of pro- giams this season devoted to different mod ern composers Only pupils and theli friends will bo present , the pupils having the privi lege of Inviting whom they choose They are to be regarded more as recreations than studies , although Mrs Cotton Intends to mike the pupils fully acquainted with the music and the II'e of each composer taken up The first program will bo given to Gor ing Thomas Ills music will be played and a paper read on his life anJ wo-ks. So much has been said averse to women as composers that Mrs. Cotton Intends de voting ono evening to Chamlnade , the young woman whose songs are fast making her famous. Shu Is veiy young nnd has not been at all known to the musical public until the last flvo or six years , but she has ably demonstrated that women have tha power to compose , many able musicians to the contrary. The first of the Apollo club series of con- co-ts will bo given at Bojd's theater the ovonlngs of January H and 11. Mrs Gunevr.i Johnston Bishop , too well known as a vocalist to ncd mention , will form ono of the quartet of singers from abroad The 'Messiah" ' will be given on the flrst evening and a miscellaneous program In which the club will do little work will be given the second evening. Mrs. Thomas L Klmball has Issued cards for a muslcale for Wednesday evening. The muslcalo Is for Miss Klmball und her friends In the assembly room of the parochial school , adjoln'nK St. John's church , Twenty- sixth and Franklin streets , on Tuesday even ing , October 4 , will bo given a muslcalo for the benefit of the church. Mr. T M Norrls , organist and choirmaster ter at St. John's , has. arranged the following program , which will be seen to Incliilo a number of namea well known In Omaha musical circles , Piano Duet \rarphe , des Tambours . , . Sidney Smith Mr nnd Mrs. T. M Norrls. Sonsr Thuradas" ' . . . . . . Molloy MrT. . J. Pennell Cornet Solo m , . . - . Selected Mjvli. S. Mole. Bong Rose Marie . . , . Mollo > Mr .Robert MVeli Violin Solo. 'i ' ; . Selected Mr"M/ > Vl Dunn The ItobliivsJi. . . W H NeldllnRei Lullaby. . , .j t / . G W. Chadvvicl , , Mrs. Fltt , Song Happy Daytwvllh mandolin cbll- giito by nmrst Xltzmann Stnlesk Mr. 'nJl ' > "rt M. Weir Vocal Duet WlU'n 'the Wind Blovva In from the Sia. * < > . .Smarl Mr , nnd Mm , P.IU. Cochranp Mandolin und ( lultar . Selected MeSir ? Kltzmar.n. Song The Boatswain . Molloj Mi. UK ! U. Thomas. National AnttinrrvJj . At the conclusion1 At the musical entertain. ment. the handsome new clergj house wll be thrown open fdr a soiree. rovvliUliul Her Cm lucrr. COURTLAND , U Sept. 29. Abe Abraham a prominent merchant , was publicly cow hided here today by Miss Lucille Doss daughter of Porter Doss , sr. , proprietor o the Doss hotel. It Is said that Abrahan made a disparaging remark about Miss Doss The yoang woman brought blood every blov and made him beg for mercy. tn ' rhnliml ( nptureil , DETROIT. Mlph , Sept. 20 Jamw Ken nedy , vvho murderously a saultecl Fran ! Ombowekl yesterday and then barricade ) himself at hU homo , was captured by a poas- of ixllco at 3 o'clock this mcrnlns Th officers had to tie-ak their way into th house , but met with no other resistance Grabowckl is etlll alive. LONDON'S ' THEATRICAL WORLD Details of the Triumphs Scored During Iho Past \Voek \ , BEERBOHM TREE ENTERTAINS fOYALTY llitjmnrltnt Coininnj ( .Itrxit I'rrform mrn nl il L'uMlc nun Itutlic * Av uy by .spnclnl 'I ruin tti rill lliclr Itugtiliii 1 itK il l > v the Asmrlntnl I'IP < < ) LONDON , Sept. 2 . Theatricals the last week wore nl mill-ed by oiiu of Queen Vic toria's ' spasmodic Indulgences hi n ( Unmade ( red. Monday nlghl , na already cabled , the Iloymarkct Theater company gave a bril liant nml successful performance of "Tlie Il.ilIn ] Monger nml the Tied Lamp" In tlio ball room of Balmoral castle , . Scotland , before - fore lior majesty , the royal family nnd party and representatives of the principal families of the neighborhood , The Ilnymirket com pany was afterwards entertained at auppol , the mombera of the royal fiunlly and their guests being present. For this entertainment of royalty Beer- bohn Tree , after being commanded to take Ills company to Halmoral , only hail tvvonly- eight hours In vvMch to prepare for the trip , paint now scenery and secure new properties for the strange sbod stage of the ball room In the castle Everything had to be made with maglclan-llko rapidity and finished In time to bo transported by train to Scotland and arranged for .Monday night. After the supper the Hayinarket company , flushed with success and honors fairly \\on , left Balmoral castle at 1 SO a. m. , drove ten miles to a railroad station , and then by means of special trains and a special steamer , succeeded In reaching Dublin at 8 o'clock Tuesdaj night , whore tlic com pany opened an engagement. The queen was much Interested In this race against time and telegraphed her congratulations to Mr. Tree when Informed that the com pany would open on time nt Dublin. Emperor William's song will , for the flrst time , be made public In Berlin on October 23 Copies of the Imperial production have been ssnt to all the reigning sovereigns nnd all the manuscript has been deposited with the royal archives. Tonight Is fixed for the p-emlero of "Odette" at the Princess when Mine Anna Rupert will for the moment give up beauti fying female faces and turn her talents to entertaining London play-goers She has un- donbfd dramatic tnlent and as Clement Scott Is standing sponsor It Is his vcrMon of "Odette ' that will he produced a strong cast should bo able to lilt the 1'rlncess for the few vvefcks of Mine Ruperts lease. TIIII'P niUAR OI'BNS TOOLES. At the same hour Trlpp Edgar opens Toole'a theater with llovt s "Trip to China town " It. G Knowles , who has made such a distinguished success at the London halls , will , upon this occasion , make his first essay on the legitimate boards , and will be supported by a strong cast. Including II do Lange. Trlpp Edgar , Edgar Stevens , Henry Milliard , Fred Donslleld. George Egbert Al bert Bernard , 1'ann Marriott , Edith \ane , Georgia Wright , Aubrey Ford Kate liver- Iclgh , Marie Dalnton and Madeline Row sell Sarah Dernhardt has added "The Second Mrs Tonqueray" and Oscar Wilde's "Sa lome" to her repertoire. The chief event of the coming season at the Opera Comique. Paris , will be a Ijrical version of "La Tcrnine do Claude , " the words by M. Gallett and music by M. Albert Cohen. "A Gay Parialenne" Is announced as In rehearsal at the Avenue theater For It Ivan Cnrll has written the music. The marquis of Lome , replying to In quiries , writes to the Associated press as fol lows : "Kensington Palace , Sept. 28 , 1SD4. Sir : Regarding the opera beng written by Mr Hamish MeCun on librettos of mine , it Is true that Mr. McCun has the music In a forward state of preparation. The tllemcs arc worthy of the author of the well known cantata , 'Lard oC the Mountain and the Flood. ' They are foundsd on the heroic tales so well Known In Ireland and Scotland. They are linked with thoee of England and are fully equal In Interest to those s.o suc cessfully treated In Germany by Wagner Two dramas have been put Into libretto form already. "I remain , yours faithfully , LOHNE " It is not Improbable that one of these works will be seen upon the London stage next > ear , as a leading Impressarlo Is some what Impressed with the subject. Mil. IRVING ON THE AHT OF ACTING Mr. Irving has been unburdening himself on the rirt of acting. He Insists that 'It IH a great point In the dramatic profession not to overestimate one's abllltj " Mr Irving also thinks that every actor should bo a scholar , at least .so far as It Is posslblo for him to be such. An. ! to the re tort that many Ignorant men have been great actors , Mr. Irving returns the reply "flow much greater they might have been had they been educated If the great Imi tative quality they possessed had been guided by a trained intelligence " Upon the much-debated question whether acting Is feeling or training Mr Irving says "The young man desirous of becoming an actor must avoid embracing the mischievous Idea that acting Is merely a matter of feel ing ; that a part Is to be Interpreted merely us he happens to feel at the time of Its portrayal trayal I have said that acting Is a fclence and therefore the actor should try lo make it as exact a science us possible He should Htud > pvcry facial expression , every gesture every Inflection of the voice , every move ment that he Intends to emplo > In the delin eation of his role before he takes the stage and should know Just how he IK going to speak , look and gesticulate In eveiy phrase ami not trust to feeling to Inspire him to do tlieso things after he goes upon the atngc. " Mr Wlllird writes to the Associated press that ho has finally determined his future and Bays' "I terminate my London perfonnances of 'The Professor's Love Story' on October 26 and will act at Brighton. Birmingham nnd Liverpool during the month of November After that I mem to rest absolutely until the autumn of 1S95. " Some London newspapers having announced that Mrs. Humphrey Ward was writing a play which Mr. Irving had accepted , Mr Irving writes the Associated press , saying that "the statement Is untrue. " PLAN OP VIENNESE JOURNALISTS. TVo Viennese journalists have arrange 1 the action and scenario of a ballet which Is to represent and reproduce the history of the press Thcabold Krltschmann Is at work on the music Just how this vast subject is handled Is still a Viennese ; secret A Wagner museum will shortly be estab lished and will contain all sorts of memorials and souvenirs of Hint Klftetl com poser Probably It will bo located at Dresden or Munich , In which cities many of the com poser's operas were first produced Arthur Roberta reopened the Prince cf Wales theater on Monday last for a three weeks * run with "Claude Dnval , " a pleco of the gaiety order , although there Is nothing In It but Mr. Ilobe.ts , who is provided with nbout fifty diagu'sss However , Mr Roberts Is playing to packed houses. The London rehearsals for the Birmingham musical festival wore finished Thursday The festival opens today. Mine Albanl Ilrema and Lloyd cause 1 great enthusiasm at the rehearsals. AT llli : O.tlAMA 1'I.AV IIOUSI > . AttrncfonMilili Will I to Sorn During th Next s veu .Mt-lilB. The "Derby Winner , " which opens a four days engagement at the Fifteenth Street theater with a matinee today , has , since Its inaugural dash at St Louis , been accorded a magnificent reception In St Paul , Duluth and all the cities of the northwest where It has been been , It Is a racing drama , decidedly original , and novel In Its dramatic con struction , possessing elements of such pro found 1mmun Interibt that It Is attractive and highly succeasful as a racing drama. It fills a field distinctively its own In Its splendid presentation of life an the turf , and Is so thoroughly natural and llfellkw that It brings one directly In touch , with life on the race track , which It no superbly depicts "The Derby Winner" was written nearly three years ago by Alfred II. Splnk , editor i of the Sporting News , St. Louis , and man- > nger oC the South Side elcctrlo track at St. I Louis , the only one In tlis world. It was CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE. of those men's suits delayed by the tailor's strike is making Us many friends. Twice the money never bought as good suits as these , This is your best chance. Ovotooals A little cold weather id and vvo h ivu moro tltiin v i > mu Every style , do MoltciiH nt ITi-n sprdiillv .OQ line thing-cmirlit thorn nil .every price Siliiulay. Hcttci eraUc nt J'JO fiom $6 75 up Mon's itnplodtnl null bio broislcd sack snirs In Muo timi blnclc 75 is included I'hQXIottill woolvvrll anil ti liiimcil , a i oj.uip \ iiu suit. in this Mon's sai'U niul cutaway stilts immense tint lot-ill the world iivor for $ . ' . " > Tlio iR-ifi'ci equal of n .OO purchase. tuilot inndu suit , during this CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOU3 : . CLOTHING "HOUSE. such as will wear like iron or as nearly so as anything will wear on a boy solid , substantial goods. You save the price of a suit by buying now. We make these I5o.ys' Junior suits $1.75 prices because we Bos'junior suits $2.50 have such vast l$3 > s' Junior suits $2.25 quantities of them that we Icar we will Two piece suit * , $2.00 be overstocked. i\Tice Two ple < o suits $2.50 selection now. Tvvo-plooe suits $3.00 CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE. while bulldlnp ; this track that Mr. Splnk determined upon pres-cntliis the varied scenes , Incidents and mediums of iace track life upon the stage. How well lie has suc ceeded In his cleverly evolved Ideas Is seen la the lar e and enthuslastlo patronage accorded to "The Derby Winner" wherever It has thus far appeared. "The Derby Winner" Is a drama In fo"iir acts and seven scenes. The opening scene reveals to view General Grant's old log cabin , where that famous soldier spent his earlier days In the background of thin sconeIs the little , old church where General Grant was married , and around whose hal lowed associations are clustered memories which are near and deir to the American heart. In the second sceie of the fli t act ! the famous Cherokee iruden of St Louis , with the South Side elcclrlc light track beauti fully lit u i > as if in actual operation In the distance. The tecond uct is the famous sta ble scene. Here arc Introduced the noted race hon > es In this scene the trainers , sta ble boys and Jockles aie having a good time , elnglntf dancing and shooting "craps. " It Is here that Billy CldrldRe , who is con sidered the best colored comedian on the stace. does some decidedly effective acting Then romes the great racing scene , pro nounced by press and publlo us the most effective and realistic representation of a race track ever seen on the stags. The story of "The Derby Wlnrer" Is Inter esting In the extreme. It tells of true love that refuses to run smoothly at first , but which Is set right In the end. Its dialogue Is crisp , pithy and entertaining. Its scenes are full of animation. Us situations' are stir ring and Ita climaxes at n llnlshcd character Alice Noble , the heroine , vvho Is fondly In love v.lth Milt West , who owns the "Missouri Girl. " Is. put to n severe test in the many trying situations In which thp "Missouri Girl" figures But through all the teverc ordeal she remains true to the last and Is willing to sacrifice her life to believe her lover tine. The ttory is eraphlcally told and the play beautifully staged. The * legitimate' dramatic season will be opened by Julia Marlowe Taber It has long been everywhere acknowledged that this artiste Is supreme in her chosen field of art The lepcrtolre of her coming engigement at Boyd's embraces the three choicest stan dard comedies "School for Scandal , "Belle's Stratagem" und "Love Chase. ' Shakespeare's most brilliant comedy , ' Much Ada About Nothing , " and a one-act tragic novelty , "Ckatlorton , " by Drncst Lacy "Glorlina" comes to the Fifteenth Street theater for three nights , commencing Thurs day It Is the old story of mistaken Iden tities , servants masquerading as masters and vice versa , and of taking on new loves ere the old are disposed of This play Is from the French of "Truo d'Arthur " It Is generally trivial and full of Impossible situations , but Is also full of the ludicrous side of human nature In the second act the fun la positively sparkling The count has the lion's share ot the witty things to say , and Mr Brooks made the most of his privilege In brief , the story Is this1 Leopold Joce- Ijn , a youjig gentleman In tha foreign of fice , Is about to marry the daughter ot a rich tanner , when an old sweetheart , Mrs Glorlana Loverlng , turns up To avoid her Jocelii pretends to bo his own valet and the valet Impersonates Jocelyn But still ahe loves him Then the complications begin -with the Introduction of the lire-eating count , who gets a letter of warning and forthwith wants to kill the lackey under the belief that ho Is Jocelyn. After a great deal ot trouble all hands find their way back to their proper statlo-m In line again , and then we. who had been laughing steadily for an hour loft Ihf theater and agreed that It was funny and a "go. " _ Doyd's theater will be dark until the com ing of Julia Mailowc , whose engagement be gins Thursday evening , October U. of Illitliop Ilurlnoll AeiititU tlie G < iv- rrnliKua DrihlKil III lilt Favor , BOSTON , Sept. 29 III the case of Bishop ' Burtwell against L. Cvcrett Saltonstall , ex- i collector of customs of this port , Judge Colt | today handed down a decision against the I government. The question at lusuo was the Interpretation of the statutes regarding protests - ' tests against the payment of duties and In- , volvcd millions ot dollars , being a teat case. The government will appeal. Irnlll huvril by u C'hllil , DUBUQUI3 , la. , Sept. 29. A 7-ycar-oUl girl saved a passenger train on the Chlcagi & Great Western road near Dunder yet- terday , She wai Been by the englneej I waving her tittle red apron us a signal , The I engineer stopped the train , and the little girl TUB NUAIIICR A Development M an Evperiimnt. Muny Ic.ylr.ible Improvements SiuciHsfiillv liicoriior.itfd Into this New Model. Xi.laldijinont' Hum uro * A J.j us tm tut of Cylinder ; bp ichiH Mechanism , Carriage , Itibbon Movement , Touch , 1'tipur Feed , Knclope Holder and Paper AND MANY OTHER USKHJC , AND CONVKK- IKNT DKVIRKS. Illustrated ( .ilntu 'icnnd fuUi1e crlntloii sentou application Wjckoff , Seamans & Benedict , A 17 12 Farnani Street , Oniiiliu. told him the bridge around the curve waa burning The child was on her way to the pasture near her home to drive In the cat 1 tle. _ _ JM'llt1liit M'lt.ltltKI , SI. 111 Mho IMiiimod tlio floiln , Mo , , Train Kobhoiy Itclnj ; 1'roircutud. MEMT'HIS , Mo , Sept. 23. W , C , Me- Daniel , the Informer , of the Gorln , Mo. , train robbery fame , has been held to the grand Jury In 1 1,500 ball upon the charge ot con- bplrlng to rob a train , Ho pleaded not guilty to th" Information filed against him before Justice C. F. Sanders and has no far failed to secure u bondsman , his own father even refusing to go on his bonds Mc- Danlcl pcnl&ts In his story that ha had nothing to do with the planning , simply fol \ lowing over Field's Instructions and also keeping the railroad company Informed. McDanlel was brought from Topeka hy Detectives McKlnnoy and Matthews of the Santa To secret service , who upon Informa tion that complaint had been made against him In behalf of the wounded and captured robbers , Abrams and Ovcrlleld , advised him to surrender and accompany them here , Confonupcl lu Train Wrecking , TKIUIB IIAUTD , Sept. 29. A sensation was created here tonight when It was learned beyond a doubt that George Roberts , Tred Bppert , Charles Miller , William Tully ami William Souerwlne were guilty of turn ing the switch and wrecking a Big Four paetengcr train at Tontancllo , fourteen miles east of this city , on the night ot July 12 , when both the engineer and the fireman were killed The men have been arrested , Rob erts has made a confession which exonerate * Fred Holloway , whu h.u been In Jail three months charged with tha crlino on alleged confessions to Big Pour detectives , > < m York \Vrcklj lluuk Miitmnimt. NEW YOHK. Sept 29. The weekly bank statement Reserve. Increase , $817,150 ; loans , decrease , $3" > 8,4 ! > 0 ; specie , Increase , $148,400 ; legal ten ders , Increase , $ t45,400 ; deposits , decrease , $1.293,600. circulation. Increase , $363,300. The banks now hold $ GO,7I'J,87 ( > In excess of the rc'iulrcments of the 25 per cent rule , The city banks | n t hy the Interior move ment this week 1471,000 In gold and legal tenders , and by subtreasury operations , fl- 200,000. making a total loan ot $1,071,000. The Imports at specie this week worn $ u > .817. ot which $ r,0. sr , were gold. Rgalnit u total ol $34G,39S last week and $523,571 tlm corresponding week of last year ; for the ulna months of this year the importa at epocla wcru $15,609,314. against $ & ,790,130 the cor responding period ot laitt year. Wlierl ftluiiururturcm Combine. TKItHK IIAIJTIJ , Sept. 29. The wagon wheel manufacturers west of the Aleghany | mountains have jutt completed an organiza tion by which 90 per cent of their product will bo Hold by a new company to be known an the Commercial Wlie * * ! company. Meilonn Wur Veteran Dead , COVINCJTON. Ky. , Sept. 23 , Major Thomas Wlniton died today , aged 6S years , He served with distinction In the Mexican war , was afterward paymaster and oa ! ! > retired UsU