THE OMAHA DAILY BRE : SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 18JU. NOTICES. A < lvcrtlement for thc o columni will l i tnhcn unill 12:30 p. m. t ir the evening , unit unlit 'JM p , m. for the morning nnd flunilar fUULotis. . ' Ailvcrlljers , by rp < iuestliix a imml rt d c.ieclt , < An have annwi-rn nJdrrssed lo n nunilicrcd loiter to euro of The llec. Answers no aiJre . ecl will bs delivered upon presentation ot thu cliecli. natea , IHc a word Ilrst Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken fur less than 23c for first Insertion < TThesn advertisements mn t mn consecutively. WANTED M AJiE HELP. WANTKD , X FEW I'KItSONS IN iACH PI.ACM to da wrlMne : send atamp for 139 IIIKO UOOK nt particular * . -VVoodbury , 127V. . 4.M street N. V. cur. -MCH _ WANTRD. I1V MANUrACTUltKn. TflAVi- Inff laleimen lo sell to Tnercliants onlj' . Apply nl mom HO Khccly block , from 9 n. in. to 4:50 p. m. 11-MiTO 29' WANrno. so\in ONI : TO nBi7tiaiNT us who already 1 \ < an office In Oinaln. Write u for pnitlrulnra. American Pati-nt agency. Cliclnnatl. Ohio. it-MCTZ 23 _ WANTED , LAllOltiniW , HOUTII ; OOVHItN- inent worli In TYrim-saoc nnd ArUinsa . Kramer & O'llcarn , labor ascocy. Hlli and nirnam streets. ' U-MSJI ! _ _ JlAKnn WANTED AT"NOUTII rt.ATTn. XEIJ. Kcliuff & Well. II169 7 .WANTED. A MAN TO TAKR AN OPI'IRTS nnd reprenont u manufacturer ; JjO.W per ueckj nmall cnpllat irqulrrd. Addrt- ' < ? . v.-llh Rtainp , Mr ? , , box 212 , Concord Junction. Mat ? - * . lt-M i > U 29 * t _ SAMSMIN : EVKHY COVNTY ; SAI.AUV on commission ; no experience ; new larirc bill Klxei unlimited prollli , ; ncllve men npplv ( lulckly , Klntlnit wiliiry nnd lerrllory wanliil. Mnnu- fuctuierfl , ) rax KQJ , ISosti.n. II MSS2 25" WANTLD , I.-IUST-CI.AHS SAI.KSMHN. Apply Immediately to O. 1) . Ikmil. room 8. 211 S. 15th street. 11-MM2 = 0' WANT SHN ; $73.00 A MONTH ANU KX- nsea made nr lugn rnmtnlsslnn , volllns ptnpla Kood to merclinntH ; llm * slJe line ; no pii expeilencc unncie arv ; cnd Bliunii for ( tie pnrllculara. Iloiihelinlil Hpecliilly t'u t 71UU Micct , Cincinnati , O. ' I1-M5M y > * -I MUN FOIl N1371. , H D. , MO. . BfatV \ \ 'tt to ortf.inliie our pcliftnt * In towns ; no SwIicltliiKi no Iniratnient : deaU . . . \illli the better element In each ttmn ; bright. jlntclllKCnt ladles can work ill it tliu Mime ns Irinen. Addiess ut once box 230 , Sidney , I.i , < - ( flXRPCNTERSJIO WANT aTIJA YWOHK _ nil Intel1 enrl < ls. > W nliVnr ! . iC irtinftii Scnio f Weather , Strip vtiniiuny. Cedar lilurfs. N'eb , , fefor VatUculnm nd Minnie. l pnbte Haleanvn to lenreKenl mamifnoturer of complete line1 , of lulirLratlnpr oils , Krc.ires nnd lw > llei * compound , exclusively or IIH a " * .ldi line. " pnlary of cnminlawlDii. Aildrrm Hlod- dniil Oil & Compound Co. , Cleveland. O. II-.MSSG 30 i Wi : WANT A lli.1AIILR I"innn In e cry loc.illly to act nd | itl\ato de- jj'tcetlve under Ineliiutlons. . nxpcrlfnt'e not r 4iiot rsKii y. Hend utiimp fnr pirtlculars. . ' Ameilcnn Detective utftmcy , InO'niun d . Ind. k -.MhSl 5' WANTED HELP. KAPinS WANTING KIltHT-Cl < ASS OIIIL3 apply Scandiiuuun.T. I. . Home. OHlre. 21" N , IClh. , ,0-AllSS 2 > WANTED dlllt * I'OR IIOI'8E\\liK. ( 1N- qulio Mrs. II. , IJ. Neeli-y , 4105 Ilmulllon atteet. opiw llo Walnut Hill school. C 779 WANTl-ib , "rillnT'TllAT CAN' COOIt , .WASH und Iron ; expeilcneed. 1C2I N. 22d. C-Xls"J S * WANTKD A. OOOI > HTEAJ1ST OtUliTVl'W HB a nrst class uuk. 2110 l ) UKla xlrei-l , C-S72-2S * FOK BENT HOUSES. WANTED , GOOD MEDIUM PRICED IIOL'SCS. L.let your lioui-es fni rent with Ames. D-7J3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - IIO118E8-P. 1C DAftLINQ. IlAISlilTn IH.OCIC. U-734 i _ UOI'BES IN AL.I , 1'AltTS OF THE CITY. THE O. ! ' . Uavla c < iiip.m | > % 15 KEI.KKNNY & CO. , It. 4. CONTlNKNTAl. IILTC. CALL AT OUU Ol'KIfBuAND touniph of. very line 7-Mm modem cntliice on imvcil Htreet , ono-hnlf block from ir ling ; Only J1VO' ' ) per month. I'ldeltty Trust cnminny. HOI' ' 'Farnam st. U-139 ron niTNT" ciI KA PKHT n-itooM COTTAOIJ with bath in city ; only ltW. 3. > r. . t'.illfnrnl.k Itlret. U-M3U i e-nooM norsi : MODIMINANI ! rni\p. " COS N. llth Btiect. U M710 B.'J 110USUS & STOKCS. lMXWiAD,16& DOUllLAS D-318 30 NEW < -nOOM COTTAOi : NKAIl niMIS PAItIC 19.00. Fidelity Tiust company , 17u : Piunntn. J U-MIS3 TIN-.ROOM MODIIUN nousn , ' WITH IJAHN , for J3S.OO. Call at 1311 So. 2Uh aMiiue. -1IC13 : o 10-HOOM ItOUSU AHfSE I1AUN27T1 l Indiana urcnuc , 13. J. 317 l-'lral National bink. U-M54S A HOUSE WITH 9 ROOMS ; Al.ti MODERN conveulencci. 2111) l iKo Hi. I ) B47-301 KOR HUNT , KIOHIVIIOOU MODERN HOU3B , Sat South 17th St. ; nlwi 5- room coital : " wllh barn. O. U. Qrcen. H. blkt U 7 i 5OM COTfAQIi , HATH. 11OT VATRRi closet , furnace , lawn. 121 Miami Street , ill N. \ HOUHE'OK is ROOMS. ( or twnrdcrj. Apply 1SW Clilcato street. D-M673 23 DKSIRA11I.E 7-ROO.M COTTAOE. 2SI3 WOOLworth - worth ave. Idugnult llriu , . I'.ail.L-r block. U-11I _ ran RENT. TWO K-ROOM. EI.EQANT BRICK flats ; nil modern e mvcnleneia ; ; 1 block from lltli itrect motor , I23.QJ. Comptroller's oltlce. U-M320 _ V < m RENT. COTTAoS ! I ROOMI CON- Vtulently BrrangrO , 611 tioulh ISth ylreet. . 1813 8J * _ _ ItKNT. I IIUOM COTTAQE , 3W7 WEH- iter itreet ; S-itory building , 1U1 Capital avenue. Henry W. YD tea. IV817 3 ROOM COTTAaES:6 21ST BTRKET. U S21 23 * PINE 7-ROOM CONKK FI.AT AT ' 01 H. 1CTH trceti rontie nd nil other conveniences. W. U Haller. room til , I'ailon block. D-MO t ROOM. COTTAQE , 05 So. 219T STREKT , ' _ . . . . . . U it21-28 TOM , RPJ < T. 20-JlOOiI HOUSE. AM * CON- venlenct ; elegant location : ju t the thlua for a Hnt-clais bo idlntc'ioui ; cheap rent. Ad- dr uT 3. Ilea otllee , . . D-MKli 3 CH.OICB inSIDKNCC. 60J N. S3D ; mcdern. 115.00. C , A. Starr , S15 N. Y. Life. I'ROOM HOUSE. SS1J DODGE SI. . NEXVI.Y papered , 110.00 , 1 < " . D. Wriul. ICtli and Dou la * . l > S8S-30 _ T-ROOJI HOUS ANtTllARN. 171 ! OAl.ITORNIA tre t. K. D. Wcad , ISth and FOR RENT , ELEGANT 10.ROOM ICOUrlE ; rvasonabln. 2XJOJ Hurt itrett. l > 661 1' OP TEN ROOMS , MOD- rn ccnvenlancM ! very handy ( a tiu lns . at Wi S. l th mieel. L > . T Mount , ' FOR RENT , f ROOM. MODERN olty ter coal bln , water cloiel. > * cr. rtlt-clau c-jnd fton. tli beward. I It 00. - LI-MSS4 FOB RENT FUB.NISHED BOOMS. TIIRKK ftntNISlIED ROOMK POR L1C11IT llcfeiencen. 170-J Sherman nve. U 820-23 * NICK1.Y Fl'IlNISHED ROOM , EOt'TH EXposure - posure , one or two gentlemen , with or nltliout board , 2J07 Cas E M7t5 1 * KOn"IlENT. . 2\t'URNISIIED ROOMS. MODern - ern , | C. < each ; with or without bnnrd. 222i Hint utieet " 12 M7'J3 FOIt ItENT. NtCRLT FIJIINISIIED SOUTH room , modern convenience * , to one or two gentlemen. 2017 Dodce. 15 M790 EAST FRONT .ROOMS. 2021 DAVENPORT. K U2 9 OS * PURNISIIKD ROOMS * 283S DO11OE. DO11OE.EM725 E-M725 23 * FOR. KJN'T. } VKRV DESIRA11I.B rooin ultli'prmtir family. 2513 Fainnm street , E-M82S J Oil IlK.N'T , NJCEIjY * FURNISHED ROOMS , \\ilh 01 without board. ' Call 2107 D > MIRII ! - . * ' ' ' B Mil 17 roit RENTrNE ritbNT ROOM , OENTI.E- men only. 2JI > Dodge t. E-MS77. FRONT "llOOj RRICK FLAT 2S1J Unit How.ird , } ; .UJ per mouth. E-MSTfi 30 * FTJHNI8HED ROOMS AND BOARD. FRONT Ttqoii roii TWO. 'WITH STRICTLY first clues board , 2109 UO'JKIU.H 't. F 2W TJNFl'ltNrSHED FRONT ANU "llACK PARlor - lor ; nlso furh. roonu .with board. 2111 and 212 S. 2th Hi. F M395 NICE ROOM WITH nOARD. CHEAP , 240C CAS3 F 331 Oil * FURNISHED ROOMS WITH i:0.\RD. 2013 Doug In . F M ) O15 * V FITRNIBHED ItOOm WRIOIIT & ury , IGtli iind llo\ < l. E MSH1 CO "THE IHLt ilDE. " ISTH AND DOnnE. NfW niana cnisnt. lartre rooms , furnlxhc'd nnd ( u.- furnlBluvl. steam heat , excellent lihla nnx- F M770 I * ROOMS 'AND PJRST-CLAS3 lIQAlin. 2103 , ] ) oUKln . F-.M772 O 24 * DESlRAtlLE SOUTH ROOM WHH HOARD , for one or two persons. 221S Huunrd street " F 7S-1 * HANDSOME FRONT ROOMS WITH HOARD , efiiicncyn. Sti N. lStht ; , , . F MS11 20 ! ] 5SII1AI Ll7jllo ! ! i WlTlliHAIlD. ) IN PJtl- rate fnmlly. ' ,706 * N. .10th. > F MT8T 2 FINE ROOMK k\ND HOARD. E22 Nv 13ili utreel. P MW 30 * I NICELY ri'RNlSHED 'ROOMS WITH liOARD ; terniH re.ixonable , C13 N. 20th slicel. P MSW 3 TJNFTJKNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT UNFURNISHED PARLOR FLOOR OP FIVE roomn , modern , desirable location. Address X 69 , lice. a-MCC4 23 * 2 OR 3 ROOStS ; PRIVATE 11ODSE ; MODERN ; reference ! ! icqulred. 100S Qcorgl.i nvciiue. O-il823 3D * rot'll LARGE UNri'RNISIlED ROOMS TOR housekneiilnir ; bath and w.iu-r on mine Moor , no rhlldren. 1913 F.irnniu Jitn-ft. O MS5S 30" FOR KENT STORES ANB OFFICES CORNKll STORE , W , 521 DOUGLAS. INQUIRE FOR RENT , Tilt : t-STQRY DRICU Ut'ILDINO Dili riuniitn Direct. The Imlldlne has n llre- pioof. eemenl basement , complete steam lieat- . Inn llxlurts. uater y > n nil ll ( > oia. efts , etc. Apply - ply at tha office ot The Uee. 1 910 FOR "RI-INT. ROOM w UY :2 2D FLOOR OF my stole , nuliable for cloaka and nults ; Kood light und eles'iitor seivlcc. Sirs. J. lienson. I-J19S1 FOR RENT. OOOD STORE ROOM. WITH shelving nnd coiinteis. Deal corner location In good Iowa town , nt 113.00 per month. Ad- drenn t' . E. Wbodwoith , onncr , OllinAn , Mar shall Co. , la. 1 MS',2 CO' AGENTS WANTED. . \VANTH1) , OOD SOLICITOUS , MEN AND women , to woik for the I'rwieSslve Endow ment Clulld ot America , for Ml * uurl , Kansas end NebraeUa. ( Hulldlni ; and loun nnd 10- year endowment Insurance comlilncd. ) Relia ble penjilo ont > ' neutl apply. Address , room C , Rock lilnnd blilgcor : , Cth and Edmond streets , Bt. Joseph , Mo. J MM } 01 WANTED , AOEN TS FOU OI'R NEW I'ORCE- laln-llned flre-rlnyr cook In ? vetseUVURCS. . J3.d ) lo $7.00 a da ) ' nny every tu'o weeks. Address Xeniu 1'ottery'CU , Xenta , O. ' J MC37 2S LADY AC.ENTS , IF YOl' WANT NEW OOODS. < [ ulek fellers , 4 rBe prollls. good satisfaction. write Ludles' Hu | > i > l > - Co. , 1118 Foiest n\rnue. Chlrngo. 111. * J-MSS3 23 STORAGE. BTORAOE.WILL1AMS & CROHS , 12U IIARNEY. M-74I BTORAOE TOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rute , R. "Wells , lilt Farnain. M-7 OU.VANiSTOHAOE CO. , 1M2 FARNAM , Tel.I553 M-7 BEST STORAGE I1U1LDINQ IN OMAHA , U. IS. COV. bonded warehouse. Household Rood ) stored. Ixmeat rates. 1013.1913\cni > orth. M-7-lt WANTEB TO BUlf. SECOND-HAND HOOKS HOUGHT TOR CASH at Antiquarian back store. . 131V Farnam streot. N M301 U10 WANTED-SllEI.VINQ AND COUNTERS. SUITable - able for irrocerv. J. Cl. Nnj-ztott .t Co. , 25U N ilree.t , South Omaha , N-J83 2S FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WONT MIS3 YOUR money , Low iitlces on furniture and household goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , C13-C13 N IGlh it. 0-743 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNl"- lure , stoves , etc. L. Altman. Mi N. 16th. 16th.0CH 0-CH FOR SALE , AT A SACRIFICE. ELEGANT furniture , nearly now , of a six-room cot tune Inquire < U Hee building. O-M577 BIX FINE STOVES FOR SALE , 2C39 SEWARD slreet. O 778 2S * FOR BALE HORSES , WAfJONS.ETO J IURC1AIN8 ! I'llYS. I'HAETONS ; 1 NEW < urry below cost. Drummon'l Carriage Co. , l'-7 < A. II. CLARKE. HORSE COMMISSION DEAL. r. union stock > ards. South Omaha ; all classes ot horses constantly on liandi eastern & south. rn buyers are here for fall supply ; nuc. Sat. l'-M323 Oil QOOD TJIYS. PHAE. . J5S ; PICAETON. JM ; phaeton , 4W. Drummond Carrliga Co.P P 7 l FOR SAlTE MISCELLANEOUS. BANK AND PLATTE VALLEY SAND FOR sale , C. W , Hull company , Will and Iiard its. 0 7(0 IP YOU nuY. HUY TIIK HEST ; MACICIN- toshes , rubber boon , artlci , syrlncrs at all kinds ) gis tublni ; nil best quality , Omaha Tent & Awning Co. . UU rnrnam it , Q-5U CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAI. feucn n't-it. L. II. Leg. WI Q.H.J..IJ. Q-7O FOR SALE FULL-IILOODED CIORDON BETter - ter ; 4 months old Inquire " 8 , " tit North tlth4 BTcnut.Omaha. . Q-MIU FOB SAM : MIBOELLANEOUS , Continued. TICKET TO ST. t'At'L , OOOD TO LAST Of November. 1703 Dodge J. W. Tempteton. Q 871 2S I HAVE TEN "FRAME COTTAOEH AT irrit and rarnam streets that I offer for Hale , to bo removed , at almost your own price. Tlicv run In Hr.e from t.iree to rtvo rooms. See rn quick. Walter O. Clark , 1218 Iliunfjutrenl. . Q-SI. MISCELLANEOUS. EALED RIDS FOR THE PUTTING IN Of A system of water winks In the IncnriMialnl town of Lnke View. la. , will Iw ii'celved up to 2 o'clock p. m , October 15 , 18J4. Far plans nnd Bpeclllcatlon * nddreaa the mi > or. The council holds authority to accept or reject nny or nil bids. li-HMl 8' ESS TOOLS AND VAULTS CLEANED. JOHN Nelson , otnce 418 B. lltli Bt. Tel. ! ! " _ CLAI21VOYANTS. MRS. DR. H , WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium ; 7lh year Bt 1(7 ( N. IStb. 8-752 MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAME BM1TH , M2 S. 13TH. 2D FLOOR. room 3j massage , inpor , alcohol , stenm , sul- phuilne nd sea baths. T MCM 23' MMU. LA RUE , 41 $ SOUTH JSTII.T T Msoo-om * MABSAQE. MADAME BERNARD , 1119 DODOB. T-M76 ! 9 TURKISH BATHS. , numa' TUIIK1SII HATHSj 1 TO 9 P. St. . Man. , Wed. , I-'rl & Sat. Ilo.iulr Culture | iar- loi-s , removed from Kuruach Did , to 103-10 llee. M54I PERSONAL. UMHHELLA8 MADE , RECOVERED AND RE- pslrcd. 103 Sojlh Sixteenth street. U 7 _ VIAVI JIOlltE TREATMENT FOR 7.AUIES. Health bouk end consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 310 ISea bldg. I idy attendant. U 731 RATIIS , MASSAGE. MME. I > O3T , 31 H fl. 15TH. U 75S .ILECTno-TIIERMAL RATHS , FACIAL MAS- Bage&complexlou treatment. Mine. Past , 319V5 S 15. U-37S-30 WHOLE WHEAT UREAD FROM UNDOLTED Hour at Imoseri L. Ramsey' * , 217 N. IClh st. U M317-OU UELLE EPPERLY IS FITTED AND MEAS- urcd la the figure ; nt n > s remains shnpely nnd In better prepared to retain the finer outlines of a beautlCul figure than any other. Nine measurements arc necessary and all flltlnc la done bj experts. It's the only cornet that mnkes onu shapely and Is appreciated by every lady who calls nl parlors. 1909 Farnam street. U-M37S-O13 MACKINTOSHES & RUHDEH BOOTS. 1311 Far. U 513 MME. LA ROOK. MASSAGE , ICOO LEAVEN- worth street , third lloor , fiont rooms ; two nrst clous operators. U M81S 2 * AULAI1AUOH TUR CO. . MANUFACTURERS of fur garments ; fuis neatly repaired. Fur mulTs at eosl , IlMni 3J1 Karbach I > IU. TeU IS12. UOJO19 PHYSICIANS WHO DISPENSE THEIR OWN piescrlptlons cnn peciue valtinble Informntlon lire by addrcs1n ? I * . O. IJu * kll , Omalia , Neh , U-M7S3 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or boufiht. F. S. Chesney. Kansas City , Mo. \V-759 ANTHONY LOAN & TItl'ST CO. , S\S N.Y.L1PE , loans at tow rates for choice i-eeurlly In Ne braska and lown. farms or Omnha city property. \V--KO MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS coLi.\t > ' lmpro\ed nnd unlmpnued Omaha leal estate Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam st. W-7 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA teal estate. Uieunun , Love & Co. , Paxtou blk. W 7M MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWKST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam st. W 754 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OM Improved and unlmpioxcd Omaha real estate , I to 5 ycarx. Fidelity Trust Co. . l.'tt ! Farnam. W-75I . LOANS ON IMPllO-C'EIJft UNIMPROVED CITY ptoperty B 009 & upwards , 6 to 7 per cenn no delays. W , rarnam Smith & CD. . 1320 Furnam. W 702 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES PURCHA8ED , Loans on Fame negotiated. Wellher & Co. , Ire.\cl bldff , I'hila. . Pi , W M971-O3 * CHAS. W RAINCY , OM. NAT. UK. I1LDG. . W-1S5 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. II. Melkle , 1st N.U. bank btde. W-70 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. halves , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates tn city ; no lemoval of goods : strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan art at any time or In uny amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 303 8. 10th street. X 763 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erly. Harvln Loan Co. . 701 N , Y. Llfn build- X 770 J. D. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 RAMGE BLOCK. X 769 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FIIRNI- turc. pianos , horses , wagons , or nny kind ol thnttel security , at lowest possible rates , which ' you can pay back at nny time and In any 'amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , room , WJUmell block. X-771 BUSINESS CHANCES. THE NATIONAL INFORMATION AND EX- chansD Co. , 203 First National bank , Omaha , has customers with cash , farm Innda and city property for merchandise ; nlso slocks of goods for sale and trade. Y M8GO-30 15 PER CF.NT PROFITS WEEKLY , WITH. 4150 capital. Prospectus , Itemized statistics free. Benson & Dwyer , 834 Uroadvvny. Now York. Y MI1S-O5 * FOR BALE-ONE OF THE I3EST LOCATED retail clear etores In the city. Far further Information and particulars npply lo A. Bchaefer , care of Max We > er & Co , Y-M350 THE BEST PAYING CIGAR STORE IN Omaha for sale. Honleston & Co. , IGtli street and Capitol avenue. Y M767 1 * FOR SALE , CHEAP. MEAT MARKET. AT luiir price ; S550.00 will buy the building , tools nnd barn ; actual cost was J 1,100.OJ a few > eara ago. Address 1'red Rees , box 62 , Dunbnr. Neb Y-M8J2 89' A SPLENDID MONEY MAKING HOTEL HUSI ness for sale very low owing to declining health of proprietor. Uox 533 , HOrton , Kan. Y MS23 5 * WISH TO I1UY INTEREST IN OOOD HITS Inetu ; gite partlculais ; experienced cjerl ; references. George llergcn , Fullerton , Neb. Y MSSG 30 * TOR SALE. HALF INTEREST IN GOOD paying- meat market at Fiemont , Neb. A Kood chance for the right party to mnko money. Address 437 West Fourth street Fremont. Neb. Y M83I 2' St'CCERSFIJL SPECULATION OPEN TO' ALL try our syndicate system of Biieculntton : In crease your Income ; Information free"semi fo circular. Thompson & Derr Co. . SS Wall stieet New York. Incorporated under th laws estate state ot New York ; capital , J10J.OOO.OO. Y ami a * FOR EXCHANGED OMAHA IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED residence properly and custom Nebraska [ arm land to trade for dry Roods. Want to ila with owner , Ho * 716 , Schuyler. Neb.Z . Z MliO-Oi IMPROVED 129 ACRES IN WYANDOTTE CO. Ohio , und fine residence with ten acres eit jolnlne good town In Hancock Co , , Ohio , la trade for eant in Neb , land or merchandise. Box SS5. Sehuyler. Neb. a-MHt-Oi CLEAR CITY PROPERTY FOR LAND. WIL llama & Ulttan , McCagu * building- , loom SIS. Z-MB7-QI A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO RX change for younjr work horses or mules Lamoreaux Bros. . 308 S. Hth , Z log FOR SALi : OR EXCHANGE. GOOD RESI dence property renting for ISO.00 per month fo Council Bluffs property or land. O , L. Green room 28 , Barker block. Omalia. Z K WE CAN GET YOU DEEDED LANDS Ol hem steads for your city propert > , W r.I a have clock boots and shoes lo trade. VJJ M y. Life. K-M'-l > WILL TRADE A FINE NEW I1ARY GRAND piano for lot or land , Address Y G. llee , y.-870-iO' WANTED A HORSE. 1.200 I. U.S. . IN EX chance for piano or organ ; also fresh mile cow In exchange for plunu or organ.Vt IMh street. K71 SO TOR EXCHANGE FOR WESTERN LAND desirable vacant lot In Hastings and Qerlnr Neh. ; ilsj Btora bullying and lot In Prosier Neb. : all clear of Incumbrancc. Addres Trimble. Blickman & Alexander , Hastings Neb. H-MS39 W FOR SALE REAL ESTATEr. UAROAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND F.VRUS sale or trade. F. K. Datllne. Barker block , R U 771 _ _ _ _ _ " FAKil LANDS. C. F. HAHRISON. I2 N.T.LIKD 21 FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE Conltnucd. VANTED-NICB HOU8U.AND LOT FOR A home. Must lie choice. Also some Rood rental property and a farm for Rood clear Inside resl- tenco lots. cre pr ) i" > Hy nnd some cash , Call on J. A. Lover ; ! ) . & 03 llrown lilocV , Omnha. * RE-il-3 GARDEN LANDS , B MILKS FROM POST ( Ice. easy terms. Call at > 40 N. Y. Life. 'OR BALK , l.GO IlUSItnLS CORN. SARPY county ; t6 cents at rntr Daggs & Hill , 1101 Tarnam. , RE-M617 W citoicn ciAimnN LANDS , G MILKS moM Omaha | K tollic < < . 19 Id'flM acres , some trade , N. U. Kcyrs , 611 Piixlqp. kilt. U U M32T FOR SALE , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAOEi CELlar - lar , cistern , city water ; cor. 13th and Sahlerj Jl.JM.OHi long time , inquire 13IS Farnam. Bamuel Uurns. R E 771 V R SALE. BEST IIAROAIN IN OMAHA. A house of 12 rooms , large closets nnd nil modern - ern Imprmemenls , with a , full lot , In llanncom Place , east fnmt , on a pMcd stieet. In a choice neighborhood ; can lie bought for | 7,80).00. No trades. Terms , lialf cash ; balance long lime , Can be InMwctcJ afternoons Ixicntlon , 1031 B. 30th HVenue , RE-MS93 23' IKRE IS A SNAP-OWING TO REMOVAL lo Chicago , will sell my home. 1511 Sherman Rvenuo , at n very low price ! D rooms ! nil modern Improvement : ) ; lot , C0xl23. Ltwk at house , nnd If It suits you , lll makn price to suit the times ; ' 4 cash , balance mi time. K. M. Ilulse. RE MBC 30- IIG IIAROAIN. HANSOOM PLACE. KAHT front , 31 t cire t , 8 'rooms , lot SO H2. D. V. Hholcg Co. . lat Nnt. bink. REM818 30 * WX1IO ON 2 Tlt ST. "nOULEVAEO. FACING 19th street. nl > joining Ununlze Place , only Ji W ! JMO cash ; snap. D. V. Sholes Co. . i t bank. RE M87 30 TYPEWRITERS. STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FOR sale should make you suspicious ; funny they are mostly Smith's. Try one and you will un derstand whys full line of supplies. Smlth- I'rcmlcr Co. , 17th and Farnam ; telephone. 1.284. M 703 TYPEWRITERS. OMAHA PEOPLE DON'T steal typewriters , they buy of us. Why ? Because - cause the Densmore Callgraph nnd Yost are the best machines ma-de ; they will outwear any typewriters made , nnd do n better quality of work. Our supply department will bo sure to please you. Send iour machines lo us If you want Ihem repaired. United Typewriter end Supplies Co. , 1 1 Farnmn street. Telephone - phone 13S5. " 3 PLUMBERS. J. J. HANIOAN , PLUMBING. STEAM AND hot water heatlns. S703 Leavenworth st. 750 FKEE-PLUMUINO OF EVERY KIND. OAS steam & hot water healing : : sewerage , 31J S. 10. 783 JOHN HOWE & CO. , PLUMBING. STEAM AND hot water heating , gas llxtures. globes. 421 S. 15. 790 HOTELS. BETTER THAN MOST J2.00 HOTELS IN Omaha. Our rates. IU > ) to SI.M. Hotel Riche lieu. Geo. Mitchell , prop. , 10S-I14 N. 13th.ui ui or AETNA HOUSE fEURtiPEAN ) N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Room by day or week. J1232 OD HOTEL DARKER , J2.00-PER DAY , 140 ROOMS. In the heart of ( he business hoUnes. bpeclal rates and accommodations to commercial trav elers. Room and boaid by th week or month. Frank lllldltch , Mgr. 3" BICYCl/HS. BICYCLES REPAIRIYD AND REMODELED. Tires and rumbles. Safes opened , repaired. C. R. Hellin , loeksmlth.'SU N. Hth st. 156 II1CYCLES. NEW AND OLD. J20 1O 1123 ; easy payments , we rt-nt and repair. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 323 N. Hlh St. 778 DrCYCLES-ALL . STYLES. Send for our llt ot , ecchnd-lmnd nnd shop worn bicycles Repairs hrtd rjclc sundries of all kinds , M. O. Da\bn , 40J N. 10th at. 779 niCYCLR PRICES CfJIN T\\'O. A ' 94 Fowler for JSI.X A ' 94 Sylph for tS7.CO. ! ; Other makes eijilalls" as low. See our stocK and iiet our prices fieforc buying. A. II. PERR100 & C0 ; , 121t Dougta , Ptreet. -OA9 WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR ENTIRE LINE of iraa aifd eleclrld" lleht Hxturcs. globes , etc. , ot cdst , as we Are absolutely * retlrlnff from tlio nxture bu lnc > . .It Avlllipny to buy 'nt once. The HusseV & Day Co. , 411 South 15lh St. , Rrtmeo bulldlnr. . 645 O21 OAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES made In design and finish to harmonUo with any architectural style uleslred by F. M , Rus. 'sell ' , 313 S. 15th street. M70Q O23 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER3 H. K. nURKET. FUNEHAI. DIRECTOR AND embolmer , 161S Chicago Bt. , telephone W. 78S SWANSON & VAL1EN , UNDERTAKERS AND embalmcrs , 1701 Cumlng at. , telephone 10CO.TBS TBS M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM. balmer. 1417 Farnam Bt. , telephone 221. " 87 C. W. BAKER. UNDERTAKER , 613 S. 10 ST. CI4 LOST. SKY SCOTCH TURIUER PUP. 3 MONTHS old , stra > cd from 8i05 rarnnm. Wednesday evcnlnff. Deflver or notify ItQS Douglas street und Bet reward. 81 * 23 * LOST BETWEEN 1'OSTOFFICK AND 2STH street , a pair ot lady'a gold-rimmed nose glosses. Finder will please relurn lo Ober- feldcr's millinery store , 150S Douglas BUSINESS NOTICES , OMAHA MEERSCIIAUSt PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. (13 B. l th. ' 80 DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N. W. THE NEATEST BARBER SHOP IN CITY ; court of Bee building- . . Fred Buclow. 311 IIOONER & EISELE. SIGN PAINTERS ; BEST work at lowest prices , 151S Douglas street.MC6S MC6S MEDICAL. IIOMR FOR LADIES BEFORE AND DURING confinement , with best of carcj communication confidential. Mrs. K , Volkman , graduated mid wife. 401 South. ElEhtli street. LlncoUnNebj ON MY WAY FROM HOT SPRINGS , 8 , D. , to Hot Sprlnga. Ark. . I will remain a , few weeks in Omaha. Rheumatism , dyspepsia and nervous diseases a specialty. Consultation free. Otllee. N. W. cor. 15th and Farnam. I'rof. C. Llljenstolpe. M853 STOVE REPA1KB. BTOVE REPAIRS FOR 40.000 DIFFERENT makes of stoves. Water attachments nnd con nections a specialty. 1207 Douglas street , Omalia Btove Repair Woiks. M 17 BTOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ; ALSO liotel ranee and general assortment ot ranges , cooks & heaters : water attachments put In & connected at J , Hughes , 607 S. 13 st & Jackson. 303 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVRRTERSjllEWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gen eral machinists ; superlojj work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Woiks , , JH7 and 019 S. ICtli' ' st. 11 7S3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and inotor plants and all kinds of electrical construbtlon. Western Elec- trlc Supply CO. . 411 and 4 ! { S. 15th St. 784 FOR DAHOAINS IN PIANOS AND OltdANS ; i y payments : Instruments rented ; rents apply oa purchase. A. Hoipt , Jf , T9S a P ! onijLRNnccK. IIJANJOISTS AND teacher , 1810 California * trcet. U "OABPENTEllS AJ0 BtJILDEBS , C. E. MORRILL , CAriirtNTER. OFFICE AND store fixtures a specialty " Patching and plu- lerlnf. 4W B. 14th St. . teUfrhone 408. 788 PYE WQRK8. ECHOEDSACK. T\vTN ClrY ! "bYE WORKS. 1521 Farnam street. Dyeing of every descrip tion and dry cleaning. 7(7 STENOGRAPHERS. P. J. SUTCLIFFE. GENERAL HTENOO- rapher. 232 Bee bullJlog. Ttlephono l"il. TAXEDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- log-ue. George E. Brown , jr. , db Co. . 70) B. Hth. CARPET CLEANING. O D ! MERRYMAN , CARPKT AND RUG cleaning works , 720 3. llth ; tel. Ml ; ofllca 1W3 Farnam ; tel. 1M9. _ MjQll FURNACES. BEST FURNACE MADE. SOFT COAL consumlne and hard coal furnaces. Eagld Cor- nlco Works , 1M-110-112 'N. llth it. ( O HORSESHOEING. UUS. THOMAS MALOtJpr , til N. UTII BT. BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. TOU CAN MAKE MORE INTEREST ON YOUH money by paying us II or more per month than tn any ia\inc * b.nk. tnvertlcale. Mu tual Loan and nulldlrr association. U. U. Natllnrer , sec'r. 1704 rarnam it. 7J3 HOW TO GET A HOME OK SECURE GOOD Interest on savlnKs. Apply to Omaha L. S B. tsa'n , 1701 Be * bIJg. G , M. Nattlnger , sec. M-168 PIANOS AND ORGANS. IK PURCHASED AT ONCE One upright pl.tno , IM. One piano. JS3 , One 3-slrlne ncnvenle jilano , J13M5. One necond hand AVeRmnn , t20 > . One second hand Wefrmnn , (300 One new Wegman , WIW , One new Wrcinan , J5W. One Estey oigan , $35. On Ulmbnll orKun , | 2. > , One Hay Stala orga4i , 120. One HurdetU" ortran , 12 " , . One Smith American , IS ) . One Shonlnger. IS. One good iirKnn. > lu. Wooxlbrldge Bros. , 120 N. IStli street. 871-0-27 STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly every Saturday from New York for Londonderry und Cll "K w. City of Itome , October 13 , 3W : p. m. ; Kthluplu , Octo ber 3 } , 9:3' : ' ) a. m. , Fiirnc.slu , Octo ber 27 , 4 pm. . Saloon , second clans , uncl steerage , emcle or cound trip tickets from New York or Chicago at reduced rates to 1ho principal Scotch. Kngllsh , Irish and all conti nental points. For money orders , drafts , out ward ur prepaid tickets npply lo nny ot our local agents or to Henderson Bros. . Chicago. HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY TON OR CAR LOTS. WE bjy hay. A. H. flnitler , 1515 Bull st. , tel. 1107. 151 NEBRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY. grain and mill stuff. We arc nlnnyH on the tnatkeC to buy or stll. 1102-4-6 Nicholas st. 794 GRINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWEI18. RAZORS , ETC , ground. Mclcholr Bros , HU > I'mnum street. M2S7 RAZORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERS , LAWN MOW- ers. etc. A. L. Undeland , 109 N. llth. 791 COAL. BHERIDAN COAL. EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE for hard coal and | 3 54 ton chenper. IGth&Farnam S3C-OI D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- ftce to 209 S. Kill si. . Brown black. 155 CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 1723 bt. Mary's ' ave. 803 EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. JOHN EPE- neter. prop. . 103 , 110 , 112 N. llth. Eutab 1S6I. MERCHANT TAILORS. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Fall and winter WOOLENS a. A. Llndquest , Meichant Tailor , 316 S. 16th st , M607 OPXICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. , LEADING O1TICIANS , J. F. Ponder , manager. Ekes tesled flee. Hi Eouth 16th , In Klnsler's drug eti're. _ 4IC-31 * THE ALOIS & PENFOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC opticians , 140S Farnam st. , opposite Paxlon liotel. E > es examined free. 791 SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITING. VAN SANT'8 SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND , N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ash for circular. 79 } ROOSE'B OM. BUSINESS COLLEGE , 15 & FAR. COS DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. 211) S. 10TII M -OIS' WANTKD , SEWING IN FASH LIES. CtTY references. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address X CO. Bee. M7C 2 STOVES. RELIABLE STOVE COMPANY. SI6 NORTH lull stieet : cash or easy payments ; new or second hand ; also to\ea bought or exchanged , M761 $ DENTISTS. DR , GEOHGE S. NA8ON. DENTIHT. SUITE 200 I'axton block. IClh and Farnam sis. , let. 712 , M3 DR. PAUL. DENTIST. 2020 BURT ST. SOC FLORISTS. S. II. STEWART. FLORIST ; ALL KINDS OF bulbs and cut nonets. U22 Cupltol ntrnue. S7J-O-30 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited. 1003 Farnam El. 312 LIVERY STABLES. BOARDING STABLUS. TINE LIVERY RIGS cheap. Ed Daumley , ] 7lh and St Mary's ave. M 50 } JOB PRTNTING' . REED JOB PRINTING CO. VINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th St. . llee building. 799 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH M. S. Walkln , 2111 Cumin ? . Tel. CO. . S03 NIGHT SCHOOLS. ROOSE'S OM. BUSINESS COLLEGE. 15 & FAR. C04 PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. N. 16th St. 723 BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Boa Bulldinff , OMAHA. Neb. Advica tTBEL RHlLWRYTiMBGHRD Leaves I CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N ( Arrives OmahaU. | P. Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.l Omaha ll05am ; Eastern Express < C:30pm : 4100pm . . .Vestlbuled Limited JMOam e > .55am Mo. Valley Local 10:20pm B:45pm : Omaha Chicago Special 2:15pm : Leaves ICII1CAGO. Ut'RLlNOTON & Q.IArrlves * OmahaJ D-pot 10th end Muson Sis. | Omaha 4:4Cpm : Chicago Vestibule 9Mam : 9:45am : Chicago Impress 425pm ; 7:02pm Chicago nnd Iowa Local 8:00am : ll:3Jam 1'acltlg Junction Local S:55pm Leaves ( BURLINGTON & MO. RIVER.IArrtvcs Omalnil Depol 10th and Mason fits. I Omhsa 10:15um Denver J preim 9:35ain : 10:15am Deadwuod Express 410pm ; 4Mpm , . .Denser lltpicss 4llpm ) Ci&Opm .Nebraska Ixical ( except Sunday ) . , 650pm ; ' . .Lincoln Local ( except Bunady.118Sam ) ! Leaves I 1C C.T'ST * J. & C. B , ( Arrives _ OiiiahaJDepot 10th and Mason Bit. I Omaha i:43am : Kansas City Day Express 5:5Spm : ! 45pm.K- . Night Ex. via U. P. Trims. 6i50am Leaves I CHICAGO , R. I. & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahalU. P. Depot. 10th & Mason Bis. | Omaha EAST. 10:15am..Atlantic : i : > pivsa-ex. ( Sunday ) . . . 6f4pm ; 6:25pm. : Night Kxpies C:40am : 4lOpm..Chicago : Vestlbulcd Limited . . . l:23pm : .Olil.ihama. Exp , ( to C. D. ex , Sun ) . 6:3iam : WEST. 6:3. : > am.Oklahoma A Texas E p ( ci. Sunll:2pm ) : l:85pm : . .Colorado Llm lied 4:18pm Leaves I UNION PACIFIO ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 10:00am : , Kearney Express 3SOpm 2:15pm : Overland Flyer , . , . , 5:49pm ilSpm. Beat rice & Stromsb'c Ex ( ex Sun ) 3:50pm t40pm. ; , iPacific Express 10:55am : e:30pra : Fast Mall. . 4:20pm : I CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUL. TArrlves .OmahaJUnlon Depot. ICtli and Maaon Hli. | Omaha ' C:35pm' : . * , . * , Chlcaso Limited , . * 9:30am ll10am. ; ( .Chlcaca Expru * ( ex. Sun. ) . , . , & :00pm : Leaves | P. . B. & MO. VALLEY. ( Arrlvs Omahal Depot l h and Webster Sts. I Omaha liOSaro , . .Deadvrood IJxpress S10am ; > : 5am.Ex ( , Sat. ) Wyo , Ex. ( Ex. MonilOpm ) ! : l:00pm..Norfolk Express ( Ki. Sunday ) ,1045am ; C:20im . .St. Paul Express . a:40am : leaves | MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrives Oinaiia Depot 15th nnd Webster Sts. | Omaha t:00am. : , , . , . Bt. Louis Express . i:00am : t:30im | . Ut. Louli nxpress . 6:55pm : ; 10pm. . Dally ( ex. Sun. ) Nebraska. Local , . 9:10am : Leaves I C. , ST. P. . 11. & O. ( Arrives Omahal Depot 15lh , and Wtbittr 3ts. I Omaha tOCim..Slou : City Ac com. ( Kx , Bun. ) , , , 8,05pm 10,00am.Sioux City Accom , ( Sun. Only. ) , , 805pm ; 12-15pm..8loui Clt > Exarevs ( Ex. Sun. ) , . 11Jam : titOpm Bt. Paul I.lmlleil MOam Leaves I SIOLfji CITY & PACIFfC. IA > rlvs" OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sis. ) Omaha :55am : Bloux City Passenrer 1020pm ; Paul Kxpreea lOtPOam Leaves I JJIOUX rTTV & * l "A"ririCV | Arrlv s Onuhal Depot 15th and Webster Bli. | Omaha 6 ; > 0pln St. Paul Limited. . . . . . . . 9:40irn : tiSOpm . . . .Chicago limited. l:40am : Leaves I WAUA8II HAILWAY".fArrlves OmahaUnion D pot. 10th & Mason SH. | Omihn 1,55pm flt. Louli Cannon DallUlv5c. DUN'S ' AP BRADSTREET'S ' Ho tail Tiada Shows & Considerable Increoso Over Last Yoar. NOT UP TO AVERAGE YEARS , HOWEVER U'liolrftnlo Trudp Continue ! LnrRp. but Order * In SlainifiieluriTH Are Kittling OfT Depression > r furni Pro- fluctn 1111 viiiK lilt I'.rfeel * . NK\V YORK , Sept. 28-lt , CS , Dun RCo.'s weekly it-view of trade , which Issues tomur- row , will say ; Special Inquiry 1ms been made this week ui nil coinmetolul centers reBiinlliiff the- state of retail trade. Wide' diversity appear * In different trades. The tnnln Tacts disclosed are : Marlcpd Improvement - ment within the past month ami n conoid- . erable excess over the business done n year ' ago , particularly In the necessiu Its of lite. Hut , second , It appears that thr volume of italic at present la on the whole consider ably lean than In n. normal year , at must points , ami In I ho more ImpoitHiit truilca Is apparently about 30 per cent smaller than In September. 159i. Uvlilence of continued Improvement In wholesale truile unit nmmi- fueture does not appear this week. There arc tnrne distribution nrders given pomp time two , but new bustiics * KOliiff to the inanufactuiers Is everywhere slackening : . The completion of orders for replenishment ot stocks leaves a narrower demand , and It la yet too enrly for consumption to provide further orders. The depression In prices of farm products will have some liilluence. Un precedented records have been mndo In cot ton nml wheat , though as to wheat only In contracts for future delivery , Inwhich the prices are the lowest ever made. The available stocks ate nbout 1WKW.TOO ImMicls Breiiter than a year nio and -western re ceipts for the week were ri.S > : ! ,71G bushels , n alnst 6,191,034 bushels last yenr. and since Auj.'lMt 1 r > l,000,000 , bushels , ngnltmt 3S.f > JO.COO bushels last year. The Atlantic exports for the week and since August 1 have been about a. third smaller than Insl year , but the fall In prices during the Week hns been 1,75 cents. Cotton on tlio Fpot Is lower nt 6.41 cents than at any other time since 1819 , and quotations then did not mean what they do now. while the option which was quoted nt 6. < H cents Is below all previous record. Even at the close the full for the week Is one-quarter. An estimate of O.GOQ.OOO bale- * , minimum , this year has Iniluenred the market , but would receive less attention If slocks In sight were not heavy , while all agree- that this crop Is likely to exceed the world's records of American cotton. Jt Is encouraging that the H peculation in corn has broken , and the price has fallen ft cents , less Bloomy estimates than those of the department havlnjr gained general credence. It \ now supposed tluit the yield Is not far from l.noO.OOO.OOO bushels , which will compel much economy In leedlnp , but speculation In pork hns nlso broken and the price lias I fallen 75 cents , while laid has declined Vi ! cent. The Iron Industry shows a shrinkage ' of denuind and the prices quoted todiiv ure but little below the lowest this year. Ues o- mer plK Is weaker at ill nt PltlsburB. with an Impression thnt exresn of production must cause n fuither decline until lower prices are made for sUel rails. JJIllets , structural forms and nails are n shade weaker and In eastern markets competition j of works to net business tends to destroy profits. There Is more demand for sheets ' and for bar In small lots reported from Chlclino , and for coke nlfr , thniiKh plates and boiler lubes lire , weaker. The boot and shoe manufacturers continue lo lead otheis i In comparative activity , und shipments from I test on for the month have been SOS,907 , cases. HRahiHt 22J.COJ last year and 223,106 In 1892. Failures are few and small. Tor the-week's liabilities amount to only * , i.7.3Sof , ! ! which J2.182.313 were manufacturing and J2,5T : > , I12 of trading concerns. The failure * during the week have been 233 In thr United Stole ? , niralnst 334 last year , nnd llfty-llvo In Can- udn , against thlity-three last > enr. iti : . i > .STniri'.s ; TKIUK KKVIIMV. 9In < lrr.ita ICeartlnn from tlio Itivctit In- ' crcn o ln'Tnitli % ' NI2\V YORK. Sept. IB.-Hrndst reel's to morrow will say : Th * fealnro or the gen eral trade throughout the country ts found In moderate resretlon during the % veek , ' more particularly In the volume of purchases of staples west , -v\hcrc trade hns been quite active , and nt eastern points , the week falling to show any movement of note In this line , nnd the chock to business south , tog-etlujr with damage to the lice and orange crops. Lendingjobbeis ut dis tributing points wlilcli for a month past have reported relatively most favorably con cerning the course of business Itnltlmare , St. Ixnils , Nashville und Chicago nend mod- Illcd advices ai to activity and the bright outlook. Wheat lias made another "lowest" price , and corn and oats have both dec-lined. Sugar and coffee record lower Henre * . and another lowest price for cotton Ims Imd nn unfavomble Inflcnce on the tons of business at Important southern market * , piiillculnrly In view of the activity of tlic receipts of that staple. HeKsemer plf : Iron pales show n loss of 23 cents nnd steel billets n I most as much. Standard brands of forge Irons , west and south , show like depressions , nnd the trade admits pi oil action Han exceodeil consumption. The guntmlruonsly irretrultir price Is for lumber. It beliiK fiilrly nctlve hut low at Minneapolis , but Htlffer nt St. Louis. In contrast with advices from Chlca- BO and elsewhere. Leather la fairly ( Irm , nnd In distribution dry Roods , Hhoes , mil linery anil notions lead. I5 > . ] > oita of ( Hour Included as wheat ) from both coasts , United States nnd Canada , this week , have fallen off some , amounting- 2,3ECUU ; bush els , ngalnst J.f.lT.OW bushels last week and 3.435.WO bushel ? In the same week a year ORO. Two years ago the total \vns 1,030.000 bushels ; three yeais SIKO. 3.103,000 bushels , and four years KO , 1,5'J8,0 bushels. Lon don tvool sales have proved disappointing to those who predicted or anticipated heavy purchasing- the Ametlcan market and n , rapid advance In prices. On this side quotations are off. 1 cent , fleeces particularly being weak. There Is a better In ter ritories nnd Australian. Distribution of dry goods from eastern points has * declined on the Blackening at nil points of all demand , Llttlo confidence Is placed by buyers In the higher prices for cottons due to strikes of operatives , and print cloths lire- weaker , llomcstlc wool manufacturers repoit an active present business , but little In sight for spring- , with competition keen between foreign and domestic men'H wear woolens. General trade Is quiet nt Boston In all lines , but Baltimore Jobbers are ndvlsed by traveling nalcsincii of a fair business. Phil adelphia manufacturers of cotton and wool- Ghildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfo' Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. OISTIREO , Majde a wellof of INDA HINDOO REMEDY it EMI I/rain co DATS. ouf _ . . perron * UISDOMI , I'nlljnff Memory , . . , ! 'sreili.8lctin l > ntti , jJlifhllr EraW X Ji loni.etc. , oil ] 8 > U bjr past Lu e < , irlrei Tlror nd slz * toihnink i > cr nni. and qulcfclr butsurJlr reitoiet poctn. l-rrce l.OOAr.rkai ; * . Biz for 45T.CO w'ltk'it wrllleii r nti6tD turner narrr fHnitril. Doa't buy an. imitation , { tut la l on hmfntr INIIAPU. It " ' - ; not eot , nlll nd II rrf pili. * l ( JO-trr * ! * * ! " - SOLD bjr Kutn&Co. , Con iih andDourlassSu. , or' I4th and Cou"a" 1 " " "CUPIDENE" Cure * the effects of celfXuse , cxceBoei , ernlf .ions , Im potency , vat.cocelo and constl- nation. One dollar a box , -K | for J5. For calo by THH UOOD- MAN EUUCJ CO. . Omaha , Neb. EDUCATIONAL. TIID NOnTIIWHSTKHN MILITAIIY ACAD. KMY , HIOIILANU PAUK , ILLINOIS. The most beautiful and healthy location op Lake Michigan. Thorourh classical , ncademla and commercial courses. Kvery Instructor o specialist In lilt branches , lindontd by the legls later at Illinois , and annually Impeded bj official rcpretentallves of the state. Btsslcn Opens Brpttmbtr 101 a. Illustrated citalosu * s * > > en tlrpss Roods nre well mnloye < l , bur orders for lr > ' Roods nnil groceries hnrt fallen on. Ai I'lttabtinr the volume of btisi ne.i.i Is fair. Imt nrlccs tend lower nnd them Is le s request for- Iron nnd urocl. Trad reiHirts from li-adlni ; centorn In the l > omlu- Inn of Canada tell of Improvenirnt Jobbers nt Toronto report lmslne ! ! oqiml to oxiectix- | 110111 , parltculnrli' In dry goods nnd ware , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nousi : a-tT.\m. ) Tmn nciril l y tlio A oc-liti- ltinll lIurhlK I'm ' Wrrk , Ni\V YOUK , Sept. . -The Collowlns Inhle , ooniilleil | l > y Uradstiect'M. shows the lolnl clenrnnccs nt the -principal cities anil Iho poreonluRc- Inoro.ide or tlpcrense , as compared with the corrrrpontlltig- week last year ; T.itnls I'lilted StalfM . 14 S23.W1.4r. ' | 7. ! > EiclUHJrc- New V ik. . . | > aS7.S13.ii75 | 10.01 "DOMINION OP CANADA , . j ' KK.VDSTlLlili'I'M FINANCIAL ItliVtEW. I. - ' Hlmnrlal lulei-ents IIic-lu-ur l-f , | ; < l In Sliu-Hnu- Hull Mmo. NH\V YORK , Sept. IS. ISruJstre.eL's ftnin- , clnl revlnw tornorrow will yny.i There nvems to be no dlxposltUrr on the part pf the large financial Interests to tukc the initiative In n hull ino\-ement. Tlie ptilillc remains In- ( llrrcront and Lotulon limits Its tran.iactlona In "AiUfilcnns" to a simple Bcalplng for gniall iiiofitH on exceedingly' llmttcxl lltreo b ( ; stool ; . It Is , InOeuil , ntnted tlio OlBOrKnnlKFd i nnil unfavorable coixlltlonH which prevail In. Riich cotnpanlca a Itcailinj , Atchlnon and Northirn PaciHc uons-lltute n tmr to any lnunrilate ] > revival of confidence or Interest on the part of the foreign speculative public In onr securities. IClTorts to ileiiross. portions tions of the railway Khara list were unsuc cessful , ami In , spite of the somewhat im- favorable view tnken by the street of th < neiullnff rccrBiinlzutlon planB , thelccllnt ! < wereoltlier of n llinlttMl character , or were qnjckly recovered , In whole or In part. What do you take medicine ( or ? Because you are sick and uant to get well , of course Then remember , Hood's Sarsaparllla , i.oiv JATIS To KaiiH City und St. Louis. Account of the "I'rlcstg of Pallas" at Kan sas City and the parade of tlia "Veiled Prophet" at St. Louis , Mo , The Missouri Pacific Kail way company will sell round trip tickets to Kansas City at one fare , bates of sale October 1st to 7th , limited for return until October Stli. Also to St. Louis from September 23 to October 6th. One way rates also reduced. For further Information call at depot. Fifteenth and Webster streets , or city offices , northeast corner Thirteenth and rarnain. THOMAS V. OOUKRBY , P. and T. A. J. O. PHILUPPl , A. 0. P. and P. A. n < mKbi > Knits * Via Chicago , Iloclc Inmid ! A I'ucHIo Rullirujr. Sept. 2Dth and Oct. 9th , one faro for the round trip , with 42 added , good twenty J/i from date at sale. For full particular ; rait at Rock Island ticket ofllce , 1C02 Farnam Ureet. A IComarkiible Achievement In Itnllr'nid AITalrJ Was the running of the Exposition Flyer , the famous twenty-hour train between Chi- caKO and New York via tlie Lake Shor route. In service during the World's fair. A handsome Htho-water color of this train may bo secured by sending 10 cents In sil ver to C. K. Wllber , Western Passenger Agent , Chicago. CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND Js PAUITIC II V C'lillfnrnln Tnnrlit Excnrxlnni. "Phillips Kock Inland" conducted - ducted excursions. First through car leaves Onmlia Friday , Oct. 12th , at 1:30 : p , tn. . ami weekly thereafter dtirlns the winter season , For full particulars , berth reBervxtloni , etc. , call at Koch Island ticket ofllce , 1C02 KB main street , I iiml Clitougo I.linlted Flftuon-fluiir Train , Leave Omaha nt C:35 : p. m. and arrlr * at Chicago 9:40 : a. m. via C , M , a St. 1\ K- . for Chicago and all points east. Trains made up and started from Omalia , assuring patsongera clean nnd well aired cars. Ths only line running a Eolld vestlbnled electric- lighted train from Omaha direct. No wait * liifr for through trains. Lllecant chair cars , palace sleeping and dinIng - Ing cars. Ticket olflcc , 1601 Farnam street 0. B. CAnniBR , Ticket Aoent The Weekly for the Uninp.tlgu , The Weekly Bee will be sent up to No vember 15 , covering tlio entire campalEn , tor 10 cents. THE HKAI/rr. BIAIIUKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record September 28 , 1894 : WAHRAKT-r DEEDS. O \V Clandt and tvtfa to Fcdde , sw 10-15-15. , . , , , ) ) C ] Vf Ainrx end wlf to I' I * Balinon , lot ) 4 to ft , Mock 5 , AmM Tlace 8 , W K K tlratton nnd husband to It O Ouut . lou | Q nnd 17 , block 1 , N-inh Omaha. . . ; . . 1 K A Ilrnson and wife to Noah Pirry , lot IT. blwk 6 , Ilrlgg * ' n c Taut Wllcox and wife to MV Ktnnard , a 'A lot 4 , block 137 , Omaha t2OW J , I * , rinley , trustee , to I 11 I ! E Llnton , * se J6-H-IS , ne ne 1-H-IJ , nw no l\ 1i ne ( - , c % nw ft 3-15-1 ] , UK lot (9 In lv-U-1 ! and vailoun other Irocu , lota and Mocks In anil around Omaha , . . t DliEDS , Pr clal iniittr to Phillip Uohner , 3 acrr * In nw corner * e JC-15-U , . , . , lM Total amount of . . . . , . . . , , , . . , . | , Oregon Kidney Tea curei bachach * . TrW I Jlze , 25 cents. All drugglaU.