'ifa * * * * . < * TlliS OMAHA UAl'LY l lli ; y Ul KUAY , yii.riKM.KBK 2i ) , IHUL COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Oath Wheat Bioko All Records Yesterday on a Scratch Sale , PROVISIONS ENDED W.TH MODEST GAINS Corn Wiu V rf Weak at the Opening 1'ei- tcrilny anil Hocnnie Weaker M tlia Session TroRrcucd Up to Noon , CHICAGO , Sept. 28. Caali wheat broke all rtcorda today , when a round lot la the Na tional elevator sold at 53c per tm. The Jpcculallve grain markets were weaker tin der fret fellliiR , . corn leading In the decline. December wheat closed 14c lower , May corn , 14o lower and May oats , % c lower. Pro visions flnuticd with modest gains. Whom followed the regular program nl the opening. It started weak at about % c below the closing prices of the previous day , ami continued to rule dull and heavy for an hour. A little more life was Infused Into the market at the end of that time , and a sIlKht Increase In activity was accom panied by a rather firm feeling. The sllu- ftllt.ii had not outwardly changed since the day bi-iorc. Chlcnno receipts for today were 7S.4D ! " , and the shipments 8,282. The pri mary markets receipts , Including those at KIMSIS : City , amounted to about 560,000 bu. The export clearings of wheat nnd flour from the principal Atlantic ports amounted to 5J3.000 bu. foreign markets were gen erally weak and lower at the opening , Dor- Mi ! bt'ltiK the exception , December opened here ul M'.ic , as agaln-st C3c at the close yesterday. It did not get below that price , nor nbovo frl&c all the forenoon. The olos- Ing cablegrams Mliowcd no change since the opening. Antwerp , Paris mid Liverpool sent lower ( | uotiU ( < jnaand Berlin higher. The price here worked down around M c near the nulille of the day , and ,1 scratch sale was mndu at Me. Considering that corn was , turning itself Inside out during the greater part uf the sceslon , wheat acted firm , clos ing at 53'/Ia bid for December. Corn was very weak nt the opening , and became weaker ns the session progressed up to about 12 o'clock. In Hint time Ic per bu , had been knocked off the value It had at the close of the preceding day , The very dm tnmsactJoti shook the price down half , the opening trades In May being at a range of from 19ic to 4/4c. ! ) compared with 50c , the cloMng value on the day previous. It ruletl firm for a while , but reacted to 49"&c , but Hhortly after 12 o'clock It. had slid down to 49r. There was 'another reaction' , which curried the price tfp again to'43c , but everybody seemed to have'corn for-sale-ut H91ic. The general belief te that , a largo portion uf the unleaded earn In the railroad yards are filled with co.uand the shipping demand for No. 2 corn has'disappeared. The market was weak at the close , finishing at 49We for May. A good business was transacted In oats. Orders were plentiful , and sellers offered still moie freely. This tended to ease off values , although the fluctuations were- gov erned entirely by the action of corn , ami were steady to n shade firmer , but , generally speaking , were lower. Clarrlngton-ltnnnnh disposed of considerable stock. Barllctt- Kray.er , Zotg & Llndmun were good buy ers. Other trading was principally scattered. JIfty opened at from 34Hc to 31'Uc to 33o , Rold up to 34c and back to from 33c to 33 ,4c. closing at 33c. Provisions did better for holders today. The receipts , of hogs were5 only 16,000 , am' 10,000 are looked tor tomorrow. Armour & . Co. wcro buying a good deal duping the 'session , and the Anglo-American Packing company and the packers were also more favorably Inclined toward the tmarkct than for several days , Pork opened at an ad vance of Gc , nnd rose 20c more , reacted u trlflo and closed with a net gain of 221Jc I-ml at the close showed an Improvement of lOc , and ribs made a similar gain Freight rates arc steady at l4c for wheat nnd % for corn and li/fi for barley to Buf falo , and 4c. for corn to Prescott. The leading futures ranged as follows : Arllelrn. | Open. | HiKli. | Low. | Cloae. IVlirut.Ko. " Sept. ro5 COM rOK Pl'C. B-'lii May , OSH lorn No. - . ' , . Sept. . , 48 m 4RM Cl fi. 47H 47)1 " MH May. . . . . 60- 41) Cam NO. a. . . 47HWi . ep | Wi Oct STW Way a : ; rork i > cr bbl Jim , ll : us in aii in os 13 2214 Oct S 4t > s. no R 4.1 c r.o Jil 7 UU 7 7"l 7 HO 7 70 Sliort lllbi- Oct 7 ! ! 7M 7 32 ! < 7 U7H 7 S'JV Jan Q 72.4 C Sll 070 I ! SU O.iph quotations were ns follou.i : I.-LOt'lS-Kasy. AVIIIAT NO. 2 sprinir , raytQavo ; ? ! o. a rininln.il ; Xo. 2 red. ro fjionc. I'OHN-No. 2 , 4S < ; 4SUc ; No. 3 yellow. I7 ; c. OATS Xo. 2. 27'.so ; No. 2 whltiMVatfJI'Soi Nn. 3 white , SaV.tfao'.e. ItVIJ No. 2 , I7p. MAItl.UY N'o , 2. B3'i653'ic : No , 3 , Cl ? 5to ; No , 4. : w > 2r. I.-I.AX HKUD-No. 1 , 11.45. TIMOTHY SKIOD-I'rlni , J3.50Z'i.53. I'HOYimONS-JtMii pork , per Mil. . H3.JOfJ13.IiO , l.anl , IMM100 Iba. . IS.50T8.57'i. ' Sln.it libs , Bldox , ! . ) , , )7.30@7.40. l > i > wilted shoiihlcrB , liti < ( rd , } C.50 n.C214. Khoil rlwir ldos. boxed , J7.COO7.S1. WHIriKV-lllMIIIcni' Jlnlslud Roods , per cul. , 11.33.Tln Tln fullowliiK were the rocclpta and alilpmi-ntu Uecclpts Shipment i Klonr. bbls. . 1 II.DIU I'.I.DIIC 7H.IIIII ) Corn , bu. . , Oats. Int. . . 174lWli ! :74,0d Iti' . bu. . . S.Ollll ' ° Urn-lev , bu. SII.UUII 4V,6'o : U On the Product ) cxchnnro toJ\v tin huttor nnr- ket was llrmi cnMiuery , ISa-JCoi dairy , HEtVlu. 1-4TI.-H , llriu ut ID YOIIK ( ; INII\I. : : \Yntcr < lay'B yuotatloiis on I 'four , ( Irnlu nnd I'KivlftlotiR , MctnU , lit < > . NKW VOItK. Kept. 29.-FL.Ol ! IIUecelpU. . 2TI.10I ) hbls. ; viK > rln , 23nM , tbls , ; nail's , 13.10 pkKK Maiket Wfnk nnd IOH-LT to sell ; buyer ? aiv liwklnB nround , hut only Inrinilns tempi them. Nu export trade. Roulliern Hour , wort ncthe ; wile , COO pkx . Hjc Hour , dull ; mien , HXi II > U. lluokwheat Hour , llmi lit )2.2.M. ! L'OUN' MIIAIy- More active ; mlr , 2.40i ) lililx. HYK'Bleudy ; cur , loti ! , Cf3c | ; boat loads , HAItliY-Qiilct ; No. Z Milwaukee , IUIII.KY MAI.T Qlllel. WHUAT--ltecelpts. r.l.W ) lu | ejporty. 1CS.S ( tin. ; wile * . 2t7SOnO bu. futures , 2 < J > , iioii bu. spot , Hpot market weaker ; No. z r l. In nloro nnd ele. Mitnr , S4ic ; ullnat , Mc ; t .a. b. , 5 He ; N . 1 northern , 62 .0 delivered ; No. 1 haul , K\ < < lellvei > > d. Options bloke the low record I'm December noon after lh , > I'penlnK Under llqul.lH lion unJ fore'gn ' elllni ; , lultleil at ninm or full' clearances , Imt broke HKiilii II Hie nt ( < T nuon wltli corn , nnd cloned Utfhc nel derl ne No. 2 red , Mnrch chwed at V ) < iv Hay , ia ; d t3 1-16 < \ iloscil at Sic ; September cloved n MTic : October , 6IUe , closed al tlTie ; No vein ber closed at 4C',4c ; December , t7CJ7',4C , clove * ul ITAc. COHN-Uecolplii , 1C6IOO , Im. : exports , 1.500 bu. mile * , H5 , ) bu. futures. 13.000 bu. spot. Hpo maiket eak : No. J , Me In elevator ; M'ii utli-at ; No. Z white. 570 Oellierod. Oplloni Kern-Hilly weak all day under heavy llqulda tlon. Including country and local selllns am line veatlier , for maturlnjr Ihe cr p , closed a * i Tic nel decline ; May , t3 J-M ie , closed a bX'.ie ' ; September clonnl at ( Ic : October , 5li M'.tcclos l at Me ; November , 53 ? ( if.V > ' , } c , close , -lterelpt8i67V)0 _ ) bu. ; 'export's. " : ,40iJ'bu. mi , 3li39o. Options. Inlluenci-d ly corn , dp flinnl ul | diiy , cloud lit < ic net lo a ; Joniiar' ' i-liMitil t SS j'i May. 37Mf37Sc. cloned ut 31\r Heplombcr close < l at 32il ; Ovtuber. SJttMXc. clonis t Sic. November. SJHUSJ'tC , cloned at 33'.4c lev nit r. 3l4 3IHo , clew < l nt JlSif. HOl'rt WeuK. Male , minnion to ciore. ! ! SWSc 1'acllli'oal , 4 ! , < laUc. I.HATJ1GH Firm ! hemlock nole , Iluenaa Ayrei Unlit lu heavy > n'lKlit . ISWISc. 11AV-Wtmtly ; shipplnir , S3 ; good to choice 7.CUr .oO. 1HDKSQu'H : wet tailed , \ > w Orleans , ne Irfled. li to 5 Its. . 4'itfSc ; lliienox Ayrrs , dry 2i ) In : i ! ) ) . . lie , Tt-aaa , dry , (4 to 10 ll . , i sue , \VOOI.-tulet | aomesllc llerce , 19 < j:4o ; pull..l 2042 < . . 1 llOVIHlO.Nrt Hwf. it a.bCut menti pickled t > ellle . ( UOc ; plrkled fthoulder > , pickled ham , 10Wloc. ! lj > rd , liulel Kteatn rkied at is.S3 ; city , is. 15 ; m\n \ 123 llerces ; September ri , il ill J8.9S. noni Innl , Octol r , IVH5 , nomlnuli January. JS.W lumiluul. i Hne < ] , iiuln. rontlnent. tn.Uj B. A , J9.15 runnwund , Jit-Ji , ; 5. 1'oik , rirm , IlUTTUIl-Qulet ; western dairy , 11B170 ; west ern creamery , tlj:6ci western factoty , : IRIM. inmliaMon ; crrnmcrv , ISJIIIc ! dnliy , IIU2.lr , mate creamery , 28V5c. . C'linKsn-HIMfly , Idrge , tfJlHio ; imnll , 0r ; part ( kirns , < 06o ; full klrni. Jfll' laOH-Hlrftdyi : ilnl * and 1'eniujh-miln , le ; Ice hotist , I'liflllo western fresh. lCSJ2)c ; nn-s. ltlS 2.IO ; rVc lpli , S,7t5 pkxi. Ito.HIN-Klinii BlralneJ , common to Good , TAIyoV-Qulet , but steady ; city ( P r pUl ? , > . Ttoi country kxs. free ) , Sc. i'ETIlOI.IJUM-lMlet ; UnltKl clef < J nt.Mcj . \V shliRtnn , In bbl * . , J8 ; r Hned , New York , .1.15 ; Philadelphia and naldmorc , tS.10 ; I'lilla- lflplila nnd ItnUlmore. in bulk. J2.CO. MO IUON Dull j Hcotch , JtS.Mj American , nt KQf. \ . ltlCi-riilt ; domestic , IH'tftilc ; Japan , 4'J1 ( C. 'MOf.AfSnS Slraily ; Nw Orleans , open ket- Ic , Konil to rholcf , JIQWc. < : opj'iii-stridj-j : ( UUP , I15.SO ; 23 ton ot December tin nt J15.70 : 10 tons of November ( In nt JlS.IOi IS tons of De cember tin at $15.70) ) 23 ton of November tin HI'ii/ri-it-ra : lT ! flon.estlc , t3.l2'i3.4g. COTTON 91U1) ! OItiajl : prime crude , JO ® Sli ? , nominal ; off crude , 18 2c , nornlnnl : > ejlow nittcifiailcs. ( . STUflSc ; choice yellow , 3 36Vic ; iilme yellow , 3MT3lc ( ( yellow , cH gtades , S303W ; irlinc while , OMAHA UUMiKAI. MAKKUTS. Cumllllim of Tnulo nnd Quotntloni on Sliipln nnit I'micj I'roilnco. UrTTEn-Pnchlng stock , lie ! fair to Rood country , lls 5c ; cliofco to fancy , ISflSOc ; E lh- crcd crtamery , Wlc ; separator creamery , Z2O 23c. 23c.nrSQS nrSQS Per doi. . 15r . MVIJ I'Ofl.THV OU hens , C'iflf-ci roodtera , Sci qirlni ; chicken * , 6a ; ducks , 5'i"ci fprlnc ter- lii7W7'iPilnn ' turkeyu , 7ci g. > tbleis , CS c ; old psenp. 4 Bc. OASIlv'-IYalrlB clilcki-nF , yoitnr , per doz. . * 1M ( (2.75 ( ; | jralrli > clikkens. old , per doz. , 12 ; grouee , yniins , per do/ . . J2.OiB'2.75 ; grouse , old. per dm. , , blue wine ten ! , per doz , , 11.50 ; Kreen wing leal , per doz. . Jl.Zu ; ducks , mixed , per dot. . Hi cnnvuii1 icKii , ja.r.ogi.OOj miillatdi- , J2.M5/3.W ) . ViAl-Chtjlce fut nnd Miinll veals are quoted nt M-e : Inrgf ni l coarse , 354c. IMICHrtiWli : ciiiin ! | , full cream , new make , IS'.wc ' ; Nehtn l < a nnd Iowa , full erenm , He ; Kclirnidtn and lown , pait kltn . 70SMmburger. . Nu. I. lie ; bilclt. No. I , 12o ; Hwlca , No. 1 , H61SC. HAYI'.ilr drmand. Kood supply , Upland liay. > ! > ; nililland , JS.5lowland ) ; , fS ; rye straw , SS. Color in.ikes the pic ! on hay. l.lfiht bales sell UK ; best. Only tup gradi < brine top prices. I'lUKONS Ulil hlids , per dot. . "Go. r ( > TATOI-rt-OiM : l utock , ell ) I1I1ANR Hund-plcked. navy. JI.25 ; nio- dliim , JJ.10tl2.l5 ; common x\htle beans , 51. lift 1.50. ONIONS On rnlerj , 75c. rAllllAii--On : : iiidei ? . I'.ifll-lic. fni.iHV 1'er ' doz. . 30f40c. SWKUT I'OTATDHS 1'i-r IK , 3c , or j5l.vO per bbl. i JeiHeyt.W per bbl. KHUITS. ' AT'l'I.KS-riiiod utotk , per bbl. , 12.5002.75. I'KArilUH-l'ullfoinla , rieestoiuU ; . ! Ink's , " - Hi- . I'l.f -Cnllfornln , 9VcfJI.2j. I'lll'NHS ! Wcfll.2. | . . I'M.MtSlUitli'll. . nu Rntid nhlpplnR Block ; It. IliiKly .Mul II. ClaliRcnu , * 2 ; winter Nellls , I1.S5 * l 2.IH ) . APiUOOTfr'allfintila ! , none. I'lltlltHlKfl-Cnllfornla , none. tlHAl'US rtmciirxK 10-lli. baskctn , 2c ; round IntN. .iV ; I'allforn'a ' Tokay , $1. . ' ! > ; muscut , 11.2. ' , ® 1:10 : ; I'ornklH'on. ' ) l.50. i'U.\NlliilltliS-Cnc : | rod , fancy , 10 per lild. ri'iipe Cod , oholci1. l9.mS9.7S. TllOl'ICAli Kni-MTB. Oil AXGKSMexican , 150 , 20 . per box , H.EO ; Moiilims. I2 < , 200 , per box , I5.00S(5.M. IIANANAH iHiolce Block. > 1.75fi2.23 per liunch. I.HMONH I'uncy Itixll. $3.W ; fancy Messina. r. to. OHANniW NOIIP. I'lNIJAl'l'MZH None. OYSTIjriS lledlum , per can , lie ) horao sheen , Ijc , cxtia ptaiulaulR , ISo ; uxtra ijelfctH. 22c ; tiunpany selPi-ts. 2. > c ; New York counts , 30c. riUS I'uncv , per lb. . loc. HONKY fnllforiiln. I5c ; dark honey , lOSPlSc. SI.M'I.H SYHI'l'-Gallon cans , per dot. , J1S. Nl.'TO AliiiitnJu , 15ffl7c ; Knslln.i wnlnuts , 10J ic ; lllli.-iK 12c ; Iliazll nuts. 10c- . riDKIt-l'nie Jnlee. per bbl. , JO ; half bbl , , $1.J. IlIDKS No. 1 Kl-ecn hides. S'Jc ; No. 2 preen hides , .T4 s No. 1 crron wilted hides , 4Ue ; No. 2 mwn nulli-d hldeK. l'i > ' ; No. 1 preen naltwl hldcH , 2 * > In 40 lb , 4 > 4iNo , 2 Ri-cen salted hides , 2" , tel l > ) UN. , 31,40 ; No. I lenl calf , S to 15 Ibs. , 7e ; No. 2c.il on If , 8 lo 1" Ihs , re ; No. 1 dry flint hides. tc ; No. 2 diy Hint hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry salted hldcx , V ; rail cured hides He per lb. less than fully omul. SUIUr IT-I.TH-Orw-n salted , each , KffWc ; creen milled fhfiirllnKS ( Hhort wooled eaily nklns ) , each , 10 r20c' diy shearllnKfl ( febort wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5@15c ; dr > * slieaillnga ( shott wmilfd earlv skliw ) , No. 2 , each , Cc ; dry nlnt KamuiH nnd N-'brxka butcher wool pelts , per lb * cctnal niHKht , E'.jSc ; dry flint Kunsas and Nelmixkn murrain v.ool pelts , per lb. . actual vvciuht , 4 if.l' ' ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelt ! * , per lb. . actual welclil , 4T6i < ; ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool polls , per lb. , actual welKht , Itfihave ! ; ( feet cut off , ns It la useless lu pay lu-lRlit on them ) , TA1I.O\V AND GRKASK-Tnllow , No. 1 , 4 c ; tallow. No.2 , 4o ; grease , white A , 4c ; grease , while II. 3' < .ai Rrease , > ellow. 3Uc ; grease , dark , 'fi'if old bin IIM. 2t2Hc ; beeswax , prime , 1520c ; loiifih > ellow , I' i'c. U'OOI , MAUKKT , Aiiiorlciin Itnyorx 1'urcliiso Six Ilnnilrcil I1iilf nr I IIP l.iinilun Snl < ' . LONDON. Sv | > t. 28. At the wool sales loOny 12'JX ) hali-H wern offered , of which 1,500 were withdrawn. Ami'rlranTmyers purchaswl tJO lial s. maklii ) ; their tolal puichascn so far about 6.0X ) bale < . iuntliientul bujers v.'cru 7iinln active. Ciood i'iiws liudn nnd Kren y cfinihltiKS made xtiHini. tn hardening rales. Thu followlnfr are thn salpHn \ drlHll : New South Wales , 1,702 luiles ; scoured , 4adff 1 4il ; KMmy. . "WVid. Queensland. 3.COJ ) , ; llw ; scoiiii-il , ! ) < jdfrlH liid ; Kreasy. 5fJSl. Victoria , llbd.VOHI Aiiftrnlla , 707 Imlen. scoured. 715W Sd ; nn-any , 3ttSd. ; Tasmania. 2VJ bali-a ; fooui d , 7HWil ; Rtvasy. BUH1' ! ! . New Zealand , 5.79S bales ; Rcoined , 7ilfil 3Vid ; Ricasy. 5J10ifcd. Ami'ilciin buyri-H al&o .boiiKht fully 1,000 b.ilon ot Austrillun and Cape of Oi > od llopinnd N'nlnl wool and sherii sklna nt extreme rates tu ' , td ad- i a nee. ST. I.OL'lf. .Sept. \\TJOIr-Qulct nnd un- cbanicfil. IIOSTON. Sept. 28. The Amerlcnn Wool and t'ollon llp | irter says of Ihe wriol Irnde : The inaikMt at dAlu continues toady. The London sales did not I'hovv the mlvnnct * experlixl by Mnnii * . yet considering Ihe wleellonn tirfered the tnidiwin - not Breatly surprlsnl. Slnre the < ipen- Ink' n little mole HtronRth has d < - \ eloped , pi-cl.illy un i'rutj brt'd WIK > IH. Advices today (2ith ( ) confirm Ih1 advance of aUnit 5 per cent nr Hd pir Ih. alio i * prices ht the close uf the August sal * * * , Thn iimlei tonof out market Is fnlrly ntmnKi liner Htiipln territory , ndnptcil to worsted piiilioiiHH , ci'titinuea to InIn renue t. Then1in bi-iii mine lociklntr round lor Ili'eccs. especially fur medium mid ronne grades , than for n month I pr-vl"iui'ly ; In fact , Heeces generally slnci * the I IKlli linvn been moip of a featuiV than anythlni ; elMan , I a riinrldembl ) * ouintlly of them In the nKBi'-K'it' ' IIIUM lieen sold In the rnnta * of our qiiolatlonif , 1'heie lins been n perceptible f.illlni ; < ifT In the niuount of forelRn wont sol.t thl week. Tim K.ileH of HIP wock ; i mount to 1,932.VW 1lw. dnnirxtlt ! and .VJ.i.000 foreign , mnklnu n total nl 3i,7.MI ll.x. , HKalnst a totul of 4.40.7M fur Ih- pivvloiiH wi'fk. und a tnlnl of 2.iS7,050 , for the cinrej'p.indln * ; wrek last year. Tluaaft'O slnci' .lnnn.-il.v I , isn : , amount | i > 10S.-ISSS3 ) Ibs. , ncrulnst S8.313.4W UIH. u year nco. Tlie sales In Now Yolk iimoiint In 410.MH ) His. The sales In Phila delphia mnount lo 1.317.COO Ibs. STIJOKS ANi > IID.VO4. Were Irragultirvltli u Dmrii- iv r l Trndi-nc-y Vrttrrday , NISW YOItK , Sept. 28. The stock markel was Irregular throughoul the day , with the general tendency in the direction of lowei prices until Into In the afternoon , when ahnres had reached about tlie lowest level , At thin time a very good buying movement set In , which brought about a recovery In moat of tht > IssueH traded In , and seine shares advanced on the day. Sugar and Chtcagc Cus were tile speculative features , the flrsl named belli } ; ) > y ( or the most prominent Ir the transactions. At the opening Sugar re. ceded U per cent and quickly advanced per cent , but the offerings were so heavj us to check the rlae promptly , and under frei selling , which was continued during the morning , a break of 2Vi p r cent A\rns effected The shares were fairly without support , nru both longs und shorts were alike sellers. D.ir Ing tlie early afternoon rallies and reaction ! followed lu succession , but It was not untl after 2 o'clock that a well defined odvancs Bet In by purchases of large bbck.1 of tin stock , and Just before the close 01 wiu touched , being a gain of 2ft per cent fron the lo\v point of Iho mornintr , a reaction p ' /i l > * r cent InklnR place ut the close , Icav liiK a net Improvement ot V& per cent. Sugai preferred , on light sclllnR , fell off Hi , bu recovered % per cent lo 92 4 , There wai talk OH the Direct to Ihe effect that the refinIng Ing company was getting ready to competi with Importers of German beet sugar whei the new crop begins to arrive next month and tulit was not calculated to heJp the stock but the shorts took alarm late in the da ) und closed out their contracts. Chicago Gab rose < 4 per cent In the carl ) deullugs , but on western selling tiupplenientci by that of local traders a break of 2V4 pei cent WUH made before noon. During the of ternooii u partial recovery took place , nnd litho the late trading a general advance was made the total being 1T4 per cent , still leaving i lo n of H per cent on the aay. The grange ! shares allow declines on the day ol 14 pe : cent. In llurllngton and H o V4 per cent li the rest of the group , despite the ( act tliu both Burlington and St. Paul show gains li August net earnings. DurllngUn , however madtt Itg Increase wholly by lessening operat loc expenses ; , and St. I'aul makea tlie majo : part , ot Us gain In the. same way , to which fact * ) are due the lack ot speculative Appre ciation ot the company's report ! . London was a buyer ot St. Paul In the carltrading. . The changes In the reit ot the list compared with yesterday ra generally Blight. Ad vances are shown In Cotton Oil preferred. Tobacco common nnd preferred , Iowa Central and Delaware & Hudson , I per cent , Louis ville & New Albany preferred ) percent nnd Metropolitan Traction 2',4 per cent. Central Pacific and Manhattan advanced IH per cent , Cordage 1 per cent and Edison Electric 3 per cent and Brooklyn 2 per cent. The market , closed strong. The bond market was fairly firm , but became easier In the afternoon. In the late dealings , however , there was a rally In the more active Issues. Tlie sales for the dny were $775,900. The principal changes on the day were ; Missouri Pacific consol 6s ad vanced 1 % per cent ; Sustuehanna | & Western refunding , 1U per cent , and St. Paul consols , Norfolk & Southern 5s and Krle consul gold 7s , 1 per cent. Declines : Union Pacific sink ing fund 3s , 2 per cent : St. Ixnils & San Prancltco consol 4s , 115 per rent , and Iron Mountain 6s , 1 % per cent. , The Evening Post's London cabl B ail s-.ys : Tlio settlement was satisfactorily concluded today. The rumored illnicultleH concerned n large "bucket shop" If true. It will not affect Americans , the commitments being In other quarters. The tone of the stock market to day was Irregular but dull on the whole , ex cept for Americans , which Improved , but closed under the best. The reported serious riot In Itrazll Is entirely discredited here. Tlio Evening Post says : A shrewdly planned attack on Durllnglon stock simul taneously with speculators' offerings broke the price almost Instantly to Monday's level. The other granger stocks yielded also , but all this , It Is evident , was merely a bit uf market tactics. The Sugar market turmoil ceased today as suddenly as It began , Ap parently 90 has been selected by the Inside manipulators us a new pi-gged price. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex change today : Tlio tolnl sales of lools toilnytn - H3.t.M KhnrcH , Including : Amprlcnn SiiRar. 93 , r < O : lnr- llnctnn , 19.700 ; ( . 'liloiiKO Oas. 2S.005 ; DIxillllnB & Cattli-rccfllni ; . 12.0W ) : ( Jrni'iul Glvrtrlr , 7iCO : Hock Islnnd , 3.100 ; SI. r.inl , 32C'.K ) ; Wcstrrn Union , Nnw Vorh Monry Miirber , NK\V YOIUC. S4-t. | ! 8. MONKV ON CA7.I , Clnt r < l ons/ lit 1 per rent. ' . . ' ' . I'ltl.Ml : MU11CAXTI1.U I'AI'lOU- pri ce nt. KCl I-.Vl'HANM-Hl : ( > - . lth nrlnal In l > inli'rs' Iilll nt 34.fcHVifl4.SiiU fur dvmund aiid nt JI.S'iUTI.H'i for .sixty .luys ; iiwli-il mtt-H. MK"'t < n.i7'i ; coinnu'lrlal bills , I.S l'j l. 81 % . KII-VHU 'KIlTim'ATK ibid. . < ) VKIlN.Mi.NT noNDS-ntnu-r ; state liftnils , iLsy ; lallrnad iKinite. uli'adj'i Clcislnt ; ciuotutlons uli bunJs * erc an fo1lo\v : New York 1'r.v < iiimN Market. NKW YOIIK , Hept. 18. An Irregular order re quest and personal demand for special assortments - monts of nil descriptions of seasonable Roixlu took n veiy ROW ! i | antlty uf gtvida from Hock , though the much larger portion of siles wan reached thrnuxh the forwnrdlnp * in previous purchases. Tuikey red fancy pilntfc.1 tlanneln are firm at e , Standard drills are scarce. Printing cloths are easy , with small Bales at : 13-lCc , less 1 per cent. Lomtnn Stork Ojnnttloni , LONDON , Sopt. 284 p. m. closlnri Canidlaii Kiclllo. , St. Paul fem Krlo N. V. Contr.il. . . . Kl'ltl''dH Pennsylvania Ilia. Central HeaOInz Mexican ordinary. Mcx. Ccn. iiL'U'4u. riminchil Notes. LONDON , Sept. 2S.-2 p. m. liar silver. 2S'.id ' per ounce , VAIIIS , Hepl. 28. Thief per cent rentrs , HCf 63e. for the account , " " HOSTON. Kept. 28. flmrlnK * . J1I,337OCO , ; bal ances , I1.1S3.S15. NiW YOItK. Bept , a. CIvnrlniH , 171,037,11 $ ; bal- anceH , J4i&6'j5 , IIA1.T1MOUR , fiept , 28. Clearlnun , tlC , DK ; balances , S2CD.I12. l'lHI.Alii.l'HlA. Sept. 28 , ClcarhiK' . 3.S ? , - J8 ; balances , HlSiU J. NKW OHUIANR. s pt. 23. ciearinnR. H68.HS : Hilances , lit.(07. New Vurk excliansr selling ut 51.SO piemlum. ClNl-lNNATI. Sept.CeiiilnK ! . tl.C39.MO. Money , 306 per * cent. New York exchange , liu dliconnt to pir , ST. I.Ol'Irt. Hepl. 2S. riearlntts , J3.IH.40t ; bal ances. J40,462. Money , liulel at 5tt7 l > er cent. Kicluinne on New Vorll. COo discount bid. BAN FRANCI8CO. Hept. 28. Urafts , lKht , ! 2He ; telenraphlc , 15e ; sllvtr barn , 33Hff63V-c ; Mexlran dollars , G3fiU > ic. WAKIllNHTON. i'ei ( . 28. The fufch balance In the treasury al the close uf bUMlness today wits I1J2.HO. 36 ; K ld rerrne , 118,7 8,434. LONDON , Kept. Zs. Quid U iuitej ; today nt llurncM Ay res al ! I7i M drl > lt l\0 ; I < < Uin , ' . ' 45 ; tit , 1'eteraburj- ; Athens. 77 | Home , WJ ; Vienna , 103. 103.CltK'Ano CltK'Ano , Sept.Olearln8s , J13.UC.OOO , Mann' . W4W i > rr cent un call and Gti < > per cent on time. New York exchange. 33c dl counli forelcn eichance , llrra ; sterling coinni rclrt , OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKETS _ i tf _ _ Arrivals at the Earta Fall Off Again QrefLtljr'in ' Humbars , NONE GOOD ENOUGH FOR DRESSED BEEF fruilr Itagcr Imt Nothing tn Supply It dinner * nnil Utqckrr * In 1'itlr Dcnmiul nt Mciuljf'Hcrs HUB * Open Limcr , Clotlng Nlrniii ; , FHIUAY , Sept. 28. The receipts today were 1,073 cattle , 1,559 logs and 2,835 , sheep , us against 4,883 cattle , 5,711 hogs and 782 sheep yesterday and 2,909 cattle , 3,111 hogs and 109 sheep on Friday of ast week , CATTLK The receipts today were light , In fact the lighten of the week so far. There verc no good beef steers In the yards , In act few of any kind , Some westerns sold nt $3.60 and some lighter cattle nt $3.35 and $3.GO. While there were hardly enough beef steers here to make a market , t would be safe to call the trade steady und Blrong on anything desirable. Cows were In moderate supply and the uarkct was steady to strong. Anything that was at all desirable met with quite ready sale. sale.The supply of feeders was liberal , but hero was a pretty fair demand nnd the rellng on the market was a little better. 'rices. If anything , were a little stronger. Representative FBCS. ! WYOMING. A \ \ i-Mt , 70 heifers. . . . f/19 2 13 HOGS The receipts of hogs were about tlie Btunc as yesterday In point of numbers. Tlie market opened with SOIIID of the huyers bidillng even lower prices than yesterday , but other buyers had liberal orders nnd bought freely. Toward the close , as more favorable advlc-'s were received from Chicago cage , und as It became evident that there were not enough hogs to till all orders , the marked firmed up nnd cloned n little stronger , The bulk of the sales were nl $5.10@5.25 , against J5.1005.20 yesterday and ? 5.2B@5.45 on Friday of last week. Kepre- scnlattvo sales : SHBKP The offerings wtro large anil the marltpt IQc higher on tliu beat grades , while common nheep were Etlll lower. Kulr tc choice natlvB are quotable at $2.253,00 fair to BOCK ! westerns , J2.000'2.70 ' ; commor and stock eheep , 51.75 ( 2.25 : oed to choice 40 to 100-lb. Iambs. > 2,6QQ'3.7S. ' Ml , I.oulK i.iva Stock , M rUet. ST. IJJt'IH. Hepl. 1 i'ATTI.K llrrPlpln , I 8CK hruil ; iililpmvntK. 2,100 heml ; market utenily ; nallvu u-r , common light. II.CO ; imvti , ll.ifljj 2.XI ; mocker" , Jl.iMlJ.M ; T'T.IB Hteciv. tiK ) ti 1,000 lbn. . l2.PO < l'i ; rown and lielfcra. t2.Wii2.CO 1IOUS nrcclpts , ' .MO hfttil ; rlilpment * . 2.CM heail , market belter , medium to KI H | heavy J5.04ii45 ; treed light , i.2ihl.W ; . .nllimry niUeU , tS.lMrS.2i ; common Unlit , } 4.Uf 15.00. HHEKl' Ilecelptu , MX ) head ; ulilpini-nla. none market Hteaily ; fttrldly funcr lumUti , 14 , orUlnari mlieJ , t2.Mig5.ti. New York Live Htock Market. NEW YOniC , Bfft. M.-DEEVKS-llecelnle , 3"i ; head , li can a cale. Watktt tlow , clos- n I0fl15c lower nn nil smile * , imllxp l'rr , Hlr to K" " < l. MT'ii'l" ' ; . , < Hlinniv ! > nfitliim , 4.ifi4.M , i'nlinr > M mill In Nil or. : ; X'UH.M. cum , l.TMlSIO , Imllii , IZOOflJ.W. iliy r. > , 2.2. , . I'uroprHli rnhli'd rpimr Am lira II n leers nt O'iWlO'if per lb , , tlretocd wtlitlit ; refrl ralor eef , 614jfr 4r per lb. I : IHITB | loilny , SIS * fven anil ai l flieep ; tomnrnw , 1,711 b * v , 400 iiherp nnd 4.J . * ) quiiiler * of beef. CAIA-lta-ltecelptii. 5 * ) lienil. MnrKct xtrmly ; vrmlf , | or to prime , | .Vip)07M ) : cr iis' > t , ti-W fl.l.iKi ; western ciilven. 4S ll' . tl.W. HlliiCP : AND I.AMIWIloiTli't * . ! > , ISG hpnil ; H ) fan on mlo. JlntKft | .nv ; jlitop ami prime rtlnhr , Menily ; othei Rimlf < f laiillw , Uc lower ; heep , jmir to iirlmc. iJ.'Mfia.'iS ' ; Ininlw , com mon to choice , JJ.SJV4ffl.7V IIOCIH IterolptH. On heml ; two cnrn on m\f. \ Market luurri Inferior to r.iulcc , OIIIL'AOO t.lVi : HTOt'K. Nuliilinilly Me. uly Uittlln .Miirki't ul Tliiirn- < | II > 'H Itriliiri'd l'rlci'4. rillC.\nO , Hept. SS. At J-Pslenl.iy'H rnluceil prices therr was n numlniilly mcinly nillle market loilny. True , buyem dl.l not tntcn ImM xvlth iniivli iivlillly , bin hmltiB nlicntly if- cured n ifilnclloii In price * of fiom 2.V to 3V. tliey wonno ! Inellnefl to foicc mitl > 'rs further , Itecc.plii i > onilrlrit nboul eqimlly nf mitlveii iiml i-unitetK , ( 'sllmafs belnt ; 4rj > ) na tives , 4,000 weclpriM nnd 1.UW Tcxniwl.Vn ) nltoKethcr. Hut Unit number Ohl not lon U- lule III" utipiily , n. RI U | ninny cuttle ii'iii.ilnliis : In Kelli-rB1 hnmln nt the cliia:1 of yvMi-nt.iy'ri nmrkrl. Timl" npcmvl bile and tluxv , It UHH Blow tu tbo pint , bill lliere \ ire inure calllo left over tlmn v\n tlie fnt > - ymlenlnj * . NH- llri-H i > old pilnclpully at J1.71 lo jr > .w. wltli SI to W.23 UIH cxlieme Hinge , t > .t\ff \ of el- eni < i pri > on n haul * of $ I. V ) | i > Mr ) foi | ioor lo choice , tin l Texnnn ueu * Mtliible nt 11,23 , In J3.IO. Stockcrs rtinl fenlern w-re < lull nl Ilifl i pern t Oecllne nndenl cnlvcneic \ woalt. I'rleon for IIORH Wftr very unevrn. Therr were ciil that looknl I0f hlRlier lli.in TlmiK- ibiy , nnO others balvly tin K'l'id ti9 Hint i1.iv > . The uveliiRe of prlceK , bimcvcr. wns KllKhlU higher , nnd Hit- tone of the imiltot lu-nllli'er. ' Ahnut 17.KW hoKH nrrlvi-d , und Hull piuctlmllj runptltutitl Iho d.iy'n mpply , very few Intn liavltiff liren leTt nver from ycr.lpnluy. Sulc.i rio at n range of fuim tl to t.1.1'1 for vei > common In pilnu * . Only lirre nnd llinrMIS there nny K oil rnuimli to tilnK tnnri' tlmn $ .1.1)1) , mill Ilinnt ol the ht'KK elu elKhcd ill prlcen below $5. 8) , though the quiillty axuifiKed pretty siKiil. The hint \\ecX hm ; nlvi-n very little untlHfncthm to nailers < if i > lipfp inn ! hinibn. I'mler the heavy lecflptu of nheep , 2'.2l ' ! ) heul : , Ilii-rn wns ii'"liini ! | ) of from 10u lo 1.V mid nt from lOe to 15o mom has IK en vhopp il otf sliiCH t.ie nifxulx cu.lllnnril so law. Duly twlci ; bcFoio IIIIR the marUel l . > 'n bindciif.l ulth Riich t'liormoil ? f > upplle ; < , nnd HMVPI pit- vlou ly weif pilo'a at a Imvtr vbb. The in.ip- Ki't wns llfolejis tcnliiy. mid \\rnt to a OeKtve nl from fiflc to I2.3U foi Infei-lor ti cho'ei1 ' jdiepp ninl nt from Jl.'fl In 14 fur hiiiib < i. llxini het-p were < itiolr < 1 us blKh n $3.40 , ami fnnvy lunihs nt 14.10. Itect'lpts : Cattle. P..V" ) hi > ud ; c.llM'x. M ln-.ul ; IIOKH , 17.00' ' ) heiul ; xlleep , ll.OH ) lii-ail. The Kvenlnc Jouinal n-poiM ; HOIH--Hi ( > - ci'lpto , 17.IKK ) head : olllflnl > vi > tyrda > . lii.'ll" heml ; x'.ilmnenlH , s.S.vs luid ; I. .ft ovi'v. alHiui r , , . 0d heml ; iiual'ty not Ktxhl. Miiiltel ai'tl\i < unit linn , p.icklnj ; Kinilen n\orairlnB ' > c hlRliiit ; iilheix Bteailv. CATTI.K IteoelptB' , .WO head. MaiKei iinlet ; prlc " iinchan oil. SIIUKP-Itrcelpla , ll.rtM lirnd. ilaik.-l dull ; IfiHid KTiiden Kteady ; coiiinion. Sliliie Inner. Itorolpf. itncl l > NKiiltlii | i nt StonU. Oniclnl iece.lpt and disposition of .stock a < Hinn'it by the books of tie : I'nlon St.cli Ynnl nuiipnny lor Ihe twenty-four huiir.H inllntr at 3 o'clock p. m. , Krlilny , SeptemluT 2S , UU4 : HKCEIl'TS. Can. Head Tiittlo . ( .9 Z.iM ( HOBS . ir ; , 4 DID Shevp . , . 13 3,019 Hiit-srs nml m'lllcM . 0 1J uisroaiTioN. Iluyers. ' Caltlc.IoK < . Sheep. Omaha lnckln ronifiany . . . . M4 . ; . The (1. II. Hammond . -onip-niy I'll 448 4K Swift nnd Company . ,9'J l.iwi 77 The Cuilaliy I'ncklnc iintipnny 30 2,4)3 ) S3 ! ) A. Una . II . It. lli-cker anil DoB.m . 1S7 . .1. I.ulimaii . I . 1. . llecker . 70 . Shippers nnil IVeileii < . 1,2W H32 I.IJ1 t.eft over . 'f't ! Totals . 3,071 Ti.177 3,04 ! ) MCK-K III Sight. llcenrd of recolitn | nl the fnur principal muUem for Krdav , riitemU > i 2S , 1J3I : O.illlf. Hnirs. Klieep. Soiilh Oinn'ia . 2uSi ! 4. li ; ; i,04l ! flilniri . D.WI 17.ii)1) ) ) I'M'Oi ' nnnwia 1'lly . 7.S * ) in : ) 4 o.n t-'t. Louis . 2.3' ' S.SIID W ) Totals . 2IY.iS sTsia I.k4) , ) CdCfeu Unrltpt. NBW YOniC. Sept. 23. CO I 'K Hi : Option. opened barely Meady ; September biokt * 75 points under ilelayeil lltiulil'illin , uthein ri9f2."i points Iilleil iUlet | , untl closed barely xleuily Ht , ' 4f2'i IwlntH net idecllne : Mlic , SJ J blix ? . ini'llldlllB iiciit'iinlK-r , J13.3'JfU. ' ( > 0 ; . October. H'L2'friV:0 : Xovi'inbcr , J12.no ; D'ceml-er , $121' ' ; .T miry SIV-fJU | ) , ! l ; IVbruary , ll.7ifll.73. ( Sp t coffer Itln. ilull : No. 7. l.y.e ; mil , dull. Cordovn. tlS.H.I'iT'lfUM ; Kales , none. U'nr. ' house ilellvpiles from New Yoik > eftenl.iy. 1 : ; , ! bags ; Neu York slock today , 1.1) 761 IMK * ; 1'iiltiil ' Hlnte flock. 22..VM ) K-IRIS : iillnat for the I'll , led Slulrs 215.001) biiKs : total \ s bi- ! u.l ly f.ir the 1'nliel SlaK' . t7 , " 0 bAK" , aRalnsI 2 0,473 IIIIKII \a \ t year. .SANTOS. Kept. :8.-Mull.fl plctidy : no. < 1 nvei- iiKir Santos. fli.J ) ; receipts. 27'JOI ' IMKS ; nlucK r.sa.ini' ) biisa. HAJlllflK ! . Srpt. 2S. Mnikel biiiely steady. lirloeH uncliangml to * j pfff. limei : KI-K ! i.ift ) I ass. HAVI11Sept. ; , . -JlinVet nprned ) mreh steady , miolinnsid to 'if lowei ; ul Ji m. . un chanced to * , i.f lower ; at 3 p. m. . li.iii'U hteHily unchanged to % f lower , < losed ii.ilet ; totnl salen. Is.nOO IKIKH ; nel lifeline. ViWil luwei , sloik. 22" > , OJO bnffs. Including M.ini lings Ilia ull'nn , a > ; aln t 216,001) baK anil us o * ) IHIKM l nt we U. uio UK , IANPIH'O , SI-PI , s . Maiket nun. No. 7 , III . (12.2j ; exchnnKe , ll' e ; M-cep : 12 , ( biKs : ; cleared for lire fulled States , a. inn II.IKS : cleared for K.m-np" , 4,080 laci ; isioek. 27S.OOO bilK . _ niliiiirnpiilislieui Mill'liol. . JHNNK.M'OLIS , Sept. M. Wlieat nas nn.v InfT fieey | In the norihnert and ni'elpiM nl Mlnnenpollii were 411 ! " ) ' ) bu. ; nil pin 'ills. i'i IJi bn. The demand for ciihh uh nt wis vt-i > actlvinn l prices of December n iie thereby inalnlaineil al a higher lelallve position than .May. The latter dccl ned somtiwluit and chi.sed ' , < , ( . lower than yesterday , while DecembniWIH bi ul'Jse lower. < "uth nhcal nnd September wcie ulijii ' &r lower. The ehtse ; Septcniber , " , ? 4o ; December , D4'4 ( irl'e : May. m ifitilif : < n track. No. 1 Imnl , 5Cc : N'o. 1 noillirrn. K , No. 2 nort.iein , Uc. Klevator companies were buyliiK for local 'HIimiKe nnd inillerft for em lent use at their mills. These two Bource ( if the di'iiiand are sulllclent to nhsorb icndily all the wli-at that In offered. There wan u natural illspiH tlan to sell , because Ihe. feeling IK that pnniu of the elevator companies have been buying fieel > of December In take the \\heat when It In de. Ilveied nnJ turn It over tn their own elevator The , result Is that elevator compiinlcs me C'iu lions nb'iut felllnif Decemh.'r , u they deslm to le lain the wheat In th"li houses , tliat they mio havi- It nt that time to eain winter xtoiiiti > . rmmery lire still delivering fretly In Ihe coiinliy , xvllli n promise that full lecelptu ut IhH polit mid Diilnlb may be mnlntiilncd for home wivks ul Unst. Kiour maiket was dull and easy ; patents. KMSfiiMO ; liiXcni , SI.Mfl2.2i ; prodmlloii was f.s- llmatfd al 35.000 bbls. for liu * twenty-four bourn ; shipments were 3D , 400 bids. St. I. mil * Ofiieral Muriel. ST. I.OU1B , Sept. 28. FIX ) fit Quiet and tin- hanKnl. WHIAT Klucllinteil wllhln narrow lltnllH. cluHlnB ' .ifJISe off on lower cablen nnd heiuy domestic mnikels ; No , 1 trtcash. \ . 47' e : Sep tember. 47Sf47Hc ; December. 49e ; May. : > o' , e. L'OHN Slid down Ir ; No. 2 mixed , ra h and September , SOc ; December , 44H < : ; Ma > , 4'.e. OATH Heavy ; No. 2 rash and September , 2f > i- : October , 28ic ; liar , MVic. ItYK lletter nt 48e for Nn. 2. this Hide. 1IAKI.KV Ni. trading. IIHAN Dull and heavy ; eust track , cucKed. Mi' . KI.AX SMFZn lj > er at JI.40. Ihlit side. I.OVKII Hlinn Slron at J7.8WiS.Mi. TIMOTHV KKKIJ Klnni chulce , J.1.43. HAY Steady ' and unchanceil. III'TTKH I'lichnnRed. 1H3S tTnchansed. 1.KAD-J2.0S. .Sl'KUTKH-tl.20. COUN MKAI J2.45f(2.53. \VHlfiKV-tl.33. 1'llOVISIONS StronKer. 1'oilc , Mindard me , jobblnK. J13.S7li. l inl , prime uteani , tJ.40 ; chulce , ff.M. Dry rait meats , loose nhouldem , Jii.ST'i ' lonKS and rlbx , > 7.37'i ' ; xhort * . tl.K'.i. ll.u-nn packet ! shoulders. 57.50 ; lungs , tS.IS'.J , ; libs , ? < . : : , short n , IS.37HtiS.K > . IIKC'EHTH Flour , 4.000 bbls. ; wheat , 4I,00 ( bu. : corn. M.fOO bu. ; ml * . 46.000 bu. HIIH'JUNT8 riour , .MO bbls. ; nheal , CCKH ( bu. ; corn , 6,000 Im. ; oaln. 11.000 bu. I ( itton .Market. NKW OHLKANS. Sept. 2S. COTTON Ka y rales. 2.0JO bales ; lo arrive , 2.300 balen ; oidln.iry , 4 13-lfc ; Rood ordinary' , 5 15-16c ; low mlddllni ; , & 9-lCc ; mlddllnR , & 13-lGc ; Ko'xl mlddllni ; . 6 IJ-lSe inlddllnK fair , U IMVc ; fair , 7Tie , nomlir.il ; re. nipts , . 1,203 bales ; esports , coaetwlae. 3.901 b.ilen < lieut llrltiiln , ,1M liuli-H ; KtDck , S2.rc : li.ilcs TUIillex , quiet ; salrs , 35.900 tale * ; Sepli-mber nominal ; October. r..70fi5.71 ; Novemlier , t5.7C i I..7S ; Decemlier. tJ.tUfl'i.SI ; January. J'.M < | 3.87 Kebrnary. J5.We5.iU ; Match. 5.'JC i' > .K7 ; April , tli.0lfi6.v3 ; June , JC.U06.K ! ; July. t . Z I flU. 22. HT. IXR'IS. Seit , 28. COTTON-CJUlet ; rnhl OlInK , tic ; yales. GO bales , receipts , ! K)0 ) bales rlilpmonl * . $00 bules ; Htock. K.W ) bale * . Miiiar Aliirkec. NKW YOtlK. Kept. CS.-HL'fJAIl-Ituw , dill and n-'inlrul , HeHned , quiet , No , il , 3Tif < 4 l-lOo llecelptg. KCi > baKu ; exporU tu Uleat lldtaln 11,1 * ) b.iKa ; vuaitwliie , 3,6'jO bain , stock , U.S. : IIHKS. IXllnres , Hlendy ; wile . SS.&X ) luxs ; September , t.-.S7 bid ; October. Jl.7 bid ; No\eniber. ti.f iij t. . 7 ; December. | D.9ftCi3 ! : January. fi.o.j.M ; l-Vbruary , JO.l'ISib ' II ; March , I .17 < ! ? < > .H : A | > rd JC.22ifjC.V4i Mas- , W.nti.y > ; June , te.3l6C.Mi July. ( i > .ioj6.ll. U3N1MJN , Hepl. 2 . HUa.Ml-Cnne , very itlle | | renlrlfunnl. Java , 13 * M ; Mufcosadu , fair re lining , lls M , _ fruit yuotatloiu. rillCAQO , Hepl. Z8. The Karl Vrult compaii ) n.ld California fruit ul auction today , ivuliilm Ihe following prices : ! ) < < "onilce iieani , J1.40 lleurro Clalrtceaus. J1.80 ; Heckel , I2.JS ; lleurn lki ce. t2,10 ; D'AnJou , II. W ; lllout Morceau JI.M ; Winter Nells. J1.IO ; Oregon Hllver prunes boxes. Wlt'ic ; half cr tes , iivc ; Italian , buics tl , halt cruteu. JI.M ; tjulnces , JI.15. 1'orter Uro * . c muiy , Chlc c ° 4 sold eight con BEST PUREST AND MOST ECONOMICAL CHICAGO , Greatest Stove on Earth , EPS FIRE GURUS SOFT OR HARD COAL Saves in Fuel Bills. Patent Screw Draft Reg ister. Talent Anti-Clinicr Grate Controls the Fire Per fectly. Clean , Durable and Hand some. 110.00 woitli of Roods , > lWwr ecl or J4.00 per month rash I2S.OO Hortli ol eoude , . 11.io per vseek or JC.CO per month J50.CC woitli of B.iuds , OH S2.UO per week or 18,00 per month $75.00 uorlh ot KDuds. $2.1,0 per wecU or J10.00 per month ireilt JIOO.OO Tvoith or Roods , , 13.00 per week or J12.00 per month tOO.W vioith of Kouds , . . . . . . tl.Ou per ncvk or 113.00 per month TAKK A CIIOICC , IT'S HEADS YOU WIN , TAILS WE LOSE. 1 Form3rly Peipla's Mamanft eml 10 cents for postage on Kl $ " 91-CitUo. ; u. Write for Ksiby O.irrlitRc Ctitalofjuc-MaUjJ Free. Goods sold on payments in Council lilii is fc hu'.itlt Oinahi Close EvmiliiKt l < > : ! H > . except Mondays and S iturJays. FROM DIRECT FROM THE TANK * OE3 WER THAN STEAM. Ab IMltr. JVo Steam. JVo Engineer , B&ST rcn\'in for Corn nnd Feed Mills , Bnll liny , Htinulne Heparutora , Crcumcrlci , Ac. OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary or Portable. i to GO n. p. * 8 to 20 n. p. Bend forL'ululosuel'rlcelc.d.srlbliwi ; rklobedoue. THE OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS Omiha , Sheeley Block , ISth tc Howard Sts. 33d & . Wnluiil Stl , , lMIII.AnBI.PIUA , PA. ( iillfiiMilii fruit nt niii'tlon lmlu > , I > nn1il ornlrs Tokay KUipfs. $2.70J3.75. clHKlc frntm. JI.Ojjj1 - loul.lr < riitc- bite , 9e l.lO ; Cllnits , rOffDOr. I'oiler llins. < inniiiiiv , Nrw _ ymh , sold twn ' ' ' r ' ii'.2J. _ J _ KIUKIM City .MiirkdtK. KANHA8 C'lTY. Keil. ! . WHKAT-Klim ; No. 3 hard , 4Cfi > : GVtc ; N" . 3 red , UtplS'ie ; No. 3 red , 440 (3o : rejected. 42 43e. : OItN Ulowj No. 2 mixed , 45'afl ' ' ! ie ; No. 2 white. 4S 4 V4c. OATS 'ie lower ; No. ! mixed , 2i'i5iUc ' > ; No. 2 white , 3IHft'32c. l ! TTiU Weak ; cii'iim-iy. Willie ; dully , 17 BOOS ArllVf nl IS'.jC. HECKII'TH Wheat. 17.COO bu. ; nun , none ; outs. 6.200 bll. HIIII'MKNTH Wlieiil , K.1W Im. ; corn , none ; o t , 2,000 bu. MVKItPOOI * Pept , . -l'lflVISIiNS-Ilnrrm ! ( , , easy ; ilemnnd | Our ; nl'inl i-ul , 47n. ll.iiun , rleily ; ( lunniid in'xIeiHle ; Cnml > eilAiid cul , 40s ; nhoit rllis , Us ; Ions ibii' , 4S HIK. , I2n ; IOIIM and nhort clenr. fil Ibs , , 41s ; shoulders , dull ill ! < 5x. l'llljIMr < Firm ; llnest entem , hile ana eol- OU'il. 60s M. TAM.OW Nominal ; ileimind poor ; prime cllj- . I.'OTTON RKKII OIL 1'lim l 2ti t.1. TUIU'ENTINK-HU-ady ; deniHnd Inlr ; nplrltv. 2N. 2N.HOS1N Dull ; diniiinil full' : roiniiion. 3 * M. JIOl'S At l/indon O'.u-llle njasl ) . leid > ; de- inund model ate ; new tiop , t2.IOi)2.t& . Mnnrh'iirer T > lllp . M.XNt'HIIrtTKIl. Hipt. 2d.Cl.illiH mi.Iain dull ; only retull bui-lncm dolnc , TrUrn M lirnt ( lunlitllon * . SAN rilAN IS O , Hrpl. -WIIH.VT--Hle.idys December , t2 c ; iluy , W c. N , W. HARRIS & CO. BANKERe , 163-165 Dearborn-st. , Chicago. IS W ll-l , , New York. 70 Slate-it. , Uoiton. d RON Dfi cu GRADE LJV y I N L VJ Boaftil Bd Eel l. _ Corre pondonco ScllcKcdl. Stand at the Head. For till rty ycar * Dttclifr Watch C n a c every prominent lerln tlioUultcdStatcs. The Duubor trade * mnrlc In this country. | and Iho Hail mark In RUBY JEWELED ! 1 England arc a gunrmi- ADJUSTED * 14 i j tee of pure metal. 17- \ WAICHES jewel Hampdcn move ments In Ducbcr mxi stand nt the head. If your dealer docs not keep our wiUcliwi mall us your tildrenn nnd we will i * d you tin nnnifl of n de l r wli < dots. TUB WATCH VS'OKKN , Cmilon. O. We will lend TOO th rrnvrrelon * TrtDCli Pr pir loa CALTIIOO twe. nii ! ' < ! fu r nU Ihtt CALTIIOHwill HeiUtre sour Uralth , HtrcBKtb auU V E . ( fit ( I and fay { /tatdjl(4. Adrirftoa VON MOHL CO. . OUt. s Bromo-Ceiers. r ll era > . Acid l > f ft , Ana' AnllJoto for Alcobolta n < l ollior tx ceuei. I'rlov , 10 , CSa THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 161 S.Weitem Avenue. CHICAGO. For ule hr lt druiKXliu. Oraabi. ' WM. LOUDON. Commission Merchant Craiii and Provisions. Private wire * to Chlcaeo and New York. All business orders plac il on Chlcui'U Uoaril of Trade , Correspondence solicited. Office , room 4 , N w Xork LUf Bulldlnfc Xtlcphone UOt ,