THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : S&fruilDAY , SEPTKMBEU 20 , 180 , , DODGE COUNTY VETERANS Eounion at Frsmout Ono of tha Most En thusiastic of the Season. ALLEN AND THURSTON THE SPEAKERS Oilier Orntora Kntcrtiiln the Vltltnr * In tlio llvenltiK Ilx-C'onfuloriito In Ilaril MUCH Kindly Annlnti-il lijr homo of tlio lioyii. FIIBMONT. Neb. , Sept. 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) The reunion held by the Dodge County Veterans association In this city today has been a decided success , notwith standing the terrific gale which has kept Ihe air full of snnd nnd dirt. The city has been full vt old soldiers , their families and friends all day. This morning the association elected officers and decided to hold next year's re union at Hooper. Lova's opera homo was crowded lo the doors during the afternoon. The principal speakers were John M. Thurston n id Sen ator Allen , lloth made eloquent speeches , which were listened to with close attention and warmly apphiuded. There was also special singing and band music. There was K camp fire In the City park this evening , addresses were made by Kovs. F. M. So > - slon , J. W. Itoblnson and Maupln Colpalrlck of Washington county , Prof. Clemmons of the normal and Senator Allen nil talked upon patriotic subjects and many amusing and pathetic Incidents of the war were related. Several hundred were In attendance. VKTKHANS AT IIAVI'.S CUNllilt. K-Un1on Snlillrrt Contribute to tlio Com fort of nil KfConfoctnnitc. HAYES CENTEU , Neb. , Sept. 23. ( Special Telegram. ) The sixth annual reunion of sol diers and sailoro of Hayes county closed today amid much enthusiasm at Paxton grove. Itwas ono of the most successful reunions ever held here , the grove being alive with people from this and adjoining counties. Among the speakers were Colonel A. f. Il s- sell and Hon. J. W. Cole , who entertained the crowd satisfactorily for hours. One of the beautiful Incidents of yesterday was the making of a collection by the comrades for James McCash , an old confederate soldier who has fallsn Into hard lines. Ho Is the only ono needing aid In this pirt of the country , and the way the old boys came to his rescue warmed every heart and dimmed many an eye. Arrnili-d fur HU Itrutlii-r'n lr ! HIP. WILSONVILU3 , Neb. , Sept. 28. ( Special Telegram. ) Jake Krea , living about six miles north of here , wai arrested today upon A complaint filed by Adolph Fitzgerald. In which ho alleged that young Krea yesterday afternoon made an assault upon Ills til-year- old daughter. The defendant claims that his brother acknowledged to him that ho was the Kullty party and that he had left tor parts unknown. The girl was quite badly bruised In the struggle , but not seriously ns she was able to appear at the trial. Alter hearing the testimony the Justice decided that as the girl was not positive aa to which one ot the Kreai boys was the assailant , there being four of thorn and nil bearing striking resemblance to each other , Ihnt U was a case of mistaken Identity consequently the pris- nner was given his liberty. The heaviest rainfall ever known her * commenced this afternoon and continues to night. The streets and cellars are flooded. Numerous washouts will undoubtedly be re ported tomorrow. Rxrtcr Nntfunnd I'ersoimls. CJiETEH. Neb. , Sept. 28. ( Special. ) The Daptlst people held nn enjoyable social at Ihe residence of A. U. Vennum last night. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. It. Lee relumed' Irom an extended visit to Lo Claire. la. , nnd other' points yesterday , and are now making their arrangements to go to California. Ilcv. W. T. Cllno , pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church , returned from conference yesUrday. He la to remain on. this charge another year. Ills congregation gave him a reception at the parsonage last night , which ] iroved a very successful affair. James O'Hoyle ot Crete brought the re mains of one of hl sons here for burial .yesterday. The services were conducted from the Catholic church. L. C. Gilbert came In from Cowl-s yester day , where ha has been looking after hla stock ranch. Ciutiir Comity Keiinlon. BROKEN DOW , Neb , , Sept. 28. ( Special. ) The district reunion closed last night with a rousing camp fire , lasting to nearly 12 o'clock. Yesterday the attendance was large. The weather was exceptionally fine fr the occasion. The Greatest speech of the session was delivered yesterday by II. M. Sullivan , candidate for the stats ยง ennte from the -fifteenth senatorial district. His sent ineiitt of patriotism were as grand as were evei uttered. Dy his oratory he captured the niidtenco and was frequently applauded. At the business session J. L > . Grimes wa ; elected president ; W. W. Cowles , vice presl- dent , und W. II. Hussell , ndjutant. Tin council of admlnlstrat'on elected was P. H Wynioro of Calla\vay , L. J. Goudy of Qrokei Bow and II. W. Albert of Wcltcrt. - Lincoln Count * ' * Atrli'iiltiirnl NORTH PLATTI3 , Neb. , Sept. 2S. ( Specla Telegram. ) Lincoln county has a very soot : exhibit of agricultural products at tip count ] fair , now In session. The .in a In Interest today at the fair was the bicycle races. Tin two mile handicap vvns won by Henry Fred rlckson of Fremont , who also won the om wile open. The North Plixtto Wheel cltil offered several vulimblo prizes , nttractlnj riders from various parts oC the state. To morrow's race will be the five mile handicap Domrnti'il Man Hold lit NpIlgU. NEL10H , Neb , , Sept. 23 , ( Special , ) Ai Insane man was arrested a short distanceeas of town by Deputy Sheriff Clark this mornIng Ing- . Little Information could be obtained re warding him. As near as can bo ascertained his name is Furncld and his home Is I South Dakota , Yesterday ho was seen t fall from a wagon while driving1 In a south crly direction , and was assisted to start o his way. Ho had a good outfit. The wage was sold by u firm at Kills , 3. D. Slirrlilnn'H Fulr Cloncil. GORDON , Neb. , Sept. 2S. ( Special Tele gram , ) The Sheridan County Agriculture society closed Its session last night. It wa PUB of the most successful fairs ever hoi since tha association was organized. Thor was a largo attendance from all over tli county. The races were good. D. T. Tay lor'a horse of Hay Springs won first mono In the trotting race. Tlmo : 2:20. : The ngrl cultural display was excellent. Hurst irs Him ml Over. HASTINGS , Sept. 23. ( Special Telegram , Tlireo young burglars , Hubbard , Gllme and Dreckner , Mho were arrested for th burglary of a store at Ayr , had their hearln today and were bound over to th& dlstrlc court under $500 bonds. John Uoeder , wh was arrested yesterday fcr forgery , wa placed under a J500 bond lo appear In th district court , Tire Dentil * t llciitrlrr. BEATRICE , Sept. Z8 , ( Special ' Telt gram. ) Sirs. J. E , Smith , wife of the i > n * Went of the First National bank of th ctly , died this evening after a. prolongs Illness of cancer of tha liver. She leaves husband and a grown sou and diughte Th little daughter of Dr , C , P. Fall * die thta evening after a short Illness from dlpl therU. Kenrnny Child ScnUleU lo Drntli. KKAHNHY. Neb. . Sept. IS. ( Special Tel < gram. ) This noon while a so of William C. Uoss was playing around th house he fell Into a vessel oC boiling , wate lie was terribly burned nml died two houi afterward. Ills , parents were both stand In near at. tlio time and Mr , Itoaa was lerrlbl burned In taking his son from the water. VvliTiuit ut Ile4 nr Clir. HEAVEU cm' , Neb. . Sept. 28 , ( Sped Telegram. ) The district reunion now In pn Kress brought hundred * to Uwor City t < Jar and yesterday. T , J. Majors was ex pected to bo present , but the crowd was dis appoint td by a telegram that he could not get here. II C , Uussrll was present today ami delivered an address. llrtiha it llrufcniniin'n .low. rrtEMONT , Neb. , Sept. 23 , ( Special Tele gram. ) A meat train from flouth Omaha Jumped the track on thn Y at Irvlngton to night. Two cars vent Into the ditch and were smashed. George Kdwards , a brakeman - man , was standing on one of the cats when It went over. He was thrown against a pile of bridge timbers nnd Ills juw was broken. ( 'arm Iteililenra lluriu-il. TECUMSfitr , Neb. , Sept. 28. ( Special Tel egram. ) Flro totally destroyed the farm res idence of L. W. Lantz , near this city , today. As the family was absent nt the- time of the fire none' of the contents were saved. Loss $1,200 , partly covered by Insurance. 1'nlrlea * Cnrnlvnl at I'rrmont. Flin.MONT. Sept. 28. ( Special Telegram. ) The Fairies' Carnival operatta , under the auspices of the Ladles Charity club , has been produced at Love's opera house two nights with great success. One hundred and fitly people Mere In the cast , .Htrurl < A Vein of , NEWCASTLE. Neb. . Sept. 2S. ( Special. ) John Tobln , a farmer living about four miles east of here , while digging a well , struck a. vein of some kind of mineral , which may prove lo be either coal or Iron. I'liittr CVntnr I'ouollloii Itohtiml. PLATTK CENTER , Neb. . Sept. 28. ( Spe cial Telegram. ) The postolllce nt this place was robbed of all Its mall and what money remained In the change drawer last night. Agril .VflbnuUftii llo'iil. NEBRASKA CITY , Sept. 28. ( Special Tel egram , ) Harris Johnson , a resident of this city for the past thirty years , died today aged SO , _ Severe < ! ale nt Knrprl'c. SURPIUSI3 , Neb. , Sept. 28. ( Special. ) The wind Is blowing a forty-mile gale here today , _ Proof of the pudding la In the string , of the pieIn the crust. None PO good aa that made with Dr. Price's Baking Powder. M K.STBM.V 1'K.V.SIUAA Vctonun of the r.ntc H'ar IliimPinlirreil l > y flip finnunil ( iovi-riimi-nt WASHINGTON , Sept. 21Speclal. < . Pen sions granled , Issue of September H , were : Ncbraslui : AiMltlonal Andiew Patchln , Cedar llaptdH , Iloone county. Henuwal Joat-pli 18. T'urnain , Grant , Perkins county. Increase Heimon II. neives , Lincoln , Lan- tpp Bounty ; William Monroe , Nollgh , ntelbpo county , rtelasue Uenjamln B. ,1111s , ( Jfceolii , Polk county ; James K. Allen , 'KHhilla ' , Keith county. Iowa Original Charles U. Myers , At- nntlv , TUBS county : John Jeers , Gnrner , luncock uumly. Itelssue John Mlddlc- irook , Chester , Howard county : John K. I.irrlx . , Mnntezuma , Poweshlek county , .Vllllnm W. Pike. LawUr. Cliicknsaw ounty ( Uilginnl widows , etc. Nnucy M. Gapen , Pnrrlsh. I3es Molnea county ; Anna "diirln Swnnson unother ) Dayton , Webster ounty . Colorndo Frank Miller. Fountain , El Paso 'onnty. ' Increase Aqullla McKlnnon , Ala- mosi. Conejos county. Wyoming : Orlglnnl Charles Cox , Fort D. , HuBsell , Lurnmlc , Issue of September 15 wera : Nebraska : Renewal nnd Increase William Hetrlck , ennnrd. Washington county. Incrcnse- corRiHandv. . Crawford , Dawes county. Helssue Jiicob Stengel , Aten , Cedar county : Idrldcc Campbell. Geloa. Nance county. South Dakota : Increase Francla W. HUB- ell. Uelidwood. Lawrence county. Reissue Kobert II. MrKlttrlclc ( deceased ) , Water- ' .owii , OcdhiKton county. Iteli-iiie unil In- ircose Samuel llorlck. Miller. I In nil county. Original widows , etc. Lizzie M. McKlttrlck , ntcrtoivn , Codlngton county : lleqben ivotts fnther ) . Hazel , Hamlln county. lowu : Original Jeremiah Kllmrr , Ca- manclie , Clinton county ; Melon Wetmore , Kvcrly. ( May county. " Additional Lewis Tuttle , Charlton , Lucas county Original widow , etc. Henrietta Small , Decorah , Wlriiu-BhJek' county : LUqliula felf ( mother ) , Unmhui'K1. T-Vemont county , Colorado : Original August Ilnckman , Denver , Ar.nmhoe county. OiU-livil widows , etc. Cluni K , Cameron , Canon City , Fre mont county. "Wyoming : Oilqlnal widows , etc. Fennle 3. DonkL r lt > y , Laramle , Albany county. Issue of September 17 were : Nebraska .encwnl Kredrrlck M. Potter , Dorchester , Saline county ; Thomas C. Lalnl. Lawrence , Nuclcolls county. Renewal and Increase- Henry M. Hart , Max , Dundv county. Increase - crease Georse 11. Priestly , Pierce , Pierce county. Iowa : Original Daniel I ? . Hays , Chester Conlei , I'owi'slilek county , rienewal nnd Increase Jaxon 13. Webb , Tterkelpy , Boon- county. Reissue Thomas J. Alexander , Mlle , Warren county. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney troubles , Trial size , 25 cents. All druggist ) military Slut tors. Leave of absence for fifteen days , to take effect on or about October 10 , 1831 , has been granted Captain Charles A. Booth , assistant quartermaster , U. S. A. , Omaha. First Lieutenant Edward I. Orumley , Sev enteenth Infantry , has been appointed re cruiting afllcer at Fort D. A. Russell , Wyo. , vice First Lieutenant William C. Wren , ad jutant Seventeenth infantry , relieved. The following officers will proceed from the Bellevue rifle range , near- Bellevue , Neb. , tc Fort Sheridan , 111. , for duty as competitors In "tho army contests , reporting to the com manding officer by October 3 , 18 4 : Captain Joseph Garrard , Ninth cavalry ; Second Lieu tenant Henry G. Lyon , Seventeenth Infantry Second Lieutenant L. M. Fuller. Ninth cav alry ; Second Lieutenant J. II. Lindsay , Nlntli cavalry. Under the provisions of general orders No. SO , series of 1S99 , headquarters of the army , the following named enlisted men will be discharged from Ihe service of the United States on the dates set opposite their re spective names , by the commanding officer ot the pout at which they arc stationed Private- James Ryan , company K , Eighth In fantry , ou October 21 , 1891 : Private Janic ? W. Hughes , company B , Eighth Infantry on October 28. 1891. In accordance with general orders No. 18 current series , headquarters of the army tha following named enlist * d men , now al Ilellevtie rllle range , near Bellevue , Neb will proceed lo Fort Sheridan. III. , undei charge of Sergunt J. F. Jackson , troop G Ninth cavalry , reporting to the commanding o nicer of that post . .ot later than Octobei 3 , 1891. for duty as competitors In the arm ) contests : Sergeant II. Wilson , company II Seventeenth Infantry ; . Corporal J. Erennan company O , Second Infantry ; Private A DeuboN-y , company F , Second Infantry ; Prl vote C. C. Kearney , company B , Second In fantry ; Sergeant A. DaUer , troop C , Slxtt cavalry ; Sergeant W. A. Vroomun , troop O Ninth cavalry ; Corporal 8. H. Thomas , trooj II , Ninth cavalry. Patronize American goods , especially wher you know they are the best , like Cook' ; Extra Dry Imperial Champagne. The Celtic-American leagus hold its reg ulor meeting last evening. Many visitor , from Beatrice , Tremont nnd other place : attended. Several short addresses were de llvcred and much encouragement was fel at Ihe reports which were received. A pub lit demonstration will be had about th < middle of October. Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous head allies. Trial bice , 25 centa. All druggists. A Netr Trnlu to Commencing August 12 , tha "Omaha am Chicago special , " via the Chicago North western railway , leaves Omaha dally at 6:4 : p in. , and arrives at Chicago 8 : > I5 nox morning. Vesttbuled dining car , Wagne sleepers and chair cars form the cqulpmeu of this train , and Bra all up to "North wsitern" standard , ItOl Farnam street , cltr ticket office. Juita Little r trr. The "Northwestern" Number Slic. leavln Omaha 4 p. m. dally , now arrives at Clilcug 7S9 a. in. . Instead of 8:15 : , aa formerly. "Jua a little faster. " Don't confuse this with Hi Dacha Chlci > go special , wbich still leaves a EMS p , m , dally and arrives at Chicago 8:4 : a , m , No need to- change thl train. City ofllce. not Parnam street. Tlio Wirkly for Ilin I uiupitii. ; | The Weekly Ileo will be sent up to Nc vember U , covering tha entire cauipalgt for 10 cent * . We Have Fused , too. All tllB remember that we bought what was left of the Columbia Clothing Stock LllC Well , we have a few of their heavy weight suits in single and double breasted , which we propose to in-fuse with so much life by means of prices that they will leave us in a hurry. til 6 know la wnen we speak of prices , we mean something different than is ordinar ily conveyed by such things for prices with us even on our regular new stock are about half those of other stores alwaye are and when we advertise a bar gain it means less than that ublicans arc invited to rend these prices ; it means a big saving to everybody. Read carefully. 9Oc Boy's Knee 78c Men's Woolen Pants. Child's ' 2-piecc all wool Suit , our fusing ; price. . , Pants , fusing Men's Woolen Pants. $1.OO price Child's 2-piece Suit , a little better trimmed , fusCb - | . , QQ ing price . ' $1.25 Boys' Long Men's Woolen Pants. . Pant Suits , Child's extra heavy all wool cassimere suits , fusing - ages 14 to 19 ing price . Men's Woolen Suits that are bargains at $6 anyQ O years , 3 pieces ll > ' where , fusing price KpO.C- > Child's heavy Suit , all wool , with extra pants , Ct * H Men's Suits , in three shades , good value at $7.50 Boys' woolen fusing price. . ' . 4 ? J. f will be fused out at cassimere Suits , ages 14 Child's ' double-breasted all wool cassimere Suits , Five new shades of our standard all wool cheviot C ) to 19 years , at . fusing price Suits fused at fusing price of Child's Junior Suits , in cheviot and cassimero , Strictly clay worsted Suit , in either sacks or ' Boys' elegant frocks , fusing" price . . . . cheviot suits , , neatly braided , for ages 3 to 7 years , fusing price , dork effects , Genuine English cheviot Suir , in regent cut ) ages 14 to 19 , cither style sack or 4-bulton cut-away 3 go at fusing I Child's Junior Suits in black velvet , a neat ele- shades ' ' I gant suit , fus ng price Successors toT -T- Corner 13th and Farnam Streets , Omaha. NO CHEAP RIDE TO CHICAGO i i - ' ! Out in Hates Arranged fjr Ycsta thy Not ! ' Put Into Effect , SANTA FE ABANDONED ITS POSITION General Miimiper llolUro o Hcports 1'uvor- uhly on Wnrk uf Kzteiuloii to llUllngii Nnturo of Tralllc Arrunioiiiciit Utlicr Hullroutl > icns. The anticipated reduction In fare from the Missouri river to Chicago , on account oT the action of the Santa Fo in making a cut on rates from Kansas City to Chicago , was not forthcoming , the Santa -withdrawing Its cut rate , thereby restoring the equilib rium. Thursday Lincoln enjoyed a low rate to Chicago , and It was the Intention of the Chicago lines to make the reduced rate effective from Omaha , selling tickets at this point for $7 , and from Council Uluffs at $5.7 ! " . . but the Santa Fe backed down from Its pca'tlon , and normal conditions oncu more obtain. The roads were ready to put the reduced rateIn effect for yesterday , but just ns the ofllces were about to be opened , word came that the Santa. Fe had thought better of the matter , and had decided to let well cnougli alone. ltiiUCING MHAtKI.UCU IATK > . Cut of rivn Cents on Oralu frnm Kuiitm City to Nmvport Now * . CHICAGO , Sept. 28 , The Alton road , In connection with the 13lg Four and Chesapeake & Ohio , today announced n rate of0 cents on evpart grain from Kansas City to Newport News. This la a reduction ot C cents from the previous rate. The Alton gives as Its reason for making the reduction that the Kansas City-Memphis line have been mak ing a rate of 15 cents on export grain to New Orleans and have been carrying off the bulk of the business. The- western freight asso ciation has as yet taken no oMlclal action re garding the reduction , but It Is believed that It will da so within the next few days. The meeting of the trunk lines and those of the Central Trafllc association has ad journed without taking ut > any of the heavy subjects which It was believed that It would consider. The- matter ot divisions of per centages with the three I's road was left in the hands of Chairman Ulanchard of the Central Traffic association , who will endeavor to make some arrangement with the oniclala of the road and will make a report later to the two associations. The gross earnings of the llurllngton for the month of August were $2,034,143 , a de crease of $142,252 from the same month of last year. The total net earnings were 1531.- 927 , an Increase of $228,747. Operating ex penses decreased $318,119 during the month. Prom the first of the year to August 31 the net earnings of the road have decreased | 19S- , 997 as compared with the same period of last year. An infallible guide to Ideal results In cookiTy Dr. Price's Oaklng Powder. Ilnllwuy iMiteft. O. R. Morrison , assistant superintendent of the Milwaukee under Mr. Coodnow , Is In Omaha. Fort D. A. Uussell troops , en route to Columbus Barracks , were given lo the Mil- wiukco at 2 o'clock , and without delay were sent on to their destination. C. S. Carrier , city ticket agent of the Milwaukee , looking "finer than a flddle , " has returned from Hot Springs , and was at hi * post In the Milwaukee oillce yesterday. Commencing Sunday the Keyttone ex press , the rant train on the Pensylvanla line , will leave Chicago at 10:30 a. in. und arrive In New York at 2:30 : p. m. the next afternoon , thereby reducing the running time ol this train two hours. The train under the new arrangement will make con nections with all Chicago lines. OnlV rivn Mllm Morn. General Manager Holdrege has returned from hla tour ot Inspection over the Hur- llngton extension , "Connection will be made about Tueiday , If all ROCS well. " said he , "with the Northern - ern Pacific at lluntley , live miles of track construction being necessary between now and the early part iof the next week. From Huntley the Burlington \H11 use the Northern P.jclflcTs 'tracks ' Into1" ttllUh'Bs. . 'At .Billings the UurJlngtoh wlll use Its own freight ter minals and freight house , which must be built , but will usa the Northern Pacific's. passengor'Blatlon and'-'tracks at that point. "We will have to build our own tele graph line from Huntley to Billings , as the Northern Pacific's poles are too crowded with wires to take our own wires. Every thing has been completed aa to Ihe Inter change of business between the Burlington and Northern Pacific , both as to passenger and freight matters and I anticipate we will open the new line about October 15 , or maybe a little sooner. "Wyoming Is prosperous. Crops are excel lent , and the people are thoroughly satis- fled with the futureof the state. Sheridan aetms to be enjoying n steady und substan tial growth , and I believe- the extension oE our line will be of Inestimable benefit to the business Interests of Omaha , opening , as U will , an entirely new territory for opera tion. " The officers of the United States army and navy understand the art of living well. That Is why they use Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. K.I rilKt : FUUKVAS T. I'alr unit Cooler In Etintcrn I'nrt of No- hntslca Toiliiy. * WASHINGTON. Sept. ' 2S. The forecast for Saturday Is : For Nebraska Fair ; cooler In the eastern portion ; northwest winds , For South Dakota Fair ; Hllghlty cooler In the extreme southeast portion ; north west winds. For Iowa Fair ; much cooler ; variable winds. For Missouri Fnlr ; probably slightly cool er In the extreme noitlrwest portion ; south- fast winds. For Kansas Generally fnlr : much cooler ; winds becoming1 northwesterly. Local lit cord. OFFKJE OF THKVHATIIEIl \ BUREAU , OMAHA , Sent. 28. Omnl.a lecord of tem perature nnd rainfall , compared with the corresponding day of last four years : 1S9I. 1813. 1892.1891. Maximum temperature. . . . SS CS fcO C3 Minimum temperature C2 42 62 05 Average temperature . . . . 75 55 71 Ci Precipitation 00 .00 .29 .00 Condition of temperature and precipita tion at OmaSa for the day and Blnce Jlarch 1. 1SH : Normal temperature , . , O ) ISxcess for the day , , 15 Accumulated excess since -March 1 70) Normal precipitation 10 Inch Deficiency Tor the clay .10 Inch Total precipitation since March 1 f 11.83 Inches Accumulated deficiency since March 1 , , . . , . . . . ( 14.78 Inches Keport * from Olhnr Station * nt K I" . M. * A"Imllcato Ir.K'uot r.iln. ( .EOHGK K. lUJNT.LueU : I'uroaiilOtrteUI. Mr } . Ellen Malson , Mlfa ot Elder Malson. pastor of the U. I } . , churcb at Gallon , 111. , in epeaklng cf Chamberlain Pain Balm , saysr "I can cheerfully recommend it. " Applied to n cut , bruise or burn. It produces a sooth ing , pleasant effect , relieving the pain al most Instantly .and healing the parts quickly and without leaving-a scur. A flannel cloth dampened with this liniment and bound on over the affected part will cure a sprain in loss tlrao than any other treatment. Sold by druggists. Tln > Weekly fur tlio C'tti The Weekly Ilee will be sent up to No vember 15 , covering the entire campaign , for 10 cents. fl:4B I' , M. at Onulm , HM3 A. 91 , at Chlcnjo The now votlbulefl train now running oo the "NorlhMeiUru" east dally. SERIOUS RIOTING AT RIO Coming of priDR in Eiazll Sets Trouble Ereak Cut Aucw. OVER THREE HUNDRED PERSONS KILLED Ailmlrul ill < ; .inii'4 : Ucncrlptliut ot the Sulcllor-l'atrnlleil City Inu lluiidroil < \rro8t Troon | llolil In Ititrr.ivha Intriuo Alurni. RIO DE JANEIHO , Sept. 2S. Ono Imndrea anil nlnety-soven persona have been arrested for being Implicated In the riots at tlio last four days. The police and marines are ac tive. Troops were held In barracks anil sailors with boats are ready to land. Presi dent Pclxoto announces aid from foreign war slilpa U necessary. MONTEVIDEO. Sept. 28. Admiral da Gama asserts there has been rioting In Rio do Janeiro , lasting live days , accompanied by outrages on Portuguese merchants Instigated directly by President 1'elxoto , who Incited soldlcra dressed In citizens clnLln-s to make an attack on the pretense that they wanted a meeting of royalist conspirators , Rio , It la reported , looks like a great military camp , soldiers patrolling the streets , cavalry en camped In public gardens , launches patrolling tuo harbor front. The number of killed Is stated to bo SIS , while 215 were wounded. Many of these were taken to tlio hospitals and others were token to their homes. Most of the fighting occurred near the water's edge and many bodies were cast Into the harbor. The damage to the property of foreign residents will amount tu Sl.50D.OOi ) . It Is said that I'oixoto will declare that In order to protect the lives of foreigners ho Is forced to declare martial war. The British minister has asked for a guard at the legation and residence. The British legation la crowded with refugees who , ir < 5 afraid to remain on the streets. ' In the old homestead true comfort reigns , particularly when the Inmates use Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powiler , ininxittt. Illinois Central Trttlllc Jnturmptcil by In- vfiiillurlra nt I own l'.ilt . MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 28. A special to tllB Journal from Iowa Falls , la. , Bays : The COO-foot Illinois Central railroad bridge across the Iowa river at this point burned about 3 o'clock this morning. The lira was dis covered by the night operator a few minutes after the castbound passenger train passed over It. The bridge was built In 18GS , and was seventy-five feet high. The origin of the fire la thought to be Incendiary. General Superintendent Sullivan of the- Il linois Central said the freight traffic of the road would not be Interrupted at oil , as ar rangements have been made to detour the Illinois Central trains around the gap. Thee bridge will be reconstructed within three days. _ _ Court Notoa. After rendering their decision In the Im peachment case yesterday afternoon Judge Walton announced that he would be ready for trial oases on Monday morning , Judge Ilopewell eald that he would take up the regular docket In room 4 , and Judge Fer guson will have charge of tha docket In room C. There will be no court today except In the criminal section , where u few convicts will receive sentence. l.llllo nitithcr haH sued fur a divorce from her husband , Frank , and aeks for the cus tody of her little eon , Guy , In her petition for a Reparation Mrs. Olnther tells a talc of abuse and misrepresentation , She claims that she. and Frank were married In Mlllard on September 15 , 1S90 , and that he- had repre sented to her that he was a mechanic and boiler maker , capable of earning- good liv ing. besides owning eighty acres of good land In South Dakota. All this was false , she claims , and sbo has had to earn a living for them both. f , nil ODlcu Aiant * ut CIlKYUNNB * Wyo. . Sept , 28. ( Special. ) W. II , Matthews , special agent of the general land olllco In this district , has received notice that the appropriation for thU work ls nearly oihautted and It would be necessary to give him a furlough until a further appropriation could bo "made by congress. There are thirty- four special agents employed by the general land ofllce , und about one-half of them have been laid olf. Mr. Matthews returned to Washington this morning. Order for u Oniyl.HiisiKizn Kltmil MitUr c- tory tt Mlltviiukim t'.vtliliuii MILAVAUKEEE , Sept. 28. Since the re cent mass meeting of members of Knights of Pythias held In this city In which action was taken upon the matter of the German ritual , the various German lodges In this state have held separate meetings and have endorsed the action of the grand council. The German members deplore the circulation broadcast of Me repoit that they at any tlmo contemplated withdrawing from the order. The only thing they did was to de nounce the language used by Supreme Chan cellor Blacluvell. and the Idea of seceding was never considered. Itubbl IH.IIU bi'lnvarllond , NEWAIIK , N. Y. , Kept. IS. Isaac Schvvarz , the oldest Jewish clergyman In New York , la dead , aged 77 years. He came to America In 1851 and to Newark In 1853. A widow and seven children sur vive him. He was the first pastor of the Temple Dual Jeshurun. Snowy crystals , made from nrgols , form the ba < ils for cream of tartar. Cream of tuitur Is foundation for the best of linking panders. None so strong or pure as Or. Price's. I'EllSON.ll. I'.lUAUK.ll'UH. Eugene Moore Is a guest at the Mlllard , J. D. Devereaux of David City Is at the Arcade. Gustav Solomon oC Boston IB registered at the Arcade. Joseph O'Pelt of the Windsor hotel , Lin coln , Is at the Mlllard. Mlsa Hattle Ten Broeck ot Klmlra , N. Y. . Is visiting Mrs. J. E. Gllck , 3511 Farnam street. Albert Romano , wife and mother , have re- tnrneJ from a tllteon days' stay at Colfax : Springs , la. W. H. Ellis came In from Hillings. Mont. . last evening , and will spend a week with hla brother , Zack Ellis. Colonel M. V. Sheridan , formerly adjutant general , Department of the Plalte , but now stationed at St. Paul , la In the city visiting his friends. -Vl'bnmluuK ut thn lintels. At Ihe Murray Henry IS. Lewln , Lincoln , At the llercer M. F. King , Lincoln ; G. W. Hanseii , K. C. HuEMle , Full bury ; J. I , . Flske , Beatrice. At the Oellone H. E. French , C. I > . Ilres- sle , Kearney ; J. K. Keal nnd family , Au burn ; Casper Klaes , Hebron. At. the Paxton A. U. Sheldon und wlfe7 Seward ; Mrs. It , J Kllpatrlclc , Beatrice , I'ierBon D. Smith , St. ICilwartl.i. At the Millnrd-ll. M. liuitlincll. A. C. McArthur , W. M. Shlpman. Lincoln ; J. 1C , West , Kushvllle : John J. Trompin , Hick- man. * At the Tlarker Fred J. Ucntley. O. A. Ab bott , Grand Island ; Gcoigc Crowell. Lynns i W. C. Uj'ttn , Kmi'itinii ; Geoi'Ke T. Luke , Wnhoo ; K. W. Williams , Hastings ; \V. L. Wallace , Norfolk. At the Merchants C. V. Iddnega , North Platte ; N. A. East , O. IS. Leftenlcli , St. Paul ; II , F. Flint , It. II Putereon , I ouls- vlllo ; L. ClnrUe , Hlalr : John Wclr , Clay Center ; William Dagley , Peru ; W. L. UOKS , Ithaca. At the Arcade Mrs A. > C. McCorkle. Supe rior ; 8. Fuhrman. Schuyler ; W. K. Hnnnon , Gruml Island ; J , O. Kennedy und wife , Hastings ; Mrs. J. T , Dunlng. Mm. C. W. Jamlbon. Yutan ; P. M. CAMS , North Bend ; A. K. Grant nnd Bon , Falls City ; L. C. Hlne. Osccala ; H. Chase , Pcnder , JtlCKI'JTIHS. Hev. J , V. Updike , a successful evangelist , will begin a revival meeting at the First Christian church Sunday morning. Charles Conning was found guilty of bur glarizing K. 8. Hall's residence by a jury In the criminal court late Thursday night. The Board of Park Commissioners held an unimportant session yesterday afternoon. The application of Mr. Balduff to have charge oi the refreshment privileges at Hanscoiii park for another year was referred to the commit- t&e on supplies. Mr. lialdun agreed to pay the board's share of the expense of muiio at the park next tummer In' case his appli cation wan accepted , Action In the matter of an arl&alaa well at Klvervlew park was This extra ordinary Re- ConjtJpallon Jizine ! s > , tuvenator Is Falling Ben- the - most satlone , Nervous wonderful ous Iwltohluft discovery of of too eyes the . It aje. and other has bean en dorsed bj-tha pa its. leading eclcn- Strengthen * , title men of Invlgnratta Kuropo and and tones the America. fnlro system. Hudyan IK HudaR curca ' ' , K'bTe'f Nervouflnoes , Hudjan stops KmlBBlons , Prematuieness and develop s nnd tostorfR Of thO lllB- ' wenk orguis. in charge 'JO ' J'alna In the days. Gire * back. Ioss i LOST by day or MANIiOOD nightnloppcd quickly. Qter 2.009 prlvata Inaoiaemenu. I'lviuatuieneEB mcuni Impotency In the nnt ttage. II la a vyniptoin ot seminal wrakneM ana Laucnncsj. It can be cured in 20 days by thi use ot Huilynn. Tlio new discovery was made by the upeclalUti ot the old famous Iludnon Medical Institute. It In tha strongest vltallier made. It Is very power ful , but linrmltxs , H = ! l Car 51.00 a package , nt six packages for $5 CO ( plain Kcaletl twxei ) . U'lltten Kuarnntee given for n cure. If you huy fl boxei. nnd nre not entirely cured , nix mor will ha pent to you free of all charge. Send for clrcnlnn and tcstlmnntnlii. Artdrec * HUDSON MEDICAl INSTITUTE Junction Stockton Mtirkot , and Ellis Streets , Snn Francisco.CuL SEARLES & SEARLES , SPECIALISTS , fciironi ] WE Ncrvoin Private AND CURE Special Dtos U'tATMEHT Ur ruil. OMJ JLfAfliH frfji Catarrh , all Olboaooa o ? the NOBO. Throat , Chost.StornJoh , Ulvor , Blood Skin and K'.dnoy Dlaooneo , Lo3 Wlanhood and ALL PrtlVATc DU- EASES OF CallcnorodJrovi Hr & HT UU a lluS , OJIAIIA. NHJI. pimp Primary,8 , coadary and T r- \iunc tlary Caws of Bled : ) Polon If you don't belleva we can euro your cma periiuni-nlly , come lo our ofilc and M what wa can do Cor you In ten day * ' tlm . It will cunt you notlilnf. Conaultatlon fre . ttorreaponil * denes tollctlcd UINHMOIIK IliiKO CO. I'M ' I > ougln Ullc.Ornnia. ! 1203 Mmonle ttaiolt ,