Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered ! > r carrier t& any p rt of the city.
H. W. TIL.TON. Lome.
Ti'.t.ii'itoNE3-iu : ] iiies onic * . NO. ; night
editor. No. 23.
311 Milt MKXT1OX ,
M yr Heal Estate Agency , 639 Broadway.
C. A. Minor and Anna M. Jennen , both of
tills city , were married by Justice Vlen.
At tlii > last meeting of the St. Andrew's
cor-lcty ol Council Illiirtu suitable resolutions
vcro luim'd ' upon the death of C. I * . Waller.
H IB announced that Mr. I ) . L. Haas , a
\\t\\ \ \ known young attorney ot this city , Is
to bo married next Wednesday to Miss Heta
Miller at her home In Petersburg , til.
I ) , M Yomis and MUs Laura Flues , both
of tills city , * were married Inst evening at
8 o'clock at the residence of the brlile , 1.SOC
niKhlh HVrnue , Ilev. J. H. Davis officiating.
The cane of Luctnda Hartwcll against H ,
C Hartwcll , In which the plnlntlfJ seeks a
divorce on the grounds of cruelty and In-
Illicitly , was on trial In the district court
\V , J. Davenport Is exhibiting some stalks
ot torn HL'Vciitccti feet long that came from
ii field three miles south of Council Blurts.
The I'tiiH arc well filled out and hang eight
f 't from the ground.
A frpe concert will be given next Sunday
afternoon from 3:30 : to 4:30 : o'clock at St.
Fnuicls XaVler'B Catholic church , In which
mine of the heat talent of Council Bluffs and
Onmhn will liil < o part.
TinI'lllo Dulcl society of St. John's
Kiifillsli Lutheran church gives a free cu
te tulmiifiit and social gathering Friday
evening In Jones' hall , 17 Penrl street. A
| iocla | Invitation Is extended to young people
ple ,
Kegulnr meeting of encampment No. 3.
U. V. I * , this evening at the hall. A full nt-
tcndanro IB desired , as urgent bustne < s must
lie transacted. Ladles' auxiliary No. 17 will
Intel at the same time and place. W. 8.
I'aulson , commander ; W. S. Hlcc , adjutant.
Thf cerles of meetings being held at the
Itaptlxt church Is proving very successful ,
Kev C. N. Armstrong of the Second Presby
terian church preached last night. This
rnlng llcv , .1. 0. Staples , formerly of Chicago
cage , but now of Omaha , will preach.
Hetijamln Umblo was burled yesterday In
Tinnier cemetery , lli-v. A. Overtoil offlclatlng.
The decjiiacd was 81 years uf age , and had
Ir.en a member of the Methodist church ever
s'ti"e eight jears ot age. His wife died tlirct
jeurs ago. A lurge family of children Is lull
to mourn.
Charles Johnson. James Camp and Join
LJuike were striking all the passersby 01
Main hired for the price of s\ \ meal yester
day afternoon and got Into the Jail. It
the course of their perambulations they rai
into and broke a plate glass window In thi
Western Union Telegraph office on Lowe :
Mil In sheet.
The Wllber company has been appr-arlni
o\ery night this week at Dohany's thciilt :
to EDO ) ! housed , and will occupy tlio housi
until next Saturday night. The compan :
Is an excellent one and deserving of retjognl
tlun by the theater-going people ol Councl
lllnfTK. This evening the play will be "J
Mad Marriage. "
The divorce suit of Sarah K. Franklli
ngHltifel James Franklin was subm'ttcd I
Judge Mucy yesterday. lloth plalutllt an <
defendant live near Neola. It Is charge' '
111 ( he nl ii In tiff's petition that the dcfendnn
] iu lifen gullly of Improiier actions wit !
Jfury Wild , n domestic formerly employe
In.Ilia . KrankUn household.
Mr.V. . A. Magee , state secretary ot th
IUUDK Men's Christian association , was I
Iho clly yesterday aiding In the prellmlnar
nirangements for a big association rally t
be held at the First Presbyterian churc
Sunday evening , October 7. All arrangement
lia\e been made end the public may expec
something good on that occasion.
II. (5. P. Obllnger received a couple (
paintings yesterday which he values vet
highly. They arc oil portraits of his fatht
mid mother , executed In ,1S27. For a nun
her of years they have been missing , hi
after n long search have been recovere *
They show the mnrks of age very plalnl :
Imt after they have been put Into a Hit
inure presentable shape will be very Inte
est'ng ' and valuable.
Tim fact that the country Is still safe
mice mure emphasized by a telegram fro
Charles C. Curtis , the eminent colon
MUtrxmpii. announcing that he will thro
up his ardmms duties of keeping the a tin I
of the government In control and spci
"thirty daya without pay In Pottawattam
county trying to elect my old friend , Jud |
K. K. Ayleaworth , " The last named ge :
tlcimm , at the time Curtis lived here , wi
judge of police court.
The Young Men's Christian assoclatli
has had printed some Invitations to the Su
day afternoon meetings , which are , to HI
the least , Koinexvliat unique. Brownies
uirloim states of drcbs nnd undress a
pictured on their way from the nthlel
litiltuarltrs ( | to the men's meeting , and
rear elevation ol BOIIIO , unknown anltn
adorns the card , as a hint to the membe
not to "uet In tt the tall end of the mei
lug , " These bits of art are to be BCI
trreil on the streets each SunJaJ afternoc
Ktclietnli council No. 9 , Degree
Pocahontas , gives Its tlrst social
the season this evening at II
Men's hall , corner Drondwny and Mil
Btrei-ts. The entertainment of the evenl
will consist of a musical and literary pi
Ki-am , the leading feature of which \ \
be the Introduction by Prof. Vernon of t
Abdll Advertising company of Sam a
George , the Irish and black-faced ventfl
qulal talking figures In a most laughal
farce ; also the latest comic songs. Af
the program dancing and refreshments v
be In order.
The row of long standing between I
two churches of Latter Day Saints In I
city Is still going on merrily. Last MonO
evening Ulder A. C. Hall of theMonr
church gave a lecture at 102 Broadway ,
\Oilch he cast a good deal of reproach ut
the members of the Ileorganlzed Church
Latter Day Saints. Elder T. L. Wllllat
pastor of the last named church , was pr
cut and tried to take a hand In the mo
Ing by asking Iho ppcaker n question , 1
he was Ignomlnlously sat down upon , Tu
dny night Hev. Mr. Williams held a meet
ut his own church , In which he returned
compliment by dressing down Elder Ij
In the most approved fashion. Elder I !
\\as aslted to bo present and watch
process of preparing his own body for bur
but he declined the pleasure.
It la n bad business policy not lo Iteep y
home Insured In a thoroughly reliable
Insurance company such a the Palatine
Manchester. England. This company Is rep
edited by Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl * lr <
L , XKffTWS.
13 , II. Hunter of Des Molnes Is In the c
Mrs. J. J. Oravatto has returned frou
visit to Falls City , S. D.
W. II. Stackhouse , collector of Internal i
muo for the Fourth Iowa district , Is In
0. W. Saundws and wife of Manilla ,
ore In the city , guests of their son , C.
Mr. and Mrs.V. . W. Lunger left last c\
Ing for an eastern trip ot two weeks , i
Ing which they will visit New York , Boi
and Washington.
Charles Rartck , who has been 111 with
attack of typhoid fever at the Womi
Christian Association hospital , has aln
recovered and will be able to resume
plttco In W. C , Ester/s before many day
Mr and Mrs. D , I ) , Hay of Dayton ,
the parents of Mrs. G. W. Snyder , are
Itlntf with Hev. Q , W. Snyder and fan
217 South Seventh street. Mr. Hay tei
113 an officer through both the Mexican
civil war * .
Lieutenant H , O. Gallagher and fai
arrive * ! In the city last evening to
vUU with Mrs. Gallagher's parents , Mr.
Mrs. Henry Paschcl , on Willow ave
They are on their way frcm Fort Nlobr
Neb. , which has been their home fo
number ot years , to Fort Meyer. Washing
1) . C. , Lieutenant Gallagher having rece
been transferred to that post. The
rounding * will be much more pleasani
very way at his new station than at
old , and the many friends ot the family
t Uls good fortune.
Commercial Intercuts Ditching aTJn'qne
Power Cnnil Scheme ,
Thl Kchrnifi I * Ilelng Advocated In Con
nection with un I'fTort lo llooiii
tbc MmiilfJcturliiK Intemti
of the City.
Among the explanations of the present
flurry In real estate , one ot the latest Is also
one of the most Interesting , v.hether It has
any basis In tact or not. People have been
found who averred that the smelting works
were to be moved to thin side of the river ,
that the Illinois Central would build Its long
proposed line to Omaha and Council BluFfp ,
that the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy shops
would be moved hero from Plattsmonth , that
a number of large manufacturing enterprises
were to be located here through the efforts of
the several companies that have been or
ganized for ( lib purpose ot Inducing capital to
turn Council Illuffsward. But It is only re
cently that the Idea has been suggested Jhat
It Is ( ho plan of some of these Improvement
companies to cut a canal through the western
part of the city for the purpose of furnish
ing water power for the factories which are
expected to locate here. It Is claimed that
a canal could run from the river at n pulnt
not far above the Terminal company's bridge
In a southwesterly direction , Joining Indian
rreek , and that In this way many thousand
horcc power could he obtained. This miggos-
tloii Is not given as an ascertained tact , but
as all the other plans of the Improvement
companies which are commonly supposed to
he working up a boom for Council Bluffs
realty are shrouded In mystery , there IM no
reason why this should not be given as much
credence as any of the ret.t of them ,
Tu fitly Olclmilo tinOriui1r i tloii of tlie
\r I'll in of t'onlrr. ] > : < ! < & Uulkrr.
On the evening of Thursday , September
27 , the Boston store will appropriately cele
brate the orgniil/.utlon of the new firm of
Fowler , Dick & Walker by giving a grand
opening , to whtuh the people uf Council
Bluffs and vicinity ate cordially Invited ,
Thu store will be properly li'lniined ami
decorated tor the occasion , and the Indie :
uf Council 1II n ft H all know what this menim
as the Bostau store never spam pains 01
expeii ! * ! . ' In preparing for an event of this
kind. Mr 'A. Whltulaw , the icsldent mem-
bsr of the firm , taken gn-at Interest Ii
picparlng for this opening. New goods nr (
coming In c\ery day , and It Is imfi * to su >
that all the very latest things In drcsi
goodH , j > llljs , iatliia , hosiery , underwear
cloaks , etc. . will be on hand , suitably drapei
mid arranged for the Inspection of th <
'I he stork ill be larger than ever be
fore , ami If you \uint to get n general Ide :
of what Is to be the conect thing In tin
dry goods line this fall you should not mis
tills display.
Thursday evening , September 27 , is tin
date set , ami remember this Is a persona
Invitation to veil.
} Austin-.ViillKN- .
1a Thomas W. Austin of Crete , Neb. , an
a Miss Jennie Wallace of this city were mar
rled yesterday afternoon by Hev. G.
Crofts of Head Ice , Neb. , at thp resitlenc
of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. U
Wallace , on Bluff slieet. Only the relative
and a feu Intimate friends .witnessed th
performance of ( lie ceremony. At
o'clock IliB bride and groom , accompjnle
by the former's nlstcr ami her niece , Mia
Graelo Wyinaii , of lies Molnes , us flows
girl , took their stand beneath n beaut Ifull
decorated arch , where the all-lmportai
words were spuken , Frank Brown <
Omaha presided ut the piano , and the musl
he rendered during the ceremony was
beautiful and Impressive feature.
A reception , to which a large nunibi
of guests were Invited , followed the cen
mony , elegant lefreshmcnts being J-ervei
Tilt- happy couple left for Chicago on tl
C > :4I : ) train. They will remain there tw
weeks , after which they will go to Cret
which will be their home. Mr. Austin
a prominent young merchant ot Crete , ai
hl lirlilf is deservedly popular In socl
circles In this city. A large number <
valuable presents were bestowed upon ther
amorg which one that will be especial
pi-lied , being n dozen solid silver sppons , em
Ica one engnned with the name of one of tl
a young ladles belonging to the " 0. B. A.
ill a Hub with which the bride has been co
rs nectcd. Among those from outside tl
t- city who witnessed the ceremony wcrev Rl
tn. - and Mrs * . J. W. Austin and Miss Lau
n.of Austin ot Crete. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Aust
ofof and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Austin of Omali
of A. A. McCltire of Omaha , Mr. and Jli
ed James Wymmi of Des Molnes , Mr. anil Mi
1 Frank Brown and Mljs Stella Drown
Omaha ,
o111 corps enmit.
nd Ihe Kinir nt All Temperance Itcvuragc" ,
lo Pei-rrrt .Sulxtlnito for Lxgnr Itoer.
de Can be sold without license , either gover
er ment or state ; dealers guaranteed by I
ill demnlfylng bond , Endorsed by leading pli
slcians. Judges and ministers. Wheeler
he Hereld , Council Bluffs , la. , are the sole nnii
ils facturers In the United States , Thousan
ay of testimonials. Write for prices and 1
on formation.
In OTTUMWA , la. , Sept. 23. Wheeler & HI
on eld. Council Bluffs : Enclosed please find c
of of your guaiantees Indemnifying us agali
damage. Your agent agreed to this verbal
JS- Please sign and return. We are pleased w
JSot - the goods , and nlso by the verdict of one
III t our doctors , who made n test for alcohol a
Is not cent. Wa ;
cs- Is confident there one per
llg T. Hall & Co.
ho The cause of the present boom In r
all estate Is due somewhat to 'he success
all sale of fruit and garden lands by Mess
he Day & Hess In the Klein tract. 'Ihey ht
al. 200 acres In amounts to suit , euk'able
fruit and gardens. Also bearing fruit far
for sale.
Ira A steel range lasts a llf time and sa1
of $10 In fuel each year you use It. A ch <
ro Htovo wastes fuel anil Is a constant expen
ot. We can rell you a cook stove from { 5
but don't push them. Cole & Cole. U Mi
Bourlclus' music house has few expens
ty. high grade pianos are Hold reasonably.
i a StuUman street.
ev- Best Centervllle lump coal $3.25 per t
H. A. Cox. 3T Main , Tel. 18.
In. . Duncan's shoes arc always the best t
a. .
cheapest. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Domestic soap brfaks hard water.
ur- Premier egg cupa at Lund Ilros.
llruvo lln r llnlirm.
an llavld 11. Hill , a bear owned by W.
Ill's Knt'pher , has ) been attracting a great deal
iot titttntlon during the past two < jr thee ilt
Lat > t sinnnier he was kept at Lake Mann
i. but when tlie end of the toaaon came he '
0. . lirounlit up town and put In a barn for i
vls- keeping. Tuesday he got away and create
iiy. fvnsatlon by walking Into Knepber's sal
veJ and taking u hand In a. game of cards t
and was In progress. The game was brought
an untimely end , the other players allow
ully David tu | > luy u lone hand. He was tin
r a Induced to go back Into his barn by me
and of cluba and u large rope , but yestcr
me. morning ht again broke loose und create
ara , disturbances about Muse Wise's livery fit a
: a HU antics brought 100 or more people to
ton , spot , but they all preferred to watch
ntly sport from a safe- distance , and David
dur- allowed a monopoly on any part ot the '
durin verm * that lie happened to be In. He
the thin and hungry , and when ho tried to
will Ufy his hunger by eating the livery nt.
Kaeplicr decided that It via tlmo hla U
ship climbed tlit golden Mnlr Policeman
Slend's revolver was brought Into ploy , and
In the hands of Jtick White. Eight Urge bul
lets were * rnt Into the bear's head ,
which teemed to give him a head
ache , but nothing more virloua. An
axe WHS then brought , and five
heavy Mown vitre rained down upon hla
skull , which stood the strain very well.
Finally heroic measure' ! were resorted to ,
and a fcnlfu v.ns Inserted Into Ms jugular
several times , Inflicting Injuries from which
David flnMly died , A French ch t was Im
ported and David will bo Mtrvi-d up In the
form of mock turtle soup , pork croquettes
-find lobster salad.
IIOSTON si one.
Cnmivlt lllurM , In.
Prices to close previous to opening ot
fall goods. This week you may expect
some unheard ol prices.
EC red and Imllqo blue prints 3c.
Sc apron , checked gingham , r > c.
7c quality prints , black pnd white and
ancy , Cc.
IDc dress ginghams G'/Sc.
Extra \uluo gents' iox Cc , Iflc and 121aC.
23c grade gents' black sox 19c , or 3 for
$1.00 gents' shirts , tic to. match , C7c.
Over SOO dozen handkerchiefs at special
irlccs. See values offered at 3 for lOe , 6
: or 23c , 4 for 23c.
11.00 ladles' kid gloves ( odd lots ) D9c.
7Ec French flannels , good patterns' , C.Oc.
30-Inch heavy double flannel , worth ICc ,
'or ' JOc.
$1.0(1 ( all-wool shrunk skirt pattern C9c.
GOc colored dill : plushes 25c.
Entire stuck of fall weight garments ,
.ackcts and capes , ranging In price from
11.50 to $6.76 , choice to close $2.s5. !
( Cloak departmrnt , second floor. )
Council iUluffs , la.
"Miss Blna M. West 1ms captured the
, 'iearts ' of all the ladles with whom'she has
come In contact. " Bradford ( Pa. ) , llecord
She will appear In the Maccabee's free en
ertainment at the opera house Tuesday
evening , October 2.
l.iiiiulry Co.
620 Pearl ftreet. Telephone 290 ,
Washerwomen UEO Domestic scap.
Only I.Hit.eil u bhock.
Sheriff Hazen returned yesterday from hli
trip to New York as a witness In the Wllsoi
case. Ho had a delightful time , with tin
exception of a severe attack of cholera mor
bus , which tlezed him on the homewan
trip , and from which he has not recovcrei
sutnclently to allow of him resuming hi
duties at once. He bad the grim satUfac
tlon of sitting In the very chair In wlilcl
Wilson will teen be electrocuted , and hai
the very bandages put upon him which Wil
son's brother , "Dink , " wore when lie wen
yonder. All that was needed was to Im
pressed the buttom to have caused \acanc ;
In shrievalty of I'ottawattamle county.
Sheriff Hazen says that It took thrc
special venires of 100 each and five day ;
time to secure a jury. Wilson was prepare
to bolster up his claim of Innocence by wit
nesses who knew him under another name
as an honest mechanic In I'ittsburg. The
claimed to have known him since his blrtl
Another batch of witnesses were ready t
trace up an alibi , by swearing that Wilso
wns plnylng a game of base ball in nuifal
when the shooting took place. I3y the tlm
the prosecution had got through Its seventy
six witnesses the case was so clear Ilia
Wilson's attorneys announced that the
would Introduce no evidence In defense.
One of the brightest witnesses lor th
state was a 10-year-old taa , who was
great friend of the murdered detectiveH
chanced to S3e him with the two prisoners , an
out of curiosity trailed on behind. The bo
saw Charles Wilson pull out a gun an
strike Detective Harvey In the back of Hi
head , knocking him down. Then he hear
Wllbou t > ay , "Let 'er go , " whereupon "Dink
shot Hurvey through the bead as lie la
prostrate. The sharpest sort of cross-oxan
Inatlon failed to swerve the lad from h
Sheilff Ha n Is delighted with the trea
ment he nnd the other western officers n
celvcd. He say& they were not allowed '
spend u nlckle , were given the freedom i
the whole country , and the only drawbac
was the drawing ot their pictures , which , i
made public In the papers , gave them tl
local reputation ot being most hideous spec
mcns of Imaginative cowboys.
C. O. I' . Ilrown "till Cutting Triers.
Wo buve just received one more car los
of that line granulated sugar , lo be sold i
13 pounds for $1 , or $5.25 per 100 pounds.
Also a carload of California dried fruit ,
bo sold at the following low prices : Drii
prtceha , 12Vfec per pound ; dried grapes ,
per pound ; dried apricots , m& pr poun
diled pears , 12V&C per pound ; dried nccta
ires. 12V4e per pound.
Ginger snaps DC per pound. Three tin cu
for 5c.
Stovepipe Sc per joint. Jelly glasses 2
per dozen.
Clothes lines Cc each. Clothes pins Ic p
A good broom for 15c. Scrub brushes frc
3s up.
rourtccn-ciuart tin pall for 15c. Two-ho
wccden pall for IOc.
Large-plZEd tubs 35c , medium-sized tu
45e. small tuba 35c.
Ilcmember wo have the largest line
stoves In the city. Stoves sold for cash
oit easy Urms. Be sure and visit our ate
department before you buy.
Have you tried our C. 0. D. Hour yt
Every sack has a souvenir In It , and 01
$1 per sack. UHOWN'S C. 0. D
,1. r. llofTin.iyr's I'nncy Patent ,
Hungarian Process Flour.
Made by the oldest milling firm In the we
makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. y\ \
your grocer for It. Trade mark : "D !
Rooster. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Miss Tlagsdale's autumn mlllnery dlsp !
commences Thursday evening , and will ci
tlnue Friday afternoon and evening. 'I
ladles are Invited to sec the first display
Iho season ,
Nv delay In closing loans on Improi
rne farm lands at low rates. Abstracts of t !
ne prepared and real estate far sale. Pusey
st Thomas , 201 Pearl street. Council Blurts.
y. Dry pine kindling fcr sale. Cheaper tl
of cobs. H. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Telephi
tid 48.
er May l'.iy Tvro rincx.
Cliff Hough , one of the parties Impllca
alul In the row of a , week ago ut a Cresc
City dance In which several people w
veer slugged , wns brought to the city yesi
or day and taken before Judge Vlen to ana
ns to the charge of assault and battery ,
brought along a Justice of the peace fi
Crescent , before whom he had alre
es been tried on that charge for an offe
3P growing out of the same transaction ,
3e. pleaded for mercy on that ground.
'P. ' Inquiry Vlen learned that Hgugh had b
lln fluid for on assault on two men nar
Kissel ] and | Moss. while ) the Informal
> s ; filed In his court charged an assault u
.16 Alexander Thomas. Hough will coi
quently ha\c a chance to undergo anol
trial , which will take place on the 2Slh ,
Fall opening at the Boston Store , Cou
Bluffs , Thursday evening ,
Selected hard wood for heating stoves.
H. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 4
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Havana Freckle ? clgar.Davls , wholesale
H. Miirrluco l.lccnu-H.
of The fallowing marriage licenses were
ys. sued by the county clerk yesterday :
va , Name and Address , J
vas Thomas \V. Austin , Crete. Neb
Jennie M. Wallace , Council Bluffs
il a A. B. Wesley. Council lllurfs
Sophlu Newman , Council Dlulfo
liat I ) , M. Young , Council Bluffs
. Laura Flues , Council Blnffi *
George W , Skinner , Council Bluffs
Ing Mrs. Culllf K. West , Council Blunts , . . .
illy lA. . .Minor , Council Bluffs
uu M Jvnrcn Council Bluff- . . .
Amm , , - . . . . .
1 u Instruction en the piano will be given
Die. United number of pupils by Mrs. J , A. I
the 1022 Fifth avenufc.
tb <
A'fiC Gat cooking stores for rpnt and for lal
ml- On Co.'e office.
* ' * *
Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway ,
' " work. Tel. 157.
AT : Tte laundrln uc Domestic
Largo Body of Japanese TioBjs Slnrt for
an Unknown Dts i l
Troops Were I'.ncortrd l > y H Lurgn Number
uf Wur Vomoli liugllih Nlilp Inter
cepted nnii Sciirclu'd ' ' by
Clilnrup .M liiiViir. .
LONDON . Sept. 26. A dispatch from Toklo
received here today confirms the advices re
ceived by the Associated ptuss from Yokoha
ma , Japan , via Victoria , B. C , In these dis
patches It was stated that any day might
bring news of n battle In Northern Corea
and of the silling of 50,000 troops for some
point on the Inner coast of the gulf ot Pe-
Chl-Ll. The battle In Northern Corea has
been fought off the mouth of the Yalu river ,
and today's dispatch frcm Toklo says that
the second Japanese army for Held service
mobilized at Hlroschlma and consisting of
30,000 men under the command of Field
Marshal Count Oyamut t'mbarked yesterday
nmld Intense enthusiasm.
The emperor , previous lo the departure , re
viewed the troops , and the transports , es
corted by the second Japanese squadron ,
sailed away , their destination being unknown ,
although it Is reported vaguely that the
squadron Is bound for the Yellow sea. Dur
ing the absence from Japan of Field Marshal
Count Oyama , whoa \ also minister of war ,
the minister of mailne will also assume the
duties of minister of war In addition to his
own responsibilities.
It Is ofllclally announced ut Toklo , says
another dispatch from that city , that the re
port that an armistice has been proposed by
England and Russia is untrue.
A dispatch from Shanghai says : It Is re
ported most of the
Japanese men-of-war
have left the Island ot Hal Yantan. Their
destination IK unknown and there Is great un
easiness here regarding their Intentions.
Chinese agents In Kurope nnd the United
States have been fort with ordered to pur
chase any war ships they can. Many ves
sels loaded with munitions ot war are on
their way here from Hamburg and other
European ports.
SHANGHAI , Sept. 2fl. A Chinese warship
on Friday last Intercepted the English ship
Patlian In the Formosa channel on suspicion
that she was carrying munitions of war.
The I'athan was taken to Kee Lung , a treaty
port of the Island of Formosa , where her
cargo was overhauled by the Chinese au
thorities. The result of tha Investigation IE
not yet known.
NEW YORK , Sept. 20. The Paythan. re
ferred to ns being overhauled by a Chinese
war ship and taken to Kce Lung , Is proba
bly the British ship Pathan , Captain nice ,
which cleared frcm New York on July 25
tor Aden , Hong Kong and Shanghai. Hei
agents here were Barber & Co. The Pathan
touched at Aden on August 25 , arrived at
Hong Kong September 15. and If she Is tin
vessel seized was apparently on her way tt
Shanghai when overhauled.
WASHINGTON. Sept. X-iToklo adrlcei
ni\ l mt . ? , seto"d Japanese army ol
30,000 had siilled from Hlroschlma Is re
gnnled In olllclal circles here ns the flrsl
movement In the nitvnilce on the Chlnesi
i-apltul , Peking. It Is pointed out thai
there Is no need of Japanese reinforce
mciits" in Corea , as Blnce 'the battle U
Pine nng the Jniinnet-c imvc hml pray
tlcally possetslon of Coran and their firs
army of 15,000 needs no additions. It li
believed bj diplomats , that ha *
turned her attention from Corea with i
view to Invading China. . The gtilf o
Pe-rhl-LI , which the dlspalches give a. .
the probable de.stlnatlon of the army , I :
the entrance to the river leading K
} 'e''ln ' . .1' ' "L"1'0' " ' boy. ever , that thi
at the entrance of "the river an
but that the S0o ; men would be laiulei
ut some other port , niter , which a shor
overland mrirch woxild 'take thorn to th
walls of Peking. This circuit of the fort
la the strategic move ndvlKcd by a Unite
States army ofllcer ot high rank , v ho ha
made a study of Japan's proposed Invaslo
of China.
I- Miike It Warm fur llin rortnxneiK
LOt'ItENZO ' MAKQUnZ. Delagoa Daj
Sept. 26. .The situation , of affairs here I
growing worse. The outlying detachment
of Portuguese troops which were hastll
called In to take part In the defense of th
town were so closely pursued by the native
that they were compelled to abandon thel
arms and ammunition. The total strengt
of the Portuguese troops available to d. .
fend the town Is only 320 officers and me
and the Kafllrs threatening to attack
are estimated to number 7.000.
t'liimilierlaln Hedging- tint UOIIAC ol Lord
LONDO.V , Sept. 2C. Joseph Chambcrlal
speaking at Leeds on the question of abel
tlon of the House cf Lords , said he won :
favor any reasonable proposal lo strengtlu
the House of Lords by giving1 It the autho
Ity and power derived by the United Stat
senate from the representative principle.
bsor Iliimlrd Oirr the llelim.
ort MELBOURNE. Sept. 20. The ministry
Premier Patterson has handed In Its resl
nation. George Turner , the leader of t :
opposition , has been charged to form a ne
t ?
A Viilgnr Wllncm.
Judge cott had his nensllillltles shock
by the vulgar language of a witness
the William Allen case yesterday. Tl
morning he culled Assistant County /
sk torney Slabmish to task and cniulou
him against bringing out any vulgar ! '
and instructed the court reporter to utrl
out that pan of ( he proceedings.
ay '
inhe Conttmioil the Cima Till Fclirnnry.
he PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Sept. 20. ( Spec
Telegram. ) The case of Llndsoy and Gr
weld , which came up In the district coi
ed yesterday , ( he defendants entering a pica
tie not guilty , was today continued by Jui
Chapman until the February term of con
i ne MILWAUKEE , Sept. 26. President F.
Duy of the Plimklnton bank wns arresl
yesterday on a charge of receiving
deposit when he knew the bank was Ins
led vent. He was released on f 10,000 ball ,
TlieVeofclj for tlio Cnnimlgn. |
The Weekly lieu will be sent up to I
vcr vember 15 , covering the entire campali
He for 10 cents. *
om Shut UnrclWr-i
by -
nse CIP.CLBVILLU , O. , s&G. The reidet
ind of Crawford Hedges , a Yerlthy aKed bac
On lor. was entered by mijjit d' ' men and robb
In attcmptlrg to prelect his properly lie was < |
ihol , and now lies ot the point of death.
VllUCliltll'X JIHKIAIIK IlKVXlUy. , 0
Many Xntnlilo Mcmlx-rn of the Fiimuui Or * m
KHtilxHtloit I'reornt. *
OTTUMWA , la , , Sept. 20 , ( Special Tele-
gram. ) Crocker's brigade Is holding Us J
seventh biennial reunion In this city. Among
the notables present are1 Generals Williamson - §
son of Chicago , Leper of Des Maine ; , Colonel a
H. II. Hood of Mount Vernon , General Stlbbs
of Chicago , Hugh Bclknap of Chicago , Cola
onel Luwler. commander of HIP Grand Army , *
ot the Republic , from Itoekford , III. , and ; *
Major McKenzle of De Molnes. | *
The exercises of today opened with n c
parade ut J o'clock , followed by a business
meeting , nt which It was reported that J
seventv-slx had crossed the picket line e
since the last meeting. Election ot ofllcers e
will occur tomorrow. | J
Tonight at the Grand opera house 2,000 j
people assembled , and speeches by the above | (
named soldier ? , were Inlerspersed with music i t
by Muse's Iowa ( uiartct and the ladles'
quartet ,
The Seventh lown re-elected Major Million
president and John C. Bacr sccrelaiy at
Us reunion.
Nipped for ClmncliiK ( luartora Into leu
Hollar Cnlil PIcrpfl.
FOIIT DODOK , la. , Sept. 26. ( Special Tele
gram. ) John Leonard of Belmond was tried
before the United States commissioner In this
city last night for counterfeiting , and placed
under $10,000 bonds Ills partner , Frank
Lord of Dubuquc , testified against him. Their
method of operating won very Blmple. They
would take a new 23-ccnt piece , cut off the
"quar" from the word "quarter" and make
the "R" Into an "N , " making It read "Ten
Dol. " Both sides were then covered with
gold leaf. The fraud could be easily detected
but passing them at night , they were quite
successful In shoving them out.
D , D. Fuller was arrested at Jewell Junc
tion and held In $1.000 bonds for advertising
obscene literature through the mulls. Both
these men have plain cases against them.
iMiiHtii : : > .iins. MASON'S nr.u UNH ,
ClieiulHt Wlshod tu Kxiiinlne Them for i\l- :
ileni'r uf I'olfion.
CRESTON. la. , Sept. 2C. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) Prof. Floyd Davis ol DPS Molnes ,
the state chemist to whom the stomach ol
Mrs. Ella Mason , who was supposed to lm\e
been poisoned by her husband , was sent for
analysis , arrived In tills city today. He stated
that an analysis of the stomach would prove
nothing , as the presence of embalming fluid
which had been Injected by the undertaker
would prevent him from determining the
presence of arsenic. He ndUscd that the
body of the deceased be exhumed so he could
examine the lira In and olliei portions of the
corpse. The suggestion was acted upon , and
the result of his Investigation uill be known
loiru Mettiodlfttii In Scmlon.
LEMAItS , la. , Bept. 2C. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The twenty-third annual"session of
the Sioux conference of the Methodist church
met this morning. About one hundred nnd
twenty-five members answered to roll call
Bishop Merrill presides. D. AV. Vettri
was elected secretary of the conference In
place of Dr. F. II. Sanderson , resigned to
take n charge nt Omaha ,
Charges were preferred against J. H
Avery , who has been suspended. The cliaigc
was sustained and he will hme a trial be
hind closed doors.
The Epworth league anniversary was held
this afternoon and reports of commltteei
arc being listened to tonight.
Jlnck to IIIH I'lrst
CRESTON ; Id. , Sept. 26. ( Special Tele
[ gram. ) Creston has u gentleman whose mat-
rlmonlal experiences , though brief , have been
! rather checkered. Oeorgp Embree was mar-
1 rled two years ago , but after living with his
; wife , deserted her and Mrs. Embree sc-
' cured , a divorce. A few months ago Embree
l became inlaUiated with MUs Lilly Stone ,
t was married , and lived with Mrs. Embiee
3 No. 2 , two weeks. Lilly secured a divorce
nd now Oeorge marries bis first love.
9 ( ) f l Timer I'IIHHL-S Aw.iy.
DOONE , la. , Seijt , 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) P. S. Moser.rone of the oldest and
icst known Iowa physicians , died at his home
lere ( hla morning. He was 65 years old , and
las resided here since 1852.
Brings comfort and improvement nnti
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly xisca. The many.vlo live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more , with
less expenditure , by more promptly
adAf.tinj the v.-orld's bett products to
the needs of physical being , will attest
tlie value to health of the pure liquid
laxative piinciplcs embraced in the
remedy , Byrup of Figs.
Ita excellence is due to ils presenting
in the form most Jtcceptable and pleas
ant to the taste , the refreshing and truly
beneficial propenies ol a ] rfect ! ax-
ativc ; effectually ci causing the system ,
dispelling coldfl , headaches Mid fevora
and permanently curing constipation.
T It has fjiven satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medial
ol a profession , because it acts on the Kid-
neyr , Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them mid it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Join Syrup of Figs is for nale by all drug
in gists in We mid $1 bottles , but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrap
Co. only , whose name is printed on every
ice package , also the name , Syrup of Fi | ; ,
nnd being well informed , you will not
ed iceDt ! nuy substitute if ollerrd.
i se-
Is. for Infants and Children.
"Cdatorlali \vdlulaptttltoclilldren that Caitarlu cures Cnllr , Constipation ,
. recomromj It 03 eujierlor 13 any jintcrlptlon Bour Stomach , Dlarrlicca , Kructatlon ,
known to ma , " jr. . \ , AIWOTS , M. P. , KI1U Worms , fjlui hltsei > , cnil promotta dl
Ill Uo. O-forJ CL , ErpoU/n , N , Y. Edition ,
so "Without lajurlouii tntxlU-atlot
"The ur cf 'C.isti.rlr. Ji to universal and 'Tor several > rar I have rocomm ? )4
ita ir.erlts to.cil 1 RUVJ l'i-t It M-C'-UE a work your ' Cattori-i , ' r.wl ti-ll ! itluaya contlr.ce U
to a ct nupercroijatloT to ecilorselt. I'cwarotho do BO nit It licui InvartaUy iiroJuccxI bonelltial
toff , faniiia.t : w& > Jo not ! . ' ] ) Cofcturla results. "
r.Dvnrc 1 * . lUnocr , JI. P. ,
: . - , D. ! > . , UZtti Btruct anil 7th A\o. , Kvw York CUy ,
it Kew Vork City.
THE CENTMOH CbuiMirr. 77 JIvruu' STREET , Krw Youi Cirr.
J > J
Sound brains furnish practical ideas. A bat ,
being a close neighbor to brains , is entitled to har
vest the crop. We lend our brains to our hat de
partment. Three months of each year we study
how to obtain a practical , shape-retaining hat , for
little money. The result , compare any hat , at any
price , whether 4 , 5 or 6 dollars side by.side
quality to quality trimming to trimming to our
three dollar hat , and find ours overbalance the scale
The "Nebraska Special" our one fifty leading
hat , is exceptionally fine this season--sold so far
over 400 dozen. Three dollars buys as good a hat
but in a few places. Derby , Fedora or soft.
Two and two fifty are our other prices , the
identical hat you pay § 3.50 and 54.00 for. Fash
ionably blocked and every shade appropriate for the
season shades , stiff Fedora , Tourist , soft and other.
Crushers we sell at 35C , 500 , 75C , $1.00 , $1.25 ,
considerably cheaper as a matter of course than
any one selling a line anywhere shades are every
thing that color hats.
Autumn weight overcoats. Shan't omit to ad
vise you in the matter of selecting a fall overcoat.
They're cheaper this year than ever before. If you
can't do as well elsewhere try us. We sh.ill please
you with a good dressy coat for four do lars. a bet
ter one for six fifty , increase in grandeur and dollar
by dollar in price until \ve reach a tailor made , ele
gantly draped beauty that'll cost you but fifteen del
lars. A sample of the queer and awkward overcoat
called "Paddock , " which is by "the way the new
est extreme for swell wear , on exhib.tion in our
Douglas street window.
OB -
Catalogue * ( Fall unil Winter 1891to ) bu hud on application.
Draperies ,
Our drapery department is full of new things jus
now , and many of them at much lower prices than
heretofore , as .these have just been imported
under the new tariff.
For doors and arches we have :
The new Negas curtains.
The new Dtirby curtains.
The new Verdure curtains.
The new Tuscan curtains.
The new Rimsic curtains.
100 Couch Covers $1.65 each , former price $3 50.
Lace curtains of all kinds. The line of Swiss
Laces by the yard is complete in all widths and tli2
variety of patterns and qualities is far greater than
ever before- These goods "are more popular than
ever this season.
Stonm and Hot Wnt-jr Hoatlni for
Residences nnd Bull 11033.
202 Main. 2 ( Pearl Streets , Council
IMull'ri , Iinva.
Elutlo Btockiiici. Delormltf Ir , Trui * ,
Crulcliei. llaturtei. byrlntcn. Iinultd and .Mil'
tc&l tiupplle * . Th Lion Drue llouu.
1109 Foroam ttreet , OppuilU I'aitoo llotfti.
President. Ct shier.
Capital , - $100,000
L'rolits , - . . 12,000
One of the oljeit banks In the ttat * ol Iowa.
We solicit your busineM nnd collection * . \V
pay t per cent on tlma depotlts. W * Hill b *
pleated to ic and ene you.
n .Vtliiriii < yi- . > t-ln\v I'rio
_ _ _ 3 il o In Ihn iitttt anil
faUitrnl roiirK. UIIIIIIIH : iU-7-H-I ( ) ) ,
MooK' Cuuncil Itlun'x. la
--Special Notices :
rou rtHNT. KAitan , rniVATu MAUN. NHAU
fifth avenue and 1'earl street. Apply at lie *
roil BALU. Tin : .
of a Dnt-clnsM lintel , IJ roomi ; thl hotel lina
a arit-clau ri-putatlon. feeding from W tu M ut
& meal ; locuteil Middle Iliojduoy at the junuilun
of all the meet car lines. It Ii Hie but timid
In the city of Cuuncll UlulT . Addie J , lie *
cilice , Council Itlurr * .
and acreage for sulo In Council Ilium. No
fancy prices consldcied. P. J. limit" , V 1'tail
street ,
located ! prhalo family. Addles * 11 IB , Uce. '
Cuuncll Uluffu.
IM ISurKu , at W. H. HomcrX KX
two bluckH frum Omaha motor lln : fruit ana
forest tires ; line view ; al * > other Lhulct
rmldence | jts , fiult land ami forms , fun in
& Ilalrd , Koom , Uveiett block , Council lilurfs.
_ _ _
shlelds , Nicholson U Co. , 00 Uroadway ,
tliu city , with an estatdlshed trad * , cun t
buught rpiisonably , or will vxcliange for eom |
real < -stnte , J. D. Johnson. ( M llroiidwur.
Council lllurfs.
TWO NUMI.Y ruiiNiBimo itooua
rent. C39 l'lr t avenue. '