Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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TKIU18 Ol * SUnSCUlt'TlON' .
Dnlly nc ( without Hiindny ) , One Year . t * W
I > ally Ufa nnil Sunday , Ono Venr . . . IJ "J
Blx Mnnllm . . . J * }
ThriM , in tin . . . J JJ
HomUr lire , One Yrar . < . J J *
Rilunlny lite , One War . . * 2
Wcclitjr Hw , Or.fYenr . ' . *
ninnhn. Thf Ur > o IlulMlnx. . , . _ .
H < mth Omnhfl. Oirner N nnd Twpnly-fourlli Sl .
Council liliirtit , IZ 1'cnrl Blrwt.
CilCMEo ! onirp , 317 rhiimlior nf CnniniMTP.
\ > w York. 13 , J niut 11 , Triliune
M lohlnBton , T tBtrrct , N , W.
Ml nmiin nlcnlli ii rd.itlnc lo lie" " , ll" . .7'- '
t Hnl matter * lioulJ nd'lrweJ ' : To Ilic 1.1. tor.
Ail lnislncM Ictln-fl nn.l remlltnncts rlnniM he
B'l.ln-ssnl lo The llo 1'nljlljitiltiB cutnpnnr.
nnmhn. t > raft . cliprku nml jwntuniw nnli-iH to
lie niaile | .nj-nl.e | O Ilio arOrf nf Ili < >
TinIIKH I'UtiMstuNO -
- - - ; .
i u. T/.M'litick. Bcuictury of Tli * utf run-
. . „ company. IK-IIIK fluty unorn , * : ir tlmt
thn actual niimliir of full mid complete cuplei
or Tha IMIly Morning. UvcnlnB nil Bun Jay DP ?
printpil ilurlns tlyi month of Ausiist , IOI. '
n fi.llmvs :
1 51.559 17 ZJ.rjJ
2 21.9W 15. . .
< : ' ! ; ; " " ; ; ! ! ; ! ! sut2 ! " ! " . ' ; " " " " % . &
E 2l.0t : . 21 Z1.i'l ;
- - . wonT
s n.-w -a.
T , 2I.M1 23 22K >
* 21.BT2 2J a-C-M
III 21.780
It 22.102 27.
12 S.l.fiOl 27.a
n 2i.r:3 21.IVV
11. . . . . SO 21. T5
31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hl. CS
K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22000 |
Totnl *
1/nm ilmlurllons for unsold iiml rclurncJ
co ] > tc 17.537
Total Hotil T.SII
I > nlljr r\vprni5i > rat circulation , 21,6TJ
anonar : n. rxsntt'tnc.
fUvorn tn teforp me nnil gutmcrlliisl In my
pn ipnce thli 4tli day of Sciiteml > prr IS5I.
( Stfil. ) ? I. t' . VI311 * .
Notary riilillc.
Wo rrjolra In tlm < ] ul ltrnccl ciiimctciicn cif
tlifl pcoplo rniicnriilns iiullllcnl Jin.llr , nnd
"III hold nil puhlle olTlfrrH to it riiclil rc-
Kiionnllilllty iilid i-nc'iH" ' [ Hint luc'.un 'pledge' )
Hint the pr 3urntlon nnd ininUliuirn : til nil
wlui hnlray olllInl trusM nliiill tin swift ,
thoroiipli mid mispiirliig. Niilloniil Itnpulj-
lU-iui rintfonn , 187(1.
TC Qiiet-n LI I wants , tliuntinoH k-t lier
In-ill ' u bronch of wuit
( Jrovi-r.
< ) C toui-Ko tlilnpi would liitvi1 liot-n
( llfft-retil If Secretary Morton Imtlu't
Tlie tlRinocrutlo stnto convontlon will
tfitlny Oo what it can lo nuil < i Mi :
tiiiiiKino Iliat la1 1 really lliu
nmn In
Nutlotial IsHUi-s nro very iiuporlaut in
nntlmml oiinpilt'iiR ; : , but what Uiu'e tlii\v
to ! ( > with rldilliiR the Mtato Ko
> f L-.tllruntllHiu ami boodlurlsni ?
Lot thu coal war WIIRO nu-rrlly on.
In the meanwhile let tin * people take
iidvtintatru of the opportunity to lay in
their supplle.s of coal at reasonable
We feel safe in nnnouneliiK in ad
vance ttiat Oovernor .MeKlnU-y will
nut l e missed at the free trade banquette
to be Riven to Chairman Wilson la Lon
don on Thursday.
Ki-crctary .Morion's interest in tlie pro- |
reedlngrt of the democratic1 nate ( con-
Yi-ntlon lias doubtless been chilled .since-
lui iit the ofoan between him and the
Tito tables In the UemiH Impeach
ment case arc turning , and I lit sea II and
"Wheeler-are like the man who pit hold
t > f tlie electric shocking machine they
can't let go and caii't hold on.
A. slale convention , such as that of
the Nebtmka democrats promises to be ,
without Its trail of Hookers aflor
nominations and Its headquarters of the
different candidates for state olfiees , will
be : t tame affair.
Omaha seems to have been getting
along very nicely without Us chief of
detective for several weeks pant. Ills
permanent absence would wave the city
Ids salary and not cause any appreci
able losa to tlie force.
Itopuhllcan candidates for tlie legis
lature should remember that a nomina
tion doea not always mean am election.
The ticket should not be loaded down
with any man whose conduct has to be
defended or explained away.
The councilniMi intimate that the
police commissioners arc no hotter than
they should be. The police commis
sioners assert that the members of the
council are aa bad as they can b < r. At
tin : end of the llrst round honors are
It was too bad that President Cleve
land was not at nome when John L.
Sullivan called nt the while house to
pay his respects. There might have
been a very Interesting discussion upon
the subject oC taking defeat like medi
cine , a subject on which both might
talk from experience.
Over lu Iowa Ihe whole political light
Is centering around the campaigns In
Ilio various congressional districts ,
whore several combinations have been
made against the republican candidates
l > y the democrats and populists. The
work Is beginning early and 't ' 'H ' to
keep up at n rapid gait nntli Novem
ber. Iowa must -olcct Its republican
representatives ( n congress.
The fake mill established in Omaha
by tlie llurllngtoii railway organ gels
Us Inspiration exclusively from two
sterling democrats. Ouu of these is
president of the Uurllnglon railroad
depository and tlie other is tlie chief
proprietor of this Month Omaha stock
yat-ds , which have been matlo the political
cal- annex of the railroad democratic
machine operated lu the Interest of
Majors ,
Omaha's representative on the Mis-
Kourl river commission Riiould be en-
rounigod In his efforts to have some of
the money appropriated by congress for
Improving the channel opposite this city
.c-speudcd tills KOHHOII when it will not
only BTO ! needed employment , but also
go further In accomplishing Its object.
1'uhllc work of all kinds should b ? ex
pedited now In order to enable the
laborers to provide for tlie
yt the whiter.
The republican campaign In Iow.i lian
opened wllh Senator Allison at the
front , OH It Is proper ho should be , as
the man lu-wt prepared to present and
discuss the iialliitnil questions which urc
uppermost In attention of the people
of I hat stale. The speedu1 * the > u > imtor
ban thus fur made are In Ids usual
clear , candid and compact style. They
teem with Tacts drawn from ollk-lal
sources , They nre strong lu arguments
which cannot full lo Impress all fair-
minded nii-n. They tire diaraclerlxed
by straljrhtfiirvvaril candor and fairness ,
The splendid equipment of .St-nntor AHI-
HOII for a servuv or lids kind everybody
is aware ol' and he has entered Into the
campaign wllh nil Ids churacterlstlc
earnest tiesM and xwil.
In no ivpoi'l Is the Town senator
stronger than when he discusses the
money question. His ( initrlbiitloiis to
this subjfcl are not less valuable than
those of any oilier man In public life ,
und he has always advocated u sound
and slable cnrroticy. II is decidedly
opposed In Ihe free coinage of silver by
the I'nlti'il Stales alone , because he
believes U would bring ilnaiifial
and business calamity ; < nd n-it :
public dlslros * He points out
that Instead of increasing the sup
ply of money , as the advocates of the
free colling1 of silver cliilm , the Immedi
ate ollVcl of this policy would be to re
duce the supply "f money by driving-
gold entirely out of circulation. The
moment It was decided , tji open the
mltits to Ihe fiee eoiuago of sliver at
the present ratio gold would go lo a
premium and disappear as a currency.
This would lake bt-tw'een r.i,000 ( ) ( , < > 00
and $ tioi u it H uwo out of the money sup
ply. And this Is nol all , for the silver
we have would decline largely In value
or purchasing power , Ihereby still
further diminishing Ihe effectlvo money
supply. The country would be brought
tit once In u silver basis , while possibly ,
as Senator Alllstm says , \ri- might in
the course of ten or 111'teon yours have a
larger supply of money than now. It
would be si i debased that It could not
perform tin- same service an the pres
ent supply. Iloftitv we had made up
by the coinage of silver dollars for the
fold ? driven out of circulation and lo a
large extent banished to foreign lands
we should be doing business iiuunig
ourselves with money having a relative
value of : ' . " or10 cents to the dollar.
All Iliiauclal o-qiorle.neo attests 1hat
this "Would In * Hie roMill of the free coinage -
ago of silver by tlitinlled States under
pri'si'iit conditions. The chief sufferers
from such a policy would he the agri
cultural producers and wago-earners ,
who are unable to protect themselves <
against , the loss frutn a depreciating
currency. The only security for these
classes of the people Is in ait absolutely
sound and stable currency , though with
out such a currency all Inlevosts. except ,
perhaps , the speculators , must suffer
more or Ies .
Senator Allison alfirms that there has
never been more- money in the country
per capita than , tlier "ls now. and "hid
authority will hardly be. questioned. Of
course , during the war , when the gov
ern men I was issuing paper In largo
volume , the PIT capita of money wna at
times greater than now , but a consider
able part nf this was Interest-bearing
and disappeared from circulation when
this interest accrued. It cannot , there
fore , be properly considered as having
constituted a part of the currency of
that period. At any rate , there Is un
questionably . u sulllcIiMit supply of
money tit this time -to meet all the re
quirements nf legitimate Imslnosy , so
that there is no substantial ground or
valid reason for the demand for more
money. I'rovlMon will undoubtedly
have to lie made in the near future for
such progressive Inrroaso of the cur
rency as the "growing demands of busi
ness and Increasing population call for ,
but this will have to be done by other
means than those advocated by the free
sllveriles and the Hal money people. If
tlie currency of the country Is kept on
n sound basis and the credit Of the
government maintained.
The Iowa republicans are manifest
ing a ? .oaIons intorosl In tlie campaign
and there can be no doubt that they
will win a dccisivo victory.
TJIK ( n > ' n " * i.s' . 'f'i7anuirtxa. .
Accordint to Ihe latest treasury state
ment Ila- gold reM-rve hud Increased to
? 58.000,000. being still .flU.OOO.lMH ) below
the amount Iteld under preceding ad
ministrations since the resumption of
specie payments for Ihe redemption of
legal tender notes and cither p'apor obli
gations of the government. During the
tirst twenty d'ays of September u de
ckled improvement was shown In the re
ceipts from fiistoms. the amount re
ported nt Now "Vork , which collects two-
thirds of the customs duties paid Into
the treasury , being nearly do'ihle the
( \niount collected during the llrst twenty
days of August and also considerably In
excess of the ivcolpts for tlie correspond
ing time In September of last year. It
Is also sttiti-d-that gold is steadily reach-
lug the treasury from the banks In exchange -
change for small bills , though this move
ment Is not on a very extensive scale.
The treasury gold Is now about ? n,000-
000 above the lowest point to which It
declined , and this increase has taken
jiltico within less , limn two months , It
Is thereforev very simple matter to
estimate , If the improvement should
continue at tin- rate of the hist few
weeks , how long It will bo until the reserve -
serve is fully restored. Without any
drawbacks It will require aliout a year
nnd H half , and 11. Is quite possible that
the rosem * will not Im back to tlie $100-
000,000 point during the term of this
administration. This for the reason
that In the llrst place the rate of .In-
crease for tlio last few weeks Is not
likely to be maintained , and in the second
end plnctU cannot reasonably be ex
pected-that there will bn no outflow of
gold during the next eighteen months.
The Indications arc that Kurope Is not
going to liny so largely of us this year
as usual. She will need a less quantity
of our wheat than for n number of
years , and It Is probable that we shall
not export there morn of our provisions
and dairy pro'dticts than In past years.
With increasing Imports under the now
tariff it Is b.v ; means unlikely that
the lintiiiict ? of trade may be turned
tignlnst us , making it larger drain of
gold than \vi > have experienced during
the past year. In that i-aso the treasury
\youtil. f course , bo called upon to sup
ply u considerable part of the demand.
But It tloes nut KOOIII lo Itc news-wry.
In the present state of public confidence
tu the credit of the government , to main
tain n gold reserve of $1K ( > .iMiO. < Kn. ) One
year ago had It bei-n proposed to reduce
Ihe reserve nearly luio-half the proposi
tion would have been generally con
demned ns pregnant with danger to
financial stability nml lo tlie national
credit. Yet It has been so reduced with
out In the least degree Impairing ( lie
credit of Ihe government or unfavor
ably affecting , to any serious extent , the
llnnnces of tlm country. The fact Is a.
HtrlktiiK object lesson of the popular
confidence In thigovernment. . With a
gold redemption fund In the treasury
of not more than one-tenth the amount
of the obligations redeemable In that
coin there has ntivcr been a doubt or
question as to the soundness and se
curity of any of those obligations , but
they have continued to bo accepted by
the people with as full faith lu their
ultimate redemption lis If Hie gold re
serve had bi-on Increased Instead of be
ing reduced. The Importance of keeping
this faith unimpaired ought to be plain
to everybody , ami this will only be done
by adhering to the sound and safe titian-
elal policy Inaugurated and steadily
maintained by the republican party. l e-
.Htruclitm of this conlldciico would In
evitably follow the success of the de
mands of the free sllverites and the Hal
money people and tin-re would come
ftntuicltil disorder and disaster oven
though the treasury gold reserve should
increase beyond the SKio.ooO.OOO point.
KXTKXD 'HitMI' / - ; / ) /m.mir.nx /
The county commissioners have under
advisement : i projiosltkin l < tin- voters
of Iioiiglas county to NSIJO another
.fKKMXMi In bonds for extending the
paved roadways that wore begun during
the last year. The Hoe bus reason to be
lieve that Ihe paved roadways are the
best Investment this county has ever
mndo. Not only tuts every acre of laud
adjacent to these roadways been made
more valuable , but every aero of land
In the county has lieen increased.In .
vnltio. This building of these substan
tial roadways has slim-toned the dis
tance to market , and made that mar
ket more accessible to every farmer In
the county lo that extent , Ity extend
ing the paved roadways we shall im
prove the facilities for Ira Hie with the
country tributary to South Omaha , and
open the way for electric train ways
that will traverse the county In-every
direction at no distant day , and bring
every farm house , dairy und orchard
within a radius of twenty miles Into
hourly communication with this city.
Electric tramways are now being con
structed and operated in coiijuiictlon
with the street railway' systems ; of all
large cities of the east , and thecities ;
on the racllie coast are following suit ,
This Is the most iHitontlnl force iOf
modern civilization' . Tile'jVinWIciiir
farmer will enjoy all the betiell'ts and
privileges of the city , while al thesame
ttmo he is free from the contaminating
Influence of the viclotis elements' be
found in densely crowded communi
ties. With an electric tramway In
front of his door , the telephone con
necting him with the metropolis and
electric lights .supplied liy the power
that runs the tramway , the farm house
will be more attractive than any city
residence. * "
The Initial step toward mudornlHlng
the farm Is the paved roadway.
'silt :
It was good politics to name Senator
David II. Hill temporary chairman of
the 'New York democratic convention. ,
He Is a cuiii'iigi-oiis leader , and the
democracy of the Kmplrc slate is at
present In need of men who can Infuse
some spirit and nerve into it. Xot In
a mi ml lor of years has tin- party been
so demoralized and so lacking In coiili-
donee ns It Is now. When an ambitions
politician like Flower declines a renoin-
limtion for governor and out of a dozen
men who lu ordinary circumstances
would jump at the prlxo not one is
found really willing to accept ( lie num.
inntion , fhe desperate condition of the
party is plain.
Yet the Indomitable David It. Mill
leaps Into the arena without a single
hulk-tit Inn of fear or hopelessness and
arouses the convention to enthusiasm by
a ringing appeal , which , although not
qulto'in harmony with his senate utter
ances and therefore more or less self-
stultifying , was still In Its lone and
spirit what tlio occasion needed. No.
body knows better than Air , Hill ho\\-
serlons Is the situation of his party In
his own state , and nobody appreciates
moro fully than he the importance of
the stake that is to be fought for In
ihls campaign , To have acknowledged
any distrust or doubt would have been
immediately disastrous , and , HKo the
thoroughly practical politician that he
'Is , Senator Hill had only words of cheer
and encouragement for his party. But
the rank and tile of the party will
hardly be affected as the convention
seems to have been by his appeal for
harmony. The thousands of men who
-have suffered" privation and hardship
during the past year and a half through
Idleness , for which the democratic pol
icy of tariff reform is responsible , will
not generally be persutded by the tall ;
of Mr. Hill that they ought to continue
to support the party that caused them
loss of employment , depleted savings
nnd suffering. There Is u wide differ
ence In feeling between the sleek poli
ticians who compose tlie convention and
the democratic wage earners who have
boon unable to earn 41 livelihood since
tlie democracy obtained control of the
government ,
Ko inuu In either branch of congress
denounced the present tariff law more
vigorously than Dtivid" II , Hill. He en
dorsed all that President Cleveland said
In the Wilson letter condemnatory of
that measure , and emphasized his
opposition by voting against U. Mr , Hill
now makes an apologetic appeal In lie-
half of the law , 'which he professes
to believe will harm no Industry and
throw out of employment not a single
workman. Fair-minded men will know
how to estimate tlie value of this later
tttlornnt-o tin tli * light of Senator Hill's
political n hrjjtlonfl. Hut everybody
must admit' ' timt Hill has pluck and
that , there J no more adroit and re
sourceful iJoUtJvlMti la the democratic
parly. It Is wife lu predict tlmt the
cundhhUc- Ihe convention fur gov
ernor will bc'4'Hlll ' man.
Hl' IV
t-'roni tlie1 farIclo ( wlilch we reprint
from tlie AVnkHIhgtou correspondence of
thi' Now Yo'rlt'Sun , It Is to bo seen that
Ihe ngllatloVfVr still further chilttges
In the distribution and organization of
the army has not yet been quieted.
Not content with the recent order which
abolished some dozen of : the far western
posts and transferred Iholr. garrisons to
the vicinity of the-larger cities , and
from western departments to eastern
dcpiirtmonts. speculations tire being had
as to how tilt ! east may secure addl
tlotml recruits at the expense of the
The argument that Is now advanced
Is that what the army needs Is symme
try of organization , It pains the
minor attaches of the War depart input
at Washington to be- required to ad
dress the commanding olllcer as a
major general , particularly when there
are two other major generals who hold
Inferior positions. They also think
thai It Is wrong to compel tlie two
Junior majiir generals to perform duties
precisely similar to tlioso performed by
the brigadier generals of Inferior rank ,
i'nder existing nrraugenieiits , orders go
from the commanding general directly
to the department commanders , who
are lo execute them , without any Inter
mediary red tape. Thcsp otllclals think
It would look much bettor to have them
pass llrst through the bunds of division
commanders , and then down Ihe line ,
wbuveby the symmetry might be pre
served. The re-establishmenl of the
division organization would , of course ,
Incidentally require the transfer of still
more soldiers from west 1o east , the
creation of a Department of the South ,
and perhaps the abolition of one of the
western departments' .
All this i * evct'Hent food for theoreti
cal speculation , but there are no prac
tical objects lo be gained by stickling
for symmetry in the army. The present
organization seems to fulfill tts purpose
satisfactorily. Why not let well enough
alone ?
Secretary ofWar ) I-amont must have
expected numerous protests to be made
ngnlusl the i'm\iy \ , order abandoning cer
tain western .posts and have fortified
himself against -them. Such an itnpor.
tnit : stop would- not have been taken
without llrst Canvassing the probable
results and considering all possible ar-
gnnk'iiK bo'th fo'r ' and against It. It Is
therefore Ide torlook for any modllh-a-
tliin of the order as a result of the pro
tests that liayej'been ' pouring hi ever
since the proiiopd changes were an
nounced , -Nevertheless some hardship
Is portended' fyr the- people iT-sldlng in
the vicinity tffljlo | wilder"ndlan ! tribes ,
who may take itho evacuation of. the
posts tojio ihi invitation for them to
( Hs'lVjitteoit'Jjrfiiics' ( ! | agalns'ty'liio ' defense
less settlers. It It : to bo hoped such : i
turn of affairs may be averted or else
the trooys ina'y soon , lie recalled tem
porarily to deal vflth n. serious situation.
I/atcr reports from the scene of the
cyclone thnt traversed iiiorthern Iowa
and southern Minnesota on l 'rdny ! last
prove that the tlrst account's'of the ruin
wrought in Its' wake were by no means
exaggerated. The condition of UK- sur
viving .inhabitants of the wrecked towns
calls'for outside assistance. The people
of the surrounding country are already
responding to appeals for help and will
probably bo able to do all that is re-
( iniveil tei relieve any Immediate dis
tress. Should the necessity be greater
than is anticipated the people of the
different states In the northwestern
group will certainly show their sym
pathy in n material"way. . Calamities of
this kind can neither lie foreseen nor
provided against In advance. The vic
tims are deserving of-every possible
sympathetic attention.
The oldest dally newspaper In Amer
ica , the Philadelphia Nurlh American ,
last week passed the 110th anniversary
of Us founding. Compared with the
great newspapers of this generation the
North American .gives promise under
the enterprising management of Its edi
tor , Clayton McMlchaoI , to continue to
bear its proud title for years and de
cades and centuries to come. If It wens
not for the legend which It carries ,
" 1781-1891 , " we should never for a. mo
ment imagine that it was as venerable
as It Is. II is a bright Illustration of
the fact -that lit ) years in newspaper
life leaves It still in a vigorous man
Congressman Koin mny perhaps feel
a trifle easier since the democrats of the
Sixth -district jflnve decided not to put
up a candidate ' , in opposition to him , he Is by'lni1 .menus yet out of the
woods. He i yasj-elccted , two years ago
by a phmilUycinly | and did not have a
majority of lhtj foles cast. The -l.tiOO
ballots glven.j/o the democratic nom-
law will liuvuittu be divided between
the tw'o ciii/dllhlles / in an unknown
ratio , and M'i ( { .JJaiiflicrty will get us
many as Mrj
Tha canal .pj'Piiosltloii without the
tramway asmiv idjunct is liable to
legal a tack by "Injunction. Our ablest
lawyers consSfl r'lt n mooted question
as to Avhothjj 1'1 wnter power consti
tutes such atfJut-rnal , ( Improvement as
Is contemplated ib.v the statute under
which the subsidy Is to bo voted. With
the tramway1 : IH part ot the canal
project the risk of n permanent In
junction against Issuing the bonds In
ro/.iTICA r ,
The ] > opiillsi. of tlie Nineteenth nfprciotila *
ttvo tllitrlrt liny ? nominated a bank cashier
for the lcKl lnturp.
Sehlckeilnnl * of Howard mid Trommcr.
sl'.Attsscr of Holt dope to be on the .roll call
of the no.Nt house uf thp state legislature ,
Kulrbnrj' Journal : Tom Majors wys every-
tlilttR if > coming his \vgj- . Tom la off. About
tlm oiily thliiK fiolng hlnay now la this
WlMicr Chronicle : Anti-Majors republican *
arc almost us plentiful aa rod bug ) . Anil
a great many nf them arc not making a
bit more noise.
Helen M. dungar Is nbout tu Invade the
stole fiK.dti. Her llrst onslaught U to be
made at Hasting , but the mllltlu IIUR nol
yet been cnlkil n-it.
It tfl so hard for the republicans or Lin
coln to Aoriire a turnout nt n Majors rally
on a week day thai they have gone to holtl-
ItifT poiltlcul meeting ! ! on Sunday.
Tlio low stage ol the water In Salt creek
N nbout the only cheering sign the
stateliousc Imiunchables can scs these
Uiij-s. ? * hcy nre banking on the water being
too low for navigation ( his fall.
Colonel Majors tore up liU shirt and sent
It out ns n campaign document , but it wilt
bo noticed that he la nbout the only re
publican in thf stain who Is tearing his
shirt In nn endeavor to save the head of
the state ticket.
Silver ( . 'reek Times : The tricksters
and tlip railroad crcV , which nro really quite
synonymous terms. Imagine they can elect
Majora on the strength of Hose-water's al
leged unpopularity. Hut that Is a very old
chestnut that won't be likely to frighten
very many.
I-Mltor Hurry Swenson of the I'ender Ilc-
publlu swears he wouldn't ncccpt a nom
ination for the legislature tr it were- offered
him. He Is supporting Major * , but he
wouldn't llk < - to run for office In Thurston
county on thp republican ticket the same year
as Tattooed Tom.
Although thu speech delivered by Mr. Hoic-
wnter at Fremont Is declared by the railroad
organs lo be RDOI ! campaign material for
Tom Majors , thr tepublican stale cenlral
committee has not : IK yet availed Itself of
Ihe opportunity lo serurc a few copies for
froa distribution.
There Is a pecullnr deal on up In north
western Nebraska. If the Tlushvllle SlaiuUid
can be taUen os good authority. According
to Unit paper , the democrats arc to support
the republican candidate for the state scimti-
In return for republican support for the
democratic candidate for the house.
There Is one less minister running for
office this week than last. Itcv. C. C. Clssel ,
( ho republican nominee for the legislature In
Frontier and Oosper counties , has declined
to stand for tlie ofllc ? . He'will continue to
preach the gosprl in go-oil old Methodist
fashion , and let tlie politicians ! run the state.
Ed A. Fry o [ ( he Nlobrara 1'toneer la sn
certain of the election of Judge Holconib that
he has notified all new subscribers to his
paper that If they will pay up to January 1
and Judge Holconib Is defeated , he will semi
the 1'loneer lo them free until the next guber
natorial election. Hd will not lose any
money on lliat deal.
The editor of Tlie Omaha lice. IL Is said ,
will inalo H stumping tour of the state In
the Interest of Slle Holconib. the pip camll-
datj for governor , but thus far has not made
f date for Mncoln. Hastings Nebraskan.
Your mistaken. The date Is fixed : Lansing
Opera hou.e. Friday even ng , September 28 ,
X | i. m. Subject , "Hepubllcanism , Hallroad-
Isin and noodhrlcm. "
llcnnelt Union : Whenever a man cornea be
fore the people who Is completely under the
control of corporate Influence who barters
away his vote against the best Interests of
the people , who makes merchandise of hla
ballot , and whose opinion an every question
Is measured by the amount of money he
receives far his vote no amount ct endorse
ment can make him a republican , and no
man can bt accused of unfaithfulness to
his party who refuses to support such a man.
Hon. T. S. Oobs Is one of the best known
republicans InVnyne county , and a very
popular man. Two years ago lie represented
lilH district in the lower house of the legis
lature , and this year he was nominated by
the republicans for county commissioner.
But when Hie news reached Wayne that Tal-
tooad Tom had been nominated for governor
by the railroads , Mr. Goss revolted , and went
.so tar as to withdraw from the ticket. He
is still a republican , but he does not propose
to wear the ralhoad brand by running on-n
ticket TVIll ! the name of Slajors at Its head.
Clnirlly KIHIUK No Set-t'nn I. IMPS.
Vlilluili-ll.liln Uecurit ,
"A soldier of thu lost cmixe" bus , pent n
clicrk for M.flKI "to bis northern In-other , "
made destitute liy the Minnesota liiv. and It
is a curious comment on Hie whirligig of
tlmo tltut the document was SPIII to George
II. McCtrllan , ju-tlnn innyor of New York.
Kvlilently one < bud not been lost the
i ptuise of Immunity and of Instinctive broth-
cilicod between tin- sections In time of dire
distress. _ _
sign of liiiprnvlii ! ; Times.
rtilliiilcliililii TK-rnnl ,
Tlie fire losses In tlie I'nlted ' Staler nnd
Canada for IbM up to August 31 were $87.-
i 433,000. The Hi < ' losses for the1 corcespoiiii
IIIK lime In 1WI were Sill r > 4OiX' . "This gr.ili-
' Tying falling olT ls > IIIIUIIKT proof of Irr"-
I proved business comlllloiiH. The losses fiorn
i lires always lnrivn = < ? heavily tn sea-toni
t of Imslnexs dlslresn , Iwaiist' of the irtonlei1
I temptation lu intv mllarlsiu on I lie pirt ; uf
pethons owning insured properties.
Still Stiidvliu ; UIMV lo Dmlroj- .
HprliiKflHd Republican ,
It Is wholly within the power of the
Kui-opean nut Ions nnd America to forbid
all war forevermore : yel bore we nre 1111
the threshold nf the twentieth century ,
studying as never before the most approved
luiys of destroying our fellow beings , and
making inlnute notes of the miserable af-
frayH ofweak Imitators of our "modern
school , " In order thai we may lia the bet
ter prepared to strllto our neighbors to the
l-'oi-Rlni ; to ilitfront. .
] ' ] illilcliil.i ! Ledger.
Women are now associated wllh men In
nil Ulnda of lienellclal Foctetlcs and fra
ternities , and have been united tn trade
organization. alllilated with th oxe to which
ihelr huslmmlH belong. Tlteie Is a Sister
hood of 7.ocomollve Firemen , which has
been holding a meeting in Harris-
linrff. The plsleis are not firemen , but
the wlvec of firemen , iinrl uct ux an auxil
iary to the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen , _ _ _
An KiiciiiUMKlu ? ' Iff i.
New Voik l-lvfiilne 1'oit.
Tt Is a very encouraging * lgn that the re
publican state- convention of Washington
this week voted down n resolution for Ihe
free coinage of pllver at the rallo of 16 to
I 1. The plalfonn committee was evenly di
vided on the ciie | tlon , but the delegates
gave a majority of thirty-seven on the right
hide out of 18. . votes. "Washington IH one of
lliose new stales from which the friends of
buuml money have expected little blp. Its
election this f-iil Is of unusual importance ,
t IIH the legislature to be chosen will elect
not only a I'nlted States senator for the
tpim expiring next spring , but also an
other to till the vacancy which the last
Aiviiy Midi US
rilU.nh-lplila Itcciiril.
Thefnit that T'llnceton atlrlbutcs the
smaller ? iae ot .her freshman class of Uili
tpi-ni to the "hnxlng" tioubles oC lust
rurulati ti a commentary on modem college
lit- which Is woilh emphasizing. It is tn b < !
' hopH ihil all tlu > higher Institution * of
' Icii-nlnir ttuoughoul the land will lake
, deeply lo heart the moral of Pilncrlon's
pr.3 ent experience. The foolish custom of
! "JnzliiH" IB a relitof Ihe ilaik agt-j of
rolli-gp history , and should be banished foi--
eve > - to- the limbo of absurdities. It would
boa heartiesthing - lo rob college boys of
a tithe ot their happiness and JoyIhe Bill
I that gives favor to study ; It would ba
equally c-ruel to condemn college nports ,
. properly Indulged -the compromise of Ixiijy
, wllh brain. Hut It IH the height of folly
to permit bright young collegians to make
fools of themselves under Ihe mUlaken no
tion that BllllnesH is on of the prlvlkgeu
to be enjoyed at college.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
, BS U > iEI : > Y PUKE
Speculation n to llmtnrnllnn of the
* l > hl lnti Syntem.
Washington fpeclal ( o New York Sun : The
question 1ms suggi-sted llself xvlitlher ( lit *
approaching retirement of Ucncral Itownrd
for ago would nol furnlnh a G"uil opportunity
for romodetltiK tlio present system of ter
ritorial derailments ,
The organization used to tie lluil ol thceo
military divisions for the llirce major-gen-
crals. and Included within these divisions six
military departments , commanded by the six
brigadier-generals. Hut otter thu deatU ot
General Sheridan and HID micctsslon of Gen-
cral Schodeld as Heulor major-general to the
command of the army , UIPIO was a break
In the symmetry of' the system , which \vas
ultimately followed by the abolition ot the
divisions and the alignment of Hie two
other major-generals la the command ut de
The reason for this clmiifio WBM found In
the alleged usclessncss of tlic division com
mands. They vere represented lo be mere
encumbrances , which not only Increased nrtny
expenses by extra staff. oin < - and clerical
expenses , but hindered the transaction of
routlno business , by causing orders from
Wash In Rte n to deparlmonts , and reports from
departments \VanlilnRton , to go a round
about course through division headquarters.
Perhaps there was another aid tu the change.
The Division of the Atlantic had but one de
partment , called the Uopnrtinent of the Hast ,
exactly cotermlmis with Itself. It seemed
highly absurd , therefore , tu maintain this
distinction , when thi > samu olllcer , General
Howard , wab bath division and depirtmenl
commander. Tlie Division ot theI'aclllo In
cluded the Department of California and tlie
Department of Columbia , and at one period ,
Just before the abolition of the division
both ot these departments and the division
as well were under the command of tha
same officer. General ( Slbbon , u brigadier ut
that. The cry of red tape and useless ma
chinery had , therefore , some support In these
However , should the divisions now lie re
vived , It Is suggested that there should be
two Instead of three , the senior major gen ral
commanding at Washington , They might ba
called the Division of the Kast and the Di
vision of the West ; and while formerly Un
employment of n very part uf tha
troops except the artillery west of the Missis
sippi would have mode such an organization
very unequal in Us parts , now the now dis
tribution of troops , bringing- ninny of them
east , would render It -
Eom--whit less so.
Certainly there might be a Department of
the South for such a Division of the Hast.
Blnce there la a lend cull for its establish
ment from the southern stat H. It Is also
considered practical lo establish n Depart
ment of the Lakes , taking In thp garrisons
on the Canadian frontier. The present De-
p.irtmcnt of tli > Kast , which might chance Its
name to the Department of the Atlantic ,
would furnish a third department for this
division. It U true tlmt even then then-
would not be an equal distribution ot troops
betwesn the two divisions ; but there la mi
doubt that each would form un adequate
major general command , nnd the present pol
icy of bringing a larger number of troops
east , and sUtionlng them in tlie iielglibarhood
ot large cities and at strat glc centers Is n
further consideration In favor of such a pljn.
The old argument , of course , against
having any divisions would remain as now ;
but it Is suggested that its force may have
been exaggerated. The iiuestlon of expense
is not very great , and. on the other hand ,
there ute certain advantages In giving the
major generals responsibilities commensur
ate with their rank. To reduce two of
the three to department commanders , thus
putting them on u par with the brigadier
generals , while the third receives , as com
mander of the army , much larger direct
control than ever before , does not seem
to bo an Ideal arrangement. Perhaps ( hero
Is circumlocution In sending orders in one
direction to a major general's luMdciuartern
in order that they may be- thence trans
mitted In an entirely opposite direction to
those of a department cominamle'r. And
In a country as extensive as ours this might
become a matter of Importance in case of
war or other emergency. Yet the tele
graph is available , and besides , it Is per
fectly practicable to communicate" directly
with blibordluates when the War depart
ment finds this to be necet.iary for HIP pub
lic welfare , Msanwhlle , under ordinary
circumstances , the army sets the benefit
of the exercise of the Judgment and" the
experience of the major generals In super
vising the commands of the brigadier gen-
There is a certain advantage In Imviiij *
this Intermediate authority between ( he de
partments and the central administration at
Washington , The overruling ot the latter
may bo lens abrupt where the authority of
the division commander must also be over
ruled , and tlie centralisation of power at
army headquarters receives a certain offset
in this way. It would seem that a di
vision cominaiuler. employed solely In con
sidering the condition anil requirements of
the departments under Ills charge , and
belli ) ; in the habit of visiting them , would
understand them better than a simple offi
cer , stationed at Washington , who had quite
enough to do with the general care and
control of tjie movements of the army , be
sides consulting with the secretary of war
as to its administration , and communicating
with the committees of con n-as on matters
of legislation concerning It.
No doubt there would be dltllcultles In
the way of a return to the division sys
tem , even with tlie proposed simplification
of it by having two Instead of three di
visions. It would be very difficult , l not
impossible , to secure the desired symmetry
In such a system. Above all , the dullei
of erne brigadier fltnerals as depnrtmonl
commanders mlKht be nlmo.t nominal , wlilU
Jhoso of others , commanding nt the west ,
I territorial ° lllcrcttsci1. . " 'X.Hi ' . * enlargement o !
commands there , an < i rruiilt 01
mnUlnR now ones in the eatt Jfcrhui.i .
Hits last Is re lly the . .tronK- nrgmucn
against returning to the division nyvieni
H i lessoned Rumewlmt by the cfMutlui
of Indian hostilities , nnd of the tear a :
Btich hostilities , as well as by the firowU
in Importance of the Atlantic * aboar4
Karrlsoiu. with ( lie new armaments. au
by the transfer of troops to theeasl i-
the Mississippi. sun , it remains t-natiKl
of an objection lo make It doubtful whclhci
any move will be umleitnketi In Itilu dlrce
tlou at present , or before the tmcccsslon o ]
General Miles to the command of tlie urmj
next year ,
i 'Kits n .v. n.rriKti ,
Cornell university la n. heavy loser by Ihi
forest flren in Wisconsin. U Imil a bant I
million dollars Invested In pine lands , which
have been burned over ,
. The Emperor William may net ben mod' '
monarch , but he can tall ; faster , work harder
act quicker , travel further , and deride mut
ters more promptly than uny man in dor *
It Is estimated 10.000 men gave tii
comfortable hoinrs and a certain Im-ome to
make a quid : fortune in the laud of prem
ise , the "Cherokee Strip. " Nine thousand
of them are bankrupt tcxUy.
John Jacob Astor of New York has Just
bought about 100 acres of land on the Uron *
and I'olham jiarlanv.iy. opposite the Morris
Park racn track , for ? JGO,000. It adjoins dm
old Dradford ( state , which Mr. Astor already
owns ,
Ilev. Father 1'elor Itaverimins of Troy , N.
Y. , has been a priest for Klxty-onc years ,
and for fifty-one years hns been pastor ol
St. Mary's church in that city , which ha
built , and In which he etlll celebrates mass
every Sunday.
Anna Li. nigg. , the suffragist leader of
Kansas , says Mrs , Lease is not and has not
been a rocognlr.wl suffr.iglst , and tlmt Mary
hllcn ,1s principally anxious lo keep her
name tlio public. Unkind Ulggs ,
Mrs. lenc wilt say.
Mine. Munkacsy has written to a nuda-
lestli paper to deny the Parisian rumors
tlmt her husband Is In financial straits on
account of extravagant habits. She says ho
is at work at present on a largo painting
representing a seen ; during a strike.
run niiiunr , ser
I ruth : Miss UnderliHI-I haxv been toM
tlmt you nnpoor. . ] think we hnd better
break our reunions , Stewart I IIMVC bn > .
ken all mine already.
.Judge : Doctor Iould advlso you Id
Hil : . ° , 'H'lnlnp ' In all the whisky you drink.
Old l-eppcr-ltut. drent Scott ! Doclor ,
MII t uulnlno In such ( luantltlen Injurious *
llufTulo Courier : "Von sny hi- made hln
tnammotli fortune \ > y ana stioko of genlui.
borne gicnt Invention , 1 aupio | e ? " "Nuii ;
cornereil tlie nrnicn minkci right on ttio
PVO of the foot bull season. "
Philadelphia Moroni : Xo , Afiiudo denr , l (
a Deirun ttlts in tin- light of the crescent
moon it dotHii't follov.1 that h will catcli
"nowmoonla. " You're n little off In your
spelllnK , anyway.
Chicago Inter Ocean : AVIfe I octor , I
feel terribly frlshtened about my husband ,
ho IH growing- nluent-mliul d.
Udctor \ \ hat did IK ; do ttuit spcclnlly
nlnimed you ? i
Wife Mulled a letter to mother the day
I KHVU it to htm ,
Cleveland 1'laln Healer : Smiling Citizen
Ila , hu , bn ! Good innmlntr. Biotlu-i1
Jonefi ! HOW'H Mrs. Jones ? your little fel
Jones Ob. never mind that ! I'll be ut
the primaries.
Indianapolis Journal : "M arrested fur
IlKhtln'I" exclaimed the prisoner nt thn
bar. "Its nn outrngo ter charge me with
lilttln' thnt man. I kin brliiK fifty men
tbet'll vlndlrutc mo of this charge. Why ,
yer honor , I'm u professional ] iuillist. "
And the case % vaa < Hsmls ed ,
Detroit Tribune : Hi face was
and vacant. "Thin diillnosH , " lie exclaimed ,
"will be the drnth ot Tne , " AVIth a croon
he moistened Ills iiahns 4ml seized th
lawn mower yet aguin.
VVnshliiKlun Him- ,
"TlH nn era of yciorico. The youth
Delighted the damsel , but worried her pa ,
The voice of the shotgun serenely can note ,
For lie Hlngs serenades In u fmllel-pr wl
KlxnnVnt < > riiiin In Juurnill.
My inolher'H hivirt ; was honey ,
Her lls was Htvc-otest balm ,
And though the world WUH full u ! term
Unr lap was full of calm.
Her urms nnd breast were filled wltli rest ,
Her Hinllu wan full of joy ,
Ar.d life wna denr when ahe was HOT ,
And I u little bo > .
Thp world Is full of golden trilta , yet my bpirlt sighs
KotVM'cn thu gracious ionir-u'iiu
Aixl happy by-and-byes.
I uni n-wenry of the iraron
Tliat fill the liven of men :
I would I were a Illtlu child
V , iililn thoHc urms
For my mother's heurt WUH liu'i.-y ,
A-iil her kiss wua BWOHM.hilm. .
And though the world WIM full or > lm'm
llei lup waH full at calm.
llu- aims and brenst were tilled wiih ropt ,
litr smile was full of Joy ,
And life was denr when nuva. . - < near ,
And ] a little boy.
yuvit .i/'.v iroitTii int VUUHMHXKV
Ton of coal free
wifc/i each
This is an unprecedented offer , but \ve make i
all this woek. on those low tariff suits.
Evftry suit in the $12.50 or $15.00 lot
is worth at least the prioa of a ton
of coal more than we a k , so you
can save that sum by buying1 ono
of them. That will give you a ton of
coal free' Just note the way they're
made coats cut long1 collar all one pieceLho
facing- one piooe all the way down edg-os double
stitched all seams sewed with silk thread lin
ings snugup to the cloth trimmings of the best
materials pants in the latest out. No me/ohant tai
lor ever made better suits.and we will not lot you
take suit out of the store unless it fits you per
fectly. .
The low tariff school suits are our well known
wear resistors , at : Knee pant suits , $2.50 , $3.00 ,
$3.50 , $4.00 , $5.00 ; long- pant suits $6.50 , $7.50 ,
Browning , King & Co , ,
Sellable Clothlci-H , S , W , Cor. 15th mul Douglas.