Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1894, Image 1

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Cbinaso Erneror Issues nu EJiot Praising
General Tso , Killed at Ping-Yang.
Inlrrrnl. Ill \\iii--roiMlillltj of
Urnr'ft O ath Alti-ilft I'.urtipnui
Ilonnc4 iliipuieso 1'nllHcal
I'urtlc.l ( Jutting Togc-Hur.
LONDON1 , Sept. 23. A dl patch from
flen-Tsln today bays that an Imperial
i diet lias been Issued by Iho emperor
ot China expressing Ills regret at the
death of General Tse , who was Wiled
while leading a charge nt the battle of Ping
"lang. As a token ot his regret thecm -
jietor lias ordered that postliumous honors
lie paid to the dead general , and Imperial
favors have- been bestowed upon till family.
Lieutenant Chine , first lieutenant of the
Chlh Yuen , the Chinese war vessel sunk at
the liattlo of Yalu river , has reached the
Chinese camp on the banks of the Yulu
river. lie- reported that the captain of thu
Chlh Yuen also escaped drowning , but after
wards died ot his wounds.
A dispatch to the Times from St. Peters
burg' says : It In reported here that China has
attacked the station of the new Usurl sec
tion of the Siberian railway , plundered the
telegraph office , and killed eight Russian
employes. It Is feaic-d ( he government will
make this a pretext to Interfere In the Co-
rean struggle between China and Japan.
The hotuses are affected by the
M ws of the czar's health , as he Is now
rc-eoEiilml ni > one of the strongest supporters
ot pi ace , and It Is feared that In the- event
ot hli > death his successor would sleze the
opiMiitmilty to Hicnrc naval ports on the
Pacific ami enlarge his boundaries In the
direction of the Pamir * at the- expense of
Clilna. either of which steps It Is belied.
miKliL easily precipitate war. On the other
land , a dl patc1i Horn St Petersburg today
denies the report that Kussla.ii troops have
Kone tu Corea. or that Russia lias the In
tention of doing anything calculated to dis
turb the peace of Europe.
YOKOHAMA. Sept. 2" > . The Gcrmai
crulaer Alexandrine has arrived here An
olllclal version of the battle of Yalu river
fcnys thut th Japanese killed Included Coni-
mand&r Sakamoto of the gunboat Al agl
Lieutenants T kaha ana Senokuclil ot the
cruiser llashldate. Lieutenants Sltna and Ho
ot the cruiser Matsusliima. Lieutenant Mugnl
of tlie cruiser Akltushlma , Lieutenant Asao
of the cruiser Yoshlna. Chief Surgeon Ml-
jake , Chief Paymaster iBlil/uka and SurReoii
Murakosl. Thirty noncommissioned ofllcsis
nnd men were hilled and wounded.
WASHINGTON. Sept 27 . The assembling
of ( he Japanese I'aillumont on October 1&
may be the occasion , according to advices re-
cclvul In dlplamatlc circles here of a politi
cal union or reconciliation b twecn ructions
whl < h hnvc been hitherto lir-csncllable.
" 1'arllament dissolved
"When the last Japanese
th leiders ot thu different patties v re at
nwncds , ' points , but In the presence ot war
with a power ot Chlna'B magnitude. Involv
ing the supremacy of the Orient , the old per
sonal feuds huv * been" set aside and efforts
nre bchiK made to have all factions repre
sented Ihrongh their leaders In the new
Japanese cabinet To this end It Is being
urged that Count Ohuma. Count ItagaKI ,
Count Mntsiikata .and Viscount Shltigawa
Khull b members of the "new cabinet , ul-
thoURli they have been among th ? most active
lenders against the government. There are
no cabinet portfolios vacant , jet so strong Is
the feeling for political union .during tills
em igcncy that It Is proposed to create new
cabinet clHcss In order to gel their co-opera
tion. _
u.\n in- , MIN : vci : i.iitiv/.o n.uujm// .
Atlite-k mi the INI tumieso houtli African
'loun lltpeclcil Mi illy
LORENZO MARQUEDclagoa Day , Sept.
25 , Sevciul thousand Kalllrs Ure threaten
ing lo ullaek the town. The goveimnent has
distributed arms among the white popula
tion lor defense. Serious trouble Is ex
Lorenzo Marquez Is awalled Portuguese
lown on the north side of Delago * bay. It
has a good harbor , which gives It consider
able importance In the trade with the Trans
vaal. The town has u population of about
8,000 , and Is protected by a number of
roughly constructed old forts. The town Is
situated In the southern portion of the provInce -
Inco of Portuguese Bant Africa , which ex-
leroU along the coast from the mouth of the
Zambezi to Delagoa bay , and Is boanded by
Maalionulanil Matabeleland and the Trans-
laal. The Transvaal leaders have long been
anxious to secure control of the Dclagoi
Jlay rallroail. and they have also been am
bitious to hjve a seaport. Lorenzo
preferred. With this object In . - the
HOLTS recently sent thu sum of $250,000 to
London In order to purchase the bands \\hlch
Pditugal Is expected to Issue as soon as the
lierne arbitrators have- decided the question
of boundaries. A few days ago , on Septem
ber 13. advices from Pretoria said that the
Transvaal government had acquired the prior
rights In Pelagoa bay. Including control of
I ho port dues , thus giving the Transvaal a
rommandliiB position nnd free access to the
.1 U'AM i : VKiV bEfKKI'IVK.
Hive Out Imt Very Ml Ho Sown. Iml
'Iboy Ho Is torrect.
VICTORIA , H. C. , Sept 23. The steamer
Empress ot India arrived tonight from Hit
Orient , bringing the following advices
YOKOHAMA , Sept. U. No one now doubts
that the long deliy In Japanese military
Movements Is to allow time for the comple
tion ot a great plan of Invasion. Any day
aiiay bring news of a battle In northern Corea
ami of the nailing of 50,000 troops for same
point on the Inner coast of the gulf of IV-
Chl-LI. but ns the decisive time approaches
the Japanese authorities grow more and more
Beat to appeals for Information. They frankly
declare that secrecy Is on of their conditions
of success. This belief Is not agreeable to the
newspaper correspondents who have recentl >
nrrlvcd from San Kranclsco and who strongly
desire to be admitted to ( he confidence ot
th * government.
\n Impression hai been convoyed by
KmUt > li newspapers In eastern Asia that
aluiidant nnd trustwortiij supplies ot news
can bo obtained In China. An examination
of I ho telegiams sent from Chinese ports to
Europe and America docs not sustain that
belief , for lliolr various accounts of the events
B.nce the fight at APJII. there Is bcarcely any
foundation , while- the Jap.ince , If silent , da
not attempt to mislead on vital points. One
vrcor , and one only , Is laid to their chaige
The ) urn accused ot circulating doubtful re-
jiorth to the effect tlmt Admiral lo
exculpated Japan from technical blameIn In
matter ot Hie sinking of tlie Kow Shlng ,
rntn AS A cuouitA : CUICK.
AllUrlr.l Ulftrlrl of AVursinv lurne ! < l ) ut-
Miiuy SuffcrlnK JiiuiiiteK Ciiiniuiipil ,
WA.HSAW , Sept. ! 5. Sixty houses In tu !
city of lllassekl , In the district of Kallsh
Ilussla R Poland , where the cholera Is
fearful lavagea , were & t on flro last nlghi
mid completely destroed. A number of tin
Inmates of the houses who were- suffering
from the dread disease and wir too weak to
make un effort to tave themselves re
burned lo death.
OltllterMtliii ; tlln llottlllf .Nr .
IIUIMINGHAM , EnR , Sept. 25The Hlr
nil right in and Alton free library committee !
"ha\e decided to obliterate nil racing and bet .
ting newt from the newspapers on flier In tin
libraries untie r their control.YltU thl
object In view the committees arc causing
u hi to slips ot paper to be pasted over all
niicli news Ha soon as Iho papers arc re
ceived for filing , ,
Won't fflneodB Tempo ri I I'oircr.
LONDON' , Sept. 25 A dispatch to the
Times from Horn ? today tays that Premier
Crisp ) Is ready to make any concessions
to the rluirch compatible with the mainten
ance of Italy's sovereignty over evfry foot
ot the sail. Hut , the correspondent adds ,
Italy will not concede the temporal power
ot the pope.
_ _
\VIUon to lie Itii
LONDON , Sept. 25. Sir Courteny 13. Doyle ,
C. It. , permanent secretary of the Hoard
of Trade , IB to give a dinner tonight to
Congressman . L. Wilson ofVcst , Virginia
and Ihldor Strauss.
SOL'IA. Sept. 25. Returns from 153 dis
tricts sliuw the election of 114 ministerialists
and thlily-nlne members of the opposition.
Fifteen returns arc still awaited.
t in'bTititrhn Kits / tu.ittinx. .
Miulli lii Until DftimllfM llreukluc ITp u OIIIIR
Vniillirr . " > lin , J.ill 'il.
ClIAMUCRLAIN. S. D. , Sept. 25. ( Special. )
Another of the pang of count = rfelters who
have made the northwestern part of Charles
Mix county the scen of their operations
has been run down and captured by Deputy
United Stales Marshal Hyan. These dis
patches have already told of the arrest of
Levy Cluik , who had In his possession , uhen
captuted , n complete outfit for the nmmifac-
tuie Dl sliver coin of various denominations.
After being h Id to appear before the next
term of the United States court , and rcallz-
liiK tint everything was very daik for him ,
Claik weakened nnd made a confession to
the olllcers , Implicating another Charles Mix :
county farm r named George Wolcott In the
counterfeiting operitlons. The facts learned
by icason of this confession were Kept \ery
quiet pending the arrest of Wolcott , and now
that he Is also a prisoner the matt r Is
made public. He wns captured at Onyvllle ,
Yanklon county , while attempting to gel
out'cf the country , nnd now lies In Jail here.
The discovery of the counterfeiters' d n
was made entirely b > chance. Henry Pedcr-
M I has a quarter section of land Just over
the Charles Mlt county line In Douglas
LoiuH.v. He had b en absent from home
fame iln > B , and upon returning one day Ia t
week found that someone had forced a way
Into the house and taken borne of hla things.
He liaced the thief to a house across the
line In Cltarl s Mix county afterwards
lejined to be the den of the counterfeiters
mid there found his things. While going
through the lions e searching for the articles
he uue\p ctedly ran across the outfit for
making the spurious coin. ClarK was not at
home ut the time of Pederson's visit Pedersen -
son ut once Informal the authorities of his
illt-covtiy and the arrests followed. In nd- ,
dlllun to the counterfeiting outfit , a la uBO ,
quantity of letters and circulars relating to
the biiblnexs were discovered. In Iho house
'I he unearthing of this gang explains the
reason for counterfeit mon y having been
fa plentiful in that section during the past
fev < months While the officers did not suc
ceed In sen-ling any of the spurious coin ,
there was Mifflcicnt evidence that the gang
had recently been nlnork. .
I < I f.Mt < . ' ( > ! . < I ITIi'.S Itl.M.llXS.
Iturrl.v 1 nmih I-rtt lo Identify Them n
' 1 ln > i < i < if rlir Un Tori n unto Cook.
MISSOULA. Mont. , Sept. 2D The Mlssou-
llan toi'icirow morning will contain a fcnsa-
tlonul story of the recovery of and the bur al
ot the remains of George Colgate , the de
serted ( oak of the notorious hunting pirty
heade 1 by William A. Carlln , son of General
Carlln , late commander of the Department ot
Hie Columbia. The discovery vnis nude about
August 23 by Lieutenant Elliott , eight miles
below Hie s > pot where the desertion occurred ,
on Clearuatcr liver. All that remained of
Colgate's body was one thigh bone and one
Ics , these mangled and gnawed by the wild
boasts Infesting that region. It Is presumed
tlie bilance of the remains were carried away
by animals Into mountain fastnesses. At the
same spot were also found the matchboxIbh ( -
llni ) and other articles Identified ns Colgate's
property. The remn ns vvuro Interred In
Lower Hot Springs , on the middle fork of the
Clearwnter. Lieutenant Clllolt was bent out
on this mission by Hie present commander of
the Department of the Columbia , to which
olllclal ho will make u full report , there being
many points tending to prove that Colgate's
desertion by the Carlln party was cowardly
In the extreme
PORTLAND , Ore. Sept. 25 News reached
here this afternoon that the- body of Colgate ,
the cook for the Carlln party , -was found on
the Clearvvnter rivpr In Idaho The Carlin
pjrty went out on a hunting trip In Hie
mountains last November and took Colgate
as cool. They wne caught In a snowstorm
and nairowly escaped death. Colgate was
left behind being too weak to travel.
I'Oltl CliOtlK JllltS .ILL
I l urni 1'liit-il 'Ino Illgli to .Suit IIiu Ilc-
I > irtiiii-iit-Ni-vv llldtV11I UnHkf < i.
WASIIINOTON. Sept. 23-Special ( Tele
gram ) The bids foi the construction of the
Inill'llns ' autlioi l/cd to be erected nt Poll
I'rodk have bten considered by the
Wai il ° iui ( merit , with Ihe it-suit
Hull none nt them weie accepted ,
Tlu-y Imve bten thl own out by
the depiitment as excessive , and adver
tisement * for new bids for tlie work will be
published \vlthlii a short time. No Informa
tion vvas given out at tbe department today
othoi than Hull the bids weie considered
too high , and Hint new offers would be In
vited. 'I lie buildings mithoilzed to be eon-
Htrtictttl me quartci.s for bachelor olllceis ,
one Imiraeks for foui companies , nnd one
hospital Hti-vvnid'M building. When the
Kimdiy civil bin wns under consideration
In the' seuito during the past session of con-
Kfva Senator MiuideTPon secured nil In-
citiiHe of limit of expenditure for the. con-
sliiu-tlon of Fort Crook from JjOO.OOO lo
? "iK < WO , nnd Congressman Meicor succeeded
In iiiii-uudlng Hie hotipe conferees on the
bill ti > IIBIL-O to the appropilallon of the
U K.elder has been appointed post-
in isu-r ut VmuiRStovvn , Polk county , In ,
v li t' W II. IVikliH , resigned. Wllllnni
Poster of Ues Molncs , In. , lias flleil an np-
plk-ntloii al the'Treasury depnttinent foi
iippolnlmcnt UH supervising arcbltccl uf the
Ueiixmy , In place of .Mi. O'ltourke. wlio
vs s foiced to resign by llicBecretiiry
MIMl' III .1 M 10.V/ . %
Ciu > k of thn T ( . Citttli- Outfit
SHERIDAN , Wyo. , Sept. 25 , ( Special. )
Ed Dickinson the cook for the TL Cattle
company , was shot Saturday evening by Jim
Smith , a cowboy In the employ of the same
company. The ( shooting occurred at Gil
lette , In Joluifcn county. Smith and Ulckln-
soii had homo voids about wathlng dishes ,
when the former drew his 41-callber Colt's
revolver and fired at Dickinson , the shot
taking effect In Ills right breast and lodging
under Ihe r.ght shoulder blade. Immedi
ately after the shooting Smith mounted lilg
horsu and made his escape out cf the coan-
try. Dickinson was brought to Sheridan ,
where lie received surgical attention. He
will recover.
* -
) .Sl'f ; HI ICKl'IXKltU'.fi C'l.OM.NH.
rr ' licnt ! Itmi'iiicjor Intuci. un UrtUi
A rub il lo'tlio New 'IwrifT l.nw ,
N13W YOUIC , Sept , 25-President Have
mterof the American Sugar Heflnlng coin
pany linn Issued orders for the closing davvt
ut OIIKof une-lialf of the rcllncrles uiuk-
, UK Loutiol , and next > vetk the text of tin-
ivlliieih-s will be ordered shut ilown. Thl
uitlou N tukeii because of the largtnmoun
of iftln < * il sut'U now on luiiul nntl alhO , I
Is httld , beciiitM * of Hie operation of Hie
lu-u tm Iff.
NEMHIK , Sept 25.-Henry O. Have-
nieyei said today'The opi-ratlons of Hie
new larllT law Imve already closed half Hie
rf llnerles In Hie- country , throwing the men
who winked In them out ot employment.
und It will probabb clone all Hie rest of
" I them next week Thin will mean pulling
ut UMM IO.IVKI IIKJI out of vvcrk The pilcc
. I of MiBar IH l > elow Hit * cosl ot producllon
I ! ' i i.e ne lime past the company ha been
vvaikint ; the rtilneilca at a conslderaljlE
I loss , "
Now York's Senior Penator Made Temporary
Chairman of tin State Convention ,
I'riilaci for Hie Deinocrxllu AilmlnlMrii-
HUII , llolli Sliito nnil ? tntlomil
jrulorM- : Hid U'llmin
T.vrirr inn.
SARATOGA , Sept. 25. The state demo
cratic convention to nominate candidates for
governor , lieutenant governor and Judge of
the court of appeals was called to order here
today by Senator Murphy , chairman of the
state committee. He named David II. Hill
as temporary chairman. Mayor Ollroy ot
New York and Hon. Daniel L. Woods ot
Krle escorted Senator Hill lo the front of the
platform , and then occurred a remarkable
bccne , The vast body of delegates stood on
chairs , waving handkerchiefs and yelling
themselves hoarse as from different corners
of the uuditorluin came demands ot "Three
cheeis for Dave , " Pandemonium reigned for
at least five minutes , Senator Hill stood
pale and motionless , nne hand resting on
the table , until the applause subsided , and
then at once begt . to speak , partially e.v
lemporaneouply an I partly from notes.
Mr Hill saidThe unterrlfled democracy
of the 12inplre state assembles here todas'
undlBinajed at the premature boasts and as
sume 1 conlldenco of our adversaries.'f
are not unaccustomed to their annual and
mcis covered game of political bluff , al
though reneivetl this year by extraordinary
v hemence and unblushing effrontery.
"If va'n beasts alone could b-lng victory
tl.elr battle Is indeed won before It Is
actually commenced , but we beg to remind
them that there has not been any campaign
In this ttate during the past twelve > ears
when they did not assume In August and
September that they had carried It , when
In truth during that whole period , with a
single exception , victory has perched upon
oui banners on Hie first Tuesday of Novem-
bek' In each jcar V 'c win our victories on
election days and i.ot by exuberant bragado
In convention halls
"The unexpected \Ictory of our opponents
last fall has turned their heads and ren
dered them arrogant and , opinionated. They
fall to recall the fact that the total vote
polled was nearly 300,000 short of the full
vole of the state , a victory which they them
1 selves did not anticipate , and which their
surprised and astute leadeis the next daj
after election humorously attributed to Ml-
vine Providence and not to republican
blrciiRth. With a united banner and united
% otc New 1'oik Is still a democratic stale
nnd If we arc true to ourselves will this year
resume her place In the democratic column
"Our opponents by vigorous beating of
bogus political tom-toms and the Insistence
upon petty and misleading local Issues , seek
to divert tbe public attention from the un' '
enviable iccord Ihej made during their re
cent four years' control of the- federal gov
ernment. Ihe people , however , have not
forgotten the fact that It was n republican
administration which In tnat Ill-fated year
of 1890 saddled the country \vith unwise nnd
vicious legislation which has since crippled
Its prosperity , endangered Us finances anil
ugmented Its public burdens.
" 1'ooj.le remember that the Sherman < .n\er
julllon purchase law was the product ot rc-
iiibllcati slutesmaiuhlp , against the cnact-
nent of which every democrat In congicss
oted It should be borne In mind that the
Inane al pRiilc nns a republican panic In its
nceptlon , continuance and disastrous effects.
"It was under a national democratic ad-
ulnlstratlon that the Sherman and fedora"
lection laws were repealed. Within the
irst > ur of 5our administration , and at the
'iisulng congressional elections , the spsctucle
w 11 bo witnessed for the first time li
twenty-four years of state elections con-
lucted as they ought to be without federa"
titerterence dictation or Intimidation.
riiAisn FOR Tin : xu\v TAIUIT
The enactment of the McKinley tailff law
was Hie culminating atioclty of republican
recklessness In legislation It was the vvr >
[ lersonlflcatlon of protectionism run mad
It was the Inauguration of u huge scheme o
governmental pailnershlp with private bus !
icss Interests. The reaction which follower
! n the elections In the fall of 1S90 , and vvn
iclteratcd In the elections of 1892 , was tli
natural und legitimate expression of the pop
ular Indignation at the party which ha
basely surrendered to the nicrcenarle :
vtthln Its own ranks and had bartered away
ho public good for selfish greed.Ve
iromlscd the people that If entrusted will
lower this vicious , unatiurlcan and objec-
lonuble law fhonUl be repealed , and we re
olce today In the fulfillment of that pledge
The McKinley law has gone where thi
woodbine twirutli , gone to stay , never to bi
re-enacted again by any political party.
"Without iL'Ir.ictlng a single word whlcl
have uttered lit the senate In criticism o
the meabure , while engaged In the effort t
lerfecl It and render It more acceptable , now
lhat It has been passed and become a law
It must be considered as a whole , treate *
largely as a parly measur" , and contrasts
with the McKinley law Uninfluenced b ;
personal disappointments , or any pride o
opinion , I m y be permitted to speak of th
measure us It IB nothing extenuate nor se
down aught In malice. Of Its strictly tar )
features , it may be tiulhfully urged that 1
Is a vast Improvement over the McKInU
law and will clearly demonstrate KB biiperl lime rolla on. and tbe business I
this country si all adjust Itself to Its provl
slons. It recognl/es in part at leaU tin
democratic principle of fice raw materials
It may tafely be asserted that the new la
will not cripple or embarrass u single Indus
try in the land nor throw out of cmploymen
u single workman , nor unduly stlmnlat
over-production on the one hand nor exorti
tunt importations on the other.
"Fellow democrats of the Empire slat
and ot the county the duty of the hour Is
not harsh criticism of democratic leaders
or democratic measures , nor conflicting coun
cils , but It Is a time for conciliation , for
unity of purpose , for aggressive action. The
contiol of both legislative departments of
the government U at stake In the coming
election. Inter party Btrlfe must now cease
und our attacks reserved for the foes who )
are already forming tlnlr lines ot battle
against us , Democratic national and stale
administrations must alike bo loyally sup-
ported. "
The administration of President Cleveland
has been clean handed , economical , pains
taking and patilotlc The various depirt-
meiils ot the national government hive been
conducted with success , and the democratic
party , as a whole. Is entitled to the con
fidence of the masses of Hie people , whose
Intereitt It endeavors faithfully to serve. Tlie
administration of our state government un
der democratic auspices has merited the pub
lic confidence. We have slven to Ihe elate
wise laws ; we have reformed abuses. ; we
have aided the CJUFC of labor , and we have
contributed largely to the added greatness ,
prosperity and -wealth ot our grand oyi
STOOD FOR nnLicious
The democratic part > stands In this state ,
ns It has ever stood , for that religions liberty
which Is guaranteed them by our roiutltu-
lion , and I arraign the republican paitj
for Its coverf sympathy with and encourage
ment of the prescriptive spirit , which at
tempts to set up a religions tett as a quali
fication ot official preferment In this land nf
the free , ami which Is propogJltd by a cer
tain political organization , which deserves
execration at Ihe hands of every fair minded
man , but which Hie republican slate conven
tion distinctly refuted , though earnest ! )
asked , to condc un.
Senator Hill declared that Governor Flivu > r
wu among the btil governors New Vork
state has ever had and predict'd Lleulennnt
Governor Shcehitn , whom lie dolgnated as
"young and brilliant " had a dazzling future
The senator ! then concluded as follows
"Sinking every iirejudlce , subordinating
M i
every selfish consideration , actuated only by
high and patriotic mot.res , realizing how
much Is at stake , to bo vron or Most , mind
ful of the grand tradltlorls vv filch belong to
the party of Jefferson. ) Jnck'ion ami Tlldcn ,
knowing a united democracy In this stuto
means an old-fashioned democratic triumph ,
let us buckle on our armor nnd together march
'like the Macedonian phalanx , cf old , with
locked shields and measured trend' to ( he
contest that nvvalts tu with courage , with
resolution , wllh confidence , believing our
cause Is just and that God and the right will
to-rely give us the victory. "
A * the close of the speech 'tho ' usual com *
mlttces were appointed und ( he convention
adjourned until tomorrow at noon ,
A cold , bracing atmosphere , a few spatters
of rain , followed by bright sunshine , greeted
the delegates to tha convention this
nibinlng. Everybody was astir early
and the morning trains brought large contin
gents to swell the crow'd , Hotel corrhlois
end streets were full nnd . at tlie Grand
L'nlon , where democratic headquarters were
established , there was a great crond. The
stiects were lively all night , marching
crowds of boomers shouting at the top ot
Hiclr lungs made the night ami most of the
early morning hideous for thosevvho wished
to sleep. Senator Hill was an early riser ant ]
as the first contingent of leaders went Into
the dining room about 8:30 : they were told
that Snator Hill had cflten liU breakfast at
7 o'clock. Krom that time.on until almost
neon lie , it behind closed doom , refusing to
bee even the leaders and announcing to all
corner * tlmt ho was busy preparing his re
marks as the temporary chairman. From all
Indications It Is evidently tin- intention of
the leadeis to formulate no slate until the
oigonlzntlon of Hie committee.
The Whitney boom still retains Its proml-
ncrce and there Is evidently a ( UsIre on the
part of the leaders to wattuntil , Mr. Whlt-
nej's arrival In New York or In Saratoga to-
mcirovv before making a nomination. T'to
Tammany men this morning arc unanimous
for Whitney and the Kings county men since
the withdrawal of Gaynor show a disposi
tion to follow In Tiimuiany's footsfps and
everybody wears such on , air uf uncertainty
that a dark horve might he dropp d upon the
cnnvenlion with success at any time. There
Is also a likelihood this morning that the
coi ventlon , with the assistance ot the galler
ies , may stamp do for Hilt , and In Unit ca e
the senator would have to do what he lus
not done jet announce positively his de
cision In Ihe matter.
The Gaynor adherents Htlll claim this
morning that Mr Gaynor's tclegiam Is not
tcbe construed as a declination. They Insist
i hit he Is In the race , with excellent pros-
l-ccts of being nominated.
Frederick S. Coudert. who arrived k'-rc
this moinlng. Kays he thinks Mr. Whitney
will make an excellent candidate. Many are
suspicious , however , that Tammany's support
of the U'lillney boom Is nor t-lnc"ic , arguing
that It It were the Maje flc'mocracy people
would be given seats In tbe convention , ut In part.
Miss Supan 11 Anthony and other woman
Riiffrafilfrts are heie to urge the adoption of
n plank In favor of extending the ballot to
"There Is no situation and there will be
no situation until William C. Whitney ar
rives In New Vork and gives Ills ultimatum
If he savs Ho. then ( here wilt be a hustle
on the pa't of the prominent candidate * , and
undoubtedly the springing up of new can
didates that would prolong ; Oils convention
to Thursday , " said u'party leader tonight
The- convention meets again In the Casino
rink , where Governor Flowei was nominated
In 1891 : at noon tomorrow
-Mr. Lockwood of Ituffnlo will come Into the
field as a prominent candidate against lohn
Uojd Thaolier , Frederick .Cook and Judge
Gaynor , amLthc fight Vlll bea lively one if
M" "Wliltnev , declines , the nomination.
ouiLirs'c OF Tun rLATFortM *
The outline of the platfoVm as adopted by
( lie subcommittee to tie presented to the
full conunlttcu In the1 morning Is as fol
lows : "
National Issues Congratulates the demo
cratic administration on Ihq careful and con
scientious manner In vUilch the business of
the countiv Is attended to , by the appoint'
inent of efficient officers , to the heads of
public departments : congratulates the party
upon the repeal of the Sherman luw. which
was citing dtit the vitals of the financial
body politic ; upon the repeal of the partisan
legislation Known as lhafederal elections law ,
which will lesson the expenditures ot the
nation by millions and promote pure elec-
Tariff Asserts thai the new tariff law wll.
be a ivlso and excellent substitute for the
paitlsan McKinley bill , and as n whole nil
help the people of the- country ; declares
against future amendments ot the tariff by
revision as a whole , but contends Hut neces
sary alterallons can be made by the pas
sage of special laws relatlr\g to the remova
of the duty from raw * materials only.
Uuslness Interests Congiatulates the
country upon the revival of business In
this country , and believes , this revival wll
continue now' that the tariff matter Is de
linltc'b settled.
Labor Declares the Interests of labor
should be fosteied by proper and necessary
legislation , etc. ; advocates the amending of
the present conspiracy ltf fs so as to more
equally protect the worklngmen and the
employers. t J
Equal Illghls Declares ! against any clasi
legislation which , In violation of the con
stltutlon , prohibits or Interferes with tin
fieu exorcise of any formrof religious wor
ship , and deprecates anyi organization wlilcl
would tend to any such Ve.suIt. The plat
form v. Ill In no vvuy mention the Inconn
JtOll.KIt KXI'T.b- > tU.V ,
I'liur Killed unit I'unr Injured lit Crystal
North linknta.
GRAFTON , N. D. , Sept.1 23. Hy a belle
explosion this evening near Crystal four men
were killed and four biijly wounded , on
fatally. The killed aroi '
The Injured are Charles Shepkrd , fatally
Alex L True , Morris Gftly , Thomas Morgan
Inquiring Into tlie iilimiihlcnt ,
YALLUIO , C'al. , Kept 23 , In acc-irdanc
vvlih orders from Sec e'tary ot Hie Navy
Herbert , the board ot otritws , consisting o'
Cnptuln Choiles S Cotturi commanding th
tliiKShlp PhlUulclphlaj 'OJniivmiider C , M
Thomas , commandingtbe'Uciinlngton , Lieu
letmnl Comrnnnder tM 'pimtnondg , ord
nance olllcer , uricl Lleiitejiant II. M. Urn
pel , judge atlvocute , nMitoday to Inqulr
Into tlio clrcuniHtan.ces , "f , itjo u. 8 , S. Art-
urns' urcmndliiK up nfnrJSt , Paul's Island.
The striking on \eef'occurred \ ubout 4
o'clock in tha nfternoon. whileIn u fog so
dense thai nothing coultt'be dlstinsulnhe-d
a fe-vv fc-et ahead of Ihe Htilrn
lloblicil HIP Cliiihtj Trcnsurr.
SHERMAN , Tex'Bci > t ] 25 At 1 o'clock
an iilaim was given fijini th olllce of
County Tieasiuer Winiqm * Scott In the
court house , lie had I" ' lying on
Ihe lloor of his olllce , bfi anil
bcloutf A laid hud Intj made upon the
safe- and the wit -UtUL-ltcd by un
Known robbers. The trei surer hut ) not ro-
1 alic riartlctilnis
of Hie- robbery cannot bfl Icuuieil. Olllcoi.s
have up a clewami ; uie working on
It , u-ltKKipliliiK and riding In all dliec-llons.
Tlie lu-UKurer hud drawn )1OOU Horn his
bank < U | > oi > liotiy to pay JeacherF , and that
much l xiUilnly stolcD , ami perhaps
money from other fund ? .
MniriiK'iitK of S.-no'flj ; Vc * * li , srpt , SO.
At San Kr.nii Ucoi Departed United
State * Mramchl | Tlu'lls , fur fian Diego ;
Oceanic. fiirYokohanu am ) Hong Kong.
At New Yoik-\ril\ul Nooiillantl , from
Antvveip : WblllcKlml from HiPinen ,
At AmsHrdiitu Aulved X.aantlani , from
Xeworh ,
Al Queenstovvn Anlved-Catntonla , from
Al HremenArrlvedfriuive , from New
Yoi k.
Miimlln : ; nt I'ort Mu-lllull.
C'HH'AflO , Sept. 5.-Sc-rKeant CummlnB ,
Tc'iitti Infiititiy , inadu Hie- best showing
tidu > .it Ib r < it Hhirldan shuot , HC ting
112 ut Ihe Infantry t-Klrmish Tomorrow
Is the a t day of th - cavalry kl-iul h. i
1'uvutP Martin Sixth cavalry , Is thoughl
to bave the best chance for tbe cavalry gold
Governor McKiuloy Talks of tbe Successor
to Eii Tariff Bill ,
Kx-Prcstileiit Ilnrrlnon Introduce * lllin to an
liulluiii < i > ell Auillencc Cunillttun or
the Country Ciiniparc- Mlth that
Uiulor Itcpiibllcuu llnlr.
INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. 25. The formall-
tics ot opening the republican campaign tu
Indiana were run through with here today. ,
Upon Governor McKinley of Ohio devolved '
the pleasant duty of making the declaration
of war upon the Intrenched dc'inocrucy of
Hooslerdom , and he discharged It us cour
ageously and defiantly as he was wont In
other days to carry battles Into southern
fields. The occasion was given added con-
cquenco by Ihe presence ot ex-President
larrlson. who. In a ten-minute speech , In-
roduccd Ohio's governor to the thousands
hat packed Toniltnson hall to the very-
alls. A large crowd of enthusiasts It was
! ial faced their two famous leaders of the
cpubllciin party compressed and therefore
omplalnlng , but Intent and respectful and
lost cordially responsive.
During the morning Governor McKinley
as visited at the hotel by hundreds. Quite
II of the prominent republicans of the state
avc come to the capital today , and they
ndlvldually paid their respects. Delega-
lens from various points nf the state
niirched from the ( rains to the hotel , some
f them headed by bands of music , and
heered lustily for McKinley Governor
lutthews sent his private s cretary In a car-
loge for his fellow chief executive , who
ailed at the capital building and had an In-
eich.tnge of courtesies with the state ofll-
lals A great many have come In fiom
nitKlds of Ihe city to Join the local republi
cs , swelling the ciowd to great propor-
ions and making it Impossible foi the ball
o accommodate those who wanted to hear.
Shortly after noon ex-President Harrison
ailed on Governor .McKinlcat his hotel ami
it 12 30 a procession was formed which cs-
orted the et-presldenl and governor by an
ndlrect route lo the hall , where they were
iproarlously cheered on entering General
larrlson presided.
In Introducing Governor McKinley lie ? ad !
Mr. Fellow Citizens The delightful duty
las been assigned m * by the slule central
ommittce of the republican parly of Indiana
0 preside over this fjreat meeting. I am lee
> o Its chairman , not Its speaker , and I con
gratulate you on thut fact. ( Laughter ) Two
ars ago this country was not only the most
irosperous country In Ihe world for that It
lad been before but It stood upon the high
est pinnacle ot prosperity that It hail ever
before attained. ( Checis. ) This Is not the
rdict ot politicians ; It Is the verdict of the
commercial reporters , it is the expressed
opinion of those men who make a profession
f studying business conditions. The last tivo
. ears have b en years ot dlslicss and dis
aster , the losses during th m defy the skill
of the calculator It lias been said and I
: hlnk not without leason , .thai they exceed
.he cos ! of the gieat civil war. These losses
lave not bsen class IORRCS ; they have been
llstributed. The holder of stocks and bonds
1 as found his wealth shrinking , ami ? o has
, ue farruen. nnd thp worklnginan ha.s found
ils wages shrinking There 1i t > beeira sen--
eral participation 111 ( he cAMmltles of the
ijst two yars , on there was u Rtneial par-
.Iclpatlon In the prosperity of the preceding
years. ( Applause. )
The great national losses , like those nf the
civil war , lave | sometimes their adequate- -
compensations. . Great as wus the loss ot the
civil war for the union , we feel that It was
adequately compensated for In the added glory
lhat vvas given to the Hag. and In the added
security that was given to our civil In
stitutions and tlio unity of the nation.
( Cheers. ) But Hie losses of the lust two
tears have no such compensating thought.
There Is no good to be gotten out of them
( laughter ) except for guidance. They seem
lo have been of a retributive nature , like
the swamp Into which a traveler has un
consciously driven , thai has no omellouitlng
suggestion except that It teaches him to
keep on the foothills and on the roads tint
ore on the hilltops. We weie told the rich
were getting richer and Hie poor poorer , and
lo cure lhat Imaginary 111 our political oppon
ents have brought In u time when everybody
Is getting poorer ( Great applause ) I think
I remember to have heard once of an In
scription upon a tombstone that ran some
thing like this : "I was well , I thought lo
bo belter ; I look medicine , and here I lie/ '
( Laughter and applause , ) Our demociatic
friends have passed a tariff bill that
Is approved , so far as I can learn ,
by six democratic senators and by
nobody else. ( Laughter. ) Mr. Cleveland has
repudiated It , and has declared It Involvts
perfidy and dishonor , that It wus so shame
ful In Its character and Influences that he
would not even put bis name to It. All
the leading democratic papers In the coun
try have condemned It-both of the old
stalwart variety and of the mugwump va
riety. The democratic chairman of tlie
ways and means committee has condemned
It , and Hie- entire demociatic majority in
the house of representatives condemned it
Now that Is a great misfortune. U Is a
misfortune that the democratic party vvaa
not able to evolve a tariff bill that the
party would accept as a settlement of the
tariff question Hit It Is not accepted as
a settlement Already WP have a proclama
tion from Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Wilson
that this Is only the beginning of tlie cru
sade against American Industries. Now that
Is a great misfortune. If we could have
been told by our democratic friends that
wo were at the bottom of the well , dark
damp nnd dismal as It is , ive would have
begun , to look up to see whether we couU1
not llnd some star ot hope We woulc
have begun to annolnt our bruises and try
to build some scaffold by which wo might
climb out llut we arc told there are
lower depths yet In store for us And so
this country Is to be held In n state of
suspense. It can be ended In Juat one
way. and that Is. by overwhelming republican
victories In November. ( Great applause. )
When New York Rives Lovl P Morton
75000 majority ( applause ) and Indiana her
btate ticket 25,000 , ( applause ) and Illinois
and those states who have wavered full
again Into line , und the next congress Is
republican , there will be an atsiirance that
we have found the end of this dlsastious
condition. ( Cheers. )
I think the Ohio democrats the other day
declared all these disasters of which -we speak
cama upon the country under the McKinley
bill Well , to bo sure , the McKinley bill vvas
a law until that 21th day was if ot August ,
when the Gorman b U was passed. It had
been arrested We bid been listening from
day to day lo the prophecies thai In two
weeks , or in three or four , It would bo re
pealed. It was not a law In a sense that any
merchant or manufacturer could act upon It
It wan dead In n business sense though allvo
on the statute book. Why , sir. It would be
Just about as reasonable to complain of a
man who had been nncstcd , handcuffed and
locked ui In a cell for mt surinort'ng. hi
family a to complain that Hid McKinley bll
dirt not filvo prosperity during HI'S period o
suspense. And than we urt > told llml unde
the JIcK'nley ' bill the prlca of wool wen
Of.wn ami that slnrc It lias been made fre
It I going up ; that sugar on the free IIM wa
higher ( Inn with sugir at a 10 per cen
duty All Ih B , notwIthJlanillnR the old Jem-
ocrallc < lootrln that Hi * duly was always
added to the cost of thedumeatlc article.
General llarrUan then made a neat speech ,
presenting Ouvernor McKinley. ,
Gov rnor McKinley cpaned uili | an eulogis
tic reference to tha admliiUlratlon of I'resl-
dent Harrlton under wliU-h the country
pro pered ts It had never iircipered before
j or since. Mora manufactures made by
American workmen , more of the products of
I American farms sent out lo the markets of
. the world during President Harrison's ad-
( njlolUratlOD than wtr ever before sent
In exchange for foreign gold or have since
been exported. Men found employment with
out difficulty and wages wcro good. Peace
and prosperity were In the land , Slnco that
day In Novmber , 1S92 , when President Harri
son and thp republican pirty were voted out of
the administrative and executive cilice's of
the national government a change has oc
curred. Every one of the conditions which
then exist d has been altered and the nation
has learned by bitter experience a lesson In
Die practical apptlcallon of politics which
the people have liad an abundance of lime
to t ponder over , for they have not had much
else lo do.
As an evidence ( lint the i , ople arc not
satisfied , n comparison vvat .mtide- between
tlie t cl ctlon returns of 1802' and those ot
more recent date , Instances being given of
republican gains , nhlch Governor McKinley
regarded ns Indisputable proof that the-ie
wns not only a general regret that n change
of administration had been made , but also n
dissatisfaction with the course of democracy
In I Us disposal of the great public questions
vitally affecting the workshops , the farms
and the firesides of America
The addr ss was devoted almost wholly tea
a discussion of the tariff and especially of
thu effect of the democratic tariff law.
decided sensation was sprung by the-
governor. Ho presented a phase of th ; law
recently passed which was n tt.irtllng surprise -
prise to the audience The sugir schcdulo i
of the law In effect provld s for a contlmia- ,
tlon of the treaty of 1ST" , made with the
king of the Havvalaif islands , under which nil j
sugar from those Islands vvas , nnd Is under j
the law of 1894 , admitted free. The language |
of the- schedule quoted Is : Provided fintlier i
that nothing herein contained shall be so |
construed as to abrogate or In any inn nor >
Impair or nffect the provisions ot the treaty j
of commercial reciprocity concluded between ]
lli > fulled Stales and the Icing of the said
Islands on lh > SOth day of Januaiy , lS"f > , or
Hie provisions of any act of congress hereton
foie passed for the execution of the -fame. " I
This provision was Insert d In the law by '
tlio fonalo It gives to tlio great Hugai ( rust I
H.iid Governor McKinley , an ndvnntagc which |
has not heretofore been suspected The
sugar production of the Hawaiian islands Is ,
nder th control of the Sugui trust , thut
ountry Is the field of Its pilmaiy opeia- I
Ions The democratic patty 'oolc away from
ho sugar raisers of the United plates tlie !
otmty of $10.000,000 a year and bestowc-d a '
lOiinty of $6.000.000 n year on the Ktigar I
> roilucerR ot tha Hawaiian ( Minds , giving '
hem an advantng1 over not only the sugai
iroducers of thu United State * , but uf Hie t
vhole world outside of these Islands The
evoll of the Louisiana pi ante-re against Hie
tarty which had smitten them so heavily
was referr d to and Governor McKinley i
tainted out that It was the u-piibllcun pally. |
o freely accused of fectlonnllsm. which had I
onfcrrcd benefits upon them which had been
pposed by democratic statesmen and rf-
noved as soon as they had an oppoitunlty
o da so The governor maintained that In-
lead of being sectional the result had shown
tself to be entirely unsccllonal , broad and
ti elfish In Its purposes and national In Its
When we made the tariff law of IS'K ) ami
ook away oil the tariff from sutar we gave
o the cane producers and Hi- beet pioduceis
and the maple tiiKar piodueers a bounty
'qulvalent to the tariff , and we suld In HIP
aw that the bounty should stand for fifteen
ears That Is all wiped out by the law cf
S91 What la ther more sacied Him n
olcmn contract made with our own citizens' '
. 'mulling on the money qu stlon Governor
\IcKtnley paid 'Our money Is all good
vhetlicr it be In silver national lunk notes
or gr cnbacks or treasuiy note" or gold or
silver certificates , every dollar IH good To
get the money out among Ihe people Is Hie
H rious problem today To do this , we must
not only have something to pell but be able
.o find nomebody lo buy. If wo ure conj-
telled to keep It. we suffer the loss Invlioln
or In part ct what It costs us to pioduce It.
The banks arj filled with money , money was
: iever more plentiful br less employed than
it Is now H U btcause. It Is not employ oil ,
.because we have the stagnation In business
which distr EFCI the oountiy , and the reason
It IH not employed Is because the Invitation
lo cafe and profitable Investment Is not pre
sented U Is not the lacl > of money nor the
kind of money that Is our tumble ; II Is th'
Inclc ot prosperous "manufacturing and the
absence of confidence In the party nuinsglni ;
the government , and wo want a faith in tin-
future. When confidence and h p are every-
vvheio manifested , manufacturers are busy
ind Inb r Is employed , and when both nre
engaged therein with a fair profit and with
[ air wag s. then agriculture Is prosperous and
money has fice and healthy calculation
V \ I T.I 111 IA.S lr.J.VTA. . N * 10 V.
Cnnvlli of McmliTi-lilp li > lii'i r Kutlii
'limn I'opiiliitl'ni TnruMse
SAIIATOGA , Sept 25 The nat'onal ' con
fcrence. of Unitarian and othar Christian
churches held n communion service tills
moinlng , conducted by Rev. Elward Everett
Hale of floston. The new- president Senilot
George K. Hoar of Concord. Mans , addressed
the eonvenllon at length , reviewing the worK
of this denomination , and plctuied for It a
glorious fulure Resolutions in memory nf
George William Curtis , president ot the con
ference , were adopted. Standing committees
were appointed Itev. Hule , as chairman , pre
sented the report of the counc'l ' , In wh'ch the
conference of Chicago was referred to and
the paillament of religions spoken of as u
triumph nf Christianity , biwd on Unitarian
principles. The council reportel forty-four
clergymen having been rnce'vcd Into fellow
ship. The council received with regret the
statements made by the public In u hundred
ways of the defiance of law and order by
popular outrages to which the name of lynch
law has been given. .It vvaa aho reported that
the Increase of members In Unitarian
churches Is In rather laiger proportion than
the Increase In population of tlie country.
Hcports and recommendations were reid.
made by Rev lr G. Reynolds necielury of
the American Unitarian association , MTH
Emily A Klefolt , secretary of the Woman's
National nlllancHev. . 11. M Wilton , tu > erln
tendent of the New Engla d , He , . I ) . W More-
house super ntendent lor Ihe intddlo states
ami Now- England , Itev. T. 11. l-'oibush. super
intendent of the western states ; Rev G. L.
Chancy , superintendent for the Pacific coast ,
Rev M. W Gould , secretary of the Westcin
Unitarian conference , and Rev Howard N
Drown presented the repoit of the committee
on "Tlio New World. "
Following the report of the business com
mittee und the reception of foreign delegates
the conference took u recess until afternoon.
HKKM.IX C.lflllH.lU 1-UMlHK'tl.
large AtU-mlinuu nt the Suvenlli Annual
hc-f-Nlon Ht LoiiBltlllc.
LOUISVILLE , Sept 25. The opening of
thu German-American Catholic congress was
favoied this morning by a clear und bracing
atmosphere. The pontifical mass at St Alar-
tin's "church and at tha cathcdial wcro at
tended by un Immense throng of people , not
half ot whom could bo accommodated Mgr.
] ) r J S Clirnder of the Catholic Untve-i.sity
of Washington delivered the sermon. Ills
subject was "Tho Social Question. "
The first meeting of the priests' society
look place al St. IJonlfnca school hull , at 11
o'clock , and was attended by about 200
The technical arrangements for the con
gress have been completed and the work of
the different committees has proved very
successful. The reception coinmltteu Is
Uoli-g splendid service In welcoming dele
gates and guests as they nnive In this city.
Generally speaking this , the seventh Ger
man Catholic congress , will be quite In line
with It * predecessors so far as inaction ! re-
Milts fcr the foody of German Catholics in
the United States are concerned ,
The following ofiicctRere elected today :
H. C. Spaunliotst , St. Louis , president ; F.
Ilanme-r , Syracuse , vice president ; G. S. IIu-
mann und J A. Denning , Louisville , sec-re-
; H II , Iladenian. Louisville , treasurer.
Ore tnl/oil 'u I'lz'i' ' tliu I'nlmi ' ,
NEW YORK , Sept. 25. AI n meeting ot
tlio Employers and Uullflcrs league John P.
Leo was elected permanent president , and
' Francis J. Schuch , vice president. The object
' of the organization Is to advise uuys and
means to antugonlzo union labor In Iho
building trades. Twenty-seven ImiMtrs ,
twenty carpenters , three stair builders and
. twenty-six painters signed the roll The or
ganization alma lo deal only with the Indi
vidual laborers rather Una vsltb the unions.
AtlministiatSontsts Desperately Sot ou Mai-
ing the Imago of a Candidate.
riylnjr In tlie fiuo of the Ulll oC the 1'urty
K rlnl I'ust lo tha Itullioiiil
tniej forcinst of
'I o tu o ri ii w ,
A majority of the delegates to the demo
cratic state convention , which me'ts at Kx-
poMtlon ball at 2 o'clock this afternoon wcro
In the clt > last night , and the corridors of
the 1'Hxton hotel , which Is headquarter for
th ; delegates , were full of dlscusslou nnd con
ference until midnight
It Eeenis certain that Silas A Itolromb will
be endorsed or nominated by the convention.
The ' "straights" alleged that the fusion senti
ment was dying out , but If this was the cane
It I was not manifested last night. Ihc lobby
of the Pa x ton hotel was crowded , and the
men ' who wer In favor ot n straight ticket
were few and fir between The fusion men
wcro In a Mist majorllj. und there was no
desertion from Hitlr ranks. The "striilplits"
were claiming that If 11 cattle to a show down
there were " 00 delegates who would refuse to
abide Ii > a decision to Holcomb or
any part of the populist state ticket , but they
\\er ? unable to point out n majority of that
i > pvernl of the more pronounced admlnlstra-
llonlstB earljIn the evening declared that In
.in > event there would be n straight demo
cratic tick t put In the Meld , but when they
hraid ] vi lint the [ usloiilsts had to ray they
Ham ; lower Indeed , the fuslonlsts who have
caiefully figured tlie matter over arc of the
opinion that a Mrilght democratic ticket put
up bj bolting delegations would b a help ( o
Ilolcomb. j nnd a corresponding daiimgn in
the t head of Hie republican Htute ticket The
men , who ate Inclined lo bolt belong to that
wing , ot Hie < lemocrac > that almost Invariably
volt's for the canlldate
r publican v\hlla
luiidlv i . denouncing icpubllcnn principles Thu
fiuloultts figure that If this element puts mi
a , lIcKet It u 111 be In duty bound to support
, II and this means that .Majcis vlll lose u
Int of democratic votes ho Ins counted on.
Hi Icily , th fUHlonlsts will not weep nnd wall
and gna h their teeth It there Isa split.
Thej tay itill be only a email splinter that
will fly oft an } how.
In looking over the Held It was found that
tlie counties thai were taking the load In tha
1 stuilglit' movement weie Kearney , Custcr
nnd Saline Kearney comes clown with tlrio
delegatc-a tlie leading one of whom Is Hie
local ngtnt ot the liurllngton railroad nt
Mlnden. It Is claimed Hint It fusion Is suc-
eefcfnl the counties of I'hclps , llarlan. Sa
line , Gage , Otoe , Kearney , XuckolK Web
ster , Ho\ Untie and Ouster will tnlte the
lead In a walkout , anl tint scattering dele
gates to mnKe Hie number of bolters fully
\\lll fall Into line If there Is n walk
out the boltera miy find tlmt the- " have
vastly overestimated thdr strength.
The nntl-fUKlonists have dcifde.d In the
event of morling the opposition , which Is
Inevitable , to bolt. They hive even gone KO
far as to hire nnothe- hull for the purposd
of meeting and nominating n straight ticket.
One ot HIEprlnc arguments urged agalnbt
fusion is that tic d-jmourits , while ore r one-
half as Mrung as the papuhsts , got nothing
out of U Thi-y point tu Daaver's ' reftisnl to
withdraw , 10 He\lne's Inilstlug upon remalti-
Ing In the Held In the T ilrd , to the turning
down of llobin&on , anj to the fact that the
populists luvo a full biate ticket In the field
without ( hnuliig : i diafioa tlon to pill tiny of
the candidates off. This nipins , they sav ,
that the democrats hnvu to merge their
Identity Intn that of the populists , and with
n "we-a-e-dtmocruts" sort of look they nay
that this Is unfair ; that they would be will
ing to tuxo T democracy was to get any
thing out of It. Iliis argument is being u-cd
for all It Is worth , lrt Judging by the ef
fects dlspla > ud. It Is having no effect.
The prevailing sentiment among the fuslon-
I l8 iceins to be tlmt It wosld bo the proper
thing to bi-Rln Ith Elolcomb and nomlnHto
the ent re pnpnlbt ticket until the office o (
slate treasurer Is reached Then a halt should
be called and a straight democratic candidate
put In the field , liils Is because the populist
candidate Is co.ifesscdty weak , vvhtlo the re
publican candidate Is ml looked upon as
being- able to poll the 'nil republican \ote on
account of li's imnlpulntlon of the permanent
school fund anil varlouu oilier financial deals
ho has bec-n connected with since being
elected slate treasurer. There linvo been sev
eral men mentioned In this connctlon , nincmfj
them bring Senator Lulkhart of Madison
rounty , who seems to be In the lead. There
Is a hope that In case the democrats < lo nom
inate the populist state ticket , with the ex
ception of I'uwers , candidate for treasurer ,
he tan be Induced to withdraw. No one
setms able > to give u reason for this belief ,
but the belief Is sirontf. Tim treasuryshlp Is
conceded to be the moat linpoitant minor
htato olllce and It Is felt that the democrats
should be allowed to name the man for that
U Is known that a delegutlon of free silver
mon had a conference with the populist con
gressional committee of ( he Second district
yesterday , ask ng that Djavcr be solicited
to pull out of the race In favor of Iloyd. Some
of the men who are opposing fusion claim
that If Heaver will withdraw- and give democ
racy some of the oPlces they will cease their
opposition Hut so far Heaver has shown
no disposition to draw out of the race.
In the counties '
merit 'onod which are
claimed lo be ready and unilous to bolt there )
nre seventy-thrce delegates. There will proba
bly b > nniHlc In the air regarding the Otoo
delegation , and It Is hinted that this delega
tion will not hn\e a chance to bolt ,
The state central committee met In the
I'axton cafe last night , but Immediately od-
Jounifd until 10 o clock ( his morning , when
a few plans may come to light , Several
members of the committee wers asked If they
Intended to attempt naming the temporary
chairman , but they refuted lo talk about It
All they \vould Bay WUB that while they
might not b ; allowed to nnmn the temporary
chaliman. there \\as no rowr to prevent
their recommending a nuiPfcc that position
Douglas county will be alii vied the honor
of provld ng the temporary chairman In lh
person of Un I Smith When the conven
tion IK organized linflnlo county will In all
probability be asked to provide the perma
nent chairman , and ho will answer to the
name ot W U Oldham. Mr. Oldhain will
be remembered as the orator who took the
tree silver convention by storm gome tlmo
ac . Ho Is a good parliamentarian nndono
of the best Bpeakeis In the state. Thera
will be tlirfe secretaries tu look after record
ing the actions of the convention , and Honln
ofMorgan . Klttenhou.c of Frontier anil
Morgan of Cass will probably bo called upon
to do It. This vvas the slate that was fixed upon
lata last night by the Ilryan people.
That there will be a bolt there seems
to be no doubt. Such a move lias been
brewing for wec-ks , engineered ty .Catlor
and the men ha anil his employer1 , tluj Ilur-
llngton , contiol. Hut whether It Will bo
before the convention , during It , or Im
mediately after. IB EMie-thlng that hat not
yet been nettled upon. "You can bet your
last dollar that there will be a straight
democratic ticket In the field , " eald a
Kearney county delegate last ni ht , und n
delegate from Cutter eald It vvas even to.
Chairman Martin ot the- Mate central com
mittee reiterated with great emphasis last
night that he believed a straight ticket
Hhould be put In the field. In reply tu the
question whether a definite plan had been
made by the admlnlstratloiilsts to boll tha
conrentloti , lie- replied that ne liad "heard
the . " It U known
rumor. positively , how
ever , ( hat Mr , Martin In kecking to cheer
a downcast administration man , told him
that a. bolt was ft certainty.
The cry of party discipline anfl the per
petuation of Jefrcruontan principles Is thl
standby of the aritl-funlonliti , but tha or ]
li a weak one In the ear * ot the mta Sftl