THE OMAHA DAILY EREt WfiSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1894 , 8PEG1HL NOTiGE8. _ Ad\ertl ementa for lhe < - columns will he taken until 12:30 : p. m. for thu evening , and until 9:00 : ( x. m. for the morning nnd Sunday editions. AiUcrllters , by requesting a numbered cicck , can have answers nddi-esscd to n numbered letter In cnro of The Hee. Answers BO uddre scd will \ > f ilelliercd upon | up enliitlon of the check. Ilnlea. H4c a word llrst Inscrllun Ic n word tljerf-nfler. Nothing taken for less than Jvfl for flr t Insertion. . . Theap adrertlspinonls must run consreulUely SITUATIONS'WANTEP. . HITL'ATION XX'ANTED , AS CLEIIK OI ! 1JOOK- kcepcr , by a ydung man of tcmprrnli * Iwblla njid bUKlnena rdtiiMtlnn , Six inonlha" c\perl- i-ncii as bookki' per. Address X W. Iti-i- A M7I3 2t _ _ _ WANTKD , SITl'ATION , A OOOD COOK wnntH sltuatlnn In n ! pil al < < family : nlll ( nl.c tntlie iliniKc of Kllclion , \\afhlng ; vi III len\c clly. Address X tt ) , this olllce . WISl EMPLOYMENT AS CLUNK OR OP- Ikc Iwy ; am mndy. nekcr 1I ( ' - loliai rii or liquor , of gtnllpnuinly disposition nnd nin r lil > - ediicnlrd. XX'Ill be tmtlBll" ! wllh tmall 11 U lleferfiu-ca If lnccs ury. O. 11. Ptirian , XVInsldc , Neb. -M737 J5 M AEHELP. WANTED , TRAVELINO SALESMEN , K. Thor.ipaon , tallois , 1G12 Fuinnm . H-tWl S23 WANTED , A'rEXV PERPONS IN EACH PLACE to do nrlllng : rend stump for 130 PIKO book nf liaillrulnia. J. XX'oodburj , 127 W 4Jd slront. N. Y. City. H MBS WANTED , 1IY JIANPI'ACTI'liEIl. TIIAVEL- IIIB talesmen to wll to merchant o-ily Apply al room CIO Sheely block , from 9 a. ir. In1:30 : _ ji. ' ni. _ _ _ _ _ II-.XKTO * AXA'STED , FOMh oru ; TO isi:1 : RESENT us uji , nlready li in an nlllce In Omaha. Wilte ua for particular. American Patent siRci cy , Cliiclnnall , Ohio. 1S-MC72 23 WXNTED. A (1ENTI.EMAN XX'ITII SOME 1JX- jKMlcnce In tnlhtrlnir. ' 'nil al Kalz-Xevon * di. , tor. lllh and DoiiRlas. U M7M 28 WANTED , 1IY 'TIM ! AMERICAN I-'INE ART CO. a. brlRht , rncruftlc , cipcrlfnced , lltlm- xnil'lilc aollcltor In take chnrRC of local ft cncy. Must ba" thoroughly reliable , ncqna ntod an I well connected In Onuihii und fsurixnmdlnK ter- iltory , able In take chniK of Kiib-uc.-ntn It triiuhvd and iimbllUiUH to create n business for himself. Addrehs npiil'mtlnni ' full iitutlculara , alat'nK lefiiencei"xwr | unc" , nire , itito C. J. Smllli. Hotel Mlllaul. , 1) 751-i \T XNTED , A 1'IUST CLASS CAHX'EU. APPLY 'H. M. Qunaaul Co , 10JO Sout.i ISlli St l-749-2S _ WANTED , AN EXPEUIENCKD AXD INDt'S- tri < iu clothing Nilwmnn , nne who has hn.l f\- pi-ilmce wltli country trade. Muit come well loiniimended. Single man prcfrrrcil. Liberal .ises paid. Kfihn to Co. , St. Jompli. Mo 11-732-2 _ \LESMEN. . EVEUY COPNTX' . SALA11Y OU iniuinlralon. Nn experience. Now tariff hill Kl\e.i unlimited ruxillln. Active men apply illicitly , staling Fnlary nufl tcrrltnry wnnled. ItHJiufnrlurcia. I tux Mns , lloaton. 11 117't 2' , ' WANTED FEMALE HELP. LADIES WAN11NO FIRST-CLASS 01111.3 npply Scandlnnvluil Y. L. Hume. OIlliT. ! l" > N' . IGth. C-MC88 a XX'ANT A KlUSI'-CLASS 1IA1II DUEHSEfl ; none but compolrnt llfi'd apply. Mi . R. II. Dmles , 1C20 loil lna n. ' C M5SJ WANTED. OOOD OnU. POIl OENE1LU. biUKe oik. Apply at G20 ti , 20th uiitio. . I.ADI ESI IK YOU 7viSII ESI PLOY JIPJs'TAT joui homca nil self-addressed envelope for our ilcacrlptlM' clicular and ommenco wrk at iince , tioinl wasea paid. Tn < - Alfred Kiilltlnf Co. , XX'inthrup , Maa * C M716 2t * WAHTIDT"AN APPitENTici : IN iiTLi.iNp.UY dcimrtiiunt. Mis. H. C. Moae * , 17th nnd num ata , Oniulin. C 745 21 * WANTP.D , OOO < : illL AT 2'wt DOUGLAS. Mimt be first lias * cook und laundress. -M770 27 _ _ _ _ WAWPRD. COMPETENT GIRL ; GENERAL lioufi'uoik ; 3 In fnmlly. N. W. ciunei inth and Cuinlng. C M750 20 * WANTED , A < lOC n , EXPERIENCED CSIRL for cpneial ho "cwoik. Mts. J. P. Wllrox. 201 S.14 th street. C-MT73 25 FOR KENT HOUSES. WANTED. QOQD MEDU'M PRICED HOUSES. I.lnt jour hou > ca for lent with Ames. D-733 IIOPSE3 , F. K. DARLING , UARKKR HIX > CIcI D-734 UOPSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. THE O. P. Duvla rumpinv , l0i Fainim. D 733 KELKENXT A CO. . R. I , CONTINENTAL RLIC. _ _ _ ' _ D ' ! CVI.L AT OUR'OFFICP. ANH KXAMINE PHO- tncrnph of very tine 7-nwin modern cotlniro on putitl utreot. linn-half block fiuni car ln ! ; only ril.00 per month , fidelity Trust company. 1702 I'OR RP.NT. DI-SIRAI1LE T-IIOOM COTTAGE , 2SI3 XX'oolworlh uxc , JJ5.00. Rliig\valt llroi. , Uarker block. D-112 IlKNT , CHKAPEST 6-ROOM COTTAGB with butli In clt > ; only )13M. 203 > Cnllfomla " * ' _ _ . -M3U _ _ OIl RENT , 3 ROOMS. 631 S , 17TII smtEET. D-CW S26 3 6 ROOM HOt'SES , MODERN AND CIIL'AP , not N. 13th atri-i t. D-M7U H29" 1IOUSIJ8 fi fTOHKS. JJQJJJJJ D ais sa _ roil RENT. TXX'O S-ROOM , ULEOANT I1IUCIC Ihita , nil moilern cmuenlenieii ; 1 block from IIIU clreet motvr , $23.ix } , Cumptrolkr'B ntllce , D-MJ'JO 1'INK 7-ROOM COIINEII FLAT AT 701 S. 1 TII Mvoet , niliKf nnd all oilier convenlrnoea. XV" . C Itallor. nu m fill. 1'axlou bljck. D-300 NEXV 4-nOOM OOTTAOIJ NEAIl I1EMIS PARK JUW. I'ldellly Tiuft comwny | , 1 < K Pnrinm D MIS3 VOll RENT , TXX'O 12 ItOOlt IIOPSES , 21H AN'D 218 N 19th atreet. all ni'xlern. cunvenlencia , with ranee. Api < l > nf tha llyron Heed rim- pnny , 211 tt. Itlh t. - -MM1 I 2i " roit 8-HOO1I FLAT. LANOi : lilnck. U * 8. Utli. D-5JI 2J I-ROOM HOUSB NEAR HIOII SCHOOL : JM.M. inquire tcif. Capitol uve. D j-M _ TP.N-HOOM MODKIIN IIOUHK. WITH I1ARN , ( or Ji."X Call at 1311 So. 25th avinue. D-MTtJ SO' 1YW HENT. ELF.OANT 10-ROOM reasonable. WJ3 Hurt atrrel. D t2J 21 * IK-ROOM IIOCSE , LAUOiriJAIlN7 TH AND lliiUunu. axenuu. ilXOJ. 311 Flrat Nallnnul Kink. _ _ _ „ _ _ -MGIJ TOR RKNT. 2519 CAPITOL AX'ENl'E. 9 rooina. nil nuvli-ni. largo bain ; poiweoalon nt nncc. Uo4 N. 22 > l at. . T n > mi. nvxlern. IJ.IHPS- xlon at oner ; rint Ion. IO6 N. SOU ) HI 7 ixMims , modern , rent rr > low. Shiltrr & O'D.imhoe. liOt raJrmm at. D Kl-21 A HOUSE WITH > IItOOMS ; ALL MODEIIN con\enlencra. 2110 I jJke at. D (47-3Q * Li MOD EH N XVKlt l'ILT K-ROOM liuiu , eaat frunt , JCili tr t. > uth of F r > n m. | a. Aliu > 7-r oin hcu e In Orchaid Hill , nt-wljr pnpen-,1 und palntPil KOH , S. 1C. Humphrey , tit New Vuik Uf * . D C5M RUNT. iiduT-ioou : MODEK.V HOPSK fOS South 17th at . ulao S-ro.'in cottiice with barn Q. U Ureen , It 23. Itarker blk. DC.7 t UNisiiD-iioi'Hi : OK inooMs si IT.UILB fur boardera , Apply U10 Chlc-neo treei - 6 ROOM COTTXOU II.XTII. HOT WATER et. fumnrc Uwn. X1JI Miami lrwt Til X. I.lft. D-MTdJ FOR RENT HOUSES , " Continued. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STEAM ; CENTItAL , ALL MODERN7. 3. 5 , 6 nndroom houv a und flat : . Tlnuil. 221 N. 2llh. JI-.M77J3T JOR R1SMT FURNISHED KOOMS. EAST FRONT ROOMS 2"l DAVENPORT. . E M209 O5 LARGE PliOST PARIXIR. MODERN CON- vcnlcncea , furnlslird uiinfuinlshcd. . with nr without b > arvl ; also small ronrn upstairs. f > 2 $ So. 2'ilh turnup. E MCIS 27 * _ 3 KIJHNISIIKD ROOMS POU HOUSEKEEPING for min nnd wife. Kuit tiiken In InurJ 319 N 17th Btrect. E MCC1 _ ROOMS. HOOSEKEEPINCI , 20.1 ! ST. MARY AV i-62C 27 * _ FURNISHKD AND TNKt'UNIKItED IIOOMS , wltli buaicl : ' fuirmco hint , etc. 710 S 1th nl. . _ E M.7QJ 2T. _ _ _ FOR RENT. LAItOE HOt'TII 1'KON'T ROOM , with all i jni i-nlrni cs. 2J70 ' _ ; _ E M7J8 23 * FOR RENT. NICP.LY Pt'RNISHED TIKD roums at :22 Hull atieit , 1 : M627 20 FUltNISHiD IIOOMS. M33 DODGE H M725 23 * _ NICELY I'UKXIHIIED ROOM. BOfTII EX- pmurp. on ) , or twi > Kc-iitlpnu-n. ulth or without boanl. a > (7 ( Cuss , E M7h5 1 * I'OR RUNT. POI'll LARCE PNITRNISHED looms for hoilsektf'ptilm ; : bnth nnd unlrr on amo flour ni > Uilldicn. 1513 l-'jrnnm slroot. K M73' 2j * f u itN f s H E'DROOMS "AND BOAR'B. ROOMS AND BOARD. 2113 CAPITOL AVENUK F -M1C1 27 * NICE ROOMS. GOO D BOARD : llATES REA- tcraable.coru cnkncea. 'Hie Ro e,20.l0.2022 Harney _ P MC23S2j * _ FRONT KOOJI POR TXX'O , "W 1TH STRICTLY first class boatd. 2109 Doiglni ) M r 2 UNFl'RNISHEtJ ntONT AND IJACK PAlT- lor ; also Ann. rooms .wltli bomd. 210 and " \i \ S. 2Jtli st. P M396 NICK ROOM WITH BOARD. CHEAP. ZwITcASS _ P 334 OH * ELEGANTLY FURNISHED POUTIt FRONT room ur suite : prl\ntp Ixiard , ln-st conven- lences. 2110 I > ougln street. K M337 23' FURNISHED ROOMS XX'ITII P.OAP.D. 2013 DnURlas. , F M49)OI5 * GOOD ACCOMMODATfON SKVERAL youiiR Bciillfllm-n. licdiippd" rates lo those limlnK roommates. 'Al Inrswfiont room for marrleil couple. The Albany. 2H1 DniiKlas Bt. P M5S TXVO I'HPSISHED ROOMS l-'OR RENT TO Rcntlemen with whole or pilflal Umd. 4U S. 2-lth a\e. F MI-24 * HANDSflMP 1-RONT P.fC\IS WITH HOARD. refcrtnci-g. IJ N. JSIh M7 t 23 * "THE IIILLSIDn , " 1STII AND DODHE. NH'-V manainmenl , large nmniM. furnished nnd ( i ( furnbhed. ttrnm heal , uxcellcnt table \r\ \ _ r nine i ROOMS AND KHIST-CLASS HDAllD. 2103 Douslfis. P-M772 O 21 * tJNFTJRNISHED ROOMS'FOR KENT UNI-'PRNIFHED ' 1'AHr.Oll 1-T.ftOll - . OP FIVK rooms , mxlcrn , ilrKlniblt lai.ui.m Address X W , ( > . -MUCI L-J * TO RENT. PNPL'llNISinT : > "ioriMS."siNC.LE QP t-nsiillc , furniipp heal nnd KI > jiaiilra cull halo board If ilpslird. 211'J Dodge Cr 73D-2I * FOB RENT STOKES ANU OfTICES CORNER STORi : . fl ) . 021 DOU < : L .XS. INQUIRE 922. . i _ TJH POR RENT , THE 4-STORY RltlCIC 11P1LDINO SIO FRrnnm trpel. The build.iir hns a lire- proof , remPiit l > .isrmcnl , complete steam heat- Ins nxtnresalfr nn nil ( loom , Ras , clc. Ap ply at the office of The IJer. 1 910 POR RENT. ROOM K I1Y 32. 2l > I'LOOR OP my etore , fullable for and aull ; Rood Ilfiht and delator sen Ice , Mia. J Kensnn. I-M93J AGENTS WANTED. WANTED. GOOD SOLICITORS , MKN AND women , to woifc for the Proffresili'p Endowment - ment Guild of Amerlin. for MltMiurl , Kansas nnrt Nebraska , ( llulldlni ; nnd IfTtn anil ID- year endowm-nl Insuianca combined. ) Relia ble people only need apply. Address , room 5. Rock Maud bld , , cor. ( jtli and Edmond streeta. fit. Joseph. Mo. J M90J 01 * WANTED. AGKNTS FOR OUR NEXV PORCH liln-llned fire-clay cooking vi'cla : nses. J3.03 to 17.0D n day ; pay f\cry two weeks. Adilrpsa Xenla Pottery Co. , Xcnla , O. J MC37 29 * WANTED TO KENT. WANTED. HOUSES TO RENT IIAVK MORR calla than I can aupply J , H. P.urotte. 16th and Dodge. K-SS1 S2I WANTKD. I1Y MAN AND XV1FB. THIIKK UN furnished rooms , with liathroom iirlvilegea down Hairs preferred ; must be near see > boanl ; one jr two of them east or smith light between Eighteenth and Thlitlvth nnd Dodge- and Popplctoli. . Addrrsa 1) , HOI Douglas aln-rt K M7JS 27 * STORAGE. STORAGEXX'ILLIAMS & CROf.S. ll | HARNKY M-741 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD C.OODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. It. Wella , 1111 Parnam. M-743 OM.VAX&STORAQE CO. . IMS PARNAM. TeI.15J3 . M-743 nCST STORAOK ItUILDINC. I.V OMAHA , U. S. Ifov bonded uarehouat1. Huuaehold ftooda atorril. IxiHeat rates , 1013-1013 Leaven worth. M-741 WANTED TO BUY. HAVANNA FRECKLES. IIKBT ON EARTH , 5C N-MM1 S27 SECOND-HAND 11OOKS HOPGHT FOR CAS1 at Antlquarino book store. 1219 rnrnnm iilreel . NU'61 Ol'j ' * GOOD DRIVING AND SADDLE IIOU9E ; MUS : be cheap. Address X 43. lit a. K U3 27 * F URN ITT RE OF S TTll wTllOOM flOt'sV KOI ta h , ibcnp. Addnvs X ( I , lu-c i > ( Ili-o N-M771 27 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WONT MlhS YOUR inune } . I , w prlcea on furnllurc nnd houaehohl dii Enlcrprlie CiMllt Co. , Otl-Ult JJ ICth t. . _ - . CIX > SING Ol'T ENTIRE STOCK OP FUHNI- lure , stuvea. rlc. K Allman , SOf N. ICth. _ O-46I FOR SALE , AT A SACRIFICE. KLEOANT furniture , nearly ntw , ut a. six- loom cottnsre. Innulro ! Ilee building O-M17T _ FOR SALE HORaES.JxVAUON3.ETO 2 UAHdAINH : PIIYS. PHAinONS , t Ni"tV , urrr below coat. Drummond CHrrlagc Co. P-7 _ A. II. CLARKE. HORSi : COMMISSION DKAL- er. union atock yanla. South Omilu. all classea ot horaea cunttnntly on hand , 4 > tern & > oulh < cm buyeri are here for fall uppl > . nuc. Sat. _ _ _ P-M3 OH GOOD PHYP. PHAK. . J ; PIIAI-TTON. JIOj phaeton. W. Drumm id C'arrlace Co.I' I' 74 FOR BALE MlbCE LL ANE OUS. HANK AND PLATTK VALLEY 8 VND FOR tulp. C XX' . Hull cotnpam' , 20th and Itard ta. i\R SAUE ; SAFI1 3l 8. mil STIIP.KT FOR 8A1.E MISOELLAKEOUS. Continued. K YOU HUY , nrr THK IIEST ; MVCKIN- toshps , nibber boota , artlcs , vyrlngea of nil kinds , RUB tubing , nil beat auallty. Omnha Tent & Awnlnc Co. , IJIt Farnam it. Q-l ! HEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL fence made. C II. If Wl lXu.i..L > . > } i4 TOR SALE Ft'LL-ULOODED GORDON SKT- ter , I months old Inquire "B. " 976 North JSth nvenue , Omaha. ij Mill MISCELLANEOUS , CESS POOLS AND VAVLT8 CLP.ANED. JOHN Nelson , ofllco 418 B. 14th at. Tel. 1173 OLAIK-VOYANTB. IRS. DR. H. WARRKN , CLAIRVOYANT , RC- liable business medium , "th year at H'J N. 18th. MASSAGE. UATH3. ETC. HADAME SMITH , 102 S. 13TH. 2D PLOOR. mom 3 ; mniiaB'1. Mipor , alcohol , Bleim. mil- phurlne and sea bath * . T MMft 2J rtME. LA RUE , 416 SOUTH 13TH. E : , UADAMR DCIINAKO. ins nonon. , T MJ 2 TURKISH BATHS. LAWKS' TtmiCISIt HATH ; HOt'113 ' A. M. to 9 p. m. Ileauty Oillure t > atlor icmoved from J-Cnrbach blk. to 103-tlO Uec IllilffAtfitt Atfitt PERSONAL. 1MHIIKLLAS palled. 105 Soath Sixteenth afreet. , TAVI HOME TREATMENT FO Health book nml consultation free. Addri'fn or call Vlavt Co. . 316 liee bide. Lady ullondinl. OC CIOAU roil 5C. HAVANA rilKMCIn. . IATHS. MASSAOC. MMK. I'OST. JWH P 1ST" . IM-XTrtO-THnil.MAI. , ItATtlS. I'ACIAT. MAS- KiBc&compl xlon treatment. Mine. 1'ost. SlilA S t" > U 8fM iVHOf.K WHKAT 1IKRAI ) T'UOM Hour at linugeii U Hamsej'n , 217 N. IClli M. U-MSIT-OIJ I1RLM ] ni'PRni.Y 13 riTTJJD AND MI-.AH- urcd to the figure ; tilwa > s remains shnpelv nml Is iH-lter prppnrcd to iPtaln the liner oulllnet of a beautiful figure thnn nny oilier Xlno mpas'jremcnta ' nrc necc9. niy nna nil IHlliiK Is il ni > by expert" . It's the only comet tint nuil.r.i one shapely nnd la appreciated by pver > lady wlu calls at iiarlnis. 1900 Kainnin Flreel U-MSTS-O13 MACKINTOSIltia & lU'BHUIl HOOTS , 1311 I'nr tT-511 tA HOOK , MASSAOK. 1601 I.KAVIIS- worth street , third floor , front rooms : two ihxt class opeiatora. U MB51 K' MIIS. p. Doasnv. CAKD lenAUtNcis. 1113 nii. u M ' , s zj ANY 1M3TISON KNOWING INIXUMATION ) that will load to the ( IndltiR ot Finiii-ls Cor- imn or Ttil SulllumH [ be rentnlnl fur send ing auch Inrormntlnn to Mrs , Citliprlin > .1 for- Liberty Illinois. I' JUtiS 2H PUR CO. , of fur earmcnta , fura neatly repaired. Pur muffs nt coat. Jliom 301 Karbach blk. Tel. IS 12. . U OW-O13 ! OOD HOME POIt DAISY. I'UICK REXSONX- ble Call or write. KO Hurt and 311 ftrci-lt U MTiit 2 DIOKEYTO LOAN RIIAL ESTATE. Lin : iNstittANCi : POLICIES LOANIT : > ox or bnught. I * . B. Clictncy , Kansas Clt > Mn. ANTHONY LOAN . TItUST CO. . 313 N.Y.MI'T : . loans at low inles for choice pecitrlty In Ne- IjrasKa nml Io a farina or Omaha city i > roj > rly. - MONnV TO LOAN OK PAIIMS IN DOI'OLAr counts- Imprints ! nnd unlmpioved Omalia IL.I ! cslalf. Kldellly Trust Co. , 170J I'arnain pt. MONCY TO LOAN ON IMPllOVKD OMAHA real estate. Ilrennan , T ve & Co. , I'.ixlon bll : _ \V-7C3 MO.VHY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATtlf THK O. P Davis Co. . 1SQJ r.irnam st. AV-'CI M O N I : Y TO LOAN AT LOWEST nATlift O N Impinved nnd unlmproxcd Omalm real nstate 1 to 5 years , fidelity Trust Co. , liO. 1 ' .1111:1 in -w in _ LOANS ON JMPItOVr.O & UNIMPKOVKU CITY properly J3.000 & upuaula , 0 tu 7 per cent ; n < > dclnja.V. . Farnam bmlth & Co. , 15JO Vnrtiini tNstiKANcn rnr.irtES pttnctiAsnn Ixians nn Kline negotiated. Wclll\ K. Co. . tlrexel hldg , I'hlta. , I'a. \V-SIJ7IO3' C1IAS. XV. RAINBY. OM. NAT. Hit. HM > O. MONHY TO LOAN ON OSIAHA RHAT. KRTATi : nt 6 per cent XY , II. MelUle , 1st Not. Link hllg TO LOAN 13,000 AT S Pm CHNT INTKRIMT. lo bp pakl Beml-annunlly , socurllj- must l < e first clata. No conitulgs'on ' , Addrtsa II. box 40. Omaha. Neb. \V 5.T9 21 MONEY TO .LOAN CHATTEM. _ MONBY TO LOAN ON rtlftNITUIlU , W.WOS. liorers. w.iijonj. ct > \ . nt lowest rales In city , no leinoval of ( .ooils : stiIcily conlldvntlal , yon cnit pay the loan off at uny time or Iti an > aniutmt. OMAHA JIOKTOAOn LOAN CO , 309 3. ICth arreet. X 76S MONBY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PI1OP- crlj. Ilarvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life biilld- X-770 J. It HADDOCK. nOOM 437 UAMOK HIXX'K. X 7C3 MOKIY : TO LOAN ON not'sriioLi > rt'UNi- luio | Hanos. hornpx , wagons , or nn > kind of cbutel bocurltv , nt lowest possible rntea , nhlcli you can pay back nt nny time nnd In any amount. I-innLlTV LOAN dUARANTKi : CO. , room I , AVIthnpll block. X-771 CHANCES. A 1IOWLINQ SUCCESS , HAVANA KUECKI.KS. Y MGii sr THi : NATIONAL INPOKMATION AND HX- chiinge Co , 203 PI rat National bank , Omaha , has cuslomera veMi cash , farm landa nnd city property for merchandise ; also stock * ( if gooilH for ajlc and trade. Y MStft-S ) IMU CKNT pnopiTsx-nnKLY WITH SI50 cupltal. I rospectua , Itemlzctl Btntlntlca free. Llenson & , IJwyer , 31 Hroadnay. New York. Y-Mllj-Oi * ONE or Tun msT HOTKI IN A COUNTV sent In the state for lent , newly furnished. Addresa X 28 , Ijee. Y-MSTC 25 KOH HAI.n-ONK OK THH ni:3T LOCATED retail clear Mores In the city. For further Information and particulars apply to A , Bchaefer , care of Max Meyer & Co. Y MJM FOH BALK. J3.000.00 DIIUQ STOCK. LOCATION good ; trade excellent ; a bargain : ilun't urlte unless you have the cash and mean business. Address X 31 , Omaha Ilee. Y M'.SJ L'C T AND polTAHLE BU3INHFS ( or lellable pjrty nlth mwlerate rapltal. AViII bear Investigation. Address X M. llei > - Y OPI-OUTUNITY ran nNTimriusn AN A Illtlo capital. Old eastein house anta Ne- brntki rrpresenlatlve. AddrCES X 43 , llec of- Y M62U-S7 * TUB IIIWT I'AYI'NO CIOAK HTOUI : IN Omaha for Bale , llunleston & , Co. , ICih ntn-et und Capitol avenue. Y M7G7 1 * STATE IUGUTS ON PATCNTCn AllTICLP fur buslncsa men will 1 * > leased by contmct lo rrsiHinslblc Ilrm or Individual , Ad'licts fur paitlcuUra , K. Lotell , I * . O , box at. New Yoik City. N. Y Y MiM a * _ FOR EXCHANGE. I HAVi : CASH , IOWA AND OTHCU LANDS to exchange for merchandise. H A. Wagner , Omaha. Neb. / M 6i OMAHA IMPHOVUD AND ONIMPIIOVIZD residence property nnd enstt-rn NchtMftWa firm land tu trade for < lrj gwxls. Want tu with onner , lioi 710 , Schllilfr , Nib. CLVA CITY PUOI-HHTY pen LAND. xvr llama & MUtan. McCJDie bulljlns. 31 ; . Z-MttT-ol _ iMPnovin : no A cans IN XVVANDOTTI : co , Ohio , nnd line lesideneo wltti ten acre : * Dtl- JoinliiE e < iod town In Hanccck Co , Ohio , t' track' for latfterii Neb , land or merchandise. llox OSJ , Schujler , Neb , / M1J1-OJ A OOOD LOT IN r.AST OMAHA TO HX- eliaiiKQ for > oung oik horaea or mulea I.liuorcaus Drw > . , 3iXi 8 , Kill. / Wi AMEIIICA-S'PUIDIJT HAVANA FRECKI.r.H 5C _ X-J1C51-SST " PINK TWO-SHATKn PUIlltKY ; COST XVI I C.N new tZMt . for rliher a Ural clnsa blocle o new IlemlnKtan IJiHwrllor , American 1'uol Co X-ttl 17 ron KALI : OR KXCHANOR , ooou HKSU ilence properly lentliiK for tSOCO | I < T month fo Council muffs proiwrty or land , d , L. Orccn room : j. Ilarker block , Omaha. Y. CiS TO KXCHANO.1 : . ROOD IMPUOvVi > LANI In Knox county , Neb. , for central merchandise Address lock box 17 , CreUhton , Neb. _ K-UttJJ3w W CAN OUT YOU DEKDED LANDS OR homeate.ida for > uur city property. We alsu have Ktock boola and ihoea to trade 401 N Y. Life. / MlS-i * ) FOR SAJ E- REAL ESTATE. IIAKCJAIN'S. HOfSKS , LOTS AND ale or trade. ! ' , U. Darling , Itarker block. _ _ II li-774 I'ARU LANDS. C. F. H.UUUiON , 81 ] N.V LIF1 11 U-IM Ot * FOB SALE-rnEAIj ESTATE. JAIIDHN LAND3 , S MlLHrt FROM I'OST OF lice , eaar terms. Cull "at 91) N , Y. Life. u On PALK. tW ) uWj/KLS COUN , \HPY county ; U centa aWfdb. OOKK * A Hill. 140 ] Fnrnnm. HK-MBi : 00 HOICE OARDEN LAN'1)3 , t MILKS I'ROM Omnli.t poatottlci ! , 1CJo ] W acres , nume trade , N D. Keycs , 617 I'lklon blk. U K-MI27 'Oil HALK. NE\V J.UOOM COTTAOU ; CEI.- lar , cistern , clly water ) cor. I3t : > lind Bnhler ; 12r.f . lone tlmi < i > iiJiuiulrc 13IS I'ninrim. Bnmucl Hurna. U 12 773 OH SALE. AT A SAfiTHFtCi : , AN ACIH ! LOT , two fmnta on car Ilhe , 4 house" Aiilueit at > 13i ) , will nullDra 17,1 WO. Appl > to OP" , A. Slmnnon , 53i3 lllimfjSI. . It. C. 751-2'i' X > 1. MA1.IJ IIIIST HAHOAIN IN OMAHA. A It iuso of 12 Kninis. IiiRe ctonels nnd all mod ern ImpimennMitH , ftltli a fu'l ' lot , In llnnacom Plato , mat front , oil a pn\etl atreft , In a clm'ce nelghlxirluiiKl ; cnn be bought for > 7R' ' .00. No ( mil's. Temis. half caKhi balance lone tlino. Can be lnsi ected ufteiiwhs I catlon , 1034 S. Wth street. 11U Mitt 27 TYPE WHITE H3. TOLHN rvpcxviuTnns orniur.D roit tale xhonld make you nuiplclous ; fiiiiny they nrc mostly Smith's. Try one and you will un derstand wliy. full line of supplies. Smith- Premier Co. , litli and Parnam ; telephone. I , SSI. M-703 . OMAHA PEOPLTJ DON'T uleil tipenrltero , the > buy nt us. Why ? lie- cause thfr Dpnumntp CnllKinph and YoHt are Ilia best michlne * madei they nlll outwear any tjpcnrltem made , and do n belter quality of worK. Our supply department lll bo sure to please you. Send your machines to xia If you want them it'pnlred , tJnld-d T > pc rltpr nnd Suppllca Co. , 1013 r.irnam street. Telephone - phone 13S3. 173 PLUWBEBS. O. K. CltlLI.nNIinCK , JtANJOISTS AND teacher. 1S1J Cnllfomla Etreet , H 'HKi-PIt'MniNO ' : OK EVERY KIND , OAS ateiin i. hot uater heating ; seuerase , 313 S 1C. iSS OHN HOXX'n & CO. , rMIMUINCI. STEAM AND hot water heating , can llxltirea , globes , 421 S. 15. 790 . J. HAN1GAN. 1'Lt'MHING. BTHAM AND hot vatei hentlnB2705 Leaxenwoith at. 760 HOTELb. IKTTER THAN MOST $2 a ) HOTELS IN Oinnlin. Our rntes. Jl.'M ' tu SI.-'A Hold Hlcho- llcu. Ceo. Mltclull. piop. , 103-110 N. 13th. 181 07 \KTNA HOI'SE < EfrtOPEAN ) N XX' . COR. 13th nnd Dodge. Kaam by day or wek.MS2 MS2 OD IOTEL RAUIvHU , J2.W PEIt DAY , IW 11OOM3. In the heart of the bu lnesfi houses. Special mien nnd nccommodntlona to commercial trav elers lloom ami boaiil by the nrvic or month. Frank lIMdllch , Jlgr. 313 LOST. .OST , CHILD'S TAN CAPE. IinTXVHEN 2JTH nnd Chlcte nnd 21al nnd Iiilgla . rinder will please leaD nt lice olllce. M742 21 " " : . .OSTWHITI : KIUNCH : POODLI : MALE dog. wearing sllvei plated collar with bells ; it reward of $ ' .00 nill ba paid for dellierr of dog nt 40D North 19th street. M7I72J * XST , MONDY AnnilNOON , ON NOItTII f > ld > - of IJiuslis. between 131h and 3)th ) , i\ dress pocket concilnlns i uisc with money , K < M Klna t nnd case , Plsder leave nt 113 S 20th btlccl. B M70S 2 , BICYCLEa. HICVCI/E3 TinPAIIlKD AND Tires and sundiics. fr'Afts opened , rejulred. C. U Hellln , locksmith.'Jll N. ICth at. 153 ItlCVCLES , NEW AND OLD , Kt ' 1O > 123 ; ensy | iavm < ! nla TC mnt and repair. Omaha Illeyclo Co. . 323 N. 16tli St. 773 BICYCLES-ALL STYlicS. ALL P1UCES. Send v for cur list of ; second-hand and shop worn bicycles. 1lii > nlta nnd C > CP ! su'ndiles 01 all kinds. M. O. Daxon. 4)2 N. J6lh at. 77 } CLOSINC ! O JT OtR ) ENTinn LINE ot gas nnd electric- light fixtures , glibcs , etc. , nt coat , aa o are absolutely rctlrlnir from the fixture busn ( ; ss. It will piv to buy at on c , The Huswr & 1Ja > ' Uo4n South 15th St. . llamgo buUUlpB , 618 O21 GAS AND KI.r.CTRIC LIGHT J'lXTCRES made In desljjn ami llnlsh lo Iraidionlzp with nny archltecluial sti'k'raeslred by P. M. Rus- pcll , 313 S. 15th street/ M700 O2Z UNDERTAKERS ANU E'liIB ALMER9 II. K. HURKET KITNEIIAL DIRECTOR AND embalmcr , 1013 Chicago St. . t lcplion" 9) . 78S SXVANSON & VALIRN. UNDElfrAKERS AND embulmcrs , 1701 Cumins Bt. , telephone 1000. M. O MAUL IINPERTAKKII ' AND EM- bilmert H17 Parnam Nt , lelepione 22j. 787 c7"w. DAKEIt , UNDERTAKER. CIS S. 1 ST. u44 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new 613 S. Kith. 783 DAMAGED MIRRORS RliSILVERED. 719 N. 1C. i SI THE NEATEST 1IARI1ER SHOP IN CITY , court of Dee bulldlns. ' Fied lluolow. 311 ROC.NER & EISELE. SIGN PAINTERS ; REST work at lowest prices. 131S Douglas died.MGG3 MGG3 STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly etcry Saturday from New York for Londonderry and Glasgow Anchorla , Septem ber 29 , 2 P m. ; City of Rome , October 13. 3:30 : p. m. ; Ethiopia. October 20 , 9:30 : n. m. ; Fumes- ala , October 27 , 4 p. m. Saloon , second tlaas , and steerage , single ur round trip tickets fron. Now York - > r Chlcagj at reduced itttca to the principal Scotch. Enslliih. Irish and nil conll- nental polnta. For money orders , drafts , out ward cr prepaid tickets apply to any ot our local agents or to lUndcrmn Ilros. , Chlcnco. JMUSIC , ART AND LANGXTAgE. FOR BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS ; easy | > a > ments : InstrumcntB rented ; rents apply on purchase. A , Hospc , jr. TJi F. OELLENIJECK. DANJOIST AND -.iher. 181D California slreet. 914 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. YOU CAN MAKK MORE INTEREST ON YOUR money by pajlnc ua tl or more per month than In any saving bank. In\esllgate. Mu tual Loan and llulldln ? ataoclat on. a. M. Nattlnger. eec'y , 1701 Parnam st , 725 HOXY TO GET A HOME OR SECURE OOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. i : U , ass'n. 1704 llc bldg. U. M. NattlURer , sec. M-1W STOVE REPAIRS. BTOVG REPAIRS FOR 40.00-k DIFFERENT makes of atoves. Water attachments and con- nectlona a specialty. 1247 Douglas street , Omaha Stove Repair XX'orks. M 175 STOX'i : REPAIRS OF. ALL KINDS ; ALSO hotel range and eeneral atsortment of ranges , cooks & heaters ; v.aur attachments put In . & connected at J. Hughes. C07 S. 13 Bt & Jacksun It SOS ELECTRICAL faUPf LIES. ARMATURES AND fMNAT.RTEnS REXX'OUND BtoraEe batteries retiJirKed , electrical and gen" crnl machinists ; Mtth-rKir work guaranteed. Omaha Eleclrlcai XUbildi , C1T and 013 S. loth at , ELECTRICAL ENOf.VKKRS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor jilants and all Kinds of electrlcnl const ! IK tlon Western Elt-c- trlc Supply Co. . 4IS and 120 S. IStli at. 784 liAY AND GRAIN. 1IUY YOUR HAY I1Y TON OR CAR LOTS. WB b-iy hay , A. It. Sn > der , 1313 fiuit it. , tol. 1107. NEI1R.XSKA HAY CO , WHOLESALE HAY , urn n mid mill stuff. XX e are always on Hie maikel to buy or sell , HM-t-0 Nicholas it. OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL .9P , JJAD1NO | OPTICIANS. J. F. Ponder , nunaK'r. Eyes letted fir * . 221 Houth 16th. In Kln lfrV.1ruir ( tore. 44H-31 * THE" ALOE & PENKOLD CO. SCIENTIFIC optician * . 1403 Frumhi it. , oppoaltu Paiton hotel. Eyrs examined frpe , 7 l bHOHTHAND AttUTJfREWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. N. Y , Life , Omalia. Aali for circular. TSi ROOSE'S OM. IIUSINESS COLLEGE , 11 i PAR. cos COAL. SHERIDAN COAL. EXCELLENT SPI13TITUTB for hard coal and 13. W ton cheaper. Klh&Farnam D , T , MOUNT HAS RF.MOVED II1B COAL OP. Hce to 209 8. IGth at. , llrown block. IW CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE XX'ORKS , GALVANIZED Iton ccrnleea. 1723 Ml , Mary's nve E03 EAGLE CORNICC WORKS JOHN neter , prop. . 109 , 110 , 11 ] N. llth. tlitab. 1501 , MERCHANT TAILORS. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OP IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Kail and winter WOOLENS O. A , Llndqueit , Merchant Tailor , 318 8. 13th at , MCOT DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. J120 B. 10TU MI92-OI5 * - _ _ _ XVANTED. SEXX'ING IN K.XMlLtKa ! CITY references. Satisfaction ountantepd. Aildrcss X W. Ilee M7CG2" SCISSORS , LAXVN MOXX-ERS. RA7.ORS , ETfl , ground. Melchplr Ilros. . HIS Parn m alnet. M287 _ _ RAKORS , SHEARS , CLIPPER' ' . LAXVN MOXX'- ers. etc. A. L. Undcliind. liXi N , 14th. 192 HOME POR LADIES HEPORE AND DURING confinement , ulth best of care ; communication confidential. Mrs. K. X'nlkman , terminated mid * wife , 401 South K ghth street , Llnwjln , Neb. M2SO-OS * DENTISTS. DR. OEOIIGE S. NASOS , DENTIST SUITE 200 Paxton block , ICth nml Farntttn ls. . tel. 712. S03 DR. PAUL. DENTIST. IJOM IlfRT ST. 6oT" STOVES. RELI.XHLE STOVE COMPANY , 21B NORTH 16lh street ; cash or eisv pti > mnts ; new or second hand , also stmes bought or i-tehnnKPd. M7C.1 S ETE NO Q ll > PHERli ; P. .1. SUTCLIFFM. GENERAL STENOO- runhcr 232 Rec building. Tctri | innc M7.MSSI MSSI TAXIBKHMISTS. TAXIDERXIY AND PPHS. SEND FOR CATA- logue. George E. llumn , jr. & Co. , 7KI S. 16th , Sll I/TVERiT STABLES. HOARDtXn STAHI.ES , FINE LIVERY RIOS clicap. Ed Itaumlcy. I'tli nnd St. Mary's nve CARPENTERS C. E. MORRILL. CAIlPENTErt , OPI'ICK AND store fixtures a specialty. Patching and plta- terlng. 409 S. 14th Bt. . telephone . 756 CARPET CLSANING a. D. MERRYMAN. CAHPET AND RtTC cleaning uotka. 710 S. 14th , tcl. 8CI : office ISO. Piirnam : tcl 1553 M-323-O11 HEST FURNACE MADE. SOFT COAL SMOKE consuming anil hard coil fuinices E.igle Cor nice Works , 10S-11IM12 N. llth nt S10 UOAL. JOHNSON I1HO3. , XX'HOLESALE DEALERS IN nil kinds of coul. Corrcspondcnco solicited 10)3 I'urnam fct. 3IJ DYK WOKK8 SCHOEDSACK. TXX'IN CITY DVE XX'ORKS P 21 Parmm Ftrccl. Ojelug of jM-r > dcscilp tlon and dry denning. 797 JOB PK1NTING. REED IOD PRINTIXO I'O. PINE I'lUMISM of all Kind : . 17tH ft. , lte bullJlnk70t UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING VERY rHEAP THIS MONTH M. S. Wnlkln , 2111 Cumins. Tel. OW. $02 NIGHT SCHOOLS. ROOSE'S OM nUSINESS COLLEGL' , 15 & PAR. 604 PAV/NBKOKERS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. 16th-St. 722 HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MALONEY , 912 N. 15TH ST. I f Nntirp. Notice is h'crebv Klvcii that thepartncr - sliln heretofore exlsillinj between \Vlllhun A. Paxton. jr. , anil H. A. Hrnchvocol of this .city , ilolriK business under the nnmp of the Omnh.i Ulock Uullptln compans' , has been this ilny < UssolvcJ , by agiceiiient , nnd the affairs of the compnnylll hereafter be contlucted by R A. DtachvoRot. \V. A. I'AXTOK , Jr. , U. A. IIKACIIVOUKL. Sit. [ 21 , 1831 Klistlo Stocloncs , Deformity Iirucei , Truoel Clutches , P.ntleiles , b'rlnics. Inxalld und MlJ ; ul Sunpllea The Lion Drue House. THK ALOE * PENFOLD CO , 1433 Farnnm Mreel. Oupoalte Paxton Hotel Cuter the effects of evil.iibo , excesses , cm ) ' ions , Impotcncy , va * .cocele und constl- pntlon. One dollar a box. six for S5. For sale by THE GOODMAN - MAN DUUO CO. , Omaha , Neb. 1JQREAU. SUF2S&CO. , Solicitors. Boo Btilldlngr. OMAHA. Neb. Adviuo RAILWAY TIME GRRD. I CHICAGO & NORTHXX'EST'N lArrlvea OnuhaiU. P. Depot , 10th & MasonKts. _ | Omaha ' ll:0.'iam. : . . . . .T..Eastern Express 5:30pm : 4uOijin : Vestlbulrd Limited dIOam : C:33am : Vlu. Vulley Ixical ll:30pm ) : Oillpm Omaha Chlcugo Special 2lf ; pm I a\es ICHICAGO , IIL'RLINGTON & Q.Arrives | Omnhai D pot 10th ni.J Maaou Sis. | Omaha 4ljpm ; Chicago Vestibule. 0lOam : 9:4uin : Chfca-jo Exprc s 4 : jpm 7OJpm. : . . .Chlcaito nnd Iowa lxail BtOOam ll'33um Paclllc .IttnutlonLocal. _ . . . , _ S:55pin : LcTvelTllJUnLlNOTON" * . MO , RIVERArrives ( Om.ilm | Depot 10th nnd Mason Sic. I Omhaa 10:13am : Deiuer Kxpress 9:35am : lAltoiim. . . . . .Di-adnocil Kxpresa 4tOpm : 4f ; > f'i ' > ni Denver F.xpreas 4:10pm : C.Sdpni.Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) 6:00pm S.liuin Llucalu. lAical < < e cepl bunadyll25am ) " * " " LeavesI 1C , C.7 ST.J. & C. H. | Arru7a Onialml Depol 10th and Muson Sis. | _ Omalm , Kansas Cll/ Day Expreaa. . . "DWpm : 9i.m.K. : . C , Night Ex. via U. P. Trans. CSOam : Leaves I I'HICAUO. R. I. & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OnmhalU. P. Depot. IQIh & Mamn Sla.l Omahn EAST. 10,1'min..Atlantic ExpresM ( ex. Kunda . . . KP4pm ; 0.1'pni r.NlKht Express. . . . G:40am : 4iOim : | . . .ChlcaEi ) Vestlbuled Limited . l:23pm : H3iiiiiiiOklalioma ; Exp. ( lo C. II. ex. Bun ) . 5:3iaiii WEST. 5:3.\iin.Oklahoma : ft TPMIS Exp. In. Sun.H:35pm ) lKl > m , Columdi > Limited 4l&pni ; Oniahajunlon Depot. lOlh & MuBonSls. _ ' | Omaha " " " " 10:04ain. : , . Kearney" Express , . . . , 3OOT : > ni 2Upm : Otprlnnd 1"IT , , S40um ; 2l4pm.Ileati1ce fc Siruinsb'B Ks ( ex Sun ) 3.50pm 6:40pm : " . -1'ailllc Exjireaa , .10.5iim 8:30pm Past Mall 4,20pm LP.IVP * I I'HICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAl'L. lArrlvra OmaluiUnlon | Depot. Klhjind Manon KH | Omaha " " ' :35pm . . IChlcaK' " Limited. . . . . , . . a.30am ll:10um , . .Chlcagu Express ( ex. Sun ) . S.OOpm LcavcsTi" " rr. Br * MO , " VALLF.Y' Onmlinl Depot 15th nud XVeuiter tila _ | Omnha 9D'uini : .7. . Dpadnood Kxpreas . il.OViim.Ex ( , Sal.V | > n. Ex. ( Ex. Moll. ) . IslOpm 6frpm : ) Norfolk Express ( Ex. Sunday ) . .10:4Vtm : & :30pin : . . . St. Paul Kxprcea . 9(0am ; Lea\ri > | ' TtTSKbUHf PAC1FIC % | Arrl\ra Oimhii Depot Kth ii ml Webster SI * . I Omaha 9:00am..u : . St. Ixiuls Expreia . 6,00am 9.30pm . Si. l.oul Kxpreia . 855pm ; C:10pm .Dully ( ex. Sun. ) Nebraska Local. . DilOam Leaxes I C. . KT. P. . M. & O. ( Arrhea OmahaJ DepotJ5thand WebiitPr _ Sla. | Omaha 8 00am . .Sioux City Arcum. < Ux. Sun. ) . , . > ; OJpm lo.oojm , , Sioux City Accom. ( Sun. Only. ) , . S.OSpm 12 ISpm , Sioux City L'xpre a ( Ex. Sun..ll3am : r.-tOpm . St. laul I.Hmlled. . . . . . . . . BMOam I a es | SIOUX CITY PACIVIC : iAVrtvea" OmahajUnlon Depot. 10th K Maaon Bt . | Omaha Cli'ani . , . Sioux City Paaaencr . 10:20pm : 3 Upni . St. Paul Kxpreia . IQ'OXin Leave * I 8IOU.V CITY ft PA < 'inC. lA7fTveT Omahal Depot lilli and XVebater Sta. | Omaha * S.30pm , . . . i K ( Paul Limited . 9,40an S JOpm . Chlcago I.lmlteil _ . . . _ -4Qan L a\ea I XX'AIJA8HT lu Pmanail'nlon Deiyj. 10th. & Maaan fill. I Omalia lKfu8U ; Louli Cannon Uill.Ucja ; : REMOVING THE CENSORSHIP Embargo Lattl on News Tranfinission from the Mickndo's Country Raised. OFFERING COURTESY TO NEWSPAPERMEN la pun Ch.itiRiB front In Itcgnrd lo Wnr C'orirKjiuiitlrnts Clilim mid tlie Mimlcra uf Tnn-lgnor * Ap li > Blc * fur ( tin u ( .Mr. SAN FUANCISCO , Sept. 24. The steamer lllo do Janeiro arrived hero today from Hong Kong and Yokolmma , bringing advices to September D , one day later than advices which xxere rerelvcd from Victoria , Saturday night last. The following correspondence of the Associated press ttas received : YOKOHAMA. Sept. 9. The Korelcn de partment of Japan has this day given notice that duly accredited newspaper corre spondents may licrenftcr accompany the military forces of the empire , mid will ro- ceho every consideration that can reasonably bo given by commanders of troops. The murder of two missionaries ) by Chinese soldiers lias been follovxnl by the ussusslna- tlon of a French customs officer on the frontier of Tonquin. These- acts of violence are greatly embarrassing to. . the Peking authorities , at the present time , and It is announced reparation will be offered In the case of Hev. Wylle by apology .ami p.iylng a sum of money to the family of the victim. The Ungllgli newspapers In Shanghai state that the unprecedented step will lie taken of expressing regret In an Imperial edict , a form of atonement which nbsurcdly would have nexer been vouched In less tioublcd times. As regards the outrages oil french men , ships of war of that nation will de mand reparation. The work of strengthen ing the defense along the Chinese Is continued , mainly by posting floating bat- teiles at points of supposed danger The trophies captured nt Hong Hwan and Vnshiin will soon be exhibited In Toklo. The col- cctlon Is largo and various , consisting of iver fifty battle Hags , arms of all dcscrlp- lens , an Immense quantity of clothing , per sonal adornments and musical Instruments. YOKOHAMA , Sept. 21. A letter received icro from Tlen-Tsln says the Chinese landed 7,0(10 troops on the banks of this Yulii river n cpjto of the Japanese squadron The letter idds that the Chinese ships engaged In the mttle off the Yalti rkcr were short of mn- nunltion. They were ordered by Colonel Von llannckln to ram the Jnpincsc vessels , but the order was given too late , as the Japanese eio already retiring. LONDON , Sept. 24 The oflleial of the Japanese legation deny the story cabled here \la Vancouver , H. C. , that the Kow Shuns Hffalr has been settl. < ] by the Japanese gov- err.ment apologizing anil paying Jiti.OOO in- lemnlty They add that Japan holds that the sinking of the transport was fully Justi fied. _ _ UEIN : LII , XXMNTI D.\MUIIM. : ho TllinliS tlir United Htsitos IhiMVromi - < l HIT initl Urlngn htilt. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 24. It Is stated on what appears to ba good ailthoilly that the errand of H. A. Wldemann of Honolulu to .his country la that of commencing a damage suit against the United States In behalf of tha ox-queen of Hawaii. The amount of damages to be asked for Is said to be $200- 000 and the friends of the ex-queen claim that she has been mulcted to fully that amount , iler claim Is that the provisional government could never have been established hail It not been for the unwarranted action of a recognized agent of tho' United States , the captain of the war chip Boston , which action , vas subsequently formally disavowed by the president. Whatever Mr. Wldemann's errand Is his departure from Honolulu was kept u pro found secret until almost the moment of sailing , when he suddenly appeared on the dock and secured passage. Within a few days he xxlll go on to Washington , where he does not deny ho has business of importance to transact. Mr. Wldemann declined to bs Interviewed regarding his mission to Washington , and I 1 when asked whether he was going to Insti tute u damage suit on behalf of the ox-queen his answer was that he had been actu&c-d of that before. Ills fellow passscngcrs from the Island de clare that Mr. AVIdemnnn's errand Is as stated and that he has instruction ! ! to go about the mtter very quietly and gain as little newspaper notoriety as may be. Rnlt Illiruni Cured. About ten years ago I commenced taking Hood's Earsaparllla for tall rheum. At that t mo my hands were one complete sore , and I had to have them bandaged. After taking about six battles of Hood's Sarsa- parllla the sores were all healed. Krom that time to this I have kept Ilood'i , Sarsa- parllla In the house and have had no occa sion to employ a doctor. Mamie Hausen , 2517 Dodge street , Omaha , Neb. Hood's Pills cure hllllouuness. inA / Veteran * of Ilin I.nte War Koinenibori-il by llu > Cii'iuTiil ( iiivflriiinnnt. WASHINGTON. Sept. 21. ( Special ) -l'en- slons grunted. Issue of September 12 , were : Nebraska : Original Albert It. IMwards , lmnjTL' , Otoe. Increase Orvllle "Works , Stockvllle , Frontier ; Henry M. I.iintz , Day- kin , Jefferson. Oilglnul widows , etc. I'hcbe E. Groves , Na politic. Krunklln. Iowa : Original Henry A. White. Clarion , Wright. Increase Samuel II. Jluvldron , Bn > lorvllle , Polk. Ipl ! = sue Kdwartl Nute , Alta , Buena Vlstn. Reissue and Increase John Hang , Chniltou. Lucas , Soiilh Dakota : Original widows , etc. Mary June Costlow , Madison , Lake- . Colorado : Original John D. MU'reatly. Granada , rowels' . Reissue James W. Monlcnl , Pueblo , I'urblu. lsuo of September 13 were : Is'fliraska : Original Alphetis P. Mosinun , Grand Iclnnd. Hall ; Horace W. Ilamlln , Tccumpeli , John son. Increase Jofeph U.Kox. Gpneva. Fill- inore. Uelssue-ilneob J. Kclscr , North Ilenil. 13odixe. Oilglnul widow H , etc. Kllza U. Dean , Lincoln , j.iincaKter , Ht-l sue Airfy 1'ottK. Hartley , Ited Willow. Iowa : Original-George .1. Gates. Tort MndlBon , Lee. George I'hlpps. Whiting , Monono ; Jnvld K. Ores * , Winter- set , Madison , Shojow W. I'aiker. Murray. Clark ; George W. Tavlor , Indlniiolo. War ren. Increase William H.iKlev. DCS Molncs. Polk. Reissue CJeornr "XV Rodger * . Hlakesburg , Wapello ; Alfred Sellcc , deceased , Hunch. Davis. Mexican wur suu'lvors William A. Wlggx , Maplctnn , Mnunnn. Widows Indian \turri-8aruh Johnson , Jlel- inimt , Wright. South Dakota : Itcnewal llcnjjinln Prarosl. Woonsocket , Sanborn. Jncroasp Wllllnm White. Kranzbiirg , Coillngton. Re- Issuc Henry Murray. > ilurgl . .tirade. Colorado ; Original John 11 , Ilnckfeller , Irwln , Gunnlson. lleBtoratlon and Increase Maurice M-slght. Durango , I.a I'latu. In crease1 Jacob Hlllllmiger , Denver. Arapahoe - ahoe ; Michael Iloollhan , Vorl Logan , Arap- , nhoe , JI . Ellen Maleon , wife of Elder Malson. pastor of the U. D. church at Gallon , III. . In speaking of Chamberlain I'a In Halm , says : "I can cheerfully recommend It. " Applied to a cut , bruise or burn , It produces a soothIng - Ing , pleasant effect , relieving tha pain sl- niost instantly and healing the parts quickly and without leaving a near. A flannel cloth dampened with this liniment and bound on over the affected part wilt cure a sprain In less tlmo than any other treatment. Sold by druggists. Marrlaga n ef. The following marriage licenses were Issued - sued yesterday : Name and Address. Age , Adolph I'orsler , Omaha is Helen K. Keller , Omaha a Oscar B. Maberrjr , Houth Omaha , . . , , 21 l.essle Lowry , South Omaha , , . , , . , , , . ,21 William J. Chlzutn , Omaha 21 Antoala Kelt , Omaha , . . . , . . . S3 Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous hed > . iChes. TrUl ilze , 25 cents. All druggtita. Iruth of Kugrne Monleornrryl Eugcna llontgomcry , brother of O , 9. Montgomery of ttili cltr ( died at Korlolk , this state , Sunday night , MrM 33 rears. Tha remains of the deceased will be tak n to Lincoln today , the burial to be In the family lot , where the body of the father ot Mr. Montgomery now reposes. I.ltCAT. ll.lll.KOAn Xli To Tmm > p < irt 1'odcml Troops. Pools are being sold along lUllroul How on the result of today's decision by the quartermaster's department ns to which of the Chicago roads will transport the Tort Ititssell troops from Omaha to C'hU cafro , thence to Columbus barracks. The Union 1'aclflo lias secured the hnul from fort D. A. Hussell to Omaha , The fight , however , on the Chicago haul Is ns pretty n case of wire pulling as one would wish to see , and all sorts of Influences are being brought to boar on the quartermaster's de partment by the roads moat prominent In bidding for the business , the Mltuaukco and Hock Island. While everything Is en veloped In doubt and uncertainty , It Is thought the Hock Island stands the best show at securing the business , which consists ot transportation for 140 men and nearly eight cars of b.iggngo. The Milwaukee pcoplo maintain they are strictly In It on account of having their own Pullmans , but the sentiment of railroad people seems to favor the Hock Island. C. H. Huxbury of the naltlinoro & Ohio Is here to assist the quartermaster In arriving at the conclusion tlmt thu llaltlmorc & Ohio Is the only BO- | dlora' road from Chicago , nnd he Is Retting In his line Italian work for the haul. The Dig Koiir. honcxer. Is another Richmond In the Held , and the fight Is decidedly Inter esting. While the Hurllnglon and North western hnvo bids In , they do not think they will get thn business for the reason , us olio ofllclal expressed It , "we will not taUo tli business at n loss. " Mnra TnilnroutltirMtat Troulilr. Another transcontinental railroad war cloud Is looming up over the- horizon , anil unless something heroic Is done Is likely to spread all over the western territory , A private telegram received yesterday by a wilt known railroad o Indicated that the Sanln Po and the Southern Pacific , with. Its connections , were cutting the eastbound rates from Los A'igclea and Snn Francisco from $5 to-JlO , mostly through brokers. Coming io closely upon the failure of | hi > trnnsr-ontlnenjal Ines to form an agreement In Chicago the cut U thought to be.ery significant. If the report turns out to bo true , and will undoubtedly Involve the north ern lines in 1 ko minuter. Itcller Is helus sought by agents of Den ver connections at Los Angeles nnd San I'nmclsco , but as yet nothing positive has been done , as the charges of manipulation on the part of the Santa Ko and Southern Pacific have yet to be verified. Iml brokers. It Is asserted , nro selling eastbound t cketi through Santa Fe nnd Sauthern Pacific gale- ways , that the attention of rival roads Ima been railed to the situation. Some doubt Is expressed by other railroad ctllclala that there Is business enough on the coast to warrant n cut In rates , and consequently they arc paying little atten tion to the rumors. ItocrliiT JHcXclU'it . Notwithstanding the decided stand taken by the Oregon Hallway & Navigation com pany against ever > thing connected with the Union Pacific , there was universal sympathy expressed yesterday at Union Paelflo headquarters over the very disastrous flre the Navigation company had Sunday at Portland. Mr. McNelll has been having no end of a hard time' In the management of the Navigation property , nnd this unexpec ted los.s which will run Into the hundreds of thousands , will seriously cripple the com pany and a new Invoice of receivers' certifi cates may be necessary to tide the company over the loss. Itnllnnv Notes. Coal business on the Union Pacific Is pick ing up. n. M. Ford , general agent of the Union Pacific nt Des Molncs , is at headquarters. Judge Cornish , master in chancery of the Union Pacific , Is expected In Omaha today from St. Paul. Twenty train crows are employed between Hnwllns and Grtcn HIver on the Union Pa cific , and all are reported to be making Rood time. * L. C. Weir , the nenly elected president 6f the Adams Mxpress company , was formerly manager at Cincinnati. Agent Hooves of the company has known Mr. "Wclr for a quarttr of a century and snys ho Is one ot the strong men of the country. Perry Griffin , the new city ticket and pas senger agent ot the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayt'on railroads , formerly city passenger i" i tinifft ncent ot the Oregon Railway & Navigation company was In Omaha yesterday enroute for Cincinnati to assume the duties of his new position , The Hurllngton's special taking out the Creole company to St. Louis Saturday night , made an exceedingly fast , run , the distunes being 4U miles. The train left Omaha 11:39 ! > . m. , and arrived In St. Louis at 1 o'coclc | Sunday afternoon , making the run In IX liours and 30 minutes. J. H. O'Hearne , one of the best known and most respected men on the Union Pa cific , superintendent of the shops at Chpy- enne , will be married today at Salt Lake City to Miss Mollte McGulre. Jack's friends In the Omaha shops , some twenty or thirty , clubbed together for the purchase of a wed ding present , and such a wedding present ! It simply annihilated Jack , and In his letter of recognition he speaks feelingly ot the old friends who contributed to his happiness. For Mr. O'Hearne the boys purchabed a mag- nltlrciit leather covered chair , and for Mrs. O'Hcurno a beautiful upholstered chair with rockers , and for both ot them the handsom est banquet lamp to bo had in Omaha , My hey was taken with a disease resem bling bloody flux. The first thing I thought of was Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Di arrhoea Remedy. Two doses of It settled the matter nnd cured him sound nnd well , I heartily recommend this remedy to all ppr- sons suffering from a like complaint , I will answer any Inquiries regarding It when clamp IB enclosed. I refer to any county of ficial as to my reliability. Win. Hoach , J. 'P. ' , Prlmroy , Campbell Co. , Term. Tor sale by drugRlsts. JiATKS TO UK KKMRimir.ItKl > . September 26 "Democratic state convention. September 28 Republican primaries to choose delegates to the county convention. September 29 Republican county conven tion to nominate county officers. October 3 Democratic county convention to nominate county officers. Irngiiu , A public meeting of the Municipal leagua will bo held In the Hoard of Trailo rooms this evening at S o'clock. Q , M. Hitchcock , Frank Crane nnd others will speak. All In terested In the work of the leagua are in vited to bo present , especially the members of the central and ward councils. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney troubles. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggists Tin : ICKAL.TV MIKKIT. : INSTHUMnNTS placed on record September y , 1891 : WARRANTY DHUDS. William llreckner and wife to Anton Dormt , lot It ) . Uocic 3 , Itueli & S > adit to Smith Omaha . J 1,600 Roulh Omaha I-Jiml company to Thomas UmiKler , lot 6. litnck 107 , Bouth Omaha , . 1W It M Tnlm.iBO to Matilda Jctmen , ' e 31 feet of lot if , block 9 , Ilrlvga Place . 3,4)0 Lafnvette Hhlpley and vvlfo to D O Doyo , I > i of trt M4-13. en t nt creek . Z.Kt Imina lleavls nnd wile to M 13 Hardy , a Sm ncrea o ( iw and w li acres ot aw a 6-16-11 . . . n W I'ntrlck to B P Orcsivvell. loti IT. II and l ! > , Mock 104 , Dundee J'lacn . . . . . . S.i me to J U lletbner , lots II. Zt nnd S3 , Wo < k IDS , same . . Kill ft Bwoboda. and hiubjml to Alice Hot-Inn , lot 24. block Z. Hnuth Omaha ndd EM Merchant * National bank In Jame * Miller , w 3" " > arris of itv iw H-liMO . , . . , , A / Peck and tui < bnml to 8 A Orchard , 14 of § e nw S-10-13 . „ . tW ) A & Vincent und ivlfo to J II Morten , Iruilee , undlVi of lots 1 , 2 and t , block 1 , Cleveland rur . , . lKt Chattel JoliiiBon and wlf * to Anna Buplca , lot II , llenznn k Johnson's lubdlv , . . . . I F H Ilrownlee to II M Hart , loli It. & > and tl , LlocV 8. Crelgliton ] r | * hli . ! , < > QUIT CLAIIC DKKUB. B B nor and wf | to Murr DeVooicJ , lot I , block 6 , C U Mavne'i tdd to Valley . . . 1 Henry Armbruit to ti K Houewell , no nw ZMM2 . . . , . tEM PpecUl matter to O H Eaitman , lot II , Archer nice . , , . . , . , t Bam * lo n H llarton , lot Jl , block 111 , Dundee I'lacr . , , , . , , Kb Total amount of transfers