TIIF. OMAHA DAILY BEEt TjTlfeDAY , SEPTimnEK 25 , 1891. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL BnlHih Vieibla Supply Wlieit EtatcmenJ Made that Ocrcal Weak. CORN OPENED WEAK BUT LATER RALLIEI ComiiilMlnn linn * with Tountry Connrc' tlom Wrro Ob pr eil to llnvn n ( inml Jinny Nrlllns lr < lrr nml rhlc-iiRu Scalper * \Vrrr llrarl li. CHICAGO. Sept. 21. The prnln matte started weak today nnd closed -weak on tli bullish visible supply wheat statement. Do cemhcr wheat finished > 4c nnd May corn Vfc higher and May oats % c higher. Provision nnlshed wllh little change. The wheat market opened steady nnd cor tinned thai way nil the forenoon. Thcr were bullish Items In the day's news , bu they were overshadowed for n time by th rffcct of the overabundance of present com mprclal supplies. A decrease of 1,152,000 bi on oe"au passage , which was made know before the opening , was more than offset I ) the closer-lo-homc effect of the receipts t 1,136 carloads nt Minneapolis und Dulut nnd tlic Kcnctnl heavier luctca.se of stocli ns well an the Increase of the visible sit ] ply statement , clunged Ihe result , whlc was Indicated by thoa previously rucelvet Without tlm report ol I lie quantity on tli lakes und canal , nn Increase wan shown < 1,700,000 lui , at oilier places , but the ( inai tlty on the lakes Increased only -fiO.OOO bi nnd the canal showed a decrease of 80S.O ( till. , which gave the net result of the vlslbl sttijIy | nt UT..OOO bu. , compared with ltG2,0 : ( bu. on thu corresponding week of the ye.1 before. Kort'lfin inurk.'ta were easier o account of HIP weakness here , IIR explalne In Hit- private cablegram * . December whpi opened here at OIHc , sold sparing } ' at Wrji and front iliat off tu from M > Jeto 54c. Corn opnetl weak and ruled so up 'to tl time of the Httpply utiil mtlmated recelpi stalrmciil , after which It bramo strotu Tim receipts , at Indicated by the number ( carloads inspected , wtre fully up to tl : cellmates , imiiibcrliiK iJOti , as against tl predicted r.OO. Tlin estimated receipts f ( tomorrow arc 250 cars nnd the visible suppl IncrcaKpd ! H bu. . against -an Increase c tlio corresponding vveek of the year befon ninulintlnK to 1,168,000 hn. Commlsslc houses with country coiitiectlo'nn were ol nerved lo have a good intiliy scllln ? ordei HI nl the local gcjlpcrs nlso showed a be.n lih disposition early In Hit day , which n suited later In n Kiilixtjnti.il ncknowledgcmci In their < MSP of tlie mvio correct forecj ; of the more bnllMi minority. May wliei opened from BO'dc to 01 o. and sold : is low : f > 05ie , advanced In Git and closed ut 517 ! sellers. The Indcppndeiit flrmiiesa In the nats ma kel was cjitraonlliiary. The visible snppl Khoweil n dccreasp In oats of : ! 7C,000 b nnd tlmt tccnicil to- pit ttic market ri l Rlilc up. The demand Improved nnd sal. . wtre easily effected. Tr.ullni ; was prlnc pally scattered. May started a shade easle nt from S.ltfcc to .13-ic. and sold gradually v to : i4'/jc , closing at 34c. The rerelpls of hogs nl the yards wci only 1'juO head ; only H.OOO are expect d li morrow. The plce ; wits also quoted llrme but , iiotwIthstantllnK that there wns u pet eral raidltiK ot thp market nnd a hurry Ret rid of Ihe stuff , which soon made ever ; thing look very , sick. The packers were vci KHii'Killy vpllerH. Some spectilatlvo trader who hnd been short , took eager advantage i the break to cover and caused a Jlvely ral In the last hour ot the session. Broke Kavo tip Armour & C.o.'e name In sales Jamiaiy pork nt $13.05 , which was the lo\ tat pi Ice touched , nnd it closed at $13.M. i at the fame price as on Saturday. Octnb clcf-cd nt $12.40 , which shows a Rnln ot 10 October lard nnd ribs were- weaker tha the .lixnuury deliveries of tli.-.no artclc ! . .la nary lard showed at Iho close no chatif nlnce Snturd.iy , while for October It is 7'i Ir.ver. January ribs are 2'fc higher ut Oc.tbher ure without change. Freight rates steady at IVSc for wheat at l\ic \ for curtt to Duffalo , The leading futures ranged ns follows : "Articles" fjiiiotji , " ! Tltish. | Low l Cloae. * - WIi-ttNo. V Sept C2 Dec 04 Mny SOc Cr.m No.'J. . Sept HI Hi r.n c01 \ ( lei. . . . . . . 01 111 Wny E > -J 6UH Cl OalBNii.'J , . . " ' ' ' ' "Oei ! . . . . . 'MH Way . . . . . 1'nrk ' per bal Juu IS ill ) 1:1 : : 13 U.I in co Uml.lliulln H Mi S a- R : to 8PJ Jan 7 77 Ji 7 SO 7 07 ! < 7 70 fchoil UllM- Oel. . . . . -10 7 1HH 7 na Jan ( I HA U HU Ciinh iiniitaloiti | ttcto at follni\t : l.'I.OIMlL'ary. . WIIIIATNu. . 2 fpil'iff. ' M'trit Xo. fplhiR. M' < .i > J No 2 r l. Mt'ir'J'.c. ! fliltNNn. . 2 , ; . | iic ; Nn. 3 yellow , : ! > / , < : OAT. * No. 2. Xrtii'H.ei Xo , 2 wh'tcl ol1 ! No. S white , SO i iU 31 lie. UVi : Nn. 2. lii'ie. UAIIiV-No. ! : 2 , SiliWj. " , N" . 3 , Mlafi N I. 4 > . I.'I.AX SIIDNU : : , i. 41.11. TIMOTHY SII.DI'time. ; ; . * , r. . I'llOV IrtlnXS Mew poll * , per lib ] SlD.ST'.j ' n.W. l/ltd , per M'l ' Ibs. . IS.r.'UJH.M. Khoit vld. liMise. t7.3. > ff7.fi ; diy f-alled shouldeis. boxc | G.B2i- l < f..75 ; thoit clear , files , ho.vd. J7.751J8.I WlflHKVDIlllloiB1 llnlshcd KOMS | , per en tl,33. The follow Ins were , thu receipts and shlpmci : today : Arllclcs , Uecelpti. Shlpmem Wotir. bbla 1 rt.OOtl Wheatbu , ( IS.OIIil Corn , bu UI4.0IM ) . OIIIH. bn iim.in ltjt , bu. . , . , fi.OIIO 7.01 Ui.rk'y. fan OiiUm 1'ioiltioj c.\chin ; ; toil ty lha minor ma kct waH tlrin ; crriuucry , 16'rf'-4)iui ) dull HM'Jlu. Kri > M , li nu at IfinHlc. YOUK < u.Nit : ; 'o Oiioliilliuis on I'lonr , ( irntii ai rrnvlslo.M , 311-111111. I'Uc. Nt\V VOIIK. Sipl. 21- FlOliaItccclpts. . I 100 Mils. ; IMIOUM , 5.4JO lil'K ; sales , 9,2J < ) pk ; Miiikrl dull , only a carlot Haded In. lluyers hi off foi iiuu-esslnns ; rlty mills patents , It. 004(4. winter patents , f2.7."Af3. < M ; clly mill clears , $3.- winter HtnilKhtK , tl.4Wt. 9 ; Minnenola paten )3.tO(3.Mi w liter I'M me , Sl.d'iai.D ; Mlnnesi Imkeis , ; 2.30 < ff3.20 ; wlntPr , low Rradcs. ; i,7' .15 , sprhiK , low crudes , J1.70fll.Si ) ; spritiK extii tl.WKH'i3 > i. Soutlmn Hour , dull ; common to fi I'xlm , I1.S04I2.40 ; Roe < l lo choice exlra , ! .4i 3.10. Itye Hiuir , dull ; * : \r.i | , JW bblx. Uuckwhc Hour , small sales at 12.73. COHN ill'Al * Knnler ; yellow wcttetn. fl&i J. Hi ; llruiidywlne , 3. : . > . llYiKomhmlly hleady ; cailots , t2Q53c ; be loads. Sttc1. IIAIILKV Nominal No. 2 Milwaukee , OflCo HAIII.KY MALT Nominal ; wcsteni , "Otifc'ic ' WlIKAT--Heeelpls. 4i)9,00i ) hu , ; exports , 9J , lu. ; kales , 2.615.0.J ( Ini. futuirs , 322.0O ] bu , s | Hpiil market weak In winter Kimlcs , flitng cpriiiK ; No. red. In BID re nnd clv\alor. W\ ; niloat , Gi\c : ; f. o. b. , C7\o. nlloat ; No. 1 nort i in , lil'vc. delivered , Optluna opened viral under forelKii selllnir nnd sympal.iy with cm inllliil at noon on small visible supply Increm noid nil "Bain tu a point lower than ever bcfo rent-led , uud llnally rnllh'd with corn , clmlnc decline ; No , 2 ml , March. CIV : M , i'ae. closed ut 63'ic ; September , clo nl Oclolwr , closed al SG'ic ; November , clo ut iii'.tci December , SS l-10 < jW IMic , - , IXJUK llecelpls , 101,000 bu. : exports. tW bi unles , 630.VOO bu. futures , K.iW ) bu. ( pot , m dull ; No. 2 , i. idiM'ic ; S7o In ( oie and del ered. OptkuiK veiy weak all m inline under bee Iliiuldutlon. Inn .milled p.irllnlly In Ihe afleni'i with Chlcaiiii prospects of IlKht receipts. clo < l' . > net dwllne , May. US , ( V'Sc , closed c , Sriiiember , C5 : > < ( | 5ic , uloi-i'd at 57e ; ( > c ber , iSt/Jrit. flosed ut M'iC ; Novcmtier , W (1C ( rinsed ut December , closed . . OATS Heceliits , ! W,7iX > lu , , : exports , l.MO b sales , MJ.WO Vu. futures mid S.OOO bu. p Hpot. dull ; No. ! . 22M 33c , No. 2 , deliver USv No. 3 , 82" , e ; No. t white , 35 > Hf3Go : No , Millie. 34i3(5Ac ; truck , mixed urvtern. Jlij. truck , while stale nnd ivesu-iii , : ' .j (0'.5c. ' t tloiiH were weak early with corn , but rail und dosed ut He nrt decline ; May , 37'ifr3M closed ! 8'c ' ; SeptemtH'r , closed JkVdc ; Uctub J' ftllHc. closed SJ'ie : Notrmlwr , 33Iifi34' vlose < l 34Hc , necvmber , 34M1UHC , closed S5 > ic 1IAVHieady ; uhlppmc , Uc ; good to cliol . HOI'S Weak. llli il Julet ; v 't s-ei New Orleans , lected. 45 to 65 Ibs. . li 5o ; tluenoH Ayrt-s. d M t" 21 I'- ' . Uc , Texas , dry. 31 to 34 Ibs. , LiATHiil- : Steady ; hemlock sole , AjreB , light tu heavy wrlHhti. . \VOOIv--tJuUt , Oumeillg lletce , l j ! o ; jU | | . strndy. Out meals , di rlckled bellies , IHjifi'JUc ; thoulders , 7c ; pick hums , lOHCllc. Uird , dull , western tleam clo : lit 19 asked , sale * , Iw llercvs , option uUj. H. . tembvr cloietl 19 atkeil ; January , IS.10 aski oontlntnl , Ji.lO ; 8. A. , P.W ; couiuound , Pork. Heady ; n < w m M. JI55JfMS.lt ; rxlm prlrnr. | U.aiiUCO. fmully , IH.OOflie.50 ; short cclar JI8.00 K(3 ( iH-BltfinjPr : sltite nnd Ilntn5l > n Ice lioiiip , ll'ttft'e. western flesh. liV cnw * . IMK rl" " ! iecelil . .WI pkcs. TAI.LOW-Stwid ) ; 4 ( , e.V for eliy ; ccunlty , Il'rrttll-Slrnnir : western ilalry , IMITe ; "t ; ' tnt\orf. \ li'iM fr n eiMtneiy. IMJK'jc ; wejtrrn ICc ; KlEliis. ZJHc , male dulrx , IUt-lc | ; state y , 18 ll'te. - . . ; I'nklun , t 'tf. ' fill ! sklm < , 4 < J . - ; t'ldtwl rluwjl ul Mr , VanhhiKt-n. In bbls. . t' ; rellned. New"l > l. IS.15 : I'lillnilelpliln mid linltlniorff. n.M ; Vhll.-c delphln unit atlllniorr , III bulk ; ! , . HOSlN-Htetid ) , Iti.ilned , oMinnon to B"d ( II. 17'i ! ( ! . . Tiill'KNTINi-f : : < liiiily al 2'fiIS'ic. ItlCK-rirni ; domestic , 4SSi 'iC ! .Inlnin , tiM 4 "Ic ' -firmly ; New Oilcans , "pen l- ( | . lie , ( 'fijd In rh'.lvr , S tlSCr. 1'Kl lllON-Uull ; Mcolch , IW.Mqw.frt ; Ametl' can , 113. , , ITITTON MiKI ) Oil. firm , but niilM ; prlm crude. * ii/Slc ; nominal ; off crude , iniitte : ye | . Iw butler Kiudei" . 3Sc. choice yellow. 36'ifi pr nu jelluw , IV ; > i-l.iw | urt srades , 320S3'ic ' ; pilmt while , Sii7l'c. i.'fil'I'CItHt.Mily ; Like , I9.iififl9.7l ) . Li.Mriini : > ! dotneiitlc. J3.2V. TINKliiwly ; ftmlln. tltO'ifJlMO ! plati. . niilft. . - ' duin.-slle. J3.M. fiilfs < ' ohatiK'Imlny. . "tic Milloml of leid at J3.0 ; . . . tnns Nfnombei Hit. MJ.70 ; K tuns December tin , H5.70 ; 45 Ions till , llrst half Octobi'i. 41J.50 ; . . tutu Siplnnh'-T till. 1IG.03. OMAHA ( ; IMHVI. ; : , > i.\itKir.s. : L'oiiilltlon nf Tr tie nil I iJiitiVit' i n Mt : < | ili * nml 1'iiiicy 1'roiliirH. * The week open" wllli HIP gtnernl niHikel nbaiil sl.-Hily < m ounliy ptuducp. In H icMew of the l.ullcr sltilnllon ChlcaKi 1'itsluro K.osi Tor Ihe llt t i line since UK Hist week 111 Jini" OKI- report ! ! show un Inen-aH In the m-iUf of butler In the T\c \ t. UltTeicn flllloll. . hllte Ul dllTt'ienl tllll"UIHile mole but lei1 In < itie w. ' k MMII nnolher. bill , laken m i whulr , Ilieie lun be < li .1 steady ilmcnse In 11" output i-lnce the iliM week In Juiif , whii Ihi billlei "e.isnn wus ut Im Hush. l > iinua III" pas week , Inmevei. the make of 41 facioilm In Hu wej.1. MM itpniled , u pii iitei 1 , ' . : ; " MliS. com pill til with 1,1.1. htslneek. . While It ! tfiu this Is tMl vi' iv IKIII b of nn lncieiic. lit the snim time It Is a simw which shows the way the wlm blon and ! < n fueitmner of what nuy bpv peiled ( .tier on. Tlie paoluies of Hie weal ( IK l whole veM1 ne\ei Kni.v , n In ! > . In lii'ller ' toiidl linn in S > .plembe . ' 1 he heavy , si'iil.lim inliv which IMIC fnllen tin" fi't Hiiee w.have | le l -.1 Ihe KINKS In a ir.aiiUF'1' which iinbody eve HliillRhl Ihi'V I'oUliI be levlved. In | uilllon < o Ilillllll'l-ll III. llollt KI11SH Of tllC UMJ I "Hi llll.llll ! lias iri.'Wii 1 * Inelies hivh , : md HIP Held * loot in. in > lllo' Hi , y did In .lunc than inlnln bo ex peit.il of lli'in In feptembur. Then has IK-IM n winiderfiil huli .j In Hie qu.illly nf binte MIU-C IMSI lias lieeume plcntlCnl. Two week nuo IheiL' u < iniHi'i.-iil enmplabil of I" mi' bill ler fiinil Hie went. Toduy lb iiiality | is up li .lime Kliindaiil. Cnol weather , rich KIICX und fa n it Hbl . niHllmi * Beunially have tri.ide butli- which hi body milj Is Infiiiin In the xciy bes lillltei- iriHi.d | | | III ( he llUsh OT the l.llltel hfll olt Tlie HUMII Is iis a rule full XHIFS. iip.d hlMb. 'I'll Iniproved uiinllty ha iai e.1 n lieitei * dematii for butler a > 4 a whole , nnd consumptive rlemtn < In iinu'iiHlly liea\y fni' Hie seiisnn. TlK'fe luis be4 > n a falling off In rccclplH of bill ter nL ( ? vei > point iluiiuK Hie past wc < k. llo toi him been Ibe lieave | t sutTcier , aiilxulH Oier amount Inn to but H. " > " . comp.iied wllh IS.li Ihev ek In-fore. The lUciraMIn nvelpis us i l uliole amoiinli l to nlioiil 10 p"iirnl. . The llv I ui" ' fur l Inp.isl week olid tui > weeks pievlou me im ful lows : I'or week ending Sept. 21. Sept. 14. Sept. 7 ciiiiMBo . M.ir.i . ; fU'.fi n.m New Yovli . > . . L-I.OIS S0.311 2J.7I HoMlon . I4.3.-.7 1 .17I ll.M 5S.123 01.211 07-VS HIITCHI'HikhiR l 'k , Me ; falllo B-W , cuiintrv. UijUi : : cli < nce lo fnnc > . ISfi 'c ' ; Kiith ereil it earner ) t > 20'n"21c ; sepauiloi eirainerj , 225 ic. : ! iciS-l'er ib.z. . IV. I.IV1I'OI'lntV : Old hens. S'io ' ; ronhtPin. 3c slirlllK chicken" 7'l7'ie ; iliiekH. . " 4r7isplill ; ? till knyn. Ri.V ; hen lurkejs , 7i7'i < ' ; jroblders , Cifff * old Cl-- " . I'il.V' . JAMi- : 1'ialilehh'kens. . snunp. per doz. , li.ri ! Si'.75 ; pmhle ehlikons. old , per do/ . . $2 ; gimift jiiunsr , per doc. , j2.rOiifS.75 , ; Bnimold. . pel doz. $2 ; blue whiK li'il , per doz. , II. W : srecn win teal , tier dux. . SI.5 ; ducks , mlxt-d. per do11 . iiuuMi.Kl.K. M.COijl.OO ; mall.iids. Sl'.r-'idl.M. VIIAI , t'holcp fat and small veuls nre iiuotc at 1'di.u ; lame and eoitiHe. 3S)4c. ) I'lllJIWIJWlsi'jnsln , full cri-am. new main 12lbc ; Nelira kn mid Irnvu. foil crenni , lie Nelir.inka an 1 IOA-U , pait Bilni" . 7IEJS1 ; LlnViUrKei No. 1. lie ; lillck , Nn , I , I2e ; Sw' . , No. 1 , 14SH ( IIV 'l > 'ub' demand. KIIOI ! supply. Upland haj ti < ; lulill.ilul. IS..M ) ; lowland , JS ; i.vr Mtrnw. I Ct.lor makes the pi Ice on Imy. UKM bales s ? ! the best. Only top ( Trades brlns top pi lees. I'lai-XlNS-OM birds , per dox. , 75c. VKOKTAHLKH. I'OTATOIW'aliroinln , SSUiZc. Ml-i.ONH-rto.il : slock , craled. $ S ) . l'ANTl-l. : < ) ri'l-S-Hnme : ill-own , pcinte. . n.K 01.1) HI5ANH--ltand.ilcked | , navy , 42.1 ! ; In. dluin. l..lDW ' : . ! . ' , ; vonimoii wlilli * lieiiu. ; 11.71 ! ' 1'W. ' 1'W.ONKINri On onli'iH , 7.'i S5i" per bu. CAIinAOK-On iiiilerH , Sc. CKLKHV i'cr < i.ra. . ymtte. H\VKI-T : POTATOES ivr n > . . Sc , or n.oo 4. : IB-r bid. ; .leiH y , ? .1.5' ) per bbl. KltlflTS. Al'I'I.KS a.MNl slink , ) ier l.bl. . t2.UV-.Ii > . I'KACIIKS Ciillforiila fieenoiie , J1.10fll.tT ClIllSH , ! K'Stl.lX ) . 1'l.t'MSCalirollHa. . JI.25. rjlfNiri-Jt.2.Vip1.ro : ; riench and Italian , Jl.C & . . . I'KAItK-lUHIetl , t.23 ; H. llaidy and 1 ! Clah seaii. J- . AI'hK-OTS-l'nlir.iinln ' - , none. < 'lliHHII-S-fullfinln : , , none. iRAris-l'on : iid , li-lb. liaskets , 26c ; rnun lol ! < . S2t:21c ; I'.illfornla Tokny , Jl.SU'ijUij ; inum'iti ' ltllCiipe < Vd. fancy , J10 bbl. ; Cip : < ! 'i l , choice , } 9.M ) . OIIAXOKS-Mexleuii , 15) , 2DO. pei linx , J4..C Mesriln.iH. 12S , SIM , per \ < nt , VM1iu.ru. ll.VMANASChoice slock , $1.7DC'2.25 IMT bunol LLMONS-r.iiKy llodl , 15.5) ; hiney Messlnr fi ro. , I'lNHAI'I'l.l''S-Xone. MI.SCI'i.LANio- : : | . OYSTKHS Meilhiiu , pel can , 12c ; lii.inn . Mine : I5c ; cxlni slHiidaids , Ifr ; eklru si'lects. 22i company selects , 2 c ; New Yolk counts , 30e. K1OS Vuney. tier II. . . 15e. IIOXKV frfllfiiinlii. loc ; dark honey. I09ttc. MAI'l.r HVIlfl1 ( lallon rnns. per doi. . 112. NUTS AlniMi.K 15i(17o : nmrlls'i walnuts , 10s Uo : lIlLeits , l'o , llmzll nuts. 1'K' . ciUllH-I'uie Juice , per bbl. , JO ; half bbl. . J3.5 ; II II > KSNo. . 1 Ki-ecn hides. 3'4e ; No. 2 uren hides. 2'ic , Nn. 1 Kieen suited hides. 4c ; No. Kieen naltett hides. 3c : Xo , 1 ureen united hide : 25 to M II , * . . 4c ; No , 2 Kre.-n called hides , 25 I 40 Ibs. . if. No. 1 < > nl cslf. S to 15 Ibs. . 7c ; N ( 2 ve.il calf , 8 In 15 Ibs. Cc ; No. I dry Hint hide : Co ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry salle hides , ! * : ; part cured bides ' .ic per Ib. less lha fullv cured. Sllllin' I'KI.TS Or pn salletl , each , 25SJCO , Rieen Hiilteil fhcaithiKB ( shoit wooled early skins each. lOiiSOi" dry shearlings ( short wooled earl ( l < ln ) . No. 1 , nieli , SOlSp ; diy RhenrllnBS ( shin wonltd early skins ) . No. 2 , . each , us ; dry llll Kan. ni and Nebraska butcher wool pelts. p < Ib. , ectual weliiht. 5 Sc ; dry Hint Kiinsat an Nel.r.isku muiTiiln wool pells , per Ib. , nclui weisiit , 48jriie ; diy nint t'olomdu butcher wix pelts , per Ib. . iiclual weight , lOClic : drj- nil iVilomiln murialn wool pells , per Ib. , nclui welKht , Hiiie ; ( luw leet cut off , as It Is us''le ! to i > . .irreliihl on them ) . TAI.l.OW AND riltKABi : Tallnw , No. 1. 45i ( tallowNo. . 2. 4c ; Rrease. white A. 4c ; Bveasi whll * H. aUi'j xivtiie , > elb.w , 3'4c ; Krease. darl Saic ; old butler , 28 < 2'.lc ; beeswax , prime , Hill'Oi touch yellow. Hitr-c. jcs A.ND ntt.vns. Sei'iirilles Opened \Veai ! nml IrrrRiihir will ll Doivnuurd TenilMiej- . NK\V YOUK , Sept. 24. The opinltiK o the Htocl ; exchange \VIIH weali and IrreguU a.t to luiie.-wllh biiHlness light In volunn Tlio tendency of prlt-cs wus downward. A a. ruli ! tlie ralllcH lu tlie market were ( U : to tlie taking of protlts on the decline , tlici bclntriy ; little buying for the long in CUIMI ) . In the later dealings tlie Eiculatla became sllxhtly butter in tone , but stt closeil IrrrKiilur ut declines raiiKiiiK from ' to 2 per cent , the latter In BtirlliiKton Qulhcy , with Mi pur cent In Denver & 11 Qranile iireferrcd , I'.l per cent In Lake Shor New Vork Central , American Tobacco an Supar , T ( > per cent In Sugar preferred , per cent In ItocU Inland , NorthvvcBleri I.i tilKVlllo Nauhvllle and Western Unloi 1'i Per cent In New England , last ass'ssmet paid , and Missouri Pacific , % per cent I Km folk & \Vwtrn preferred anil Hublu preferred and % 'per cent In St. Paul Otmlia. tiiinie few of the inactive steel kliowi'd aivinci-3 | ; oil , the day. Including On gen NuvlK tlou 'i per cent , I'ullman 14 pi cent unil l.oulBvlllo & Now Albany preferr H per cent. Uener.il Kleclrlc Is tnichaiigc compared with Snlnrilay's closing. The u bltrngo lioitKi's did lllllci If anythliiK In II market , prices here and In London being i tita-ly an a parity as to preclude iirofltab truiuuc.tloiia. The wrakness In the grungei IH attributed largely to manipulation , it selling In tlieno Bhareu being Inaugurated I a leading operator , who \s \ known to lm\ been rcctiitly on the other aide of the ma ket. Tliere are no new development * r > Kardlng tliei gimlet , hut since the scaling . the Uock iHlund dividend speculative lioUU : ot the -storks uro tlmbl and fell upon It slightest blgll at lieavlness. Sutfar wu fairly well held In the eat \itidint , bill g4Ve way wllh the rest of tl market In the later dealings , being Bold dev by the room trader * . Reports from Clileai thut at touUbt's meeting ot the clly count the opH | IUou to the Chicago Gas compat would Introduce a new gun ordinance led the free veiling of the stock ot that cancer wlilch broku 2Vi per cent to 9 ? ; , with a r cover ) * vl H l > cr cent on the denial of tl report. Qeiierjl Blectrlo sold up 1 per ce In thu i.iornliiK on a report that the Itoa ItiK debt had been wiped out , but the Ra \vaa lout before the close. The boi market , wan filrly. firm duclni tl ninrnlng , but bccnmo Irregular In the afternoon In sympathy wllh the tin- neltied lone of the stock market. The active list generally recorded fractional dc- rllneti , and in some tew catci material losses wore recorded. The Kvenlng Pcet'i sptcnl financial cable gram from London IB as follows : The stock m.itkets were dull Unlay and- weak , mainly on Paris telling , In view ot the settlement there at Ihe end if the month , American ! ! keep flitn on support from the American tide , but Ilicrc U no butlncta In I hem here just now. The flatness ol Iml.nn exchange was tunlnly connected with n special op eration In rupee paper. An early recovery Is anticipated , The Evening Post sayer It \ \ asuit \ \ evident tcday Hint the prnfcetlonnl pecii- latorn on the Stock exchange had made Ui | their inlmla to te.st the market tn the. down * ward Bide. In Ihe granger slocks their ex periment \vna helped nlong by the sales from other operators who wcro buying stockt ( ant wi > ek on a perveifo hlcn that the Hoclt Isluml's illvldend could not be reduced. Chicago cage meantime did its pnrl by compiling and forwarding new nnd original forccneU. of tlic corn crop , ll need hnrdly ti said that nearly nil the trading , "whether for long or sliorl account , " \vas limited to the professional co nt ngcnt. The following were tlio closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex change today AteMsoii lli NorthiMii I'acliic " 1 IS iNo. I'.io. ptil Alton. T ! II . . . : u ,11. IMI. & a do nl.l IH * Northwestern . . . . leah Am. KxprpHs. . . llll ilo ptd HiiUlmora.VDliU ) . Tillv N. V CVi.tr.il I ml Canada 1'aeltlc . . IMS * N. r. &N.KIU . . . Ciin.1il.-i Southern. M4 Ontario A W ml.V' ' Onlr.il I'aclllc. . . 17' < Urccoii Imp .V' Chlc.-it'o Alton. " . ! ! 141'O. . sl. ! . A/U. N" ! ! ' 's I1. . II..V Q THU'iIMelllcMnll 7IJI1JP. 1) ) . .V K ' if.-- C.C. C. A Si. t , . . . ii'.iJv ! Pullman p'.it.ice. . I.V.I Polo. Coil , < t Ir i.i ' notiontni curt. . . H:4tKIchiniiiia'JVrm : ! | : ! ! ' I ! ! . * ! do | iM uciLio' ! < . & w ! . . III.'M ' U. ( t. \ \ in I ) . .V It. ( S. uM UlSi'U ' R. W. nfil 4U U..VJ. ( K. Co 11 'Koc'x Inland unjt KIHI Teuii 11 ISI. Paul / _ liols lirtii li'vM. P..UI uM. . ! . . IISS'4 do nfrt Ml 'St. 1' . .t Oiinna. . . l-'ori Wiivii" 3Bi tir. pM tt. Northern nfd . 1(11 ( iSouilirni IMc U.k K. 1. pf.l Sunai' llolliury. . . The tola ! milcB of stoclif loiltiy wp.-e'l i-l'iip's ' , Incluilint ; : Ami-rlcan KIIKUIS.V.MO ; liiu llliKloii. K.pni ) ; Chknun < ; ai. 1.1.100 ; l . (4 C. I' . 4,7iW ; Oenei-il Klectilc. 1500 ; l.mi-HVllle * NJI | I vllle , 4 IV ) ; lllfsuiirl 1'uclflc. 3W1 ; N w Yorl Onl.nl. 4lil ; New Yoik , 't New Kn linul , 2 i"X ) NiiithueKlrin , a.700 ; Heading , 4J.SU I ; llock Inlanil I2.SW ; St. inul , H.Suilr Wr lein Union , : ! , . - Nf-ir Turk Money M XKW VOIIK Scpl. tlMO.VKY ON rt Kttvy ni 1 | i | . i-nit , Uii loan , 1 | irr cfiil ; nt 1 pT cnni. All'ilber i nit Mump In Coin. NBW YOlllC. Sept. St. It was a dl couranlii niornlm ; for. the nheul ImllH on the Produce e : chan u today , for while early lexltlmale new UH mostly all In their favor , the cnrn nmiki had another bad xlump , and wheat. Instead i rallying , turned weal < and opened at u loiv pi-Ice than It hnd ever nold hefoie , and HIP kept on declining- until at midday l > eeemt was down to 58 3-l c , or He lower tlmn II snl at List Friday. An expected heavy Increase 1 the vlelhlp supply Ktutement wua purllally ti poii8ll > le for thin weakness. YlUbla .Supply ( if Orulii. NKW VOHK , Sept. " 4. The visible supply < Ki-alu Svplember 22. us compiled hy the Ne York Produce exchnnse wan : Wheat. 70 , UO.o bu. , Incieure , iiBT.OOO bu. ; torn , I.IM.uuo bu. , h crease , 92,000 bu. ; osli , 7 , t4.000 Int. , decreasi J77,00i > bu , ; rie , Sl'J.lxX ) bu. , Incretme. 7,000 bu bailey , 1.746.1KX ) bu. . Increaue , SIS.OOO bu. TrUrnVhent Oiiotiitbin , SAN FUANCISrO , nef. 24.-WHKAT-DUI ) i'C < 'nibr , B5c ; MR } , MT e , I'lnniitiliil NoJes. v MIJMl'HIS. b pt. M. Clearing * , I87J5 ; lia uncea , 177,942. IIOSTON , Setit. 24. CleurliiKS , 111.221.300 ; bu ancei , li.sts.ca. . HAt.TIMOIli : . Sept. H.-Clcu rings , tlTt.C3 : babmcee , 191'J12. NRW VOHK , Jiept. 2t.-ClearliiBS , 1O,843 , ! I balance ! , f2,712T74. I'llll.ADHIJ'IlIA , Kept. : t. CleitrlnKH , 17,210 it ! ) ; buliinceu , tl:34i1ii , NKW OIU.nANS. > Vpt. ! t.-Cleatlng . $7W,97 i\clninKe , coinmcrc'-t , J1.25 dUcount. WASII1NOTON. Hept. ! 4. TliB cash tialam JH J12l , lr I , of which | } 8S9C09 \ > aa Kold l icre. . CINCINNATI. Sept. 24.-Money , Sfi per cen New VoiK rxchatlKe , Sic discount lo put. den PAIIIH. Hepl. 24. Thie pr cent rentes , 10 > > 0i for the account , llxcliungc on Ixmdon , 17U' ) for checks. KAV I-'HANCJPCO. Sept. 24-Dn.ftf , ilgb 3Ue ; lelrviupblc , 15c . Silver ban , O'iOMU iUslcnn dollar * , WttMUc. hT. I.OUI8. Ketit. M.-Cli-arlnu. , | 3,5tS. 3 ; la unceH. H7JtH . > loney , dull ; Mil per cent. K : on New VoikWu diccoiint , IX.WDON , Kept.4. . Gold U quoted today l HueroD Ayren al 217 ; Madrid , 15. W ; Utbon , : C,0 Ht. I'elrrDbuiu , W ; Alhtnii , 77 ; llonw , < 10I.S Vienna , 103. The shipments of MamUrd allver dollars ttu Intr tli" ia l week amounted lu | 90 . 83. Tl shipment * of fruclloiikl silver coin during li prenenl month to dule aigrfgaled | l , 4 < , o ; ( . CIIIOAQO. Brpl. 2 ( . Clmrlngi , | 12UtM , Money. 4 4H per cent en call ; &t per c nt < time. New York rxclmnie , Me aliceunt , Fa elm cxchance , dull ; strrllnir , c mm rcial , | l. Oil All A LIVE STOCK MARREK Vcek Opeus with a-Fair Rm of OixtVlo am Very EewiHoga. GCOD RIQUZST FOR EECF CATTLI Uenlrrn rind the Mipjil.v Kutlicr l.ltnllcil- . < > mid Sinrker * .Sell Hlcinly KiTrii Centi I.invrr' ' II RH Toil .Scnrro to Ktiib1l li OuotiUI us. MONUAV , Sept. 2 < . The receipts today were 1,401 cattle , ltl hogs nml 1,480 sheep , UK against 4,028 cal lie and 3SG hogs on Monday of , Ins week. CATTKK Today's arrivals of cattle nmv bered 1G9 loadsntuonc which there \kere Rood many western range cattle. Tliet were some iirctty fnlr western steers o sale , one bunch of ] , : illtt ) steers going B 54.25 , A string of Colorado Texas brougli $2.Gr > and some corn fed natives $ fi.4l Tlio market on beef steers "was nc much different from Saturday's trade , tltct being a very fair demand for Rood cattli Tlio fcellnc was perhaps a little weak o ( lie common grades. Desirable caw stuff was also about steadj tlic trade being without any especially It t cresting feature. The supply of Mockers and feeders wo largo today , there beliiR In addition to th fresh rccclIB | ) large holdings In the Ititnd of speculators. The demand was ver light , nnd there were few country buyers 1 tlie yards. The demand dropped off ver materially toward the close 01 last vecl causing the 'market to weaken. The luc' Irig .tnday' was-very weak , and the mark fitlly 10c'lower' Even the heavy and flesTi feeders , which .were liard to get n short tltn ago - andor which Slhero w s a good dt inuiid .from Missouri and other section ] where there -Is a croy of corn , are ver slousule. . Hoprcsentatlve sales : No , Vv. Pr No. Av. Piv No. Av. Pr. 1. . .10'.t > 3 CO 2..1013 300 a.1310 4 2. ) 8. . .1112 S W 1U..1HI 3M IS..1310 ri 40 in. , .ills : : w 'i ' 12)7 ) 4 u. ) SHIPPING AND KN'POUT. 2..H30 3 70 COWS. ' ! . . . . 7W > 110 ( I , . . . 106 1 S3 ! ( > . . . . 902 210 7.k04 I (0 2..1(170 ( 1 (10 ( 2. . . . lift ) 2 10 : . . . . R7."i i i-o t..iooi i vt ) . . . /s i 214 S. . . . UM I ! JI I..11150 90 " 7..1047 211 7 7ts i M . . . . SM > i so s iva : 2 r ! SCO 1 .V 1..T1070--1 ! lO 12. . . . X'.C ' 2 1.1 27. . . . 711 10) ) 1..1(120 2 DO 1..I130 211 . ' . . . 7C3 ICO 2..W3 2 M 1 IIM 213 11.-7113 110 1..MOO 2 W I. . . . 7l.O . 211 ' .I. . . . S7D 170 1. . . . SJU 200 II Mil 233 8. . . . ! H5 1 7i 1. . . . iOO 2 W IS. . . 7.11 213 . . . . ' . i ; r > i. . . . nso sco o. . . . m.3 215 I. . .IIM ) lift 2. . . . ) 20. ) 34. . . . Mil 213 'll.n 8 175 3. . . . 703 2 IW 22. . . . Ml 220 i. . .1111 155 21. . . . 8JO 201) M. , . . ! I20 2 2.i I..1IOJ 173 S. . . . HO-00 1..10M 220 . . . . l Its , ' 21. . . . ' 81 2 ik ) 10..IDJ22.1 H. . . . 7 ! > 1 ITS 1..11)10 200 C..1UR 223 4 , . . . tl.Z 173 10..1D73 2 3 2.1. . . .UM 2:1,1 I 10V ) 1 fcO 31. . . . S34 201 JO . . .10t6 2-11 2. . . . 710 1 SO' 12. . . . S23 2 10 27. . . . to ) 2 33 11. . . . MA. 1 (0 7..S-W1 210 7..1115 210 13. . . . ! > 30 1 S3 JS..I , I'S 210 1..1230 2 Ij 24 : iT7 1 33 4. . . . HK7 .1 73 14. . . . 561 1 fO ! i 477 I K'i ' I.310 1 71 11. . . . .IU t lid 1.-.VHIO 1 0 7. . . . CDl-'l-iO 3. . . . 320 225 lit 477 1 ' ) CAI.VIIH. 1. . . . 2II 1 - * 1. . . . 2CO 213 ] . . . . 2/.0 32.1 . . . . Ill 2 0 4. . : . 2SO 241 . . . . . . 131 373 2. . . 2(4 20) ) 1 : m.25i ] . . . . 13) ) 3 7fi 4. . . . 1ST. 223 I. . . ' . SM'y 51 1. . . , IW 3 ! 3 1. . . . iUJ 223 10. . . . IW 275 1. . . . 110 400 1. . . . 340 221 I.:1. 140 300 1. . . . 150 1 ( X ) K. . . . 2.13 S.SO 4. . . . 12I13 IX ) 1./SO 4 W 1. , . . 2K ) 2 SO , . 7..V.24J 3 25 _ ! . . . . 120 400 ' 2. . . . W. 1 M " I..1 S. l 75 - ' 1..I120 190 1..12MI IU 1..1B-I 175 1..I15D IWI 1. . . . : M 1 < 0 1..1(111'1 ( M ) 1..1WO 2110 2..1 3 1 < 0 I..1200 } ' 1 M 1. . . . MO 2 if ) 1. . . . MiO I M I..1104 ' 165 2..12 = 0 205 1 WO 170 2..1IT--1 ( ! ' 0 1..1M ) 2 3i1 1..IKO 173 ! ! . . . .1330,1 HO 1..1170 273 2..1510 2SV 1..17UJJ210 , . . . , < ) 210 -T < i ' BTAGS ; ' ' . . , 1. . . . 730 1 SO 1..1320 223 "sTocicunssn fr.cDEns. ' 13. . , . D3IISO" 1. . . . BIO 2 DO S. , . . 7M 2 M I. . . . WO 2 CO III. . . . 53ri ' TO 5. . . . 410 I. . . , * SO 2(10 ( 19. . . . M2 235 41. . . . .Ml 7. . . . W3 210 18. . . . Mli 231 U 015 2. . . . I'JJ 210 II. . . . M 240 15. . . 1072 2. . . . CO 213 45. . . . 7'J2 2 JO 5..10JJ 14. . . . 910 221 3. . . . 710 2-10 1 ? 10 4. . . . 843 223 7. . . . 921 241) ( . . . . . 'J37 I. . . . 4M 223 82. . . . 6M 211 II C9rt 70 4. . . . H7 230 .I. . . . KW 245 21..1012 275 1. . . . 'OO 2 3U II. . . . Ml 243 1..1U30 27 ! 17. . . . 702 2 3V B. . . . S12 2 W WHSTKUNS , No. Av. IV. No. Av. Pr. 2) ) sU'fis 1JJI S3 t 14 htcers I03u J2 90 count , \ no. 71 ; Kii-L-tH in.- ? ; soil | g merr ? 1035 300 1lii.ll . VJ-ii ) 1 "i 2iHii ) fOJ 1 ! > 0 2i ) cows Usl 2 21 Wi'Mdii I'nlon Ilicf Co. 2 Mis Tov..Iin.1 20' ' ) r ftrr , Ti'S..1' 1 20 71ows kl > 2 22-1 7JOH.s 831 220 WYOMING. Ktiituljnl Cilllli. Co. 2 < 'o\v [ Oil ) 221 3 cowfl Ml 2 7J L'ii cottw IU87 311 1 stivi . .1.035) ) 1 ter 121 3 M . 1 slr < - 1310 350 1 i > teir 111) 3M 12 leeis 1HS 3 7 31 M rrH 1112 373 . 1 tu-cr U.li 4 Oi ) 17 stfi'ln 1311 425 5 sttvia 1011 2 5 1 cnlf. 290 21" ) 11 i w . ij5 ( 3(0 ( 4 utlH. IIB..1240 3 l ) 1 ulcer 1WJ 374 I Ht r IIM 3 7D 1 sti-oi- 1I2 3 7H 3 HCH ( | 1I6B 37D \l \ Mprn < . . . . -.liUli 370 I ! Bt < - . . . ! . , : 370 1 calf ] 10 3 7S Powell & DH\B. ! 23 Blfi'lB 1251 3 SO \Vi-Flern Union 11-ot ( > . ! i5 rnwn 'i V. 240 42 holft'lH 1 < W3 S B5 M hi'lfi'ih 10i3 20. . 4'J Ti.v..ll7 325 3 hlrB , -.v.lUO ( 3 23 r. O. ISakvr. 1 Mtas 11M 223 4 i-o\\ M7 2 3i 2 n\rn 1410 2 . ' . ' , 12 fuvtloi-s . . . .lUti 2 15 ! > fcfddH 1IU2 3 S3 Miluiiilte & W > om1tiK Inv ylincnt Ov\ 1 fir , HB IMO 175 M Hieei-H 1104 2 ffl 1 MPOI- 11V ) 300 1 sle.v 'J70 100 Sdleom 1D'J3 ' 2 DO J.V. . L'omioi ! > . 23 flocra 12.17 : i 7 4 sleris l')4J ' 2 7o' 4 nll' ts 1V | ) 2 70 C. T. ConV : > . Uhteeii 1231 355 ill rtivig 1:15 333 J. C. Cable. 27 cows 1027 3 ( W 21 glerif ' 078 340 23 * tf - l'iS3 ' 4 S3 FOUTII DAKOTA. R. It. Cattle Co. 3 Fli-ers 1300 3 15 2 ulcers Y.M 313 1 Hii'cr 1170 315 81) Btpcru l'JS7 31 ! Hhrnllcy Ciiltlc Co. fi imN ! 1390 1 r.3 1 Btr , III- 123 ! ) 2M 4 I-IIWH 80.1 214 37 cim * lui ) If 40 HOGS There were only fifteen loads IICRS tn the yards this morning , hard enough to make a market. Hesldes belt few In number the average quality of tl hogs was very poor and there wns nothlt In thu wax ot good heavy hogs lo make test of the market. The offerings were i light that the heavkst packers were not tr Inc. lo buy aiiythlnB"Snd the uhlppers ai speculators were : Mto absent from tl market. . There TTO"e > In fact ° "ly 'v ' bttyers nml they Rjjtjjbe hoRx at their OM prices , tflilch wcrp * . fljput the- same as ( Suturduy. A fair .ilaatl of mixed packli hcgH brought Jj.50.vlilcli was the tori prl ot tlie day. Hcprfiseplutlve sales : No. Av. tib , Prii ) ' , No. Av. Sh I 1(0 ( 152 1COJI7S. . , , , . 61 230 m J3 21 H 1ul rM 4 . I , , ' . ! > i 22t IW 6 W II 1 7 40 & 00. . . 7a 5ZO . . . B 41 2 3W IU ) 50 , , .74 240 Ztfl B 4 ( 1 2W ) . . . KW ilA7S 222 124 B 4 ( SI ITU . . . 51' ' ) - - 34' ' ) . . . 5 4 < 101 171 100 ( i 10 Ml 71 KM UO B 4 ! 8 2VO . . . 510 ! > ' , 8 31S EO 64 : 13 1 2 . . . 5M 13 3M W 5 4 : 10 2H . . . ESI 3 3ZJ . . . 541 523 ' -62 ZK IM 54 ; 61 1(2 . . . - 26 IW . . . 523' ' r 71 231 160 fi i ( iS 177 200 025' ' -1.591 213 W IU pins AJjp HOUGH. 1 110 . . . 3W4Tnr29 K . . . 421 31. . IJ . . . 3 St , l.ouls l.tVn Wioph Mnrket. fT , ixi'is , Sfpi. ! i.-iArrTr.i-Hc ( iiiti , & , : II.-IH ) ; Milptncnta , l.f J lu'ml. Mnikct ntfadn ; III. ' hti > p | ) , not on cale ; cuw nnd heltfrH , tl. ( ? : .D. ' . ; TrkUD vlrrrit. W ) lu 1,100 llj * . . t2. < S@S. ! IMIWK unJ lirirfis , 12,10 2.34. HO(38-llnCflpl8. 2,6C < J. li a ; hlpui nl , 6,1 hoiul. Mniket uctlve. CtflOo lilKlier ; nu go un t.-ile : nmllum nnd light , I5.7W&1. | ilir . rousli unit common , } 5,106S.CO. HI1KH1' HfOlpl8. 3VOitn < l : rhlpmrntr. 6)0 liei Muikct quiet , supply tou Hula ( or rcprm natl : nilt-a , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ City I.lvo Stock Market. KANSAS CITY , Svpt , . - 7.600 lie.icl : Bii. 2,300 lirail ; rn.irku vtrml Texas Btefr , I'L&GtM- ef nn-crn. . . ( native co\vi , 51.1W3.W : stockere and feeder ? , It U3.50. 1IOOS H c lpt > . 1.F&0 hfacli tlilpmrntii. I head ; market elcacly : bulk ot aln. . . . - „ Unlit * . 3. 8fc. < ) : piE , i2.w 6.w. B11KKI' ItircHpti. 3,200 hfudj liliin il , ' head ; market it iu > ' . - < Cotton Alarknt. ANS , S'pt , II. OOTTOX-Sp. pot. 1.7CO ba1 < : lo arrive , < , 6 7-1 Sc ; good ordlnrr , S 11-H 5 1S-U3 ! middllne , 4 l-lSkj ; go 13-Hc ; miiliUlDf tilr , ! ( , nomm . . tiifn. pxportu to Orrnt Urllnln 11.4150 t > nlF. , < -inii\vlp. ( 3 TO ti k i ftwk. ' * 1 , $3 ? , 1-litutp * . rlcndy ; lr , M.ZOO J > nl-n ; Sfptunlicr , M.SJ bid : OvtnlMT. JS.I7 lildi Kmemlrar , WWW .07 ; lipct nibfi , (1..iin0.ti1i Jnnniiry. 50.0Mt.06 ; I'rbnmry , J .H 1C.1 ! ; Mnivli , I .l7 n.lSi April. iS.ngn.iii MHJ- . 10.S1TJ3..W ; Junr , ia.3IOB.3t ) July , U.40CG.II. _ ClltlAtiO I.IVK STOCK. Ifcruj ItccrlittH In All Lines llnd 11 lcpri' ) . ItiK tlfTc-t't. Frpl. ! 4 Hcnvy ifoplpt had n il - - rffirt : i ilio ciilllp ntnikrl. Tlicre w n lint ninri1 KH-H ! rut lie tlmn tlu < miitkrt mitilrril , but for even that mrt prices w. r * not rtl | < | i > ; tl. \Vliftv qu.illtv n nut Rood IhPIP ttim decided Ul-llllP ! ! > . Hlllr-niPll iUull'd | ' II dc-cllll" III Ili'lll 1'h * to 2ikIn m-nily nil Rindcn mil His rop'tlt-d * np | * L'plilnly , Innk'd Ilull inucti Inner. Mm. . * tlinn liuir < > r ill * 2VOM hc dvcrr nrt the rmiK' ' " and ( K n laiirc ulnirr uf the natllcs rnn-lpleil n [ KUC.I Krad n lit tn liavo to compi-lo with uculprn nnd Ti'MiB mill. * luddern nl iinjthlPK K > lo\v KU'id" fid-od lindly , The tiivnlrr IPIII ! nl ( Mo liall\o < Mild Undri i.Vli. und eninparatlvely CPU f the rnncrri ! Wcit iibovr I3.7J , tlumglt KOIH ! .ithi"4 vvrip nunUM at iil'itund } ii.l ) und 1 > t n\uund t.T < ) . ( "annriH1 Murk wncry haul ( n B"ll nnd liutelK'iH * Blnrr. untrrn isond w.if pqnully . Tini > rreiliiKi d'd iiJi Include imy lilctl > fliHt-ola ! " < hecvri * . Thp ! I. > K nintltrl iniidi- cllxlit Kiiln In MronKlli. ll v\n in.t iirllr < < , IIUIHTH liPsllntlnK In | iy an iiiUanco , llnl Kellers nupcwdiM In tinlitntllriK nnd ut iirU-i' u\'in ( lnif fullf n nickel bultei tli.in 1li ; o IlllliiB on HiUnnlay. Thi' nilulllv wna | iiiiv. nnd nlilmUKh n tvlunOa "f the ) > ( wrtv taken ill fiom > 10 tu J .Jl , there wn * ) nip.irntK'cI > - llllle ( indlnx ill ivciV > . Tlic prUvn inn. t ( roinentl ) ' met with rnni < 'd from * 5.l'l ' In t',81 , HIM lalli-r UBisir IK..IIIIJ fur H tl Unlit and pri'lly lienvy wclshls. Tlie Tcrsh nnd itnlr IntK ci.inMni l mad * a Mipi'ly nt idiiint 2i.- < W ) hr.nl. Tln-y sold nl an pxlrcnie rniiKe nt from (3 tn Jli.30 , cvilln nnd plBf selllnK at from $3 to J4.7.1. told u load nr two ot prime lii-nvj li 'irn hrlllRlilK J5.11. Tii.'iivaH un nventti > ck < Hl tnniket for nhpep and liinilm und a Itmrr IIIIIR * ' of iiiiLdnllnnR vvaH rrtulillslird. The u | pl > \ \ est.tnatrd al lU.IOi ) l."ad. and theie IVIIB 11 drrllno ul fi in UK1 to 2."c. dimmon Kindt1 ? * mffeied nu ) t. Inferliii- In cinder sheep veie quitted nl fmm 7Sc to J3.4D nnd the ranRi > of quotattnnM ful lamh H'IIH ftxim > 1.7. . to J4.15. S'lten uf ilieep prc hitKidy nl rrnni K to tt. mill fiom 53.SO Id M nn - the pic- vnllliiK pilcon for lanihK , ll Tii > ! Cuttle. 23,11" ) ) head ; calve * . HW head. IIHKE. ! ) ) , ( head ; cliei-p. I'.i.oo.l hetid. The ICvcnlne .liniiinil lepoitu : llOi.ltcceptF. | . 1S.OOO hrHd : otllclal Saturday , 7.3WI lic.id ; i-lilp- nieniH. 3.414 head ; Iff ! iivel Salnnlay. , ih ut r..rhead ) ; iiinlll | > rather p"m ; matkft ftililr nctlvt" on Khipiiltis aceiHiiH ; | IICPH aletinner. . iiM'inffliiK . 'K' hlplior. I'ATTI.IUecelpH , 2.1,00i ) head ; iniitknt weal ; undc the IIIIRP nupplj * ; pilcpa alHUl ) lOc lower. Sllii-3l' riPCeliUB , in.OiO lienil ; supply inx - re of the demand ; mniketrak ut a 10f5c ] dvclliif. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - \Vioi , .n\iti\ir. : Auction Snlos ut l.iniilon Attract it l.nrgo AttiMiiliince. I.ON1H1N , Hi'pt. 21. Tlioic was nn ummullj liuge nttpndancp at the w nl sales tiMtuy. the itKini lining crowded. The nuniliet of halcn ofTi-rpil were I. . , 4 ! I , and ot this nmnunl l.bO. ) InileH Meie withdrawn. All Kn'xl paiv-N wrtp cnpcrl } riunpeled fir , reallKlnu exiiein * P.M-'I- , tli > ' ( leiinnn and Trench limits tnklntc n fair portion. The feature of ( lie fales ivpie HOIIIP . -d Nils nl Qiieerirl'ind , makln ? very full valun- Thn ; VTIIK nn iinUMinlly large prnpiuttun < if fiuilly uckda , vhlch cake the sulf * u tl ' II ill m ; li ili nt tlinn. Ampilciin ljn > vituuk < H ) \n\\rn \ \ ti'diiy. ' Tile ftillowiiiK mo the H ICH In detail : Nw tioutltVnlcs , ISt bales ; rr , iied. : > UciniH 40 ; ttiPNHy , UifDVid. Quepn lund , 2.4,1) ) UiU1 * ; woured , 7' < dftls ! d ; qr a y , 4'StiSd. < 'ltoila. 3.325 hnle i Fcouted , l > 1idfilM 7ifcd : Kicni > y , fi'.ff lid. .South Auclinlln. u. % Imlea ; Kienry.t W'i'i'l. Tasmania , 91 Ijulen ; tieafy , C'KfK'.i ' d. New KnHlnnil , 1215 bales ; KCimied. 7 ( lfl fiVid ; K'easy ' , , C'f10l. ' Clip. , nf OIIIH ! Ilupe and N.ilnl , 2 * > 7 ttale ; Hcnurpd , Sl > fdi2tR 2d. ST. J.OflS. Sept. -\VOOl.-QnSet. . WMIK , \vlth u domuuiiil tendency , but no iiutn1ie ! li M. l.nilN ( ieneriil .MurUi't. PT. IjOI'IH , Sept. 2l.-FI.OUlt Slendy. mi- I'.l.MIt- ! . \VIIIIAT Opened Vic on" , hut nailed ui nie Kpi' crTfrlns * * . cr | lnK 1-lilc atjove Salurdiiy ; No 2 n l. 1'itfh and Sppteml'er , ISljc ; Oi io1n r , 4R"ge ; P eeinber. Tile ; Atny. , V > ; 'ie. ( OllN-I > erl nut iii'ly nn liquid illnn , h'll ' ntll'ed ' Inter on pathrr icportM , elunlntf ' 55i\i' lip , ND. 2 mixed , tush , r > 2ii.c ; Septenilx i. r > 3r ; O < li.brr. . 51Vici Decemlier. 4.V4c : May , \iW < i lsii . O.VTHtosed linn , lifter nn tally \veaUiit'HH , Xu. 2 , rach and September , IS c ; Ojluhei , Sti'tp ; May , : m < r. IIVB 40c bid for No. ! icgular. DAHI.KV No liiidlmr. nnNSlow ; Pie bid. onu traelc. I-'I.AX 8iti : ) IIlKhei : U. bid. ri/JVKIl MBKIJ Ji.80fl7.0il. T 1 M OT 11 V S K ! ; I ) - ! 1. ( M j 1 C5. II A V Quiet , unchanged. lltj'TTIJIlI2ni"lpr sfpinalur viruinviy , ? ' 1i2v. KilCS 1'Mrm ; 14p. I.HAD Kn ys JJ. SI'l'I.TKll-13.23 n ked. .YltN MKAIr-Lowcr ; ! 2.l5Jj2.55. WI11SKV J1.S3. COTTON TIKS t'nclnins < d. II A < in I NO fnehaiiRed. . wi i. I'.nk. hlnn.l.ilil jnbh'iiE. JlS.S-iu. Lard , pihne rttiim t 3'a ; ehoite , fS.4V try Kail meats. Im.-e Nlnnidi.'Hi l'J.31 ' ! , : IniiKH nnd run , JT.7U : ! ; nlioits , IT.m'i ' , Itucun. | . , uUi > d nlMilllleip , $7.ti2i.ii , IITIRIJS.ST'i , rtl . fi.M ; shoi-tH , } 8H2ii. JlKi'lJIlTa Hour , 3.ik bbln. ; nln.il , 4 < .l W bu. : coin , 3I.OUO hu. ; oals , CO.niM hu. MIII'JtK.NTH Klnur. 7.i Ht Mils ; \\hui. lion- . coin , ,000 bu. , OiitH. H. IO bu. Coffee .Market. xi\v : vonic , sept. si.foi'i'Eiopiums : opened dull und unclumcd , adMincnl l.iiei on covt-hiii ; near months on local and Kumiieiui aeei.nnt , ilwnl ptc ily nt n net adviinef of MJ20 Ifilnls ; October. 113.50 ! Nov muer. JI2.offl2.U : Deoinili.r. II2.2HA1J.40 ; Jamiaiy nd May , 511. > 0. Spot cofCiv , Illn. < | Ulcl : No. 7. J15.ti2i , . Mild. muiket < iuei ! ; Cindova. | l .tAnil.OO. ! Wnii'liouw ileltvel'leB limn Xevv York Hatutdu > , 113,327 IIIIRM ; New ymk Mntk today. 110,727 baB. < : I'ntiuil Mates Htnrk , 1S3..M : ! bagH ; iillnat for ( lie fulled Males , 213,100 I'ltKo ' : lulnl vlsdilo for the t'nlleil .Stales , 4 ,351 IIMKS , iiKalnst 2S3.1C1 baits lust > en r. KANTOH , Sept. 21. Quiet ; S.-XM ! avcniKC Santos. J11.50 ; receipts , 11,000 IKIKB ; sto k. I2.1.wa hass. Weekly , | Ulet ; K < > od nverape , tT : 10 kilos. J1I.50 ; receipts dnrlUK Hie week , Hil.nm ) IIHKO : KhlpmentH to I'nllcd Stales , 25,000 lust ; slock. 42.1. ( > l luiKS. tlAMItfllO. Sept. 21. Malket Mnuly : prl"e unelianKed In ' - iifK blcher ; snl" . II , Oil ) lilKs. II AVKK , Sept. 21.Opeiud siendy and uucl an 'ed < ° ! < f lilB'ifi ' , al 12 m , 'if hUluM : at 3 p. m. , IncKUlur and unchaiiKed to M higher ; closed riulet al U3if net advance ; total KiileK , 22,000 * l7lO 1 > H JAN'KIIIO , Sept. ! 4. Wt-Hk ; Xi > . 7 , no quotations ; exehnnx" , lib d ; leurlpls. ll.0 ( b..is ; olujred for the t'nllnl Slates , none ; cleauil for Kurope , none ; slock. 278 , W ) bae" . Weekly report , enk ; c-xehaiiBe , Flandaid. red quoted : exchange , 12'ie. ' Itecelpis during week , I > JK I IKSJ sblpinonla to 1'nltc.d ril.lleH , 4ii'Kj biiKs ; stock , 278 , UOO liana. > lliiiie | iiillHVlieiit Murker. MINNKAl-OMS , Sept. 24. Wheat win Imcu- lur. The locnl featine wns In the chunKlng of the ivlallve prices of futures as compelled with cash wheat. Tha huter declined 'ic nt Ihir close , while futures rinsed Ur lilnhPf Ilian Sal- unlay. This \vis due , perhaps , to him or re ceipts , irlvlns n fuller sutiply tn cle\ulor men and inllier . who were Inst week sliimir com- potllorf1 for the fresh arrivals from ibo coun try , pushlne the pHce iiboul ] c atinve the prlco of December. Tmlny , with 54 , 000 hu. of wheat tecelvcd and only 34,000 bu. shipped , the buyers of track wheat \vere better supplied and the competition was lei-s severe thun In 'the Intter purl o ( the prevloiw week. Kepoits fiom the Interior Indleale that farmers me maikctlni : veiy freely yet. nnd Ihe appearance li thut they \vlll continue to do so for somu llltle llm In Ilia futuii * . The market clobtd at Me for Keptcm- t r. MHc for December. M' c for May. On track : l&laC for hard , SJ'.ic for No. 1 imtiliern nnd Me for No. 2. Old wheat continued lo brlmr iibout Ic more for rash offerings than the new uffcrlnKs. The flour mniket was steady , but very quiet , at J3.20ft3.40 for patenlB ; J2.CKKT2.JO for l ikei , I'lo- ducllon was cat I mat i > < 1 at SC.OOO UiU. for the 2 < hours ; shipments were 42.4W hbla. Clilcatji' Fruit ( Juotiitloiii. fUlCAOO , Sept. 24. The Km I Fruit company sold Callfnmli. fiult lit nueHon today : linrt- lett pears. t2.1 ! > : II. Hardy. ll.Cf.'n l.TOV. ; . Doy enne , H.55 ; Duchess , tl.55fri.IX ) ; Dlpl. > l.r.aiil.t,0 ; Vlemlsh lirauty , tl.35 ; II. Qirford. S1.45 ; Indian lilood peaches. JI.20 ; Calwny , green , Mtfi'Jflo ; Crawfords. tl.OJ ; fleoiue's late , 75flSOc ; Kel ey pliirna. Il.30tf2.31 ; German , ll.SCtil.30 ; Silver , $1.10 BI.15 ; Tokay Ktupes. half crales , J1.454J2.00 ; Pur ple Dunnes , tl ; Muscats , Jl.11lftl.30 ; How do 1'eru , 11.15 ; Coinei-hon , 91.45 ; iiulnces , 11.25. 1'ortcr Hro. * , company , Chicago , sold seven care : Half cm leu Tokay ( crapes , } l.1 fjl.(0 ( , im- piess. tl.15 ; Muscats , tl.15Ul.25 ; Malagas , t./jiWc ; naitlett peats. t2.25 , Vicars , tl.20n.iS ( ! : llowclls , 11.75 ; Duchess. tl.351.45 ; D'AnJou , Jl.I.O ; II. ClulrKPatlB. > 1.6i'nJ.6J ; I'lcquet late ] ieaches , SI.W Q1.1S ; cllnffs. TOflOOo ; C'nu'B late red plums , II. U , Kelsey Jnpanx. l.0.1V. ; . Doyenne IKHIH , JI.W. Al New Vork , live curs : 11. Itardys , tl.R5ig2.1 ; HowellH , tl.U61.KJ ; Duchess , Jl.W ; FallpnbuiK plums , TSRSOc , Onlwuy peaches. I1.15O1.W ; Ueorgp's late. 11.15 ; Hmock's. fl. 3 ; I.emnii cling , Levy cllnc. fl.OOei.OJ ; Hot-a frees. 11.34 ; half rrutes Tokays , 1.1092.05 ; white Toknyi , tl.MUl.U ; half crates Mutcats , t1.102.05 | ; Moroc cos , t1. < 5iQ.OJ ; ncsorled , H.Wa'lM , I.Uerpool MarKctn. uvnnroou Bept. si.-rioM : : WIIKAT-DUII ; demand poor : No. 2 led , winter , 4a 3 < l ; No. 3 red , pprlnir. 4s M. COItN llasy ; demand mwlerate ; new mUei ] , xpul. 4s Urd. l-'uturps , easy ; demand fiec ; Sep tember. ! 6iil ( ; October , 4a Jlld ; Novt-mbcr , . FI.OUII Dull ; demand moderate ; Ht. funcy "winter , Gs Dd , ritOX'lHlONS Und. dull ; demand poor ; spot , 41s 8J , futuiea. no demand , 1'oik , rt ud > ; de mand txior ; s [ ) ol. 43a lid ; fulurrs , no demunil ; prime mesi iveetern. "Is M ; prime mexs , medium , Via M. lleef , firm ; demand luor ; eitia India mrss , 77s M ; prime meis , C2 M. The receipts ot wheat for the patt weik were : From Atlantic ports , IS.WO ( juaitrrs ; from 1'a- cltlc ports , none ; from other porlt , t > , M ) nuartere. The rtcelnu ot American corn for the past eik were 1,700 iiuarters. _ > < nv York Urj < looiU .Market. NinV YOUK. Sept. U. Very rood to large Hulrs were realized lluouxh the furwaidhiKs l > y ( i tents , but the new demand was on Iho mod- rrxle scale uiual to the lust week nt the month. With Jobber * the iMivlneu was of very fdlr pro portions , and with tlie crOen irlurnrd u\et \ Citno up to enptctatloni. I'llntlng clolhi cjulil and linn at 2 SuK r Market. NEW YOniC. Sept. 24. BtTOAn-IUnr. dull uul asmliial. Henntd , qultt ; h'o , i , JJiCi Mioj :5T : FOREST AND MOST ECONOMICAL Hffli EflP/l ) ] / cHicwa \m \ on Eariii KEEPS EIRE 1 4B HOORS , SOFT OR HARD COAL Saves in Fuel Bills , Patent Screw Draft Reg ister. Patent Anti-CliiTicr Crate Controls tte Fire Per fectly. Clean , Durablcsnd Hand some. SOUS flG HTS. < 1 < MX > Will til Of KJU > " . . . - Jt.OO menthol 31.twpi.-t- Week or per ol Kouild. ' , K or fO.W ) per inaiuli wtcls or JS.UO per montli er wci-k or JIO.CO per munlli \\i-e\i \ or { 12.00 per month week or $15.0per ) month TAKE A CH01C1- : . ITS I IK A US VOLMN. . TAILS AVI ! Formsrly Pesple's Kamm llt Inslallminl Houss , Send 10 cents for postage on Kit ; 'OK' it ilo iu. Write for Htiby < : urriasu K tiili > Ru -\IiiUa | Free. Goods sold on payments in ( .ouncil KlulFs & Sontli Oinuhu Close Hvcnings at ( Mti , except .Mondays and Saturdays. ' . . H , J-16e N. . . 10 No. . S 13.lS1j3T.e : No. SJttn 3 0IKft.1VNo. . U. 'l ' i : ll-l'e. ' No. 12 , ' ' " ' 3 c No. 13. 3' . < : i -l c , m'.uld A. 4 1 K1 ] l-ao ; ; . * Aflt \ Bti.ndiid A 4 fl ! t-1ic. ) conf'.cl iiiieis1 4M6i ; cut leaf. S l ici 'icnwIieU. ; . S 1 | W l'i-l . - eianult . l. l t rijc ; powdeicd.l ftl - ; 4 lIlJNtoN.UiaiS4'll.- . -.ne. dull . .ml . bcaiy"ceutilfuBil. : Jmu , inn M ; Mur.PoM.do fair rctlnlns , 11 Sd. _ _ \ieipoi.l .Murliet * I.lVKUl'OOT. , Wept. it.1'HO VISION * llnm- . ; demand poor : chuil cut. K's. ' liacnn , ' "uRV , cnsy rlemund ; ( unilierl.iiid cut. 42 ; bi.n ilbit. ' pnur 4)1 1 t'd : IOIIK clear. I' His , . 4ls M. Ion * and shoit v : ir. & - . ltn. . U : HhoiiWeis , < ni.y ; V" ' " > , , . . . . - nne .t white CllHUSI. ; Kn m ; demand m.id-iale ; > anil colored , fdrt lid. TA1.I.OW Nomkial ; demunil p'.iir ; pilmo city. SIKI > oii.-n.m . : si w. TL'HPIINTlNn Steady ; dcnmnd full ; spinn. ° 1i11OSIN Dull ; deni'iud mod'ialc ; e million , ' " ' - T iudnn ( rncllli : coi-il. -udy ; Jc- maid moderate ; C-'nJ 1".1. MulwuiTcTty .MnrUi'l. KAXHC1TV. . Ki-pt. -\VHiAT-Ddl ; ; No. 2 , 4iwc : ; Nt > . - ieil. C.iHUc ; rej.-cled. 4- . COItN k'ulr dtiu.indl 46 r4i,5C ; No. 2 whit- , MOATsflnp ) fnlr 'Irmimd ; No. 2 ml a , 5M'iS ' ltl'TTC ! ; " * | iiiery , UliZJc ; dairy , 17 J/lSc. JlOOS-Sleady ; 17iilc. ItUC'BIITSWheat. . K.'M bu. ; corn , nme ; oalv.OH bu. HHH'MENTS-Wlienl , 5'W l > u. | com , m > ne ; oats , none. _ _ „ _ _ _ - _ IVurlii Miirt t . I'EOntA , Sept. 24.-COKN-.Sti-ndyi No. ' , Wo ; - , easier ; No. 2 white. ' , plo ; No. a nlilte , Kif ie. HYi : Nominal. WHISKY Klrm ; hl h win * Inuls , H.3J. HEC'HUTS-Wlieat , I33S' ' hu. ; corn. l.SiO bu. ; oatin. 18.TOO bu. ; rye , nnm- ; bailey , S5.100 1m. Blill'MUSTS-Wln-nt. 600 bu. ; coin. 3.9M bu. , oats , 50,800 bu. ; rye , none ; liarlry , I0. bu. Itlcli Trcainrc In ll. I. " riiiti. DUIrlcl Nr : > KU , Si-pt. 24. J. H. Ponder , who lias just finished an examlnullon of the l.a IMnta gold district near DtiraiiBO for an eastern syndicate , says the Ilaker contract which Is about to be woikcd on a largo acalo Is a Ijody of gold bearing ore 100 feet thick and 2,000 feet long , with every Indica tion ot extending downward lo a great depth , Mr , Pander says at a low estimate there are In sight 7,000,000 or S.tKitf.OOO tons of ore that will average at. leant 15 a Ion. It IB a free milling ore. and thu estimated coat ot mining Is $1.40 a ton. This contract was discovered last fall by 8. II. Maker , a lawyer , and is controlled by a company , of which D. H. MotfKtt l president. Mr. Baker regards the La Plata region as the greatest mining district of the slate. The territory Is ten miles wide and fifty miles lone. Much of the ore , however , Is re fractory. Mr. 1'ender leaves at once for New York to submit liU report tin Ihe dis trict. _ I'lke'i IVitU Miciml Mutlou Abandoned. COLORADO 8IMUNQ8. Sept. 21-The plena ! station on the summit of I'lke's peak. Is to be abandoned by the weather bureau at ( be end of Ihla rnontlu Vi E Primary , Bjcondary and T r- tiary ( nses of Blood Poi'on If you ilon't believe we run cur your oiio IK'UiiuiK'iilly rune to our office and tier whnt ne run do for you In ten days' time. It will rot-1 ynii nolliliiK. Connullatlon tree. Coni-xi'oml- anu-f Millclii'il. IllN'SMOHE IIK.MIIDV CO. 200 Douiiluu lll.Omnlia. ! 1205 Masonic Temple. ChlciiRo. Stand at the Head. For Bucbcr Watch Unsos have t > ccn cndorccd by every prominent Or * . IcrlnthoUnltcdStatci. The Duobor I ratio- mark In Uila country , I anil the Hail mark la RUBY JEWELED j ICngland are a gtiarnti- 3 ADJUSTtO J tec of pure inctul. 17- iJV WATCHES jewel Uumpdsn movo- rocntsin Ducber cntei stand nt the head If your dealer docs nolkcepnur watchen mull us your addreta uud we wilt tend y on Ihe MII nin nf n dealer who does. TUB II UKIIKI WATCH VVouKu , C ntiin , O. Made a well TIIICRUI HINDOO REMtDV rROUCCUTUI IDOfR IIATM. euro Nrrroui UUenlil. > * lllnr Metnonr r r UBlorpUi > nrn , Nliciitlr Knili wren ffu rikn .aoriir fr rtuMr. buyou ( inllalioit , but Iniut on t fnr INIIAI'O , It jourdrualilhi iiotyot ll , lll end It prep la. SOLD by Kuhn & Co . Cor. ijth and Doii ln : jti. , and J. A , Fuller & Co. , Cor. iilti and Douglacs bis. . OMAHA , NUB. WM , I.OUDON. Commission Merchant Grain and Provisions. Private wires to Chicago and New York. All business orders placed on Uhlcutfl Hoard or Trade. Correspondenca solicited. Office , room 4 , New York Lit * DulldlnX. Telethon * UOf.