Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Opaning of tUo Fall Term Brings "Up
Nuir.croua i.inor Oases.
Simula Shugnrt it l.i I'lva Thouftatid Dollar *
Dnmacnx AgiilrKt the Lincoln iltrrot
llnllmiy I ( uii)4tiy | lor Snv re 111 *
JiulrH iiiluliirtl l-n t June.
. R pl. 21.-Speclal.-Dlstrict ( )
court opened today for the ( all term , anil the
thrt-o Jiidgfv tire called upon to ( ace .1 huge
jiiln of case ? l-'our Information * In minor
criminal catft were flleit by the county at
torney nml a number ot Insignificant cants
M-cra illBmlmpO.
Mumta ShUKart asks the court ( or $5,000
tl.nii.iRPS ar a In ft the Lincoln Street Hallway
CHitipnny ( or Injuiles sustained last June.
In alighting from a car her skirts caught
on a projecting , holt and iho was thrown to
ti | pavement.
Sheriff Miller ami a couple oC deputies
c.ipturcil six liua thieves yesterday , who have
Ijfcn making lit * , miserable ( or farmers
nruunit Waverly , liar.tig . stolen several hun
dred lu-ad of svvlnc. When tlio olllcera ur-
ilvcil at thr. scents o ( the last robbery a
number of Irate farmers IhoiiRlit they had
tlio thieves rotalcil in a cornflrld. They
Udii'l. but the mm were subsequently ar
rested on nn adjoining ( arm. The men give
their names .IB Henry Grossman , .lolm Clross-
niiin , Kreil < ( ti > * ginan , Deb Barrett , Georgs
3lm nml I'mnk .Mllehln.
Hlalioralo prcpatatlons are bolus made for
I In ; MuKlnley ilcmnstratlon , which Is booked
In uccur liero on October 4. Chairman Maule
of the county o committee. Is engaged
In sending circulars throughout the state
iixKliiK aid from nil republicans , both In en-
tMiM.ism and In n flnnnclal way , ntid Is re
ceiving many encouraging responses.
The twrnty-tlxth annual convention ot the
Woman's Christian Temperance union of the
state of Nebraska look place this evening at
St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church. Rep
resentatives from all Important toun.In the
htalo are piescnt. Th. union will be In ses
sion until Friday.
l-'ied Day , n r.illrrad. man , reported to the
police last night he had been held up ,
Jind from Ills appearance It nag evident that
MUD I hi lit' had befallen him. Ills head \vas
lndly cut anil blood was ( lowing In Htrcunia
finm MR ( ace uhcn he showed up at the po-
lif station. Hu said live men did the uorlc.
The police IhU morning captured a burglar
II lined Itcbcrt Williams , In tlir- act of IMII-
j-.ickliiK Cum roti'a restaurant. The place
) i.ul been entpivd several times beforn and
the coppers \\vra lying In wait for the early
illuming visitor. i > r Dudley it. Ntoiio.
OSCMOLA , Neb. . Sept. 21. ( Special. ) The
fiif.crnl o ( Sir Knight Dudley II. Stone was
Jicld from the Methodist Hpiscopal church
J'tie Saturday and was the largest .Masonic
iuicrul ever hold In the county , there being
M.ifoin In line ( rom lodge at York , Slu-lby ,
( irrblmm. StromsbnrK , Clarks , Gr. cn lilvcr ,
"Wy ' .i and I'ocatclla , Idaho , It was in charge
tif Osi-oolj lodge N'o. OS , Ancient Free nml
.At tippled MnsoiiB. Itev , IJrother John Alt-
licry of Shelby. Neb. , pt cached the rinuii
jiml wan assisted by Sir Knight T. H , Suml-
< lris. IlrotluT Stnue was n conductor on the
Oregon Short Line passenger train , running
lit'tween I'ocatella and Mnntlngton , Die. , nml
M.I 3 on the top of his cars driving oft tramps
when he was struck by a bridge and Injured
mi that he died a few hours afterwards. He
\ a brother of Dr.f. . \V. Stone and an old
resident of thin county , having moved here
In 1870. An excellent sermon was preached
and then the Masonic services at the grave
vero well rendered lay W. J. Conklynor -
sl Ipful master uf the lodge.
The deceased was II years old and leaves
a \\lfe and five children.
Knnx t'oiinlv i rlinlnxl CnxrK ,
NIOBHAltA. Neb 21. ( Special )
The fall term of the district court convened
Tuesday , Judge Rolilnson presiding. Three
< liys : were taken In the trial of. L , t ! . Clark
fur criminal assault , which was hideous In all
Us phases , the victim being hli stepdaughter
ot It years. The Jury was out nil night and
rendered a verdict against Clark early Sat-
iinhiy morning.
TI.D William Campbell case came next , tin
: inrsl of whom required a posse of about
lirtooti deputies Uo was arrested on the
barge of deposing ot cattle not belonging
1o him to a nioomfleld butcher. He was
about to be tried Avhen his lawyers detected
ll.iu-s in the Information ami returns and the
judge discharged him. A new Information
vns Issued on the ground of procuring a
check under false pretenses , the other In-
tc > matlon having lieeu ( or the cash.
Saturday was devoted to another assault
\ise , two young men , om < a half-blood In-
tllun and the other a white , being charged
liy it young Indian voman with the crime ,
The Jury has been out since Saturday overl
lli > y < J CMUr.l-m Aililri-sitMl liy
HUrrB , Neb. , Sept. 24. ( Speclal.-Hon )
Watt Dougherty spoke to an Immense audi
ence at the town hall Saturday afternoon
The large room was packed to sutfocatlor
\\ltli men ot all parties , whose frequsnt np <
lil.tuse testified that they endorsed Mr
Duugherty's posltlcii upon the political Isiile ;
of the day. lie also gave them much prac
tleal advice upon the nil absorbing qtiistloi
eif Irrigation. While Kcm IB busy "eNplaln
Jng" hla conduct on legislation affecting th.
Interests o ( the Hlg Sixth Daughcrty Is giv
ing the true rrasons and making votes l > ;
iht > wholesale.
After the rally the Orand Lodge of tin
Orient Installed SDveral new members
nniong whom was Daugherty.
ln\tn I'orRiT AttmuptM Snlrlile.
CKKSTON , la. . Sept. 21. ( Special , ) Sun
< lay mornlnc Sheriff Vlckery ot Itedtord , la
jussed through the city with C. C. Wearr
< if Gage > county. Nebraska , In custody
"Wcarry was vlBltlng his father at Lenoi
lu. , a few weeks ago , and while there pur
chased n team of horses ot n Newinnrlcc
mnn , giving- note for } 200 , signed by hi
fut her. .It waa soon learned that Wearr
and forged his father's name. He was ar
rexted by Vlckery Saturday. He attcmpte
to blow out bla brains with a revolver who
Vlckery arrested him.
of 111" lulu tiim-runr Klrlu'iinil
IOWA CITY. la. . Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
Krani. ) The will o ( the late ex-Governo
Klrkwood was , made public today. Ills ppi
no nil 1 effects , homestead and $1,000 a ye.i
goes tu hla wife during life. At her deal
this , with ? 10.000 , Mill fall to his adnptr
ttniiKhter , Mrs. Prlchird. : The remalade'r c
his ealnte. probably worth J20,000 , will I
Invested and the Interest thereon will t
| .ald to the Woman's Hellef corps of low
City for n period at ( Ivo years , after whlc
the ( nil amount will go to the. State Unlvei
felly of Iowa.
"Cherries are rife , glvo the baby come ,
"lly and by , baked Ifi a pie , " nude wit
Dr. I'rlco' * Cream Uaklng Powder.
Hold ItoullrcRKrd nt Drriitnr.
DUCATUIl. Neb. , Sept. 2 > . ( Speclal.- )
Kur a long time this town has been ovei
burdened with an abundance- bootlegger
They carry on their trade In an open an
fearless way. The boldest Is an old ma
named Howard 1'age. There la plenty t
evidence ( hat could be secured to cinch the :
fellowi , but ( or some reason the authorltU
take no action. Day after day the Indian
jiour In here , nil up , and make themselvt
very dlsagrwablq to all good citizens ,
111 * lnJurli-B Nut ratal ,
PALLS CITY. Neb. . Sept. 24. ( Special.- )
The man who fell through the large brldt
acrofa the Neinaha , near Illuton'n mil
Thursday -will get well. HI * wounds wei
thought to bo fatal at first.
IVrll Known folurrtl Stun Fntullr Hurt.
NUDHASKA CITY , Sept. 24. ( Special T *
I'sram. ) W. T , Jones , colored , wan probabi
fatally Injured tbla adernoon. He was worl
In ? on n new building , and , while holttlti
heavy Iron pillar , the tackle broke , cnul
Ing both lefra above the kne . Amputatlc
will bs nccrsary and his re ovpry Is ex-
Iremelr doubtful. Jones nas ipilte promi
nent among colored peopleof Oils city. Ke
was chief mnrahat at Saturday' ! ) emancipa
tion celebration and was active In republican
politic * . _
HOL'rtl 1 > I.ATTK AI'I'OI * f Ul.fiTS ,
End of ths CiiufoiTiico nt I'ii11 < City nml
A nlcninput uf r lnr rcir llii * Ve-ir.
FALLS CtTV , Neb , , Sept. 2t. ( Special. )
The south eastern Methodist cunCrrcnca closed
Its season o ( Ova days length this morning.
Illshop K. a. Andrews presided during the
entire session. He made the following , ap
Deatrlce District II. T. Davis presiding
older , postolllcc Lincoln , Xeh. Alexandria ,
J. Marshi Beatrice Ccntinary , C. S. Dudley ;
Deatrlce , La Salic street , II. (1. Wllcux ;
llclvlderc , S. T. Hawkins ; llluo Springs , W.
K , Mills ; iliirress , SupplUd : I'hcslcr , C. B.
Lenfest ; Crab Orchard , J. W. Lewis ; Daykln ,
a. O. Morrlioni Do Witt , P , M. Ksterbrook ;
DubolsJ. . O. Walker ; Kalrbury , John Oat-
lagher ; Kalrbury circuit , Jt. 0. Smith ; Klllcy ,
U. T. ChrlppcrlleM : Hebron.I. II. M.tlncknor ;
Homcsvllle. If. W. Cope ; Liberty , II. K.
Smith ; Odcll. J. U. Day : Ohiown , O. M.
Jones ; I'awnee C'lty. J. II. I'IMSIOII ; Reynolds ,
N , II. DAVID : Hltel City , supplied , Strang ,
L. I * . Willurd ; Swanlon , J. K. Illppletoe ;
Tcbla . . It. Wehn ; Vesta , kuppllctl : West
ern , \V. J. Scott ; Wllber. suppll d ; Wymora ,
J. S.V. . De-Jii.
Hastings tl ttict W I ) . .Mcx-iiuler. pr J-
pldliiR elder , poatrilllco HaslIngs , NVb. : llluo
Hill , ( leorge Illamcnell : DOS tu It-It. A. W.
Shomel ; Itiomneld , ! ' . W. Ilcan , Cark'ton , 13.
P. S. Durby : Clay CVnlcr , fl. 13. Neal ;
Cowles. P. r. .Mctt-alf ; Davenport. Hiram
Curtis : Donlplian. U J. nlrd , Kduar , T. II.
Worley ; Hvcter , W. T. Cllne ; l-.ilrfleld , Q.
A. lloljson : ( 'alrmont. A , A. Randall ; Geneva ,
Duke Slavens ; Urafton , F. K. Smith ; Guide
Uock , H . Seymore ; Harvard , Leander
Morrison , llastlngo , f ! . IV tslmm : tnavale ,
Dallas IUciaid ! oii : Munl.ita , n. L. Iturbank ;
Kenesaw , K A. ( . 'olony ; Laurence , ICnocli
Holland ; NeUon , A. M. 1'ctry , * 0ak. J. P.
McVey ; lied Cloud , .1. K. Maxllelil ; Hoseland ,
Otorge Shiitnan ; Siipetlur , Illelmrd 1'cttrson ;
Sutton , j. W. Itoyiic.
Lincoln Di.itrlRt Asa Sleetli , presiding
elder , poilolllcc , University I'lm-e , Nob. ;
* Alva . N. Orrlll ; AshlHiid. J. W. Seabrook ;
Bennett , J. fl. N Cobb : Celir ( Hlnff , C. Wt
Shaw ; Poresro , supply ; C'ottland , supply :
Crete , J K. [ Cemper ; Davey , , f.V. . Kmbese ;
Dorchester. P , S. Stein ; 'Kngln , S. A. Deck ;
KlmwoDil. 1A. . Campbell , and rmp to be sup
plied ; Kmerald. supply , l-'rlcnd. O. M.
Morey ; ( Ue mvood , L. G l arlcr ; Havelock ,
W. H. 1'tescotl ; Itbnca , C. 11. Ollmore ; Lin
coln : Ashhury , II. 1' . YOIIHK ; llethel , G.
U. Crlppen ) Kiiimaniiel , L. C. Lemon : Ep-
worth , supply ; Grace. C' . JI. Slicphenl ; St.
Paul. C. C. Labby ; Trinity. 11 W. O. Himt-
Ington ; t'nion Place. C. L. Meyers. Mead ,
David Ketz , * IMeanant Dale , I ! . D. Snyder ;
Prairie llmito. IU. . HtdlenbacK ; Itaymond.
O. I. Wright ; * ltoca. D. C. Phillips and W.
II. Stanley ; Sharon , J. A. NiuhnlJ : University
Place , G. W. Abbott : Valparaiso , J. T.
nobcrts ; Wiihco , O. W. Filer ; 'Waverly. AV.
II. Turrell ; Weslon. J. It. Gettya. Isaac
Crook , chanc-cllor ; I. L. Lowe , , t' . M. Ellin-
wood , F. A. Stuff , profesbors In Nebraska
Weslcyan university , mcmbera of t'nlverslty
Place conference.
Nebraska City District L. P Ilrllt , pre
siding elder , postollico , Platlsiinoiilh , Neb. ;
Adams , .1. G. Htannard ; Anbtirn , O. M.
Couffer ; * ftrock and Talmoge. M. DsMotte ;
Ilrownviile. William Cornley. Cook , D. E.
Newton ; Haitian , James Williams ; Klk
Creek , (1. K. Pi Ire ; Fulls Oily. .1. A. Uarker ;
Ilumholdt. J. W. Su-an ; Jiilin oii , A. W.
Partch ; LeiilsvllK L. Jean , Nebraska City.
H. C. Harmnn ; Nehawkii , J. C. II. Hobbs ;
Palmyra , C. E. Hone ; Peru , G. M. Gates ;
Plattsmoutli. Peter Van I-Teel : llulu , E. L ,
Darch ; SInihert , JG. W , Wlndle ; 'South
Dend , E. Wilkinson ; Stella , J. M. Darby ;
Sterling , IJ. R , Wycoff ; Syracuse. J. AV. Mil
ler ; Table Hock , P. C. Johnson ; Tecumseh ,
It. O. Adams ; Union. A. L. Folden ; Wejplng-
Water , J. It. Wnodrock ; G. W. Hawley , agent
American Sabbath union , member of llmti-
boldt quarterly conference.
York District A. C. Crosthvvalte. presid
ing elder , postnlllce , York. Neb. ; Arborvllle ,
D. M. Buckner ; Aurora , \V J. Calf r ; Heaver
Crossing. Georgu L. Ilosford ; Uellwood , L. F.
Smlh ; nncdlct. C. L. Smith ; Brad
Shaw , C. L. Mainllton ; Ilraliunl , Sup
ply ; Charleston. Supply ; David City , O.
II. Moulton ; * Ciurrlson , F. AMipolc ; German-
towne. R. S. Hurr- ; Linwood , "VV. It. Crisp ;
Marqtiette. Supply ; Mllford , A. J. Marsh ;
Osceoln. A. It. Whltmer ; Phillips , K. L.
Wolff ; * Patte ! Valley , postoince. Silver Creek.
A. E. ChailwJck , Ulsltip City , C. II. Dalrym-
pl ? ; Scward , I A Hull ; PJielby. Moses An
derson ; * Stockluin , F. C. Neptune : Stroms-
burg , T. S. Fowler ; Surprise , J. A. Cbapln ;
Ulyssea. A. P Hull ; Utlca , C. E. Gulwltts ;
Waco , D , P. Kline ; York , J.V. . Stewart.
E. L. Wells , missionary In Oulf mission.
L. II , Koopael. J. K. Houlgale. J. Tt. Tortt
and Frank Mills arn left without appoint
ment to attend school.
llorMen fur n SOUK *
TECUMSEH. Neb. . Sept. 24. ( Special. )
Never In the hlitoiy of Johnson county has the
horse market been mich a dead letter as It Is
now and has been for the past year. There
is practically no sale for horses of any kind
In this locality and seemingly no demand
for the stock from the east , as there has
been In Cornier years. A team uf young driv
ing animals that would have cost from $201)
to $250 two years ago can now be purchaged
for less than half that amount. At n forced
sale In thla city a few dayu ngo -1-year-old
work home , which wus of good bone and
muscle and free from marks , wm knocked
off to a $1 bidder. Last week at a public
sale near this city good animals , both driv
ing and work horsee , were sold at from $6
to 10. The city marshal IIHB In the past
ten dayx picked up a dozen hort > ea on the
streets that had been brought to town by
formers and turned loose with the expectancy
that some one would take the an I ma Is up
'and ' keep them. If he had taken them to
the pound they wouldIn all probability , have
remained there the rest of their natural lives
at the expense of the city. Accordingly betook
took them to the b nc yard and killed them.
Nor were these horses old , worn out plugs.
On the contrary , with a little good feeding ,
years of service could have been gotten out
of them. A nun could go out among the
-farmers In this vicinity today and get the
services of hundreds of prime horses for the.
keeping of thorn through t\\r \ \ winter , StallUm
service fees have dropped more than half In
a slnglo year. For Instance , last year the
thoroughbred Pcrcheron draft stallion fee was
? 2D ; this jear ( rom | 8 ( o 110 , with leas de
mand ,
Of course thu crop failure nnd dry pas
tures this year are partially responsible-
this state of nITairs.
IS.-onc i omity'M I'ulr u XUITPM.
ALBION , Neb.Sept. 24. ( Special. ) The
Iloona county ( air last week was one o ( the
best attended In the history of the county.
The display of farm products was good. The
educational display was perhaps , the best In
the history of the county. The racing was
excellent and the ball games line. On the
whole the fair was a grand success.
Ono might as uell be without money as
without Price , that Is , Dr. Price's Cream
linking Powder.
Coin mini * Nntc anil I'ernon-iU ,
COLUMUl'S , Xeb. , Sept. 26. ( Special , )
Mrs. Aniut Warren has been ulven a position
as ginger at the Cathedral In Lincoln and will
remain there to study ,
The Philharmonic society has recently been
organized with nearly a hundred members.
They have- rented a hall and will endeavor
to render the best music. Prof. Loeb of Chicago
cage will be the chorus director.
MUs Alice Turner went to Holton , Kan. ,
Saturday to spend two months.
An old settlers' association will be organ
ized Thursday. All old settlers and families
ot the county will meet at Grandma Kelly's ,
near Oconle. Mrs. Kelly Is nearly 90 years
old and can tell some of the must thrilling
Incidents of Nebraska's history.
The Law and Order league offers a reward
ot | 25 tor the conviction of any person or
persons giving away or selling liquor on
There U considerable Interest manifested
In the Irrigation and power canal project , and
discussion for and against voting o ( bond :
In Columbus township Is just now pretty
George Truman returned Saturday from
attendance at the Friends' yearly meeting-
Clear Creek , III. , when ) he represented the
society there.
JUNIATA. Neb. , Sept. 24. ( Special , ) Con
stdorablo fall vrheit Is being sown here till :
( all , and what la already sown has come ui
exceedingly well and U making : a raplt
I , . ! ' .
Summers Simmered
( j
i ,
Winter s with us
The best English melton with lap Fall weight overcoat , a handsome
seams , raw edge. Auburn make affair with all new things in the way
an absolutely new style double of. trimmings well and elegantly
breasted $ i i-single breasted $10.50 made.
for child 4 to 14 years ; during the
week it will be sold at the phenomenal
price of $1.25.
Men's Suits from $5 up. Boys' Long Pants Suits $2.50.
J * C/ wJ"
Men's Overcoats at all prices.
ia Clothing Co ,
I 1
13th and Farnam Streets.
growth. The ground Is In splendid condi
tion , with plenty of inolsturo to Insure a
good growth. Much rye has been sown ( or
latu and early feed , and altogether the out
look Is greatly Improved and more encour
aging than ( or several weeks past. The
merchant trade Is about as large as usual ,
with ( air prospects for the winter. Stock
generally will have an abundance ot rough
feexl and will no doubt go through the win
ter In fair condition , while the supply of win
ter fuel will be the greatest obstacle ( or the
people to overcome.
( .noil Scorn * Mnilo lir the Trooper * with
Tliclr Six l'Utol < Yeiterday.
UELLEVUE , Neb , , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Annual revolver match. Depart
ments of the East , the Hatte and California ,
first day dismounted ( IrlnR. Score :
i'lil H - O
Name , Rank ami Ilcglment.
Meutenant Fuller , Jill.
HcrtitMnt Proctor , 9tli I
HcrRennl Klncahl. Lli I
Tiuiuioter Guy. Int. . . l'i
1'rlialo Kuntkc. tli. I2K'J S
ScrfriMint IS.S1 S'l ' | 11
Vronmnn. 9th. nuts < ts
. 'rlxalo Cninptnn , 6th { 14JUJK ; i ; n
Jorjioral Fo rstM.till | 4'I2 | | < ;
< * mi. Hovrurd'H DinpnsUUm of Troop' .
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. General How
ard , commanding the Department of the
East , has notified the War department that
he has arranged to dispose of the Thirteenth
Infantry , now In thu west , by placing the
companies at the following posts In his com
mand : Company D , now at Fort Supply ,
Okl. , company D. now at Fort Reno , Okl ,
and company F , now at Fort Leavenworth ,
Kan. , go to Fort Columbus , New York har
bor ; company A , now at Fort Reno , anil
company G , now at Fort Sill , Okl. . go to
Fort Porter. Buffalo , and company n , now
at Fort Sidney , goes to Fort Niagara.
There has been further change of the
orders of two of the cavalry troops at Fort
Myer. Troop A. First Cavalry. Captain UOIHIIH.
goes to Fort Stauton , New Mexico. Instead efFort
Fort Apache , Ariz. , and Captain Ilcll's com
mand Troop F , Seventh cavalry , goes to
Fort Sam Houston , Texas , Instead of Fort
Stanton , New Mexico. AVIth thes ? changes
the plan of reassignment stands complete.
> Colonel Qnjr V , Henry Tranofcrroil.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
gram ) First Lieutenant \VIIHam C. Brown
Is lranserred from troop C to Iroop F , ami
First Lieutenant Frederick C. Foltz ( rom
troop F to troop C In lie | First cavalry.
Major John C. Mallery. Corps of Engi
neers , Is granted thiec months' extended
Captain George S. Hoyle , First cavalry ,
four months ; Captain LouU H. Rucker.
Ninth cavalry , six months ; First Lieutenant
Edward II. Plummer. Tenth Infantry , six
months ; First Lieutenant Herbert J. Slo-
cam , Seventh cavalry , fifteen days emended ;
Second Lieutenant James M. Williams , First
artillery , one month.
Lieutenant Colonel Guy V. Henry Is trans
ferred from Iho Seventh to the Fifth cav
alry , and Lieutenant Colonel Louis H. Car
penter , from the Fifth to the Seventh cav
alry , L'eiitenant Colonel Henry will take
station at Fort Sam Houston , Tex.
Oxford beat Yale at Athletics , but no com
petitor , ( orelgn or domestic , can beat Dr.
Prlco's Cream Baking Powder.
1'iiur Dentils lit Fremont.
FREMONT , Sept. 24. ( Special Telegram. )
Mrs. Mark M. Coad , wife o ( the noted
stochman , died last evening at their Maple
Grove ( arm , near this city , of pneumonia ,
after an illness ot only two days. Mr. Coad
was absent from home at his ranch fifty
miles from Cheyenne. Funeral arrangement *
will be postponed pending Mr. Goad's ar
William Qoree died last night very sud
denly from heart trouble. He complained of
not feeling well and went to bed. In twenty
minutes bo vras dead. Ills funeral will
take place tomorrow afternoon. In charge of
the Grand Army of the Republic , of which
organization he was a. member.
Guy Cook , a boy of 17 , and the young son
of A. J , Bmngardner died last night ,
Oholoni ut .Irchunge. ! .
WASHINGTON , Sept. 24. TUB marine hog.
pltal bureau la in receipt of a cable dispatch
from Dr. Erwln In London , dated September
21 , announcing th ; existence of cholera at
Archangel , In Russia.
Mnyor n d Council Tail t : Agres oa. Mr.
t' " ' WcrjdVBiitcessor. "
I'4 _ J
Objection * to L'tlnlon Morgan : iml 1'atrlck
Jtowley 'Action VollmreU by a. Con
ference Mnj or Will Ti-y it
' Again In u Week.
.At the meeting of the city council last
evening Mayor Johnston was confronted by
unexpected opposition In his efforts to fill
the \acancy In the council caused by the
resignation of Air. Wood , and the place Is
stilt open.
As soon as Mr. Wood's resignation had
been accepted the mayor submitted the ap
pointment of Clinton Morgan , but the ap-
polntmsnt was voted down by Conley , Kout-
sky. Walters , Ilyan and Mels. Then the
ina > or read a communication evidently written
long before In expectancy ot' the occasion
appointing- Patrick Tlowley. This provoked
so i in ; amusing comments and an adverse
vote by Mels , Walters Hyan and koutsky.
On Councilman Mcls' motion the council
went Into executive session to consider the
Muyor Johnston spoke o ( his surprise at the
antagonism displayed toward the appoint
ments , and said he would have to consider
the matter a week or so beore sending In
another name. Mr. Walters , who seemed to
lead in the opposition , said one. of the chief
reasons of hla opposition to Clinton Morgan
wus the letter's discourtesy to him and
other councllmen In not seeking their friend
ship. He was friendly to Morgan , but
thought It no more than courtesy that ho
should consult douncllmen as well as" others
( or favors.
Kd Conley and Jack Ryan said they had
nothing against either of the men named ,
but that they had promised Rudolph Hartz
their support , Conley , Walters and Ryan
called attention to the meekness with which
the council had received and accepted the
mayor's ( ormer appointments , and suggested
that It was an opportutiB time ( or the mayor
) o show his appreciation of the fact by select
ing man to their own liking.
The- mayor replied that the matter should
be carefully considered. The First ward was
the largest In the city ard Us wishes for an
able and conscientious representative should
be respected. He had great regard for Mr ,
Hurtc , but his name bad not been mentioned
to him until late In the evening , whereas
many heavy properly" owners had called on
him in befialf of Jljr , , iMorgan. He would
taku time to consider Uie nutter.
Mr. Walters wlslwd it understood that ho
jllil not pose as a Uoktr or a disturber. He
wished for harmony tiand was anxious to
preserve democratic .peace , but in view of
the favors enjoyed' ' byi the mayor at the
hands of the council , hS thought the former
should give some tpiltlon to the la tier's
wishes In the prespht , paso. The talk was
BO conciliatory aww peaceful that Council
man llulla HUenoil the executive
session to a ttfefHodlst love ( east
and thought mutfi ' democratic good
fellowship would [ JMllow. In conclusion
he seconded the rqma'ivks of Walters , Ryan
and Conley. The mayor ; said he entertained
no 111 feeling on aeedunt of the opposition
displayed , but eentH "denied that he had
been guided by peHprJa'l preference In the
making of former qpRolntments. the ma
jority of them being madeat the solicitation
of their friends. Ho promised to consider
the matter carefully and make a more favor
able appointment , If-Jpcmlble , at the next
meeting , *
Mayor Johnston , on Mr. Conley'a motion ,
asked the councllmen to name members ol
the board of registration , and the following
were named r
First Ward First precinct , T. Flynn , D ,
P. Bayless and J. V. Chezlck : Second pre
cinct , decree Ha worth , William Hughes anO
AV. B. Creby ; Third precinct , J. W. Slpe ,
Peter Honey nnd Charles Off.
Second WardHrst precinct. John. Frlede
H. Michel and M. Tighe ; Second precinct
H. n. Palllc. John Dvorak and O , A. Har
rington ; Third precinct , II. Reach , II. II
Stratton and 'William Kreble.
Third Ward Klnt precinct. Pat Highland ,
J. Horn and Ed Kane ; Second precinct , U.
McUormott , John Olson and Pat Illcky.
Fourth Ward J , R. Kelly , A. Smyth and
Prank Doraey ,
A , petition signed by a number of property
ouncrs asked for the use of vltrlflixl brick
In the paving of N street , this material , so
the petition claimed , being guaranteed for
ten years.
Assessor Shigley asked that the assessment
on lots & and It in block 87 , belonging to
' . J. Brock , be reduced , and the request was
A deed for the south one-half of Thlrty-
second street was received by the council
( rom H. Council.
The city attorney recommended that the
claim of the American Water Works com-
iany bo paid In case the Una nee committee
found the amount claimed correct.
city < ; < mU > .
Albert Deparols was arrested last evening
on the charge of bastardy. The complaint
was flled by Minnie Schwanbcrg.
branch of the Brewers and Saloon
Keepers Mutual Aid and Benevolent asso
ciation will bo Instituted in this city tonight.
Theru will bo about thlrly-flvo charter mem
bers.Mrs. . C. J Jaycox received word last night '
of the death of her brother , Eugene Montj j
; emery , at Norfolk. The body was taken to
Lincoln for burial and Mrs. Jaycox left for
that place at once.
Frank Derr , for making a murderous as
sault upon Frank Smith lu Albright was [
bound over to the district court In the sum
of $2,000. Derr furnished the necessary bond
und was released from custody. j
South Omaha lodge No , titi , Ancient Order j
of United Workmen , will meet tonight to
take action on Amendments to by-laws. A
vote will bo taken nn the sick benefit clause
and other Important business will , come up.
A full attendance of members Is desired.
The tinware and umbrella trusts are
broken. The only baking powder trust is
the complete trust of the people In Dr.
Prica's Cream Baking Powder.
7.V VKSTUi.lTlf , ( I 1 TXKT.F.
Urn ml , lury Wliono Mpml > rii Are Charged
\vllli Corruption liidlltulos Iiuiuiry.
PITTSnUHG , Sept. 2I , Tbo fraud jury baa
begun the Investigation ot the charges ot
corruption made against its members In open
court. John Murphy , chief of public safety
of Allegheny county , was charged with re
ceiving bribes from keepers of gumMIng and
disorderly houses. When the mutter went
boCoro the grand Jury It was Ignored by a.
vote of 11 to 11 , Attorney A' . H. Itowand
then went before- Judge Magee and alleged
that members of the grand jury whose names
lie did not give had been corrupted by the
ilcfcnss with gifts of office und cash. When
called upon for affidavits ho professed to have
he refused to surrender them. This morning
Foreman George Burblck. In aii address to
the grand Jury , stated that Mr. Rowand
would have to appear and make good his
charges or admit their falsity. In the mean
time District Attorney nurlelgh presented a
petition "to the district court , ashing- that
Ho wand bo compelled to produce all evidence
In his possession bearing upon thu matter.
KLKS iMiKiiot * > i.v/iiu.
Cirand KxnltiMl Killer l-'rliluy Calls In tlio
l''lmrlvr on hnvrrnt l. < iilh-r .
HEADING , Pa. , Sept. 21. As a result of a
meeting here today , held1 by the grand offi
cers of the Elks , Grand Exalted Ruler Wil
liam II. Friday of Brooklyn , N. V , , this
evening Issued a proclamation to all lodges
In the United States , saying that by the de
cision of the courts , the Jamestown grand
lodge has been recognized as the only legal
body , and that In 1892 all lodges were di
rected to stop holding secular sessions , plc-
ntcd , etc. , on the Sabbath day after January
1 , 1693. Certain lodges having refused to
obey this order. Mr. FrflJuy tonight sus
pended tbo charters of several eastern lodges
and Denver , Colo. , No. 17. Seven or more
law abiding members of the suspended lodges
may bo reorganized , however , upon proper
A special Wednesday mating will be
given nt Boyd's theater tomorrow after
noon by Charles II , Vales' "Devil's Auc
tion" company , for the ladles and children.
No attraction that visits the Boyd la better
adapted to please the little ones than tbe
"Devil's Auction , " with It * clowua , donkeys ,
dancing , transformations and ' legendary
Mlirnt Shipment * Ilelay U by n Fire.
PORTLAND. Ore. , Sept , 21. The burning
of the Pacific coast elevator will seriously
Interfere with wheat shipment ! ( rom this
point. The company's property la well
Insured , though at present It In Impossible to
ascertain the exact amount. Another
elevator will be constructed Immediately , but
at this season ot the year the loss of the
elevator will greatly retard shipment.
FJ.EU run ma I.
1'olltlelan Who Hud lleen Hungix ! In
Ones In Work on I'urni. '
SPOKANE , Wash. , Sept. 24. Charles Qloy-
Pteln , a farmer In Spokane county , who dis
appeared July 31 last , has been found by the
sheriff of Spokane at Grants , Ore. , at work
with a thresher outfit. The dlappearanc
of Gloysteln caused a big sensation In this
state. It was claimed that he had beeen
murdered by political enemies , and the failure
to find him gave color to the theory. Gloy
steln was a republican and active partisan.
He had Incurred the enmity of some of his
neighbors who , It Is said , were members ot
the Freeman's Protective Silver Federation ,
a populist organization. So bitter was the
feeling against Gloysteln that he was hanged
In cfllgy some weeks previous to his disap
pearance. The natural presumption when he
disappeared was that ho had been murdered ,
and a great hue and cry arose. Governor
McGraw offered a reward of | 500 for the
arrest of the murderers , nd the sheriff and
several posses were actively engaged In
searching the surrounding .country No
trace of Gloysteln could be found and there
were no clews. The sheriff received In
formation a few days ago which prompted a
trip to Grants , Ore. , and there he found
Lho missing man working as a farm laborer.
Gloysteln had deserted his wife , leaving
her In destitute circumstances. llo refuses
to return , alleging his life Is In danger.
llnil Itron Londeil Slnco War Times.
BALTIMORE , Sept. 24. At a christening
party at Patapsco Neck yesterday John Bond
took up an old army musket supposed < o be
unloaded and proceeded to explain bow It
was used during the war. The gun exploded ,
killing a child named Charles Slegelliocfor
and dangerously wounding the mother.
Asuorl.itoil Clmiltlrn of Oimiln.
The annual meeting of this association will
bo held In the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation rooms on Monday evening , October
1 , at 7:30. : John Laughland , secretary.
Our white squadrons rule tbe sens , and
every ship is supplied with Dr. Pi Ice1.- Cream
Baking Powder.
Generally Tulr nml Wanner Wvntlirr. for
Neliraikn Toiluy.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. The foiecast
for Tuesday Is :
For Nebraska , South Dakota , Iowa and
Kansas Generally fair ; tvarmcr , soutli or
southeast winds.
For Missouri Generally fair ; warmer , ex
cept stationary temperature In tbe ex t rein o
southeast portion , northeast or eusl winds.
r.ucal ICccoril ,
OMAHA , Sept. 21. Omaha record of tem
perature and rainfall , compared with tbe
corresponding day of last four years :
18DI. 1S93. 1892 , 1S91.
Maximum temperature. . . . Cl 74 01 80
Minimum temperature . . . . II M 72 Cl
Average temperature 51 G : ! 82 72
Precipitation 00 03 01 13
Condition of temperature anil prcclpltn-
tlon nt Omaha for tbe day und dime
March 1 , ISM ;
Normal temperature oi
Deficiency" the day 7
Accumulated excess since iliucli 1 Ml
Normal precipitation , 10 inch
Deficiency ( or the day in Inch
Total precipitation since March 1. 11.8X Inch
Accumulated dcllclcncy since
March 1 , 11.38 Inch
Koi > ortJfrom Oilier HUtloni i t 1 % M.
GEOBOB E. HU-NT. Uxll : ForeSHl OfflcUI.
This extraordinary -
ordinary Count I
Jiiveimtor Is Jizme ! B ,
the moK t rolling sort
wonderful Mitloiin.Ncrv-
discovery or
the o e. It of tlio oyci
and oilier
nas been
tlllo meu of uvlKorali *
xairope and anrltoncatho
Hudyan Ja lludj an cures
gurel , vneo. Debility ,
KcrvnUBne&a ,
Hudyan Rtnpi .h in I miens ,
Frematureness anddevolopfj
of the (11 R. and restores
charge In UO wenk orcnna.
days. Cures I'Uas In tlio
back , loesei
LOST by dny or
MANHOOD nightstopped
quickly. Over Z.OOO pilvate maor cinn > n.
I'lematuienciis meuna imiioleiicy lit the flrst
stage , it Is a ryniptuin of seminal wpuknrsi und
barrenness , u can be cured In 20 days by ih
UB of Huilynn.
The new discovery nns mnde by the speclolliU
of the ohl famou Hudson Stccllcal Institute. It
In the Mi-oncost vltnltzcr mode. It U very iion-er-
ful. but 1 for Jl.W a package , nr
lx pnckncm for J5.CO rnlnln Benled boKC ) .
Written Ruarnntee ( tlvrn for n cure. If j-ou liny
MX hoxca , nnd nr" not enllrelv cureil. sU rnnr *
will he cent to you fr , . , . of all charn. Bend for
clrcnlnm nntl tosllnion'itAildrepi '
Junction Stockton Murkot , and Kills
Streets , Snn FYanoisiui.G'uL
. ,
Chroni'3 '
CUSE Special
Catarrh , oil Dlsoaaos ol the Nooo.
Throat.Choat.Utomaoh , Llvor. Dlood
-Skin and Kldnoy Dlseasoa , Los
Call en or aildreHi
, UackWu , ird , loush uud oily Un
and iwmi . dry , Ihln , ami T llln
balr , ami Bliiij.lo baby Ucmlilici
are prevented and ciirrd by Curl.
cult * noir , mo4t offcctUo * kl -
purlf > lnK and beauUfjInu aoap In
the world , a * well t * pure-it mid
"IT. , wcet t of tollot unit oumcry
oii > . Bold throughout thu world.
Ilia mukt beautiful anil healthy location o
Idke Michigan. Thorough clanlcal , ncailvmla
nml cmiinuTolal coureci , Kvury Instructor
pcclalliit In hl branchn. lindorKd by the Ircla
later of Illlnoli. and annually Inipccled ti
ofllclal repr MnUtlv * of Ibe alatt. Benlon
op ni B < 'i.lember lotli , lllu tratcil cataloirui i