Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    'HE OMAHA DAILY JJFK : TL'Ksl ) Sr , SEPTEMBER , 2.1 , 18UI ,
OFWB - - NO , 12 i > nMiT < sfncnn
Dclivfred t ) currier to any pnit of Ihe rtly.
II. W , TILTON , Lessee.
Tl U'PIIONUS Uu lnt olTlcc , No. ; nlh
editor Na B.
Mnyri IUM Estate Agency , 530 Brcadvrny
The clly council will hold a incellng till
It. P , Jordan was admitted to practlc
lid/ore / the federal courts yesterday , Juilg
\Vool > cm n'lmlnlstcrlnt ' ; the ofllclal oath
Since these la ni Jiulscn hus Rtod bin
Hrnns pasturage , after refusing T100 head ilur
Int ? the drouth Intjulre at 023 SUlli avenue
'Die republicans of Kane township vvl
inset ut Hie court liousu this evening. Cur tti
purpose of putting In nomination a tovvnslil
I Idiot.
The Vatrlotlc Order DatiBlitera ol Amerk
ill ! meet In reRular session ihl evening t
jliclr hall , 101 Main street , lly order of th
Marrltil , September 'a , 1804. by K.PV. G. C
Illce at Ills residence , on Woodbiiry n\enu
Mr Arthur J 1'addcck and Mlsa HatllB I
linker , both of 1'erclval.
Uciilttr * meeting of Council lllutfs lut <
Nn. 3 , l > Jii ; liler * of lleliekah , tonlnht. Men
I.elH aie renuehtol to be there at 7 ' 30 sliar
iis business of Importance Is to be Iran
HI ted.
The vvorll ot fiiriilshlnK and flttlim "P U
Orund hotel In proKresglnp rapidly , and II
( stalillxhinent will be thrown open to tl
juibllc fui the first time next Monday. Tl
furniture and carpets are much finer tin
those tit the place when It was first opcne
MnMtiry Kraney , wife of J. C. I'razi
of HliPliiy , died yesterday afternoon nt
o dock , until 49 jrars , at the Woman
Christian association hospital , ot.vvMch that , \
hat been on Inmate for feame IHUo the
The remains were taken to Snelby for Into
infill yesterday.
The county convention of the populists
be held at Liberty hall todaj. The obje
of the pcmullHt leaders In calling the convc
tlon was tn endorse the democratic cn.i >
clolei recently nominated , but It 1s unilc
stood that n number of prccliicls In t
county will send dlcKatlous lintrurjtrcl.
ivmle and \otp apalnsl fusion In any ton
nnd n l\ely , lime In anticipated
of tlielr efforts to carry out the -ftish
thcit coiiHtllueiilB to the letter.
All members of the Council Uliiffs Ipd
No. in , Iwlfnemlent Order of Odd 1'ellov
ure ri-nuested to meet at I. O. O. ! % _ h ,
Wednesday , September 20 , at JO o do
a m. . to attend the funeral of our'ilecfas
brother. William M. Perkins. Thr servu
will bo held ut lyjveland at VJ'SO p.
Trains wjll Icuve the Ohlcago & Nortliwe
i-rn ilipnt at 11 o'clock o , m. . and retvi
' . . All Odd Kellows t
at 4 0 o'clock p. m.
respectfully Invited to mtet vltb m. 1
Unison. N. U.
t'olo & ( .Vie , the hardware men , nre G
ItiK "li exnmpl' of their customnry puah
enlerprlBB In lcvelopitiK tlielr new tc
ivurks. Less than nK weeks ago they bc
to innnufacturc their ne\valrtlsht hcati
stova for th wholesale trade. At the sti
a docii or two stoves a day was the f
extent of thrlr capacity , but now they hr
drvlcl the machinery necessary nnd i
turning out over 1,000 n month. Riving e
Iiloyment to u fore1 of twenty-five men
n few days they expect to double their pr
tnt capacity. The stove 1ms met public :
liruval far beyond original expectations , n
the outlook now Is for the establishment
n factory that will be one of the most I
portunt In thn city. Three now tamll
have already taken up their residence In
elty on account ot the employment afford
Orders for the stoves are comlnK from eV' '
stale In tlr union and from Mexico.
Money to loan on improved farms < tt i
rates. Bargains In real tsUte. I'jUscs
tent. Fire and tornado insurance wrltt
Money loaned for Iccal Investors. Lougce
To le , 235 Pear ! street.
. O. I ) , llriinn Mill Outline I'rlrci.
Wo have Just received one more car 1
of that tine granulnted sugar , to bo sold
] J pounds for $1 , or J5.25 per 100 pounds.
Also a carload of California dried fruit ,
bo weld nl the follow IIIK low prices : Di
peirehs , 12\4c \ per pound ; dried grapes ,
per pound ; dried apricots , 12 % p.r pou
di'ed pears. l VSo per pound ; dried necl
Irts. 12V4e per pound.
CltiKcr snaps Co per pound. Three tin c
for 6c.
Stoveplpo 8c per Joint. Jelly glasses
jicr dozen.
Clothes lines Be each. Cloth's pins Ic
A good broom for 15c. Scrt.b brushes fi
3' up.
rourteen-qunrt tin pall ior 15c. Two-1
vccden pall for lOc. tubs 55c , medium-sized I
< tr e. Bliiull tubs 3 ! > c.
Ucmember wo hnve the largest line
ktovea In the city. Stoves told for casli
on easy terms. Ue sure and visit our si
( lipiirtmvnt l > cforo you buy.
Have you tried our C. 0. D. flour ;
Kxery sack has a souvenir In It , and i
} 1 i > er sack. HKOWN'S C , O. 1
b.l I. J'.Ut.t < Ut.l PII.1.
Ohio Knox 1s In Logan.
G. W , CiUllson of Ilarlan Is In the city.
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grahl , a
l'H , Hill Is spcmllni , ' the week at K
m-y , Neb.
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Saunders
ti'i'day , a daughter.
Ux-Senator W. P. Cleveland of Harlan
In the city yesterday.
Miss. Haillo Knrnsworth has gone to Auli
dale , Mass. , to n It end school at Lasell HI
Mrs. J. M. Scanlon , Mrs. A. Glenn nnd :
1'hll Wnreham leave toilay for a visit
Stonona county.
C. A. Leuch , deputy plerk of the Un
States court , of Keokuk , Is In the city att
liiK federal court. ,
W. 1' , Gannonlio , was \vlth Ilcno &
for no long , and ho Is now In buslnos
Clrlswold , la , . Is In the city for a few daj
Ml s Ida Wallace , Mrs. Jamca Wymai
DesMolnes , and Miss Nettls AVallace 1
returned home la attend the \\eddlng of t
bister , Miss Jennie Wallace , which ti
place tomorrow. ,
Mnny hern remember pleasantly the
ijualntancebhlp formed with Il-v. J. T. Ch
t\eth during his short stay hern two y
ago. Ue waa In 111 health then and not
to n Ran me regular pastoral work , but
preached rpveral Sundays , and was list
to tBgerly , Those who met him and h
htm will be pleased to learn that his hi
Is now restore * ! sufficiently to enable hit
perform full duty as a pastor , und for a
past ho has been In charge ot the Congi
tlonal church at Sheboygan , WIs , 1-Yo
flu ly Illustrated eight-page paper , devote
the church , It appears that he has n Su
school of over 400 , nnd a boys' brlgad
neatly 100 , and nil departments of ch
vork seem flourishing.
J. C , UoCTiimyr'H 1'nncy 1'utont ,
Hungarian Process Flour.
Mudt. by the oldest milling flrm In the i
makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread.
jour grocer for It. Trade mark : "
Hooster. "
Fall opening at the lloston Store , Co
Illuffs , Ihursduy evening.
Selected hard wood for heating stoves.
H. A. COX. 37 Main street. Tel.
Dimestlo soap outlasts cheap soap.
l.lcun r .
The following marriage licenses v en
sued by the county clerk yesterday :
Name und Address.
Mloliuel Kearns , Douglas county. Neb.
Bc ey HuKan , I'ottawuttumlo county. . .
Jumett Cutter , I'ottnwiittamle county. .
KutU' O'Neill , rottu\\attuiulo county. ,
Instruction on the piano will be given
Hulled number ol pupils by Mrs. J. A.
1023 Fifth avenue.
Gai cooking itorei for rent and tor ta
0 s Co. 'a office.
Eagle laundry , 721 Uroadway , for
work. Tel. 157.
Tb laundries ut Domeiuo io p ,
Judfro Wotffoa Will Fiat the Omaha &
St. Louis Case Today ,
ArcuniruU to I If Mnile nn llnlli Mclr * ol
of the Mil > Jpct"IVciiIlnr I'lime of
I he l.ltlRHllim"Iiiiportiint
ruprrn MlMtng.
Judge Wool on nnlvcd In the city am
opened the September term of United Stale
circuit court ystcrday. The work ot th
term would not ordinarily commence untl
this mqrnlng. but he had specially asxlgnei
yesterdH > foi Ihe arguments of the attorney
In th' cattj In which llecelver J. P Harnnr
of the Onuhn & St. Louis railway , Is seckln
an order ut tlie court to reduce the pa > c
all the tmplujcs ot the road , excepting th
receiver , L. W. lloss of this city was ur
pointed inustL-r In chanc ry several month
ago , and bcfoie him vvero summoned the v\ll
nc'si's. by whom the receiver attempted I
show- that the roud was a losing Investmet
as n learon for tutting oft lh > pay of tli
underlings Mi. Itoss filed hl3 report uhont
month ago , and In II ho upheld the claims <
the receiver. 'Ihe schedule which the n
ct'lver viatita put Into clfect Is a very Ion
one , and Ihe report containing the fltidln ;
of His iiifistci In chancery compilses nboi
100 pages of typewilttcn matter. In gei
eial. It Is clalmi'd that the leducllcm H
the way ihrouuli amounts to abuut It ) pi
cent , The repoi t 1ms never been seen slm
It was In ths possession of Judge U'ootso
He ' 'alms he sent It back , but It ncvi
reached Its destination. Whether It wns lo
In the mat's ' or ilia court was mistaken i
to' ba\iiiK reluuird It Is not known , but
further -search will be made for II , nnd
Is much lee valuable a document to be lo :
Thin morning will be submitted a moth
lor a contlmiaiioe In the case of W O.
Honey ngulnst the Chicago , Burlington
Qiilno } iri.lroud. The defendant wants tl
cont'nuance. This \vas the stilt In whli
Judge Shlraa' doctrine that the contribute
negligence of the wife , who wiib killed by
railroud train , would not proven ! her hu
band from getting damages from the coi
pany , was overruled by the court of nppec
Jast spring ,
No flrBt-elurs hotel can do without
What ? Why , Dr. Price's Baking Powder.
Ouiluvlt llhtfTn & Aliinin : ! DlriTlors Ac'cn
t hn C uiuuy'it lri > | > null.
" Tin ; bojril of directors of the Coun
Illnffs At M.inawj hlectrlc Uallvvay compa :
helil a meeting ycst > rday afternoon at Jud
Orepory's olllce In Omaha and decided to i
cef > ! the iFho'ntlon passed last Saturday
the C'oimiy Uoard of Supervisors and go
wltli the work of securing the Ih rty-fov
foot Ptrlp at land to ho deeded to tlie conn
pifpaiatory to beginning the work of bu' '
Ing the road. A report was made o [ t
lu.olmble coal c.f Hie mulct taUng. U has i
yet been decided vvlicther the load will si
en Hit ; north title of Ihe lake , or run arou
the lake lo Manhattan beach , In the four
fvri.t , the crsl will be $12,000 , while In t
hiti'i U nlll be tSO.COO , owing to the ft
that a tic-Hi- II hcve to be built tliron
tlio vast end ut the lake , where Mosqu
cieeV emptlen Into It. If the toad stops
the- north Mdc two landings arp > talked
out ut the end uf the county road and I
other rait ol ( hand Vlar.a , where the M :
hattan beach steamers Ian-Jed last suinni
U la the- present Intention to have thu gn
Ini ; of the bed and the planting of i
< poles IInUluU this fall , so that the trai
r c-fln le put clown an tcon as the groti
gets diy enciiKh next spring. No contra
have lCfii awarded yet. nor will they
until .liter tlio abstract ot the title to
land deeded lo the county has passed
, approval of County Attorney Organ.
' All the t ne little things are crcipi
1 out th't Indicatetlmt the Omaha & Com
Bluffs Hillwny and Tirldge company v
° ultimately own the entire plant of the n
" ccmpany. If In fact It does not alrea
c There , nt least , seems to be a. very sa
fac.toiy understanding between the ( wo ct
panles and the opinion Is constantly go
Ing ginund that the parties who englnee
the t > clieinc < thicngh the city council i
romilj boaid w-ete engaged to do to slm
l cauf = c the- directors of the motor comp ,
Icnew tlmt Ihelr chances for getting i
In v on from llic o two bodies were v
film. At anv rate , It Is openly averred
the members of the new company that tl
plunl will bu on the niarkot from now
und they hope to sell It after the proce
from I he first year's work have dem
Ntraled that It will be a financial sncc
S. Dlinmoclc , the manager of the me
company , Is to have the oversight of
constiiictlon of the new line , the cars
re bu i uii with power obtained from the mt
company , will make connections ivlth
trains run by the motor ccmpany , the
rectors ot the mctor cmpnny have been c
stanlly coiiHUlted by the members of
new company whenever any new step vvai
bo taken
Coiiunll llluT , In.
Prices to closs previous to opening
fall goods. This vecl ; you may ex\ \
unheard of prices.
He ted and indigo blue prints 3c.
.So apron , checked gingham , Gc ,
7c mnllty prints , black nnd white
fancy. Gc.
lOc dress ginghams C'.Jc.
Bxtiii value gents' BOX tic , lOc and 12'A
25c grade gents' black BOX 19c , or 3
In EOc.
41.00 Rents' shirts , tic to match , CTc.
Over SOD doien handkerchiefs at cpi
prjces. See v nines offered at 3 for lOi
for 25e , 4 for 25o.
$1,00 ladles' kid gloves ( odd lots ) 59c.
7Cc Ktencli llannels , good patterns , 50c
30-Inch heavy double flannel , worth
for lOc.
(1.00 all-wool shrunk skirt pattern 69
COc colort'd silk plushes 25c.
Kntlre slock ot fall weight garme
jackets and cupea , ranging In price f
(4.50 to JtJ.'K , choice to close (2.85.
( Cloak department , second floor. )
le Council iBlufls , 1
EHl Alo/itrt 'Main CJuartet.
rd At Christian tabernacle , Thursday e'
th Ing. Septcmb r 27. This celebrated qua
tear ccmpany , insisted by Herr Franz Adeln
ara the well Known violinist ut the went ,
a- give a concert that Is to be one of the gi
aa est muilcal events of the year. This is
to ilrst. uppearance of the Mozarts In Coi
ay TlliiffH , All lovers of music should renter
of the d.ite. Tickets 25 cents.
Tlie cause of. the present boom In
estate U due somewhat to 'he Biicoei
ijlo ol fruit and garden lands by ME
Day & Ufhs In the Klein tract. 'Ihey i
st , 200 HcreH In amounts to suit , sul'.ible
sk fruit and gardein. Also bearing fruit fj
ue lor biile. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N ; delay In closing loans on Impr
farm lands at low rates. Abstracts of
ell prepared and real estate far sale. Puse
Thomas , 201 1'earl street. Council Bluffs.
Dry pine kli dllng for sale. Cheaper
) bs. It. A. Cox. 37 Main street. Telep
\Ve guarantee all work. None but I
class workmen employed. ,
Havana KrefU'eBclffa Davls , wholesale
Washerwomen use Domestic soap.
29 IK'Mlli of .VI r . llupe.
Mrs. Clura Newton Dope died at 304
> a ton street yesterday morning at 9:5 :
> tr. dropsy oC the heart. She waa born In
udclplilu , April 10 , 1S55 , removed here
her parent ! al the age ot 3 , graduate
t Ihla city with the class of ' 73 , and ta
for ls years prior to her marrlag
> od diaries M. Hope , which took place at
son , Neb. , July 17 , 1879. She has
teaching here recently She leaves be
her husband anil two children , her mo
Mr , I'll Ni < .htnn. n brother amuel New
ton , and a ulster , Mrn I'mnin J Clarke. The
fnne-inl takes place from Ihr Hroadway Meth
odist KpEscopfil church at 2.30 Wednesday
afternoon , September 26.
wni. UK nuitii'o AT IOVIL\M : > .
for HID rnnrrnl of
I'orfclm UndsrV jr.
AV. M I'trldns. the lather of the assistant
electrician at I fie electric Unlit power house ,
who was killed Sunday nlghl , took the re
mains of hi ? son home with him last oven-
! nfc to Lov eland , where Ihe funeral services
will be held tomorrow afternoon at 12:30 :
o'clock. The members of lodge 49 , Inde
pendent Order of Odd follows , accompanied
him to the depot , nnd n detachment ol ( en
went lo Love land to complete Ihe arrange
ments for the funeral. U Is likely that a
number of Council HluffB people will attend
the funeral tomorrow , for the dead man wat
deservedly popular. Mr. C'arcthers , the
chief electrician , Is particularly grief Mrlckcii
over the young man's tragic end. Mr
Perkins was singularly well adapted for the
vvcnk In which he was engaged , nnd telloec
Mr. Oarolhers of a great deal ot the re
KpunMtilllty ot the place. There Is no one
to tuke his place.
Caiotlicrs thinks that the accident wai
caused by Perkins placing one hand on tin
ilvn.imo while using the tin oil can with tin
iltht't. The tin can struck one of the ncv
bitiilHR thai had Just been put In , and tin
current was thus sent through his body
Some time ago C'n rot hers sustained n shod
which enabled him to realize , lo n cerlali
fMenl. what It Is to die by rlectrlclty. It
working about the machine he brushed i
finger ngalnst the machlneiy In fuch a wa :
as 16 "short circuit" a current Ihiough him
"It knocked me- flat , " said he , while talk
InK lo a Uee teportcr yesterday. "The cffec
IMS peculiar , but not at nil unpleasant
While 1 was falling I felt as though I wa
swelling up to an Immense , sle nnd becoin
Ing so light that 1 actually floated In the nit
I never felt moie comfortable nnd inoie p
peace with the whole universe than 1 ell
for that fraction of a i-ecoml , which , how
pvpr , seined sluing out Into ( | iiltc n llitl
time. I think my hrait niual II.IVP steppe
beating entlrel > . tut the Instant I struck th
Moor , all In a heap , the shock of the fa :
started It to thumping again , and the re
suit Is t um here tort.iy If I had had te
feet to fall , I haven't the slightest Idea bu
Unit my hc.-irt would never have gotten Int
action again. "
tllsmarck IIES always bseti particular abou
the quality of hh cookery. So h ever
one who uses Dr. Price's Cream Dakln
Penile. * . . _ _
James McShane , a man 61 years of age
who has been with relatives nt filer
coe , la , coming there Iroiu Illinois , airlvc
In this city September 14. and has not bee
heard from since. One of his rtlatlve > we
In the city yesterday looking for him Tli
eld man had $100 In cash and between $30
and (400 ( In checks , drafts , and the I he , 1
his possession. lie registered and lo li dli
ncr at the Trrinont house on the 14th , a I it
illnt-r paid his bill and left and no trac
of him can be found after tint time. H
was not In the \\-i\i\t \ \ ot drinking liquor , an
h t , friends arc at a loss for an eNplanallo
of his either conduct Thej made a searc
over both cities yesterday.
The man who bought a $3.00 hearer la
winter burned $45 worth of coal I
thought It economy , but two nnd a half lot
| will three rooms all winter with 11
HadUnt Home stove , .mil the Hound ( Js
holds nre thirty-six hours with soft cot
Cole & Cole , c.xclushc agents , 41 Main s'.ree
A. lecture will be given by Eldsr T. V
Williams at Ihe church , Pierce street , uci
Glrn avenueIn reply to an address of C ,
Hall of Temple Lot-sull fame. Mr. Hall
expected to be there
Hy. there , Pa'dner ! We ore hero to Btn
See1 No. 34 North Eighth street , Te'ephoi
Living picture entertainment , followed 1
dancing at Chambers' liall , September 23 , 1
Union Guild. Admlslon 25 cents. Ocntl
men's dance ribbon 25 cents.
Dourlclus' music house has few expense
high grade pianos ure told reasonably. 1
Bailsman street ,
Dest Centervllle lump coal $3.25 per tc
II. A. Cox , 37 Main. Tel 48.
Duncan's shoes ate always the best n
Domes ! c soap breaks hard water
. .sirnK O/.IA i MUM / . nn :
Mr it. il'.ii : ' MrtMin n r ( Teuton Knilt Her 1,1
by Til kin : ; 1'nUcm.
CRESTON. la. , Sept. 24. ( Spec-la ! ]
Mis. Ella Maton , wife of a pro
Inent photogiaplier , became critically
at 4 o'clock Krldaj afternoon , and was ct
veyed lo her home. Her Illness grew HOI
during' the night , and at 4 o'clock the nc
morning she was dead During the Him
of his wife Mr Mason < 1ld not call In ' .
neighbor ! ! , and failed to summon a doc.
until his wife "an dying. When the doc
arrUixl Mrj. Mason was dead. The pecul
actions of Mr. Mascn In not summoning >
and relatives while his wife was In ei
great distress at once aroused public s
plcion. Criminating remarks reached
cars , and he Insisted upon a post-mortem i
amlnatlon. The symptons of Mrs. Mason
physicians to believe that she- had lali
poison At the post-mortem examination
quantity ol poison wag discovered , and I
physicians believe It to be arssnlc , but
make certain tlie btomacli has been tent
the state chemist.
At the Inquest It was ascertained that S
tembcr 12 Mrs. Mason had puichased I
ounces of arsenic at a drug btorc , Informl
the clerk that she wanted to use It in i
photograph business , In which she was '
gaged. From the testimony and what can
learned from other parties , It appears t !
the relations between Mrs. Mason and I
husband vvero not pleasant. They had In
mairled about a. year. Mrs. Mason had c
filderablc money , but had been doing a las
business It Is thought that family trou
prompted lier to take her own life , It Is E
she Informed one of the employes of
gallery that but for her children she wo
end her 11 Ce. She hud two children , ha\
been married twice.
ic.iv l.lP.nt' One Apiuvitclilnt ; a Cliiui.
MAHBNGO , la . Sept. 24. ( Special T (
gramO The Hay Elliott case , which 1
been on trial here most of the time Hi
August 12 , before Justice Richardson ,
closed so far as evld'nce Is concerned , i
arguments of attorneys were begun today
i- J. H. Feenan for the htate. to be follov
iet by D. H. Wilson and C S. Lake for the
etn tense , and Thomas Stapletan will close
111 tli ! Mate During the last week the Bt
111t Introduced several Important witnesses
t10 rebuttal , which , alone ; and aside frcm
: 10ll ot evidence In chief , would , beem
> llr 1 e cut to establish beyond a doubt tlmt
bay her : In dispute Is the Identical I
Elliott , ton of Mr. and Mrs. George Bill
a I and was kidnaped nt that place May 12 , II
Inl nlB. People here , with few exceptions , fully
B. Hove that Ihe efforts of the defeni' to pr
veer that the boy here Is the Maskell child h
or proved n failure.
Oil-nil * Denlriyrcl lif u .Sturm.
FOIIT DODGE , la. , S pt. 24. ( Special '
egram. ) The cyclone of the 21sl com pie
scattered tin * Don Hour Bros , ' show at
llngton , An eight-horse pole \vagori
carried ( ram the- grounds and dropped I
in thicket In a swamp , where It was not fo
no for several hours. The tents were destrc
and all trip horses stampeded.
? pw ItocTvn AR ntn.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 24. ( Special T
gram. ) The following selections' ot res !
agent ! ) have been approved by the co
troller of currency. Continental Natlc
bank , Chicago , for the Union Stock YE
National bank , South Omaha ; DCS Mo
National bank , Dee Molnes , for the F
, National bank , Algona , la.
Crnlun Ouicltt ) Ofllre Dumigrd.
! th OnnSTON , Ja. , Sent. 21. ( Special T
In gram. ) At 11:30 : this evening fire orlglni
ihl In the boiler room ot Ihe Creslon Dally
lo tctte and. U was some time before the .
elen men got the dames under control. The b
en situated In the butldlnu will be d&ma
leg The loss to the Gazette will approxln
JAPAN'S ' SK\V \ ftltllAHENT
EC a Unit on War MeUur Reg r.lto-s
of Other Differences ,
r\liim IllnVrriirr *
I tic UUnolullnn of frevlntin I'urllu-
inenli lime Hi-oil l'rlntli.illy Cun-
ccriilui ; I orelgu Irculks.
WASIHNTaON , Sept. 24. The convokliif
of the Japanese parllnmcnl on October 1C
as announced In cable dispatches toJay , ex
cites much Interest In Japanese ofllclnl clr
eles here , as It will bring together for tin
first time the members elected the llrst vvccl
ot Ihe present month. As yet no advice
hnvo IKCII received at the legation here ai
to Ihe outcome of the elections nnd the ;
are expected In tlie next mall. It la salJ
howeer , that while parties may be dlvldei
on some questions ot International policy , al
parlies , liicludliig those usually against tin
government , will uphold the war which tin
mikado has prosecuted since the last parlla
merit WHS dissolved , t'p to that time lln
liberals and ludkals , about 120 In number
had supported tlu * governm.Mit , the prosres
slotilstH , about fifty In number , had nsnall
opposed It , the twenty-eight opportunist
were shifting In nll slance , and the otbe
members were divided Into small groups
The Issue ut that time was over the ol
treaties , one ur If with the Unltei
States , by wh'oh foreigners ete'clso ex-terrl
toiiul rights In treat v pom ; In Japan. Tli
opposition to lliH go\einment clamored to
the abrogation of these treaties. Tno KOV
eminent -vvould nut go tills far , saying I
would be n breath of faith with foreign na
lions , though U nought to secure the abrogn
tlon of the trc.UltM. The mailer arouse
such bitterness that trouble arose bctv.ce
Ihe parliament nnd thu c.ihlnct , vvherenpo
paillamenla.t cummarlly proiogucd an
the government ; ipuitUd to the country. Th
elcctloim have just bsen held and the result
are anxlouslv availed , although the treil
Issue-la now merahadovvcil by the war. Tli
forthcoming session , cannot It Is Bald , chec
o" otherwise affect the war , even shoul
there be a desire to that end , ns the eir
peror and executive branch have the sol
power of levying and prosecuting war an
the piiiliaiiient deals only "With malting aj
proprlutlons for the nnny and navy.
Norlc of tlm Ucithni * llurf u In Tracing
'I rupiriil Hun lei uir.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 24. The wcathi
bureau furnished the following special bu
lelln tn the press this afternoon In r < gai
lo the West India hurricane.
The first Information of the huirlcane v , ;
on the evening of September BO. when
severe blorm was ic-poitil from the wfm
ward Islands. On Ihe moinlng of the 21
* a warning telegram vvtib sent to the Panan
Iklands. On ( lip morning of the 2Jd Dalian
reported thul Hie storm was touth of Per
Rico , of small area , and moving clovvly.
Itased on tills lepoit , wninlng tek'gran
vver sent to the observers at Now Yet
Baltimore , D < ! lavviiru IVcnkvvater , Norfol
Wilmington Suvuiina , Chaik-Mon and .lac
Ronvllle , direct m ; theia to give notice
shipping Interests , cs > pc < , lall. . to sontliwar
bound ves-seK '
Saturday evening the storm appears
have been to the en t of thi ; east point
Ci ba , Santiugo de Culm lopt/rting modern
noi tit W'lmlb
Sunday morning the hnrrcana ! was r
ported to Uie east nf tCiiba , and on tli
storm slgnuli ] wcr ordered for Key We
and Information Flgnals hoisted along t
gulf coabt lo ( iHtve < tnn. Saturday evenli
the hurricane was cenlrAl. approximately 2
miles south of Kcvv Wctj having mov
about fourteen miles hh hour , during t
three days. ' Storm blgimln wer oidcred t
Jupiter , Puntagorda , Tampa and Cedar Kc
and InformatEon signals \\crc Jioisted
Charleston , Snvtinnih and Savannah beetle
The maritime e\chapg < ; s at New Yo
and Phlladeltdilu and all prominent &eapc
stations on lln ; Mluntlc coa tvci3 t warn
to advlsa vos-i-els bound fouth to remain
pnrt. Ily a syslem itcently put In oparati
in co-opcKiiiou v.ltli the PosloIIlcfl ilepa
n\enl , seventy of I ho principal towns
Florida were warned on Sunday evening
the approach of the hurricane , this bcl
the Hist Instance of warning being se
under this i-jtlrin , which now covers t
v , hole coi.ntrj easl of the Uocklcs and
Intended lo ulil 1) di&.iemlnate warnings
all tropical liurrlcaiiCB Fevert ; storms a
cold \\a\ci. .Tlla n ornlng the hurr cans c
ter was about "cventj-four miles southej
of Havana that station reporting n noi
wind of s venly two mllet. . with a baromet
pressure of Z'J r > 0 The vvlml at Key Wi
was noitheas' , fortj-fuur miles. Storm b
nals will be ordered this morning for N
Oileans. Port Ends , Mobile , Pelisacola , Jai
bonvllle and section Savanna an 1 sectl
and Charleston , vessels wain el not to lee
p rt and the sen Islands notified of proba
high tides. Information tlgiials were a
hoisted from Washington to Norfolk
Hourly reports will be received loday fn
Key West nnd Jupiter , the cours of I
storm watched und full Information given
the public 1) > this buieau
TIIII : : > OF iiirNc : IXDI.VV A < ; INTS.
.M.iny Army ( niLTrsNkIu ; to Itu Kellot
of Seiklni ; In lapielty.
WASHINOTON , Sept. 24 There are n
pending In the Interior department a mint
ot cases where army officers who havu , bi
serving us Indian agents have oppllcatli
on ( He n&KIng to bs relieved from tli
present positions. There are any number
men ready and anxious to tuke their plai
It Is probable that on Ihe return of Seiret ;
Smith quite a number of Rises > vlll 03 ]
i pared and sent lo the president , nam
civilians as successors of ssveraj army (
cers. There Bre , however , maay applirati
on file by army officers who ask to be
pointed Indian agents , ft > s probable t
Mine of them may be selected. The Ind
authorities arc satisfied that the Indian sc
Ice , taken as a whole , Is neither Impro'
nor Injured by the appointment ot rr
officers as Indian ugenta. In some Install
the v\rork \ has been performsd better by it
ofllcers , and In others not iia well. It
pending upon the character of HID mil i
not upon his military ability rr plvll 1
It Is believed that the luiprasfon has EM
ground In ofllclal circles that , ni > 'in
whole , the experiment of making ; rnj i
cers Indian agents has pot proved a :
cess , and that both tbj | unterlor and \
departments would prt/e Jo have other
rangements , and that , t lit , Indians themsel
would be fully as well .satisfied with cl
' n "
"The Indians are no'Mongfer ' warlike , " i
an oftlcer at the Interior' ' department , "
we can control them Wj" cml as well as
military agents To shffie 'ofllcers ' the il
of Indian agent Is Jt l nely distaste
while others are anxloiiM/tuserve In that
e paclty. It U often foundl < that the for :
class are clllclent. vvhtlfllhe latter are
kind ot men we don't'.1 wi t. Good busli
men , who are cleat-jeid/M | und have
tretlon , will make , . 094 Indian age
Plenty of such men cambei found outsld
the army. " Jn
An army officer , dl&cnVping the subjec
officers as Indian agents/says there arc in
ojllcers who are very much opposed to
tails n& Indian agents b scans a they do
Hiave the opportunity lo keep themselvei
complete military training and ready
examinations for promotion when orde
There nre otherv , he says , who liave I
disappointed In the service and ure ei
to accept positions which separata t
from active army life.
It Is quite- probable Hut moot of the
cancles occurringby Ihe retirement of a
8 ' ofllcers as Indian agents will be tilled
the appointment ot civilians.
Will Hrrtlre ti | Old 1\Ujci
WASHINOTON , Sept , 24. Solicitor U
of the treasury tcday rendered nil opl
which Involves the constitutional quei
whether congress has a right lo pass a
which Impair * the obligation of contri
At Its last seulon congress p astd an
reducing the. . compensation cf surfmen
ployed at lite-saving stations on the
nkca The question at lntc < WAS
his reduction opplled wliere eoniravts wltli
Eiirfmen at the old rale had been entered
Tte solicitor find * that the mild net wns not
ntended to apply to existing contracts wltli
stirfnien at lake Malleus.
: sr.viisucs.
llurenn tmiip * HiillctliK
Kiin iinrh < ii iii uiul Alalmnin ,
WASHINGTON , Sepl 24. Three bulletlni
mvc been Issued from the census ofuct
showing land ownership and debt In ( hi
states of Kansas , Arkansas and Alabama
The figures for Kiinjaji nre more Inlcrcatltu
than many other states , becnusc It hus b.ei
polt.tcd out as the slate where the ikbti
mortgages ; ire more biirdeiionm thai
thers. The bulletins nhovv tlmt of Lln
In Kansas 31,0 % per cent tire hired am
per cent nre owned by the person !
cultivating them. Of the farms 5S.52 pe
cent are cncumb red by mortgages. Tin
mortgages on farms , amount tn (73 7."i,2S3
which Is 35.DO per cent of their \nluc Till :
debt bears an average rate of Interest o
8.15 per cnt , the average minimi Inlercs
charge to each family owning nn oncumberei
farm being $92. Kuch of thu encninberei
farms Is worth , on the average $ .1,211) , am
subject to a debt uf (1 12H Of the home
41 ! S5 per cent are hired. Of the number o
owned homes ti'.S4 per < eiit are held far en
cunbranccs. Heal estate purchnites and I in
prevcmcnts ciiused G2.D1 p r cent of the fan :
oivr.ers lo Incur 02 per eent ot the mort
gages an them.
In Arkansas K3.94 per cent of the farm
are owned and 95 & 2 per lent are ovvne"
free of Incumbrnnce. On own d fimiiK ( her
the Incumbrances amounting lo )2O.UR4 ,
which Is 14.38 per cent of their value. Th
average Interest charge Is O.t. : per cent 0
the homes lil'.ST ) ier cent art ovvned 1111
of them 94.IB per eent nre free of Incuin
In Alabama 43 Ifi per cent of the farm
nre owned nnd i'n.l.ri ' per rent ot the farm
owned nre frc of Incumhinnee. Thu del
oti owned farms amounts to $1 , ! )7li9. whlc
Is 43.77 per cent of their value. The avei
age Inleiest Is S.H ! per cent. Of the home
22.88 per cent tut- owned and 1)7 ) 01 of thce
are flee from Inenmbraiice.
NIMil'1 TIIOtl-VM > A < KIN.
Ijinds Omntcil lo llatlroul < by Hip r.uvcn
in * nt null Mill | liiiileniiMl |
WASHINGTON , Pept 21 Theie me stl
pending In the Interior depattment unsettU
o\er 00,000 acres uf lumU granted to rallroac
and wagon roads many je.irs ago. Thei
are various reasons why these land1 ! have in
nil been surveyed. Yet lh"ie are va ;
quantities of sunejed lands which are stl
unpatentrd In the past four yearrf abai
10,000.000 acres , have been passed to patei
to the companies claiming them At preset
there are In the course of examination In tl
general land otriro a great many Hits
lands which will no doubt be patented In
short time. Commissioner l.jniorriix b
llevcs that all grants where there can be i
question as to the right of the- company
the lands be passed tu patent ut .
early a date as possible , and It In understoc
that Secrctarj Smith Is also of theoplnic
that it would be well In have these unquf
tinned selections ot grants patented ai
disposed of. The ree-oids show that dlirli
the fiscal year ended June 30 not muc
more than COO.OOO acres were patented
railroad grants , while In previous years tl
amounts have been larger , reaching 3,00 (
000 acres In 1S01 and .1,000.000 In 1M)2 ) ai
nearly 2,000,000 in 1S9.1. . With tin- miner
land difficulty settled and the preposition f
the survey of lands us fast as II
companies dtrlte tlmre Is no possibility
large amounts for patents In the future
Slillce ' < > IIII IM < UIII lo ! ! < < millo. .
WASHINGTON , Pent 21 The Unlti
States strike rjinm tslon appjlntcd by t !
president to Investigate tlio recent Chlca ;
labor troubles adjourned Its h'arlngs fro
Chlcigo to Wuslilnst'iit , and the cummlsKl
will meet In thin city at the Department
Labor on Wednesday , September 2G , at
o'clock a. m. , at which time , iannoiinc \
at the close uf tlr > tessloii In Chicago , I
committee will be ready to receive In vvr
ing any suggestions which nlay ho rclatI
to the solution cf the questions involved
th1 latter conference. It will ulso hear a
parties who may deslte to be heaid rclati
to the facts , and the pommlbslon may , afl
a caieful examination of the testtmo
which has already been lal ; n , conclude
rail further vvltnofceci. to nupplenient tl
which has been given on either Hid ? .
IIimoi.Ml hv tlm 1'iipi * .
WASHINGTON. Sept. 21 ArchliUliop f
lolll on behalf ot Pop Leo. has conferred
Hcv James McMahon of the ratho
university , an appointment as a prelate
the Holy See , with tlie title cf inoiMgn
A letter Ofccmpany ng Ihe not' of appoli
input said tlmt U was In recognition
Father McMahonN teivlccs to the nnlversi
In which he has taken Hindi Inteicsl , ate
to which he has given a large pirt of
Imni'nso fortune- .
Si\t-n l ( if tiio < ii'nm'ila' * ( I H llulr.
WASHINGTON , Sppt. 21-The I'nli
States steamer Columbia , which lias been
guard at llluefields with the Marbl held
several months , arrived at Poit Union
day. She has teveral men aboard hick w
malarial fever , who will be shipped by i
first steamer to tlm I'nltcd States The (
lumbia will rctfirn to Uluell Ids.
li.lill I , . < ulK ui llto Wlilln Ilium' .
WASHINGTON , Sept. 24. John L Su
van , while driving about town today , drop ]
In at the wh'te house. Tlte place was clo :
for repairs , E.O the ex-puglllfct was not ;
mlttod , althoiiKh he explained to the wal
man at the main door that he was much I :
ter Known than he who occupl d the inuncl
Ilurrlc-iinu In the Mliiutlc.
v.'ASIHNOTON , Sept. 24. A severu hui
cano has teen raging for the paat two
three days around the West Indies and
now approaching tlio Florida , coast Wa
Ings have teen sent to shipping centers
that section.
Niitlonnl Itiu < ICcu'elvrr Appoint'cl.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 24. Tlie comptro
of the currency has appointed T. W. Ilol
t son receiver of the State National bank
" Vernon , Tex. Mr Hoblnson Is aUo rccei
of the First National bank of Vernon.
ll < * M < ; iic < l on . . < count ot III Ili-.illli.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 24.-George H .
derson of the District ot Columbia , secret
of the legation at Itlo d' Janeiro , whu Is
home on leave , IIHB resigned oh account
III health.
Vanished la the magic white c ty of
World's fair. Enduring nre the lion
Kalned there by Dr , Price's Cream IlaV
Povvde.1 ,
Ducilc for tli Copper" .
A good many pollcum'u will have cluck
dinner today A barrel of ducka was recel
at the btatlon yestcrda } from Captain Mos
and O Ulcer a Cook and Dunn , who claim I
they bought none of them , but bhot them
They have been tramping the sand )
around Val mine and m-e having great gp
Cook's Extra Diy Imperial Champa
should be In every household. It Is perfe
pure and naturally fermented.
o . Nonunion .Mnn
Saturday evening a nonunion cooper
ployed at South Onialni was assaulted i
the Piixton & Vlerllng lion works. Twi
Ills assailants were arrested In South Om
yesterday and brought up to tlie city Ja
Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache. 1
tlze , 2 * > cents. All druggists.
\VII1 tiitkn War on tlio UuiiilHii Tlilttl
UKNVU1I , Sepl. 24The rounty eomi
Bloncrs of thlH ( Arnp-ilioe ) eounty dec
lo aid town hoanlx und funnel to e.i
jy Children Cry f
Pitcher's Ga&toria.
an Children Cry f
in Pitcher's Castorla.
.t ct , Children Cryf
n- ' Castoria.
nat Pitcher's .
minute the HiiKidan thlotle II H tatlmntdl
Iliut It will cost JW.OOd to fcteimlnnlc tlir
thlfltlc In tlio Immediate vldnlt ) of
' /.ir .1 HIT.
Clilcngo Appreciate * " III * OiT.oe dp < lrnui *
liinnt * ' Kt'lulilIN In u Nr\t I'lrrc.
CHICAGO , Sept. 21 When the curtain
fell tonight on the second act ol "His Clntcii
do Qrammont , " produced for the first time
on any stage , at ( he Grand Opera house , the
success of Otis Skinner as a star was as
sured , and Cljde Kltcho , the ptayw right , hud
scored a triumph but little loss brilliant
than that ot Mr. Skinner himself. The per
sonal success of that actor was distinct and
successive , the end ot the act bringing htm
three recalls , and he was compelled to ex
press his thanks nt the close of the pl.iy In
a neat speech. The play was maRiilllmitly
staged and the costumes splendid. The play
Is a romantic comedy of the time of Charle *
II , 01 the excellent snppottltii ; company. .
Miss Maud Durbln and Miss Sarah Truni
were highly successful.
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall gave * their opcnlni
production ot "Lidy Clinically" tonlghl al
Hooley's theater before , i large and fashion
able audience. The play contains humoi
ns well as feeling nnd all the elements ot tin
most tragical romance. Nothing IIKr It ha )
ever been attempted before bj the Kendalls
MOMIcnlint the 'I I Iliiino
SIOl'X CITY , Sept. 2lrfplill Tele
gram. ) The county lu\estimation into bllh
for printing allowed tn John C. Kvlly , pro
prlctor of the Dally Tribune , turmlnatei
to'lav and resulted 1n the tiling ol ulllilavlt !
by the experts charging him with dranini
nearly $10,000 fiom the oonnly by ov i
The county altorney Immediately causei
notice to be bencd claiming $10,000 due tin
county for o\erchmges. At the same llni' '
notices were served on -County Treasure
Klfer aad his bondsmen In .1 MIU hiongli
by the county to SSB.'SOO , hUh I
is alleged vas unlawfully reUlnul by liln
from the county , It being Hie excess of one
fourth of 1 per cent of taxes collected eve
$1,500 and Interest on the county fundH lie
posited In bank which the supervisors illi
not authorize him to retain.
Ininiciuo Car > iiup Iliirueil.
RUIi : , Pn. , Sept. 21. The lit.Img iippllei
his torch to Ihe Kile Mty eui HlinpM to
nlpht The toieh was iiluved ilglit In tli
wind' ; ; eye , nnd with u nuitliwext biecz
behind It , the fl.lines wrie iliitv\ii u\ei Hi
iive-ucrc plant MI ni | > ! dl > tluil the unltei
effoits of the liic ili'iiuitiiii'iil eould ' 1
nothing but to oiive juljiiliilnj ; i > iicrt > Tli
ehojw were valued at ? 2.Vi.iU. ) Wt-ek . i
coal shipper of Murrain , hud thirty C.IM I
the slicps. The limurntii-e is ubaut IWl.tKH
The clly Is jirentlv agitated uiulvurv fac
lory ouner Is jiuttlim on inldltlninkl ainn'i
watchmen. The lire of tonight W.IK tli
sixth Incenillaiy the In
tlu < Tam t'ollei lor.
- . , Sppt , 2l.-A alrH aC < <
vlllc nnd Kendiill , the lux jiM'i-liicts. in
diawlng to it ciNK The people .110 up I
nrniH nnd rendy for Captain ItlHckwell. wli
Is nt Unlmitown lomly to m.iuli. liavln
oCK nl7Cd hli fdiceH und leei-lviil JilH cop
of the tux bookH. ( iieut exi.lli'iiirnt pi * :
vails , and ul' oil > du < l | i exiiec-teil. C'aplnl
Hlnekwell Ims been visited by wveinl mhi
Isteis of Ihe ChilslUin clnireh , uislnp ; lilt
to desist from troublebeie , but he rvfn > r
on the ground tlmt five othei inun offfie
to collect the tax.
< iiplHin < iomHiln Aeiiilireil. |
VANCOfVBH , VVuyll . Pipl. IM-CMplal
\V. C. Goodwin , conipnm O , I'nuitoenth It
fnnlry , who vsaleoeiitly t inn lu.iitlule
on a charge of drunkenness , haw been u <
quitted on every cpeeUliutlun anil hnt I > PC
restored to his iiminmml tj onlei of Hilt
adler General Otis.
Brings comfort and ir8irovt'ment | anc
t'ncls to per.-nnul oiiji vnie t when
rightly used. The many , ' lo : live bet
ter than others and enjoy life mere , with
less cxpjmlUure , hy more promptly
ui.ii-tl' > R Ue.vorlcl's beit pindticts ta
the needs of physical being , will attest
lie value to liciilth of the pure liquid
'r.xative ' prineiplfw cinhiated in the
remedy , byrup of Vipx
.Itu excellence is due to is ( rirr .cntinj ;
in the form mo t uccept l > le nnd plena-
, \nt to the taste , the ref retiring und truly
heneficial propjcrues of u jx-rfict ! ax-
itivt : ; ciifi-ctimily cieaiihing the ' -yhtcni ,
diMielling colds , headaehos Mid fevers
Aim permanently curing constipation.
It hna given satisfaction to iiiillioiiH and
met with the approval of the mrdieal
prnfe ton , because it nctf > on the Kid'
nev : , Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it Js perfectly fice frcm
awry objectionable substance.
Syrup ol' Ficrs is for sule by nil ( Jrnp
-ists in < iOc and SI bnltleK , hut it is nan
I'ccturccl by tlie C-iliforniu Fig Syriif
, n. only , vvliobo nnme is printed on even
ncUage , nl.s < > the nnnii > . Syrup of li/.r | ,
nd being well informed , you vvl ! ! n
rnt : ny Bul > i"tuN ! ! i. ulifr rf.
Aloe & Tenfold Co. 1 uni very much plea :
to commend W L. Htymour'a ability n an o ]
dun. luulni ; be n tutlsfaclnrlly fltltxlvltli gin
CB ( or EBtlKmulltm and Jerued great ben
thereficin in my iiruftsslonal wuik. I would i
10 mini ml nil of the artistic inolV * lon lo doll
wlie. Very truly , J. I.AUHIi : WALLAUl
Omaha Academy ot I'lne Acts.
DON'T 'rnn-i.v WITH youu uvis.
Many ptrronsh&be * uic coiittuntly a
IIIK huvo nu Idea vtliat iL'kl tuUmlllcally 111
tlDSSvn will KUo them. Thl ihcoiy IH nu r i
\frfally rtCiljl'shed. "linpr | 'i-il > liltiril
will Invnrluhlr Incrouee th IrDUble and 11
Icoil to TOTAL HMNINiSH. : " Our nblllty
adjust glanen safely and coircclly la lioyi
quntlon. Contult us. Hv > tcslcd free ol chat
Oipo lte rai'cn Hotel.
cnratlTe Bgeut for K
. Uiala K hau&llon , H.
lieclal or eeneral hcuraluU : nlfto lor Itl
inntiim , Omit , KlJnoi lli onlfr . AdJ 1
I > ei | iH. Antomla. AntMoCA for Alooli <
ii < lolhi CICCMUI. 1'iio ) , ID , 23 nnd Woe
101 S.Wetlcm Avenue , GIIICAI
For taie hr * ll drutgpm. Otnitti.
I.V. . jtliualia , f , < b > ; i lii.
CAPITAL , - $400,0
SURPLUS , - $55,5
Officer * and Director * Henry W , Tutif , I
14enti John B. Collins. TlW-pretldeot ; if
a. Iletd , CublerjVUluua li. 8. Uu b s , > f :
uil cubltr. „
It Is the custom of Drs. Copcland am ]
Shepard ( o publish every neek at least nna
Btatcment ol a recent cure. This week It Is
that of Mr. Wllllnm Nccp , 30th street ami
Avtnuo A. , Council Dluffs , who Is a skilled
mechanic In the employ of the Snieltlnn
Wprks. Ha has been there since 1SS1.
\V11.L1AM NCEP , SOth-st. and Avomie A.
"I had sour stomach , or acid dyspepsia , "
* nld he , "ever slnco I \\ns a small boy.
Mouthfuls of sour IHB ; and fluid were con-
: itnntly belching up from my stomach , ( "out
ov ilvo times every month I had a bad sp-ll
or bilious attack. At these times Intciiht
headache with vomiting kept me from work
i\en a drink ot - aterould not stay donn.
I took pounds of soda and much other KtuTf ,
but gat no re n I benefits Alter auhllif tin
Kldne > s and bowels became nlugjlsh ) , ad
ding much to my mlieiy. The tr.ntmeul rp-
vently given mo toy lrs. Copolundand
Hhepnrd has cured mo after jenrs of tor
ment. I don't vinnt to tire you with Iclllnn
the thousand miseries fell by n dyspeptic ,
but will Justsay that these phy.
fvlclana gave me a new stomach-
so U seems and cleansed my whole
system. I am entirely \\ctl now
Tl.clr's Is , In my opinion , the best treatment
known for dyspepsia and Ilko troubles. "
IIOOMS 311 AND 312 N13W YO1UC Ul'fi
Olllcc Hours 9 to II a in ; 2 to 5 p. in.-
Evenings Wednesdays and Saturday !
inly , GZO : to S.3U. Sunday , 10 to 12 in.
of all
mites in a pei feet form all the cjiialU
: es eveiybocly desires to find in liis
food. It is as Nourishing as Meat ,
md still pleasant to take. It is as
juitcatc as a i cixury , and still cheap
.u price.
It is by far healthier than either
Tea. Coffee or Cocoa.
Therefore it should be ma te a bouse-
liold article for daily use , as it is in
i'l Vtabash At. , llilrnzo-htl U. Ilroadntr.X. '
Stoom and Hoi Wntar HoallnT tor
Roslloico3 and Bulltllnin.
J. C. B1XBY ,
202 Mnin. 201 ! Pearl Strccta , Council
DlulTs , Iowa.
President. Cashier.
Capital , $10 ( > , ( KD )
I'rolUs , 12.00U
Or.o ol the olil t Imnlit In the elate ot Iowa.
We BOllclt your bualncu and collections. W *
pay C per cent on tlm deposit * . \Vt will b *
pleated to ae4 end Berv e you.
I Att < irnny > ' , it-l vr I'no
_ _ _ Hen In Hin t : le unit
f nil tnil ciiitrK. Hnoinii ai)0-7-H-0 ) , Sliucrurt
Council IllnlVs. Ill
CoU rici
rouUENT , tAiaix PIUVATU
Fifth avcnua and real I street. Apply at Uc
roil SAI.K. THI : la'tixiTUiin AND LUABH
ol a llmt clnra hotel. 12 looma ; this hotel lias
a flrat-tlns3 tiputatlon , fci'dlni ; from CO to 80 ait
a metl ; lucauuMldJIe Jlioadwny ut Ihe Junction
or all the ttr.-et car linen U IB Ihe ticzl ntand
In the clly ut Council lllutTv. Address J , lc
blllce. Council Illulte.
and acrra e for nle In Council Illurfn. J , "
fRiicy prlcn couslUeivd. 1 * . J , UnilB. t I'earl
itoost roii UINT : CKNTHAM.Y
located ; iiilvuta family. Addreu II IS , ller.
' Illulta. .
_ C'ounctl _ _
ciiwNiya CUANII > : VAUI/TS C
id llurkv , at W , B Ilonifr'i , Wl llioaJivuy.
\\\o tlucka from Oiimlut motor line ; fruit uni
formt trrea , llnu vlc\vi als > other choice
rrsldencQ IMH , fiult land ami fnnni. C'arwia
& llalrcl. Iloom f , Uv erect tlotlc. Cu-Jncll Iiluf ! ,
ta. _ _ _ _ _ . . . . .
NIcholHon & Co. , 0)0 Ilroadnay ,
ale , two CUM ! hratlnc tovi' . 11 to. T.
l'heip . _ | a B. 1th it. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ilr a K , lice olllce , Council llluffn.
KOH TltAPi : , J5.000.00 RTOCK ClXjflUNa.
bulldlnir and Kood will ; only Block In t'jwn ;
alto 2 IwelllnuH. Council llluffn , In exchange
fur Iowa landi ; part caih , For pjrUculum Kd-
dr B , Lex 3 , Mannlnir , lu.
IVU r ov Tin : IHHT MKAT MAHKirra IN
Ihe clly , with an vitaljllihea trade , can ba
It- bought reaaonably , or will nchuiixe for truoU
real enlace. J. O. frt'WKin , WA llroudway ,
Council IJluXfa.