Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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8 : , _ ,
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fleaOn3 Why II11noa Central seems Intod-
in to Enter Omaha.
1'ftaIeI1ge Agent fraiick 1ci 11am Eng-
lulL Iii Ta1hIij itbout Fidhiir of Trnns
coitlnentnt Areeinunt - JU.Igo
:1iovIce : n.niL the trker ,
Much ha been ald f the Uhinols Cen-
tra coining to Omaha the past years much
0 that has been pureli conjectural , But In
the rnIdt of so much chaff onie graIII5 ot
truttitiiIniss have been found , nnd matters
are rapllly approaching a contiltion which
wlfl hiow how iiear the reports have heen
right or wrong.
It h asserted positively that a contract
ror a hundred miles of new road will shortly
bo let by the Illinois Central people from
Onnwa , , resumably to CouncIl 1hlttf , ( lie
Intention of ( lie company being to use the
tetniItinl of the Ea ( Omaha company.
For three months the McCague Inveat-
moot company , through Us .
3olin L. McCagie , has ru1etly gone about
ectirlug options upon large tracts of lana
adjacent to the Omaha I3rItge and Tcriiitnat
companys property without any aplarent )
renson so far as holders couh see. Theac
options. It Is now thought have LCCfl ) In
the Interest of the IIlnoa : Central enterplse
Mr. McCague wa one of the lirline movers
In ( be Nebraska Centrat scheme , Iza'Ing
gone through all the I1CIOIIM conmiecti1 with
timO izryey of a line frorii Iort 1)olge to
Omaha in the Interest of time ebras1a Con.
tral , For these awl other reasons time
McCngue brothers were 8electet to secure
otlons on the land1 and they hn'e abdut
ccni > leted their work.
Too nmnch stress cannot be laId upon ( lila
: sIgnificant situation. The Illimiols Central
recognizes it could liulli the roami from
Onawa to Omaha without much epenee at
this time , and it looks as It It meant to
try a connection at Omaha.
% .III Io1lit ? ( lie % 1cm.
Jmlge Knowles , who Is hearing the Union
, ' Pacific end of the American Hallway tmnion
strike crImnluia procec1lmigs at IJutte , has
already taken a stand In advance of Judge
\ ooi1s of Chicago. The drcumatances are
largely sImilar amui It Is e.cpcitiI that Judge
Woods position will be a mort of precedent.
There are twe uty-two of the muon on trial
charg ( I with coittemupt of court for actions
growing out of the strike , Judge ICuowles ,
in Iasstnt oil a demurrer , salt ) it was not
ontenipt to persuade or lnduco moon by PQaC-
nub timethods to (1U1t the employ ot the receivers -
ceivers , nor was It contempt to call the men
"scals" or npply other epithets to them , and
the ont ) question on which testliiiony Would
be heard would be the charge of eonsptracy
and. fore' used In ( telaying the raiiroal's
proierty ) and IntimidatIon.
ItiiIItvi 4ti .
Coal business on ( lie Union PacifIc is iiick-
log up.
'l'wemitr train crews are employed between
flawlins and Orcen lilver on the Union Pa-
cIflL , and all are reported to be making
good U inc.
I. . C.Vcir , the iicWi elected prtsideut of
the Adams Exvress coinjiany , was formerly
manage at Cincinnati. Agent iteevos of tIme
company ha imown Mr. Weir for a quartmr
of a century and eay he is one of the strong
inert of the country.
Thousanrls of hots' patron9 .havc taken
lloDft's tarealarItIa ) this eeason and realized
: ( ( a benefit in blood Durifled anti strength
resto eLI.
' a-
C Two Mrii rrcstcil fur itit t * tempt to Itoh
; : ; tigeIt Ilnrttnsut.
A. holdup was atteitipteil upbn August
llartman In hI salcon at Firty-fotmetli and
loLlgo stretts Saturday nIht.
About OiO : } 1artmnn was sitting hcliind
his bar while ltI wife , a girl atici a etmaim
wore tay1ng cartis at a table. Two men
cntercd and atmprtineiiel the hr , ilartmnan
C lOokeLl tI ) and eaw Iwo revolvcrs pointing
at. liiii Ufll a couple of iiiasked facca behind
m them. lie saw it was no time for heaitation
and intinediately rmtshied totartI a back room.
Ut arrved ( in safety. 'Ike men saw that ( lie
jig was tip and got out. Later in tlm even.
trig two macit again caine in and bought
drInks. ilarmau ( recognizetl them as the thieves but ( IiIu't i.ay a word.
They caine to the maioon agan yesterday
nicrimitig. -
IIartmiman reported the matter to the lotice.
and Detectives Iavls otitl lonoltce were de-
tailcil to hitmnt the maim up. They tracked
thin to a fmermn Itemise about two nilles antl
m liaR norttieust of the saloomi , and got them
without difficulty , They had no revolvers.
9. They' gevo their nanieme as John R. Jiritton
and harry CrIflin , Orlifilt has worked on
I ho farmim for seine tliiie. l3rlttou Is from
' Tabur , to , , and caine Into town with a lotil
of apples , The cty itiarshal of Tabor has
known the titan for fourteen years , and line
1101 a octl opinion of Imitit. although he has
S never been arrested hit-re , Neither of the
alien are known to time police here.
Whcme ( lie men were brought before Ilart.
a1 man ahiI lila wife tile ) ' Identified them a
- tile rolibers , although ilartmnan said one of
tli masked men luni a beard. The pris-
- oncra tlaiiii to be iebie to prove an alibi ,
They aay ( hat they were at. a saloon on
Coining street until the place etoecel tip ,
which tets about LI :45. Then they went to
hlartiiian'a saloon to play a game a ! cards ,
bitt when they srryed there I Iartman said
lua5 about tO close , So they bought caine
beer mind left.
r - *
Special ieetIiig ( ) I TheIr itscocILitiohi Uitllad
-utpji'cts Iii Viow.
President ItV. . Fitroas and Secretary
John 'i. McMurphy of the TmritoriaI Plo.
i ; neers Association of Nebraska have called a
$ apeclal meeting of the association to he kohl
at time ttilverstty building. I.incoln , Tuesday
evening. October 16.
The object of the meeting is to perfect
and strengthen the organization , settle on a
: regular progrant1 best time of meeting , etc. ,
itnd to have a good time generally , by means
of this reunion of the earliest settlers lit the
state utow alIve.
The society was formed at Lincoln , in
May , 1192. at Alto celvlnation of the twenty-
fltth anniversary of Nebraska's statehood ,
The stab was adrimitted March 1 , 1867. and
aim eotlers ilrlor to ( lint date are invited to
beconto itmemnbra. Those coining into the
state later , but still "chi settlers. " are not
t baired ( rota attomitlance , its it waa ( lie in.
r- ( cotton to h ave title society ( lie nuelatis
around whIch the "Old Sctti _ ra' Societics ,
the 'sons and 1)smguliters of N'ebraskn , " and
all like associations could gather ommea a
r year , to conuneneorate Ike growth and pro
; ren of ( me mtnte. anti for a pleasant social
P reunion.
Oregon ] clducy Tea cures mirvous head.
* ths. Trial size , 2.i cents. All druggists.
a Vlt ) Ot Iire-I'riwr etiiI Itiilet-j'reof ?
A very Interesting suggestion has beem
made that tlremoifs timilforimis should be imiadi
out of ( lie new asbestos cloth , says the Nec
York I'ress. amid I should say it deserves vera
: serious attention. aniides of ( lie cloth which
( have t'eeit submitted show itto be quite aL
light and ldlabhe as ordInary woolen cloth o
close tezture and heavy weight. There is go
dt.tmbt about lie being Practically reproof , main
tt t.Oit. is hot larolltbltlve , The proportiom
C g flies utioretmi firemen are suffocated mar
sisiall. The isteit suffer more from burn
, - ' eaiscd by scorched or blaalng clothes. Will
the policemen In bulletproof garnients ago
the tiretnen In abcstos , we aulght consde
ureIvca Pretty safe from the spread o
pnarchy tiy torch or boinb.
, miierleaii Tflhiii&siii.
: SLit .tICs slmo' ( last In 1i56 1If6 per cen
- of the IOiiIi1iO of vessels In foreign trod
C -terLog our ports wits American. Ii
tblrty clx years , or In l.92 , thin aercemitag
had diiitiiithied t 2.til. Again , the value ego
go tli Imported unit exp rteil in United State
trails tell front 73. per cent Ito 1856 to 12.
? eY c-eat ri 1lA thu latter scar's reCiit5 p
- - - - - ' ' - - - -
, - . , .
cash to the veisels having been nearly $200-
00(1,000. ( Of this Immense aiim $175,000.000 $
went. to foreign yeseelL The significance
at these figures , says the Chicago herald ,
will be better understood If we state that
the gross railroad earnings for 1893 amounted
to $1,22O,761.71 , hind the same conditions
that mark cur shipping interests prevaIled
over tOOG.OOOOOO of the total sum woutd
have represented the foreIgn interest.
The Irequenej of Ilinnit l'ohsonlng Among
tha Moist ( 'ackers.
. , lt woUld surprise you to know , " recently
rcmarked an officer of erie of our large pack-
log hiousts to the New York Sun , hov
frequent eases f biootl poIsoning are among
our employes , and the cause in most of these
Imittonces tvouid doubtless surprise you more.
A scratch on the hiami from a bone at a
coWs head or a Ilg'S ) foot often disables a
man for a week , and strangely enough. In
akmost every case that has come tinder my
notice time scratch has been so slight as to
be almost Imperceptible.
' 'The flrst intimation the nian has of his
injury Is a. swelling of ( tie forearm , ac-
companletl by a smnartilig ham , liothi swell-
big and pa4n cer Ily i zt mad to tl.e ihiotilder ,
aititier which a large lung sometimes foriams.
E % cn after the hreseiice of the scratch has
hien In this manner demonstrated it Is often
iniposalbie to detect it. It is usually caused ,
iii tue care of the calf's head , by the sharp
edge on tIme bone of ( lie- neck , due to the
careleesnLss of the butcher who aevors ( lie
head from thm carcass. If lie tines his work
si-eli amid his cleaver hiu severed ( lie joint
PerfeCtlY all is well for there Is no sharp
cilge to cut ; but. if ho has muisseti the joint
by even a hairs breadth , which happens In
live eases- out of ten. there Is an edge ha
the hone thi'at vihh irobably work mischief ,
"Of couraP , iiOflO of these cas has ever
rcailted seriously , as iiroinpt measures are
nivays taken , nnd as we always Imielat that
a mnaia so iiijsiretl tmrnclIately consult a
physician , ThIs rule we never vary , for we
fel bound to retain a man on the hay roll
while suffering train such nfl accident , even
though lie be unfItted for eric , amid the on-
'khifiil treatment of mm apothecary , on which
ninny of them vtmlil like to rely , or time even
less satisfactory mcthicils of hiontre surgery.
would amity prolong the term of Idleness , "
I'Imv I oiiey C hut ' Irc'iIaI es I a'et rt.
I'ittsbtirg l > lspatcha ' 'ilello ! that's bogus , "
said a ticket agent passing back a vell wormi
Thio coin looked to toe exactly like the
regular thing , and I was curious to know
how the ticket man could tell it on sight.
"Oh , it's easy enough , " lie said. "Feel
it. ' '
I felt It. I couldn't fcel anything but ( ha
Price of one beer in it. 'rhen I tonic out.
another nickel antI felt that. They Iookd
alike , only the spurious coin was more worn
titan ( lie genuine.
"Thnt'a because they circulate faster titan
gocil ones , " soul the ticket nim.n. "Counter-
( cit bills and counterfeit coin. " continued the
philosopher , "are apt to tvcar out quickly.
You ee ieople always and very naturally
want to got rid of them. Some man got that
nickel you just gave me , don't you know.
and ho shiOVel it out intnaediately. the hllow
who got It passed it on as soon as i'ossible.
amid ( lie next fellow bought somethilmig with
It. and so on until you got it and I shoved it
back on you , see ? Now you know it is
counterfeit , you'll naturally get rid of it time
flrst chanc you get , probably on a horse car
conductor ; he'll give it in change to somiac
woman , and elicit ptit It off so quick your
iieatl'Il swim. There are so mnaiiy of these
bad nickels atd so little thought of it that
they 'go. ' It takes bad money to circulate
rapidly. "
_ _ _ _ - _ _ _
gti-t otI by it Mu ; o rat It bit ,
A black cat caused the blocking of the
trolley ears on one of tI13 Brooklyn lines
for several minutes on Wednesday. 'rho aol.
mal sprang from a fence. amid seated IInaseC ]
between the tracks of an approaching car
and refused to budge. 'Vha mnutnrmami , who
believed that to 'kill a ljlek cat. is unitieky.
ietolped the cur so violently that ninny of
the passengers vero thrown from their seats.
Canes and umbrellas % vere flourished at tlio
animal , hut itretured to move , anti it. held
to this determination even vhien the mactar.
moan posIted the front of the car sloaly
over it. I"inally , after a dozen or more
cars hail been blocked , one of the conduc-
( ems seized the cat by the tail and threw it
on to the sidewalk , The motorman bellived
the cot Intetideit to commit suicide.
.IitY * ,1' ItAT1' .
I immmnoseckers 1xcurlaii ,
On September 25th and October 9th tIme
\Ussouri Pacific vIll sell tickets at one fare
for ( lie rimnd trip ( ihtis 2.O ) to nil points
south aULI southwest , limited to 20 ilays from
date of sale , with privilege of stopping off
going and returning. For pirticulars call
on or address depot agent , 15th and \Vcb-
ster , or city olfiece. northeast corner 13th
and l'ariiam.
J. 0. PfllL1lPPI , A. G. F. & P. A.
Olimahut , itiiI Ciileati , iiait.a& * EIteemm-liour
Train ,
Leave Omauma at 6:15 : p. m. and arrive
at Chicago 9:40 a. in , via C. M. & St. 1' .
ily. for Chicago and all points east , Trauma
mnaile up and started from Omaha , assuring
passengers clean and well aired cars. The
only Iliac running aohld vestibuled cloctrlc-
lighted train from Omaha direct , No wait-
lug for tliroimglt trains.
Elegant ebnir care. palace sleeping and tim.
tog cars , Ticket utIlce , IfiOl 1"arnant street.
C. S. CAR1tIF1t ,
Tckot Agent ,
- -
homes for time lioiielcwi.
On September 11 and 25 and October 0 time
UnIon Pacific wIll cell homcseelcers' excur.
don tickets , good for 20 days ( rain elate of
sale at the .rate of one fare for the round
trIp , with $2.00 added , to all points in No.
braska. K'insas , Colorado. New Mexico ,
Wyoming , Utah , Idaho ( east of 011(1 ( includIng
Nampt anti liaise City ) amid Montana ,
Stop-avers granted on both going and returning -
turning trip. ii , P. DEUEI ,
City Ticket Agent , Unln i'aclihe System , 1302
Farnani street , Omaha. Nob.
CII IC.tlt ) , ItCl tLtNi ) .t I'itIFIC ItY.
Cmiii fornba Tnrht I'cit rsbon.
"Phillips Itock Island" personally conducted -
ducted excursIons , First through car leaves
Omaha Friday. Oct. 12th , at I 35 p. iii. , anti
weekly thereafter during time wInter season.
For ( till particulars. berth reservations , etc. ,
call at Itock Island ticket office. 1602 Farnani
: ato3rIPdIEIFic'i'XCLINSlN. : .
Via ( I.e iItmr'Ihmugton Bottle.
Round trip tickets to western. northwest-
: em , southern , southwestern and soutImuct-
era points oat sale Tuesday , September 2 ,
at the one way rate , plus 2.00 ,
; I"ull information at 1324 Farnarn street.
DO\VL1NG , City I'aasenger Agent.
: ' - Itenmurkatilo Ahiievs'imieiit. ' lit
AfI.t Ira
Was the running of the 1xposition Flyer ,
the famous twenty-hour train between Clii-
cage and New York via ( lie Lake Shore
route , In service during the \S'orld's fair ,
A hiandsonma litho-water color of thIs train
many be secured by sending 10 cents In sit-
ver to C. K Wilber , Western Passenger
Agent. ChIcago ,
* -
A Zeav Train to L'iiicngo.
Commencing August 12 , time "Omaha and
Cbicago special , " via the Chicago & North.
western railway , leaves Omaha daily at f':45 :
p m , , and arrives at Chicago 8:45 : next
morning , Vostibuied dining car , Wagner
r sheopors and chair cams form the equipment
of this train , and are all up to "North.
weatorn" standard ,
f 1401 Farnatn street , city ticket oflloe
a Via ( 'hilciago , hock IsIminti & l'actfle l1aiLwar.
a Sept , 25th and Oct. 9th , one fare for the
Li round trip , with $2 $ added. good twenty days
front date of sale. For full particulars call
at Rock Island ticket offlce , 1602 Farnam
t street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5O,0O6 for less than 130,000 , Attend
sheriff's sale. east front of court house , Sep-
' temnber 25 , between 10 and ii a , m. The
Peabody property , 132 feet. square. corner
0 14th and. Jones streets. Trackage in rear.
a -
6 P. .M , at tnm-sha , RI4 . , lii. at ChsIcao
t The new vestibuled train now runmaIo on
a ( be "Northwestern" east daily ,
a Jo'Ce znIllincr j.4 Doujlas ztust ,
- - - - - - - -
/irmy ! itn atefltd with the rcorcB Made
at. Be1IeuJ Last Week ,
Some ( boil liccoribs Made by time Timurstons
iii TheIr Iirst Enlemavor-I.n'mt Year
for ( ho , ( liii Sprlngflolii
ortlo Uuu ,
The present coinpetitioti at Bellevue rifle
range , which wilt close Tuesday , has
been one of tIme most. ideasamat and vrofltable
in ( Ito history at the range. It lies beemi
lwofltabhe to the competItors because they
have imaade better records lii the shooting
titan ever before ,
Time compcttion for the Dopartimient. of
time Platte began on September 13 , with three
days of mrehlnainary firing. Last Motaday
( lie Omaha Guards were on time range amid
pumped a few pounds of lead into the bulls ,
Then caine four days of conipetitlve firing ,
and Saturday a detachment of ( lie Tliitrston
Itifles , under commitand of S'ergeant Perky ,
blazed away at the revolving targets. Corn.
pared wlth the records a ! ( lie regulars time
almootitig of the militia boys was rather
weak. but , everything considered , the records
are good. Several of the boys never used
a regiJlation rifle before , anti miow they are
nursing bruised shatildems cud declaring ( hut
it was great sPort ,
Monday and Tuesday will see the cavalry.
mcii using their revolvers. Tticsday vtll
be the last day , and then the macdais wilt
be dIstrIbuted. Timis will be a gold ( lay at
time ramqe. General lirooke nod s'taff vih1
ho present , the Secomid Infantry hand wilt
discourse sweet. mntiIc , and time cream of
Omaha society will be present to hell'
make It a great social event.
Monday inoriming will see revolver prac-
tice. dismuoumated fIrings at twenty-live yards.
In the afternoon dismounted firings at fifty
yards. On time forenoon of Tuesday
mounted firings , live shots to ( ito might and
five shots to time left , at target I ) , 'placed
ten yartls front time track and tventy yards
apart , preceded by firimigs by each trooper
or ton blamik cartridges , five to tIme right
amid five to the left. Itloimnied firings , live
aliote to ( lie right amid five shots to the
left , at target U , first fired at twenty-five
yards from the track , time second target
twenty yards , ( lie' third target fifteen
yards , time fourth target ten yards , and tIme
last target five yards from the track , all
targets placed at an angle ofi degracs
vith the track.
In time afternoon mounted firings , five shots
to the right arid five shots to the left , at
target K , placed ten yards from the track
anti twenty yards apart , preceded by fIrings
by each trooper of ten black cartridges , flve
to the right and five to the left. Mounted
firings , five shots to time right , and five shotz
to time left. at target K. first fired at twemmty-
five yards from time track , tIme second twenty
yards , time' third. flfte-emi yards , time fourtim temi
yards and the last five yards. Thc five targets -
gets placed at art amigle of 45 degress
wIth the track.
Inirnediately after time altermioon firing time
medals will bee presented. This Is always aim
Interesting event , especIally for time soldcr !
boys who get the macdale.
Time comimpetltlon has furnished one record-
breaker. but tlm aggregate scores have been
better , as a rule , tlmarm ever before. Sergeant -
goantVest of ( lie Sixth cavalry broke the
carbine record , making 171 poInts out 01
possible 200. Timls is five polmmts above tac
previous record. This is tlmo more remarkable -
ble front time fact that Sergeant \Veat lms
just returned from tluy at Chicago , whither
lme accompanied his troop during the strike
riots. ife was thmtms shmut. out fooni practice.
Saturady was a tiulet day on time range.
Colonel I3enharn had lnvltozi ( lie Thurstomi
flifles to vlsif time range anti receive intrtmc-
( ions amid enjoy ( target practice. Captalmi
Schrlf seemed to be vera' enthmtisiastic , but
for sonic unaccountable reason ho failed to
alpear. and omaiy ten men of the company
appeared. A sergeant was in charge , and
no reason was given for the apparent slight
placed upon Colomiel Iherilmarn , Time regulars
liati been lmarti at work all week , amid it was
a seeming iiart.lsltlp to ask thmemmi to vork tam'
so entail a numuber of men , bitt It at'as clone ,
Tlm immilitia boys who were liresent expressed
titenmselves as deeply grateful to Colonel
l3eflhmamn and Captain Utmilfoyle for their icInd-
ness. It was great practice for the boys.
Time scores were at known mhlstancos :
Name and Itanmc. : naI roj CiTo'Or- )
yd.yI. li' . b-ti , hal , tier
r , . \'Inceflt , p'Ivate 19 i 2 VII 72 1
C. C. ijimagabe. im-Ivate 1 II i4 1 Ii 2
ii. Macoil , eraaimmt . . . . 13 1) ) 1' ) I 31 3
a. i. r' .gan , pmlvt' . . C i 4 14 31 4
r. r. iiarIt'tt , corpotal 4 6 13 mm 34 5
C . It. Scrambling. i'v't 14 13 4 2 3.1 6
3 , 1' . Imtmchnnan. ti'V't. 5 . C It 2.1
I , . g , Ja5tmai sergeant in 4 4 2 oa S
Lec Forb3' , sergeant . . . . . 14 2 7 0 2 9
t.v _ Slimmer , private. . . . C 6 l _ 4 IC fl
_ _ _ _ _ _ -
; 0 71 Pii. a a
. c"ucia ' .I LL '
Nammie antI flank. : i. - ' a. a - - ' -
LIli l I , : 1
_ _ _ _
\.Vmncent , pvt..0 I 2 3 OI13
J. -Ituehanai , pit 2 2 3 S 0 32 1 lit 2
C. C. itungate , pvt..2 0 0 2 0 S 7 5 3
It. I. . 1"rgan. pvt U . r , 0 5 0 15 3 49 4
w. Bartlett , corp..1 3 0 4 0 12 4 47 5
a. it. SaramnWing , pvt . 0 0 2 2 0 10 6 43 6
am. alasan , cot-p. . . . . . . . . ft 2 0 2 I ) 6 9 43 7
I. . I-I. 1'lii.tniemi , tergt . 1 2 1 4 0 1. 2 41 1 ,
.A. 'tV. ? tttmmerprt. . . . . . U 1 1 2 O 8 821 9
Added interest has been lent to the pros.
ent rifle competition by ( lie fact that it Is
probably time last competition at which time
old pattern , rifle wIll be uaei , Dy mmext year
time ( cool's will have been armed with time
newly adopted Krag-Jurgensen rifle , a do.
scrlptlon of which has been previously given ,
The troopers expect to make a good showing
the first. year , but do not lpok for any record
smashing. After havIng used time Spring.
field rifle-s for years it will take them some
tune to become fammailiar with time mmew gun ,
It is lighter anti of smaller caliber , and the
trajectory is flatter , and nil these maust be
takemm into consideration.
The distinguished mnarksmen who will re-
celve Limo gout medals this year are Captain
Garrard of the Ninth cavalry -and Sergeant
Jackson of 0 troop , Ninth cavalry , Their
records are as follows :
. , .i C
P P.
flank Name and ' a
Regiment. E
a , . . ,
a . :
I :
J , Ommn-ard , Capt. . 9th. . 511 aa'T a-cm
J , T. JacksonSgt. , a. , 9th 2S4 15a 3 4a1 52) ) 9.i
Time liellevue range imas been in use six
years , and until Saturday there had never
beema an accident upon IL Tons of lead have
been fired , anti until yesterday none of it
had ever struck an animate object , save a
cow timat * as accidentally shot last year ,
Yesterday afternoon Sergeant Samuel Adonis ,
B troop , Fourth cavalry , Department f
Caittormmla , went down to Uelievuo depot
with sonmo cornpanions to indulge in revolver
practice. On ( Ito way down he inserted a
shell for thu purpose of shooting lit a bird.
But the bird flew before lie could shoot , and
lie forgot to remove tIme shell , Thilnkbig the
revolver was not loaded , he began snapping
it after reaching the depot , and it went oft.
Time bail struck Adams in the left groin ,
caine out next to the inside
of the right leg , and entering
time right leg ranged clown almost to time
knee. Dr. Robinson feared ttmat the ball
had penetrated the bladder , but examination
showed the fear to be groundless. Tbm
wound Is very painful , though not dangerous
and Adams expects to bo on duty again with'
lii timmee weelce ,
Iitilitmiry 4otrs.
Liemitenant F , II. Ileacli , Sixth ca'ealry , is
registered at army headquarters.
Lieutenant Lawson M. Fuller , Ninth cay
airy , has reported for duty at ( be liellevue
rifle range ,
' 'hea Fort Mcl-Clnney , SVyo. , Is abandoned
troop O ZInti Cayair ) ydll ttkG ItatlQP .l
Fort Robinson , 4ebJ Troop K. same regl-
ment , has also beea 1ordered to Robinson.
Captain itmoch hlI Crowder , judge advo.
cato , lopartmmmemit of tile Platte , lies returned
from a brief Yacatlcmsl.
Companies C nad lJ. Eighth infantry. imave
been relieved fromt daty mat Fort Robinson ,
and on the let Olloetober wilt proceed to
Fort Russell , Wyo ,
_ , l .11 ttxiii : is.
" .t 1luirmt thin Batik , "
Titerci is an attm'aotlomi at time Fifteenth
Street theater tlmit'eek which gives prom-
lee of enaaetimimmg 4all records at tiais botise ,
tiiiless them-c simould imppen to be absolutely
tmotiitiig in signs ,
" ' ' which hind Ite
"A Htmn on the hlanic.
initial presemitatiomi yesterdmiy itt Mmtnrmger
liLmrgees' theater , eanimot be tmiken Ill time
serIous vein one wotmid give "Our Flat , "
for it iii only ( lie mttkeshmltt icr tile intro'
eltietton of IL wotmderftmliy clever coterie at
enterticimierm' . asid titemeln it rervea its inmr-
ntose well. Plot , incident , situation would
la lost siimt of 1mm time midst of ito much
that. Is pleasantly ntnmmsing , that is ( irmtggei
iii iii , ' time tiecie' , so to eittk , for th enter-
tainmnent of those assisting In front , anti
( mnammagernemtt lttui wisely frowned down
army attempt tin the hart of ( lie commiIati ) ) '
ta tact , htmL the widest latitude Is mtcctmm'tied
time e'omn5mammy to introduce their slieclmtltles ,
tofu ( lie slmow in coimacajtenee is the "hot-
test" seen here this seaeomm ,
At the itetul of time company are 'artt
nail Voices. two names to conjure with in
time history of time vatiety iirofessiomm , For
years they imtve iittmoi lit time ( remit of' Nctsm
York's vaudeville people , and in their ovim
iecuiiar 1in are initmiltmible , Their 'ork mtmi
grotesqtme comaiedhutmis yestertla ) ' kept I he
mlAtciience in otto comitimniotms roar of lmtimghmter ,
amid their "ater ihimtlogtac' ' lii the third
mutt simply comiviiled time house. Fooilsh ?
'l'lie imeighlt of it ! ilut the people would
rather Ittugh ( hun cry nay ( imt'SU rains
the world away ,
lltrry llnttey. who wmms here 'ltlm thi
"ltnilromul Ticket" last seasomm , lies aim agree-
ttble mole as a tough valet amid bartender ,
h'ch he plitys wIth the most extravagiarli
attemmtlon to detail , and his extrmivmmgant
tiammettig has ant tiseim excelled In years it
ever. Alfred Grant developeti a quiet fine
of iatmitaor which vame iii market ! contrast
with the knockttbommt methods ofVmrd
ttnti'okea. . lie i a bcrn story teller anti
won mm. recognition tlmnt vtiS tttcroamghl )
deserved. Siti IjcGray mtitis batlatle ire a
leneing annnmmrr , while the oilier males of
tue company till in butt niches witim credit.
\'hile the men mire strong tue womnemm cc
time conapatmy nrc mao iemes so , amid mm lirettier
mcxtette f gina wotmhii be latirel to find ,
Tht'y hmavcu snap. tlie'v himive the true Imlea
of farce expected to 'be developed by their
sex , amid itt time songs amid tianee are tIi
equals of ( lie genuemnen. Miss Anna Cald-
wei ! , as ma. book agent , ha never lmnd a
part which becttrne lttr so vell. Full of
clash and go , site brings to mind somnetinmes
the viteiuem'S' of Theo , the sttbtlo sugeative.
notes of , tlice Oate. Miss Clara Bell , n
womitleruitily fetching girl , dances splentlitity
with Miss VoIces. Sierra lClnabai' , IilbertI
l.cmtmocic , Ilcne Vluteent amid Imauz itne coma.
Plete what must be consldemett one of ( be
vem-y best farce eoinciiie touring the 0011gm-
try. _ _ _ _
4 , 5 I , e I e'l I'a . ii ( t
Thirteen seasons for a spectacular proiiuc-
tton , and each sesson seemingly better thamm
the one iim'evioue , tells ( lie story of ' 'rho
heviis Auction , " which began a short en-
gngemer.t last evemming at Boyd's. Mr.
Charles Yale , the nmmmtmager of the extrava-
anza , has seen rivals come and go , new
iilemts of stage mechanism exploited , new
burlesques Introilticed , but time ' 'Atictiota" '
htmt kept pac wIth the changing conditions ,
s'ith the result that it is mae of timepopulat -
sti000CCei4 of ( lie stage.
Itrigiat with new costumes , new sct'nEr3' ,
new stage 'effep , mmciv imahlet , and the cloy-
crest of lpeciUitlt'i' , the spectacle imiade a
-ivlnmilmtg last evvnhimg , such as it line not
enjoyed for seveml yeate. 'l'it parformaac
Went with snmtp , until tIme jiia3ers comae ir
for their full 'Imare of ene.tiragetnent itt the
hamids cf tiiouee in front. Time tlranaatic InCidents -
Cidents of the story devolve ujmotm Miss
Sadie Steplmens. who , as Curios. gives a
moat inteiligent intcrpretatiomi of mm voom'
shephermi ; Mr. Augtmmmtua flrtmno , Jr. . as Tby ,
a'ery frlE'mihly , tlonkey ; Al W. Dcker , as
( lie hard.lmcartcd cM fumier , Pete : Misi
.lmmgtitmmtne as Count ht'orttmno ; Mimem Mildred
Iloiden as ( lie heroine , Madeline' , and NOra
\TCrnomi as Janet. till at whom filled tIme re-
qtmiremnen ( . -
Tmtt lholait 'f tile evcning VL5 I-nude by
- the ' ia'Lmn8 , who mb IL wondqrfuhly clever
"turn' ' in ( lie thIrd mmci , mind. kttcr in time
"l'erlis of the Trolley , " ci. hurleqtic of the
'nmhtcmr cars , pIrTw , tlirmselve'3 ttcrolmntmi bf
pru-emnInent abIlity.0.a tim , Riuto" is a
character bit. ne-w thin 'season ahiat won
roumada of applatise for the maimer of its
working tmzt. 'rho ballets mire exceedingly
pretty , leil by Stgnorltas Chitten and Barb-
lotti , katie beautifuL women the former
iming particularly simnmmeiy and irett' , 'rime
-girls mire very attractive. all of thaprn , rltrht
i'omneh' . amid th' performnamico lime he ( Mr.
Yale has given in several seasons.
S mirm" . t liii C t'tttt Ii % % 'n.i't i tI''c
Are brotmgbmt about 'by tIme tmse of hIoetetter'
Stomach Bitters , forenmost amitong American
famIly remnellee. Ithetimatlamim , neuralgia ,
dyspm'psia liver conmpialnt , immalaria and mm-r-
votis complaints succumb to this reliable
remedy. It does It kamilga work tItoromiily : ,
and those vlmo time it reap a frtmitfimt harvest
of health Pimysiciaas of time ftrst standing
coninmemitl it ,
1).I TflS 2) JI 1eIlrBElcIfI ) .
September G-Democratic state convention.
Suptembor 2S-flepubhicamt primaries to
choose delegates to time county convention.
September 23-RepublIcan coumaty comivema-
( ion to nonilmiate county oflicars.
October 3-Demmmoerntlc county convention
to nomInate county officers.
I.Ot'.I 1. Ic ! C ! J'I TIS.
Time annomimicermient in Saturday morning's
paper that Mr. J , 'F.'m'ertz is a candidate
for time state sento was erroneous. lie
asserts that lie is a camadidate for no omce
avim atsoeve r.
Frank Itoilicitty amid Flub Sammders were arrested -
rested yesterday aftormtoan on time charge of
ilgl'tlng , They were iii time house in which
Lovgren was assaulted Sattmrtlay night , and
took hiart in time affray.
A one-story frame buildimig at 118 North
Tantit street , owned and occmmpied by George
J , Gilbert , catmght- fire from a defective flue
yesterday afternoon at 4:50. : Time building
was damtiage-l to time extent of 25.
Time fire department was iahIeti to the
Sixteenth street viaduct yesterday afterneomm
about 4:30. : Some one lied seen smoke arising -
ing frotma time timbers that vre being bored
, by workmen vitIt hot irons , and turned iii
the alarm.
Mrs. l'itmapie was arrested last nIght at
Twentieth street and Poppletomm avenue tot
creating ma disttmrbammce. JSlni was after
lmer child , of wimicuim she claimed liar htus.
band had ilelmrived Imer. Site had located
( hem at time above address.
Saturday afternoon a number of small
boys wera i1Iayimi4- ; circus at Nitmeteenthi
avenue and Locust street. in doing ( hit
horizontal liar act \\'altIo , the 6-year-old
eon of Mr. and Mis , 0. A. Scott , fell fron
time bar and , . strik1og time imard ground be.
imeatit , broke his if arm at time elbow.
The city mnarshat of Tabor , Ia , , was in ( hi
city yesterday -afternoon after time flier
Alien , who had r6bimed his cousin Tabor , and
was captured Satamrmby by Ietectivos Demp
imey amid hayes. I' Tbe mmiii refused at tirsl
to go without requisition papers , but latem
changed imis rniamti lie will be taken t
Tabor today.
At time Young 'mVcnaen's Christian assoclatlor
rally at the First 'Freskyterian church ( him
evening Miss Coaven will sing and Mism
Kessler of Plattamnouth , whose playing ec
pleased timose vhoi attemmdetl time strrmwberr
festivaL wIll play. . ' Miss McHugh chlt glvc
a brief talk. Every one is invited to attend ,
No admission wIilThc charged ,
Highest [ toner's-World's Fair.
: 'Pit ;
I $ $ I1R
A pui rape Cream of Tartar Powder. l7t't
fem ArnmcinIa , , , Am or any other duIteff4
Some Very Crcditabo Target Work Done at
Euser' Park Yc8tordn.y ,
EsiiibItion hj' tue Turners cmiii SpIrIted
CoimtcIs nit tue hiowllng Alloy Acid
to ( Ito Ematerttiiitimtemtt of ( Ito
1)mty-.twmtrthiiig of l'riseu ,
Time Danish lttflo club held its
ntntl siiootltmg tournament at Itimser's park
yesterlay. Time chilly witmds , which pro-
veiled during hiart of the tlay , hirevented a
large attendance , but iii the afternoon a
crowl of severa't hundred people assemiibled
to witness the shoot and to participate in
the 'ariotms gammies ama the grountia.
At 10 o'clock the Iaulsh sharpshooters
opened time toUm'mmamnemmt , after time usual sig'
nal lmaa been given. Shooting was on a
ten-ring target for moemmibers at the Ianish
club emily , This commtinuetl until later in
the day , when mmmcimtbcrs of time Omimaha
Sclimiotzetmvereima put in an appearance amid
took aim tipotm the twenty-five rimig target ,
firing upamm which was opelt to all corners.
In the afternoon a imammimber of bowlers
exhibited their aklil impomi ( tie boa iimmg mtt-
leys , whIle time Danish turners gave two
eplemidiml exhibitions of tummmbilmmg mmmml Oil
time vaulting itoase. Ihoth of timeso per-
formmmatmces nrotmscd the midmimiration of time
people imresemmt , so well were ( hey exectmtemi ,
To onlookers it mmppearmni mimore like time work
of setami.Imrofessionais titan ammuatemmre. In ( lie
ttimmmbiing acts some ( lifllctmlt feats were
pertorimieil and ott time horse time turners
easily cicared eight feat. six incites , Tue
gymnasts were uituiar the tiim'ectlomi of In-
strtmctor Fr d Nygmmerml of the Iamtisht Ttmrn-
verein. Amt award of a gold mmmedai was mnamie
to time tcciety.
Time rifle club , organized abotmt five ) 'c'Imrs
ago , did soimmo hair shooting aim its ou'mm tarS
get. Out of PSsibio fifty lmnts 'iiI4ammm
Novo scored 33 ; i'residemat Charles Itasmittms-
sema , 33 ; 0 , P. Jemtoeti , ' ( Irammhc l'etersomm ,
29 ; Jantes Johmnomm , ! 4 , and Clmrist Nelson ,
23 , These six , bimmg time lmlgiiest cmi five
elmots , wore rewarded witlt prizes , cotmsistiimg
of a silver water pitcher , rochlmmg chair. elI-
ver castor and other minor urises.
In time Fuller F
free-for-all simoot Fred ,
it. Heft antI Fred M mmgemlolmt , u'hmn imad ( meemi
deiayed on tlmelr lmutttliig ( nh by immiavoIdaimle
c'rcumnstancea. ' and to wimomia mm sitootlimg
totmrmiamnemmt proves irresIstIble , earmteml tIme
three first i'riz a in time order miamateti. Jammms
Joimiisotm , 0. 1' . Jensen amid Frank l'etersemi
were awarded fourth , 111th anl sixth prizes
respectively on their targct Tim whiners
received prizes from a gold eatcim for Fuller
to au elegatit pipe , carmacti hmy i'etersemm. On
time bowling alley Churl's Rasmmmtm'seemm tl- !
tirmguiaumcd ltimmmelf smtmcicmmtiy to ( me awtrdotl
a shiver butter dili timmd Mrs. Olson was
declared tue best lady bowler. A toot race ,
ai3o for a prize , was womm by P. Maden.
Time clay was conclumlami 'ith a sclal hop.
- - - -
Oregor Kidney Tea cures cli kifimmey
troubles. Trial size , 25 edits. All druggIsts
.Imst ma I.itLin i'ittr ,
Time "Northweatermt" Nunmber Six leaving
( ) mm'rlma 4 p. in. daily. stow arrives at Clmicao
:59 : a , mu. , instead of 8:15 : , ao formumerly. "Juat
a little faster. " Domm't comafuse this with thin
On alma Clticmtgo special , which still leaves at
5:15 : p. tim. daIly and arrives at Chicago S : i5
a. m. No need to chmammge this traitt.
City chico , 1401 Foment street ,
J'EI'.sO.'i L 1'11t.1fl.I vus ,
J , T. Winters of lted Cloud is at time Mil-
J. C. Sullivan of Spatmimllng Is at time Ar-
C. J. hlysharn , Roil Oak , In. , Is at time Mcr-
G. 0. Swain of Marslmalltowti , Ia. , is a Del-
iomio guest.
A. J , Manassa of [ 'ocateilo , Imlalmo , is at the
l'mmrry Griffin and wife of Clmmeinimati are
mIIlIartl guests.
\v. J. Atkinson , Greut River , \'yo. , is a
Mcrcliammts guest.
C , A. Pratt of CushmIng and J. S.'est of
hienkelman are Nebraska gmmess ( at time Mer-
Nebraskans at the Paxton are : ii. it.
Robinson of Kimball , M , C. Keith of North
Platte , 0.i. . Anderson of Neligh , and Johima
C. David and wife of Paa'oee City.
Nelmrasktmiis at ( lie leliorme are : F. Al.
Rimbiec of flroken How , r. M. Alden of ily-
annie , I ) . N. Whteelgr of 1'emmtierV. . Al.
Whmite of Tekamali , and It , W. Ilalte of
\\'lml ( utah.
George \V. Vroonmao of North Platte. chaIr-
niami of the grimvanco conitnittec of tIme Broth-
'rhmoo'I of Locommtotlve Engineers on time
Union Pacific system , amid J. N' , Corhmitm of
flemtver , secretary of tIme Knights of Labor
on time systeimm , are at the Arcade. Neithmer Is
in the city on business of special imiiporlaimce
And sometinmes a great , ieal prettier. t'OU may
have the color of haIr you most atimutre. me your
own Is gray , or .polted mu , bleaching aa.l mn
iut-mous dyes , OLe
It i hair ( onto and coloring of perfect ci'antm.
noes , % % 'llicIm comt's In sert'ram simmmdts. Ono , ipJlI.
cation will last car nmoothis. it ma alsoitttei ) ' mm-
gossibte to detect It. use. fimiths wilt not aftct
it. dead for free booklet.
1.iiI'ElItIt [ , Cli IitiOsL 11Um , ( ' 0.
292 FIfth Avenue , N. Y.
: . IOIlfft' tl'f't , - ( I.tht , , A'eb
: Whatever turn time wheel of fashion may
take , time Library Table will always remain
a favorite' . It supplements the book shelves
anti the escritoire , amid it is difficult to imagine -
agine a Library satisfactorily arramiged without -
out at least one such Tahmleriesk.
We have an immense assortnment , with
both plain and carved border tops , with
one to four drawers , with and without time
lower shelf.
Prices start at $10.00 ; ( his is for a slightly
reduccd iz . For 113,00 you can eecure a
very popular pattern. I'romn thus point they
Increase in cost as the size arid decoration
become more lavish. " , Ve have bank direct-
ora' tables which reach $100 $ in price ,
But the one important point to remember
is that our prices on this one line of library
work are below every other house in the
city.Chas. . Shiverick & Go.
FURNITURE of Every Description
, Teomporary Location ,
JRof * iiicl 121)S DouZlmati Hfroet ,
-I - . -
- Sound brains furns1t practical ideas. A hat I - ' '
- . - being a close neighbor to brains , is cntitcd [ to har- . -
. - - . vs i thc crop. We lend our brains to our hat de-
es- . - parttncnt. rlirec inontils of each year we study - -
: : : how to obtain a practical , shapc.rctnining hat , for ' -
= : little money. The rc3ult , compare ally hat , at any , , . . .
: : p1ce , whcthcr , 5 or 6 dollars--side by side-- - .
- quality to quality.-trirniniug to triinnhiug.--to our
: : : : :
- - three dollar . hat , and find ourrovcrbalance the scale - _ -
- - - - , . . .ertainly.
' 3- - 1'Iic "NebrasIa SpeciaL" our _ one fifty leading -
- - hat p is cxccptioiially line this seiI-so1d so far -
. - over 400 dozen , rhrec dollars buys as good a hat -
. - - - - I DUt in a fcv pIacc. Derby. Fedoi-a o'r soft. - =
- ,1Wo and two fifty are our other prices , the -
- - . identical hat youpay $3.50 and for. Fasli- - '
. - ionaby blocked and cvcry shade appropriate for the . - '
: : : seasonsha..cs , stiff Fedora , Tourist , soft and other.
- Crushers we sell at 35c , 5oc , 75C. $3.00 , $ l.25t -
: : consideribly cheaper--as a matter of course--than
any OnC selling a line auywlicre---shades arc everything - -
: : thing that color hats. -
. . -
I.- Autumn weight overcoats. Shaift omit to ad- ' - '
. - 'ise a fall overcoat. ' . . -IW . . .
- 1icy'rc ! cheap2r this year than ever Ecfore If you -
a.05 . - - can t do as ivell clscs'herc try us. We shAll please -9
g- with a good dressy coat for four do lars , a bet-
: teton for six fifty , increase in 1cIiiaiiiclolIar -
dollar in ricc until -we rc-ch a tailor made , dc-
: :
au.- . crailtly draped beauty tliat'lI cost but fifteen dot- - F
ca- you _ _ _ _ _ -
- tars. I A sample of the queer and awkward overcoat
> . - - - called ' 'Paddock , " vhicIi is--by the way-- the newest -
- : : est cxtiemc for swell wear , on exliibtion in our
: : Douglas street window. -
( D- .
: : S
Ef''IlJkh fe. . Kt
' - 1:1 :
La' .
- - r . _ atalogtios ( Fati and Winter 1891.5) ) to be lttU on application.
ooOoooooo 00000000000 000000000000000000000t)000000000000000000000000
§ ' -
0 0 Calls for new card.-veddiig
8 -
§ invitations-stationery , etc.-
0 0 0 , all of wbtch we furiish en-
0 0 0 graved after the nios ap-
8 0 proved fashion.
0 'Your mtatmme etigraved omm 100 earths for $1.tO ,
0 c : ,
0 c
RAYMOND , 15th and Douglas , JEWELEH.
0 ce
0 00000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000Q
- , , No flatter , . ! t'o &rom. No Thign ( r.
' - , . p. BF.tT Powr.ii. ( or C'orn and reefiMlils , h3alia
, i ; , . ILay , Running S'cpmtrators , Creameries , tc. . . ,
Statloniiry or Portable , (
ltotiOII.P. - Bto2ORp ,
_ _ . . _ _ .oi.a Scid forCamalugue , 1'rIet , etc.desorItImtg work to bedone.
Omaha , SheeleyBlock , 15th & howard Sta. 33mb i. Va1iaut Sta. . l'mItIj/m.flELLzzA , PA. -
who have ht'.n humbnggodby the " I1ectrto Belts , " i"eilow aublercr , " IThlus.
Y "Crnyon"TrOCOUI "Vacuum , " "Fr , . , . Cute" tima.cke , oad who have founa a
"S U your.oif gruwmmimc oItieriadworoiYOU , wbo it.v.iionup IndeMpairsaJtn5
' 4 1 nni doomed , there . ilo bap , for maim' to you I .ar , who are cttktngmnto an i'.rmT
nrlriILtr , upon , i bnr'k'ga ol etcknt'i at , ! liortuno. , , Itt' , .nd 3Ji.'VJ''z T1IIJUL5 itIit'Ei ' 3IQ2I5.1I Xb . iituz
; - , t Write me I rum tnioy orycarea ; . ird ro , t1iESTIO5 I ISTS u'l , 1110 F.e tioet. 7 I.Caree , 1' , b , i4.
, . . . , . . . . , . ' ' . ' . . ' . , . . . .
, my iim i i cur. mb.'tau.d I cam it'mta ice' ' 5C.TS' .igr.t.
. , . , , , , . , , , , . . , , , , .
-4.J r'5t rpdiI.a.t WIII b.r m.lrtreimml peib.rbti , . ' , , , 1' . ( C. Ti..t.4r..I.l Con.istlos Nr"1Iil A ' lttn1mymttsr Cr by pill . , aydt..t i.a,5 iud. yontoflEALTti.
1 , , N. E. WOD. PreslUent. CHICAGO MEDICAL ft SURGICAL 1NSTITU1E , 31) han Buren 51. ChIca9o , lii. a
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
. 1
' .10'
, - ' WAWHOOD , uanmmlt.ecm ( neHru aim nor , , , , , , dteaes.Micti us % Veait Thie lteruorrJomqifllmnin wonderful roirisdy
- ! ewer , ltetitmieIteYaketttImjocs , I.oIL.IariItrcet , Stgmmiiy ICiiiisboim , . I4erous ?
hess till dtaiirtiiind ioiaof powerin Generative (1rgjta of cutter i-axcittmied
q ; I ) , oor ezertbom , , "outhrui crromezeessiro use of tobacco , omiluni or stla
, , tIeII. ultmntit. shteim i.'tnfto murmur. ( 'on3uiulllotm or in.anItv. ( 'an ho currIed tO
- , . , , . 1 , a * . nisim , \VItIt . '
. mtcki'I. e iertn'x eor 14. by prei3mmJVItIt a * S. outer wit
- , ' ' , , . ' ' rettul bIte . .
giwc a tt'i'itt'ttt Cinruitrc (0 cur. iii' m..uiry hoId Sty a14
AIlrmmrei.m , . A fur U , ( like liii tither. Write for freo1ecmmcsi hmitok sent seam , it
sama ep cmi I bmV. in piatmi Wmi' Mtcms NI5V NEllie CC ) . , htasonmcTcmnimcCi1mcAore
Sold in Omaha by Shmermimut & SfcConneii. Iturmn 5. Cc , anti Vlckeri & Merchant , druggist. .
March list. ibIS.
Moe & l'enfohci Co-i ; am very much pleased
to commend W. L , t6eymmmour's abmitY 51 tLfl OPti
elan , mmavlng been sattaf.mcloriIy fitted wIth tas.
Cs for nellgmoutlam amid derive-ti grc5l betiemit
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Commend alt of the uritamlo prof"utOn to do itke'
wle , Verb' troiy. J. LAUtsIEVAI.LMS. .
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THE 0. i : . MILLER CO. ,
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CAPITAL , - - $4Oo,00o -
SURPLUS , - - $55,5O ,
OffIcers sad Diretor.-3fenr W. 1ie , . pri. . if
Identi John 11. CeltIcs , , lCe'pr.ldsati t.meta j'
8. Bee , , C&shter ; William U. , Hughes. c.4i5t.
tnt caabler.