THE OMAHA DAILY BjSEt MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 2 < L 1891. SPEG1RL NOTICES. AdYPrtlsemcnls for tlic-ie columns nil ! bo lnh n until 12 39 ti. m. for the evcntmnnd unlll 8.W p. m , for the mwrnlns and SunJij fUitlons Advertisers , by rvrtiiesllnR a nuinlj-rol .TII-CK , can Imve nniwen iidiJri'S-wl to n nunilierrd lettnr In eire of The llw. Annvvcre M ndJiwcil will ! * delivered upi n prcwntntUm of tlitlwclc Itales , IHc a wont ( Int linerllun. lo n word Iherenfler. Nothing takin foi Its * tim Jjc for flrat Ina-rllon , , . Thine na > ertlpmiit < munt nm omvcullvcly SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTii : > . AS fIJIHK oTt ItOnfC- keeper. liy n. VOUIIB man of tpiiiiK-nit liiliits luirt bualnivn ( Mhunllun. Six months' experi ence aa bookU.-t per Address X SI II ' . WA NTED MALE HELP. VANTI'D. TKAVnMNO SAUIHMIIN UI'.l.n.N & TliontiBon t.ulors. 1CI2 Tamatn ilrcfl i-CHI hi > \VATID. A. n\v rinisoxs IN HACII I-I-ACI : to Aii wrltlnc : wnd slump for IV ) insc IK > | of particulars. J.Voo lbur > - , 17 W. I. < 1 lr vt N. Y. cur. -MG3 ! > VVANTID. itv lr\K \ Mile nun ti H.II to mi > rcli.nnia < nl | Apply at n iti 610 bheeli blot'rf. frprrt 0 n ) i t > 4 W p m. ll-Mi l W _ _ _ _ \VANTII : > . hOMi : ONI ; TO in : IUMNT : rs wlin nlreidy Ilia an odlco In Onnli i. AXilla ti for partlculnre American I'.iti lit aji nc > . Cincinnati Olilo. 1 ! JlCiJ 2J IVANTHD. A OHNTLKMAN WITH SOMi : r.X- perlence In tnllorlnpr Call nl Kntj-XoM'iis t' . ( cor. 11 Hi and KoiiRlni. ] ( M73S M lNTniMOiNT : 31IIN AND uherc to Ukc onlerit fur ' Shepp's NciY ik lily IlluMratnl. " Juit out : miMilnis prn- diRlInn of the American metropolis prnfii'i'ly Illuatnitcrl from nrlBtnnt p"iotc > cinpln Inkin by our own altlrtH In pi iceH nml sluini ternn : Oescrptl\r clrcutir fncin npplknUon. no cnptnt rniulrcd. prollts fC W in fir. 0 < l.illy , If von want to make mnni-'j fnat. vniu toJj > . AtMrcsj lili | ( . ' IHHe I'ublMhln l % > , 3-V ! Dxr- born street. Clitc-as-i , III. , and IJt I liMlimt Btrret , l hllil ( > lilili. | I'enn 1V-M741 SI" i.u , A conn. iir.M\ii.n ; M V.N TO drLvc delivery .luou nnd vviuK lu t-tore In- nu'ra 1723 IfcilRf before 0 a. in ItMil's 21 WANTED FEMA/LE HELP. > ) 'miply SrtinJliiavliiii Y. It. llolnc 'b'niif' 5 > " N. ICili c'-Mi ia "WANTED , LAUIKS TO BKM , TI1H fCLi- brileil Cnllto'iila ntiset. Snul foi tciniK. prices nnd cuti. California Cmsot cmipiny. llruoklyn , N T. -M313 a I * WANT A PinST-CLASS It A IT ! nnno but iniii.lint | nnd appU , Mr * . It. H. 1554 Douglna st. C 3185 AVANTID coon niuv roit ( : INIJHAI. housework.l > plj nl , --1 ' > 2Gtli ucnin' ir voir WIHK i.viir.o'iMiNT AT } nur liomca s nd xelf-aililroxH l cciMlope for our ilescrlptlVH clxulnr and riraniinceiirk nl oncii. Ojol VUKCS pulil. Tlu Alfred Knllllng Co . Wlnlhrup Maa * CMTK ? ( \VANTni > AN Afri ilrpnrlmentMrs. . II C. Mnsm , ITlli ami 1'iir- nam His. Onmha , C7j ( H' RENT HOUSES. XVANTKD , OOO13 JUHJHJJt PUICKO UOt'SES. Lilt your nour's fur runt vvllli Aiu * * * . D-T33 1IOUSUH , P ? 1C. OAHMXO. " uousns m AI.I , i-AiiTrf OK TIH : CITY TUG O. Fi Uavla coiliviiiy | , 1&X > Kninuni. D 733 KIJLKl s'NY A CO , It. I , CONTINU.VTAT. ItMC. H-73B _ CAM. AT OUIl OFFICE AND KXAMIXH I'llO- lohniph of % ery line 7-nmm modern cotlnfr * on pi eil street , one-half Mode from fin In1 : unlv jt(0 nfr month. Fidelity Irust iiiniiuny. 170i 1'n.rimm tt. 1)-13 ! > rou unNT. DtaihAin.n T-IIOOM Mil Wiiolwoijh me. . SOO. lnEn't ' IUrker block. ron HUNT. .nr.Ai-i i G.HOOMT TTAOR nllh bath in city ; only lJD ) . u- > : > California street. rou nr.NT. i P.OOMB , an s. m-it M UV.P.T. D-Ml S.'li'i 3 S-llOOSI IIOL'SPH. MODHUN AVt' < lti\I : > . 60S N. 13th stnet. HJ17t > B ron IIINT Tix-noo.M IIOUSB. N w. con. Farnam antl Wthe sl : moOem Iniru ; > eni nti ; by Ctuis. Turner. 331C Farnam s\ U 817 itousna & sioitFs. DOUOI.AS 11-318 OT ron KENT. TWO 8-nooM. ir.rn.\NT imiric lints ; alV mo Ifrn cimenlenitfl ; 1 bltx'k from llth tre l motor. UiHO. Cumiitroller1 * olllee. U MEM riNB 7-nooJi COKN iu TI.AT AT 701 < . ISTII Atrcft. ranj9 anil all other cniuenlcnerM. W. C tliiller. room III , 1'anlon block D-300 NKYV I.ROOM roTTAni : NIAH 111:511' : ! I'AUK JJ i . Fidelity Irunt cumpany , i.iU rurnam. 1X3U IUNT. T\VO IMIOOM IIOIT 21 ! N. 19th mreet. nil modem C with Tnnse. Apply of the Hyron pany. tf. 14th * t. I-M5JI 23 ron un NT. uonnnN I-IIOOM FI.ATIJ\NOI : blocli. COfr 8. Ulh. D 577 X IIOUSKNCAII'inon hcnooi , . iwooi. Inquire Kit Capitol avi- U JSi-Se' TKN.ItCKtM MODK11N KOl'RK. U'lTII for 13304. Oill at till So , Mtli as.vui.- . D M'JIS IlKNT IlOtTSK ; KWJ Hurt Hirer t. It-tZi 27 * t'S r.Auoi : H.UIN JTTH AND Imllann a > vnue , 317 I'lnt Nation it hink. FOU m'NT. : no CAVITOI. AVKNI'IJ , a roomii , ull modern , larie Kirn iKktu esnlen at once. IJM N. O > \ it . 7 rimni . mi lern. pogstt > - ton nt oncfli rent low l-'i1. N. I'ijlli * t. T rjoms , mmlirn , ren.tcry low. bhrhi-r ft u'l > oimluv. 1IOJ nirnam it. I ) iwl.i A IIOI'SKVlTlf nOOMHj AI.I , 31OHiRN cnnxenUnces. 110 K > ko it. . .lisaJO' ALT. MODERN \vnr.rT mu.T s ROOM home , exit from , Aih itrret , s ulli o ( 1'ur- num. Ifa. Aim " .room hoiuu in Orrhanl HIM , newly papered ami nulntnl. IT 00. H K. llumphrry. 8i8 New York Lite. l M- von HUNT. Kiaur ROOM MODIRN : 1101 sT-T S3i South lith it. , nlsui i-iiv > iu c lti > Ki > llh barn Ci. U Ur. en It. ti. llarkei ML U 5T rfRNisiiEii nm sij or iruooMs tTirA 1 1 NW for blMrJtra Apply UIJ CUIniKO xlreit IV-J197S M' RENX FDRNISHEU KOOM3 _ _ _ _ EAST FRONT ROOM . II IAVPM mT U -MM 05' I.A.UUK rnONT PAIU.OU. UOUP.KN CON. tealrncM. furnlsliej or unluinlihej. vvlih or without bMrd. UM | tmall room upiialra. U < ho , Mtl avenue K il l < I7 n.i.'ASANT IIOOMH ] NHWI.Y ut & > * < Hariify si. "s FURNiaunn R XJMH I-OR fur man and wife Rent taken In Ixunl. 313 N nth mrrtrt _ i : MC8I ROOMS. HOIJSKKUUPl.NO , ST. UAUY AV. FOR RENT PURNISHED ROOMS. Continued. AND l'NFCRNIhini > 11OOMS. with bo.iul , furnace heat , etc. 710 H ixt.i nt 1 OR RUNT , liARUi : SOUTlt PRONT ROOM. with nit roiiMiiieiiceH. SjiC llEiriii' > Ht HtMilS I -MilS 2i > I-'URNISHii : ROOMS , STCAJt IIKVT. < U N l > lh nl. . 1'lnt U 1 M713 ! l ron RI.VT. : Nirur.Y ri iiNt inii ) ii nwimi lit .J. ' Hurt Btreot. IM627 ! ROOM8. SMS 1 > O1XII : 1 M7J3 Nicni.Y rritxiHiuiu ROOMS. JIODIRN , 2W3 St Mary's axemie. 1J < 53 2 a PTJRNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. ROOMS AND UOVIID. 2113 CAI'ITOt. NICK ROOMS. GOOD HOARD R.VLKS RIJA- lovable , cunxvnleacei. Th& Roite.JU. ) " 022 llnrney F \1CM SZ3" rno.sT ROOM ion TVOiin MlMt cUbond. . :143 DuUKlns i-t. I' 290 RNISIIIID MtONT AND IIA'MC PAR lor , ilivi film , rooms , ullh bun < i. J10 nnd 312 y. Mlh t. P M398 _ Nicn \\Tnrn6AHDrciiuAP. . 21 m CASH Oil' _ ctKOANTi.Y ri'iiviaiinu orrn I'RONT room 01 Mule , private houid. tm t conven lencen 2110 Douslna Btieet I' M357 St * Pl'RMSUi : ! ) ROOMS \\ITfl I'M VRD. J01 1 l > inul < i . P M1WOI5' TIII : ] in.i.smi : . " UTH AND Dorion. man iipni nt , lirpo roomititntstifd and u furnished , flinra heat , evfellent luble bo- ' I MS33 'J OOOD ACrOMMOPATION Poll"inVirRAI. . > ounB Keiitlemcn. IIP.UK- intu to tlmor lia\ln r'HiiiiniiteH. AHi linif fruit room for marriecl oiuple. 'I he Albany , 2UI1 I > outla < t Bt ! ' M'AI T\VO PI l'MHHli > ROOMS TOR RHNT TO Kinllfmeii ulth uhi.le 01 pirtlnl bnird. < M S. 2llhive P B3l-2t MP PRONT ROOMS WITH ItOMtl ) ufeienit" 21 ! .V. 18lh M.OI S'i 1IANDSOMM rHONT ROOMS \VITIt "llOARO. lefeuiKes 2ii N. Ifth. I M3-2S * UNFUF4NISHED ROOMTFOR RENT ' .W 3 NUWt.Y I'M'KRKD I NVl ItNISIIUD rooms Cur hou ocpnn ! > "Cll ft. Vnry'n n\enut. - MWJ 24' UNPPRNIBlIii > 1 > ARI.OK 1'IOiHS OP FIVK inoitK. in idem , < lvslriblo ; 1 ruliin. Adlre s X V ) . Roe 0-MGl.l 2J T\\O PNFfRN'ISItlJD ROOMS fcTKVM IICVT 32l'i N 15th t. . Plat D (1 M71I 2I FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES CORNLR S1OIU3. Jl ) , Ml DOf'JI.S INQUIRE 82- . - 1-713 roii mNr. : TIIIISTORY nnic-io I Olb l.inuini MI ! ! . The builil mr hni a llre- pioof. itmeiit Ij9eiu nt e iin ] bue st'.mi heat- Inn ilxtiiici water on all M H H t i etc Ap ply nl thu oillco of The ] ! ee 1 910 von ni.vr ROOM K RY s * . 2i > ri.ooii OP mj stonciiltiblo for cliMikv .mil nulls ; Rood IlKht .ml elevator serMce Mm J llenson. AGENTS WANTED. OOOD .SOLICIT OHS MP.N AND women , to oik for the l'r < arei Ue Kudo - inent Uulld of America , fui Ml-m > url. Unnfan und Neluiiskli < Uiildlni | ; and I nn and 10- yiar endowment liuuraucr ronili nt l > Itolln- hie people only nenl apply Addrem. rnum 5 , Rock I-ind ] liMK. , cor. bill nnd IMnnnd nlreetn , Bt. Joyepli , M . J M903 01" WANTI7D. ACPNTS FOR OCR NR\V VORCE laln-llneit Ilic-tlav cuoklnn Mol uaccs. J3 < iO to $7 M li day ; piy every tvn weeh Address Xemd Pottery Co. , Xenlu. O -M537 2J * WANTED TO RENT. TVAJJl ED , HOQSP.S TO RHNT. IIAVC MORK calls than I can aupp ! > . J. II I'.iriolte. ictli lid DodKr K wSl S2I \VAN"lii > , ROOM AND HOARD IN PRIVATE fumll ) hv tut ) ouni ; lidles n ttihbithuod ol All MUtili prefeired. Addnv X O , He" olllcc. 1C BS3.22 * KTOH\OK.\M1.MAM3 * . CllO f 12U HARNiv. M 741 CiK rou UOPSIIIOI.II r.oous , CI.UAN und chnip rntv RYills , Ull Painiun M-74J OM VAN.IS1ORAOC CO . P > 02 KAIIN AM. T > I 1K > l -743 I1UST STORAOi : IIUII.DINO IN OMAHA , IT B. in > \ bonded warehouse. HoixtMiold goods btored Ix t rates. 1013-1013 l.c.ivi liwoitli. M-741 WANTED TO BUY. HAVANNA riUVKI.Ud , RKST ON PARTIT. RC. N-MUI an BirOND-IfAND HOOKS ROPOUT POR CASH at Antlquar un bool ; etore , lj9 ] Pitmani ptieet N-M161OU * GOOD DRIVINO AND BADDI.K IIOIIIi : . MUSI Ui cheap , Addiess X 43 , Ree N 8J3 27' FOR SALE FURNITURE. I > AYSIINTS P.ASY , YOU WONI * iiitaorn mone ) l in prices nn fumllurn nn.l hnuxpholi t-oods Knterprluc Credit Co (13 C13 X ISIh Bt 0-745 _ CLO INO OPT KNTIIU : BTO"IC OF PL'RxT lute. Ho\e9 , etc. l Altman bO > X. 16th.OC63 O-C63 TOR SU : . AT A SACRIFICI KI.KOAN1 furniture , nearly new. of u ilx-ruum coitiiKe. IIS llco Lulldlnc. O M57J FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , ETC 1 I1ARO.MNS ; IMIYH. I'llAUTOXS ; 1 NB\V urry belon cost. Urumruond Carriage Co. V 748 _ A. It. CI.ARKi : . IIORSi : CXMMIHSION DHAI.- er. union Dtotk ) urdn. Houlh Omilm , all cla eg at h"r- ' constantly on hand : faylern & Koiith * crn tujeru ure here fur fall surily , aue. Sat. p yta on _ _ _ GOOD Pins PIIAK. . IM : PiiMrroN ; tiT , | . " , Drunimoiul C rnace Co P-7IS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. JIANK AND Pf.ATTi : VAl.IJ-'JY H.\NIJ"5'n B te. CV. . Hull companj 2 < > th and Icanl tx. Q-JW CIIHAPUST CIUCKKN AND ORXAMKNTAl , naU. C. II. I AH i > 'l l > n.j n. .J-74J MAY IXDR BALK AND RANOK POR I.KAHE , TOO ton * coed hay lit 12.04 IMF ton In stuck. In Cherry county , Nebmtkurnncr Sxfi mlle for leme. containing two CO.K ! rorrult * of MO head capacity , barn for 4iht liorin-s. llvlnic itater , Kood wrll , etc. AdJrota n. K. I'ulv . M7 C slreuL , lUitlnn , Nelk UMBIJt iF YOl' in.tY"Hl'Y Till ! JtUHr. MACKlxI toahei , rnhlifr boots , arllca , uyilnRX of all Idna . ( fas tublnf , till ! nujllty. Omaha Tent A A nine Co. . 13U Parn-uu it. Q 548 Ifl'.l rlALIi FULI IIlJOODKIi aoRDON SIT l . . 4 month * nld. Innalrs " . " 7S Neil 7' , Itina avenue , Omaha. Q-U7.U MISCELLANEOUS. CKS8 1OOM AND VAI/IVT8 CLKANRD. JOHN Nelson , oOlcc U S. llth Bt. Tel. 3IT3. [ R-183-07' OLAniVO-XANTS. MRS. DR. It. 1VARRKN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE- 1 In bio bnalnem rncdlutn , 7th > ear at 111 N. Hth. 8 7SJ MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. MADAME BMITIf , C02 S. 13TII. 2D FLOOR , ITwiii 3 ; niiiasaKe. uipor , alcohol , gtenm , * ul lihurlne ami nea. Kitlis. T MSM M * , IMI : . LA HUI : , 415 SOUTH isni. T tHOO Pit' _ _ _ PERSONAL. _ _ t/MRRKU.AH MAUIl , RRCOVnilliD AND RH- paired 1 J Heath Sixteenth itreet. IT 73 VIA.V1 HOMi : TRP.ATMRNT FOR Hrallli book nnd ommillntlon lice. Addrewi or call Ylavl Co , 315 Uce bids. I.ndy nttendnnt. U-7SI oc TOR c , HAVANA. PRPCKI.KS. u MAhaAcin. MMII POST , U-7SI1 _ _ _ ILKCTRO-TltllRMAr. IIATI18 , FACIAL MAM- eaKe&coni | > lcxlon treatment. Mme. Post , 3I9' S 13. U 8iS-SO \VIIOLK TVIinAT nitHAI ) PHOM I'NItor.TnD Hour nt IiTKxon U Rnmsey'iv 17 N Kith it. U M317 Oil _ _ " IIRM.n ni'l'IJHLY IS FITTRD AND MnAfi" urril to the Ilirure , nUvnya rcmalna shapely and U belter prepareil to retain the finer outlines of a beautiful future than any other. Nine measurements annece ary nnd all ntllnK Is done by vxpertu lt' the only corset Ihil make * one shapely nnd Is appreciated by e ery lidy svho calls at pirlors. 1909 Pnrnnm street. U M37S 013 _ MAfKINTOSIIIIS X ItPiniillllioOTS. 1311 Par ! ir ri3 _ _ SIMK. 1A ROOK. MASSAOi ; , 1605 'MJAVlIjJI worth Btrect , third lloor. front rooms : t o llrit rlisi operators. U MUI 2i * SIRS r. uoaBY , CARD mADiNna""iiTi"N1 ami u-aisjs a ANY I'KRPOX KNOWINO INIMRMATION that will lend lo the finding nf I rancls Oor- iram or Ted SiilltMtn will ln > iew.ird l for wnd- IIIR- such Infurniitlou t Mrs. Catherine T tlor- inan. I.lberly , HI nnls U > I61 2S At'I.ARAPOII , FPU'CO , MAXfFACTI'RPRS of fur carmenis furs neatlj repilrcd. Pur mulTii at cost. Room SOI Karbacll bll ( Tel W2 U CM Ol > MONEY TO LUAIv KSAL E STATE. 1.1 PIS ix.stusAxcn 1-ot.K'ii:1 : ? I.OANIDON : or bouKht. F. S. Chepnej. Knnsia City , Mo. W 730 _ ANTHONY LOAN . TRl'ST CO . SIS X Y LI KB loans nt low rate * for choice sec rlt > In Ne- hiackn and ION a farms or Omaha cits * properly. \V 7CO _ _ MONIY TO LOAN ON PARMS IN t > ornL.Cn county Improved aid unimproved Omilm rent < st.ite Pldtlllj Trust Co. , 1702 Pal nam i-t. _ SIONRY TO I/JAN ON IMPROVPD OMATtA leil tslate. Ill ennui IJIVD , ( . Co , Pant , in hit ' JIOXIJY TO I VAX AT LOWIWT RAT [ : Tin : 0 P Da ls Co. , 1MH F.irnam st \V-7St 510NiY TO /IAN AT LOWKST HA 1K8 ON Impnneil and unlmpravnt Omiha real estatf 1 In 5 jeais. I-l < lellt > Tiust Co , 1702 P imam \v--ai _ _ J.OANH ON iMrRovif > PNiMpntn-iniViTv properts J3 OW .t npnards C tn 7 [ i r cent , no ilelo * . \V Parnam fMiilth & . Co. 13CO Pirnnm \ Y7C2 _ _ I.IFI : ixHrit\NCi : POLICIES PPRCIIAMJD Loan1 * nil Hame nrpitl.ited. Welllivr A. o Drexcl bids. , Phlla. . Pa. AV MJ7I-C' ; * CItAH.V RALMKY , O.M NAT BIC IIIDC. \V-185 JIONKY TO IvO\N ON OMAHA IIH VI , RSTATC nt per tent. W II. Melkle. 1st Nat. bank bl Ip \V-7CS TO I.OAX. J3.COO AT 8 PKR CHNT INT RHST lu he pild i ml-nnnunllj , Bfcurllj must be llrst Oasi No comml"s on , Address 71 , liox 4. . Onuiha. X b. AY-539 21 MONEY TO 1:0AN CHATTELS. MONIY TO LOAN ON FPRNITPRU i-i\Nrifi homes , wai.on'i , itr , ut lowest nilc In LI ! > , nr > rcinov il of ffccxl < . strlctb mntUlriitliil : von can pay the IIMII off at iiny lime or In nj amount OMAHA MOUTH \iK LO\N CO : < K B IStli ntreel X 70 $ MONIY TO LOAN ox PIJRSOXAL PROP- erly. Hart In l > an Co. , 701 N Y. Life Imlld X-77 H. HADDOCK , ROOM 127 RAMOI3 IlLOl'lv X-71 SIONIJY TO LOAN OX IIOlTfUniOLD PI IINI- turt- pianos , horses , \\.IROIIS , r any kind of chattel vecurlty. at U > v.r. t imsMble raits. uMcli jou con T > n > hick nt any time nn I In nny nmnunt PIDHLI PY 1.OAX OUARANTRK CO . mom I. Wltlmell bloiU. X 771 BUSIWES3 CHANCES. A ROM LINO SUCCESS. HAVANA FnCGKLKS Y M633 S27 Till : NATION NT. INFORMATION AND I3X clianirc CL > , : < n First National lnnl < Om iha has LUBtnmera with cisli. farm Inndi * find ell ) property for nu r < h tndlue , aisu Btucks of coodi for Mile und trade Y MSi-3i > K PIR : INT : PHOPIT.- ? \vKikiYr : WITH Jf.0 cnidtiil. J'.o/pectaa Itenilzi-d M tl tlca fiee Iknsoti & . Div > t-r. EJt Jt'o.i'ln-nv NV'v Y ; ilc. Y MII. > Oj * OM ! OP THK HIIST HOTIII IN A COUNTY DP it li thf state for unt , nevly \ furnished AdlieM. X 2 , Itee Y MK 2S POR SALK-OXi : OP TIIU IHKT .Ot ATlD rel ill nloied In the cit > , I'.n r.iither Infoilii.ulnn and partlrulaiv npplv to A bclaefer , Kile of ilaMejei .V Ct > YMJW ) _ POR HALF : . ji.iMowfimua STOCT : , LOCATION Kon.i , tindc vM'illint : u bairriln. don't write un'es < kou Inio the caah and me in Imsincad Aildieis X II. Omiha llee. Y MJ82 SB PHRMXI1XT AXI PROriTAIlLR IlP' INKSS for reliable parti ullh modemte cap'tal. AM1I beat imcstlKation. Address X W Hee ottlee. OPPORTUNITY POR . little inpltal OM eiFton house uiints Ne- biat-ka rrnresenlathe. Addieas X 4. . Itop of- lloe. Y- A'A VTJ-U. : PARTXKlt. IIONIIST AXD RlT- ll.ible. llh LIU ) , in Like lull cwilnil < if a hrlt Unite buslnfn that ulll clear SI Ok ) | x > r SPTI .mil be vent .inent ; experience iinnccea- sary. Addrrsa X 27. tiff. Y-MCC. SI * 1 HAVi : CASH IO\\'A AND OTIIUR LANDS to t-xclianKei for merchandise. II A. AAucner , Omalui , Neb L.AXD TO TRAUi : FOR C.ATTLR OR IIOIt.Si.S. I. mil located In Hltehcuck Co. . Neb Addtetis P. O lto119. . Red Cloud , Neb 55 Hill 24 OMAHA IMPROVED AND I/NIMPROVRD iriridpiicfl proierty and eaUern JJelu.ii.kii firm land In Hade for dry Kpods. Want in d vtl tilth miner , liox 71K. Sihujler , Nelj.KM12MV5 K-M12MV5 CITY I'tOI'niTYrOR LAND. ' ! . Ilitns A. Mlltan , ITcC.itlJe building 10.1111 313. IMPROVED 120 ACP.iS IN WYANDOTTK C < 3 , Ohio , and tine realdencc with ten acres ud- JolnhiH K"od town In Hancock Co. . Ohio. t > trade for eustern N'K land or merehandlso , Jlox MS , Sihujler. Neli. 7. Ml.'t-Oi A ooir"ix > r iN IA T OMAHA TO r.x- chaniri ? for > oun "ik horse * or mules. IjilnoriMUX Hrua. 3 < X > H. Kth. Z IDS HAVANA FRFCICLKH. DC. FINI : TWO.BIATIU SURRIY ; POST WII N new l MliO , for Hlher n llrst tlana blryilu ur new Renilnglo'i i > iienillcr. AmerKuii 1 u , I Co. K27 _ _ _ _ _ roii KALI : OR IXPHANOH : , GOOD HESN IdiCf proptrty rcnllni ! for S9 00 pr month for Council Illuffi pmperly or land. G > L Oreen , tvoni yi. liarkrr block. Onuha. ' TO iXCIIANOIX GOOD IJJpllOVRO LAND III Knoi county , N b , for general merchandise . \ddriR-i lock boi 17 , Crelshlou , Neb. AVI ! CAN OIT Yoir DIIDUD : LANDS OR home KtemlH for > our city property.Ve alsr > litt\o Ktwk boots nnd tlioeii lo Irnde. 4nt N. v ; Life , MKRCHANDIHKVANTbDPOR T\\O CJOOI1 ImproitJ farmt ne-ir Crelshtoa , D , 11. I nk- wn. Crelghton , Neb , i" J16 : > I 21 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR BALK. NEW 4-UOOM COTTAQl ! . CUL- lar , clstvrn , city water , cor , Hth nnd SahUr. Il.SiXOH ; lone HIIK. Eii < iulr 1311 Paniim. Humuel Rums. R K 771 OARDi.V I.AND3 , 5 MILHS FROM POHT or- ll . my Irnns. Call at MO N , Y. Life. R R-711 IIARIIA1N8 , ItOPSKrt , IXJTS AND FARMS. al or trade. 1 * . K. Darling , Rarker block. R K-7T4 FARM UVNDH. C. V , UARRI&ON , 31 ! N.Y.i.IPi : It K-1008' CHOICi : QARDRN LANDS , & JIH.KS I'ilOM Oinalva ptistolllre , 10 la ICO ftcrec. i > ni trade. N. D Kf5-es , 1T l axlon blk. It 17 M587 J-OR BALK , IN COl'NCIt. Dt.VFFS. A VE Y dctlrable modern 7-ro < ini house , xlru choice loci Ion. J7.GOJ. Aildrrn Iusey tc. Thoma . K1 tint NatL Ulc Uldr. Oinaha. Illi-Mi : 21 FOR BALC-fe'Alj ESTATE. Continued. TOR BALr , 5.COO IlI'MIKLS CORN , HMIPT counts , U centi at ctlb. Hoggs h Hill 140) Parnain. _ ) /y _ UK-Mill W A BNA1' IP TAKKN IN , < TIIRKiTDAYB | THI-i ND half nf lot 5. blcKV C , U. P. llocers. on So , ISIh Hrrol , opvnlte ; Iln herx paik , J3IM east front ; rin Krade , city naler : four-room hnusr on reir ( lot , rentejIjM M M t r month ; part cash , Uil thrre > > eiril I'IMT tent , price $1 I0J.WX Also lot 1. block 2. C'reston , corner W feet ; ft Bood twel c-nxiii IIWMM- inn naldcs In ( rood condition , well , cl'trrn cpiwpoul nnd liarn , ( teed tenant In nl tltnOt Imptw mienta cost 12,40000. nnd are nenrlj n eooil as new , price , 12,10000 , pirt carii : MliVNree > enrs 7 per mil. J. A. Dodge , KUJ U ( | > gtrret , lli-M73 24 TYPEWRITERS. 5TOI.HN lYI'P.n'IUTRRS OPPKRHD I'OU site should miVc } on surplclnus ; funny they are mostly Bmlth's. Tr > * one nnd > ou will tin- derstnnd why ; full line nf supplies. Smith- Premier Co , Ktli ami Parnini ! telephone. I.2SI. M-7D3 : \\niTinis OMAHA ICIPLI : : DON T steal tjpeurltris , they buy of us Why ? He- cau i > the Densmore CallKraph and Yoil are Iho l > esl machines nitde. they nil ) outwear any tjpcvvr tcra made , liiul do n better quillty of ork. Our supply deimrtment will be mire to please > ou Hend your machines In us If joiiwant them repnlred United TSTCwrlter nnd Supplies Co , 101S Farnam street Tele phone 1383. 173 PLUMBERS , _ a. P OKLLiNIIIiClC. ILVNJOISTS AND teacher 1SID California street. 814 _ PRKt-PLtTMIHNO OP KViilKIND , QAS steam & hot ualtr heating , sewerage , 313 B II 10HN ROU'i : A. CO , PLVMR1XO. RTIJAM AND hot water heating , gas fixtures , globes , 421 H. 15 J J. IIANK9AN PLTMI1INO. AT EMI AND hot naler licatlnj ; 27 i l. < - fiuvorlh st , 750 HOTELS. IIKTTRR THAN SIO T } 2 O > IIOTP.LM IN Omaha Our inus. SI i to Jl 50. Hotel Riche lieu deo. Mitchell , imp. IDS 110 N 11th - 181 O7 _ _ AF.TNA HOPHR ( Rt'ROPIUN ) NV COR. 15tli nnd Dodgi Room by day or HARKUR. i20 piR DAY Ho ROOMS , In the heart of the Inliliuss houn > > s Special rnte anrl tircommoilatlnns to comtnercHl trav elers I to * in and Iwanl by the % \eer % . or month 1-Vink II Id Itch , MBr. 313 BIOYCLES. IIICYCLIW UFP.MRIU ) AND RRMODHLCD Tires nnd jundrle < . S-ifes opened repaired C. H. Kellln. locksmith , 311 N. IGth st ISC IICYCU : . NIJW AND OLD. 520 TO I15S , ea s luiytnents. 'ie renl and repilr. Omilm Ulcjclo Ci. . . ? 23 N lHh M J78 DICYCLES ALL STYLUS. ALT , PRICKS. Send for rur llsl of second-linnd and Khop- vorn blo > oles ItepalrH nnd r > ile sundries of all lOndr M O Dmon , 102 N 15th st 7T9 GAS FIX.raRC3. wrs Aitn CLOSING- OUT oi-u UNTIHI : L.IXR of gar nnil clw ttlo llghl llxturei , Klnli.'s etc nt rout , ns w me nlisoliiti Ik retiring from the flxtuti' ImsInO * * H will jnv In ! ) tt nt iimiThe ItuiMcy & li > Co , ill Smith I'.th nt. , HIIITIKH tnilUlll 6IS Oil OAS ANri in.ucTitu * iicnr PIXIPIIKS intilo In ileHl n mil riDlKli tr > hiimnnlEi * ullh un > ni i lilti ctiunl HUl'r ile lir.1 b > 1 * M ItiiD- itfll. 313 S IMh Ftli-Pf , . .M7W Oi. UNDERTAKERSiAWD EMB ALMER3 H. K. ni'RKirr PiixiutAL niRiuion AND -inbilmcr , IBIS ChlcafcD pf. t-lcilioni'51 7SJ _ tii * . r i RWAN' = OX .t VM.IirN. H'NDFRItwiRS : AND emlrilmers. 17DI CiiinltiJ : Bt . tehpluiii ; 14'GX M O RIAPL I'NlilyRTAIvIUl AND EM- balmrr. 1117 Fnrnami3 t > , trier * lone 2i" > JS7 cT\v. RAKtn. : UNDIRT\UIR ; : , cis s is E.T J. , ' . 514 BUSINESS .NOTICES. OMAHA MHiniKCIIAUn 1RPL PACrORY OLD plpei mud- new * l 9 16th 7 0 i > AM\aKi > MinnoRs RitiiLiiciu. : . 719 N u I . ' M 181 _ " _ _ Tin : NUATKHT" TiAiiiViiS SHOP IN CITY , kourt Urawy'biiridlnB JUVcd HiJl/wj. ' o ' 311 ROOMER . KlhKLR. SION PAJMIJUS. Ili:3T nnrk lit lowest iirlcnu 1S1I Dmi lns stieet MC5S fltUSIO , ART AND LANGUAGE. POR BAHRAIN'S uT'lMANO AND OROANS. ea < i > pj\ments iii'ctrunientH icnUtl , rents npply nn puichise A. HOMpe , Jr TJ ! aii.LiNiiKcic. : RANJOIST AND "her. 1S11 Cnlirmnli street DM RUDOLPH IMIIL : PORMIRLY OP THE Uulaw orrhcstnt. Is now prepaied to receive pupils foi \ lnlm.lota. . c.irnrl , phma. Rrason able tetms. lt > 13 Cuss slrcer. Ml 13 ! ! BTJILDUIG & LOAN ASSOCIATION. % ou CAN MAHI : MORI : iNrninivr ON YOUR monc > by pavliiK ua $1 or nuiie p-r nionlli than In inv sivlnni bink Inve tlE'ile Mu tual Luan and UiilldlnR IUHO at on. O M Nittlnser. sic'y 1701 I'armm i t 72 now"TO oiT A TToMn OR sncncn nooo Inteiest en saving ! * Apply In Om.iha L & . II. a 3'n. IT'M llee bide U M Naltlnger sec STOVE REPA1KS. STOVn REPAIRS POR 40 ( X nil PARENT inakoa of atiiMs 'VVufer nttai.imems nnd con nections u sp'-el.ilty. It1) ? Douglaa street Onnha Sto\e Repair Works M 175 S1OVK RIH'A fTlfl OP ALL KINDS ; ALSO hotel range und jrcneral npsortnunt .if ranges , cooks A heater * : unter altachmentH put In Sc connected at J. HiiRhrs O)7 ti. 13 st Jackson SOS ELECTKICAIj ARMATPRHrt AND CONVERTERS IIBWOUND storoee batteries recliargetl , tletlrlcal and Ken. einl micilnlHlB ; f upcr ur v , nrt , KUirantced Om.ilia iictrc : ! < t XVoiIit. C17 and 010 K Iblh st 7S3 L KNOINnP.KS AND CONTRAC- tom for electric light nnd mole : plunts nnd all Idndi of electrical cmtitruiUnn xs extern Klec- trlc Supply Co. < H and l.h ) B 15th ft. 7S4 aAY ANii GRAIN ] I1IJY YOI'n ' HAY IIY TON OK C.VR IXVTH YVI3 b-jy lia > A H. Sn > der , 15IJ Bull * t tel ll 7 NEBRASKA HAY CO. , nHOLHSM.i : HAY. Kraln and mill stuff. U o are alnnn on the inatk t to buy or ncll. 11)2 1-5 Nicholas st OMAHA OPTICAL CO . LRADINO OlTICIANs J. P. Pondtr. inir\jger ijes : tested free Si klulh 10th , In Klniler's drug ttore. 118-31" THP. ALOK & PKNKOLD CO , SCIENTIFIC opticians , 1103 Karnaiu nt. , opposite Paxton hotel Uies enamlnnl free 7)1 MERCHANT TAILORS. I WISH 1O ANNaUNWSlTIIK ARRIVAL OP 1MPORTKD ANPil DOMESTIC Kail nnclivlnter WOOTLriNH G A. Llndriueal. Mi-tclUal > 1'ullor , 313 B. 15th st. LlU MMT DRESSMAKING. DRKSfMAKINO IN 1'A.itiMKS. S120 8. 10TH 1 ' ' 1H9J-O1S' CH iLnnw'acLOTmiis.iA.Ni ) i-uj Urnu nl WW KHruani flpi t _ MS7 K' SHORTHAND ANttt/f / VPJSWRITINO. ' SCIIOOr"hlSHOUT VAN HANT'3 - SHOUT HAND , N. Y. Life , Onuha. 1AtA-or ' clicular. 7)3 -1 Hlf - ROOSE'S OM. BUSINIJS fj'OLLRai : , 13 i PAR. HI I Kill DAN COAL. HrfC'riMi.VT HPIISTITUTD Car liaril ron I and $3.M < tttfl k lie IIHT IGUuU'arnnin t / SWO4 P. T. MOUNT HAS P.BXfoVKn HIS CO.VI , OP- lire to : 9 S. Kill st , Itr nn block. 1W witrriitN CXJHNICEvonus \ , OAT.VANIZOD Iron corn trc . 1KC Ht. Mry' ave bOJ COItNlCB WOnKS. JOHN' ni'E- ifter , prop , 1DJ , 110 , Hi N. llth. Utub. ISil. 6JI GBIND1NG. BCISSOItS , LAWN 11OWKHS. KAZOHH. ET(1. eround. Melcholr airoa. . 1119 furnam itrver. M2S7 . 8iii-\ita. CLIPPKIIS , IAW.S' MOWer - er . tic. A. U Undelaoa. I0 .V , Kth , W MEDICAL , HOME FOR I.AI > lra nBr-OHK AND OUR1NO rontln ment. with b sl ot rate , coiuinunlcallon cnnnjtntlal. Mr * K VoUman. crnJu lnJ mW- vlfr , 401 Bouth K.'Ehth vtrert. Lincoln , Krb. LOST. _ _ LAST. CHILIXH TAN CAPD , Ilim\KEN KTH nll Clileneo ( mil SHt nnd IXniRhis. 1'lnJcr will plensu lea-vo nt Ufa odlcc. M7U 3t A Wtl ITln KKc I 1-OOOLIJ MAt.P. clofc , vi-nrlni ; nllvei | 'lntc.l rollnr wild iH-lls ; R reward nl PiOO will be piild for Oelhrry ol do * at l Norlh 19tli ntn-ct. M7K M DENTISTS. U ononor : B. NASOV IJKNTIST. SUITH zoo Paxton block , IGlb nml Putnam H. tcl. 7)2 ) , E05 DH. I'AUL , DUNTIST. MM Ilt'llT ST. 60 * STENOGRAPHERS. p. J. HUTCUKKI : . dixin.\i. sr raplicr. 2J3 Dee building. Telcpione 697 TURKISH 31ATHS. TuiiKisit nvrit , noi'its a A M. to 9 p. m. Hentiiy Culture pnrlor * removca from Knrbnch Llk. to 109-110 Heo S16H TAXIDERMISTS. AND Pt'HS SHND POU OATA- George E. Drown , jr. , . Co , 7 < W 8 IC.lli. LCVERY STABLES , no.vnniNO BTAin.tia. KINIJ ttvniiY uioa cheap ij llaumies 17tli mid St. Mary's nvr. M-M9 CARPENTERS AND BTTILDER3 , C. n MOimiLL. CAIIPKNTBH. orKICn AND Moro tKUirc.9 a specialty I'ntchlnB and | il > - lerlng , 103 S 11th at. , tolnilione 40S. 3 ! > * CARPET CLEANING. D linilHVMAN' . CAIIFKT AND Ill'O cliMinlns work' , 7:0 S lltli , tel 861. ofTlre 1VU Knmam : cl 15W AI 311-O11 FURNACES. IIEST rwiNAcn M/\r > n. SOPT COAT , SMOKI : conmimlnc unil rmnl coil rurnnc s. llni.K- Cor nice Winks , 108-110-11. : N. 11th Rl SIO WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON nnos.VIIOMSAII : : DnAr.r.n's IN nil klal * of coat Correspondence solicited 10)3 Tarrum el Si ; DYE WORKS sciionnsACK. TWIN CITY ovnWORKS. . lJl r.innin struct. Dyeing of every dot rip- tlnn and dry clc.inltiK. 797 JOB PRINTING , ni'ui ) Jon coriNt : PIUNIIXU of nit kinds. 171 li si. lice bulldlni ; ISD UPHOLSTERING. vintv CHIAP THIS MONTH M. S.Volkln 2111 Cumins Tl IOJ ill NIGHT SCHOOLS. IIOOM78 O.M IIUSINKSS COr LUGU. li & KAIl. Ml PAWNBROKERS. II MATIOW1TZ LOANS MONEY , lib N 15th St HORSESHOEING. MllS THOMAS MALO.ViY7 9i : Nr 101 It RT 224 SEARLES & SEARLES , jPEgjjJLl TS ciironi ! Xcivous Private AN iy Special \hiATMENT Bf HAIt , CJ ( SJLfAriJ.'J Catarrh , all OisoaoDa of the Noso. . Throat , Chest , Stomach , Llvor , Blood ikin anJ K clnoy Dlsonsoa , Los Manhood end ALL PrtlVATc 013- EASES OF MIU. Cillcn ornddivs * Dr. Scailcs & Searlcs , BAILEY , THE DENTIST jUcliulilo Df-Mtul VVurii nt L iwe t Prlct" . TBKTH WITHOUT PLATB.S. llildiro work FilUHLlteclhun lubber $5 OJ. Ill en ir.inluod Sll \ar lit Inis l.ou , iinixi gulU 4. UU Office , 3rd flo.r Paxton Block , 16th an3 Tar- Hi m B'reitj. Tulophono 1030 Lidy Attendant. Oermaii Spokon. D It. BAILEY'S TOOTH POWHUlt. BURCAU. SUES & CO. , Soticitoi * . Dee Building , OMAHA. Neb. Advicu FREK RHILWHYTiMEGHRD Leaves I CHICAGO K. NOHTIIWKSTN ( Arrives OmilulU 1 * . Depot. IVth k Mason St.i. | Oinaha ll:0 ! > am . . . .Kaxtern ixprenH & 30pm UCftpm . . .Vestlbulid Limited iKOim CUani . . . . Mo. Valley I.oral 10.30pm E > : lipm . - > .Omaha ChlcdKO Special . . . ! 13pm Lf > n\p < ICIIICACO. HfRLlNOTON & Q I Arrives Omaha ) H-pot 10th und Ma on Sts _ I Oinahi < .45pm . . . ChlcoRO Vrailhule . . . . O.Mam It. H. mi . . . . . Clilcufco Express . . 4.jpin ! T OJpm . Chlcsfro nnd lo a Local . 8 00am llt&am . . .Pacltic Juncllon Local. . . . S. pm Ix-avea IIIURLINQTON g. MO RIVKII ( Arrives Omalui Depot 10th und Mason Ma. _ _ | _ Omhaa 10-llam . . DenvH Kxnress . . . S'31un 10 liam .Deadnuiul Kxprt-ss. . . 4.10pm 4.ftQprn . Denver Kxpresa . 4 lojini I ! ( Opm Nebrasl.a Local ( excepl Sundaj ) C.Mpin SlWim Lincoln Loral texcrpt Sunady ) .ll.ZSim Ix-avea f1 * " K/C7 T. J. & C. R ( Arrives Oniahal Dtpot 10th and Mason Sts _ I Oinaha : llim . .Kansas Clt/ Day K prcss . 6.55pm _ 9 : pm.K. C. Night JJs via U P Trans. S:50im : iJenies I OIlTdAGoTTir I XT PA"cTl'IC rATrTveT OmahitU I' . Depot. 10th A : Mason Sls. | Om.iht HAH T Atlantic Impress ( ex. Sunday ) . . t Olpm O.lSpm NlKht Express C:40am 4 : < 0pm . Chicago Ycstltmled Limited 1.25pm ; Oklahoma Exp ( to C. R es Hun ) I 33am WKST. r > : iim Oklahoma A ixp < ex Bun ) 11 25pm l3Jpm . . . .Colorado Limited . . . 4.10pm LeiteHl UNION PACIPIO , ( Arrives OiiinhallTnlon Depot. 10th * . Mason Sts J Omaha foTwam. ' . Kearney Express S.r pm J:15pm : Overland Kl > r. . . . r > :40pm : 2I5i : > m I if n trice K. StrpmibV ix ( ex Sun ) 3 & 0pm Paclllc Kxprrss lO Sain . . . . . . . I'jsl Mall 4.10pm Ij e I CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAVL. ( Arrives OmahuUlllon | Dep lHth _ and Muou fall [ Omaha , . . . . Chicago Limited. . . 'JXi-un 11:10.1111 .Chicago Kxpns * ( x.Siin _ ) . C Wpm Leave-Tj l-r. i : rt MO VALLKY""lArilves OmjihaDepot | _ ISth and \Veb ter Hts. _ ) Omaha R.03rim . . . . .Deaduood Kxpress . fi:10pm : .OSam ( Hx. Bat ) Wyo. Kx ( Kx Man ) :10pm : & :00pm , Norfolk Kxprrn ( Kx. Kundaj ) 10 45 im ijfliuii .SU Paul Kxpress . . | MTssd'p'RI PAPIPTC f.Urlles Omihal Depot ISlh and Webster His. Oinaha t.uoim. . . . . . .Bt , LouU Express e 00am ! > :2Dpm . St I uls Uxpress . , . t.Upm MIOpm J > ally ( ex. Hun > Nebraska J-ocal . t IO.IHI Lenvea I C. ST P. . M. & O ( Arrive * Oinahai Depot IMh and W bstrHI _ _ l Omaha " ' ft:00um. .Hlonx City Aciom. ( Ex Sun" ) . I O'p'iii IO.O.Jam..tioui Cltr Acciun. ( Bun. Onlv'.j . S. 3pm I2tsprn. .Sioux City Kxpios ( Br Bun. ) It 5'am f..30pm. . . . .at Paul Umllr.l . . " " Leaves I "SIOUX CITY i. PACIFIC. ( Arrive. OinahRlUnlon Depot , 10th Ic Mison Hts. | Omaha 61am . , , Slouic t'lly Passenter . . . to-Mum JMpm . . . .St. P ul IJiprerji . _ 10 Mini HIOUX CITY It TAClfc'IC. ( Arrive * _ _ 3eipt { _ ISth and " Webster 8ti j Omaha t.0pn : > . , It. Paul "Limited . . . SMOara Chlcairo I.lmllctl. . _ * 4Qanf " RAILWAY | Arrives Omaha ! L'nlon Depol lOlh & Mason Bts Omahi . , . , . . , SI. LouU Ctnnoa Ujll.lS5pra JHJOK.S Axn 1'r.awitic.ny , "A Sc rl t Poppr , " br Harriet Preicott Spofto-J , la a cli.trmlnR story ot ilomestlc lite. Iho conversations are particularly bright nnil rcnllsllc. A number ot short stories and ( ketches ere appeuJfJ. It Is said that on a fly-lent o [ nn old vot- time jf KmorBoii'dvorka , nccklcntnlly plckoJ up by 1'rof Tytnlall at on old book Mnll n volume which first made him nc < | imliitnl ultli Iho wrltltiRS ol the New llnRliiul seer nro Inscribe J tlicso florJs , " 1'urclnscil by Inspiration. " Oil Hlas , Iho journal In which Kola's "Loiirtles" Is jirltilcit us a scrlnl. has multi plied Its circulation by trn. Tlie niollvo In the tale Is "the hankering of the imbllc nfter A lie " The famous cures arc. In UK- novel ist's opinion , cither cases of ncnaus disor der or of wrong tlliRtioils "ThoVlves of the I'roiihet , " by Ople Head , Is a fanciful talu of life atnonc a stratiRC people ; In the Cumberland inouiilalii' * . It Il lustrates I he ease with which the Ignorant nr& made a prey to fanaticism anj the chains by which an Ignorant pi-ojile tiny have their further development arrested. Max O'ltcll s latest book , to be sent out soon , Is 5.tltl to bo much mortv of nn ambi tious piece ot work than nnjthlni ; ho hai provlously done , It Is a humorous study of thj de'vrlopinent of tlio KtiKtKh-spoaklnR clmrnctrr under nil mini tier ot conditions nnd climates , from the tropics ot North Queensland to Ice-bound Winnipeg The New York Telegram , speaklns ot Frank Hosewatcr's " 9S , a Komaneo ot Utopia , " says It Is the lconcclast , let loose. It Is n Utopian wcrk compounded ot I'effer , Insertion , Ilenry OeorRo. Ucbs , flompers and the late- Daniel Pratt. Another critic considers Ills "a new and ex.tltcd Idea of religion nhlch will appeal to many as the most reasonable yet laid before the wcrM " The book Is now attract tig attention both at Memo nnd abroad for Its strikingly orig inal presentation of the labor question , as well as Diner serious phases rf life "The Uoolc of the Fair" Is the only \\orh In any ulse > attempting to reproduce In print the exposition entire. In this respect It Is without n competitor. It comities Itself neither to ttrt nlonc on the one side nor lo dry statistics on the other , hut manages to present In attractive and accurate form the \\Iiolo rcaim of art. Industry , eclcnco and leninluK , as cxhlbllett by tic nations so far ns could ba done \\illiln leasunablc limits No. 10 ot the twenty-five numbers to be Is sued Is already out , fully suatnlMnK the hlsh standard of its predecessors It may be said of the successful author of "Mlcah Clarke , " the new Illustrated library edition ot which has just been Issued by Harper . Urns. , that when nrltltiK an his torical romance he never forgets to be-Inter- rstinK In order to appear learned. Dr Doyle reproduces the scenes of other da > s faith fully but without npparent effort , and one tosult uf this Is that the reader Is tratis- portpd In Imagination unconsciously swiftly as though by nnslc without thu throbbing ot an engine , theJarrlns ot wheels or other reminder of the inndilncry uf locomotion In this book It Is the I mil of James duke of Monmouth , and Lord Urcy In which we sud denly nnd ourselves and \vo are concerned In martial scenes that stir the blued like n trumpet call , and have cur part In "Adven tures tliot Defcll In 1CS5 and During the Western Rebellion " PUMLJCATIONS ItnCElVUD PAPA'S OWN OIHL Dy Marie Hem land. Paper. 317 paced. CO cents. Lovell , Coryell Co . New York A PBHKCCT KOOL By Plorpnce Warden. Paper. 3S5 pages. 50 cents The Inttrna- tlonal News Company , New York. JIICAII CLARKE Uy A Conan Ilo > lc. Cloth , 171 pages Harper & Brothers , New York Sold by .Mcceitli Stationery Company. Omaha GOOl ) NIGHT , SCHATX nialosue In onr act , by Adolpb Hepncr. Paper , torty-bcvtn P1RC3. The St. Louis News Cotniiany , St. Lattls , Mo. THAT imnAIJPUL WOMAN. ( Tales from Town Topics ) . Paper , 250 pages 59 cents. Town Topics Publishing Company , New York. I POltniD THi : UANS.-w-ny Prank Frank fort Jloore Paper , 401 pages , r.O cents. The Cassell I'liblibhlne Company , New York. Fold by Megcath Stationery Com pany , Omaha. JIAGDAI.iES'A. By Perpeluo I\mslevl. Puper , 270 pages 60 cents. Hand , McNally K. Co , Chicago and NewYork. . NO CNKMV Hjr Elbert Htibbard. Cloth , 283 pages. G. P. Putnam's Sons , New York. IN OLD NEW YORK. Dy Thomas A Jan vier. Cloth , 2SG pages Harper & Broth ers , New York. Sold by Jlegcath Statlon- erv Company. Oiuaha SONOS FOR TUB HOVS' DIHGADE. Hy Charles Walker Ray. Paper , ninety-five pages , 20 cents. The S. IJralnards' Sons Company , Chicago EI.RMKNTS OK ALGnnitA. Hy William J. Mlliifl , I'll D. L.L D. Cloth. 200 pages. 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New York Sold by Megcath Sta tionery Company , Omaha. THR MAKINGOF THE OHIO VALLEY STATUS. Ily Samuel Adams Drake Cloth. Illustrated. 269 pages , ft.50 Clurlia Scrlbnir' & Sons , New York. Sold by Me- pea 111 Stationery Company. Oinaha. MEMOIRS OP CHANCELLOR I'ASQUIER. Volume III. Cloth -161 pages , J2.CO. Charley Scrlbner's Sons , New York. Sold by Megeath Stationery Company , Omaha. ON CLOUD MOUNTAIN. Ily Frederick T. Clark , Clolh. 239 pages. Harper & Brothers , New York , Sold by Megeath Staltoniry Company , Omaha. TRILHy By George du Maurlcr. Cloth , Illustrated , 464 PJK'S llnrpor & Brothers , New York. Sold l > y Megeatti Stationery Company. Onuha VIGNETTES OF MANHATTAN. By Brander Matthews , Cloth. lllu lira toil. ISO pages , llarptr . Urollura , New York. Sold by Megcath Stationery Company , Oinaha. THE WATER GHOST AND OTHERS. By Francl * Sods wick Bangs Cloth , Illus trated , 296 pages. Harper & Brothers , Now York. Sold by Migeath Stationery Com pany. Omaha THE ESOTERIC K otcrlo Publishing Com pany , Apple-gatr. Cal. THE CIIUKCH AT HOME AND AIIROAD- Prcsbytcrlan Board nf Publication and Sab- bit b Schtol Work. Philadelphia. Karl' * Clovtr Root Mill purify you blood , clear you complexion , regulate your bovvcli and make your head clear a * . bell , 2Sc. COc and fl.OO REPUBLICAN STATE PLATFORM. Sound Principles Knunclntcd \ > j tlit Party III Nrlirankn. The republicans of Nebraska li pulivon- tlon represented deplore the disastrous te- snlls of the "change" In the policies cf Iho national government , decreed by Uie t-ccplo nt a time when the mental bnlntii'c of Iho country was temporarily dlslutbi'il Ijr the I'xhlluintlim of n lone course oC I'eoe , ing ress nml umterlnl prosperity , unit the ciumrir of demncoguefl und political iitucM , unit ronlldeiilly appeal to Iho people "f Iho state fet n. relttin In the conditions thnt ex isted t'Hor to the elections iif SW Dlsinrt } ril by the llnanclnl Icvil'Ui.i Hint lurutvzed Hie business centers or ll.i1 toun- try , when the rtMilts n ( the nntlonul und state elections utinli > It thnt Iho liollcy nf protection of home nidusine * nml the guarantee of public Credit nn 1 i > pound enrieiu-y vvero nhont to bo. i\ei'u-iwn hy ix ilcnincrnUi * picsldcnt an I t rongiess I'omo- nntlc In both brunches , the le.uM'i of the pally , wlinlly In power fur ilia lint tlti > n lit ihlit > > enis. rmvo hud ti"lt'i T the tiuniiKO o onilKidj the principles set f rll > H their national convention ut 'hKi M In linirln- tlun , or the wisdom to alwnlon their tl ictil- ened rnld on tin' Indtnlrks i > r th < ! cjurliy. Ilul thev have Vepl the hiittlnviH ii'eiC8l of the people In suspense vul unur may dur ing twelve months of iitipri.Ualile dthula o\er the v\oik of framing i IIM.UIO bill , founili d on no dellnlta or recwnlrable- - nomlcal svsteni , corrupt en UM fitce , dis ci Itnlnatlnn ngnlnsl northern Indtisirlcs for the benellt of the smith , opc'Ulv ilFiiotmce < i hy u majority of those whose voles i arrlc-1 It to Its passage , nnd not only fniiiRht w'tti disaster to the people , but ( tint-"utcdly stamped with "pitity ptrlldy and i > iriy dl'i- honoi , " ns an ntiindomnonl of the r-uiso of a "tariff for revenue only , " nnd the prin ciples nnd pledges upon which they wrro jilaoed In power. "How can lliey face the people nftcr Indulging In such outrageous ( liKCilmlnallon nml violation of prltielplos" us are found In nlmoet e\ory imri rnph ut the Sugar trust. latllT bill' In view of tin' pruotlol results jf n > ar nml a halt of democratic rule , we reulllrtn with renewed faith nn < l fervor the iilitform of the nitlonal tepubllcan convenllmi at Minneapolis We demand the restoiallon of the American pollej of prelection und com mon Inl reciprocity with our Hitter lepubllci of .Mexico , Central and Kouth America and the governments , of the Wesl Indl.i Islands. The republican parly of Nebraska bun al ways been Ihe consistent ft lend anil ng- Kresslvo champion of huneut money and It now lukes no Klep lnck\varil : hlleo favor blmetalllHni and demanil the u c or both sold and silver standard money , we In sist that the pnrlty of the value oC the two metnli be maintained , so that every dollir. paper or coin , IxMied bv the uovernnicnt shall he n. * Kood as any other ON' KAH.WAY ItEGtJl.ATlON. We adhere to the iloclrlne that all rnll- \va5 lines arc Htibjccl lo regulation and control by the Mute , arid wo demand the teiiiilitlon of railway nnd transportation llm-H lo such extent and In nueh manner as will Insure fair and reasonable rates to tha | irodiu.ei8 and consumers of the country. To that end we Inslil thai IIVWH shall Im enforced forbidding the lletltlous cnpltnll- ratlon of such eorpoiallons nnd that thn conttltuilon of the "tale shall be rlRldb n- foicul wherein It Is | uovlde < l "No railroad , coipotatton hhall Nme anv slock or bomU e.epl for money , labor or | ire ] > crty uclit- ully roLBlved and applied to tinpuriroso for which Pitch culporitlon win eicaled , and nil stock dividends and other meieaso of the o.ipltnl Ptoek or Indebted ness of nny such curpor.itlon shall be void " \Ve .ire In favor of the enforcement of nil liv\s , whether lliey affect the Individual or thu cuiporutlan and we therefore demand the enforcement of the ninxlnuin rati- bill passed bIhe ln l lefflslalnre until th name Is declared void by the courts or U icpv.iled Ue ute In favor of the enactment of Inws bj eonijrebs thnl will nravldi for thn super- vlsloti. regulation nnd eonlrol of corpora tions engtiKed In Inli'istilf eommerro , with a \lew lo presenting Ihe llotlllciid catiltall- zatlon and excisMvc hondlPR of snch cor- pot.itlons "Wt denounce nil eomVilnntlons nf capltnl , orR.inl/ptl In trusts * 01 otherwise , to cuntiol uiblliatllv the conditions of trade , and ar- lalKii as criminal IcKlslitlou the m.ililfrst cuncpi-Hlons of the larlff bill now In the h.inds of the president to the. Kugnr and Whisky trusts We recognize the HUitfl of lalwrera to orK'tnlri * ushiK' all honorable incnwnes for the purpose of dlKtilfvliiK their condition rind jilnrliit ; them on an cqtial footing with cnnllnl. to the end they ma ; , both fnllj imder tarul tlinl Ihfy ate necessary IT * he pro perltv of the country Arblttallon should lalie the nlace or strlKos and lock outs foi cttllcir lalnt disputes. 'Hip extirpation cf nnnrchy IH cuscntlnl lethe the st'lf-proservatltin of Ihe nation , and we Iheiefote favor the pending bill In coiiKtehi for the occlusion nf nnirchlBt < . \ \ e recommend the eniultiR Icgl'la- tute Hlibmlt nn amendment to the constitu tion , to be voted on bv the people at thu next pi' election , picvldhiK fm tlie In vestment of the potm.inent rchool fund In state , county and school district bondH. We believe thai the lndn = trles of our stale Hhould be dlversll'ed , lo relieve Ihe mum of the people from dependence upon one cla1 * of UKilculliiial prcdnctH subjpct to cr p failures , and It bc lnc dcmonslr.itid that tlu > Boll of this fitatiN adapted tn the piodltc- llon of sucrnr bents , even In dry seasons , a , sotitce of Incalculable wealth , we favor len- Islatlon that shall brlnK lo our people its full icall/atlon l-lver mindful ot tin- services rind l a < rl oe of the men who saved tlif life of the nation , vv " prolesl acalnsl the Illiberal and unjust policy of the Pension department under the present administration , and ptrdKo. nncvv u the Veteran soldiers of the republic a recoc- nltlnti of their just claims upon n Kinteful people. Ilin k'oilnrn Itmlilr Thrives on Rood food and sunslilne , vrllh plenty of cxerclao in the open air. Her term plows with health and her face blontm with Its b'auty. If her Bvslcni needs tha cleansing action ot a laxative remedy P.'H < ifes the Rcntb and pleasant liquid bral'vj ' Sjtup of Figs. TRUCK STORES T rnntSovrn I'luio Una In I > clluncf > of IVnnM I v.inlii I.uir. A clerk In a Pennsylvania coal company "supply store" lias made soin * Interesting revolutions regarding that particular method oC robbing the worklnRinan , sayo the \Vhecl- Ing Heglster. There are twenty-seven "sup ply stores" In the I'ennhylvanla conl nnd coke region , notwithstanding the state law on tlio subject , and all are owned by tlia conl companies or by heavy stocklioldera In the corporations. Twenty thousand miners or employes of coke ovens ar compelled to deal at these stores , and assuming that tha average annual purchases of a customer reaches $200 , wo have ? 4,000,009 as the total of the business All the 8tiripilrK for all thCBO stores are bought lor caMi , by ono man , who has an olllce In Plttsburg , and the em ploye quoted says he Is enabled , by the mag nitude of Ills orders and spot cash payments , to buy from IB to 2.1 per c'nt cheaper than the Individual private merchant , while the store prices to- minors are from 10 to 23 - percent cent higher than at other stores in other words , ho figures a profit to the "pluck-hia" store ot from 25 to BO p r cent on a total annual business of $1,000,000 , and concludes that the stores are often far inoro proflUbla to tlie coal companies than the mines. Thess company stores have no bad delfts , as other merchants have. A inln-r can only obtain goods when ho has money coining to lilm from the coal company. When he cxliausts that balance ho can obtain no mom supplies until ho has done moro work , and us a ro- biiH lit this system ha often sa.a no cash far month ! at a time. In other words , It Is the Pullman system In another form. At Pullman the employe earns a certain amount by his labor , and the company offsels It for rent , water , gas , Improvements , schools , library , etc. , all rc- turnlni : a largo percentage of profit. In the coal regions It Is very much the eaino , nml uaJer both systcmi the employes are virtu ally blaves. Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache. Trial size , 25 cenls. All druggists , nrrnteil Ilin \ > ron ? Whrrli , . Pajzcngers by ths railways tip guards and porter * , says a London exchange , but seldom gl\o a thought to the engine drivers , one of uhoni tells this story : A gentleman gave a halt-crown to tlie guard with a. request thai he would do his heat to make up for lost time , ns he wanted to catch a particular train at a Junction. When the Junction was reached the train In question was steaming out. of the elation , whereupon the passenger , an noyed , went to the driver and said : "I think , driver , you might have enabled mate to get my train , " "Ah , sir , " replied ( ha driver , "you greased the wheels at th wrong end ot the train. " When Baby vru slclt , we gw he Castorl * . Whea sh wu Child , tha crloj for CutorU. When the becam Ilia , tha clung to , CbutorU , When she- had Children , eh care them Castor ! *