Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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K. JtOHKWATKK , iMltor ,
TnilMH 01-
Hills n e Olthnut Sutxliy ) , One Y nr. M < * >
Hall ) IJw nml Humlny , One Tear
Six Slomlia. . . , , , M K Of )
Ilirce Month * 2 l
Hundny Hep OIK- Year >
Katunlny tie . One Vonr < 1 an
\V olt1y Uce , One V < Nir „ "
Omalm Tht tlw Hull Hup. . „
South Omthn cVirner N nn < \ Twenty-fourth Sis
f'Hinrll HlutT , 12 I'riitl Htrcct.
' " ' -ma omfv. 317 rimml > r of Commw * .
iork. Ilminn 11 II nml 1 * . Trllmne Itlds.
' on , tin P Hlrrct , NV. .
( "OltHI.St'ONDl.NCK
All rnmmunliutlmii rplntlns In new * nml nil *
win ! mitti'r ti lilt bf ninns-pli To 1'ie Kl tnr
iifsuNr.1" ! MnTCiis
- honl 1 I-
All Iimlni-M -ttvrn l unit ri-inlllnnc-ei
iiclipnn | il to TliP lice I'nlillnlilnn poiiiiun. ,
Omnlia TJrifii. rhpr-Kii nrtl irtntumce prit-in lf >
! H > nnua imcnll" ti Ilir oMT of tinpomi'im
BTAir.Mivr or
OCWBC 11 Tf liuc-1 < fcorelnrv of Tin' Ti-e IMli-
llnhlnc coinpunv , IM-IHK iluly F otn fn\ * tint
tlie nclinl mimtic-r of full ami cnniil-Mc | > l. '
rif ThH lljlly Mnitilnif i\onlnR mi l Smulijtee \
prln ( l ilurliiB the minth of Augiilt , 1SJI. WUH
fl fnllowa :
21 1 0 51
s it in
s : i n
4 Bl RI2
n I ! ! ! ; ! ! . " Ii Tin
7 , . 21.CM
ft 21 072
o ii ro
10 JI.7XO
" " " "
12 ! !
13. . . . 21 r:3
n 21 rw
n 21 'CO
tS 2. ! 000
Tom c < r , i
deductions for i lil tuut trlurnM
copies 17'"I
Tolnl KoM
Dnlly nvernsc rot clrcuHtlon . .
Hundas" .
o notion n . . .
Snorn ( n lcf. > ri > me nnrl siiliscrll > o < l In mj
lirpwiire tlih < tli ( H > of StptemlxM. 1131
( Scat. ) N r rrtt.
NntBiy I'utllc.
\Vii rcjolrn In I hi : ( | iirl.oiir ! < l tonsrlfncr of
tlio priiplo IIM crnln | inUl ( < : il nffiilri , null
will Imlil nil piilill < i ollUers lo H. rlijl.l rp-
piM ljllitr | nnd niciio ( Unit m < itim 'p'fldKu 1
tliut ( lii piu > oi ut Ion und punishment of nil
who bntriiy olllclnl trimtM iitiiill l > n Mvlft ,
tliiiruiicli mid untpirlu , Nut Id mil lti > puli-
lUnn riutforni , 1.S70. -
Sir. 10. IJost-wnter will ik'lher tlio sue-
otitl P.ccch | of the t-ninpal ) , ' ! ! at tlio
( iiH-i.i IIOUSLI.liU'ciln , rihl.iy
of thlt vcpk. On thfrf cKC'U-
hovllt clcvoto tlic Ktontcr luirt of
Ills time to n rpvlow of hooilk'tlsiu in
the btato hoiiMi > . Wo have tc'ct'l\o < l
y to < iuiMts for cojilos of The * lU'i-
Mr Itosunntof's rioitiutit
A. ' .jic'C'lul KUiiU'iiuMit | has been
inibHshccl containing n full Htciiox
topott of the tuldicss c'cipii-.s nf
ulll , upon jiii | > llrtlhm , litinalloil fieo to
any ucldress. U' will also sc-iul pju-k-
n i > H contnlnliiK ten to t\\outy-lhocopies
for cllslillmlloii to any udiliobs
The cqulnctL'tlul hlortns weie o\ictly
on II mo.
Tlitow a stone in the Seventh wind
and you will bo stuo toililt a candidate
for olllcc.
lletween foicst flies anil c.vclones the
people of Minnesota aie ceitainly huv-
inn tv haul thnu of it this year.
The SLMiiH'l to the tlcimicititle leivo
feast ivill tnlvo place ut tlm ( louiucintlc
ht.ite cunviMiiliHi to bo liclel lu Umnlia
iioxt Witlnos ! 1..y.
The cueUootorjraim miiko fi ] Mctrn < >
of joy o\er ( ilefoci'on ' of tlie Lunisl-
niiii HtiKar plnnti'is from the DemocratIu
party , t'oiiiiaend us to the i-m-koo to
intiku a vhtm > of
"Tin * btiilnc'ss Interests of the state
lU'inand" an honest man for govcinor ,
and if the lepubllenns don't have that
kind of a funilhlatu to present au limi
t's t nian HKi.Ttnljje Iloleoinb will do.
senatorial candidate whc
seeks an election to the senate from
revndu. will heieafter have to Ki\u a
pledge to lituiil in his lesiniiatlon In ( hi
even ) , that he decides to change hit
politics after lie lias been elected
The litter baselessness of the llenils
Impeachment chin sen becomes more find
more apparent as the fa we proceeds
> Ve look to nee the court administer a
lebnke to the Impeachment "manaseis"
that will give them food for neilons 10
licet Ion. those who decry the utiike as an
ntteily useless engine oC labor warfare
look ut the tesults of the tailors' sttlket
in New Yoik and Boston. The sttlke
we tue convinced , will not bo dlseaulcx !
until something mote elteelive Is ile
vised to take its place.
Tom Mujois still calls God toltiies !
that hu did not know anything ahonl
that foi'Kecl census rolnrii , but Ton
Heed's judiciary committee thoughl
that Tattooed Tom knew a giiMt den
more about It than ho was \\lllliif , ' tt
tell , and what he did tell uas llatly con
tiadlcted by at least t\\o wltnes-sof
eiiuttlly ciedible.
The refusal of the prosecution in the
Impeachment piocecdlup * against Mayoi
llemls to Intioduco any testimony tc
suppoit the chaise that < hu ma.Mnhai .
inKippropiiatcd money for the rolloi
of the Kelly at my means that this conn
in the nmilunmeut Is piactlcally with
drawn. Theie was not even u cliuuct
to make out n colcnablu olTeiise.
c , Is It not , that several of tin
calamities recently visited upon thepeo
pie of the United States should fal
heaviest upon the Inhabitants of Htatw
not ntlllcted with populist Ktucinors
This , however , must have been a provl
dentlal mistake. All thu Mormx , Ihei
and similar disasters were Intended ex
cltislvely for Colorado , Kansas and die
Uoston tailors , encouraged by the sue
cosa of their New Yoik brethren In the !
rocunt Btrlko for the abolition of tin
tusk system , have also inilt wtnk , nltl
the result of lirliiKlng ; Hie local olothlnj
Industry to n standstill. If they liavi
the aame Kfievanet ! of sixteen tux
eighteen hour days at starvation pa :
us existed in New Yoik they certiilulj
ought to have tlie moral suppoit of tin
community mid every jxitislblo assist
unco In their flsht for llvluj ; wanes.
TllllOTirl\0 ritKK SI't.Kftl
A striking Illnstratlau of the nnre
publican nu-llioiH pursued by talhoad
repuhlicatm In Hits state has been fur-
niched by the Alndlctlvo and menda
cious assnnlta tiiioii lepnbllcans who
resent the methods by hlch Tom Ma
jors was folstc > d on the party ns Itn can-
< lldatc' fin' Koveinor. When The 15ee
pnbllshed n batch of piotests ficiin dls-
satisfied lepnbllcans who deslro to 10-
deem the slate ami pnity fioni lallio.ul
domlntll Ion these lelteis weAo do-
nonticed as fabrications because tlio
tiamcs of tin1iltets weieltlilit'ld ,
\Vhlle hyliiB < o discredit these com-
niiinlc'atloiix the totporate mi'icemule
bejran at nine to ferret mound In the
dUTctcnt i-iiinmuiiltles for patties who
\\eie .snsM'i [ led of disloyalty to the tall-
road < /ai In seveial Instances p.ulles
uli < i had no lonnectioii with the offen
sive1 Inters ha\e been subjected U es-
| I [ < IIIIIKC and ttbiKe.
In inic' or ino localities the wilteis of
the lilh'isnliintiully admttlcd their
atilli < | | | | mill lnuc since then been
peislstently ] . -ei'Uted and libeled. An
Instance In point Mas the case of Hem v
( ' . Hlrlimniiil. a ippnlillcnn i ( 'Hiding at
He'd Cloud whoso letter : \as published
OUT bis Initials. No sooner had Mr.
ISlclniKiiiil adinlttod the fact thai he had
Milllen Hie tc-iter than he1MIS % lclously
jissallid and metcllessly lampooned by
tin * liiiiliii lou Join nal and other papeis
of tinohm stripe.
This Is a itoo countiy autl 1lio lopttb-
llnm c'lc-cd nl\\nys has uphold Iteo
speech , i HO pu-ss and a fiee ballot. In
other wouK Hie loptibllcait paity
alllinis the ilht } of evetv clt-
I/.en 1 think speak and ntlto without
restialnl on .ill political issues and to
oasl Ids Miteas Ids conscience diuato
Any man 01 paper that would abiidfje
in dom this Ood-Klvi'ti ilfjht has ab
jured the lepnblican faith and tinned
trtiKm l < i Its Itindamental piinclplcs.
It has ciiini' to a. pretty pass In fiee
Nebiasliiihou men aie to be maligned
and iieisi-c ntod'for possessing the conr-
) i o of tholr convictions on Issues that
concoin llienell'aie If Uio state , and OH-
potially on the Illness of candidates for
ncishidiis ui liomn and tiust.
II the icpublicans cannot elect
Thomns Alajoisitliotit lesortiujr to
the methods Hint prevailed in the south
tluihiK sluuiy times they ha\e repudi
ated I'xoty vostlRtj of true lepubltcan-
ism and foi Idled the iijht tu ask the
Mippoi I nl an > man \\lio has e\er sub-
Hcillmd 1n loptibllcan ptltii'lples. For
tunately lor the state and the party ,
The ISce has abundant assntance from
CUM.V sec-lion of the state that thou
sands of lopnbltcans ha\e doleimlned
to S.IM the ] > .nty and hi inn it back to
its Mai t In ; : point as a paity of Ctec-
dom and of o < pial rights by loinuliatliifi
the candidate \\l\o \ does not icpresenl
ic-pnblli-anlsni , but rallioadlsm In lit
most olteiisivc- and danseions' loriu.
Thai Omaha Is to be a Kioat manufac-
InrliiK o ( liter has long a o been con-
ceded. \ V may ilot nl\\a.\s have the
raw matutials on hand for lubiicittliif ;
aitlcles that me in general demand , bill
we lune tin- push and pi ink that make1'
bees bu// and wheels hum and \\hir.
Within the past ten dajs another new
Industry has boon established In out
midst that is alteady dolui ; a land ollicc
business It is nothing mote not les'
than a campaign fnko mill. The capita
for the nen factoiy has been sub
seilbed and supplied by the Ilurltngtoi :
ralboad and the motive power and iai\
mateiial is contilbuted by the Stale
Jonrnal , olllclal orpau of the U. & M
and dlsti Ibutot of campaign fakes foi
the railtoad lopnbllcan machine shops
The quantity of campaign fakes am
iooibacks that have been tinned on
by the noxv factory within the pas
week \\oitld take all the reading space
In twenty editions of Tlie Sunday I3ec
to conttadlct. A few specimen bilcks
of the bogus Information factory wil
The people1 who depend upon the B
& M. organ for their political guidance
were InfcnnuMl Filday moinlng tha
"I'dllor Tlosewater's Interest in the sue
cess of lU.ian and the endorsement o
Iloleoinb was In assuiances that in case
of Judge Ilolcomb's election a lire ant
police commission would bo named tha
would bo entirety ratlsfaetoiy to th <
editor of The Bee and gnaianteo the
continuance of the publication of tin
saloon license notices In that Join mil. '
That Is stiictly original nnd would b <
Interesting 1C It weie tine. As a mattei
of fact , the ingenious fake has no moii
basts than has the downright impns
tine pcipotrated by the campaign faki
mill In the same Issue of the .Tonrun
In declaring that "a singular feature o
the contest was that at least 80 per ecu
of tlie federal olllce holdeis in Omaht
and Soulh Omaha were wcnklug for tin
Ilrjan-Holcomb ticket. " It Is an opei
secret that the present governor of No
braHkn owes ills nomination , If not elec
tion , to the oft'otts and Influence of tin
editor of The Hee. But he cannot truth
fully say ( hat ho was over asked ti
appoint any member of the police com
mission who would bo ft loudly lo tM
paper. The lice does not depend upoi
tlio good will of the police commts-doi
for its ptlvlleges In publishing applle-a
tlonH for licenses. Its lights aie dcflnct
by the mandate of the laiv , which re
qnlies publicity to be made in the pape
having the largest circulation.
The attitude of federal olllci
holders In the deinoctatle pihnailos wa ;
the same In Omaha as everywhere li
the state1. With possibly a single ov
( 'option , every federal otlico holder op
posed the Ur.Min ticket open and nbov
Satin day's H. & M. Journal dishes u ]
the absiitd fake that a combination ha
boon fin inod between Itiyan. Hose
water , llojil , Iloleoinb and the church
This Is also decidedly original. Ifoye
and Itosowiitor had not seen each othe
for months or Interchanged views- ;
leUur or who , Hoyd was in Chicago oi
the day of the pilmarle.s and had beoi
absent from Omaha for two weeks. TJi
Boo does not favor Boyd for congioss
man nor Hryan for .senator. Hut tbos
slight dlK'repnm-lcs nmko no dirftrencc
The reference made by tin ? campaign
fake mill to the climcli taken
In ciuiiH'cllon with another fake
Uegotlon by tlie same genius for
fabilcatlug falsehoods , must mean
the Cnthollu chuich. The dupes
who lake their jnsptiatinns from the
H. \ M. .loutnal are gravely nssmod
that tinoloincnt which tinned the day
In the < domocriitlc pilniaiy was due to
the Injocllnn of the icllglons ] uejudlco ,
which Heilldilled the ontlio Cnthulle vole
in otpnslon ] | | to anll-itislnti ticket. .
This fake Is s0 patent to everybody In
this icnmmmily ( lint It Is hardly woitb
while 1o le'riito It. Many of Hie most
l > routhic'iil Cntliollo domoctals wore en
listed with the administration faction
and working haul for their ticket.
I'nlly one-thitd of Uio delegates on the
anti-fusion thkot weio Calhollcs.
In conlitiing up all those rooibacks
the fake mill omits to call attention lethe
the- fact that HIP talhoad lopubllean
Tone's , hacked by itilhoad bank boodle ,
look aoiv actlvo pail In the demo-
ciatlc pilnniry In snppoil of the admin-
Mtnllon faction. But the tombino was
loiitod , hoi so. fool and din goons , because
public' si'iitimoiit was ovcrwlielnilngly
opo ) < eul to ele > niociatlc lalho.idism , as it
Is lo laibnad icpubllcantsm. Theiam-
paign fake mill may fool some people
pint of the time , but It cannot fool all
the people nil ( ho Hmo.
TIIK iwofjif nisrnicr
The dally papers of this state and of
either states lune boon taken to task
bv the convention which assembled at
Ninth Pintle last week to devise ways
und means for the lolIcC of the desll-
into in the dionth-sttlckon distilct foi
"siippie'ssjug" lioni oastoiii pe-oplo the
true situation in western Nobiaska in
icgaid to 01 op failure on account of
extreme diouth. In this matter the
dallj piosshas fieim Iho bc'glnning bec-n
between two titos. tb ( . people who have
siiffoiod loss maintaining steadily that
Hiehtilf has not been told and the people
ple who have not been soiiously affected
ontistaiitlv asset ting that the misfor
tunes of the diouth sullotois wc-ro be
ing gic-ally oxaggetatcd The Bee bar ;
all along oudea\oted to get at the leal
facts and has pilnlcd no ropoi ts e\cept
such as c-ami1 to II fioiu leliuble .inthor-
Itles It has hclictotl. and still bollc'vc's.
that no Inn in e.ui icMilt. fiom telling
the Ifiilh. and that the truth Is bound
to be known sooner or latoi In the east
as well .is In Hie west It has been ciit-
IcisciT for spi catling infoiillation that
might alaim eastern ime-stois and It
Is now cillicised for not making out a
sliongci case for eastern lellef contri
Tlie Ite'o has urged that some sys
tematic effott be made , liist , to learn
the actual facts , and second , to. moot
the demands which those facts , shall
show to o\lsl. The attention of the gov-
ernoi has been dhocled to the dioulh
situation and he has taken some stejH
toward Investigating the extent of the
emergency. Ho has , however , not yet
cometo any definite- conclusion as tti
what should bo douo. On the otllor
hand , the convention to wldc'li wo have
roforie-d has been ot srtmo service In
Improving our undeistanding of thesit-
nation. Kopoits made by delegates
fiom stcouutii'S represent that
some iHM persons are In npod of
aid of sonio kind. Wo take It that only
a small poitlon of these me in utter
de'sHtution , but the ingoncy of speed >
aotlon should not be underrate' ! ! 'I lie
contention ftnthor nppolntod commit
tees to loeiuost fieo tianspoi tiitlon over
the lailroads for piovislcuis and fuel
contributions and wo understand that
the ralltoads are inclined to accede to
this pioposltlon. It also recommended
that all relief bo dlsti United thiongh the
county commissioners of the different
counties , and this iccommcndatlon will
commend ilse-lf as timely and wise. It
still lemalns to some1 assocla-
Hem of citizens , who shall ascertain
just what Is wanted , what classes of
aitklos and what amounts , and , who
shall take steps to sollcll aid from all
who me In a position to assist the
drouth snlfoiors It Is usoli sn to longer
pictond that the destitute in the diotlh ]
dlstilct are able to help themselves
thiough the winter.
rlXAl ,
While the county commlsslonors are
wrestling with the IMatte liver canal
XiopositUm The Bee tontines the sug
gestion that the piomoters of the canal
be induced to include an electric tram
way as part of their progiam. An elec
tric uttlway fiom Omaha to riemout
would not only be a great card lot
Omaha as an adveiHsemont , but it
would prove of Incalculable advantage
to our local trafllc. It would place thlH
city in hourly coinminrtcatlon with Jill ,
hud , r.lkhoin , Waterloo and Fiememt
anil thus promote inoic Intimate tiadu
relations between the snbutbaii towns
and this city. It would enable
( he dairymen and tiuck fanners all the
way fiom Soymonr paik to the 1'latlo
and Klkhorn valleys to inaikot their
clioese , butter , eggs , milk and vegetable *
In this city vjther with commission
houses or the consumers. It would build
up a line of suhmhan manufactures ,
small farms nnd submban icsidcncc *
all along tlio cntho distance and It
would enihanco the value of oveiy acre
of land within live miles on either sldi
of the canal.
The construction of this olocttlc tram
way on the line of the canal would not
add to the general o\p ndliuro more thati
$ l ! . " > 0tKX ) , possibly less than that amount ,
There would bo no need of buying ti
right of way. The dlit excavated In
tlie coustiuotlon of the canal would
form the embankment on Hie gioatcr
pait of the line , and above all things
the imvor for operating1 the line would
be piocnrod at a nominal pi ico. On the1
other hand , the timnway would enable1
the canal company to maintain lu 10-
pair fence at auy \ low o\pensu nnd
teach any point that iveiuirod Iininc-
dlato attention within a cnuplo of hoim
at any Hmo of the day or night. The1
piluclpul outlay for the tramway would
be In CIOSH ties , mils , poles , wlios ami
equipment. This outlay would bo de
ferred until tlio canal Is ready to bi
operated , lieu the last part of the
subsidy In'comH pajablo. Tliorp Is ,
thoiefotenvifiy Ini'ontlvo to make the
tramway n-pUrt of Hie general scheme ,
whllo tho'1ob'.lactes ' lu the way of Its
consummaJloHflUro not Insurmountable.
In fact , tlic fiances ate that the tram
way \ \ \ \ \ lirty"1)otler than the canal us
an Investment , Inith for Hie company
and Hie country at large.
- _ H
The data voui'ctnlng Uio muu'rshlp '
nnd opeiatloifrtf nilhoiids In different
oountiiesii \ \ \ \ ha\o bo > n compiled by
the intorstatc tomnuM'ce conitnt.stnn in
puisuaiico of a lesidutlcin adopted some
time ago by the < seuato will not throw
any new light upon the lallroad cjiies-
tlon. The commission takes pains to
disclaim miy original investigation
whatever and confesses Unit the repoit
has been simply made up from existing
somcos oC Infoimatlon. Any opinion
which It oAptessos on any conclusion to
which ( lie fiuts seem to lead may thoiv-
loto ailse fiom theiiiojudlcos which
the oilglmil Invostlgatot' ( nought to Ids
wenk. The ic'pnit as mitllneel in the
dispatches exhibits an unmistakable
tendency towaid the ondoiseinoiit of
ptlvato owncislilp us against gotern-
ment ownoislilp of i.illioads. Many of
the statements jind compatisons. liow-
over. mo inlsleadlng , becatiso they do
not keep In view the dl Ho rout condi
tions of trade and ttanspintatlon In
thc > different countries.Ve oeitalnly
hiue successful examples of both sjs-
tems of lalhoad management , but
whether one1 s\stem or the other Is bel
ter adapted to the eheumstanccs of si
ptutlcnlar country such as Hie United
States Is not to no demons tt at ed by
mere geiioiall/aHons suoli as the interstate -
state commerce commission teport hits
to offer.
The opt'idng of a new load to Kort
L'look Is ceitaln to be followed by the
constiuctlon of an cleclile. line conm-ct-
Ing the post w lib this city. This Is not
only to be expected , hut to bo doshod ,
IJvory ono who wishes to visit the new
lorl will not bo able lo di ho there with a
caiiiage. Tlie object of opening a road
Is to ft'cilllate tratllc. mid Hie same ob
ject will be still further puimoted by nn
oleelile. uiilway < ( > the same point
Whether such a line should be permitted
to occupy the middle or the side of Hie
pioposed bonlovmd with Its tails is a
question tliut will depend UIKMI thoc-har-
actor of the nud. Its wielth and how It
Is to bo paikeel. That question , how
ever , will w'litf ' for Us answer until the
pioposltlon lo build the load shall have
been made1 , i The llrst wink Is to seen re
the road. The oleotile lailway will then
Its OWjl IHObllMll.
The patchwork stieets that hare ro-
faulted from the repair * made by the city
to the decaying wooden pavements , are
far fiom beftif ; li thing of beauty and
should not Ije penulttcd to remain for-
over. The gioaler part of our wooden
block pavement Bought to bo torn up
and leplacod with mine snliHtauUal nut-
teilal not la'ler ' than nest year. To dci
this will rOtj\ire \ ( the co opora't'loi/oi both
abutting propotty ejwneis and city , The
city will be readv to defray the expense'
of loii.ning Intoisections and the prop
erty owiieis should make up llielt
minds to do their pait ptomplly. Tlic
patched pavements me nothing- but
temporary makeshifts. Let us have as
little to do illi them as possible- .
The Good C'lti/onship Educational
league is attracting fat enable atten
tion In some of the wards of the clly.
To its \voik in therifth is attiibuted
the defeat of .Tlm K.tner's gang at the
republican caucus. The object of Hie
league is dotlaied to be the education
of public conscience mid to secuie a
moio geiieious , support for all munici
pal movements which make for tlic
public wolfiuo. It | s significant indeed
that the league hit upon Kyner as Itf
llrst object of attack. Its promoter *
claim that the league Is nonpartlsan In
the slilctest sense nnd will give battle
to any man of whatevot party who has
forfeited public confidence.
- tlm raliliilsH. ;
r.ouls\lllc Couilcr-Jouniil
Mr. E Itosouater. the tlery editor of Th (
Omalni Itee , Is aiMlng- Interest to the ie-
publican campalfin In Nebraska. He ha1
bolted the ticket and will take the stmnj
ngulnst T .1. Bl.ijorn , the nominee foi
Koveinor , clmrelnK him with forgot y am
other cilmes. _ _
Tto Military Sufr Sn.ip
Kaniis Cll > Star
If Japan should keep up her Vlng Yanf
lick of 20,000 ChlnoKB per ilny It wouk
take aKtcen yenrs of Btendy slaiiKhterlns1
at a moderate calculation , to cll pone a
the uresetit adultB of China , and l > > - tha
time there would lie several million mon
of mllltnry asc , Japan's ' iiresent job I :
no soft military snap
llmlVar for 1'cle Uunla.
ChlcaKo Times
A third Ameilcan Aictlc expedition , tha
of Lieutenant Peaiy , has returned dlseon
solately hemp without having reached tin
limit of previous explorations This seem :
to be n bad } < - > ur far Arctic expedltioiis
somehow , or else thq temper of the ex
plorers who have .imdertnkBii tp reach lln
imle during the1 wit tXvuKcmontli IH no
of that KUrllnK nnallty which made thcli
predecessors famoilli
_ p - -
HlrssHt. .
ioi *
Kx-5Iayor Hewitt of New VorU S.IJH tha
In Home reHpeota itlie llrlthh KCH ernnien
la thp best In exUtenc-e. AH Mr lie wit
IniB Just sailed lof T3urope , perhaps hi
Intends to follow' Wllllntn Waldorf Astor'i
Illiisttloiis c-c.impli : imd bccomu a Brills )
subject. Of coutspf-iJf Mr. Hewitt piefer
to exchange citizenship for Mihjectlon
thut'H hU affair. Hut he will not tlm
many Americans tumbling' over one nn
other in their edberneaa to follow his ex
ample , " "
A > U r ; > .SiniuliliiK Win' .
The- battle betn 'iti the urmor platu malt
era and the [ iu > : tMf < of nteel projectllei
KOOS merrily on. . .OarncKlu'o IIanc > lz - <
steel platen proyeu rthelr resisting iiowei
last wecl l : , and t > lr IThursday thu Mldvali
Steel company's H IWteer Bhclls Mere drlvei
tluoiiKli the Harveylzed , plates nnd re
bounded unliijiirvd : if the Iniprovemerui
In plates and projectllua should contlnui
lonR enoiiRh the oidnance olllcers maj
Home day be able to tell t will hap
pen when nn Irresistible force meeta ai
immovable body.
The campaign in Lincoln will bo wMe open
before the arrival of Governor McKlnley.
II will not tnko the whole force ot the
stale rnllltla to put ilown the"popular up *
rlalnR" In favor or Tom Majors.
II Is siihl that , harmony or no hnrtnony ,
the Tom Majors eUmotrnts will put up a
dummy for dupes before tills week Is ended.
Central City Nonpareil' Hosewater maybe
bo n bolter but he trlli a few plain truths
all the panic , St. his reply to HIchnrcH and
West I'olnt Republican- Editor Itosovvntcr
showed his nerve by Invading the eiumy's
camp and delivering : in nntl-tllchnr < ls\lajors
speech Iti I'remont. He was tendered n. big
audience. Hlchnrds refused to meet him on
the' platform.
The name of llcclier Is evidently one to
conjure with In t'lattc county. The re
publicans have nomlnnted Qus Hoclitr for
the legislature , and the democrats have fol
lowed suit by naming Ulctrlch Tlechcr for
the same office.
Miles Kentmyer Is said to be Jim North's
preferred candidate for tlic state senate from
the- Twelfth district , but he Is pledged tu sup
port iirj'nu "as long as he shall bo a candi
date for the scnatorshlp " This statement
Is n little strange , but 'tis said to be true.
Mndlxoii ISeporter Republican papers are
busy quoting pieiedcnts nnd declaring that
Hose-water's opposition to Majors nit ana the
latter s plec-tlon Therefore , those papers
ought to rejoice ami leave Hosy alone 1'eo-
ple are not llkeh In cry out when their tots
are not tramped upon
The success of the republican county
ticket In I'rankllii county Is
threatened by the- defection of the
nntl-monnpaly clement ot the party because
of the nomination of Tattooed Tom. The
county central committee has IsbiiwI an ap
peal for ' every republican In the county to
play fair and do a little work" It Is evident
the delegates from lYnnklln county to the re
publican state convention overlooked a bet
when they voted solidly for the nomination
of Majors against the popuMr sentiment of
the county.
O'Neill Frontier Republican papers of the
state are doing Majors , no particular good by
tilling their columns with trash about his
former proclivities Simply because he Is a
farmer is no reason that he should be gov
ernor. The state Is full of farmer * who
would not mnke good governors , and , on the
other hand , it Is full of farmers who would
fill the gubernatorial chair with ease , dignity
and credit. Let the supporters of Majors be
candid and tell the truth Say that he is a
farmer who does not farm , is a man worth
$2,000 or $3,000 and a professional politician
It they wish to add that lie Is a business
man and that they believe he will make an
excellent executive It Mill do no harm This
slogan ot * farmer" Ins been worn threadbare
nnd Is ro longer soothing to the oar. Noth
ing la permanent ! ) G ineJ by misrepresenta
It is evident that some of the republican
papers of the state think that a lie per
sistently told Is as good as the truth The
charge has been made and reiterated that
Iloleoinb was a B & M. attorney before he
was elected Judge of the district court. This
has been denied time nnd again by the judge
1 but no notice has been taken of his stite-
' ment At a public meeting at Lincoln
Trhlaj nlsht Mr Holcomh made another
explicit denial of the charge an follows
} "I have seen In that orgin of monopoly ,
! the State Jouinal , and its various Imitators
; and subsidiaries throughout the state , that
i the pops did a bad thing by putting at the
I head of their ticket a former B. & M. attor-
| ney. I believe that I have heard something
of a sermon being preached on that bubjett.
I have never reael that sermon and I don't
know as I care to , but I want tu eay that I
have never been a H fi. M or any other
railroad attornej "
Silver Creek Times : It Is scarcely worth
one's while to read much of the campaign
literature in favor of Majors. The H & M
Journal ver > properly taltes the lead In dls-
! semlnatlntr It. It Is all about of the same
stripe and the reading of a paragraph or two
will answer for the whole lot. H we were
to sum It all up In one short article It would
run sonifthlng In this way "Tom will got
there. Damn Uosewater Tom has always
bean a farmer and wear * a hickory shirt.
Damn Hosewntcr. Tom swore he didn't
tamper with Ihos- census returns didn't
know anything abont it. Damn Hos'water.
Tom will be elected by a great majority you
bet Damn Uosewater Tom called out the
troops to put down the laboring men of
Omaha , The nionjbags are for him Uimn
Uoscwat > r. All the machine politicians aie
for Tom Damn Kosewater Hosewater's
sneech at Fremont made sixty votes for
Majors. Damn Uo ewater. Hurrah for
Malor.3 and his blue shirt , but damn Ho e-
water. "
Nemalia Granger : "Farmer Majors' ' " re
marked a 1'eruvlan a few days Mnce. "I have
known Tom ever since he came to the
county , and If lie tver held a plow bound
a bundle of grain or wielded a corr knife I
novcr happened to be present at the exhibi
tion , the fact is , he never had time to
farm " And then we remembered tint the
mat Lime we met Tom he vva& an otlicer in
the Nebraska First and was drawing a
salary of ? 12S per ; nonth. Later we ktiev ,
him as a member ot the territorial council
on a rnoderat * salary Afterwards he bo-
became a classmate In the state normal , but
was soon lured from hU books by the siren
song that told ot olllclal honors an I oflltlal
salary , and he was returned to the legislature
to receive but $120 foi forty da > s work , to
vote for United States tenator , which said
vote ho did not throw to tlie birds but held
the olllce of revenue
on to until lie wab promised
nue assessor In return , for said vote Aft r
ho had held this ofllce until It ceased ta be ,
ho again went In search of legislative and
congressional oillcea , and it we renvmb-r
rightly the only time the public teat has
been from betiveen his teeth was whin the
congressional committee exposd the ( riuds
of SI Alexander and Dr SchwenK and pent
him home to play peek-a-ban with Church
Ilowe Tom is not to blame for nut b IIIK
farmer. He has not had time to till tlie soil.
he has been ton busy farming the voters an I
writing a history of his dirlng as one who
went Into the army when a mere boj. .
The iiill lu I'rlrei.
The American Grocei , In Its twenty-fifth
jear annlver > . iy number , publisher tliu
pi Ices ot leadliiK unities of food compiled
from Its market reports for twentv-flve
years , lhe prices glveu are v > holes io
prices , and the changes are quite lemarh-
able as Illustrated bj tlie following table
riour. per bbl * 8CJ $3.3) )
Sugar , per lb l" h 04t
lo'i 114
Coflee , per lb
Tea , per 1 , t'-j ' *
lUce. per lb . < > , Ol'i
Mess beef , bbl 11.11 8 U
Mess park , bbl 3I.QI 13.W per lb IS } , 07
liutter per U --jtti -4 pel lb IJ } * > *
Canned tomatoes , No J. doz 2.M .3r.
Canned corn. No 2 2 i ; SO
Canned poafht" , No S. . . 3.V ) 1 J >
Canned salmon , No I . . . . 3 7. ) 1 SJ
Tlia only Item which la higher now than
In 1865 Is Liiffcc , .ind this article lias , duiing
the twenti-llve jcais , fluctuated between
i 801 and 19 l cents per pound Tin- coffee
I ivmikct Is Just einetBlnff from a period of
high prices and is now tending < lawnvvnid.
Daily products have also iluctuattd larsols
i and uio nov. pbovo a parity with other
nrllclc-s ut food , but the tables of thi-
AmeiliMit Oiooer which are given for cacti
I of ( lie last tvtenty-nvo years Illustrate
nulte as marked u tendency toward lower
prlcea for nearly all \arlellen of food us la
teen In other lines of production.
l.ildiucenf Illinium * lEovliul ,
I'lillHitflplila Itcciinl
The unprecedented demand upon the
treuiury for biniill bills i not wholly ex-
pllenblo on the i top-moving theory , since
lhei IIIIH lieeu larger activity In that
respect in foimer years unattended with
tbe scarcity In nutation. It peema likely
tbat the geneinl levlvat of business lias
1 had nulte n much to do with it , and. if
ho. the demand for tlie smaller notes may
continue- through the winter , as treasury
olllclaH decline that they cannot bo printed
fast enough to meet the t.ill fur them , and
that will be pni to Increase with the Im
provement of general business
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
N'OrtTH PLATTR , Neb , Sent. 23 To the
IMItor of The lice. ImiBtmtcli , BB jou ctnlm
to bo a republican , C presume that you will
publish this statement In order to rectify
a wrong Inipreatlon Out you liavc crcntcd
by nn article In a rerfiit Issue of The lire.
Under the liead of "How to Heat Major * "
jou publish a letter from this. city , which
jou Rtata was written by a republican. In
this city jou line a reR'ilar corieM'ondcnt
by the nniuc of Dr. T. M. Soincrs , a hnnieo *
pittite vhyslcl.iti , ami In conversation with
mo thin mornliiK ho stilcd plainly that lie
wrote the article referred to above , signing
his nniuc thereto and that ( some one In
jour onice twisted the Initiate around to
suit tlipinsehos. Or i > einu > rs IB not a re
publican , but one of the moat enthusiastic
populists I ever met tic was a dilcKnte
to the last populist county convention from
the Second ward In this city , and la at
pri-sent county coroner by virtue of appoint
ment at the hands nl a populist lloird of
County Commissioner * , nnd hta article does
not In the least \olcc the sintlmtnl In this
cltv or count >
Trust Ing that jou will In all fairness pub
lish this In lull 1 remain ,
Editor Xorth I'latle Telegraph
( Note by lhi Editor The request to pub
lish the above ami HIP strictures upon lr
Somers art" nn Impertltipnce Tlm llee
made no attempt to mislead nnybodv ] n
printing the letter from Us North I'lattp
corre'ipotidcnt written In response to the
follow Ins Instruction
Interview leadlnK anil-monopoly tepiibll-
caris of your loc.ilitv. lleiiuest them testate
state their opinions ot Hie work of the re
publican state convention , and to K\\B \ The
lice siififiestlotis us to the lust method of
tlnsartliiK the railroad managers In their
effort to control political coin < nit lima nnd
to encompass tlie election of preteried rall-
roiil candidates
Dr Somers did not reprpseiit his per
sonal -views , Init those of ri > piillleans of
Lincoln county who resent the sell-out by
which the vote of their 'ountj was turned
over to Majors under false pietemes. whtn
99 out ot 100 republic ins In that county
were for MucColl. Tin- editor of Tlie Hue
leaves the selection of his roi respondent *
to sub-editors He did not know who repre
sented the paper at North 1'litte. and was
as Ignorant as to his politics occupation , or
the school ot medicine In which IIP graduated
as he ivas of his name No complaint has
ever been recched nt this ofllce about hln
correspondence and therefore there Is no
reason why lie should be Individually tal < en
to task >
Galveston New Ken IK It does nnt mat
ter -o mtiili If 'unie people ieri o to 'aw
wood It tht'j will Just .iRiee to HIV nothing
Itnmllton KeRKter A t'olohfstei pappi
: evrrs Hi it .1 tintc'l In Cololieitci lint : i cooK
HO KoCHl-lookliiK that -die imislifs the-i > ota-
toes b > looking at them
Buffalo Courlei Iluiiianlt > ' ' < need or bill
qu.illtii'M have much to do vvlili hunmiiltv'x
Incomes Thn lillnd boRRir foi Instance.
makes his monoj bemuse he IK slmpl > o\it
of sight.
Yonkois Stateimuii An nitillcltl coolliiK
nppniiittiK compiii ) has fnlk-d In Brsion
Certainly' Wli\ not ? would they
want with uitlflclal tooling com ems In
Hoi ton 7
Chicago Tillnmo. BIcrohant-Y * . " , I nd-
verlKfd for n naler-ninn How nunv I in-
KiiaK1do jou know '
Applicant 1 can tall : l.uislMi , Oeimnn
and city hall ,
IncllnmuullH Journal "I uondiiwhat
kind of people live In ilnrs' ' suld the phll- Rirl.
"Thfj'ie out of slKht , " leplled the sliing-
ful anil conlliUnt J'OUDK man
Galveston News : In wKes : ue sold
after they urc- divorced In this country
they nevet seek divorce * until .iftT they
find thi > mselve bndly = old
New York \Vee.klv : Ser > antI
tnnm Mr > < Kuxtclour wants \nu to lend htr
some reading' matter suitable foi a sick
MHtiPK * ffi tultilj " > * ' V bcr tlioijflmeil -
[ cal tilmnnitCH
Hooord The 1'nrtei
In the nlnlp ) Don't no In tbe
Rinokln * room Mali If > < iN looKIn' fa' a
safe plate.
Tlie I'ax'n { , < " ' U liv fa"
Tlie Poitei Tli can's ,1 Maine1 lepnMlian
In there "ah. and u Ohio itiinbllrnr , an'
the romcixitlon'B JuV dilflln' 'inuti' to the
Indianapolis Join nal"yomiK man , " iild
Mabcl'H fathei "Jf < iu don't BO UWAJ from
hero t shall call the cleis '
"That would IJP pioper , " said thp jonth
"t raHeil the nnd yon can rail him
If j ou w irt to "
AC nit. i Cimitltmtoii
Thes inn him for the COIIKHSSanother
beat him clear ,
They run him not foi iheilff , lint the >
couldn't Bit lilm there ;
They inn lilm neil fui < oronei apiln they
turned him down
An' then they c.illtcl a bas chum In an"
run hlm-out o' town !
IIItlliiiiKrn ti Trill- .
Kan"\K ( C | | > si ir
The corn crop of the I'ulteit Stntet has
avcr.iRed for the past nineteen ie.irs l.fili- ,
ij.500 bushelB. This \c.\r theileld Is es
timated at 1 . ' . 00 OCO.IXK ) bushels. This. Is
somethliiK' of a falilnfj oil but In a blir ,
product o country like the tfnlted States
100000,000 liushclt of corn more ur les la
a mere bagatelle
/.It f.XSlf < > | |
llmi-ljr nrnltiff for '
t'lirrnln of MThrMlitr
"iiUBlitcr * .
ClilcaRO Inter Ocean There ti n very serl
otm queMlon It | . .ircnts arc not pcrmlttitiR
n Rfaccful sport and a healthful eterclce to
run n\\ny with their jiulRinfftil ns to what la
necessary to the moral cars and social re
finement of their daiiRhters We refer to tli
extraordinary liberty that li allowed to nlrl
and jounR women ID the nutter ol bicycle
riding Hy deKrMs thp hole omo and
proper rrotrnlnt * that \u-ie olneirnl when
thli prnctlcHl sport \\u Hrst Inttoduccd
hao been almost whollj put .islde , until now
tliero Is a freedoom permitted tint Is to
ay HID least of II , a menace to loung woman
The American people are fond of boasthiK
HIP self-reliant , Indepcndi'tit spirit ot thu
Anierlran Rlrl , who In thought nlwnjs to bu
"perfectly nblu to take c.ire of herself , " and
truly It may bfl said that the Amcrlcnn rl
represents a ttonderfully line and high typ
of feirless , ( onfldent , cnpnble and trust
worthy j-ounjr wonianliood , of which we lu > o
reason to bo proud Hut American Rlrls are ,
aftfr all , not much different from the rest
of Inexperienced humanity In Mnecplllilllly
to Inflnemes that are not for the better
ment of ter nnd need to he subjected
to guidance , restrictions ami beneficent cJre
that maj mold their minds and nitnrca tea
a r vIJect ot londltions that arc ro\crod
comprelicnslMly hy the terms rlRlil think-
Ini ; and tight conduct
If left to hoiBclf amid e.iBunl Miiroumllnss
that to the joiithful and iRnorunt mind , arc
in plgisant and fa llwtliiK to the
strlctei observances and purer circumstances
of the home life. It Is by no mean * certain
that tha Independence and self-reliance of
the American charactei will protect her from
cnntimlnntlon. Parents nowadajs trust too
much to what they believe to be the Imprcj-
imWfl moral tone of their daughterly and do
not possibly tulcp snlllclently Into considera
tion the cffeUH of assochtlons with persons
not MI inlmliablv tempond In moral qualltlpj.
C5lrl . with hlrjrles are allowed to ride when
and Mlieie they please their parents belliK
onllrely In Iterance of th companlonshlpj
thc > form and of tlie neipialiitanccs tiny
maKc , and unmindful where thrso ildes ur
Liken or In what tlicj tonnlnitte Olrls who
would not be permltt d to \ > ulk the sticeN
after nli'litfall .ire ne\erlliLless permitted
to t.ilvi > e\enliiK rides on their wheels , travirs
Ins all tarts of the cltv KolnR to ills-
tanc's ftom home , and It Is not thought H
matter of any Importance If ttie e ildea am
so prottni'ted that tlm nlil m.ij not arrht >
home until 10 or 11 o'clock
It ! well KnovMi to riders of "bikes" that
the wheel rttublltlioi a sort of 1're .Ma.snury
between rltltrs All suts of promiscuous
acquaintances aie imulo In this way , und
there la no use dl'RiiluliiK an Imliiblttib e fact
that tin. ulu1 1 Is the means 10 many a ren-
derxoiiB tluit would horrify cnnlldlni ; parents
were they but Informed of them. That thu
tree wee of the bicycle tins led to nn alarm-
Ini ? Increase of Imniurjlltj II In folly to deny
n > t b cause bUyclInn Itself la nnythlnn
other than a beautiful sport and fcerelso , hut
because the prh liege of KClng when and
wherp one pUascs on a wheel priseiltH the
opportunltv and HIP temptation touotij ; -
dohiB tint do not exl't wltliln the ordinary
limltHllons of Intercourse between the ses. .
AF one rlclpr of a wheel has declared , ' The
bicycle tends to brliiR the two sox s to a com
mon Ie > cl and bleaks ilovMi many of the har
riers of form and contention that usually
sopiiatp the two and xccurp to ono the def r-
e-ico of the other. It establishes a comrade
ship that Is not altogether good for Ihn
Klrls ' H sur ly l not Rood for them when
they are out all hours ot the evening , "no
one Knows where , " and parents who so freely
indulge their dauRhter ? "out with their
wheels. " are trininK with a p rll tile xtonl
and perslstenca of which they little Imagine.
This IR u matter worthy Kr.rve attention ,
mildly ax we have urged It. Parents have a
responsibility hire that the } will do well not
to Ignore ,
i'lirtlKin loll } III .Mutiti liiil | Illrctloin.
IlufTilo nxinfvfl ( it [ > )
The address of the. committee of seventy
in New Toils expmtipq. In re-
Win ! to the ( iliolltloti of parlteaa politics
from munlclpitl rule which Is becojnliiK
more nnd mole iiopula ) eve.ty veah lu
the mloiitlon or this hlej. lather than In
the iChtrlLtlon uj hiiffra e ll s the tenioly
foi the evils of corrupt mnnlclpil rule
which is trculilliiff so m.inv of the i > en-
slmNN And that Ide.i. lll.e the cUll
aelilce Idea Is hound to Ijocome llrinlv
ruhulli-hed There Is no nbuse PO 'eat
but the unie tilcled KiiflTrani'H of a. Titw
pc-ople can find u cine for It
i't/i. or run tr\rit.n Hit.Y.ii , .
Mis M T. ItuMic In Di-lmil rrir1'roB.1 *
Thej built n HMO thxirch at his \ety ( leer ,
He wasn't In It ,
Thc > told him a Hchamc for H'lIe\lnB IhB
pooi ,
Ite wasn't In It
Let them noik for themselves us he had
done ,
They needn't nsk blip fiom any one
If the > hadn't wasted c.icli KOldun minute.
Hiwasn't In It
Su he paxsed the pjor with InuRhty trend ;
He wasn't In It
And he scorned the Rood with averted head ;
He wasn't In It
When mm in the halls ofvirtue met ,
HP sj thilr Roodncss without togret ;
Too hlRh the mark for him to win It ,
lie wasn't In it.
A can luge crept down the street one day ,
He was In It.
The fmieinl tinppliiKS made a display ,
He was In It
St. Foter recolveil him with book and bell ;
" .My friend , you have purchased u ticket to
Tour Lle tor ROPH down In a minute. "
He was In It
\ovii JIoitruoii \ \
W © move
We arise to make a motion.It is our firm ,
fixed , frig-id and deep-rooted con
viction , that the sun has been
working overtima for the past
six months , and his continued
Gussedness in kesping at it late
in September is additional cause
for comment. Fact is , he's acting -
ing- scandalous and getting1 himself talked about.
We move that he give us a rest. Our big LOW
TARIFF suit sale is not suffering much however ,
though there ia no doubt 'twould bo better if it
was cooler. Friday and Saturday we sold several
hundred. We keep it up till all are gone *
Every one our own make , well and handsomely
made in latest style , long out , single and double
breasted sacks and cut-a-ways ; blue , black , plain
and fancy cheviots , plain fancy and cassimeres
and latest patterns ot tweeds.
Knee pant suits , $2.50 , $3.00 $3.50 , $4.00 , $5.03 ,
jong pant suits $6.50 , $7.50 , $8.500.
All these are strong reliable and stylish and
very cheap.
Browning , King & Co. ,
Kcliablu Clothier * , S. W. Cor. I nth and