THE OMAHA -.SUNDAY BEE K. I - ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER ! tf , 1S5U-SIXTEEN PAGES. S1NGLI2 COPY FIVE CENTS. PAGE vis worth over a dollar a line to the person who will scan it over and make THIS purchases Monday. Some of these prices are good for all week , others arc for Monday only. If you ask for some of these specials Tuesday and are disappointed you should not blame us. It's .your own fault. We do as W2 advertise. Special lrnen Sals. 56-inch all linen cream DamasK - masK , only 250 yard. All linen bleached Damask , 400 yard , better grades in pro portion. 18-inch linen crash , twilled , 50 yard. 24 all linen full bleached napkins , were $1.50-now $1.00 doz. doz.Who ever heard of hemmed stitched linen huck towels be ing sold at IOG each. Hay- dens' have got them on sale IOG each ; $ i. 20 dozen. 11-4 Marseilles bed spreads ji.oo. ji.oo.White crochet spreads , 470 each. Unbleached honey comb towels , 2 for SG ; or 300 doz , See our big towel , size 24x48 on sale at roc each. We hnve the stock and we are making prices that you can not duplicate. It will be to your interest to buy your lin ens at Haydcns" . FuM bleached cotton twilled crash , only 3j c vartl. Glass chocked barber tow els , 4oc doz. Chamois dusters , 2 for 50. Look over our remnants of table linen and crashes ; they- aie marked down to prices to close. Blankets and Flannels. Haydens' ara headquarters on blankets. Wecarry the largest stock , havti the best-as sortment and make the lowest prices or money cheerfuMy re funded , Blankets at 490. 590 , 65c , 75c and si.oo pair. 11-4 all wool red California blankets , worth $7 , on sale at $4.75 pair. See our gray b ankets at $1.25 and $1.65. Finer grade at $2.25 and $2.50. Full stock of bed comforts. Closing out flannels , all wool Jed twilled flannel , 140 yard. Remnants of flannel at prices that you can't afford to pass if you arc an economical ft.- . buyer. Special List of Bargains on Sale Monday and as Long as They Last. White Shaker flannel , 3lc. Unbleached cotton flannel , yard. Mill re ran ants , of , best calico , yard. * Mill remnants of percale , per yard. Full b'.eachcd twilled crash , 3Jc yard. Apron checked gingham , jlc yard. Dark dress style gingham , yard. Turkey Red and black calico ice , sc yard. Indigo blue calico , 50 yard , Mill remnants of perca'e , 50 yard. 30 inch Momie cloth , 50 yd. 32 inch wide sattne , 50 yard. 9-4 unbleached sheeting , I3jc yard. Berkley fine cambric , 7jc yard.New New York mills muslin , roc yard.Wamsutta Wamsutta muslin , ice yard , Lonsdale muslin , 7jc. Soft finish bleached muslin , $ c yard. Mill remnants , best cambric , yard. All colors best lining cam- trie , 40 yard. Double fold novelty suiting , IOC yard. 36-inch wide covert cloth , 150 yard. 30 men wida serges in mil emnants , 10 yds for,5oc yard Japanese paper napkins , on ( undred for 250 , Clean cotton batts , 5c roll. All wool Flannel skirt pat terns , only 690 each. Slate , brown or black cot ton flannel , loc , tsic , and 150 yard. Hayden Bros , carry the larg est stock ol domestics , in fact the only house in Omaha that has the room tu carry anything like an assortment ; they buy and sell in large quantities. You will find that you can save money by trading at the big store of Hayden Bros , who are headquarters for ev erything they handle. Millinery Dept. We are' showing our Immense fall stock of millinery , consisting of the latest novelties In honn = ts , hats , turbans , etc. , procured by our buyer In New York , Paris ami London ; also an Interesting dis play from our own workroom. Our styles for thla season are far suparlor to anything shown by us hereloforp , and at prices fully 25 per cent fow-r than else where. Imported moOel hais , no two" alike , from Vlrot , Joese , Mareseot , Llnne Faulkner , Ber tha and other famo'ia ' modistes , also our own exiiilulte | novelties. UNTHIMMKD HATS. Lnrg. assortment Trench , English and do mestic felt hats and bonnets , embracing all l hi ; new shapes and styles and colors. Clothing' Dept. SEPIEMDEII BARGAINS. At no previous Umo his our gteat clothing cleiurlment Known to ninny bargain- ? . They will MirinlEe even tlios" who are familiar viUli thr low prices In this section. Kq\ialy \ ! trustwoithy goods posltivelj can not lu had oisriwIiFte for us little money. MEN'S SUIT ? AXU OVERCOATS. Kor tall and winter. The best asaort- jint In Ihe tlly and all new goods , bought unikr free -wool pilics. Theietor. ? can sare jnu _ f 10111 $5,00 to $ lti.OU on a good fcult cr o\f rcc lj. . Moiidsy'inoinli'B our gicat clclliliig sule I > ogii3. Tou eou then buy menV , hoys' nnd ' chlMreifa'clcilhlns for hsilt of trguUr pilce . ' suits Tor T.75. : ! Thty are worth M 'J ! nil wool cns-slni < ir''R and cheviot > ! < * BP n iwilMonday for $5.00. All wool bliiM Cheviot sulti . In double and si gte breaxted. make anil 111 pfiwl | to tailor mailp. Special rut price as 16ng as thty last SS.30. worth J15.00. Monday we will ll our English meltin ! tilf ! In all Blindr" . tingle and daubU breasted HI JIL'.r. ' ) , worth 20.00. ( hll Ireu's Junior nuit nil wonl. for ? i.0fl , WB fhnw the gri'nlcyl lint' of IHI > B' l.neo nulls ot any ha n In the vest , ages 4 tu 15 , for $1 25. $1.60. $1,75 $ , $ l'.il ) and up to } 5 00. Positively will tnve yon 33 per center or any suit you miiv buy. LOUR panta mlirUes 12 to 19. for $2,00. l-.iS ? 3 2B to $ ; ,50 , Special cut for Monda > wnd all \ \ rk.Vo ore tlii > leaders In lovprl'V.o. . Jlnll orders filled Jroin nny o ! the lota. Notions. 3 tt'Ools ot cotton thread for Go. Thla means (00 yjnls of either black or whlto thread f r EC. Stand mirrors 4c each , worth lOc. Dress nt ; fomhu Be ench , wqrth IOc. Corset eleels Do each , worth lOc. Curling Itons Bo each , worth lOc. Dress nliMdy , best Btocklnett , tic pair. Monkeys Oh , yes ; we hsve them for sale , and on Mod ay we will have a SPECIAL SALE ON MONKEYS , Vor.r cho'ce of any monkey In 'the lot , 25o. We give a tree exhibition all day Monday. STAMPED LINENS , A new stock just received. New dollies. New dresser scarfs. tsVw tray clolby. New splash ? ! s New bibs. AH nt cut prices. Ptr.K DRAPES. 2 grog ; elegant silk drops , worth C5c , your choice Monday. 43- : . HOOKS. 45c cloth bound books , 28c. 35c cloth bound books , ISr. ' SPECIAL SALE ON RIBBONS. No , 2 satin and gros grain silk ribbon , 2V4o yard. No , 5 eatln and groa grain silk rlbbcn , 60 yard. No 7 faun and grc. grain Bill ; ribbon , Co yard. No. ! ) satin and go * grain silk ribbon , So yfcid. No. 12 satin iin-l gios grain silk ribbon , lOc y.iid. No. 10 Satin mid grog grain * llk ribbon , Ha yard. No. 30 satln and K'-'i * grnlc silk ribbon , ICe yiird. No. 40 sat I ii and grcgr.Mn eilk ribbon , 20c yard. Cloak Dept Children's Cloaks. We have the largest assortment ot chil dren's school cloaks In'the city , and at prices ( hat cannot be had from any other house west of Chicago. We can sell you a cloak nt any price that jou may want to pay , from the cheapest to the finest mads. Visit our rtonk department Jlonday and vie will show you -what a nice cloak you can buy for little nione > . 100 ladies' jackets , marie , up In the best of ElyJe niid from a gocd quality of cloth , our price M.C9. CO ladiea * Jackets , made of a good qual ity ot Oxfoid gray , tight flu ng and SO Inches lony , Monday our price , J4.30. Hats and Caps. Special , for Monday only , We are prepared 1o show yon the neat est and most Btyll.-'li line ot hatb for the least money of any licus In the city. Our $1.50 hat , either clhy or soft , has no equal for ulyle id durnblllly. Oiir | 2 00 Int leads lti m all. It is In cither a derby or soft fall style , any color. You will say that It beat * anything In the clfy at 13.00 , Then our $2.50 hat Is the flnsit made. Nothing to beat It. Also n full and complete line of children's Movi'HIps at from fiOu up. Timiks being clesred up to prepare for our new stock. House Furnishing1 Goods * > Largo cnameU'J jarc-preserve kettles , E4c , worth $1.00. Mason fruit jars , on flint glass , 4 > &c each , Gallon milk crocks , 'c each. Pref rve Jars , 7c 14c21c tnd 23c each. Ltiiich backets , Cc each. Covered market basKctB , IOc , luc and 20c each. The Globe Iron tramo .wringer , the regular price ot this wrtnger la $3.50 , on sale for Monday rnly , $1GD. * Yellow mixing boXvlsJ EC. No , 7 copper bottom\wash \ bolter , 39e ; Ko. 8 copper bottom wash -bailer , 49c Crystal sauce dlshesJlOa per set of 6. \Vnsh boards , 7c each. Ten kettles , 15c each , Terra cotta cuspidors , 13c each. Coal hods , 12'-ic each. Satin flnlsh fruit bowls , Gc each. Crystal creim eel ; , . 39a per set of six pieces. V4 gallon ribbed crystal water Jugs , 29c each , worth 75c. * - Rice root scrub bnishe , 3r each. Dnn ! ° r'plates , 4c ear1 ! , Tfj plales , 3c each , 1'le plates. 2c eaah , Srt'jair potato dishes , Be each , Double bak.'ng and toasting pans , gener ally sold for $1.50 to-$200 each , on sale to morrow at 75c , 85o and 93c ck. Do You Want a cPiano ? Buy the Bes' th9Ctiiic'xerIng. We have various oll&r 'first class makes. Every Instrument gtiaran' . . i > il We will sell you any piano you select * for $100.00 less than you can buy It ati > tih ie else on earth. New pknos Cor rent. Organs , all kinds , froni ? 2S.OO up. Standard sheet muslc'3c per copy ; by mall , Call orvrlte for cnlaSague. Thl list comprises ovsr 7,000 'different titles to se lect from , both vocal mid instrumental. All the latest songs 'nt. half price. Instruction boohs , alt'Utodl ' , halt price. All the latest folio3Sii K you ore Intending tciptirchns ; anything In fit Ing Instruments foej KLJ-P lo Icok over our slock before you' buy. Heie ore some very special bargains fti trt ! corning wtelf. Mandolins , former prrcft'KOOp > ntm .4lO" fO/ ManlM us , former jirl * ? IROD , now $800. Gil tars , former-Vice $2' M. now $12.CO. Gultarij. former pr\-ejl5 00 , now ? 7 CO. GiilUrs , former prleeUcou , now $3.00 A fine lire of bJnJos ! violins , accordoons , auohaps : and everthlnp. In tl.c music line at corresponding low prices. Drugs. Prices on toilet soapshave been cut : Cutlcura soap , 17c. } * Pears soap , IOc. Elder flower soap , 7J/5c. White sliver honey , 7l/i ° - Florida water , per bottle , IOc PERFUMES. For Monday we will sell the CROWN CRAD APPLE TJLOSSfaM PERFUMES at. per oz , 33c. J Fountain syringe at we , 89c and 9Sc. Buiti syringes at Value's celery compound , 05c. Hcod's 8ar5 > apnrllla. GSc. Scott's emulsion , G5c. AN EX FIRE XE\Y \ STO'JK HAYDEN BEOS. &RIC13S OP run NEWEST and LATEST D MITCH LOWER , NOVELTIES Have made prices BUTTHB < jrjAMTY IS IN . that would inuke Silks an ! Vahsls , \ A SILK-WORM BLUSKS lack Dress L03BYE SILKS Black Hi Bayadere 30 inuhesvldo , Yard wide. -AT 69c. SI. 25 a yard YARD. YAS.D. YARD WIDE GENUINE Black Royal Annlire , Black Gnr Grain , S&Trou Black Cailicmcrfl Cros Grain , BlacK Sat'n Khadzimcr , rou BlacK Satin Radzimcr , Black Faille Franciisc , In 70 shades CLOAK LININGS , Black Bpyal Alma , Clack Duoluss Sifm : , ONLY 39c , Only $1.25 yard. Black patin Duchess , Black lloyu ) Armnrc. PLAID INDIA BlkJPaillc Francaisc , m Silh " India 'BlU. Salin Luxor $1.00 QUALITY Twill Silks 24 inches witlo , Reguiar 21,25 Siiks SIL-.S FOR Ii all ttia Latest Sliaiss . -AM. ; AT CAPE LININGS AT For 69c a Yard. Only 69c a yard. 59c a Yard. 89 cents ift yard. PRICES THAT TALK. Rapid Sales Result IJRST QUALITY SILK PLUSHES , Silk Plushes Black Surrah Silks , 24 Inches In a constant renewal SIKc Velvet 21 la. wlilo. wide , only GOc yard. of our assortment U In. wide That is why wo always ItWtL Colors 25c a yard for colored India Regular $1.50 Goods ways show the latest Worth $1 25. Silks. styles and best qual /AT AT 2oo a yard for Black nnd Colored - ities at the 9Sc Yard , Our Price , BScKard orod Silk Finish Volvotoona. Lowest Prices , Si.QO a Yard. Fine Quality Si Plusles investigate and You'll ' Invest. $1.00 Quality i | 5ILK PLUSHES Black India Silk , 32 In. wide , In all the now Bhados and desirable 39o a yard. Silk Velvets , you order Regular 08o Boat goods , Duchess Satins , 24 sanip\es \ state what Qooda. -FOR- all colors , regular inches wide , In 40 Colors 1 7 i Is Week for Fancy Work 11.25 goods , for 85o a yard. colors are desired -AT- Colored India Silks , 32 Inches XT aui for Tshit pn ? 69cyard. 39c yard. wide , only 39o a yard. 49c Yard , it is wanted. Jewelry Dept. Silverware Sals. Rogers' fancy licmlled A tea tpoons , 69o per Eet. HoEcr-i" fancy handled dessert fiioon ? , $1.25 per b.jt. HoBeis' fancy handle A A table spoons , $1 CO per set. Itogers' 12.dwt. knives or forks , $1.19 p = r set. set.Get Get a watch , now Is your cliancs. The celebrated Doss filled cafes , warranted to wear 15 jcars , Elgin and Wall ham \\orka , ? 8.95 , worth $15.00. C3cns' ( gol'3 flliled Inmlins cae watches , bavitlfully engra\cd , flne Elgin or Walthnm M'ork4 , J12.DO , woith ? 2S.OO. Gents' Kild sllffeued Elgin or Waltham -tttchc < ! , $5.-lD. DOJR" firHl cla > iS nlckla stem , wind and set uatchev , $2.95. Solid coin ( liver Chnlelulne uatclics , fine Jewelled movement , $2.95. Units' rolled plated watch chaln , $1.25 , worth $260. Genl * ' gold plated chains , 45c , worth $1 00 Solid coin silver thimbles , ] 3c , GOc and TCt ? . Hair ornaments , choice , 25c. GOO lace pins \\oith 25c ami 35c , going at IOc ou oli. 200 solid gold set rings worth $2.00 each , choice , 75o. 300 solid gold b .nd rings worth $2.00 each , on sale at ! )5c. ) Solid gold baby rings , 19c , worth BOc. Nlckle alarm clocks , 55c. Ulglit-day oak clocks , slth alarm , halt hour gong strike , $2.93 , worth $5.09. Watch and clock repairing at reduced prlcs. Hardware Wonderful , the low prices \\e arc hardware at. For Instance , take builders' hard u a re. You want to purchase 10 pounds steel wire mils , regular Is EC pound , 75c ; our price Is 49c ; you save 2Cc. 35c , or 70c on the dollar. Quite a dlffer- enco. enco.You ant a door lock , regular price Is 40c ; our prlte is 14c ; you save 20c. You want a door belt- regular price Is IOc ; car price la 3c ; you save 7c. Ttko carrcnUrs' toote : You want to buy $ two-fcot rule , rtjiular price la IOc ; ou.1pclce Is ? ej3u.BA .7c You want a .brass Ijcun4 rqle. regular pr c Is 40e ; our prlc ; Is ICc ; yea save 24e. "iou want to buy a double iron Jack plane , regular price I ? $1.00 ; our price Isirc ; > ou save1K5c. . You want a brjce , regular price Is 40c ; .cur price Is IDcr ; you save 3c. ( Vou want a hr.ndlcd ax.e. regular price Is $1.00 ; our price Is 49c : you sivo Elc. You want a 2-kcy padkclc. regular price Is ? Cc ; our price Is Sc ; TOU save 20c , You wjnt a steel shovel , -regular price Is -75c ; our prise Is 40c ; you tnve 2Gc. Remeher we handle everything In the hardware lire don't matter what It Is and wosavo jou money all the way through as above. Window Shades. Men-lay Is shade day. We lll sell a fine dicoutec ! shade for that day only , for 13c , with all llxtures complete. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR MONDAY : 100 dozen gents' Uritish half hose 12Jc , worth iSo. Gents' Now York Mills unluund- cretl shirts , only iK'evnrth 73c. 1 case of men's ' fine all wool BOX , mitm'ul gray , only 2ou pop pall1 , worth COc. Ladles' ' scar-lot luuiVa wool vests and pants , only "oe. worth ? l,2a. Ladles' jersey ribbed vustH and pants , only 50c each , worth 7oc. 1 case of ladles' wool lioso , onlv 19c , worth 25c. 1 case of mui's flcccoil underwear , only 4So each , worth 7fie. 100 dozen ladies' fast black cor- t-c'.s , worth $1.00 each , on Monday 50c. Bargains In boys' waists on Mon day. Carpets. A few rolls of a'l wool carpet left for 40c per yard. Uxtra super carpets COc. F urniture. Bll well ma'do' and well finished , sfts bade well on the rock ers so that It Is vc-y comfortable ; our price ? 2.23. J'rica and nualliy { bo'Damon and Pythias' oC tradf. AVe l.axe worked hard to gift the quality mallng the pr ce Jew ivas an easy 'matter. The lea'ther rcuker 1ms a solid oak f.-tme , Js uphoUlcted In the very Iwst marine. ' . You can rest Tour head on the back. It has. a spring edge , and Is the peer of any J25.00 leather racker on the market. Our price , J10.00. Size of rocker : Height , 3 feet C Inches ; width , 2 feet 2 Inches ; seat Is 20x22. Best woven wire cot , flic. B 5t woven wre ; springs , $1.00. Cotton top mattresses , ? 1.SO. Folding cutting tables , GOe. Folding caul tables , $1.00. Large cak rocker , with arms , $2.25. 3-plcc3 ted rcpin suit , all oak , full size , French mirror , $15.00 , C-foot extension table ( iquare ) , $3.45. AVe ere showing a better line of furni ture than ever before. Our prices are also lower than ever. SEWING THE WIND AND SEWING THE DRESS GOODS bought from Iluydmi's , seems to have hewn the principal events of the week. week.But But we huve more left nnd they must go. Monday's ' Whirlwind on Prices. 50- inch serpentine weave , worth $1.08 , for . $1.25 50'lnch Imported covert , worth $1.48 , for . I.I ! ) 50-iiidi novelties , worth nt least $1.25. for . . . 75 42-inch covert , worth nt least 75j , for . 50 SPECIAL II iviiiR bought 107 pieces of Frederick Arnold's best grade of German Henrietta , 45 inches wide , we will place the bunie on aile Monday nt . 3S-inh nil wool serge , in nil the" full colorings , that is being sold as good value nt 4Sc , our price Monday . A. < Kinjh extra quality all wool serge , bo light to sell at 09. : , goes in Monday's offering A 52-inch ladies' cloth , all colors nnd nil wool , for . Rc ! ) 52-inch broadcloth , the regular 98 ; quality , Monday . 5ic ) 50-inch , our beniity in coverts , worth $1.25 , Monday . S'Jc Navy Blue. Navy Blue. Seems to be the thing for sensible fall dresses. We've got them and nt nil prices. ' A 4-0-inch for . 33c A 45-Inch for . /13c / A 40-inch for . 48c A 40- inch for . 5c { ) RT TIP RPPfiP A 5Mllch ( for . "C UJ-lUlV UJL/lVUlvO A 50-inch for . 79c A 52-inch for . 98c BLACK DRESS GOODS HERE'S WHERE WE EXCEL IN PRICE AND QUALITY. IHondnys In this department nre equal to a visit in the foreign dress goods department of the World's Fnlr. For we've got the product of the lending makers of the world. Monday , the 24th , will be no exception. ' 30. inch all wool cloth. . . . . . . . 25c ( 38'inch all wool serge. . . . . . . . 33c 40. Inch nil wool serge . 3Qc 45-inch all wool serge . 43c 4G-I nch nl 1 wool serge . ; . 1 9c 40.Inch nil wool fancy , n complete line . , . , . 50c 40-Inch nil wool Henrietta. . . 33c 40-inch all wool Ilenrlelta . 40c 40-fhch Gcrmi'.n Henrietta ( no better made ) . . . . . . . G9c 50-Inch biro' : broadcloth . , . . , . BOc 50-Inch black broadcloth . 89c 52-Inch black broadcloth , cxtrn for capes . . . . . $1,19 52-inch blnck broadcloth . . , . $1,50 We lack -words to express the many different weaves in fancies , but Iroiu fiOc to $150 Jltlii Groceries 21 Ibs. granulated sugar , $1,00. Apple butter , 7Hc ; peach but'sr , pure Jelly , 3V c ! self rising pancake flour I'&r. & makfs delicious pancakes ; string brans , Be cnn ; pumpkin , 7'ic can ; lima brans , EC ; sugar corn , C'Jic ' ; tomalors , 7V4o can ; tnblo peaches , 12'Ac can ; apricots , 12'-jc can ; rlcs , 7'c can ; nil kinds ot plumbs , 12',4c can ; blackberries , 7"jc can ; bluebirrles , 7Ho cm ; strawberries , lOc can ; liaksd beans , f-c ; oysters , S c can ; pruo red salmon , lOc ; laundry soaps , 3c only ; muit.ird , 3Vic Icttlo , New Dried Fruits You can buy more dried fruit for iOc In our grocery department than you could buy for GOc anywhere else. .Tim thliiK , Valcrlcla raisins , -t'.ic 11) ) . ; evaporated upplis , Cc ; evaporated blackbeirlcs , 5ovl.lo ; cherries , 3c ; Hngllsh currants , i'/je ; evapirntiM grapea , 3We ; Newlal peas , 7lLc ; now raisin cured plums , 5c ; new Calltornla prunes , CViC' pitted plums , 571 c. Xover be-fore were dried fruits so cheap. Teas and Coffees Rio coft'c , lIVSc ; powderd golden nio , 19c , , worth SSo anywhere ; Mandellug Java co.Toe , 25c ; Maracalbo nnd J.iva , 2Sc , worth 35c ; broken Mochn and Java , IOc lb. ; dust tea , S'.ic ; Japan tea , 15o ; uncolorcd Japan , I9c ; Imperial tea , 1'Jc lb. ; gun powder tea , ? 3c ; India nnd Ceylon blend , 22c ; Ceylon tea , 28c. Flour To Inttoducc Haj'dcn's bst B X flour w ivllj for a short time jiui In one cf the follow.- " in orticles In ev ty . ack. , jhe.jtQ ; ) r Ii vur'ianlfd to be the best you e r u'SRi ] " ' ' ' * money refunded. One diamond ring. On' gold \\tch. OnD five dollar bill. One set solid silver plated teaspoons. One ladles cluster diamond lace pin. One -wonderful bread or cake knife. Valley Lily flour , $1.10 sack , Minneapolis b'st 4 X superlative , $1.00 sack. Diamond mills best , OOc sack. Snow flake flour , G5c sack. And a gcod flour for BOc sack. xinimxSNer.x ! ; s,4oacanof fl'dke ; ; ; , , Fresh Oyst6rs. Wo will tell Baltimore fresh oysters for 19c per quart. We will have them right along now. Drop In when going home and get a quart. Meats of all Kinds- Salt pork , S',4c p r pound. Sugar cureil hams. ISc. Sugar cured picnic hams , 9'/Sc. Boston long cut hams , 8V4c. All finall cut nifats , So. Corned hepf. 6c. Pi'KUd ox tonpuo orily IOc per pound. Bacon , 12&c and ISJic , Uologiui , head chccso and liver sausage , Ge. Plclilcd pork. Side nnd IOc. Butter. Fr rli country butter , 12',4c , He and IOc. Croanrr.y at 18c. 20c and 22c. Alnay * fresh bulter In stock la our motto , and you will always find thla Is EO. Cheese. Finest Imported Swiss for SOc , sold all over tor 50c. Domwltc Swiss , 12Ho , 14o and ICc. Wisconsin full cream cheese , IOc and 12V4c. Drlck cheese , lOe , 12c , He anJ ICc. Llmburger cheese , IL'V&o and He. llemtmber , we handle only the boat domes tic and Imported cheese and we guarantee to please. Crack 3rs and Bakery Soda and oyster crackers Cc per pound , ginger snaps and Snow Flaka crackerB7o < cream toast lOc , Oatmeal molasses cake , Brqndma'B cooktes , sugar cooklei and frosted creams , all at 10 , ptr pound. Qarnean Snow PUke bread only 2o per loaf , cracker meal , nlca and fresh , Go per pound ; nlcs frish buns ! Vto pec dozen , doughnuts 7H per dozen. Wall Paper. We are still gelling a good white paper f | 3c per roll. A fine gilt paper for Bo. f\ \ best embossed paper for 10a Ingrain papi lor IOc , Them prices will not lut loofe