THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 23 , 189L SPEDiRL NOTICES. Advertisements for thcec columns will bo la ) < < m until is JO p. in. for the e\enlnr. nnd until 9 09 p. m for the mornlnc and Sunday editions. Ailvcrtlscrs. by roiuestlriK a numbercJ ciccli , cnn Iiave nn wern nddreesecl to a numliorea letter Jn rate of The Dee. Answers so nddre'sca will tic ilclliereil upon prceentntlon o ( the chccl < . Kntes l"io a word nrst Insertion , lo a word tht-renfter. Nothing taken for less than ZJo for flirt Insertion Ii B ndverllsements must nm consecutively. f = r = r- SITUATIONS WANTED. POSITION1 IIY EXPERIENCED OPTICE LADY , rn.ihl accountant , llest references. A. I'll C lilcaco st , A W3 2S * _ SITc'ATION WANTED , AS CLERK OR BOOK- Kie-per , liy a > ouns man of temperate Imbltg end VrUBlneM education. Six months' cxpcrl- nice ns bookkeeper. Adilrcs * X fi3 , IICIB. WANTED , YOUNC ! MAN MUST lIAVn nlll'ns to ilo anytlilns , salary nu tonsiJeratlon. AcliliefcH X E7. The Dec. A iSl a * EimCATiTuYOUNO LADY , WITH GOOD inferences , desires employment In oljlcc or Ktore > . 68. Bvc omce. A 742 2J' WANTED M AI B HELP. WANTED , TRAVnUNr SALESMnN. & Thompson , tailors , 1GI2 1'ainam street. WANTED A PEW PERSONS IN EACH PLACE to ilo n riling : send Mnmp for IM pigo of" pnrtlruluis. J. Woodhury , 1Z7 W. 4Jd street , N. Y. CUV. D MWS 8AI ESMEN TO SELL RAKING POWDER. WE put our coodi In slats rolling pins. 5.00 00 mnntli anil expenses , or commission. ChleiKo llnklriB 3'ovvder Co , 76T Van Uuren street , Clil- WANTED , MEN IN EMEHY COT'NTY TO ACT ns prUat detectives under Instructions. Ex- liuilenco unuecc sar > EenJ stamp. National l > ctnl\e llurcau , In Jlann polls , Ind. It WANTED SALEHJirN-$75.00 PETl WHCIC. Kdllntf electric light outfits for houses. Starrs ncid shops. Motors for running machinery , ami olhrr P pulnr imtentcil artkles , outl' complete v hrn slilnped llcst people buy , pcrnnn nt slU'albn ; no experience. W. P. Ha-rlsoi & Co , Ckrk No. 14 , Oluinbua. Olilo. _ H BALESMKN OU SALESLADIES TO IIANDLU our ( roods to retail grocery tratlo In the ca'in- trj ; wll inv llbcrnl commission : can be handled OH sll line : light samples. Spencer , 732V , Mortl on sti-eet , Chicago , III. _ H SALESMAN CAN SECUIIB LINE OP HOSE , bcUlnff anil Kt-neral rnbbur from mnnutacturln ; ; corporation ; a llrst-clnss line for first-clans man. 1' . U. box 1371. New York. BS 23 ! * PEH I.OOD CASH roil circulars ; enclose 4c. U. H. Distributing tureiu , Chlcaeo. ll83 2S SAI.ESMEN-rOa SPECIALTY TO MER- ctmnta ; unusual opportunity ; entirely new ; ilon't miss It M. Coatcs , manager. SSO Van llurcn St. , Chicago. H C85 23" IS PEIl ] ,000 CASH PAID , GOOD MEN wanted In every tonn to distribute samples. lucluso stamp. National Advertising Associa tion. Station "M , " Chlcaco. 11-CSJ 23 WANTED. BNCUaUTiq. MAN TO MANAGK branch office , position rtcrmnnent : salary. } 1.&K ) anil commlslsnn Musi furnlsli 11,200 to nssUt In carryingslock. . Address , Wholesale Dcpirt- incnt , Itox XS3 , St. Louis , Mn. H GSO 23 * WANTED , IIY MANUFACTURER , TRAVELIng , - Ing mlepmrn lo sell to merchants only. Apply at itfein CIO Sheely block , from 9 a. m. to 1.34 p. m. I ) M730 29 * MEN TO SELL DAKINd POWDER TO THE ( rrocery trade. Stcaily cmployinent , experi ence not necessary , 375 00 monthly salary and expense * or com. If offer satisfactory address at once .with particulars concerning yourself. U. S. Chemical Works. Chicago. U 731 23' WANTED. MAN OP I3USINESS EXPERIENCE tu open branch business for reliable manu facturing Co. Some ready cash capital re quired * Applicant please state flnanc'al worth anil previous experience. Pair calory and p.itt of tlie profits to the right man. References. Address manufacturer , X. 17 , Omaha Dee. D MCM 23 WANTED. SOME ONE TO REPRESENT US who already hoa on office In Omaha. Write us for particulars. American Patent fluency , Cincinnati. Ohio. U-M672 23 SALESMEN INVKSTIC1ATE THIS WK IIAVE a combination oC new , novel and useful fast t 3llliiK articles on which a liberal commission will tie paid. Unctiuallcil BB a Bdo line ; can be sold to every merchant with eteady demand at all seasons of the year. Exclusive territory Klven , no Interference ) with jour present busl- nexa. The most attractive anil greatest profit prcxluclnc slila line ever before ; oftereil , Active Bnletmrn arc inaHInc more money In commis sions than their roKuUxr salaries. Adilress , J'ri- vorllfl Mfe. Co. . 312 Wabailt ave. , Chicago , III. 11 CW 23 WANTED , A OENTt.EM.VN WITH ROME EX- perlence in tailoring- Call at KnU-Novcni Co. , cor , llth and Douglas. 13-M733 SC WANTED , REGULAR TRAVEMNa MEN TO Introduce our Ions- handle security Iluet pan aa a nWo line ; U advertises merchants : liberal commission. Address Nal'l Handy Article Co. , Oil. Rapids , Mich. H 733 23 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. ' LADIES WANTINd FIRST-CLASS GIRLS upnly Scandinavian Y , L , Home. Oltice. 203 N , ICth. C M6S323' WANTED , LAPIE3 TO BELL TUB CELE- braled California corset. Be nil for terms , prices and cuts. California Corset compiny , Hrooklyn , N. Y. C M519 2 < * WANT A FIRST-CLASS HAIR DRESSER : nana but competent need apply. Mrs. It. H. navies , 11S > DouglasSt. C M5S3 WAr TED , A MIDDLE-AOKD. nEFINED AND energctlo lady ; an excellent chance for such u person. Address X < l , lite. C MU Z3 NKW YORK MANUFACTURER WANTS TO eneage an Inlellleent woman na local ncent ; liberal compensation and honorable * employ ment Duel Chemical works , lie ] nroailuay , Kew York. C-CS7 2S A 1'ERMANKNT POSITION AT 118 WEEKLY is truurantccd any laily wha will work tor us quietly at home. All material free. Reply with stamped envelope. Woman's Mutual Ucne- llt Co. . Jollet , 111. C (51 23 * LADIES 1V1IO WM L DO WRITING TOR ME at their homes will make cocxl wages. Reply with self-addressed , stamped env elope. Miss Mlldrvd Miller. South lienJ. Inil. C tl 23 * WANTED , nniaiiT. INTELLIGENT LADIES to write , mall circulars , etc. , at their hsmes ; steady work ; KXXX ! n-agrs : no canvassing ; semi la stnmp. Miss Mary tUanton , South Html , Ind C S2 23 WANTED , GOOD O1RL FOR GI JEItAL houscwoik. Apply at (20 B. 2 tH avenur. c-M7ts as * DRESSMAKERS AND LADIES TO LKARN the best tailor system In the wprM. No chart JOT scales used ; ixulllvely no refUtlnc. All the. latest designs , by practical ladles' tailor Just from New York. Address X 63 , Hep. C 7MI3 * WANTED , I GOOD BUSINESS WOMAN , niW'lla aeea. Taut active , for a position where rood tact and Judgment are necessary ; nltun- tlon reiuuntrollva and permanent. Apply l esday aTler 10 , W T. Marshall , room 12 , rnlghtoa block. C 707 23 * n _ UADIKSI IK YOU WISH EMPLOYMENT AT 3UUP homes send self-addressed envelops for iiur ilescrlptIvo circular and commence work at one * Uond wa es paid. The Alfred Knitting Co. . Wlnthrop , Mass ; C M7I6 a WANTED. AN APPRENTICB IN MILLINERY ileiiarlmenl. Mrs. It. < X Uoses , ! 7Uv * nrl Kar- oam ts , Omaha. C T15 * . * WANTED FcMATjE HELP. Continued WANTED. OIRL FOR GENERAL WORIC AT 611 N. IStli street. Call this , Sunday , morn- JiiB , If poMlblo. C 712 23 * TOR BENT HOTJSE3. WANTED GOOD MEDIUil PRICED HOUSES. List } our houses for rent with Ames. D 733 HOUSES , P. K. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D 734 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. TIIE O. F , Davis company , 1505 Farnnm. D 733 KELKENNY&CoTu. 1 , CONTINENTAL IJLK. . D 7J6 CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND EXAMINE P11O- tograpli of very tlno 7-room modern cottngc on paved Btrer-t , one-half block from cur I'nc ; onli fi'CO per month. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnom sit. D 139 FOR RENT , I > EStUAI3LE 7-ROOM COTTAGE , 2813 WooUvoith avc. , Ji3 00. Illngwalt Bros. , Barker blucU. D m FOR RENT. CHEAPEST C-ROOM COTTAGE with bath In clt > ; only It'05. 3031 Cnllfornln. street. D M3C2 TOR RENT , 3 ROOMS , 634 S. 17TII STREET. | U-640 B2C * 3 6-ROOM HOUSES , MODERN AND CHEAP , 603 N. 13th street. U M710 S23 * FOR RENT TEN-ROOM HOUSE , N. W. COR. rarnam nnd SOtho sts ; moJcm Improvemenls ; by Chas Turner , 3310 Farnam st. D 843 HOUSES & STORES. " F.DlwEAD.lC& DOUGLAS P 318 30 FOR RENT , TWO 8-ROOM. ELEGANT I1RICK flats , nil modern conveniences ; 1 block fiom llth street motor , $23.00 Compttoller's ofllce. , D MWO FINE 7-ROOM CORNER FLAT AT 701 S. 16TH street : rank's and nil other conveniences W. C. Hnller , loom til , Paxton block. D 300 NEW ROOj7"cOTTAOE NEAR nEMIS PARK J9 00. Fidelity Tiust company , 1702 Farnam _ FOR RENT , TWO 12-ROOM HOUSES , 21C AND 218 N. 19th street , all modern conveniences , with range Apply of the lijron Reel com pany , 212 K. llth St. D M531 21 FOR RENT. MODERN 8-ROOM FLAT. LANCJE block. C06 S. Utli. D-577 2i 8-ROOM IlOUfln NEAR HIGH SCHOOL : J20 W Inquire 2016 Capitol ave. D M3-20" 6-ROOM COTTAGE WITH BATH , 1115 NORTH 17th street. D 69S-23 * TEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , WITH BARN , for | : SOO. Call at 1311 So. 23th avenue. D M 1S 30" FOR RENT , ELEGANT 10-ROOM HOUSE ; reasonable. 2003 Burt street. D 22 27" f -ROOM HOUSE LARGE T\IIN. ) 27TH AND Indiana avenue , $1500. 317 First National hink. D J1C4I FOR RENT , 3-ROOM HOUSE FOR SMALL family , IS 00 1023 South .19th street , between Mason anil Pierce. D MC32 23 * FOR RENT , 2510 CAPITOL AVENUE , 9 rooms , all modern , large barn ; possession At once. 1508 N. ! 2J St. , 7 rooms , modern , posses sion at once : rent low. 1226 N. 20th nt. 7 rooms , modern , rent very low. Sln1\er & O'l'onahoc" , 1403 Fnrnnm st. U C11-2I A HOUSlfwEn ROOMS ; ALL MODERN conveniences. 2110 Lake st. D M7-JO * ALL MODERN WEto jUILT E-ROOM house , east front , 36th street , south of Fnr- nnm. (25. Also 7-roorn house In Orchnrd Hill , newly i pcred and painted. J7.00 S K. Humphrey. 928 New York Life. D 632 FOR RENT , EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , 830 South 17th st , : also D-ronm cottncc with barn , a. L. Green , R. 28. ilarkcr blk. D 7 2 6-ROOM COTTAGES : FIRST-CLASS CONDI- tlon ; modern ; 2S07-2S09 Seward. Call 1221 N. 2Sth. D C32 23' _ FOR RENT , A NICE COTTAGE. 7 ROOMS. city water , east front , on paved street , rent reasonable to right party ; also stable , 4 eooel stalls. T. C. Drunner , room 1 , Ware blk. D-C78 23 _ FOR RENT , FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE IN GOOD location ; city water and sewer. KM S 33d street. D 720 2J * _ 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , IN GOOD ORDER. near Hnnscnm paik , for refit. A. R. Thomas , 23 Barker Mock. D 711 23 _ 6-ROOM HOUSE ; CITY WATER , CISTERN. sewer , paved street ; flrst-cliss condition ; vnry chcnp. 2710 Parker street. D 701 23 * _ FURNISHED HOUSE OP 10 ROOMS , SUITABLE for boarders. Apply 1S10 Chicago street. D MC75 23' FOR RENT , NEW NINE-ROOM HOUSE ; ALL modern conveniences. 2C33 Davenport street. Inquire 1213 Cna street. D 739 23 * FOR BENT FTJE.NISHED BOOMS EAST FRONT ROOMS. 2024 DAVENPORT. E M2C9 OS * > ROOMS , FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. 2221 Spruce street. E M592 3 LARGE FRONT PARLOR. MODERN CON- venlences , furnished or unfurnlbhcd , with 01 without loard ; also small room upstalis 2G Bo. 25th av cnuc. B MC18 27 * PLEASANT ROOMS , NEWLY FURNISHED , at 2181 Harncy st. E M523 21 * 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING for man and wife. Rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th street. E-MCOl ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING , 20 ! ST. MARY AV. E 26 27 * LARGE FURNISHED ROOM WITH BATH IN private family : suitable for two gentlemen. 5l < N. 17th st. E 031-23 * FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS , with board ; furnace heat , etc. 710 8. 18th at. E at7U3 2J FOR RENT , LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM , with all conveniences. 257& Harney st U M718 25 * FURNISHED ROOMS , STEAM HEAT. 521 N. 15th St. , Flat D. U M715 24 * FOR RENT. NICELY FURNISHED BED rooms at 2222 Butt street. E MC27 20 FURNISHED ROOMS. 2C38 DODGE. DODGE.B B M725 2S FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED FRONT room , suitable for two ; private family ; no children , nice yard. 1423 N , ISth. U 744 23 * FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. ROOMS AND BOARD. 1413 CAPITOL AVBNCB. F-M164 n NICE ROOMS ! GOOD BOARD ; RATES REA- enableconveniences. Tha Ros ,20J0.2022 Harney , F M62 S23' FRONT ROOM FOR TWO. WITH STRICTLY nrst class board , P08 Douglas st , I' 290 UNFURNISHED FRONT AND BACK PAR * lor ; also turn , rooms .with board. Ill and 212 B. 23th it. F MJS NICE ROOM WITH BOARD , CHEAP , tm CAS8 F 334 Oil * ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT room or suit * ; private board ; best conven- lencea. aio Douglai itrett. F MES7 25' FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. SOU Douglas. F-MMOOU * "TUB HILLSIDES" ISTH AND DODGE. NBW manacement , large rooms , furnished and unfurnished - furnished , strain beat , excellent tabls board. F-MM3 : t * FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. Continued GOOD ACCOMMODATION" SEVERAL young gentlemen. Reduce * ! rates to those having roommates Also lnrge front room fnr married couple The Albany. 2101 Douglns st F-M85G _ _ _ _ TWO FUPNISI1ED ROOMS FOR RENT TO gentlemen with whole or partial bonrd. 4W H 24th nve. F MMt * NIGH ROOM AND BOARD TOR TWO tlemen , private family , IIS 00 per month ; Jllnner Sundays 1C14 S Slh. _ F713 23 * 1 IANDSOSIE FRONT ROOMS WITH HOAR1I ; references. 203 N 18th M704 SB * UNFURNISHED BOOKS FOB RENT I ROOMS , MODERN , PRIVATE HOUSE , REF- irenccs ) required 100S Georgia ave. ITM. 3 NEWLY PAPERMD. UNFUUNISIIEIJ rooms for housekeeping. 2(11 St. Mary's nvenuc. G M633 24 * UNFURNISHED PARLOR FLOOR OF FIVE rooms , msdern , desirable location. Address X M. Ber. O-M6C4 29 * VERY PLEAJSANT FRONT ROOMS CHEAP TO man nnd wife. Housekeeping permitted. Ref erences exchanged , H17 N , 20th street O 721 23 * TWO VNFrnNwiinn ROOMS , STEVM HR\T. 85m N. ISth st , Flat II. O-M71I 24 * FOB HENT--STOUEB AND OFFICES CORN Cll S JTOI lEriw7 82T"u6"lJaLAs"lNQ UI RE tU 1-740 _ _ _ FOR RENT. THE 4-"STORy BRlCK BUILDING 1S Farnnm slicet. The bulldlns l > as n fire proof , cement basement , complete ntcnm hett- Inir flvtures , water on nit floors , ga , etc Apply - ply nt the olllce of The Bee. I 910 FOR RENT , ROOM 68 BY .12. ID FLOOR OF my store , suitable for cloaks and suits ; good light nnd elevator service , Mrs. J. Benson. I M9S3 _ _ TOR RENT , A NICE CORNER BRICK STORE. Kood opening for hnrdvvnrp or dms store ; rtnt very low t- > right pirty , T. C. Biunner , room 1 , Wnro blK. I C77 23 AGENTS Y/ANTED. WANTED , GOOD SOLICITORS. MEN AND women , to oik for the Pro/iresslve Endow ment Guild of America. Tor Missouri , Knnfns and Nebraska , ( Building and Icnn nnd 10. Sear endovvin"nt Insurance comb'ned. ) Relit- ble people only need apply. Address , room 5 , Rock Island liljg. , cor , Cth and Edmond streets , St. Joseph , Mo. J M903 01 * WANTED , AGENTS FOR OUR NEW TORCE - Iain-lined fire-clay cooking vessels ; nage * , $300 to $700 a day , pay every two weeks. Address Xenla. Pottery Co. , Xenla , O. J M037 29 * AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERD TO SELL the latest nlumlnum novelties ; enormous profits , sells at sight , delivered free ! secure territory Sample In velvet lined case with full Itifounutlon , lOc. Catalonia free. Alumi num Novelty Co. , S35 Broadway. New York. START IN BUSINESS AS MANUFACTURERS' agent on commission ; send 60 cents for llt of 100 manufacturer and Instructions. Carter El lison , 100 North 1st street , Minneapolis , Minn. J-C94 23 * WANTED AGENTS : FERRIS COMBINED burglm alarm and lock ; weighs 3 ounces ; car ried In vest pocket ; J90 00 weekly ; raitlculars free ; sample Wo , postpild. Ferris Manufactur ing Co , Chicago. J C'jO 23 * WANTED , GENERAL AGENTS SELLING patented hounhold necessities to dealers ; ex clusive terrltor } ; no competition ; no capital required , big profits ; partlculirs free. Jnyel Noveltj Co , CO Dearborn sticet , Chicago. 111. J 088 23 * WANTED. AGENTS TO TAKE EXCLUSIVE territory on Fowler's cem flic In western Iowa. A seller , Jli 00 to J100 00 needed. Bedrock offer lo nctlvp agents. Address Gem File. Omaha , Neb. Call at 1707 Cas utroet after 6 p. in. J 733 2J WANTED , RESPONSIBLE PERSON TO TAKE agency for thch town for nu nrllcle that selln readily to every family. 1'uya 100 per tent profit. Send for clrculais nnd samples Robt. S. West , Mfg , Cleveland. Ohio. J C99 23 * WANTED. FAITHFUL GENTLEMAN OR LADY lo travel fnr csUihllbhed home Salary $ GuO 00 nnd expenses , with Incicnse Reference. En close self-addressed , stamped envelope. Man ager. Box 1' , Chleago. J WANTED TO BENT. WANTED. HOUSES TO RENT. HAVE MORE calls than I can supply. J. JI. Parrotte , 16th and Dodge. K Ml Cil DOARD AND ROOM , BY TWO GENTLEMEN , central location ; give refcienco and terms , Ad- diess X 46 , Bee. K M640 23 * WANTED A NEAT COTTAGE 5 TO 7 ROOMS , for family of three1 , not too far out ; refer ences Riven Add ! ess J E. MncConnac , Omaha Business college. K 721 23 * WANTED , TO RENT , BY AN EXPERIENCED hotel man , a furnished hotel of 40 looms , mote OP less. Address A. B. Cloikson , Union Depot hotel , cor. llth and Mason streets. K703 2i * WANTED , DESIRABLE ROOMS. WITH board , for man , wife md child. In the district of Central school , at reasonable rates. Ad dress X 48 , Bee. K703 23 * 6TOBAOE. STORAGEWILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNEY. M-741 STORAGE 1 OR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 I\unam M 742 OM.VAN&STORAGE CO , 1KU FARNAM. Tel.1350 M 743 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. S. gov. bonded warehouse Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 I avenvvorth. M-741 WANTED TO BUY. HAVANNA FRECKLES. BEST ON EARTH , 5C. N MCJ1 S27 SECOND-HAND BOOKS FOUGHT FOR CASH at Antiquarian book stores 1519 Farnum stieet , N MSC1 OIV GOOD DRIVING AND SADDLE HORSE ; MUST be- cheap Address X 43. Bee. N 3 27 * WANTED , BREAD CASE AND SHELVING suitable for Lakery. Address W. B. W. . 170. ! N. 2Cth st. N 6Ci 23 * WILL BUY GOOD SECOND-HAND CUTTER If cheap. Addieas X 50. Bee oitk-o. N 671 23 * FOB SALE FUBNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY , YOU WONr MISS YOUR mono. Lo prices on furniture and household goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , C13 MI N 16th st. 0-743 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNIture - ture , stoves , etc , L. Aliman , 803 N. 16th. 0-563 FOR SALE. AT A SACRIFICE. ELEGANT furniture , nearly new , of a six-room cottage. Inquire 448 Bee bulldlne. O M577 FOB SALE HOBSEy , WAGONS.ETO WANTED-A TEAM OF HORSES WEIGHING no less than 1,100 Ibs. , well biukcn to city driving. Bend particulars to U 17 , Bee. Z BARGAINS ; PHY8. PHAETONS : 1 NEW surry below cost. Drummond Carriage Co. P-748 A. B. CLARKE. HORSE COMMISSION DEAL- er. union stock yards , South Omaha ; all classes of horse ? constantly on hand ; eastern & south ern timers are here for fall supply ; nuc. Sat. I1 M322 OH IF YOU WANT YOUR SECOND-HAND wagons , buggies , harness , etc. , sold quick brine to Mitchell & Swtgart , 1211 Dodge street. P 708 23 GOOD PUTS. PHAE. J83 ; PHAETON , TlO phaeton , > 3D. Drummond Carriage Co. P-748 FOB SALE MlbCELTjANEOUS. BANK AND PLATTE VALLEY SAND FOR sale , C , W. Hull company , 20th and IznrJ sts Q 700 CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL feucn n&rle. C. R. l.o Wl DOIJL < . -J-74CP HAY FOR SALE AND RANGE FOR LEASE 700 tons goo , ! hay at 12.00 per ton In stack , In Cherry county , Nebraska : range Cx6 mile * , for lease , containing- two eood rorrnll * of 809 head capacity ; barn for eight horses ; living : water Road well. etc. Addiess K. U. Cole , M7 C street Hastings. Neb. 0-M29I-2I IF YOU B'UY. BUY THE BEST : MACKIN toshes , rubber boots , artlcs. syringes of at kinds ; gas tubing ; all best quality. Omaha Tent & Awning Co. . 1311 Farnam tt. Q 643 PAIR OF POODLE DOGS. 1 YEAR OLD : VEH\ fond of children. N. Goldbeig , U03 Leaven worth street , Q MCI ! 23 * VERY p7NE POWERFUL FRENCH FIELD Blasa , cost ( JO 00 , for J1000. Allow examination Addrecs Huntlngton , < 423 Main , Cincinnati. Q 619-23 * FOR SALE. MEDIUM SIZED SAFE , 143.00 Phelps Implement Co. , 1S13 Capitol avenue. Q-CC1 23 PERSONS TROUBLED WITH EXCESSIVF perspiration of the feet nnd armpits slioul write for free sample of Odor-Cure ; harmless The MacDonald Co. , South Bend , IndQ Q C78 23 * FRESH JERSEY , VERY HANDSOME. FINI milker , kind and great pet. Address X 6 ! Bee. Must sell Imnwllolely Q 723 23 * FRBSH LARGE SHORT TlORN COW. VERY kind , large milker. Brand family ooW. Ad dress X M , Bee. Q-733 23 * FOR SALE , FULL-BLOODKl ) GORDON Birr ler : 4 months ; old Inquire "d. " Sic Nortl Indiana , avenue , Omaha. 1-M7U _ _ E S3 POOLS AND VAKLTS CLEANED. JOHN Nelson , oflko II ] 9 Hth It. Tel.173 _ ls , „ , MRS DR. II WARRUKV CLAIRVOYANT. R13- llable business im-aitmiWlli year at 11V N , 16th. B-75I A "TIIANCIJ CIjAlRVOYANT--SEND M cents , with nee , tex nnd stump nnd recehe horoscope of fulura'llfcr Mm. Ur Moore , de d trance-medium , seventh daughter , lorn with a veil and woniKlfult Kilt of second sight. tells past , present and future. FULL NAME OF WHOM YOU AVIliL MARRY , ndvlce on business , IOVP , martlaRe speculation , chnnscp , losses' ' , invoice inlcilnfc friends scpnratlcm , sickness , wills , ponilura etc CHALLENGES THE WOULD. It Is well known throughout tha world tlmt mediums are thr- only rrllnblo seers , nnd ttielr charms cause lave , "needy mirrlBKes nnd SIICCCSA. In business. YOUII FUTURE UnVEAI , > : illN | A DEAD TRANCE. Unites the scpirntwl nnd cnu e speedy nnd Imppy marriage with the one jou love ; cnusfs Kood luck In alt things by proper mVvlee SE CURE A CHARM AND UEAR DIAMONDS. Reveals cvprMhlnt , " Positively no Imposition. MRS. DII MOORE. HOK 403 , NEWPORT. KA' . LUCKY CHARM FREE. Cut this out nnd save It. M MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. IADA.ME SMITH , B03 S. 13TII , ! D FLOOR room 3 , massage , vapor , alcohol , steam , mil- phurlne nnd sen. bithi. T MC5C 21 * IASSAQD , MADAMK BERNARD , 111 * DODG73 . T 2 4 13' 1MB. LA RUE , 416 SOUTH J5TH.TM300OIO' T-M300-OIO' PEBSONAL , UMBRELLAS MADE , RECOVERED AND RE- palrcd. 10 ! Sodth Sixteenth street. U 733 VIAVI HOME TREATME T FOR LADIES Health book nnd consultation free. A,1 ( Iron or call Vlavl Co , 3IG lice bids. Lady attendant. U-754 OC CIGAR FOR EC , HAVANA FRECKLF" . U-MC3I-827 1ATHS , MASSAGE. MMB. POST , 319V4 8 15TII. U-ToC JLECTRO-THEHMAL BATHS , FACIAL JIAS- age&complcxlon treatment. Mme. Post , 3W5 S 15. U 578-30 VHOLE WHEAT BREAD FROM UNDOLTED nour at Imogen L. Ramsey's , 217 N , 16th Ft. U M317-019 _ _ _ _ BELLE EITERLY IS FITTED AND MEASured - ured to the figure ; alwajs remains shnpely nnd Is better prepared to retain the finer outlines of a beautiful figure than any other. Nine measurements are necessary nnd all flttlnc Is done by experts It's the only corset that makes one shapely nnd is appreciated by very Jady who ( .alls at parlors , 1009 Farnnm street. U M37S-O13 MACKINTOSHES & RUBBER EOOTa7l3ll Fnr. U-513 MME LA ROOK. MASSAGE , 1609 LEAVEN- worth street , third floor , front rooms : two first class operators. U M55I 25 * MRS. F. DORSET , CARD READING 1112 N 20th. ' U M15S 25 * AULABAUGH FUR CO. . MANUFACTURERS of fur garments ; furs neatly repaired. Fur muffs at Lost , Room 801 Kaibach blk. Tel. 1SI2 U 603-O19 WANTED , C05IPETENT PERSON AS INstructor - structor of music ami other branches. In pri vate family. Address X 41. Bee. U C2S " 3 * CANCERS AND TUMEItS REMOVED Suc cessfully without the aid of the knife No cure , no pay. Send for circular , Dr. C. F , Hodges , Savonburg , Kan , U ATTENTION LADIES ! "EMMA" BUST DB- veloper will enlnrse jour bust 5 Inches. Guaranteed. Sealed Instructions 2c , or 24-pnge Illustrated catalogue Gc. by mail. Emma Toilet Bazar , Boston , Mass. U MARRIAGE PAPER IN PLAIN SEALED wrapper , containing1 ZiJKXJ descriptions ; many wealthy ; 2c stamp. . Mf , nnd Mrs. Drake , 155 Washington street. ; Chicago. "Uai 23' ANY PERSON KNOWING INFORMATION that will lend to'the finding of Francis Gor man or Tert Bulllvnn. will be rewarded for send ing suc'i Information to Mrs. Catherine J. Gor- mon , Liberty , IllVfils , . , U M65C 28 * SEND FOR LITTLE BOpK , HOW TO SPECUlate - late successfully in , * the Gmln and Stock Mar kets : mailed frpe" Comstock , Hughes & Co. Rlalto building. Ch'cabo. U C74 23 * WANTED , TO HIRD CARRIAGE. AND TEAM for Kindergarten Call' from 9 to 12 , Trinity cathedra ) , Capitol nvenue entrance. U 723 23 p MONEY TO I.OA'NBaAL ' ESTATE. LIFE INfllTRANCB' ' POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. g , Chcsney. Kansas City , Mo. n . . . . w-7a ANTHONY LOAN fi'TRUST CO , 318 N.Y.LIFE. loans nt low rates for choice security in Ne braska and law a forms or Omaha city property. W-7CO MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS county improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam Ft. W-781 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Itrennan. Love & Co. , Paxton hlk. W 7C3 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Day IB Co. . 1505 Farnam St. W 754 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON- Improved and unimproved Omaha renl estate , 1 to 1 jcars. Fidelity Trust Co , 1703 Farnam. W-701 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property J3M)0 ) & upwards , G to 7 per cent ; no delujs. W , Farnam Smith & . Co. , 1JSO Fnrnim. W 7C2 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES PURCHASED. Loans on sama negotiated. Welllver . Co , Drexel bldg. . Plilla. . Pa. W M'74-03 * CHAS. W. RAINEY. OM. NAT. UK. BLDG W-1B5 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent W. B. Melklc , 1st Nat. bank hi lr. ( W-763 TO LOAN. 15,000 AT B PER CENT INTEREST , to be palel peml-annually , security must be first class No commission. Address H , box 45. Omaha. Neb. W SKI 21 PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA residence property , 6V5 nnd 7 per cent. Address X 64 , Bee. W 711 23 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city : no removal of goods : strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any tlma or In any amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , 20C S. 16th el reel. X-768 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- eity , Harvin Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life bulld- X 770 J. B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 RAMGE BLOCK. X-7C9 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUKNE- ture , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security , at lowest possible rates , which you cr.n pay back at any lime and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , room 4 , Wlthncll block. X 771 BUSINESS CHANCES. A HOWLING SUCCESS , HAVANA FRECKLES. Y M651 827 THE NATIONAL INFORMATION AND Ex change Co , 203 First National bank , Omaha , has customers with cash , farm lands nnd city property for merchandise ; also stocks of Rooils for sale and trade. Y MSGO-30 45 PER CENT PROFITS WEEKLY , WITH I1DO capital. Prospectus. Itemized statistics free. Benson & I > wjer , 834 Broadway. New York. Y MH5-OJ" ONE OF TUB REST HOTELS IN A COUNTY seat In the state , , newly furnished. Address X K. Beft , , , Y MM 25 * FOR BALE-ONE OF THE BEST LOCATED retail claar stores Ini the city. For further Information and particulars apply to A. Bchaefer , care of Mix Meyer & Co. Y M5SO TUB BEST AND CHEAPEST CIGAR STORE on 16th street for sale ; will Invoice al I'M. This Is a eoxl caance for some man that understands the business Will sell for cash only. Good reason' for Belling. Houlcston & Co. , 16th and Capitol ave. Y M646 23 * FOR SALE. 000 00 DRtJG STOCK ; LOCATION good ; trade encelle'rit , 'a bargain ; don't write unless you have the cash and mean business. Address X 84 , Omaha 1/ee. / Y M5B2 26 PERMANENT AND , PROFITABLE BUSINESS for reliable party with moderate capital. Will bear Investigation. AUdress X C6 Bra otllct , ' Y-MC20 24 * OPPORTUNITY TOR ENTERPRISE AND A little capital. Old eastern houro wants Ne- I raika. representative. Address X 42 , lies of fice. Y M620 it * FREEI SEND FOR OUR BOOK. "HOW TO speculate successfully on the urn In and stock markets" Tradlnr on limited margins fully explained. Costea & Co. , Rlalto bldr. , Chicago. Jll Y-4J7323' FOR SALE. BLACKSMITH SHOP , WITH OR without tool * . Good location. Addrrss X II , Bee. Y-7B 23 * DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY ? WRITE for 9ur dally circular on stocks , groins , pro- vlrfonB and cotton. Also our Illustrated pam- phlM on Investment and speculation. Hallo , ! free on application , Correspondencn solicited. Trowbrldge K Co. , Ut New and S2 Broad Uwtm N. Y Y-4T70 WANTED. TUB ADDRESS OF PHYSICIAN wishing- locate For paitlcular * address lock box 10 , linogcae , la. BUSINESS CHANCES , Continued. WANTED , PARTNER. HONEST AND RB- liable , with 1200 , to take full control of n Icgltlnmtc btislneM tlmt will clear 13.000 per year nnd be permanent ; experience unneces sary. Address X 27. Bee. Y MM6 31 * iron EXCHANGE. I 1IAVF CASH. IOWA AND OTHER LANDS lo exchange for merchandise. H A. Wagner , Omaha , Neb , f Z MSOI I.AND TO TRADE FOR CATTLE OR HORSES' Land located In Hltrhcmk Co Neb Address P. O. Box 113. Red Cloud. Neb. Z Mill 21 OMAHA IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED residence properly and eastern Nebnwkn firm land to trndo for dry goods Wnnt to i\jnl \ with owner. Box 715 , Schuster , Nct > . * _ ii- CLEAR CITY PROPERTY FOR LAND. W1L- Hams & Mlttan , McCnguu tnilUlng. _ room .113 IMPROVED 120 ACIIKS W WYANDOTTB CO , Ohio , nnd line irsldenca with ten acres ad- Jolnlne K od town In Htncock Co , Ohio , to trade for eistern Neb. land or merchniuVse. Box CM , Suhuylcr , Neb. Z MI21-O3 A GOOD LOT 1N EAST OMAHA TO EXchange - change for joung work horses or mulcp : Lamoieaux Bros. , 3M . 16th. Z 108 AMERICA'S PRIDEriTAVANA FRECKLES , EC K-MOjl-S27 I WISH TO TRADE TWO FINE BUOOU mare p. both safe In foal to standard sons of Onward and Red Wllkri ) . Also two standard brrd miles , one by Shade-land Onnanl , the other by Evcntlme. Want clear Onmlin or Cfimcll BlufTs piopcrtv or land. No cnsti. Address F , S. Gay , Fullerton , Neb / M5S4 FINE TWO-SEATED SURREY , COST WHEN new } 2o003 , for cither n Ilrst class lilrjclc or new Remington t > penrlter. American Fuel Co. Z-4i2o 27 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , GOOD RES1- donee property renting for JSOOO per month for Council Blurts property or land. G. L. Green , room 28 , Barker Mock , Omaha. / MS FOR SALE O'll TIIAUE. 2S13 AND 2815 DOUGlas - las street , two full lots nnd two name dwell ings , for sale * very cheap on enpj ti'ims , or will trade for property In Oakland , California. Shrlver & O'Donohoc. / 632-23 TO EXrHANOE. GOOD IMPROVED LAND In Knnx eount > . Neb * , for general merchandise. Addiess be1 ! box 47 , Crclghton , Neb Z-MC93 25 A LIGHT DRIVING TEAM Ob' MARES FOH a heavy team. Ptielps Implement Co , 1513 Capitol avenue. / 6CO 23 WE CAN GET YOU DEEDED LANDS OR home Btemlfl for your city pioperty. We also have stock boots and shoes tu tmde. 4)1 N. Y. Life. SS-M72S 3) MERCHANDISE WANTED FOR TWO GOOD Improved fiums neir Crelghton. 1) . H Dick son , CielKhton. Nell. 55 M697 24 * FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. TOR SALE. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CEL- lar. cistern , city water ; cor. ISth and Pahler ; J1.2JO.OO ; long time/ Enquire 131S Fnrnnm. Samuel Burns. U E 773 GARDEN LANDS , T MILES FROM POST OF- nee , tasy terms. Cell at 940 N. Y. Life. R U-731 BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. F , 1C. Darling , Barker block. R E 774 FOR SALE , CAN OWE IMMEDIATE ! POP8B3- elon , the elegant 10-room house , 1101 S. 31st , southwest corner 31st and Pacific , one of th < - best built and finest houses In Omihi. Call for prices. Hicks , 303 N. Y. Life bldff. RE-74 23 FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRIfeON , 912 N.Y.LIFE R B-159 00 * CHOICE GARDEN LAND1 ? . C MILES FROM Omahn postofllce. 10 to 100 acres , sorru trade. N. D. Kcaes. 617 Pnaton bile. R E MI27 FOR SALE , IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. A VERY drdrablc modern 7-room house , cxtm choice l cilon , J7.f > 00 Address I'u cy & Thorims. 207 First Null. Ilk BlOir , Omaha. R1J M52C 24 FOR SALE , 2.OK ) BUSHELS CORN , SARPY county ; 5 cents ut crib. Bogga & Hill. 140S Farnam. RE-M6I7 30 FOR RnLB , AN ELEGANT 12-ROOM DWELLIng - Ing , all modern , one acre lot : best corner In went part of city. Can lake 6 * cents on the dollar If sold Immediately. Shrivcr & O'Pmn- hoe , H03 Fnrnam St. RE 013-23 CHOICE 10-ACRE TRACTS IN SUBURBS OF North Platte for fW 0 ; $100 down and II 00 a month : will loan money to Improve. City and Suburban Investment company , room G13 Se curity Bldg. , St. Louis. A SPLrNDID : BARGAIN. 40 ACRES JUST this side of Se > mour Pnik. the finest Invest ment on the market , only 127S per acre. Hlrks , 205 , N. Y. Life bldg. ' RE 740 23 * IRRIGATED LANDS. Five nnd ten acre tracts for fruit and garden truck ; also farming lands of 20 to SO acres or more , with perpetual water right ; long time , easy terms. The Denver Lnml and Wnter Stor age cDinpin > , Roams COG and C07 Boston bulldng. Call or write for partculars R B WANTED , FOR HOTEL PURPOSES , & OR W feet centrally located , business frontage' ) ols3 an acre tract at liarKnln close In. Both must bo low. Address , staling full particu lars , Calkins , 159 Dearborn st. , Chicago. 111. RE S1 23 * INSIDE PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. Alexander Moore , E04 N. Y. Life l > ! tlR. J65IW front foot for lot , 25th near Farriam. JI90000 for 33ft , Capitol nvc. , near 14t.i ; Im- J7 MO'00 for 22 . , Farnnm Ft. went of 10th st. SIO.OOO.CO for 2i ft , N and 24th St. , S. O ; Im- prv ed. $30XM.X ( ) for GC ft. , Famntn St. ; finely 1m- prov ed. $14.000.00 for 44 ft. , Dodge , near IGtli ; Improved. RE 7.7 23 * READ OUR LIST OF GILT-EDGED INVEST , mentn Now Is the time to pick up bar gains : Fine Improved property , rental. Jl ' > ' < * 0 Cholco Improved , will piy 9 p r cent net. . 13,000 Substantial brick block yielding 8 per cent net 40030 Well Improved propertj pavlns 10 per cent , 6,00 Choice corner , handsomely Improved , rental , $1,100 , 13004 First-class property p vlng 8 prr crnt. . . , 9.0 < M Elegant re-sldence , 10 ruoms. worth $12000. , lO.OW Nicely Improved property pacing 10 per cent 3,25) HICKS , COS N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-740 23 * A SNAP IF TAKEN IN THREE DAYS ; THE No. half of lot B , bloek 6 , S. B. Rogers , on So 15th street , opposite Haskel's park ; 33x140 cast front : on Kmde ; city water : tour-room house on rear of lot , rented at J.8 CO per month ; inrt cash ; bnl. three years 7 per cent ; price , tl 400 CO Also lot 1. block 2 , Creston ; corner 50 feet ; a good twelve-room house , two gables. In good condition ; well , cistern , cesspool and burn , rood tenant In at $1200 ; Improvements cost 12.40000 , nnd are nearly as eood aa new ; price , 12,20000 ; pirt cash ! bnl. three > ears 7 per cent. J. A. Dodge , 1209 8.25th street , RE M730 24 HOTELS. BETTER THAN MOST 1200 HOTELS IN Omaha. Our rates 11.00 to Jl 50. Hotel Riche lieu. Ceo. Mitchell , prop. , 10S-110 N. 13th ISl O7 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR 13th and Dodge. Room by diy or week.M2S2 M2S2 O9 * HOTEL BARKER , J2.00 PER DAY. 140 ROOMS , In the heart of the business houses Special rates and accommodations to commercial trav elers Room and board by the week or month. Frank Hlldltch , Mgr. 313 BIOYCIVES. BICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires and sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. R. Jlenin , locksmith , 311 N. ICth st. 156 BICYCLES. NEW AND OLD , } 20 1O _ J125 . ; easy payments. TVC rent end repair.Omaha Blc > cle Co. , 323 N , 10th st , 778 BICYCLES-ALL STYLES. Send for our list of second-hand nnd shop worn bicycles. Repairs and c > clc sundries of all kinds. M. O. Daxon. 402 N , 16th st. 779 GAS FIXTIT.R33. WB ARE CLOSING OUT OUR ENTIRE LINE Of cas and electric light fixtures , globes , etc. , at cost , as we uro absolutely retiring from the fixture business. It will pny lo buy at once. The Hussey & llay Co. . 411 Kouth 16th St. , Ramge bulldlijg. C4S O2t OAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES made in design and finish lo harmonize with any architectural Mylc desired by F. M. Rus sell. 313 S. 15th street. M70t > Oil DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. 2120 S. 10TIL DRESS MAKING AT NORTHEAST CORNEI 16th and Howard , Wool dreises , $8 00.M642 M642 23 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. FOR BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS ; easy payments. Instruments rented , rents apply on purchase. A. Hoapo , jr. 793 fJ ! F ! OELLENBECK. BANJOIST AND ifcher. 1810 California street. > 14 SHORTHAND AND TYfEWBITINO. VAN 8ANT8 SCHOOL OF BHORT HAND. N. Y. Life , Omaha , Ask for circular , 798 RODS E'8 OMTBU8INESS COLLEGE. 15 TAR COS FURNACES ] BEST FURNACE MADE. BOFT COAL BMOKt. consuming and hard coal furnaces. Eagle Cor ulco Works. 109-U9-1U N. mil it. U8 LOST. OST-A LADY'S NAVY BIATri CAt'B BEtween - tween Kth nnd 27th streets m Davenport street. The finder will plcnso deliver lo ZMI Davenport street. Lost 67 .OST , ON MILITARY ROAH HWF OMAHA nnd Elk City , lilnclt poekctlmok contnlntng - uable pipers Finder plcano uglify I ! . 8. Bradley , Elk City , Neb , suitable reward 7 a * WILL"TiTn MAN " vvTii ? I-OVNU GOLD rlmmeil spectacles or. l th and Spruce streets the 131 h day cif September please leave with N. M. Ruddy's , Paxton hotel , and receive re ward. 710 23 % XJST , CHILD S TAN CAPE. BETWEEN 23TII and Chicago ntul 21st and DaUBlas. Finder will please leave at Bee uin.ce. M742 21 TY1T.WIUTEKS. STOLEN IM'EWP.ITERS OFFERED FOR sale should nvvk > ou sunplclous ; funn ) they ore mostly Smith's Try ono nnd you will un derstand why , full line of tuppllex. Smith- Ptemler Co , Ifth end Fnrnnm ; telephone. 1 2SI TYPEWRITERS. OMAHA PEOPLE ON T steal typewriters. Ihev buy of US Wh > T BP- rautc the Densnunu Cnllgrnph and Yost an. Ihe bist machines rnidtM they vvllt outvvnir any tjiwwrteis inade , and do n betti-r anility of vvoik. Our supply tlepartineiit will be surp lo plen e > ou Send \otir mnclilnps In us if Sent wtmt them repaired , United Tvpcnrlter nnd Supplies Co. , 1CI9 Farnnm stli-el. Telephone - phone 13S3. 173 PLUMBEKS. O. F. OEI.LENIIECK , BANJOISTS AND teacher. 1S10 California Ptrcet. * 814 _ FREE PLUMBING OF EVERY KIND , GAS steam & hot water heating ; scvvernge 113 S to. 7SS 1OHN ROWE & CO , PLl'MllING , STEAM ANti hot water heating , gas fixtures , globes , 421 B 1 * 1 799 J. J. HANIOAN. 3'LUMBINO , STEAM AN'D hot wntcr hcatlnir 2703 Leavenwoith st "SO UNDEKTAKE11S AND EHBALMEBJ H. K. BURKET. rUNKUAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chicago St. , tctcpliotin 93 7S3 SWANPON & V.\L1EN"UNT > E RTA K ERS AN D embalmers , 1701 Cumins st. , lelepliona 1000 M. O. MAl'L UNHEIITAKER AND EM b-vlmcr. 1117 1'ainam st. , telepione 2M. 787 cT"\V. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , C13 S. 10 ST. Ell BUSINESS OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY. OLTo pipes made n-w. 611 B. ICth. 7tO DAMAGED MIRUORS RESILVLRED , 719 N. 18. 7S1 THE NEATEhT HAItRER SHOP IN CITY. court of Bee building. Ficd Uue-lonr. 311 ROONEH & BISP.LE , SIGN PAINTEUS ; BEST work at loncst print. 1113 Douglas ulrcct MC6S * " " " BUILDING & "LO AN"ABSOOlATYo N. YOU CAN MAKE MORE INTEREST ON YOt'U money by pnylng us U or tnoto per mouth than In nny s-ivlncs bmU. InvestlKalc Mu tual Loan and Bulldbg n > ( Walton. G M Nattlngcr , scc'y. 1704 I'.iuiam el , 723 HOW TO GET A HOJIE OR SECURE GOOD interest on savings Apply to Ornalia L. fi B. aes'n , 1741 lieu bldg. G. M. Nattlngcr , sec M-1C8 BTOVE KEPA1KB. STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40.CKM DIFFERENT makes of stoves. Wntcr attachment nnd con nections a specialty. 1207 Douglas street , Omahi Stove Repair Works. M 175 STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ; ALSO hotel range nnd general assortment of ranges cooks & heaters : water attachments put In & connected at J. Hughes , ( .07 S. 13 st & Jackxnn 398 _ rLEOrKiO L , bUPJt'LIJiS. ARMATURES AND CON 'ERTEIIS REWOUND storage battciles recharged ; nnd gen eral mucrtlilsts : mp rlor Hurls punrnntxcJ Omaha Electrical Woiks , 617 nnd C19 S 10th st 753 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric llKht nnd motor plants nnd nil l.inds of electrical construction Western Elec tric Supply C > . , 413 and 420 S. 1Mb st. 7S4 HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY TON OU CAR LOTS. WE b'jy hay. A. II. Snjder , 1313 Buit st. , tel. 1137. NEBRASKA HAY TO.1IOLESALB HAY. train and mill stuff. Wb me nlwaja on th" market to buy or tcll , 14J2-4-C Nicholas st 791 OPTICIANS. OMAHA.OPTICAL CO , LEADING OPTICIAN'S. J. I' . Pondei , manager. Eyes lotted flee. 22J South 16th , In Klnsler's drug store. 416-31 * THE ALOE & PENPOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC opticians , 1408 Fnrnam tit. , opposite 1'axtcn hotel. Kjes cximlned free 7U1 MERCHANT TAILOKS. 1O ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL Ol' IMPORTED .AND DOMESTIC Fall nnd winter WOOLENS G , A. Llndqueit. Meichant 'lallor , 316 S. 13th tl. M607 COAL. SHERIDAN COAL. EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE for hard coal and 13 CO ton cheaper. 16tli&Karnam 035-O1 D T , MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL Of fice to 209 S. 16th St. , Ur wn block. 155 COUN1CE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANI7ED Iron cornices 1722 St , Mary's ave fcKI EAGLE CORNICE WORKSJ JOHN EPE- ncter , prop , 103 , 110 , 112 N , llth. Kstnb. JSC1. SOI GRINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERS , RAZORS , ETC. , ground. Melcholr Bros , 1119 I'nrnam street. M237 RAZORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERS , LAWN MOWers - ers , etc. A. L. Unelelnnd , 105 N. 14th. 792 MEDICAL. HOME FOR LADIES BEFORE AND DURING confinement , with best of care ; communication confidential. Mrs. K Volkman , Knidunled mid wife , 401 South Eighth street. Lincoln. Neb. M260 OS * DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE S. NASON , DENTIST , SUITE 200 I'axton block , 16tli and Farnam sts. . tel. 712. iOS DR. PAUL , DENTIST , 2020 HURT ST. SOO STENOGRAPHERS F. J. 8UTCLIFFE GENERAL STENOGrapher - rapher , 232 Bee Lultdlng. Telephone 197.MS81 MS81 TURKISH BATHS. LADIES' TURKISH BATH : HOURS 9 A. II. to 9 p m Beauty Culture parlors removed from Knrbach blk. to 109-110 Bee Bldir. TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- logue. George E , Brown , jr. , & Co , 709 S ICtli. LIVERY STABLES. BOARDING 8TAIILES , FINE LIVERY RIGS cheap. Ed Baumley , 17th and St. Mary's nve. M 809 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. UORRILL. CARPENTER , OFFICE AND store fixtures a specialty. Patching and plu. ferine. 409 8. 14th St. . telephone 408. WG CARPET CLEANING. o ! D ! MERRYMAN. CARPET AND RUG cleaning works. ftO 8. 14th , tel , 864 : ofllce 1KB Farnam ; tel. 1559. M 323-OR WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN nil kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited , 1003 Farnam t. 818 JOB PRINTING. REED JOI ! PRINTING CO. , KIN IS PRINTIN'U of all kinds , llth tt. , Bee bulletins. < 99 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING VERY CHKAP THIS MONTH M. 8. Wulkln. 2111 Cuming Tel (02. M2 NIGHT SCHOOLS. ROOSB-8 OM. BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1C & FAR. PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY , lit N. ISth St. TIS HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MALONBY , 812 N , 16TH ST , DYE WORKS TWIN PITY DYE _ , , , 'l'TlON. , T"i.roI0iviilnB ! " "J'nl'ni' ' ' ' " unUKnpo will ba sola nt public tuietlon nl II AVplfs' nut-lion rooms on Inrnnm stieet , Omnlm. Neb , comiiicncliiiK nt 7 30 p m . WoelncP.lny. Oc- ° VCJ * , nll < l conHnulnR nl the HAino hour each succfxllnir dnj- until sohl ' S : / . Jnck80" ' rinlsliptl Trimlcs-U. r Dilspoll , I-IHIH. Jlllli-r get TruiiUs-Wlll a. llumfrcvllle. Thomtm Kollr } ' . CliestB-Wm O Wllflon. rimn. Miller llUHgct VnlNos-A. 13 Htiilth , M \ % nllen , J. I ) . Scott , Win IHtrott , W. 1) Wlllnms , Jno. HaliorVm Hti nll. . Louis KncUcr Cnnvafl Covered Vnllsel'eter Flclchcr , Gil Smith. UlncK Vnlli-Tliomiis r Clark. Klli'SA Itonlcnos. . lilchiirtl Turner , Iti'jnoUlVm. . Davis , Wm Lewis , < J. Oouellu , Joe Uushby , Jno. Strihcns. BON U. rillifton. About 100 plec-cs of vnlrtopllnnp.-mi nrllclcs. of guns , lmtilh' , blankolH , vn- llse , trunks , boxes , clifM | . etc. , not nutrkeil. A TllAYNon , General RiKriairp ARe-nt. 82-9 10-2J UtmEAU. SUES & CO. , SoHeUtns. Boo , OMAHA. Nob. Advice PUEt , RHILWHYIiMBGHRD Leaves [ CHICAGO & NORTHWEST * : * ( Arrives OmnliniU , I1. Doiwt , 101 h & Mason SIB Omaha tl OJnin Eastern Express . , . , ,4 . . 1 30pm t 00pm VosilLiuj. . ! I.imllnl 0.40-uii 6 Kim Ma. Vnllcy- I. < H.I | . . .10:30pm : 6 4jimi Unmtia Clilej u itpcvlnl. . . . Z.Kpin Leaves ( CHICAGO. nuitr.iNcfloN .v q.lAnlvci Omnlial _ D pot 19th anil Mn 'm Sts. J Oinuha 4 4"pin . . , C'lile'i\KO Vestibule , . SriOnm ! B 4J.ini . ChlPiio Ilvi'rei'i . 4 2"ipm 7 02prn . ChlcRiro ml lima IxicU . . 8'OOani 11 K.iiii , . I'.Klllc Junction Local . . . t 33pm Leaves InURLTNOTON .t MO , RIVEH lArrlves Omnhnl _ D < pot 10th ntul V.wrn ritn. _ _ lOinli.i _ 10 IVim . Darner Kip-ran 3.33-un 10 15am . Dpnilivmid i\pie : s 4:10pm : 4 Mpm . Denver lx | > iv , 4lDimi C Mp'n..XflimM.i Locnl ( c-.i.vit | bun BilOuin .Lincoln Local ( o\cu > E HumulM 11.25am Leaves I K. C , ST. .T . C. II lArrhcs OnnlLiil _ Depot loth iiiul Mivon Sts. _ | Omaha D 4"am . . . Knnian City D.i > H\pre9i. . C.Kpnl D.iJpm.K. C. NUU Ex. via U. 1 > . Trans C Mum t.oRx7i I < iiTcAo6 1C"r" PACIFIC , \rriveT I Omali.ilU. 1' . Input , loth & . Mnton 8H I Orrnru _ EAHT. _ _ 10 IVini < . .Atltntlo Exp csi ( f Muiiilny ) . C Olpm 6 53 | > m . . XiKlit i\pn.B4 . . . . C Him 4uOim | . ChUntfo Vestllnilecl I.lmllol . 1 Mpra 11 Ii.iin.Ol.liliomiv EJ.P ( ! - C. 11 ex Sun ) 8 35am . 5 "nm.OMnhoma A. T < MII Exp ( e\ Sun ) ll'I 1 35pm . Color.telo MmlUnl . . . . . . . 4 10pm Li-lues I UNION r\CiriC. | Arllvrs Omal.nlUnion Depot , loth .1 Muson8ts. _ | Omaha 10 Oi-iin Kfiiim-y I\PH-HS : . . . , J'SOpm 2,1'pin Overland Klicr C.40pm 2ir ; > pm tlentrtce At Mionisb K IX ( ex hunt Su'Opm C:40pm : Pacific ixiicB3 | 10SCtni : 6.30pm Fast Mail 4apm : Leaves I CHICAGO MIL. & RT PAW I * lArrlves OmalinUjilor | Ipp t , llh end Ma on Bt | Omaha 6.3"pm 7 . . . .7. . rhlcnjfo I.'lmltnl :30im ll:10im : . .ClilriiKu Uxpicns ( ix. Sun ) . . . , l > :00ptn : | J51 P r R Jr ! MO"VAfXRYl ( Tm-lTcr Omalial Depot Htl > nml W < baler fats. _ | Omiha 9.05nm Dp-iilwootl Ilvprcsi T. . S:10pm 9.0iam < l < x. S.ilV > o \ , ' \ ( ix .Moll ) . t:10pm : SWpm : Norfollt Expicia ( Rt. Hunilav.10Mjam 5SOpm : St. 1'aul R\prt" < 1 , < MVa | J1ISSOUIU VAi'lFIC. | Arrives Oniilii ] Depot l' th nml Wt-li tir Sts. | Oina'-a 0.00am . Pt. Ixnils n\i > rcs . C 00am 9.10pm . Ht. Ijoufs nxjin s . 6:53pm ( ct Sun ) I > 'i l - i.l > \ l ucnl. . ! > .1Q mi C. . ST. P. . M. . O. | Arilv Depot IStli nml Wulmtir RIB. | Onialu , . Sioux Clt Accniu"Ut. ( . "Hun. ) . . . g 43phi 10. OOirn. . Sioux CltA mm. ( Sun. Onl > ) . . S.O'pm ] 2r.pni..Hlotlx : City IHpri'fH ( Kx bun. ) . . .11 S am r.:30pm : . Bl , 1 'mil UMilti-.l . U 40im " L.en\ta I SIOPX P1TV & VACIPIC. lArrhes OmnhnlUnlon npuot. lOld . > ; MiiKnn hts | Omilia C'.nni . Blnux rity I'.Ti-cntrer . 10 TOpm 3j53iirn.11. . St. 1'nul _ ixpro > M . 10 OOjm PIUM I SIOUX PITY S. PACIKia"Arrlve | Omnhai _ Uiiiot 13Ui nnilVehat' i Bta. I Qrnahn E.30imr. . St"Viul LTmlldl . rO:4Jim : G:0pni. , . C'lilcnpi l.lniltiil . OilOnrn Lemca I WAI1tll UAILWAV. | Arrlvc OnialmiUnlon Dipxt , lith ) .V JTnn m Sis. | Omaha fat. I-.oul3 Cannon lall.r.I.il2Upm ! : I'lio 111 .St. I.oulrt. ST , LOUIS , Sept. 22. Fire originating In tlio fc'atlier works establishment of Daniel n. Ely & Co. tills morning destroyed a large brick bullclliiK In which tlmt concern , to gether with the MouuJ City Boot * nd Shoo company and Die Hufnugel Boot and Shoo company , encage In 'business , as well aa Bomo email structures adjo nlujr. The losses are : 1) , n. Ely & Co. , ? f,500 ; Mouna City company , $15,000 ; Iturnaccl Shoa company , $15.000 ; J-mea R. Liggett ( building ) . fCO.OOO ; minor losses , 52,500 ; total , $140,000 , Tha Insurance. In each case Is about one-third of the loss. My boy was tnken with a < 1lnrnso resem bling bloody flux. The drat tiling I thought of was Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera anil Di arrhoea Remedy. Two doses of It Bottled the matter ntul cured htm Eound and well. 1 heartily n commend this remedy to all per sons suffering from a like complaint. I will answer any Inquiries renardlng It when stamp Is enclosed , I refer to any county of ficial as to my reliability. Wm. Itoach , J. P. , rrlmioy , Campbell Co. , Tenn. Tor sale by druggists , Nurlrty Performers Trjr Suicide. NKW YORK , Sept. 22. John Del Decho , 29 years old , and. his wife , Lillian , one year his senior , swallowed carbollo acid with sulcldEl Intent In an East Tenth street tenement. The woman d'ed , but the man will recover. The Del Heches made a liv ing on the variety slage. The man Is a musician and the , woman an Impersonator. During the present week they lm\e been per forming in Iho Harlem museum. Tor more tbaii a week the man. has been drinking to excess. _ Did Not Ivnniv Ills Mctlm Dlnl. CHICAGO , Sept. 22. Charles C. Non-It has been arrested hero for the murder of Campbell Laflorc , a wealthy Texas ranchman - man , The crime was committed ten yean ago In I'arsMI , Tex. A reward of | 1,500 has been , hanging over Norrls ever slnco Laflort ) was killed. He has been a policeman in Chicago , but nave up his position last year. He claimed not "to have known that Lifloro was dead , and believed he had recovered from the wounds given h'rn by Norrls. lloUllir : Out for Sovimtj-I'lve MASSILLON , 0 , , Sept , 22. Tha Mingle- wood coal miners at North Lawrence Imvo voted to refuse the operators' offer of C5 cents , or G cents more than tha original offer , and unanimously resolved to hotel out for 75 cents. This Is believed to fpre- shadow the defeat of attempts at a com promise Initiated by the board of arbitra tion. H nf tlio I i-ttiT Ciirrlir . CLGVRLAND , 0. , Sept. 22 The National Letter Carriers association has elected offi cers as follows : C , C. CouJen , Cincinnati , president ; R , J. Kesslcr , New Orleans , vlca president ; J. F. Victory , Washington , ecro- tary , and Alexander McDonald , Grand Hap. Ida , Mich. , treasurer. Among the memberi of the executive board named Is 8. J. Hodglns of Topeka , Kan. Tmr Hunt net on I Iro. CINCINNATI , Sept. 22. The tow boat Comet , belonging to the Comet Tow Boat company , mysteriously caught flro at her moorings at 4 a. m. , nml burned to the water's cgc. Only a watchnun wai on board and he escaped. The fire was un doubtedly Incendiary , Loss , $10,000 ; In surance , $5.000. o Librarian * riiocHo IH-nver. LAKC PLACID , N. Y , Sept. 22. At the session cf the American Library association several scholarly cstoys were read , after which the conference adjourned to the Grand- view Hotel for the annual dinner. Denver was choien for the annual meeting of 1635 , II. Al. Atlty of Detroit was elected prc U dent , and J. C. Dana of Denver vice presi dent. m In order to Introduce Chamberlain's Cough Remedy liere we sold several dozen bottles on a strict guarantee , and have , found very bottle tle did good E rvlcc , We liava uied It our. selves and think It euperltr to any other. \V. I. Mowrey , Jarvlsvllle , W. Va. For * ll by