THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SBMPURDAY , SEPTEMBER 22 , 189J. 'COUNTY OFFICE SRIRllISIIES Result of the Republican Gautnics Held ID the City Latt Night , CONSIDERABLE PLEDGING WAS DONE Intc-rfntlnjr Blttmtlom In tlie heicnth ntul Ninth Unnln-JIm Kjuor Knocked Out In tlio I'lltliPersonnel of the TIclictHonilintril , One week from today the Douglas county republican convention will bo held to nomi nate candidates for county offices and n legislative ticket. The primaries to- elect delegates to this convention will be held next Friday and caucuses were held last evening for the nomination of delegates. Republican candidates commenced to shove up tliclr lightning rods ns soon as thu state convention was over and consequently they have gained Beve-ral laps over their demo cratic brethren. The following named gen tlemen have shied their castors Into the ring for place In the state senate : T D. Crane , C. N. Powell , E. M. Bartlett , C. H Bates , C. A. Jacobsen , C. 0 Lobeck , W F. Uechel , J , T. Werlz , Isaac Noyes , Richard Smith , Gustavo Anderson , Charles limner , R S Uerlln nnd James II. Kynsr , while there are fully as many more who have hid their lights under bushels. While the pay Is the same , the race for the house has more entries of racers who are anxious to start , as this list will know : W. O. Rogers , Charles Goss , Albyn Johnson , J. L. Johnson , A , P. Oakland , Herman Tlmme , James Allan , Dr. Rleketts , M F. Singleton , Hugh G. Meyers , Emerson Benedict , Joseph Crow , R. S. Jcmi ss , F L. Harriett , John 0. McArdle , Charles Potter. Gus Hart , August Lochncr nnd Justice Wllcox. Until yeMerd-y the democrats were as shy as a lot of school girls , as ow > ng to the administration and antl-ndmlnlstratlon flight they did not know where they were at. But since that has passed Into history and Bryan has walked away with the big end they have snooped down In drove after drove , with enough can didates to clean up the whole platter. The men who are In the fight for the senate are. George W. Ames , W. S. Tclker , Charles Brown , Eli Doud , II C. Miller , W S. Poppleton. J. B Kitchen and John Welch , while the following gentlemen would humble themselves by taking places In the house W. I1. Barton. Rudolph Hnrtz , r. A Brogan , George W. Covell , W. W. McCombs nnd 0 J , Plckard. This does not complete the list , though It designates nil of the parties who hung out the Hag this morning. Getting down to matters that pertain solely to the county , there Is a delightful llt- tlo fight for the county ultornej hlp , nnd the following named republic us are in It until after the convention C P. Halllgan , A.V. . Jeffries , Harry llrome , F. C. O'Hnl- Inran , J. II Van Dusen , Howard Bnldrldgc , Iko Andrews , Pill Winters nnd J L Kaley. For the altornevshlp the demccrnts have been n trlllc slow , and have announced the following named gentlemen only W F. Wnpplch , Joel W West , Ed P. Sm th and Silas Cobb , though there are an even dozen more who will get to the front and nail their banners on the wall before the end of another woek. Maji.r D H. Wheeler and Bob Duncan have nnnoiinccd themeelves ns cnndldatcs far the republican nomination for county commissioner In Judge Slenbcrg's reorgan ized district. The caucuses , with the fcnturcs attending them and the results , are thus set forth. AGAINST STENBERG. First Ward Ticket named was : P. M Bach , A. R. llantzul , i ; . Mllllgan , F. Wooley , .A. 13. Walkup , George Cntliroe , Charles Abnoy. 1C. W. linrtos , ) : . Sluht. These mm clnlm to be unpledged , but It Is understood that they are to a man against Stenberj for county commissioner. Second Ward No delegates were nomin ated. Dr. Hog TS nnd Gus Hart are candi dates for the leglslnturr. The doctor Is Webster man nnd Hart Is supposed lo b ( for Tlmrston. After some discussion It vvai decided that every man who wanted to go tc the county canve/itlon should place hi : name on the ticket by petition. Third Ward No caucus ticket was se lected. The attendance was poor. Imme dlat ly upon coining lo order the motion t < adjourn was made nnd the meeting recon vened ns n mass meeting The meeting en dorsed Halllgan for county attornej- . Fourth Ward The caucus \uis very wel attended , about 250 votes being cast Then were two tickets In the Held , n third b ; Pnt 0. Hnwes being squelched. One of thesi was sprung by Council , and was essential ! ; a Tlmrstnn ticket. This was headed b' J. J. Monchcr The other was of a Webster lib hue , or rather anll-lhurMon , and tun F. B. Kennard at the top With these tvvi tickets a. good deal of skirmUhlng was don before the balloting begin Before ballotin ; n motion was made by Mr Sudborougl that the delegates selected be Instructed I do all In their powe-r to promote the can dltlacy of John M Thurston. Tills wa amended by Council to read that If the tlcke headed by J J Boucher he selected th delegates be Instructed for Tlmrston. S amended the motion carried , When th votes were counted the Kennard ticket wa found selected by big nnjoillles. The dele Ration Is ns follows F B Ktnnard , J. W Jlattln , K. S. Fisher , Frank Plank : C. E Ilrownlce , Henry Talliot , F. C. O'Hollaren Norman A. Kuhn , E. W Burroughs. Thl Is the ticket that Is considered nntl-Thurs ton , as the motion made by Sudboroug \aa so amended ns to Instinct the Douche ticket only for Thurston. The- ticket clecte Is practically unlnstructed , and can votea they please. KNOCKED KYNER OUT. Fifth Ward As n usual thing n republics : caucus In the Fifth ward Is an unlulcrestin affair , as It Is manipulated by ward poll tlclanE or the faction that Is on the Inside The caucus held last night , however , was n exception to this rule , and long before th hour for getting down to business arrive the room was tilled to overflowing. Thcr were two factions , ono having for Its chain plan Emerson Benedict , while the other wn led by Jim Kyner , who was acting In th capacity of wet nitrne for Hugh G Myers Both Benedict nnd Myers hnve been scckln the support of the ward for weeks In thrace racelor the legislature , and the caucus lae night was the first contest of strength. A ward commltteemnn , Kjner called the can cus to order nnd asked for nominations fa the position. Dr. Christie was named b the Benedict faction , while Guy C , R. Rec was nnmrd by the Myers men. To baltc was nn operation that was goln ? to tuk time , nnd In the Interest ot harmony Di Christie withdrew , leaving It clear sallln for Reed , who was elected by a unnnlmou vote. Two secretaries and two challenger ! representing the two factions , vvero av pointed by the chairman , nnd the droppln of the ballots commenced , continuing lint 3C4 had been cast , the result belnc that , th following named gentlemen were eelecte by about 198 votes to 1C3 for the other te lows Henry Bolln. Dr. J W. Blythln , D. r > Brown , Dr. W. H. Christie. W. H. Mallorj II. G. Rockfellow , Charles Rylander , Trod . Backett , M F. Bears. These men ai pledged for Benedict for the house of repn sentatlves , but nre free lances wit reference to other nominations that ma be presented at the county convention. Sixth Ward Delegates : S , G. Ernest , i D. Craig , II , F. Lenvltt , \Vlnnlng , A. A\ Johnson. R. Williams , Chris Specht. P. C Ilnnsen. M , D. Houck The delegation Is Ir structed to , york for Tliuraton for the Unite States senate. SLATG WENT THROUGH. Seventh Ward The Seventh ward republ cans held one of the hottest caucuses I their history laat night and selected nln delegates to be- voted upon at the prlmar next Friday afternoon. On Thursday evci Ing there wafea me-ctijjg : of n t < vfor 111 se of fixing" JP n uit of deiojuTea , and" ute ot fUf , headed by John ThonTI ton , with John Grant , Frank Johnson , /'by Frank ind Graham ParK , was appointed I tclecl the ticket to bo voted for last nlgli They met In the New York Life build In y terday nnd ftxcM up a t cl < et , which , tin claimed , was favorable to all the candidate When the caucus WUR called to order tl club room was crowded. The "Axed" tlc-ki hid been printed and Sam Macleod , et-Judf Thomas IK Crnne and Gcorpe Covell for II Itato senate ; George Day and Sam Macleod fi 'Her , Ocorco Covelt , Ben Baktr. John Tlnmpson , Pete Schwenck nnd others -were ndustrloutly circulating copies among their rlends. When It Mm found out that the whole thing wag cut nnd dried there was a lowl from Charley Wchrer , Schwenck and GeorgQ Stryknr. The meeting was finally ailed to order and Mr Piper was chosen chairman , while A. C Kennedy acted as ecretary. John Thompson then got up and cad the report of his committee , naming the nine delegates which Ind been selected In li i morning , nnd moved for the adoption ot ils report. This brought W R. Williams to ho front , who wanted to see the delegates nominated In the usual manner. He Raid ho was ofpofod to a cut nnd dried t ckct ami didn't propose to be choked off This st te- nent caused Attorney Breckcnrldge to pro- rst tliat the ticket was fairly chosen , but 'Imrley Wehrer reminded the gentleman of he fntc that overtook a Kentucky colonel of he panic name a few iluys ngo , and then Ben laker and Schwenck tried to liolJ out the < llvo branch to everybody , but all ol them Could not calr-h their meaning nnd PO they snt lown. A motion to proceed to n b Hot for the delegates was passed with n whoop , and lu-veral other candidates vcre named. The clinlr appointed Messrs Wood , Williams. Schwenck , Olsen and Cochran ns tellers , and a ballot was taken , with the understanding that the nine men receiving the highest number of votes would be declared the dele gates trom the Seventh ward and would re ceive the lull vote ot the club at the pri mary It wss found that 145 votes were cast and 131 cf them were , for the fixed llcket. fo the other eleven were not counted. The delegates named are- Thomas Carey , J. W Ellur , John Grant Frank A Johnson , Graham Park , J. L Pierce , J. B Sedgwlck , C. P Stromberg and Lee Yatcs. They nre liledged to support Clinton N. Powell , the house of representatives ; II. II. Baldrldgo for county Attorney and George Sablne for county comm t-sloner. The beleotlon of these men ciuped Wehrer , Strj-ker ami Schwenck to threaten to put n petition tirkct Into the field Messrs. Kennedy , Urecltcnrldge and Cliaffee- were recommended for central com- mlttermen. Eighth Ward S. L Bojd , R. P Dahlman , A. J Love , John Wallace , George A Bennett , Charlo ! II Youngers , W A. Smith , A. F. Clarke- Thomas Fitzgcnld The delegation H favorable * to Cluirley Unmer for state senator and W N Nnson and James Allen foi the legislature and llou.rd Balilrlilge for county attorney. DIVIDED IN TltE NINTH. Ninth Ward The supporters of John M Tlmrston In the N nth ward do not feel In clined to trust the foi tunes of their chief to the tender. mercies of the ward primaries For tlmt icuFon they met In a store room at Fortieth nnd Faiiiam la t night nnd put up a petition ticket. This nctlon was de cided upon nt a meeting held on the evenIng - Ing of the ITtli InM A committee of one from each precinct and one at large was chosen lo select the names of nine men for delegates , and It wits decided by n vote ol 75 to 1 not to puticlpate In tlie primary. The niee-tlng last night was for the purpose of hearing the report of the committee. By mistake It was called to order a little ahead of the designated time , so E O. McGlllon nnd Ben T. White were called on for n few remarks. Chairmen Holmes , then called for the report of the committee. Judge Tiffany icsponded , having the list In his packet He told vhj' the Thurston men had decided not to participate In the primary. He said that the ticket made up In the- regular caucus contained some Thurston men but that the delegation , If elected , would be dominated by the friends of another candidate Then he said tlmt the tlrki-t niado up bjp the commit tee was made up with a view to getting out and out Thiirston men whose names begat : with letters nt the top of the alphabet After a 1 ttlo eubgy ot Mr Tlmrston. the followlnp ticket was named and adopted without a dis senting vote E M. Andrcsen , C J. Ander son J. H. Barrett , A. II. Burnett. II F C2dy , P E Flodman , Hlmer D. Fiank , R. F Hodgln , John T. Hopkins. Some plans wen then formulated for getting out the vote aflei which the task of signing the petltlor was begun. About sevcntj names were signed to it , nnd a great many more- will be adelcd to It The meeting then ndjnuined te mc t on Tuesday evening at Brennoman's bell at 2918 Fnrnam street , when plans foi getting out the vote will be liiil. Tlie regular caucus wan held at Twenty ninth and Fnrnam streets last night anc the following ticket named- . R. Amlrews E. Li Blerbower , Joseph Crow , J K Coulter 13. P Davis , A G Edwards , C S Hunting ton , J. A. Lovgren M 0 Maul rmiimrrtl il Clnh M Th > republican primaries were entirely toi Interesting last evening to permit buslnes : men to attend the meeting of the Commcr clnl club which linil been railed by th < executive commllt e Hj reason of the smil attendance It was determined to adjourn th pioposed meeting subject to call of the chair man of the executive committee. Commission r Utt announced two Impor tant meetings , ono for this evening and on for next Saturday The meeting for thl evening will be for the purpose of dlscussln , the freight ralo question The m cling nex Saturday will be held with the object o again attempting the establishment of large bee-t sugar refinery In Omaha Commls sloner Utt stated that it would require capital of $ J30,000 , and of that amount $140 , 000 was already uniting. tvilh By request of the state central commute a meeting of the county central commute Is hereby called to meet Jn the commute room nt Washington hall , Monday , Oclohe I , 1JVJ4 , at 2-30 o'clock p. in , for the purpos of considering and making arrangements fo .1 mrctlng , which will be addressed by Her William McKlnley , October 4 , and It U re fcpcctfully requested that the president e each ward republican club appoint a coin mlttco of thrcu to meet with the count central committee. An Invltutlon Is nlso c3 tended to the membe-rs of the congresslonj and state committees to nttend said meel ing. CHMtLES UNITT , Chairman. J. A. TUCKER , Societnry. AfiD-Ainc-rU in 1U | > iiliU. ii9. The Universal Afro-American Working men's Republican club met Thuisday nlgln with 175 members present nnd elected th following named officers for one year C II. Sprlggs. president ; Press Graves , vie president , Silas Johnson , secretary ; G. I ! Johnson , treasurer Executive committee . W. S. Banks , chairman , R. T. Baldwin , / Travis , S. M. Lnwls , S. N Washington. I Watson. W H. Ousley , S. M. Wylie. Contented minds mnke happy homes. Cot t'litment alwnys follows the use of Di Price's cream baking powder. 1. 01 ill MirJcly. Renewed activity In society elides adi zesB to the. society page of The Sunday Bc < Every social event of note will bo chroi Iclcd , together with the movements' of pron Ineiit society stars. Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache. Trii size , 25 cents , All druggists. CIIIC.VC.O , HOOK XMLAMTjC I'ACiriO HI California Tourl t 1'iotirnloin , "Phillips Rock Island" personally coi ducted excursions First through cnr leave Omaha Friday. Oct. 12th , nt 1.35 p. in. , an weekly thereafter during the winter seasoi For full particulars , berth reservations , etc call at Rock Island ticket office , 1(02 Farnai street. > Buy your haid coal before the advance t' ' II. Patrick keeps the best. . Telephone 557. ViilY : LOW 11/VTli / IIiiincscol.L'rn Hxrurslun. On September 25th and October Oth tfc Missouri Pacific will sell tickets at one fni lor the round trip ( plus $2.00) ) ta all polni ( outh and southwest , limited to 20 days froi date ot sale , with privilege of ( topping o going and returning. For particulars ca on or address depot agent , 15th and Wel ster , or city ottlces , northeast corner 13t and Farnain. TIIOS. F GODFIinY. P. & T. A. J. 0 PHILLIPP1 , A. G. I\ & P. A. Homed Tor Iho UomeVfiS , On September 11 and 2G and October 9 tl : Union Pacific will sell uoiiifseekers' eicui lion tickets , good for 20 Oaja from date < tale at the rate cf one lirelortlie roun tr p. with $2.00 added , to all P'lnts In Nl brnska , Kansas , Colorado , New Mexlc Wyoming , Utah , Idaho ( east of and Includln Nampi and Boise City ) and Montana. Stop-overs granted on both going and n turnina trip , H P. DEUEL , City TlcUt Agent , L'nl n Pacific System , 13 ( Faruam treet , Onialu , Neb. IIASCALL'S ' FORCE IS SPENT Intent cf the ' Lowing-Mado Against "May * r Bemts. IMPEACHMENT PROSECUTION CLOSED o l.titrrn tlpcm tlio llvfntHtliin of thu llmrgtMt Hiul limln llioVork l , j llu\v itciuU I'Jirk Mint lUniK-it liiis Siii.lit 'Ivgllllis. Councilman Wheeler was ttio only man ager to appear In tno Ueinls Inn cdclnneiH when cuuit convmed yesterday nnU Ms attorneys wiru Inter than usual. fctsmcJ to be IllUd with considerable asjierlty , nnd when the court Utorney McCulloch s-ld that they had IE-en unable to iccuro the person of ono Chi Is Speclitlio vseura an aldermnnlc tog , aa one cf their Important wltnesiis. Chris \aa very much In evidence at the Sixth ard demccratlo prlninr es Thursday , but an unkind attorney Bitting In the court room Ufigestcd In a sotto voice : "Maybe Chris 3 under the snonsllde uhlch struck the iiitl-Iry ) > n dcmoctata and republicans ycs- erilny. " Mr. Council granted the prosecution the right to Introduce Chris at any time , nnd lie defense begun the refutation of the charges ol Managers Wheeler and Il.-uc.Ul. As an evidence of the merits ot the cate Qgalust the major , Hascnll x\as overheard a remark that he didn't believe they "could stick Bemls anhow , but. that the blame would now rest on the court relative to the runn ng of g.mbllng houses In Omaha. " 1'UUCIIASD OF 11HM1S I'AHK , Tin- first \\lti-CEs for the defendant was Guy Ocane , sccrolary of the park comnila- slon , who gnvo n recorded history of the inirchaso of liemls park In 1S90 , after the lark ccnimlss on hcd requested propositions 'rom laud owners , J H. Dumont , secretary of the Itemls Land company , offered to sell his land for $ ' ! 3,000. The commission In structed Its secretary to tend to the city xnincll a recommendation that this tract ID purcliatcd by the city at once for a lubllc paik. A copy of the report WES read and admitted In evidence. A number ot tjtii'Etions were asked about the minor tleta Is of the purchase of this tract , which went to show that beyond thu fact that lie was president of the IJcmis L'ml company , the major had notlilnp ; to do with the sale , and the sale was also perfectly legitimate This caused the prosecution to offer a series of objections , which were overruled bj the Dr. Georpc I , Miller , ex-president of the noard of Park Commissioners , testified that he had been president of the park board slnco Its organization , until May of this year , when he was appointed collector of customs He had made a careful study of the park question and nt the request of the council a special meeting was arranged between the council and park hoard for the purpose of discussing the voting of bonds for the purchase - chase of a series of tracts of land for cltj park purposes The suitable tracts of land were also d'scus ' cd , among which was ttie llcmls tract , which was recommended as be ing available and suitable for a city park Ho said that the board objected to the price , $35,000 , asked for these lots and made an offc' of $25,000. A compromise was finally of fectcd by which the tract was purchased for 5-iO.OOO All these negotiations , with the probable exception of the filing of the deed , took place under ex-Major Cushlng's admin istration In the cross-examination an at tempt was made to show that a donation to the city of a small tract of land by the Bcmls Land company prior to the purchase of the park was as an Inducement to the park board to purchase a larger tract , but It was shown that the city accepted numerous donation * of land for park purposes In other parts ol the city , from other companies and individ uals. JUDO.E WAKBMTV'S TESTIMONY. Judge Wakeley testified that he took an Interest In the voting of bonds and the pur chase of land for parks , being n taxpajcr and having the public welfare In view. Us said that prior to the voting of bonds there had been a great deil of public discussion re garding the suitability of cei tain tracts ol land for park purposes , iimong which was Demls park The propositions were well un derstood by the public , being discussed Ir thu papers , on the streets , bj real estati men ami property owners In general. The lo cation and prices were thoroughly dlscussei so that every Intelligent citizen must ha\ < been aware of the use to which the nionej obtained by the sale of the bonds would In put. GeorRo W. Llnlng r a former member el the park board , testified that < lurlng his term as a mcmb r of the hoard the parti sjltein nf Omaha was discussed. When tin board was organized the city had only on < public resort , Hanscom park , and the boarc solicited donations. Several Individuals am companies responded , and a sinal tract was given to the city by the Ilemli Land company. AVh n the subject of pur chasing additional tracts for park purpose : came up It was discussed and negotiation ! entered Into by which Bemls park wn : eventually purchased by the city for aboui $110,000 to carry out and complete the plans of the park board for a complete park am boulevard system. The cross-examination of Mr. Llnlngei was continued In iho afternoon , but beyom the facts clcited In the direct examination nothing new was developed. Managers Wheeler and Hascall were absent. DISAPPOINTED IN SPECIIT. Chris Spcclit was put on the stand nn < said that he was a member of the cltj council In February. 1S92. when a proposl tton was made to the council to purchasi Demls park The proposition was rejectee when It first came up for consideration. Hi mada a motion to reconsider the matter twi weeks later. He said that the reason hi changed his mind was that he resided litho the north end of the city nnd he wanteil i park there Ho consulted with Dr. Miller the North Omaha Improvement club and othe .Interested parties , and found that the Heml park tract would be part of the city's parl system. He withdrew his opposition am voted for the proposition. He sa d that Con ncll was opposed to the puichase of th < Dlstnn tract. Judge ) Clarkson tried to make Specht sa ; that Bemls and Conncll were opposed t the D ston tract and forced him to vote fo the Itemls park tract , but the witness denlei this allegation and Clarkson tried to Im peach his own witness , but failed , as Spech did not change his story. Clarkson then ac cused Specht of attempting to evade ques tions In order to shield the defense Clark son was told that he would not be allowed t Impeach his own witness , and then he ar gued for the admission of hearsay evidence but this was refused. Connell protestei against Clarkson's makingmlsstatcment in Ills arguments relative to what Mayo Hernia was accused of doing The gist o SreclU'fl testmony was to the effect that h Knew absolutely nothing tending to shov that the mayor had dishonored his olflce o been guilty of dishonest practices. KELLY AHMY MATTUR. The prosecution said that they would no Introduce any evidence relating to tli charges of conspiracy to unlawfully diver the city's funds In providing food for Kelly' Commonweal army when It passed ttiroug ] Omaha In April. Councilman Uechel test I fled that a meeting was held In the mayor' office on the day previous to the nrrho of the army , at which the mayor , city at torney , physician , engineer , Chairman Win spear of the Board of Public Works , th witness and three councllmen were presenl Hascall nnd Wheeler and the remainder o the council are said to have been cnjoyin themselves on a Junketing trip to San Pran Cisco at this lartlcular time. It was con ceded , by the officials present nt the mcetlni In the mayor's office that this was a eas el uTgehl rieceiBily , and measures must t taken at once to provide the army \vll ] food- This was agreed JeTby l | ol the ol ficlals , and the major was authorized to ox pTnd not over 1100 for food for Kelly's men This constituted the alleged conspiracy li squandering the cl'ty'afiipda. * -sr .i. J. li. Oumont. necretarf of the Bernl Land company , testified that Mayor Ilonil was elected In the fall of 1691 and too ! charge of the office In January , 1892. Thl was after the land company had receive notice from the park commissioners ' , naVe a proposition ) In Iho city for the ealo ol this tract ol land. He called a mooting ol tlie members of ike company , Dr. Mer cer , E. W. Naslv Q. P. UemlB , nrid they fixed a price ol inj.OOO ( or Iho tract. Uu- nont wanted to flrf'tlte price nt $30.000 , ami after the rejection d the first proposition its Ideas prevailed. The remainder of the nftcrnoon was taken ip In arguing on admUslblllty ol cvl- lence regarding the organization nnd value of the stock of the-ilU'inls Land company. There will be no cession today , and the case will be taken up again Monday after noon. n.iTHS jo atitKUK : iinntuh September 22 Democratic county convon- ton to sdcct delegates to the stnte conven- Ion. September 2C Democratic state convention. September 28 Republican primaries to choose delegates to the county convention. September 20 Republican county conven- lon to nominate county ofTlcerB. October 3 Democratic county convention o nominate county officers. Housekeepers who hnvf been Induced to try some new brand of baking powder Immedi ately become more emphatic than ever In heir approval cf Dr. Price's. Mltrrl : < ip l.ircnM'ft. The following marriage llccnais wore Is sued yesterday : Name nnd address. Age , Louis A Wlnkler , South Oma'm 21 Annie ] ! < llslrln. South Omnhv 10 ! Iporire K Uoliv , Supeilor , Null " " linogenc Ramsey , Omnlm 21 Inhn I' . Olnnder , Colon , Nrli 31 Hannah Kcllgrpvv , Boutli Omaha 21 : niiv uoons , < > . Neil Hondn i'lnslng Out Stic. We rte not Intend to change the decision innounc d some time ago , that we should retire from business , which we shall consu- mate at the earliest possible moment , but we Ind ourselves with a largo stock of staple ; oods still un hand , and In order to dispose of same , we find It ri'cessary to make pur chases of all the new styles nnd makes of goods. Our buyers now In New York ndvlsc us that they have forvvaided for all depart ments the most dcslrablo goods of the ssd- son , and the new stock , as well ns that now on hand , will be sold at prices that cannot ho met anywhere. Black gros grain silk. 24 Inches wide , $1 00 yard. Wonderful value , cv ry yard war ranted. Black faille Prancalse , all silk , 24 Inches wide , $1.00 yard. Black faille and gros grain Ulk nt 75c , the same many stores ask $1 00 for. An elegant line of new nov elty silks , latest styles and colorings at 75c to $1 76. Velvets in all shades. Silk and wool novelty dress goods 50c. Kino Im ported dress paterns } 7 00 to flOOO BG-Inch rough suitings , $1.00 to $1.60.16Inch black serge COc. 50 , 51 and 5G-lnch storm serge 50o to 85c , black and navjIn black nnd colored novelties we have the v ry latest styles nt the very lowest prices. Lidles' silk hose , 50c. Ladles' pantellas , fast black , $1 CO , actual value $1.50. Children's union suits $1.00 , cheap at fl.liO. Ladles' long sicve vests , mace cotton , 25c Boys' flannel waists , 7Dc. The little captain bojs' suit , double seat anc ! knee , warranted not to rip. $3 98 , cheap at $5.00. Just received , elegant gold finish banquet lamps , complcts with shade , cheap at $3 00 ; Saturday , $1.08. A full line of Havilaml white china * We can save money for you on carpets , linoleums"nnd upholstery , n good stock to choose from nt prices we know are wny down. Sole agents for Butterlck's pat terns and publications. October numbers now In. MORSE DRY GOODS CO. MEDAL OF HONOR. Mercer Will Ask tlio Cciicrn- nifiit lo Itrunril l.nclnror Knot. Engineer Root , the brave Jim Bludsoc of the Minnesota forest fires , is to have n magiiHiccnt medal voted him by congress. Comparatively little opposition to such a re ward of heroic fidelity to duty as Root dis played Is anticipated The Idea of Mus ghl g cmgieislonal recog nition to the hero of the HlncKley holocaust who saved a train filled with human fr.Isht originated with Congressman Dave Mercer of this city , who will father the bill nnd push It through nt the next session of congress "I propose to Introduce- bill at the next session of congress to give James Root a imilal for his bravery during the Hlncklay feirfsi fires , when , as engineer of n passenger train , he- defied death by heroically sticking to his post and running tl.e train between vvnlls of flames to a place of safety os well as saving the lives of many Scandinavians who were fie-lng from Hlnckley nnd leavliig their homes behind them , n mass of ruins. Cor press 1ms honored men nnd women for saving life on the water. I sec no reason why such brave railroad men as Root should not be cntltl d to the same recognition I was In Minneapolis during the forest fires nnd heard Root's name universal praised. I made up my mind right then that such phenomenal heroism des'neil congressional recognition. Months may pass and Root's name may be temporarily forgotten but he Is too good a man to bo lost In oblivion , and I have detennlned that rail road heroes Bli.ill lie 'honored as well as marina heroes , nnd , while I am at It , I'll Just make it a double header and see that the fiicman and entire crew are olllclally recognized by congress for their brave and efficient services on that Ill-starr d occasion. " 1IAYIII5N nitOS. Itelow Will e Pound tiin Cmuo of Our t'ntml Illd Hnlimluy DlMurliancc. M1LLINKRY OPENING. Saturday occurs the formal opening ot our millinery department , when we wilt show our Immense full stock , consisting of the latest novelties In bounds , hats , turbans , etc. , procured by our buyer In New York. Paris and London ; nlso an Interesting dis play from our own workroom. Our styles for this season nro far superior to nnjthing shown by us heretofore , nnd nt prices lully 25 per cent low.r than else where. Imported model hnls , no two alike , from Vlrot , Jesse , Marcscot , Llnne Knulkncr , Ber tha and other famous modistes , also our own exquisite novelties. UNTR1MMED HATS. Larg * assortment Kronen , English and do mestic felt hats nnd bonnets , embracing all the new shapes nnd Elsies nnd colors. DRESS GOODS. JUST TO Hi : SOCIAL wo will sell on Satur day evening at 7 o'clock : 1,000 jnrds double fold plnlds at 5c : COO yards double fold crrcks at Cc ; perfect Imi tation of goods sold at 7Gc and $1 00. These goods arc not worth 75c or $100 , but nt fie they are positively without equal One dress to a customer. At the same tlmo WP place on silo 1,000 yards of 30-Inch navy blue English henrl ttta fir lOc yard One dress to n customer. LADIES' AND C1KNTS' FURNISHING OOODS. 1 case ladles' Jersey ribbed vests and pants , only 25c , worth 60c. GcnU' llcccsci underwear , onlj 4 c , worth 7fic ; gents' heavy all wool shirts nnd draw ers , worth $1 60 , go at 7Cc Special tale of children's wool underwear for Saturduj. 100 dozen men's line suspenders , worth COo , go at 25c. 100 dozen Indies' cashmere gloves , worth COc , RO ut IL'ViC. 1,000 pounds best qual ty German knitting jam , only lie skein. I'lno Saxony yarn , 14c skein. Ask to FCO the Cl mblng IIouKcy , n wonder ful contrivance. We hell them at 2jc. SATURDAY SPECIALS IN SILKS. We- have a small lot of crjst 1 ben- gnllncs which are somewhat out of Myle no\V , goods that sold for $ l00 nnd $1 : : > per yarJ You can have jour cholco of the lot at 39o jarel. Loraze dress silks , SC Im-hes wide , In brown , navy , wine and gray nt COc yard Handsome line of silk velvet * , In 10 col ors , gcods worth $1 00 , at 40c vard. Come in and sec Iho new black bajailere dress sllUs , full jard wide , only $1 3 per yard. SATURDAY TAKES THE CAKE. The big grocery department Is cutting prices again. For one day only jou can buy String beans for Be can ; pumpkin , 7U.c , pan ; Lima beans , Gc can ; sugar rorn , G c , tomatoes , 7'ic can , tnble peaches , 12" " c can , apricots , 12'ic can ; cli rrles. 7' ' , .c can"plums all kinds , 12'tc cnn , blackberries = c can strawberries , lOc can ; blueberries , 7' ' c can , baked beans , flc cin ; oysters , SVic ran , pure red salmon , lOc cai ; laundry soaps , oc liar , apple butter , only 7' c Ib ; pe.ich butter , lOc pure Jely , 3c , s.irdlnps , In oil , 3".c can , mustard only 3Uc bottlebrok n Java" coffee lOo Ib. Ib.LADIES' LADIES' HOUSE WRAPPERS. For Saturday we will place on sale 25 rtesien ladles' house wrappers made of llccced backed s.rge in n variety of Btilpen ami figures , or black and dark ground bertha ruffle , full leg-of-mutton sleeves and full skirt , sizes from 32 to II , price $1.10 LADIES' SKIRTS We have a lot of odd bklrts In winter weights that WE will sell Saturday nt about ' /i their actual vnlue. Your choice of the lot 08c. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. There Is nothing In the late full styles rf men's , bojs' nnd children's clothing ws cannot show joua ; few prices herewith Examine our goods , we'll be pleased to show them , MEN'S SUITS. In two shades at { 375 , a regular $5.00 suit Meiis all wool suits In 'Rray or brown , nt $5.00. Never to bo had before for lees than ? s.oo. All woo ] black clay worsted stilts , In sacker or frock styles * , special , J7 50. At $1000 and $12.00 we offer a fine assort ment of men's suits In casslmeres , cheviots nnd worsted , frock , sack or double-breabteJ styles A saving of from $6 00 to $8 00 guaranteed on a good suit. FRESH OYSTERS. In bulk Saturday wv > begin n sale of fresh Haiti- more stock of oj-stcrs. Full measure , best gocds. To Introduce them , liic quart. MEATS OP ALL KINDS. Sa It pork Sc , sugar cured No 1 hums , 13C , sugar cured picnic hams , ii'/ic ; Boston long cut hams , SV4c , all small cans of meats , 6c , bacon , 12' , c and 13'fcc BUTTI3 RDBPATITMENT. Fresh countrj butler , 12Hc , lie nnd IGc best creamery nt Ike , 20c and 22c , alwajs fresh butter in stock. CHEESE DEPARTMENT Finest Imported Swiss , SOc pound sold everywhere for rjOc , domestic Swiss 12i4c , 14c and ICc , brick cheese , JOc , 12' c and le ( ! llinburger at 12io and He ; nothing mit fiesh goods here. HAYDEN BROS Uiiiulii tinil CliUi : ( i Mmltcil I'Ktvoii-ltour Tialn. Leave Omaha nt 6:35 : p. m. nnd arrive at Chicago S 40 a m. via. C M. & St P Ilj' . for Chicago nnd all points east. Trains made up and started from Omaha , assuring passengers clean and well aired cars The only line running a solid vestibuled el ctric- llghted train from Omaha direct. No wait ing for through trains. Elegant chair cars , palace sleeping and din ing cars. Ticket olllce , 1501 Farnani street C. S. CARRIER. Ticket Agent. JiiRt u I.lttln Tinier. The "Northwestern" Number Six , leaving Orn&ha 4 p , m dally , row arrives at Chicago 7 69 a , in , , Insteael of 8 15 , as formerly "Just a little faster" Don't confuse this with th On aha Chicago special , which still leaves at 5.45 p. m. dally and arrives at Chicago S.45 a m. No need to change this train City otJlce , 1401 Farnam street. By Authority of Congress. . S. Gov't Baking Powder Tests. . .Tim report of the analyses of Baking Powders , made by the U. S. Government ( Chemical Division , Ag'l Dep'Q , shows the Royal superior to all other powders , and giyes its leavening strength and the strengthof each of tile-other cream of tartar powders tested as follows : LEAVENING GAS. Per cant. Cubic In. per 01. ROYAL ! , Absolutely Pure , I3-06 I6O.6 13.58 I5I.I The OTHER POWDERS 11.13 133-6 TESTED nre reported to con 10.26 133.3 tain both llmo and sulphuric 9-53 114. add , and to be of the follow p.ap 111,6 ing strengths respectively , 8.03 96.5 7.28 B7-4- These tests , made in the Gov't Laboratory , by impartial and unprejudiced official chemists , furnish the highest evidence that the " Royal" is the best baking powder. -J > . * ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO. , 106 WALL OT. , NtW-YORK. ow Things this year nre not what used to bo. Sooma like the country has tnkon unto itself ft tumblo. Work is cheap food is CIS- cho.ip clothes , vro dare Bay , never sold 10 s'larmfully low. No ono to blamo. The woolen imti aaw frja WOD ! coming and the cloth ( jot clionpor , the tntmufacturor wnntocl our ready cnsh flB" hndly nnd clothing : had to go down mighty low for it. A your ago wo retailed n null for flva dollars , Hint kept buyer puzalod and seller rake his brains how it could fca done a suit con" sidornd a truer bargain at $10.00 than any ono sold in Omaha at that price. This year wo'ro Belling 'om at four dollars , nnd a trifle bettor suit in every way. Suits that were six fifty last year are but flvo dollars this yoar. Somowhnt finer in workmanship too , and a good size collection of pattorno to select from. Before you buy ours , tnko a look at any c * $5.00 suit offered about town , oxainiiio it rigidly nnd look at ours last. Our suitsaro warranted all wool. Suits thiit wo sold last year at ten dollars wore beyond con tradiction the best flftoanjjollar suits ever sold legitimate or oth" orwise. This season suits of the snmo class are only seven fifty , and are , "by the way , fur hotter niado than over before , The fabiic is as reliable as over , couldn't improve on that , for wo always aimed to fuinish for that particular suit a cloth that is particu larly durable. Quito a number of now patterns , chiefly dirt-defy ing mixtures single or double brcastod. Store opsn evenings until 8 o'clock for the accommoelation o these whoso time is occupied during the day. Fall Catalogue to bo hatl on application. a 00000000600 ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo < We are showing something special o ly fine in a new lot of silver-mount o o ed belts and belt pins at moderate o prices. 8o . o 5 EAYMONb , loth and Douglas , JEWELER. O OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO ( DIHECT mOM THE TANK. A'o Holler , AV > Htcuni. No Rngtnter , BEST POWER for Corn nnd Feed Mills , Bnllng- llay , Running .Sepiirnlors , Cremnerlci ) , Ac. OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary or Portable. i to ran. P. - > a to 20 H. p. rn < l forC ulOBUc. Pricesetc. , rtesctlhlnirwork to h * dona. Chleaeo. 245 late St. HE OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS Omaha , ShcclcyBlock , IsTE " & Howard StJ. 33il & . IVuluulSU. , L'lni.AUliM'lllA , 1 > A. turn the wheel of fashion may take , the Library Table will alwajs remain a favorite. It supplements the book shelves and the escritoire , and It la difficult lo Im agine a Library satisfactorily arranged with out at least one. such Tabledehk. We have an Immense assortment , with both plain and carvid border tops , -with one to four drawers , with and without tlio lower shelf. Prices start at $10 00 ; this U for a slightly reduced size. For $13.00 you can secure a very popular pattern. From this point they Increase In cost aa the size and decoration become more lavish , We have bank direct ors' tables which reach flOO In price. Dut the one Important point to remember Is that our prices on this one line of library work are below every ether house In the city. city.G&as. . SMverick & Co. FURNITURE of Every Dascrlptlon Temporary Location , J'JO'J unU 1XUU Dou'jlu * Htroot , UILLAED UOTKL BLOCU EDUCATIONAL. Itn NOUTUWEbTEIlN MIL1TAIIY A CAD. UMY. HIGHLAND I'AHK , lU.I.N'OlM , The m < ul Wmllul nd lirnltliy location ot- Laka Michigan , Thorough ilaulcal , ucademl and commercial council Rvvrr Inilruclor peclall" I" hi * Ur&nchii. Knaaned by the ! cgl latoF ot Illinois , and annually Invj.cctfrt bi official r prtnnlatlve of the > tatt tinuton ob n Bipt < mb r 19th. llluitrateiJ Ciiocolat- Mcnlcr the FINEST of all Chocolate unites in a peifcct form all the ( jualj- lies cvei vbody desires to find in his food. It is as Nourishing as Meat , and still pleasant to take. H is as Delicate as a Luxury , and Still cheap in price. ft is by far healthier than either Tea , Coffee or Cocoa. Therefore it should be made a household - hold article for daily use , as it is in France. PARIS iftfi E M S E R ! LONDON At. , t 0 W , nil ) Mod fee thi tntrr l Trfncb I'reptritioa CALTHOB free. * nd * loiil uuariDie * thil OALTllUH will llfnlofe j6ur UcallU , Hr Ik Ui UJ ( Vlf or. (1st if and pa ? ilalujlti. . Adclrau VON MO ML CO. . INVALID CHAIRS. X.IUUO SiocUuiBi. Uefurmlty Ilraut , , TrujMS. Crutclie * . Ualtefloi , bilnce > . ImulM anil MU . luil UuiiplUi , In" lion Uiue JlnuM , THU AUJB A I'KMKOLD H5S ruaaai t > u i , Ocpoilt * I'ntuu llat