Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAfLV 1 Kh ; ffffri'RDAY , SKI'IKMBEU 22 , 1801
'Wlieat Was Wink the Greater Pnitof the
Session ,
Corn KiiliMl Ili'dvy L'ininirnl | ullli lt C'lo < -
Inc Vnliicin 'Iluii-Kil.iy , lint llipro
MUM S'linr AlltUltJ nn Aili.Hlilt
, ol liiliueil [ :
CHICAGO , Sept. 21. Wheat wes weak the
printer part of Uxl.iy's soslon , but HBur the
nd riiorts [ of heavy buying for export
, i ] up the market ami It clofcsJ with lie
. May corn closeil U" low r , .May oats
Vi < : Ic tr , ami iirovltlons with but little
Wheat ntnrtcd with a slight recovery front
yesterday's closing , but fitter running
for an lirur In .1 Krnnvc between the opening
figure uml yto lower , It begin to drop % c ,
sufficient lo make a fresh record. December ,
which opened at 53Vtc nml told' sparingly at
from 55Uc to Colic , had deullneil before It
o'clock to ulc. May was a simile more
dlfflcull to (1ml ( buyers for than December
and touched G'.i c a few momenta In ad
vance rf the latter month's reaching the
same basis. The opening temporary llrmness
WUB caUM'd by th < > number of cars Inspected
In store , amounllng to only 12 ; ! , compared
xvlth 2JU , jis cfit.matQil yistord y. That ,
however , lost Its effect when , upon Inquiry
unioni ; the receiving houses , It was discov
ered that thpre still cxlstid the same dlffl-
oulty In netting crs unloaileil as had been
complained of for n month back , I'rlmary
mark I receipts were. In the aggregate , about
85.MO liu. . which shu nl boinc falling elf
compared with these of thn day before , l-'or-
olgn markets were weak. The second weal ;
epell w s the result of a more decltletl heavi
ness of corn at the time rufnrrcd to. llusl-
ncss had been very light until the pressure
to sell December at D4c ! buratuc > urgent ami
thai latter press lire caused trading In be-
C'uno ' active , and kept It so during the fol
lowing Hftcon minutes , while It was being
beaten down lo E4c. lleporls of llbs-ral buy
ing for export caused a rally at the Huili
and Decfinber closed at C5 > c.
Corn ruled licavy compared with Its cloi-
Ing raltto of yesterday. There wa ? some re
sistance lo the decline on account of the
receipts under-running the estimates by lSf >
cars. Tills wa ascr bed to the crowded con
dition of the mill-odd yards und scarcity of
storage , but It served only to cause n loss
to those who had ascribed a little bull force
to It. Thu receipts , as reported In bushels ,
were 211"io ( ; , In comparison with
Mlf'G ' till , received tin the corresponding day
of last year. The offerings of No. H new
corn , to arnvc In November nnd December ,
nro Increasing. Philadelphia advises liberal
offerings of new corn from Jlurylaud and
Delaware , to arrive In November , st prices
relatively lower than the above quotations.
Those several Items of news were not re
assuring nml created the heavy feeling
which resulted In the decline already re
ferred to. May sold at t,2VtC and O2'o ' ( , slmul-
taneoftily at the opening , and from that
down to f > lc before any substantial recov
ery took place. Some buying at this point
caused a rally and May finished at ! > 2 , Jc.
Oats continued to decline , Influenced prin
cipally by a like action In the corn maikct.
llus'neas was ) of fait volume , although trades
were ull rather small. The disposition to
sell remained very urgent. Elevator ron-
oernx were most prominent In offering stuff.
Duylns orders were fairly plentiful , confined
almost entirely , howeu-r , to 5,000 bu. lots
and scattered chlelly among locil parties
und scalpers. May slnrtetl at 3)c ) , sold to
3So and then declined to 31c , closing at
The provision market was flrm , but
very dull. There was no market pressure to
Bill 01- desire to buy. The Anglo-Amer.con
Peeking company nnd Ilately Ilroa. were
the sustaining buyers , but they did n gcefit
deal more bidding than buying. Compared
with yesterday'ii closing prices , there Is an
advance of 2V4c In lard uptl pork , and ribs
are as they closed yestenliy.
The lending futures ranged as follows :
Arllcli'ii. 1 dpoiiT r"ijiirli. ' I jj > w. | ' Close.
oii > i IJIIQCOJi
r. ' . ' > s O''H
Hl > 5 < r.ow
51 ? t
20 ! < W i0 ! !
a < H B4K
7 B7M 7 UUS4
7 BU
U U''H
Push ciuolatlonn were na follows :
yi.Ol'lt-Uull , w.-nk.
WHKAT No. 2 sprint ; , C ISc ; No. 3 sprlns
nominal ; No. 2 nil , Kl .r,2Hf.
COUN No. ! , I2yc ; No. 3 yellow , M'ic.
OATS No. 2 , VM ; No. 2 white , 30'ty3' ' ' ) > lc ; No
1 \ vhltiSOWJOHc. .
IIAItt.KY No. D3io ! ; No. 3 , MJiff-IHc ; No.
'fl AX SURD No. 1. J1.41.
TIMOTHY REEI-l > rlmr. 114'ia.VCS.
ntOVISIONS MCFB poik , pnr Ubl. , Jl1 ! . ? : ! ? ; ?
13.MV4. Ijinl , per IM llm. , JS.SMjS.90 ; short rllw.
( liles , IOM , t7/Glp7.l5. ! ilry s.Uteil nhou dprs , li nl
H.C2Hjl'.7rr ( short clear uldes. hoxfd , ? > irSi .
WHISKV I > l tlller ' Ihilahcd gjocls , per eat. .
The followlnff were the receipts and shipments
today :
On the Produce oxohansu toil.iv thu btittor nnir-
Kel was llrm ; croanicry. liiii'JlKo ; dairy ,
14U''lc. EftB , llrni at
Condition of Trulo nnil < ) uot ; > tU > : ll nu
.Staple mill 1'aiiuy rnxlucn.
BUTTRH I'ncklnB Btoelt , lie ; fnlr to ircxid
country , Hfl5o ; choice ta fnncy , KifflSo ; Kiith-
trctl nenmrry , 17B20c ; separator creamery. 2Jc.
EOQS I'er iloi. , 15 16o.
I.IVK 1-OUl/rilY-OliI hens. tliCCcj roosters ,
lo ; sprlnc chickens , 7c ; ducks , 5jCc ; pprlns lur-
kojs. Sf ( cj hen turkey * , 7CSc ; KoMilcrs , tffGo ;
old KceBe , 4jZc.
C1AMU I'r-.ilrlo chic-kens , yoiinc. per doz. , I2.7S
63.001 I'r.-ilrlo ehlckenB , ohl , per < lni. , tl' : irrouae ,
young , per doz. . 2.75 3.00 ; Kruune. olil. per do , ,
t2 ; iluckn , 1)1 ) uu wlnK leal , per < lnz. , 31.&U ; ( luck- ,
green wlnK tenl , per < loz. , JI.25 ; iluck , mixed ,
per dot. , It ; c.invasb.ick. Jt.i > i5.5l. |
VOAIClmlco fnt anil innll venls are quoted
0.1 l > Hci | UIK nml ciuiiHe , 35fo.
CHI < IHI : Wlfconaln , full cri-nm , iew mnUe ,
12C15HCJ Jfehrimka nnd Inwn , full He :
NeUraeko. mut lo\va , puit minis , 7 S > ; Mmhurner.
NIL 1 , lid lirlck. No. I , ISc ; HWM | , Xi > . I , H(15c.
3IAV 1'alr < lenian < l , inx l mipply. Upliiml liny.
3 , inMland. JS.50 ; lowland , tsr rj'e Eliiuv. $8.
Color makes the price on liny , l.lnht lialea sell
UIB bout. Only top KnulcB hrlUK top prices.
I'lOKOXS-Old bliil , per doz. , 6 < ) c.
< -alirnriila , l.llfS5f. (
MKIXi.NS ( < t > xl t.Tck. rrnled , JW.
CANTMLOri-US-llHino Rrimn , per crate , JI.ZS.
OLD linANK-IIiiml.plrkeil , iiuvy. . me
dium , IJ.lojfilS ; common ulille & . n.753) )
ONIONSOn orders , 75SSSc per bu.
CAIIItAnK-On onli-rii. Se.
CEl.HllV-lVr iloz. . SojMOo.
BWKl-rr l'OTATOis-IVr Ih. , 5c. or
per Lbl. ; Jersey , IS.W per M.I.
Kilt' ITS.
oed .lock , per Mil. . i.Wfj"-.75.
- . . ,
i < " 'M ) ! rrench " " ' '
A iitlCOT.s"-Caliroi ; nln , none.
t'HKHHIE8-Cnllfuinla , none.
. ' - cn
' ! ; . .oJ' ' " " > Tokay. Jl.60tfl.CS ; muncat ,
. : i/l.D ; coriil lion. H.u.
TUOl'IC.\I < FlttJlTS.
per bunrh.
tane > > SICBall'a- '
l'INKAl'l'Ll-s : None ,
OV8Tiil8-ll llum , per ciin , ic ; home hnr .
)5C ( 'xtm itnmljnlt , iso ; extra 'l 't . SJc ;
coiiipany teleeu , o ; New Yoik counts. 30c.
KIU8V-iinoy. | wr lb , . 15c.
JIONKY l-nlltoinla , iv-j dark honey , lOOlie.
IIAI'U ; KYItfl'-Clallon cant. p r .Vol. , 111.
Nt'Trt Almnnd * . 15617o : KnKllsh lnut . 100
Jc , tllhrrts. Ic ; llraill nuti , lOe.
fltlKll-l > ute Juice , per bill. . 18 ; lialt bbl , | 1.M.
HIDKS-No. I creen hide * . 3V4c : No. z creen
hides. tVic , No. I preen nailed h < de . 4c ; No. J
frern ralleil hM . 3c. No , 1 grrcn caltrd hhlrf ,
St la 40 Ibs. . 4ot No. i green altnt hides. U lo
< o It * , la No. 1veal coU. S to U Ibt. , 7o ; No.
1 \' \ S tn 1 $ | h V Wo I < ! rr fllnl ni < l * , ]
( c N' " J dry Hint Timm , If ; N'v 1 ilry * nll d
hl < le , to. iinrt rtiu < l hide * HC | K-r lb. ItM limn
fully cwrjil I
K n'mlt'il rtwi'rilnw mhurt ii-iolNl roily klnti ]
mcli , l"fl * > c : tlry ultenrllnKii hlmit wroiwl parly I
thn ! i. N" . 1. well , 5 < fflSc' dry i > h illnss ( plmtt I
wnolnl enrly kltis ) . No. 1 , encli , * " : ilry Hint
Knnm * nml Nrlirnulm bulrliT Wool polls , p r
lb. , prtiial wrlKht. 81 r ; ilry Hint Knn na nml
N'liratka inuirnln wool p | t , jwr Ih. , nctual
wp | ht. IfK'-te ; ilry Hint I'nlnmOn Imtchtr vool
IK-1U , PIT Ih , nrliiu ! Height , IQt'tr ; dry Hint
Colorado inurinln w l | > i > lli. f > r Ui. , nrliml
wclfjht. tfiff. iniivfr t cut off , as It Is U ? ? | KIte
to pny freight on Ihrtn ) .
TALLOW ASM ) CJHr.\SU-Tn1loiv : , No 1. ttfo ;
tftll < 7W , No. Z , 4 ( ; Kionw. wliltw Ai 4f ( Tronw.
\vhltR II , * Vc , gn-HKc , ypll'.w , 3140 ; gi i e , .lurk ,
8r ; old liiitlcr * f > ! Hci Ij'-'iwaK , prlmu ,
luufjh yollu'v , " " "
M\V : YOKIC OKNr.KAL , .U.MtKlir.
Yi'Kterilnj'x ( JiiolnlloiK < in I'lour , llrnln n l
rrnvUloni , .Mrlulii , I'.tt :
NP.\V YOIIK , Pept. ! ! . rLOUn-tli-cclpK : , -
1(4 ( l.'itn. , e.\tiort , D.MW bhls. ; snlcn. i : . W pliRH. ;
m.iiket Ki'iierally dull nnd wrnk. but not qu.itiMy
lower ; rptlHR patents offeri'd y | > aihmly fulily
tteaily. Bouihern Hour , dull , It > e flour , dull and
lef , IM bbls. nui rnne nt $2 loflJ.W : fancy.
COItN MiM , Mme iictlve ; isl s. 300 hhln , nnj
I,4 < > racks.
ItyiJ Sti'nJy ; car lots , C3/S3c ; 1 i t loa'l * .
tlAnt.liY-OiilPl ; Nn. 2 JlllwiiukTO , eOfjC2c.
11AUI.I3V MAI.Tlul < -l.
WIII3AT Ilwlpt * , S'AM' ' ) I' " . ! port < . 4.7CO
bu , rnli > n. .iKOu , < X ) liu. luturefl HIT ! 1W.IKC ) hu.
ppot. HIM ! > \i'aki'r ; No. 2 ipil. In Moro ami ftf-
vntor. & % < ; iilloat , EtSflSi'tc ; f. tt. ! > , , 7ir.
nlliiit ; No. 1 iiiiitlu'in. l > 7rd < ' . iK-li\clccl ; No. 1
Imrd. G3T/r ( , ilp\crr | | < l. Uptlnnn opened n trllle
Eti'aillfr , liut under the I'Piir nltiickH nnd wcnk
{ ' .allies inplillv declined .ind n aln miiilu a now
Inw ipi'unl for I > i'tnl 'r ; In llnnftctn < m the
inaikct as fiimtT on ci'VrilnK1 , nn.l clojieil pteiiilv
ut unchuiiKC'1 jirl'M-s tn % o towi-r ; No. 2 led ,
Slay , (3 a-lMf/iiJUo. clnKud nt 63'.r ' ; Hcptf HIUIT
clrnel at &rr ; Iiecrmlier. rfti'01."iiTi ' > i' , clusMd at
tf.'tc ; Navi'iiilwr. . " 1.1-IO 57r e , chsi-il nt 17Tjc ;
Ilfceml'lT. S3Kfi58 ! ) IS-lCr. i-liwit lit , "S'm' .
COftN-tti-ci'lt'lp ' , CO.WIO litl ; < \XMilta | , 1 1W lul
Spot nmikct iiikt | , No. 2 , rjnir in ctoii" tj li ! < iitti | > tiH nciikri uuiHt of thf < liy : In xyin-
p.ithy with 0'itH Jiml un iniilcl'uti ? lliiilditlim | ; ,
imrtlrularly In KejiU'tnln'r ; hitfi pntt of the Insi
wax ri'Knliicil , hut Hie cliixeas i\i-al ( nt 'aP
Ulc diTllne. Mav. U'kfiSG'U. ' i'l"1'l nt K&r ;
Si'iitcriiU'i , fD i ip , , 'loM-il nt ; i'nOrti > , cr , Ss'i
W c , OI | < K < ! 4it r S io ; Novi'inVr , f'iTrMie ' , clnae l
jt uS'/i ' < ' , niM-i iilw-r , iUiflTu'RC. ' . rlii-ed lit MHc
OATS - 1 twliim. IS3S"tf hu. , i'\ioil | i. nom-i
s.iles. "JVooy hu. futures nml ' .HMW Im. m > ot.
Sp , > t dull mill lowi'i : No. ir , KlUSCBV , No , S
dellM'ii.,1. : ivr ; No. 2 uliltp , SHHr : N'o. 3 while.
HHr ; ttnik. mlxul wi'sleni , istj.i/ltiUe / ; Inirh ,
while Unto nml wo.iiiTii. . " < iii I0iritliui9 | KPII
erully wcnU all il.iy nni'iitmu , > iI Inrso incolptB
nti'l ayuii.ithy | M'ith i'ltn , i-lotfil nt 14'01tc net
det'llne ; Slnj. .i > Vfl ? lKi- ihp < eil al 3S"fc : Kepti'iu-
her rloKt'tl m y3Ur. Octovr , XtC \i' . closed nt
33c ; Nnvi-nihii , Py SjiiO , clo eit nt 34Hr ; We-
fhinbfi , 3 * " V'ft.iriii1o. eloMil nt .V\r.
IIAV-lmil ; shliiplnc , SOif/TiV- / ; ( rood to choice ,
Ilol'S \\VnU ; slnti' , common to cliirlce. : ! 519c ;
1'ni'ltic cun t. Cljnr.
l.iATHI-n-CJnlct. : ; hemliH-U y > le , llucnos
Ayrri * . llRht tn llen y wi'l ing , ItBlSo.
HIIMIS ; WHI x.iltr.t. Now Orleans no
livti-d , 4S ID Go llif. , 4fi4V4o , IliiPtios Ayres. dry ,
31 In 21 11) ) ? . , Ill i' : Texim < lry. 24 to SO Ibn. ,
WnOIv Quiet ; ilomcrtlc fl 'ce. 1'.WMc ; pullrd ,
PltnviSIONfi-Ui-ff. quli-t ; lie.f h'ann. JI9. . ' > 01T Out menti. fiuk't : plclle-l Innis. lo'tWII'ii- . , uteaiiy ; wi-ctrtn ulcnin elided nl Ji.2' ! > ; oily ,
$ S.li2i.iiS.75 ; pali'i , :0fl tlorrrn ; Kejiirmlier olna-d nt
$ ! l.3" , , nominal ; Dtfemhcr , JS.S. > lil < l ; Jiitman * . IS.SS ,
niiminnl ; ri-lhiud , Kteadjmnllnrnt ; , JJ.rJl ; H. A. .
$10 ; onnpouml , J.7ItJ7.0 ( ! 1'orl : , dull ; mess , H5.CO
rUJTTIMl-Dull ; wmti-in dnlrv. 15Jll7c ; wpstprn
cri-iiinerj' . I'-Stlx , western furloiy. l iiljlfic ;
Iis-ii3 : , - M ; stole diiliy. ll'j':3o ; &tntc civamury ,
CIIKUHCWrnh : rtntP. Ifitge , SfllO'lc ' ; snull ,
S'iftlO'ie ; pail tklmti , 48SHC ; full skims , 3'j
KROSFinn : stnto nnd I'cnnsjlvnnln. SH T10c ;
Ice house , lyxfftin.ventern. ; . frt-ph , Ift lS1 1 ;
infva , { . ; lecelpts , 4.I6S pKga.
TAU.O\V Steady : rity ( tper pl < R. ) , 4Ts < 'J
country Ipkps. frtie ) , 5o.
l'l-rntoIl-UJt ; Dull ; Vnltril clns.nt . 82Uc
Mil , U'liRhlnfct'in. in bbln , , tii ; WashliiKtnn. In
bulk , KM ; refined. New Ymk , f5 ] 5 ; 1'hllndoliililn.
and M.iltlmotP. J3.10 ; I'hlhulclp.ila and Haiti-
more , m Imlk , K.W.
HOHIN Stcnily : Htralned , common to ffood ,
PIC IKON fjulet ; Pootch , JID.WSK.M ; Ameri
can , fin.iio jn oo.
M O I. ASS KS Ht end y.
Itlt'K AdvnncliiK ; domfstlc , fnlr In extra , 4i
G 'Jc : .Ininn , 4siJ4Tc.
cat'PHIt-stcnds- : . J9.CO.
I.KAD-Strnilr ; domestic , | 3.17Hff3.20.
Ht'ii.Tiit-nim : : ; domef.tlc. $3.4.fji.M. :
TIN-Steadj ; straits , tli5.23fll6.10 ; | dati' , quiet ;
K.nteH on 'change , 2. > IOIIH Novemhci tin at 11G.C5 ;
SO tons December Iln nt $ lfi 03.
COTTON HKii > OlIQnlDt but nrm : prlmo
cniil * * . nominal : off crude , nominal ; yellow butter
ffrades , 3Sc : cliol"H yellow , 40141c ; prltni1 yellow ,
.lie ; yellow off t'radts , 32Q30'.lc ; prime tthlle ,
Ouoil Attciulaiico nt thu AiictUin SiU ; > s on
tlio I.iiiul 'n ' Iloiird.
LONDON , Pcpt. 21. There "ia n good ntlend-
n/ico nt the wool nucllon fnles tTtlay nnd n lim
ited competition between the I'rench , Amcrlenn
nnd Ocinian buyers. Orenay Victoria and Sydney
worn especially naulml. obtnlnlns I"
Instances a prnny advance on the Inst peilen. A
Beneinl ilso of ! > per cwt Is now fully estab-
llchrd In Auxtinllnns. while the Cape ot Good
Hit" " nnd Nnt'ili nro ci'ii-ra'ly ' weaker. Amer cnn
buyers boucht today COO bnlrit.
1'ollowInK nro Ihe sales In ilrtall : Sydney. I.Cl'i
lialea ; scoureil , 65rtWlB ! 4d ; preasv. 4''lfaH' ! ' ,
QueeiiKlnnd , KM luilt-s ; Kccnreil. C'idlilH 31d ,
Iirensv. 5'4dtfM ; Victoria , 3.302 tmles ; scoured ,
fiudijlfl 3d : Krensy , CUilfTlB H l ; AdelaUle. 1.5O )
b.ilrs ; M'ouieil , B dfifls l1 ! ; greniy , 15iSn - ; New
Xfulnnd. 1.S77 linlcs ; ncoureil , 7 < ljila 4d ; RienBS' .
n dfrlOVtd ; fnpe of Orwil Hope nnd Natul. S.XM
bules ; ucouied. 7d fl 4d ; trensy , 3'id ' jM. The
ninnliiT of bales wllliclrnwa from to < lny'8 Rales
were l.r 00.
IIOHTON. Sept. 21.-The American Wool nnd
Cotton UejKirter s.iyn of the wvil trnite : Out-
sldo of a fe\r largre sales the in irket since the
llth Innt. has lieeii quiet , havhuc letnlneil In a
largo ile iee , 80 far an ilomestlc unol Is o ( n-
cerned , the M'altlnET nttltude noted nt last wilt-
liiK. I xceptlnfr the worsted men. who hnve tnken
n conslilerahle unnunt of terrltjrlul WIM | , mnnu-
facturers hnve shown little disposition to buy do
mestic stuck ; line domestic lleeces have been
unusually < iulet , discount wools especially so
Medium wools continue Mtnms U'lth n > quutuble
ohanpro In nny ffradc. There has been recently n
little more look I UK around for coarse wools. The
market Is steady , with n strode undercurrent
nnd a jrenernlly cheerful fecllnc. Interest on the
part of buyers has been mainly In fjpe-frn wonls ;
unusually large sales of Australian have been
made. Dealers nre rapidly getting aequalnleo
with the prices nnd qualities of. foreign stock
outsMe ot Austrnllan , nnd cnn readily nrtnpt
themselves to the new order of Ili'iiKs. Theie Is
a CT > : * 1 deal better feellnK In the carpet wool
triule , nnd the outl k for the business is Itetter
tlian nt any time previously for n year The
sales of the week amount to 2GJ3.7.V ) Ibs. of
domestic and ] .767,0 * > J foreign , nrikln ? n total of
4n6.7M , Ihs. . airalnst a. totnl of 1.933.7(10 ( llw. for
thi > previous week , and n. totnl of 3.111 , < v for
the oorresKiiiIlnB | week Inst year. The snles
since January 1. 1834 , amount to 10r.491.3S5 Ibs. .
UKaUist 8J.73Z.40i ) Ibs. a > rar afro. The snles In
New York nKKrecnte 435. n < | | IB. The ealea In
IMdladelphla amount to l.HQ.SOo Ibs.
Cotton Slarltct.
Ni\V : Oltl.nANS. . 'opt. 21.-rr > TTON Snles.
B | it. 1,4 * ) balea ; to arrive , 2.1M Ink's ; ordinary.
5 1-lGc ! Rood onllnnry. fl ll-ltc ; low ordinary.
5 5-16c ; low raldilllnir. 5 13-lte ; mtddllnir. C 1-lCc ;
rroocl mlddllne. C 7-lCc ; mlil.Illne fair , 6 U-lGc ;
fsilr. Kite , ntinilnal. Itecelpfs. 4,0 S hairs ; exports ,
ccwstwlse , 3f > GD bitles ; slock , 41SI ! bnlrs. Fu
tures , steady ; sales , 55 ! ( W bales ; Keplrmbcr. J. 90
bid ; October. K.eoftS.9 ! ; NnveniVer. IS.pli4tS.91 ;
December , Sr..f'3fC.C4 ' ; Jaiui.iry. tn.orfjf.ri8 ; Febru
ary. 1(1.1206.13 ( ; March. H 1S H.IS ; April. .23fli
d.2. , ; May , IC. iiO.50 ; June , $6.3596.36 ; July. JMO
Itook Island Wn * tlio Pent lire of Speenlu-
tlnn nu ' ( 'liutmn Y t rday.
NBW YOIIK. Sept. 21. Hock Island was
tlio feature of speculation on the Stock cx-
chariKo today. There has been n question as
to the action ot directors as to the dividend
for the current quarter , which was regarded
as settled this morning in favor of the usual
1 per cent. As It proved , there was no
baels existent for this belief , but the short
Interest , which bad sold on the basis of a
reduced rate ot ill vide nil , has tended to cover.
The room trailers also bought and the com
bined purclitBra can red an advance of Vj
per cent to Cf > U. When the stock' had
reached tills po'nt there were rumors that
the directors' meeting would go over until
tomorrow nml tha price sagged off a fraction.
Soon after noon the announcement that a
dividend of ! { lo 1 per cent had been de
clared reached the exchtnge and n final de
termined assault was maila on the shares.
Tha buj-crs of the morning threw their stock
on the market mul bears put out fresh lines
of shorts. A steady , und. at times , sharp de
cline resulted , which continued up to the
close , the last being the lowest price ot the
das' , C per cent from the highest Jlgure of
the morning ana % per cent below yester
day's closing sale. The scaling of the divi
dend rate should not have been regarded as
unexpected. President Cable- had only a
short while ago made n statement in which
he eet forth the unfavorable business pros
pects of the- company , and , whllo making no
reference to the dividend clearly , foreshad
owed today's action , which ls In full accord
Wth the uniform roller of the Kock Island
compn > - not to declare a dividend that Is
not earned. Three years ago the rate of
dividend was reduced to Hs Par cent for two
successive quarters , without any break In
the stock , which Immediately followed the
lint reduction , nnd. there was a steady re
covery thereafter , The other gringers In to
day's markets followed the course or Hock
island os a sympathetic movement.
St. I'aui ooened H per cent lower rose &
per cut iV'cllnrit i ptr cent , Nr-rt' ' wctsrrn
ad'ai.ced ( , and fll f < ff > * p r cent nntl
both closed at the lowest of the day. KURur.
as usual \\M moit active in the dealings ,
but unly pnrtic'pated moderately In the pec-
ultrlve movement , making n declineof Hi
tier cunt on the < ] ay'a transactions , the pre
ferred recordliiR " 4 per cent decline.
Ttu market nt Inrgo was firm at the open
ing , but bccime deprexsed In Bympalhy with
th brcnlc In the grangers , and closed heavy
nt or nenr the lowest of the day. The prin
cipal declines are : Union 1'aclflc , Missouri
1'nclflc , Northern I'ae.fic preferred , ' % per
cent , and American Distilling , 4 per cent.
Some of the specialties moved Independently
of the active list nnd shotted gains on the
day. including Oregon Navigation 1 % per
cent , Lake Shore HJ per cent.
The bend market was not affected by the
depression existing In the share list , but
was linn throughout the day. In most of
the securities traded In advances were re
The Hvcnlng Post's special financial cdble-
gram from London Is ns follows : Thu stock
mitrketb were dull today , closing a trifle bet
ter. The continued absence of sunshine Is a
really dsprcssliiK factor. Americans were
thu best , closing nrm , . a further rise In
I.otsvlHe.Th ! < 3 reported fresh loin for Itrazll
Is disbelieved In ( jiiartcrs.
The Post siys : Today's stock market was
Irregular. Its opening tone was flrm , and. In
Borne Instances , even In the grangers , there
were advances ever yesterday's closing
figures. This wes , however , wholly caused
by the purchases of petty speculators , for
neither the larger market interests nor Lon
don houses made any demonstration.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
New York Jloni-y
NiU' YOltK , Sept. 21.-S1ONKY ON RAI.L-
Kasy HI 1 per cent ; loan , 1 per cent ; cloied
1 per cent.
PAI'mi-SU'li per
STKIILINCJ KXfHANOInnsler. . ivlth actual
husliK'fs lii laiil < ci ' bllln nt H.SG'i'in.M ' ; ' ; foi de
mand and J4.S.'iil.S3'Ki fur Hlity dayK. 1'onUd
latt-H. } i.Ul < Tj4.MHe and JI.Siji I.S7j. ! Comnmclal
bills. tlS4' .
Narr Yorlc Minlii. ; yj > tulo it.
NEW YOIUC. Sopl. 81.-Tha following arJ the
cloHlne immn ? quotations :
Treasury SfatcMiiiMit.
VYASHINr.TON. Sept. 21. The treasury Htntf-
menl Isaueil today shown that the CUBIWIS re
ceipt * at the New York custom house for Ihu
fir * ! twenty il.iya of thin month have been t7.4ll-
797 , URninst J4cr.2.M'i , for the first twenty days of
lam month nml I5r.97.571 for the Hist twenty
dny of September. 1833 , Nut one ilollnr of uold
coin or pohl certificate ! ! wax teceived at the New
Yoik custom IKHIW ilurlne the Hist twenty ila > B
of September.
Cmli In theTrwmury. .
WAHII1NOTON , Sept. ! --At 1 the close nf liuri-
ncsn ti liy UK. net cn h wn H2j.7o3.175. of which
IM.nOrf.Vil7 represented the jiohl reHer e. Tli8 ROM
renenn IMHM'I ! another nillllnn mark today unit
reached the hlKhcsl jvilnt since July 28 , when It
bejran lo dwlndli ) to the I 'west point In tile his-
lury of the depaitnu-nt , J5JmWC ) .
Louilun Stuck Ijmilutlont ,
, Sfi | | tfl _ 4 p. m. closln ; :
Caimlluii I'.ioTdj. ; ilTTd 1st. Paul com Bm ?
Krto lou N. Y. Ceutril 1114
Krlu'-'ds 7M4 EVnnRylranla , : H <
IllK. Central 1171.4 Koiulliur. ] l > ij
Mexican ordinary. ISXiMux.Con. iio\v4 . llllj <
nALTjjtoni : , sept. : i.-acaiinss. j.7ix3i ;
balances. K31.10I.
HUSTON. Kopt. 21.-CItarlnt : . lim.4i ; bnl-
nncen , tl.f-J".40S.
NK\V YOIIK. Sept. a.-tlearlngii , I7j,058lj2 ;
balunces , JViNi.iM.
riHLAUKLI'IlIA. Sept. ! L rimrlnca. J9.111-
C&l ; bHlancee , 11 , C,3C1.
CINCINNATI , Hept. 21.-renilnR | , | I. M.TO .
Jlimey , 3j * per cent. NfW YoiK exchariKr. par ,
TAIILS , Hi-pl. SI. Three ix-r cent rentes. lOUf 3Jc
for the account. Exchange on I-omlon , S3f ] ?
for checks.
JIIi.Ml'UlK. Hi-lit , 21. Clt-rulues , IISO.BW ; Ull-
ancen. J7S.778. Ncv Yoik exchange cllins ut
Jl.W premium.
8AN FHANPISCO. Sept. 21. I > rufU , lKlit ,
lS ic ; teleeraiiliK' , Ilo ; ellvtr bar . Oiii/i3c ( ;
Mexican dollam , 53ji3',4c.
BT. LOUI8. Sept. Sl.-ClcnrlnKii , 13.134.817 ; bill.
nnc * , J547.WO. .Money , dull at Mf7 | . r lent ,
on New York , 60a discount tlj.
B pt. 21. C'lParlllRH.
Money , 4tfl'i per cent for call and "f > f8 | per i-ent
for tlniK. New York eichmiKP , We dlncount.
1-orclsn exchanre , dull. Slerllng. commcrclul ,
LONDON , Srpt. 21. Itar slher. ' ; per ouncr.
Monty , U per cent Tim rale of illccount In tht
market for short bill * la H per cent and
for three mnnthi' bllla at 9-18 per rent , Oolit U
nuoteil loilay ( u liuenoi Ayrea at 2JJ ; Madrid ,
finWSV 5i.BliJ > tUr'tlu ' M : AfeMi wj
Home , a , 100.
Wotk Winding Tfp with Light Eeoeipts of
All Serb of Offerings.
I'rloes I'tilil liy Loral llnvorn MiiTotnp-
tHtlnn to slilr | | < M rCmr mill Stochtrs
brll HtrJinpj lltiR * tlo Off
1O Ccii IB More.
FRIDAY , Sept. 21.
The receipts today were 2,969 cattle , 3,111
hogs and 109 sheep , as against 3,711 cattle.
4GU IIOES and COG ihtep yesterday , and
B.BS2 cattle. 4,200 hogs and 709 sheep on
Friday ot last week.
CATTLK Today's ' run of cattle was somewhat -
what lifihter than yesterday , but not far
from the number received on Krttlajof last
week. There were practically no good beef
steers In Ilio yards , either natives or west
erns. There was n good demand ( or beet
steers and the tnyers arc complaining a
good deal because there arc not more com
ing here. 1'rlccs paid here have been hlfih
as compared with other markets and It would
seem as ir the cnttle would come If they
were In the country. While there were
hardly eiioUKh steers here to make a test
of the market , It could safely be quoted
strong on anything desirable.
There were quite a good many cows anil
canncrs In the yards. The demand fur this
class oJ cattle was active and the market
fully steady. In addition to the local pack
ers , who are liberal buyers. Armour Is buyIng -
Ing a Rood many for his Chicago house.
The fresh receipts of good feeders were
not Inrce , but there were plenty of light
cattle ; . In addition to the fresh arrivals
there was quite a liberal number In the
hands of speculators. The demand for this
class ot cuttle holds up well and the mar
ket toduy was about steady. Jteprcseiitatlva
sales :
? > * ( > . Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
31 strcrs . 1254 | 3 63 C toei . 116 13 00
J. H. Hi own & lira.
46 fi'tHlris.1215 2 C ) .
( ) . Blmw.
2 foun . $03 : 20 4 rows . 970 221
DXJ . 921 2 M G fi" < iln-s. . . . 190 280
.T. C , Hlt-kinnn.
C i" > WR . 1011 2 I ! 31 ! strrrs . 935 3 1)
HOnS The receipts of hogs were very
light toduy , therebclng ; a heavy falling off
as compared with yesterday and with Fri
day of last week. Ilesidcs being few In num
ber , the hogs wern apt as good as yesterday.
There were no toip | ) ' loads in the yards and
the general avcr36e was poor. The marliot
as a whole was l-fy uneven and lower , In
most caeca It wiiuU , be safe to call It lOc
lower than yesterday's general market. The
trade was slow as usual on a down market.
The- bulk of the l\ORS \ sold today at $5.25 to
$5.45 , , against } 5.rr yesterday and
JG.65 to $5.K5 on-fVWay of last week. Hep-
SHEEI1 There was only one load here and
thty were very common. Thu market would
be Bleady on desirable fat sheep and lambs ,
for which there Is a fair demand ,
fit. Ixnill Live titocU Murknt.
ST. LOL'IS. S-'t. 21. CATTLB-Kerelpll. l.MO
head ; ahlpmrnti. I.30U head ; market vteady ; ni.
( Ho utrcro. nominal becnuiio of llitlit upr > lr |
Tuxaa aUtrs. kUO to 00 | bs. , j : . i4fl ; C0w ,
LcaO ; jtilpmtntr. J.109
I'T.-Rulnr ' un.1 . in. | , .vr l , "
15.700 tr ' ' " * ' " ' llwhl- ' " 1 "
in ni ! in ri' , 1" - o. rom
' 1" ' ? hl " ' ' " ' " < " ' V'frHiS.i5.
r . " ' " l | > t . IWI lieiiil ulitpmrnti ,
' " " ady atld " ' " " " " " r
o t light urpiy'
ami I > IM HIIIHH of Stunk.
T 'H' ' ' " ml < " I lllnn nf
! ' " * 'k" ' "f ' ; ip l'"lon ' ril" < l ) Ylinl9
f lll > 1.l" ( > "l > - ' ' > "r hours 1-n.lliiK nt
p. in. , Sfpti-MituT 81. 1MI :
Cnr . llrad
. - . . IM 2 , ! J
0" ' . 41 3,111
f nOrp , , . . , . i . . .ft
3iot e ana mule * . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . 5 31
. ] ? * . Cnltl .1lo r .Shop.
Til ? ' " ' ( POI1'I > " " 3 < . Wl
' " ' " " IlHiiinvmil
. ; ooniiwny 47S Mfl
CIIICAfill MVH .Vl'Ol.'IC.
piti uiiil Ciiiittiuicil llcinintl
Kept ratlin I Irin ,
rflir.uio. fliiit. SI.-llBhl n-celptii unit contln-
lu-1 nctlvjty lii Hi , . ( Ic-man , ) kepi tinrattln
Iwt firm. Thnxv win lu-lil onlora fur Roml n.itlM-M
wcio butlimul tn III ) il , , . , , , . fr iiiencrt l.niclj-
! .oni ) native catils ( , f nil punlps mi. ) nil iinuruiilly
unnll | > ricrnlnm of ( hut iiumlxr cluspcil ns
'BV. , | . " li , the , , iwl.nri. , , r a millli-lpiir-y of tli-alr-
nbliBirlM l.nj-ers IIIMIP.I th-lr , nticntlmi to lo cr
KI-UI . ! . wlili the I Milt Iliiu thai lunnrli of ( ho
mnikft ilrvcli.pwl lncii , pil ilnninw. Th rf wuq
liiithliiK In the slmpo nf u Iniltuch Hint . oulil not
, . , J.ThurKlnj'H iirlceinnil slui-k thai hml
an ntlrnrtluii w.lil tnncer. , Nntlvi-n WINn nli.l
IrJtil.-1r > " ' " wltl1 m" " " ' l" '
? tJ"'Br" ' " " ' " '
fi .in $1.8 , - , In J2. , . , fr , cnw . lirlfnm aiul Lull ; . . Wul
nl finm I4.i. to } 0 finSI.PIS. . Tintimicr r iiun.
Intti.ns for wcsloms wns from J1.r'i ' in JI.R5 with
Ml'-9 l'rlnl ' , . My 11 fivm J2.75 to J.l.30. Tlici-p
mr'i" , ' ' "i * " ' , ' " ' " ' ' T < 1 ! 1" ' " " ' ' ' ' "IHIiut. . . !
r- , \i- ' " tl4.1"1 . " " > ' " ' " ' w.n.iijif nt fiom so
tI ! I'M maikft wua Him n' from
Tlj'"KII1i"lltt. , " " ' < "R"ln ' Jr-v ll1"1"J
s wi'nk. All Knnli-s WPI-P lower , the
hpu were fi-w Iriulra nlHnv H anil the
rst ] , nn of | | , C 2.V10 heR ! < on Mp | do. r > 1 of
whlrh wi-i-c Mill ) . ) .nhl helnw j.SV I'ni-koi-H In-
? ! . | ' ' , llvlna : , ' * " " ' " " ' ' r. i. ami , .aM.-ni
m ? ? ' " . ' : ; l" ' . .8r , Di orl that
brntiKlii from 16.23 In * 0.r , ycyipniny ,
fSilT1' ! 'rlc' ' ! ' wcr" " " ' 'r loil.iy. Only nlmnt
B.OOO hpail nrrlvo.1. uml HIP mint rM IH | , lft , , live
rtnjH IK only KllKhlly In PVITSI of r , | nw as
nunliiht nearlv 7".ft < ) hpml for II , , . | , | , n
nn.l W.IXM n yir , nito. Tinmulipt ha lie.Mi
( li-oiiK I ir sum.lny . * pant , nnil Is n . a tiltU-
litRlirr than nt the , . | , m , . of | , , . l wi-k. Imlh fnr
Khprp uiiil hi nils. Tinnmffc of rniotntlonn for
pnur to i-holcp Rliei-p l. irmn U to SV1 vUih nxfu
ciunllty ipntPd n < s hlKh nn J3.50. I.-imlm linvc nd-
v"Vl-P1.1.11. r'1"1 * - ' " l4'3' ' o"1 " ' ' "ir.-ns KIM.- .
KIA'KlPTS-Cniilo. ; , ; oo lipnJ ; lioss , 15,000
head ; nhwp. C.G W hcail.
New York l.lvi Slui-k
4.33I lieuil ; four' CUB on nile ; im'ikrt slow , hut
Kiwinlly EU'iul } ; natlv.sloirs. . f lr to „ ! , S4.75
.i. 10 ; oullnary 10 nmlltim , } 4.1iiN G3 ; iimimon to
12.2381.00 ; ImllH , t1.73fi2 2H ; ilrs rriun. Jl.ilH2.3i > '
I.imipenii cable * quote American FICITB nl MTlOc
per 11) . , ilifpMil wrlftlitx , K'ftlKi'i-nlni' hicr , GH
sc per In. I'.xjiorln tiklny , ii.1 uit > vn nml 2 1GO
iiunrters iif hcof ; cxiiiirtu toninrrow , 1.333 beeves ,
SS.i nnil 4.3SO tiunriem 'f luff.
SIIKKP lU'cclpts. 3.1US hpiiil : SIS hoail nn HHI | > ;
iimrliPt ptnaily , shw-ii. ixillmirf in prime Jt"i4
' ! ? , , ? ) lnrt > i'l' ' ' Dilmi' . 13.07iff4.-ifl. ( :
I1OOS Ili'ctH | | , , 3.4SG hpiiit ; 226 hciul on snip ;
niatket hlRher ; urdlnary to ch > lco hos.i. $0.231 ?
Knniiic Clly Live Stork Viirkot.
KANSAS 1'ITY. Pit. 21.-rATTLH-n Ti-lits |
i.M ) hcail ; Khlim | 'iiti' . 3.SW10 head : inniUet uttimif
' , " ! . ' ! ; , ' " ; ' 1Vv'llITS. ' . tl.T5A3.00 ; T.'xas cotts ,
S1. II2.25 ) ; h.'pf stivls , . ; nitlvi- cowsi
Il.uO XlM ; .IIH-I'-H | nnil fi-ciloip ,
IIOCK-Ilrreltitg. 3. no ) lirail ; phlpinciils. l.fOO
huail ; market ] 5i luwnp ; hulk , , f sah-a. tS.uOfl1
' " ' ' ' '
' "
nilx'c.l , | 5.00fii.5i1"ilBlit. ; .oli'lfVul ) ; . . $ . :
u , 10.
SIIKKP IlccplptK , .1.000 licnil ; shipments , 3.9')0 )
hi'ail ; maiket Htt'aily.
Stock In Slht. |
riii-lri"iVil " - r c , ' ' ' ' " ' < nl "I.0 f"r , Prlnelpnl mukels
_ , , Cnltle. Hon ( < . Shi'i'p.
Riiuth Omaha 2 , : > Gi ! s m lee
f-hlCIB ! 7.500 13.0W 8000 City 7.RQ. ) S.G10 3,000
St. [ .mils , 3,210
2.1,211 9,703
St. LotiU C.i'iicnil MurkoL
ST. I.OL'IS , Sept. 21. rLCHJll-liuH tnid un-
WIIKAT Oiu-nni FI IIR , hut .Irnssi-il < l.wn ' , ( .0
lat -r. A tally then spt In. tii n chute Ur > livltcr
than ycHicnlay on inlllliiK ili'inaml nn'il i-xnort
bujiii ; No. 2 ictl. c.ih. 4S"'ic ; Hiptcmti-r ' 4 iic' '
IJprf mbcr. SP-tc ; May , D7c. "
COI1N Dci-llnm ] r , , -aily , Inn mllleil ivlth
wheat to yeKt"nlay'n clnslnR pilcn ; Nn. 2 mlxi'il ,
catli. 54'Jc ; Hi'iilrmlier. 53c Irid ; Dt'cciiibfr , 48c ;
Jtay. We.
OATS W-ak uml Uc lower ; Nn. 2 , cash , Hi'U-
trinlHT nn.l OclolM-r. 30c ; May. S.V.
KYi : Stronsi'i-j 49c LIU foi No. 2 cash and
HAIIt.KY No tnulliiff.
" . "A " 0" " "II11 li'-avy nt C2Hc for met ti-.iH > ,
ri.AX Siirj-lBher : | [ oml nun at J1.3S bid ,
coat sldr.
CLOVIMt SKiiSti > aJy lit tS.Wi8.13.
TIMOTHY SUits.7S : fur piling to nrrlvc.
IIA fjulct iiii.l unclinnKcU.
KROS l-iu'liiiiiintl.
I.IOAU Klim ul tt.05 for September.
" " " ' - ' -
--Ml M.30
, - . . .
( COTTON TIKS-rnchriliKcd.
UAOniNtl rnrhaiiRril.
rilOVlSIONS-QuM. I'oik. Ftnnilnrd mes * ,
Johhlnp. JH.33. Innl , prime stoiini , $ S.hi ; eholce ,
JS.ii , | . IJry M.It ir.cntv , loow HhoiildiM-s , IC.SO
lonss nml rllis. 17.70 ; nlioilH. J7.90. llaonn.
" '
IIKCKU'TS I'lour , 4.flO ) hhN. ; wh.-nl. 41 000
bu. ; corn. 9.COO hii. ; ontH , O,00' ! ' ) ln.
SHIl'.MRNTS rioui , 0,00) bhlx. ; wlimt. ( ? 000
hu. ; corn. l.COO Im. ; oali , J.OOO bu.
C'.iffi'e M > irk t.
NKW YOJtK , Sept. IL-COKKKE-Optloni barely uteaily , vllh November unchunRp.1
nnd others Sf(13 polnta drcllnc ; nil l Renerally
weuk and elnseii easy at 10W30 points net do-
ti'lS.V- ' . ? ' , ' - " ' ' W0 tas8' InrliKlliiB ! Keplembcr.
I'-WSH.lj ; October , JI4.20 ; KovemlH-r , I1I.7.VB
! i'S2V : ' < ! Mn J I12.K12.53 ; .laiiunry , J1J.13
12.35 ; March. Ill 90t12.l5 ; Kpot cotTee , Illo , dull ;
IIHKB Santos , p. t. Warehouse ilellverfcn nt
New 'Vork yesterday , 790 hacs ; New Yotk Btoek
tixlny. 10 > .4I2 buR ; l nllid HtntcB Ftock , 115,7:2
MKK : nllont for the I'nlted Stales. 25iOW bass ;
total visible liupplv for the- United Slatts. 400'7Z2
ImCT. iiKHlnst 2S.S.177 bans last year.
SANTOS , Sept. 21.SIaiketenk ; pooil aver.
IIRP Siintos , $11.10 ; receipts. 24,000 I.IRB ; Hoclc ,
510.000 haiSs.
lIAMHfllCl. S > pt. n.-MnrHet dull nnd un-
' ' ' "K < ; ' 1 1" 'i ' PfK lower ; sales. 23,1100 bans
. . "AVltK. Sept. 21. Market opened Irrpsnlir at
' ,4 i * f mlvance ; m noon , unchanved ; nt 3 p. m. ,
steady und iinrhnnKPil to tyf ndvdnce ; aiivnnrp
( hletly on near ixisllluns ; rinsed Btendy nl net
' - ' - - -
l.tiorpocil .iarltfi. | .
I.IVKllI'OOL , Sei > t. 21.-l'ItOVIHlONS-HHm9.
ilcmand piK > r ; ithort ml. i'Js M. llncnn. demand
prjor ; riiinhcilanil nnd cut easy at 43 . Khnrt
nbi. easy nt 42. ; li.nK rlenr. 4' . His. , dull nt
< I M. IXIIIK und Khort clear. 55 Ibs. , dull ut
42s , Nhnuhlera easy nl TC .
rilKIOSi : Klrm : demand moderate ; llncst white
nnd colored , fls ril.
TAI.LONV Nonilnul ; demimil poor ; prime city ,
23rt ,
COTTON KHUn 011-Klnn at Sin M.
TfltrKNTlNB-Slendy ; demand moderate ;
spirit n 21s.
IIOSIN Dull ; Ociiund modvinte ; coiinnun ,
IIUI'S At I indon ( PnclHc coast ) , steady ; ilc-
niHiid modeiate ; c : i 2 lOn.
The receipts of wheat for the past three liny *
were 8M.OOO centHla , Inrludlnj ; VX.W1 centnln
American ; reeelpls of American coin , none. Kino
autumnal weather hn prevailed.
OATS J4o lower ; No , 2 mixed , ! No.
white. 32e
HUTTKH Weukj creamery , l C23c ; dairy , 17
KOOH Finn ; 17C1SC.
HIX'KII'TS-Wlient. 33.700 bu. ; i rn , none :
oat . 13COi ) hu.
SIIII'MKNTH-Wheat , JS.SW bu. ; c rn , none ;
out , none.
Mliinriiiiill9Vheui | XIarkor.
MINNIZAl'Ol.lH , Sept. 21.-Cash wheat In ntnie
nml cash wheat on Hack were In active demand
today , particularly the latter , us elevator men
and mlllera weru active buyers , holitlntf prices
up to yesterday's lluurffl. while futuie montln
sold unwn ul ut 1 0 and closed ' , tc lower f&r D .
cember , with May at the came prlcn as yester
day. Theio was particular nctlvlly , however. In
the .leinaml for fresh arrivals. The recelpn in
the country are reported to bu about the sainu as
N , W. HARRIS & CO ,
163-165 Dcnrboni-st. , Chicago.
15V l | . t. . New York. 70 SUte-il. , Boston.
CITY , CODHTT , pv K I I V f\
jjoaibi n4 cola , Oerreicea < leac Bollciud ,
Discovered America ,
We Keep it Clean
Solid Oak , . feet , finished ivntiqno , size of top 21x21 Jn.
note tlio slice ) , Jiai oxti-u Hliolf batow , in fuel is jmt lika out aujvo. This
is only one of the ninny bargains wo ! U-o ottering thron hout our entire
ostublishmcnt. TERMS-CASH OK EASVT FAY.MISMi'd.
Formsrty Peiple's ftlaminaft Inshliminl Hous3.
Send 10 cents for postage on Bii ; ' 01 Cut
Write for Iluby Carrlugc Cutaloguc Muiluvl Free.
( iotiJs S3kl o'.i payments hi Council lllufTs & South
Close Evenings at G'K ) , cxiupt Alondnys an J Saturdays.
early In th week , wltli n > e pwlal iusl > . n > r iloes
there peem to he inueli let up In the disposition
or fanners to nfll rather freely. The mnrlict
eloped : September. r l&ac , Deci'tnher , B3lhC. May ,
f,8ic ; on trnelc. No. 1 hurd. t&'Ae : No. 1 nonliern ,
K\c ; No. : noillHTH.'tc > Itectlptn weie 418.000
bu. ; shipments. 22i , X ) Ini , There In a Breat deal of
vacant elevator caparity licre. and the deslie tu
fill II with Iho larpe purchase * f miller ! " IH ex-
pcrlt'd tn keep the inniket fir cash wheat up tea
a round price nil the nraecin. The demand for
Hour wax fair , but millers lire makiiiK lulhor
more thun they are helling , nnd the Irndency U
rather tn emtnl the production than tn enlarge
It. I'rodurtlivivaa estlnialf < l nt 37,000 hMx. for
the twenty-four IIHIIB , uhlinni ills , te.W > libln.
The market was ( piotod Hteady , Patents ,
S.ldj bala-rB , J2.p.ff2.M. ( )
Suciir Miirkct.
NK\V YOIIK. Sept. ZI.-SlIOAU-Iliiw. steady ;
salt-f. 1,200 l > nK centrlfUKiil , 1't ' tent , at break-
water. to BII to lloMlon. lit 3 Jc ; refined , < iulet ;
No. 7. 4 l-lG n4c ; No. 8. 3 15-6fH.e ] ! ( ; So. S ,
S' T4 1-lCc ; No. 10. S13-irf(4 , < - ; No. 11 , 3U 31-ICe ;
No. 12. 311fiffSiNo. | ; . 13. 3 11-16 < - , off A. 4'/4 ' f >
4 11-lCc ; mould A , I'Kc ' : Blandard A. 4'i1Hll-l c :
confectlonetw' A. 4H < il ll-llio ; eut Inaf. S S-ir.JJ
Blie ; eruslied. C 3-IGW&&C ; powilered. 4H5J1 1-lCc ;
Branulated. 4Sf { 13-inc ; nifinn. 4IU3 l-16e.
LONDON. Sept. 21. HtVJAH Cainno demand ;
centrifugal , Java , I3ald ; Mutcovado , fair relining -
lining , lUCJ. _
Nnw York Dry llnoiU .A
NBW YOIIK. Sept. 21.-In adilltlon la Iho
larKc forwardliiKs from the mills direct to mar-
ketH of purchases , there nan u larger
visible movement of uootln In the dry g ( od3 dis
trict , Indicating that mare * Koods t\ere Ijeln ?
delivered on matuiliiK oiders. The onler demaiiilii
nnd personal selection were for nuwlfrate quan
tities. Htlll the ntirket showed less purclinscH
m usual to this period ol the Heaisun.
clotln uro quiet.
IllllnlhVlicat 'Miirket.
niJI.fTlI. Sept. 21. WIII2 AT No. 1 hard , cash
and September , C7c : No. 1 n'irlliein , rauli nnd
September. M'Je ; Ileretnber , DOe ; Mils' . CQ'i ' < " ; No.
2 northern , cash. 57c ; No. 3 , Me ; reji-clcd , 4"c.
To arrive : No. l northern , ninv and idd , SJtc.
.Munch ller Te it lien ,
MANCIt:8Tiit : , Pnt. -i-lotli nnd yarns
dull and easy ; merchants nut wllllni ; to pay
present prices.
'l''rUeo IVIieat IJuolallo'ii.
SAN KllANCISrO , Sept. 21. W1II3AT Dull ;
December , iCV4e ; liny , ! )4'ic. ) 1'l.KKT fi.ULD Ji
1'ive lliiree.i Sunk In u Jinn at tlio lml
Isluiul DUIII.
FITTSIiUUQ , Sept. 21. The big coal fleet
began Its Journey down the river Oils mornIng -
Ing , tlio van of the 70,000,000 bunhels In
the harbor , starting at daybreak. Several
costly accidents occurred at Oavla Island
dam. H. A. Dlachmore ot the McKlnley
Coal company lout two barges , the I ) . I } .
Wood lost two and the Charles Drown and
Percy KelBcy , ol which Hrowu'u eons lost
a barge.
Awfully Military.
The Sunday Dee will contain a tpcclal
letter from Lcavcnworth dcplctlni ; ( ho chief
characteristics of the city and describing
particularly the inllltary prison , the fort
and tho- National Boldlera' Home , located
lher .
Oregon Kidney Tea. cures nervous head-
achei. JrUl size , 25 cents. All
Made a well
Man of
ruonrcES THE AIK B
lllxri.TH In 8O l\Yfl. CiilcT"all1
rvvrvou * liiiuniHR. Falllnir Memory ,
r rnll,8li'CU' | ] Fn < T , Nightly knife.
lion * , etc. . earned by | innt > nbuhoR , irlr B vlpor end tie * 4
loihrmilrnorKMii , anil quickly kuteurclr restorrit
Lot Manhood In ola or young. nillycarrl llnTeik
pocket. l'tlr' > l.l'iiaj > nclc ifB. Kii Car & .OOnlili a
frltlrniriiiirniilf to pure or mon < > yrefunded. l > on't
tn\iai \ > IniiMl/oti , l.ul Inilit on ImvliiK INIIAl'O , It
yuurdni4iriBthiis not ( rot It , wt * will 0endltprrplil.
Ilrlrntul.MrdlculC'o.l'ropi. , ( il ( o , lLoroir | > LU.
SOLD by Kuhn & Co , Cor ijlli and Douglaso Sit. ,
ami J. A. Fuller Cc Co , , Cor. 141)1 ) and Uouelais
Sis. . OMAHA , NkU.
Dueber = Hampden
17 = Jewel
arc known by rail
road men anil other
experts to be un
equalled for wear
and accuracy.
Tbe Ducbcr Watch Works , Canton , 0.
Curer the effects oC
dl' , uae , fxcGBsca ,
< mr ions , linputenoy ,
vu'.cocelu urnl consti
pation. One dollar a
box , BX fur IS. For
Eulo by THi : UOOD-
Uinatm , Nob.
Commission Merchant
( irain nuJ Provisions.
Private wlrea to Clilcaeo and New Vorlt.
All bu liie 3 urderu piucea on Clilcaga
Uouril of TiuOe ,
Correviiumlc-nce tollcltcd ,
Ortlcc , ruom I , Ksw York Life Uultillnff *
" ' "
IH.III InviiliULhle aia lo InvcnlorH Since January
luthO iwrcuut. of our pruJIclium liuvu buuii ful
Our Co-o | > ar.ilivuHtock Combination * ! nro IIL-OV
Ini ; IdKhly proltit'lo ( , mil uru valnublo to ilioni
nut t > ia puHillon of iimUlnY tt bueluubu of fellow-
tut thoinarki'l. Slneii J.uunry IHI. IbUl. molt | tur
rent , nun uiieii illvUlod iimoutf HUbiicriburu ,
phlutH fnio upuii rixjuiml ,
eishtft oo..stock Orokora ,
J.8 uudM