THE OMAHA Tim OMAHA DAILY DEI ; i : IUJHIV\.vrnn i , nt.r IM lil.HliD | | : KVKIIV MollNlNO I' f ( vrllliniil JkmOHV ) OH * Y r. . < 8 J ) J'i'h litntwl Htm-lHf. One f nr . . . . > } JJ H i M.n lm . - . 2J Tin M-tiil * Sniiiliiv I1 1 > Uni 1 < r Biliirliiy ll < n Oi.f V.-ttr . . . 1 frl Y. u M > line , I Hi" * iiiu . . . ca Onulin II f lit * Itnllilln * . , . _ . KoiiUi ini ibn roinrr N nh1 1 n nljfftiirlh 81 * . mn I III. . rr , II Piiul filrr't. < hl < k ini. . 1IT < hun1r if l > imm rt . : \ w 1 nit It" .mil 13. II tnrl 1\ Tribune Hl "VV uhiiiKton IliT P f lift , VV. . V > l ininiimi iillMiK rrliitlrm to nrw * < in < 1 1I- loiliil unit r , li nil Ic nillrwMJ To Ihe I'.JIlor. IM \'iiH : I.KTIKttM All in In > IMlnti nml mnlltiiiK. * . * MimiM tw B.I li --I 1 1 111" liteI'nlillnlilnr company. Omiln Prirm itt > fk anil | > n t lit "Mprii tn L > n i I' nonMf I i III * < ii.I r nf Ihr r imiwnir. i in : IIKI : I-IJIIMSIIIXO I Ki-vrrMivr or rmcur.TIOV OIIKH H Tz ctim1 < . wcrotnry of The Hw rut- ! ( < HiiK coiniKinv , Ulnff iliilywotn HIIJH tlmt tillnchnl nmnl > r nt full nnil fomptiMe i-'pn nf Tin- Hilly MurnlniKvonlwc finil Mmiil < lire lirlnlr.1 ilurlmi the month ot An U t , IWt Vkas Hunilay nroioi : 11 Sworn In Iwfdrc rne nnil uuhficrllwil In Tny prcnohrc till * 4tli < li > of Scplcinl r 1S3I ( Huii ) NP rrnr , . Iv > tnry I'uMIc Wn rrjciltt- thn ( | iilrlirili < l riinicU ncn of Ilio ( u-opln coiirrrnliii ; pullllntl rf.ilr < , iinil will holit nil ) il > llo olllicrt to u rlcld re- IIOIIHIhllll } mill t tiiij | ; ( tli t iiiritim 'pl ilo' | ) Hint tint ) uo < ( i iitliin mill imnlHliinent of all \vlio luiti.iy idlhlil triiKt * . uliall lie swlfti tliiir uli ) iintl un ° | > iilnt * . Niitliinul lEnpub" lUiin IM.ittmin , IH7II. The sent ot war lias been transferred from Corca to Nebraska Tills Is an oft year for ple-tiltcrs , oven when they arc reinforced by tlio gravel train anil the depot master. Mr. Jacob Sloit Tnssclt got tlio cheers anil applause , but Mr I.cvl P. Morton got tlio votes and Hie nomination Pugilist Curliett la anxiously nwaltlnc a challenge from Ills latest rhal. Pugilist lllchanls ot the Hlkliorn district The Roverninent sunejIns parlies up In Alaska arc lieliii * called In. So nrc summci boarders and Jersey inosriultoes. Wilt the Nevf York democratic state con > ventton be as Iclnd to Senator Illll aa was the New Yorlt republican stale convention ! Secretary Morton nlll be nnxlcusly at the other end of the Atlantic cable foi ofllclal nc 6 from tlio democratic county anil state conventions about to be held In tlih city. The cuckoo orpans arc so glad of the Louisiana democratic revolt that they de clare they ulsh It had occurred long ago If It had the cuckoos would not even havt Jiad the cuckoo tarlft 1)111 to rejoiceover. . Some one nsks , Will those who assert thai Itio Union Pacific la bound by Us agree ment to furnish terminal facilities In thli city stati- when they are bound to do It' Will those who assert that the railroads nn liound to pay the r taxes state when the ] uro bound to piy them ? Labor Commissioner Wright Is to Investl gate the effect of machinery on labor am publish a report of the sament nn ex pcnso to the government of $10,000V < feel sure tluit he could make a report of th effect of railroad passes on labor commissioners ors that would bo equally Interesting- much less expensive. There Is nothliiK unreasonable or oppros elvo In the conditions ot the agreement b which the Union P.ielflc railroad U alread ; bound to the city to build a union static Ireo to all railroads which may care to cnte upon the pament of a moderate compensa tlon. If there Is any Inclination or dcslr to build a neu station , let It be built mult- the existing contiuct , The activity of the federal brigade In th democratic primaries for Douglas county ha no counterpart In the political history o recent years. It recalls the postofflco ring and other federal rings of a decade or mor tack , with thU difference , that tlio machln was then manned by republicans , wherea It Is now manipulated by democrats. Fed eral Interference lu local politics Is nluay resented and rebuked. The desperation of the Majors railroad cor tlngent could not be more conclusively show than by their persistence. In repeating th .atory of Judge Ilolcomb's connection wit the Hurllnfiloii as Us attorney notwlthstant Ing the lattcr'B explicit denial and the cr tire absence of proof for the assertion. Th railroads vionlil not be In tlio least cor cerncd In I campaign If they ucro Ing all the candidates In their employ. Omaha Is iilwaya ready tn lend her Ir flccnco and support to the cause of law an order. That Isliy no dlfllculty whatevc Is encountered In securing an expression c \ opinion against lynching and lawlessness i all kinds , particularly tn the south What cter outbreaks of this character liavo 01 cur red hero lm\e been tn violation of tli public sentiment and hiuo been promptly d ( nounced. Mob violence rece-Ivej tu syir Lathy In Omaha. A prominent citizen d sires The Dee I tell \\hero the money comes from to pay f < the prosecution of Major Hemls He point out the fact that Ilascall has for years bee insolvent nnd could not raise the ln\s > er fees , and Wheeler Is In no condition final dally tu throw away a dollar 'Who ' putting up for Hascall and Wheeler ? osl our subscriber. This question ve canm ar.fner. excepting by surmise. Who Is It tercstej In the plot to depo < o Mayor Ilcnili Ko doubt some party that has claims agalm the city lilch thu ma > or has b en vctoloi The fact that money \\as ottered to at leai three members of the council to sign tl impeachment charges leaves no room ft doubt that parties who have bsn thwartc by the mayor on schemes to loot the cli treasury resorted to the dcsperato eipcdUi of trnvlng him remoted by trumping t Cbargea of malfeasance. T'i" 1,1 R M I vy Jclil ie I ly the fM lox m of lii j lu In tlia Dongi i cninl ) tiriti ari- 11 s , nl - | ) r toil li > hl < n r-rjiii nt a ] , .ul r ciiilL.mi.ii < nt of hli Keuniurlnl lilntfnrin * r , 1 rupediilU 'hi Otnmnil ( < n frcl coliujcr of silver at tli latin of IB tn t , Mr. Ur/iin Ilkntlttr frc illrer mth'tflMlB , ID UlxnliiK nniltr a deliiulon. The ie l BlKiillloaiica of the victory of 1li < - llrj n fnctlon tit the Intense opposition In the rank * of the ( Uinorrac ) of this lt > anil iimty to the dcuptralp cITorts mad by the 'lemucratlc railroad facllott ( o play Into the Imnda if the rallrutid rpwhllcani. The Rroundwll which m.inlfeMi'il HseK In the dcmocrnlli ; prn'ari ! < > * is more t > I a remuntran < .i' actilnst tliH conspiracy Itiilde of the demo- cratlc ] i4irty to foist Thomu J. Major * Into the K vcriuirs chair tlmn It vas an indorse ment of th * pet financial hobb ) of W. f. Iii > un or tlie aspiration vhlch lie entertain * lo become the successor of dairies V , Mai-deraon. The triumphant el ctlon of a Ilrynti delegation In tlio stronghold of the railioafls and administration Torres Is dou'it- ' lt K KratlfilnR to Mr. llryan. but it should not be mlslntnrpictu ! h > him Into a | iL > r < nnal ovation. When the seuitarlal ISSH ? cornea t bo foiiKlit out at the polls Mr Hrjnti will nnd a dlffprpnt comlltlon to deal with The r al mcanliiR of the defeat of the rillroad nnd fcdi'ial com bine H the fiat nt the rani , and filr of the democracy of this city nnd corr.ty thit : no strati man shitl stand In the way of SllaH Holcomb's election as Ro > einop of Nebra VK. It was well undcrstool hy ths leaders and the rank and file of liolli fictions that HIP contest In thp prlmarli'a was oer M&Jors and Holromb rather than Hi van and fietslher The effort of thu adiiilnlstra- lor ciovxj to inasqueradu as llrjan men waa llicoiinteil nuil so was the talk of electing i detection to endorse llrjan mounted on he Chlragn platform Way dov\n deep the design was to force Hr > an to support a straw nan for Btnernor and tlicroliy to corral tlie Irjan ( action , so as to pre\cnt tin-in from casting thtlr votes for Ilolcomb lint e\cn f tint ] rogrniu had carried a straw man nould be In no position to prevent the masses ot all parties ftoin pooling Issues agilnst the candldatr of Ihrrnllroads and the handlers Majors vas doomed to defeat from thE liour ho was nominated nnd there Is nc lover or Inlluence that can overcome the popular tidal WRVP. In declining to be a candidate for re lominatlon Co\ernor ! Kla\\er ot New Yorl irkes a most significant iulnil.s lon of tin almost hopeless outlooK for the democraej n the Hinplre state this > par. Ills with was u great BiirprlHe to his party Nobody had expected It On the contrary eeiybody had presumed from the rccen action of the K0\ornor that he desired re nomination lie had addressed a number o countj fairs which he would scarcel > havi visited If ho had not Intended to run fo re-election , ami ull these speeches were o a nature to Indicate that he regarded him self as a candidate There Is no doub whatever that he would have recehcd a re nomination had he not withdrawn , and I probably would have ber-n given him b ; ncclanutlon , for there was , no candldat against him. Moreover , he was entitled t It In pursuance of a long established cus torn What was U that induced Gmonior Flone to disappoint the expectation of his part : by withdrawing' What was It that led hlr to the conviction that his nomination vvoul not be so likely to command the full vet of the party aa would the nomination c some other democrat thus discrediting him self as a political leader' He hail made tour ol the stntc and mingled with th farming clement He bad felt the papula pulse and learned a great deal rcBardin the trend of popular sentiment. Is It nc perfectly obvious that it was this observe tlon that caused Governor Flower , who I ambitious of political preferment , to cor elude thnt he ould not be re-elected , an when he reached thin conclusion It meant belief that no democrat can he elected in No1 Vork this year. Nobody will believe tht Governor Flower really thinks himself les able to command the full party vote tha some other democrat. He Is doubtless coi sclous ot having made some mistakes mor or less damaging to his popularity. He lu been a good servant of the democratic mi chine , and that was overwhelmingly beatc a year ago IJut none tlio less Oovenu Klower still has faith In himself , ami wei the prospctt In New Vork at all favorab to democratic biiccess he would not hav declined to be ) a candidate. His act Is plain confession of party weakness It an acknowledgment that he apprehends 11 defeat of his paity Ills political carei has been successful thus fat and he wan' ' the record to stand as It IK , hence ho w | not take the risk of defeat , which he sei to b ? almost Inevitable. The withdrawal of now or Increases li lerest In the dumocratlc convention which to be held next week It mal es probab u factional contest that will be highly lute esllng to the republicans. Doubtless ll end will be the nomination of a man who1 In accord with the machine or at any rai satisfactory to It. but whether thei caiul date be & Hill man or a Cleveland man den ocrutlc unity and haimony In New York th > ear seems out of the question Tlowei withdrawal virtually admits this and Is tl most significant nltn yet Riven of the de perate condition of the Umpire state d mocracy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A rnriTf.Ki.-J . sinntT xKi-xuix Short sessions of congress are usual ! fruitless so far as general legislation Is coi cerned. Them nre several reasons for this large proportion of the members of the low house In particular have , by the heginnli of the short session , learned from the etc tlon returns of the previous November ( hi the end of their congressional careers is sot to be nt hand and that adjournment on tl follow Ing March means their retirement private life With this prospect In view tl incentive lor work Is largely diminished 01 they are more concerned In closlm ; up the affairs In the departments and prcparli to give up their Washington residence th : to exert themselves In the formulation ai enactment of Important legislative measure Especially Is this so when , at the prevloi election , the people have vote l to shift tl responsibility for leglslat on from 01 political party to another , and tl loaders of the majority in the sliorE se slott have reason to apprehend that II newly elected congress will not agree wl them In their policies upon the EiibJecU u pormost In the people's minds In that ca they conceive that they are doing their fi duty when they see that the numirous o proprlatlon bills are properly Introduced ai put through congress , and ilnce these no' adays re-quire so much time It would 1 dlQlcult for them to do much else we they to Inclined. The short tcsslon of the Fifty-thlnl co greus gives every promUe of being ev more frullleai than the average short < K Tbt | > i tl l tiui only Hint a r ml r \.t numb ri who tie prom I- ii'rt u tht 'i u-c n will nut be In the next limt p. Lut aUj ttiat th < p > ht i al i i ipkttuii if tin huiiae will be iliunged so that the nutjmlns majority will b * only wiltmR lo bu relieved f th r" Tioii lblltiy renting on thrm Ald from IhU the ontloitc lor definite not on tn aii ) pending nu.'Mlon Is not -very M < xxt and I ) nrtmlttetl to be so by the highest democratic authorltlei. Senator Ury ot Del- aivire , uho In a member of the foreign relations cimmlttee ol the senate and who rcptweiits tne administration ns nearly as any ore. s ld In a recent * Interview he dil not look foFnny legislation ot Impor- tiinre at the short si'sslon ol cotmrefs Ilo expressed u desire tu see tlie dee raw ma terial und the frns sugar bills already before tlie senate go through Immediately , but as there Is a strong combination ngalnat them lie has no hope of their passage. The same Is true with respect to the free coal bill and tlie free Iron ore 1)111. Senator Clrav Is fur ther of the opln on that the btrong opposi tion to trlir legislation of nny kind will un doubtedly have the cited of stimulating fr s silver agitation , and the insistence of the advocates of free coinage ut the old ratio of IG to 1 may he relied upon to push this Issue to the front whenever and wherever an opportmi tv offer He does not. however , apjear to be tppiehenslve that a renewed silver agitation will nny legislative re sults There ure hosts ol other topics alt- Ing for congressional action , but the chances are that they will nil cither be crowded nut by the appropriation hills , or If reported from the loinmlltees will meet objections from so many rides that they will die a natural death on the calendar It will re main for the rifty-fourth congress to take up all tliese Important questions and to act on them Senator Hlgglns of Delaware Is an earnest advocate of the _ . annexation of Canada to the United States. In a. speech In the seriate Kcveial months ago he pointed out the dan ger possible from the existence of two dls- fiitt governments on tills continent one of thorn owing allegiance to a foreign power Ho said that because of the 5000,000 people on the notth we have the least possible ' .on. cern It is not a power tint threatens us In the least. Coupled with the military and naval power of Great Hrltaln It becomes a mallei of much moro concern , but even jet we tal. < It csslly Hut It Is a matter of vital differ ( lice when Canada contains a populat on o 20,000,000 or of 5001)0000 Then we shal again have the question presented of peac < or var. When tlat comes , whatever tin time or peiloil may be , there will be a tila of .strength In an address Just delivered at Ogdcns burgh , N. Y , the Delaware senator re stated his views regarding a continent. ! union He said that the idea of a policy o reciprocity between the two wll prove to bo illusoiy and that only In cantl ncntal unity , In the union of the people o Canada with the United States as cqua states under our federal constitution , cm Canada be assured the right to fully slur In our markets. "The deceitful illusion heli out by the lowered duties of the recent ( aril act , " said Mr. Hlgglns , "will not bctra ; Canadians into the hope that , uhllp remain Ing n separate people , they will have fre ucccss to our markets. Both peoples wll realize that all dickering between then should cease und that the great schism li feeling between the two branches of th Engl'sh-speaklnK ' rcce will bn healed who they shall be left to work out their destln upon the continent , free from cnlauglemen with the interests , the Influences or the con fllcts of Europe " A great nnny Intelllgen Americans cnteituln slmilai v ews and be riously Ijolleve that the. time is not remot when tills Idea of continental unity will b realized Senator Sherman a > car 01 tw ago expressed the opinion on the lloor of th senate that within a decade a portion of Can ado , would become a part of the United States and that annexation being once begun woul not stop until thin country hurl absorbed th whole ot the Dominion. liut It is to be remarked that those wh hold this view have not recently been geitln any encouragement from our northern nelgli brs. . So far as appears there has been n growth among them for some time of th annexation sentiment The agitation fc union with the United Slates seems to hav entirely ceased or If kept up at all It I not In n public waj. The agricultural pn ducers were the source of this sentimen but as soon aa the democratic party hei gave them assurance that their Intcrci , ! would be almost as well tuken care of as they were citizens of the United States the began to lose interest In annexation. Whr they wanted was not citizenship in the r ; public , not the protection of the America IIg , but the American market for the products , and this having been given thci they are content to remain , at least for tli present , as they arc. AB Senator Higglr pointed out , the farmer o ( Canada with h lower-priced labor and cheaper lands , ca Brow his products at a cost ot 11 per cei less than the American farmer , with whoi ho competes , and every cent of dutj no removed on these products Is a present I tlio Canadian farmer of that much money c all ho may sell in the American m.iiko The farmers of Canada could not reasonabl ask any thing better than this , and as the 3 are assured of It for several > ears the 3 cro not likely during that time to nine attention to the question of annexation ( continental union The other classes of tl population have never very seriously eoi corned themselves with It What Senator lllgglns raid about the ci oroachments of the Cinudlun nllroada ui the Internal carry tig trade of this counti waa far more peitlnent anfl practical tliii his suggestions regarding continental unlo We need not borrow ny trouble about no slble danger to our peace uheii Canada hat. population several times larger than at pre ent because It Is too remote The rallroa question however , has an linmellate or pressing Interest which ought to commar the careful consideration of our I cople. There an ears to be no warrant fcr crlt clslng , os has been done , thu action of Se rotary Carlisle In directing the cancellatlc cf treasury notes redeemed In silver col The secrctiry unquestlonahlj has the law c his side. The Sherman act , under whlc theo treasury notes \vcre issued , requln that they shall be redeemed on demand . coin , and w hen so redeemed shall not IM r Issued When exchanged for geld or r celvnl in payment for public dues they n reissued , but when redeemed In silver tl liw directs that they slmll be cancelled , li provided In the cct that no "greater > less amount n ! such notes ihall l > 3 outstanrllr at any tlniu than the eost c ( the silver and tl bullion standard silver dollars coined ther from then held In the treasurj purch ( sed I such notes. " In his explanation , drawn out I numerous inquiries addressed to the depar ineiit , Secretary Carlisle inalcea It entire plain that when treasury notes are r deemed In silver coin they must ba cancelle the obrloui reasn being that the lunctli of the ji to harifTTbeon fully performed and tlia tilltlfii n v Ivtd In Its Issue hating IKUI diicliurgt 1 cancellation Is not only a iiiturul t nevim n e but is obligatory unier the mandate u ( the law TliH process has within a yenr mn < l consldernble addition to the silver circulation. As A lewed nt a dlRiancc , there Is llttlo chancecl Onuha securing Ihn state f lr. Man ; ot the iffiHiulhorlzetl bj Ian lovote the locution 1.0o jet tn be selected through county bonrdi\ojj agriculture. The rail roads are In p xlilnii to ah&otutcly control the kcation , and they trc known to be fnvorahle lo Dizain In the contest While head officials of the loads drclnro themselves o bo fctilctly neutral In the matter , their nderstrappers mid local igrnts nrc plugging 'or ' Line In as against Omaha. It Is nn- 'artunate ' that In every Issue if Importance Ills city Is forced Into an attitude o'f hos- Illty to o'htr portions of the stale Lin- oln Im.s hint the fair far five years , and , ; i-ne rally speaking has handled it well S'ow Omahn wants U and ousht not to be 'ompelled ' to fiht ( fcr It. Kvery railroad hut touches Lincoln also lends to Onmlii f located here the fair attendance would iloubttess bo 21 tier cent grcutor than nt Lincoln , because iho city affords tninlfold .ttrictloiiK apart fran the fair. This fact liould lie considered hcn a bonus Is pro- i > sed as the prlro of location. Omaha can- lot , in fairness , bo exprcted to pa > at , great in amount a ? other cities c nnot afford o goad u guaranty cf heavy gate receipts. The people of ruha nnd 1'orto Klco nre irgtng tliu Spanish government lo negotiate i new commercial treaty with the United States , based on the reciprocity anangemenl etently abiogated They very naturally dc not like having to pa > n largely Inereasul irlce for Hour , pruvlslons mid other things on which heavy dutle&i have been rclmposed ! ut It seems tint they arc not likely tc real be their desire for a new comnierclr arrinRcmeht , because the State dipartmonl will be powerless under the new tariff law o make any new arrangement with Spall or any other couMry without the consent ol ho senate , and no modification ot the tenn ; ot the act in favor of Spain Is posslbli without amendment of the law by boll louses of congress What the people o those Islands should demand of the Spanlsl government U H reduction ot duties , and thli they will doubtless do. A vigorous agltu tlon for this would probablj produce the de sticd ellett , for the Spanish government I ; anxious to avoid nii > thiiig like a revolution nry movement liv the islands In the mean while the American export trade with Cub : Is suffering and n 111 undoubtedly contlnu < to decline iimler/cxlstlng / conditions. Responding t8an Invitation to dillver on or more speeches in Nebraska on behalf o the republican .tlcl-et , ex-1'rcsldent Harrlsoi regrets that oilier' engagements prevent bin from accepting the Invitation , and close his letter as follows ' The events of th lust > cara have been t.o instructive that th people will not need as much exhortation n usual " General Harrison Is eminently cor rcct. The events of the last three year have been so Instructive and imprcsslv upon the tnlmjv off the people of Nebrask that It requires very little exhortation t Impel them to do'tlielr duty to the party an the country tiy cifmlatlnB the example c Pennsylvania , which gave JJarrlaon GJ.OO majority and elected I'attisoia democral as governor by' l QtXTrAer tfic tattooed can didate , Delam t > r. That pointed rebuke , aO ministered to boodlerlsm by the honest rt publicans of Pennsylvania two years ago , re suited In the election of Galusha A Grow a congressman-at-large the very nevt year b a majority of over 125,000 The most damning charge that has b e brought agiinst Mayor Demls Is that li signs the- warrants for hi ? own salary Tha ought to certainly clinch the Impeachmen charges Think ot It1 A ma > or who sign warrants tor his own pay1 If H.iscill ha hctn elected mayor ho would have left hi pay In the treasury until his successor I the mayor's office would sign his salur wcirant. And Wheeler , whv he would hcrv without pay If ever elected mayor Members ot the Commercial club hav reason to look back with pride upon who that organization has accomplished In th first year of Its existence The comln 3 car should be made to equal if not xurpas the last in the results achieved. The ol Jcct of the cltil ) Is to promote the commerclz welfare of the city and community It Is wide field that has thus far been partial ! covered There Is plenty of room for con tlnulng tlie good work. llift BIIUIII Kml * TJu rp. llloln Democmt J.evl P. Morton Is too olrl for presldo'i but he Is nil right foi governor New Yor will lme n Roorl chlet ma lHtrate for th next three Jeaih _ _ An Fixtirn Yintp , JtufT.ilo UXPIHH ! ireii ) Senator Oem of Town tiottcd out Wllllai II Allison , us 11 presidential possibility tr 1S9G In a speech the otlicr'nlKht Mr All KOIX'H piepldcntlnl boom comes mlghtv nen being an example of perpetual motion. Ilia MUM for llioost. . ClmJnnnt Pnqahrr ( ilem ) Senator Allison of lowu has somothln of a boom for the republican nomln.itln for tlie pie idenc > again. He Is lool.i upon as a man of the conservative recor that would enable him to Htaml on a pla form favorable to silver Knriimt mill I 1-niilllliin Tlm ° R Judge Holcomb Is making nn earnes dignified cnmpilgn lie in not a calamlt shileker , and the charge tint the cied ot Hie state would lie rulneil hy his elci tlon Is ns foolish , , as It Is false Toi Jlajors and hl gangLiinnot defeat Ilo ( onib by Blunder and inlsrepresentntloi The- judge 1ms u wurnv plrue In the heuri of Ncbiaska people , nn l no amount i railroad abuti * can hti'm thu Hood of tav < with which Ilitk'dmb ib everj where n colved. _ < uiltailitln | Thrpiits , I'r fin jnt. Leader The people of thlit state thut nre PI denvorliig to rli ) It of political ] iirnslt < and blood sucki-iWhine ; nut only to llgl tliem lu'iLIn Nitlftailk.i liut they ure coi centrntlntf tlioir forces nnil bringing ever possiblepreHSiirci t ( > . , l'ear on 119 from ou BII > sources Tpfe tftte-st deal is for loti filomla to rirofji1 the names of pa tl > s here who .no nli satlbfleil with Afujoi and report them'tu eastern sharks ) The eastern nhurlcs at3Hice , ( wtlte personal le ti-r to tholr local riuents anil vvnrn the not to BUI port "populists , threatening- they do to take'llVelf business * nwn > Th simply Illustr.itiHtilltiutlifulness ot 01 position for come time to tlu effect thi capitnl thinks It h.i # us foul and It pn no e to resort to every method to pe IH-tu.ite our present condition Let tl eaBtern friends anil vvoulil-lie deatroyt-i of personal llbnity continue their coi temptlble , unmanly covvnnlly , Bloloc entitles U will only teach the people i rise up nnd annihilate nuoh illsloyule - mln. 1 't them withdraw their money they want to AVe do not want It unle we can Elvoalue received for it Oi thing IH HUH * We will not yacrlllco 01 peiHonal liberty In order to pacify the or lend fuitlicr enjoyment to tlieli naal greed I2v crj body known that nil th cry about vvlthdiuwliiK capital on uccou of populist legliilatloti is all liosh Tin have been withdrawing It from'eve ry Hta where they could on Hccuunt of the pan which the > \oluntarll > brought on Bon of those fellow H down east that are attcl Ing : their noses In our local politics itr trying to Intimidate our \oters , tlireutt liiff our business InterestB unless we nn render to them our persunal rights in liberties , need to ho strung up to tel TUBU iwles Just like ulhci anurclilstu. orirnn i , \JN 3ir.iv 01 us. It 1 l.s now < u If tlie i litre hrnn h of pence would lie a i. tpted b ) all > 1. " rulers , Tlio KiLtmtlon in n uro pn halt umlergrin great clmnges slnue thu triple nlllnnce betwcrn HIT niny , Auetrlu-'Iniiar > atru Italy wan tnimod This nllluncis repir'led ' as n liotllle innvc- ncnt bj both Hnssla flml Trance , anil It se meil for n lime lhat .1 Kcnenil r.uiopian war \vnt IneMlnble. The expulsion ot ( ! ir nans from Russia , nnd tlie waifare uf thi Jermiui Rovirnment find baiiKs upon Itui- slin yi'curltlffi , were Indications of the depth of International ) . Hut the Intlii-nca ot Chancellor Olern , the paclllc mlnli > ti > f of state , with hU master wu % more than a mntcli for the I'aniscluvlstB , who were pager for war with ( Hrmaiiy. Iho fact thnt ( Hers. lilts nuccrcded In pr serving his power In ple ( of the attacks of his enemies of the war parly in In Itself a significant blgn of peace All the uithuslahin and gush of Iho naval lenioriMritloiii at Kiotistndt and 1 onion had no effect upon the cool Judgment of th > minister , and to ills wise cuunncls m.i > be nttrllmted the failoie of the I'ranco-Httsslun alliance for n campaign of revenge. The only incnncp to th3 pence of Kurope comes from Km nee Hut Instead of cherishing senti ments of revenge which may tonner or later break out In a Ilami1 of war. Chancellor Capri v I 1ms Invlkd the Trench lo unite with U'rmaiiy In a treaty which would piomnle the welfare of liotli mllons The commercial treaty between ( ierman > and Russia tins powerful ! } contributed In ! r ben the jealousies of the two counlrl u and make for permanent peace nnil goodwill Clinn- cellor Csprlvl think * that bv entering Into u similar trcnl > with Centum ) the Trench would In time ( Vicrlcnc' ) filch nn ameliora tion of tlielr wound that they would alunion the design of recovering Alsace ut the ex pense of n tcrilble war Whatever may b the relative mllit-iry strciiKth of the two natlo'is the Tiench have certainly no reason to fear the Industrial superiorly of (1 ( rmatiy. Thp answer of the Trench to Chancellor Cnprlvl s Invltullon tn commercial peace will be awaltc'd ultli much interest * k Trance has little to fear from Prince Trail- cols Marl" de Hotirbon , who Ins put himself forward In rivalry to the duke of Orleans or , perhaps , rather , ns the succ ssor of the late count of ritumlrard. as the "legitimate heir to the crown cf Trance1 , " ami has just succeeded in getting liinibOf locked up on a two-months' sentence nl Madrid He Is a son ot the eccentric Henri de IJourbon duke ol Seville , and brother of Trnncols d'AsslsI the coubln and husband of Isabella II of Spain Il'nrl de IJourbon was once vlco admlial of the Spttnlih Tleet , but was removed from that olDce on account of his too ' advanced ' political Ideas , and after the revolution ol IbGS he was killed in a duel by the duke oi Montpensl r , uncle of the late count of Paris He was morganatlcally married , and his second end son by that union Is thp present pre tender , or pictender to the pretcmlerBhlp , Francois Marl3 de Hotirbon The litter is nevi 41 jcara old , 1ms been twice married , his first wife having been a Cuban , whom h married in New York His claims to tht "legitimate" succession arc certainly shad owy and his manner ol putting th m forward Is offensive in the extreme "As the son ol sixty kings" he says , "I am a principle The legitimists complain of not having a legitimate pretender to the throne Here air I' " No wond-r that the Spanish governmenl has suppressed him. It has removed hin from his command ax brigadier-general for bidden him to hear the till" of duke of An Jou , and put him under lock and kcj foi two months Not through him can rovaltj hope to bo restored In France. * t While the International consolidation , po lltlcal purification , and financial rehabllltntloi of his country are no doubt the chief almi which Slg. Crlspl has In view in seekinj to conciliate the papacy , hp cannot overlool the effect of thp Vatican's goodwill on tin foreign relations of tlie Italian kingdom. I Is vijll known thut the prospective succosso of Trancls Joseph is n zealous Catholic win looks with little fnvor on the triple alllanci thnt makes Austria the partner of a stati which he regards as the despoller of tin church. Ills feelings would undergo a com plctc chans ? If ho sovv theVatlcan on term of cordial friendship with the civil power li Italy With the same spectacle before them the attitude toward ths Italian governmcn of the Catholics who constitute two-lifths o the population of the German empire vvonl < be veiy dlfteicnt from what It is now Above all , Trance , the enemy from when Italv has most to fcqr. would lose , shouli Slg Crlspi carry out his purpose , a grea advantage which she now possesses , the sllen but deep Influence which the Vatican oxerti upon International combinations. Upon nlia terms will King Humbert's government In \ito the so much nredcd co-operation ot tin papacy' That Is the practical miostlon ti which an answer should shortly be fortlicom ing. and in which not only Italy but al Europe Is profoundly Interested * With befitting ceremony the flrst wcsten Installment ot the traiiEslberlni tallroad has just been Inaugurated , and St Petersburg Is now In railroad cominunlcatloi with the Important Siberian town of Omsk on the Irtl&h rlv r True , the section li question Is not more than about COO miles li length , a m-re trlflo In comparison with tin total length of 5000 miles ot the proposer line It Is anticipated , however , that by thi tlmt" next year rails will have been laid a ; far ns Krasnolarsk , which is half way acroa : the Asiatic continent Moreover It must In tali n Into consideration thnt a certnli amount of work is being dona on the easten section of the road , that extending fron Vladlvostoek up the valley of the Usurl rive having been open for trafllc some months ago As a commercial speculation It Is doubtfu whcth r the line running for a creator par of its length through a sparsely Inhabltei country can ever pay anjthing like a fal into of Interest on the enormous cost of con struction , which Is estimated at 100,000,00 rubles ; and It IB also an open questloi whether It will not serve to Increase the agrl cultural distress and consequent mlscr > o the peasantry In European Uutsla by flood Ing that country with cheap grain from th marc fertile districts of Siberia Hut as . political and strategical enterprise , th ; Im [ lortanco ot the line Is Immense , and Is cal ciliated to cxerclso an Incalculable Influcnc upon the future destinies of Asia , as. wsll a of those European countries who possess In terests in the far east 4 * * Franco has received another notice tlia nothing can be expcctrd from the czar I the way of aid to wrest Alsace and I.orraln from Germany The UusMati minister o finance Dr. Wlttc , declares that the pollc , of his master Is ono of absolute peace fo Kiirojp He has held ( Irmly to this pollc for several years by his personal Inllucnc has prevented ware , and It will be constant ] exerted to the same end In the future Ii Wltte denies thut HusBla ( mil any InUntlo of Interfering In the Japan-China war , an declared In so many words that "If Tranc begins 'a war or Is the cause of war break ing out , Iltmla will not stand by her' Nor was this the worst snub admlnhtcied t Trance for the glorloua tlnus at Cronstul and Toulon , the fraternisation of the engl and iho bear , are spoken of liy the advise of the czar as ' mere popular demonstration * Trench hop s ot a Itneslan alllince must hnv pretty well faded out before Dr Wltt gn this Interview to a German newspaper bu they have received their quietus now , at an rate Hiissla may be as peaceful as she prc t ° mls. hut whether this pretense be liumbu or not she sees her present Interest In cultl vatlng Germany which is even more faU to French plans Onirnlriny MiuUtlm. Hpr nBlloM KiiuMI | < BM At the rate at which the Crand Arm lost members last > enr , It would take < ml about ten yeirs to dlntiand Uiu ort ; nlzi tlon. The gross 1ms In membership VVH C7)1 , which Is reduced hj iici > sslonH c 33.G61 to a net los-i of 23UD There wei practically as man > members dismissed o i delinquent nporU OH were- mustered It and more thun twice as inuny suypende r us were reinstated TuWnjr suspoiisloni i dcllniiulncles nnil dlFclmrges , honorobl and dishonorable , together und near y 53 , i 000 nut of the fi" WO lost memlic-is are ac t counted for Only 7.2S3. or lem than per fc-nt ot the total membership , died dm In the lust > ear. The total membership I now only : : roGS3 , as ngnlnst 2'J7,2i ! yeur ugo This Is the smallest inembei ship repotted Tor many jearx. but U I quite likely to he us large an U will evi ho again In the mituiu of things th dentil rate will increase , and the catisi w hleh IIIIVP UK ] to no many dcllnqulncle anil suspensions are ver > probably pel mutie-ut. I'MMI'K J'UTIWJlttt , ninlr I'llot General John M Tlmyer's letter In tlie flu i o Trlhuno last week was n display of InKrnuiudc' ns base ns ninny uf thu etatptn'Mits it coiitalne'l vvcro untrue. lilncoln News Any oiif who hn nny co-n- plnlnt to niftke tlml Hu-rr Is no excitement In Ihls cnmpnlgn will kindly wall until Mr Ki > cw.ii r delivers hln ntitl-MaJors s | > cccli In Lincoln Aupahoe Vloiu-er If Turn Miijors Is ever clertcd governor It cnn lie snld that the pen II Hit la i \ nnd stale houni' rings linvo n ( Inner hold upon the stntu cash box than ever liefoio M H. Abbott , who ennip within forly-ono votes of boltiR cleftpd lo the legHnttiro two 3 oars ago by the rcpuril'ciins ' ot Hull county , lias Issued n c.ud declining to miiVe thu run again lie prefer * to Mnv In the ranks during n tattooed ciimpilgn. Kearney Huh Some people down at Omaln are trjlng to linpcach Major Demls. When they get tliiough they will prolnbly wish they hndn I If llomts lias siircuedel In Incurring the deadlv antagonism of the city boodlnrs he Is to be congratulated Kiitliuslaam for the slnlo ticket Is evUently not ovcrllowlug nt Klkhorn There was a republican rally announced for tlio other evening but when the speakers arrived from Omaha there wus not u republican In sight and they took thu flrft train for lump If the democrats of the Eighteenth repre sentative diet ] let should biinv chanro cleet their candidate for the lower house HIP leg islature would contain n man who could "mix n llttlo medicine " J C Hclvor Is hl name nnd he runs n drug store at DUuii Silver Creek Tlmos- Majors Is a rallro.ul man through nnd thioiiRh Those who know him well do not ilcnv it Any one who docs deny It Is either misinformed or Insincere To vote- for Majors Is equivalent lo saying to Mr Holdrege nnrl the H. & M lallway company 'Here Is jours Take It and run It for the next two jears " Fremont Herald A Tromont man who was In North Itenil one da > this vvceK ran across a politic il btnivv He met n farmer who does buslnchs on a large scale on a bin Dodge connt > farm and the Inlte" n Kul the TrenioiH man If he wanted to make { 30 Of course he wis read } for speculation and thru the farmer told his scheme Ho si Id ' I nin a republican I have six bens wlu > republicans , and two hired men who are also republicans So Ihcre arc nlno repttb- Pcan voters on the ranch I will give you $59 If jou can llml : i Mnjois vote In the crowd " The Trcmont man concluded not to try It The populists of the Ninth senatorial dis trict have nominated n "phc-nom ' for their candidate ( I Judge Parks can be taken us authority The gentleman s 111111113 is nilis Jeff i lea nnd h < > is famlllarl ) known us ' Uub Jeff. ' lie Is a fanner and Judge Parks says of him ' He wears his pants In his cowhldo boots always Is an e\pert poker player , and can drink more -whlsk > nnd spit tobacco julrc further and lilt a imrl : than any other man In that bectlon of co ntr > He can make a fnlily good bpecch nnd in all probibllltles will bo elected lo succeed the rotund weakling who sat like a bump on a log all through the last session " Phll.idelphin Ucconl- what nukes the nMi man - < o surls ' HrhlgPt Sure ma'm , Ol ciipposc It's utciiuxe he'H so ofttn In the dumps Galveston Xews The imn who ildes u hobby pa s well foi Ills tt.insport.ition. Boston Tianpcrlpt Pntlent Can vou tell me , doctor , the cnu c' of hildness ? I'liVHl- clTli Nothing ea * > ltr sli It is due to the fnllliiR- out of the hall Will vou pay me now. or shall I put It down to jour ac count' ' Atlanta Constitution Dusty Crust Cnn jou help a poor man who lost all In the forest llrcs ? l.adv of the House What dlii j.ou lose' Dustv Crust The tiee undti which I was sleeping Truth- Diy If I wcic In join place 1 wouldn't pnlnt that house white , I'd pninl It hrovvn Weeks It vou were in my jdace you'd probnlilj- so rmd that vou'rl paint It rid. Just to spite the people * who gu\e you advice about It Sviacuse Posf llrr rather ( spinl ( > ) - Voiinjr man , do vou plnv pokei t Her Sulloi Whj ir tlmt Is once In c while I er Her Father Well , let's hne n game ! Somervllle Journal H In Instructive sorno times to sec how much and how sudden ! } a man's enthusiasm o\cr a piopnced pulillc Improvement will oliitc when vou ask Jilir how much he Is willing lo nulisoilbe THH A Till.KITH UiKlilnKtnn Mnr. lie would pxeielsc' his biceps with n mullet In cHiquet , He rould wield n tennis lacket In a ver > clurrnlns wuj To see him hit the puiiclihif * Ins would renllv ilo yon goo 1. But lie couldn't , wouldn't undertake to spill Ihe kindling wood. Washington Stin "Those poor arctic ev- ploieis hnve had Home dreiulful expeil- enc a. " cnlil the BJ mpathetlc woman ' I know It , " replied jounjr Mis Torkins "Hut thc-v have had their plctuies taken Ir somepcrfectlj loveh fuis" Atlantn Conslltutloir "Will vou try a Btnnll Klais of this eorn whlskj' ' " "Pso , sir ! I corne from a dry couutrv. " "Pardon me. here's H quart measure " riUST HOUND. THtrnlt TinI'I.H The vvpathtr's hi en n sIiiK Inu us All tound the hllstererl town , Tint wait v\lien Juek TroHt hits the- mercury , Yon bet he'll knock it down t\i > rif.s. . Ocorpla reports n InrRf corn crop mil will prcse'ntlv drmaiul the removal . . ( th throne to thftt see lion Iho king of Corf a 's Buffering from n disease ut the tlirofll He appears to be get tliiR It In the neck all round Iho , enthusiastic tinanlnill ) of N" w York republicans produces n cor respond I UK ( Mires hlou In the camp of the enemy. Some men are born great , others nro- routed In their own county The IIMVS from Olori In enough to provoke mcl do iner with out going to sen. llv the time the white wings and v How- asters of Nebraska democraej get through with ench other's ted ; * the market for hair restoratives will enjoy a sudden boom If there nre nnvmoother nmulilncK In thli btoad land than Mr Tom VIill's the owners can nmke n fortune h > placing them on ex hibition und e-xplalidiiK tholr workings , The oldest pensioner In Ihe country la Andrew rrniiUIn of Burlington Kun whu wns liorn In 1701. fought In the war of 1S12. In two Indian wars and served as a tcamst r tn the dvll war. It Isciy probable the Missouri Irnln lob- hers did not cue for the money In prospect , but desired n practlrit test nf the Mile Ida theories ot Hob IiiRersoll The experiment Is tutlsfactorj lo the1 general public Grandpa Golilttm of Sulphur \\MI ( ! a . dl d at 110 his wife at int. The "joung ( ! old- sons" nre now respectively M. 8J Sfl 7K , 7(1 ( , 74 and tl No child of the family linn over died except one grnndion. killed In Ihe wnr. Kecrctnrj Caillsle will deliver HII address on the life and character of Hobi rt Morris nl Dalnvli. N Y. October IB. the occasion being the d dicatlon of the building no long associated with the life ot the revolutlonaiv patriot Iho personil upppninncr of Jean Itlchepln , who Is described us the mobt versatile genius In all rianee since the dcith ot Victor Hugo , must Imur RS the i-tiiumei who meets him for the flrst time lie Is pictured an a ( all , burly man. handsome In u brutal t-tjlc with u low brow , n thick ruck dllited nostrils and it general alt of athletic culm riicsliolm Ituborlson one of the foremost lenders of th > Hicnt Scottish coil miners' strike speaks Trench with an unimpeachable accent Is aciitialnted Vo some extent with German writes two sj items of shorthand , and reids l.'urlvlo and Schupcnluuer Ha wears a v Ivet jarkot cut a la Whistler , altocts a stovepipe hnf of the pattern woin ten vears ago. nnd Is profuse In his display of jewelry He carries a cane which Is s.ibl lo- weigh seven pounds. Jtrry Simpson has his Imsj dajs In Medi cine Lodge When ho came down town the morning after his the flrst thing h did wns to route Ihe bovs out of the alley back ol Mnln strict , who vvcro leaving their melon rinds In the nllev ; then he took an un hitched team to the rack hy the court house : then he Me ted n street faker with out a licence to I lie cltj clerk , nnd helped a hired man with n ' jag" to the calaboose , just to get his hand In again and see how It went. In a letter to the Itonlon Olobe Joe Howard tells how marked Is Ihe revival of business In New York Cltj He saj-s the savings banks are bursting with money which Is seeking Investment The great dry go da stores nre crowded one of them rei > ortiiiK greater business Hum nt an ) time in twentj- five years Tills condition extend to the boot and shoe. Icilhcr , drugs nil > , aman a wear trade Hotels which win1 not pijlng expenses a month ago arc cr wded nnd the theaters are cnjojlug remarkable properUy. . The ( ImiitvoroiK Mi-nt. WitnlilnRt n I'm ! The west Is liejond the doinlnUlon of the ensl. The seat of empire Is not In New Kngland. noi In the middle stutcs It passed from thorn loiur ago Kvery decen nial census Is followed hy a redistribution of seats in the national house of loprcscntx- tlvcs , and each successive1 uppnlntment Rtrongthuna the we t us comp ire-d with the east. Vniillll m Tlinci. U Is meet nuil right that John JK Tlniyer , the mnn who Htole he Rovcrnoi'H chair : ind occupied It nriuiu fulls foi a \enr , should now lie chief RpokPHiiiiin for Tom Jlnjon l verj' one of the tttntp hoiiso of hoodlcrs Is Bboiitlnu foi Majors. Till'VniKH \ < ! lltl.i rtKII/H.V. } -mprvllle lournil The summer girl Is home Her chdlis tanned to theln > wn Clem hue of henlth , so seldom seen Within the hented town Tresh ulr and exercise have done Kill het theli level best. Her e > jes arc blight , and life has now Tor her unwonted zest What inntleia It how innnv heuils Are sulTeilnK cruel wounds ? The siunniel girl hus linil her fun. And KiUiied just eighteen pounds To her Illilatlon Is but Bport. And vvhe-ii she's tired of love. She Hlngs It from hct. ns she might A faded , worn out filovc She H hail fun at the mountains. And Khe's hud fun ut the bench , "While tantalized jounn men lime found Her lust liejond their icuch She's Illrted , wnltred and walked with all. With prefe'ieiice foi none ; And many a > outh him grieved to nnd That he was not The One And now she's home again nt last , Her loveliness enhance il I5v nil the leifiues ulie's rowed and sailed. And nil thp mllca Hhe K dnnced Shf's home nmiln fur sweeter than She was before she went. And If the world could see her heart , It couldn't And n dent. JI .MI".S HOH7I7 tut yitan MOVKI * n tuic. Low Tariff. The feature of this big-suit sale is its close con. neclion with politics. FPOB wool has enabled us to ofTer 1,000 , suits in this sale at just one-third less than they would otherwise bo sold. We had a big run on them the first day Every one our own make , well and handsomely made in latest style , long cut , single and double breasted sacks and cut-a-ways ; blue , black , plain and fancy cheviots , plain fancy and cassimeros and latest patterns ot tweeds. LOW TARIFF SCHOOL SUITS Knee pant suits , $2,50 , $3.00 $3 50 , $4.00 , $5.00 , long pant , suits $6.50 , $7.50 , sB.500. All these are strong reliable and stylish and very cheap. WHAT IMACIJ.'S \IVJ / | /KV/SH- Browning , King & Co , , Uclliiblu Clothiers , S , W. Cor , 15th and Douglas.