Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    % \3
Or . 'If'i : - . NO. 12 J'KAUL , STHECT
Dellvern ! by currier to any pirl ot the city.
II.V. . TIIVTO.V , lessee.
T.nUTIIONKS-Uu 1in ortlee. No. 4J ; night
erlltor No a.
JHIftllU J/K.V77U.V.
Jdayrt Heal Estate Agency , 639 Hroadwar-
Mrs Armstrong will give an address from
the pulpit of the Second I'rcabvtcriati church
nc-xt Sunday o-venlng ,
Prof. Jackson of Marian In. , will meet
ell who arc Interested In vocil music at the
Tabtrnaclc llils ( KnUml.iy ) evening ,
Slnco these iani Jnd' n lfas good blue
grass pasturage , uftcr refusing 300 head dur
ing the drouth Inquire at 92'J Sixth avenue.
Next Monday two new schools will bo
applied arif In I ho Squires building en Twen
ty-first strict , uUwtrn Sixth and Spventh
LvcnucK. anil one at thu corner ot nighth
It rent and Avenue K.
Joe Senll * R arrested yesterday on thu
sliarRe of inalntalning a public nuisance , lie
has n house built illrcclly across Fourteenth
Jtroct ami refused to nioia it when directed
to do so by the city maisdal.
The tlunsnilus club composed of a nttm-
Icr of ladles of n literary turn of mind , held
Its annual Indoor jilcnlr M-sterduy afternoon
it HIP residence of Mri 1 : 13. Ayleivvorlti.
The husb.iniH of the nicmbirs v ere Invited
In to lea.
Snnd.iy nlglit there will IIP Birvlres nt the
roiiRregallnnal clnnoh of special Interest to
HieJiiuiig people. Kcv. - . Asltln will
i.i.ikta rrpott of ths- Important feitiues ot
( In : Christian Hndrnvor emiventlon and will
( Ivc an address to the young folks.
Hev II T Cunncly of Uolla , Mo. hafl been
( ransferrtd from the Central Missouri con
ference to the Iowa conference and Is pas
tor of the Methodist church at the comer
of Sixth and \Vllllnms streets He will oc
cupy his pulpit at 11 and 7 30 o'clock Sun-
el ny.
The girls i > f the High school nre talking
furiously of organizing a military company
lo rival that ot their brothers , which has
liad so successful a record during the past
year or two t'ntll the captain Irarns how
to got down In front v\hcn she Rlvei the
older "flrr ' the nnmoninilf > lonri | unicorn of
the boys' company will probably take charge
of drills
Tlio Importance of the decision In tht
Manana electric motor -case , now pending
before Mm board of Dupeivlsors , amounts to
considerable to the vvorklngmcn of Council
llluffs. The biillding ot the road this fall
nnd winter means an outlay ot J1G.OOO to
0,000 at a time when work was never
needed more The construction ot the bulld-
iiiga nt the hike Mill give employment to
carpenters and builders until early spring
Money lo loan on improved farms < t lou
rates. Bargains In real estate. 1'juscs foi
lent Fire nnd tornado written
Money loaned fur Investors. Lougee &
Toule , 235 I'enr ! strict.
Siitiirilny anil Mtlimltiy
200 pleus all silk black morla ribbon
Kcs , 7 , 0 , 12 and 10 , Saturday 10c a yinl.
Ladles fall vtelght , Jprsey ribbed pants
and vests , a uiee quality , 2Sc c-aoli
Just arrived , on tale Saturday , our fal
line of ladles' black silk waists , made from
double warp surah silk , a perfect beauty
at K95 and $ C 50 each.
I Children's fall w eight Jackets In navy
blue , ages 4 to 12 jears , Saturday Jl.
Misses' Ja"kels In navy , tan and brown
Hut were $150 and $3 , Saturday $ J ! 'S ' each
Ladles' capes at J3.50 , ? 3 08 and $18'
tacit ; were ? i ! lo ? 10
Saturday evening , 7 to 10 o'clock , vv
ci.ler 100 dre s patterns , cmul"MnK of seven
yards to each pattcrif , 30-Inch half woo'
dress goods , all colors and blaclt. and no
une-hall rtgulur ictall price. Entire drcs
pattern Saturday evening only $1.2S. An
lady buying one of thcso patterns and sam
not being entirely satisfactory can rctur
and money will bo cheerfully refunded
Don't miss this bargain ; you will not b
Council Uluffs ,
t'Kiti > n\.ti , ii'its.
Mr.s Clara Krncht has lost the use ot a
limb through paralysis ,
Manager 13 P Clark of the Grand hotel
has returned from Chicago.
P. n. Warner lias been- called to DCS
Jlolnes by the buildcn death of a relative.
A. 0. Dongun leaves today for a thirty
daya1 trip through Wyoming and the west.
John H. Clark has been called to the
deathbed of his mother In Ked Wing. Minn
I ) . IJ. Miller , formerly United Slates mar
shal , of lied Oak. was In the city yesterday.
J. N. Tolllnger , editor of the Chronicle at
Emerson , In. , was a Bluffs visitor yester
Mr. and Mis. James M. Mullen have re
turned from their bridal trip and ore re
siding In Omaliu.
Mrs. William J riceso of Davenport Is In
the city for n. visit with her nephew , II. K
Tagger , and wife.
Mrs. Hope , who was employed until re
cently In the public BchoolB , Is reported to
bo at the point ot death from dropsy.
II , li. Moreliouse , D.I ) . , secrelary of the
American Haptlst Home Mission society.
was the Kiiest of his brother , E. U. More-
house , this week.
Mr. and Mrs , George C. McLeran have
returned from their bridal tour through Ne
braska , und are visiting Mis McLcran's
mother , Mrs P. Ogden , on Knlrvlcw avenue.
Miss GcrrgU Hoardman , one of the city
Bcliool teacheis. who has been 111 for the
past two months , It Is said , will not be able
to resume her place Inside of two months
more. _ _
Comfort In lt Looks.
Pedestrians on Droadway were brought to
o halt opposite 401 und from the crowd
wcro heard various remarks , such as "How
comfortable. It looks , " "How cheap , " and
ina-iy other such remarks trom the various
paasersby. The above remarks had refer
ence to the wonderful display of blankets In
the Boston Store show vvimlcws , which arc
now ca sale at special prices.
Any one Interested In blankets will profit
by seeing prices now offered during this
talc , which ends Monday evening.
Wo huvo met new tariff prices , and guar
antee during this sale on all goods even to
do a little better. BOSTON STOHB.
Council Ulufta , la.
Ir Harry L. Jatmey , physician and sur
geon , successor to Dr. C. II. Pinncy. Offlce
U Pearl street. Council Ulufls. Telephone
Ginger snaps Cc pound at Brown's C. 0. U
Domestic EOJP brraks bard water.
M'oniliiirn in1rrtiiln. :
The members of Hazel camp. Moden
Woodmen of America , entertained Midi
friends nt their new hall In the Mcrrlan
block , and provided a rich treat for tlieii
nuestg in the > way of entertainment. Prof
\V S. Poulson acted as master of ceremonies
and C. O. Suumlera d'llvcred the prlnclpa
address of. the evening Recitations wen
given by Mlts Jennie Mclntjre. Miss Ha
worth. Will Parflee nnd C. I ) . Elliot o
Omaha , while music was rcnder'd by Mis
Llnberg o ( Omaha , the Misses II sslo Mussel
white. Grace and llerllm llarr , Minnie Coval
end Dcuslc Vandcbogarl. After the llterar ;
part of the entertainment the floor wa :
cleared and dancing was Indulg d In tint !
a late hour. Itefreshments were served bj
the Hoyal Neighbors of America Abou
flftceen or twenty coupler were present fron
Omaha and South Omaha ,
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kldne'
troubles. Trial blif , 25 cent . All druggist :
Instruction on the piano vvill be given to
Hulled number of pupils by Mru. J. A , Kofi
1022 Fifth
Gas cooking Etovca for rent and lor ial it
Cas Co.'s office.
Selected bard wood for heating stoves ,
II. A. COX. 37 Main street. Tel , 4S.
Ginger maps Cc pound at Brown's C. O. D.
Domestic eoap outlasts cheap soap.
\'TMi'n inn i PAi\tpfi m ttppo
Buhl of Way to Manawa Ar tud Bofo-e
the Poard of fiuporviwri ,
Allot noon lloth Sl lrs Git * tlic llonril
$ omt > tlu l > li < Ailtl ill tu Itri
lu Itie l'rriiilr No Dteaion
The Hoard of Supervisors met yesterday
morning for the purpose of hearing argu
ments with reference to allotting the Council
ItlulTs & Manuka Kloctiic Itnlluny company
right of way on which to run Ita tracks
along the three-quarters ot a mile that Inter-
vent ; brtvvcPii the corporate limits of the
l\vo towns The was rep-
loseiitrd by J. J. Slaa and Judge I ) . D
Grogor > of Omaha , the latter gentleman
being Its general agent. The first thing the
company did was to withdraw the propo
sition made by It a feu days nrjo lo run
Its line to tlic School for the Deaf This
proposition wns Introduced in the llrst place
to gtt around tlie statutory prohibition of
allowing right of uny to corpai.iiioMs along
lilgliuuys Ions than 100 fu't ! n vtllth , iinlnss lo
inn tlich rars to und from state Institutions ,
not to t.\crod tvvn miles distant.
Another p' then mafic , by
ulilclt the company agrcivl to buv and decil
to the cuiiiiti a strip of land thirty-four feet
ulilu und a iiTuirlcr of a mile Inns on the
oust side of the road , anil another btilp of
the same uldth and half a mile long along
the uost side. Imnicdlately liolnvv , thus
maktng the road the required 100 feet \\lde ,
on condition thnl th" nitly Aotild iuint ;
a light of ua ) sixticn feet vvido on thu side of tlic road for the entire distance
of thret-qua"lers of a mile.
nnimet Tlnley. N M. l'u cy and George A.
llohncBLIV there to protest against the
granting of the right pf uay Tlnley repre
sented Colonel P. C IUcd propile-tor of
thu ltn < > now running bi'tureii the two towns ,
Piibpy repiesentrd nine livery tuble men
and llnlmo.s uppeaud for some of Hie farm-
c"s ( .onlli of the city. The piotesl was on
the ground that the county bonrd had no
right to grant n fra'ichlsp. f jv the statute
g.ue HIP ronipanv the right t lav its tracks
on any highuuv 100 leet In width , without
any permission from the Hiipervlsota
In the afternoon tlie hoard met to hear
the arguments of the attorneys on both bides
nnimet Tlnley opened tin- ball with a fcome- lengthy speech In which lie told the
history of the laiivvay company now ope"-
utlng beta pen Council IllufTs nul Mnnnxva ,
and s > al < l the granting of a c'linrter now would
result In tlic destruction ot the valuable
p-oiwrly of Colonel P. C. Heed , who had
gone into the business at a time nhe-ii Man
awa had an cxixlonn us a pleasure resort
only In nahie. He citilmcd tlmt Ihc now
company could not deeil the thirty-four-foot
all ip lo the county , because the picsent
owner. George ! ' . \\rlght , could hot furnish
a. qleai till ; .
Mcsrs Holmes and Pttsey each followed
with a iipei'ch in behalf of their clients , In
whlfh they opposed the granting of any fa
vois to the new company Then Shea npokc
In fiver of the proposition. He stated that
( he company did not need any right of way
from the- board , for It could buy a strip of
ground sixteen feet wide nnd three-quarters
of a mile lent ; ami Hy Its tracks on this.
Such a thing , however , would necessitate Its
crossing the road twice , running for the first
quarter of u mile along tlio tract of land
owned by Mrs Demlng on the east side of
the roadway , and for the last half along the
Wilght strip on the west side This crossIng -
Ing and recrosslng of the road the company
vv lulled to avoid
Judge 1 > I ) . Gregory nlso made a few re-
inuiks In behalf of his company , after which ,
at the request of the members , County At-
toinoy Oigan look n hund. In place of giv
ing an opinion , he took the three attornoNs
for the opposition In hand and proceeded
to give tliein a ero's-examlnatlon on the
rules ot law v\hlth they had laid down for
the guidance of the members ot the board.
The cio > , s-c\amlnatlon was Intensely amus
ing to the audience nnd altogether agree
able to the attorneys for Organ made
both Holmes and Tinlcy bick down somewhat
from the propositions they had laid down
Holmes allowed how he felt by remarking ,
aflpr thu cross-llrlng had gone on for some
little time.
"Well. Mr. Organ. > our questions seem
tn be boinevvlint argumentative , and after
yon get thioiiRh with me I shall ask the
Hoard of Supervisors to give me a new II-
cens.e to p-actlco law. "
The county attorney held that the statute *
with reference to granting rights of way
inndo thu matter purely discretionary with
the board , and that It could not be com
pelled either to grant It or to withhold It.
' As I understand it , " s-ald he. "tho com
pany stands ready to give the county the
thirty-four feet , but doesn't want to spend
$1,200 In buying up the land on an uncer
tainly Vou Dimply want the boird to glvo
you an assurance that If the title Is all right
It will accept the land and give you the
right of way i'ou can't ' evpcct anything
more than an expression of good faith on
the part ot th board , it seems to me , In
asmuch as your plans arc not yet far ad
vanced "
"Suppose a controversy should arise , " said
I'usey. "between the county attorney and thu
company as to wlifthcr the title Is valid or
not ' "
"We are riady to leave that with the
board cntlicly , " said Shea.
"That gives a chance for a lawsuit , " said
Tinh-y : "you may My that the title Is good
.mil go on and put down your tracks , and
the board limy say It Isn't and have to enJoin -
Join you Wo don't want to plunge the tax
payers of this county Into unnecessary liti
gation "
"Aren t you n lawyer ? " said Shea , "Isn't
that jour business ? It's the first time I
ever B.IW a lawyer who was so solicitous
about tlie other fellow "
And eveiy one laughed ,
A great inany battles of words took place
during tlie nttcrnoon between tlie lawyers
ami It tvas a hard-fought battle. Tlic board
Anally took the matter under advisement
hut did nothing furtlier excepting to discuss
U Sonic ( lellnllc uctlon will ba taken todaj
in ull probability
Llltla Allx record , 2 0394 Who car
beat It' 'Ihc ciucst on Is often asked aboul
Ur. Price's CriMiu linking Powder.
IMIR Up it Skull
One of Mark \YIUInim' boys \vas out at
Illg hike on a llshlng excursion jasterday
und , running Rlio't of bait , vvcnt to < llKRlii y.ig (
In the grotnul fur worms. While cngagei
thus ho i.111 ucioss u skull , vvnlch had evl
dently lain thcie for many years , arid vva
almost ready to full to plecci Thu IOWP
J.IM und a good portion ol the upper hui
ull l.illon u\\iy ; , and tlicrc * was u Koner.i
brittloiieis ibuut the nliolc skull that Indl
c.itud n Kood many years' Intimate acquaint
nnce vvltli Kutlur Time. All doubt as t
tlio cause of tht > upper's death was t > ct a
lost by n small hole , evidently made by i
bullet of perhaps 32 caliber , tn the uppe
part of the skull The relic Is now In th
possession of Deputy Marshal Fern Icr.
( JidriTlen III XII Itenprcti ,
It's n big wholesale house that receive
the amount of groceries that C 0. D. Brow
docs , and he sells them retailing at wholu
sale prices. He has now on track and lull
Two curs flour.
One car canned tomatoes.
And will receive In the next few days :
One rnr California canned gocMs ilirec
from the coatt.
One car salt.
One car sugar.
One car California dried fruit.
Pour earn more flour will arrive shortly.
Three tin cups for 5c at Brown's C. O , I
Beat paints In the world. Davis , drure'i '
The hiundrlet vice Domestic icap.
Itollroml I'rujrol Marled.
For faeveral weeks past rumors have bee
afloat with reference to some big projei
that was about to be itarted here that woul
cause a boom In the real eslate market I
the northwest part of the city , but no on
has been nbls 'o Itll froii Just what ounrler
the boom would e > me V etorday nrlH s
of Incorporation uiro filed with the comity
recorder by tlio HliiDlf. ton a A N brns1ca
H.illwny company whote capital stock Is
ti.OOfl 000 The document Is ilgncd by J. A.
Varty , It O. Howcll ami M B. Minn , ns Incorporator -
corporator * , and wns drawn up In Chicago ,
but It Is beautifully Indefinite so far ns
throwing any light on the purpose * of Its
promoters Is concerned. It merely says that
"the object of the company U lo survey ,
locate , contlruct , maintain and operate a
line of road from a point In Illinois through
Icwn to a point In Nebraska " The exist
ence of the company Is flxtd for flfty years ,
deling' from October 1 IM'l. So far as can
be learned the company has no representa
tives here , and no one can be found who can
( ell what tlu plans of the new corporation
are. It Is supposed , however , that this Is the
first tangible appearance of the organization
which has been creating such a Hurry In
the real estate busln ss of Council llluffs ,
nnd turtlier developments will be watched for
with Interest.
A prudent Chicago housewife , when the
great ttrlke began , stored fifteen barrels of
Hour In her cellar. She reinforced It with
half a dczeti cans cf Dr. Price's Cream Bak
ing Povvdei _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Collided ullli -Motor Trul'i ,
A. H Rlshcl. a young man living at S12
Twelfth avenue , last evening about 0 o'clock
was riding dev n Slith street on his blcyc'o
when he collided with n motor tint was pass
ing along Fiflh nvenuo lllslicl claims that
there was no bell rung by the motorman to
gho warning of the approach. He sus
tained n bad cut in one che'ch , which will
have to be sewed up , and will In all prob
ability leave a scar. Itlshol sajs he will
commence an action against the company for
II IMI > VI. \ 1.1/1 Y Kll.lll > .
How tlio 3lrro Mintlon of IIU Name
MniMK IV lu < r < > iHtil IIU 1 lilr. :
Many readers of The Bee wrrc shocked at
the sad news tn a telegram from Fremont ,
Neb . under date ot Sept. 37. announcing that
David M Welty had been accld ntally killed
by the discharge of his own gun while hunt-
Ing. Mr Welty was very well known In
Omaha and In the weit , a prominent Mason ,
nnd at the time of his death was president
of the Fremont Saddlery camp my A llttl2
Inoldcnt , occurring shoitlj before the acci
dent , will have a effect In Increasing
the amount of ihe unlnte left his family.
Early In August SI. P llolircr , ( he funeral
ngi-'iit ot the Provident Pavings Life Assur
ance Society of New Yoik , on hearing Mr
Weli > s name mentioned , was reminded that
there used to be In his native state , Mary
land , a prominent family ot the same name.
He called upon Mr. Welty , and to his satis
faction found that lie was Indeed a brother
Maiylandcr The social chut Introduced the
subject of IIP- Insurance , and ltd to Mr.
Welty taking out a polity In the Provident
Savings Life.
On acknowledging the receipt of the policy
and remitting his first payment on It , only a
few weeks before his death. Mr. Welty wrot'
"Drouth jeports are glowing from bad to
worse , and had jour visit been delayed until
now I doubt very much your ability to per
suade me to take out a policy "
Th * uncertainties of life and ( he Impor
tance of trllli-s could hardly be more forcibly
Illustrated. A word dropped casually , a sug
gestion promptly acted upon , has resulted In
swelling by several thousand dollars the pro
tection left to Mr. Welty'a family.
V'ttli- lie < ( lU'Htlim You tti-lf.
Whether It Is more profitable to pay the
same old exorbitant prices or to purchase
your shoes Rt a cash store , whose motto is
' the best goods for the least money , " where
there are no bad debts for good customers to
pay , and no poor goods at high prices. Dun
can s prices are a great surprise tc all shrewd
Hard times school shops , 75 cents
Top notch school shoes , ? 1 00 and $1 25.
Wear well tohool shoes , ? 1 25 and $1.50.
Men's nice dress s > hoes , $
Ladles' VIcI kid button , fl 50.
Our prices range fiom ? r cents to J2 00
less , than the old prices.
Our Curtis & Wheeler ladles' flue shoes ,
best made , J3.GO.
Our Eddy & Webster ladles' fine shoes ,
last made , (3 CO.
Johnson . Murphy and Stacy Adams' men's
fine shoes , $4.00.
$5 00 and JO.OO men's tan shoes to close
out , J2.50.
Next to Beno's.
? ul. Your < lioltc.
The two old parties have launched their
tickets on the political roa Jt now remains
for the voters to make their choice If the
republicans are elected we may expect goo 1
times , and If the democrats are successful
wo may c\pcct just as good , but the voter's
choice of a place to buy hats , shoes and
gents' furnishings Is 1119 South Main street.
Thomas H. Hughes is the successful fusion
candidate for nil parties when It conies lo
selling huts , shoes and gents' fnrnisnir.g
MJ delay In closing loans on Improved
farm lands at low rates Abstracts of title
prepared and real estate for sale. Pusey .
Thomas 201 Pearl street. Council Bluffs.
Tiy a sack of C. 0. D. Brown's XXXX
patent flour. Only $1.00 per sack. livery
sack warranted. A souvenir In every sack.
J. ,1 , Miiiirutli Co , , At3 Itroitdwuy.
Commencing today , September 22 , we shall
put on Bale 178 pairs of ladles' dongola kid
shoes , former price (3.50 to $4 00 , to go at
139 pairs ladles' oxfords , 90c.
95 pairs ladles' kid button lace $1 40.
All of our Ludlow & Co.hand made shoes
at J370
Ladles' tan shoes , $2 { 5. ,
Red slippers. f > 0c. 11 | IL >
School shoes.7.r.c to $1 75.
Look at our window and see the shoo you
can buy for $2 45 J. J. MAUIIATII CO ,
533 Broadway.
J. C' . lIorromJfH I'ltnry Tuteiit ,
Hungarian Process Flour.
Ma do by the oldest milling firm In the west
makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. Ask
jour grocer for It. Trade mark : "Blue
Rooster. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The cause of the present boom In real
estate Is due somewhat to 'he successful
tale of fruit and garden lands by Messrs
Day & Hess In the Klein tract. 'Jhey have
200 acres In amounts to suit. suiMblc toi
fruit nnd gardens. Also bearing fruit larms
for sale.
COD Brown has the largest line ol
stoves in the city , covering the entire second
floor of his mammoth store ; remember , hi
sells stoves for cash and on easy payments
and can rave you frcm 25 to 40 per cent
Steve l > lro only lOc a Joint.
Have you seen thcso elegant ranges Ir
Cola's windows7 The Radiant Home hold :
. ilro over night with any kind of fuel. Tin
Born steel holds the '
range hlgho&t World' ;
fair premiums. 41 Main ttrect.
i- Stove pipe , lOc a joint at ITown's ) C. O.D
Washerwomen use Domestic scap ,
- The following persons took out man lag
- licenses yesterday at the county clerk'
teat office
ata N'umo and Address. Age '
a Aittnir .1. 1'nddod : Vremont county , la. :
er Ilattle 12. 13altr , Premont county , la. . :
he Jena 1' Jfiison. Washington To. Neb . S
Tena Olcson , Pottavvattainle Co. , la . J
\\'c guarantee ull work. None but first ' '
class workmen employed ,
Kvnii * luiuuilry I oinimny.
ll- 620 Pearl street. Telephone , 290.
Dry pine klrdllns for sale. Cheaper tha
cobs. H. A Cox , 37 Main itreet Telephon
Eagle laundry , 721 Broadway , for goo
work , T < 1. ir 7.
C < ml
Best Centervllle lump coal $3 23 per toi
II. A. Cox , 37 Main. Tel 4S.
Itcst Jelly glasste , vvlth light fitting tl
covers , only 30c a dozen at Ire ) n's C O , I
Wall paper , special sale , at half price. J
U Crock weI111 llroudway.
Duncan's shots arc always the best un
cheapest ,
lid iivciv : < i Hew
In The following are the newly elected off
Be cers of the- Medical Society of the Mlssou
Valley Prpsul' nt DrrlRht ot Carroll ,
vice president' II llrnv n ) { Omaha , II U
Jennings of Council HI'inMrrri'.ir.v . P 8
Thomas , Council Bluffs , irtasnrT , T IJ
Lncey ot Council Bluffs , Tve next
ol the society nlll be licilj nt Sioux City.
JJ IKMAH tr II tint nilt KKI.I.V.
Slom Cltj IMItnr Allrc.di tn Ilitu Swindle
HIP People ITviully.
SIOUX CITY , la. , SenU 21 ( Special Tele
gram ) Further Investigation Into the county
printing , In which U Is nlli-god that J. C.
Kelly , owner ot the Tribune ami
revenue collector ot the nor heri dMilc : of
Iowa , has been systematically bll'.tin ? tt.c .
county , shows that only a third t the bllln
have been gone over by the i'\port. The nl-
leged now amounts to Jt.'ict ) . nnd the
revelations being made are ns bad aa those
already made public. It was 'n mi tint n
tax list for 1S93 , which cost the county $3GO't ,
was Illegally ptlhUi'inl by Kelly , that thu
sales under It are 'uvali ' I nnd tint fie
proprrly will huvo to Uj rsa'iv rtUjd and
Ttie committee of the Board ot Supervisors
on the conduct of HlMIc oftliers r > - | > orlid ;
to the board today It 'i.vl founl 1-3-
County Treasurer W. A Klfer who went
out of olllco January i , J' > .il'i ' short. On
recommendation of th < 3 Minta.tornpy the
board passed n resolution vitiiorl/'ng ' h'm ' to
sue Klfcr and his bondsmen. Klfer biys
the J9.SOO arc tux collection Coos ,11 excess
of the $1500 allowed \it \ luo atalate , v.lilch
he claims tlio board parrnlfVd film t' V ip.
The board denies this nnd says that It au
thorized him to retain f' < > In ' Wi nlv und
that thf keeping of f'es inW3 Is a do-
To paint the Illy or gild refined geM would
not be moio superfluous than to attempt n
Improvement on Dr Price's Cream Baking
I'awder. Each in Its way Is perfect
Vtrrr'mnt Mur.lcii tl uml Kolilieil.
MCM1MUS , Sept 21 P. C I al ton , a prom
inent merchant of McOhee. Ark , was mur
dered and his store looted by robbers. The
bandits are n gang of lawless n 'gross who
have been a terror to the white and coloied
cltlrens of the region for tome time. They
wcro captured nt Pine Bind this afternoon
nnd taken back to McQh * Excitement Is
running high and a lynching Is expected.
My boy was taken with a dl&easo resem
bling bloody llu-c. The first tiling I thought
of was Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di
arrhoea Itenicdy. Two doses of It settled
the matter and cured him found and well. I
heartily recommend this remedy to all per
sons KtinVrlng from a like complaint. 1 will
answer any Inquiries regarding it when
stamp la cnclobccl. 1 refer to any county of
ficial as to my reliability Win Roach , J P. ,
Prlmroy , Campbell Co , Tcnn. Per yale by
druggists. _
< inu < l I OIR | of < M I IVIIiiwu.
CHATTANOOGA , Tcnn. , Sept 21 At to-
d.iy's meeting of the sovereign grand lodge
of Odd Fellows a mellon to allow members
of subordinate lodges to take the order of
patilaiehs militant without being compelled
to lake the Intermediate degrees wns for the
third time defeated The question of making
the minimum sick benefit ? 1 Instead of $2
was tabled.
In order to Introduce Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy here we sold several dozen b ttles on
a. strict guarantee , and have found every bottle
tle did good fervlce We have used It our
selves and think It superlr to any other.
W I Mowrey , Jarvlsvllle , W. Va. For sale
by druggists _
n K.t mint
Iiilr. I'rrcrtlcil by iurly : Monilig- Showers
In FiiHtern eliruskn.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21.-The forecast
for Saturday Is :
Foi Nebraska Fair , preceded by shovv-
uis In the early moinlng In the e\tioiuu
cnstern portion ; piobably cooler In the
eastern portion ; northwest winds.
For South DnKota rait1 , picccdeil by
shower" ? In the early morning In the ex
treme eastern poitlonj cooler In the west
ern poitlon ; north winds /
For lava Showers ; cooler In the west
ern poitlon ; winds becoming northwest.
Tor Missouri Generally fair ; southeast
For Kansas Fair ; probably slightly
cooler In the eastern portion ; winds be
coming noithwest.
I.ocnl Itrcoril.
OMAHA Sept 21 Omaha record of tem-
peiature iinu rainfall , compared with the
conespomllng daj of las' ' " -
Maximum temperatme .82 SI S3 lu
Minimum lomperatuie. . r > 3 72 65 67
Average temperature . . . 70 78 75 7b
Precipitation 00 T .00 .00
Condition of temperature and precipita
tion at Omaha , for the day und fclnee
March I , 1834
Noimal temperature C3
Excess for the day 7
Acc-umnlated excehS since March 1. . . . 664
Normal precipitation 11 inch
Deficiency for the 11 Inch
Total precipitation since March
1 . 11 88 Inches
Accumulated deficiency since
March1 1 14.OS Inches
Iteiuirth from Other MitUms nt S I' . II.
"T ' Indlcatcti trace of rain
OtOUGE E , HUNT. Loc.i.1 Forceiit Official.
Eezemn , Turning to Dlood Poison.
Treated bySpceliillstsSeven Months
Tvlthout One L'urtlclo of Success.
Condition Terrible. Ltfo a Hurclcn.
TrlctlCUTICUKA. In'ihrccDiijsAt-
tciidi to Business. Cure IVriniiucnt.
In the spring of 1891 fiooli lint dread fill skin
disease , Kczema , which turned Into blood 1 oi on.
I consulted tlio beat Liumn specialists in this
titj .They tre itcd mo for
. Beu-dition tli but 1 nctcr
cloriveU a particle at
iroodfrom nil ) of them.
flify had gum U up as
a hopeless cure. I v\aa
Covered with orea from
hcsul'to foot , I had run *
faiilft * Borea all over mo ,
r.oilio of them iia hrpc ; as
uf joiirCuricuct.
j \ \ . I 1C olat mo hundreds of
' 1 IsJ " * * * V& ( iQll-iri vvllh these so-
1 f-43k * S K > ' r called specialists. Sly
M & $ $ ® I JK condition vra terrible ,
jf I' t lfgm llfo'was almost a burd-n
' unabto to walk and had'KJvcnins self upc
1 tried all medicines imafrfiiablo , until a filcnd
who had got relief advlsfld 110 o tr > CUTICLIU
I took tho'first < lese of jour CUTICIIIIA IJ ! > OL-
TENT Ifcltnllltlo better ; with Ihicc ttoxti nf
jour most valuable CtrnctHiA. and one bottle ot
in Ci > 1 was n new man. In
no UircB 1 was up vvalUlnsnroitnd and attend-
Inc to my litutnr .nmllt la I ho CUTICIKA and
CunctiiA UF > OI.VU.NT that saved me from tha
jansof ilc.nli. This Is tuoyoiTs apo. I natiinl
to tea If It had been driven out of m ) sbtcra ,
ami lean say I have never liad any trouble siuco
for two } cars. < ; EO. tllltir.HT. .
iKiTcan. Avc. , 1'ltlsburgh , 1'a.
Bold throuclior.t I'm rorlJ. 1'rlcc. CtTlcnrei ,
In foe ; HIIAII5c. . ; UI.JOIVCNT } l. PoTTiilt Illiuo
jho CUEU. Com- . , bolo rr | > rlctor > , lto ton.
ff3-"IIowtoCureEiu : Dl cnc , " mailed free ,
Dl nA''t ' * * > l' ' ( li > . red , roujh , chupptd , and
I till oily tVIn ciind by CCTUVCA buir.
NcrVOUS Instantly relieved ly & Cull-
curn I'lHKter , bfcau e Jt > 1-
MU5Clllar tallies tlio riuno forces and
. bonce curca nervous paiuj ,
tirl \ VcakncSSbonce
Thousands of IV'ars Worth of Propertj
Destroyed Neir L amirs.
fetoclc of .til Klmls Killed In tlin I lilife by
the Uiiumiiilly Ilimy I "II of IUII
N lllOHIl
LttMAUS , la , Sept. 21. ( Sjifdul Telc-
grani.J A well developed c > clonp pissed Just
north at tills place about 6 this afternoon.
Houses were unroclcil , Inrns anil windmills
torn down , wagons , bungles anil oLlicr prop
erty piled up iiiiil scattered A large burn
uas torn completely ilovvn tn sltlit of L.C-
inais. The storm pusml ( rum ucst tu c st.
1 lie Omaha passenger train from I ho north
| ) a setl through the Blorm anil passengers sav
the ulr was full of rcofs of houses and otlisr
Hying articles , No ll\cs aio reported loft.
IiS : MOINUS. Sept 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Tlie disastrous effects of last nlfilit's
hull , rain and wind storm tire seen In nil
directions tn this city and vicinity. Tin-
datnnRO In this city will foot up several thou-
sinil o 'tun In biol.-n glass , dcs r joit shrub
bery and lloodltiK of slree's nnJ collnrs.
llanll ) a e'ccn housu In the city escape. !
destruction ot glass roofs and vnliliulo
plants Ihstdc. Thoiis.uidb of liusheh of ap
ples wore grounded and will be almost a
total loss.
The loot of the DCS Molnos club house
collapsed , making an almost complete vvrccl <
ot the building uml rlegant furnishings
which orlfilnall > cost about $30,000 , nnil were
In tlio Imnds ot u receiver.
South of the city the fall of hall uas < von
more severe , reports from Marlon uml War
ren counties sajins hall cohered the ground
sovirul Inches and drills \\uie sovniil fett
deep The hailstones were of unusual size ,
and stock of all kinds that v\as unsheltered
suffered greatly , man ) animals being killed.
Over an Inch anil a half ot rain fall nere
Inside ot twenty minutes
KAlMirrsnUKO , la. . Sept. 21 A terrific
cyclone passed over this section this evening ,
causing rovcral deaths and destruction of
much property. The Folcy house , one-half
mile south oC thls > city , Is demolished , n
daughter Is dead and father , mother and n
son are frightfully wounded Mrs. Polej's
arms are both broken and she can hardly re-
covc-r. Sirs. Alex Golden , Ihlng 11 few miles
cast of here , is dead and Mi. ( Jolden Is not
expected to live. At the little town of Cylln-
j der , ten miles eait , two or three houses
v/er blovMi down uml sev ial persons seri
ously Injured. Several whose names have
not been learned are missing and many ure
supposed to bo killed or wounded. George
Morse and Oliver Cole wire In a slaughter
lieu e when the storm struck It. Hverybody
escaped with their lives. The buildings on
the fair grounds , but a few rods away , were
demolished In ( Jrcit Oak township , live
miles southwest , the storm was Aery severe
Many buildings are reported to have been
blown duwn , but owing to the local confusion
that prevails , it Is impossible to obtain re
liable reports In this citj the storm was
severe , but no serious damage was done.
a little now and then
in removing offend
ing niattci from the
stomach and bow vis
and you thereby
avoid n multitude
of distressing de
rangements nnd dis
eases , and will have
less frequent need
of jour doctor's
Of all known
agents foi this pur-
'jiosc , Dr Tierce's
Pleasant Pellets are
the best. Once
iix'd , tlirj nrc nl-
ivnjs In favor *
Their becondary ef
fect is to keep the
bowels open and
regular , not to fur
ther conMipate , as
is tlie case with
other pills Hence , their great pomilaiHy
vvitli Miffereis from habitual constipation ,
piles and their attendant discomfort and
manifold derangements. The ' Pellets. "
are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless
in any condition of the system. No care is
required while using them , they do not
iutcrfeie with the diet , habits or occupa
tion , and produce no pain , griping or bhock
to the IVstem Thej act in a mild , iasy and
natural way and there is no reaction after
ward. Their help lasts.
The Pellets cure biliousness , nek and
bilious headache , dullness , costivcncsb or
constipation , sotu .stomach loss of appetite ,
coateu tongue , indigestion , or d > bpipsia.
windy btlchiugs , "heartburn , " pain and
distress after eating , and kindred derange
ments of the liver , htomach and bowels.
In proof of their superior excellence , it can
be truthfully said , that they are alw.ivs
adopted as a household icniedy after the
first trial. Put up in sealed glass vials ,
therefore alvvajs fresh and tellable. One
little " Pellet " is a laxative , two are mildy
cathartic. As a "dinner pill " to promote
digestion , or to relieve distress fiom over
eating , take one after dinner They are
tin } ' , sugar-coated granules ; any child will
readily take them
Accept no .substitute that may be recom
mended to be "just ns good " It mav be
If Her for Ihc dealer , because of paying him
a better profit , but he is not the one who
needs help.
President. Cashier.
Fifsi iationa
Capital , $100,000
Profits , - 12,000
One of the oldest banks In the state of law * .
We BOllclt your business and collections \V *
pay fi per cent on time deposits. W will b *
pleated to see and servo you.
Attnriipyi-it-liiir I'rao
_ lice In llm ititn unit
friliT.U toiirn. a Itoiinia yiU- - SShn ( art
Coliijcil Bluffs
Klftli avenue and 1'earl it reel. Apply at Uo
of a tlrsl-clnrs lintel , K rooms , this hotel has
a first-clafis riputntlon , fcnllng * fiom CO to SO ut
a mej | . located Middle Uioaunuy at the junction
of all the strvct cir llnei. It Is tliv but eland
In the city of Council Ulurfu , Aildrens ] , U a
ollicc , Council Ijlun * .
nnd acruana foi Bale In Cuuncll HiufTs. No
fancy prices conslilcicJ I' , J. Jlmli , 6 i'earl
ximNisiun ROOM ron KENT ,
located , private family. Addit-ea II 15 , lite ,
Council UlufC * .
Uil llurke , at VV. H. Homer's. C3S llroadn.iy
two t'ltK.UH from Umiha motor line , fruit anc
formt tii'ea ; line vlen ; alaj other ctiolc <
ivalileneo Ijlu. fruit land and farms. < 'ur oi
. Ualrd , Iloom 9 , i\erett Llu < .k , Council Uluffa ,
BlikldH. Nlchulson & Co. IMP llrnadHuy.
roit SAM : on HUNT , A aoon PIANO. KOH
vail , Iwo iou l heutlnc jitovvs. OtOv T
TZl a. Ith 8U
Paine's Celery Compound Brightening Thou
sands of Homes.
How haul it Is ( o see the dear ones giadu-
ally losing iheli hold on life and fading
No home , hovuvor guarded , but has some
dear one of whom anslcti never coaxes.
Father and mother breaking down under
heavy cares , or a sister or a brother glow Ing
thin , pale , and weaker day by day
Into these homes Pulm's celery com
pound conies like a messengei of inoicy
There Is sure to be some near iclatlve or
friend who ewe recovery from some debili
tating sickness to Palne's celery compound.
The family physkian. no matter of uliat
school , recommends 11 and tills ot others
who became vigorous by Its u e
This Is the usual stoiy of the entrance ot
this remarkable blcod pmifler nnd netve
strengthener Into so many bonus In every
city und village ot the United States.
It restores health , nervous action of the
heart , sends purer , ilehcr blood through the
Intricate ventricles and chambers of this
vital organ and tn.mll/e * Its action by regu
lating the nervous system.
Paine's celery compound cures speedily and
pi'ininiiditly all disorders due to Impure
blrod and budl > nourished nerves nnd nerve
Mr. Claud Clary , n picture of whose wife
appears above , writing from his home In
North Topcka , Kan , says :
"I have been a sufferer from nervousness
for years , and have uted several remedies ,
none of which did me any good. This season
I had a severe attack , and tried Pa I tie's
celery compound. One bottle gave mo Im
mediate relief. 1 uted two bottles and am as
well today as I ever was.
"My wife has also used the medicine with
much relief. I have recommended It to
kCMial of my filends and nm sure that
they are satisfied with it "
Try It once and be convinced from per
sonal experience.
Yes , they have got them ! Got Actual ,
Positive , Knock-Dowu Bargains in
Got the Goods the People want.
Got the Shoes that have the style , comfort
and wear You will find these things on.y at
No. 1OO Main St. , Cor. 1st Ave.
See our School Shoas at 75c.
SOQ our Boys' Shoes at $1.00.
See our Misses' Shoes at 75c and $1.00.
See our Ladies' Shoes at $1-00 , $1.25 and $1.50.
See our Men's Shoss at $1.00 , $1.S5 and $1.50.
All of our RaynoUs Bros. ' Ladies' Fine Shoos that wo sold
at $4.00 , $5.00 and $6.00 choice now at $3.00.
See our line of Gents' Fine Dress Shoes at $2,00 , $2.50 ,
$3.00 and $3.50.
If you appreciate a saving of 2O per cent on your
Shoe bills , we are the people you want to see.
ThoNnnthirlrU Unllns I'rrnH nz boreo. full-clrcli
It ha tlio larpeM I PI it opening ut
anr Conllnunus . llnlln ,
Joublp.8truko Press lu
Uiu World.
, tapuctty | Cuuitruetloni UnraVitllly-nll tlie JIEBT.
Talks. They talk In tons Hie language ofpront.
They are easy sellers. They nrea double stroke press.
Profitable to handle. Write for catalogue and discounts.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
All IdnUiif
iluni i j
tlio lilxliait my 1. 1 ol
tlio irt. /.i Id | > 1 1
ituiiiuii r wr\n \ mil *
to tout : ti ! ( " > 1 1 1
no v. vVurK Iirjin.itly
u an I uollvjrjl
ill | urt < > if tai foe
A. MACIIi , ,
Tel houj ! 4A /