THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ERIDAY , SEPTEMBER 21 , 1691. EVERY TIME YOU INSERT A WANT At ) IN TUB tJKB IT 13 PUB- LISHBD IIOTH MOKNINO AND KVKNINO. FOtt ONB I'UICB. 17 WORDS 23c. Vacant Houses Will flnd through The Boo "Want Ads , " tenants dur- ' ing1 the winter who will SPEGIRL NOTICES. 1 Advertisements for them columns will l > e taken until 12:50 : t > . m. for tha evcnlnt ; , anil until 9:00 : p. m. for the morning nml HunJa > - fllllons. Advertiser * , by rmuestlnB a nunilwrol c'.ieck. fan hate unsworn mlilrcssetl to a numbered letter In care of The lice. Answers so adjicssoil will be delivered upon presentation of the rlicck. lint c.i. 1140 a word llrst Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken tor le s than ZM. for Hint Insertion. These advertisements must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. , ron STI'DCNTS TO KAHN Bailey & Lowryi Uuslnsss college. IloyJ'j theater. A SUIT oooKKnnrnn. ENOLISIF , 33 vnAiiBor AOI : . fleslres position In < Hly. IJiccllcnt references. Salary very moderate. Indeed. AddrPM X 22. Itco office. A-MW1 21 N WANTin : IN orpicn on STOIU ? by iiiKllMimnn 1 years of QKO. excellent ref erences. Very email proKicsshc Bahiry. Thor oughly capable ana willing. Aililn i X M , lieu oHlce. A MIBl 21 * WANTED , A POSITION AS COMl'OHITOH 1JY a liuly ) nveiaK" Jrom 8,000 to lO.ooi ) j r ilay. Address X 3D. lice. A MG10 21 WANTED MA1.E HELP. WANTRD , THAVni.INO HALKSMKN , 1IKLKN & Thompson , tallois , 1C12 I-'arnnin street. IJ Ml S23 WANTED. AT ONTO. ONT3 ROOD COAT aiiakcr : prices $3 lo $10. "Jly Tnllor. " Nnr- rnlls , Neb. 11-601-51 * I WANTKD. TWO 1'IIIST CLASS at once. M , H. Free , 313J5. ICth U-CX-20 iNTKLi.iottNT JIIN AND WOMEN IVIUY ! wheio to take onlirn for "Shopp's Xuw York City. Illustrated ; " just out ) mnnelous pro duction of the American metropolis , profusely Illtiatratctl from orifilnnl photographs taken Ijy inir own artists In places and Hlums. l.llvnil terms and descriptive circular frei ? on nppll- s ration : no capital required ; prnllt.s , Jfi 00 to 11TOO dally. If > nu want to innhff money fast \vrlla today. Aclilrrwi Cllobn Illhlp I'lllillslilnir . Co. , MS Dearborn strwt , Chicago , III. , nnd 723 Chestnut Btreet. Philadelphia. I'n. H M6I521 * _ WANTfiD , YOONO MA fr THOItdUOni/V HX- l > L rlrnced In olllco work : no others necxl npply ; * liest referencesrequired. . Addieas X 31 , lle-p. 5 H IBM 51 WANTED FEMALE HEM ? . " LADtnS WANTING KIIIST-CLASH dlllLS apply Scandinavian V. It. Hume. Olllce , 205 N. Kith. C MCS8 23 * WANTKD , LADinS TO , SELL Tilt : CnLEN brated California corbel. Horn ! for teims , prices and cuts. California Corset company , llrooklyn. N. Y. C & 1519 21 * WANTED. FIHBT CLASS MII.LINEItY TIUM- m ni ; 1C1I DoiiRlni at. C CIO 24 RXI'IRIIKCRD MH.T.IKRRY salesladies ; 1511 UoUKlus st. C 540 20 * WANT A FIHST-Cr.ASS IIAIIl nonn liul competpiit need npply. Mrs. It. H. l > alK , 15W IKjuglas et. O J1583 . ami. FOR ORNnnAU iiousn- wark , only 3 In family , no children : apply at 171T Cuss street. _ C-CW-21 * OIRL TO 1)0 HOl'SnvVOUK IN FAMILY OP 3 ; nt > children. Apply , with rcfeirne H. nfter - 4. 875 N. 27th. C-MI21 21 ) , A Miuor-K-Aonn. niriNiu AND encrKctlo lady , an oxcell < nt chance for such a. iieiaon. AiUlrcKS X 41 , lire O ilSll U \VANTnD , AN INTHLI.iaUNT YOUNO LADY for lulwmtory woric. Sherman & JkIcCnnnell'8 driiK etore , C MC03 21 FOB BENT HOUSES. TVANTUD. GOOD JIKDIUM PRICKD HOUSES. I.lHt lour houses for rent with Ami's. D-7JJ IIOU8RS , F. K. UAUI.INO , IlAIlKini UUOCK. D-7S4 ItOUSKS IN AM. PAUTS OP THC CITY. TIin O. F. Davis company , 1W5 rarnnin. U 735 KILKENNY CO. . n. 1. CONTINENTAL IJLIC. I > 73S CALL AT OUU ori'ICn ANI > 73XAMINK I'HO- tosraph of Nery nno 7-room mo < lern cotlauo on IKIMM ! street , one-linlf block from Car line ; only 32VOd per month. Fidelity Trust rumpun ) , 1703 Fnrnam st , 1 > 139 roR HUNT. DnsniAiir.n 7-11001 COTTAQE. 21113 Woolvrortli nve , , J13.00. lllngu.ilt Ilro . , I > lock. JXm HRNT , CHEAPEST C-IIOO1I COTTAOH with Iwith In city ; only $15.03 , WSj California ilrreL ] > M3C2 , rOH KENT , I ROOMS , C34 S. l.TII 8TKUET. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i > tiD BO * 3 fi-HOOM HOUSES , MODERN ANt > CHEAP , COS N. th atrffl , -MI19Ba' ron nENT-JEN-UOOM HOUHK. N. W. COR. 1'amain and JJtliiRB. ( . : moOcrn Improvemtnts ; by Oag , Tumor , 2318 1'amuui t. U SO U 31S30 lXlt RENT , TWO S-ROOM , RI.BCIANT PRICK * . all modern cinvcnlcncfi ; 1 block from llth street motor , $25.00. Comptroller's odlci * . D M320 _ _ von KENT ! nT/coANT IO-ROOM IIOITSBJ reasonable. 2003 Hurt street. P 283 M _ riNK 7-nOOM COUNCR TLAT AT 701 8. 16TII Rliwi ; ranRO and nil other couvcnlrncm W , O. Hallrr , room l\i , 1'nxton block. D 300 7-nooi iiousi : K van MO , RKK. D M S 21 * _ _ RENT. CLKQANT iaiDKNCI5 WITH all modern oomenlenrca , chrap. The owner would wish to retain couple rooms. Addntu X 2. J MoHlce. _ _ U 40 21 Ni\V 4-r.OOM COTTAOi : NEAR RUMIS I'ARK 19.00. ridellly Tiuit company , 170 ! Tarnam H-M4VJ _ _ _ FOR RENT. NEW 4-HOOM COTTAOn , MTU und Sahler st. . cellar , cistern , city vrater. IT. Oiqulre HIS Kurnam > t. D MM ) 2.1 IX > R RKNT. TWO 12-ROOM HOUSES , 21 ANB 21 ( N. 13th utrcet , all mo.lern con\enlenc s , with ranRe. Apply of the llyran Ir ( < * l cun- pany. 213 8. llth et D-MK1 23 _ TOR RENT , MOHRKN' K-nOOM FIAT. I.AN n block. COO 8. 13th. I ) 677 23 8-lJoOM 11OUSK NKAH II1O1I SCHOOI , . 520 00. Inquire 2616 ove. e-nooM COTTA a AVITII RATH , ins NORTH ITIU FOR RENT. A NICK COTTAQE. 7 ROOMS , city -water , eail front , on | ia\cd street , rent rt\iw > nnblo la right party ; nl o ntuhlc , 4 Rood utallii. T. C. Dimmer , room 1 , Ware block. U UC-21 TEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. "WITH JJARN , for S35.00. Call at 131 ! Ho. 23th lurjmc , D M61S 30 * H MT rUHNISHEU ROO5IB EAST ntONT norms. sos < DAVENPOUT. i-MiC3 05 lantNisiiED ROOMS. tKi Donai : . i-Mte ; ta KICKLY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODEItN , _ 05 Bt. M ryavenue. . U-iifa * ROOMS KOll LIGHT IIOUSEKBKI'INO. HJ NorUt Utjy TMt. K-MMI ' 3 IIOOMS. FVltNISUKO OH UNPl'UKISIIBO. tat IJpruce trcet. B MMia I'OR 11KNT KI.EQANTLY FURNISHED. Uam heattd roonu , M So. IStlu E4li FOR RENT--FTJHNISHED ROOMS. | Conlltfued. PLEASANT ' ROOMS. NEWLY FURNISHED , at' 2J8I Harnry si. R Mta 21 * _ 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR IIOUSI4KRRPINO fnr mm nnd wlw. Rent taken In board 313 N. 17th street , U MStl LAIUIR FJIONT PAIlLOR , MODERN COX- % cnlenceii. furnished or unfurnlxlied. with m without board ; nlso snnll room uiralnlrs. E26 So 23th avenue. E M6I6 27 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. ROOMd AND BOARD , 211J CAPITOL AVENUE , F HIM 27 NICE ROOMS ; GOOD HOARD ; RATES REA- to3ablecon > cnlence3. The Hose.IO-'O 2022 Itarney. F-M626 B2J * FRONT ROOM FOR TWO. WITH STRICTLY first eliiJ board. 2103 Douglas st. I1 2W UNFIMlNIHIIUp I'RONT AND RA K I'AR- lor ; nlso Turn , rooms .with 210 nnd 212 B. 23jli Ht. r M390 NICE ROO.M WITIt BOARD , CHEAP. 2110 CASS F 334 Oil * ELEOANTLY FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT room or suile > ; private board ; best conven iences 2110 Douglas street. F M537 25" rt'RNISlinO ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2013 Doucins. r M434 O15 -Tin : mi.Lsiniv TJL AND DODGE. NEW nmiasfni nt , large rooms , furnished nnd un- fuinlshcO , elenm heat , excellent table board ! ' M533 24 * HANDSOME FRONT ROOMS WITH DOARD ; references. 20J N. IStlu F 033-22' GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR SEVERAL Nouni : Rpntlemen. Reduced rates to those having roommates. Also Inrge front room fnr married couple. The Albany , 2101 Douglas Ht. F-M1S6 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT , . . - rooms fol hOtlsckreplng. 2C11 St. Mary's avenue. G MS3J 21' 2 RdOMS , MODERN. PRIVATE HOUSE. REF- ercnccs tciiulrcd. 1003 Georgia are. CC3-23 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES ' CORNER STQRI3 , HO , 2 > 1 DOL'OtJAS. INQUIttd 9. ! . ' . 1 740 FOR RENT , THD 4-STORY 11UICK IIUILDINO 911 ] Fa ran m street. The building has a ( Ire * proof , cement basement , complete steam heat * InK tfxtiites , water on all floors , irns , etc. Ap * ply nt the olllce ot Thelice. . 1 910 FOR RENT. ROOM 65 BY 32. 2D FLOOR OF my store , suitable for cloaks and suits ; Rood llcht nnd elevator serMce. Mrs' J. Itenson. I 1I9S9 FOR RHXT. A NICE CORNER BRICK STORE , good opening for hardware or drug store , rent very low to rlRht party. T. C. JJrunncr. roam 1 , Ware Mock. I M7-21 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , GOOD SOLICITORS. MEN ATJD women , to work for tile 1'nxtresslve Endow ment Guild of America , for Missouri , Kansas and NtbraKka , ( Dulldlm ; and loan nnd 10- \ear endowment Insurance com1 > ! nd ) Itclln * hie people only need apply. Address , room S , Rock Island hldg1. . cor. Cth and KJnnnd streets. St. Joseph , Mo. J MM3 01' WANTED TO RENT. WANTED. HOUSES TO RENT. HAVE MORE calls than I can cupply. J , H. Pnrrotte. 16th nnd Dodge. K Ml S2 ( WANTED , HOUSE. SIX OR SEVEN ROOMS , modern , between Capitol avenue and Leaven * worth , east of Tvventy-elchlh street , with stable preferred. Adilicsa X 117 , Uee. K COO-20 * STORAGE. BTORAGE.WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNEY. M-711 STORADI3 I'OR IIOCSRHOt.D GOODS ; CLEAN and ( heap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. . M-742 OM.VAN4STORAQE CO. , 1502 FARNAM. Tel.ISM M 741 HEST HTORAQB DUILDINO IN OMAHA , U , S. KOV. liondrd warehoUBo. Household fioods stored , Lowest rates ? 1013-1013 Leavenvvorth. M-744 WANTED TO BUTT. HAVANNA FRECKLES , BEST ON EARTH. 5C. N-MCJ1 B27 SECOND-HAND HOOKS UOI1GHT FOR CASH at Antiquarian book store. 1519 street. N M5C1 O10' WANTED , A HORSE AS A GIFT. OR FOR ITS keenlnir thin winter. City Mission laundry , 310 boutll 20th. Telephone 1716. N-MMO 22 * FORTBAI/E FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY , YOlT WONT MISS YOUR money. Low prices on furniture and household goods , Enterprise Credit Co. , , C1J-C15 N ICtli st. O 743 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OF rUIWI- tuie. stoves , etc. U Altman , 6JJ N. 16th.O . O 568 FOR SALE. AT A SACRIFICR. ELEGANT furniture , nearly new , of a kU-room cottnKe. Inquire US I tee bulldlnc. D M577 FOR SALE. TWO BEDROOM fll'ITES OF FUR- nllure ; lm\e hem used but little ; Jiell cheap. Apply 3CCi Woolvvorth aycquc. O M6"S 21 * TOR SALE HORSESWAOONS.ETO WANTED A TEAM OF HORSES WEIGHING 110 lesi than 1,100 Ibs. , nell broken to city drtvlnc. Bend particulars to IT 17 , Bee. I' S 14-3-13' S BARGAINS ; PUTS. PHAETONS ; 1 NEW surry below cost. Drummond Carriage Co I' 743 GOOD LEA. TOP FAMILY CARRIAGE. IU.OO ; Simpson buikboaitl , tjOOO. Drummond Ce. Co. I' 743 A. H. PLARICK. HORSE COMMISSION DK.VL- rr union clock ) nrdi , bouth Otuahu ; all cltxses nt hoines constantly on hand ; pastern S. south ern bu > er arc here for fall lupply auc. Sat. P-MKi Oil TOR SALE CHEAP. NEW IfQX BUGGY. R. Sererlnr , S. W. 21 t and Casi. p 54C 21 * FOR SAIiE MISOELLANEOU8. HANK AND PLATTB VALLEY SAND FOR sale. C. W. Hull company , Wth and liard sts. Q 7M CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAJ ferc nude , C. 11. ! . . Wl D < n.j.n. < ] -74 ] HAY roil 8ALU AND RANGE FOR LEASE ! 700 tons Kood hay at 12.00 per ton In stack. In Cherry county. Nebraska ! ranee. 5i6 mile * for leave , containing two Kooil corrnlU of 800 head capacity : barn for Huht hones ; living water , nell. etc. AdJreu K. E. Cole. W7 C street , Nep. Q-M3LM IP YOU IlUSf. BUX THE BEST : MACKIN- tofthea. rubber boots , artlca. syrlncea ot alt kinds ; K > tublni ; all l * t quality. Onvahi Tent ft Avrnlng Co. . ll Xarnam t. Q < 43 BALK , FULL BLOOD HOLSTEIN DULL calf , rujlitertd. OX Webster itre t. Q-4MI1' _ FRESH LARGE SHORT HORN COW. "VERY kind , large milker , grand family cow ; ad- X M. Itec. MISCELLANEOUS. i oorjs AND VArr.Ta CLEANED. JOHN , Olllce 418 8. l tll St. Tel. 1172 WELL BORINGi WK ARE PRr.PAREO TO lore wells nny deptli. from 1 to 1 ft t In diameter. Thorn. Wtlch & Co. . l l Iz rd < ! . . Omalin. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS DR. H. WARIir.N. CLAIRVOYANT ItE- liable business medlumj 7th jear nt 119 N Klh. S-7JI MASS AGE. BAIHH. ETC. _ MASS AC E , UADAMH I1ERNAIID , 1119 DODOr ! . T MMIJ. LA RUE , 41 SOUTH 15TII. T MMO-010' _ MADAME SMITH. M2 S. 13T1I. 2t > FLOOR , room 3 , missaecnior | , alcohol , steam. But- phurlne nnd sea baths. T MI49 22' ' PERSONAL. JtMRRELLAS MAUK RECOVERED AND HE- paired. 101 South Sixteenth utrret. V 753 VIAVI HOME TRP.ATil ENT FOR LADIE9. llc.iHIi luiok nnd oonyultntlon free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 311 ! Bee bide. I-nJ/ attendant , U 7J4 DR.W.STEPHENSON. BPECIAL1ST , 600 B. ITIII U-AI4 SIS' _ 10G CIUAR FOR C , HAVANA FRECKLES. V M631-SI7 _ I1ATIIS , MABSAGK. MME. POST , 8W P. 15T1F. U-75t _ _ _ KLiCTRO-THERMAL : BATHS. FACIAL MAS- snge complcxlon treatment , Mme , Post , 31JH S 15. UiS30 WHOLI3 W1IKAT BREAD FROM UNI1OLTED Hour at Imoeitt L , Ramsey's , 217 N , it. U-M317-019 _ BELLE EPI'RIILY IS FITTED AND MKA8- ured to the Iliiuio ; nlnnja remains shapely nml Is better prepired to retain the finer outlines of n beautiful llgurc limn nny other. Nine mcnaurcmcnlu are necessitry and all fitting Is done by experts It's the only corset tint makei one lOnpely and < appreciated by every laily who calls at parlor * . 1W ) Farnam street. U M378-OI3 IF YOU HAVE IM.OO to Jt.OOODO WE CAN show > ou perfectly snfc InviEtinc-nt that will lettm a monthly cash dividend of S in 10 per < cnt. Nebraska Stock Brokers Co. . 313 Ilningo block. U-M17 V MACKINTOSHES & RUUBER BOOTS , is'll Fa7. U 513 MME. LA ROOK. MASSAGE. 1C09 LEAVEN- north street , third floor , front rooms : two first class operators. U Mill 25 * MRS F. DORSEY. CARD READINGS. 1112 N. 20th. U MJ5S 25 AULAIIAUGH PUR CO. . MANUFACTURERS of fur carmcnts ; furs neatly repaired. Fur muffs at cost. Iluom 301 ICarbach bile. Tel 1812. U-603-O19 WANTED. LADIES FOR BURLKSQfBSHOW ; singers , danrers nnd high kicker ? , piano pli > er , singing and dancing comedian , gentleman ullh J1000 > > for Ireasuri-r. Addtesa Mme. Hh'M-Hter's Ilurlcsiruo Show , York , Nib. U M614 2I MONEY TO LUAN KEAl , ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought , F , S. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. W 759 ANTHONY LOAN & "rilUST CO. . 31J N/Y.LIFE , loans at low tates for choice eeeurlty In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city propci-U. W -7CO MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS county Unproved nnd unimproved Omnha- real estate. Fidelity Trust Co , 1702 Farnam st. W 781 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan , Love & Co. , 1'axton 1)11 ; . W 713 MONEY TO I/DAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , IMS Fnrnnm st. W 701 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. I to 5 years. Fidelity Trust Co , 170.1 Fnrimm. W-761 LOANS ON IMPROVED * UNIMPROVED CITY jjjoperty JS.Ooo & upvvaids. 6 to 7 per cent ; no ' lajs. W. Fornam Smith & Co. 1MO Farnnm. W-702 INSL'RANCE POLTcTES PURCHASED. I oaiiM on Fame negotiated. WeHlief (1o. . Dre-cot bids. , Phlla , , Pa. \ W MJ71-O : * C1IAS. W. RAINEY. OM. NAT. B1C BLDO. W-185 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. B. Melklc , 1st Nat. bank blclb . W 7C3 TO LOAN.r .000 AT 8 PER CENT INTEREST , to be paid Minl-armunlly , security must l.c first class. No commission. Address H. box 48. Omaha , Neb. W 5 21 MONEY TO .LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS. horses , wagons , etc. , nt lowest rates In city ; no removal of coorts : strictly ronlldentlal ; > ou can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA. . MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 20 < i S. ICth street. X 768 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROPerty - erty , Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N , Y. Life bulld- X-770 J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM T RAMGE BLOCK. X 7CD MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. pianos , horses , wacons , or nn > Kind of chattel security , at lowest rmsslblc rates , which > ou tan pay hick nt an > ' lime and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4 , Wlthnell block. X 771 BUSINESS CHANCES. A HOWLING SUCCESS. HAVANA FRECKLES. Y M631 327 THE NATIONAL INFORMATION AND EX- chnnKe Co. . 203 First National hank. Omaha , has customers with cash , farm lands and city property for merchandise ; also stocks of goods for sale and trade.Y MSG3-30 A COAL BUSINESS. ALSO FEED , tabllthed In county icat ; osk no bonus ; Jt.OOO will clear ume In clx month * . Apply to W 54. Dee omen. Y 3M.o 45 PER CENT I'ROriTS"WEEKLY , WITH 1110 capital , Prospectus , Itemized statistic ] free. Benson & Dwyer , 831 Bruadvmy. New York. Y-M115-O5' ONE OF THE BEST HOTELS IN A COUNTY seat In the elate tor rent , newly furnished. Address X 26 , Bee. Y M556 i' rOR BALE-ONE OF THE IIEST LOCATED retail clear stores In the city. For further Information and partlculara apply to A , Schaefcr , care of Max Meyer & . Co. Y-MSO FOR SALE. CIOAIIS. TODACCO , CONFEC- tlonary and fruit etore : Food location ! cheap rent : good reasons for selling. AilJrezs X 3J , Bee. Y 37 :0 THE BEST AND CHEAPEST CIOAR STORE on ICth street for sale ; will Invoice at MO. This 1s n good chance for same man that understands the business. Will sell for cash only. Good reason for selling. Address X 3J. Bee olllce. Y MJS3 21' FOR HALE , 13,000.00 DRUG STOCK ; LOCATION good ; trade excellent ; a bargain : don't write unless you have the cash and mean business. Address X 34. Omaha Bee. Y M582 20 FOR SALE. MILLINERY STORE IN C1OOD town , doing- splendid business , clean stockt will take 70 cents on the dollar fur nil good * except his fall's purchases ; Investigate. Ad * dress X M , Bee. Y M4-20' PERMANENT AND PROFITABLE BUSINESS for reliable party with moderate capital. Will bear Investigation. Address X CO. Bee ofllce. Y MWO 24 FOR SALE. INTEREST IN ESTABLISHED and paying business. Only active man ulth capital need address. A. It , Box W4. Omaha. Y M81D 21 * _ OPPORTUNITY FOR ENTERPRISE AND A little capital. Old eastern house wants Ne braska. representative. Address X 42 , Bee of- rice. Y M SO 24' _ FOR EXCHANGE. I HAVE CASH. IOWA AND OTHER LANDS tr exchange for merchandise , II. A. Wagner , Omaha , Neb. Z M8CS LAND TO TRADE FOR CATTLE OR HORSES. Land located In Ullrheotk Co , , Neb. Address P. O. Box 119. Red Cloud. Neb. g-M317 2t OMAHA IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED residence property and eaiU'rn Nebraska firm land to trade for dry goods. Wont to ll-U with owner , Box 716 , Schuyler , Neb. | Z-M 120-01 _ _ CLEAR CITY PROPERTY FOR J.AND. WIL. Hi ma & Mlttan , McCaguo bulldlne. rcotn 313. Z-M07-Q1 _ IMPROVED 120 ACRES IN WYANDOTTE CO. , Ohio , and line residence with ten acres nd- Jolnlns good town In Hancock Co. . Ohio , to trade for eastern Neb. land or merchandise. Box SS3. Schuyler. Neb. SJ-M121-O5 _ A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EXchange - change for young work horsea or mulei , Lamorenux Bros. , 303 S. 16th. Z IDS TO EXCHANGE FINE THIRTY-ROOM BRICK ( team heated hotel for farm or cheap for cata. Address Box 83 Dunlap , la. g-310- _ AMERICA'S PRIDE. HAVANA FRECKLES. tS ! Z MUI1-S27 _ I WISH TO TRADE TWO FINK BROOD marc * , both cafe In foal to standard sons ol Onward and Red WUkes , Also two standard bred tlllles , one by HhadeUnd Onward. Ihe other by Eventlme. Want clear Omaha ot Council Bluffs property or Und. No cash. .lddre s K. S. Gay , Fullertaii , Neb - FINEST FARMING LAND IN MEIIRICK county to eichanga for a stock of general mer- chandlse. Box lit , Clarki , Neb. 2-MC1 ! 21 * FOR BALE BEAL ESTATE. ) FOR BALB. NRW l-IVXHt COTTAOK. CEL- lar. clstrn. . city nuter. ror 13th nnd flohler ; t2V)00 ! ; lone time. Enquire 131 * Fnrnmii. Samuel Burns. R I'773 _ OAIIDKN LANDS , S MUdH , fftOM POST OF- nee , ra r terms. Cnll'nT 940 N. Y. Life. _ f.T . RE-73I IIAIIOAINH. HOl'SES , I/ITS AND FARMS , sale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. nu4 _ -1A1- FARM LANDS. C. P. H'ATmtSON. 913 N.Y LIFE _ H E-l 3 08 * _ _ CHOICE GARDEN LANt)1 * , 6 MII.Rt FROM Omahti pootolllce , lO'lu'lO' ' ) acres , soms trade. N D. Ke > f8. 617 PnxttivWk R E MOT 20 ACRES CLOSE IN , - M acres , with hotmf. t2J X > , 41 ncres , Improvctl.itfi.1 \ \ 1 0 , near Omaha. HO.OOO. W. near Waterloo , 11.205. MO , near Omthn. J .coo. . Vr > , neap Nebraska Oily , J,0 X ' 1 0 , near Bjracuse , I6.4W. 80. near Springfield. $1 200. C. F. llnrrltion , 012 N. Y ; Life. RK-513 20 _ _ POR SALE , llfcOPNCnT IlLUFFS. A VERY desirable modern 7-r om house , extra choice Ideation , I7.MO. Addrrms , Ptifcy & Thomas. 2Jf _ Flrst Nat I Ilk Bldg , Omaha. RE-M1262I FOR SA LnrT6oi"TiiisiiiKi.a CORN ] EVRPY eounly , 60 cents nt crib. Hoggs K Hill. 140 ? Fnrimm , RE-M6I7 SO _ GREAT BARGAIN. 45 ACRES NEAR SKY- mour park , only 7i per ncie. Hicks , 305 N. Y. Life bldg. RE-MIJ19 21 * _ _ GILT EDGED INVESTMENT. St'llSTAN- tlally Improvi-d piopertj , splendidly hniiled , pnslng a per cent net , MO 000 Hicks' Real Estate Agencj. S03 N. Y. Life bldff RK MBt9 21' TYPEWRITERS. STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FOR Bale should make > ou suspicious ; funny they mi- mostly Smith's. Try one and > ou will un- ilerstnnd whj ; full line of supplies. Smith- 1'remler Co. . 17th and Faimm ; telcphjne , I.2SI. M 70J TYPEWRITERS. OMAHA PEOPLE DON'T steal tjpevvrlters , they buy of us. Why ? Be cause the Densmore Crtllnrnph and Yost nre the best machines made ; they \vlll outwear any tsi'ewrltcrs mndp , and ilo a better nuillty of work , Our supply department \ \ \ \ \ bo sure to please joti. Send your machines to us 1C yon want them repaired. United Typewriter nnd Supplies Co. , 1019 Farnam street. Tele phone 1KJ. 173 HOTELS. BETTER THAN MOST WOO HOTELS IN Omaha. Our rates , Jl.W to Jl.W. Hotel Riche lieu. Geo. Mitchell , prop. , lOS-110 N. 13th. 181 07 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Room by day or week , M2S2 09' 1OTEL BARKER , 2.00 PER DAY. 140 ROOMS. In the heart of the buslrn'B ? houses. Special rates and accommodations lo commercial trav elers. Room and hoard by the week or month. Flank Hlldltch , Mgr. 313 BICYCLES. BICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires nnd sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. R. Hetlln , locksmith , 311 N. l th Et 150 niCVCLES , NEW AND OLD. $20 1O JUS ; onsy payments : e irht and repair. Omnha lllOCle Co. , 323 N , ICth st. 778 BICYCLES ALL STYLES. ALL PRICES. Send for our list of second-hand and shop worn bicycles. Repairs nnd cjelc sundries of all kinds. M. O. Dnxon. 492 N. 16th st 779 LOST. LOST. WEDNESDAY , BETWEEN MIAMI AND Cuminfr on 22d street * I idles feather t > oa. Re turn 2619 Douglas and receive reward. LOST 575 20 STRAYED. BROWN RlifD DOG ABOUT ONE year old ; blown leather collnr on neck ; an swers to name of Nero"Reward ! for return to 1312 North 19th. * LOST 670 20 * LOST A LADY'S GOLD RING. CLUSTER OF rubbles and pearls ; return to Mrs. A , J. Ford. Mlllanl hotel , room 93 , anil receive renanl. > C83-20' DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. 2120 S. 10TH. * I M192-O15' DRESS MAKING AT NORTHEAST CORNER 16th and Howard. , Wopl i dresses , H.OO. . 6IM7 21' HILDRIJS S CLQTHlis AND PLAIN fiEWINp dcno-at H09 FKrnam street. , .M579i2 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. FOR BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS ; easy puvments ; Instruments rented ; rents apply on purchase. A , Hospe , jr. 795 . . F , OELLENBECK , BANJOI3T AND ' -vher. 1810 California street. 911 RUDOLPH ENGEL , FORMERLY OF THE Bulovv orchestra , 19 now prepared to receive pupils for violin , viola , cornet , piano. Reason able terms. 1313 Cass street. MI43 22 * PLUMPERS. G. F. GELLENBECK. BANJOISTS AND teacher. 1810 California street. 914 FREE-PLUMBING OF EVERY KIND. GAS steam & hot water healing ; sewerage , 313 3 16. 733 JOHN HOWE & CO. , PLUMBING. STEAM AND hot tvutcr heating , gas futures , globes , 421 S IS. 790 J. J. IIANIGAN. PLUMBING. STEAM AND hot water healing. Z703 Lcavinwofth st. 7S9 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS H. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chicago St. , telephone 90. 7S5 8WANSON & VALIEN. UNDERTArlKPil AND cmbalmers , 1701 L'umlng- . , telephone 10CO 786 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 Farnam st. , telephone 225. 787 C. W. BAKER. UNDERTAKER. 613 S. 10 ST. G44 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gen eral machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Work * , 617 nnd 519 S. 16th sU 783 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants and all klnda of electrical construction Western Elec- Irlo Supply Co. , 419 and 420 S. lth st. 781 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. YOU CAN MAKE MORE INTEREST ON YOUR money by pa ) Ine us Jl or 111010 per month than In any savings bank. Investigate. Mu tual Loan and Building association , G. M. Nattlnger , eec'y , 1704 Farnam et. 725 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. ass'n , 1704 Bee bide. G. M. Nattlnger. sec. M-1SI STOVE REPAIRS. STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40,000 DIFFERENT makes of stoves. Water attachments and con nections a specialty. 1207 Douglas street , Omaha Btove Repair Works. > M 175 STOVE REPAIRS OF 'ALL KINDS ! ALSO liotel range and general assortment of ranges. cooks & heaters : watcrVittachments put In & connected at J. Hughes , 1307 S. 13 st & Jackson. tttrj 308 BUBINESSiNOTIOE8. | , OMAHA MEERSCHAI'M'i'il'E FACTORY ; OLD plpca made new. 613 H.fttli. , "SO DAMAGED MIRRORS RI5SJLVERED , 719 N. 16. v , r. 781 THE NEATEST HARtiHTl SHOP IN CITY ; court ot Ilea building. ' ' ilrtil Buelow , 311 HAY AND i GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY Ti fCR CAR LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. St.ydvf.'U15 Burt it. , tel. 1107. NEBRASKA HAY CO. , , WHOLESALE HAY. grain and mill duff. _ " ) ye are always on the jnatket to buy or cell ? 1102-4-t Nicholas st. ( ' fit791 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. . ijEADINCJ OPTICIANS , J. F. Ponder , manager. Kjes tested free. 222 Bouth 16th , In Klnsler't drug store , 4H-31 * THE ALOE & PENFOJb CO , SCIENTIFIC opticians. 1408 st , , opposite Puxttm liotel , Eyes examined free. 791 DYE WORKS. BCHOEDSAClT , " TWIN CIT Y DYET WORKS. 1I2U Farnam street. Delng of every descrip tion and dry cleaning. 791 BEST FURNACE MADE. SOFT COAL SMOKE consuming and hard coal famacti. Eagle Cor. nice Works , 108-110-111 N. llth st. v i\0 \ WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS , , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Ml klndi of coal , Corteiirandence sollcltrU , 1003 Farnam st. 811 - JOB PRINTING ! HEED JOB PRINTING. CO. . PINE PRINTINU of all klndi , 17th it. , Dee building. 791 MERCHANT TAILOR. t WISH TO ANNOt'NTH THE ARRIVAL OF iMlXMlTED AND DOMESTIC Fall nnd winter V. OOI.EN8 D , A. Llmlqufst Merchant Tnllor , llS S 15th U M007 COAL. SHERIDAN COAL. EXCELLENT 81 B8T1TUTE for hard coal nnd 13.W ton cheaper. Ifith&Fiirnnm 1KW-O4 D T MOUNT HAS HEMOVED HIS COAL OF- lice to SOD a 16th tit . Br..vm block. 1V > MEDICAL. HOME FOR LADHCS BEFORE AND DVR1NR cunllnement. with best l care ouiinnunlc.itIon confidential. Mrs. \olkmnn , urndunuvl mid wife , 401 South Eighth stud , L'nsH , Neb. MS9) ) OS * DENTISTS. Dlt. GEORGE S NASON DENTIST , MflTH 2 < M 1'nxton block , 16th nnd Farmim ate , lei. 712.W3 W3 DR. 1'AUL. DENTIST. 202 * HURT HT. 606 STENOGRAPHERS. F. J. SUTCLIFFE , GENERAL HTENOO- rapher. 23 ] Bee building. Tvl HI louo yfl.MS81 MS81 SHORTHAND VAN SANT'B SCHOOL OP SHORT HAND , N , V , Llfr , Omaha , Ask. for Uruilur * 3 ! ROOdE'S O&t. BUSINESS CO1.LIX1K , 15 i FAR. CORNICE. WESTEHN COrtNICE WOUKS , OALVANIXEO lion cornices. 1722 St. Mury'ii nve S03 i raLK "cOHNfclT "WOIUCS , JOHN EVE- lu-ttr. prop. , liW , 110. Hi N. llth. Eglali. ltd. JRINDJ-NG. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERS , RAZORS. F.TO. . ground. Mclcholr Bros. . 1119 Fdinam street. M2S7 RAZORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERH. LAWN MOW- ers. etc. A. L. Undelnnd. 10S N. llth. 192 HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MALONEY. 012 N. ICTH ST. 31 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING VERY" CHEAP THIS MONTH M , S. Walklr , 2111 Cutntng. Tel. C02. 802 NIGHT SCHOOLS. ROOSB'S OM. BUSINESS COLLEGE. 15 & FAR. C04 CARPET CLEANING. a. I ) . MEURYMAN , CARPET AND RUG cleaning work , 720 S. 14th ; lei. Ml : olllce 1D02 Farnam : tel , 1C5S. M 323-O11 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. 1IORRILL , CARPENTER , OFFICE AND store fixtures n specialty. Patching nnd plas tering. 409 S. llth St. , telephone 403. 796 TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FUR8V BEND FOR CATA- loguc. Oeoigo E. Brown , jr. , & Co , 703 S. 16th. 811 LIVER 5T STABLE. BOARDING STABLES , FINE LIVKRY RIGS cheap. Eil Baumlcy , 17th and bt , Mao's ave M-M3 PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. 16th St. 722 = THE Purely Vegetable , -i Prepared from the original formula pre served in the Archives of the Holy Lnml , fiav > lair an authentic ulctory dating back COO years. A POSITIVE CURE for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel troubles , especially CHBOHTC CONSTIPATION , ' Price CO ocntB. Sold by all druggists. The Franciscan Remedy Co. , 131 VAN BUHEN ST. , OHIOAOO , HX. .5 { or Circular ami Illustrated Calendar. NEBRASKA IVJITJCXZVAZv JBAJVJ V. H. Depository , Umalia , A'tbranlca , CAPITAL , - - $400,000 SURPLUS , - - $55,500 Officers and Directors Henry W. Tatti , prti- lltnl : John S. Collins , vlie-presldent ; Ltvrii & . Heed. Cashier ; William IL a IIiiEhea. c.-St not ca hler. hler.THE THE IRON BANK BUREAU. SUES & , CO. , Solicitors. Boa Building , OMAHA , Neb. Advlco FREb RRlLWRYTiMBCRRD Leaves I CHICAGO fc NORTIIWKST'NlArrlvea OmahalU. 1' . Depot , 10th & Mason Sta.l Omaha. llOTam Eastern Express C:30pm 4:00pm. . Veiitlbulcil Limited 9:40am 6Kum. : . Mo , Vnllcy Ix > cal . . . . .I0:30pm GitSpm Omaha Chicago Special. . . . . . 2 : ! ! > [ > m Leases ( CIIICAQO. 11URLINGTON & Q | Arrlves _ Omaha | _ Depot 10th nnd Mason 8U. I Omaha 4JIpm : . Chicago VcstllmlOt . , 9SOam : 9M3im . Chlcneo Express . 4 : > pm 7,0. pm.ChlriiRO nnd Iowa . 800am HUaiii.l'aclllc : : Junction Local . SS5pm : M"6TRIVERArrlvcT | Omahal Depot 10th and Miimn Sts. I Omlian 10lSam : , . Drn\er Expresa . , . 3:35nm : 10:15am : . Diiidn < x > l Express . 4.10pm 4SOpm : . Denver Express . JilDpm t.lOpm. . Nebraska Lociil ( except Sunday ) . . t.SOpm glBam. ; . Lincoln lyjcal ( except t > unady.ll25am ! Leaves I K. C.7 ST. J. & 'c7jf. ( Arrives OnuUiaj _ Depot 10th and Mason Bts. | Omaha . City Day Express. . . . . "SlUSpm > : l3pm.K. C. Night Ex. via. U. r , Trans. C.DOara Leaves I CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC' . ( Arrives OmahalU. 1' . Depot. 10th & Mnson Sis | Onmhs , EAST. 10ISam..Atlantic Exprens ( ex. Sunday ) , . . < i:0 < pm < : Upm. , NlEht Express6:40atn : l:4 : pm..ChIcaKO Vrstlbulrd Limited. . . l:25pm : ll:3iam.Ol : < Ialionia Exp < to C. It. et. Bun ) . E-.aiam WEtri" . C:31un.Oklahoma. : S. Texas 12p. ( ex. Run > .ll:35pm : 1:35pm Colorado Limited. < :10pm : " Leave * I UNION PACIPIC. [ Arrives OmalialL'nlon Depot , lotli & Ma on 3ts. | Omaha 10:01un . , ICeamey nxprf . . , . . . , . . : > pm 2ltpm , . , , .Overland Flyer. . 5 : 0ptn 2l5pm.Beati1ce : k ijtronisb'g Ex < ex Bun ) 3BOpm : CUOpni . I'ai'lflc Kxprces . 10Uam : 1'ast Mull. . - > :20pin : " Leaves I CIUCAOO , MIL , & T. I'AUI. ( Arrives OmaliaUnlon | Depit , ICth nnd Mason bt . | Omnha < : l5pm . Chicago Limited . 3:30am : ll:10ani..Chkaeo : Kxpresn ( vx. Hun. ) . . . . 2.00pm Leaves I K , . 13. & MOT VALLEV ( Arrives Omahal Depot 15th und WebsterStB. _ _ | Omaha 3,03am . Dendwood Express.7. . 5:10pm : : oamKx. ( Bat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( Ex. Mon. ) . 510pm ; 5:00pm : .Norfolk Uxpresa ( Ex. bunday ) .lo:45am : ( :30 ] > m . t. . . . St. 1'aul Express. , . 9 : am I MISSOURI I'ACI Kit' . ( Arrives i Omaha ] Depot ISth snd Webster Sis. t Omaha :00ain. : . . . . . . . ,6t. Ixiuls Express , . . . . . C:00am : ! > : r4iim | . 6t. Louis Kxpreu . 0.55pm S:10pm. : . "Dally ( ex. Hun. ) Nebraska Local. . 9 LenveTT " " " ( J.TsT. I' . , M. . O . ( Arrives Omahal Depot lith and Webster Sts | Omnha 8OOan > . , .Sloux City Accom ( Ex , Hun ) . , 8:0 : > pm 10OOam.jlouK ; ! City Accom. ( Sun Only. ) . , StO pra i15pm..Bloux City i ; * pros ( Kx. Hun..ll:5ium ) : 8SOpm ! . St. I'aul Limited . 9 : < ft > ni Le veiT | SIOUK CITY Jk I'ACIl tCT ( Arrives OmuhalUnlon Depot. lOtb & Mason 3ts. | Omaha 6Mam : . Btoux City Taisenger . 10:20pro : . . . .Ht. I'aui Kipr . . j A"f rTTeT Ornalial Depot ICtli npJ W L ltr BH. I Omaha VFjOpm . Bt 1'nul Limited . . . . . . , 9:40am : tMpm : . Cliloato Lirotltd. . . . . . . . . 8:40am : Leaves WABASII JlAILWAV. | Ajrlves _ ' _ ' [ QmahajUnlon Depot. lOtiifc Ma'son Bit'fbrnahs 3S5pre : st. LouU Cnnnoo "lljlt . ' , lJpni : covnr ; In the supreme court yesterday the follow ing proceedings were hxl : Slito * rcl Hansom va lrer ( advanced Karris vs Nichols , dismissed. Motions to nuaah bills tf exception * In the following cases were overruled. Tcctimsoh National bank va Head ; Ttcumseh National bonk va Smith ; Tccumsch Nntloiul bunk vs Snttn.lcra : Tccunuph National bank VB Host ; Tecumseh Nall-nal bank vs llrowni Tcctira- seh National bank vs Hull ; Tecumseh National bank > s Voiing , Tecumseh National bank v Kershnvv , Tecumsoli Natlciiat bank va Corson ; Tecumseh National bank vs Tur- no. * . SMcKlnley-I.annluE Loan uiul Trust com pany vs Aldrlch , motion to qtiiab bill of ex ceptions Eiistnlntxl. Cnse 1'low W rks vs H.iyvvunl , motlm to ijunsh bill of exceptions sustained. Coburit vs Watson , motion lo dismiss overruled , lloaglaml vs Vtn Utten ; Coolpy vs Stnto ami iellliher ; va State 'en ot diminution ut record donlcd. vs Srecht , mot ! n to dismiss over- Merrill vs Wright , motion for leave to amend petition overruled , Motions tor rehearing vroro overruled In the follow Ins C-BCB : Slcphonsn va Tinge ; Scroggln vs National Lumber company ; Chlcag-1 , Uurllngton & Qulncy llalhvay com pany vs Hitchcock county ; Smith va I'hclnn ; Van Ultcn VB Howcll ; Hanover Klro Insur ance company Oustln ; Grimes Dry Qoods company vs Shaffer ; Drown vs Dlttu-r ; Jen kins vs Mitchell ; Kcrces Stubbs ; Ml nick va IIrock ; Klltson vs Albright ; Merrill vs Wright ; Union 1'uclflc Hallway company vs Krlckeon ; Union Pacific Hallway company vs C < bb ; German Insurance company vs Davis ; Brlggs vs first National bank ; Doll vs Crume , Lamb vs Stnto ; Von Horn vs IfcngrJaht : llalrd va Woodird , Kullerton \s school district of Llnccln. Totey va Holtry , rehearing allowed. The following cases \\crs argued and sub mitted : Gtdmnns Converse , Omaha & Republican Valley Hallway company vs Cook. Ulntk against Kclsey. Appeal from Doug- i-ounty. Reversed anil rem.imied. Opin ion by Chief Justice Norvnl. AH vetbal negotiations or undet standings of patties luid prior to thu execution of the written contract me merged In the vvtltten The contract of cinployment Bet out In the opinion corstrtted , mid , lield Hint the emplove was obliged to bestow all of bis time and attention. If the fame were re- nulred for thu successful proiocutlon of the business of his employer , nnd that such em ploye was prohibited , duilng the term of his employment , from engaging in nny enter prise or business on Ills own account of the wune character ns thnt of Ills employer , or which conflicts with the Interests of the liittcr. 3. A cause Bhould be tried upon the Issues formed by the pleadings. 1. An account stated docs not bar a re covery for Items not within the contempla tion of the [ Kiitles when the settlement was imule. Claik against Carey. Error from l > ouglas county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Justice Tost. A prosecution for bastardy may be hud In the county of the complainant's actual res idence and In which the child In question la llnblc to become a public charge , notwithstanding withstanding- complainant mn > have a legal settlement In another county or Htate. 1 ! . Motions for continuance me uddiet > sed to the discretion of the trial court , and Its orders In the allowing or refusing thereof will not be disturbed unless there uppears to have been u clear abuse of discretion 5. It Is not eiror In n prosecution for bas tardy to order the accused , on conviction , to pay to the complainant n specified amount or money for the suppott and edu cation of the Illegitimate child. 4. Some discretion In allowed the trial com I in flKlnsr the amount in which the ac cused , upon conviction for bastardy , shall stand charged , ami a judgment In wuch case will not on appeal bo held to be c.xcesslvo In the absence of a manifest abuse of dis cretion. 6. Errorsof law to be available In this court to the complaining party must bu spcciltcaJly assigned In the petition In error. Hogeboom against Robertson el al , Ap peal from Douglas county. Alllrmed. Opin ion by Justice Harrison. The evidence In the case examined an/1 held Bufllclent to. sustain the findings and judgment of the court below. Wondcrllch et al against Walker. Error from Gage county. Opinion by Justice Har rison. "Whoro the. goodi of B are wiongfully levied upon and sold on nn execution and attachment against A , and the- plaintiffs In those actions directed the levy und sale nnd link-innltied the olllcer , they are jointly liable with him and his Buictles for the ttrnnff. " Former declnlons of this branch of the case fallowed und adhered to. See S3 Neb. , 501. ' . ! . In order to obtain a review In this court of the action of n trial court 1n the ndmis sion or rejection of testimony , the portion of the testimony In which It Is claimed the error occurred must be tpeclllcally nnd definitely described or pointed out In the as signment In the petition In error. 3. Where the eirors claimed to have been commit teed by tjic ttlal court either In the giving or refusing certain Instructions are grouped In one alignment In the petition In error , they will be examined no further than lo determine that one of the Instruc tions given was proper and unobjectionable , or ono of those refused was rlghtlv refused , 4. Where there Is HUlllclent evidence lo sustain the lliicHrp of a Jury , such ( hiding will not bo disturbed unless It Is clearly wrong. Cajruth ngalnst Harris et al. Error from Cass county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Justice. Harrison The action of the district Judge In refus give am Instiurtlon. requested by plaintiff In error , examined and held not erroneous. 2. Where an Instruction Is requested In which It Is attempted to Include all the Issues under the pleadings nnd evidence In the ease , but it omits one of such material elements , It Is not error to refuse to give the Instruction. 3. rals statements In regard to the af fairs of a corporation by one of Its olllcers , who possesses full knowledge of Its condi tion , made for the purpose of Inducing parties to purchase of him shares of stock of the corporation owned by him , who pur chased the stock relying on such state ments , having no knowledge of the truth or falsity of the statements and no full means of ascertaining the facts constituting such knowledge , are sufficient to raise a cause of action In favor of the purchaser for dunnages. 4. The evidence held sufficient to sustain the verdict. s Comstock ngalnst Cameron et al. Error from Douglas county. Afllrmed. Opinion by Commissioner Ryan. Where the undertaking of a surety was thnt buildings should be erected by tils principal upon certain real property und the same turned over free from Incumbiancc , proper records nil owing the flllng of claims for mechanics' liens and a decree establish ing1 the same as claimed , arc admissible as proof of the'exlstencG of liens against said nroiiertv In a suit ngnlnut the surety on his undertaking , notwithstanding the fact that such surety was neither named In , nor made a. party to , proceedings evidenced by such records. Patteison acalnst Murphy. Hrror from Douglas county. Reversed. Opinion by Commissioner Uyan. A party whose cause of action la founded upon a written contract Is limited as to his rights by the terms nf such contract , and a recovery contrary thereto cannot be sus tained. 2. Where- vendee had failed to perform according to the terms of a written execu tory contract for the purchase of real prop erty , and the vendor , as was Ills contract right , has rescinded such contract , the vendee cannot maintain an action against the vendor for payments already made , on the ground that such contract must by rea son of such rescission lie considered as never having existed , for upon thin last as sumption the payments must be treated aa purely voluntary. Uelndorft ngalnst Kaufman , Anpcal from Douglas county. Alllrmed. Opinion by CqnmilHsloner Ityan. AH bearing upon the defense of duress per mlmiH Interposed against the foieclosuro of a mortgage , the actual guilt of ai son Is not material where his patents have been compelled to mnko sui-li mortgage to secure his debt by alternative threats to begin and promises to forbear n prosecution against him solely conditioned upon the consent or refusal of his patents to make the mortgage demanded. Store & Her ngalnst Hlley ct al. Error from Douglas county. Ainrmed. Opinion liy Commissioner Ilynn. Where there Is evidence upon which the jury mlKlit have found for eitherlitigant , , the verdict of a Jury will not be disturbed . SEVEN SHADES all rich , natural colors , are produced hy the Im < perls ! Hnlr numerator. The colon r fail anil mwnable ! 'but'w7ir npt'italn the c lp. ' IMPERIAL Hair REGENERATOR rrttorca rray hair to Ha natural color and Klvei color * nd vitality lo hair ipnllrd by bleaching Muttache , bran ) , e > ebrotvs and ryrla hc * rna > bi colored with It. It U perfectly clean. Send foi frc too * about It , lurpitiAL CIIIMICAL : MFO. co , J FIFTH AVKNUK. N. V Sold by Bherman tc. JtcCtinntll , iSH Dodge St. , Omaha , Wtbroika. because of a doubt ns to n. mere prcpond r- iincc of thf evidence. Lo\\Q against Itllcy. Appeal Irani DougltvM county. Anirmcd , Opinion by Commissioner Ityun. A bill of exception * must contain nil the evidence upon- which itieMJon of facto are o bo determined , it reference In nuch bill to evidence to bo found by refvronco lo un rulier bill llled lit an Independent cnso not being sulllclcnt 2. Where thcro Is not such n bill of excep tions ns will permit of a consideration of the fact * upon the evidence , nnd whole the averments of the petition for a receiver \vcre lit no vvny denied except by nllldnvlltt used as evidence , the rlfthtR of the parlies must be determined solely upon the allega tion * of the petition ncctpttxi ns true Munro iiRulnst Callahnn Krror from Douglas county. Alllrmeil , Opinion by CoimnlfHloiier itnpnn. A Justice of the pencf has no Jurisdiction to try nml Octetmltu the guilt or Innoccnco of u party charged with l > ? liiR Ihc father ot n bn.stnrd child , 2. A bastardy proceeding U essentially a civil proceeding , and can villy IIB tried on Ua inerllH In the- district court. 3 The examination by a Justice of the piviw of n IKTHOII charged with being l'io father of a bnslnrd child , IK In no sense a ttlol of the merits of the controversy , niul thu statute dues not contemplate- taking of any such testimony In such proceeding on behalf of the party accused , Daly ngalnst Mulcudy , 3Neb. . , KS'J , followed nnd realllrmed. 4. The deposition of a witness who resides In thu county where nt nrttoii originated unit Is being tried , cannot bo road In evi dence until It Is made to appear that such witness Is absent fiom the countv , or by lenson ot age , Inllfiulty , Imprisonment or death Is unnblc to attend In person nt the trial. Uverett against TKIball el al , 31 Neb , 803 , followed nnd rcnlllrincil. I'henlx Insunmco company nKnlnst Omnh.i Loan and Trust company. Hrror from Douglas county .AUnited ( , Opinion by CommlsHloner I'.agnn. One Crow bottowed of n trust company Jl.tOO. agreeing to tepay It In live > ear with semi-annual Intr-rest ; to secure the p.i > menl of this di-bl Crew executed to thu Hunt company a mortgage uixrn his real pstatej this moitgage provided thnt Crew should Insure the mortgaged property against loss by llio for live years for the benrllt of the ttttst cominny. About the date of the mortgage an Insurance company Issued to Ciow a policy Insuring the prop erty ngnlnst loss by llto for flvo ycnrs. This | Hillcy contained the follow Ing : ( n ) If the properly be sold or transferred In whola or In part without written permission In this policy , then , and In every such cise , this policy Is void ; ( b ) when the property shall ! > sold or Incumbt-red or otherwise disposed of , written notice shall be given the company of such sale or Incumbranco or dlspOHal. otlietule this IlisurnncQ on said property shall Immediately terminate. At tached to this policy nnd nude part thereof was a. "mortgage flip" as follows : "It Is hereby agreed , that this Insurance as to the Interest of the mortgagee only therein shall not lie vindicate ! by any net or neg lect of the mortgagor or owner of thr property insured , nor by the occupation ot the premises for purposes more hazardous than nte permitted by this policy. "It Is further ngieeil that the mortgage * shall notify said company of nny chnng of ownership or Increase of hnzanl which shrtll come to the knowledge of the said , mortgagee , nnd that ovny Increase of hazard nut permitted by this policy to the mortgagor or owner shall be paid for by the mortgagee on tcasonable demand , nc-- cotdlng to the established scale of rate's for the whnlri term of use of such hazard. "ft Is also agreed that whenever the com pany shall pay the mortgagee any sum for loss under this policy nnd shall claim that ns to the mortgagor or owner , no liability therefore existed. It shall nt once be legally subrogated to all the rights of the mort gagee under nil the securities held as enl- Interal toi the mortgage debt , lo the extent of such payment : or nt Its option may pay to the mortgagee the whole principal duo or to grow due on the mortgage , with tn- teiest. and shnll thereupon receive n full assignment and transfer cf the mortgage and all other securities held ns collateral to the mortgage debt , but no such subro gation Bhnll Impair the rlnht of the mort gagee to recover the full amount of Us clnlm. " The policy on Its Issuance was delivered to the trust company , which retained the possession and title ( hereof. Crew sold and ronveved the mortgaged property without the written permission of the Insurance company , nnd of which flalo the latter had no nntlee rtf any kind uhtll after the In sured property was dextroved hv lire. The tiust company learned of the convcynncs of the pioperly soon after It occurred , but npglected to notify ( lie Insunuicp company thereof until after the lire. Prior to tha flpstructlon of the Injured property by fire , the trust company sold and assigned , the mortgage debt , guaranteeing the collection nnd ixivinent thereof , but did not assign the Insurance policy nor part with Its pos- esslon The mortgage debt \\tia unpnld and not duo nt the time of the destruction of the Insured property. The trust company brotiRht suit ngalnst the Insurance company to recover the nmnunt of the loss. While this action was pending the mortgage debt matured , nnd the trust company , in mirnunnoe of Its con tract ni .gnar.inty , until It off. Held : (1) ( ) That neither the sale and convevftnco of the mortgaged property by Crew without nermlsslon of the Insurance company , nor his failure to give the Insurance compiny notlea thereof , voided the policy ns to the trust company. (2) ( ) Thnt the stattiB of the trust company was not nf a mere assignee of the Insurance. polley IsHited to Crew , nor that of n person nppolnte/1 to eollpct the loss for him : that the policy contained a contract between the In.surance company and the trust com pany separate and Independent from the contract between Crpvv and the Insurancn company ; nnd that the right of HIP trust cominny coulil net be made 1n depend \ipoti Cicw's orwvuncrof / his agreements with the Insurance company. ( X ) . That the neglect ot the trust company to notify the insurance company of tha sale of the mortgaged property did not void the- policy ns to the trust company. 2. Thnt. ns by the terms of the insurance policy the loss was made payable to tha trust company , nnd as IL owned and held poFpesslon of the policy und had guaranteed the payment of the mortgage debt , the suit was properly brought In Its name , although the assignee of the mortgage debt was also a proper party plaintiff. Heard ngalnst Ringer. Error from Douglas countv. Affirmed. Opinion by CommlHRloncr RngHn. Aflldavlts used In the district court In sup port of n motion to set aside a default and Judgmpnt must bo embodied In a bill of ex ceptions. If It Is desired that this court shnll pass upon their sufllrlency for the purpose fnr which they were used In the court below. 2. The plnlntlft In an action appealed from n justice of the peace or county court has fifty days from the rendition of the judg ment appealed from In which to file his pe tition In the appellate court. 3. The time for n defendant to answer In nn action appealed from a Justice of the pence or county court does not beoln to nm until ( Ifty days from the rendition of the judgment appealed from excluding the dav on which such Judgment was rendered , rode of Civil Procedure , section 1,003 , and 1,010 , ( a ) . Krb ngnlnst Kptjlcston , Drror from Oago pounty. Reversed nnd remanded , Opinion bv Commissioner Irvine. Negligence on thei i > nrt of a railroad com pany cannot be Inferred metcly from thefact thnt the not romplalnod of wan unnecessary , nor from the fact that a necessary act was performed In nn unnecessary manner In order to Justify the Inference of negllgenco the commission of the net In the manner la which it was committed must under nil the circumstances have Implied a failure to ex ercise that degree of oare which n. prudent P"rpon would exercise under similar cir cumstances. 2. The evidence In this cae examined onu held Insufficient to establish negligence on the part of the defendant. I.lchtcnbcrger ngalnnt Worm. Terror from Douglas oountv Alllrmed. Opinion by Commissioner Irvine. Where a default Ins been rocrularly ente el against a defendant personally served with summons. It Is largely within the discretion of the court to say whether ho shall be- per mitted to come In nftervtorclB anil maho > a defeiv e , and unless It be made tn appear that there his been an abuse of discretion bv the court below. In thin naitlculnr , this rourt vtlll not Interfere , Mtilholtan ngalnst Broggln. 8 Neb. 32 : nernnteln against llrown , 23 Neb. . B ) , followed. 2. The defendant appeared after answer day flnd filed n demurrer without leave ; the plaintiff moved for default ; Ihc court did not enter a default , but gave -defendants leave to answer In two diivn. Held , that the erudition Imposed of filing an answer within a fchort time was a reasonable ex ercise of discretion on the part of the trial court , at least In the absence nf evidence nf any of the rlicumatnncca suiroundlnir the cape , it. It In the duty of the district court to afford to defendants n , full opportunity to- - present their defense , but It l also Its duty to prevent unnecessary dslays nnd clls- courage frivolous nroeeDdlnpR' Jn reviewing orders affecting the procedure In a cnsa , this court will presume In the nbscnce of evidence to the po'itrnr.v that the district courts have acted with duo- regard lo both principles. Ilnmn After a brief absence the cheerful vtiltor , dyspepsia , returns again. Our traditional motlicr-ln-law U nothing to It. To prerent repeated vlilti uge Ilostetter'u Stomach Hit ters. Also eel ( the aid ol I Mi com prt lien- dive remedy for malaria , liver and kidney troubles , debility and nervousness Question tlioie who have been troubled with ( hc e and liln-lrnl ailments. Th y will teitlfy In b half ot tlio Hltteri.