Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY SKfrrEMBEIi 21 , 189 1 .
'Whcal Continued the Dtclino of Wcdncrday
nt the Opining.
Oat * Alio Took a Turnliln nn tlio M'cakncM
Inlioiit anil Corn I'rii Ulon
IVcrc Aliio on tlio De
CHICAGO. Sept. 20. The bear raid In the
markets continued today and lower prices re
sulted. The weakness was largely the result
of free spiling. December wheat closed ! io
ICMer , May corn Tgc slid Max oati % c
lower , and provisions finished lower all
Wheat c ntlnucd at the opening the de
cline which was In progress at the close of
the market yesterday. Tlicro was no news
of special Importance at the start , but the
ilrcp In prices Iiml whetted the appetite of
the ehort sellers. There were reports from
the 5cabo.ud cf jesterday's takings for ex
port having been very much heavier tlian
the telegrams of tint afternoon luid Elton
Indication. The receipts here w * rc light ,
only 123 cars having been Inspected Into
slore. The primary market receipts were
below the 1,000,000 bu. marl : , but not suffi
ciently eo tn bo of any asslsinnro to the
bullH. Cablegrams reported foreign markets
\\e k , cwlng to yesterday's dealings. The
weakness continued nt tlio opening and the
volume pi selling orders received no abate
ment until the middle of thf il.iy. December ,
which opened with hujers and sellcra at
from Sfjlio to DKV&c , after a short display of
resistance to any further decline , was re-
lucUntly forced to succumb until It reached
Glc. Longs were the sellers and shtrls
the principal bujors. TrnJIni ; nas active
ar uiul G5c , and that appeared lo lie the
bottom at which Blicrls arul fresh tongs
wcro willing to lake all the offerings. The
marl.Pt was steady tut dulf during the last
hjtur of the ECKSIOII , and Hie prko at the
clobii was virtually at the bottom , Cue for
December and COc sellers t r May.
Com was \ery wcal < , It opened at a de
cline f about ' /cf. but a sale or two was
inado at the start within lie of yesterday's
closing. The opening range at the start for
May was from C2' c to G2 % . The principal
trading % vs between 52c and G2V c. , it
held a little above the lowest of the quota-
Urns for a time and touched G2sic before It
made Its second plunge. It got < 1 wn to 62c
before It received sufficient support to quiet
the anxiety of some of the remaining anx
ious longs. A good many lines of moderate
dlmenslcns held for tf untry account were
tumbled Into the ) ends of the locsl bears
Covering of shorts and buying against pute
caused a slight recovery from the lowest
price ah tally named , but the estimated re
ceipt of 560 cars for tomortow prevented
any material recovery. The closing price fcr
M y was fiSVJc.
Oats also look n tumble. The weakness
In and corn , a good deal of long stuff
offered and a much lower cash market wcro
nil Influential In creating a heavy feeling
and diminishing prices. A fairly good busi
ness was transacted. Selling was quite gen-
cial , both In heavy und light p-rtlons. May
opened from 35VJc to 33i , c , declined to 34c
to 3454c and closed , at 34c.
Provisions were weak at from 2c to 7VJc
decline fcr the various articles. The weak
ness was not relieved until within hair an
hour cf the close , when a rally to n limited
extent took place. There WHS nothing visi
ble outsldci of the action In the pit to ac
count for the day's weakness , which was
largely duo to corn. January pork
closed 1714c lowrr , January lard lOc and
January ribs 7V4c lower.
The leading futures ranged as fallows :
TrticlcTI Popc'i. I TjuTjiriTow. | ciosu
Wlicnt.No. 2 r -
I-epl S2
May 0 W
Com No 2. .
t-ent B4
Oct. . . r.4 3-1
Doc Blk COMuJi
May D2H
On IK No. i : . .
tint. . . . 2i > H
oct so liUM
Pork per bbl
Jan IS 75 13 11 1171 ,
LarU.lOCHbi 13R
Oct. . . . B & R 75 f ho
Jan. . . 7 05 K OJK T 85 7 00
Ehort Klb'j- '
Oct 7 to 7 CO 7 Jil )
Jan. . . . 7 03 7 (13 ( I ! 0. 0 UJ
Ca H quotations wcro an follows :
WIIHAT No 2 sprlnir , 52'G33cNo. ' ; 3 sprlngr ,
Wtc. No i ietC \ ' Sf'iJ'ic.
roiiN NO 2. rj' , c : NO 3 > iiaw. S2-e.
OATS-NO s , iHc ; NO. 2 wiiite.
J while , 31'4ri3 < - .
HYlNii 2. 4C 5c.
llAKI.UY-No. { . tac ; No 3 , CO" No. 4
r c.
TIMOTHY Hinil > rlme. * . 73
PROVISIONS Mess [ xirl < , t > er Mil , 1117701400 ,
Innl. per 100 His. , JSUWlSDU : pliait illw. Bides
MW : vtiiciL ( .IMIC\I. : : MAKKUT.
Vesterilny'r ) Uiintntlium nn rinnr , ( Irnln mill
TJHW YOIIIC , Sept. 20-rt.Ol'H-necclpts , II-
7dO bbls ; I'sporta , 28 COO l > bls ; Knle * , 13.401 rKgK.
Mrtlket dull nnd only trade Imuuls have nny
call , tune weak. No export lnn.ulr > be > nnd a
llttlo ilenumd for winter strni hts. Soutliem
llrtiir , dull. Iljc Hour , dull and ens } ' , sales , COO
ix > llN MHAIr-Moio nctlie ; Bales. 30) tbls. end
2 DOO narks.
JTVI3 at < ndy ; cnr lots , 6Jl53c : teat loads ,
WeKAKLHYfQukt. . No. J , Milwaukee , C00 2c.
11AH1.KY MALT Quiet.
AVI I BAT Ilicvlpts. 273 MX ) liu : oxrmils HC.rtX )
tu . ale . 4,330.000 liu. futures , 340.000 bu. spot.
Hpot market weikci , No 2 ivil. In stern ind < U'-
\ntor , W > 0. alloiil , 56'ic : f. o b. , 57\fi > j7'ic.
ntloat ; No. 1 northern , c : < - ilelUervHl ; No. J
Imnl , C3TiC .leHierctl. Options. tcxUy's frnture
was Hie new low record miilo In December.
The decline In prlres luis due to liquidation.
farrlen sill.nirweak cabli-s , larfin recc-iptH nnd
sympathy with corn A MR export and milling
bualtuas wng done In rasti wheat. The close
was nt HO o net decline : No. 3 r l , May.
M 11-lCfiClUc , rloHtd at C3i" ! R < ptembcr. 66\
( J57c , closed nt MUc , October clostxl nt S7c ; 13e-
renibcr. E4iCP3 ! > jc , clrtsed nt 6STtc ,
CXtllNHeci'l | > tH. 4in Im . exiwrts. none :
iuile , 41,000 Ul futures , M DM liu wit Snot
markvt wvak : No i. 6.'c In itoie , 01 ( ! C2c nllmt ,
Onllons weak all clay undtr liquidation , lursir
crop .etlnuitiH. luer pastuivs. line we.itlier nnd
bearlfli ntlmenl , covHl ] nt ? , IIIa net deillne.
Mny. Kf/5f.Sc. ctusvil nt M c , Heptcmlicr. Cl j >
Cllic , climnl nt Clc Octoltr. tSiiBbOc. clrxid nt
6 Hc , No\ember , WVic , December. 57 jj7'ic ,
clo fd nt S7l c'
OATS Ueci kits. 102tOO liu . exportB. none ,
eole * , 3IO.OW lu , futures , lOI.OK ) bu. iipnt. Snot
W.SSfiWf"k'r' N"S. . 'i . No. : . itelUerml.
SIVi J41Sc. No. 3. Me ; No. 2 while. SG cj No !
3 wlilte , 3ut4C. trunk , white Mate and ucstcrn
3Cp40 > > c. Options weak until neiir the close.
lin they mllle.1 a trllle. Tlio ilecllne WIIB under
larirc receipts and sjnipatny with n > rn ; closed
.miu j ,4C , , lower : . May. SSJfSSSi- closed nt 'lc ; Sop-
- _ , 8J1uc. cloml nt 3IVic
'ic. clon > J at UVic , December ,
at sm e
Hhlpplng , UXjUc ; good to choice ,
hemlock < * lluenos
ten.Iy. vel iaie < l. . Now Orleans ae-
( ' > . ,0 M " ' " "M'ic ; llucno. Ayre . dry
" e' T'a" Un' ' ! < ' ° W '
B Mc
- < 3uUt' d.micHtlo Heee , ItCJIe. pulled
IMtOVlBtONfr lcf. steady. Cut meal * , aulft
P'.oklrd Imnui , 10K jlHc Unl easier , ntitern
l jm clofed nt IS.M , wle . 60 tleirea at D 13
rlty , Ilt OK-n , Mien , rtw ileix.-H. option ualei
S50 tlrc * December. $ 05ri9..0. cliw U ut to
nomna . UccimUr. I860 aske-l : January. M.JO
noiu'iial. rt Until. in > , continent. R ) CO. S. A.
110 , ciimiMund lit KH I'ork. dull.
TAI.UIW-Hteady 4.11 } < | 3 per | > kB ) . V
rouiiliy lpkR free ) . Bo.
I'lUHMf. < julet BUIe larce I0t\ , small
8vlfSSSf.lairA. * > > lmt' < sHc , lull Um . 5O3HC
IllTTiU riim , western dairy n'itflTc ; i.eii
trn creamery. lSj > : * lic.western factory. 12\O
13 > , c iiKli : , Jt'.c stnte UUIIT , ll i Unto
creamer > . UCCIe , western freah , 16'iOU'ic , re
celiils. sis ; IIV.B * .
KOiIHsteady stale and IVnn hanla. 1SM3 >
19 . lc house , 14VO16c , western IrriU. l l C
casts. II put 00. receipts , 8.3X1 pkK
l'imtOt.KllM-lul | . I'nlted clnse.1 at S ! ' ,
bid , Washington , m Dblmt , Wnshlncton , In
bulk W.V ) , refln i1 N w Yo k ti Hi
nd ltaitlrnr > r . . 1.10 , Diiladelp iln. anil lliiltl
more In hulk , 12 CO
r.OSINHKndy. . itralnctl , common to gcxxl ,
It IMft zn '
I'lO IHON-Qulel ; Kcolch 3by fl5Mi Ameri
can. l"l 1J 00.
MOI.A SttSSSlemly
Ilirn Adinnc-lnc. dom lie , fair to extra , l > <
415'lP. Jnixin. isfll o
fUTiil ! steady Inke I'.M.
I.TI.Mt-llnr. ly slpfld ) , diilnentlff. | } .17 < i.
f < l'ji.Tiit : : rum ilomeKllp , JJ I5V4
TIN-Hlinily. strnltx Jioio plitei , quit !
Rali'B nn cnnnKi * . CO ton * Heinrinlx > r lln nl
$1(1.10 ( ; 60 tins lint l.ult OcMn-r nt III 13 ; 30 t'inn
No.eml > * r lln nt $10.15 , fimr rais IJeceinler
fpclli-r nt M5'S ; one rnr Januaiy rpelter nt
CXJITOX yr.r.n OIt/--Qultt Imt nimi prim *
trudr nnmlnnl , off crude uomlnnl ; jellow butler
Krndes. 3c , cliol'jelloiv. . 4Mllc ; prime yellow ,
3.V : > llow err pi mien , SltfJJVic ; pilmc white.
M unur3 ,
Cimillllim of Ti- tin uii'l ( Juntitlsi * on
HluplH nml I'ruicy I riMlncfl
Bprlnc clilcKonn nre n little eaxler Vtot Is nlo
ovr * > r. im will be noted from the qunlntlons.
mTTini-l'rii.klnif ) tock , lloi fnlr tn gmxl
country. HfZluc , cliolo * t tun.:1 , IKIl'c E th-
cr l niiinfr > , l < ( ? 2k npiintor erciimcry. 'Oc ,
f : : lS-l'er doi , i : , 16o.
1.1 VK rotM.Tlti.-Oli ! hn , . We : rooplom ,
le. Kprlns ihlckenii. Tc. ducks , r > lt ) > a : uprlnc Uir-
< ! > , iti'icS hen lurlujs , itiSc , M'U > ler , 6fl' c ;
old K TB < > , lff c ,
OA.MK 1'ralrle chlcktn , > i > unK per iln ? , 1273
B3W ptnlrli * Lhlckenn , old , | nr < lnr. , U , Kfoust * .
iiinkr. per doz. , 12,7 : 300 , itiiuiie otil. pet ilex .
12 , duikK , blue WIIK | tinl , per d , 11.91 , duck *
Krein win ? leal , per < 1uz , Jll" ; diuks , mixed ,
ier diu . It , cnn nfhiKk. II ( l"5 ( I .
VI3AICholee fnt and uninll veals nre tiui.tdl
it SVto , InrRH ntid uiniiM * . stMe ,
riir.KSIWlfOJnsIn , full rnnm , ni-w mike
12tfl2lic , Neljniika mid li wn full < r.-im lie ,
Nfhr.irki nnl lo vn , put udmi1 , 191 . l.lrnljurpir.
Nn. I ll < hrick , No 1 IZi. Swlci , No 1 HJilV.
JIAV 1'nlr detniind , RHI 1 BUipls | L * | > lriml liny.
P : midland. JS..VI ; low Ian 1 IS , rf tmi10
: * olir innkes the price on lui > l.lifht hiilrn mil
Ilii- I p t Only tup Kinles hilnir 1" ! ' price * .
1'ltIKONS- lli 'Is IHI < loz. , Me.
POTATO iCnl I foi nlu. M1T5V.
MlilXtNS ( lowl mnck crated , JJO.
t'ANllir.Ot PCS Home ftrunn , per crate 11.23
OI.L IIHAN' ' Ilnnil-plckdl nm\ , | 2 2i : me.
lUnn. | 2104jJli , cumnmn whlti ; bean" , JI.7JB
ONIONS On oidcu ; ; 8S'C per bu.
t'AltllAfli : On ordeiN , 2o
. - .
HWKKT I'OTAIOI1'ir lh. . 3c , or l Wff4 2J
per Ijbl , Jirscj , KM per bbl.
Tuo and n hilf CI\IH of fruit weie noli ! nt the
fruit niittlon huurn * jietudny Tin * mnrliit was
lowir n ml n little flow , tilt bus era hM luff been
[ iiutly will tilled up by the InrE" onulnis nf tin-
l > nli \i \ iln >
AlU'I.IM-dimd ftnck per bbl. . W. ! T *
ri.A < 'lli : ! Cnllfoinln. fuentuni * , < 1 11Q1.1S ;
ttlllKH. 'IlKfTtl UI
I'la'JIS-rnllfoinln 11.23.
I'lll M 4-11 S.-Q1 fO , Clinch nnd Italian. 1100
01 n.
l'lAIIS Itnitlctt , 12.25 , II. llnrdy and U.
Clulrm-nii. $2
At'UK'OTS Cnllfornln. none.
, .
( IItM'1.4 Conoids. 10 lh. liaFketn. "K round
ots 22fi2 , California Tokay , ll.lO pl Ci , rhu cnt ,
(1 : > ' > jl 10 ; ujinlslion , JI.CO
HAN'ANAS Cholci * Rtocl ; . SI J"5T2 2 > in r hunch
U\ION.S : 1'nncy IlodI , 1C 50 , fancy Mcs-din ,
S.Cil (
i' None.
OVSTins Medium , per cnn 12c , horse slinos
loci extra standaidv , ISo , extra nclfetn S.'c ,
cnrnpiny nclects , 25c : New York counts. 30o.
J-'I < JM Knney , per Hi , I3c ,
JIONnY-CntlfornIa I5c ; ilnrk honey. 10Q12C.
MAPLK Brnur aillon rnns. p < r ilol . US.
NUTS Almonds. ISJMTc : EnBllsl wulnuls. IOQ
12c niherts , 12c : Hraill nuts , 100.
lDKIt | l > ure Juice per bbl , l ; half bbl JT 2'
HIDJJS-Xo 1 srccn hldcfl , S'lc : No 2 grrecn
lde 2'Jo , No. 1 green silted hides 4c. No. 2
i-en vnlteil hides , 3c , No 1 gren silted hides ,
25 to 40 lljs. . 4c , No. 2 Rreen jilted hlde , U to
10 lb , 3o : No. 1 wal cilf. K lo 15 Ibs , 7o : No.
2 M < al cnir 8 to r. lln Bo ; No I dry Hint hides.
MJ : No t dry Hint hides 4c : No. 1 dry yalted
lilde * Bo ; imrt cui xl hlOes He per Ib lesa than
fully cured.
Blinii > mt.TS-Orpen mltLd. each , OT Oo.
creen failed phpnrllriRK ( short wnuleil earls sklne ) ,
each , 10ff20o' dry hoarllnK8 ( short wooled eaily
Pklnsk. No 1 , each , uW5o ! ; diy BhearllnKd ( short
wnoled rnrly skins ) , No 2 each , * ; dry Hint
Kanius nnd Nehrafka butcher wool pelts , per
111. , actual n right , SQSc , dry Hint Knnaii and
NebmnKa muiraln wool pelts , ncr Ib . actual
wclKht , 4ffCV4c ; dry lllnl C'oloi-adu huuher wool
pelts per Ib , nctual weight. 4BiiHei diy Hint
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual
welKht. IQfic : < nnvi feet cut off. ns It la useless
to | iay frrlMil on them )
TALLOW AND GIlKASn Tallow. No 1 , 4o ,
tallow , No. 2 4e ; KI IPC. whllo A , 4e , Ereise ,
white li. JHo , srens" , yellow , SVic ; Brwsc. dark
2c | uhl butter. ZflJ'ic , becawnx , prime.
rough jelltiw. ivjfi.'c.
Mt. Louis Griinrttl
ST. I.OUIR Sept , JD-riX > t'R-Dull liei\y :
pntentn. | 240iiI2C5 ! oxtni fnncs , | 2lfj23) ] ! ) ; fancy ,
} 2 OOfi * 10. choice | l.7- l .
W1IKAT Opcnod iio lower , and nfler a sllsht
nill > sank on cables to n clew He below jeslei-
d.ij ; No 2 red , cash , 4 < Ilc ; September , 4Sc ;
Uectmlivr Bl'ic : Miy , B7c
COKN With w.unt was Inllnenced by cable * .
ln lnfiHe ; No 2 mlvcd , insli , 34V c , Rtptember ,
" 'ai" ' bid : IX'Cember , l8V c ; Mij , 4SiT4J'le
OATS Weak , lower. No 2. cash SO'le ; Beri-
ttrnlH r , 30'c ; Octolicr. SJ'Sirai'Jc : Ma > . MUc.
KVt : rirnier ; No 2 regular , 48' ' c bid.
HAItt.nVNo trod.ns .
IIKAN Hull , heavy : 63c. < > ast trick.
rr.AK siir > ixiwer : n 10 hid.
ci.ovnit rnn-j7.nj ) is
HAY fateady ; prime to choice timothy , 110 CO
fin m.
HUT nn : Unchansed
icUS ! HlBher. lie.
l.HAn rirmlSeptember. . IJOi , October , S3 02'4
Hpr.LTiu-43 : o
1V1II.SKY-H 33.
< T3TTON Tins Unclmnsed.
HAnaixa Unrlmnprcd
I'UOVISIONS Lower. dull , h n\y. Pork.
standard m ss Jnljlilnw SlIST'j ' Lnnl , prime
sleiim. J870 ; choice , IS EO. Ury salt meats. loose
shoulders fli W ; Innits nnl ribs J7.CO : uhoitB.
17 S1 ! . ISicon. inrlicd HhiiiilUis , 1 ,
f8W , ribs S6T't ; shorts. $ S Siu.
HLCIJIITH I'lour , l. ! \ < > 1 bin ; wheat , II , 000
bu. corn HOW liu. , nits TM 0 bu.
fini'MUNTS riour , 9 , < M bbls. ; wheat , l.W )
bu. , corn , B.OOO bu ; ents. 15.0M bu.
NKW OR1 < RANS Sept S ) - - COTTONVeik ,
sales , BKt | , l.WK ) bales , to nrl\e. 2500 bill's , or-
dlniry. 5Hc ; good ordinal y. Cr-c , biw mMdllnt ;
B' c ; rnlddlliiR. CSe ; g-o.d inllclllnR. O'ic : mlikl Inir
fair. If , fall. S S-l o ; Kc < ! lil | 1u47 hiliH , stock.
33 C73 bales Futures , stead ) , unlrs B ,00 li.ik's ;
Meptemlx-r , | 33h1d ; October , l" > BWI 97 : NON em
ber. IC01&802 ; Uceember f009f310 ; lanuirj.
{ 0139114 : IM.ruary , OSVS2 : April. $ S fJftR 3D ,
May. J8 KflS 10 : June , f'5 ' IlifJ 42 ; IulIO.40Qij.43
hT , LOUIS. Sept 2i ) < ) rrON 11-lGe loner ,
ctulcl : mhldllnic , t > c , i iles , n ma : receipts. 30
bales ; shipments 300 lul-s ; Mock , S.SJD b.ilej.
Murl , c-t.
YOniC. Sept. 20-SrciAIl-Itav , Bteidy :
sales. 4 200 ba s centrlfiicnl , JG test , nt bleak-
water , to KO to Iloston , ul S 4r. llellned , nulet ,
No 7 , 4 l-16ifi4V4e : N. . . 8 3 1lCifft > < c : Nft > 1 ,
Sa.04 l-lCc : N > . 10. 3 J3-16f4 | : No n. 3 i&3 1 15.
NJ li 3 ll-lMTS'.c ; .No. 13 3 ll-Hc ; off A 4'i |
I 11-lCo : mould A , 4e ; stanlird A , 4I41J4 11-lbu ,
c mfcvt loners' A. 4V-j 4 ll-15o ; cut loaf , 5 3-lCfJ
GXo , crushid , 6 a-lSjir ac : iHiuderid % @ l-16c ,
granulated , 4Q4 13-lGc ; cub's , 4' 'u3 1-lCc.
hi 0 CltS AMI IIO.X 1) S.
After \\Vuk OpoitliiR the Murk ittoaillril
unit C'lo'od Slriii- ( .
NH\V YORK , Sept. 20. After a weak opcn-
ln , the market steacl'etl ' Itself quickly anil
japldly gained strength , which waa the prevailing -
vailing clmracterlstlo o ( the dealings through
the rest of the day. The buying was steady ,
though not In large \olunie , except In Sugar
and Chicago Gas. which % vcre again the
leaders in the trading. London waa a small
seller of the arbitrage specialties , chiefly St.
Paul , but not to an extent sufficient to cffecl
the market unfavorably. While there
not a large dealing tor the long account , the
bulk ot the purchasing \ias by the shorts ,
who were dtslroua of covering their outstand
ing contracts. Inlew of the tipuarcl ten
dency of prices. Chicago Can rose Vi per
cent In the opening dealings , rcc'dcil % per
cent , and then took an upward turn , advanc
ing st adlly on long purchases. Induced by
the very general belief that there was no
merit In the application for a receivership
and that It was purely a stock Jobbing affair.
The close waa 34 per cent higher than
yesterday's final sale. Sugar opened un
changed , and then , on a h-nr drive , receJeti
ft per cent , but the ready absorption of stock
ottering , Indicating Inside support , forced the
shorts to cover. Still , the advance resulting
was fought for a time , and It was not untl
late In the afternoon the upward movement
gained force. Largo blocks of the stock were
bought during the last hour and the price
went up to 87VJ , a gain ot 2 per cent from the
bottom figures of Ibe day , with a final re
action of % per cent , 1 em I MR a net advance )
of IH per cent. The preferred shares rose
94 per cent. The granger group moved Ir
regularly. St. Paul , undrr the covering of
shorts , advanced H per cent , but lost the Im
provement on sales by tin- London houses be
fore noon. During the afternoon , on moder
ate buying , a rally of * A per cent took place
On Chicago arlllng orders , Burlington &
Qulncy gave way y , per cent , quickly rallyIng -
Ing % per cent , and aguln losing the entire
Improvement , closing U per cent above the
Ion en and a similar fraction below yester
day's closlne. The trading In Hock Island
was limited and the stock , moved within , a
ranga of % per cent closing unchanget
on the day. Some little question waa ralsei
as to the rate of the dividend lo bo declared
tomorrow , but the general drift of stree
opinion Is that the usual 1 per cent will be
declared. Northwest gained Vi per cent 01
purchase * of 00 iharei. Bpoculation in dls
tilling has quirted down An opening decline
of % pet cent w s followed hy an advance
of % per cent , the last sale being only H
nr cent below the beat. In the rent of the
lat trading was light , but tn most cases the
closing figures show an Improvement , ipccu-
atlon being strong at the close The
matkrl la % to % per cent higher , with tsomc
few exceptions. .
The bond market -nns fair In tone on a
nuderate volume of business ; tales. $824.000.
The Evening Post na > R Settling down after
the week's. "Industrial" commotion Inlo re-
lencd OullnefH , Iho stock market offered little
of cuiispijuoncc In the movements ot today.
The relative strength In the granger stocks
was clue to a notion that the Iowa commis
sioners may do something to case Iho strain
upon the railroads. This Is , of course , pos
sible , but In the present situation not alto
gether probable. Presumably , too , the specu-
atlvc fraternity does not look for a reduction
totnorron In the Hock Island division.
The nvcnlng I'ost's London cablegram
says : The Hnnk of England's weekly return
s just as strong nn of late , although the coin
and bullion nre down f.287,000. , to 39,573,327
for the neek ; 300000 were exported , 80,000
to HiichnrcEt , 20,000 to Spain and the re-
nalndcr In bars sold. There Is a sharp rise
In Brazilian exchange , to 12V&d. Gold has
gone to Illo and moro Is golnff. The stock
markets were dull today on sales from I'nrls ,
where a reaction Is occttrrlnc. Americans
were iiitte | strong. Louisville was In demand.
The- following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Atchp.oii | . 7' ( [ Korthnrn P.iclno
Ad nun K < niois. , Hll 4 No. I'c pfd
Alton , T. II . , ao u p. u A , n. . . . n
do pM . Northwestern. . . . 4
Am. HI do pfd 141
N. Y Ccntril iPnclllc . . . N. Y. A.N Knir. . . .
Cnntdn Southern , _ Ontario St W P.icllle. . . IKH Oixeou Imp
-H .1 Ohio . . . . v > * Orxcon Nt v 20
Ulikiro : Alton. . , . 141 O * L it U. N. . . .
C.,11 A Q . . ( > ! *
rhlcarci < . .iB . . . . 71'4 p. . v :
Conlolldntell Bis 1 . . ' t'lttnliiirv . . . , . .
c.c. a&st : . . . . 4(1 ( Pullman 1'il.ico. . 1.T.X
Cole Co it \ . Irj i
rottoiiOIl Curt. . .
Del. lltiidMou. . . . < lo I'M
Del. I/uk. X W. . . 171 n n. v K )
D. .VK O. | > M . . . . .n ) { H O W pfd 4J
I ) &C F. Co . It Itoclt Island . . . . 04
Ht TCMIU . 111 * st. rtul M UO
Krto . j r > r St. I1 nit nfd . . .
do nW . HI St I' . A. Om-ilu. . .
Fort Wrtji no . 1S1 lln pfd
G. Northern Did. . llll ivontlirm P.ic . . SOW
A.K. 1 t > Id . Suimi Itollnorv. . . 07M
Hockine Valloy. . Tomi Coil A Iroi
Ill Ci-ntril . ICXUH Pnclttc. . .
St. I' IDnluth. . . . . an _ IO rent. | ) fl. .
K A T.nfd . vi'J Union Picltlc . . .
ikuErioA W. . . IK - S. K pres * . . .
do ptd . \\.St. I & I1
l.iltu Shore. . do pfd
Lc.ul Trnit. . . . /win / F.LISO i ; < . . 1JU
LoulHTlllc b X . . Wrbtcru Uiilciu. . .
IxiulHilllo.V N. A. 8 W. A L K .
M.inh ut in Con. . ' ! ' < iio pfd 4471
McmnhlHit. C. . . & M .VSl. L ISM CVnl . . U. A.K.O MM
Mo Paoltlc . C ) h
Mubllo.V Olllu . . . ill's N L III
Hlulllu Oh it . . 13. h' i , I
Natlun ilCon ) io. do nfd
do pld . H..VT C IIIr
N. J . . . T. A. A A. N. M . .
NA.W. Ufa . . . . T. St. L A.K C' . . . . r
North Am. Cu. . . Oo ufd
Tin * total mien of BtockB l.xl i > were 182 a.1
lmn8 , Including : 8u ir , M3W : Uuillngtnn.
13,100 , riiicjRo QMS , 41..5M ; nictiiiinK. n iw :
Louisville f Nnilnlllo , 2JO ; ItcnillnB 4 SW ; Inland , 4900 : bt. 1'nul , 14.000estein
fnlon. 2.MU
NVvv York .Honcj Slnrket.
I asy at 1 pir cent ; lust lonn , 1 per cent , closed ,
1 per nnl
I'lltMi : MintCANTILK rAl'EH SJTVS p < r
hlLKLIXO KXfHANGi : rirmer , with nctuiit
uslneya In liimkcrx' bills at $1 S @ 4 SG > i for de
mand , niul M S'Uf(4 ( 8315 lor slxl > davi. 1'ortml
rule. . , } 4 S3'tfl4 8 ' 4. nnd 14 SJij.
Wile J4 Sl"45i4 S4ifc
UOVnltNUUNT UONUb Plr'm ; Ptnto bond" ,
teady ; inllioid boiulx , firm
Clos ne quotations on bundi IVPI [ IB follows :
II S ftnrx-ff lliUJ i. B G. 7i. . . . ll
11. S &BCOIIP. . . . 1IHH I ) i. n Ci. 4s . . . 71)
U. S Jntxv 114 Erie ' 'nda 77
U. S 4Hcotir > US U U. .Let. A.Us. , . .in
U. S isroir UU do 7 t ) . "
1'acllicllisor'U ] . . . 1UI II. A.T. C. 3s 10J
AI.I. CURS A , . . . . it ) . > OoUH 11)1) )
Ala. Clisi II lull M K A.T. iBt la. . HH (
All * C 11. ' do .M4H 41
IU Mbtual Union 'It. . 110
r. I. Ni-w-Con 4s . 115 N.J.CVnt. Gen.31. llll
MluHOiirl UH 11)0 ) No Pac. IBIS . . . . ' ir.'M '
N C.tia , , 123 Nc Pac. Unas , . . . HSW
do In i ill ) N. W. Coimolu , . . .
S C. iiuufiind . . . . ! do S. V. Deb. 5s 111
Ton n lie 8 t U. 78 U. O. W. ims . . .
ronn li'jw BO ! j . . . . l'i ) St. P ConBolnTR. .
Tcnu.old 1)3. ) . . . , oo SLP.C AP. W.5S.
Vn CcMUiirltvi. . . . Mt.L A.IM Oon.58. Kt
do ilolerred s L. J.S K.Gen .U Pi !
AtelilHon 4H Tex. Pac. iBta . . . H7K
AtclllBOIl 'JB A. . . . Ti > x. Pac. 2s. . . . Ud
f'anniH So. 2nrts. . U. P. Istiof ' 9J. . 1II5H
Ccu 1'no I Hts 'P3. WestShora ti
Itoitnii Stoc'l < Juot , > tlnni
BOSTON Sept. 20. Call loans. 2Cs-'W pjr com
limn IOIIIH l-4 I > T cent. Ulonlur piicea for
lianas nnd intiilnHinrjii
A.T. i. S. V Tl\Vf \ , hrul ofil HI
Am Mignr 07 Elocti 13
Am. Sucir pld. . . . HI w. EKC.pra , . . HIS'J
ll.iv , St.ttaG IH Win. C iitrai S'J
IkUToUplione. . . 2UJ AtolllBOn 2d4
Demon A. Albany , . JII7 Atc.tiii.oii 4B
IJoBton IMatiiti. . . n n. Klcctric r s. . U.
C U..Q. WIs.Cunt. Isti. . . . fiSJi
Fllcliblllc . . . . , Iti Alloucz Mlllhi.'Co. 3U
Fltclrtinrc Pfd. . . . 44 All-imlo 11
Gin. KUoirlc , , . . JH Bosion ft Montana aou
Illinois btcul .1 Dl il
Mtxicnn C < > ulral. . DlH Calumet A. Jlecla. . 2U41
N. Y.&N. E 10 . 10
Old Colony FranUHn . 11
Orcron Sliort I.Ii.u -
KutiDpr 40 Oeceoli sill
Union r.ielftc ] t T.UlKU'.lClt tut
West Kntt c : ,
Sin L'niiLUoj Illtitn ;
SAN FJIANC1SCO. Sept. 20. Tlio omolal
quotatluiiB for mliilu ; Hioii i luluivjrj aj fol
low :
Aim is Mcxlcin IMO
Uolchei- fij Mono 10
llcBt.t Dole her. . . . . IK ) Mo ml Diablo lu
llodlo Coil 14fi Oplilr " 711
llulucr 10 Potottl 11
Lhollir Jill Saviigo t5 !
Con. Cal . Va. . . . 4 1) ) Sl rr.v Nevnda . . . 3 in
Crown Point 77 Union Con 71'
hUirKA Con 23 Utali S
O'oiila Si Currv , . . . 71 Yellow Jacket. . . . 73
Halo A.Norcro < < . . . OH
No T Ynrrf Ilnlr > ; ijuicitlon.
NKW YOUK S"pt. 20. Tlia follow uu ara ths
iL' inmtiis quoi uious :
Cliolor. 4t ) PlMllOUtll 1O
Crow n Point , . , 1,0 SlurriNuvidi 1UO
Con Cat ft Va. . . . 4.111 St.imlaitl lir.
Dcidwool .10 Union Con 7 ! )
( oulil.lCuriji . . . . UH Yullovv Jnckut . . . IIH
JT.ilu.V Norcro89. . Ot Iron Silver 10
Uoincstaka 1330 Qulckrtllvur ISO
Mexican UO do uroterrixl 1 Juo
Ontario GOO Itulucr 15
Onlnr. ' . ' 35
I.nnilnn Stock Oncitiltlolis.
LONDON , Sept. 20-4 p in. closing :
C.uiaill ui P l7M ! St. Paul com . .
Krlc HIM N. V. Coiitr.ll . . 104
ClIctMs 1'cmmvlv.mlii . r.sw
lUB.CVntr.ll Huadlu ? .
( Uxlcaii orJIniry. Mcx Ccn. new4H.
llii ivy Movement ot < iirrenpy.
NHW AOTIK , Sept. W. A movement of cur
rency of some maBnllude Is In progress the ob-
JcctUe pulnt of which IB New Orleans. The
bulk nf the money U shlpiidl In thu r < Rularway
hy ctprcsn Lut. gome Imnks are Inhlnc ailvnn-
ta i * of n 75o nite Blven hy the suhtroamry far
lo'cBraphlc Irnnsfer throueli the tuutrcnsury nt
Now Uilrana , li- which Intcifsl U Bnved , as
ilellivrs IH nmd < > nt onca nnd all risk uf mU-
rnrilHgi- inoldcJ.
I Inaiirliil .Sntt8.
NEW OIll.RANS. hppt. -Clearings , JJ12.J1S.
ISOSTON. Sent. 20. Clc.irlnB . llOJOJ,14li ! > al-
anin. . 11,122 51 } .
HAUTIMOnU. Sept. SO Clearings. ll.S03.5y ;
balances. ) : Ki7 ,
NRW lOnK. Sept. I0.-Clcarlnss , ;
balances , JI , til. IIO.
l'ini4ADiL.ritlA. Sept. SO. CUnilngn , fSS53-
313 , balances , tl.SI8.VSl.
CINCINNATI. Sept MClen rings , JI en.WO
Ne. . 'Vork exchange. Uc prvmlum Itonoy , US
6 jwr cent.
TUB HAOl'i ' : 8pt M The budKPt r-howH
a < leicll : of SIXMOOO Horlns A loan will be Is-
KUctl Imniedlatelv ,
HAN KIlANClhCO. Hept. 20 Drafts alsht. lOc ,
lcpKri.lilc. ] | ICc. Hll > er Imri , M = lljC3'c. Mcxl-
cnn dollar * , KlJM > , e. *
WASIIIXOTON , S < pt. SO. foi-h In the trciiKiii )
M the elope of business , Jliri.Tll.l * . ' . , of which
J57.M8 935 rrprrsentcd thr gold rmi'nr
HT. IX3IM.S. F - | > t. SO ClearlnBS , H 711 , 187 , lial-
mici'B. Sil ) . 120. Mone ) , dull at CW7 per crnt.
llichanKe on New \orli , EOc discount bid.
ClUCAao. Sept. M CJearlnifS. I13.1S3.004.
Honey , 414 4't ' tier crnt on cnll ; 5 | 6 per cenl-nn
time. Nc-\v YoiU rxclMiitre , C a dlvcuunt. Tor-
exchange , llinirr ; meittnff exchaiiK > > . 14 SI
I'AltlS. Bept 20 The wetkly titalrment of
the Itank ot Priiino Itsunl l < I.iy , haw * the
follawme chnnKen an eunipured with the pr < -
| i > u account. Calculation , IncrtMse. 6S5Jnof ;
treasury accounts current. Increase , 2l2Sooaf ;
KOlJ In hiiml liunnse. 14 0 SCKWf ) Mils dlneoumeJ ,
dpcnase , 9,7M.OOOf , * IIver In hand , Incrrae * .
LONDON. 6 pt. M The Dank of inKniid' !
ratu of discount l > unchan red at ! per cfnt ,
Oo | < l li quotnl liKliy at lluenos Ayres at 110 ,
Madrid , U 00 , Usbon , Z&tX ) ; Bt. Ivieriburs , 10 ,
Athens , 77 , Home. 1713. Vienna , IM
The weekly statement of the 13-ink
of England , Issued today , IHV < I the
fullowlnif chances , as romnared with Ilia pre
vious account : Total reiur\e , decrease.
circulation , decrease. IS7Z001 ; bullion , < * ecreaii
CKI7UI , other st'curltlfii , Increase. ( lli.DOO. oth r
dtpcwlti , Jecn-ane. 1303,000 ; publlo deiwslts , In-
criaus. 1397000. notev re er\i. decrease. [ I8.0UO.
roiernmtnt securities , decrease , ttuOOW. The
prapoillon ot Iho Ilanlc ot Ensland's rcservt
lo UaWlllles Im 70 , ptr cent.
n I
Cnttlo Tko 5ut-5 I3fow a Gain of Neatly
7,000 Htad for tin Week ,
\V trrn < irns or iiie Uiiljr Suppllr * A nll-
bin f r 1 rrstait Ilrtl--Mri > m : Dcinnml
far htockcm < . iiiillnum lings Slump
Aiu > tlu > V , ( ckcl In i'rlcc.
THimSDAY , Sept. 20.
The receipts today were 3,700 cattle , 4,600
and COO sheep , as against 5,43-1 cattle ,
0,875 , hogi and 023 sheep jcstenjay , and
2,316 , cattle , S.2D9 hogs and 2,571 sheep on
Thursday of last week. Thus far this week
the receipts ( cot up 10,200 , cattle. 18,042
lings anil l.CSO sheep , as ai lnst 12.3SO cattle ,
20,923 hogs and 3,895 Flieep fcr the cor
responding ilajs oC last week.
CATTLin Today's run ot cattle , while
lighter than jcstcrdayus consid
erably In excess of last Tlmrs-
laj'a receipts. While the day's re
ceipts made a pretty fair showing so far as
numbers were concerned , the quality ot the
cattle was much Inferior to yesterday. There
were , In fact , no good beef steers hero to
speak of , either nnthcs or westerns. Sonic
fairish westerns uent at $3 65 , and a bunch
at $4 , but there \sero hardly enough beef
steers to nieke a fair test of the market ,
Had thcic been anything hire ot uny ac
count It would without duUbt have sold ut
about steady prices. There were quite
geed many cows In the yards , but the de
mand wim fair and the market did not
show much change. Desirable c-.v stuff
was strong
A large proportion of the receipts of cat-
lie today was made up of ( .lookers . and feeders.
The market steady on the most deslra-
bio grades , but weak on others. llepro-
senlatlY * sales :
Diuihsnu nnnr.
No AI'r No APi. . No. Av 1'r.
i . . MO M o loot r. w 17. . ion w nn
i . new s EO 6.Hi } 3.- : 4i..u : : > 3 75
: i iuo3 : 10
1 . 'iOO 1 21 1 . . WO 1 73 - , . J 2 TO
1. . 0(0 1 1 . .I01 1 Ti II J.27 Sir.
.1058 If , 2. . 'K.O 175 2 1010 _ > l/i
! > . ! )71 ) 1 41) 21 . . S79 1 73 2 1010 Z 13
J. 7SS 1 40 I . . . 920 1 7i 4 HUT J 10
4. . . 7V , MO n . 774 17" 12 .712 210
8 . .71. ! 140 b. . . b05 ISO IS. .SOI 210
vs I4o : ; . . . > ! 1 xi i. . jifj .MO
1 S3 > I 50 3. . . OGO 1 S. Ml J 10
. ' . 010 1 10 58. M.3 1 ( K > I , . Ml 1 10
2 . .1020 I 5 18. . H7J 1II ) II . ' 11(1 ( III
1 . . 511) 1 50 I . 1) ) I 1J S n-,2 2 HI
5 . t , , l \ 60 1 . 710 I ' 10 B hV , 2 10
1 ilVI I VI ft . . ! ) K > I 10 IS * 7C 2 l
2 900 1 r.O 17 . ! < 13 1 ID 1J 3 < W 2 10
4 8f7 I , M 20 . K 1 HO „ 873 2 I
] . VK ) 1 LO 1 . i > 4T 1 'HI 1 . IC'O
4. . 7-.o i 60 a . & & i 'io j s7
f , . . S7C 1 M ) I . . J7U 110 D I < * H ) 2 I
1. . . GSO 1 U ) 1 . 10.U 1 ! )0 ) 4 . . 777
10 770 i < a 14 . . a i no i . . 11:10 :
2. 1000 ito e. 1000 2 no 2" . 7t
. ' . . CM 1 03 t , ilOj J 00 I . > <
r. u > 2 i e > 1 .1020 2 o i . . sjo
4 900 1 05 S , , , . SS 2 00 6 10 23)
11 . RM 1 C > I. } . , & 60 J IK ) J 10,0 .140
5 . 82S 1 10 1 W 2 00 I 1MI ) 2 40
] > . HJ 1 7U 1. * 0 2 00 1 12 0 2 40
'i .777 171 14 n MOMK ) 2 12tki J 50
1 . . 94D 1 7' 1. . fc70 2 00 2 11V , J 73
I . . 735 1 7S 1 . fc,0 ( 2 00 10 . 312 J VO
co\\s AND IIIIPKIS : :
14 . S76 2 13 i
3. . 3V ) 1 JI 8 . VH I CO 14 . Ml 2 M
2. . . H 1 J ) 3 . . .26 I CII J . . 731 i U >
1 ! . . 310 1 l 5. . . M2 1 6n I STl ) S 10
1. . . 4W 1 4i ) S.M ) ) 1 70 1 . . 7M 210
1 . . fOtJ 1 W O.579 1 70 2 . . S-0 213
d. . 5C , 1 - , ( ) 4. . V,2 17" , 2 TUT J2)
5. . 4V | ,7) 1S.---712 1 S3 1 1)70 ) 24) )
2 . . 430 1 rii ) ( . . > 7'.7 I 'HI 1 . 1COO 2 10
7. . . . 34. ) 1 W 14" . "A 2 i )
fi. . . 2f3 t 2" 1. 4Ci ) 2 21 1 . 441 271
1 . . 1GD I M 3. . . 311 2 2" . 1 > f t W
1 , . . 20) 2 W 2j . I ) ) . ' T > 2 171 3 00
7 . 191 . ' f t 110 2 V ) 1 . i0 ! 3 r.
2 . . IT. 2 IX ) -t JS2 2 V ) 1. . . 7'l 3 >
4. . . , SCT. 2 W II 211 J EO - ' . , . -MJ 350
II , . ,313 2 li 1i. 101 2 W 2. , . 133 3 50
! . . ! 17U 22T 11 , . VM 1 "A4' < IX. 3 71
j.r-.rsM-J-'n . * 22tr-2 w rrrrr iw roe
1. . , ,3W ) 2 2J ; . . ' > 2 SO ir. . UO I W )
1.I. . 020 1 y > I . .J42 > 1 K ! I. f 1130 1 SO
1. . .1000 14) I . 13.V ) 1 li 1. , 131) 1 SI
1. . . 970 1 M 1 . tl0 | 1 70 1. . 1350 1
1 . . .1217 1 M 1. , .14V ) 1 71 8. . IV ; 1 815
1. . .1130 1 OT I 870 1 71 1 . . I1W 1 S5
1. . . . 790 1 V ) 2. .14ffl 1 75 I . IVfl 1 SI
2 . .H)75 1 K ! 1. . . SCO 1 75 1 . 770 2 10
1. . .12 * 10) 2. 131" ISO 1 .124) 2(0
2 . . .12)1 ICO 1. .10SO 180 1 . 142) ) 2ml
1. . . . 700 ICO J. . .V > y > 180 1 . . . C90 200
OXK.N' .
4 . 1532 2 10 2 . .17V 3 00
I . b7d 1 M 1 910 1 9)
1 CM 1 W I . 7JO 2 . ' " 31 . SI1 2 10
4. 4M 1 73 19 . . 7"b . ' 21 1' " . . .7,7 2V )
1. . 770 1 73 48 . 872 2 JO 16 . . IKS 2 M
4 6S3 1 i" . 11 BJ1 2 3) ) 1 . " .0 2 V )
1 SOJ 2 0 < ) 10 CS2 2 M 2J fc'iG 2 13
1 620 2 fli ) M . fcCI 2 " , ) 4 riO 2 Bi
1 . 73 ] 2 00 8 .V8 2 3) 7 t22 2 ' 5
1 460 2 00 27 Itrt 4 3.i 22 . H. ) i 5,1
7 . . 771 2 00 2J S82 2 33 1 . 00 2 M
18 . . CC3 2 0) 4 . 7C.1 2 Si 13 . 'B 2 Vi
2 . CSI ) 2 00 III . KS 2 31 2) . 07 2 19) )
2 . " ! ) 2 W 7 , . . 710 2 K 21 S12 2 W
5. . 40S 200 IGv. . . 7 0 210 21. . . 7.13 200
0 40 2 1) CO. 7.19 2 40 14 'HO 2 70
1. . CIIO 2 lo 1. , , , 910 2 li > 6 . GIO 2.10
2. . SO 2 15 8 . "A 2 40 25 . .11),1 2 "i
2. . . S90 225 4 893 2 40 4. SljJ 2 r1
19. C9i 22.1 2 . IW > 240 II ) . .1176 213
27. . . 70S 223 22 . . . 157 2 40 72 . S'H 2 fO
3. . M 2 2.1 C t3. > 2 40 II , . . SIR 2 6.1
20 871 223 8 . . . ' ' 01 240 1 . .1140 270
3 . . CM M 40 . . . C46 2 43 22. . . SGS 70
9 . 6X1 230 8 . . i20 2 43 1. . . 310 2 73
1G . 823 2 30 16. . . 21 2 43 . 10V ) 2 71
2 . . 600 2 30 3. . . S03 2 43 15. . .1WS 3 10
1. . . 3W 2 S3 J22 . 937 2 43 20 . 983 2 75
21 . . 632 35 IS. . , 1)20 ) 2 41 17. . U70 2 80
1 . . . fWO 2 35 4. . , t7 ! 245 8. 1021 2 S3
14 . 727 231 1. . . 810 250 22. . 1UOG 2 M
11. . . 79t 235 20. .783 2V ) 1. . . 870 2'10
7 . S30 2 35 4 . . . 873 2 M 4. . . 742 3 10
2 . , 290 2 15 li. .1173 2 10
N'o A . 1'r. No. Av. 1'r.
II htrs. tlK . . 1200 $2 35
4 rovm 997 1 & 31 cous ! S (2 ; o
1 CUM 1310 271 b3 Blctra 1174 3 01
Wlllliin 1'jle.
II OOW3 B34 1 CS 1 hplfpis . . 740 1 7"i
5 cnl\en 212 2 < < 0 2 ca\es . . . .12) 2 W
1 calf 114 4 00
M Cliurlts.
1 cow 910 2 ( W 1 cow 1130 221
1 cow 10SO 2 CO Scons 1W2 5 d )
A. Cruise & Hun.
2 cona . . . 1060 1 50 8 COIVB 'i72 1 W
1 Rtr lie. . . 1ICO 1 50 5 bull * . . . 1234 1 tft )
K ! ui a 'Ill 2 IS 1 fir UK . . .1130 2 50
3 FtVB UK. , ISO 2 7 } 1 flHK . . . .1320 3 00
15 fi-c.lers. . 106J 3 00 61 ettrrs . .11C9 3 45
I ) SlcGlmils.
1 dull 1410 1 f < ) 3 stiiKK 1110 00
46 conn. . . . HL13 2 W 1 lluif U'SO 2 21
JJ Bti'trs. . . .1141 3 UO
\v. a. jjui.
t Btr lltr. . . .161 2d ) 2 lrntlir . 1HO 2 CO
3 trn UK..1015 V > ) 3 Mlr Up. .1030 2 no
HOQS The receipts of hogs this morning
numbered gxty | = BtT5" loads , and. In addition
to the fresh arrWals , there were some 1,200
head carried oyer from the day before.
The early marljet 'aid not show so vsrj
much change fromjesterclay , though It was
not as Rood as tbo = best time yesterday , nor
wau It as low as yesterday's close. Some
of the bujers wiy ( pURlit early figured their
drov.s ns costing ! Sc less than yesterday ,
tahlng quallty-'ITlto consideration. The
shippers were dolnfi ! very little and the fact
that Chicago dispatches came 10 < J15c lower
made the local 'pickers very Indifferent.
About one-half of the hogs sold reasonably
early and after -that the market became
very alow and"weak. The close was at
leant lOc lower.iiiU'prckciitatlve sales :
No. Av. Sh. IV. No. Av. Hh. Pr.
0 , ,1 7 120 | 5-f > - 70 218 J20 | 1 43
93 1S3 Kl ) 5W r Iv2 lt < 2 SO .145
W 147 160 ? W-lkp 29 . ' 19 SO & 4 !
5 218 . . . R710-- J4 11 M r. 43
10 ,177 240 l > IV' 70 ,220 ICO .1 15
(8 . . .20 120 .r , 10 * K2 233 240 5W
ce ice 41 ci5 r , : 21 : . , 5 so
197 1(1 120 523 M 221 ! 120 5 W
12 W40 \ 52V 71 221 120 5 M
53 1S7 210 fi 25 CC 215 MAM
41 237 240 & : : 127 212 160 S 50
CS Itt SO B SO' W 243 . . 5 5J
2 245 . . . 5 S ' iS . . . .160 200 5 M
76 1W SO S IS 76 227 200 5 Bl
8S 1H 100 S35 82 214 120 5 Bl
92 1E1 SO S Si 76 234 L'I'J 551
81 1W ] * ) 535 19 57 . . . SM
66 , 19 ] iO S 35 71 . . . . . . . .222 101 B 67U
7 210 SO 53714 . . . 241 . . B CO
54 . . , 11 > < 40 .1 40' 7 * ! S4 . . . B 60
70. . . . 215 241) B 4) ? . . , , . 244 W ) S 60
77 , , . , l'J7 80 6 40 K ) . . . . 231 jjij Sy >
C4 IS4 44 K 40 B9 247 . . i 60
4 < 13 160 & 40 C4 237 ICO SO )
U 1 < J7 4) 641 M ) W S fB. .
w. , , . . : ie . . . s w ci no . .570
62 204 120 40 67 273 . . S 70
U 211 I2J 54" ) fa 3 . . . S 73
78 . . .213 320 640 49 311 . . . (75
85 202 80 S 45 14 } 375 . , . 14
87 S W ) 64J
I'las AND noraii.
1 140 . . . 27i 24 , , , 4 CO
3 224 . . . 300 SI Bl . . . 20
1 210 . . . Itt W U , , , 430
i US . . . 8 77 U . . . t 30
? ' * ! t IM . T4 JO I 'A
i1 ? ! ! J5 ! ! ! ! J J °
i . . .1,1) s 3u i ; . .ne 10 4 7i <
1 . .431) . . . 3 to 10 M | M
12. . . . D3 . 4 00 CD . . m . . 5 14
S1IEE11 There ere five loads of sheep
In the jards. Some native ewes brought
lambs W.20. Urproscntativo
" . . Av Pr , Nn \ \ I'r
41 nntl\p ewe * . . S8 10 ; native lambn. . ' 8 13 24)
llrii'lpit unit IH'pnmiou of Stuc'i ,
omclal rrcclpl nnd illrponlllon of ntwk n <
Klimtn bj- the Iwokn of the Union Slock Yardi
oonii | ny for Ihc twenty-four lioiire rmllng nl
3 o'clock | ) ni. . Bc | > t mtier ) , U94j
Cnr . I lead
. . . . 151 1.741
Cl 4.rl4
a & „
Omnhn 1'acklne company. . . 22 4tS . . . .
The 0 II llnnunnml cominny 29S 1,52 ! .
Swlfi nn l Cimpnn > . 3C. i , n n ?
The Cudnhy I'ncldnK cotni-any S52 1 (174 ( , . , . , ,
.Mlmu'snio I'nckliiK oomimny. . . . 139 .
11. llccker & Ucsen . M .
1 * . I ) . Armour , . , . . . . . 121 .
I. , llpckfr . , . M .
J Ixil nmi , . 47 .
O II U. rroin Knnim * < 'll > . . 212 . . .
HlilMn-rs iind feeders . I.9J1 1,030 no
Left oler . lee . . . . 129
Toln.1 . , . 5 9T" "iTsis"37C
L'llttAdd 1.1A H h'lOUK.
Illehrr I'rlcm M i-rn I'nld for llmul to
1'xlrn ' 'tcnr * .
OIUCAOO , Sept. 20-ltlKlicl prices - ttoripnlil
foi Rood to c\tm ntncrs. llcceltitii w re iiHKli
lielDiv exprctnllnnfl , nmounllns to scixrcily inuir
limn ir.Ooo hcml of nit klinlK. niul nt onlj nil pirt of tti it numlicrvviH KI > !
inougli foi the e of bums for the eiKlorn niul
furtlKn markelD hnldors of Biiltnhlc | nt4 linil I lie
upiier hand. Tht > ntl.eil im.i oboilnul l > ettcr
prlc s than were cuncni on tltlier nf Hie inc.
cwllnp ilajB lit iho ech. Ui ndtuv * Miiiflnjr
auMil 10c ti > 2ilc per cwt. The lpiin iil i > rfn-
IIIRI niul advance In noirl rntlli Hlriiisllu-iio. !
Iho MLirket Ci > r the lavicr Rrmlei , thiHiKh the lut-
tu < lld lint ninth tuoie than luild theli n -i
Of the 12.IHV ) offcrnl nithfi more than half win-
from the MIIKC country , T.-MII Ri-iullnR 2 000
timl the WDBtern rniiKc 4 1 ) lienil NnlUeH were
nii'Jtcil ut fr ni II 2 * t < i JC40 with HUIH ! hiriril ) nl
fiijm II 75 to 12 f < r ( iron nnd bulli anil at from
4 to J4.7j fur me ri llnrc was a rale tit 50 31
und nne at ? 6.10 , nn.l no doubt nonuMlilnir fnney
would IHNC found n liujti ut the inlxnice nil
( lint pike of lOo per 100 lira AViplerni Wi-ie nil-
nlile nt finm Jl.u1) In } l 81 nnd Tev.ini ut fr > in
JI "pi > to | 321 , i-ti'ckera und feeders wore In
in IK i ilmnnil nnd llrni. ntet < < nlnrnl iiilvoH
At the i | ienlHR of 1m 'ne ted ly Rc > d hnu-i
sold im ell IIH pnteidns'H cln e. ( "unman Bluff ,
vtlikh conxlltulnl the bulk uf I ho xui > | ily uus
dull nnd liraei trim the oulpi t nnd for -nnic
lime nltei HIP mine ui lire -r foi i < \ . > i Mlilii ?
The cli ) n ho el n d Mine "f f " ' W ti lie
piekhm Kiixdei sun"iT t\K Hi mwt T < J v's le II o
iniixt br n crllecl to : < BU'nlm lutiik In pirni-
ihniH foi the fn li re < .tlitB | were tn pi ls''iul )
llKliI , tmd the run for Ibe unnlndit nf tbls
eck bids fulr lu be - '
cij-ifHpDndliiKly cnmll I'm It
em fccm determined to brink the market le-
cniilleMH of | hi * p.inclu of the off. ilnim nn I
tin li ilTnilB nie m ° n urilU nuccissfnl Thn bulk
of H mili et < - below t . tlnnihli nc IllRll
UK ! 8 10 WHB pilfl c.irly In the d.iv I'nrk. IK
inll nr und Ji d ) for the KI < ttei inrl of their
| imchni"x
The jheep nn I Iamb inniketx pe fnlilv ncihe
nnd Mini It'-colpts continue rompiialholv llsht.
holilci * n klnK higher prices , but IJUVPIK ibd lot
Kcnprullr leipwd. the iiYcrnKi : bdnff ulnut HIP
snmc on for xesteid.iy
Sli et > were nuated nil the uy fioin JI tn ( I 2"j
for thin vtufT ( o n 21 for cl nice. Slips nf l.imlw
wtrti on n bnsls of fiom 11.71 t > J4 21 for p > erIn
In choice TrinllnK In sheep nns prlnttpnlh nl
fnm J221 to J2' . and from II 23 to 14 ) boiiKlit
ino l nf the Inmbx
KiirtptB C'nttle. 12,500 held , mhei Six ) henil
ho > . 11 Oi liind , hei.r > 10 0 ' 0 hend
llOHS-lteccllitB. 11M ) lieinl , ntlltlfil vei-lcida >
19.87D bnd : BhlpmontK. 7 7b ! held : left n\er
nlKiut 11 100 hind , > jUHlitInipicnlni ; niniket
fnlilv nctUe opened Hteul ) . hul enel rf helnn
\eMenn > on nil except best heuHie latter
lit In IT miice
t'ATTl.i : necclpt * . 12.SOO head , good demnid ,
fnlrly nctlve and stcnd\ .
SliniU1 ItccrlptK. lO.iJWO In id , ste d > nnd un
hr. loiil l.lvo JstorU lliirkrt.
ST. I.OCIS. P. p | . 20.-CATTIi-ttrc. Ipts
32W hend. Blilpmonta J'i)0 ) heiul. nmiVitt tind\
firm nnllio Floers 1 2W Ibs. . choice. 1441. me-
dlimi. J110W3BO urns nnd lie f < T8 JiOOfi211.
TfriH flws , llfiht and mtdlum , $221 ( . ' 81 , o w * ,
JI mn-221
HOd.S ItPiclpts , BOiX ) htnd. Jth'pmeits. ' l.Si ) )
hnd. uinikct ICc lower : hc l htiuj. fli 01 K OI |
ll , hl nnd IIPIIVV. $5 EOB5 90 , jil s , imm in iiml
nniuh f " 2W > 71
SHJini1 llcce'iils. ' 2 0 > 1 heml shipment" . 1 ono
Iliad ; niaiket Millet , smthucstoni S2 S5ff
265 , mtlM-s $233 283 : limbs , II I2'jiff3 Co.
l\iii a < ritv l.lvo ' tori. Mnrkot ,
KAXS XS rlTV , Sept. 2) ) fAITUJ-TlM-elpts ,
7 WO liend ; Vhlpmrnts 4.100 h < ml , bent Ki.iden
Mmily to stroiiK , others Floft , Texns BteirM. $2 2
fitfii ] , 'loxns tow" ) . I1IOW2S.1 be f KteeiB J3 00
4f171. nnlltt * cons $19,5T310 , rte < kerH n-il fet-d-
er ? MJW12S5. bulls nnl ml.oil J1.73 T231.
11OO Itecelpts. 63)0 he.i.l , nil imuntB. 2 4W
hend : tnniket sleniHto Btrnnc ; hulk nf Kiile ,
JHOfl'D'l ' , heinltfl , J573fi 10 , | iaekei SI 71ffn le ,
llfrlilH. f. 415T1.75
Sltiii : > HeielptR. 6300 heail felilpmenK 3,7' ' > 0
head ; mnrket weakir
.Slock In > luliu
Hecud of receipts nt the four mar
kets for beptember 20 16S4 :
J'attle. HoffH Sheep
Mouth Omnhn . 1.711 I CII 0)6 )
nilrniro . 12 XX ) now lOrtK )
KHIIMUI Clt > . 7.10) 6 30) lil ) )
HI r.ouls . 3.2W 3000 2V)0
Total . 28m
\vooi. \iuur. .
London Silled of the Troiluit Show u
Hronlrnluc : Denmntl.
IjONDON Sept. 10 At the wool * - \ \ < i ted ly
the tltmand wan hroiulfnlnfr Oroia br eils weio
In k < en Ocr.nnd for the coin 'nc it iiml Voik-
Bhlre nt extreme prlcep. America Urok some
Kreiisy meilno comtilngrR nt bo\c the miikcl
li'irlt } . All American Inuers nlao took nlmul
500 bales of scoured. The totnt Amerlinn pnr-
rliani'8 HO fai lm\t > been 1 UN ) lules. Tin * nuin
lier of bnles offered wire 15 DS3 Of this amount
1,000 InlCB weie withdrawn Silts In detail
New Kuuth WnUfl , I.SJfl bn'en , ccoured 7ilflH 3il
KieiiBj , r'l 9i41. QiitenBlnnd 2 233 balcx scoured
9dS < ln I'id , rcnBS. 45 < fiS.l : Victoria 2.TOO Inlen
Kcnurtd , MCMx 7Vsd , gnnry. SViWll'id. Smith
AuKtrnlla , 714 IMJIS , scoured SHdOls , urtnsy
4'iff7 ? dViHt AUBtrnlli , SI7 IKIPS. ! scoured
ltd ; ( , rc'nsj. 5&7d , Tasmania. 2C.1 baba ; Kn.i i-
11481 'id ' ; New /.ealnml. f > 910 hales , moiircd
6'4ilii lB 6 > 5d. Brtns > u BUSlO'jd. Cnpe of Oood
Hope and Natil , 1330 baits , tfc.jurcd. Jijfjd ,
Kreaay , MJnid
hT. ] , OUIS , Sept. 2) VOOIv V r > quiet nnd
Inner for IKS ! Krndes of AtUsoutl und IMInntH.
M'tt'ourl nnd Illlnola meillum combine , l&c ; ine-
dhini clolblntr lie ; nmrso nnd lirnlcl. He , tub
wnuhed , choice , 2lc. fa'i. Itfj20c , Texas Blx to
twelve months , medium 12Tfllc : conthv and low ,
K'ifllc , wisDrn nnd noithcrn medium.
M'lieiu Marliot.
JIINXi.M'Or.18 : Sept. 20. AVheat wnu
nnd nnstfidi.vllh u tendency to lower pHe < M
foi f nun CM , while each UUH firm and
hltfhir , the leautin bclnR the \ery active de
mand for wheat on track by inlllera to fnlm !
and b } * local elc\atr > r companies to pul Inlo
KtnrnRe. Thin conipcllllon not only hi'ld the
prltt * of Hun , but ntUanctnl lh pi lee
of truck win at lie. comimcd with the clmlnK
price last nleht. tn the other Imml fiitnre- <
ep | lower from Uo to c mi tin * dilTerent
month ? riu * futuie inontlm decllmil In Byrn
palhy with pi leer nl outside polntB Tliej did
nut full xu much IIH other mirkcu fill nnd the
lensun of It WUB that futures In Id medium
betwein the advance In our ca h market here
ami the decline In pilces nt other point * The
recilptft were InrKtrancl amounted tu 41u * ? JO tti.
with ehlpments of 35.003 bu I'rkts iloed , H.-p-
lembtr , M\c : ] > ei.ember. Clc ; Jluy. iS'ie. on
iriuk , No. 1 Imiil , V &c ; Kn 1 noithtaru , K''t 't < -
No. 2 northern , f.l'Cc. Ciish wheat In Flort
nnd f.-ish wlieit on track , old. bold for Ic hlKher
llian the iirlco of the name ilinrnclir of
from the new crop Hem was , UilI and tnxy
nltlioUKh ciuotnbly lower In price. I'utenta. (320
? 3 40 bakers , J2 0002.10 I'rodiicilon cBtlinittd
nt 3aOW bbln. for the dn > ; elilpineiilB , J7.3CS
bbls. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CICIIK | | Trult Onotulloin.
miCAOO , Rept M. The Harl Prnlt tompanj
Bold C'nllforilla fruit nt nuUlon tudny ax folliiWH ,
Tokay urnpeH JI.40iTI.70 ; Mu seals. II llfd 15.
Malaga , H.lOtl'l 15 , Vrrdell. 31 15. I'uipltf DumnK-
CUB , (115 : ll'nck ' Morrtco , 1180Mnlei N't-lla
pears , II BO ; Orison Italian prunt-8 , ! ) > e : Silver.
; ! < : Utrman , II ; Uarlltlt inuia , tlaik iiutkud ,
At Xew York : liartlMt | nain. J2 15R2 40 ,
llirily. II G3 < iTt UO ; Tokny Brnpes , JI lORl 30 , llei-
rain prunes , | l 10fl 15.
I'orter llros. company , ChlcuKn. "bl six uira
I'ltiiuet late pnche , ? 12liTI3n ; Ualmiy ptntlus ; tllneH. S5i ! > 5c. lliillett ptnrx , HnjirJK ]
half irutcn Tokay * . JI 1JSCIC3 ; ilojbles , | 21)iIU )
double la , 12:0 235 , B njleH. II 03WI.10 ,
nectarlnra. JI.45 , Smick peacheBMi. . - , II Iliudy
pears , J1 5 1.75 , < lion iiruntB , Jl.Sufjl 6) ) , K < I-
ey JflpniiB , 11 1'.STI CO ; ( lernuul prune * . 11 i)1il.33 ) ,
HIHeid J1.25 , rallrnlx.rKB , 11 UuiSl.35 ; guacLeil-
IMIBS. JI 2) ; DiimHon. JI 2) .
New lork. four cum ! R.irllclt pear * over-
llpe , 11.450210 ; It I lard j. JI "Siffl W , llowvllx.
II Mtil G < I : CUIrReniK , Jl.lJffl 7S ; DIIUKHX , JI SJ ;
Cdilgt-'H late. Uciid 00. Cia1tva > a. Mt CU 03 , U\ }
dlncK , Bit ; white freeplnne * . & 5c ; MrUc\ltl illnKi * .
] l.ii5 , ( lli.KH prunes JI 05 , lillf Tokn > B , ll.Httl Di
half Jluncuts , "iaj SOtf.
New Inrk Dry flouilH Murknt.
NKW VOIlK. Kept. 20 Ilunhipm ban been of
iiKxleialu illimnBlnn The pentjnul ami ortlei
ilt man d Lallrd for moderutb quintllleg , though
lurit * * BII | were reaihetl furwuiillnir
on ritent order * ) nntl an a fnct , moru Kootln
for tunentnnntfl are tH'Inu pic in > . | and old
tc urihv Ilian hai ltn l luuul at thin date in
many ) tur , 1'ilntlng cluthn tjulet nl 3c.
llullilli % \ .Muriel ,
, Sept. 20-cioBe : WHEAT NO. i
hard , < nvh und brplembei. 57c , No. .
CUih , M'4C. September. S3V4C. I > eceriiljer 5iicj
Ma > , Ctc. ) No I northern , i-anh. Me , No. 3 Ux.- .
lejecteil. 47c , to arrive. No. 1 nuttheni. old niul
new , 55'ic. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'J'rliro AVhcat { Juolutloni.
HAN 1-nANCIHOO , Bent -'VltKAT Weak.
r , k4c , May. IM'ic. '
OreRon Kidney Tea curei backache , Trial
size , 23 centi. All drugglaU.
"Well , "
said thu bright woman who had asked
for Pearline , to the grocer who wanted
to sell her some imitation of it.
"whether you do sell more of these-
other things or not , there must be
something in Pearlinc which makes the
- * T7 * ' flies avoid it. I notieu that all the.
* : . & > * Pearlinc packages are clean and fresh.
All the others arc fly-specked 1"
This is a true story. Everything is
true thut we print about Pearline.
_ _ The thing in Pearline that keeps flies
off is its popularity. It doesn't ' stay on the shelves long
enough to become soiled. When women want washing made
easy , without any risk of harm , they must have Pearline.
Petldlers nnd some unscrupulous grocers lull tell jou "this is us rood as"
or "tho same as 1'earline. " ITS FALSE Pearl inc is never peddled ,
! L i ami ( { jour grocer sends xou tnmclking in place of Pearline , bo
K honest unfit tact. r JAha I'YLK. New York ,
CENTER TABL'S , PRICE 81.08 , "WORTH 87.50
Solid Oak..h3S.brJS3 | feet , llnltihcd antique , si/.o of top 24 2-1 In.
( note the si/c ) , has oxtt-u bhoU botow , ia [ act is jmt llko out UDJVQ , This
is only ono of the many burg.ilnn wo aio olTurinj tluougliout our entire
Formsrly ii3lh Inslallm 3.iJ Housa ,
Send 1(1 cents for postage 4 > n Bii ; ' 01
Write for Ilaby Carriage Catalogue Mailed Krcc.
CiooJs sold n i payments in Council BI tills & South Oiiuiha
Close Evenings at ( it'.K ) , exopt Mondays and Saturdays.
tlouof a fainuuil'ruicn pliynldnii.Wv.l qulcklv euro } oil of all ner
vous or dliiascs of tbu Kcnirutlva orpini , such in J-ost Manhood ,
Insomnia , I'HlnsIn tlio 1 < mlssUins , Nervous DeblU'r ,
ImplcH , UnUlncsa tfi Marry , Ivxlmusthig Drilns. Varlcocrio and
Conntl ration.
CUriiniNK cleanses tholirer.lno blddeja and the urtaarr
! BEFORE * MO AFTER oreanaof nilfmpurlttcB.
OCl'IunNl ! Btronfrthcns and restores smill wcnV orsranc.
Tlio roinon FniffpriTf * uro not uirrcl by Doctorft In bociuso nlnr-tv perient arf Iroublprt wltrj.
rr nti tlti . CUP1HKN12 IH tlio only known run vt\v \ to ruro wltliuut an operation. 0 OUOtcs.
tlmoninlH. A writtenpinrintrnnlwn and money ri-tiiiiie-l If nix t-ps Ooen not ntfrct n per
manent ruro. , SI no n hot. Blx f 01 , fi . . ( ! ' . livmill . f-i nil for -Ir'-ulTr 11 d tpwtlinnnlalp
yif , „ , - , , ,1 p n itn. " 07ii iti Ftti iiM" . ' -il. 1-orBilobf
OOOUMAN DKUO CO , 1110 l'urnnniStreolOiiinlii.
whoh TObeen humlmtir rtb7 the "Flfctrlc Hrt ) . " "FellowRoflerert"'Boln , 'J
' Crayon , " "IroclioH , " " l cuum , ' ' ' roe Cu o' Vnuckii , jind wl o lijft/e roana
WrlUnieifullhUtor7orroiireiJ , nafol | UESTIOV IISTS ind Ififl Tttr l > o . Kr rtwurceii it. l
niniiklllirrnt ; I h.i.eai < d U , .ounai. I CiS tl UK lltt . T eoij > t > ri < i | rl < nc4. IC1HLU.-T.
n irrli lcir l.klnlre lm nl l < ib r C. MuH.Uon. ! n.llfiir 1 1 i il. Irw.Ddi.
ff - M HA K , . . . .
Dr. N.C. WJOD. President. CIIICAUO MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. 30Van Burcn St. Chicago , III.
tocurun.l i TMiiuUi"cnic .pucii in v\i-uk McMiiorT.lxiionif Drain
fuarnnuiil . \ nkcluln < ! M. J.O'tMnnliootl.Muuiy huiltflcins. Nervous.
nees.nll drnlnsarid IIII A of powerliiOonerutlvBOriruiiH ofcltlier
bToicroxprilonyiiiilhrul rriii , ciccsslTo ntnuf tobiicco.unlijm orsllm
iilantD. which lend tolntlrmlt.ron nmitlonor | Ini-rnliy. Cannn cnrrloilln
tp t pocket Ul | > erbox. O furHfi , br mull prc'jmlciVlllin6iS enl < r wit
\ > rllleiiGiiariinleolociireor rcfunii lite * iiKinnj. hold by n I
_ _ _ jdriureirls Ask font Isho niiotlnT Write , forlreoilsdlrnl llooLtcn
HHI-IIIIII A > II AKirii i MM. , in plain wrapper , Address NKUVKHKKliC < i.M Minlc'lcmr * " ' '
Bfld in Oiniha by Sherman . HcConntll. Kunn & Co , and Vlckera & Merchant ,
and vigor qulrVl |
rt ctored.Arkucrlu ,
einltiloiii ,
etc surrlr eurrd l > r IMIAI'O. the icrrat
With rUln ) | u r i.lfllu curt. Bold by
I A fuller & Co , Comei ijth mid Douglass Sts. ,
Tor sale by F. PHOECK. .
Itt. bun l'mntl cu hdrit. IH ,
Ollu of Moxioo , Maxlao
U , S Cy
The Mexican Cuslomhuumi tat Iff , In I-nu-
llsh , with CIMIUC tu date. 4to one \ol.
pp. 417 XU
Mlninc Code of M xlcti. In Knvllih and bpun >
Uli , with rliculurs oml rulings on s.irne.
6vo. pn. 1C. ' . . . . , 1.90
Uaw ot the 1'ederal Hlnrnp Tax , In l.'nsllsh
and ripanlxh with channel to date , one vol
Ivo. pp. M . . . . . . . . . i. . . . i t 1 W
CofTfe-KruwinB In Mexico , tSe he > l work on
the subject. In KnUlnh. Ho. Pit M t 1 )
The llutiiry , use. etc. ot the Mexican Cnlan
ilar Htont , In English , by J J , Valentlnl ,
wlthplsle 8vo. p p. V > 0 W
The Sacred Cll > of lh Toltfcs , by Leopolds
latre . with numerous colored plule * , 410
p p ! S 0 SJ
Calaloirus of tbe National Museum of Mexico
by W. Vf. IHale. U. A , , In Knfllih , copiously -
piously lllu trute < l , ( to. pp. Bl C 75
Directory ot the City of Mexico by H. Hull-
land , , , . , . . , . ! J.W
Directory of tin Interior ot Mexico , taina
author , . . . . .t IM
Tin Public kands Law of Mexico , In Un ( >
Ilia OM
Tin Talent Law * of Mexico .In English
and ijpnnlih . , . . . . , , , . . . , . , . . , . O.M
Ittmlt N , V , Kxchang * with order * .
illlftlli.ulo lliMititt Work
Ml I < r t Trine * *
TEETH WllIIOUT PLAT1.S. llrhleu worle
Full Kct trclh on i libber M UU. Ill unarunlced Sil-
urllllliiKH H UU , puru KOUl * .M)0. )
Office , 3rd floor Paxton Block , 16th and Far-
Telephone ! 1083.
Lady Alttnd int u jrinin Bpolccn.
iilmt fur l { < illicit , lloitltlM X Co *
Grain and Commission Broker
I'rlruto wlrutu ClitciKU untl.S'aw Vorl. .
Toliiphuiiu .Va CIO.
Commission Merchant
Grain and Provisions ,
Prlvale wlrea to ClilcaiiO untl Nuw YorJc
All buklneaa orclerx plucej on Ublcajfa
Uoarcl or 'Iruile.
CurrevponcletiLO solicited.
OfTicu. room 4. Ntw Vork Ufu