TWELVE PAGES rr HE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWELVE PAGES ESTABLISHED JUNE in , 1871. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 17 , 189-1-TWELTE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Earnest Appeal to ITie High Moral Benso of Nebraska Voters , ' 'REPUBLICANISM ' VERSUS BOODLERISM" iJ Tom's AssaviUa Upon the Eti'o's Financial Credit. MAJORS AS A CORPORATION CAPPER Shall Railroad Managers Control the State Government ? tHE EFFECTS OF RAILROAD DOMINATION . Bit of Unwritten History About cat d Richards. FORGED CENSUS CERTIFICATE 1 Fart ia the Abduction of State Sen ator Taylor. THAT TAYLOR SALARY VOUCHER jtfnjora1 Subserviency to 1bs Beck of Railroad Lobby'st ? . HELPED TO DEFEAT A MAXIMUM RATE BILL Congressional Cotmnit'oa Report Branding Majws as a Falsifier. RECOMMENDED FOR INDICTMENT tCho Ballroud Fight Against t'ie State Con stitution of 1871. SOME INTERESTING POLITICAL HISTORY fendlesa Struggle ii TLwart the Power of Corpraton7. ! THE STATE MUf BE REDEEMED Complete Stenographic Itcport of .Mr. nose- water's I'roinont Spoerli , llolnc the OpenIng - Ing- Gun In Ills Campaign Against Majors nail Itallroadlsni. Saturday evening Mr. E. noscwater de livered n political address at Fremont upon the subject : "Republicanism versus Uoodlcr- lam. " Love's Opera house , the largest aual- | orlum In tlie city. was crowded. The audi ence was composed of representative men ol nil parties democrats , populists , prohibi tionists and all hinds , of republicans. Then , Vfas also n fair springing of ladles present It was a representative meeting of represcn Jatlvo : people , who listened to the speakci with , most respectful attention , accorcllni plm generous applause at frsquent Intervals > i Hon. Bamuel Maxwell , formerly chief jus tleo of the supreme court of Nebraska , li Introducing the speaker , said : "Tho gentleman who will address you tlili evening baa been n citizen of this state foi jpiore than twenty-five years , and has laborcc earnestly and continuously for the prosperltj pnd upbuilding not only of Omaha , but tin ionUre stale ; a man who from the first hai bdvocated government of the people , by tin tocoplo , for the people , and Insisted that tin government ol the state shall be conductci in business principles , nml that boodllng am boodlers shall bo excluded ; a man who 1 fearless In the performance of what lie be llovcs Is his duty , and an earnest champloi if what he believes to be right. I Introduc Ion. Edward Rosewnter , editor of The Omah eo. " Mr. nosevvatcr advanced to the front of th Jtafio , and was received with cheers by man ; .enthusiastic admirers. Ho spoke as follows Mr. Chairman , Ladles and Gentlemen , an Fellow Citizens : The large gathering whle ! confronts ma hero tonight , and the pro longed greeting which 1 have received n Irour hands , ore abundant proof that the pec \i\o \ \ of Fremont and the- citizens ot Ncbrask nro taking a deep Interest In the Issues tha nro pending before us in the present can ; palgn , The Issues enunciated as a text to jno tonight nfe , "Republicanism , or Hal ! rondltm. " I propose to address myself llrH llo republicans , to republicans who ar ptanch nml conscientious advocates , nil , \vho bellovo In the fundamental doctrine end principles of the found ra of the part ) I propose to address myself especially t young republican ? , and the young men w"i nro about to cast their ballots this full , pci Jiaps for the first time , or wlo ( , nt any rat < nro not contaminated by the pernicious tr Jlucnccs that have sapped the very vital of republican Institutions and prevent th pcoplo from exercising a free , untrammole cliolco of our public officials and represent.- tlvea In tlio Interest of good governmen I Rhall appeal to republicans who bclle\ In the right of every man to cast his ball < os his conscience dictates , and art ) oppose 1 to any despotism that enthralls the pcop and deprives them of the right of sclf-goi crnmcnt for which , tha revolutionary fathti struggled and staked their lives and to tunes , and for which the soldiers who vvei to the war front 1851 to ' 05 fought , and ( < which today , when they are roused and b < ccme conscious ot the Issues , they -will agal etrlko a blow for liberty by resisting tl corporate power that seeks to dominate th commonwealth. Now , to begin with , what Is a republli 'According ' to Webster. It Is a governmci by the people , through representatives electi fry their choice , acting In that behalf , Are the peopls of Nebraska so govcrnet tfhat Is the question that confronts us todn Mow what were tha doctrines and the canlln principles of the republican party , enunc nted by Its founders and by successive m tlona.1 conventions ? HEPUnLICAN DOCTRINE. 'As far back as 1800 , following the aJmlul Iratlon of Washington , the true republics ! of America expressed In a. very few won the principles that animated them In orgai Itlng the first republican parly : "Tho Jrccdo ot speech nnd of ( he press , and j > pposltlo 1 here for * , to all violators ol the constitute to silence by force and not by reason tl Complaints , or criticism. Just 01 unjust , our citizen * against their public agent freedom ot religion and opposition to i inanouvcrs to bring about o legal atcenJmi' ' Ht cno sect over another. " Tha liberty platform of 1813 reads as re lowi : "nrsolved , That freedom of speec end d ( he cress , and tne right ot trial I jury , are sacred and Inviolable , nnd that all rules , regulations and lawn In derogation of cither are oppressive , unconstitutional , and not to bs cndurtd by n free people. " The free soli platform of 1852 and you must re member that the liberty party , the free sellers and the abolitionists formed the ncuclcus out of which the republican party of our day was formed the frea Boll parly made this declaration : "Uesolred , That wo Inscribe upon our banner , frea soil , free speech , free labor and free man , and that under It wo will fight on nnd fight ever. " That flght Is going on as much today as It went on nt the time that this declaration was made. ( Applause. ) The platform ndopted by the republican national convention held In Philadelphia in 1850 declared : "Resolved , Thai the main tenance at the principles promulgated In the Declaration of Independence , anil embodied In the federal constitution , Is essential to the preservation of our republican Institu tions. " This resolution was also reiterated In the republican platform of I860 , by the convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln. The platform of 1850 also declared : "That , while the constitution ot the United States was ordained and established In order to form a mere perfect union , establish justice , ensure domestic trnnqulllty , provide for the common defense , promote the general wel fare and secure the blessings of liberty , nnd contains ample provisions for the protection of the life , liberty nnd property of every citizen , the dearest constitutional rights of the people have been fraudulently and violently lently taken from them ; their territory has been Invaded by an armed force ; spurious and pretended legislation , judicial and ex ecutive ofllccrs have been set over them , by wJioso usurped authority , sustained by the military power of the government , 15 ran- and unconstitutional laws have been enacted and enforced ; the rights of the people to keep and bear arms have been In fringed upon , test oaths of an extraordinary and entangling nature have been Impcstd aa a condition of exercising the right of suffrage nnd holding odlce ; the right of the people to be secureIn their persons , houses , papers nnd effects , against unreasonable searches and seizures baa been'violated ; they have been deprived of life , liberty and property , without due process of law ; that the freedom of speech and of the press has been abridged ; the right to choose their rcpiceentatlves has. been made of no effect. " SHALL. CORPORATIONS RULE ? This arraignment was directed against the Invasion of slave-holding hordes of ruffians , and the attempt to convert Kan sas and Nebraska Into slave tcrrltoris , was Just forty years ago , when they were carved out ns territories , and with the creation ot Nebraska Into n territory n struggle began and ended with universal freedom on Ameri can soil. Shall It be said of Nebraska , shall It be said of you today' , that the principles and objects for which the pioneers of this Btato had to fight , and for which the republi can party ivas the champion , shall be repudi ated and discarded and th ! government of this stale surrendered to. the railroad cor porations , which manipulate jour conventions and foist upon the people candidates who are absolutely under their control I I do not believe that Nebraska has become BO recre ant to the early lessons taught by her pie neers. ( Applause. ) Now , the republican platform of 18C3 was framed by the convention that nominated Ulysses S. Grant , for president , and was this : "We denouncs all forms of repudia tion as a national crime , and the national honor requires the payment of the public Indebtedness In the uttermost gObd faith to all creditors at home nnd abroad. Hot only according to the letter , but the spirit of the laws undsr which It was contracted. "This convention declares iUelf Iti sympa thy with nil oppressed people whfi are strug gling for their rights. "That we recognlzs the great principles laid down In the Immortal Declaration ot In dependence as the true foundation of demo cratic government , and we hall with gladness every effort toward making these principles a living reality on every Inch of American soil. " I desire you particularly to note this declaration relating to the credit of the- na tion , because , as wo get along further , It will be made evident to you that the gentle man who has been placed upon the republi can ticket as n candidate for coernor Is committed entirely to n different policy , Judg ing by Ills legislative record. The republican platform of 18J6 , In the centennial anniversary of American Inde pendence , declares : "When , In the economy ot providence , this land was purged ot human slavery , and when the BtrenKth of the gov ernment of the people , by the people and for the people , was to be demonstrated , the republican party came Into power. Its deeds have passed Into history nnd we look back to them with pride. Incited by their mem ory to high alms for the good of our country and mankind , and looking to the future with unfaltering courage , hope and purpose , we , the representatives of the party In national convention assembled , make the following declaration of principles. " THE RIGHT OP SELF-GOVERNMENT. This was the preamble. This called attention to the fact that the republican party was organized for the purpose.of maintaining and perpetuating the right of the people to gov ern themselves. _ Now , mark the following declaration In tKo same platform : "We re joice in the quickened conscience of the- people ple concerning political affairs , and will hold all public officers to a rigid responsibility and engage ( that means 'pledge' ) that UK prosecution and punishment of nil who be tray oillclnl trusts , shall bo bwlft , thorougli anil unsparing. " . Has this pledge been lived up to In Ne braska. ? Point twelve months back only , li you please , and see whether or not those who were entrusted by the republican partj of Nebraska with the care and management of state Institutions have bwn loyal to tin solemn party'pledges and faithful to tlioii trust , and whether Justice has been metet out to those who have failed to do their dut ) nnd who have betrayed a trust. Let ui also remember that .If this pledge to prose cute all who have betrayed tlic official trus applies to men who hove held olTlce In thi past. It must also apply to all men whi aspire to be In office In Nebraska and win want to be placed by your suffrages In con trol of the state government. The question heretofore nmong republican has been ; "Aro your candidates capable Are they honest ? " Today It Is simply "Arc they willing to be faithful , pliant tool of the railroad corporations , and particular ) ; that railroad corporation which has assume ! to control tlif affairs of the state and takei its destinies Into Its own hands for the tlm being. ( Applause. ) SOMBWlIAT"PnRSONAL. But before I enter upon further dlscussloi of the relations of the citizens of Xcbraski to those of corporate powers , of their Influence fluenco upon our conventions , of their Inter ference -with your rights and my rights and of their attempt to subvert our govern merit. I want to square myself with regar to the- campaign that was fought some year ago , In which one ot your eminent citizen was a candidate for governor , It hod bee charged by this gentleman and by hi friends , and this charge has been reiterate from time to time , Hint his defeat was du almost solely to foul play at my hands an at the bands of The Omaha. IJee. tie ha carried a bandage" upon his head ever sine he met that defeat , and the scalp wound that have been cut seem to have been kci : wide open by his friends , as well as m enemies , who have poured brine Into tlict In order to keep him screheaded for a time to come , by constantly agitating an constantly denouncing tha method by whlc he- was defeated. ( Applause. ) Now , let us ee what proof there Is c foul play or. treachery. I came here toda to face him , and I sent him an Invltatlo thi * afternoon , In courteous language , to b liere present , and It I shall say anything tha Is not true , I want him or his friends t rise hpre and contradict mo. ( Applause It has been asserted on behalf of Ml Richards , ( for I might as well name him and by himself and his editorial and pollt cal friends , that The Omaha Dee did nc give him tha right support. Not enl lhat , but that The Dee had opposed hit openly and : covertly , that It hod failed t do Its duty In that campaign with regar to himself , and that. I had entered Into conspiracy to bring about his defeat and th election of James B. Doyil. Now , what are thi facts ? Mr. Richard was nominated on the 24th of July , 1890 , I was a delegate to that convention. The dele gation from Douglas county did not support Kir. Richards ; It supported Dr. Mercer as Us candidate. My vote was cast for Dr. Mercer. After Mr. Richards had been nominated , and when the motion was made to make his nom ination unanimous , a number ot the delegates from Douglas county protested nnd refused to have that nomination made xinnnlmotts. 1 addressed myself to those delegates and Implored them right there on the floor not to make a epcctaclo of themselves , but to join In and make the nomination unanimous. That fact cannct be truthfully gainsaid. So much ns to nly personal action In that con vention , On the- day following Hint convention The Dee said editorially , and here -want to call your attention to this- package ( exhibiting package ) . They are typewritten copies cf editorials en behalf of Mr. Richards and the ticket that appeared In The Bee during that campaign. I cannot read them all , but will read a portion of them lo sli-iv whether or not Richards had fair support. The day after hl& nomination , on July 25 , the follow ing editorial appeared : "The HoDUbllcan Ticket The republican party enters the campaign ot Nebraska this year with a ticket that will In the main com mand the hearty support cf tha party. The obstinate nnd shortsighted refusal of the r * publican alliance farmers to lake an active interest In the primary elections conventions rendered It next to Impossible to * eliminate the railroad clement and present n ticket free from corporate Influence top to bottom tom and In every respect equal to the de mands of the hour. "Dut , while the party could and should tmc clone better In Its choice of some of the : ancllHtcs , It might have done very much iv-rse. 'Mr. L. D. Richards , the nominee tor gov- trnr , Is > a man of high standing nnd flrst- : laRB exccuthe ability , Ills colleagues' on the Icket arc all known to possess the requisite inalincatlons for the performance of the du- les that will devolve upn them. "It now remains for the party to organize , make n carcjul survey ot the field , and pre pare for n Etruggle that will tax the best nergles of Its lenders , and require the loyal upprt of the rank and flic to lead It to vie- .ory In November. " WAS RICHARDS A PROHIDIT1ONIST ? On the Aty following the republican state invention the Omaha Republican , which at .liattlmo had espoused the cause of prohlbl- lon , charged that HIchards was a prohlb'.tion- st. On the very next day , without consulting illchards or conferring- with him , knowing hat tills charge would prejudice him In the. yes of many republicans , the following was written by myself : "Not a Prohibitionist The assertion made by the Omaha Republican that the nomlna- lon cf L. D. Richards assures the adoption f the prohibitDH ! amendment is an unwar ranted conclusion and tends to place Mr. Richards In a ( also .llcht before the people of this state. It creites the Impression that he Is a prohibitionist and will use all his In fluence to promote the adoption of the pro hibition amendment. Mr. Richards Is n tem perate mnn , but he Is not a prohibitionist and has never committed himself to the proposition. " If I had been scheming to defeat Mr. Rich ards I certainly would not have written this article , without even waiting for him to re quest such a denial. It was maijc In his In terestand , any friend cf his must i > ce that It was made for the benefit of the candidate and not to his detriment. Now comes < an article of August 12 : "The Duty of Republicans The republican cam paign In Nebraska has not been formally opened , but the opponents ot the party arc already busy with detraction and In efforts to allenato these who have always faithfully followed the standard of republicanism , "The only danger to the republican party n Nebraska Is from the defection of repub lican fanners , who may be Induced to ex press their dissatisfaction by either voting with the democrats or ssslstlng- that party by giving support ta the so-called Independ ent movement. The duty cf every repub lican In the present exigency Is to stand by his party. Whatever reforms he- may believe necessary there w.ll be better chance of se curing from the republican party than from any other. " This Is merely an extract ; the article Is somewhat lengthy. Now comes one of September 20 : "Opening of the Campaign. " And right here le't me cill your attention to some facts , Although the nomination cf Mr , Richards had been made In the latter part of July , the. cam- rnlfin uas not opened until the 20th of Sep tember. It was at my suggestion that we had an early convention , In order that we would meet the organization of the Inde pendent party ct that tlrte half way and prevent It from making the Inroads Into the rank and file of the party which It was Hablo to make II they had the field all to tliem- itlVcs for the whcle summer. Ilut sir. Richards taw fit In his exuberance to go down to Vermont and New England , and there to Introduce hlmeclt ( o his friends and relatives as tlie next governor of Nebraska ( laug'titcrery ) much the- same as Candi date Majors has been doing. ( Laughter. ) A BIT OF POLITICAL , HISTORY. And what was the result ? ttlchards did not return until early In. September , nnd .we had to wall with the campaign until the 20th ot September before It could be opened , thus losing Mm the opportunity for fore stalling some of the work that was done when lie was away In the east. "Or < ; nlrig of the Campaign The- republican campaign In Nebraska will be formally opened today , and thereafter until the day of election In November will be carried on with earnestness and vigor. " This editorial Is concluded by an appeal to republicans to remain faith ful and stand by the ticket , And now about that formal opening , Mr , Richards came to Omaha , on the day on which the formal opening took placeat the Exposition hall , In which he spoke , nnd 1 followed in a speech appealing to republicans for support of the ticket , himself Included Rut before- those speeches were made a prl- vato meeting was held by the republican state central committee. At that mectlnf Mr. Richards was present , nnd so were Johr M. Thurston and John L. Webster. Thf question was asked , how much majorltj will Douglas county give against Mr. Rich ards ? Mr. Webster and Mr. Thurslor thought that It would not exceed 3,000 , ant I told them that It would exceed C.OOO. Thej ridiculed my statement , and said that I was way off In my estimate. I told them that : knew Douglas county pretty nearly as wel as anybody else , and warned them agalnsi a big landslide. Was there anything in thai that showed treachery or Ill-will ? Had thej acted upon my advlco Richards would no have met with such a Waterloo ln > Douglai county as ho did on November 4. After the speeches had becn made at Ex position hall someof the friends of Mr Richards proposed to go down to Ed Maurer'i and see the boys and treat them to beer. ! advised Mr. Richards not to go , stating , ai he was not a man who made a practice o visiting saloons. It would do him no good that taloon keepers had no respect for met who came only about election time , asklni their support. But he did not take my ad vice , and so I followed along. ( Laughter. ) I am not a patron of saloons , but , of course I am not a prohibitions ! . I want to ea ; that much to you , for probably there an thousands of people in this city who- con cume more liquor In a week than I have li all my life. ( Laughter. ) We went down then nnd there were about twenty-five or thlrtj men called up to the bar. The barkeepei poured out the beer , every man took up hi : beer mug , and one of the gentlemen callec out : "Now , here's to the next governor o Nebraska , Mr , Richards , " And the bar tender , who didn't seem to know what thi was all about , cried out : "What ? Richards Why. Jim Iloyd Is goingto be the next gov ernor of Nebraska. " ( Laughter. ) This wa the- beginning of the campaign the opening ( Laughter. ) Following the opening of the campaign here come ? an editorial , September 3 , tbrc days after that meeting : "Stand by th Party No leader ot the so-called Independen party and no democrat has yet given a slngl sound reason why any republican farme of Nebraska should not stay by the part ; In the present campaign. There Is no rea con that is worthy a moment's conslderatloi of any Intclllcent man who can und rstam tha utter fallacy and futility of the . pendent movement , and who knows the his torjr and the alms of the democratic party.1 And then tallows ri loig ) editorial on that score. "Push the Canvass. " iThls editorial wound Up RB follows : "It Is n ces.snry to say plainly that the republican party ot Nebraska cannot hope to win iiuKsa the canvass Is pushed mere vigorously nml earnestly than It has been thus'far. The exigency calls for an honest view of the situation nnd frank counsel , nnd The Dee deems It Its duty to spur campaign managers' ' and candidates on to greater activity. " ' Then comes another that reads : "Mr. Richards' Campaign. " Now , Just llstfn to , tha ! one and see whether The I3ce gdvb him fair support : "Mr. Richards carries on his canvass for the governorship with a modesty and dignity characteristic of the ihair. Reports from the various parts ofUhb Vtatc which he has visited show that h J has everywhere won popular respect and impressed tlic people as n man who could be < rtisted to administer the affairs of the state honestly , wifely , and In accordance -with the platform promises of his frhnds. Ills speeches arcplain , straightforward statements of the record and Tirlnclplcs ot the republican party In relation to their Issues in the present campaign , They nro admirably adapted to the situation. " And finally concludea as follows : "Mr. Richards represents in hie lit' and character the best citizenship of Nebraska. His cam paign Is a good index .of the sound and honorable administration which might be c.\pectcd of him as gqvtrnor. " That ap peared In The Omaha IJce on October 16 , 1890. 1890.Here Here Is another : "An Ovation to Richards Last night a grand o\atlon to Hon. L. D. Richards Is the answer of the republicans of Douglas rounly to those who have said they would provo lukcw'arm In their support of the candidate. Douglas county republicans have not thrown dawn their guns and run aw'ay. " That was Octo- Inr 21. Here Is anotljer ; "Stand by the Ticket The republican ticket , nominal-d by a thoroughly representative convention of the parly. Is entitled t3 the tleudfast sup port of every repiibl can In Nebraska. Every consideration of party loyn'ty and duty d'nmnds of republicans that they shall en dorse nt the ballot box the action of their convention. " Then thlb closes with an ap peal for them to stand [ by the entire ticket : "The Next Governpr.V There Is another article. "Nebraska has ne er had a demo cratic governor , and , ih spite of the loud claims of Mr. Uoycl'g friends , there Is no reason why one should be chosen this jear. There never was a time when the repub lican party had better reason for desiring a republican In the executive chair , nor a time when the party had on abler or purer man for Its candidate. No 0110 who IMS been a republican should vote against L. D. Rich ards , directly or Indirectly. " Now , does that show any hostility to Mr. Richards ? I should think not. The- article winds up as follows : "The republican candidate Is equally deserving of loyal support on personal grounds. Ho Is a line of the strong , car- nest , successful men vho are developed from honest material by western life. He lias maflo his way from the bottom of the ladder to distinction -\\lthout the aid of fortuitous circumstances. He has been true to every rust imposed In him , public and private. There Is nothing In his career to call for in apology , from the time he went to war as a boy of 14 to the tlmo when he became he candidate of the republican party for ho highest office in the gltl of his state. These considerations : should mak the clec- lon oC Hon. L. D. Richards certain In a state that has a natural republican majority of nearly 30,000. " Does that show that The Ueo did not give Mr. Richards a cordial and warm tupport ? WllAT MORE COULD HAVE BEEN DONE ? Now , the last , on November 3 , the day Before the election : "Stand by the Colors" Hvcry republican In Nebraska should stand jy his party ticket. In that course nlone les his safety. An enemy that for twenty- live years has sought vainly to win In a fair fight seeks now to win by fostering dis cord and distrust In ranks where harmony s fatal to Uieir designs , ' " .And EO on. I think I have read BUfQcient from the columns of The Dee to satisfy any rational person that nothing was left undone by the paper during the campaign to hold the re publican vote for Mr" Richards. Individu ally , I was very much occupied. I had un dertaken to manage the ant [ -prohibit Ion cam- pit gn , anil for that reason could not give my personal attention to the editing of the paper from day to day- but only gnve it an occasional supervision. I had lured Mr. Smythe , who had been the editor ot a le- publlcan paper at Kearney , and paid him $200 a month during that campaign to con duct the political columns of the paper ; and Mr. Smythe was a personal friend and a warm friend of Mr. Richards , so that Mr Richards could have commanded him at any time. time.Now , what happened during the campaign9 Mr. Richards did not see fit to pay but the smallest attention to tlie vote In Douglas county. Ten days bdfore the campaign closed I met him at Holdrego In the Re publican valley , where il was engaged In campaigning against prohibition. I asked Mr. Richards what ho was doing thcro and why lie was not in Omaha , nnd ho bald he was looking up his "fcpces" In the Repub lican valley , but would get to Omaha pretty soon. I then told him that 1 would be back within a very few days , and would then personally make a canvass and Introduce him to many business men with whom 1 was acquainted , and try to- make them feel that he was safe and sound on the question In wh'lch they were very deeply Interested , but Mr , Richards never called. niCHARDS HAD AN OPPORTUNITY. On the- Saturday night bfore the elec tion telegrams , were received by The llee from several conntloa stating thnt { he republicans in Interior districts would vote for prohibition If Douglas county and Omaha particularly , did not support Mr. Richards. These telegrams wore sup pressed. The next morning I sent for Mr , Richards nnd also for Senator Mandereon I met them in my office Sunday morn ing nnd told thorn that thcso threats woulc only irritate and arouse our people against HIchards , and therefore should not be made I said to Mr. Richards , then and there "I have made a thorough Investigation of the condition of the state with regard to piohlbltlon. I have responses from 12,000 farm subscribers as to their proposed ac tion upon the prohibition question , am 8,000 of the 12,000 are against It. " I as surcd him that the amendment would be defeated by over 20,000 , and advised him , tl view of the feeling In Omaha , to have him self Interviewed by Mr , Smythe and state flat-footed that If prohibition was defeated In the statehe would not sanction an act of the legislature that would make pro hlbitlan statutory. If It was carried , then ht would have to do his duty as governor lo enforce the constitution and the laws Mr. Richards went from mo to the room occupied by Mr. Smythe , and I saw noth Ing further of him ; "but , the next morn Ing , when I picked up The- Bee and reat the expected Interview. I was chagrined to find a wishy-washy article that was nelthei flesh , fish nor fowl , and amounted to noth Ing on tha Issue , and , therefore had nc effect upon the voters of our county. ( Ap plause. ) Now , I submit to you , gentle men , whether , with the showing , there IE any good' reason -why this man and Mi friends should constantly continue to malign mo ns an enemy of the republican party as a private enemy of Mr. Richards , at a traitor to him. and a treacherous con splralor who sought to sell him out ? There Is no truth whatever In It , and I defy him to bring the proof. Now , there Is another ( hlng that I want tc call your attention to. If Richards had taken the trouble , and he bai ) opportunity enoughh < would have known ? Rugn to know whore tc look for the cause ot Ilia defeat. It Is notorl oua that In the convention that nomluatec htm ( here was n contest between the Elk horn Valley railroad fcnd tbe Burlington ate to which should captUru and own the gov crnor. The Ellihonj road was victorious The Burlington lhn turned In for James E Boyd , Czar Holdrege nvbrVed for htm wh ere ever he could through Ibe republican railroad ers , or railroad -republicans , In that way de featlng Mr , Richards. ( Applauie. ) And her Is the proof that itarii him In the ( ace. I shown that 4n every county , from Dougla county to the ColoraUa ! lln , Mr. Richard was cut , ami fell bebintf ( he average. Her we have , for inttancrf , Ad ami county : Rich aids , 1.5J1 ; Allen , who wsk about medium or ho republican Uck ° t , f r secretary ot state , ad 1-tKl , Buffalo county , Richards , 1,2 . " > ; Allen , 1,401 ; Cass , 1.SG4 for Richards ; 1,901 or Allen ; Clay , 1,107 for Richards ; l,3Cr for Allen , And so on clear down the list , and lie total amounts t l.GIC votes. These 1,646 ote i rcprcient the republicans that are pll- nt In the hands ot the Ilurllngton road , and 111 vote the democratic ticket one year and tie republican ticket the next year , and the jopullst ticket the next year , If fhcro Is a lopullst thnt suits the 13. & M. managers , 'liosc rnllroail republicans voted against Llchards. Had they voted lor him ho would tave been elected by over 2,000 plurality vcr Boyd. That Is the true Inwardness of its defeat' , and I hope from now on that lie ledger Is closed , and that no more will 10 heard about Rosewatcr's conspiracy and Is treachery and the base defection in the ampalgn of 1R90. ( Applause. ) HAD A LBTTER FROM RICHARDS. Wo now come to the question of the mis- ule of the state by the railroads. I will not undertake to formulate the condltl na under vhlch this IK done , but leave It far n good , tralght republican , who has supported re- iiibllcan principles and republican candidates luring a lifetime , and who was honored by he people of Iowa with the position cf gov- rnor I rcf'r to Governor Latraboe In a volume published last year known as "Tho tallroad Question , " Governor Larrnbcs precuts - cuts the issue of the railroads in p.lltlcs , nd I will read you a little from that book. ( A letter was , handed to Mr. Rosewatcr at his moment. ) This Is a letter from Mr. Richards , but I am not able to read It , because It Is a little > lt difficult. It will be published , however. had Invited Mr. Richards to be proscut , ml I presume "something" has prevented his attendance. ( Laughter and applause. Cries of "Rend it raid It" . ) You want me to read the letter ? ( Voices. 'Read it. " ) 0 , yes. If you are anxious to lave me reaxl It , I am not afraid to read any- hliiR. ( Laughter. ) "September 15 , 1891. Hon. E. Roscwator : Sir Your Invitation to be present nt Love's opera house at 8 o'clock to listen to your political address , when you propose to dis cuss the living Issues of the day and the elatlons of The Omaha lite to my candidacy n 1830 was received by me at 7 o'clock this evening. It Is not probable that > ou will say anythinc new , and I have no time nor disposition to punish myself by listening 'o a rehash of your stale chestnut. ( Laughter. ) Had you advised me In good time that you Icsired by presence to discuss with you the position of The Omaha Dee and Its relations : o republican candidates nnd the republican party during the past fifteen years , and agreed to divide time , It would have glv < n nio infinite pleasure to meet you before my iownspcoplc , when I might be able to em phasize your treachery. I have seen nothing , n your conduct or that of The Bee since my elter to you of December , 1890 , to which you are respectfully referred , to change my iplnlon of you as an alleged republican. Re spectfully , L. D. RICHARDS. " ( Laughter. ) Well , I want to say right hero that I am willing at any time to accommodate that gen tleman to a debate. I am willing to dls-cusa with him In the presence of the people of your city on the policy of The Omaha Bee itul my conduct toward any republican that ! have opposed or the paper has seen fit to oppose within those fifteen years , and , if he can shovy me that I have not had very good ensoiiB. commendable , moral reasons , nnd Jilgli moral grounds for talcing the position .hat I did , I will agree to apologize to him. [ will even apologize to Richards for saying so much for him , ( Laughter and applause. ) [ cannot go any furthrr into this matter. [ now propose lo discuss the relations ot : he railroads .to th ? people , nnd If the gentle men wants to ask me any questions when I get through , I will bo very much pleased to inswer them. ( Reading ) "Railroad * ) In Politics , The question might be asked , How Is It possible that In n republic where ths people nro the source of all power , and where nil officers are directly or Indirectly selsdtod by the peoplocto curry out their wishes and to administer ths government In their Interests , a coterie cf men bout on pecuniary gain would not be permitted to subvert those principles of common law and public economy which from time Immemorial have been the recognized anchors of the liberty of th ? Anglo-Saxon race' "Tho statement that under a free govern ment , It Is possible for a few to suppress the many might almost sound absurd to a monarchist , and yet It Is true that for the past twenty-five years the public affairs of this country havs been unduly controlled by a few hundred railroad managers. 'To perpetuate without molestation their unjust practices and prevent any approach to an assertion of the principle of state owtrol of railroad transportation , railroad managers have secured , wherever possible , the co-operation of public officials , and , In fact , ot every semi-public and private asoncy capable of affecting public oplnon. Their great wealth and power have made it possible for them to influence to a greater or less extent every department of the na tional and state governments. " FIGHT FOU THE NEW CONSTITUTION. Tlie railroad Issue lias be n wltli us for a good many jears , nnd boullelsni has al ways been with us. As far back as 1871 , when the people of this state sought to form ulate a now constitution , through a conven- tbn composed of our ablest jurists and most prominent citizens , this struggle between the people and the corporate power already had commenced. That constitutional convention framed an excellent organic law. It was mo3ern In every respect. It rrovlded for railroad restriction and regulation , and It provided safeguards for our banks as re gards the liability of their stockholders , In the Interests of the depositors and In the In terests of Investors. The railroad man agers and the bankers were displeased with that constitution , but they could not and did not dare to openly oppose It before the pee ple. There had been submitted with the new constitution four separate amendments. Ono of these was for church taxation. That amendment gave tuem the kejnote. Imme diately the cry wns raised that the constitu tion proposed something unheard of. Placards wcro In every town and village , headed- "To your tents , Oh , Israel ; -will y u submit to the taxation of the cemeteries and churches ? " On the one side the Catholic bishop. O'Gor- man , who preached a crusade against the new constitution , and on the other side Rev. Mr. Delamatre. a Mcthcdlat minister , took the stump against the new constitution. Mor the first time In the history of the United States , probabls' , the Catholics ani the Protestants joined hands to oppose th < adoption cf a constitution which was framed for equal taxation nnd corporate control. What was the- result ? The crusade was carried on nil over the state. Railroad passes wcro furnished to ell ot the preachers am the- priests and hired speakers , nnd the necessary funds were contributed by the bankers. The constitution which the people had sought to frame for their own protection was declared defeated. It never was defeated. With the audacity that corporate managers are capable of ccr tain officials wcro- subsidized and corruptcc to tamper with the returns , nnd the constl tutlon which actually had carried was countei out. out.Tho The late General Strickland , president o that constitutional convention , who was one ot the officers charged with declaring the re suit , was Implored not to make It publU that the constitution was being counted , out nnd a pledge was given then and there tha If he would declare- defeated by a few hundred majority , the legislature follownp ) was to bo allowed to resubmlt the constltu tlon , omitting the offensive parts. This fac has never before been made public. The Omaha Bee was the only dally pape north ot the Platte that advocated the ad op tlon ot that constitution. All of the othe papers had been bought oft by the corporal conspirators. When the election was over , silver plate service , valued at $1,200 , wa presented to Rev. Mr. Delamatro ns a teat ! menial of appreciation cl his services. Whei the legislature passed a bill to resubmlt tha conitltutlon/the governor who had given u the pledges for Its resubmlsslon , and tvh was one ot the parties to this gigantic Iraut vetoed the bill. The Influences of the rail road a and the bankers were so great that 1 It could not muster votes enough lo pass eve the veto , That Is a matter ot history. Abou that tlmo the granger agitation began al over the west , liver/where Una were beln patted restricting tb powws ot . publl carrier , nnd when that constitutional conven tion met In 187G , they were forced by public sentiment to Insert n stringent provlshn In regard to maximum ratts , with regard to discrimination and pa ling. Hut that Instru ment , constitution , docs not enforce of Itself. It required legislation , nnd It required faithful officers who would carry out the mandate of the Instrument they wcro sworn to ibey. For seventeen long years that part of the constitution relating to railroad reg ulation remained an absolute dead letter. Wo fought over these questions tlmo and again ; convention after convention was hold , platforms wcro adapted , pledges wcro in a do only to be broken , until a great mass , of re publicans In tills Btato became thoroughly disheartened and disgusted , Yet II was the germ of the populist party. Tlo : popul st party ct Nebraska would not have contained 10,000 members today , scircely 15,000 at any event , had It not been for the pernicious interference , for the criminal conspiracies that were constantly carried on by the rail- read lobby at every session of the legisla ture nnd at every republican convention , for they wcro managing the republican party , because it w s the party In power In Ne braska , Just as they manage the denvcrallc party In Georgia , because that is the party In power. power.PEOPLE PEOPLE ROSB IN REVOLT. Well. It would be a long story to recite all the railroad raids upon conventions and leg islatures within the past twenty years , but > ou will remember that In 1800 , Just prior to the nomination ot Mr. HIchards for gov ernor , there had been n conference ot lead ing republicans held In the city of Lincoln , protesting agjlnst the course being pursued , and endeavoring , If possible , to bring the party lo a realization ot Its danger. Jiibt at that time the iKjpullst party was about to be organized. Remember that In 1SS9 Mr Merrill , the republican candidate for uni versity regent , iccclved 95,317 votes In this state , and the very next year Mr. Richards received only GS.S7S , or n falling oft of 24- 4.9 votes In oneycnr , Now , what does that signify ? Il signifies that there was a deep- seated discontent nil along the line In the republican party , and that a large number of voters , prlnclp-illy farmers , nnd many of them old soldiers. Just as loval nnd bravo as any of the veterans of the union armies , had detached themselves trom the party that had saved the union because they wanted to save the state , nnd vvanttd to transmit to their children nnd children's children the free Institutions which the- founders of the republic and 'the saviors of the republic had established nnd saved for them. ( Applause. ) In 1SOO these resolutions v.ere adopted : llesolvcd. Tluit we reiterate nnd cordially endorse the fiimlnrnpntnl pilnclplcs of the lepubllcnn party na enunciated by successive nnilonnl republican conventions fiom ISM to IbSS. and we believe the republican party capnblo of dcallURwith e\eiy vltnl Issue that concerns the welfare of the Ameilrun ] ) Lcpiowhenever the innk ami file of the pnrtv are untrninmeled In the exercise of their political lights , Resolved , That we view with nlnrm the Intense discontent unions the republicans of the- state , chiclly tlue to. the pernicious nnd demoralizing Interference of corpora tions nnd their attempts to control nil de partment" ' of our Mate government legis lative , executive , judicial anil we earnestly appeal to nil lepubllcans who desire to pieservc out Institutions to rally to the icscue of our stale- from corporate domina tion by actively pirtlelpatlnR in the primary elections nnd nominating conventions. Kesolveil , That while we Ueslre to accord to railroad corpoiutians their rights uiul privileges as common carriers , we ilcirmml that they Blmll go out of politics and Mop Interfeienco with our conventions and legls- Intuies. Resolved , That railroad passes dlitilbuted In this state for political inn popes me n ppeclcs ot bribery pernicious In their in fluence , and tending1 to undermine public mornls , subversive to n free and unboilRht expression ot the -\\lll \ ot the people in their conventions. leKlMntuies nnd juries , and we hereby demand the prohibition of passes nnd free tiin. ° poitutlon in any fotni under severe penalties. ncsolvcd , That Nebraska hns for years been subject to pxoibltunt lrnrti > oitntlnn lates , disci ImliuitliiR against Tor | products , thus retni < lln her development , anil we condemn the State HoniH fJi Transportation for falling to c > eiclse thc-Ailthorllv vested In them , and liy refuging to nfTord to the people the teller they vveio pledged to give. We therefore demand that the legislature shall enact u maximum tariff hill covering the transpoilatlon of our pioducts and prin cipal Imports. After the conference , by which these reso lutions had been promulgated , n committee walled upon Iho republican state commit tee , of which Mr. Richards was at that time the chairman. Wo recclvvd n very cour teous hearing. , and the party ordered its convention held early , at our suggestion , In order to forestall the threatened defection of republicans Into the populist ranks , The convention of 1890 adopted a platform very nearly similar to this declaration , and , more over , they refused lo rcnomlnate John Steen , land commissioner , nnd Mr. Cow drey , secre tary of state , and came within an ace of dumping out Tom llcnton for auditor , al though those state olllcers had only had one term , and were , under custom , entltl d to a renomlimllon. They were dumped overboard because the republican party wUPtod J.o respond to public sentiment , and endeavored at that tlma to rebuke the failure ot the Hoard of Railroad Commis sioners to carry out the mandate of the law. During that same summer Governor Thaycr issued a proclamation calling the legislature together In extra scsblon. and providing that they should pass the maxi mum rate law and abolish the State Hoard of Transportation , That showed which way the wind was blowing. It showed that Iho republican rank and fllo of the state de manded some- action ; but after all that was promised and pledged in our plat form nothing came of it. BUILDING OP A CELL HOUSE. Let mo now revert to the work of the legislature of 1S93. Before that legislature had met , during the summer of 1S'J2 , prom inent citizens of Lincoln made charges In the public' , prints against state officers and state Institutions , charging that there had been a general extravagance and corruption In state institutions , that the state was bcilng robbed , thousand ! * and thousands of dollars wcro being squan dered , that coal was being delivered to private citizens nnd charged up to the state , that materials that wcro Inferior were being accepted and paid for ns first- class goods , and that a wholesale system ot plunder nnd spoliation was going on In state institutions. These reports were at first discredited , but when the legislature lonvened these charges wcro Investigated and found to be substantially true. It also transpired that the Stat3 Hoard of Public Lands nnd ttulldlngs , consisting of the attorney general , the secretary of state and I lie land commissioner , had gone Into a conspiracy with the contractor ot the penitentiary , the notorious Charley Moaner , nml that they had made a contract with Mtsher to construct a cell house for $10- 000 , for which the previous legislature had made an appropriation , Now , In the first place , the contracts with William H. 11. Stout , which Moshcr had assumed , provided that 2SO cells should be built at the expense of the contractor , and the legislature Itself was violating the contract , or rather giving away f 10,000 to the contractor , In making the appropria tion. This fact was as well known to those state officers as It Is known toyine. Why was It , then , that these state officers undertook to build that cell house ? Simply because in their collusion with this man Mealier , who is a boodlcr extraordinary ( laughter ) and a manipulator of legislatures and conventions , there was provided liberal lubricating material for the state house ring. ( Laughter. ) This cell house was to be constructed by Mosher , and the State Hoard of Public Lands and Ilulldlngs appointed his own manager , 1)111 Dorgan , as superintendent of construction. Mere was o contractor who also acted for the state as superintendent , There were no plans , no specifications , and the contractor was lett to furnish such building material as suited him , charge what he pleased and mok put voucher * for work and material without furnlihlnc proof of what had ac tually been done or expended. There were $10.000" squandered fin that cell houit ; It wai a gigantic steal. Tlie building cannot be u ed ( or anything except storage , The board drew $50& of that money and expended It on a junket down east under the pretense that they were Inspecting other penitentiaries and a number of Institutions. The moat re markable thing about It was that th < vouchers showed that tbe exact amount paid it I on tlmt trip was fGOO. They did not pend IB cents less ; nor 10 cents more , laughter. ) DROUGHT ON IMPEACHMENT. Now. then , the legislature , finding this ; camlnFous state ot affairs , passed resolutions mpeachlne these ofllc rn. The vote on the mpeachmcnt resolutions WAS almost unanl- nous ; only five members recorded their votes gainst them. Two of theto were , I believe , c-mocrats ; one of them James H. North , the resent collector of the stata ot Nebraska ; nd the other , If I remember right , wns Senator Mattes of Nebraska City , who Is raveling around In Hurope. nnd distributing 100 cnko to Iho Germans nt the Instance- J. Sterling Morton. ( Laughter. ) Only five lit of 133 members voted against these Im- icachment resolutions , and yet It Is said that hose resolutions wcro passed s n pltce of spite work. That seems preposterous 0 any rational man , for democrats , popu- Ists nnd republicans voted together. When this matter reached the supreme ourt a trial was had. and the court was trilled. The majority of the court acquitted ho Impeached officers on the ground that heir misconduct was a technical violation ot he law only , although their method of doing nislness was sever < ly ecnsured. Chief Jus- Ice Maxwell voted them gullly nnd filed a dissenting opinion , sustaining- the point 10 made , that they should have been dls- nlsscd from the ten Ice. ( Applause. ) Now , under ordinary conditions , men vho were acquitted under such pe culiar circumstances. who were nc- lUltted on n Scotch verdict , would mvo been glad to He down and keep Btlll nml tend lo their business and avoid any further c-nsiire. Not so with these Im- leachcd state oinclala and the boodle rlng- stcrs ut Lincoln. They were bound to have a vindication , nnd the nnly way to have heir vindication was to depose Samuel Max- veil from the supreme bench. In that they uid no dllllculty In finding active allies In he railroad corporations. It was a. most dangerous nnd powerful combination. The statu officers and their retainers , railroad nercennrlcs , working night and day , to defeat Samuel Ma\u.ll , who wax ono of the or- tanlzcrs of the republican party of this state , vho had been on the bench for twenty odd ears , nnd nuver had been charced with altering in his duty , whatever else there night have been said against him. ( Ap- ilausc. ) Had Samuel Maxwell Indicated or Intl- nateil that he wns willing to do the bidding of one ot .those corporations , the ono that s now dominating the state I me-an the D. & M. railrojd and the czar , lloldregc he would have been on the bench today. HOW MAXWELL , WAS DEFEATED. How was his defeat brought nbout ? Hy ihlcnnory , coercion of railroad employes nnd ioodl . In your own county a straw man vas put up as n candidate to prevent him rom securing a delegation , and the most lastnrdly means and shameless trickery were resorted to , Men who conspire to undermine ; oed government are more dangerous than he burglar who breaks Into your house , or he safe-blower who robs a bank. What s money or property as compared with the right of American citizens to impartial trials n our courts of justice anil to the honest and fearless Interpretation of our laws. In.Douglas county ths general sentiment of republicans was In fnvor of returning Judge Maxwell. If no Interference had akcn place he would have had that delsga- lon solid and would havO been renominated. low was the popular will thwartnl ? Ono of our councllmcn Is a cornice maker. Ho was engaged to do some work by the Hoard ot Public Lands and UulUllngs on one of the stnto buildings , and thereupon ho set to work to vindicate them. Ho managsd to pack his ward delegation with railroad cm- > loyes , wlillo he was assuring mo personally : hat they weie all right for Maxwell. Sim- lar Influences wcro iited in other parts of the city , but with all this Interference we had a nnjority of delegates for "Maxwell when the convention mot. Hut we could not overcome coercion nnd boodle. 1 had been assured that the Union Pacific railroad , was not mcd- lllng. Just before our cohventlon met I called upon the prebldcnt of that road , Mr. lark , and asked him whether It wns true : hat the company was not taking part in this Ight and would not Interfere. Hq said Lhat was the truth , that ho did not propose to do anything against Judge Maxwell or interfere In that fight. Then said I : "Mr. Clark , will you bo kind enough to write on 1 pleco of paper that your employes are at liberty to vote as they please ? " "No. I cannot do that/ ' said he. "We.l , " said I , "but why not ? " "Why , " ho said , "that would bo a breach of faith with the other railroad people. " ( Applause , ) Now , then , Just think ot It , fellow cltl- zins. Hero was the president of a great railroad , and a republican Kucli as republi cans are , you know , on any railroad ( laugh ter ) hero was the president ot a great road that would not write down on n piece of paper that his employes who wore del-gates In a convention were at liberty to vote the sentiment of the men whom they represented. Call you that free government ? Or call you that a republican form of RovornmentT I say It Is xlrnply despotism , just ns danger ous as any that has ever controlled Russia or Turkiy. What was the result ? The result was just this tlmt thase employes did not dare to votetho sentiment which they wcro elected to express at the convention , nnd they cast their votes , every ono of them , against Judge Maxwell. The ring of boodlcrs at Lincoln was vindicated. It was vindi cated by deposing Judge Maxwell , but It struck n blow at the republican party from which for years-It will not bo able to re cover. Resenting the outrageous Interference with , that convention , I refused the support of The Omaha nee to the candidate nominated by that convention. I have- been asked tlmo nnd ngaln , "Why did you , who were the - national tional committee-man , refuse lo support the regularly nominated candidate of the party ? " First and foremost , I refused because fraud vitiates all things , and men who are co erced In voting In a convention do not rep resent the "will of the party. ( Applause. ) In the next place , I refused because I could forseo that If tills outrage wns consum mated and endorsed by the republicans of the state , that In the year 1801 , when we want to carry the state , a yellow dog ticket would bo put upand that we would then be con fronted with the one question , "Shall we save the state from the dlsgraco and danger of public pluderers In the state house , or shall the republican party boldly step In and administer a rebuke lo rallroadlsm and boodlcrlsm by rebuking it and force the nomination of clean , upright , capable men In the year 1898 , a ticket that will represent the will of the people and not the corpora tion bosses ? " HAS NO PERSONAL GRIEVANCE. Thnt wan why I opposed the nomination of Judge Harrison. It was not a personal grievance ; It wag not a quarred that I had with him , but It was a dcttre to save the republican party from what they are now having to go through , ( Applause ) , Just what I dreaded wine to pass. Not that I dreaded It because of any personal grievance against Colonel Majors , Ctr- talnly not. Colonel Majors has publicly de clared In the republican ntnto convention at Omaha that for fifteen years I had been at swords' points with him , and had been pur suing htm malignantly and maliciously through every campaign. There Is Just about as much truth In that assertion as there was In the forged census returns to which lib swore nt Washington. ( Applause and laughter , ) Mr. Major * and myself bad no quarrel up to 18SC , when wa both opposed Church Howe , when ho worked -with me hand In hand to defeat a candidate whom I considered an Im proper person for the republicans to nomi nate. I never aiked Mr , McSlinne for any re ward , political or otherwise , because I did that work concclenolously , as I believed. In the Interest ot ( he republican party and ot clean government. Rut Majors bad hi * re ward. He had his brother properly tjvken care of by Mr. McShnne and kept In one of the land offices In the Republican valley through Cleveland's first administration and little later op , Myself and Mr. Majors had no quarrel up lo 1890 , and there Is no truth whatever In his statement lo the contrary , We traveled together in 1891 from Omaha tp Washlncton , tn order to try ( o get th.1 pa * tlonal convention located at Omaha , Tlitt was the first trip he had made to Waihlo- ton since Tuomai B , R d lubmltttd