Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1894, Page 12, Image 12

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12 THE OMAHA 0A1LY , BE15 : MONDA.Y , SEPTEMBER 17 , 1894 ,
Phenomenal Showing of an Ore treat in
the Pikoto Peak Mine ,
\TliHt irrigation In lining for Notr Mexico
Unit-mi In Wu liliifjl < Mi New Ooltl
I'lcliN lu itlnho Unit-nil West
ern Nona ,
I-- . !
Manager P. L. McCrosky of tlie Pike's
Teak mine at Cripple Creep has hail four as-
foys made by J , I' . Btnats from a narrow
etreak of ore In the second level. The re
turns Were wonderful. No. 1 gave 20.10
ounces of gold to the ton ; No. 2 Rave SGI. 45
ounces ) No. 3 , 14 1. 40 ounces , and No. 4. 12,302
Buncos to tha ton. The values of t lie EC assays
arc $403 , $7,2S3 , $2,288 and | 2IGOIO respect
The Pike's Peak has more ore In sight now
than ever before In the history of the mine ,
Says a special to the Denver Republican.
.The Portland people have opened up a vela
pa their White' Hawk property , the ore from
Avhlch exceeds In value anything heretofore
found In this consolidation. Six feet from
ibo surface they now have out eighteen sacks
pf quartz , a twonty-flvo pound sample frpm
.Tvhlch returned a value of { 17,203 to the ton.
In the Globe claim , one of the properties
Of the Summit Mining company , an enormous
body of ore has been opened In the last fcur
bays. Nothing In camp equals It In size ; In
fact , Us width and length are not yet kn-wn ,
but along Iho vein , If there Is a rein. It has
been opened for a distance of about 100 feet
hnd a , crosscut twenty-five feet long Is still
In ore. The top deposit Is covered with a
black loam , not to exceed twelve Inches In
flepth. The quartz pans freely nnd assays
from $1G to $ i0 ! a ( on , the last figure being
bn what appears to bo yellow sand , but
which Is In reality decomposed quartz. It
Is the Intention of the manager to at ones
fiot plows and scrapers and remove the dirt
Irom. the vein and then quarry out the ore.
] A man by the name of Campbell has a
fraction about half way up the south side
jt Mineral hill , which he Is developing by
bn open cut. So far. he lias not cut tha
vein , or It so , It Is badly broken up , but
for all that , about every other piece of rock
lie throws out contains free gold that Is
( Visible to the naked eye.
In the Lucky Queen the other day , located
tnly a few hundred feet north of the post-
cfDcc. the vein widened out to four feet In
a drift that Is being run from the bottom of
the shaft eighty-five feet from the surface.
Wn assay had on a large-sized sample re
turned a value of $25 In gold to the ton. The
fluartz pans beautifully and the rock would
appear t $ be free milling. A shaft on this
property was put down seventy feet before
the vein was found , but since that time the
ffi has constantly Improved In grade.
"The Pecos Irrigation and Improvement
Company has over 132 miles of main ditches
Rnd 1,200 miles of laterals , " said a delegate
Bt the recent Irrigation convention at Den-
yer , "It Is the largest modern system of
' .Irrigation In existence. Wo liavo 1n addition
the most ancient system , that used by the
'natives long before modern civilization pos
sessed the country. The Pecos system cost
33,000,000 , and It lias created of what was
Jlvo years ago a wjlderness n veritable gar
den , and been the menus of the building of
two cities , of from 7,000 to 8,000 Inhabitants ,
nnd 182 miles' of railroad and telegraph.
Thousands of acres of land In Now Mexico
ore under cultivation , and over one-halt a
million acres under ditch.
i "Of our ancient sjstem of Irrigation , the
tntlro Illo Orando valley , 400 miles long , and
the Clmma river valley , 100 miles long ,
Which were settled by the Pueblos for many
hundred years , and by the Spaniards for
the past 200 or 300 years , are samples , and
from these rivers many miles of laterals ex-
"With the exception of small portions cf
land In the mountainous regions , called by
itho natives temporales , everything Is raised
through Irrigation. The storage system Is
the one In use generally , and storngo roser-
.volrs dot the country. The rainfall In tli ;
mountains of New Mexico Is sufficient , It
Raved , to Irrigate 1,000,000 acres more than
the estimates show need It.
< ' 0ur people are not In favor of the out
tind out cession of the. arid lands to the states
nnd territories. We want the tltlo to these
lands to remain In thc , general government
until the actual boiller acquires title , but , at
the same time , we" want the aid cf the gen
eral government to construct reservoirs and
tnako a general tbpographlcal survey of New
tloxlco , with : a special view to locating1 res
ervoirs In the mountains and on the plains.
i\Vo \ want the forests protected and such safe
guards placed about the acquisition of these
| pnds as will guard against fraud ,
"Wo also want the next Irrigation congress
In Albuquerque. If It Is held there we will as
tonish the people who attend it with the slza
nnd quality of the fruits and other products
of the country. We will also show them the
Did and the new civilization and how they
liavo dovetailed lu to make a prosperous coun-
& "
, /An Irrigation project of the greatest Im-
| 5ortano3 to that part of Utah sometimes
called "Tho Desert" Is on the eve of being
launched. In brief , the waters of Green
river ore to be taken out of their natural bed
nnd made to bring the lands of Ounnlson
/valley / under the dominion of the hortlcultur-
The head of the Qunnlson valley Is twelve
pillea north of Green Hlvcr station ( lllakc
postofTlce ) , on the line of the Rio Grande
[ Western railway , says the Salt Lake Tribune ,
nnd lying cast of the river and still north of
Itho railway are about 10,000 acres of land
that have been pronounced by the best horti
cultural authorities as being better adaptcll
to the requirements of the fruit grower than
any other portion of the undeveloped west.
frho winters on this part of "Ths Desert" are
tgneclally mild , regardless of the fact that
the altitude Is in the nclghborhod of
E.,000 feet above the sea level , and
the limited area of land that lias bo n
brought under cultivation by primitive Irri
gating means under the high bench lands
{ ringing the Green river , has demonstrated
that the region la not Inferior lo the famous
Grande valley , where the Inhabitants give
en annual peach festival in order to get rid
pf their surplus.
The canal will be twelve miles In length,1
And near Its head will pierce Qunnlson buttc
. With two short tunnels , The first proposl *
tlon la to bring Gunnlson valley proper un
der water , but near the line of the railway
another ridge will have to bo tunneled , and
After that Is accomplished , 50,000 acres of the
land lying cast of tlio Green river and south
of the railway will be brought under cultl-
The recent discovery of a rich vein of min
eral near the town of Frultland , in this
countyf says a C Ivllle , Wash. , special to the
QTacoma Ledger , has caused some stir In min
ing circles for the past few weeks , but there
fa now great excitement over the development.
cf a twenty-foot vein of galena In the Cleve
land claim , which was located about two
HvoeUs ngo. The ere Is In a well-defined vein ,
nnd can be traced across the country fcr
nearly five miles. At the point of develop
ment there Is four feet cf lead ore , sprinkled
With sulphurets of lead , that will assay nn
avtrago ot over 100 ounces of silver to tha
ton. Ilesldes the value of the ore In the lead
Had silver there Is a gocd showing ot gold.
3'artles living at tha town of Davenport , In
Lincoln county , made the first discov
eries in tha camp , and now own
the controlling Interest In the Cleveland
mine. The report ot the discovery was BO
nattering that Humbert Lang , agent for the
Kolby Smelting and Lead company ot San
Francisco , C l.t who W&B ) n RnjVsne W1- |
eluded to Inspect the few district , and \Tis
po well pleased with Ihe "pftipt cts tor a large
lutput that he Is negotiating for the ere to
> shipped to his tmclltTg. The ores wilt
iavo to bo hauled over a wagon road for n
Ilstance ot about twenty-five miles to Spring-
lalo , on th * Spokane ft Northern railway.
ha nearest railroad print , aud thence
Ma Spokane to ( ho coast , The Frultland dis
trict baa long been .known to abound In mln-
irala , and clalrni have been worked steadily
} n that camp fqr , the. ijast ten years , but witb
ho ertat prospect for a rich ttrlko until ver >
Recently. "
Waller W Jolii nVMI Known prospector
Who has beVu in the Mrtnllnv country for
the purpose of Inspecting the placer mines
oC th ? cntnp during the pant two months ,
en mo In over the new wagon road this week.
Mr. Jones lays that the pincers on the east
side of the I'tnd d'Orelllc river nre very rich
In gold , Especially Is this Into of Sullivan
creek , which runs In from the Idaho line on
the weat tide of the state. On this cr ek
the bars ore high and about eighty feet deep.
lie exhibited n small plilal containing about
H In coarse , flaky gold , which ho took from
the sand ami gravel of the Hulllran creek
oars with a pan. The gold was. the result of
less than half a day's work. Most nf the
bars on the west cldo of the rlvr have been
claimed anil worked with rockers , because
they werp liandy to water , but the bar's on
the cast side have been neglected on account
of the dlfllculty of getting water to a conven
ient height to work the placers without
great cxpenss.
Parties from Hock creek report' that there
Is considerable excitement over seine recent
discoveries made In that section , Heck creek
comes into the Hellgatc about twenty miles
past of this city , says a Mlisoula. special to
the Helena Independent. Horilta Is the near
est station on the Northern Pacific and the
mines nro located twenty miles from the
mouth of the river , The c-untry has bscn
known to ccntaln gold for many years. Wel
come gulcli , one of the trlbUUrlcB ol Hock
creek , was worked extensively during the
early days of placer mining In Montana , but
was never classed as one of the rich gulches ,
It has also been worked for a number of years
by Chinamen and more or less continuously
during recent years by white men , with
only moderatesuccess. . The mew quartz
finds arc near Welcome .gulch. The discov
ery that has attracted attention to the dis
trict was made by two Swedes who were not
familiar with mining. The ore assayed from
$800 to $1,000 in gold , nnd some very hand
some specimens of gold quarlE have been ob
tained. Phllllpsburg parties liavo secured a
bond on the property for J30.000 , paying
11,000 of the purchase money down. They
are working about twenty-five men. A num
ber of prospectors from Phllllpsburg and
other points have rushed In and there are
now about 200 men In the- camp A large
number of locations have been made , some
of which are said to bo good prospects.
The present Indications nre that there will
bo a rush into the camp this fall.
A Boise mining man , who spent the sum
mer In the upper Payette country and vlcln-
Hy , has Just returned and gives an InterestIng -
Ing account of his trip In the Boise States
man , He says parties representing cast > rn
capital are making an examination ol placer
ground on what Is known as the Gold fork
of the Payette. The old C.Poland diggings ,
which produced over $100,000 , are located In"
that section. The- eastern men had located
2,500 acres of ground , and were looking for
more when the Boise man loft. They told
him they were more than pleased with the
ground , and , If sufficient grade could be se
cured , a bedrock flume would b9 constructed.
This section received n black eye several
years ago by the operations of a rascally so-
called expert , who spent all the money ho
could obtain from the men ho represented
and then deserted them. Tlio richness of
the placers again attracted attention nt long
ago , and it Is expected a large amount of
gold will be taken out ,
Tlirco parties pMcer mining on FlouMcr
creek , near tlio. Payetle- lakes , cleaned up ICO
ounces of gold as the result of the season's
work. The graVel there was low grada , but
there was plenty of It , and m abundance of
uater. Two men worklnc on lower Diiuldcr ,
near the old China diggings , were taking
out some nlcq gold. They expected to clean
up at least eighty ounces for their six
weeks' labor.
A number- , prospectors were operating
ul the head of the middle fork of .he Wclser.
A mica lode ot great promise ! ias been dis
covered there by Welser parties. It was , he
said , free from Iron at the surface , and , if
no Iron put In an appearance further down ,
the discoverers had a smn114 fortune. The
premium recently placed onSjjmlca by the
government greatly Increa-scds the value of
the find. The sheets were from fjur to ten
Inches square.
An examination of the Horse Shoe Bend
coal discoveries satisfied the Boise men that
that proposition was worth looking Into. The
Union Pacific had been Investigating the
matter and the company's ' experts expressed
themselves as being more than pleased with
the result of their researches. An analysis
of the coal showpii It contained 1,22 per cent
inoro combustible matter than the Union
Pacific < ral standard requires. The analysis
made was as followB :
Moisture , 6.82
Volatile combustible 41 2
Fixed carbon 40.02
Ash 11.96
Coal had also been discovered on Big creek ,
In Lsng valley. The pick and shovel tourist
brought eome nice specimens In. with him.
The International .boundary expedition
which for two seasons has been , locating the
boundary line between Alaska and the Canadian
dian- territory has completed its field work
and returned home to disband. The Ameri
can part of the expedition returned to Puget
sound on the United States steamers Patter
son and Hasslcr , and Is now practically dis
banded , most of the officers having left for
Washington and the main body of men hav
ing received their pay and gone their several
ways. The season's work has been most suc
cessful , says the Portland Oregonlan , and the
expedition Is home a full month ahead of time ,
having been gone almost four months to
n day. There were flvo distinct working
parties that formed the American portion of
the expedition. Among other things the ex
pedition determined the altitude of Mount
Logan , which was discovered on a-trip made
In 1892. This year the altitude was checked
and found to be ID.BOO feet , which places
Mount Logan at the bead of the list of high
mountains In North America. St. Ellas ,
which stands In front of Mount Logan , \\as
considered ! the highest , save Mount Orajaba ,
which Is checked at 18,314 feet. Mount St.
Kllas ut 18,090 feel. Mount Logan Is on
Canadian soil , and Is a. triple cone , the
three averaging over 19,000 feet. The work
was trigonometrical , as the mountain Is
probably Insurmountable and always will be.
The work of the Canadian expedition this
year has been exploratory , and was .cm-
ducted by six parties. All the scientific
vvurk , exact measurements , astronomical ,
etc. , has been done by the American party.
Beginning at the south boundary between
British Columbia and Alaska , the fixed
boundary line between the Alaskan peninsula
and the Canadian territory to the- east ot
It is to follow the summit of the mountain
range , or to be ten marine leagues from
the coast for a long distance , until when
In the vicinity of Mount St. nilai the I'ne '
runs north along an esta llshod and fixed
meridian of longitude. Mount St. Ullas Is
the turning point of this boundary line ,
Is , will form the angle. The mountain villl
probably fall In Canadian terrl'ory.
Over In Lincoln county , New Mexico , there
Is a peculiar kind of grass , known as sleepy
grass. It has the property of putting to
sleep any animal that cats It. Sleepy glass
Is gro\\n among other grass and Is eaten by
all kinds ot stock readily. Its existence was
unknown for years after settlements had been
made In Lincoln county. Stockmen and
others noticed that animals would sometimes
stand motionless for an hour or two at a
time , but It never occurred to them that the
cause of this apparent resting was a distinct
grass. The discovery was finally made , says
a Silver City special to the Minneapolis Trib
une , by one of a party of travelers going
from San Antonio , a email station on the
Atchlson , Topelai Santa Vo railroad , near
Socorro , to the Pecos valley , In Lincoln
county. The trip Is a long one , ind a portion
tion of It Is over some of the roughest coun
try In New Mexico. Water IB not plentiful
along the route , and for miles there Is hardly
grass enough to feed n jack rabbit , while on
other portions o ( the route there Is a rank
growth of grass.
It was In oneof these fertile places , a
veritable oasis in the desert , that the dis
covery of sleepy grass was made. The party
halted about noon for luncheon and thj team
was unhitched and picketed out io graze for
61 J"HC Of so , Th.ehorjcs commenced eating
with a will , for they \\5 \ huhM , and there
Is no more tempting grass to a horse's np-
petlte than the black grammawhich Is to be
found In nearly nil parts of New Mexico.
They led for a few moments and then sud
denly stopped , and , holding their heads about
on a level with I heir shoulders , stood as
motionless as. If they were carved of stone.
This behavior was not In accordance with the
Ideas of ono of tha parly as to what hungry
horses ought to ilo. llo went to where the
dorses were standing nnd found them fast
On speaking Ihem In a loud tone , both
awoke and commenced eating as If nothing
'ia.l happened. They had eat n only a few
mouthfuls when both were son ul asleep
ngatn. They were aroused , but fell nrlup
ns. before. By this time the- remainder C (
thepartr had become Interested , llio
horses were awakened several times , only to
fall asleep after each successive Arousing.
None of the party had cvar seen lioreea
net so , nnd all agreed that something they
had eaten had caused them to Bleep. Each
of the party began n search , and the- plant
which la known In Lincoln county as cleepy
grass was discovered. The story .was re
lated by the travelers to an official of Lin
coln county , and since that ( line/ the effect
ot this grass on animals has bceit observed
nuny persons ,
lesr > 7 B rss Is found In several localities
In Lincoln county , but has never been re
ported In any other part ot New Mexico.
Whether , like the poppy , It contains nplum ,
or whether Its ileep-produclng property Is
duo to some other substance , Mas not ll m
A queer state of affairs Is puzzling Lincoln
county farmers , says the Spokane Chronicle.
The plats of four townships on the banks of
the Columbia are about ready lor settlers to
file their claims. But from present Indica
tions some of the farmers will need n special
dispensation from Hoko Smith before they
can get any title to their land. All along
the rivet bank are gravel bars where placer
mining has been going en for many years.
At present n few white men nnd many Chi
namen are employed In this way. A little
higher up on the banki nre the farmers'
homes. Some of the settlers have lived there
for many years , and have -valuable Improved
farms and extensive orchards , valued at $160 $
to $300 per acre. The orchards , as a rule ,
are close lo the river bank , and In some cases
the placer miners are reported to be washing
gold under the very shadow of the apple
trees. The trouble Is that when a
farmer locates a homestead ho must
swear that no part of any of Its "legal sub
divisions" Is valuable for mining1 purposes.
Just how the Lincoln county men will man
age when Chinamen are washing gold on their
land Is a puzzle. If they could compel the
miners to prove up and patent their land ,
that would set oft the gold ground In separ
ate "legal subdivisions. " But this would
require $500 worth ot development work on
each mining claim , and the miners say they
would gain no real advantage by It. It is
probable lha Interior department -will bo peti
tioned to tend an agent to make a special
examination , determine which Is mineral and
which Is agricultural land , and run a special
survey , thus forming new legal subdivisions.
Then the farmers can flle their clalrts.
Perhaps one of the richest gold ledges ever
opened up In Idaho Is located In the Willow
creek district , says the Boise Statesman. It
Is at present held by D. B. Levan of Caldwell -
well , but In view of the fact that 3ie relo
cated It and that the development he has
done lias shown It to be of such great value ,
there will likely be a bitter legal fight be
fore the ownership question is settled. The
ledge , which Is a decomposed formation , has
been uncovered for a distance of 300 feet and
its average width has been found to be two
and one-bait feet. A shaft sunk ten or twelve
feet falls to show any falling off in tbe value
of the ore.
Mr. Cox states that chunks of the ore were
taken indiscriminately from the ledge and
pounded up In a small hand mortar. In
seven hours | 7 in gold was cleaned up by
this method. Mr. Cox says the ore will assay
between $1,500 and $2,000 a ton. Experts
have pronounced the ledge one of the most
remarkable they ever encountered.
Mr. Cox and his brother have been workIng -
Ing an arastra nearly all summer. They
cleaned up $23 to the ton , but are satisfied
they only saved about one-quarter of the
gold. , '
Harry Cox and R. Rlgdon have the tun
nel on the Owl run 200 ifeet and expect to
strike tbe ledge In a few days. , Some of
the ore picked from the surface was es
sayed , returning $2,600 a ton gold nnd $5CO
Mr. Cox states the Willow creek district
will shortly have a five-stamp mill In opera
tlon. The mill has been ordered by Mr.
Carter and will soon arrive.
A move Is on foot to consolidate all the
principal claims In the district and sell
them to San Francisco capitalists. About
thirty claims are in tbe proposed deal.
Since the time when Lewis and Clarke
ascended the Missouri rjver In a rowboat , oc
cupying the better part ot the years 1801-2-3 ,
equipped by the United States government
for the purpose of exploring the country
along and at the' source ot the Missouri river ,
the stream has become familiar asfar as the
head of navigation , Fort Benton , Mont. Be
yond that point it Is comparatively unknown ,
writes a correspondent of the New York
Post. The actual headwater of the .Missouri ,
or what should be known as such had it beeri
intelligently named. Is Do Lacy's or Shoshone
shone lake In the National park. This lake , a
considerable body of water , Is the source ot
the Madison river and forms with the river
the drainage outlet for most of the waters
of that portion of tbe National park. The
Gallatln. or left source of the Missouri , Is
formed by two streams , the Cast and West
Gallatln , which unite about a mile above Its
junction with the Missouri. The Madison and
the Gallatln are both somewhat smaller than
the Jefferson. Had Lewis and Clarke as
cended the Madison Instead of the Jefferson ,
which , being the larger stream , they
naturally mistook for the continuation
of the Missouri , they would have dis
covered the famous geysers In the Flrehole
basin , Shoshone lake , and all the country
which Is now Incorporated within the limits
of the National park. The Big Hole and the
Beaverhead rivers flow Into the Jefferson at
Twin Bridges , a few miles from the con-
fluenc ? ol the Jefferson with the Missouri , so
that in reality there are six considerable
rivers , all joining one another within a
radius of a few miles , which unite to form
the longest rlvsr in the world , measured
from tbe Gulf to the heart of the Rocky
Pawnco county wants a new jail.
William Barker's house and barn at Craw
ford have been destroyed by fire.
Emerson has formed a new camp of the
Modern. Woodmen .with a membership ot
Osceola Presbyterians gave Hev. Van
GeJEon n "farewell reception" on. his leaving
for his new field of labor.
Bishop Scannell oC Omalm will assist In the
dedication of the new Roman Catholic church
at Humphrey next Thursday.
Rev. C. Sandqulst ot Oakland was made
the victim of sneak thieves to the extent of
$55 In cash and a draft for (200 ( ,
Ponca'a new steam flpurlng mill will be
completed by November 1. It will have a
capacity of seventy-five barrels a day.
A farmer In Colfax county reports two
and a half tona of hay fromabout' fifteen
acres. The crop Is very short throughout
the county.
John Houghnon , a fanner living near
Cambridge , was killed by lightning while
driving his cattle home in the evening. He
was a native of Germany ,
Garfleld county commissioners have Issued
a call lor a special election to vote bonds
for the Burwcll Irrigation company , the elec
tion to ba held October 11.
Annie Murray , a colored girl at Crawford ,
took a dose of laudanum for the purpose of
working on the sympathies of her lover.
She was none the wors ? , nor Is he.
In Buffalo county $3,000 had been paid for
gopher scalps this year up to September 1.
They are being brought In fast every day
and It looks as If every man and boy In the
county had gone In to ths business.
A cook at the Hotel Smith In Ponca broke
an egg and seeing that It looked dark threw
It Into a pall of slops , The next morning
he found B young chicken alive and well
In the pall where he had thrown the egg the
evening before.
Neal Nye of Wayne county la suffering
from severe Injuries caused by being burled
undsr a mass of lumber that fell from a
wagon he waa driving when the wagon upset
by th.f falling o [ a bridge. One arm and one
Teg were broken ,
Rev. A. D. Hooplngarner has been con
ducting revival meetings at Plalnvlow.
Owing to tha rush of candidates for con
version the meetings were moved from the
Methodist church to the opera house and
were continued longer than wag originally
The new Hour mill at Hurl y Is almost
completed , It will have a capacity for fifty
barrels a day.
A remarkable freak ot nature la presented
In a Siberian crabapple tree growing In Or ,
Hardlng'a orchard on Inglcslde , seldom. If
ever , known to occur , say * the lilaclt Illlla
T mi's , Tha trea baa been a prolific bearer
for Leveral } ; ara cant tint this * > * > fi ,1
s trying to surpass all previous record *
by bringing forth two crops. Fully developed
rull and blossoms are now to be seen on the
same tree.
Preliminary work has been started con the
rlv'c'r ' Improvements of the Upper Missouri
nt 1'lerre , for which an appropriationof , | 40-
000 has been secured.
The proceedings Instituted by Smith town
ship at Klmball to etop the putting dwvn of
.he artesian well are only to test the legal
ly of the petition which was presented to
thf county board asking for tlio well ,
.tjwlng . to llip many cells fo/ Increased
rain service which have been made to { he
Northern J'aclflc railroad nnd the urgent
lem'and for the same , the company has de
cided to put a new train schedule Into ef
fect In North Dakota and materially In
crease the service.
Practically nil crops ore a failure this
year In the section'ot ' the state cast of the
Mlftourl river , with but few exceptions. In
many localities wheat Is being shipped in
[ or fted nnd In the southwestern counties
ordering on the Missouri river It Is used
to fatten hogs for spring market.
The Union county fair , which Is to be
leld at Elk Point September IS , 1'J , 0 hnd
21 , promises to be ono of the greatest affairs
ot the kind ever Held la South Dakota. Two
; housand dollars In premiums la offered
'or ' ag'lculturnl and stock displays alone ,
besides heavy piirses lor liorso racs , In
which the entries nre open to the world.
A novel feature will bo the hound nnd Jack
rabbit races on the first day.
S. "G. Sheffield , range manager ot the FlyIng -
Ing V Cattle company , was In Sttirgls re
cently and reported- that the grass on the
innge was curing In very fine- shape , and
that cattle were doing remarkably well. He
also reports that , the Texas fly , or , as the
Tcxans call It , the Russian fly , Is bothering
cattle ecmewhat en the range , He says they
irocst nt night on the horns of the cattle ,
massing together like bees , ready at sunrise
to feed upon blood ot the animals ,
A syndicate Is being farmed at Grand
Forks to dispose of the thousands cf tons of
straw In the valley to farmers of South
Dakota , Iowa and Nebraska , whose stock Is
liable to suffer for want of food during the
coming winter. It Is estimated that through
out the Hed river valley 600,000 tons of
straw will bo burned during the next sixty
days unless soma other disposition can be
made ot It. The scheme Is to get this vast
quantity under control of one body sf men
as near as possible and allow the * farmers
Irom the drouth stricken states to ship
It to their homes or drive their stock hereto
to feed. Sixty thousand shoats are expected
hero from. Sioux Falls , S. D. , as the first In
stallment of live stock from that state.
The display of garden vegetables nnd field
products from T. A. White's Irrigated farm
at Huron attracted crowds of people .from
neighboring towns , The exhibit reminded
one of an agricultural fair , and Indeed
would outrival many displays orti.n seen
on such 'occasions , Mr. White's BUCJ-JSS
has convinced a multitude ot people who
heretofore hnd little faith in artesian wulcr
for Irrigation fe > urposvs , , that It contains
properties highly essential tothe rapid
growth and early maturing of crops on soil
In this part of the state. Mr. White showed
Held and garden products of marvelous
growth not confined too , few varieties , but of
almost every class of vegetables for market
purposes and for winter storage , and all
the staple field products. The display
was nearly all disposed of nt good prices ;
a few melons weighing from forty to fifty
pounds each , and cabbages from fifteen to
twenty pounds each , brought extra prices.
The demand for miners In the Tellurlde
district exceeds the supply.
The Caledonia mine. Cripple Creek , Is turnIng -
Ing out very rich samples , some of..wlilch
assay $34,220 per ton.
The Lone Star No. 2 , Crpple ( Creek , has
developed rich ore. It Is one ol the Anaconda
properties on Gold hill.
The cyanide plant at Cripple Creek-Is
handling thirty tons per day. Plans for en
largement are prepared. I . "
Every operated gold mine In San Miguel
county is on a , paying basis. The list Is
being constantly Increased.
Now that the. La Plata district has a'mlll
In operation , the possibilities of the district
will be gradually developed.
The Summit mine , Cripple Creek , Is now
lifting sixty .tons ot milling ore per day.
It Is handled ai. theicompany's mill. '
At Brcckenrldge Jumbo mill Is to
ba changed Irom a slow to a quick drop
process. The mine is being developed.
Work Is progressing on the Nelson tun
nel at Crcede. It Is In 1,500 , feet and a
contract has been let for another 100 feet.
Kokomo district , where there Is a large
supply of Iron ore , wants a hearing atj the
hands of the Denver & Gulf management.
The new strike in the Anaconda , at Crip
ple Creek , Is eald to be the * best thus far
made"in the mine. In a t\vo-fet vein It
averages $190 per ton.
In the Alma district , Park county , a
single ten-stamp mill has produced $20,000
In gold during the past year. The supply of
ere has not been regular , owing to want of
system in working the mines ,
There are ninety- stamps dropping in
Ophlr camp , San' Miguel county , nnd Its
weekly contribution to the Denver branch
mint exceeds C00'ouncs in gold. There Is
are enough In sight for 200 m ro stamps.
Goose Creek district Is now getting to
the front with good properties and pros
pectors can be assured of good finds yet
waiting for them In this section. There will
be- several constant shippers from this time
on and the output of gold from this camp
will , we predict , bo large for the rest of
the year.
A rich strike was made in the Plttahurg
claim in Poverty gulch , near Dubols , which
being assayed showed 1C 2-3 ounces in gold ,
135 ounces In silver and B per cent copper
to the ton. This Is a claim just north ot
the now famous Crown Point lode and is
being developed by a Montrose company.
Upon the heels of this rich strike comes a
still richer one near the Plttsburg of 100
ounces In gold.
Among the projected Improvements In the
way ot ore treatment Is a concentration plant
for Nevada district , Gilpln county. It Is
proposed to pipe water from Fall river , by
way of Chase gulch , and to extend the tram
way track about two miles so that coal can
bo hauled to tbo pumping station , thus re
ducing expenses. Under this plan the rail
road haul would bo saved on the concentra
tion material , and only the concentrates
would need to be shipped. Fall river affords
an abundant supply of water , which could
be conveyed to the mill In an eight-Inch
pipe ,
There are two or three flg trees In the yl-
clnlty of Newbcrg , one of which has borna
fruit the past two years.
Isaac Banta has returned to-Albany from a
trip to the Big Bend country , Wash. , where
ho put to work seven of his gld-savlng ma
There are fifty-one Inmates of the Sol
dlsrs' home in Hoseburg , The oldest IB 8C
years , the youngest GO years ; the average
C2 years. About half the men receive pen
sions , but no one Is admitted who receives
over $12 a month.
The Baker City Democrat learns that wcrk
on the Clear lake canal Is being pushed rap
idly. About ICO men and forty teams arc at
work steadily. The canal will be eighteen
feet wide on top , twelve feet on the bottom
and four leet deep.
Down on Red Prairie a horse stepped on
the toe of a little son of Jtobert Bell , com
pletely severing the toe from the foot. The
llttlo fellow picked the too up. carried it
to his mother and coolly told her he would
not wear a shoe on that toe any more.
Captain Whltcomb will commence carry-
Ins rock lo Fort Stevens and work will start
up on tlie/ Columbia river jetty. About 100
men will be employed all winter. The Men
dal has been overhauled and repaired and
Captain Brown will'commence ' making dally
trips between Astoria and the Jetty ,
Robert Steel , tnear Alrlle , Tollc county ,
raited this season 4,000 bushel : of barley
on thirty acres ot ground , or 133 bushels per
acre. The gratninos so heavy that but half
a awath could bsi cut at a round , and two
weeks were spent' In cutting the tfclrty-acre
ffcUU The crop was grown on bedvcrdam
At Mtddleton , R'Airihlll county , there Is a
pickle and sauerkraut factory. The stockhold
ers are the neighboring farmeri , who raise
cucumbers and ittb ago for tbe business.
The cteclc subscribed was tS.OOO , and halt
of this went for engine and fixtures. The
main bulldluc U COxtJO , biUcs the engine
room' ' and cooper ith6)i. ) There are forty-six
acres .n c r inJ rs P' ' k us has just comi
liter , . . . . HI , cirx'IVa employment to the
There are those who think
clothing any cheaper than another that if he produces a suit identical
ly the same , apparently , for less money than another , there'must be
something wrong with it it's not'as good cloth or it's not made as well
or that it's a bait. But , ; cv
There are those who know H
that there are shrewd buyers of clothing who do not rush into the
clothing markets when the clothing makers have just "produced their
new things and ask fancy prices for the first choice , but wait a month
or so until the "bloods" arc supplied , when they drop in to find the
manufacturer willing to make oreat inducements to take his stock ofl
o o
his hands. Then it is " "
That those who buy last
same linings the very same buttons colors just the same cloth just
the same not a particle of differenc except
The price and that's so low
to sell his suits ior what his "blooded neighbor" paid for his and he
makes nearly as much profit , too. This applies to
Our Five Dollar Sack Suit jh h
talk lately. The "blood" has to sell his for fifteen dollars because he
got the first pick but we waited a little , and we are paralyzing the
natives with' it at five dollars six different shades single or double
breasted a most elegant suit so say the five or six hundred who are
wearing them now. It's no bait , but we have them as long as you come
and will sell you one or a hundred at five dollars.
Our Eighf Dollar Clay Worsted " * ;
regent cut was bought after the "first choicers" had been supplied , and
the maker was desirous of turning his stock into money. Selling it at
eight dollars as we do , we don't lose anything on it but at the same
time we give it to you for ten dollars less than you pay the "blooded
dealer" who pays more for the same identical suit than you do.
successors to Columbia Clothing Co. ,
13th and Farnam Sts. , Omaha.
young people , of the neighborhood. The bar
rels and kegs are made In. the cooper shop
and the timber cut In the Immediate neigh
borhood ,
An employe of Bennett's mill , at the head
of Washington gulch , Baker county , had a
narrow escape ! rom death In a tussle with
a black bear. The man hnd emptied his
Winchester three times Into the body of his
bearshlp , when bruin turned on his assail
ant , and would have killed him bad not a
trusty knlto come into hasty relief. As It
was. however , the man was severely bitten
In the groin.
A United States prisoner , Parker , now In
carcerated In the state penitentiary , lias lately
completed a beautiful center table for Mr.
Dickey , the top of which 1& made of Oregon
woods. The diameter ot the top Is twenty
Inches , and It Is formed of 1,000 pieces.
Parker Is a fine cabinet worker , and was on
employe of the Pullman car shops for about
ten years. He Is aged GS years , and was
sentenced to a two-year term ,
A nn ? vein ot coal has been discovered on
the Shoshone reservation.
A new vein of coal has been discovered
near Lander and there is great rejoicing
It Is reported that Ora Haley Is driving
1.000 head of cattle In from North park for
shipment to the Omaha market.
State Fish Commissioner Schnltger will
send 50,000 trout to Sheridan , nnd they will
be put In the lakes of the Big Horn moun
Jeff Dunbar , a tough citizen , has the town
of Dixon In a state of terror.
He claims to own the town and the citizens
seem Inclined to allow the claim ,
The stage line between flock Springs and
Lander has been abandoned. The owners
claim it has been operated at a loss from
the start. As they gave bonds to run the
line for at least six months a lawsuit will
probably follow.
The Union Pacific passenger department
reports that the head of Green river , Wyo
ming , about 110 mlUs north of Opal , U be
coming1 quite a popular resort for sports
men. The fishing and hunting Is first-class
all the way from Opal to National Park.
In 1S92 Wyoming had 1,111.472 head of
sheep , which were valued at $2,808,070. Not
withstanding that the number reported at
the present time Is over 350,000 head more
tlian two years ago , the -valuo Is given at
J078,735 less than the smaller number were
estimated to be worth.
The Northern Paclflo car shops nt Edison ,
Just reopened , have 1,000 applications for
The project to build a fine club house for
the Tacoma Athletic club has been aban
doned for this year.
The Seattle contributions to the fund for
the relief ot the widows and orphans of those
killed In the Franklin coal mine already ex
ceeds ? 1COO.
There are about fifty miners at the Slate
Creek mines at the head of the Huby ; one.
party of flvo ore washing decomposed quartz
and are said to be getting over a pound of
gold per day.
Over 100 men and sixty teams are at work
on the new Irrigating ditch In Klttltas county.
There Is buttle In the streets of Ullensburg.
During the past forty days the postoOlco
business of the town lias doubled.
Lincoln county commissioners will be pe
titioned for a bridge to be built In connection
with Stevens county , over the Spokane river ,
several miles above Fort Spokane , for the
benefit ot a large body of settlers In tbe Prlca
valley country.
The hay crop of the Colvllle valley , now
safely stacked , Is pronounced the finest ever
ctt | In that section. Including 6,000 iona
left over from last year , the tiay Is a fins
quality of timothy , and was uaved without
a drop ot rain falling upon It from the begin
ning ot harvest until It was ail In the stack ,
The first ore , outside of samples , shipped ,
from Monte Crlsto , has been received at
Everett. The shipment was to the Puget
Sound Reduction company , and amounted to
120,000 poundi. The ore on the way bill is
valued at 1100 per ton. The ore Is ponccn-
tratlng , being of pure metal. It U from the
Golden Cord mine.
There Is a big mining region which la
coining Into prominence this year. This la
the Chlppewa district , lying between Elk
City anil Salmon river , and Is now brought
lu. touch with the \\i.r'l by the ncv ; utato
wagon rsad , H Is a nlver-lead | country , xvlth
huge ledges , giving bettor surface showings
than the Cocur d'A limes did , but entirely un
developed. If It fulfills Its premises It will
yet become one of Spokane's grandest tribu
W. II. Kearney , who was the original-dis
coverer of the Old Dominion mine , near Col-
vllle. ten years ago , and from which be derived
rived/ ! neat little fortune , has purchased and
Is now developing the Sugar Loaf mine , near
the Mission , In Stevens county. The Sugar
Loaf Is "a free milling gold proposition and
will run $70 to the tin In gold on a four-
tcen-lnch vein.
Chinese are Invading California fruit farm-
Coal has been recently' discovered on Elk
creek near Crelghton , Idaho.
It Is estimated that the cattle shipments
from eastern Montana will aggregate 110,000
bead during September.
The forty-seven and one half-pound melon
raised In the penitentiary garden is on ex
hibition at Boise , Idaho
The Indians of I-'ort Hall reservation In
Idaho are becoming hostile to white settlers
In their vlclnty and trouble Is feared.
Colonel Bryan offered In IJolse the other
day to chip In $10,000 toward raising $100,000
to start on Otvyhee railroad enterprise.
The 'Sheep mountain excitement Is causing
considerable talk In Nevada. The assays are
reported to run from $180 lo $1,000 per ton ,
and the llnd Is directing much attention.
Los Angeles is to have an "International
Midwinter exposition , " after the manner of
the ouc held In San Francisco , which will
begin the latter part of October and last
three months ,
The new railroad , to go throuch Nevada is
an extension of the Santa I < > . U goes
through Lincoln county. The state of Nevada
owns the public lands In Lincoln county and
has recently developed a large trade in them.
The Union Pacific'is building a. warehouse
at Sonna and one at Beatty. These arc the
stations recently located on the branch be
tween Boise and Nnpa , One was named in
honor .of United Stages Judge Beatty , while
the other was christened after Dolae's
The DeLanmr Nugget Bays a contract has
been let for the completion of the Idaho
tunnel In tlio Black Jack mine. This tunnel
Is now In 900 feet. It Is proposed to run It
1,000 feet further tor the purpose of tapping
the Black Jack down deep In the bowels of
the earth.
The fourth year of the Leland Stanford ,
jr. , university has opened. Eight bund rod
and twenty-flvo students have already regis
tered , exclusive of about 100 post-graduates ,
an Increase of ICO over the number of stu
dents present last year. The total registra
tion for the year will exceed 1,200.
Two miners have discovered and located a
vein of coal up on the Weber river , about
thirty-five miles from Wattatch , Utah. As
yet they have only sunk a thort distance on
It , but far enough to show a seven-foot
vein. The coal Is of course soft at the pres
ent depth , but all the old miners think It
will develop Into a fine quality of hard coal.
Fanner George has found a ship's anchor
measuring six feet long and somewhat differ
ent fJoin the anchors , used during the nine
teenth cmtury , on ono-ot the Islands of the
Plalto ilver , two miles southwest of Brady
Island. It is suggested that It may have
been left behind by some of Brlgham Young's
expedition when crossing the desert.
The first clearance of cotton this season
haa been made to a foreign port at Galveslon.
The Sierra line steamer Merrla cleared for
Liverpool with 0,100 bales of cotton , valued
at $227,243. The entire cargo came from
one compress In Houston , and was brought
down from Houston In barges and loaded
Irom them Into the steamer In Bolivar Roads ,
with the exception of 1,200 bales , which were
taken outside tha bar.
The date of the opening of the Nez Pcrces
reservation will be a great day for Idaho.
It will witness the planting of some 3,000
families In the date , eay the. Idaho World ,
and , In addition , thousands of others , con
stituting the overflow from tha gathered
crowd , will settle on other lands In thli and
adjoining counties. Many people are already
In the reservation looking over the lands
eoon to be opened ( or settlement. The old
Pierce City wagon road , which up to this
year lias been slnco the 'COi ' little better
that a series ot Indian trails , U now B well-
traveled county road. It traverses the flneit
lands on the reservation. Down toward
I,6wlstoi [ considerable land has-been leased
from the Indians and Is now in grain and
ono can now see fields of ( Train that
cannot be excelled even lu the. Pnlous
Charles P. IVttlngill , one ot the gold
prospectors at Brown's Creek , Minn. , bos
unearthed , as ha claims , n largo lead of
gold ore. The prospectors knew from drtft
gold caught In \\\a \ \ \ flume that there must
bo a lead some bcrc , and have diligently
searched for It until underneath a layer
of black rock the ore was found. Mr. Pet-
tlnglll says It will 'be taken to Minneapolis
to be assayed , and ( hat ho Is positive It la
the richest ere ever struck In Minnesota.
There Is no telling how largo the lead Is ,
but it has already been traced 300 feetj.
The Seth Cook group of gold mines at
Coultervllle. Marlpoba county , Cal , , lias been
sold to a company ot Boston and Montana
capitalists , for $100,000. Tlio mines have
been Idle for twenty years. Kor seyeral
years before his death Cook liad not worked
them , owing to a bcK'of good transporta
tion facilities. The puichnaers Include
Thomas Cook , a millionaire of Bufte. Mont. ,
nnd J. A. Co rain of Boston , who , with his as
sociates , owns forty-three mining properties
at Butte and enormous reduction -works
on the Missouri river. Tbo purchasers of
the Seth Cook mines Intend to expend $ COO-
000 In their development , erecting a stamp
mill and building a railroad.
"Wo do thniRS somewhat differently In
Mexico from the way they arc clone in
your country , " said a Mexican engineer whs
attended the irrigation congress at Denver ,
"lit Mexico all Irrigation ditches' are built
by private expense , but under federal super
vision. All the plans and specifications are
drawn by the governmsnt and all questions
ot water rights ore settled by the govern
ment , the people to bo benefited defraying tha
expense attached thereto. If there Is any
change to bo made In the ditches. If new
laterals are to lie put In , all U done by the
government engineers , and a strict regard to
the rights of the Interested parties Is observed
by the authorities The people know this
and readily agieo to this method of adjust
ment , confident that their rights will bs pro
tected. "
Shlloh's Cure , the great cough and croup
cure. Is In great demand , Pocket olzo con
tains twenty-flic doses , only 25 cent * .
Children love It. Sold by druggists.
iJust I.Ike ftrorgr.
The tramp knocked ccftly ai the kitchen
door and tha nicest , sweetest old lady In
the world met him , Bays the Detroit Tree
Press. He chuckled quietly , for ho thought
he had struck u snap that was going to bo a
regular bonanza find.
"Dcggln' your pardon , l dy , but can I
get a blto to eat here ? " ho asked , humbly.
"Are you very hungry ? " she responded
Illco a mclhcr.
"Y s , lady. "
"Y'ou are out cf work , I suppose ? "
"Yes , lady ; I have not done a lick of
work since the first day of June. "
Something In thia statement made him
chuckle again , but she did not hear him as
Bhe stepped to the cupboard to get a piece ot
pic. She came back and stood with It In
her hand llko a Lady Bountiful , and hl
mouth began to water.
"And how long before that ? " she asked ,
with something In her tone that crushed
him."Lady , " bo gasped , "I cannot tell a lie.
Good morning , " and he walked out of tha
yard , and eho cet the pie back for the next
ITIiere Llelitnlnsr M Mont Hebtructlto. n
Tha continued and careful observations
which the meteorologists of Iho world have
made during the past twenty years only
serve to strengthen the remark made by
Iho author of "AbdJU'e Thsary of FIcctrlo
Storms , " vlr. , "that the majority of fatal
and destructive MghtnUig strokes occur in
level , open c6untry. " Trees , villages anS
thickly built up towns and cities , by their
numerous projections and their netwom ot
rails , wlrei , etc. , ceem lo neutralize or scat
ter the electric fdrccs , thereby protecting
both the animate and Inanimate from direct
strokes of tbe eath-dcalinu fluid.
Oregon Kidney T a qur backache. TrUl
tlze , 25 cents. All