THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 11 , 189k ABOARDBR Pays you $4 to $8 weekly that moans pin money adds little to your present expenses THE BEE GETS 'EM . 17 WORDS FOR'25 CENTS. "YN 8PEG1RL NOTICES. Advertisements for these columns i\IU bo taken until 12 JO p. m. for the evening ami until 9:00 p. m. ( or the morning nnd BunJ.iy editions. Advertlnors , by rpquestliiR n nmnljered check , ean have answers addressed to n numbered letter In cnie of The llee. - Answers o addressed will be delivered upon presentation of the check. llatci , IMo n word nret Insertion , lo n m > rd thorenNer. Noth'ns token tot less than 23c for first Insertion. . . . Theno ndverllscmcnti must run con ecuttvely. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTcf ) . POSITION AS INFANT NUHSE ; ( Irst-cInKi references nnd reasonable ch.u cci. Call nt 205 N , ICtli Direct. A-M302 12' WANTED MA1.E HELP. BPBCIAI/TY SALESMEN FOH UECD'S LUMP Jaw remedy ( endorsed by U. S. Dept. AKrlcul- lure , iuiieau ot Animal Industry , m a syeclllc ) ns a side lino. L'bernl ' terms U > rlsht parties. Address llrothers & Heed , Malvern la 11-M3JI S17 WANTED , TIlAVKLINd SALHSMKN , HKLEN & Thompson , talloro , 1C12 l-'onmin street. 11-WI S23 TOO GOOD STOCK SAIMM.H HANDS ; Hteiidy work euarnnteol. Address Ihc T\nnnntz Snddlery Co. , St. Paul. Jlliin. U-M237 U VANTKD , MAN Ol' SOME HUSIXUSS I5X- pptlenee to OIK.II branch business In the sttite of NeliniHkii for reliable nunuf ulHilni ; com- imny , some retuly cash cnpltul r" julTi-il In tli > uriniiBTncnl ; npnllcnnt please state llnnnclal worth nnd previous cxperence , KOOC ! palmy nnd part of tlio profits to tlio ilKl't mini , ivfi-i- < > nc i. Address Manufactuira , W Jl Otnniu I , , . , . II M2JI U STRIKING FOIl I.II'i : ! LABOH VS CAPITAL , by John Bwlnton : creates ! lioolc published , vn- cloiwil by nil unions ; ngtnls wanted every where ; secure territory al once American Hook tonccrn , Cleveland. O. H Mi-1 13 * ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER TO ASSIST pVPiilnKH on trial balance. Ad'liosi. Mating j-xperlence , J > VB3 _ , Bee. I1-MJ)3J1 _ CARPENTERS , WHO WANT WINTER WORK , t > nt.l < M lOc utamp to Frunlc Athorly , manu facturer common Sense weather trlp Cedar BIulTa. Neb. ll-MMT 13 SALESMEN. nVEUY COUNTY ; SALARY Ort commlsHlon ; no experience , tic\v turilC Mil Blves unlimited prollls ; nctUe nu-n npply qulekh' , statins salary nnd terrltmy wanted. Manufacturers , linx 630 , lioatoiu IS M29S 11 * . : „ WANTEP FEMALE JHELP. ; 'WANTED ' ! YOHNO WOMEN TO ENTER train Ins school for nurHea. Addiesa W. C. A. hospital. Council UlufTs C-lil 12 LADIES WANTINO FIItST-CI.ASS OIISLS apply Scandinavian Y. L. Home. Olllce , W3 N. 16th. C M63S 29' WANTED A OIIIL NOT AFItAID TO WOKK. lit 1819 Callfoinlo. C 2S3-12 * FOB , BENT HOUSES. TENTS Toil IlENT. 1311 FAHNAM ST. U-737 S17 TVANTKD , GOOD MEDIU&t PRICED HOUSES. f List your houses Cor rent with Ames. D 733 HOUSES , F. 1C. DARLING DAUKEH It LOCK. HOUSES IN ALL PAIITS OP THE CITY. TIIU O. K. Davis company , 1505 Parnani. U 735 KKLKENNY & CO K l7 CoTmNnNTAirbLKT O 736 riNia J-IIOOM cojtNEti FLAT AT 101 3. IOTH street ; rans * " "d all ether conveniences. Qeorce Clouscr , roam 2 , 1621 Farirun Ftreet. D-3')0 ' ) _ L'ALL AT OUll OFFICE AND EXAMINE PIIO- tournph of very fine 7-room mDiU-in tottagn on paved street , imp-halt hlock troni car line ; only ja.CO p r month. Fidelity Trust Company. 170.1 ftunam t. D 133 , LAUCSE HALL. HATH lOOll. IN- qulre at b&i South 18th Etrt-ct. D Ml 12 HOUSE NHAK man SCHOOL : ssooo. Imjulie 261C Capitol aye. 1) 113.12 * IlENT. iiKCANT MOUEIIN HOUSE. It will pay you to Investigate this Thomai Ilirnnan , 430 Pnxton block. D 155 K . T-IZOOJI COTTA'QE , ! ! 1 ] Woolworth nve , J2500. ISmsvvalt BIOS. , Itaiker block. D 112 ItENT-8 IIOOM NEW MOtJEItN IIOl'SE , nice poiches. larKP lot. o l < llnlsh. 32HJ Web- Bter street , J15.00. Inquire at fox , 1218 Ifniney Mreet. D- ' D18110' _ VOR KENT. FINE TDN-nOOM MOHEIIN lirlcK house , ilctnclml , { 30.00 ; R nlcu T-ioom lirlck flats , central , (20.1)0 ) , Temiilcton. I'nxtnn i lilocK. U-M237 U _ ron HUNT O-P.OOM HOUSE , MODERN , isio Si > encer fit. Add.esa F. II. C. , "Tlio Mmlnm. " D JS'J-li' _ KO U ItENT , ELEGANT IO-ISOOM HOUSE ; reaxonnble. 2001 Unit s'reet. D 133. . 13 * I'ltOOM ALL MODKHN HOUSE. SM ROtrTII lith ; also other Rood houses. O. L , Qreeiunxim 23. IliirKcr block , n M 30 } , 6. J AND 10-IlOOM HOL'SKS , ALL MOD- n. lawn anJ phade. Apply at 211 N. Y. Life or 2124 Miami street. D > ug9 pen HUNT , rnuAPEST six-nooM COTTAOK with balh In city ; only H3.UO. 303J t'aliriirnl.i Kltv-et- ' D - M3C3 C3I S. I7TH vSTmRr7 U 0)0 SK I-ROOM HOUSE , INQUIRE S7U DOt'OLAS wlivet. U M6T3 S S.UOOMHOt'SE.S , MODEI1N AND CHEAP , C0 > N. 13th street. 1J--MT10 D FOR UENT-TEN-llOOM HOUSE. N , \ \ \ COH , Knrnam nnd SOthe sts. , modem Impruvcinentst \iy Cms. Turner , 3310 Farnam st. 1 > SI9 KQK HENT. 6-UOOM COTTAO13. HIS I > OItCA8 street ; city water , Lath. Iiiqulro llutiort linn- ter , llea ornce. BENT FURNISHED ROOMa. KUUNISHBD nOOMS , 6JS SOUTH 1JTI1 ST. K M9 ail * _ _ _ FIMNUWED nOOMS AT 118 SOUTH liTH 8T. E IHSISU * I KUHNISHED ROOMS FOH HOUSEKEEPING ( or man anil wife. Iti-nt taken In biianl. 319 K 17th street. K MC61 IXH HKNT , NICELY FCHNISHED call at :107 Douglas. DODGB. DODGB.EM1M E-M1M I3 I3ion FIUINIBHEO HOOM , I-IHVATB FAMILY , ion ijt. Mary' uvrnue. K NICE FUUNISIIKU HOOMJJ rou .IOHT 1113 a. ItUi it. EllC roit IJQHT HOUSE'KEEPNO. as N , EAST FIIONT IIOOMS. ZOSI DAVKNPOHT. \\-VUKf 0V ACCOMMODATIONS KOU BIX GENTLEMEN ; wnKle bed * with sltllni ; room fur their us ex- cllmlvrly. iiO tj , 18th street. K-MiTt 13 * _ II S 1I.MINEV 8TUEET , FURKIHHKD UOOMtf , lh | or without Ixmrd ; modern. E MT5 11 * TWO NICELY FI'IINISUED IlOOMtt ; lint lloor furnlnUol rompteta fur h ute kr p > Ing < an kreu bo.iril n If < ieiirrd , 2M7 'a l LAIIQK ROOM FOR TWO OBNTLVrMKN. MS Uurnry itrt-tl E-M.3M 15- FURNISHED KOOMS AND BOARD. I'LBASANT ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2150 I1AR. ney. F-M315 ai6 IIOOMS AND DOAIID , fllJ CAPITOL AVE- nue. V M161 W NICELY rUUNISHED ItOOMS WITH ALL conveniences Klnt-claas bomd , 211 No. ISth itrtet. F M278-S13 * NICELY FUIlNISHEl ) ttOOM TOR TWO Ecntlcmcn or man and wlfo nt 1E03 California street. K-179-H ) ' NICE HOOMS ; GOOD HOA11D ; RATES REA- onablcconveniences. Tlio Itose,20JO 022 Harney. r MCK SK HANDSOME rilONT KOOJIS WTII HOARD ; references. 202 No. ISth , F 177-10' SOUTH FRONT FUUN1SIIEU ROOMS. WITHer or without 1720 Dodge. 1 * 231 12 * FRONT ROOM FOR T VO , WITH STRICTLY llrst cliss boaul , 2109 IViuglai St. F 290 UNFURNISHED BOOMS FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED HOOMS ; SECOND lloor ; mudcin conveniences. 12V N. IDth street. TWO t'NFL'UNISHEtJ ROOMS FOR HOUSE- kcepliiK lo inun ami wife ; no chlldien ; ref erence. 1'lal A , IHS Chkago stluct. . U M271 ll FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES CORNER bTOHE , J50 00. 2I DOUULAS. IN- qu-ie a. 1 710 FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY IIUK'IC 11U1LDINO DIG I' arnilii stlect. Tlin bu Itlltiff ! iaB a fire- pioof cement liascment. coinpl tc stcnm heatIng - Ing llxuros , ntcr on nit Hours , ga . etc. Ap. piat the office of The Hee 1-910 MY OKNEHAL MERCHANDISING STORE liullillnn nnd rwlilencc nt Mem | > hls , Neb. , for ri-nt. Pur further inrMculiin Inquire of J. C. Owens , Memphis. Ncli. I M233 13 * TOR RENT. A FINK NINETY FOOT STORE loom on rurnim BtieeL at S25 W per month. \ \ ' SS , llco. I M23Q 12 * FOR RENT , ROOM , K It Y32 2ND FLOOR OF my xloie , cuitalI for iliMKi and sulli ; good and elevator Eer\lcc. Mrs. J. llenson. I M98 > AGENTS WANTED. WANTED. OOOn SOLICITOUS , MEN AND women , to work for the 1'ioKresilve Endow ment Guild oC America , for Missouri , Kansas nnd NebiasliJ. ( ItuildliiR ami Loan and ten. year Rnjlowinent Insurant * , , combined ) Rc- llablo. people onlv need 'apply. Address room 8. Rode Island l > ldtr. . tor. 6th nml Edmond street , Bt. Joseph , Mo. J M003 01 * WANTED. AN ENEIIOETIC AOENT IN every city and town In eastern Nebraska for a household neccsHlty , ns\r Koods ; lerrltory fresh ; terms liberal. Address 2707 Q street , South Omaha. J M229 12 * WANTED , AOENTS TO TAKH ORDERS 1JY sample nt home or tiuvel , expenses and good salary or commission to ilclit party. Samples Bent on application. Addreas with stamp. Lock llux 4 0 , New Yorls City. WANTED XO RENT , WANTED. HOUSES TO RENT. HAVE MORE calls than I can supply. J II. Pjrrotte , 16th and Dcxlee. 1C f,5l S2J two UNFURNISHED ROOS1S OR TART OT modern house ; siuth side piefeired ; icCercne < i e chansed. AddieyaV 21 , lee. K M195 B-ltOOM COTTAC3E , ALL MODERN , NORTH Bide , October I. Addiraa W 15 , IJee IJeeKM K-M ! 3 12 WANTED. TWO ROOMS AND HOARD BY Kentlomin nnd mother. Supper nml lodging for Kontleiiiun , KO.W per month , private family preterted. Address W 51 , lice olllce. olllce.KM2SO K-M2SO 12 FURNISHED MODEltN COTTAOE OR HOUSE for winter ; pr.ce must be reasonable ; references Address W 52 , Bee. K M29J 13 STORAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS S.CROPS , 12H HARNEY. 11 711 BTORAQE FOR HOUSRHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rale. R. Wella. 1111 Faruani. Faruani.M742 M-742 OM.VAN&SToTlAQE CO..150J FARNAM. Tel.lSI * M 743 I1EST STORAGE HI'ILDINO IN OMAHA , U. S. gov. bonded nrcliouse. llouscliolj goods stoied. Lowest latrs. 1D13-101 ; Lca\enworth. M-711 WANTED TO BUY. HAVANA niKCKLES. BEST ON EARTH , ' 5C. N-J1BJ1 S27 FOR SAI/E FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASV. 1'OU WON'T MISS YOUU money. Lon rrkes on fuinlturc and household Goods. Enlerpitse Credit Co. , C13-CI3 N. lota st O 745 FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO FOR SALE OR TRADE , t HORSES WEIQH- Ing 1,000 pounds each. 0 and 7 years old. Fred Teiry , 430 Itamgo block. r 747 WANTED-A TEAM Ol' HORSES no less thin 1.1W Its. , nell broken to city urhlne. Bend particulars to U li , llee. r-514 S-23 TWO WELT. I1RED DRIVINCS MARES , 4 AND 5 old , Drhe slnslc or double. ilOD Doulas 1' 187 13 * FOR SALE OR TRADE RAY IIORSE. 18 hands , se\en jfum , Kfntle , tiot Ix-tter 2'4Q ; nlll trade for joung horse with speed 15 % hands. II , U , Iity , county treasurer. P-15T 13 2 RAROAINS : TIIYS. riIAiTONS ; 1 NEW mrry below cost , Drummoml Cg , Co. P 111 OOOD LEA. TOP FAMILY OARRIAOE , JSS 00 ; Simpson bucKboaril , KO.W. Diummond Cg , Co. P-743 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS , HANK AND I'LATTE VALLKY SAND FOR cale , C.V. . Hull company , Uth and leard rta. Q-7iu C'lEAI'EST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL fence made. C. It. Lee , 901 I > ouglns. Q 749 FOR SALE. THE FORMULAS "roH WELL known i > r prletiiry mrdlclnes. favorably known In the northweit , with sole rights to manufac ture und- oil Itv North and South Dakota , Ne braska. None but responsible parties need answer. Address H. F. Smith. Q-M319S15 YOt'NO I'AllROrT FOR SALE. Ml SOUTH 10th ttreet. Q-MIM 12' FOR SALE OR TRADE. NEW TONY CAMf- liell cjllr.ler press. Will take part cath and balance In prlntlne. AOJrrE * W 28 , llee. H M173 H _ HAY FOR 8ALR AND RANOK FOR LEASE ; TOO tons Rood hay nt 12.00 per Ion In stack. In Cherry county , Nelnnnka : range BxS nillea for lease , containing two KOOO rorrnlU ot SOO head capacity , linrn for rleht homes , IM tiff water , Ki'.Ocll , etc. Addrvss E , E. Cole , Mi O street , Hasting * . Neb. q-M23l ; i MISOE-LLANEO US. BTOCK PA8TURKD ; GOOD FCEO. T. MUR- ray. R-MliT SM CESS I-OOI I AND VAI'LTS CLlIvNED. JOIIN Nelson , vrllce US 8. 14th it. Tel , llll. 11-181 O7 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOVANT , REliable - liable business medium , itli Jrar ul 119 N li. B-7 MASSAGE , BATHS. ETO. MADAME SMITH. VA fl. 1 H. ID 1'1/OOR , room I ) mnxrnRe , vapor , alcohol , Menni , ul- phurlna an.l ura. Imlhs , T M1D3 16 * , MADAMK BERNARD , 14 IXIDflR T-tSI K' " : . LA RUE , J18 ROL'TU 1JTH. OIO * PERSONAL UMIIRELLAH MADE , nECOVERED AND HE- palrcd. 103 South Sixteenth slreel. U 763 HOMK TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , Ht Dee bldfi. Lady ittlendanl. A pleasant and convenient placi , ISM Farnsm street. Paiton block ; 'phone 711. tr-57.sir | - _ _ _ _ _ CREAM FOR WHII'PI'INO AND IH'TTRR- inllk. Waterloo creamery , 1613 Huw aril ; M. 1332. MMB. LA ROOK , MASSAGE. 1C03 LEAVE N- worth street , third Moor , front rooms ; two first clnsi operators. _ U M396 li * WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J , J. Muller's now Ice crenm parlors , 2S03 Leaven- worth slreett cverythlntr Is new , Inrludlnir the building , Tel. 1020. let cream dellxem ) . U 7Mol > DR.W.STEI-nENSON. ICC CIQAl ! FOR CO , HAVANA FRECKLES U M63IS27 _ JIA.JIIB , MASdAOE. MME. TOST , J19V5 S. IJTIt. ItnMOVAIj OPENING. THE OMAHA NA- tlonal Knitting factory has removed from 15th and Howard to 322 S. t lh , In the new Hchlltx bulldlmr nnd tvlll have nn opening of their fall and winter goods Saturday , September S ; tie- rant picture cards nl\ii to all enllprs ; this litho the only hotioe In the city that makes a. spe cialty of woolen Roods , yarns nnd crochet cot tons , Indies iloliiR Imndwotli will find It to their advnntacc to call ami examine our stock. Joseph F. llllz. proprlelor. U-M1C3 14 ELECTRO-TIIKRMAL I1ATHS. 1'ACIAL MAS- sage&complexlon ticatment. Mmc. 1'osl , r'J'i ' S. 15. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F , C. Chesncy , Kansas City , Mo. W-759 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 31S N.Y. LIFE loans nt low rate * for choice eecurtly In Ne braska and lena farms or Omaha city property. W 7CO MONEV TO LOAN ON FARM IN DOUGLAS Improved nnd unlmpioved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co , 1T02 Parnam st. W 761 BIONBY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real relate. IJrennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. VV 7C3 OMAHA. LOAN & TRUST CO. , WTII AND Douglas streets , loan money on city nnd farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 7C3 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWKST RATES. THE ! O. F , Davla Co. , 1503 rarnam si. W 761 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital 12,01)0.000. ) Surplus JWO.OOO. Sub- mlt choice lands to F. 8. Pusey. a sen I , First National bank bulldinff. AV 763 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved nnd. unimproved Omolm real enlatc , 1 to B years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170. ! FHrnam. W HI LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY propeity ; $3,000 & upwnuta , fl < o 7 per cent ; no dcluvs. W. Farnatn Smith & Co. 1323 Farnam. W 7C2 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. U Melkle , 1st Na' ' hank. .V 763 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES PURCHASED. Lixina on eame negotiated. Welllver & Co. , Drexel bldg. . Phlla , Pu. W .M971 O3 _ CHAS. W. RAINCY , OM. NAT. 13K. 1JLDG , \V 185 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. horses , wagoni , etc , , at lowest rales In city , no removal of gouls , strictly confidential : you can pay the loan oft at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN OO. , 305 S. ICth lUcei. X (1)1 ( J. B. HADDOCK , HOOM 127 RAMGC DLOC1C. X -7'.J ' MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erly. Han In Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life build ing. X. 70S MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI. lure , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security , nt lowest possible rules , which you can pay back at any time nnd In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN OUARANTEC CO. , room 4. Wltlmell block. 31 767 BUSINESS CHANCES. A HOWLING SUCCESS. HAVANA FRECKLES Y M631 S27 THE NATIONAL INFORMATION AND EX- chnngo Co. , 203 first National bank. Omaha , IIHH customers with cash , farm lands nnd city property for merchandise ; also stocks of goods for ealu and Uade. Y M8G < i 30 FOR SALE. FIRST-CLASS AND WELL LO- catcd drug store ; half cash , balance real estate ; also good location for doctoi W 29 , Bee. Y M1C7 11' roil SALE , TRADE OR RENT , GOOD HAK ery. confectionery and restaurant , Kood room ; well established trade ; best reasons for pel Una , Address E. H. Waples , 335 , Falrhury , Neb. Y M23I 11' FOR SALE , FIRST CLASS GROCERY , DOING good business. In Fplcndld location ; good rea sons for selling. Addiess W 24 , Bee , Y M304 12' J150.00 INVESTED YIELDS J63.00 AVERAGE weekly Income with absolute security , pros pectus , Itemized etatlstlcs free. Benson & Dwyer , 834 Broadway , New York. Y M115 O5 FOR EXCHANGE. AMERICA'S PRIDE , HAVANA FRECKLES , 5C\ Z Mb51 Sll I HAVE CASH , IOWA. AND OTHER LANDS to exchange for meichandlse. II. A. Wagner , Omaha , Neb. z MSC5 FOR TRADE , ONG OR ALL OF S STORE buildings on N slrcet. South Omaha , bringing nice Income , lor good clear farm land near to Omaha , South Omaha or Council Bluffs. Value of property about 123,000.00. Address II ( I. Bee. Z MC33 H CLEAR CITY PROPERTY FOR LAND. W1L- llams & Mlttan , McCague building , room 313. Z M8D7 01 A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO Ex change for young work horses or mules. Lamoreaux Bru . 308 8. 16th. Z 103 IMPROVED ISO ACRES IN WYANDOTTE CO , Ohio , nnd fine resldtnro with ten noies ad joining Rood town In Hancock Co , , Ohio , to trade for eastern Neb. land or merchandise. Box M3 , Schuyler , Neb. 55 M121 O3 OMAHA IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED residence property and eastern Nebraska farm land to Irade for ilry goods. Want to deal with owner. Box ? 16 , Schujlcr , Neb. Z-M130 05 _ 120-ACRIJ FARM ; FINK CORN AND HA X land ; timber enough for fuel and posts : In best l > art of Iowa ; lo exchange t fair values for stock of merchandise In Iowa or Nebraska. Address William Marshall , Independence , la. _ _ _ _ _ 7. M233 13' PARTIES HAVING MDSE. IN THE DROUTH districts to trndc for property which we will cuainntee to brlnR 10 per cent on Investment will Una It to their ndvantaee lo address Cook llroa. , RockvlUe , Mo , X M2D3 10' I WILL KXCHANGE A OOOD FARM FOR A stock of goods , a. W. Mlddaugh , I'tlen. Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ { M29G 17 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. NEW MiOOM COTTAGE ; CF.L- lar. cistern , city water ; cor. 13th and Sahler ; Jl,2SO.M ; Ions time. Enquire 1318 Fatnam. Ha mud Hums. _ R 13 773 ONE OF THU BEST HOMES IN KOUNTZB Place < 201S BInney ) If sold at once , will go for less than cost of house. Terms r.tuut half cnih. balance easy , R , N , Wlthnell - . 807 N. Y. Life. H E-34I-3OT BARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , ssli or trade. F. 1C. Darling , Barker block. R E-771 _ GARDEN LANDS. I ! miles from postofnce , lone time , easy terms. Call at BID N. Y. Life. RE 731 _ FOR SALE , MY RESIDENCE. S. W. J1ST AND Cass. Leavltt Iturnham. R 15 10S-11 * _ FARM LANDS. C. F. HAR1SON , 811 N.Y. LIFE. R E-IM-QC' _ _ _ _ "WILL SELL MODERN TWELVE-ROOM BRICK house ; best location In Omaha ; no trnde ; bar gain for caih buyer , Address W 31 , lice. RE MI9I U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BICYCLES. BICYCLK9 REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tlrea nnd sundries Fates opened , repaired , r It. Hellln. locKtmlth , 311 N. ICth t. Ui BICYCLES. NEW AND OLD , 20 TO lltt. eisjr pay in en In ; we rent am ] repair. Omaba BleyclB On. . 8a N. ICtll U 771 BICYCLES-ALL STYLES. ALL PRICES. Bena for our list of lecond hand and shop. worn blcicln. Repairs and cycle eundrlei ot all klndi. M * O .Duton. 403 N. 161h it , T7 CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICK WORKS. GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 173 8. Mary's ne. 603 EAaLH CORNICE " WORKS ] JOHN EPE- Ditcr .prop. , 199. 110 , 111 N. llth. Usub , 18 .1 . TYPEWRITERS. TSrnWniTTR3 TtORO/JT / , GOLD , DX- cfinsei , rented and repaired Typewriter and nfllce supt'llri TypfrlterB rentctl nt H per month. The Omaha Typevrrl'.rr eschange. sue- c-snors lo the typewriting department of the Meealh Stationery C > TT 111 S. 13th , tel. I3 l. ' " v 771 _ _ BKK THE NEW DOUdlJEhTY TYPEWRITER. The Omaha Typewriter exchange , tcl , 1391 , No. Ml B. llth st. ' - T77 _ _ STOLEN TYI EWRITIITOS OFFERED FOR ale should mnke yoi suspicious ; funny they are mostly Smith's. Try one and you will understand why. ful ! IIn of supplies. Smith- Premier Co. , nth nnd Farnam ; telephone , 1.J8J. > it I 703 _ _ _ TYPEWRITERS-OMAilA1'1 PEOPLE DON'T steal typewriters lhny l'Uof us. WhvT lie- cause Iho DenEinore CnllRrnph and Yost are tlie bett niHChlncK inline : they wilt outwear any typewriter motto , ami ilo n better quality of work. Our supply npartment will be sure to plcato ) ou. Send your mnehlnes to us If you want them repaired , Unltc-d Tjpcwrller nnd Supplies Co. , 1CI Fnrnim street. Tele- _ phonc , IN : . 173 TYPIJWRmNO AND STtiNOaRAPIlIC HEAr- quarlt-m nt Room K. Douglas block. Tel1 ? lihone ISSti. Te"iim reisonnble. M12C 1 ! MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. MR. FlAF.LltNNlBNOW l'REPARiD : lo receive pupils for the vlnlln ; terms 11.00 per lesson ( half nour ) ; children cln < sei at rodiiced rates. Call or nddress 1807 Leavenworth slreft. M-232 ! ! _ _ _ FOR BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND OIICIANS ; eaay pajments. Innlruments rented ; rents apply on purclne. A Hotpe , Jr. 7M G r. OELLENBLTK , n.VNJOIST AND teacher. 1810 Cnllfotnl.T t trect. 911 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gen eral machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Omaha electrical "Works , CIT and C19 S 101 li st. 7S3 iLECTRlCAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light nnd motor plants and a\\ \ \ kinds of electrical conitructlon. Westcin Elec tric Supply Co. , 418 nnd 42) S. 15th si 781 BUSINESS NOTICES , OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. C03 S , ICth. 780 DAMAGED MIRRORS RES1LVERED , 718 N. 16 781 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. YOU CAN MAKR MORE INTEREST ON YOUR money by paylnsf us U or more per month than In any savings bank. Investigate. Mu tual Loan nnd Building association. G. M. Nattlnger , sec'y , 1701 Farnam st. 783 IOW TO GET A. HOME OR SECURE OOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & It. asm. . 1T04 , Bee bldg. O. M. Nattlnger , Sec. M1G3 UNDERTAKERS AMX > EMB ALMER3 II. K. HURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embnlmer , 161S Chicago St. , telephone 90. 78o SWANSON & VALIEN , UNDERTAKERS AND e-nbalmers , 1701 Cumins st. , telephone 1000. 783 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 Farnnm * t. , telephone 223 787 DRESSMAKING. 4 EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER , BEST REF- ercneeswould llko engagements ; sewing by the day. Address W 17 , I3ce. M-273 ll PLUMBERS. 1UEE PLUMBING OF EVERY KIND. GAS steam & hot water healing ; sewerage , 313 S 16. JOHN ROWE & CO , PLUMBING , STEAM AND Jiot water he.itlnp. snrfMlxturcs , globes 411 S. J J. HANIOAN" , PluUmtNG , STEAM AND hot water heating. 27W Leavenworth st. 7SO LOST , LOST , AT COURTLAND BEACH , A DIAMOND pin. WO * reward fr Its return to Baumor's jewelry store and no tjuestlons akl.ed. \ M2S3 12 * LOST-CHILD'S CHATELAINE BAG CONTAINIng - Ing monev nml handkerchief. Inquire nt Whit- morc's. 1519 Dodge streeu. L03t 292 10' LOST-A FINE BLACK CUTAWAY COAT ; J10 renard for ieturn to 1521 Howard St. f , . , , 2S7-11' LOST OR STOLES4 AT OR ON , ROAD FROM Courllantl beiali on Saturday'Jevenlni . puree containing large , amount of money Finder wll please leave nt Heo , oince and lecelve reward No questions asked , 2S6 10' LOST , AT COURTLAND BEACH , SATURDAY nljilu , purse containing money and dtainoiu collar button , liberal reward Return to no North 17th street , M29J 12' HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY CAR OR TON LOTS. WF buy hay. A. II. fcn > iler , 1515 Burt st , , tel 1107 NEBRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY grain and mill stuff. We nre nltvaja on the market lo buy or sell. 1102-1-5 Nicholas Bt. 791 HOTELS. BETTER THAN MOST JJOO HOTELS IN Omaha. Our rates , Jl to 11.M. Hotel niche lieu , deo. Mitchell , prop. . 103-110 N. 13 131 O7 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. IV. COR 13th and Dodge. Room by day or week. M2S2 O3' OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO , LEADING OPTICIANS. J. F. Ponder , manager. Kyes tested free. 233 South 16th , In Klnslcr's drug store. 446 15 * THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , SCIENTIFIC opticians , HOS Farnam at. , opposite Paiton hotel. Eyes xomlnoil free. 791 GRINDING. SCISSORS. LAWN MOWERS , RAZORS. ETC ground. Melcholr Bios. , 1119 Fainam street. ' M2S7 RAZORS , SHEARS. CLIPPERS. LAWN MOW- CIB , etc. A. L. Undeland , loa N. 14th. 79. ! TENTS AND AWNINGS. WDLF BROS. & CO , MANUFACTURERS OF aunlngs , tents , lings , wagon , liny slack covers , tarpaulins , balloons and parachutes. 703-705 S. 16th St. , telephone Ml. Tents for rent. 807 SI7 JOB PRINTING. REED JOB PRINTING CO. , FINE PRINTING of ill kinds 17th Bt. _ Bee Building. 7D9 MAIL ORDER COMMERCIAL PRINTING A specialty. Douglas Printing Co. , 119 8. 15th t. , Sheely bids. Tel. 641 for prompt service. SOO COAL. SHERIDAN COAL. EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE * rr h-i'-d coal and J3.50 ton cheaper , ICtli&Famam S95 Ol D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- flee ti 209 S. ICth Bt. , Brown block. 153 DENTISTS" DR. OEOROE S. NASQj ' _ DENTI8T , SUITE 200 Paxton block , ICtli an rf/rum ata. , tel. 712. . . M * DR. PAUL. DENTIST , * SOW' BURT ST. $01 HOME FOR LADIES BEFORE AND DURING confinement , with best > ) ( care ; communication confidential. Mrs. # , Volkman , graduated midwife , 101 South Elulith.streut , Lincoln , Neb. % * lr MiCO OS * STOVE RE'PAlHB. STOVE REPAIRS FORa'O.OOO DIFFERENT makes of stoves. Water attachments and connections a upeclalty , 1207 Douglas street. Omaha Stove Repair Wwks. M17i BTOVK REPAIRS OF "ALL KINDS ; ALSO hotel range & general .assortment of ranges , cooks & heaters : vvate.rattachments put In ft Canceled at J. Hughes , itOJ S. 13 Bt Sc. Jackson. _ 80S TAXIDER MISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FIJRSJ. 'S.END FOR CATAlogue - logue , George K. Browji , Jr. , & Co. , 703 3. Mill. CARPENTERS'AND BUILDERS. C. K. MORHILL , CARPENTER , OFFICE AND ev > re fixtures a tpeclalty. Patching and platterlng. 1113 Cnpltol aye. , tel. 403. ; H DYE "WORKS. ' " BCHOEDSACK , TWIN CITY DYE Vi'ORKS , 1531 Farntm street Dyelns ot every descrip tion and dry cleaning. 797 FURNACES. DEBT FURNACE MADH , HOFT COAL SilOKE consumlnR and hard ronl furnaces. Eacle Cor- nlca Works. 103 111 N. lltli t. Ill ) SECOND-HAND BOOKS , SECOND-HAND HOOKS ItOt'OHT FOR CASK at Antiquarian book , store. I51 Faimm trnt MW1 OU > > STEAMSHIP LTNE. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly every falurtlnjr from New York for Ixindonilerry nml Oh\SRo > v KlhlnpLi , Reptem- lier IS , I p. m Fnrncoila. September II. 11 ft. m. , Anchurla , September SS , 2 | i. nt , Clrcas'lA , October 6 , 10 a. m. Saloon , second class , nnd steernce. ulnqle or round trip tickets from New York or Chlrnio at reduced rnte to ths principal Scotch. English. Irish nml nil conti nental points. For money orders , drafts , out- artt or prepaid tickets apply to any ot our locnl agents or to Hrnderion Bros. , Chicago. ( SHORTHAND AND I'iTPEWRITING. VAN BANTS SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. N. Y. Life , Omaha. A fit for circular. 79S MI'S. THOMAS MALONEV , (12 N. ICTH ST. 231 LIVERY STABLE. BOARDING STARLE3 , FINE LIVERY RIGS cheap. 1M llaumley. lith nnd Bt. Mary's nve. M 8U ( WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Coiicspondcnca eollclted. 1003 F rnam ft. 811 &TENOGR.2. P. J. BUTCLIFFE. GENERAL STENOG- ruplicr , 232 Bee building. Telephone M7.M8CI M8CI DANCING SCHOOL , MORANIVS DANCING SCHOOL WILL RK- open for adults Tuesday , September 18th , 8 p m. Circulars. 353 s 18 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH M. S. Wnlkln. 2111 Cumins Tel. M)2. ) 803 PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROWlTi ! LOANS MONEV , US N ICth Bt. 722 BUREAU. SUES & CO , , Solicitors. I3oo Building ; , OMAHA , Nob. Adviou RfllLWflY TIME GRRD Leaves I CIHCAOO & NomHWnsfN JArrlvea OmulialU. I' , Depot. 10th fi Mason Hts.f Omaha ll:0.r > am EnBtern Impress D:30. : > m 4:00pm : Yestlbuled Limited SMCam C.BSam Mo. Valley Local 10:30 : ; > m 6:45pin : Omaha Chicago Special 2,15pm Leaves [ CHICAGO. HUllLINOTON 4 : Q.Arrlves | Omaha | Depot 10tliniidMa _ _ _ on Sts. I Omatu Chicago Vestibule. . . . . . . 9SOim : Chicago Exprena < : : "pm 7DZpm : Chlcneo nnd Iowa Local. . . . 8.00am 11:35am 1'aclllc Junction l < 5'CSpro Leaves IBUHLINOrON & MO. KlVEH.IArrlves Oinalial De | > ot 10th nnd Mason Sts. I Omaha 10:1 : Sam Denver Express 9.35am 10:15nm DcailwooJ , Usprees 4l"pm : 40pm : Denver Expre&H 4:10pm : C:50pm : Nelnafka Local ( except Sunday ) . 6,54pm Lincoln I cal ( except SunJay ) . . 11 ! 2jam Leaves I K. C. . ST. J. & C , . [ Arrives Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha .Knnsas Ctty Day Expicss. . . . GS3pm : M3pm.K. C. Night Cx. via. U P. Trans. CitOam tTeaves I CHICAGO , n. I & PXCIFIC.TA'frTvei Omaha ) IT , 1' . Depot , 10th & Mason Sta.f Omaha EAST. . .Atlantic Kxp7css ( ex. Sundiy ) . . . 6:05pm : C:25pm : NlRht Imprest. 0.10am 4tfpin : . . ChlcaRO Vcstlhuled Limited. . . 1 25pm II SSani OKlttlioina J'\p. ( to C. D ex. Sun ) 5:35am : " ' , _ WEST ; 6 35nm Oklahomn & Texas Hxp. ( ex Hunll:33pm ) l.Mpm Colorado Limited 4lOpm ! Leaves I UNION PAC1MC I Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Bis.I Omaha 30 OOnm Kearney Depress 3Wpm : 2'15pm Overland 1'lye r 5:40pm S.13pin Ueatrlco & Stiomsb'g UK ( ex Sun ) l:4Jpm : 6:40pm : Taclllo Express lOiftmni 6.30pm. , . . . . . . . , . . .FastMali _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420pm ! Leaves I CHICAGO. MIL. & BT PAUL.Arrives ( OniahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sta I Omaha 6.35pm Chicago Limited 9:2Hm : ( ll:10ani..Chicago Hxpiesa ( ex. Sun ) . . . . EiOOpm Leaves I P. , E. & MO. VALLEY. | Arrlves Omaha ) Depot " 15tli and Webster Sis. I Omaha 9:05im. : . . . . . . .Dendwood Express G:10pm D:0-iani.Ex. : ( Sat. ) Wyo Ex. ( Et. Mon. ) . 6:10pm : 5:00pm..Norfolk : Express ( Ex. Sunday.10:4inm ) BS ptn. . . . . . . . . .St. I'aul xpress. . . , . . . . 9:40am Leaves I M ISSOUni iAC7rFc ; TXrrlves Omaha ) Depot 15th otiA Wtbiter 3ts. \ Omaha D.OOam St , Louis Express 6:00am : 0:30pm St. Ixiuls Express CG5pm : ( > :10pm..Dally : ( ex. Sun , Nebraska Local . 9:10an : Leaves I C. , ST. P. , M. & O. ( Arrives _ Omahaj Depot 15th and Webster Sti I Omaha City Accom ( Ex. Sun ) . . . 8:05pm : 10:00im..Sioux City Accom. ( Sun. Onli ) . . 8OSpm iUpm. Sioux City Express ( Ex. Sun..ll:5Sam : 6:30pm St. Paul Limited 9:4Cam Leaves I SIOUX CITY & TACiriC. ( Arrives OnmhaiUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sls. | Omaha " . . . . .Sioux City 1'nssenger. 10:20pm 3iSpm .St. Paul Express. . . . . . .lOlOOam Leaves I BIOUX ffy & PACITia ( Arrives Omnlial Depot 15th and Webster Sts I Omaha " B:3 pm St. Paul Limited 9:4fam E:30pm : Chicago Limited 9HDrtm Leaves ! WATIASH nAILWAY | Anlve OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mnson Sta I Omni k Wpm . . . .St. Louis Cannon Ball . . . .U : & NEBRASKA BAJXIZ U , 8. Depositary , Vinalia , CAPITAL , - - $400,000 SURPLUS , - - $55,500 Officers and Directors Henry \V. Tales , prei- ld nt ; John S. Collins , vice-president : Leirli 8. Reed. Cashier ; William H. S. Uuchea. asilit- ant cashier. THE IRON BANK. We Have Corn , WHEAT AND OATS FOR SALE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. Write or wire us for prices , F. O. V. curs , Ouialia , or delivered tit your station. Telephone 2 IS. Omaha Elevator Co. OMAHA. CHAIRS. Elastic Blockings , Deformity , Truise * Crutches , Batteries , Byrlnges. Invalid and Med teal Supplies. The Lion Drue House. THE ALOB & TENFOLD CO. . 110 ] rarnam iitreet , Opposite I'axton Hotel. Munli-lpul League. There will be a mcotlng at the Municipal League In the Board of Trade building this evening. Judge Doane , Edward Rosiuater , Dr. Dur- yea and others will speak of the coming ell ; election and the work nt the Munidpal League. All members of tht central and ward council * , and those wbo have algned tha league pledge cards , and friend * of good city government , are Invited to be present. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney troubles. Trial size , 25 cents. All durggliU , BUSINESS CROWING BETTER Qnantlty of Freight Moving from tlifl Pacific Const 'Eastward. RAILROAD PROSPECTS IN THI WEST Supl. MrCunneU'ft Itrport nn tlnluii I'.iclllo liiinliifX * and I'rotprctn Altar it Tour l tlio System Riilui In lln Restored Hull it u y Nut PI. Superintendent of Motive Power J. H. Me- Connell has returned from n tour of Inspec tion over the western division pf the Union Paclflc. Whllo In Idaho Mr. McConnrll en- Joyeil several days' flnc trout fishing. Speaking of the business outlook , ho salil that about four vvreks npo nearly TOO cars of Krten fruit were tleil up In the Sacramento yards of the Southern I'.iclflc. So solid was the jam that It became nccassary for the Southern Paclflo to ask for help from the Union Pacific , which Mns granted , and elfiht engines ami crews were loaned the company to assist In clearing the blockade. "This has about been accomplished , " said Mr. McConnell , "and the fruit business from this on will be of moderate volume. The fruit growers along the Snake river In Idaho ralso a magnificent iiunllty of fruit , but the raisers have not combined , ns they have In California. The result Is that but few cars are sent out of the Snake country , growers bringing In a few boxes of fruit at a time , and as thcra are not enough to nil a car , they ari ) sold to local dealers. Stock from Montana , Idaho and Washington Is com mencing to move , and this will keep the road busy until cold weather sets In. "I found the road In excellent condition , the rolling slock In first class order , and everything working harmoniously. I also found a good many of the old employes out of employment. I talked with many of them , but as business Is not what It should bo , I could glvo thorn llttlo encouragement as to the probabilities of getting back. " SAMNli ICKCIUI ICRS' KICKS. Sixty Thousand a Year StivcU to the North ern Pnrlflo Twenty-four I > roppoil OfT. MILWAUKEE , Sept. 10. The twenty-four receivers of the Northern Paclflo branch lines appointed blmultaneously by Judge Jenkins and courts In Minnesota , have been etlrcd under an arrangement between the ecclvers. the reorganization committee and he Farmers Loan & Trust company of New York , by which the trust company operates he lines for n limited sum per annum. Ily he arrangement over $60,000 per annum ill be Fiued. The recovers were appointed last October. lenry Stanonton and Alexander McKeiule being npolnted receivers for most of the branches. Fly the new arrangements none of 'ho leases are to extend beyond the llfo of he main line receiverships. Counsels nro now on their way west to consummate the deal. Negotiations have also been closed by ivhlch the Spokane & Palouse road and the Northern Pacific and Puget Sound Shore roads have been leased to the main line receivers , the former at a reduced Interest charge of $41,400 the first eighteen months and $20,085 the second eighteen months. The Puget Sound Shore road lease calls for a reduced Interest charge of $41,490 the first eighteen months and $20,745 the second eighteen months. The new arrangement makes a great step toward the effective reorganization of the Northern Pacific road. TESTIMONY ON Till ; CIUI'l'MiD ItOAOS Muster In Chancery Cornish todlvu t Hunr- lii Tomorrow. NEW YORK , Sept. 10. The announcement that a meeting of the government directors of the Union Pacific railroad Is to bo held In this city tomorrow Is not correct so far as Is known , as the official receivers of the company hero , where it Is stated that no date for the next meeting has yet been fixed. fixed.Master Master In Chancery Cornish will give a hearing In this city tomorrow to take testi mony bearing upon the continued operation by the Union Pacific receivers of the small lines In Kansas , Wyoming. Colorado and Oregon known as the Crippled roads , concerning which the receivers have asked Instructions from the court. Ho Will also take proofs bearing on the requests of the receivers as to their obligations on a number of outstanding con tracts , the more Important of which grow out of the lease of the Oregon Hallway & Navigation , the traffic arrangement with thu Union Pacific , Denver & Gulf , the Oregon Short Line , the Union Pacific , Lincoln and Colorado , the St Joseph & Grand Island , the Kansas City & Omaha and ullier small llnoi. The hearing Is continued In pursu ance of the order made last July by Judge San born of St. Paul , N. Y. AND N. K.'ti Foreclosure Uccroo Signed by Jmljro Inco of Providence. BOSTON , Sept. 10. T. JeHersoi Coolldge , Jr. , treasurer of Old Colony Trust company , and receiver of the Now York & Ne\v Eng land railroad , said to an Associated press reporter today that Judge Wallace of Provi dence had signed the foreclosure decree against the New England property In Massa chusetts and Rhode Island , and that It would bo brought to this city Iniinodljtely and fixed here. _ , West nilSHiiurl Stiver ItutoH. There Is a growing .feeling that the rates from Missouri river gateways to Colorado rado and Utah common points will be re stored ! n a very short time. When this Is done one strong factor against the forma tion of a new transcontinental association will bo removed. These rates base on rates from Montana to Pacific coast points , and should they be raised to the original stand ard It would considerably Increase revenue. A gentleman who has just returned from the transcontinental meeting said that the ocean differential has given considerable bother , but thought no agreement would be made until the Santa Fe and Southern Pa cific burled their differences between , 'Los Angeles and San Francisco , "As a principle , " said he , "all roads are opposed to differentials , but as a matter of business policy some roads are compelled to require differentials In order to compete for business. It la at present the business of railroad men to conserve revenue , and this gives me hope that the members of trans continental lines -will get together. As to the scalp , should the Canadian Pacific se cure the differential. It cannot affect us very much at Missouri river gateways. It will only bo at extreme points on both coasts that business will feel the scalp at all. "As to the rumor that the Union Pacific , Burlington , Hock Inland and Hlo Grande had i cached a conclusion that the boycott should be lifted and would combine against north ern lines for the protection of their Interests , there Is no truth In It , although I want to say that It Is the one thing to do. It Is seriously being considered but nothing has bean done as yet , " lliulneni Itnttur Hum Lint Year. CHICAGO , Sept. 10 , Taken as u whole , freight traffic on the railroads U now better than It was this tlmo last year. A large Increase In westbound shipments 1s reported and U Is steadily growing. It may be but 3 temporary spurt , but the roada art > drawing from It all the encouragement they can. A call was Issued by the Hock Island road today for the conference of the Texas lines In St. Loula tomorrow to consider exlullng de moralization of passenger rates In that state , Halltrity Notes. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bahcock have gone to West Daden Springs , Ind. , for a ahorl Taxation. Mrs. J. n. Buchanan , wife of the general passenger agent of the Klkliorn , has gone U Wisconsin. Jack O'hearnc , superintendent of the Unlor Paclflo shops at Cheyenne , cams lo towr to see the clrcui and purchase a new suit ol clothes. He will purchase Ills furniture ai Cbeyepne , so he taj-i , for the little wonur who will become Mrs. Jack O'llcnrne Serf tomboi25 , Miss Mclllo McOulre. Mr. Thoinai M. Orr and Mrs. Orr left yesterday on a Uo weeks' tour throuRh the ciul , visiting friends In Now York Boston nn < t Connecticut. This Is the first taca. tlon Mr. Orr tins Jmd In two years < iml ha leaves his desk at Union Pacific hriulqiur- ters with the bwl wishes of mnuy friends for n delightful outing. Mr. James Dcwar will luvo charge of Mr. Orr'a business dur ing the absence of the assistant secretary to the receiver. My boy was taken with a dlso.ise resem bling bloody flux. The first thine 1 thousht of was Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Di arrhoea llemedy. Two doses of It settled tun mutter and cured him sound nnd well , I heartily recommend this remedy to all per sons suffering from a like complaint. I will answer any Inquiries regarding U when stamp Is enclosed. 1 refer to any county of ficial as to my reliability. Win. Roach , J , p. , Prlmroy , Campbell Co , , Tcnn. For sale by druggists. Remember that Judge Holcomb speaks to night at Imposition hall. TWO WEEKS MORE. Courlliind Month Will Primrnt n Uno of At traction ] fur Another Fortnight. Courtlanil bench will remain open an other week or two , but the force of employes has been reduced and only those necessary to handle the anticipated decreased business has been retained. Notwithstanding the dullness experienced In all lines of business as well as In amusements the season just closed at Courtlaml has been a reasonably successful otic. It has been moro prufltnblo than the management at the beginning of tlis season had reason to expect. Whtla ( ha attendance thu first month was far below that of the corresponding period of the sea- eon of 1803 , It gradually Increased lo tha close. The special attractions Introduced did much to Increase the patronage , uml whllo CourtUnd beach has entertained In the neighborhood of 170,000 people during th past fifteen weeks , no one can justly con demn nuy of the numerous attractions. Manager Griffith 1ms succeeded during this season , as well as last , In giving the patrons the very best talent It has been posslbla to obtain , and his advertising of his en tertainments has never been exaggerated. Particularly la this true of Pompeii , and the thrones who visited It from abroad saw far moro than had been looked for , "The Last Days of Poinpo.ll , " of course , whllo It was a mammonth production , with expenditures much more enormous than most people would imagine , has Increased the beach exchequer , but the directors nnd stockholders of tha Courtland Ueach association at I ho eamo tlmo may be- called upon to make good a small deficit on the entire beach season not withstanding. The Old Fellows picnic on Wednesday. The Woodmen of the World hold a plcnlo on Thursday. Several private dances have been arranged to take place shortly. The disbursements of the bench associa tion have been moro than double these of last year. Dllly Blckett and wife , remembered by beach patrons as "The Dlcketts , " were at Pompolt Saturday night cnroutc cast from 'Frisco. The switchback railway , the carousal , bath houses , zoological garden , etc. , will re main open , but the orchestra , balloon and other attractions have been discontinued. The rain Sunday Interfered with the at tendance at Couitlaml for the first Sunday during the past two years. Consequently the employes turned It Into "Kmployes day , " and during the nfternoon , headed by the band , boarded the steamer Aurora and took a sail on Courtland lake. Upan re- lurnlng'the band plajed a march nnd the employes , Including the police , colored dish washers , cashiers , cooks and help of nil kinds paraded the entire beach , dismissing at ILo switchback , where all enjoyed a rldo , and many of them for the first time. Superintendent George S. Crane was yes terday the recipient of a handsome gold mounted silk braided watch chain with Ini tials end date thereon , a token of esteem from employes of the beach. On Septem ber 12 , 1B93 , at the close cf the pcason , they gave him a pretty charm , n hlch now hanga from his new chain. Says M. W. Selby , Muncie , III. ' "La t summer a coal miner came to my drug store one night , half dead with cramps. Tlier * was no doctor to bo had. Ho asked me it I had anything that would help him. I opened a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy and gave him a large dose. In twenty minutes his pain was all gone. This man had been subject to cramps , but has not been troubled since. " Kvery family should keep this remedy at hand for use In such cases. It can always bi depended upon. For sale by druggists. Now Street < Iriunni ; Duilcn A new device for street cleaning lias re cently been patented by Omaha parties nnd it promises to almost revolutionize tlie mode of cleaning the highways and byvays. It Is automatic , taking the dirt up and passing it through a dual separator and depositing It in a cart , which Is attached behind , When the cart Is full by an Ingenious contrivance a bell Is rung , as If by magic , which gives the driver tbo tip to stop and have the full cart detached and have It replaced by an empty one. The machine Is hauled by two horses and the power to run the fans and brushes neces sary for the street cleaning process IB In dependent of the traction. This machine does away altogether with the necessity oj street sprinkling. It Is dustless and can bo used In the day tlmo on streets with little traffic. It can bo operated at half the cost of the present system , the patentees say , and at the eamo tlmo Insure clean streets. Kx-Sciuitnr Fiiulson'H Helm , In the probate court Emma C. Wooldrldge , heir at law and daughter of the late John T , Paulson , has complained of the executor , al leging that as executor ho has not accounted fur property which came Into his possession ilnco March. 1893. At that date the alleges that he had the sum of $5,199 In cash on hand , $20,371 worth of personal property In his possession , besides a large amount oC real estate. In her petition she prays for on order requiring him to settle and make an accounting. Tin : RKALTY INSTRUMENTS placed on record September 10 , 1891 : WARRANTY DEEDS. C J Adams lo RotxTt IlnlKe. 70 feet of n 147 tent lots 1 ami 2 , Claris Place ( except 8' , feet atrip on w side lat 2) ) . , . . . .J 0(0 Peter Cockrell anil vilfe tu C M Hunt , undlvr Vi of n 20 fi-cl lot 0 , Mock SJ , South Omaha . . 800 Benjamin Darby lo Hlnwnrl * Miinufneturlns company , lot 16. blocks , Kountze U H'a , . 4tW Hamnel Cotner , trtmlre , and wlfo to 12 O Jones , lot 19 , Ellin Plant . B Susanna Smith and husband lo Adam ItHmKhurK , loti 1 to 7 , N. J. Smith's Place 3,000 , Lara Jccwn nml wife to Anton Schucfer. u H w 18-1C-1J . . . 3S3 > Q H Hlayton lo Dominic Hart , u 31 feet lot S , hlock 3 , 1'oFter'B ailil . 1,440 V , ' O Douno to Mlclilran Mutual f.Ue Insur ance company , lot 15 , block 24 , AVnlnut Hill . i . . . > . . . . 3,044 J F Pluck and wife- l J ! ' riacx company , lot SO , Mock I , 1'udilnrk 1'liicc ; lot 19 , block 2. Washington Hill ; lot 2 , block 10 , I'atilck's 2J aJd : lot 7. block " 1C. " Bauniler * & H's mid ; lot 13. block t. J I nnllclc's ul llv . K i : Miller nnd wlfo to OMrse nn l Myrtle Horn , n 15 fctt lot 13 , anJ a 15 fwt lot 12 , thick 3 , Mcdavock & O'K's a < M . . . . 1K Frank Kliila ami wlfu to Henry Clirlatlan- bon. o 20 fret lot 9 , nnd w M feet , lot It ) , block "II , " Lowe's add . tM QUIT CLAIM DKED3. W II Ilalney nnd wife lo It 8 Hall , ! i lots 10 and 11. block t , Henry A H'H . 1 Omaliu IlrewlnK nBwolitlon to Mnry Wields , lot S , block 10 , Flurtnco . 209 ' A P I-orlng et al , tru te s , to Wllllnm Pr.-s- lon , ne na ii.U-13 , . , . , . , I HherllT to W O Doane , lot 15 , block M , Wal nut Hill . . . . Total amount of transfer ! . . . . . .JM.TJI Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry fey Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.