Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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6 THE OMAHA DAILY KKE ; , SEPTEMHER 11 , 181)1- ) .
Gtnin Mntkeli Slutted Out in a Very Ag-
giessive Manner ,
Corn Opened Strmiff Under a lirllel Thai
I he IJiivcriimrnt mid Hi" Hlriiirnt4
IVrru llnlli < : oliiB I" ll ( > Some-
tliluc fur Hie Hull * .
CI11CAOO , Sept. 10. The grain markets
darted out In a very bold and aggressive
manner ami made a very considerable ad
vance before meeting any effectual re-
uIMance , When they ran up against the
visible aupply statement they turned iiround
anil ha a me as bearish aa they hail been
previously bullish , Compared with Satur
day's dosing prices , December Is ' , { ,0 , lower :
May corn % c lower nnd September oats un
changed. .Provisions wcro Independently
KtronK , finishing with liberal gains all
Whenl star led strong at from % c to He
lotvr than the price at which it closed
Saturday. It was n holiday In Liverpool.
Itect'lpts of wheat at Chicago were only -K
car loads , Minneapolis reported receipts of
ti'JS cars anil Duluth 210 , making S3S al both
placeti , compared wltli 1,213 a year ago. Tlio
market Ilrmed after the visible supply state
ment wns published and even for half nn hour
following that It appeared Inclined to resist
the bearish Influence , which might bo ex
pected Irotn an Increase of 2,219,000 bu. , cotn-
jmrcd with a Generally expected Increase of
not more Ilinn 1,000,009 bu. In tlie mean
time , December , which had opened nt u7r > c ,
nnd after n slight turn down to GT'.ic ' liail
advanced to 58c , hud become steady nt
around 57e , until It was seen that ( lie
visible- supply would Increase beyond expec
tations. When tlie result became known. It
broke lo C7'/iC ' , but there being a good de
mand at Unit , turned tip ialn ; about V4c.
Hnmor.H became current nt the latter point
that the New Yorkers had good authority
for the prediction of quite a bearish govern
ment report on wheat tills afternoon , nnd
on that there was a clatter In the pit as
tlie price rolled down to 57c , with sellers at
tbat for a brief space , closing at o\tc. !
Corn opened strong under a belief that the
government and tlie elements were both
going 4o do something for the 'bulls this
iifternoon. The government report was con
fidently expected to .confirm the worst Itratil
from other sources regarding the extent of
the dioiilli damage , and the weather bureau
n-porUd frost conditions for a large area of
tliewestern corn country tonight , with
probably killing frosts In the more northern
part of tlie counties. The day's receipts
being light nnd the estimates for tomorrow
alnci Miiall. were additional causes of the
early strength. After the heavy Increase
In the visible supply of wheat had began to
weaken that market , the local bears In corn
found tlielr opportunity and quickly knocked
Iliu bull feeling out of the corn market.
There was un active trade during the first
lialf hour. It then became quite dull until
nftcr the visible supply Bin lenient was re
ceived , -when It bccnnic active again ,
nil the early bullishness was evaporating.
Slay opt-nc'd at GRV&c , with n talc us high as
fii.Vic , but hardly any business was generally
possible over f > t > 1tc. ( It fluctuated for u
time between G5o and 5G'/iC. and about nn
hour from the close It sold as low cui E3c.
It recovered again to 55-c and closed at
65 % c.
Oats started with Indications of strength
and a guod business , but soon after the start
tlie lirmneES cave way. Fluctuations coti
tinned to rule In sympathy with corn and
ttlll allow no signs ot dependence upon the
prospect of a very bearish government re
port , adding materially to the heaviness ol
the market.
There was only one side to the provision
market. II ivns strong from start to finish ,
llccelpts of IIOCB here and elsewhere lit tlie
west were quite light nnd their prices here
W TC about 5c over Saturday's average , a& re
ported from the yards. Some buying orders
nt the start could only be filled by bidding
prlrss , the offerings being light. Jammrj
F jiork closed 27M-C. January lard 20c and
II * January ribs 12V4c higher.
Tlie leading futures ranged as follows :
Article. i UjCii. | Ilu7n | "l.'ow."done. {
\VhcntNo. , V
SVjil&i. . . fit
&i. 67
" '
May" , 01 !
No. IT. .
B7 61
Oct. , ti\'i , \
MIIJ- . . . . . 6UH
Onln No. ' . ' . . .
' " ' ' '
O < ' | . . , . . .
May 3D ansj
Vrrk IH-I- bbl
J-I'VL. . . 14 RO 14 : io
Jan 14 : iu it is 14 H''tj
Sc | il . . 00.K ! o 02 Vj f > Q2U
Oft ; ; ; I ) 0- II O.'lj
Jim B 4'JJ K I.'K
iticirl KltN-
R 00 7 nr >
OH. . 7 l)7M ) 77-K 7 III )
Jun. 7 iir.
CuHh ciii | > tiitlinii were ns follown :
l-'LOl'lt Stendy. unchiinsed.
\\'IlKAT--Ni > . 2 Bprlnu. B4H055lio ; No. 3 rpilnj ? ,
{ ( ! { NO. 2 n-J. : < Vf.i-i'c. ;
OATH Nn. S , SO'.iu ; No , 2 white , JJJ/3-ip ; NJ ,
S vhlle. 3'j/32He.
KYB-Nn. i. 47c.
IIAUI.MY No. 2. rc , ; Nn. 3 , S2SJ3C : No. 4. Olc.
KI.AX HBMO No. 1. 11.30.
1'ltOVlHIONS Men. | ioik. per lild. . fll-SOiitl 1 !
Jjinl. per IWO lb . , IJ.CflfiD.O.Hlimt rllis nldes
I | < > , , KIt7tilK8.00. ) ) . Tnunited Hhouldem ( t i\ed ) .
t6.97HW7.Wi uluirt clear iddi-a ( Iwned ) . | 7,1.7.30 ,
WHISKY IJUtlllem' IkiUhnl Koala , IHT gal. ,
'fho were the receipts and shipments
On tlio Produce cxchnniro today tha butter nur-
kit wia linn ; creamery , 1432 Hc ; dairy ,
' nriu at
U NKW vditic
Vrklrriliif'n Quotntlon ) on Flour , Orulii anil
rrovlBloiK , .Motiil ? . itr. :
Ni\V YOHK , Roit. | 10. FLOril Iletvlptii. 30-
400 I.MK. i Mirtitu , 21,700 bbls , ; suit's. 17,800 ] 'lis. | ;
nmtkH quirt and about stt-ndy ; trndlnj ; llnilteil
It , i-ii-cliil | lotu ; buyers nwnltiiiR Korvrnmcnt rc-
iwirt , Hoiillicrn flour , dull. lire Hour , nulct :
flc * . 400 llil .
fOUN MHAU Quirt ; tales , 300 Mils. ; jt-llow
itrxtrm , I KftltJ.lO ; llrnndywlnp , } J.0.
ItVl : Dull : slntc. 53Jj.rlc ; Jeraoy. 40ffJlc.
IIAHI/l'l'-Nominal ; wcalcrn , SOifC2c.
ItAUl.l'.V MAl.T Ndinlnnl ; wi-nlern. CSfiTSc ;
twD-nmml , nt - . S3c ; lx-rowcd , SIQKf.
\V1IBAT Ilrcrlpl * . JC.900 Im. ; > ports , "T.SdO
Im. , rnl s , l.c-JO.WO tiu. fulurea ; CI.UOO 1m. Mint.
HlH.t ipilei : No. 3 rc.l , In ( torn nnd elcvntor.
SB'jti nlloiit. KMf t. H. b. . 59Hc , allual ; Ni > . 1
> uithfrn , Ctlic , delivered ; No. 1 hard , 66Vc. dc-
jU't-rr , ! . Optloim ognMied llrm , In nympalhy with
corn nnd i < n frort ncwa from the writ , tmt di-
rllnml nl noon on the | JK ! visible Incrraw" , ruliiiK
'fcfxlc nil diiy , rtpulnit Ui\c net Iws ; No. 1
red , Jluy , f,6\SCMic. clonlns nt 614c ; Heptcmlwr.
USH' NC. cliistliE nt 68'icj December , 613-lt < i
tilTi.i * . ilonltiK nl Cl\fcc. \
fOUN ItwHpti. none ; rxportH. ICOO bu. ; unlci ,
Bli.fmo bu. Iutur and 23,000 liu. pot. S | > ot Ir-
ii'KUlur No. ; , Wo In ,
; elcvntor nil M c ll > at.
OinlonH utroniccr on fnwt In Uie r rn Iwlt imd
Tram nf A bulllli government rri rt ; deollnr < l
lntiT with wheat , milled on fuithcr jno < llctl < in
< jt front , und i-Ioa lie l up on in-nr nnd H4 < ;
] o rr mi dlKtant nuMlllis ; Mny , Cs'itf.'iir. clslnK
ot Wtit' , Hetfmb r clewed nt Cle ; Octolur cluwil
ut 3' e ; Nnxemtirr. eatOCSc. cloteil at c ; IK--
K'lnber , t''T < JiOHot ; cloned at CO'.ic.
OATH Hwelptn. 67.WO bu. ; exiM > rti. none ; Mien ,
- bu. futurei and . . .
niilel ; No. 5. ailjc ; Nei. 2 delivered. SSUe ; No , 3.
l ; < ic ; No , 3 i\ lute , s ; < io ; No. 3 uhle , ' , - , triicli
VfBlern. MtibiU'ic ; trai-k. MliiU tiale
mid weklcrn. 36W4lc. Option * opened firmer , 1ml
ufleru-.iiil * rructeU and cloned al ' , ic net decline ;
Mny , 40Ui40Hc , clo > ed nt 40Uc ; -iuemtier clni-iil
lit 341 ; Octulxr. 35' , < iJj"io , clnnecl ill K'H'I N'u-
nitcr cloned at S ' 4c ; Decemtxr , 87i.i(37 ic.
< | al 7Wc.
HAY -AVeck , lilrplne. 50JKc ; BOdl to chokv ,
IIUI'S- Dull ; ( tntf , common to choice , Jfffo-
I'aclnc coajt. 7 PK' .
llllil'.i Hiiudy ; vet Milted. New Oilenns . .
In led. IS to U ll'B. , 40IHc : lluenoa Avten , dry ,
to to ( I ItM. , 10 < .lc ; Texai dry , it to 30 IbH. , Hi
M * -
i.lATIIiiQultt ; : ( ; hemloi-U lole , ltueru Ayreu ,
tliiht t hravy wrlKhtu , 14rlSc.
duniMtto llcece , Kfi'tf. | mle.l | (
1'IIOYISIONS llef. ntrad > ; pickled eluiuldem
J'i&J'jcplcklnl hnrnn. llbllUc. Ijinl. rtnn
MrBtern lit * in clon. 1 at 19.40. Brptemtivr clo l
ut M. 10 ; January. W.75. -rlne.l. . nrm , omtlnent ,
tS.K ) ; H. A. . I tf > : compound. IS.C3' ' , jS.T3. I'nrk
lilKher , new meiu , HS.M816.uO ; eitm prlnin
SU. Ofl.COi faiully. JlCWj ihorl clear ,
UUTTCn-rirrn ; wtitcrn ilalry , UH017c ;
rrn creamfrr. IJditi1 : wentrtn factory. 18'tftKe ,
lltKlnii. Jle. * i.tte dnlry. llffMci t te rrruntcry ,
I'lIKMHiKtrnil : ) ; itHtn Urup. StUO'ir. ' fmnll.
t ! il'-\i. iwtl Min . 4iliUe ; full tklms , 9Q3ie.
KdilH-KlrniHr ; ntntf nnd renruylviinla. lift
lkIce ! ; ln > ii r , r.l/in > kr : weMem freth. Ififlllc ;
? , II T.-itttmi. tecFlpI * . ,8'O pkcn
TAt.I.OVV-ftiiidy ; i ItjH ( pelltK. | . ) , 4V.
country Ipko * . fil. l. ic , BS tn quilliy.
IMTKOI.IIM : . rniied cio . - < i nt sivbut ;
\ViiKlilimi , in , in bbl * . 16 : WnthlnKlmi. In hulk ,
IS .Vi ; lilln l NHVV Ynik , IS.I5 ; I'hllndelphln nnd
Iliililnmre. I' . ID ; ridUdflphU nnd Ilaltlinare , In
bulk li.r/n. /
UDflN Plntilyi strained , comm&n to gowl , II. lj
Cl M.
TrnriXTIN'K Qin > t nt SSTiCW'l ' * ? .
Illt'II-Mini. donieMIc , fnlr to i-xtr.i , I'lWCUc ' ;
" .
| IU.AHf < iH-ftlenilyt : New Ollejiu , open
.iil to eliiilor , ISJi.Wo.
I'Hl llltKalct ; Hootch , | .SOfi22..VU Alncrl-
Ciin. tIO.WIil.1 ! i.
(111'1'KHquiet ; Iftke. OUc.
fOTTON HKKI ) OllThu market wn very
quiet tudiiy , with n llrm tone "till prernlllni ; ;
prime ciude. 30o , off crude , 50tf28oi yellow Imiter
( Trade * , J40JV , iholce Binniner yellnw , 3Jc ; prime
ycllo\r , aici V tlio iv off Kinilcn. 3 Wo ; | iHnu >
TIX Ii-i.-Kiilnri Ktrnlt * . 1K..10 ; jd.ilcs , fiulet.
Kpeller , nti-ndy ; dornenltc , 13.35. Snlos on 'chiinite.
U ion * tin ex. H. M. MaKNnchusetlH , 119 ; 79 tom
Ot-t'.her , IIS.MmiVS.i : M tons Sejitcinber tin , IU ;
1 can H. O. lend , 13.10.
t.'onillllon nf Tr'.tln and IJudtnttom on
Staple unit 1'iincy I'roilDeo.
Th * fnK niiikfl In very firm nnd a little higher
than Inut uerl < . 1'oullrjnlso nhuna noinc Im-
( iiuvvinent III the hint , 'en ilnyn.
IK'TTCU 1'ockliiH Ktoik , lie ; fnlr to ( food
country , IKfl.V ; choice to funcy , 17 < { 1Sc ; Rath-
ered iKiiniciy. KfiZOc ; ipparntor creamery , 22c.
KiJOS-l'or ' doz. , ir.c.
l.IVi : 1'Ol'l.THY O10 hens. Sifil'to ' ; roosters ,
' .iWJc ; niilni ; chickens , 7'Jc ) iluckn. BBtV ; hen
uil < ey . TitfSi' ; Kubbl.TH , SJjCc ; old Bso , 1C.
4IAMII . lulile chickens , younK. per dui. . fl.7 >
fIJ.'W ; prullle ciilckcnn , nlil. Tier duz. , J2IW5P
l.Vi ; KHIUKyuiiiiK , per dnz. , SJ.T.'W.I.O ) ; RIOIISC ,
uM , ] > er dm : . , W.Wti2.S > ; diu-ks , blua wltiK tenl.
pcf dn ! ! . , > l Viqi.S ; duck , Riucn wlnH leal , pep
dr > 7 . ll.rifil.M ; ducks , mixed , per doz. , 11.00
til W.
Vi.U- : < 'hi.Iep fat nnd ninntl vcnls are quoled
nt Mi.-.iic ; < iuiip ( . nnd laipe , 3fl4c ,
I'MKCHIV-VYInniniill , full cream , new innke ,
lifilJ'ie ' ; .SVImiKkn nnil Iowa , full creim : , lie ;
NrliniHkn nnl , Imvn , part nkliiK , Sc ; Llnibunccr ,
X" . I. lie , bili-l ; . No. 1. lie ; Hwlm. No. 1 , ll < ( K"c.
IIAV-fplniid hay. JO.M ; inidtaiul V.I : lowland.
JSJJ ) , IViloinmkes ibc plco : on hay. Light bales
* rll Hie bent. Duly tup guides brim ; top prices.
I'ltll.'UNS Old birds , per doz. . BOv .
I'OTATOnS-ltnund lots of homo j-rown ur
Mrtilhvin Motto , 7u72e per bu. ; MniiH Iota on
, .idnrn , 75n ; I'nlirornla. SOc.
MCIAINK finuil Muck , crated , } 20.
l'ANTr.I.ori'iS ' : llmnc mown per < loz. , 11.5) ) .
til.ti ltl-AN.S-llnml-ilol.iMl. : nnvy , J2.2S ; ni
dhnn. | 2 10-ft 2,11S : common uhllo beans , 31.73
itl M.
ONIO.SV-On oiiltrn , KQSZc per bu.
< 'AIII.M5i--On ordeiB , 2c.
nil.RHY-I'er doz. . 30fc4'e. '
_ HWii.-r ; I'OTAlOKS-l'er ' Ib. , 3lic ; Jersey ,
$5 , < V | tr bbl.
P'ltir rau nt Ciillfninla fnilt H-rre offered on
HimaiLil tod.iy. Tininaikut buth hcic und
ut ullipr point * has l - -n iiietly well ule.tned
up. nnd pilces are llrnier at will be noted from
the iiiinluilon.i Rlvrn lietou- .
AI'I'l.K.S OKj l stock , per bb ! . , ( : . & ) ! ] : , IB ,
Kill ) IlASrilKIUIlKS Noni- .
I'UAi'HKr5 ' nllfcrnla , tl.loyi..O ; cllne.1' , tOtJO'c.
1'1,1'SIS CHllfnrnld , JI.25.
' . ' .
1'HIS None.
l > iAIIS-lljitlHfv : , I1.71Q1.M ; other vnrlrtlrn.
AI'IllcoTflp-riillfurnla. n n .
' ' '
CllA'l'KS-'l'oncnid's , 10-lb. baskets , Mo : Cat-
' 'i-nli , Tukay , JI.M ; other vnrlcllp ! , 73cff1.00.
Tiioi'ioAL FJirrrs.
HANANAS-Oiulep Moik. Sl.(2"5 ( | wr Inmrh.
l.KMONMraney Ilodl , ) ; fancy .Mesjlnu.
( III A NfSIIHNoun. .
, MlSCKr.'lANEOiS.
KKW-Wincy. | > er Ib. . IJc.
1IONKYf.ilifoiiiln. . lie : dark h ny. WrtlSc.
-MAI'l.i : .Sritin' Clallnn Ciiiis. peldo / . , 1J.
NI'TS-AlniondK , ISQl'ci UnKltsh wiilnutn , 100
: < ; flll-iiii. 12c ; Hrazll nuts , loo.
< giniit-l'nr. : > Julci- . par bbl. , S ! ; linlf bill. , ! ,2i.
I1IIHNu. | . 1 Bieon lildcs. 2lic ; Ni > . 2 nin
hli-n , l' ; - ; Nn. 1 rfi > n raltnl hide3Ue ; No.
Kien : ill l hll . Xfj''Uc ; No. 1 Rrcen salted
IIPS , J.1 tf > 40 Hi. " . . rt"ii' ; No. 2 Biesn tutted hides ,
' t < > 40 lli . . i2ie ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 ti > 15
! , . , .lijUiiNn. . J venl calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4i(4',2c ;
, 'i > . 1 dry Hint hld"8. ro ; No. 2 dry Hint lildvs ,
r : No. I dry sailed h'de.i. < c. 1'art cuieJ hides ,
i < - p-r Hi. l5s l than fully cur -d.
SIIKii > I'HI/rS Orecn wiltctl , rnch , 15 < 3 0c ;
ivi-n 8ulld Klicin linns ( Khort. woolctl cnrly
Utiii ! ) , Pitch. S i1.c ; dry henrllngs ( Khuit wooled
inly * Mn ) . No , 1 , mcli , GfnOu ; diy a'.icaillnKH
Khoit in > ltnl rally akin * ) , No. 2 , cncli , 2ci dry
'litt ICniiHuu und NchrnFUa hutchcr wool p.-- ! ! ! ! .
er Hi. . HClual wclKht. fWSc ! murrain wool pi'lla.
ff ll > . . nrtiiHl wli1it , 41iGc , dry Hint ( 'olor.ido
iiUliL-r u-ool rolls , per it' . , iiclunl weight , IS
'iiiniiiiiiln ; woul peltn. per Ib. , nctuiil weight ,
fitic. Have tffi cut oT ( , as It 1& urclea to pay
Irtallt till tlltMll.
TALLOW AND OIIEASE Tnllow , No. 1 , 4J
' jitallow ; , No. 2 , 3Wff3Xc : CIPHBC , while A ,
' lU"1 ! Bi - ! iMwh'.lo ' II , 3V4faicj Kreasc. yd-
uw , : < ' . Kl iM' . daik. 2'io : old butter , ; W2-c ( ; ,
IWMVUI , tuline , liaise ; roush tallow , IVi&Ic.
SI. I.mils Oriicral 3Iirki-t. :
HT. I.OI'If . S-'t. 10. Kl.Oflt-Quiet , with
ionm vxpoil busliu- iri'Oiu > d ; qunations un-
Will"ATOprnwl MKUIK. 'ic lilulicr. but snlil
iff In Haturdny'n cl 'je : No. I red. rash , & ) ' -.e ;
cptcniliiMMUc ; OccemluT , /53"i1fC3:1ic ; Aluy ,
t'tlN Iliin up rally on fr > st ream , but rnKid
at'k tu Kalinday'H llnnl inlcrs ; N > . 2 mlx d ,
anil , EV.V o ; Hcptt'niler , 30c ; DccemlKT , Cl c ,
Hay. Ki\e.
OATS tjiili-l , Ihm ; No. 2 , COBI and September ,
llVI--N ! < > . 2. lilil , M'ie , rosulnr.
ItAltl.r.V Nolhlns ddlng- .
ItltAN-CSi' , eiiKt track.
' ' ' ' '
TI'MOT'II - ; JSJ.V. .
HAY Steady ; fani-y timothy , (12.3(1. (
lirTTI'JIlFliini'i : Frpnintur crenmciy , 20JJ21e ;
: on , | 1,1 . -liiii < - . . dairy , lT 21c. , inly ; 12- .
l.i\l : > -ll.-.ivj ; spot , J3.0J ; S-Vpt-jmber , } 3.02'i.
. .
1'lluVlSltiNS Illslier : very nrm. Toik , ntaml-
mil inc- . jobbing , 11 * > . I.uid. prime Btenni , JS.M ;
' ! ' ! < . . ! 'i. ' Dry salt ineatn , K.71 ; tJiica und rib" ,
. l"j : slim In , IS. 10 , ll.u'im. pnckeil Khonldcis ,
.7fi.s7ii : liins , JS.S71-i , , to ; xriuilH , $ J.liH.
HI3t'HIITW V'lour. 7mi ) bbls. ; wheat , G3'W , ' )
bu. ; win. I4iv ) bu , ; i > atn. S.O1) ) tut ,
SIlll'XtUNTS ' Klour , ! i.OOO bbU. ; wheat , 4 , WO
bu. ; cirn , 2.1)00 ) bu. ; iiats. 7,0' < 0 bu.
Coffee .Market.
Nl'.n" YOIIIC , Sept. 10. COFKElJ-Optloim
op'iied ntHiidy nt R pulntii nilvnnr-a to li ) pnlntK
dei-lhu * . Mome selllm ; . oiv-lni ; tn llln holldny , but
iificiu-anN truileia cnvered on talk uf renewed
bull specula tlnn abiiKid. Tlie iliso W.IH bartly
Kti.idy nL 2iir | > olnta ibx-llne. Sales , 17.MO b.ik'8.
lncUitllnn : Hvplrmlwr. Jl.f.c : , ; October. JIS.Wjji
1D.OO ; Kecpinber , 12.40flltW ; Man-h. 12.SOU12 21 ;
Muy , 112 , S | il coffee , lllii. aU'-uly , but dull ; Nn.
7. 113.75 ; mild , quiet ; Cunlov.i , ] ! > OH.ic ) : ; rales ,
: ia baiH I tin N w. 7 nnd S. prlnHimlly No , S , at
14'4o vpoi : 1.004 b.-iKu lllo Nu. 7 , KOiu ; ! , < fri pkKf.
MiirncntlHt ; waich iistj deliveries. [ Inn ; yt-nurd.iy ,
Ur.'J4 liaRfl , Nc\v Yoilt Kldck lod.iy , : S.71C bais ;
1'nlte.l ' Slates stocl ; . 2Jrfi.7 : IHIKH ; citlont fur Iliu
1'nltcd Stult n. 2i.iwi > biik | : tolnl visible lor Ihe
Unltt'd Ktulcs , W7X,7 LURB , oi-alnst iSI.O'JO bass
lay ! yrai.
HANTOS. Sept , 10. Holiday.
HAJlllflKl , . " ( -it. 10. Dull at unchanb-ed
HAVHi : . Sept , 10. Opened stnndy.
KIO JANKI1IO , Seit , 10. llnlldliy.
MlnneapollKVbc t Mnrliec.
MINNRAI'OUS , Kept. IT When ! market
opened weak about ' , ic higher , on umaller re
ceipts nt primary p > lnts thnn had been expccli-d ,
but 111" demnnd w f not very netlvc fnr futures
and pilce-i rased nff. ( Mi's * : September. U'fcc ' ; Ie.
ceniber , Mo ; Mny , MvifiTi'JKo ; r.n trnck.No , I hard ,
Kr ; No. 1 nnrthern , Mlic ; ND. ! norllirin , M c ,
wllh old cush whent selling Sc The higher
price uf ciilll nppeaied to be nlxmt the Btronu'osl
feutuiv to maintain pretcnt prlcea of nhenl. He-
celpls weie 4'HI.CI ' bu. ; phlpmenK , 22.2W bu. The
inllllnudeninnd u-is iiulli ; larce fnr cash wheat.
as mills iiro Kilndlnir nt ( lit rule of about IW.O 0
bu , In twenlv-fiiur lionrn. The Hour in.iiKel was
Unit at | 3.11)fj'J.4j ) for paten I ! , t2.Mir2.25 for
Cotton .Market.
NKU' OIII.WAN.S. Bept. H. COTTO.V-rutures.
eu4v ; mlddlliiR , fi'.tc ; Imv middling , 6ijc ; BOCK !
Diilliuuy , t > c ; net receipts , 5,250 bales ; giuss , f,23
balis ; sates , SiK ) bales ; Block , SI.OJC bales ; sales ,
lip it , 2iK ) bales : to in live , ICO bales ; rtcciptu ,
r.lH li.ib.s ; Htiiek , 3I.OSO balct. KuturHS , plendy ;
vales. 21.100 bales ; Hepli'mlwr , iS.33 bid ; October.
JO.ZSJifi.a ; lli-cember. IO.-43tiO.44 : January , .48W
C.4I ; Kcbiuiiry. U.r.lii'i.r.i ; ll.irch , JC.tfltir , Cl ; April ,
Jii.f * ifi.fi7 ; .May , | . GC.i4 ; June , | .7bOC,7U ; July ,
KT. UM'IS. Pept. R-CXJTTON-Slendyi mid-
dllntf , Sr ; sales , noaie ; receipts , COO bales ; ship
ment * , lIMi ) bales ; stock , 11. COO bales ,
Week Ojieiifil In Kecurltlr * vlth n I'lria
Tone. >
XEW YOUK , Sept. 10. The week openeil
on the Stock exchange with a flrm tone to
the market , but , while the trading was light
In volume during- the first hour , th move
ment of prices tvns upward for the entire lint.
Then catne a partial reactloii which tem
porarily checked the advance , but for a Bhort
time otil- , when , under a renewal ot the buyIng -
Ing- . the market continued Its upward course ,
but u n action eel In which was due to a
ruld on suKar. Tlila atock gave way under
the pressure , and the Grangers , Missouri Pa
cific und a few other shares reacted In sym
pathy , the losses , however , being only frac
tional. Speculation continued heavy until de
livery hour , -when a slight rally took place ,
followed by a mild reaction , and In the final
dealing * by a recovery , The market clostd
generally flrm and li to % per cent higher.
Sugar wu An exception to tto advance ,
wag Rood huylrm In ( he stock during
the morn I tip by tlioie who believe tlio regular
dividend ot S per cent will be declared to
morrow. Tlie resulting advance xvas 1 % per
rent , and the higher figures Induced enlei ,
which grew to heavy proportions and brought
ttlidtit d decline o ( 2 % per cent , n recovery tif
* per cent being made In the final tales
St. I'aul was bought hy London In small
lots and ulso by the room traders , who seem
to accept It is n settled fact that the direc
tor * will , al their meeting on Thursday next ,
declare ( lie regular 2 per cent dividend. A
rise of } J per cent to 07 was eltectfd by noon ,
hut fttibscittiently all but H Per cent of the
Improvement was lout , AL the close tlio
( lock rallied and li % per cent higher on tha
dny. Uurllngion advanced I'.i per cent to
' " \.f \ In the early dealings an buying , Induced
by the general strength of the market. Not
a llttlo waa to cover short contracts. A re
action of 1 per cent followed during the after
noon , with n ntlly of W per cent. Hock Is
land sold up 1 % per cent , reacted % per cent.
Northwest gained and lost Vj per cent , being
unchanged on the Oay. Northwest preferred
rose 2',4 per cent ,
In anticipation of a favorable quarterly re
port Wednesday and the usual dividend ,
Western Union sold tip 1 % per cent , nil but
% per cent of which was retained to the
close. Advances were established compared
with Saturday's final sales of m per cent.
In Denver & Hlo Grande , Central Pacific and
I'lttsbttrg , Cleveland , Chicago , Cincinnati &
St. Louis preferred IH per cent , Missouri
I'aclflc and Southern Pacific and 1 per cent In
Oregon Improvement. Northern Pacific pre
ferred , Minneapolis & St. Louis and Consoli
dated das declined 1 per cent. The trading
In railway and miscellaneous bonds was char
acterized by marked strength and the dealIngs -
Ings were active.
The Evening Post's London cablegram :
The stock markets were quiet today because
of the settlement beginning tomorrow. Th *
tone was very nrm , with a bullish feeling
that the market is preparing for a general
rise at the next account , Including Ameri
cans. The firmness of Uouth Americans re
mains the feature.
The Evening Post says ; The volume of
trading continued small , the government con
dition once more being tlie refusal of holders
of securities to sell. After the morning rally
there was a natural enough reaction In the
afternoon , but In the majority of stocks the
undertone of strength remained.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New i'ork exchange -
change today :
Imperhtl Hank Statement ,
11RHI.1N , Sept. 10. The statement nf the Im-
pi I Ini llniitc' of Germany Shown the follim-lng
chaiiKes , ua compared wllh previous nccnunt :
Cnsh In hand , clecieuse , 4C20.noo minks ; treneury
iinteM , doorcase. 1'O.WO ' mnrks ; other sccuilllex ,
dccmne , JU.HO.WiO murks ; note In circulation ,
decrtafe , 10.420.000 mnilis.
J'limiia1 Note * .
BOSTON. Pept. 10-Clearlngs , 111,718,000 ; bul.
nnc. ' . J1.227.M3.
liAIVriMOUK. Kept. 10. Clearing , f 1,010,13 ;
balances. 1216,412.
NI3W YOUK. Sept. 10. Clearings , 5ilfr,6M ! ) ;
balances , 54.IOC.7S2.
riII.\niJI.l'HIA. S.-pt , 10. Clearing. I7CC.-
3SU balunces. Jltlor.9.
MKMI'IIIS , Pent. 10. Clearing. 1227.339 ; bal
ances , J76.W1 , New York ncbange telling nt
II. 10 premium.
Nnw YOUK , Sept. 10. The steamer Auranla
will take tomorrow I0t w oz. ot silver anil 10,0-cO
Mexican dollars.
NiW OHl.nANH. Pept. 10. Clcnrlnns. IC14.W.
New Vork fiolmnge. bank , par ; commercial. Ma
per } 1OoO discount.
I'AniS. R pl. 10. Three per cent rtntet , 10lf
SI'ic for the account , Kxchance on London ,
Kt 19Hc for checks.
SAN KHANCISCO , Sept. 10. Traft ) . slsht ,
12'jc ; telcKia | > hlc , ilo : vllter bun , 6tS4j6- ;
Mexican dollnre , t3H 54c.
WAPHINOTON , B pt. 10. At the clo e pf bust-
eM tcxl.'iy the cnsll balance waa 1127,810,616 , of
which 1CSC2901 ? represented K"l < l re erve.
HT. LOUIS , fiept , 10. ClearlnCT. J4HiSM | . lial-
once * , } 7lieoi , Money , dull al 507 p r crnt.
Kxchange on New York , lOc dUcount bid ,
LONDON , Sept. 10. Gold Is nuoteJ today at
lluenon Ayres at SM ; Madrid , 20.W ; l.lnbon. 29. ;
St. IVttrnburK. W ; Athen * , 77 ; Horn * , 110.SO ;
Vienna. 103.
nilC-AClO. 8 pl. 10.-Clearlni : . J15.J18.000.
Xloney , Ij4'4 ( per cent on call and ! 0i per rent
on time. New York eichance , COo dUcount ;
forrlgn ficlianee , weak ; iterllnc , coiomeixlal.
Week Opens wltlf DfJnsuaUy Liglit Heoelp's '
Evia fqj Mot day.
lleef Ciitlln AiUniico In Njrniplij > - with
Clilrusn [ "inter 4 1r.iilc < Acllvo nnd
lrlrin Il ( r4 SCHI-CB mill Selling
In Ycatrriloj'H Notches.
MONDAY , Sept. 10.
The receipts today were 2,900 cattle , 1,600
liogs anil 1,037 t > hrcp , as against 2,003 cat
tle 1,983 hogs nnd 59 sheep on Monday of
last week.
CATTLE There were only n few over It)1)
cars of cattle received this morning. Out
of the total number received there were
very few beef steers of any description , and
still fewer tliat could bo culled very Rood.
Some pretty fair westerns brought $3.ifi , ami
soilie natives $1.00. The market on dressed
beef steers' opened quiet at about steady
prices , but as the reports cunic In from Chicago
cage Indicating an advance , the marltot here
became stronger and closed higher. . A large
proportion of the receipts consisted of cows
anil mixed stock. The market on this class
ot cattle opened about eteaily al last week's
decline , but became stronger and closetl
higher. Stockers and feeders were not to
very plenty among the fresh receipts , but
counting those In the hands of speculators
the supply W.IB liberal. There were iitilte n
number of buyers In from the country , and
there was considerable Inquiry for cattle of
that description. The market was fully
steady on all grades and strong on the most
desirable fleshy feeders. Representative
sales :
No. Av. Pr. Ko. Av , Pr. N.I. Av , Tr.
1. . .1430 (0 01) IS..1193 J ! 43 . .12I3
J. , S10 1 00 1. . . 810 II. . . i.72 . 1 TO
7M 1 23 L. . US' ) 1. , .1IK 2 Ort
, 711 1 3U . 710 3. . , .IOS 200
S'.Mj 1 4J .1120 ! ! . . , .1111 20" )
31. . , w : i is .UK : . 1 73 1. . .l.MO 200
I. . 3. 1 75 11. . . M 2 03
. till 1 50 1. DlO 1 .SO , . SJi 2 01
7tJ 1 60 23. MX ) 1 81) ) , , H31 2 15
970 1 50 IS. . Ml 1 fci ) i. , .tObO 2 15
. . 1 CO 10. . WO 1 15 is.i. . , . SIO 2 15
12. . .915 1 05 1. . UIO 1 S3 i. . , . ( WO 2 Id
9. . , 310 1 Ci 1.II. . . .1011 1 k5 i.M. . . M 2 l !
I. . 1. . 1110 1 83 M. . tlsS 2 1711
32. . 1. . .1150 1 K > 7.t . . ! ) fil 2 20
2. . . 931 1 K 6. , .1WU 1 60 t . .830 2 2 !
10. . . ei I 7 11. .106 1 ! > 0 2G. .533 2 25
2. . . 750 1 7 * 1. . .1010 1 95 25. .10SS 235
10. . .1010 1 7
11. . . 798 1 ' ,4 : . . . .IOGO i s" 6S3 2 23
27. . , 712 H si. . . . wo 2 u
US 1 3J C. . . . 553 1 6. ) 12. ' ' r > * 3 i w
. . teO 1 6J I. . . . Ml 1 CO . .CM 1 9 *
s. . 660 1 6i I. . . . 741) 1 73 . . t& ) 2 1C-
. coo 1 S. . . . M 1 80 . .lUiS 2 II
10. . K8 1 CO
1. : o s oo I. . , . 310 223 2 2 :
9. USe 2 10 I. . . . 210 2 23 2 Ml
5. . . . US 2 10
. .000 12.1 1..I'M 140 2.,1020 1 l
ilW 1 33 4..1J0 1 40 l..l 0 1 W
J7l > 1 40 2..1073 1 fiU 1..1IOO 1 1,0
. .iso i 40 IL..UUO i 'M
. .ISSO 1 50
1. . .510 2 MO . 74- , 2 23 . .1 M : 41
1. . . TSO 2 VO 3. . . . MO 2 23 11. . 2 43
1. . . S70 2 00 ' ' 2 25 28. . ; 674 2 40
% . . . 7SO 2 ) i : . . . cto 2 U M. . 2 41
8. . . SI2 2 l ) ji. : ; , . 2 H SJ. . ! 6S9
2. . . 3C5 2 00 2 S3 . thM
M. . , 2 13 isi ; : ; M 2 23 4li !
0. . r.zt 2 13 6. . . . G30 2 r , S3. . ' 1 I" )
32. . 73t. 2 IS ' ' 2 33 .1100 2 SO
11. . , CH 2 2 < > 4 ! ! . . C40 2 35 ( . . 2 (0
D. . 2 2l ) 12. . . . 72 , > 2 S3 7. . ! l 74 2 SO
7. . 2 40 9. . . > 40 2 S3
1. .
Jfo. Av. Pr. No. AV. Pr.
1 cow ? 10.,1 12 23 21 CUWA , .1131 12 rs
1 cow 1070 2 23 3 COWB. , . Mtt 2
22 co\vs 1070 2 35 S cows. , .1IM 2 23
I cpwr 1MO 2 00 8 COVVP. .102,5 , 2 : . ' .
11 cows..112S .2-S , , , ' 23 cmv. . , . W 3 2 S3 '
3 cown WSJ " 2 25 > 9 cows - 997 2 i'l
J cows 1 ) S 2 0) 14 cows . 97 J 2 M
cowrt , . . . . . . ! * 74 2 13 132 cowu . 'JSS 2 40
3 Hlnna 10W 1 63 1C COWB . 932 i sr
1 bull..H40 1 55 1 bull . 1180
_ 10 13 ft'cil'ra. . . . 'J33 2 43
. . .tc r. 1020 3 l ) 1 ? teer. . 12SO KOO
) steers 1151 3 W U co-.vs . 8t3 1SJ
1 heifers 75" ) 2 10 0 c WD 8)1 ) 1 73
8 sU-t-rK ll'J 3 15 1 heifer 70 100
2 calves 2SO 2 25 5 ffCilcrn. . CW 233
1 cow 1191 2 ( ! 0 1 cow . 13) ) 2 0
25 e.mtR. 72 2 GO 6 cows . Wi 2 CO
1 Lull 1580 1 GO 1 cow . 1310 2 40
1 COWB . .1022 2 40 2 fleer * ,1033 S 15
8 cows 940 233 4 teer 1037 3 13
: C cows 33 1 73 2 c.llvrfl. . . . . . 200
J calves M > 2 73 14 i-alvra. . . 12 3 00
1 sir tl ? K20 2 tl ) 1 mr tin . 13W 2 50
5 steers 13i8 3 ro 11ows 3063 2 CO
1 cow 1070 20) 1 cow . WO 2 (10 (
i cow mo SCO 0 cows . 911 2 CO
4 cows 1003 SCO 21 Hlwr . 11SO 3 no
1 M T. ISM S 50 1 bull . 1480 1 59
3 co s like 1 75 11 rows . S65 2 25
2 liulln 1615 1 CO II HttTIH . 1077 3 1"
3 Klecrs 1276 323 18 Btceis . 1325 4 SO
( , 'OI-OHA1)O.
cows 92J 2 JO % btcirfl IlW. 3 20
„ S BtfOTH 104 323 1 cow t 0 200
5 ? iWB. 11SI 1 T5 1 cow. I WO 22)
7 rows fit ! 2 20 47 fewlei-a. . . . 8 < iS : 23
,7 , COWH 1041 20) 04 COWZ E39 2 IS
101 fi-wlei-s. . . EC' ' ) 2 25 103 feeders. . . . iW 123
9 cow WO 200 31 cows SCO 2 CO
SO f coders. . . . fS 2 23
HOGS The receipts of hogs were the light
est In some tints , only 19 loads belnn re
ported In this morning. There were In fact
lanlly enough hoga In the yaidR to make a
test of the market. The prices paid were
about steady with Saturday's markst. There
was one choice load which brought $0.20
Representative sates :
So. Av. Rh. IT. Ko. Av , Sh. Pr.
13 IDS 1G01500 74 2 > H 2'H ' $3 00
31 179 ICO SIX ) M 21S 24) f , GO
.176 20V 6 25 41 221 SO 5 6 *
18 .is ; 4 * 5 . . 71 217 IS ) 563
3 2(10 5 4' ' ) W 231 200 5 f.
1 230 71 231 . . . . 5 83
S15 5 5l 74 223 21)0 ) B t7'.i
1'JO r 50 74.2:1 SO 5 70
2 175 r. 511 Kit ' * * 23 570
22 104 120 5 50 HI. . ! . 2ii f , 70
7. . . .171 070
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' . . ' ' . r. M 31S8 . .24) M f. 72' '
id 212 120 5 53 S8 213 1JO
15 1S4 160 5 33 Si ( 224 liO r 73
IS 103 120 5 US Kt 234 40 r. 75
73 200 . . . BBS 77 213 5 S3
28 U . . . 2 00 29 ( X ) 3 73
14 41 . . . 273 45 IS 3 75
1 . .290 . . . 3 00 1 tO 4 50
98 41 3 45
SHEW There were plenty of sheep In the
yards today. Some native ewes went nt
J2 with wethers at $2,80 and lambs at JS.BO.
Fair to choice natives are quotable at 12.250
westerns $2.00@2.GO com-
2.7Gj | j fair to good v > 4bv * ia , ftttw f w-w ;
mon and stock sheep , Jl.7502.25 ; good to
choice 40 to 100-Iu lambs , $2.25@3.75. Repre
sentative sales :
No Av. Pr.i No. Av , Pr.
7 native ewes 174 $ J 03 , 37 native Imbs 73 53 50
23 native wths 140ZSO
Hecelptii uncl 'llUpmltlon of Stock.
omclal receipts ami. disposition of mock as
jhown by the boohs the Union Block Yards
romitfiny for the Aa4y-pRlit | liours ending al 3
o'clock p. in. , Sfi'tfvvl1/ . 1831 :
/MJCE1I > T3.
Cnr . I trail
Cattle . ' . . ; ' . ' . . - ' 3,170
iios" . . : : : : : : : : . . . .v.j . MW
Shcci ) . /i.l . 6 1.037
Huyere. - - - Cattle. Heir § . Sheep.
Omaha I'acklnE eoninnny . 21 . . . .
The Q. 11. ltBtnnWiiitt inip. ny 823 8i2
Swift and coini.iny. . . .r . 8311 WO C7
The Cuilnhy I'ucklng compiiny. 903 2I
Pudnhy Urea . I'.ii. ; . 1W
O. II.VII n . ) . 201
It. Hccktr & DCKWI// . 142 . nothschllil . . < r-.i m . 53 .
O. H , 11. from K. C. . . . ' . . H .
I. . Becker . su.j. . 8 .
J. Lobiiian . i..i > . . 874 .
and tee < Uni. . . . 61S 7i3
o\er . . > . - H3
Total ISO
Ht. IxinU l.lvu Stock Market.
ST. I-OUIB , Sept. 10. CATTI.K Hecelptu , I.tTO
head : hli > menl . 1.900 licnil ; market nti-ulyj : i\\- \
tl\e Btrer . 1.100 to. l.SOi ) ll . , JI.60 1.23j ,
I1.7S ! .30 : Texas te.crB , 500 to I , WO Ibn. , J2.7Sy
3.S ) ; rows , M > 5432.25.
HOOS lUc lit | , 3,50) head ; shipment * , 3,300
head ; inurlut iiulet ; heavy packing , ;
Rood IlKhl. lS.10ii6.15 : fair tJ medium Iltlit. li.751P
6,00 : common , J5.25S5.60.
HIIKE1' Ilecelpt . S1) ) " ) head ; ihlpmenti , 100
liead ; market quiet ; steady for road ; common.
r.-ihlcr : aouthwenl mixed , 12.E3 ; imllv mixed.
J2.25. _
Nflw York I.lvo Stack 3Inrlcnt.
NRW YOICK. 8ept. 10. 1IKEVKS Kecelnti ,
two days , 4,600 head ; market active , I'KiIXKj
hlKlier ; native stccr * . nnud to nearly prime.
l5.2S65.iO ; medium ta fair , I4.C0473.03 ; common ,
I3.50OI.13 ; tmlls. H.WiJ.W ; dry cows , Jl.lOtf.7 ( > .
HIIUEl' AND I.A.Mim-UecclptH , two day ,
II.IMi ) head : ihirrp. ( low ; stmde lower ; Iambi.
iC'.c per Ib , lonrrr ; Bheep , jvior tn prime , 12.008
S.iO ; litmbi , common to choice I3.7 < > 04.0 > .
IIOGB IlecelpH , two dnyn. 5,500 head ; nmrku
slow ; * iaJa eailer ; Inferior to choice , K.OOQ6.30 ,
City Live Stock Jtarknt.
KANSAS C1TV , Sept. W.-CATTLB-RecelpU.
Ii m1. hlnmetitd. l.BOO tiend , mnrkn utt > nc
l < > IIM hrij Texnii rl < ri. UWU1.J : . left i-if ! > , ; .i1. native con * . \IMU1.K. \ st-rkris nn I
ffwlprn , II WOH.6J ,
HUdH-Itecelptu , 000 li nd ; tlilnmcnifl , 1,900
licrfil ; market UroiiR In i'V ' hlKhi > r ; Viilk u ( m\ft. \ : no henvli'H ; | > nrker . JJ.WS600 , mixed.
J.'i.Bfl5.tli ; lldhlll. fi.Vifrft.IO ; ftp' , JS.OOtf8.M.
H1IKRI' lOcrlptp , MO hfi > d ; thlpmrntK , nnnej
innrkct ulendKIX ; I to tlMlrr nnllvcn , JZ.Wff3.00 ;
Kix l tn chnlrn p lerns. JI.2MTS.iS niinmon nnd
, J2.C XJ2M ; Rood to cliolce lftlilb , Jl.W
Cuttle Mnrbot Kxultrd l > r Higher Pr ! < * In
rtllC'Ano , Sept. 19. There nns no little ex.-
I'llcnunt In tinrntllo nmrkrl , nmt for BXK | .
c1n lco unlive * prlcm ncro wildly lilffhcr. Mncl
nnvthlnrr that ohliiptm cotiM use wn9 ralnblp
nt n mlkiinco of Kc , nn'l there vein not wnntlnH
Inntnnrca hcrc cattle Kolil from * )5 ) l 4'X ; lilKlirr
Ilian nl Hie bfM time Inft vcelt. Thoic
inoio limn B.W nntlvra of nil ,
nnil peilmpa lint mnra than luilf nf tin * rupply
rlojnl tottrr thnn medlimi. ThiTi-forc. thrrc wan
a Itvrly ncrninhllnic ntnonn thom > uhnvtiutett
KO-xl cntllp , ullli the rcnull nl > o\e nnlcd. Tlu-re
were a number of nilrs nt lietti-r than 1C , nnd n < >
ilouht wimethlni ; KO < K | wjuldao \ biiniRht from
1C. 35 In 10.40. The chnnKe In rommnn unlives nnd
rungo tattle was not KO decided , but everyihlnc
was higher. The rccclfitu wcro cxtlinalrd at 15,0"0
liend , i > f which nbimt 8,00) wi're ' niitlvcit , 6 , HK )
Wenlerna mid 2,000 Tennns , Native * WITH qlloteil
at fr.nii JI.M to Jfi.W , nnil Toxnns at fiom Jl.M
tn J2.35. All the Tvxns cattle. belonel to locnl
miiHlil > 'ti > ii.
The IKIK mnrltct ndvnncod 10o tn IV. U wax
nrllve until near the close , when tlieiv mis come
trading nt fie off from the liejt prkvs r > t the d.i } ' .
Uecplptn weic fair , lint the remnlnlne duyn uf
this week nro expocleil to sw IlKhl rmi , and
thru , npiienreil to bo a cnnndnil feeling amnilK
nit clasps of operntorn. Tlipro wns n > al < - of
licixvy hogs at JC.75 , nnd It wna rumored that
J6.80 w.ifl p.ild , whileIho hlfiliput ptlco lierptiifore
irachod wns 10.53. Although tin- finality aveniKiil
very common , there vns coin piirn lively n llmltod
ninomit of Irndlnt ; at less Ilinn J9. The close ai
xlonnnd weak.
CJooil xheep nnd InmTia a.ilil lOc hlKhcr thnn on
the cl islnp ; dnys uf last week , aii.l Knld n-adlly
Theiv vns n coed dcmnml for 1hp lietter niinl-
III en. Nnt much of any Impnrtnncc could IIP upon
In the mniket for ] > or nnd ccmnm'i n .illtlr .
Quotations for Bhec'p liiliui-tl frmn ! ! In (3. M. nnd
for lanibM from J1.75 to tl.35.
nccelpl : mttle , I6,0i)0 ) heiid ; cnlves , ) hciid :
ImBH , 23,000 head ; sheep , I,50 , < ) hond.
The KvenliiK Jouinnl reportn :
HOGS Hecelpta. 23.IK1I1 hpnd ; oTl"lnl ( Pnliuil.iy
7.071 head , shipments , C.uCS hcud , left nver. nlxnit
3.500 lipuil ; iiunllly very poor ; mail : l nctlvc nnd
Him , ut nn ndvnncc f uy on flood snide * , uhll
nlliL'iH me barely Blende.
CATTI.i : Itwlpln. IC.OW head ; nmrhcl aclixr
nnd prlecH nn R.Kd m-Hdefl nrp Him and SfllOo
hlKlier , while nthcrn nrp iinchaiisod.
HIIHEI' ltecpil | | . l.fw hend ; mcxl'rntely ncilvr
nnd steady at S lOo hlsher c the boiler <
.Sim-It li
rtrenid nf lecelpts nt the four principal mar-
krlH fur Monday , September 10 , ICM :
Cattle. HOKB. Hheep.
Snulh OniMlu . 3,171) | IM ] n3T
itiii-ac.0 . is.O'H ri.ooi i
Kmivis flty . , . o.noo | n > 1 rfl
Total . . 3fi7Q , J0.6SJ 3,037
* ClilriiRO I'rult 4JtintntlniM.
rilK'AOO. Sept. IO.-TIIP Katl T.'rlllt pnmpany
ri'Iil < iillfoinla frill I at and I , in tn.liuns fidlnwr :
II. llnidy iwnis , 11.20 rle. | , B.VHI1.03 : t'Anl ' < iu.
JI.lnOI.15 ; Diichen. . . t1.70ifl.25j II. flalreuu , JI.1B
ri.25 ; Ili > nell , JI.25 ; Itnrllettit , Jl.Mff2. < XI , nninRC
ellntr ivauhrs" , C05IC.'cKnlhov plums. RSe. Tnkny crates. Jl.Oflfffl.Sr , JtiibiBa. 7Rc : Mn -
eat , I'ljjSu1 ; Vpnlcll. Tvlc ; Murnccn , JI.30.Venther
rwl and favorable for sellingutid teslilpplna
I'orter Utoj. cninp.iiiv , Chlraco , wld tmlny at
luictlun twelve cars' tif Cnllfornln fruit ;'tlett
peam. Jl.Wf2.23 ) ; II. riiilmpuiis. S1.r. l.V , ; llen-rp
IIiLi-dss. JI.4ilffl.Wj nvirrlpe stork , 2.VftSO < \ tinsn
frunen. M > 'Stl.Oi ) ; ( lerman primea , 85B ! > > : full on-
lieruM , ! in-l.oO ) ; ullvera , 75p ; llunmirlnnii , jl.OW
1 10. Dliclioss pears , $1.30 ; Ouond.iKus , J1.30.
( inlncea , Jl.lrt. Toknys , hull crnles , 90of | ! | K-
Mi > rnl ! > . COcJiJI.riPcachen. , .
, .
Porter Urns. . New Vork , anlil tliree rnm :
Hiulletl penrs. overripe , ll.inijfl.Wi II. Hiirdys.
fl.Mfll.M : Kallensers , fKS5e , ) ; pllverw. 70c. Ilitlf
crnte. , Tiil.ny Krnpes , OSjsSOe ; mill's. 2.25.
Too Much llnln for rntlnri.
WASHINGTON. Kept. 10. The St'pteiu > ire -
p < ut nf the KlnHnllPlan of the IVpattinenl nf
Airi-leiilturo mirltea cotton show n decline of 6.0
Pdlnts fn m the Ausuot condition , which wac
' . ' 1 S. nKiiltiM 65.0 for this month. Tim condition
fur the yini1S03 was fO.I , and the September
cmiilltlnn for the same year vim 73.4 , n fiilllnc ;
ofT nf 7 pnlnts. The September cnndltlon for tills
year In 12.5 polnl * lilKher thin that of ISM.
The state a\eraRea lire : Vlrclnla , 100 ; Notlh
Parnllnn. SS ; Soutli ( nrnllnn. 86 ; OetMBla. SI ;
Klorlila. 85 ; Alabam.i , 66 ; Mlsslsnlpnl , 85 ; Inul l-
nnii. 91 ; Teins. 81 : Arkanwix , SO ; Tennessee , st ,
MlHuoiirl , t.1. ) The principal rauue uf the decided
decline In the cnnilltionK since the Inst icpi'rt
\vn excessive rnlnfiill tlirnUKhiml the Rieater
part nf Hie cotton belt. The seix'iiil tenor uf
Ji'PCita Is "too much rnln ami heut. cnufini ;
tno gi-cnt growth uf weed ami too llltlc of fnilt. "
l-lverpool . ( lurkeK.
WVIMIPOOI. . Sept. 10. VnoVIHIOXS I'.Hk.
irm ; demand good : prime mc 8. ivenl-
ern , 72n 6d ; prime mri ? . modlum ,
> s. Lard , tlrm ; demand pnoi ; h ] > nl.
Jls ; futiires , no deinand. Itcef. linn ; demand
liner ; eMra India mess , 77p 6d ; pihne inrj'i' ,
)2K ) M. Ilnms. dull ; /temnnd moderate ; short eul.
its 6d. Itaeon , tlrm ; demnnd fait : < 'ninluilnnil
lit. 46s ; short. 43q ; Ions clear. 13 lb . , 43t ; InriK
mil fihoit clear , 65 Mm. . 42 .
CI1KKSK Firm ; demand moJrrale ; tlm-pt white
ind colored , 50 .
The receipts of whcnt fur the pnst week wore :
mm AllnnHe poi ts , 63,700 < IUUII | > IH ; fiom 1'n-
'lllc poilD. 7,000 quarters ; other pott * . klKM )
ciuaiters. The receipts ut American corn for
"le past week \vire S.SOI < iuntlera.
IIDI'S Irfndon < rnclc ! ] cnast ) , sleudy ; denund
moderate ; llne&t white and colored , 50a.
Kull-ns City .MurkctH ,
KANSAS OTY. Sept. W.-WlinAT-1-n-
hnneed ; N . 2 hard. 4fHfi8e. : | No. S li.inl. 4111401
47e ; Nn. 2 n-d , 1614e47Hc ; No. 3 led. 43W IG'ii--
rejected , 43ST44C.
fOUN-Klim ; No. 2 mined , C2 > , lf33iNo | J
white. r,3iian4e.
OATS Steady ; > fo. 2 mixed , 30"T31itp ( ; No 2
Willie. .t.-rfiSCe.
IH'TTKll Firm ; creamery. I ff2c ! ; dnliy ,
ionS-Steadv : 12f.
HIX'HIPTri Wilful , 27,40-1 Ini. ; corn. 3.400 Int. ,
lK , 15.000 Ini.
KIIII'MKNTS Wheat. t.OOO bu. ; corn , 1,000 Im. ;
ojits , none. _
NIJV YOHK , S.-pt. -Sl'ClAn-Uuiv. . firm :
fair i.'llrilnir , 3i f3'.ie ; -ntrlfiiKnl. . 95 tout , 3l
3'4c ; Kil * , nonellfllnod , quiet but llrm : Ni > . 6.
44J4 ? 9-Kii-i Nn. 7 , IVilM 7-lBo ; No , S , l't ' l 3-6i"
N . 9. 4 1-lCoj No. 11. 31)fiW4io | ; No. 12.
3t04 ! l-1Cc ; No. 13 , 3c ; off A , 3 li-ICifWlc ; mould
A. 6 S3.1Gc dlnndnrd A .
; , .1 11-lOUKLc ; eonfi-c-
IhrniTs' A , 4 H-lC < it4Uc- cut lonf. r , ; i5 ! i-lSc ;
eniHlicd , 5't'tjr ' , U-lCo ; poM-ilcrcd. 5 7lcn31iournn -
ulnted , 4 13-lCg3o ; , C l-icgiiic.
I'.lllln Itnttur IMitrlirt.
IM.OI.V. SVpt. 10.-IlfTTKIl-8nlcs. 10.1S4 lb .
nt Ito ; 14,000 lb nt ISUc.
Wool .llarkot.
ST. I.Ol'Ifi , Sept. 10. WOOL Aliuut steady :
quiet , unchanged.
ST CiltHICI'.l'UllT. .
Cnnilltlon of Corn Shawn u Ileiny Decllnn
During August.
WASHINGTON , Sept , 10. Tlie report of
tlie statistician of the Department of Agri
culture for the month of September shows
a decline In the condition of corn to C3.4
from 9.1 In the month of August , and 1 > 5
In tlie month of July. This Is a decline of
5.7 points from August and 31.C from tlie
July condition. The change Is marked In
nearly all Iho great corn states. The present
ent condition la 75 In Kentucky , 70 In Ohio ,
05 In Michigan , SO In Indiana and 78 In Illi
nois ; El In Wisconsin , CO In Minnesota , 10
In Iowa , 50 In Minnesota , 45 In Kansas , 15 In
Nebraska and 16 In South Dakota. In most
of the southern states the condition has
risen and a good crop U certain , In aiMt
tlon to the unfavorable prospects arising
from the low condition of the growing crop
reports from eight states , viz , : Indiana , Illi
nois , Wisconsin , Iowa , Missouri , Kansas
Nebraska and South Dakota , In response tea
a special Inquiry , show that"out of an ag
uregnte ot 4flS73 , 8-l acres planted In tliese
states , there have been cut up for fodder or
abandoned 15,500,000 acres , or 38 per cent
whlcli is a little over 20 per cent of the en
tire area planted In the country. The per
centage of that cut up or abandoned by states
reporting Is as follows : Indiana , r ; Illinois
10 ; Wisconsin. 21 ; lawn , 35 ; Missouri , 16
Kansas , 51 ; Nebraska , Et ; South Dakota , 81
The condition of wlieat , considering boll
winter and spring varieties , when harvested
was S3.7 , against 74 last year and 85,3 It
1S92. The reported condition from the cor
respondents for the principal wheat growlnt ,
states ore as follows : Ohio , 102 ; Michigan
91 ; Indiana , 103 : Illinois. 101 ; Wisconsin , ! > 2
Minnesota , 5 ; Iowa , 92 ; Missouri , 91 ; Kan
eaa , 58 ; Nebraska , 40 ; South Dakota , 32
North Dakota , 74 ; California , 89 ; Oregon
S ; Washington , 67. In the east , NPW York
88 ; Pennsylvania , 91 ; Maryland , 9S ; Vlr
glnla reports , 78 ; Tenne see , 78 ; West Vlr
glnla , 93 ; Kentucky , 02 ; Texas 92. In tb
principal wheat itatea there lias teen con
slderable Improvement In conditions over th
July report. In parts of the wheat region
the crop U fully up io expectation , and In
other parts the yield lias exceeded cxpecla
tlon.The average condition of oats le renortei
at 77.8 , against TC.5 on August 1 , 77.7 on July
1 and 87 on June 1.
The returns for rye show an average con
dltlon of 8C.9 , against 82 e. year ago ,
Jlia condition of barley boa risen nearly.
Free to All Callers ,
The Public Invited
Tonig htuntil 1O o'clock '
Pesplo's Wammoih Instailm nf llausa ,
points during the month , thf September
average BtandliiR al 71.C , against CD.S In
There Is a decline In the September condi
tion of buckwheat of 1214 points from that
of August , average being Gy.2 ,
against 77,5 , last year.
The area under clover seed Is reported at
71.9 per cent of that for IS'JJ , The condition
Is given nt C9.2 , which Is much below the
average , thus Indicating n very short crop.
The general average condition for rye Is
'The condition of tobacco Is 74.G , against
7S.9 last month.
OreRon Kidney Tea cures backache. Trlul
size , 25 cents. All druggists.
If K.I Til Kit fUKKV.t H T ,
Fair ami IVimiierVoutliKr wllh South
\Vlinls fur Todav ,
\VASIIINOTON , Sopt. 10. The weather
forecimtR for TucsOwy ure :
For Kcbruokii , South Unlcota , Iowa , Colo-
raOo nnd Knnsas Kulr ; wurmer ; winds Lc-
cnmlnR foullici-ly.
KOI- Missouri Kitlr till Wednesday nlsht ;
Inl CoIerldRB wrltt-a ; "Hend me fifteen
dozen Cook's Bxtra Dry Imperial Wine. I
trkd it wlillo he re and touuil U superior. "
Tor niilu by p. P. HOECK ,
Jut. .Sun ri-iiiirliieo Street. til.
C'ltij jf MUN.IOO , Moxloo.
The Mexican riniomhninw tariff , In KnV- ' *
Hull , with chiiim'rn t < i dutn , 4ti > . one vol.
p.p. 437 , , J.5I
Mining < < ! < , , t SI xlrn , In KnitlUli and Hjuin-
Ixli. wllh riiviilnni und nillnKn on BUIIII- ,
* vi > . p.p. ] ii : . .1.00
Law of ttin Kedi-rnl Stump Tux. In Ivnullsli
and KpHtilxh , with thunwH In d.ito , one vol
Svo. p.p.M ) . .11,00
Ciir ( < < p-jrii > wlnK In. Mi-xlcu , Iho Ijoxt work on
Ilia FUlJect , In KnBhVh. 4lo. p.p. SO I 1.00
ThiHlHtoiy , use. , . | . . . f the Mexltun Calan
dnr Btoni ; . In l-nillfcli : , liy J. J , Valtntlnl ,
wllhplalc. Svii. p.p. M . 9 Jo
The Hncml ( Ml ) of Hie Tnllrm , ly Ie p ldo
" " with iiiiiii < > ri > u I'uloipd plattw , 4to
PP. ss . . . . . : . . : , . ; : : : . . . . o.
CalaldKim t f the .Vi.tlomil MIIH UIII of &ltxlco
' ' ' * ' ° "
Piously llhiHiriitpil , 'tin. p.p. 4'.C 07J
Dllfi'tory of the t'lcy .if Mexk-u hy H Uuh
land 4 _ ff JSM
Directory of tlm Interior of Mexico , name
aullmr 1 2 to
Tin1'uUlo I.iind Ijiw nf MHXU-O , Vn'iSnff. '
' ' ' ' ' ' O.W >
The Patent' iliiws of jfekVco' Ylii
and Simnlull o.a
Itemlt N. Y , with ordeia.
Stand at the Head.
l-'ot tlilrtyycars _
Ducbcr Watch Onaas
liavo Utwii endorsed by
every prominent < Ico.
The I ) ttub or trade
mark In this country ,
iinil Iliu Hail mark la
L'iilniiil urea | ; uaran
Wiffl fa ADJUS7EO WATCHES < 5// tcoot l inctal. 17-
V J < > wcl "nmp < 1 = 11 ra ( > vo-
> THC y
QE.Y3& ' wcntsliiUucbcr <
2S23T ( .tand . nt the head.
If your dealer does not keep mi r nratchrn mull
H\ your nd < lri-i and wo will > ud you tti
inmo of R dealer lie riopj. TIIK
W TCII VVoiiKu , Canton , O.
Commission Merchant
( irnin a ml Provisions.
Prlvnie wlrea to Clilcaeo and New York
All business orders placed on Chlcu c
Itoard of Trade.
Corn.'tpondunco Kollcltcd ,
Office , room I , New Vurk Life UullJlng.
Telephone ISttt.
Curt/- the effect * ot
fllui > , excesses ,
emC .ions , Impotency ,
vu : .cocciu uncl consti
pation , One dollar a
box , six lor t& . For
nulv by THIS UOOU.
UtnaUa , NeU