THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SAJTJJRDAf , SEPTEMBER fl , 1804. A BOARDER X V Pays you $4 to $8 weekly that moans pin money adds little to your present expenses THE BEE GETS 'EM 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. \ / \ / SPEGiflL NOTICES. Advertisements for the-je columns will be taken until 12:30 : p. rn. for the evening and until 9W : J > . m , f r the morning anil Sunday editions. Advertisers , by requesting a nitmUoruil check , can have nn addressed to n numbered letter M care of The Dec. Aniwrn BO aditieMol will be delivered ut > on presentation of the clicclc. , Ilatei , IVJc a word lint Inseitlon , Ic n word thereafter. Nolh'ne ' tnlsen for less tlmn Me Tor flriit Insertion. These advertisements must run con oeutlvolr. SITUATIONS WANTED. LADY DIHMII : POSITION AH nr trnvellnt : gnmninlnn ; knowlodse nt KnRllsli , French nnJ umilo , l > Mt of refrrcncea : terms reasonable. A < l < liei d , C03 N. 17th A Mltl a purii.9 WANTED ; auiTAit. PIANO organ lessons , lit very moderate term * A < 1- drcsa COJ N. 17th. A MUD B WANTED MALE HELP. ( nNnitRcmo WANT MHN OP rood mlilress on salary for retail trade. Apply 1518 Douglas 31 MHO S3 SPUCIALTY SALKRMRN rou nncn's LUMP Jaw remedy ( endorsed by U 8 UepV Airrlcul- turn , Jluiratl oC Anlmil Jntliisti y , at a uprclnO nu a side llni * . L'liernl termt to rlKht parlies. Addrets Urotheri fi. Heed , Mulvern , In. U-M38I SIT WANTin , Tn.wnuxo SALESMAN , itubi f & Thompson , tailors , 1612 Karnam street. 11-601 P2i WANTRD. nV MANUFACTURERS , TRAVEL- Infir salesmen to Hill to mere-hint * only : nni t bo live , wiiliavnl * men. W O. lliticock , sjc- clnl agent , room 25 , MUlard liolil. Kept. * . 10 aild 11. 11-MlC't 10" WAN-run , WOOD TURNER. "run 'K. M" llulso Co , 130J Nicholas strett. U M1C230 T WORK ron ACTIVE MIN. Knlnry or enmmlsslon , No pxpciknce neces- nary , aooda monopoly. Coal Mils of every body reducwl 41 per cent. Aililima K. a. Co , 132 Colonnade bulldlne , Hoston , Mnsq. 11-M172 8' V/ANTED FEMALE HELP. ' ] WANT12D , YOl'NCJ ' WOM1IN TO RNTEtl training school for ntiriua. Address W. C. A. hospital. Council IllutTa. C 131 18 _ AVANTKD OIlTEi KOIl C.UNUUAL , HOUSE- work. Inqulie nt 52)3 Dodcc st , C 152 9 V.VANTKD A PHIST CLASS OIItL TOR OI3N- eral hoUEewnik. llnqulre 1101 South SOlli C IDS FOB. BENT HOUSES. TENTS rOIt HUNT. 1311 FARNAM FST. D-737 81T _ WANTED , GOOD MUDIUM FRICRD HOUSES. Llat yuur houses for rent with Ames. D-7 _ HOUSES , r , 1C. DAHLINO , HAl'.KCH It LOCK. D 731 _ HOUSES IN ALL 1'AHTS OP TUB CITY. THE O. F. Davis company , 1005 Iainam. D 735 ' ' KELIIUNNY''CQ . n. i. CONTINENTAL HLIC D-736 _ _ FIND 7-ROOU COUNKIt PLAT AT 701 3. 1GTH ntreet ; runge and all other conveniences. Ocoreo Cloiisor. .ruom 2 , 1C23 1'uninin ptreet. D 3M , 6. 8 AND 10-nOOM HOlJbKS , ALL ern , lawn ami simile. Apply at ill fl. Y. I. ! fa or 2181 Miami street. D-M1SJ FOR 11I3NT , ClIUAFHST SIX-nOOll COTTAOC with bath In city ; only (15 00. 3K1 California treet. FOn HUNT. B KOOMS. C3J S. 1TTH STUKP.T. U-6W-S56 * -nooji HOUSI : 2711 DOUGLAS street. U-MC7J 3 0 ROOM HOrSIIS , MODERN ANO CHIJAI' . 608 N. Uth street. "D M710 K23 * FOR HUNT TEN-ROOM HOtlSR , N7w. COIt" Fnrnnni nnd COHi tla. ; niodern improvements ) by Chaa Tuiner. S316 farnam st. O SB TOR 11RNT , 5-HOOM COTTAGU. 1116 DOUOAS utreet ; city \vati.-i , Lath. Inquire Hubert Hun. tcr , Uce cilice. ] S-HOOM. ALT. MODKIIN HOUbn , E1S 17lli ; alsu other Koud houses. < J. L. Uiccn. room 8. lilock. D M936 FOH 1IHNT. TDEfltnAHLK 7-IIOOM CQTTAOr near lliinxrom pirk ; * rcnt J23 < W llins\v.ili llroa , 87 lilocK. D 113 5 nOOMS. LAn Tn"llAT.L. 11ATII HOOM. IN. quire at 82S Boulli ISth stre .t. D M ( 12 ro IUNT. KLHOANT IO-HOOM nousiT reasonable. SW3 Hurt street , D 153-13' j-noosi IIOITBI : NIAH iiai SCHOOL ; $2000 Inquire 2 1G Capitol n\ . D 113-15' FOH llliNT. S-IIOOM COTTAOn ; J15M. IM'J S th St. _ D 137-9 _ FOU HUNT , A BI'l.nNDID COTTAOII , COH ncr , east front on paved street. 7 rooms , cltj writer , lent rtnfonable , T. C. llrunncr , room 1 Wara block. n up. ; CALL AT OIIH OITICB AND IJXAMINn Pira toeruph ofcry line 7-room moilrn rattusn m paM-d tlicct , pne-liulf Mock from car line ; onlj JS300 per monlh. IHdellty Trust Company io , l-'atnam t , 1) 133 FOB. RENT IfTJRNISHEU ROOMa' FUUNISHUD HOOMS. 23 SOUTH 19TII BT. U M93J fill * _ _ _ VLDASANT rUHNlSHUD KOOM , ! 215 K-M17J _ FUUNISHKD nOOMS AT S16 SOUTH 1STH ST ; U-M15I 811 * _ LAllCli : AN SMALL HOOMS AND IIOOMS en kulto on twa cur llnea , HE Siuth 20th street i-MC13 X UOOMS ron iiovsiKirpiNc for man and wlf < - . Itent taken in board. 31 ! N Ulli tr et. U MM1 { OH ItENT. NICKLY FUHNISllKD UOOMB call at sm rxMt\\ \ * . i-7 -is I NICK runNisnnD HOOMS ron Lie houseWerrrlni1113 B. llth st. K 87C-I' TWO UNKUKNISH11D nOOMH ; SCCONI lloor ; modern cuiiM-nlcnces. 2.1J N , 19lti h6oMKOK LICJ11T " 119 N 15th. J3 103-T * uooiis. : cos DODQK. DODQK.K K M150 ! ! ri'UNIBHKD lltSoM. 1'IUVATK 1'AMILY. 191 Bt. Mary's UM-IHU- . K M174-II * BURNISHED KOOM3 AND BOARD TLUASANT IIOOMS WITH UOAIID 21 SO IIA1I 11 ty. _ V M3 B18 NICK nOOMSj GOOD ItOAIlD ; RATUS HHA sonable. contentment. The Itose.iOJO su.'i Harney _ _ _ _ _ _ j _ r Mtu aa rrnNifliui > noona , RIKHI.I : on r.N SUITK v.1111 board. HOi Itouulas. F M9S08 * noo&t WITH UOAUD IN riij > ate family M N. 19th , 1' S73-7 * _ 1 r A N DSO M n I-'IIONT P.OOMB WITH HOARD references. I3 No. ISih. F 9SS-7 * DC.Slll.MlI.i : X'Nri'KNlSHKD FUON : and Inck pallors , al u furnlsbeU nxinn ; ever ) thine llnt-cUis. 210 and 212 txiuth Kth stVrei K-MI3I 10 BO ITU 1. 11ONT IIOOM. W1T1 reference , tili Farnam streit. A CLUlt OF B OU 10 YOl'NO uNOAJl HAVI * pleasant homo with room nml board In i ptlvat * family , IIOUIM with all modern ron \cnlfncei. location rentral and dealrublo ; every thlr.e 0 t cUiu. Adtlrea * W II , Her , F-U1Z1 I FUHNISHED IIOOMS AND BOABD. Continued. Y runNisinn > ROOMS WITH ALL conveniences. I'lrst-class bcaid 211 No. IStli street. T SIKS-S13 * HOOMS AND 11OA11D , 2413 CAPITOL AVI3- nue. F MI61 27 FOB , BENT UNFUB.NI3HED ROOMS. TWO LAROn ROOMS. EAST AND SOUTH front : modern ! will lent unfuinWicd to party furnishing KOO ! rcfcrentc-a. 100 $ Oeo avenue. Cl-107-7 * POR RENT STORES AND OFFICES CORNER STOHE. JW.OO. S21 DOUQLAB. INquire - quire S22. 1 740 roil KENT , ROOM , 65 I3V JS , 2ND FLOOR OK my ttoie , suitable for cloaks ami suits ; good light and elevator eeivlce Mrs. J. lli-nsnn I-M989 roil RENT , THE 4-STORY nilICK DUILDINQ 916 I'arnam street. Tlie bulldlnR has n. ( Ire- proof cement basement , complete steam heat- iiiB flxures water on nil doors , eis. etc. Ap ply at the olllco of 'I he Hce. 1-910 TOR HKNT , GOOD STORK ROOM IN Tiin l > * t lucallon In nortlienst I\nnsn : will rent i-ry ie.iw > nablo to irood pnrly. Adclres Tlieo. nml O. 1' . Welsenborn , llille > tlle , Kan. I M1000 8 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , GOOD SOLICITORS. MEN AND vomen , to work for the Progressive Endow ment ( lulld of Amcrlcn , for Mlsaourl. Kansas nnd Nebraska , ( Ituildinc and Ijonn and ten- jear Endowment Insunnce combined ) Re- llHble people only nceil apply. Address room C , Rock Island bide. cor. Cth and Edmond street. St. Joseph , ilo. J M003 01 ADENTS TO TAKE ORDERS RY SAMPLE AT home or travel. We pay liberal salary nnd ex- IKIIHOS or good commission nnd furnish bamples to right applicant. Address Look Iton 1331 , New York City. WANTfiD. OENEIIAL AGENTS TOR CITIES. Local iiKciUB for IOAMH. New nDvelly , Sim plex ketllo lifter and drainer. Stamp foi particulars. Wallace it Co , Rock Island. Ill J M118 9 * LADV AOHNTS-ir YOU WANT NB\V Koadi , nulck sellerH , larce pronis , eootl sit- iBfnctlon , writeLadles' Supply Co. . 3113 For est ave. , Chicago , 111 J Ml < 0 8 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED , HOUSES TO RENT. I1AVU MORE calls than I can nupjl > , J. n , i'arroUe , ICth and Dodge. IC-TiJl S24 A O13NTLEMAN WISItES TO RENT A NICE 10 or 12-room house In the vicinity of Hnnscom park. Address W 25 , llec. K 114-9 * STORAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS S.CROSS , 1211 1IARNEY. M 741 STORAOE rOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLUAN and cheap rate. H. WclM , 1111 Tarnam M-742 OM.VANitSTORAGE CO..1M2 TARNAM , Tel 1519 M-743 I1EST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA U S gov. l nded warebnu e. Hovtsehold cooda stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1013 Leavenuorlh M-744 WANTED TO BUY. HAVANA FRECKLES , DEST ON EARTH , EC. N MC51 S27 WANTED. 2 OUTSIDU SHOW CASES IN- 1318 rainam. N M161 9 FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOUH inonc ) . I.ow prlcci on furniture and household Goods Enterprise Credit Co. . 613-615 N. ICtn si O-743 FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO 3 TOP I1UGGIES , J35 & | Br . LIUTHER TO11 carriage < C5. Diummond Cairlage Co P-740 FOR SALE OR TRADE , 5 HORSKS WEIGHing - ing1,000 pounds each , G anil 7 years old. Fred Terry , 43D Ramga block. P 747 THE HEST LEATHER TOP IIUGQY IN OMAHA for 135 00 , Diummonu , IS 111 and Ilarney.I1 I1 7(3 ( WANTBD-A TEAM OF HORSES WEIGHING no less than 1,100 IIs , well broken to city driving. Bend partlculurs to IT 17. I tee. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HANK AND PLATTE VALLEY SAND FOU tale. C. W. Hull company , 20th ard Iz.itd stg. Q-750 CJinAPEST CHICKEN AND OnNAMENTAl frnco made , C. R , Lee. 941 Dougtns , Q T49 FOR SALE , THE FORMULAS J-OK WE LI Knots n proprietary medicines , favorably knowr In the northwest , with sola rlghti to manufac ture und pell In North and houili Dal-utn , Ne braskn. Nona hut rehiionslbla paitles ncec on wcr. Address H. F. Smith. Q-M319 8 _ YOUNG PARROTS TOR SALE. 501 SOUTIi 10th slieet. Q M122 12 > SKT OP SHOW CASES. SCALDS nml large corteo mill for sale , Inquire 1424 B 10th St. Q 110-S * FOR SALE OR TRADi : NEW TONY CAMPbell boll Qllmlcr press. Will take part cash ant balance In printing. AdJrcfs W K , Ilee. Q-M173 14 MISCELLANEOUS. STOCK PASTURED ; GOOD THED T. MUR ray. R-M4S7 S20 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. Dn , H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. RE liable business medium ; 7th tear at 119 N. 16 B 75 * MASSAGE. BATHS. ETO. MADAMB SMITH. COJ S. KITH , 2D FLOOR room 3 ; massasc. vapor , alcohol , steam , sul phurlna and sea baths , T MSJI S * MASSAGE , MA-DAMEfocnNAItD. 1419 DODGE PERSONAL. UM1IRELLAB MADE , RECOVERED AND RE paired. 103 South Sixteenth street , U 75J VIVVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES Health book and consultation free. Address o call VlaM Co. . > 4S Uea kids. Lady attendant U-7J4 nALDUFP A pleasant and convenient place , lit ) Fatnam street , I'oxton block : 'phono 711. U-757-317 _ _ _ _ _ _ CRKAM I'OR WHIPPPING AND I1UTTER milk. Waterloo creamery , 1(1 } Howard , tel.133 : WHOLE WHEAT BREAD FROM UNHOLTEI flour at Imogen L. Ramiey'n , ' ZI7 N 15th st. U MIOS S19 WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. J Muller"n new lea cream ration , 2M)2 ) Iavcn worth street : everything Is new. Including th bulldlnir. Tel. 1030. Ice cream delivered.TM U -TM 314 DR.W.STEPHEN8ON. SPECIALIST , K * B. 1ST1 U-414 B19 MM K. LA ROOK. UA83AGB. 1(0 > LEAVEN worth street , third QM > r , front room * ; two tin class operators. U M973 10 * foC CIGAR FOR tO , HAVANA FRECKLES U-MW1 837 UATH3. MASdAGU. MME , POST , 319S4 S. UTII PERSONAL. Continual. ELKCTRO-TIintlMAL IIATHS , FACIAL MAS- ( Bge&coniDlcxIan treatment , Mme , 1'oat , 1194 H IS. U-87MO REMOVAI. OPENING. THE OMAHA NA- tlonnl Knlttlne f clory 1ms removed from 15th nnd lloiinrd to 312 S. Utli , in the new Hchlltx bulldlnir nnd will lm\e nn openlns of their fall nnd winter Rood * Salurdav , Sopletnlier B : ele gant picture curds slten to nil callers , this Is the only hau < ic In In ? city tlmt make * . > p < ! - dally ot woolen Rood * . > tirna ami crochet eot- Inni. liillfs doing hundwoik nlll llnd It to their n < hnntrice to cull nnd cxnmlnn nur slock. Joseph F. llllz proprietor , U M103 U AGENTS WANTED - JI.OOO WILL UK ovvnrded In rlBhly-four cash Rlris for correct replies 10 our nerd mlx-uu. Beml mldreispil stninpeil envelope foi the mix up to the Flut- cnce Medicine Co. , St. Paul , MinnU U M16D 9 MONEY TO LUAN HEAL ESTATE. LIF12 INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F , C. Clusney , Kansis City. Mo. W-7M ANTHONY LOAN ft TRUST CO. , 319 N.Y. LITE loans nt low rates for choice securtly In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omah.t city pmperty. VV-760 MONEY TO IX > AN ON FARM IN DOUGLAB Improved ami unlmpinved Omaha real fstnte. FLlellly Tiutt Co. , IT02 Farnnm t. AV 761 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrennan , Love & Co. , Paiton llk. W-7C2 _ _ _ OMAHA LOAN A TRV8T CO. , 18TH AND Doucla * streets , loin money on city and farm property at lowest rates oC Interest. W 13 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES TUB 0 F. Davis Co. . IM3 Fnrnain st. W 7C1 UNITED bTATIV ) MOUTOAGU CO. OF NEW York Capital K OH.OOfl. Surplus luW.OW. Hub- mlt choice lands In J ? . S. Puse > . UKcnt , First National bank building. W ,63 MONEY TO LOAK' AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved nnd unlmptovrd Omilia leal estate , 1 to 5 sears. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170i Fnrnnm. W -7CI LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property : J1 OOJ A upwaiils , C to 7 per cent ; no tklajsW I arnam Smith t Co , 13S ) Fnrmm. MONEY TO I OAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE nt C ptr cent. W. It. Melklc. 1st Nat. bank. W 7C3 /TVE INSURANCE POLICIES 1'URCHASED. ' inr on same negotiated. Willlvcr & Co. , l > rexcl bids , I'hlla. Pa. W 31971 Ot * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MON'EY TO LOAN ON FURNITXiRE , PIANOS. horses , waKens , etc. . nt lowest intts In city , no removal of poods , strictly conlldenllal ; > ou can pay the loan olt ot any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN .70. ? 05 S. Klh . Xb4 J B. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 RAMOi : BLOCK x -71. ; MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co , 701 N. Y. Life build- Ins X-7C MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNIture - ture , piano * homes , vvasons or any lilntl of chattel security , at Ion eat possible rates , which jou c.m piy bncl < at nny time and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO . room 4. Wltlmell block. : r-67 BUSINESS CHANCE3. FOR RENT , A DEPARTMENT ON SECOND lloor , 3 x80 In one of the largest houses In Council Bluffs. 13 , care Uce , Council Itlurfs. Y-7CJ FOR SALE. A I1IG PAYING BUSINESS ; NO competition ; SISCO cash takes It. Address S. CO. lloe Y M100 S3' A HOWLING SUCCESS. HAVANA FRECKLES. Y MK1 S27 THE NATIONAL 1NTOIIMATION AND EX- eli.mge Co , 203 TUst bank , Onnhn , lias customeru with cash , farm lands and city pioperly for merchandise , also stocks of jroous for palo and trade. Y M8CO 30 43 I'ER CENT NET PROFITS WEEKLY WITH Jl.6'1 ' or moro c.ipltnl. 1'iospectus , Itemized statistics free Deiibon & Dwyer. 834 liroid- vay , New Yorlv. Y Milt OH * FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS GROCERY , DOING Rood biitlnoHH , In tplemlld location , peed rea sons for selling. Address W SI , Uce. Y 1I2-8 * CIGAR , TOBACCO , FRUIT AND CONFEC- tlonery store dolnc a good btinliHss for site. Good reason , for selling. Address W 2 , Dee. Y 141-7 * FOR SALE. A WELL ESTABLISHED HAR- nesi business In a Rood tdimlns country In western luna. For paitlculais addiess W 27 , care Bee. Y Ml IS 8' R12TIR1NO FROM BUSINESS ; GOOD OPENIng - Ing for party wlshlne to buy stock of vvall | ui > er (8 ( 00 * r. ) with llxtures for less than M cost , to be sold by October I , For particulars address H. T. Voss , 1724 Leavenworth.Y . Y M1CO S SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION OPEN TO ALL ; try our njrullcale s > 9tem of speculation ; in crease you i Income ; Information free ; send for circular. Thompson & Uerr Co. , M Wall Mrcet , New York Incorporated under the laws ot state of New Yolk ; capital $140.004. Y Mill S' FOR BALE , . FIRST-CLASS AND WELL LO- cnted drug Mtore ; lialf ci ii , balance tea ! estate ; also food location for doctor. W 2) , ISee. Y M1C7 1C WANTED. 11.000 ON GOOD SOUTH OMAHA property for C or 19 wuia nt b per cint. Ad- dicss 701 Uth St. , South Omali.i. Nch. Y Mlffi 9 GENTLEMEN WITH SMALL CAPITAL WISH- InB to tusnEC In the best ptyjng business In the state can find pnch an opening by cill- ing nn the under ? gacd at the Ogden house. 1C Frlshcy. \-M17B 10 FOR EXCHANGE. AMERICA'S PRlOn , HAVANA FRECKLES , SC. Z-1IG51 Sil I IIAVU CASH. IOWA AND OTHER LAND3 10 exchanpr ? for incichandlse. H. A. Wflffner. Omalm. heb. Z S1S55 FOR TRADE , ONE OR ALL OF 5 STOflE buildings on N street , South Oimha. bringing nice Income , for coed clear farm land near tn Omaha , South Omaha or Council Bluffs Value of property about J2J.OOO 00. Address 11 SI , Bee. Z MC93 ! ! CLUAH CITY PROPERTY FOR LAND. WIL- Ilains & Mlttan , McCaguo building , room 313. Z M837 Ol GOOD CLEAR REAL ESTATE FOR STOCK OF poods Address W 8 , this otllce. Z M970 8 A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO Ex change for young work horses or mules. Lamoreaux LErot. , 30G S. 12th. Z 103 IMPROVED 120 ACRES IN WYANDOTTE CO Ohio , and line residence with ten neies ad joining good town In Hancock Co , Ohio , ic trade for eastern Neb. land or merchandise IJox &S5 , Schuyler , Neb , Z M121 O5 OMAHA IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVEt residence property and eastern Nebraska farn land to trade for dry goixls. Want to dca with owner. Box 710. Schujlcr , Neb Z-M120 O5 WANTED TO TRADE A CLEAR LOT WOHTI from J100 to J200 for a phaeton. T. C. Brunner room 1 , Wure block. Z 135-3 BRICK. WANTEDVTO TRADE A GOOD CLUAT1 lot near Binson post olllcc for good brick. T C. Brunner , room 1 , Ware block Z 131-7 FOR HALE OR TRADE-BAY HORSE. K hamli. seven learn , gentle , trot better 2.4) will trade for touns horeo with speed 13V hands. H. H , Irey , county treasurer. Z-157-11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CELlar - lar , cittern , city water ; cor. 13th and Bihlcr J1.2M.OO , long time. Enquire 1318 B'arnsm .Samuel Burns. R 13 771 ONE OF T1H5 HEST HOME.S IN KOUNTZt Placn (2019 ( Blimey ) if sold at once will go for less than rest of house Terms cUmt 1mlr cnsh. balance easy , R N. Wllhncl Cwnii ) , 207 N. Y , Life. E 3H-H-17 BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS sit ; or trade. 1 % 1C. Hailing. Barker block. R E-77J GARDEN LAND3. 5 mllrs from poitonice , lone tine , easy lermi. Call B.I 94) N. Y. Life R13 731 FOR BALE. MY RESIDENCE , S. W. J1ST ANE Cass. Leavllt Uurnlmm. R 13 103-11 * FARM LANDS. C. F. HARISON. U N.Y. LIFE RE-1M-OC * TYPEWRITERS , TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT , BOLD , EX chttnecd , rented and repaired , Typewriter am otllco supplies. Typewriters rented at U pe month. 'Inn Omaha Typewriter exchange , kuc cessors to the tj-peurlllntt department of th Me eath Statloneiy Co. 211 B. 13th , tel. 13(1. 776 SEE THE NEW DOUGHERTY TYPEVMUTKR The Omaha Typewriter exchange , tel. 1331 , No 814 8. 13th it. 777 STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFEBED FOF ala should make you suspicious ) funny the ] are mostly Smith's. Try one and you ivll understand why , full line of supplies. Hmlth I'remler Co. , 17th and Farnam ; telephone 1.284. M 70S TYPEWRITERS-OMAHA PEOPLE DON" teal typewriters , they buy of us. Why ? Be causa the Dens mure Call graph end Yott ttr the best machines made ; they will outwea any t > pewrlter made , and do a better ami It at work. Our supply department will be stir to please ) ou. Bend jour machines to us I you them repaired. United Typewrite and Supplies Co. , 1(19 Farnam street. Tele phone. 13 5. 9M TYPEWRITING AND aTENOGRApilicMIEAD quHrlers at Room K. DounUs blorL Tele phont 1584. Terms icuoaaUt. HIM IV BUSINESS , NOTICES. ] T ' P MA1IA MRERSaiAttJlllPE VACTORYi OLD pipes made new. 603 TJ ? ISth. "M DAMAGED JlllUlOIlS-ItKSILVKRED. 719 N. K 781 ITOVE REPAIRS Otf'iALL K1NDS ; AMO hotel range & general assortment of ranges , cooks & Centers : wrttrSttnchnient < > put In t at J , Hughes , C07 B. list & Jackson. 305 PLUMPERS. REE-PLUMBINO OF-EVERY KIND. CIA'S steam & hoi water heating ; sewerage , 31)HIS. r . I 7 . J. HANIOAN , PL MRlNO. STEAM AS'U hot water heating. i0 , q\enworth st 7 < J OHN ROWE Jt CO , 1'Ht'MlTTNCI , STEAM AND hot water licatlng , eas Ilxturca. clobcal S. li 7M BICYCLES. 1ICYCLE9 , NEW AND OLD , JW TO J17I ttsy payments , we rent anil repair. Onn.ia lllCKle Co. , 323 N.10th t. 778 _ _ 1ICYCI.ES ALL STYLES. ALL PRICES Bend for our list of seconl Imnd nnd shop worn blcyclei. Repairs nnd "sclo sundries ot all kinds. M. O .Daxon. 40. ! N. ICth st. 773 HCYCLBI REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tlic-s and sundiles. 8afc openoJ , impaired. C. R. HiMllii. locksmith , Sll N. St. 1S6 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. YOU CAN MAKS ! MOP.E INTEREST ON YOUR money by puU"K us 11 or mjie per numth than In any ravin ; * bink. Inve < tlgate. Mu tual Loin ami Bulldln ? nmoclatlon. G. M. Nattlnger , ree'J , 1701 F'linnin st , 723 IOW TO GET A HOME OR SECl'RE GOOD Interest on mvlnnsppij to Omahi L & U. assn. , 17-l ) , Bee bldg O M Nattlnser Sec STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINE MAIL BTEAMSHP9-SAlt ! legularly e ory Paturtlay fiom New York foi Ixmdoiulerry and Glasgow Ethiopia , Septem bcr 35 , V I > . m. ; Furneisln. Pritcmlicr | S2 11 a m ; Anchorla , September ft , 2 p. in. , Clrcissli October D. 10 a. in. Salnoti , second cl.i s nnd steemge. slnsto ur round trip tickets ( ron New Yoik IT Chlclgi at reduced rntes to th principal Scotch. EnslMi. Irish and nil contl rental t > olntj > . For money orders , dinfts. out ward or prepaid tickets npply to any of ou local agents or to Henderson Bios. , Chicago ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storige batleries recharged ; electrical and gen < > rnl mnclilnlsts , superior woik iu.iiantced Omaha Electrical Walks , G17 and GUI B 10th st 783 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC tors for electric light nnd motor plants and al kinds of electrical construction. Westell ! Elec trie Supply Co , 41S and m S. ISth sf 784 UNDERTAKERS AND EMS ALMERS It. K. BUIIKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANI embalmer , 1018 Chicago st , , telephone 90. 783 SWANSON & VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS ANI cmbalmers , 1701 Cumins st. , telephone 1060. 789 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM baliner , HIT Farn m stv telephone 223 7 7 DRESSMAKING. MISS MASON'S SCHOOL FOR DRESSMAK Ing , established Ib92 , in ready for the fal work. A thorough tailor system Is Uught taken from actual measurements nnd found ? ' on a mathematical ba ls. Finm tvvo to thre dresxes me made durlne the term of tei lossuns I ich pupil being compelled to hind ! the garments during * the dirtcicnt stages o progiesslon Room S17 S.I 2Cth streetM122 M-122 3 < SAY AND GRAIN. NEBRASKA HAY CO , WHOLESALE HAS gi.iln and mill stuffWo nrc alwa > s on th market to buy or sell. 1W2-1-C Nicholas st j 794 ItUY YOUR HAY BY CAR'.OIl TON LOTS. W ] buy hay. A. II. Sndery 1515 Burl St. . tel 1101 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OITICAL CO. , LEADING OPTICIANS J. F. Ponder , manager. Eyes tested free 2. South ICth. in Klnsletjs dfug store. 416 15' THE ALOE & PENFOLT ) CO. . BCIENTIFI opticians , 140J I'ainaiji st. , opposite Paxto hotel. Eyes ! iamlnM free. 7)1 ! ) JOB PRINTING. REED JOB PRINTING CO , FINE PRINTINi of jll kinds. 17th St. , Bee Building. 79) MAIL ORDER COMMERCIAL PRINTING specialty. Douglas Printing Co. , 410 S. 15t St. , Slieely bldg. Tel. C44 for prompt service. 800 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOt/RING CABINET MATTRESS WORK ! W. It. Dell , H. A. McEjchron , 2717 Leavenw'tl 801 UPHOLSTERING VERY CHEAP THIS MONT ] M S. Will kin , 2111 Cumins T i W2 SOS CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS GALVANIZE iron cornices. 17J2 S. Mary's live. 8)3 ) EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. JOHN EPT niter .prop. , 103. 110. 112 N. llth. EHtab 13 ; GRINDING. SCISSORS. LAWN MOWEUS. RAZORS. ETC ground. Mclcholr Itioa. 11D Farnam stieet. RAZORS , SHEAR1 ? , CLIPPERS LAWN MOU crs , etc. A , L. Undeland , 1W N. 14th. 792 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. O. F GELLENDECK. BANJOIST AN teacher , lil' ) Cullfoinla street. 911 FOR BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS easy payments ; Instiumentx rented , rents on purchase , A. Hospe , Jr. 743 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS ALVA J. GROVER. MATHEMATICAL AN surveying Instruments , engineers' nnd arch lects' supplies ; liaclug cloth , blue procei pipers 319 B. ISth ; mall orders. 793 TENTS AND AWNINGS. WDLF BROS. & CO. , MANUFACTURERS O awnings tents Hags , wagon , hay stack cover tarpaulins , balloons and piruchutes. 703-705 I 16th st. , telephone CO I. Tents for rent 807 S17 T AXID ERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FURS SEND FOR CAT ; logue. George E. Brown , jr. , & Co. , 7M S. 16tl 811 HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MALONCY , 012 N. ICTH ST. 231 COAL. SlIIiniDAN COAL. EXCELLENT SUBSTITUT fc < t-iVd coal und } 3 M ton cheaper , ICtu&Farna . , OJfl O4 D. T. MOUNT HAS RKilOVED HIS COAL Ol nee to 209 S. 15th St. , jllnrjn block. 1W JOHNSON BROS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS I all kinds of coal , Correspondence eollclte 1008 Farnam t. > " < 81J STENOGRAPHERS. iT. SUTCLIFFE. , J3ENERAL STENO ( rapher. 232 Bee buililliigL' Telephone W7 * ' " ' * MS51 CARPENTERS ANTD BUILDERS , C , E. MORRILL. CAm-tiiTER , OFFICE AN store IU lures a spetTatly , Patch Ins ar plasterlnt ; . 1513 Cupltol'L've. tel. 408. 796 DYE ui 1 _ - BCHODDSACK. TWIM UlTY DYE WORKI 1W1 Farnam street , biysljig of every descrl ] tlon anil dry cleanlty,1 > 1q 797 on. anoitan s. NASO.H ! I > INTIST. suirn 2 I'axton block , Htli ami Karnnm Bin. , tel. 71 ! 8M _ _ _ _ _ Pit. 1'AUU DUNT1ST , Spg ) 111 KT ST. 8 6 HEST rimNACi : MADE' , BOPT COAI. SMOK consuming nnd luml coal furnace * . Ujclc Co nlco Wurkn. 108-112 N. Ulli t. 810 HOARD IKO BT.MH.nS. TINE MVKUY TOC cheap , id liaumlcy , JHIi and Bt. Slar > ' nv AETNA. HOVSi : ( HlTlToi'KAN ) N , W. CO ] Uth and Ucxlce , lEoom ty day or vreek.JtJSJ" JtJ-SJ" DANCING. -Au . O.V MOHVNO I-OI5 LESSONS. BOOIR1 pr it r A ni-f . 1510 Iltrncy , U ! Sll STOVE HEPA1HB. TOVB Rin'AtltS FOn UtfKKIlKNT nmken ot movrVntcr Mtnrlimonts and ciMinwilonii n nxvlnlty IJffT Ujuglan nlrt'ct. Omtlm Stove Ilfpulr VV.ik * MI'S PAWNBROKERS. MAuovvny LOANS UO.NUIu K. ictr.ti > . -ti ISUOKTKAND AWli 1'Yl'EWHITING. AN BANT'B BCIIOOt. OK SHOUT HAND , N. T , Life. Omi'in Atk for circular. JDS Till : Kr.Al.TV MAKKKr. NSTIVUMKNTS pheeil on rccorl September 7 , 1801 : VVAIIUANTY : unnna. i S Uffnl nml wife to All > -rt Cnilim w 51S feet of o CJS ( uet lotB 11 nil. ! 12 , lilnds 2. HrtMl Terr c 55 ! M Stenlwre nml v.\tt \ lo A J Smith , liM 10 and ll , lilock 2 llrwe Hill 800 J Mmllli tn ll M Sunborg , tots ll nn < l Z3 , bl .k 16 , Mine SW * oulh Omnlia l.nml com ) nn > ti > I'ml I ) tl- leek lot C. lilock 10) ) South Orrnh' . . . . IS * IKlnvocIc At O'K company to K T Mar- nhnll nml wife , lot U. , block 3 , Klidliy Mnee > M ) ' I'M ! . imuha I'ovpornRc comiwiny to Sclnfer. ot.i I to C. block 4 , lluttljiittnn Outer . . 1.000 'Inrence ' Tlmpcrley to wnltr-r Tlmiwrley , " " " " P 8-16-11' . . . " . . . . . . . . 1.000 V W Lemon mil vvlfc lo OeorRiVun llcils , lul ! , lilocU 7. Oin.ilin Vlc-w 1,603 O r Onrlwm nnd wife to Simui-l ilniiit ' < i lot 3. Mock 131 , South Om.ili i . . . S)0 ) nlon tUnck nnls roniji my to John Tm * ley , lot C , Mock 1C Irt mM to Siulh Omalia COO C K Man In nnd wlfo to O I. Marvin , lot ! ! . lili .k 8. Kckornnn I'lacc 1.CO3 H llountil Mini vvlft lo C II NUtioH. n 'i no Si-lS-10 . . 1,300 Ql'lT CLAIM IiiiM : : 1 L Wilclil to V n lllK llow , lot i , I'ruyn'a ftulKllv In 1'nulson's uii < l 1 Totil nmount of trnn foiB t 9MS HURRAH. SUES & CO. , SoHcllirs. Boo Building , OMAHA , Neb Adviuu FUEb RHILWHYTIMEGHRD Leaves I CIHCAC.O NOICTHWEST'N ( Arrive * OrnahtlU. 1' Depot. 1 th & . Mnsun ijts | Omalia II OVvm . i. Eastern Express 4 ( Kpm . . Vestlbulrd Limited . D.ICam G 5am . Mo. Valley Locil . 10.30pm 6.4tpm . . . . Oinalia Chicago Bpcelal 2 LeaverfCHICAGO , "BURLINQTON 5. Q I Arrives Omalui ) _ Depot IQlli nnd Mason SJs | Omaln 4 45pm . . . . . . .Chicago Vestibule . . . . . 9 Slim 9i4Sani * . . . . . . . . .Chicago Express . 4.2pm 1 02pm . . . .Chicago anil Iowa. Locnl . . C OOim A 3jun . . . . . . Pnclllc Junction r ocnl. . ' > Ml'm Leaves IBUBLINGTON sTMO. RIVEIl"TArrlv"es Omalia ] Depot IQtli nnd Mason Sts | Omaln 10 lenin . Denver Express . . . 9 IVim 101r im . l > eadwood Express . . . 4.1Aptn 4'SOinn . Denver Express . . . . 4'10pm CiCOprn NcbiaKka Locnl ( except Sundav ) . C.cnpm Lincoln Local ( except Suiula . .ll:25am : Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. B | Arrlv es _ Oimlia ] Dcpotl _ th an < l Minon Sts I Omaha ! > :45nm. . . .Kansas City Dny Express. . . . E > :35pm : :43pm K. C. Night Ex _ vla _ U. P Trans. 6Main : Leave * I CHtCAGO. R L & PACIFIC | Arflvcs OmaluU. | P. Depot. I0th & Mason Sis | Omaha " EAST. IOlBim. .Atlantic Expiess ( ex Sunda . . 5l5pm : C:2Tpm Night Impress G:40im 4:40pm . Chicago Vcstlbuled Limited . 1 2Spm ll:3iam : OMahoma Exp. ( to C. U c Sun ) 535am ! " _ WEST. C.33nm Oklahoma & . Te as Exp ( ex. Sunll ) S3pm . Colorado Limited . . . 4.10pm Leaves I UNION PACIMC ( Arrives OmahilUnlon Depot , lOtliA. Mason Sts I Omahi ] 0 n am Kniney Express 3 J'lpin ' 2lopm ! Overland Fl > e.r. . . 6,10pm 3 15pm Beatrice . Stromsb'g- ( ex Sun ) l .4rpm G.4Di > m 1'aclflc Expiess lO.jjim (1 ( 30pm Fast Mali 4 20pm Leaves I CHICAGO. MIL * BT PAUL.Arrlves | gmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th .Ve Miuon bta I Omnhn 6 35pm Chlciso Limited . 7. T. 9:30-im : 11 .lOim..Chicago Express ( c\ . Sun ) . . . 5 QOpn ] Leaves I F , , E. & MO. VALLEY ( Arrives Omalia ] Depot 15th and Webster Sla. I Omaha 3 O'.im Dcndwoud Express C:10pm : 9.01am. ( Ex. Sat ) Wyo Ex. ( Ex Mon ) . B.IOpir B.OTpm. . Norfolk Express ( Ex Sunday ) ,10:45atr : E:3 pm. , . . , . St 1'nul Express 3:40am : Leaves ! MISSOURI PACIFIC. Onnlial Depot 15th nndJWcbsler Sis. " "c 0)im St , Louis Express 9:30pm : St. Louis Express , . . . . . . . C:53pn : 5:10pm..Dally : ( ex. Sun. Nebraska Local. . 9:10air : Lcivcs j C. , HT. P. , M. K O. [ Arrives _ OmahaDepot _ 15th andJIVcbster Sts. f Omaha $ :00am. .Sioux City Accom. ( Ex.Sun ) . . 8 03ptr 10.00am Sioux City Accom ( Sun , Only ) S.OCpir pm . Sioux City Express ( Ex Sun ) , ll:5Snn- : ii-SOpm St. Paul Limited . . . . 9:40in : Loivesl HIOUX CITY & PACIFIC | Arrlvea Omahnlllnlon Depot. 10th A M.ison Bts I Omalr " " " 6 55im Sioux cJlty""Pasienger 10:20pn- : 8 Mpm St. Paul Express . . . . lO-dOnn- Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. | Arrlves Onnlial Depot 15th. nnd Welster Sts | Oinali" 5 3 pm "St. Paul Limited 9T40nn- 8 30pm Chicago Limited l ! 40an Leaves ! WABASH RAILWAY lArrlvi UmalinlUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts I Omii f > .55pm St Louis Cannon Ball TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. 1'crtliirnt Ailvlco tn I'nrrntH vrltli . % nibltioii ! K iii. Some very pertinent aJvlce to parent : concerning sending their sans lo technlca schools and worlts In order to fit them ti become engineers has recently been pub Ilshcil by the oldest technical Journal , thi "Engineer. " "There are many parents , ' says this paper , "Hlled with ambitious de sires for the future of their sons and anv lous ( o have them assume a dignity not In ferlor to that ot a lawyer , doctor or clergy wan ; they wish them to btcoma profes slonal men in contradistinction to trades men. To them , It must be confessed , eiil | iieerliig does not open a hopeful prospect The number ot professional engineers 1 : comparatively small , and thosa who can bi classed amongi the fully successful are , aa i rule , men of special genius Tlia most excel lent training and the greatest assldult ; concerning technical subjects , even tin greatest success In the earliest pirt of hi career , does not guarantee to the englnce : a sufficient Income In later life. For oni thing , even professional engineering Is al ways under the Inllucncc ot trade , , am rises and falls ivlth Its periods of elevatloi ami depression. The doctor and the lawye are not so fettered. Ninety per cent of th population needs a doctor'6 assistance a least twice In their lives , once to bring then Into the world and once to send them out o It again , and probably CO per cent seek th assistance of a lawyer at least two or thrc times In their sojourn here ; but the profes slonal engineer , be he ever so able , ma : spend his life mi needed and employ his Urn designing force pumps or vary the monoton ; by Inventing and taking out patents for Im provemcnts ho Is not wealthy enough to pur sue. The title 'profession' Is too narrow to engineering 'an employment not mechanics and requiring some degree of Isnowl edge' such a definition Is totally inap pllcable , and either we have no right t employ the word profession or the meanln needs modification. The work ot the engl neer must In Its nature be always more o less mechanical. The title trade IB as fa wrong on the other side , for It Is passible t be a successful engineer without either belt ) a professional or a tradesman , There Is n word In the language which exactly de scribes the occupation , Our technical .school would be useless were engineering a mer Iralllc in machines , a trade not needing a much knowledge es that ot a tea dealer This Is not engineering at all , and thos pursuing such an occupation have no rlgh to call themselves engineers. " II cur Kusftht Hc iil.tta Hlr ) < lUU. While Russia U behindhand In most thing pertaining to progress and enlightenment all U distinctly In advance ot the remainder t the world as far athe regulation ot th bicycle trnlllc Is concerned. lie [ ore any on Is permitted to ride on any public thoroughfare faro he Is compelled to obtain a license at cost of fl and to have his name and adJres entered upon the pollco registers of hU dli trlct , In token of which he la presented wit u square piece of leather Mlth his number I largo figures of brltlit metal. This he mui have permanently ufflxcd to the back of th cycleso that It may be seen by the pollci Hut prior to receiving the llcenso the hnlgl : of the wheel is forced to undergo an examlni tlon an to whether he can rlda buttlclentl well to avoid becoming a public danger. Th ! examination consists In the description of figure 8 set around two sticks , and lie I obliged to do this to the- satisfaction of tli official examiners , one ot whom IB usually tl ; president ot the local bicycle club , I ord Coleridge vvrltcn : "Send me flftee dozen Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Wine tried It while here and find It iiiperlor , TI > ITPIP n ptiriMirKtT ) if i nr ? TRAFHC AGREEMENT MADE Lines -with n Conjunction At Billings Oomo tonn Und.ratintniig. " Q. " AND N. P , TIE UP FOR BUSINESS TrntMrntitlnrtitiil tlrnrviiriitiiUvrfl MuNfnrcr nn Uiuloratnmllni ; Tlitu It 1 lioy Itml fti'trr Mil Doing * Aiiiont ; tlin Itullrimtls Criitcrlii ) ; lloro. Goner * ! Manager O.V ItoMrogo an l Oeneral Krelglit Agent Cloorge U Crosby of tlio Burlington , returned from St. Paul yes terday , where tttey hail an extended con ference \vlth Northern Paclllc otllclals reU- tlvo to trifflc mnttf-rn between the two com panies when the Burlington reache" Hillings , itr. IloH1teg > stnteil to The Bee man tlmt the Billings connection would probably bp latle about September 23 , nnd the line vvoulil e In complete operation by the middle of ) ctobor. "Our trip to St. Paul vvai for tlie piupoj * f petting together on matters of detail con- looled with the cxchango of business at Blll- ; s. When \vo came to allt out features tlio new relationship , the Northern I'.iclflo icopte nml out selves were not very far npirt. iVlillo there arc still Bemu features of the connection yet to b' dhcusscd. I feel safe In aylng that the companies villl exchange juslncai at Billings upon n Insls satisfactory o all interests. Whether n close trnlllo iRtcement will bo matte. I cannot say , but > slno the arrangements will be upon a basis similar to those e\lstlng with other connections Beyond this thcro Is llttlo tlmt vould bo Interesting to the public. Tlio tie- . .ills con only concern the two s > stems. " U VNNUT AdIU.i : M 11 H ( ! , \I.1)U in.L. JmlffB llrlllnier llolils Oregon Krtelvpis llnil n High ! tu ICiuliuo \ > ii 4H. I'OUTLAND , Ore. , Sept. 7. In the Oregon lallvvay & . Navigation wage Bchedtile In the United States court , Jutlgo Bellinger thla norntiiK rcmlercd nn Important decision on a question In point , the exact reverse of a decision rendered by Judge Caldwcl ! in the LTnloti 1'ac.flc wage schedule case In the Lfnlt ; il States court at Onnha. In the Lfnlon Pacific case Jmlga Caldvvell decldei ] : hat the receivers had no pov > er to change : he schcJulo and rules , liut should petltlor the court to inalxo the change. In lila do' clslon Judge Bellinger saltl that the courl cannot be expected to stand over the re' celver and follow him through the minute details or hla work. Under the rule pro posed , which was the one laid down bj Judge CaUhvell , the receiver might wunt tc make a hundred or n thousand changes a year , for each of which the court will hav < to giva an order. This would Involve a qttes. tlon that H seemed to him was impractical The- question In this case was whether the receiver could make reductions In the wages of emplo > 3 without the consent of tlit court. The turtles were all In court , and ll made no difference on the petition of whlcl side they got there , nor which sltla wll Introduce witnesses first. The decision wai followed by another to the effect that tin order of Judge Colduell In the Union I'aclflt vvago cases was not binding on the separati receiver of the Oregon Hallway & Nnvlgatlot company This disposed of all the technlca points , nnd the courl announced he woult hear the ease on Its merits. The date foi the hearing will bo set tomorrow morning In referring to the causes for the roduc tlon of the wages of operatives , counse for the receiver stated that the reports o earnings and operating expenses for thi month of April showed a deficiency of eve : $100.000. He estimated for the present yea the. deficiency would exceed over $1,000,000 and If there was to be a continued dctlclenc : in the operating expenses the road had bette bo abandoned. IS.lbTHOUND KAThS KKSTOItr.D. Ccntnil Tnfllc Assorl itinn Koiuls < lot Ilucli to Tariff Ktitc * Srit | < < ml > ir aa , CHICAGO , Sept. 7. The general man agers of the Central Trafllc association roads at their meeting today , reached nn agree tncnt as to the restoration of rates on llv slock , bulk meats and provisions. They mad an order that rates on those articles shoul be restored to the tariff basis September 22 and be strictly maintained thereafter. In relation to passenger affairs , n rcsolu tlon was adopted creating separate commit tees of general passenger agents of the line Initial nt Chicago , St Louis and Peoria t prepare a detailed plan for a division of th business from and through these points I and through the western termini of th Trunk Line association roads At the meeting of the transcontlncnt.i lines today no progiess was made In th settlement of existing differences. Tli whole time was epent In the discussion o differentials , the Oregon Navigation com pan refusing to consider any other phase ot th situation until ita claim for differentials b disposed of. At the annual meeting of the stockholder of the Chicago Great Western road , C , \ \ Benson. J. W , Ltislc and S. C , Stlcknej whose terms of officeas directors of th company had expired , were re-elected for term of three years. No other business wa transacted. Mo Acroeinmit l.ookmt I'or. There Is a decided feeling growing that th boycott Inaugurated against the Union Pa clfic by the transcontinental roads will b "called off" and that the Union Pacific , Burl Ington and Kork Island will form n combln against the northern roads should the Ore can Hallway & Navlcatlon company Insls upon HID differentials It no\v claims on Sa Francisco business. The boycott , whllo : lias not seriously Injured the Union Pacllli has made things decidedly unpleasant In tli territory tapped by the "Overland" roul and Its competitors. There are many pet pie who , coming from the west , deslro to us the lllo Grande -as far as Denver , or woul like to use the Burlington or Itock Islan fiom Denver to Chicago , using the Unlo Pacific as far as Denver from Ogden. Unilt the ruling of Mr. Lornax lib road baa stoo out for the long haul and has closed In cor sequence some of the common gateways t the dlsudvanatpe of all companies. But th action of the northern lines Insisting upc higher differentials than at presnt allowc has drawn the Union Pacific , Clilcag Burlington & Qumcy and Chicago , Roc Island & Pacific closely together ni a meat of much more effecthe warfare against the northern enemies. It Is rumored that M LotnaK will recommend to the receivers i his company a change In the policy i manipulating business originating J Its territory should the boycottln roads show a disposition I lift the boycott and pull together mutual ! taking from one another whatever bualnei Is given without Insisting upon the lor haulBut But even with the bo > cott lifted , the a niobphcre around transcontinental roads Btlll very heavy , and the prospects of a agreement being reached are as far removi as tvcr. The Southern Pacific people Insist that tl Oregon Hallway & Navigation company r new the contract made with tie | Union P ; clflc as to local business between Portlar and San Francisco. This Mr. McNelll not Inclined to da on account of his Hi of boats plying between the Sound count ! nnd the Golden (3atc.Vhlle the Orcgc Navigation company enjoys tlie 6.11110 a rangements over the Shasta route as tl Northern Pacific , It does not want to hand cap Itself by renewing the Union I'acll contract made with the Southern Paclfl and this Is one of I ho stumbling blocks the way of a transcontinental agreement , Kullvruf JVotc . G. T. Horn has been appointed gener manager of the > Macon & Northern rallroa with headquarters- Macon , Ga. Mr. Hoi was formerly superintendent of the Kremon nikhorn & Missouri Vnlley at Fremont. Judge Cornish , master in chancery ot tl Union Pacific , left for New York Tlmr da where , on the llth. he will tike tcstlmoi tn matters concerning the nonpaylng prope tits which ore part of the Union Pacll system. "The Newer Northwest" IB the title ot : exhaustive publication written by John I White and designed to bring Into promlnen the Black HI1U of South Dakota and II Ul Horn mountains of Wyoming , travers by ( he Burlington. H Is . brlchltr "rltUn book. A NEGRO STATE. Tlin lllurk Settler * of Olilnhnmn HMlinntof nl 1111,1101) , The Rrouth ot Oklahoma has bean one t > t the most rcmarltnblc In the history of Ameri can territories , A few jonrs ngo It was a barren vvlldernm , Inhabited only by savage Indians and lawless white turn ; today It u Knocking nt the doora of congress for nd- mlHilou to the union aa n state. When It ir admitted , says the Memphis Sclmcter , Itwill have a larger Afto-Ainerlcnn imputation thus any state of lt size nnd popuhticm In thr union outside the southern states. Kroin. figures fmnlshed by Mr. Peter Klynn Oliver , n reputable lawyer of El Itcno , who wciil le Oklahoma from South Carolina n few years ngn , It In learned tlmt the Afro-American liopuhtton numbers Ct5.0K ( > , there being 8,560 In lilalne county , 14,000 In Kingfisher county. 8,400 In Lincoln county , 10,000 In Logan , county the remainder being scattered In all the other counties , The total property holdliiKi ot these people Is { 0,351,326 , divided ns fol lows : $ "i-4SSVJO loprcsentcil by ES 1,819 ncrc-a of farm land , f37,400 represented by tuwn property , nml ? .s,17,73i5 represented by | ier- fconnllty. Commenting on these figures , Mr , Oliver says- "The land In Oklahoma Is largely raw nml the price I place upon It Is extremely low. Settlers have hnrdly begun to build olali- ornt ° ty , and the majority of the pioneers brought with them no personality worth mentioning save their team * when they first eime ; BPIIO : came oven teanileas. The first personality valuation Is , therefore , very low. It yiu could have seen this barren country , however , on April 22 , 1S89 , then gone away and dropped down upon us to day you would be wonder-struck t the metamorphosis , The dug-out , the sod liousn nnd the slncks nte being rapidly replaced by beautiful and comfoi table humcs r r man and beast. "Tho estimates I ha\o Riven you arc for Ok lahoma excluding other portions of the old I ml la it Territory. There is n largo Afro- American population In that portion of the territory , many of them worth their hun dreds of thousands of dollars. The Creek and Scmlnalo nations have moro African than Indian blood In their veins , and Gov ernor Brown of the Creeks shows his Afri can moro than his Indian blood. He Is a man of education and wealth. "The Klcknpoo , the Klowa , the Comanclm and the Apache lands nro likely to come In soon for settlement. Thu next inovo will then be upon the flvo civilized tribes , whi > own their lands in common. Then tlis whole Indian territory will have been swal lowed by the whlto man. Many lots of black men help In the swallowing. " The Afro-Amorlcans have ssttlcd In some parts almost to the exclusion ot the whites. Lnngston City wns founded by E. P. McCabe - Cabo , who was once auditor of Kansas , a man of great resource and energy. The streets , avenues and boulevards of Lnngston City are named In honor of prominent Afro- Americans. It supports a weekly newspa per called thu Herald Mr. McCabe pro jected another town , but It has not pros pered ns well us Langston City. Most of the Afro-Americans In Oklahoma went there from the southern states. Ton- nesbeo furnished a very largo number , ami thesj are constantly drawing others after them , as Is natural nnd usual In such cases , so It Is possible that when the territory la admitted to the union It will have an Afro- Ait erlcnn population of some 300,000. In sovernl Instances , when these men liavo been menaced by unfriendly Indians ami whites , they have shown that the courage und determination which carried them Into the territory and enabled them to secure * horres In the wilderness were suftlclcnt to piotuct them and their property. Do you have headache , dizziness , drowal- 11033. loss ot appetite and other symptoms. nt biliousness ? Hood's ' Saisnparllla will cure you. , BEWABE OF WASHINGTON. It Is Ii > nppliiiR 1'lacn to Visit 111 Conll\lir with u Yoiiiitlfo. . "Gver In Washington ? " queried the man in the scat beside me after he had looked out of the window for an hour or moro In a sort of brown study , saya the Now York Recorder. "res. " "Take your wife ? " "Yes. " "About a jear after yon wore married ? " "Yea'about a year. " "Before you went to Washington did sha think you were the biggest man on the faca of the earth ? " "Yes , she did. " "And after you got home. ? " "She continued to think so , I believe. " "I thought It was going to turn out a curious coincidence , " continued the man , with n look of disappointment on his face. "How do you mean ? " "Why , up to the time I took my wife to Washington she thought I owned tlie earth nnd was tlie biggest thing1 on top of it. Wo were there n week seeing nil the representa tives and senators nnd cabinet officers , and shaking hands with the president. In three days she suddenly took notice that I was knee spning and baldheaded. When wo started for home she said that a man who owned a saw mill dldir't amount to much. We hadn't been homo n week when sin ob jected to paper window curtains , and before the month was out she had run away with the agent of a corn planter. So your wlfo still sticks ; " "Yes. " "Well , keep an eye on her. She's prob ably waiting for n chance to run away with the man who enters the den of performing hyenas. Washington will spoil the best woman on earth. Seeing greatncsa once , they will alwnys sigh for It afterward. " HTISSIAN IDEA OF A JOKE. A Uomc9tlo InclilPiit Which Did Nut Van Out ns Kxiieitrd , A Russian paper relates that an Inhabi tant of Voro , tn Flnlnnd , named Sellqulat , who for a long time past had been living on bad terms with his wife , had lately a nar row escape from being poisoned by her. She called at a chemist's and asked far coins rat poison. As these creatures are very rarely seen In that neighborhood the chemist had his susplc ons aroused and gave the. woman n perfectly harmless drug. On second end thought he decided to mention the mat ter to her husband and requested him to say nothing about It to his wlfo. In the evening , ns she was preparing the porridge. the man kept a watchful eye on her move ments , and noticed that she ecattered some thing out of a paper Into the saucepan. When the porridge as ready he sat down to the table and began to eat. After a whllo ho got up In great excitement , paced tip and down the room , and at last fell fainting on the floor. This was what the woman expected. She now pulled dawn a ropa through a hole In the colling with a noose , which slie placed .Tround her huaband's neck , whereupon she ran upstairs Into the garret In order to pull up the rope and hang her husband In that feshlon. Meantime her husband got up and tied a few chulra to the rope. The wife did not return to the room , as she dreaded the * Bight , but went out Into the village to raise an alarm , sayIng - Ing that her husband had hanged himself In her absence , When she came buck with a host of no.ghborH and crocodile tears In her eyra there was her husband sitting at the table laughing till his sldea ached. The chairs were still dangling on the rope , My boy was taken with a disease resem bling bloody llux , The first thine I thought ofwas Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Di arrhoea Itemed ) ' . Two doses of tt nettled the matter and cured him Bound and well. I heartily recommend thla remedy to all per sons suffering from a like complaint. I will answer any Inquiries regarding It when stamp Is enclosed. I refer to any county of ficial as to my reliability. Wm. [ loach , J. P , , Prlmroy , Campbell Co. , Tenn. Tor tmla br druggists. Tlio I'lirrU N litrl. ' Ivo trains of thirty cars each wll ] ba required to convey the I-'errla wheel from Chicago to New York. It 'will ' take ten weeks to take the wheel to pleceu. The car tint was need for carrying thu Krupp gun will bo used for the ieventy-ton axle , Thers aru 3,000 totn ot metal tn the wheel , and 609,000 feet ot timber are needed for th false work. The expense ot taking down , moving and rebuilding the wheel will ba J 150,000. In Niw York It U to ba placid at Thirty-seventh atreet and Broadway Old Vienna will be produced around It. In Chi- e cage the wheel had 3,000 electric lights ; la d New York the number will be