Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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"Ojcbne" Davis Ecfusca to EuttTrctafoi
Domrcratio Party on Djmantl ,
tlul Ifo I'ropoics to Atiiitidnn It If It
Abandon * Hie People Content lloltTccn
AliiMe * und Corporation * I'ower *
nml Iho Money ( Juratlun.
"Cyclono" Davis of Texas nnd John II.
Power * , pop'il'st ' ' candidate for state treas
urer , delivered populist speeches at Jeffer
son square last e\onlng to nn audience of
ibout 1,000 men. Da\ls Is the populist can-
tldate for congress In the Fourth district ol
Texm , and Is nn orator who has already
attained a reputation in nearly nil of the
western states. In his speech last cvenlnc
he atked Us hearers to forget all their sym
pathy with the views of the three political
parties and resolve themselves Into patriotic
American citizens. As for himself ho hail
belonged to the democratic party lor many
years. II the democratic party told him
to go out and butt a tree , ho no\er asked but
ono question , and that was to Inquire Just
how hard Iho democratic pirty wanted the
tree butted. He had always voted for lha
yellow dog and for anybody and anything
on the earth tint had betn labeled demo
cratic Now ho belonged to no party , liul
for four years had affiliated with the popu
lists ; but when that party abandoned the
people ho proposed to abandon It.
Ho then discussed the cardinal urlnclplts
of the populist party. Ho declared that
under the Declaration of Indep3ndence all
men were created equal , with certain Inalien
able rlchts. Under the they now
exist there were two kinds of rights , natural
and vested , the natural rights lielni ? tlio e
guaranteed by the Declaration of Independ
ence and the constitution , nnd the \ested
rights b Ing those conferred upon corpora
tions. Man , the speaker contended , wm en
titled to the rights given him by his Creator.
Corporations , he asserted , were artificial men ,
created by law. The present conflict was not
between capital and labor , but between the
real man that God made nnd the artificial
man , the lifeless , bloodless , pitiless , inercl-
Irta , con clouslcss , cjcleES , tearless , human-
Ityless man made by law. This artificial
man , standing for the great corporate In
terests of the nation , now owned a largo
portion ol the lands ot the United States ,
owned the railroads and the mines , owned
the banks and controll d the money Hy a
scratch of aen / the prlco of coal could be
advanced enough so that the fires In
1,000,000 homes would go out Icfore winter
commenced. Ily a scratch of a pen railroad
transportation rates could be advanced enough
to take from the farmer all the proat on his
year of toll I3y a scratch of a pen 1,000,000
employes of railways and factories could be
deprived of employment and left penniless
on the verge of winter To this extent the
artificial man , the corporations , were the
masters of the people.
The popullstBi , he asserted , demanded the
ownership of the land by the people , the
ownership of the railroads by the govern
ment and the control of the money by the
people. Alluding to some of the arguments
In favor of government ownership of rail
roads ho claimed that last year the railroads
pild out $15.000,000 for attorneys' services
the people paid rallnml commissions $92 ,
000,000 ; the government paid $24,000,000 foi
hauling the malls and $10,000,000 for trans
portation of congressmen , soldiers and gov
ornmcnl employes. These millions all cami
out of the pockets of the people In the end
and If the government owned and opcratet
the railroads Is would save this annual out
liy. and the saving on these Items aloni
v ould pay for the railroads In thirteen years
In conclusion the speaker advise I l&borlni
men to stand together , vote thlr conviction
ami refute to ba ltd any longer by the eli
Mr. Powers spoke of the 4.009,030 o
tramps roaming over the country , and as
crlbcd the existence of the tramps to th
money sj stern fostered by the old parties.
Both speakers will address the peoples o
South Omaha , this evening , and anothe
meeting will bo held at Jefferson squar
tomorrow evening , at which "Cyclones" Davl
will cpiak entirely upon the money question
f-ci.nth Uiiril MMiillsli ttupulillui IK.
A meeting of the - " re
publicans of the Seventh ward was held las
night at 1212 Park avenue. It was resolve
that the organization should have no dl <
tlnctUo name , but should bo known simp !
ia a branch of the Swedish-American Gal
field club of this city.
Addresses were made by John Steel , e
councilman , nnd by John Ilurman , preslder
of the Swedish-American Garfleld club , wli
promised that all naturalization papei
would be furnished free on application I
Iho olllcars of the club.
Olllcers elected were : President , Job
Norb rgJ vice president , Lewis Petersoi
Bccrctarj , Rd Peterson.
Resolutions were passed expressing syn
pathy for the sufferers from the Mlnnosol
forest fires. Money for relief may be raise
C. A. Jacobson announced himself as
candidate for stale senator.
nranchps of the club have also bee
tormesl In the Second and Sixth wards.
Din Modern Ill-nil ty
Thrives on good food and sunshine , wit
plenty of exercise In the open nlr. II <
form glows with health and her face bloon
with Its b nuty. If her s > 8tcm needs tl
cleansing action of a laxatUo remedy B !
uses the gentlJ and pleasant liquid laxath
S > rup of Figs. _
Attract Inns tlmt Should Call Out u
Attfiiiliincn 'liiduy.
Today U the last day of the Dougli
iounty fa r and State Breeders meeting , ar
1C the citizens do not turn out. from a Una
clal standpoint the whole thing will be
dismal failure. Up to this date the attciu
unco lias been very light , so light tint tl
promoters of the twin meeting have bei
discouraged and have contemplated thro\ \
InR up the sponge nnd closing the gates.
Regarding the fair , the exhibits have bei
lar better than duilng previous years ni
have been marvelled nt by these who ha1
been In attendance. The jgrlcultural dl
piny has been something wonderful , co
slderlng the season , while the display of 11
stock has been the beat that lias ever bei
SCTI In the weit.
The entries In the speed department I
duds tome of the fastest horses on t
ttestecn turf , nnd there are any number
them. There nro trotting , pacing nnd ru
nlng hones , so that sport is furnished t
all who dcslro to look at good horse lies
The two associations liaMi gone to much e
pcnse to furnish this card , and It now i
mains with the p oplo of Omaha to E
whether or not the fair shall be a EUCCC :
If them IB a good attendance today , t
associations will pull out cf the hole , but
there U not tlin pushers ot tlu meeting u
have to go down In their pocUcts and dig
enough money to pay eft u large deficiency ,
For sale , two chclce pieces Itnprov
Omatki pr.pcrty , paving 10 per cent , A
dress H. I ) , box 694 , city.
lU'publUiin Julillcr.
And ratification at park Frldi
September 7th , 8 p. in. The meeting n
bj uildres ed by nearly all of the candldal
upon the republican state ticket. Kvci
body Invited and a grand time nmin
Muilo by the Seventh Ward Military bai
In All Saints church at high noon
Wednesday , September 6. the Rev , T ,
MncKay olHclatlng , Professor Henry
Ulalcu mid MIsJ Laura A. Van Dusen , bi
of I ) atrlce. Neb. Prof. Hlake has been i
pointed superintendent of the state Instl
tlon for the blind at Nebraska City e
takes up hla residence there at onco.
Ilr , Kuitnmil U 111 Sj. < ? uU ,
Saturday evening Dr. Charl s Eattm
Who Is perhaps the best educated InJUn !
Ing. speaks to the members of the Yoi
Men's Christian assoclatlcn.
Dr , Eastman was educated at Dartmo
college and Boston Medical college , nnd Is
now engngeil In establishing and directing
Young Men's Chrlst'nn associations among
his iwn people. Mr. Charles K Ober , Inter
national secretary of the Young Men's Chris
tian association , will aUo tpcak on the work
of Iho association .
Dr. , Mr. C. K. Ober nnd his
brother , the Omaha necretary. will attend
the convention ol Indian churches and Young
Men's Christian ass clatlons al Cherry Creek ,
two days' Journey rrsm Pierre , S , U. , next
8llOi : < i 6OL.II 11V ( JKIUMTOltS.
1,123 Men' * I'liiu t.mtom jtliulo Shoe * from
H Ucll no 11 n ( Imnlm Slion More ,
At half price.
These fine shoes will be on sale Satur
day en the main fl or at Boston Store , right
on the corner of IGth nnd Douglas ,
These khoes are the > ery best nnd latest
styles , kangaroo , cordovan and calfskin , all
hand made or real Goodyear welt , and were
marked to sell criminally from ' 500 to $ S 00
a pair. Hoston Store's price Saturday will
bo Just one-half that.
Uoston Store nska every gentleman who
wants first class shots to attend this sale
Kvery pair positively half price All fine
If veil knew the tnslilcs of this sale you
would bo on hand very early.
Cir ICth and D uglas.
Clionp KnteH tn I'l
On account ol the national GAR. con
vention at Plttsburg September 10 , the Union
Pacific will cell tickets to that point at ex
tremely low rates The Union Pacific Is the
official route for the Nebraska veterans nnd
their families and friends See jour nearest
Union Pacific agent for further particulars.
Iluy your hard coal before the advance.
A. L keeps the best. Tel. GS7.
"Nortliutfltrrn" the ORIrliil I.liui Again.
For the O. A. R. and the- general public
to Plttsburg and return. Tlckuis on ( ale
September 7 , S and 9 , at less than one fare
for the round trip Call at headquarters ,
1401 Farnam street. R R. 11ITCIIIE ! ,
G. F. WEST , General Agent.
City Passenger nnd Ticket Agent.
"llio Pulpit iinil HID I'oiv. "
This evening , at the Harney Street Temple ,
regular weekly services , will be resumed.
For his opening lecture for the season , Rev.
Leo M. Franklin has chosen the theme
"Tho True Relation of the Pulpit and the
Pe.v" A flue muslclal program has been
prepircd for the occasion by the Temple
choir. Services begin at 7 30. AH are
South till llm Mnlii'di K.llrrmd.
On September llth , 25th and October Oth
the Wabash will sell tickets at half fare to
points In the south plus $2 00. For rates ,
tickets or a homeseekcrs guide giving full
description of lands , climate , etc , call at
Wabash office , 1302 Farnam St. , or write ,
0. N. Cla > ton , northwestern passenger agent ,
Omaha , Neb
Dnmlm uml Chmgo limited I'lftccu-IIimr
Leave Omaha al C 35 p. m. and arrive
at Chicago 0 40 a. m.ia C. M. ft St. P.
Ry. for Chicago and all points east. Trains
made up and started from Omaha , assuring
passengers clean and well aired car ? . The
only iino running a solid vestlbuled electric-
lighted train from Omaha direct. No waitIng -
Ing for through trains.
Elegant chair cars , palnce sleeping and dinIng -
Ing cars. Ticket office , 1E04 Farnam ctreel ,
C. S. CARRIE1 ! ,
Ticket Af.e t.
OiiHt u , l.lttlilatr. .
The "Northwesten" Number Six , leavlnj
Omaha 4pm. daily , now arrives at Chlcag <
7:5D : n. m. , Instead , of 8-18 , as formerly. "Jusi
a llttlo faster. " Don't contuse this with tti <
Omaha Chicago special , which still leaves al
5:45 p. in. dal ! ) and arrives at Chicago 8:1 : !
a. m , No need to change this train.
City ofttce , 1401 Farnaii street.
Manager Otto Dennlnghoven of the Omalu
Cereal company said that the companj
would so to work , at onoo to rebuild theli
mill , which was destroyed Wednesday night
at Twenty-first street and Avenue A. Gas
Omaha. Ti3 ] loss innoimte to about $11,000
A "Sow Train to tJuc IRO
Commencing August 12 , ths "Omaha am
Chicago special , " via the Chicago & North
vies'crn railway , leaves Omaha dally at 5.4
p. m. , and arrives at Chlc.iKO S 45 net
morning Vestibuled dining tar , Wagnc
Eleepers and chali cars form the equip men
of this train and all " '
, are up to "Is'orli
western" standard
1101 Tarnam street , cliv ticket offlce.
Mil CliIciiKO , Hoik Juluul & I'.iclllu Itiill
Sept. llth , 25th October Sth ; one faro fo
the round trip with $2.00 added , good
dajs from date ot sale. For full particular
call at "Rock Island" ticket ofHc ? , ICO
Farnam street.
N Uoiml Mi'i-llnK Krcloy l.rnguo.
be held nt Colorado Springs , Cole
Sept. 12th to Hth , 1804.
For this occasion the Union Pacific wl
sell tickets on Sept , 10 and llth for th
h round trip nt the rate ot one fare , $18.1 !
ir limit ot 15 days from data of salo.
is HARRY P. DEUEL , City Pass. Agent.
0 1302 Farnam St.
e > ntioniil ICncampinriit O. A , U
At Plttsburg , September 10. The Union P :
clllo has been selected as the official route.
For rates and other Information ceo joi
nearest Union Pacific agent.
a:4i I * . M. ut Om ilm , Bi l < > , \ . .11 , ut Cllloi ; <
The new vestlbuled train now running o
the "Northwestern" east dally.
IMVAl JllllirifJK'i.
A meeting of the Municipal league counc
for the Fourth ward was held at the Con
mcrclnl club rooms last evening It was d
voted to a discussion of the details of tl
c imcll's work.
In the county court yesterday Judge Dater
m tor heard the claim of Cow In & McIIut
agilnst tlie estate of William J. McAnnal
res for legal services rendered. The plalntlf
sn - were allowed $510.20 with Interest.
nro The one-story frame cottage , owned ai
occupied by Bernard Rlley , at 4G23 Chlcai
street , was damaged to the extent of $150 I
n- ( Ire at an early hour jestcrday. Tl
n10 blaze originated the of .
10 by explosion a lamp.
h.x . T. D. Gibson and wife of Malvern , Ii
x- are at the Paxton.
" * John K. Dorr and wife of Seattle , Was !
* are at the Paxton.
ho II. D. Wilson and wife of Nebraska Cl
It are at the Dellone.
111 Government Survevor Henshaw of Was
up Ington , D. C. , Is a Paxton guest.
Colonel \V , D. Lane and wife * , Unit
States army , are at the Paxton.
cdo Lieutenant U. I ) . Uryan , Second Unit
States cavalry , la a P.ixlon guest ,
J. II. Dumont and family have return
from U'ke Okobojt , where they spent t
summer , Miss Uldclle. ot Dzs Molnea
in vlslttrg Mrs J. II , Dumont.
.es Ndmuli nn nt the llotrli.
yHi. - At the Pnxton M. 1 Hey ward , Xcbras
Hi.Ul. . City ) W. It. 8appllcon. .
At the Mlltanl-U. Mllltr nnd wife. Kc
folk ; W. N. Stre ter , Aurora1 J , T. Tronei
Pawnee City ; J. IX Mnthews , North Plat
on At the Arcude AV 8. HriBKS , Llnco !
onJ. Junica I'aiTell , Hyaimls ; C. W , Stmesli
J.N. . and vvlfo , J. A Urnst ami vvlfe , Columbt
ith O. Vni ; Haijfcn nw\ wife , Schu > ler.
ip- At The eilunc > John 1J. itorgan.
- bnuk % City : Mrs Sam Vnlil. Mrs. I > .
tund Do llavon. rails Cit > , II. Uupxur nnd wl
nd Nebrnsku Ulty : U. C Mclinter. Plat
ininith , I.e. ! OEdhiim , J Q Connelly ,
llobb. Murray ; H A. Ilolibs , Uuncroft ;
A Ilhu-kHtone. '
At tin" Morctiunlx Wllllum Qulnn , K.
an. Dovle. 11 Flart.h , Elkhorn : M. N. Its
I 'ill la City. K li. Qinukc-nlmsh , J. J.
nlnns , Gothcnbure , J. V > . llrooks ,
ing I'm nk Snvdtr , U. A Mecse , W. H. Coop
Auburn , u T Parker , Plalnvlew , Hdwi
nth Larklnwife and daughter , Ashland.
Ohalimatiof the Pederated Bonil Wants a
ITum'ber of Things Changed.
Tuxes Ilio Otprlnnil Tuy ! ' Vrnr Scnnlor
hlu-rnmn mill Ucnprul Notnon A. Jlllei
on it Shouting Trip Through
ChrrrjUonnty. .
P. E. nilllland , chairman of the federated
board of the Union Pacific system , was at
headquarters yesterday with his pockets
bulging out with Rrlcvances , which ho de
sired to submit to the general manager , hut
an Mr. Dickinson was out of the city , Mr.
GlUllnnd concluded bin business could nt. !
Talking to a I3ce man , ho stated that tlic
employes on the South Park road had rc-
cehecl a great many more concessions than
the press hnd Intimated. "While they re-
duc.d the operators to $45 and $ ! > 0 per month ,
they lacked on a 20 per cent commission on
ticket sales , operators on this line having to
act tn the capacity of station agents ns well
as operators. These commissions will be aver oerv three months , and If they
( all behind the officers of the road ha\c In
timated that th : differences v.111 be made up
' Tills system Is In effect on the Missouri
Pacific , and 1 belloo elves general satis
faction "
Hegnrdlng the action of the employes on
the Or Ron Italhvny & Navigation conipanj- ,
Mr. Ollllland raid : "Tho different branches
of labor on Mr. McN'elll's iysttm have
united In an action before the Judge
of that circuit praying- for a hear
ing , and setting up that the wages
paid are not burdensome. The men
bcl't\e that the Judge In Oregon Is Inclined
toward the position taken by Judges Caldwell -
well and tllner In the famous Union Pacific
wage case. Judge Sanb rn Is an associate
with the present Judge sitting In the Oregon
district , and as Judgi Klnw of Wyoming
w is Bitting with Jidgo Calducll hi place of
Judge Sanborn , the men feel prftty confi
dent of receiving fair treatment at the hands
of the court. "
Upon the question of closing telegraph
oflces , Mr. Gllllland stated that twehe offi
ces had been closed on the Grand Island
r ad which , while under a different gen
eral manager la op'rated by the receivers
of thp Cnlon Pacific. He thought nothing
would bo done on the main line of the Union
Pacific , as the movement of frc'ght uas ery
heavy , requiring that all the rolling slock
should be hi service.
ait.vNit Aicn\ TICKET : VKI : TKOUIIM :
IIulurn Portions of 'Ilii'in < 1lrc tly In Iho
lllllHl * lit HculpIT" ,
CHICAGO , Sept. C Although no definite
proposition was fcrmally adopted or dis
cussed today by the transcontinental lines ,
a much m re hopeful feeling existed when
the association broke up than hnd been the
case at any time previously since the con
ference began.
Some excitement existed here today In
passenger circles over alleged deals with
brokers which some roads are accused ol
making In connection with Grand Army
tickets. The sale of these tickets will be
gin ailurd. y. The restrictions which were
at first adopted to prevent bcalplng havt
all been removed. It U claimed blocks ol
the return portions of these tickets , with tilt
going coupon clipped oft , have been sold tc
Chicago brokers. They read ta points all
o\er the webt and southwest and their un
limited sale will \ery materially Interfere
with the regular rates.
A change Is proposed In the transcon
tinental rate sheets whereby the rate tc
San I'rancls-co going via Portland and al
rail routes , returning \la the direct rouc :
through any Missouri river gateway througl
which a through rate applies from sellitif
station , or going a the Missouri rl\er am
direct routes and return ng via Portland
shall be JIG higher than the San Franciscc
rate. The Eame- principle Is proposed 01
business to San Tianclsco going > la Nev
Whatcom , Seattle or Tacoma , and henci
by rail or steamer , returning vU dlrec
routes through any Missouri rher gateway
or the reverse.
-MlltH on n i iiiituic ? Trip.
Senator John Sherman. General Nelson A
Miles and a number of friends were met Wed
ncsilay at Missouri Valley by General Man
agcr II. G Durt and General Attorney Join
B. Haw ley. of the Klkhorn and escorted t
Blair , where the special car of the pjrty wa
attached to No 3 cnroule to Wood Lake
Cherry county. General Miles and party ar
out on a hunting trip and will try the chick
ens about Wood Lake , which Is near Valen
tine , and one of the finest chicken ground
In the whole state. After E > atsf ! > Ing them
selves with upland shooting It Is the Inter
tlou of Senator Sherman , General Miles an
party to continue their Journey to Ho
Springe , Deadwood and several other points
In the niack Hills.
General Haw ley was assistant secretary o
the treasury under Senator Sherman wlie :
the latter held the treasury portfolio durln
UK. Hayes administration. Dur'ng ' the lv\
ami one-half years General Haw ley was a ;
siatant secretary the funding and resumptlo
features of the administration fell to hi
desk. General Miles knew Intimately Ger
cral Attorney Hawlcy when hu was a for
Kress ma u from the Rock Island district , 111
nols , and came often In contact with the gcr
eral by reason of hla being a member ot tli
committee on military affairs The meetln
of General Hawley with his old friends wa
therefore , very delightful.
Union I'ltLlflir Turns.
The Union Pacific pays In taxes upon It
right of way and land $1,200,000 per annun
Defure the segregation of the systci
hereby the Union Pacific , Denver fcGulf , tr
Denver , LeadvllleA Gunnlson and the Or <
gen Railway & Navigation companies pullc
out , the Union Pacific paid $1,500,000 In taxc
Ol the present taxes paid by the com pan
I-100,000 goes to Ncbraalu , Intluilini ; the mal
lines and the Omaha f. Republican Vallc
read. "East of Kearney. " said Tax Con
mltsloner Scrlbner , "little difficulty Is e1
perlenced with our taxes , the people gci
cr.illy sfclng to It that the taxes are pro ]
crly applied for school purposes but we :
of Kearney we experience our greatest dill
culty , for we recognize that the scho
funds arc very often misappropriated Ui
. .i cler the Nebraska laws a school district ca
bo created by a vote of the people , wlthni
a school census. This , I believe , should 1
y changed at the next session of the leglsl ,
lie turc. A certain number ol children of Echo
age should be necessary In a certain ssctli
before a school district can be erected. "
Clilc IRO KlintlMHiml Ititlt'H Kcntnrcd.
CHICAGO , Sept. 6. No doubt Is ente
tallied that the general managers of tl
railroads east from Chicago will order
lestoratlon of all freight rates on Frlda
ty The cause of the cut has been removed 1
the agreement of tlio laka lines to rcsto
rates and maintain them for the remaind
of the navigation season. It Is understoi
they have agreed upon the formation of
cd pool to divide all through business fro
Lake Michigan and Lake Superior points
ed the seaboard. With lake rates steadily mal
tallied the all-rail routes will have lit !
dlrUculty among themselves In following
he Ilka course.
la Transcontinental lines nro making ;
progress In the reorganization of their
cociatlon. Cuing to the absence of t
representatives of the Union Pacific and t
Itii Southern Pacific no attempt was made ye
terdjy to transact business , but an adjour
iry. - ment was taken till tha absentees have tli
te y. to report themselves. Trade Manager Or
ten of the Southern Pacific was attending
.VI [ n : Important conference In St. Louis.
II. ViimtorliUtu TUViVifc Inlu Iho South.
CHATTANOOGA. Sopt. 6. From a thi
oughly reliable squrce the Times la Inform
that the underwriters , aa they may
termed , ot the reorganization scheme of t
Richmond West Point Terminal , and t
East Tennessee , Virginia & Georgia Hallw
company it re no other than the Ilothschl
of London and Paris , and the Vandcrbl
ol New York AVIIllam K. and Cornell
ml Vnnderbllts one-quarter. Dreiel , Morgan
Co. one-quarter , and J. B. Morgan & I
one-quarter The rearranlzatlon plan pro-
vtJecl for $30.000,090 of new capital nnd U
la this turn that thriiunrtct hag agreed to
supply , and more illl necessary. There Is
now very llttlo doubt that the Southern
'railway project la rulnit'lv ' nn extension of
the VanderblU t ) storm Into and through the
* ou'n'
M , 1 * .
Tniln < yrrlco on
Superintendent llithtnirn of the Missouri
Pacific was In town .yetlerday. In reply
to a question Mr. Hnlhburn stated that the
road was considering the advisability ot re
ducing train service , but remarked that In
his opinion the Una north of Kansas City
would not be affected- the contemplated
reduction. "In facf,111 said he , "I cannot
sett how the reduction on the Nebraska ex-
ttrclon Is to be brought about , and I have
concluded to look elsewhere for dropping
trains. Of course our orders arc Imperative
for curtailment \vhere\cr possible , but In
this case It seems Impossible. A St. Joe
train might be taken off , but I look for re
ductions out of Kansas City. " Mr , Ruth-
burn returned to his home In Atchlson at
Oritprnl the Ainoiiii. I'llil.
SPRINGFIELD. III. , Sept. C In the
federal court , In tha case ot the Peorlu ,
Dccatur & CvjtisUlle road agaln-t the
Central Trust company of New York , peti
tion of N. J. Lewis to redeem vouchers for
1501.75 from the recehcr of the Loulsxlllc.
Hvansvillc & St. Louis railroad , D nnls
Long & Co , for damages done and material
used by the Pcorla , Decatur & EvnusUlle ,
Judge Allen ordered the amount paid.
UlllllTti ) XlltLO.
J A. L Waddell has been appointed con
sulting inglneer of the Chlcigo & North
western road. Mr. Waddell was the engineer
who built the Omaha Hrldge & . Terminal
company's structure nt East Omaha.
O. P. McCart > , one of the best known of
the old-time Union Pacific officials , has re
signed the position of general passenger
agent of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern
road. II expects to engage In mercantile
George C Smith , formerly assistant gen
eral manager ot the Missouri Pacific , with
headquarters In St Louis , has been elected
by the board of directors of the Western
Railroad of Alabama president and general
manager of that company. The read runs
from Selma to a point near Atlanta , a dis
tance of 150 miles The directors relcised
President Phlnlzy and G'l'eral Manager
Tyler and merged the two offices under Mr.
Smith. H M Abbott was re-olected secre
tary and treasurer. It is umlcrtto.l that
cthir railway properties In the southeast
will HUewlso be placed In Mr. Smith's
charge at an early date. His numerous
friends In railway nnd business circles will
hear of the above appointment with eminent
satisfaction. Tor twelve years Mr Smith was
prominently Identified nlth the management
of the Gould lines , and for two years he
bore the entire burden of th Missouri Pa
cific-Iron Mountain management , when Mr.
S. II H Clark retired from the management
of those properties to look aft = r the .iffalrs
of the Union Pacific Mr Smith possesses
the confidence of the large security holders
ana stands well in cnBtcin financial clrcl.s.
Ills executive ability was appreciated by the
late Jay Gould , and for a long time prior to
Mr. Gould's death Mr Smith was In solo
charge of Missouri Pacific affairs at St.
Louis headquarters.
"iilo ( if 111.inUotn and fomfortttlilcH
Hurt'aliTM Uortli IIii\lng.
10-4 silver pray blankets , 50c.
Splendid wool blankets , $275.
Entire line mill sample blankets to close
at "uc , ? 1.50 , $2.50 up to the finest made ,
Less than half price
All wool flannels at 14c , worth 25c ; special
line white wool flannt-Is at 25c yard ; darli
and light Shaker flannels at Cc yard , vrortli
lOc ; sheetings In wide and 4-4 , In bleached
and brown , at about half regular prices.
Imported Trench eatlnes , elegant styles , Ir
great variety , at lOc , l2V c and 15c ; not hall
Import cost. Domestic eatlnes at 7c. lOc am :
12c. Indigo blue calico at 3c , worth 7c ; mil
remnants at almost any price to close entire
or.i HUT mir KITIITI : .
Some Old Tlnio Cinui liUiiB Tlmt IIuvo Itc-
ci Ivetl > i ir I.If .
There Is an aphorism chanting the praises
of old books , old wine and old friends , whlcl
Manager James A. Bailey of the UIi
Barnum & Billey show has borne In mini
in organizing the circus for the preton
season's tour , fcr he has Included In the pro
gram a number of old-time circus tcts whlcl
have not had a place In the bigthow foi
some years. There Is again a Uurnamen
tumbling and leaping , but it Is participate
In by a large company of tra ncd athletes
such as were not dreamed of In the old days
This great show \\lll come to Omaha , nix
Monday , September 10 , when there will bi
.pportunlty to compare Its attractions will
those It has offered tn past seasons , f r then
is no other comparison to bo made , since ni
other circus comes Into competition with tit
Barnum show In size and quality. Las
bcnson the show had Chlko , the giant g HI la
this season It baa Chlko and Johanna , Hi
only pair of gorillas , male and female , eve
exhibited together In captivity To th
ordinary showman one cuch animal wouli
seem to be enough , but for this sluw ncthln
Is enough which docs not eclipse all pos
bible attempts of all rivals. The same seal
Is continued right through the show. Th
three greatest male bareback r.ders In th
world , William Slmvles , Frank Melvlll
and William Demott , and the two mos
graceful end accomplished equestrienne !
Rcso Mecrs and ; Linda Jeal , are Included 1
the list of sixteen riders who arc with th
show. There tire twenty clowns , represent
Ing all branches of the art of fun-maklnr
even Including the talking and elngln
clowns of the old style. Altogether , thcr
are over a hundred circus acts. In addltlo
to the wonderful exhibition of tra ned an ]
Oiinip to tlio Untcr * .
It Is satisfaction to know "
i. a that "Amei
n lea , " a country so blessed In the matter c
nature's gifts , Is not on lota behind othE
J nations In the matter of mineral springs.
, Situated In Orange county , Indiana , on tl
' line ot the great Monon route , we ha\e "Th
Carlsbad of Amer'ca , " French Lick an
* West Baden springs. No springs In th
" world exceed them In curative powers. Wit
ample hotel accommodations and facllltli
i- ii for a variety ot Indoor and outdoor amns <
i- ii ments , It at onre presents Itself as the plac
to spend one's vacation. Round Irl
tickets , via the Monon , are sold at reduce
rates. For further Information In regai
to the famous resort address Sidney ]
Jones , C. IV A. , 232 Clark street , Chicago , I
Frank J. Reed , general passnnger agent ,
U. A. K. TO riTlhliUUU.
Ma tlin lAldo-Slmro Itunto.
For the annual meeting of the G. A. 1
at Plttsburg September 8 to 15 excursk
tickets will bo on > s > le via. the Lake Shoi
Route , September 6 Uo 10 , good fcr retui
r- until the 25th , and. will admit ot one stoj
r16 over on the return which will afford t
16a opportunity for thosa who wish to visit t )
tomb of Garfleld at Cleveland , or other poln cf Interest , of whlcfc there are many alor
li the line ot 'he Lake Ashore Route. B.
re Humphrey. T. P A 727 Main street , Ka
erd Ban City , Mo : C. It/WJlber , Western Passe
) d ger Agent. Chicago.
to m Only S8.J 511 to l'ltl liiirc iirul llotnrn
tou Via the Burlington i route , September 7 ,
ule and 9. '
lea O. A. II. official ! train , carrying'the 6
partment commander and staff , leav
Omaha at 4:30 : p. m. , Sep'ember 8.
Tickets and full Information at 1324 Pa
nam street.
" "
nne To Plltuburc till the \\abiili Itiillroait.
iy Tor the above occasion the Wabash
in sell on September 1th , 8th and 9th roui
trip tickets at lees than half fare. V
tickets or further Information call at Waba
olllce , 1502 Parnam street.
ed N'litlcnul (3. A. It. Olnilnl Ituuto.
be The Union Pacific is the official route I
he the Nebraska % cterain. Call on your ntan
ha Union Pacific agent for rates and parllc
ay lars.
- ' . rillkhnrc und Itt'turn ,
Via Chicago , Rock Island & Pacino T
ue i Tickets on sale Sept. 7th , 6th and Oth , gc
& to return till Sept. 27th. For full part
: o. ulara call at tjcket office , 1C02 Farnam St
Tomorrow Niht Enih a Sncoes-fal ? cason
of the "Lost Days of Pcnneil. "
MARA-a 1'nUn In rirn llio Moit llcniitlful
1'lero of l'lrott < irk i : cr Attempted
J.onfr Program of > ow unit
I'll 18 UK S > pccl lllr
Tomorrow night Is the last ot Pompcll tit
Courtlani ] Dcich.
This cmla a most successful Benson ol
Pain's historical mid porg ous spectacle
"Tlio Last Days of Pompeii , " nnd a lonfi-
remcmbered night It promises to be. Not
only will there bo many present who have
put off going thus lar , but rminy hundreds
who have been f requ > nt attendants at this
grand spectacle will not inlss this cliancc
to witness the grandest fireworks display of
the entire brilliant season. The flrevvcrKi
pcopla ha\o Instructions to spare no ma
terial , but to use nil tlmt remains , and as a
large supply Is on hand the pyrotechnic
features will prove a fitting culmination of
Iho most successful engagement ever given
by Messrs. 1'nln & Son In nnj city out
side of New York and Chicago. Kach ex
hibition so far given has surprised the atull-
erce-s , every feature of the fireworks tins
been beyond the highest expectations , anil
tcmorrow night vvlll bo the finest of nil In
every respect.
Drautifiil Niagara Falls , the entire length
ot the300foot lake , an 1mm nso sheet of
sparkling , fulling lire , -will 1m prescntcl , and
this alone Is worth going several miles to
see. Those who have seen "Nlagira" Jn
lrflRo or New York pronounce It bejond
cnrnprchenalon by any one who Ins not been
an rye witness It Is not a flash of lire , nor
a stationary set plcco or portrait , but a
perfect torrent of burning chemicals , dash
ing from a great height , Towing with tin-
diminished \olumo and brilliancy In the lake ,
from which a. cloud of t > pray seeina to rise
In addition to Niagara In flio will be a
number of Interesting features In the lire
works display for tomorrow , the last night
of I'oinp.ll.
Home utiil .Ihrnml.
H Is the duty of everjonehether at
home or traveling for pleasure or business
to equip himself with the remedy which will
keep up fctrcngth and prevent Illness , and
cure such Ills as are liable to came upon all
In every day life. Hood's ' Sarsaparllla keeps
the blood pure and less liable to absorb the
germs of disease.
Hood's pills arc hand made , and perfect
In proportion and appearance. 25c per box
Clty liiiclnrer's Koport on Ilir Vtmi of the
I'lutto itml Clkliorn Klvcr * .
At a m ctlng of the county commissioners
yesterday afternoon a resolution offered by
Paddock caused \vordy conflict that for ix
moment savored of the good old times when
the nar correspondent was Invariably as
signed to cov3r the meetings of the board
The resolution was simply to the effect that
the county clerk bo Instructed to advertise for
bids tor not to e\cacd 1C 000 > ards of grading
on the Mlllard road , just west of where the
grading for macadam ends
Williams opposed the resolution , stating
that the road In question was In better con
dlt'on than CO per cent of the country roads
and the proposed expenditure \vas alto
gather uncalled for at the present time
Ho Intimated that Paddock had not Intro
duccd the resolution \vlth any Idea of having
It passed , but simply to feel the pulse o
the board.
This was Indignantly repudiated by Pad
dock , vi ho took the nn-crtlon as a persona
reflection on his Integrity , but a motion ti
dofrr action on the resolution until the nex
nuetlng ended the combat and the belliger
ents rested on their arms.
The report of City Engineer Ilosewater In
regard to the present flow of ths 1'latte an. _
21khorn rivers was received and placed on
"le. The report v\as as follows
I have mndc careful g.uulncs of the
'latte and Ulkhorn rhers near Prcinont
md Arlington , ut the same points as last
year , with the following u-sults.
South , or main , Lluirnel of tlie Plattc
Iver , lUj077 cubic feet per becoml ; north
channel of thi I'lutlo nvir , 1CS.79 cubic feet
tei second ; iikhon river , 213(3 ( cubic feet
> oi second , total , 1,4JJ .22 cub.c feet per SHC-
'J his Is 54 per cent of the totnl flow In
he same stioam measured In October of
The total precipitation at Omaha , as
nken at the United i'tatps signal station ,
turn Januniy 1 to September 1 , 1SOT , was
3 2B Inches. The trtnl for the same period
n IfcSI was 11 35 Inches , or about 49 per cent
ol that of the pitvlous yxai , shovvinfi that
f other lai-tots ci.uld be tonslilcitd the
low In the l lkhorn and PUUe livers below
Lho J oup folk varies very nearly with the
rainfall over the lerrltoiy tributary to
.hem. The Pintle il\er suifate above the
Loup fork IK nt present practlpiilly dry.
Through the courU * > ot air I. , r. uotts-
chalk , a civil unjjlneer at Columbus , I have
secured gauflngB of the Loup fork taken
on August 17 and 10 , 1SSI. These dhow a
low In that stream of 1,2,11 nml 1,207 cubic
[ eet per second nt the time of me.ibiirement
and agree almost exactly with the nggrc-
jiite How of the 1'lnUe channels us taken
liy measuremerr.ts eleven duvs later by my-
Tliese figures rhow quite conclusively that
i constant How under present conditions
can be depended on from the Loup fork und
Klkhorn rlveis , und that nearly double the
supply taken as a basis for the canal pro
ject can be secured under the most ad
verse conditions of drouth
The grading contract and bond of Hannon
& Welch was approved.
The reslgnatlcn of Ur Isadora Click as
oculist and aurlst al I he county hospital was
offered and accepted. Ho Is at Houston , Tex. ,
and expects to remain there.
A requisition from Judge Baxt'r for an
olllcc desk and chair was referred to the
committee on court house and Jail , with
power to act , and the potltl.n of County
Treasurer Ircy to be provided with a dally
commercial report was granted.
Mrs. T. 3. Hawkins , Chattanooga , Tenn. ,
says"Shlloh's Vltallrer 'saved my life. '
: e I consider It the beet remedy for a debili
P tated system I ever used. " Tor dyspepsia ,
d liver or kidney trouble It excels. Price , 7Cc
d So'd ' by Goodman Drug Co.
The following licenses to wed were granted
by the county Judge yesterday :
Name and Address. Age.
"William D. Oaslin , lYmsInB. Cole 38
Catherine MclJvoy , Iknkelman , Neb ! H
' Lewis 13. Riluards , Omaha 28
Mrs. Mnttlo Donaldson , Omaha . 31
Herm in Beguntskl , Omnhn . 31
13 1 idle Rosenberg , Omaha . 26
Peter 1C. Olson , Omaha . 29
Othlllc Astrup , O Jim 1m . 13
SeptcmV < T 1st , a daughter , to Mr ,
and Mrs. IVahkVllcox , 29th and Douglas
Highest Honors World's Fair.
> Y A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fttl
> 0 ( > ftotp Ammonia , Alum or any other adulUrjfik
Shewho Runs
may reatl , No woman , if she can read , can fail
to know about Pearline. Then , if you're
worn out with hard work or find your
clothes goingto pieces , you've only yourself
to blame.
You'll have to choose your own way
of washing. You can use soap and the
washboard , and tire yourself out. and
rub your clothes lo tatters.
You can use so-called
washing-powders ,
of Pearline , and have easier work ,
though they're eating up the clothes. Or
you can use Pearline , wash in tlie easiest way ,
and be absolutely certain that there isn't the
slightest harm.
. } Peddlers nml come unsTuj > iiiou& grocers wi'l ' tell jou " ( his h ns good as"
or "the as I t tiic. " IT'S TALSI' Peirline is never peddled ,
and if jour tr r ssnda jou something in phco rf I'citlmc , bo
lionc t . < 28 JAMUS l'\l.E , New Yorle
EJirect From The Tea Gardens.
FragrsntI RSchI Delicious !
Genuine only when supplied in "Original" Patent Air.
tight Canisters bearing grower's name :
These delicious Teas are used in almost every home
In the Old Country. Lipton's < ( No. i" is unanimously de.
Glared to be The Finest Tea The World Can Produce.
WU1 stlc aid Retail Agcn )
A complete new stock recently purchased ,
at the reduced prices.
1206-1208 DOUGLAS STH.EET.
' Sl m S
tlnn ot ft famous i-'rtncn pli > AlctAiinS.l quick U * CUI-CMMI or all Her *
veins or dlni nsta of tlio Kt-utrr the onfnnr , such ns I ofUMatUioou *
liisuninla. ruins In the i mission ? , Ken oua JlrbUlM-T
Dimples , Unlltn S3 tri Murry , Eilimuotlng Drihis , Vnrlcocflo and
' OUl'nJUNKclcanteBthollffor.tho hldncyi and the urlnaty
J3BEFORE iND ATfER orsansol all Impurities.
( ] irpn > in otrorBthcna ami restores Bm"H vvciVorsani. .
Tlio rr icon nuff"r < > rH in o iint currd ) iy Doctors IB bociuso lilno'T t > 2r CCnl nro troubled with ! tl Ctlf'lUEXR Is tlui oiilv know u rpir.ulv tn euro without nnoprr itlon 0 OtKHcu-
ttmcinl-uH A vvr"toiFiiimnte'frU'i'ii nnd money rettiiiitrl ITBtx D' I HrtocH not . Dct a pur-
inaiiititcn-e "M 00 a t > ox six forSjd' li niill. Bund for l" tiHtlmnulilH.
Amln" < a PA v'"v " ' I'lOINH t'O.i > r , no2I7 ( ( > > m Frr.n'llM'O Oil Korailobj
GOODMAN DHUO CO , 1110 Varnam Street , Omul. i.
hn.T-0 been humliTitfiHl by the " rioctrtc llcltfFt lion Safl cror , " .
"Crayon , " " I rfKiUcit.1 Vncuura , ' " 1-rco euro Quacfci , and who barn found
ijirf oldera vrorsct YOU v
ucil. there tana hope farmrf'to joa 1 P > T. vlu ) ale f Inklnif Into ttn early
ord nftlim upon aslinrtliftARtAof ttf kncti < i an I nii oruiiv. 11 * . unj 3'V Jin
! rilJUlL lb HIU'K ! TJTTP13n.Jgl Stffil J * . O JJECCII
Wrax fullhijtorTeffoartjft.iiijrorflTJESTIOrl UST3 n l ICO l' : f Hook. Uf lo-ourcci < n
. tnTlttlll ) > [ TC t. 1 hutcutellh mir.Ji. ItlK It UK > Ot. Tweiujt yeui rrivrl iic , iriV
* vritp befjrlkklnitroiiDtftlcl rwl eri. C Qitil < Atiinkt > ri molly M by null frcNiiil tiered.
_ MftlfiDrfl. ! ( nl pvvp.nbi-rAtbtil rrvfrl. < l T nalr.iorilfrrd I A Irien lly Ifltprn ytl rrrtfnntu HEALTH ,
Dt.H E. WOOD. President. CHICAGO MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE , 30 Van Uurcn SI. Cliicaao.lU.
TUB OHHAT MtLtTAUV SOHOJI , OP T.IR WBU1. lUn'ci S303til o-t tha
War Dap vrtnijtit i nu u military sjiuil-i o ( CD Uiltolicitit. . PrJUirai
foi Collu/e , llmhioss , Woit I'alnt or Arm ill ilU Sir > 15 f u litiinmju illoi
locution. Itjfori ) buluotlnca scluol , wrlto for Illnntr itjil cit ilou > to
LESLIE r/JAR VIAOJ.C2 , Mnnagar.
Dr. E. C. West's Hervo and Brain Treatment
ra sold umleri > o ltlTO written guarantee , by author- egpiits onljr , to cure Weak Heronry ; Loss of
llrulnaml J-'ervo l'cm > rjI.G3tMiinlioo < ljiiu.l/1tnoB ;
NIeht Ixi&sen ; Hill Drpunn ; Txck of Oouflilence ;
N ivouBTie a ; I iseitutlu ; nil Lrn1n ) < < ; Lorsof lko\vtir
of tlio OoliornlliD Orgnni In eltli r RCI , COUK | lij
ovor-oiertlou ; Youthful Lrrors , or Ksccrrlt i > tlco ot
Totacco. Opium or.liquor , nhlcr. soon leml to
Mlfor/ , Consumption , Insnnltjran 1IX nth. U/ mall ,
flnlKii : mort.5 ; nllf > wrlltcu ( ninnmleo ta euro or
leluudmoney. WiaT'SCOUaHBIlllir. Acurtalc
euro for Cont'li" . Colilii , AMhmn , Ilrnncliltlf , Croup ,
linnplDK Cough , tinra Throat , riocinul lotak
Hindi fliu ( lIsco&IInBpil ; olil. COo. lw , now ! ' . < ol < !
| liazonowttc.
Qoadaian Drue Co. , Ouabt.
Prepared from the orlnlnnl formula pre-
Berred In the Archives of Ibo Holy Lnnil , liav
lag an auttit utlo It I story ilitl n f back WU yearn.
for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Price CO cents. Bold by oil drucgl t .
The Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
Eecd for Circular and Illustrate J CaleiuU-
Departmaiit ol the University ol Oraa&a
A Home for Yonn Ladies
WK'i modern city accommodations and pa
rental oversight. Young men are hclptl
cocla\ly \ , physlcall > , IntLllectually. morally.
Music nnd Roiiiiuorol il bninchuv tuu ht by
prsorlotorsof Um ihn'ii bun uullcucs. rxieii | > ct
lew than In tlio city.
Address.COLLEGE , Qollovuo , Neb
fall term tx&mi Vfcantediy , September Itth.
Tor catalogue i' pniiteularj np | > ly ta lh reo *
tor. TliU IUVV. n. DOIUIUTV , B. T. D. .
For Younjr Women. Collegiate and Sernln.
ary Couraia. Ueauttful grounds. 175. tOQ
buildings. A cultured home 3oO to 1100 ,
Send ( or I11uitrat d catalogue to Washing
ton , D. C.
"U Is n liberal education to live In Wa h >
Ington. "
Mltf ! t InttrurlloiilrialliUparC.
_ , _ . _ J menu of Mil kiiniudHno
* % 0 "fi r Art. . locution Unxu4tes
e. Add E.F , IHJI.LAIlli.A , ) lhuul-Jnt o/iyle. | 111.
un' route aiiLirAny AVAtusavi , t'
N C. J. WKIUHT , 11. a A M. , CuruWJill , .