THE OMAHA DAILY BEKt , HIDAVr , SEPTEMBER 7 , 1894 If- Vf Pays you $4 to $8 weekly * that means pin money adds yc little to your present expenses THE BEE GETS 'EM 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. 8PEG1RL NOT1GE8. AflvcrtUcmcniB for these columns will bo taken until 12:30 : | i. m. for tha evcn'n ? and until 9:0) : I > . in. for tlte morning nnd SutuUy editions. Atlvcrt'Ecrr ' , by rfqtientlr.s a numbered cbcck , can liiive nnrwem mMrcsfieU to a nutnbi-rcd letter In cure ot The Dee. Ansnrrs BO aJilretreJ will be dollveroil upon prcsontntlon of the check , Halo. H4c n wind Ilrst Insprtlon , Ic a word thereafter Kolli'np taken for less than 23o for nr t Insertion , 'these navrrtlsemcnts must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. YOt'Nd LADY WANTS 1'OSITFON AS GOVerness - erness or Trcncli tsacher. XV 17. Hoc. A S10S7 7 * SITUATION AS COACHMAN WANTUO m' a yountf man In private family : good , com * latent Jrlvcr , AtMrcm W 18. Hoc. LADY nnsinus POSITION AS OOVIUNISS nr traveling conimnnn | | ; lniulil ( o of Rngllnli , French nnd music ; lieat ot reference * : termi rcaKonnblc , Apatfa O , ttt ! N. 17th. A SHSl * rti'n.s WANTII > , oriTAn. VIA NO AND organ lesions , at % cry moderate terms. AO- drea C03 N. 17th. A-MUD & * WANTED MALE HELP ( UNEIinflTtO WANT MKM OF peed niWrpfs onBntury for retail trade. Apply 1518 DoiiBlnn. 11-MHi ) S3 Y HAI.r.SMF.N KOU ncnD'8 Jaw ri'iiicdy ( endorsed by U. S. IJept. Agricul ture , llurcau oj JnOustrjas a siicoino ) us a vldi > line , IJbcrnl term ? to right parties. Atldicss Druthers & Itcnl , tlaHcrn. la. U-M364 B17 _ WANTKD , TIJAVni.INO SALESMEN , 1ICI.UN & Thompson , tallora , 1C12 furnain street. 11-COI S2J OnNT MHN AND WOMHN wliere to lake onlcra for "Shopi ) ' * New York City , llluatrntnt , " Juit out ; nnneloui pioiliictlin of the American metropolis ; pmfusely UlustratPil from orlKlnnl iiliolopuiphs takvii by our own artlHt In pliices and tlums ; llbertit terms nnd ilescrlptlva circular fipeon atipllcatlon ; no capital required ! pronti 1800 lo J17.0 tl-xllyj 1C you wint to mnko nionov fnst write today. Address Globe Bible Publishing Co. . 35t born Ktrcet , Clilcncn. Ill . nnd 721 Chentnut Miect , 1'hllnilclplili. To. U-M14S 7' _ WANTED FEMALE HELP. 1.ADIC3 WANTING IMIIST CLASS Gini.3 npply at the Scandinavian Y. L. Home. Otnce , tVt N. ICth. street. C MC33 7 * _ \VANTHD. YOUNG \VOilUN TO HNTHH training school for nurses AOdrrssV. . C. Av hospital. Council ISIufCs. O-131 12 _ WANTUO. lUtlOUT , SMAUT YOl'NG I.ADY , not under 29. lo nsslst In our order Oppirt- mont ; C houis dully ; munt be ivlllln ami quick to learn ; Rood pay. Apply after 9:3 : < ) Krlday lo niipt , , room 12 , CrvlRliton block. 0 15S-C * TOR TKNT8 FOIt HCNT , 1311 TAHNAM ST. TJ-73T 317 _ _ VANTKD. GOOD MKDIUM PltlCCU HOUSHS. List your bouses for rent wltli Ames. D 7M _ HOUSES , P. 1C. DAHLJNG , UAllKKIl niXCK. I ) 731 HOUfltiS IN ALL PARTS Or TIIU CITY. THE O. K , Davis company , 1505 rarnam. D 735 KKLKENNY &CO. , U. 1 , CONTINENTAL ULK ? r/- / D 730 MIOOM COKNKII FI..VT AT 701 s. ICTII street ; range and all nther cornenlcnces. Qcoreo Clouicr , room 2. I CM Tarnam street. U 300 _ ( . . AND 1D-UOOM HOUSES. ALL MOD- crn , lawn nnd ehaile. Apply at 211 N. Y. LI to or till Miami BtreeU D M1M _ _ pen niNT. CUUAPISST six-nooxi COTTAGK with bath In city ; only 115.W. 1033 California utreat. I1-M3G2 _ FOlt ItKNT. DC81KA11LC DWELLINGS IN bll parts of city. U. II. Bbeufc , 432 raxton blk. D S57-S5 _ FOK HUNT. B ItOOMS , C3I B. 17T1I STllBITT. D-CIO-SM * S-UOOM lOUSE. INQUIRU 27U DOUGLAS street. U-MG73 C ItOOM HOUSES. UOUCRN AND COS N Hlh atrett. J ) M FOlt HKNT. KLKOANT 10-ItOOM HOUSi : ; rcaBon.ible. 2001 llur : street. L > 851-C' Fo it INT TIK-IIOOM iiousn , N. w. con. Fttrnnm and ! 0lli * t . ; modern Improvements ; by Chus. Turner , 301C rainnm st. 1) S13 von lujNrwoojt COTTAQI : , mo DOIICAS treet ; city water , bnth. Imiutre Koteit Hun ter , Uiio ofllcc. l > B1S33 MIOOM , ALL JIODKHN IIOU.S13. K 17th ; also other Rood douses , ( i , 1. . Green , room M , Ilarker blu < .k. U M930 FOU IlKNT. DIMmAnLn 7-IlOOit COTTAO1S near llanrcorrv ] ik ; rent Ji'j.W. Hlngvvult llrus. . 87 Ilarker block. 1 > 112 t. itoosts , i.Andi : iiAi.u HATH IIOOM. IN- qulro at 23 South. ISIIi ( trvet. D M129 12 van IIKNT. ii.iaANT IO-IIOOM not'SK rcn on.iblc. i J Hurt slreet. _ p 133-13" -iooM HOUSI : Nr.i\n man SCHOOL : _ lnoulre , S 16 Caiiltol nve _ IMB-12 * HHNT , C-IIOOM COTTAGH ; J13.W. ItW H. _ . > _ t. _ n i37-a FQU JtHNT A. Bl'LKNDin , COTTAQK. COIt- ner. east front on ime < l Btreet. 7 rooms , city water ; rent UMsnnnble , T. C. IJrunner , loom 1 , Ware _ block. _ 1) 156-7 CALL AT OCK OKF1CK AND KXAMINK IMJO- tosniph of vct > - tln 7-rooni ino-lern i-ottuKH < m l > a\e < l street , ono-liulf block from air line , only $23.00 per month. Fldvlll ) ' Trust Cumiiam' , 17iU Fiirnnm HI. I > 133 IFOR RENT FTJKNISHEIJ KUHNISUUD ItOOMS. < 26 BOUTII 19TII ( IT. E-MSM Bit * 'LKASANT FUHNI8UKD ROOM. 2215 UODGCj _ _ U-M3J5 rURNTsiIUD HOOMS AT 315 SOUTH 1STH ST. li M151 Sll' LAUQK AND SMALL ItOOMS AND IIOOM3 en tulta on two car linn. IIS South SOIh itreet. ROOMS ron IIOUHIKKKIMNO : for nun and wife. lUnl taken In l inl. S19 street. 1I-MM1 nnNT. NICELV FUnNlfilHID nOOMB ; call at i 7 Douglos. K-7SO-19 uoo u. I IUVATD FAMILY s lit. Mary' avenue , K S5J-0 * I Nict : nooMs roit LIGHT Hi : S. tub et. i-S70-i- UNFiTHNismn floor ; mo < lern com nlences. N , UtliMam i : -Mam ii ItOOU 1-OU LIGHT HOUSKIiCKl'lNO. ! | N 15th. i-lcj3-7 * noona. ten K-MIM : s 3TUHNISHED KOOMB AND BOARD. TLUASANT HOOMB WITH DOAItD. 213 HAHn - n y. F MltS Bit * NtCU UOOMt * : GOOD IlOAltDi ItATKS IlKA- onablt.coahcnltncei. Tin Ilose.COJa.2U22 Hurnejr , K MO B ' . _ _ _ Fl'llNISHKO HOOMS . SINOLK OR IN ! SU1TI.1. with bo nl. JIM IXmcla * . K-M9 S * OISJIHAHLK IIOOM wrm iraAiTo uT7iu rate fimllr re * N l lh V IT7 * | t ' " snjri ' iNf UOOM3 WITH HOARD ; r f r nc s. No , 11th. F IJ-7 * rUKNIBHEP BOOMS AND BOARD. Continued , vnitt DnHinAnm UNrt'itNisnnt ) FUONT nrnl bnck parlors , also furnlshet ! rooms ; everj'- thlnR llrat-cla-H. 210 and 12 Soutli 2Jth street. F M13I101 _ LA nan SOUTH FIIONT HOOM. WITH board ; reference. 2211 Fainam street. street.V V MM5 8 < A CM'n or s on 10 YOUNCI JIKN CAN HAVB a iileatiint homo wltli room nnil board In n private fiinlly : bouse with nil mo < lern con- vonlencps. location central mid < le lrnble ; every thing' first class. Address W 21 , 13ee , F M124 9 _ NICKLY FUIINISHED KOOMS WITH ALL conveniences. First-class board. 211 Nr > . ISth Mreet. F MZ7S-SIS' FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO LAHGI3 HOOMS. DAST AND SOUTH front ; modern : will rent unfurnished to. party furnishing good references. 1003 Cico nvenue. O 107-7 FOR RENT STORES ANI > OFFICES conxnn STOHCm \ oo. 921 DOUGLAS. iT quire 922. I 7tO rOTt KHNT. ROOM , 5 1IY il 2ND FLOOH OI" my stoie suitable for cloaks nnd sulta ; good light and elevator eervlcc. Mrs. J. Iloneon. I-MB83 FOH IICNT , Tim 4-STORY HIUCIC IIUILDLNC. Ol rarnam street. The bulldliifr has a lire- proof cement basement , complete steam heat- Int : flxurea. water on all floors , ens , etc. Ap ply nt the office ot The Hee. 1-913 roil IlKNT EXPOSITION HALL , GHOUND llDor. Open dites can be had for parts of Sentcmber. October nnd November. Tills Is tlie onls' hall In Orunlia equipped for conven tions , poll ! I ml meetings , balli anil other larKC Krttbollnca of people. A. J. Fopplc'on , room 311 I I rat National Dank building. I-S14 Q FOIt IIKNT. GOOD RTOISH HOOM IN Till ! best location In northeast Knnsa ; will lent \pr > reasonable tn good pirty. Address- Theo anil O. ! ' . Welsenborn , Halleyvllle , Kan. I M1000 8 * AGENTS WANTED. WANTED. GOOD SOLlClTOns. MEN AND women , to work for the Vrourcsslvo Endowment - ment Guild of America , for Sllsaourl. Kansas ami Nebraska , ( Duildln ? nnd Loan nnd ten- year Endowment Insurance combined } ne- llablo people only need apply. Address room C , Hock Island bid ? . , cur. 6th nnd Edmond ttreej. St. Joseph , Mo. J M803 01' AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS IIY SAMPLE AT home or Inuel. We pay liberal calary unil ex penses or seed commission nnd furnish samples to tight applicant. Address Lock llox 13S1 , New York City. WANTED , GENEHAL AOENT8 TOR CITIES. I ocal HKents for towns. New iio\elty. Sim plex kettle lifter ana drainer , tilamp for particulars. Wallace & Co. . nock Island. III. _ J MUG 8 * V7ANTED TO RENT ! WANTED. HOUSES TO UKNT. HAVE JIORE calls than I can supply. J. II. Par-rutU > . 15th an.lDodge. K Sil S2 _ WANT TO RENT UPRIGHT PIANO. liVTsT ( . .alucuarantced. . Addiv W 12. iec nfllcv. K 9S3-C' LA MVVANTS ROOM AND EOARID - dress \V 22 , Hee. K M130 ? A OINTIJMAN wisuns TO RGNT A Nicn 19 or i-room house In the vicinity of Jlnnscnm paili. Address Vf i > , Ueo. IClll-S * STOBAO ] BTOHAGL' , WILLIAMS iCKOSS. I'll IIARNKY [ M-m ETORAOI : ron IIOUSKIIOLD OOODSJ CLISAN and cheap rule. R.Vclla , lilt raniatii. M-T42 OM. VANS.STORAGD CO.,1502 FAII NAM. TU5 ; ! > M-743 IIUST STORAC3K BUILDING IN OMAHA. U. 8. BDV. bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-Wlj Leavennnrth. WANTED TO CASH Fen LUMiinn nusiNns ? IN LIVE town ; ghe full particulars. T 8 , Dee oillce. N-MOS3 S7 * HAVANA FRECKLES , I3EST ON EAnTH. EC. K-MK1 827 WANTED TO I1UY-AN r.STAHLISHED PAY- . Ine coal buslntss for casb , Addre.ta W 3. Hee. N-TO-C' WANTEU-TO 1HIY AN OFPICE DESK ; MUST be a tiirgalii ) Btata pi Ire , W 23 , lUc. N 132-0 FOR SALE FURNITURE. 1 > AYMKNTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOUn money. low prices nn furnlline und household Goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 613-C15 N. IClii st O-7I5 FOR SAI.E HORSES , WAGONS.ETO a TOP iiraains , iw & ics , LHATIIEH TOP J . Diummond CuirluEO Co P-7 i roil SALE Oil TnADE , Z HORSES WE1OH- Inir 1,000 pound * each , 6 and T years old. Fred Tuny. < W llamee block. P 747 THE HEST LEATHER TOP IIUGOY IN OMAHA fur G3.CK > . UruinmonJ , IStli on.l Hiirney. Hiirney.P7W P-7W WANTKD-A TEAM OP HOUSES WEIGIIINO no leis than 1,100 Ilia. , veil broken to city drrUnir. fiend particulars to U 17 , lice. I1 6U-S-23 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HANK AND PLATTK VALI.KV HAND FOIt Falc. C. W. Hull company , ? > trt Izanl stg. Q-7M CiKAPKST CHICKEN AND OHNAMKNTAL fence made. C. It. Lee. Ml DoUKlas. Q H9 FOR SALE , THE rORMULAS FOIl WELL known proprietary meUlclnes , known In the nurthwcst , with sole rlshti tn nunufHC- turo nnd ell In North anil Soutli Dakota , Ne braska. Nona but roponslblo putles : answer. Address II. F. Smith. Q-JU19.SJS KUVf STANDARD VPIUailT PIANOS POP u ! nt mnnufaeturcr'B rilce ; only n few Irlt AJ Jryj.1 W 10 , lice , Q-3SO G * YOUNO PARROTS POIl "SALE. Wl SOimi IQtli ttreet Q M12J 1J COM PLETK SETT OK 8HO\V CASI . and laiue coffee mill for * ulc. Inquire 1123 S loth si. Q 110-i * STOCK PASTURED. GOOD FEED. T. Mlllt- ray. H M :7 KM WANTED. 200 HEAD OF STOCK. TO W1NTKII or ulll wll 100 to 204 toni of limy. Addriis Ei Kunkel. Gundy , Neb. It-Mi 17 < CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. nn. H. WARUKN. CLAIRVOYANT. RE liable bu lnes medlumi 7th year at 119 N. K B-7R3 MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAME SMITH. 603 S. I1TII. ID FLOOR room 3 , nm ! iseauor , alcohol , ntfnm. su | jihurlne nU ea bathi. T M924 I * MMK. LA'P.Un. . ill BOnTiri5TH. T-M8 1 8T " MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1119 DODGE PERSONAL. UMHRELLAS MADIi RECOVERED AND HE llrtd. 105 South sixteenth , strut. U 753 PERSONAL. ContlnuM. VI\VI HOMK TttEATMKNT I-XJll LADIES. Health book anil consultation free AddrcM or call Vlavl Co. , JU Dee bldr. Lndy attendant. TAKB YOUR FniEND ; TINTYPES. 4 TOR lie , Troctor. 818 8. ICtli trMU U 7S A pleasant onj convenient place. ti2) Farnam street , I 'union block ; 'phone 711. U-757-SIT _ CIIBAM ron WHiFFpiNO AND infrTEn- milk. Wateiloo creamery , 1613 Howatil , tel.1333. u 2bi sn WHOLE WHEAT UREAD ritOM 11NIIOLTKD flour at Imiiven K Itamsey's , " 217 N 16lh M. U it 108 SI1) Dn.W.STEPHENSON. SPECIALIST , M fj- MME. LA ROOK , MAS3AOC. 1E09 LEAVEN- vortli street , thlrJ Ilr , front rooms ) two first class opomlom. U M97 ! > W _ _ AVHEN OUT WITH YOUll LADY VISIT J. J. Muller'n new Ice cream parlors , 2S")2 Iaven- uorth street ; everythlUK Is new , Including Hie building. Tel. 10W. Ice crc m delUereil. U 765 nil ICG C10AII FOR GC , HAVANA FRF.CKLEa * U M651 SJ7 KLKCTRO-TllKRMAL I1ATIIS , FACIAL cace&complcxlon trralmcnt. Mine , I'ost , 319V4 S I * . L' 878-19 IIATIIS. MASSAGE. MME. I-O3T , JIJ'4 S. I5TII. U-M5 MONEY TO lUAN BKAlj 3TATJ2. Lira iNsttRANrn roi.iciF.9 I.OANKD ON or bought. 1' . C. Chcsney , Kansas City , ila. \V 769 ANTHONY IXAN & TRUST CO. . 31S N.Y. LII'M loans nl low intps for choice tecurtly In Ne braska nnd ion a. faims or Omaha city property. \V 700 MONEY TO LOAN ON I'AHM. IN DOUGLAS lmpro\ed nnd unimproved Omnlia real estite. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1T02 Famnm Bt. W 76t MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVE ! ) OMAHA real estate , Itrcnnan , Love S : Co. , Paxton blk. W 762 OMAHA LOAN ft TIlUflT CO. . 1CTH AND Douglas Hired * , loin money un city nnd farm property at lowest mien of Interest. W 7C3 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. THE O. F. Davli Co , 1503 Farmim it. W "Cl UNITKD STATKS MOIITOAGE CO , OF NEW York. Capital J2.000.WX ) . Surplus JCOO,0 . Sub- mlt choice lands to F. S. Puscy. ojrent , Plrst National bank building , W ! MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATKS ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to B years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1T02 rarnam. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property ; $3,000 Ac upwards , 0 to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. 1'aiiiam Smith & Co. , 1320 rarnam , W-7GJ MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. U. Melkle , 1st Nat. lank. - LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES PURCHASED , Loan * on mine negotiated. Welllver & Co. , Drexel bids. , Phlla , Pa. W M074 O3 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , hoist' * , wagons , etc. , at loviust rates In city ; no removal of goods : strictly conlldenltul ; you can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MOnTOAGE LOAN OO , 246 S. lUth itrcei. X llrl j. n. HADDOCK , ROOM ; 127 IIAMGE SHORT TIME LOANS. 432 PAXTON HLOCK. X % 7 S8 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- crly. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life build ing. - X-7SS MONEY TO IX3AN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- turc. pianos , horses , wngont , or any kind ot chattel security , at lowest possible rates , YIlIch > ou can pay back at any time , ami In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4. Wlthnell block. 3J 767 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR IlENT , A DEPARTMENT ON SECOND floor , Ji'.xBi ) . in one of the largest houses In Council muffs. 13 , care Bee , Council Hluirs. Y 7C3 FOR SALE , A I1IO PAYING HUSINESS ; NO competition ; 11.SCO raid takes It. Address H CO , Bee. Y M106 SI * A HOWLING SUCCESS. HAVANA FRECKLES < Y M631 H2I THU NATIONAL INFORMATION AND EX change Co. , 203 First National bank , Omaha lias customers with cash , farm lands nnd city property for merchandise ; also stocks of Konla for sale and trade. TT MSOfl 80 INVESTIGATE-V.O INVESTED TO LEARN light manufacturing business , will pay 11.500 a J-ear. Address \V 1J. Deo. Y 1IO-5 * (3 ( PER CENT NET PROFITS WEEKLY WITI $1.50 or more capital. Prospectus , Itemlzet statistics free. Uenson & Dwyer. 811 llroad vay. New York. Y Mlti O5 * ron SALP : . rinsT CLASS oitocEitY. DOING gwxl business. In plendl < l location , ROUI ! rea sons for selling. Address W 21 , lice. Y 113-S * Cl OA il ] TO11ACCO. FRUIT AND CONFEf tlom-ry Ktore < iolng a good business for s > le Good reason for selling. Address VY 2C , Dec. Y 141-7 * FOR SALE. A WELL ESTAHL1SHKD HAH ness bustncMa In a good farming country In western lona. Fur particulars adI rest VV 27 care Dee. Y MI4C 8' FOR EXCHANGE. AMERICA'S PIHDE , HAVANA FIlECKLEfl , SC Z &IG51 82 ; I HAVE CASH. IOWA AND OTIIEIt LANDS to exchange for incrchandtse. II. A. Wagner Omaha. Neb. Z M865 TRADE. ONE OR ALL OP 5 STORE buildings un N Btreet , Houth Omaha , bringing nice Income , lor good clear farm land near tn Omaha , South Omaha or Cnunclt Hluffs Value of property about 123,000.00. Adlre II 61 , Uee. Z MW2 II * FOR EXCHANGE. IMPROVED LANDS , CLEAI of Incumbrance. good quality , nllh some cash for general merchandise ; correspondence con fldcntlal. Address lock box 30. lcuer ) city Neb. Z-M853 7 CLEAR CITY PROPERTY FOR LAND. W1L- llams & Mlttan , McCugue building , room 313. Z-ME97 01 GOOD CLKAR HEAL ESTATE FOR STOCK Ol goods Aildcefs W 8 , this oillce. Z M07Q 8 A GOOD LOT IN EAhT OMAHA TO EX change for > oung wuik horses or mules Lamureaux lines , 30G S , IGth. 2 10i IMPROVED 120 ACRES iJFivTANDOTTK" Ohio , nnd flno residence with ten actes ad joining good town In Hancnck Co. , Ohio , t trade for eastern Neb. land or merchandise liox CSZ , Sclmaler Neb. S5 M121 O3 OM A HA IMPRP VKD AND UNIMPUOVRE residence n-opi'.ty and eastern Nebraska farn land to irade for dry goods , Wnnt to tlca wlih owner. UDX 710 , Schujlcr. Neb. ' ' K-M120 OS WANTED TO TRADE A' ' CLKAR IXT"WORTI fit > m J100 to $ SOO for n phaeton , T. C. Ilnmner room 1 , Ware block. 55 115.7 UllICK. WANTED TO TRADE A GOOD CLKAT ! lot near Itenson post oillce for mxxl brick. T , C. Unnmer , room 1 , Wan * block. K 131-7 TOR SALE REAL -ESTATE. FARM LANDS. "C.F.HARRISON. 01 ! N.Y. Lirii UK S6S-s8 FOR SALE. NKW 4-nOOlt COTTAGE ; CKL- lar , cistern , city water ; cor. 15th and Snhlcri : i.2M.OO ; Ions time. Enqulro 1318 FHtnam. Samuel Hums. n E 7,3 ONE OP THE nEST HOMES IN KOUNTJCE Place < 21l - lllnneji If sold nt once , vlll go for less than cost of house. Terms r ut half cash , balance easy. R. N , Wllhncll t .iui ) . 207 N. Y. Life. " . U-JH-y-M I1ARQAINS. HOl'SES. iJoTS AND FARMS , c.or trade. F. K. Uaillnir , lUrker block. R E-7J1 GARDEN LANDS. 8 miles from poatottlce , lone time , easy terms Call nt 9tO N , T. Life. HE 731 FOR SALE , MY nESIDENCE. 8. W. 21ST AND Cass. Leivllt Ilurnham. H E 103-11 * TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS HOUGHT. COLD. EX chuneed. rcnteil nd repaired. Typewriter rim pnire upplle * . Tjpc writ era rented at It pel month The Omaha Typewriter exchange , sue reason to the1 twwrlling department of thi Mfjrath Stationery Co. . 214 a. Uth. tel. 1311. PEE THE NEW DOFGHimTY TYPEWRITER The Omaha TDwrlter cxchanfe. tel , I3vl , Ni 2ll H. ltl > st. Tn STOLEN TYPEAVRITERS OFFERED FOI vale ihnuld mnke > ou suspicious ; funny the ] are mostly Smith's. Try one and you wll understand why ; full line nf supplies , Smith Premier Co. . Uth and rarnam ; telephone 1.2S4. M 70S TYPKWRtTERS-OMAHA PKOPLK DON1' steal t > pewrlte . they bjy ot ui. WhyT Ite cauie the Dtnimore CuiurropU and Yost ar the best machined made , they nlll outnea any t > i > ewrlter made , and do a better rniallt ; ot work. Our nupply department will be gut to pIcaM you fend your machine * to us I you uant them repaired United Typewrite Hnd Supplies Co. . 1619 Farnam street. Tele phone , llii. J TVPE\VIttTlNO AND STENOrTitAPHlC1 HEAD quarter * at Ilooin 22. | ) ouEla > block. Tele phone 1U4. Te.-nu reasonible. illM U * BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAkMPIPK FACTORY ) OLD pipes made new. M1'A' ' llth. 780 _ _ DAM AOE"D U IRROIlsIjlUSI LVETlED. tlO N. It 711 _ STOVK UEPAlltS OnjlTtLlKIND3 ; hotel range ft general n s > rtment of rang : * , rooks A heaters iMVKcodtlachment * put tn & Cc-ntctefl at J llU3hesco7 S. list & - _ S03 JJIO133LE3. H1CVCLES P.EPAIHHH AND ItEMODELED , Tires and nundrlen Hafe opened , repalreil , C. n. IIMlIn. ( locksmtlhl ajlvN. ICtli st. 9W SS 1ICYCLES. NKW' ArOv | > XLD , 2J TO It2 Ms aymerts ; we-rent. nnd repair. Om-rti Co , 323 N fttfi si. 7T8 1ICYCLE3 ALL STYLES. ALL PRICKS. Send for our list of second hnnd nnd uliop. Morn blocles. Ilfnalrn nnd "ycle pundrleft of Ml kinds. M O Uaxoft. 1)2 N. ICtli at 779 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. THE Olt.MlA I/1AN AND UUILDINQ ASSO- elation pays larger Interest limn any sivlng bank. Deceit et ln\estments of 11 or more per mo. O. M Naltlnger , Hec'y , 1TOI I-Mr- nnm st , Pec building 721 YOU CAN MAKE MORR INTE11E3T ON YOUR money by paMng yn II or more per montli than In any savings bink. Investigate , Mu tual Loan nnd IJultdlnfr association. O. M. er. nec'y. 1704 Farnnni st. "K ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical nnd gen eral machinists ; superior work gucuanleed. Omaha Electrical Works. C17 and Cl'J S , IClh st. 7S3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC- torn for electric light and motor plants and nil kinds of electrical construction. We tetn Elec tric Supply Co. , 118 and 420 S. Ulh ' ? l UNDERTAKERS ANDJEMBALMER3 It. 1C. IlURKirr , Ft'NRRAL IJIRKCTOR ANb embnlmer , 1013 Chicago nt. , telrphone 00. 83 SWANSON & VAI.IKN , UNDERTAKERS AND cmbalmers , 1M1 Cumins St. , lelcphono 10W. ( M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1W Farnam st , telephone 223. 7a7 PLUMBERS. nuu I'LUMiiiNO OK KVKIIV KIND. OAS steam & hoi water heating ! Benciage. 313H 1C. 7SS J. J. HANIOAN. PLUMniNG , STEAM AND hot water heating. 2T05 Lea\cnworth et. 781 JOHN HOWE & CO. . PLUMIHNO , STEAM AND hot nater heating , gas lUlurca , globes , 421 S. 15 790 DRESSMAKING. MISS MASON'S SCHOOL FOR DR12SSMAK- 4ng. established 1W2. Ms ready for the fall xvork. A thorough tnllor nyteni Is taught , taken from actual riel uremeiits and founded on a mathematical basin. Fiom two to three dresses are made during the term of ten lessons. Each pupil bcjn ? compelled to handle the garments during Jhe different stages of progression Room 811 S. 2 th street. : II 522 S * . HAY AND GRAIN. I1UY YOUR HAY IIY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A , H. Snydcr.lSIS Hurt bt. , tel. 1107 SS3 nj NKI1RASKA HAY CO.J WHOLESALE HAY. grain and mill stulT , We are aluats on the market to buy or sella 1402-1-0 Nicholas bt. OPTICIANS. OMAHA O1TICAI. CO. , iLEADING OPTICIANS , J. F. Ponder , malinger. E > ea tested flee. 222 South 16th. In Klnsler' ding store. 418 li * THE ALOE ft PENFQLD CO. , SCIENTIFIC opticians , H'3S ' Farruitn .st. , opposite Paxton hotel. LiycsxnmlncO free. 791 JOB PRINTING. REED JOB PRINTINGCO. . FINE P1HNTINO of all kinds , ntlist. , , lice llulldlng. 703 MAIL ORDF.R CO MM fcUOJAL PRINTING A Epeclalty. Douglas PrlntJug Co. . 419 S. 15th et. , Sheely bldg. Tel. 4tl for prompt sen Ice. ' BOO UPHOLSTERING. UPHOL'RING CABINET MATTRESS WORKS W. n. Itell. II. A. McEacbron , 2717 Leaxenw'th. . . , , . SOI UPHOLSTEniNG VBItYlCllHAP THIS'MONTII ' M B. Walk In , 8111 Cifmlng1. Tel. i 2. B02 CORNICE. WESTERN COnNICH WORKS , GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 1722 S. Mary's avc , 803 EAGLE CORNICE 'ORKS. JOHN EPE- njter .piorj. , 103. 110. 112 N. llth. Estab. 18:1 r 804 GRINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERH. RAZORS , ETC. , ground. Molcholr Ilros. . Ill ) Farnam street. - M237 RAZORS , SHEAP.8 , CLIPPERS. LAWN JIOW- erg , etc. A. L. Undeland. 100 N. Hlh. 782 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. Q. P. GELLENBECK , BANJOIST AND teacher. 1(10 California Btrect. 911 FOR BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS ; easy payments ; Instruments rented ; rents apply on purchase. A , Hospe , Jr. 7u5 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS , ALVA J. OHOVER , MATHEMATICAL AND surveying Instruments. rnBlneeis' and archi tects' supplies ; tracing cloth , blue process papers. 31S B. 15th ; mall orders. 703 TENTS AND AWNINGS. WDLP UROS. k CO. , MANUFACTURR1ES OP ntvnlnga. tentn. nags , ungon , hay tuck covers , tarpaulins , balloons and parachutes. 703-705 S , ISth st. . telephone Wl , Tents for rent.SOT SOT 817 TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDHRMY AND FURS. SEND POR CATA- loffue. Georee' K. Urown , Jr. , & Co. , 703 S. 16th. 811 HOKSESHOEINCT WIU. THOMAS MALONEV. 812 N. ICTH ST. 231 COAL. COAL. KXCHLLUNT StJItSTlTUTE tf-f r.nrd coal nnd 13.50 ton cheaper , ICtli rurniim tljC Ol _ _ _ _ LOST-OI'UNKD LETTRR AODRKSSHD TO llrent K , Vutet , containing Chicago draft. Rr- tuin to 30) Dee ; reuard. 115-C * WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. . WHOLCSALC JJEALER3 IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited. 1008 Farnam St. 812 _ &X.ENO G B APHE11S. FT J. sTlTCLIFI'B , GHNKRAL STENOQ. rapher , U llea building. Telephona 027. CAHPENTEB3 AND BTJILDERS. C. n. MORR1LL , CARPKNTnU , OI-'FICR AND ttore fixtures a specialty. Patching nnd plaslcrlng1JU C'apllol aye. , tel. 43S. 790 DYE WORKS , BCHOKDSACK. TWIN CJTV DVB WORKS. 1121 Fainam street. Uyelne of eiery dtscrlp- lion and dry clesmlns. , i , ' 97 DENTISTS. DR. OKOROK fl , NASOSfABUNTIST. SUITHIX 1'axton block. ICth and Parnain sta. , tel. 712. n 80S DR. PAUL. DCNTIST. VOX HURT ST. 8) HKST FURNAcn MADi : . SOl'T CXAL SMOKK consuming nnd hard coal furnaces. Uagle Cornice - nice ' \Vorl.s. 108-1K K.ilKh . ) KOAROINO STAni.KS.Tj'INB LIVERV RIOE cheap , IM llaumler. 1KH and St. Mary's nve M SW AETNA HOUBH IKVltOI'CAN ) N. W. COR 13th and Dodge , Ilooin by day or week. PAWNBROKERS , , VIAROWITZ LOANS UON13V , IS N. ICth „ 721 HARNESS. GBT MY PRIClTa IlKrOilB ToTl DUV A 1IAR ness , Auguit lloline. .11 8 , Itth t 26.t BHORTHAtTO ANDJY1EWRITING ; VAN BANTS BC-HOOL OF' SHORT HAND N. Y. Llfa. Omaha , Aslt for circular. 193 DANOINCrT A . . ON MORANO FOR LKSSO.NS. SOOtl ? " ' ' or t g dineci. Ill *'u Sit CEREBUINE ( HAMMOND. ) Kxtrnot ot th llralti nl I lie Or. In the treatment ol LOCOMOTOB ATAXIA. N. Y. Neurolonlcal SoojMy. Meellnc. April 1. 1SS1 "A oa flnii pre entril ot lorfltnntor ntmla "which hsd l rn trente.1 with hspoxtermlc In- "jections or I'r.nnimi.Ni : , stt je \ BP > the "pntfent , n man nired forty , Ind N'cun lo tut * ' fer with dmiUi ! vision. ThK ultPr e\ernl "months of trrntni"nt had dlsiippearnl , nnd fnr n time li lirrn quite nell. The tjplrnl "njinptoms ot locomotor nlnila then ciime on ; "compute lo s of knee-jerks ; flinrp pnln < In "thp | I-K : ntasl.i Rate -\\ell mirUc-l. Inalilllty "to stnml nlth the i-ynt closeil , illlTlculty In "cMicuatlng1 the blndder nml bourls. fo-xuel "powr lost , n wtw > uC in trlctlr > arounit the "ttnUL Trt-ntment wan beirun al ut ten necks "nga , nnd con l te l nf . < miy h > volei mlc In- "Jecllon of VnUKllRlNH "Hnmnvmd. lUe drnps , " < < nrnulnrd with a UKe n mount lit water. Im- "prtivmcnt xery ni.irKovli functionper - "fi-ctly lettorml , complete contnil o r Mmlilor "ami liunrls , and * harp pains had illsnppeaml ; "ucnrml lientth lnipru\r < l ; nlilc tn nm up nml 'MoMti Mulrn , nnd could ulnnd MenilvUh his "e > et closed , No other treritmnnl ernplojcd. Im "pruvcment Biudual niul stead > . " EPILEPSY. Hewn Vivo Drujw. t'rlci' . (2 ( diaolimsi , 12.60. Whcrr loc l tlrtiBKlsts are not supplied with the Hnmmond Anlmnt nitrncls. they wllKNi nullrd. tnaetlicr with nil filttlnK literature on the subject , on receipt of price l > f Itli : tOI.UMlJIA VIIKM1UAL CO. , Our I iisl Cut in Prices Want lloom for Now Goods ( In our Main and Branch Stores V70 have 50,000 , Sample Panta Patterns , To close quick we will make Panta to Order , from the sample patterns at each store , at the following Great Reduction : Now $2.50. Formerly $3.00 Now $3.OO. Formerly $3.75 Now S3.5O. Formerly $4.25 Now $4.13. Formerly $5.25 Now $4.41 , Formerly $6.25 Now $4.75. Formerly $7,25 Now S5.O5. Formerly $8.25 Now S5.4O. Formerly $9.25 Now $6.OO. Formerly $10.25 Don't Miss This Chance. Pants il Company 408 N. i6th St. PERMANENTLY CORED NO PAY UNTIL CURED WE ntfER TOD TO 8 .000 PVTIEIII8. \VritcforERnUHcforBHceB. EXAMINATION FREE. To Operation. Ko Detention from Business , SEND FOR CIRCULAR. TMF n. n/llM.ER / CO. , SOC-MS New York Life Ul'ae. , Omaha. Nub. AKI ) I'LHMAKKXTtY cure ; : ui Ncr ou Ifeblllty. Lost VlUIIty. Vurlfotcj , , Atropuy , Phyjlcn ! We , etc , by IM I AI'I. the irio-it Hindoo iteru ay. . . Written Bimraittea ofrure. Sot ! Vnhn & Co. , Cor. lUh & UouirliusSln . nnd J.A. ! -IHI- < CoCor.lith Poiiclaai MH..OMA1U. 11UREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitots. Boo Building , OMAHA , Neb. Adviuo CONTUACT OPEN. Proposals for the erection and tmllcllng of a brick church building near Demon vlllo , Uonlphan Co. , Kansas , will be received by the undersigned until noon of September 15th , 1MI. ) Plan * und specifications may be seen at the oinco of Jos. J. Waltz , architect , 1023 Hlley street , Atchlaon , Kansas. All bidders will be required to furnish a certified check ( payable to tlie undersigned ) equal In amount to three per cent of bid submitted , na guarantee to enter Into con tract with the board should his bid be ac cepted. Successful bidder or bidders will be re quired to furnish a bond for the amount of contract , for the faithful prosecution and completion of the \\orh In accordance with the plans specifications and Instructions. All proposals must be sealed and endorsed "Proposals for Church Hulldlng- . " The board of trustees do not. however. bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. ItliV. AUGUSTINE UAKER. O S. It. . Ucntonvlllc , Kansas. S-6-7-8 RHlLWflYTiMKOHRD Leases I CHICAGO & NOHTHWUST'N | Arilve > OmalialU. P. Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha llonm : Iustern Rxpre < > > 6Dim : llOOpii Vestllmled LlmltDd 5:4fam C'55am Mo. Valley Local 10:30jm SHIpm Omaha Chicago apodal. . . . . . 2:15pm : LeaveiTjCJIICAGO. 11URLINGTON & O.7Arrlves | Om ha | Depot 10th and Mason St . I Omaha -Il5pm : Chicago Vestibule DISam : Chlcnro nxpress 4:2m : T-.ll''prn Chicago and Iowa Local. . .l'acllc | Junction Leaves IllURUNGTON . Omahal Depot ICth and Mason Sts. I Ointiha IQilSam . Denver Uxpres4. , . , . 3Siun : 10,15am . Oeadwood Kxprras. . . 4:1 : pm Uenxcr RxpreM . 4:19pm : :10m.NelirnFlca : ) Ixical ( except Bunday ) . 65 ! < ) pni 8 iltam. . Lincoln Ix > cal ( except Sunday ) . . II : ; iam Leaves I K , C. . BT. J. & C. D | Arrlv iT Omahal Depot JOthaud Hason Sts. I Omaha Sil am Kansas Cltr li.iy Hiprem B:5Snm : St5pm.K. : C. Nlg'it I3 jylo.y. i * Trans. 6Mam Leaves rciIICAaoVR. I , & "PACiriC. | ArrlvTs OmahalU. P. Depot , 10th Si Mnaon Ht8. | Omalia - HAST. lOMSam..Atlantic Kxpicss ( ex. Sunday ) . . 6CSpm Cr : > pm NlRht ixpres C40nin 4IOpm..Chlcatco : VestlbulKl I.lrnlte.l . . l:2Jpni 11:8i3rn.Oklahoma : nxp. < to C. II. e . Bun ) til irn WEST. : J'.am.Oklnhom & Texas Cxp. ( ex. Surill:35pm : liiipin Coloindo Limited < :10pm : Leatesl UIUON PACI1 1C. lArrlvcs OmshalUnlon Depot , 10th & . Mason Bts.f Omaha 10XUni.r : ( . Kearney Express. . SV ; > fn 2115pm. . . . Ovrrlancl riye.r . & ; l6rirr 1lipm.Ueati1ce : ( t Stroinsli'ff UK ( ex .Sunlilipir ) : ' Leaves I ClTlCAClD MIL. OmalialUnlon Depot , IQtli & Haton ! il | Omaha : Si | > m , . . . . . . . . .ClilcoKo LlniUed . , . . : j5 7n' ' llIOam..CldcaKQ ; Kxpresa < ex. Hun ) . t OOprr Lcnvrs I P. . K. & MO. VALLKV. JArrUes Omahal Depot Uth nndWcbster _ fits. I Oniahr 9OSa.m ; IVndwnod lixpreis l:10prr : 9Djam.ix. ; ( ant. ) Wyo. r.x. ( Kx , Mon. ) . . HIDprr B.OOiim..Norfolk Kxprens ( Kx. Kunday.l ) ' 5m C:0pm HI. 1'aul n prcss VHOarr Leaves I 1IIKSOUUI 1'ACIFIC. Arrives Omaha ] Depot ISth and Webster Bis. Oinahi 0.00-vm . St. Iy > uls llxpresi . , . . . . C.OOjrr : SOpm . St. Ix > ula Kxpress . CS"pn : Cldpin. : . Dally ( ex. Hun , Nebraska Local. . > .IUun LenvTVT C. , ST. I' . . M. ft O. jArrlvn > OniahalDepot15thand\ _ _ _ _ " ter ' St . j Omahi . . . Sioux City Accom. < l3 > c.6un.l. . , 8 OSprt lomm.SlDux : City Accom. ( Kun Only > . . C l2llprn..Kloiix : City Uiprcn ( Kx. yun..HKan : 6SOpm . . . . Kl. Paul Limited . . H'lO.m iJeaTes'l SIOUX'CITY "S. PA ( IFIC. JArrlVei Ornalia'JUnlon ' Depot , loth t > lasonSH _ | _ Omalr "tUam . Hloux CltyaHiengcr. . . . . . . .ItfMpii tMpm . St. Paul Express . IQ.OOjn VlTV H rAClFlC. l Ornahal Depot ISth nnd\V _ > tt r Kn. J Omi > h : t.JOpra . SI. Paul I.lm1t "l t30pm. . . . . . Chlcnco Limited. _ „ _ . . :10an avrfl WAUASU HAIIAVAY lArrlVtn OmahalUnlon l ) pot. 10th fc Mason Bit Mm . Louis Cuiaun READY FOR THE GRAB ARMY Qola Program Tot ILo Reunion of the Old Wnillorsea la Vailing , riTTSBURG ALREADY IN HOLIDAY ATTIRE Next Vlrok'n Ntitlonnl Knrjuiiiimmt Looked Upon n * Ilin I.tiM In Which Tens of ThmmamU of Old Soldier * AMU Ho In l.lnr. riTTSRUIlG , Sept , C. All eruption ot red , white nnO blue 1ms broken out alt over the cities ot I'lltslmrg nrul AllcRlicny. It l s become epidemic , and every hour sees Jresh bursts ot color , while the stars on "OM Qlorj" rival In number those of the lieaveng. Every business house Is robed In bunting ami ilccoratcd nllli banners , and there will bo but few tlttc ! lings that will not be bedecked - decked In tlio national colors. Marjnlflcent arches arc belnff creeled on the main thor oughfares , search llfihts of Intense powernrc being placed on the surrounding heights and experts are trying to outdo r.ieh other In the size and beauty of electric light designs. Business , politics and soda ] functions are merely sldo Issues Just now. The one-prc- vnlllnc and all-absorblns idea. Is to prepare n. fitting reception for the veterans who are coming here to attend the Twenty-eighth national encampment of the Grand Army of the no public. Applications tor quarters arc pouring Into the odlce of the local executive council from nil parts ot the country. It was thought that the hard times woulil affect the attendance nt the coming encampment , It hns. however , become generally understood that tills \\lll be tlio last encampment nt which the old soldiers will parade In tens of thousands. Old ago and Its Infirmities arc rapidly over taking the lieroea of 'Gl-C , and many are no longer able to mtirch long distances regard less ot storm or sunshine. The rputo Is but bvo miles long thla encampment. The majority of strangers so far are men who expect to turn n penny or two during the encampment. A. few old soldiers from dis tant points have arrived. brlnglriR with them their wives and children. In addition to the veterans and their relatives an enormous crowd of visitors Is expected and the van guard has nlrcady reached here. They feel that they may never again have the oppor tunity to see so many of the nation's heroes massed In one place. The flrst ot the veterans' organizations to reach hers are scheduled to arrive on Sat urday and arrangements have been made to meet , them at the depots and escort them to their quarters. The naval veterans will arrive on that day and will be quartered in boats on the Monongahcla river. On Sunday the railroads have arranged to bring In 20- 000 more and by Monday evening nearly 100- 000 veterans will be hero. The finishing touches are being placed to day on the mammoth buildings otV estlng- house , In which a reception will bo tendered next Wednesday evening to the delegates ot the Qrand Army ot the Republic encamp ment , the Woman's Itellcf corps and the ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic. This \til ba the social event of the encamp ment. Uvcry civilian will bo expected to at tend in full dress while the military men anil members of the Grand Army of the Re public will appear In their uniforms. The contest for the honor of holding the next encampment -will likely be a hot one. St. Paul and Louisville , the latter already having a representative on the grounds , be ing confident of victory. Dnn'l 1 on jttr , Vibrates the rattlesnake with his rattla. Sensible people talio alarm at the chill which ushtra In chills and fever. If they don't Tuilw they shiuld , that Hosteller's Stlmoch Hitters Is the preventer and remedy , Nor should they forget that It remedies dyspepsia , liver complaints , nervousness , sleeplessness and debility , and is a general tonic without equal. _ XE\r \ i'oitit Traits Erriw.irjo.v. lElcliard Slhloy AuU.t the Court to Cancel Ilia Stork .Subscription. NEW YORK , Sept .0. At a special term of the supreme court today an order was ob tained In the suit of Richard C. Slbley against the New York TimoB Publishing company , to compel the defendant company to give to the plaintiff a copy , or permit the plaintiff to take copies of the original agreement which he signed In conjunction with others , subscribing for (50,000 ( of the stock of that company and also to compel the company to deposit the document in the office ot the cleric of tlio court for three days , for the examination and Inspection of the plain tiff and his attorneys. The papers upon the application allege that fraud was practiced upon th plaintiff in securing his subscrip tion In his petition Mr. Slbley states among other things that ho seel < s a revision of his agreement , to eubscrlbo to the Times company's stock , "by reason of the frauds and deceits practiced upcn him , " and he asks that his relations to the Times as a stockholder bo "utterly severed , " and states that he has come Into a court of equity tor protection against liability as a stockholder as to any complication with creditors ot that company. Mr. Slbley also avers on Informa tion and belief that the Times company Is "In precarious financial condition In that Its business has not been successful , " Oregon Kidney Tea , cures all Iddn" , troubles. Trial size. 25 cents. MI druggist * n . . 8TE.IL1XU STATUS tAiailtRIl , Cilguiitlo Frauds Uiirnrtlieil In MliiurMitu by Srimtor DIMon. MINNCAPOLIS , Sept. 6. State Senator W. S. Dedon ot the senatorial committee , which Is Investigating the frauds against the state In the cutting of pine on school lands , has just returned from an extensive cruising through the country where the frauds are alleged to hare been committed. Said he : " \Vo are now ready with the evidence neces sary to begin suits aggregating $503.000 against various lumber firms of the state. Up to date wo bavo uncovered frauds which will mount up to $1,000,000 , and the Investi gation has cost the state 50,000 , One firm which has cut over a section , cettled with the state on HID basis of only 671,000 feet. Our scale from the stump shows that over 7,000,000 , was actually cut. and the true figure Is probably neaily 0,000,000. This Is a sam ple case. Alter it was cut , an employe was Instructed to burn It uv r. and make a clean Job ot It , Our report to the next legislature will open tlielr eyes to corruption In high places that they had not dreamed of.Vc shall not deal In glittering 5Moralities , but In cold , hard facts. " Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous lica.1 Jicliej. Trial size. "f > cents. All drugeiits. rira JNMcriiKxnt AuiK.tnr I.yiH liora of tlio Six Nt'croo * Find tlio \ lint uu Tlinlr Trail. MEMPHIS. Tcnn , , Sept. 0 , The Investiga tion into the lynching of six negroes near Mllllngton Is being pushed with vigor. The grand jury hag returned flvo Indictment ! and more will follow. Those Indicted are Detective , S. Richardson , who arrestec the negroes and led them Into the hands ol the mob ; A , Atkinson , the man who drovi the wagon : Jeff Uaxton. a me reliant at Kcrr vllle. who Is supposed to have been the leadei ot the mob ; Mike Strlckfadden and Jin Slssely , members of the vlgllants. Report : from Kcrrvllle and Mllllngton state the lynchers have become alarmed and many an making preparations to leave the country. Oregon Kidney Tea curei backache. Trial slzo , 25 cents. All druggists , UliknoMii .Sclimiiiflr fiimk. CHATHAM , Mass. . Sept. C , A largo three masted schooner lias sunk eft here. It I : believed that ( he ran cm the rocks durlni the fog Uit night. Her name ia not known c IrrlcatlonUri Kutlni ; Watermelon * . ROCKY FORD , Colo. . Sept. 6. The dele gates to the Irrigation congress arrived hen early today and ore joining heartily will thousands of other visitors In the unnua watermelon day celebration. They will In poet tht Irrigation works ot the Arkansas valley and return to Denver tonlsht , CONVICTED BY THEIR OWN "vVonD Who InlrmttMl Holding Up llrirnvr Jrltnr I Mil fnrTrlnl. The three men , Jesse James , \V. C Dln- kle and J. V. Cook , who had planned to rob Ualthlas J-tter the South Omaha , brewer , and whoso plan * were nipped In the bud , Wrro tip before * the Judge of the pollco court yesterday , where they were convicted on their own testimony , though the detectives put In n word , to help them along. In passing sen tence , the court gave James sixty days In the county Jil ! , vhllo Cook and Ulnklo got ninety da > s each , n portion of which time- Is to bo devoted to i-atlng bread ami water , Tin. ItiiHyliic ilcgKnr * iliiHml , David Cook , another one "f the stragglers from the original Kclley tinny , which went through Omaha with BO much pomp nml splendor last rprlng , was In police court yes terday charged with being- vagrant Cook was hungry ami was begging upon the streets In the northern portion cf the city. At ono house he was refused n liand-oul , after which he turned In and fllmsod the lady ot the house by using shccklngly b d language. Jick Kennedy was another who was ar- rcslcd for begging upsn the streets. LIUo another street beggar who was before the court ho abused all ot the persona who re fused alms. Jock was sentenced to > five days In the county Jail , the sentence , how- ou-r , being suspended providing ho would get out of town. Ho promised and Tstnrteil far some other port. 'IlMlk I'lKHfllHlotl ol Mill llolHll. Malcomb Dow hns Importuned the police to arrest four men who are cccupylng his resi dence nt Thirty-ninth and Miami streets In Omaha View addition. Ho Bays that one week ago , and while ho was absent , thesa men ciuno upon the premises and appropriated hla house and the contents. When he ri > : urned Wednesday they were In full posses- iton and refused to move out. He says that hey are strangers In the neighborhood , but .hat ho Is of the cplnlon ( lint they are a gang of toughs who have been committing depredations In the outbtng additions to the city during the past monlh , Molfl llunkiit of ( irnpr * . Wan Jncltson , a young man from thacoun- ry. stands an excellent cliauca of going to ho penitentiary , and nil because ho got h Id of n 25 ceiit basket of grapes that belonged to Eomo other person 'Ihero was ono of the Missouri Pacific cars ctandlng on the siding and from thla car AVnn stele n lone basket of grapes , first breaking In the door. Ho was caught In the act and charge with burglary Yesterday ho pleaded guilty and ivns heM to the district court In bonds ot $1,000 Not beingnblo to put up the collateral , ho went to Jail. Vlnril for Whipping i Hoy. John Lawson , a boy of thirteen summers , as lined ? 12 and costs for having made an assault upon P. Slkes , a boy who clerks In a cigar store at Kouist street and Sherman avenue. Lawson Is ono of the lough boys of that vicinity , and n few days ago lie went 'nta the store and demanded a package ot cigarettes , Baying that he had no money. S.kes refused to part with the weeds , and so told Mwson. who left the store , declaring that he would get even. A day or two "ater Lawson mot SlUcs on the strcct and java him a severe pounding. Charge * Aculnnt hiilnnn Kcoprr * . V. S. Vodlcka , John Slmerlck and W. J. Durlln , proprietors of a South Thirteenth street saloon , have been arrested for the reason that they have failed to fllo their articles of partnership. They claim that the prosecution Is Instituted by n man who takes this course to get even with one of the part ners who owes him a small debt , which Is some tlmo past duo. The hearing ot the cass comes up next Saturday. It Is the first prosecution under the state law , which re quires the filing of articles of co-partncr- Bhlp. Minrt 1'ollcn Slorlon. For kicking Ofllcer Billy White , Charles Peterson was yesterday fined ? 20 and costs. Sam Mazza , a boy who has been hanging around the entrance- the Boyd theater for the past two years , was yesterday booked for the reform school , bis pirents declaring that he had become Incorrigible and that he was beyond their control. The case against Tom Foley , Will Carter and W , S. Curtis , charging that they operate a room where gambling devices are kept anil Tvhc-ro the tiger Is bearded in his den , was commenced In police court yesterday , with a number of prominent citizens being called as witnesses , " Lawrence Porter and Thomas Zlmmcr- mann ucro sent to the county Jill to do thirty days each , the charge against them being that they stole a coupio of sets of har ness frcm Porter Ilros. & Hackworth of Ot- tumwa , la. , afterward bringing the property to this city and placing It lu ono of the pawn shops. _ _ A XVSl'KVT. Cnnstiililcfl Tire on u Man Knpriosml to Huvo Hern : i Safn Illonur. MASCOUTAH , III. . Sept , 0. Safe blowers broke Into the store of William Peters at New Memphis lost night and moved a heavy safe Into the street where they were prepar ing to blow It up. Louis K raus , a young farm or , coming Into town for a. physician , came upon the criminals , who fired upon him without warning , shooting him In several places but not fatally. The firing aroused the citizens who are In pursuit of the gang , The leader was recognized. A suspect was found In the Okaw bottoms. He , It Is said , resisted arrest , and fired upon the constables , who retaliated with fatal ef fect , The man who was killed has the ap- pearanc ; ot a tramp , but had nothing In hla possession to Indicate that he had been Im plicated In the nafe burglary. AXOTIlKlt JtltlHI KK II. IN. DlRoloir OixntiUliiir a Hrcoiul t'om- lilnn In ( . 'onipctu with III * I'Irs I. CHICAGO , Sept. 6 , English capital Is now looking for another Chicago Investment. For some time past the creator of the Brew ery trust. II. M. Digclovv , has been In Europe - rope endeavoring to organize Into a syndi cate twenty of the largest breweries In Chicago cage and outside of the present great trust , and which , ivhcn completed , Is to have a capital ot } 13,000,000. , or $2.009.000 moro than the prebrnt syndicate. Mr. Hlgclbw had 6ccur d $3,000,000 of the $13,000,000 neces sary and it Is said that the now syndicate will comprise about twenty of the breweries In this city. _ TIIK ItH.Vl.TV MAIIKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record September C. 1S91 : WAititANTT ncnna. H II lEntfldn nml vlfc ti > II U liotcbmniT , lot IS , block 9. W AlbrlRlit. J D09 Western Invrmmenl cumiuny to A O Vnr- rump. 2lx ) n U In < w M-H-1J , . . . 2.000 ChlcaK" Lumber counuiny to ( lporie IlnUT , n tj fort lot a unit H n feel lot 23. lllim- Imugli 1'lucc , anil lot 1 , block C , I'arkrr" * mlil 1 Biin to I 1' Itaiter , n 3'i tcvl lot IS , Ijloclt 4. nuUllv or J I llt-llck'K nidi 1 O W Ames mid wlfo to It J Blevnt. lot 20 and 8 'A lot I ) , Mock 3 , A luce Place TSO 3 V CoiKl nmlwife In C II Uiixlln , nil lot 2 , Mode It , Rmllli'K ml.I lyinj ; H u ( Tur- liarn utrt-et { uxce | > t a H IffU. . . , . . ) . 'M H M duil iinj liufttnml to nam < > , lot II , Wrxk 5. Hnnicom 1'liu-e , , , . , . , 3IW J I1 ( "omt nn < l wlfo t Bttme Intu 24 nml 21 , block 0 , lot 10. bli > cU 5 , llon cum 1'lacff , w U lot 3D. Illnicli.indi I'luce Z1.K9 C II Ituitln nml wife to Kllvn M Coail , lot K , Mock HO , Omaha 13.005 a W JlriKKn and wife to I'.lta Ilrailzir , lot B , block 115. Boillh Omalia. . . , , COO QUIT CLAIM IEI : > H. J VT IJvoreky nnd wife to Western In vestment company , * > , ! t ucrra oC lot X In W-IS-1J , I J 1 Ilnllck to J V CoHil. W 87 feet of n 137V4 feet lot 2 , Mock II , Hmltli'M ud.l. . . . . . I I Total amount ot tranifvn , W3.KI When Daby wan tlct , wo care tier CoitorU. When bho won a Child , the cried for Gutorla. When Blia became Jillia , blio clung to Castorlx When she bed Children , the uavo them Cotlorii