K ' - " r - , 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER ( \ 1801. COM11ERCIAI AND FINANCIAL Oem Co&ttomd to Cliir.b , Diged on by Crop Diinsge Report. WHEAT STARTED JUST A SHADE EASIER At Ilin fil rt Corn ll cl to Stnifrclo n Moment or 1 \unliiM the I FTr.ct of Itciiiler Local Itccrljiln Tlmn Hi en Anticipated. CHICAGO , Sept. 6. Corn continued to climb today , urged on bx cro | damnge re port * , anil closed % o lilglicr for May , but wheat f.illeU to connect , llnlsliltiK at a loss tt ' ,4c for December. September oats clcseil unclmnged ami prov.aloits wound uji with lcisse.1 all nrnuntl. AVhe.it Marled a shade easier than It closed yesterday , but that feeling only lasted a few seconds , at the end of which time It recovered ( ho UiCVic decline with which It opened , mid quickly added another VftG'/ic p r bushel. The firmness of the Liverpool market and the smallness cf the northwest ern receipts were the most notable features of the early news , utul another rise In the jirlca oforn was a further encouragement to the bulls In wheat. December started at rCTBc , and a little at It changed hands at 1-lCo under that. 11 recovered to from D7&c to 57'4c ' , and settled Into a deep rut at from 57c to CTiic. So dull did It become nl the latter point th.il f r a long time It could not be bought at 67c nor Bold at G7 c , and extremely little was either wanted or for sale at the split. Hratlstreet'a visible sup ply statement , showing 4,000,000 bu. Increase on both coasts , caused a slightly easier feelIng - Ing to prevail here during the list hour of the session. December sank gradually to f.C-'Jio mid rested at CtiTgC. Corn was active and bulgy for ab lit an li ur , and dur.ng the remainder of the fore noon It ruled Ete.idy at about Me advance over the opening idvnncc. It had to strug gle for a moment or two at the start against the effect of heavier local receipts than had been estimated. Ttis shipping houses nnil elevator agents were the best buyers at the cpenlng and there was quite a sprinkling of buying orders from the west. The price rose until It knocked up flKJlnst the call price , from which It fell off about % c , and then hung In a state of suspended animation half way between the opening and the highest point of the earl ) ndvnncc. Short sellers claimed , as they liavc been doing for some time , that the shortage of this ye < r's crcp has been heavily overestimated. The longs , on the contrary , thought the effect of the drouth has been by 110 means exaggerated. The party expressIng - Ing the Utter views is for the present in the inajCT ty , and the market kept firm. May cpened at from r > tlc to Glc , and rso to from 'i < ? 4C to Slc , and from that sold off to from 540 to GlHc. the price at the clse. September fluctunteil within the range of G6Hc tml G7c , and closed at fiflc. Iluslness In the cats market was of fair volume. The fluctuations teem to follow those of corn. September started at 29c. " sold up to HOc , and back : to 29c , where It AMIS at noon , closing at 29c. The provls on market still had some weight fr-m the spce.l of Its up- vatd progress yesterday when It started today. The early buyers , however , were confronted by liberal offerings from the packers. There were rallies , but In the end prices were about at their lowest for the clay. In comparison with yesterday's cl.s- i'ng price , September pork Is lOc lower and January 22',4c off. Lard for both these .months declined lOc. Hlbs are off ITlic for February and IS' c for January. The leading futures ranged as follows : _ Articles. | Open. | High , | Low. I Close. W'licat.No. y Sept. Dec. . May , 01 ! DIM Cc.ra No. ' 'i. Sept cim Oct n.-iw BStt Mny 6378 Oath No. - ' . . . Eept Oft May Tort pur bbl Sept. M ir. 14 on 14 (10 ( Jan 14 17 ! in o % Laid. 11)1) ) ) Ibi Sept 8 ( ! ' . ' ! 8 fi2S Oct sr. H li'Jh 8 or. Jan 8 V5 H 10 8 JlS'4 tliott Klbs- Bi lit. . 7 80 7 05 7 6S Oct. . . , 7 Kl > ' 7 li l , Jan. . . 7 2- ' ( 7 10 7 IHVj CnMi riuotatlons ncre as follows : Kl.Ol'ltCJuIel , unelianiicil. VVIUiAT No. 2 xiirliiK. E3).fGlic ; No. 3 xprlnK , nnnilnnl ; No. 2 red , 53Kc. rOUN-.Nu. 2 , ftr.Hc ; No. 3 yellow. 5-Iii- . OATS No. 2 , 23ic ; No. 2 ivhlle , 32'iitJ3o ; No. 1 white. 31 4 .12'ic. HYK-Nft. 2.lfi > ic. I1AIII.KYNo. . 2 , CCCCCHiNo. ! . 3 , ly-tftMKe , j i . 4 , MJT52V-.C. I'LAX HIIKD-No. 1 , 11.23 . TIMOTHY HKKD I'rlme. J\M173.2V I'KOVISIONS .Moss porli , per libl. , SILOfllf 11.10. Ijird , per 100 U-s. , JS.C25iS ! < .C5 , Shoit ilus Fldi-a ( luo i > ) . S7."Olf7.bD. Uy aalti'd sluiuldi r ( l ixi'd > . JC.Sjfll.W ; short clear Bides llio.ied ) . tS.I't. ' WHIHIvY-Dlstlllcia' fin ulicd goods , per gal. . U.31. The followlns were the receljits and shlpnunls todiy : NKW YOUK. Kept. S.-l-'I.OUit-Heeelpts. 45.0X bblH. ; expjilH , ll.KW bbl ? . ; Bales , 13,300 plt s. Market dull uml lower to Ecll ; buyer * taking only brandK us wimted ; winter strnlKhtp , weak and nculccted ; rlly mill clears , 13.15 ; winter KtrnlnblH , | ! . < ii)4j2.iO ) ; Minnesota patents , 53.1 3.C' ) ; Minnesota bakem , JI.OOfi3.nO ; rpilng h > u Crude * , ll.tufil.h. , . Poiithcrn Hour , dull ; no e.\\r \ * fotnnum lo fair extra , $2.i > i < fl2.M ; Rood tn choice extra , J .MW.HJ. Itjc Hour , tinner : viili-x , CXJIIN MIAIFlim ; salesi , 3vfl bbls. nnd 2. kaekn. 11A11LKYQuiet ; No. 2 western , Me. 11YK Quiet ; mule , SJ'aBUe ; Jerpev , Mffjle. HAHI.KV MAI.T-Qulet ; wcvlern , CSffTOc ; two rnwcd , stall * . 73e ; Hlx-rout l , KffS2c. ) WHKAT Uwi'ljilR , 65.0DO bu. ; e.\n.rti | . rn.fl. . 1 > U. ; nale , I.SUM11 * ! ) bu. futnrra. 1W.OJO nvjt | Bi > l market sUmly ; No. 2 red , In store nnd eb- valor , 8 , ' > ci f. o. b. . SD'.jc alloat ; No. 1 northern C3\o lU'llvcrecl : No , 1 haul , C7e dellveieil. Op tions opened enidcr on aliHenee of frosts wc t nnd foiclcn ; lllnir. rallltd xhaiply with corn , but 7ulcd dull all day , decllnlm ; at noon on thu .nereanu In the world'ii stivkn , nnil dull Lite rabies , cloning iiulel nt "Wic net decline ; May UttfiCIl S-lCo , clonivl nt CS'tc ; September , tsif IS 3-16e , cloned at DSc ; Uccciulier , CKjCl'.ic , closed Ut 610. fOIlN-llecelptfl , 1I.Si ) liu. ; export ! . 16,3I Ini.i enli-H. IMO.UVO bu. ( uturi-H , Ifi.f" ) bn. epot. Spit market llrm ; No. 2 , f > HWBo | n elevatir : Kir ulliKit ; yellinv. Goo In Htnie. Option * xtmni ; all the mornliiK on prjwpecli of n bullish govern ment rrmrt | and eBllmutes of only l.aiO.WO.Wj liu. crop , but eased o.T In Ihe nftetnom on prr- dirt Ion of lain , nnd cloned at > fcc net advance ; May , 67'j < tWi'.ic , closed nt 57\c ; Sepieniber. K tlCJo. clowd nt Sc ; Octolior , MliliCi jp , dubrO ut 2'4c ; NJvember , ClH < l ( > Hc. ctrmi-d m Blijc , ' " ' OATH-llwe'lpti. "iss.4uo'7iu. ; rxpoits , l.JW bu .lle < , IGO.OHO liu. future * ! , ! ISll ) bu. nMt | Spot market qulel : No. 8. 53 * < U34cj NJ. : . ilrlver | il 3liWSUie ; No. J. S3 - ; No. 5 while. 5QiC36 > ic- No. 3 while , 36 36'.jc ; track , mixed , wratrrn , 341(31'.i.Irnck ; , whlto msti- and uvtirrn. 3GC ) ile. OptloiiH llrm early , but later reacted with corn , vliwlnr rlmiily ill Uc net ndvnnce ; May. Itioj Kepteinbt'i- cloned at lie ; October , mil ! U'ie , cloHl | at 3 c ; November closed nt S&v Decembe.3J037'te. . clwnl at 37c. HAY -.Weaker ; uhlpplng , DOJ57o ; Ko < M to iii. . , t. HOPS Weak i stair , common to choice. tSi , - 1'acllloimiit. . 7 1X- ( , ' HIUiSDulli : \v.-t raited New Orleans , se lected , 4S In ( Ti llm. . ItH'ic ; lluenoM Ayre . dry , W lo 21 ll'n. ' . lOHoj IVias dry , 21 t > 30 llu. . SfllHe. l.IOATHini-Sleaily ; hemlook Kile. lluenus Ayrm , Unlit to heavy weights , HlilSe. WOOIQuUtj domosllo lleecc , UtfSIc , pulled. l. 1'ltOVISlONH-lIeer. slrndy. Cut menu , Heady. IMrkled brlllen , SMiC',4c ; plrUlol thJiiMfir. 7c ; pk'kleil liuliin , HUfllltic. Ijlld , eiiKlrre ; t- trn iilcam rliw l at t'J.Dl ; nn\r \ . M lli-i-c\ ! > a ; VIM ; elly at * Ue ; Kt'pteinber rhi > l at > 'J nor.i- Inul , January , tk.W nominal ; rellnnl , tlrin ; iiwi tlnent , SHe : K , A. . J.W ; c.mn-nmd. C' , jtihc. IVlk , hlxliiT ; new rne , JI.V.Villa.S ; extra prlim > . I11.WWIJ.M ; family , illi.Wtfl6.50 ; thort Clrur ti.iX . ) riT.Uu , lirTTKllijul't ; wrstrrn dairy , 13 < flTo , wcrt. rm cremnery , llJi'JI. ' ; v - tern faetory. lMHtk\ I-iKln : > , 2mc. Imitation rrramrry , liiilSc , stile dairy Hd ! ; ' , < , latH crruiueiy 16di'o KOOS- Firm receipt * , ! > , B3t pkiss. Tl IIPKNTINK Firm at SS'ttf ? > c , 1HCKKlrm donu-sllo. lair to extra , 4'iO tUe. Jupun , 4S < i < ! > < * l'M-liulli United elosnl nt die bid. la bulk. JJ.W , rtflntd. l' c for rllv i | w criuntry pl < gs. frm1) ) . Sc a * lo ouallty. and Dnlllmurp , | . ' . i , irtlmil , riillmUlplila nnd Ilflltlinore. In bulk , \.W. . HUH IN Hte.idyj ttralnhl , commin la ROM , tl.1S t.2i ) . MOI.AHSIIH-rtlpnily ; New Oileaiw , "pt'n lieltle , ITOOil Itl 'Ililri * IffCf t * . I'lO ' llOXiotidy , Sculcli , WflS.W ; Amerl- rnti. $ M.i iff 13 DJ. ifjl'l'Ull ( Julct : lake. JUr. I.IIAO-U'rnK ; ilnnirillc , M.1S. TIN-Klfiu-et : stinltd , III.W WO ; plutPi , inlet. WIM.TKItfirmly : ilonifvllc , | ! M I'M. ' Pnlei on 'rhango , C car * lil tm' option Pep- lemU-i hud , t3.7 : 2t lonii ! 3 > pteinl r tin. Jlii ; nnd Z" IIIIIK OeiMl.er . tin nl lit. C ) TTON 8KIID OtlTIe market liai n very Or.n iinilnrtiitK * nnd Imldera me ni.iliins nioiv innncv , .Pilule orudi. . heft ; crude. 2 < HfSc : yellow , I'Ut- tr-r Ki-ndes , aifMSc , choice yellow , miiiuner , SCi' : prlnii' yellow. ] | i > n kM ; yellow , off snides , 3iO c ; prlnu white , 3c. OMAHA ( IKMiltAI. .MAUKKTS. Ooiiilllliin tit Triilo nnJ ( > tiot : > : Ui n on Mfipl : < > nml I'liucy 1'nidiii-n , The nll'lmporlnnl ipieiitlon In llic butter tnul- ni-m at pi mem Is the leiluvilnn nf clocks ol Rtuinge butter and prmenl piodtietlon of fresh sti > ek , iys Chicago I'roducr T o ceks ago the estimatef Mr. N.Vatei Imry of New York Man published , which shuod lli.it uhout 10'J.O'AI ' lull1 * mire had lieen titortnl Ihe pa t seHFon th.in Ii5t , ywii. Now the e > es of Ihe entire tradv urn luined upon the i ! FUIIBU ( utoi-ks to fee how the ) ni" lic'IHK leiluceil , 11 is Unoun tlul huge ilunntltleM of June hatter have liecn colinilined In nil markets nf Iliv i-onntiv i1 ill Inn Anmi'l , And II In ? > kinMMi that fully as much Iniiter nu linn I'ein taken out has domi pin In rtoniRa < it Home pilntH dtiilni ; Hit' luontli. This U true of tile public KtoinKihoiiFCS In ClikMBO which tiul.iy linkl v , llh I n n fvtv hunilitfil lub.4 of us many K. IIS | as they did a month a o , liut hi piUitti * Cii > ez.s | In lhl.1 rlly there have been niitiL inken out , i. tlluilil : | nt ftom HW ) ID 7iMi ) ) tubH. lint this butler bus been t.iken out M'ry H't.'iilly nnd has n.it had tlni" to KO lnl eon- Miiiiitlin | , so It IH prnctlcnlly on the maiket and lo lie riiunli'd wllli Hiippllis an nun h as If It neiu In the fieezers nimilil. lloslnn has besun H'duelliK si .iiiHe stiicks , and will piob- ablv linvir.m ) tubs lens at the opening of Sep tember Hum It bad when Blocks vie re heaviest , Hlileli uiR about the inbMte ofusust. . New Ymk has pi.-bably U'dueed supplies H'.iWO ' tubs lliu IUFI ni'intb. ' lltiltalii has no mine butter In sioi-iiKe tlnin will cairy the tnuli1 throtiRli lliimiititli unleni prloes are held ton high. IUI- tlinnri * lias lieenery r iii.si'ixallxe In pillllliK In Inillrr un account of liak of ninlldeiice In l hi- future , hemv hann't nny HI-.TI ! vuppty In t > ui e , uhllc I'lilladclphla li.is ills , ' been CMII- MM.ntand has not ns much us 1 , 1st year. St. Ijiuls has nut t exre" I l.W ) tubs at most. mid ili.it supply Is e tlnvitcil tii have been leduii'd LVi tulin liurlnK August. Cumins lo the li-rt Imp it Hint pnlntH we llnd b.it Unlit HtudMi , Iti iixln. : wbeic lart year weiv ; KU.IVI . ! ; I.IHII ) tubs , i ill-it ! an- but C.iVW this yi-iir. St. Paul lepurts 6.4'l ' nsa'nst ' 1.2' > 0 last jt'itr. x\htle Kansas I'lly. In .1 tepoilinnlnlied MLsin. . Iliwmil , ll.lllells , Vi fo. l > f Chlcaso , pbicp stocks there at 2.1,1' ) pncknites , iiKalnnt 11. "M | n t > par the Mtler llsute lielns ct y sus- K 'rtlVLof ei roi. Tim folloMiii ) , ' table shows Ktoelcs In Miraci * i ( l , iv : it pilncipal ixilnts , compaitil nllh last 1WI. , New Ymk . i . ] 2. ) , 0i ) 108 ( HI ) At minor points the figures aic repotted to Mi'Ksis. lliiuani , n.nttll.H & Co. us follows : Tubs of Mutter. ISM. U3I. Kl ln , 111 . 6uD ) 80-W Kahbuiy. Ill . si C')5 ) < lilei-buiB. Ill . juo joe tSrlnnell , In . 330 1.00 1'ell.i. la . 1OM Miiieiiil Pnint , Win . ( ,00 . . . . Mount lloi-eb. WIs . . . 10.10 VVnt.'itimn , WlM . SIO 7 > ( l Shelnij-unn , Win . G'fl , I'M : - . . ! . WIs . 1,0)0 ) 1.2-.0 Mlimnapiy. | | Minn . 2.SIO .1 0 Si. Paul. Minn . C , M ] ,600 TnpeUa , Kan . . SO 21 * ) ICnnxnx I'lty , Mo . 2r.W 15,000 Omaha , Neb . 103 i.2fH ) IJetrolt . 1,000 invj The M-ntlmcm In c'hleaKO nrpeais to be that It IH ( joins to I iv mliibty hard wmk to Ket lid nf the i ior butter that Is bilnif miule by the we.stein eic-nnerles at pien-iit. As has liven Ma till finm llmu to time , ue have lu-cn Inklns mil faney .lune cienmeiles and putting In tlrsls and Fivonds , which have not Hold sntli-f.iclorily Ml t . ipetltlun with the held fiozen Roods. The piwpects me that fnnn now mi until ] > - . > eem- ber , ur nt least until November , we are likely to have n ( food deal of this poor butler , and that the Kcneial .v.orajie of qunl.ty will rule low. This will. , ( course , make better demand for what little fancy tcurls comes. Dealers who handle both butter nt ! < fiults lull us that the butter tiade Is Kood eompaied with other lines of ctulf they aic luiiidllnK , nnd the leports all niv tn the elfect that the volume of ronsumptlvp demand is fully up to the EVUSOII. If not ahead of pome ycjrs. HPTTii ! l'.irlinc : stotk , lie ; fair to Rf-od c'niintiy , HJ/bV ; choice to fnrjcy , 17QlSe ; nath- i-roil civamery. 17fff2i- ; Brp.iratcncreameiy , 2io. Kdtlrt-IVr doz. . I4c. L1VB 1'01'I.TIIY Olil hens , nifl'c : roosters. 2lj < f3r : Kprlnit chicken" . 7c ; ducks , 5e ; lion tin- keys. tfitc ; ftobbleiH , rVCc ; old ceec ' . < t\ OAMM I lahle chickens , yinincr , per doz. , J2.75 ( i3.iM ; pralile e.ilchens. old , per doz. , | 2.itJW 2.2T > ; Rr.mw , > ounK. per doz. . t2.73iff3.IW ; Blouse. old. PIT do ? . , t2.m > $ f2.2i ; ducks , blue wins t"al. poi ilu/ . . Jl.r.oui.7. ; dui ki , Kieen wlHK teal , per doz. . ? 1.2.ifl.'i ( ; ducks , mixed , pjr doz. , Jl.W iil21. ; VII.M , fholce fat and small veals aic quoted ill rifiilto ; ciKirse arid larue , 3filo. I'HKKSi : Wisconsin , full cream , new make , IZflli'bc ' : Nebiaslia nnd Iowa , full cream , lie ; Nebinska and Iowa , part fklms , 8c : l.lmburKer , No. 1. lie ; bilck. No. 1. llr ; Swiss. No. 1 , UfflSc. HAY I'plnnd hay , JD.M ; midland ) ; lowlntid , $ S."i"l. Oilor makes the p Ice on hay. Unlit bales rell the best. Only top grades brim ? top prices. PIOIIONS-OIJ birds , | ior doz. , S'lc. ' VKQKTlLKfl. \ . I'HTATOKS linuml loin of home Brown or K'ulliem stuck. 75e per bu. ; small bits on oiilei.x. S'c ' ; < 'alifoinln. 8Cc. Mii.CINS : ( iiKHl stock , crnted , > 20. rA.Vn-II.Ol'PKS Home Blown , per doz. , Jl. 01,1) li\NS-Hiiml-plck ! : l. navy , t-.25 ; me dium. JL'.lili2 ) 13 , common while bvum > , J1.7J ' ! \M. \ ONIONS On eiders , 7f > c per bu. CAIIIIAdK Southein , 2c. CrilJJltY- do ? . . 3 < W lOc. S\VKIT roTATOis-per ib. . ic , KIlt'lTS. The llrst nui t'on salts at tills point continue. to attract a lanje crowd nnd the movement of fiui I is heavy , AI'PliKS Omul loik. per Mil. , K.5002.73 , llhACIC llASI'llKHHins None. UKI ) llASPIIiillUIW None , | PKACIICS Cullioinln. lUWSLlO ; Vllnes , SO W.- . Pl.l'MS-Callfoinln. $1.iff1.25. 1'KSN None. PK.Mtsi D.ii ttctt's , 11.73 ; other varieties , J1.2I ApiliroTK-fnllfnrnl.1 , none. ( IIKItlMKS-rallfornl.i. none. < : ilAPiS-'oncord3 : , li-lb. basket * , 25c ; Cal- Ifuiiila , il.r.O. TIIOIMCAL FnriTS. HANANAH Chnlcf sliH-k. JI.7S' 2.23 : per bunch. I.i.MONS : | . 'unry lemons , 300 Mze , JC.50 ; fancy ler.iniiS. ; : ( size , 3G.DO. OIIANis ( : None. PINUAPPLKB-Nime. MISCKIVr.ANEOUS. K1S-P.iney. ( per Ib. . 15c. 1IONICV-fjillfomki. Ite ; dark rnney. Wile. MAPI.ISVlll'P Gallon cans , per dot. . li NfTS Almond * . IGUKc ; UiiKllH.i walnuts , 100 UV , Illbeits , KV ; [ Irazll mils , lOc. CIliit-Pure : Julep , per bbl. , tC ; half bbl. . J1.2i. IIIDIOS No. 1 ETi'in hides. 2lje ; No. 2 Kn-en luil'-s , l < 2c ; No. 1 Rieen Milled hides , 3Vie ; No. 2 KU-en salted hides. JW'tc ; No. 1 Bi'een naltod hides , 2.to 40 Ibs. . 3'ic ; No. 2 Bieen Halted hides. 2J to 10 Ibs. , 2ii2' e : N . l veal calf , S lii 13 U.S. . r.i.iflCc ; No. J veal calf. S to 11 llm. . 4tiM ! c ; Nu. I diy Mint hides. So , No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3e ; No. 1 diy lulled li i\fi \ , 4e. I'nrt cu.cj hMes , ' , < ! < : per Ib. le.is th.in fully cured. Slliii : : > PKLTS ( lrvi..n s-illcd. each , 210'Wc ; urcen suited KhearlinKS ( short , f\viinlcd early skill ) * ) , each , 5MSc ; dry sheaillnga ( short wooled any yklus ) . No. 1 , each , Siiluc : dry shearlhiKs tMhoit wiMiled early FklnH ) . No. 2 , each. Sc ; dry Hint Kaiihim and NebiaHka butcher wool limits , per Ib. , uetn.il weljjht. OJfSt ; munaln wool pells. per Ib. . ailual wi-luht , i c ; diy Hint Coloiado biileher wool pelts , per Ib. , nuiia ! weluht. 4Cf & * ! < , murrain wool pcltn , per Ib. , actual \\ulKht , Unit1. Have feet cut off , us It U ufcles to pay lielKbl on them. TALI A ) W AND OHIASK Tallnw. No. 1. 49 Hjf ; tallow , No. 2 , 3Vi < | 3 > ic ; Kieac , while A , < tl'e | ; Kieate , white II. 3'iS/3yc ; crease , yel low. So ; Krvtibe. d.uk , 2'ic ; old butler , Ziriljc ; bi-ciuax , prime , li'ulSj ; rough tallow , l'i jc. HTOCKH AND 1IONDS. Sernrlty Marltel Vcstcriliiy Wu * Irregulnr ami Ltnsrttlcil All Day. NBW YORK , Sept. 5. The stock market today was Irregular of movement and un settled of tone , the result of the day's trad * Ing belm ; the establishment of a rangi of prices extending from 2H per cent below to IH per cent above the closing of yester day. The decllneu were more numerous thin the gains , the latter being mainly cor.llncil to the specialties. Speculation was less active than usual , and the trading was largely confined to the profess Ion a I traders , London supplying only u email portion of the dealings and dividing the patronage about equally on each nlde of the market. Influences at work In the market were con tinued favorable reports of railway earnings us u bull factor , and rumors that tha forth coming cron report of the government will show a loss of condition of corn being a bear argument. The grangers were chiefly affected by this latter point , and St. Paul was sold by Lou- don , but even In this group the deprecia tion wim merely fractional. Western Union wus rendered a trlOo weak by realization of profits. The general market opened Irreg ular , and except for a brief period of Ktrcngth at about 10:15 a. in. was heavy during the entire morning. After inlddaj i fractional rally took place , which was not luttlng , and lliu Improvement was ijulckl ) lost , Again around 11 o'clock a slight apprecia tion In values was effected , but before 2 o'clock the speculation liad again taken a downward turn , the decline being checked In Ihu late dealings , when a general recov ery ot * . moll fraction took place , the mar ls , t clrnlitK only barely steady. Shear led In the lrnn uctlcin , fluctuating within a limit of J pT rent. The stock advanced ? t per cent In ll'tf ' vnrly dcnllngs , In I coon begun to xdg : off , nnd thererna stioily fell- Inn up to the close , the l.ut being tlio the lowest price of the tl.iy , 2 per cent below the highest point ut the morning ; iml l',4 per cent down from yes- tcnlny. On rules ot ZOO shares I'tillinnn bn.Ut ! iM.'j per cent. Cotton Oil prcfcrr d nml Laclcdo ( ! as preferred are down t per cent , the other declines on the dny being merely Irncllonal. The grangers lost UJT-Vi per cent. I lie latter In Darlington & Qulncy. Northern 1'acldo preferred Is alsoVi per cent tower. The gains above a. fraction were : Oregon Short Line , 1V4 P-r cent ; Hal- tlmore & Ohio , 1 % per cent ; Oregon Im provement , UJ per cent , and Sugar pre ferred , Tobacco , American Kxpresa nnd Min neapolis & St. Louis , 1 per coiit. The bond market wns In good tone nil day , anil be came ( | iilto Ftrong during the afternoon. The upward tendency continued to the close. The Evening Post's London cablegram says : The Rtock markets were choppy to- d.iy. Iteullzlngs were general , but there was no serious decline. Americans were duU. Thu public' here cjiitlniirs buying bonds only. South Americans wcr > the fea ture today. It Is believed the statement to be made at the Hunk of England this month will show grcnt progress In the Daring li quidation. This will have n very good ef fect. Yesttrday's report of the sale of a block of securities to a syndicate Is con- lit mod today. The syndicate held rn option lo take more before January. Silver was \vE-uli on the allotment of council drafts. The Herman demand for gold Is strong , but Is not t-xpcctud to last. The following were th ? closing quotations on the lending stoclca of the New York ex change today : The tiilttl rales of stocks today were 1VJ.730 hares , including : Atchlwn , 4WO ; Amcikan 5ucni5S.WW ; llurllrKton. 10.EOO ; ChlcnRO Oas , .CM ; Orneral Klectilc , 2.700 ; .Uoiiliivllle & Nash- UK 8,4i > i , Missouri I'aclllc , SU ) < ) ; 1'lttshurK , 'IduiRo , Cleveland & St , Loulii. 3.2')0 ' ; H adlns , , r'jO ' ; Hock Islaml , t Western I'nelllc ci-itlllcates , Ufh ui-si-ssineiH paid , 11,700 ; H..cl < Island , 4.7W. > 'i > w York Miiney JMnrkrt. NKW YOltlC , Sc-pt. fi. MONKY ON CALL Cnty tit I per cent , last loan , 1 per cent ; cloned , per cent. I'lilMIf MnilCANTILU I'AT'BIt 30i.s per ST'IOUMNO KXCIIANQK null ami weak , vllh actual KuslneKs In Uinkers' bills at ll.S'Jfi ' .Sii',1 for ili'mnnil , nnd at ! 4.8"01I.Sil4 for pl-.ty lays ; posted lates , J4.8.'iff4ECVj ! and $ l.b7WI.Si'.s ; comniPiclal bills. { 4.S4i4b414. PII.VKIt CUIITIFR'ATUS GoiiCC'.ic. CIOVMIINMHNT liUNrjS Stiunii ; state bond * , lull ; ialln > ad bonds , vtionir. Closing- quotations on bond * were as follows : lnl Note * . 11OSTON. Sept. 5. Clearings , J12.29eC73j bal ances , ti.IU'J.lUJ. IIALTIMOKK. Sept. D. Clearings , JD13S52 ; balunccK , J301.MJ. NKW YOUK , Sept. 5. Clearings , g > 7l37Cl ; balanceg , $6.7SJ,008. PIIILADICI.PIIIA , Sept. 5. Clearings. } 10,7:5.- 373 ; l.ulances. $ lj,770. MKMt'IUS , Sept. 6. New York exchange , un- chatiKed. ClearliiK , JjlJ.Wl ; Uiljnces , | U7:3. NKW OUI.lIANri , Kept. 5. Clrarlntn. } Si,2 ; . New York exchange , pur. Commercial , SOc dis count. CINCINNATI , Hepl. 6 , Money , fi6 per cent. New York exchange , 2Sc dlucount to par , Clear- PAIIIS , Sept. C. Three per cent rentes. 103f IT.ic for the account. Kxchanije un London , li'/ic ' for checks. SAN KIIANCISCO , Sept. 5. Drnflu , l ht , 12V c , telegraphle , ISc. Silver barn , o0iijc. \ | . Mexican dollar * , KUiOJt- . VVA8I1INOTON. Sept. 6. The cn h balance In the treasury today was JU'i.ll:40 , of which ; ; 5C75U1 as gold retervc. ST. LOPIS , Sent. 5. ClearlnK" . tI.UI.S7l ; nal- anreg , J712J3S. Money , dull , Mi7 per cent , I2x- chaniiu on New Yoik , 2Jc ilbscount bid. LONDON , Sept. 5. Gold la quoted today at lluenon Ayr > - > at :34 ; Madrid , K. > ; l.lilx.n , r.i.W ; St. Petersburg. U ) ; Athena , 107 ; Home , liu ; Vienna , 101. CIIU'AOO. Hept , i.-Clenrlngn. JIJ CJ.W'O. ' Money , CIVj per cent on call , WiG per eeni on time. New Yiirk exchange , 40c discount. ForelBn exchange , v < euk. Sterling , coniir.eiclal , Jl. 6-1111.83. _ Duliitli AVbeul Mnrkel. DUIAITH. Sept , B-\VHKAT-Cio e. .teady No , 1 hard , ca n , CC'ac ; September , tOVie ; No. : iiortliern , cash nnd Kei > tember , Uc : llec'emlter , 5.V ; May , dlljc ; No. 9 northfin. ruih , IZ c , No , J , OVic ; rejected , Idic ; to an he. No. 1 noilli- ern , new , Uc , old , ii'C. ' Wool .Miirxet. KT. LOUIS , Sept. S. WOOL About iteady rrf 01IAHA LIVESTOCK 1IARKETS 3tcckcrs Octpfng lotb * Yurda In Good Hum- turs t Present. T TRCES : ARE siirj. GDING DOWN CornfpiU Scarcer I'liim HVIT nnil Vatuo OoltiK Up-Wo.terns S II I'ulrlr XVell HllRH Stillllp DIlllO 4 > WlllR IU ' root ; . WEDNESDAY , Sept. 5. The receipts today were 6,000 cattle , 6,300 togs and 130 sheep , as against 4,632 cattle , i.GCO hoes and 557 sheep yesterday , and 2,871 cattle , 7,824 hogs and S37 shesp on Wednesday of last week. The receipts o ! cattle , were the largest In some time. CATTLI3 As usual for some time back the bulk of the receipts of cattle consisted of cows and stackers. There were , however , 'or the first time in over a week n bunch of good 1377-tli corn-fed natives In the yards sold at { 5,25. There were also some pretty good westerns , some going at { 3.75. The narket on good beef steers was steady. The offerings of cows were large and the biy/ers rather bearish. The market on this class of stock has been gradually sinking during the past few days under the Influence ol large receipts , There were plenty of stackers n the yards , but the offerings of good feeders were not large. There Is considerable In quiry for good fleshy feeders from Missouri and other sections where the corn crop s good and the market on this class of cattle was a little stronger today , Stock cattle sold at about steady prices. Kepre&enta- tlve Bales : nncssr.D nnii\ : No. Av. IT. No Av. Pr. Xo. Av. 1'r. C. , Mil K.'i M..1.177 IS 23 SIB J200 2 00 .ior , 2 00 .10 : , : 2 00 .1000 2 00 82:1 : ! 00 2 00 7C3 2 HO 2 00 ' to'io 2 00 HS 2 nil so 2 00 SO 7 : no sso 2 w S07 2 00 811 2 03 .1053 2 10 S'i3 2 10 SCI 210 Cfil 2 10 .1,110 2 10 nn 2 10 2 13 700 2 15 wo 2 25 SCO 2 25 2 35 SV ) 2 33 1010 240 S90 275 523 1 CO SS3 1 CO SS3WQ 1 63 600 2 00 MO 'JOC ' 2 IS .10SO 2 "i ) ; sc 2 r. 490 2 50 2 M 2 fi' ' ) 2 7 } 2 73 3 00 3 00 3 0 } 3 < 3 CrO J53 i ro .1110 1 CD .15 : ) ' } 1 } .131)0 11 .12t > 0 1 CO ,1ISO 3 70 ,31'W 1 75 22 > 070 2 35 17 t.Sl 2 35 t.SlKO 1 KO 233 2 7S ! ) 2 33 5.i. . . 513 2 00 10. . , 671 2 20 68. . . 921 233 i. , . 790 2 00 15. . , C6C 2 20 8. . > MS 2 33 i. , . 750 2 OH 40. . , S07 2 22' { 1C. . . ST. 2 40 ii. , . 052 2 DO 3. . , 070 2 23 10. . . 870 2 40 ( M , . M7 2 00 41. . , 194 2 23 3. , . 710 40 1. , . 710 2 00 113. . , 857 2 25 3. . . 310 2 40 I. . . ! llO 2 00 C. . tCI 2 25 43. . . SSJ 2 10 1. .1000 200 19. . 814 2 25 40. . . 948 2 40 I. . CIO 2 IX ) 3. . (13 2 25 ' . 830 2 10 1. . GfO 200 I. . & 90 2 25 35. ! . 'M 2 44 1.s s : .Ml 210 D. . , 62S 2 23 47. . . 833 2 40 s. . COJ 2 10 4. . 2 25 3. . . 925 2 ii 7. . ESU 213 D. . ! goo 2 5 9. . . 003 2 50 3. . C40 2 15 3. . , > 00 2 CO 21. . . S77 2 50 3.i. i. . 3(6 215 33. . $73 2 30 8. . . SSI 2 55 i.n. n. . 678 2 15 30. . , 7K ) 2 : o C , . .11)30 ) 2 DO 12. . 458 2 15 S. . , MX ) 2 SO 5. . . 076 2 CO 3. . 6ii 2 15 40. . . 811 2 32 > , i 29. . .1036 275 . CU 2 15 WYOMING CATTLE. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. rr. I bull , .mo u oo 1 cow C'JO $1 25 1 cow , . 800 1 23 13 cons 9,9 3 50 I hfifeis. . . . ! . 'JO ' 1 CO fi caws 9fcfl 200 87 heifers. . . . 710 203 14 stis , UK..11S5 2 10 I feelers. . . . 915 230 1 cow 1000 2 50 I Btot-r. . . . , .1100 2 M 4 calves 2C7 2 CO 26 stcfts. . . . .1170 2 M l steer iiso 3 00 1 steer. . . . . .1350 3 00 32 ulcers 1210 3 UO 11) COWB. . . . 942 2 30 30 cous 1 < W 2 SO 11 steers. . . . .1016 90 IDAHO 102 cows. . . . .1051 240 27 steers . .1111 3 45 liu steers. . . . .11C.O 313 25 sli-ers . .12 1 3 10 8 cows. . . . . .I'M 235 . 3 stia. I 2 73 Cl steers. . . . .HSo 3 30 HOGS The market opened with something over ninety loads In sight and about thirty locds reported back , While there was the usual amount of trash In the yards , common rough hogs and stock pigs , there were sonic very good loads , and at least one extra prime load that was better than anything that has been received hero In weeks. At the opening the trade was quite brisk and the buyers appeared anxious for good heavy hogs. The market on the best hogs was about steady early , but weakened later. The medium to common hogs sold Cc lo lOc lower. After some of the most urgent orders were filled the trade became very slow even at the decline. Representative sales ; No. Av. Bh. Pr. No , Av. Sh. Tr. M . 143 ho (4 M 40 208 SO 15 55 11C . 152 120 S no " i.0 5 5T > 9 . 1C3 . . . 510 ! ! ! ! . ! SO 5 55 n . ia , . . D 15 73 220 D 55 [ 6 . 191 120 520 71 2JI 240 5 U S3 . ICO 2 , j & 13 CS 2J5 80 5 C5 SJ . 178 320 5 23 53 ) 200 6 63 3 . 1C6 . . . 523 7 214 ICO 5 U 5 . S4S 1(0 S25 3D 217 . . . 6 10 1 . IS ) . . . 523 S7 2U 40 5 CO 3 . Si . . . 523 C3 227 320 . ' . CO 68 . UO 40 5 25 77 2C5 : ti > 5 oo 1 % . 180 I ) 5 23 , . 60 Sl ) 1G4 B CO 24 . 311 . . . 527 Cl 220 2ilO 5 CO 72 . 393 120 5 30 67 220 6 < ) 6 0 73 . 3IC 120 D 30' CG 233 2011 S 60 3 . MS . . . 523 79 216 IS ) C 60 C4 . 13 60 6 M ' ' 2'IO 60Ot 3D . 21)4 ) ! ! ! ! . . ! ! ) 2' 0 CO M . 179 10 5 4 > i 72 21 ! ) 5 CO 2W u 40 74 29 ! 5 60 273 . IkO 240 6 4T ( * SO 2I SSO C 0) 1C . lt,2 240 t 74 241 r > co 8 . 225 40 & U 05 212 5 CO 47 . S'I2 40 J 4 ( f 7 C'J 2IS 40 5 CO 40ftl 3 . ISO 70 223 ftl 5 m < i8 . 183 iio 71 222 ICO 6 CO 4 . 252 i 4J 44 218 40 & GO 5 . 1U2 SO 5 III ! II. 67 232 60 SCO 92 . 1''O 440 _ 20 2C3 r co 72 . 183 . . . 5 W H ) 211 120 6 CO 13 . 20S . . . 5 Cl 211 120 IS . 21J li ) 5 61 230 ICO sco G . 200 40 6 4J- - 12 22S 40 5 CO 3 . 240 . . . 5 43 ' , W 211 5 05 100 . 141 KO 5 45' ' ' ' 01 227 5 65 120 S 43 ' . , C3 242 I2 5 C5 7 ! . 190 80 6 M ' W 230 12) ) 5 C3 87 . 177 ICO 5W' [ " 1 24) ) to 5V5 75 . U4 120 5 9"l * ' ' 72 218 120 5C3 31 . U5 40 & cn" " " 7S 240 40 5 5 03 . Si ! ICO S 301 t 71 210 120 5 6714 5 > . : u < 73 2J2 I" ) 5 70 Cl . S17 JJil 5 SO / , . S 4) ) 5 70 81 . S27 2SO 5 00 , 77 231 6 : o 78 . 23 > Id ) 6W . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' s : o 70 . : w ' . . . . . . . . 5 70 m . 218 240 G i ) - K 2M 5 75 78 . 213 200 tW 2 > 22 < C 8) S7 . IM ICO & 5 > 70 2IS C M 51 . 2D3 so su 64 223 6 SO 1-5 . KV 72 2J3 5 85 CO . 21S j-W 5 S3 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' M . rtt 2JO 6 55 \ . . . . . . . . > ! r , w 70 . J7 100 2 55 t : 302 P1OH AND IIDUOH. 3' ' ) 275 70 (4 60 IS 74 . . . 18 117 . . . 8 71 . . . 31-0 34 01 * ) S DO 10 ( M . . . 3 IK ) M 133 4' ) 313 U 114 M 4Q 3 W VJ 0 C 04 , . . 3 U ) SUEEP There was a small bunch of Iambs received , The market was steady at previous quotations. Pair to choice- natives are quot able at 5.25B:2.75 : ; fair to good -westerns , J2.00Q-2.CO ; common and stock sheep , | 1,75@ 2.23 ; good to choice 40 t100lb , lamba. | 2.2 ? 03.75. cutfAtio'i.iri : HTOUK. I'unr I'roKpct'H fur l'it tunii ; SiMiillnir Mitny t'Httln In. ClIICAKO , Hepl. B.Sonnty rn t > irntc ( , > nil Ihe I'tcfi'til n in ! iirjfiirrllvp lilcli post if mrti la KondltiK cnltlo In. The mim > cr utitimiUNl IMTC linjny vent rinfe to K,53 linn ) , inilUInt : ulHiirt 4J.OO ) heail since Salurdnv. or t > .4' ' " mote limn nirlvrd fur llic xume tlm * lni t x pik , Tliric \\-nn .1 fair ileninli'l from nil olnK-n'i" nf 1'n lH , lull tin 11eic lw > tunny rnltlo , nnilinlnn t > t > io Illicit nt li-ilticeil ptlro. N'"t luoie ili | < > tn > is \vcic orfcri'il tliHM conlil ! > < i nrnl lit ju L u ttllln off from ye'ttnUy's inires. bill It wn found In t > lini | < i. sll'li. In illfpniio o ( all ( tic rnmnmn to KXX ! Kiinles. tluiunh Ihoio wcic nnxlcms frllrrii nt any rrtUHinnlilc c-nnccsslon. So fur thitrvM tlio otlcrlnK" ( pilini l > ul- lockn Imvoifvn IIIDIO tn Invnr limn Tor ( he Knmc ilnn IIIKI unli , uhlrli tucl ra'oil thnt rl.i x fniiH n fCM'to ili'i-llne. The nirlviili nf IIIIIKO rattle wonettlmntoil ill i.VM Texan nn < ! 7.i > rctrrn , IrnvliiR 8C 0 an HIP uiily | | nf liill : > rs , Thn Intlfr WITP qutli'l al ffoin H.J1 In I1) ) , ! * ) . wltli wilon principally ni fnnn JI.75 ID IS.73 for rows , lidfciH nncl ktilln , nml Inmily nl friini J.I.7S to J5.2"i lir Kln-ro. Kali's of WNMcrnB wctu c lf < nl fioni II. 0 lo 1323 for row * nnil nt fnnn } 3 in | 4.f.3 for str ri > , HIP blllli nt fnmi J2.SO to V ) for tlie foimor nnil from S3.M lt > $1 fur tlio Inttrr. Tim nilfiince In IIKKK was chcokni ] t [ > lny. flooil Knulcs coM ni wfll ns on yostculny , I > ul coniinnii slurfvtm ortT fiom 5c lo 1r. ( ) mid was liard to soil nt HIP decline. Hci-pliils cro nutry MUcral , csilniulfd at .1.11) ) liruil. The market fi > r IIOK priHlnctH rontltiucM lo slimv Rtonl Ktrenhttli , but nilooK tint ! ulrnvly tiili'iiliced fniu 2.1o to 3'c wltltln Ilio lint w.-i-k , nml | HI > CIH wrnuil lo think It a Him' to cnll n ti > ni | iiniv linlt. Kirly In the dny It W.IH dllllcnlt to tlnd tuO'om for common JIOKS , but theip wis a fKi'r tuovcinrnt Inti'r. nnil tint much pturftt * li'fi over. Siiloflvere nt fnni J.V75 to ffi. 10 fur com mon lo pxtrn niul the Imlltvenl nl fnnn IVPO tti IC.2D. There were palm of n.usli nilxnl | n | ns low as from J5.M to fiGS , nnil | IK ! and culls pnld nt fioin } 3. . * > 0 lo ( * > 2.i. TindliiK In ulirrp nn on n lunls uf ye ifr- day's quiitattnnn , or from II in $ : .M for inferior l.i medium nml from J2.7S to $ .1.W for inml lo prime. Tlie Inmb mniki't wilder nl fnnn JI..V ) to $4.'i < ) for poor U > liest urniley. ullli n.i'i'U ' mainly at from $125 In J4. Ilerolpl * were al > mi H.flwO licnil , milking nbniit 34.m)0 ) f , r the eipliod liatt of this \\eck , or l.S 0 loss Hum foi the tame tlmo last week. Hivfliits : CnlJle. 17.5'M lir. l ; rnlvm , D'XI hrnil huss. 21UW liend ; Khcep , 11.001 head , IK1OK Hccelpti" . 21,100 lU'nd : iilllcl.il > rFlenl.iv 14.019 iK'iid ; f-lilpiiKiilR , SUC head ; li'TI nvei nliout G.ihl. ) hend ; qualliy inther p ir. MaiKcl falily active on henl Krndes unit prices nte llrm while common Inlfl ale weak tint uiicltaiigpd Snlen nirpil nt tf.iitGS.yt for Hiilil. J3 Mfii IS1 f 'r ' fniiRli parking , fNijin,30 for mlMd , J5 WfjC Jit for heavy pnckln and f > hlpplnR Icttt. CATTMlleeelpte , 17.Vii ) hend. MnrfciM fnlilv nctlvo and Htendy on Rontl prndes. while com inons re weak. SlltEl' : Hecelr.lB , 11,000 lic.nl , Mniket tnlily active nnil steady on K3od Kindc'.M , but lower on common. WKSTKUN fACKINU INTHIUhTS. .Aliirltollni : of HIIR-H InilU-uteR No liuprovc- ineiitH nnil I'nuiiroU . * rc Not < iioil , CINCINNATI , Sept. K. ( Special TeleRrnin to The lice. ) Tomorrow's Price Puirc'nl will sny AKnln a t eduction la shown In the mntlipilns of hoRs , pticklnK returns Khowlng 190wn heail fm- the week , compared with 220,010 hend last week nnd 220.01K ) hend n ycnr UBO. I'romlnent plaivs cumparc ua follows : 1691. IS'O ( 'hlc.IKO 2,210.000 I.SMI 010 Knnrns City DTl.OOO 7iS 000 Omaha 810.0W Ml.OH ] St. Ujuls 37S,0 < K ) : r.IKIO Cincinnati 201.0 , " ) HOOK ) Inillatlapolls .WS.OWO . 1S7.HOO Milwaukee 273,010 l7 : ! n > M Cedar Itnplda 148.000 157 001 St. Joseph 237.MH ) 123 OvO Sioux City IM.OvO 93.UW ( Ottumwa , 1G1.1MO lOl'.OW N niVi r. < I.lvii Kluclc Slurkrt. NHW YOIIK. Sept. 5.-BBHVKS-riecr-pl , . 2 7 ! > S head ; on Nile , -10 uirs. Matket dull ami elow ; native steers , fnlr In Rood , $ I.GOiM.20 ; ordlnaiy In medium , J4.23rtl.50 ; common to Inferior , ! 3.GOij 4.M ; Ijulls. } I.M ) [ 2.15 , dl-y eo s. Jl 2X 2.70. llurnprnn ealilea iiiiotemeilcnn slet-i-s nl 1KJ ll'jil , iln-fcil welKlits ; refHcoiutor lietf , 8',31jOd. ' lOxports tuduy , . ' 'M beeves and 5,312 ( luaitern uf beef. CAI.ViS Ilecelpli" , 2.0'r hend ; on Kile , 1.7M hend. Vcnls and buttermilk cnlvcs , Him , Krnm- ers. dull nnd weuk ; veals , iwor to prime. Sj.flOJJ 7.00 : butteimik : cnlvcs , $2.75ij3.00 ; Krassura. { 2.25ij > 2.IX ) . SIIHKP AND I.AMIlS-necelpls. I3.4SO head , on Kile. 4D carH , Active nnd llrm ; fihiTji , poor to prime , JJ.OoffJ.CI'.i ' ; lambs , common to prime , S3.75iff3.00. JIOOS lleeelpts , 9.7K , head ; on sale , 7 cars. Jliilket.ve.ik ; ordinary to prime. Jli.20QC.40. St. I.nuU l.ivu Stock .Market. ST. I.Ot'tS , nept. 5.-CATTLn-Hecelpty. 3.000 head ; shipments. } , W > hend. Mnlkct strong ; native Mrers , 3,100 In 1.300 Ibs. , H.2037I.CO ; cows and heifers. ll.b3SI.CO ; Texas stecra , SOO to 1,100 Ills. . t2.7Clfl3.10 ; cows. Jl.SOfl2.13. HOGS HcceltitH. B.SOO head ; ( Oilpments. 2,300 head. Market active , si long nnd 10fSric lilKhcr : for uood best heavy. J6.IO ; good medium nnd liRht , tr..MTfO.OJ ; rominim nnd roiiRh , $5.DO@5.D3. BIIKHI' Ilecelpl * . l.COO head ; ehlpmcnlB , nono. Maiket strong and active ; southwest mKed , J2.6502.63 ; natives , J2.IOC2.CO ; lambs , J3.333.tiO. ICuiiHii-i ( 'liy I.lvo .Stock Mttrkcf. KANSAS CITY , Sept. B.-CATTI.H H'Wlpts , 9,200 hend ; shipments. 4.SCO hend. Mntkct for liest , linn ; others , weak ; Texas steeis , JJ-lOliS-IS. Texas cows , JI 40JT2.25 ; beet stecre , 13.0ji5.75 ; native cows. JI.ODii3.50 ; sluckcra und feeders , J2.40ff(3.30 ; bulls. Jl.53fT3.60. HOOS Ilecelpts , 7.100 head ; shipments. 2000 head. Mnrkct steady ; bulk of 8'iles. } 5.5"ii5.S3 ; heavies , $ j.75 $ 6.10 ; packers , I.1.7007G.OO mixed , $5.flOg5.SO ; llRhts , J3.ro-a.VSH ; YoikerB , J3.73J5.SO ; plffs , J3.2iii5.4l ) . M. l.milH C < i'iicr , > l 'Murket. ST. LOL'IS , Sept. 5. KI.OUIl Dull , unrtinnsed. WIIKAT Opened easier , reacted sllRhtly , lull fell back , logins 'AG c off on cnltU1 news ; No. 2 led , cneh , 40fl4c ; September , 43T44jHc ) ; Decem ber. ! 3'4c ; XIny. 59Uc. COHN Higher on Ftnte crop reports , entiling IM'.tc ; No. 2 mlxvil , cash , 5IHe ; September , 54'4c ; December , tOJJc ; May , 51 > i1i51ic. ! OATS IllKher ; No. 2 , cash nnd September , : o'4c : Mnv , 35Uc. IlYK S2Ho bid for No. 2 regular. IIAIUiKY No tiadlne. 11HAN Slninsr ; C41ic bid. enst track. I-'I.AX Slinu insler ; Jl,20Ii. CI.OVKn Steady. TIMOTHV-lllBlier ; J5.154J3.20. HAY Slow , unchanged , JIIITTUIl tlnclmnsed. KOGS Unchuncrd. LHAD Ixiwer ; t2.974 ! for September and Oc tober. Hl'HI.TEK-Klnn : * 3.22'S. COHN MUAI$2 , 0'32.65. WHISKY JI.J3. COTTON Tlis : Unchnnsva. HA < ; OING VnelKingC'd. I'UOVISIONH niisy , lower. Pork , Btnmlaid mess , Jobblne , JM.CO. I.nld , prime steam. $2 50 ; choice , JS.57i. ( Dry Kail meats , loose shoulders , 16. CO ; Ion as nnd ribs. S7.S5 ; short. ' . SS.IO. llaeon , packed Mioulders. J7.7S ; tones , SS.OOiiS.C 'i ; ribs , JS.75 ; shorts. J .sj. ' IIKCKH'TB I'lour. 4,000 bills. : wheat , 51,000 bu. ; corn , 1.000 Int. ; oalD , 27tOJ bu , SHirilKNTS-nour. 15.000 bbl .i ivhenl , 4.000 bu. ; corn , 13,000 bu. ; oat9 , 3,000 bu. Coffee Market. NKW YOIIK. Fept. 5-COKFEt-Optlona steady nt uiii-h.inii'd ( iilces , onenliiK 15 points ndviincu uml nilln ? firm on jltht orf-r- Inss and bolter ] nctl and Kuropmn biiynr , owlne lo hlRlicr Hiivie ndvlces ; cl'.it.'d Blfady nt unLhanged to 10 pn nts advance ; vales , 19.50 ] bngs , Includ.nir : KepU-mbcr. JI3 63fE13.'jO ; Octo ber. J13.23 ; Ilmi-iiiU-r , JI2.M I2.M ; Match , J12.35 , nnd May , H2.20. Spot coffee , Ilio. dull ; No. 7. 113.75 ; Cordova , J19.UOSf11.23 ; warehouse deliveries from New York yesleitkiy , 5.510 IMIRS ; New Yoih clock today , HVJTJ bais ; United States slocli , Mnl )3 baK : nlloat for Hie United Stan 8. 2 > S.n < > 0 ) > .IKH ; tut ill klulble fur the United Statrr , 537 , 003 li.iL'a. aK.'ilmt 330.305 t > .iK3 last year. SANTOH , Kept. 5.Venk , at 5')3 rela decline ; Ki-oii nveinRC Santos , J13.20 ; receipts. 'M KIRS ; sloik. 293 iXM bncs. HAMlll'ltO. ' Bepl. 5. Klnn : pri < e UC'.d I'fp. hlKhi-r ; cloned Qtm , ' , i < JK net advance ; total kales. 36,001) b'ic , HIO , Hept , i. Quiet ; No. 7. JI4.70 ; exchnnRe , STliI , ricelptB. 9,00V IMCS ; cleared for the Untied Slates , 7.nim lines ; cleared for Uuope , 5,000 bags ; stock , SOT.WO bags , Mlimi-npiill * U'heiit MINNKAI'OUS , Sept. B. 1V1IBAT Uecrlpts , 1C , 471) bu. ; vhlpinents , 27,3kO bu. There una a Kood ileniand ( or all Classen of rash whcnt. both old ami new. The old maintained Hie usual premium of S'.ic nlxivo the price of new. The maikvl closed llic lower for futures than yes terday , with cash wheat pulling at the same price. The only etienKtli there waa In the market for futures was such ns was borrowed from the corn market. The closing : September , MUc ; December , M'.4c ; May , D8ic ! ; old September clotrd at Wjc. Old i > heat on track : No. 1 h.inl , 68c ; No. 1 northern. 57e ; No. 2 northern. S5'ic. New wheat on track : No. I northern , &H4o ; No. 2 northeiii. UUc ; No. 1 hurd , &jie. { : The Hour inaikel was uleinly ; patentn , JS.SUff 3.40 ; linkers , } 100f 2.M. 1'riHluctlun cutlnmted nt IO.UOO bbia. for twenty-four hours ; lilpmenls , 31.871 btls. _ tut I on .Market. NKW OIU.EAN8 , J > : it. 5. COTTON l-'lrm ; nilddtlnif , 8',2c ; low middling , 6Uc ; K' > il or- Umary , Cc ; net lecelpts , 54 bales ; crisr kSS bales ; coastwise , 3,172 , balci ; aakH , 4JO bales , xliM-k. 31.543 bales. ST. LOUS. Sept. 5. COTTON-Stendy ; mid- dllnu' . CVic ; sales , none ; rccelpli , 2W bales. islilpinents. 1.000 lialra ; etuek. I4.GVJ lialei. NKW UltLEANH , Kept. 5.-COTTnN-Flrm ; alrn , spot , 100 bales ; lo anl\r , ' "Kl bales ; rc- cclptH , hS8 bales ; exiuirls. co.istwlre , 3,172 bales ; stock. 31f,4 * | inlr . Kulurfi ster.rty ; satfi. 22,5'rt , tales ; Septrmlrr TC.3.1 hid , Octiber. JC39H6.4) , Nnvrmber. ja.4Ofii.4S ; December. J6 C4JT6.58 ; Jsnu- iiry. J6.55fiC.CO ; I'ebruary , . J066 .ta , March , IC.71SC.7Z ; April , t 7Ii 7 ; May , IS.B3B4.SI ; June , JCE9jjC.9i > ; July. ta.'jtlC.i > 6. l.hdpiiol MnrUe'.l. IJVEIiroOU Sept. D. TAI.LO\V Nominal ; supply | x > or , pr me city , 23j. COTTON KI-KI ) OlIKtfady , 2I . TI'Itl'lJNTiNK Dull ; holders oftcr mixltr- ntrly ; Fornnv n , ti M. UOI'ri At I iidon ( I'ac'lllc ccuit ) , tti-adj ; holders utter invlerately ; IZ. I'-'s. CliHiiK * * * of ( irulii StiicUi. NEW YOICC , Sfpt. S. SpecUl cable and tc-le- BiapWc adUi-i'i U lfr.id Hrel" . covering prlnc.jial point * lit uii ninulatlon In the t'nltrd Mtatei , Curuda and Kurupr , eitlmate the ( ollon-.ni ; * In tocks cf grain U < | Saturday , com- with the iircce-llng Sutunlayt Available for th Volttd Statti oad Canada , cut MATILDA. It was a good turn you dkl me when you told me of Santa ClatisSour * . It makes the clothes whiter tliutt any other , and saves time and work , MAHV. Yes , and it does not injure the hands or llic clothe * . SANTA GLAUS SOAP. Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COP PANY , Chicago , p. . I m" Japanese Rugs , SMYRNA RTJG3 IS\3l Inehos 1 .c.Hpnrli , worlh J 1.00 tSf 3IMS Inclioi l.-N nttrli.twortli " ' ! > srt SfixM lliolii.'s I 8 I utiL'li , worlli JIM Ijpl ItOxtH ) Jiu'lir-1 * , , . . . , , , . , . . . ti.l.'i < 'tuli , world fi.X ( ) : ! ( \ i Inches H'ii ctu-li , worlli < i..V ) I8 > H4 liii'lius 4.1. ' , " ) cticli , worth 1U.OJ A MOQUETTE RUGS 2 271'flrt Inclitti J',40 Piu-li , win-Hi t 4.51) ) tjH i.\T2 Inches 3.41 unuli , wnrth 7.M A JAPANEjE RUGS 'lxB foul . , T 'J..K i-icli , worlli f (1.0 ( JOT llz'J feel 7..VI rai-h , worth H. J ua tlxli ft'ct l..TIriicli. worth tttSO A lixl''fuat ILT-luiiuli , uorlli 3JM ODD LOT Or R.UG3 BO llrussi'ls UK-TM'iO IiiL'hes. , 'X > t-noli , wot'th 2.fO v IiiKriilti Ittiss , ; i'i'c4s Imilii's l.'iL'ni'li , worth I.SJ MiMiuctte Kuc , 4SvlH Inclius 1.21 oiti-li. worlli y.u Ea Sliu nskiti ItUis 1.7S i-ttfli , worlli u.oi Ka Skin HT , ir.xJI Ini'his -.li uneli , worlh B.t'0u ( j& REMNANTS AK for tills week uliieul ICcmmiiaHalo. u , , Col Ion Iti ritlli .Sumloi | ! I0i ! uatili , worth SOL1 Ifti Wool luuralii S tmiilud -'IV > : irh , wortli r Mutt InkKomnaiits 10o yard , worth era Ollt'luUi ' KiMiuiaiits I5i-.v rJ ( , will-Ill Eg „ l.lnoluam KumimiitH 'ilo ytinl , worlli Ifl.UI K3 ] { umnaiiUKiKL'uipcls 11. ; yu.ru , worth lllo lion-Hunts - Stult1 Oaioel" I2c yuril , vriillli mn ; MNllt IiiKriIii C'iri'ts : ) * itMiiloai'li , wurlli Sl.i.OD Ml-tlll ItriiSHols C'runoU tt.l5ouih : , worth IS.UJ low : lltistocUs ii'i. : ouiih , worth LOO ! , OJO Ottomans . Lsooucli , worth ! . - > TEttMS. J10.00 worth of eooiN , tl.lil ) iinr woolor J4.00 per month. .00 worth of isoiKis { LOU pur uci-lc ur 85.00 per month. t-DO.OO worth of goods , J'J.Uu per wuclt or ta.UO pnr motitli. JVC.OO worth of Riiotls. tU.Ou per ivrok or J10.00 per mon $100.00 worth uf ROOII.S Ki.ut ) per wuolv uiU2.0C pcrEoUth. OfilOO.Oworlh o ( ( 'noils , * ! , 10 per utul ; 01 ili' UO ptmouth m m Formerly People's Mainnnti. n tllO cents for posture < > I K ' ! )1Catalogue. ) . \V rite for Uuhy Carriage Cutalo uu .Mailed Free. Goods sold on payments in Council Hinds & South Oiuab.i Close evening at < > : ! U ) except SaturJays. of the Rocky niounlalnsWlienl , lnrreiEe. 3.07rl , 000 bu. ; com , Incu-UBe , JJI.MOO bu. , outs , IIICU-IISB , 1.43S.OOO bu. I'nlted Ktatis.vtt of the Ilocliy mountains Wheat. Inirptibp , 1U1 O'JO bu. Alloiit and In Kunipe Wheat , decrease , 1.712,000 bil , 3jarger Increase of domestic wheat stocks i-ost of the Hooky mountains not irpoited In the visible supply Include MU.UOO bu In mn Ill- western. Interior elevators , Id'J.OO. ) bu. In Mil waukee , private ilevalms , 152,000 bu. at l.oiil - vllle , nnd 52WX , ) bu. In Chicago plUate clevatoiH. New Vorli Iron IMurliH. NHW YOIIK. Sept. 5. The roft condition nf the niaiki'ts proven the consumption of n'il ' sufficiently great proportions to hold nut hopes of n n early advaiui * . and the KIIU iiuesllon Is whether UIMO will tw demand nmluh in prevint a decllnp , pomltily batk to the old Hcuros fur plK and steel b'llcls and HexM'nier. Wheellnn and I'hlcnK" nrt Hikint ! wlut indent buslni-ns Is offering , but on the wh > lc the tone In tmo nf dullnehs. In manufactured trim and steel the nuukets an : Kent-rally quiet , and tlp'ie Is n dlH- tlnct fallliiK off In the demand , which IB n- flectHl by n weakenlnc of prliva. To Judge from th busy rondlllon of Ihn cast lion fmindilps the uniouiu of municipal woik K'llnc on Is large. Ka n n < i Clly MurkolR. white. Mile. OATS Slow ; Ko. white. 35c. Ill'TTLH-Steaily : creameijIl023c ! ; ICjflkc. KCUIM-FIrm : 12o. IIIX'IIIPTS Wheat , 21,100 Im , ; eoin , none ; oats. 2,200 tin. HHIPMKNTS Whral , 2,800 bu. ; turn , none ; oats , 0,200 bu. New York Or ; Good * Market. NI3W. YOKK , Kept. 5. It lias been anollipr lay nt active trade with Jol > bci , uii'l very lull anlcH linva lnk ii | > laic.Vltli rnmml 'lon hoiifPH Hie persimal uml nnler ilrmuml WIIH v-ry RIKH ! nnil Ihe urgenc-y for K" " ' ' vi-ry fiei-ly expn-on-il by the requi-il for liinin < l'.nt rlilium-nlH. Cloth- imt wt > .ilfn In K ' > il ili'innnil fnr tlippnK nnil a large timle ilnlntr. llli-ncheil t-otliiiM In wliln request and lower. Qualities rnnKlnK from < k- anil Iji-luw are montly lie ilrnrer. Prlnlit vniy active for ft > ot KOula. PihitliiK rlulhii In ile- rnunilwith liiruinaliB ul 2 15-IOc , and Una price Mil and decllm-d unit 3cnd < rd. SiiKiir Market. NHW YOKK , SVpt B. Sf < ; Allw , dull ; fair ri-llnlnK. 3't03'.ie ' : rtntilfUKal. 46 leit , 3U 4j3Tie ; nnlex , none ; rt-fimil. 'lulrt. LONDON , Sepl 5. 81'OAIl-fnnp , < iulfl ; nntli- Inirlulnir ; cpntrifuxal Jam. U.tJ'jl ' , Mun-u- vadu , lair rellnlnc. 11 I11 ! , Says M. W. Sclby , Muncle , III. : "Last bummer a coal miner came to my ilruc store one nlglit , half dead with cramps. There wai no doctor to be liacl. He asked me If I had anything that would help him. I opened a bottle at Chanilierlaln'B Colic , Chol era and Diarrhoea Hemetly and gave him a large dose. In twenty minutes his pain was all none. This man had been subject to crampi , but lias not teen troubled etnco. " Every family should keep this remedy at hand ( or uie In euch casei. It can always be depended upon. For tale by drugglsta. National (1. A. It. Omclul Iluute. The Union Pacific li the official rout ? for the Nebraska veterani. Call on your nearevt Union I'aclflc agent for rates and partlcu- Itrs , Stand at the Head. For tlilrty ycars Otielier Watch On act Imvo been endorsed hy every prominent < lca IcrmthoUnlledStatca. The Duolxir trail * mnrk In this country , uml tlio Hail mark la KliKlaml r.ro n gtiaraii < jiuro metal , 17- Ilmnpibii inovo < meats In Ducbc-r rnsci Bland at Ihu hcail , If your denier floes not kecjumr wntrlicn mull us your mldrcM ami will rend > nu Ilia ninin of n ilealri uhri drM's. Tim , WATCII WOKKB , rantun , O. We HaveCorn WHEAT AND OATS FOR SALE IX CAIt LOAD LOTS. Write or wire us for prices , ! ' . O , It , cars , Omaha , or delivered at your Htatioii. Tccplionu 218. Omaha Elevator Co. OMAHA. WM. LOUDON. Commission Merchant Gniiii auU Provisions. 1'rlvate wires to Clilcaco ami New York. All buHlneisa order * uluccU on liourd of Trade. Corrcupondetico Bollclteu. ortlce , room 4 , N w Kgrlc L1C