THE OMAHA DAILY JTCEEt MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 3 , 1801. A BOARDER 4 V ' > Pays you $4 Lo $8 weekly that means pin money adds little to your present expenses THE BEE GETS 'EM 17 WORDS FOR 25 CKMTS. SPBGiRL NOTICES. Advertisements fnr these columns will 1)e tahcn until 12:30 : i ) . m. for the tvcn UK nml until 9:01 : 1 . m. fur the mornlnR nml Sun.lay eilltlotu. Advertisers , \ > y ifqucntlnj ; 11 immboiod check , can liav UM WIT mMremfl to n numbered li-tter In cnro of The llw. Answers so aMro 3f > d will lie delivered uii-in iirwwnlntlon of the chuck. Ilnte * , I'SP n word drat Irmertlon , Ic a wonl tlicrraft r. Nothing Inkeii for less than 2c lur tlrnt ItiBerilm. Those advertisement ! must run consecutively. SITUATIONS "WANTED. W I > | 3Il-MOKTII WANTED HV A fOMPET- cnt liMkKcvper nn.l ntrnoKruplior. fJjml clly references. Address 353 ! , N. ICl'i ' Btro.-t. A-M3M 4 _ _ POSITION ItY LAI > Y STIONOOII.AVH1UI. ACcurate - curate , quick nt flKUrcs unit willing In work for moderate salary. AUiln-'es UT ! . Hfc. A MS. ) 3 * WANTED Iff ALE HELP. 8ALESMKN ( nNEltKCJTIO-WANT MKN OF K < KKI ttililrena on salary fur retail trade. Apply 15H Douglna. D-MHO-fra _ _ _ SPECIALTY SALUSMKN fOU JtnKIVS LUMP Jaw remedy ( endorsed Itf U. 8. l > cpt. Altrlcul- ture , Jlureau of Animal Industry , us a 8iclllc ) nil a nldo Iln < > . Llliernl terms to right parties. Addren lliotlier * & Iteml. .Ualvein. In. II MSul BIT WANTED , TRAVELING SALKSMEN , I & Thompson , taller . 1G12 I'arnain street. It Ml S2j _ _ _ CAni'iNTRiiH , IOWA , NnnuASKA ; ir YOU want a good. . Mencly job In your own county from now until uprlnK , enclose lOc In slnmiis fnr full pnrtlcul.irs Jo VrniVk Alhcrlr. manufacturer - facturer of Hie common , sensa wc-itlier strip , Cedar llhiffs. Neb , U MTU 4" _ WANTED. AN OLT1 LINK LirrTlNStmANCi : agent ho lias lind experience nml been sue- cpiaful. Can gl\e nn nReiic ! ' , loeoted In n state wliero crops Imvc tieen good this year and money Is plenty , nnd vrlll nccwnimny It with n tooil contract. jMdresa Old Linn Company , IJox 15li ) , Lincoln , t-Vli. _ It MSCT 3 WANTED. MAN OK SOMH JIUSINHRH KX- periencn In open lirnnch business In the atnto of Nebraska for reliable mnnufHcturliiK com pany. Point ) rendy cnift rapltnt required In the arranRemcnt ; applicant plense Btato finan cial worth and previous experience , Clood alary nnd part of th proftts to tlie right man. Tleferonces. Address Maiiujaclurcr. X Z. U C4 , Omalu Jlce , , , f i _ -It M9W * t BPECIALTY AUVCnTlHI&O CANVASSERS : men familiar with. premium mercantile trade. Money maker of eighteen ninety-Tour. Slanley- Bradley Tub. Co. No. 7 E. 16th t. . N. Y. 11 420-1" WANTED FEMALE HELP. LADIESWANTINGFJHST CLASS01111,3 apply at the Scnnillnavlan Y. I > . Home. Otnre , zm N. Uth street. C M68S 7 100 nlltl.S WANTBD TO MAICK OVUnAI.LS. phtrts. panta anil coats. Apply at Tiotlo's Oyerall factory. Bt. Joseph. Mu. C MC79 4 FOB BENT HOUSES. TENTS FOH HKNT , 1311 TAHNAM BT , D-T37 817 _ WANTED. GOOD MEDIUM I'lUCKU HOUSES. List your houit-H for rent with Ames. P-733 3IOU8nS , F. K. BAUKEIt I1LOCIC 1 > 734 IN ALL PARTS OP THH CITY , THE O. V , Dnvls cotupany , 1W5 I'mn.lm. I ) 735 KKLKENNY K. CO. , iC I , COKTINENTAL IliTlC " - D-73G _ _ PINK r-nooM COKNEU FLAT AT 7 i s. IOTU Bti-ecl ; ranse and all other conveniences. George Clouser , room 2. isn Farnnm etreet. I ) 3iM _ . . R ANU 10-HOOM. HOUSES. AIOi MOD- rrn , Inwn nnd ihnde. Apply at 111 N. Y , Iifo or 3m ! Miami street. _ T D M133 FOR KENT , CIIRAPKST 8IX-noO > f COTTAOH with hath In city ; cnly S15.00 , S033 California street. D M3 3 _ FoiT "HKNT ! DESIUAULD OWKI-UNGS IN all parts of city. 10 , U. bheatc , 432 1'axton bm. D H7-S r JIINT. MODERN -IIO'OM COTTAOC ; call between 12 untl 2 1131 Slid man avenue. V D 783 ItUNT. E HOOMS , C31 S. 17TH STUinT. D ID-SM KIOUT-IIOOM HOUSi : NHAI1 IlIQII SCHOOL. j:0 per month. Inqulro 2 1C Capitol avenue. D-CCS 3 3-HOOM INQUIHE nn DOUGLAS street. D 11673 RICIHT.noOU MODERN HOUSE. 2215 MIAMI ; Imrulro 12H N. Siith , u 638 4' s IIOOMS. LAnan IIATI. , HATH noon AND closet ; rent cheap. EU South ISth st.DCM D-CM 4 S 6 ROOiF HOUSES. MODCHN ANU CHEAP. COS N. Ulh lr ' t. 1J M71Q B23 * POU RENT. El-EOANT 10-nOOM HOUSE ; reasonable. 2003 Hint itreet , U R51-C * 1-Ol nENT-TKNVROOJC HOUSE. N. W. CO1U Knrnnni and SOth ta. ; modern Improvements ; by Chas. Turner , 3)16 Fainam at. 1) 819 FQH nnNT nOOM COTTAGE. 1413 DORCAS street : city water , bath , Inqulia Robert Hun ter , lt o OIHcc , D M933 S-tOOM. , ALT. MDRflN 1IOUSK , 83 otJTH. 11th ; nl o other Ri * > d houses. U. L. Qreen , rnnm 88 , block. _ D M838 Toil RUNT. I.AHOC TWO-STOKY UUII.DINO. formerly uied by the Uarhoff Trunk Factory , XUO Bcward it. D no l FOR BENT FURNISHED BOOMS. I'UICXISIIBD nOOMS"c8 SOUTH 19TH 8T. E-MJM Sll * W.EABANT ROOM , ZJ15 DOUOE ; E-M373 11KNT. IIOOMS. SC3 DODQII , B MSIi 4 FUUNIBIIE1) ItOOMS , MOHEUK : St'ITAllLB for on or t ix l l Dudjc. , E M3 PUUKISIIEn IIOOMS AT 316 SOUTH ISTH ST. i ; MI51 till' LAUU1ANU 8M.A1.L ItOOM.H ANU ItOOMS en > ult on two car Hum. 116 Biuth 20th street. E MCM a I KtJUNISUEI ) ItOOMS FOH UOUSEKniU'IN'O fur man unl wl ( , llent taken In l * > ur < I. 319 N 17tli BtreeU U-MMl JIOOMS FUUNIHUnU AND lets Dodge. U-M6I3 ] KINE noOUH AT THK OM > TOHNKH HOME. N. E. cor. 15th and Huward , E-C3I 4 HBNT. NICELY"FUONIBJIKD UOOMS * roll t ttOT IKiuglatL B 7W-19 IIOOM. I'lllVATU PAMII.Y. 19J1 Bl. Mary's nvume. E K-i J. NIftJ KUIlNISlllU ItOOMd I'OIt UQHT hou ekeep < nE. HIS S. llth it. B-8Jt-7 * 31ENT. NICE KL-TlNiBHEn SOUTH Irunt roonu 1'rlvalo family. : U3 Cum street. E-lil & _ FOR HKNT. FURNISHED IIOOU : enc rcqu rrd. ttt S , > 4lnstreet _ HOOM. iir K. Tim Elll FOB. KENT FURNISHED BOOMS , Continued. VntlY 1 > ES1UA1II ! : SOUTH Fl'.ONT J-'tril- nlshod rooms. 1S22 Chicago street. E il97 ! S KOOM roit LIGHT HOUSEKEEPIN'O. 113 N. ISth. E-7J 4' _ FURNISHED KOOMS AND BOABIJ. YOIJNOVOMKN'9 HOME UXDEll CAIU3 Or Women's Christian unsoclatloii. Ill M. 17th st. F-7M _ PLEASANT HOOMS WITH UOAltD. 5150 HAH- ney. F a 45 816 * _ NICELY TUnNISHED ItOOMS WITH ALL , conveniences , rirst-class board. 211 No. ISth etrect F-i278.3H _ NICE IIOOMS ; GOOD IlOAnD ; IIATES 31EA- sonabteconvenlences. ; Tha Hoseo.0.2Q2j Harnoy. F M620 SJJ * _ IIOOM AND HOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY. S215 Howard. F TO3 4' KLiaANTL.rrunNisHiu : > SOUTH room nnd private board' best convenient. 2110 Doufilag etreet. F S1SCS 3 * _ UOOMS AND UOAIIU. 2113 CAPITOL AVENUE. r M712 5 _ THK FUENKEK ! i HAVE TAKEN THE uliovc family hotel at Klh and UodBu nd It hm been placed In perfect repair ; am iendy to lo cate the romns ul cnco and shall serve meals after Soptcmber 13th. Phona Is 1M1. He- P ctfully.Mra. _ L. at. Tuttlo. T 713-5 EXCELL72NT nOAno NICEIIOOMS. . IN stnuH private family : tas , bath , heat , central Ion. SI 4 South 2M. K M813 2' _ ruiiNiaiiED IIOOMS , WITH on WITHOUT board. 316 B. SClh atreel , F Mt33 3"r a , WITH Oil WITHOUT board. 2'2'n nnd U Douglas street. F-MSJ4 3' noojis , SINGLE OH EN SUITE , wUhJjoarU. 21M lougla ) . _ 1' ' ' MSJO S' ONE COUI'J iT OH TWO YOUNO MEN CAN have flrsl-clasi brinrd. with room furnished or unfurnished , central and line location. 201) Kl. Blary'a avenue. F S1837 3i DESIltAULK IIOOM WITH 11OA15D IN Pit- \ato family. 7M K. 13th. F-S73-7' _ SOUTH FIIONT 11OOMB F0 FOUIl OH FIVE Uillcj ar gentlemen with llrst claen Ixianl nt 1722 Uodije. F 871-5 * VEUY DErtirtAHLE UNKUnNISIIEE FKONT and back parlora , also furnlslu-d looms ; every thing , Ilrst-class. 210 and 211 South 2ith street. F MIS I 10 * UNFUBNIBHED BOOMS FOB , KENT 3 UNFUIIN18HED IIOOMS , WITH OR WtTH- out board. ! I70 N. 84th , O M915 4 * _ 3 UN'I-'UIINISIIUD UOOMS. 2220 LEAVEN- worth , G MDIJ 4 TWO UNPUI5N1SHED ItOOMH ; SECOND Hour ; modern conveniences. 2JO N. 13th street. 2 MJ4S 3 * _ FOR RENIaTOBES AND OFFICES COHNEIt STOHE , 55 > > 00. 924 DOUQLAS. n- quiie 822. 1 740 FOR UENT , ROOM , 65 IIY 3 ! . 2ND FLOOR OP my store , nultablc for cloaka nnd sultn ; goo.l light and elevator service , ilrs. J. Drnson. I MSSO _ _ FOR 11ENT , THE 4-STOnY niHCK IlUILDINfl M6 Tarnam street. The bulldlnir has n lire- proof cement basement , complete steam heat * IIIB llxureswater on nil lloors , gas , cle. Apply - ply at the otllce of The Hte. 1-013 _ FOU UENT EXPOSITION HALL , GIIOUND door. Open dates can be had for ri.irta of September. October and November. This la the only hall In Omaha equipped fnr conven tions , political meetings , balls nnd other IUTRP Catherines oC people. A. J. J'npplc'on , ronm S14 First National Dajilc building. I S14 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , GOOD SOLICITOnr. , MEN AND n'umen , lo woik for the PrDsrcBnlvo Kndow mcnt Uulld of America , for Missouri , Kansas and NebraiUa , ( lliill.llns nnd Loan and ten- I'rnr Endowment Insurnnco combined , ) Ilc- Ilabln people nly need apply. Adiln-ss room S , ICock island bid ? . , cor , Cth un.l Edmnnc Btrcet , 8t. Joseph , Mo. J M503 01 AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS ItY 8AMPLE AT homo or travel. We pay llbeial 'salary and ex penses or Rood commission nnd furnish samples to rlKht applicant. Addiesa Lock Do * 1331 , New York City. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED. HOUSES TO IlENT. HAVE MORF calls than I can supply. J. II. Panottu , loth nnd Jed e. K 051 S2I * FDIIN-ISHED IIOOMS FOIl LIGHT HOUSE . keeping. Addrpsa W 8 , Uee. K-,31031 3 WANTED. S'OH 5 FUHNISIIED HOUSEKEEP ln rooms , modern , at once. Addtcxx W C I tee. K MOC1 4" TWO YOUNG MEN WANT FURNISHED ROO1 without board ! .location , not est of 23th M. o north of Dodge ; state terms. Address U 04. Dee K $72-1 STOBAGE. STORAGE. WILLIAMS &CROS3 , 1211 IIA11NEY Jl-711 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. II. Well * , 1111 Farnatn.M . M 743 o"M.VANiSTOItAGE CO..1W2 FARNAM. Tcl.I5J9 M-7IJ I1EST STPRAGE 11I11LDING IN OMAHA. U H. ROV. Bonded warehouse. HnU ! > ehold Roods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1013 Lcavcnworth. M-7II WANTED TO BUY. CASH FOR. LUMflER TIUSINEPS IN LIVE town ; cl 8 full particulars , T S , llec. nillce. N-311'83 ' S7 * _ _ _ _ HAVANA F1SKCKLES , 11EST ON .EARTH. fC N-M631 827 WANTED TO IHJY STOCK RANCH. WH.- llanva K Mlttan , loom 311 , McCuKUt ! ImlldliK ; . N MS9C 4 FOR SALE FUBNITU-RS. l'AYMiNTS EASY. VOU WON'T MISS YOUR money , l * ) r prices on furnllurn and houiwhoU GoCKl * . 3nt nirlsa Credit Co. . 813-615 N. I6tli s O 745 FOB SALE HOBSE8WAUONBETO S TOP I1UI1CHE8. 133te. . I.EATHEIl TOP caritaKi ) l1 , Drummand Carriage Co , I'-746 I.-OR SALE Oil TRADE. S HOUSES WEIOH- Iuif Jo puundii encli , G nn J 7 years old. Fred Teiry , < 30 Ilarngo block. r 747 THE I1EST LEATHEHTOP UUGGY IN OMAHA for > 53DO. OrummonJ. IStli and Ilurney I'-7IS WANTED A TEAM OF HORSES WEIGHING no less than 1.100 Ibs , , well broken lo clly driving. Srnil particulars to U 17. lice. P-BI4-S-53 * FOB HALE MISCELLANEOUS. VHUJ UIHCK. CAU LOTt ) . Ill M. IJEST 8IDB- vralk brick in market. Bte jurnple tvalKs lalJ cor. 20tri nJ Hurt and 13th and Pl rce , Wm. J , Welihons , room33l , Hoard of Trade. _ _ ICB FOR SAI.U ; CAN SHIP OVER ANY ROAD out of Omaha and Council liluffs. I < umnrtaui Urea. , M & , . ; eth. Omaha. _ Q-M35J BlJ BANK AND I'LATTE VALLEY BAND FOB ulr. C. W. Hull company , zmh nr.d liard st . Q-IM FOJt BALE MISOELLANEOUa. Continued. CHEAPKST CHICKEN AND OUNAMENTAli fence made. C. H. l ? e. Ml Douglas , q 748 " OH SALE , THE FORMULAS FOIl WELL known proprietary medicines , favorably known In the northwest , w.lli silo rlRhM to manufac ture and ( ell In North and aoutli Dnkoln No- lirnnkfu Nnne but renimnslble partle-i nwd utiiwer. Address H. r. Bmllh. Q-MJ1JS15 MISCELLANEOUS. 1TOCK PASTURED , GOOD FEED. T. MUR- my. R-MI57 SW OLAIP.VOYANTB. Mltft DIt. H WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , IUJ. liable business medluni ; Uh year nt 119 N" 18. 8 753 ' 'MASSAGE. BATHS. ETcr MADAME SMITH. MJ S. MTH , 2D FLOOR , room 3i ninn-.iHe , vapor , alcohol , stenm , sul- lihurlne nnd BC.I liaths. T MilI 8 * > 1ME. LA RUE , tit ROUTII liTH , T M531 S' .IASSAOE , MADAME BERNARD. 1413 OODOE , T < j < 8-3 * JPEBSONAL unnnnLLAH MADE. RECOVERED AND HE- palred , 1 Houlh Sixteenth street. U 753 vi/a-i liOMn "THBATMBNT roi LADiE ! . Ilenlth book anil consultation free. Addresser call Vlaxl Co. . 16 Ilee bldg. Lady atletdant. ! > * lt > l TAKE YOUR FRIEND ; TINTl'PEH , 4 FOR Kc. rtoctor , 613 S , 16th street. U 753 A pleasant and convenient place , 15S1 Fainim street , Paiton block , 'phone 711. cuA ron WHIPPPINO AND mllk. Watetloo crcnincry , 1613 How.itd ; tel.1332. U 2it ! S10 -\VIIOI.E WHEAT IIREAU FROM UNltOLTKD Hour at Imogen L. Ramsey's,1 217 N. llith si. U - M40S s 10 Un.M * . STEPHENS OX SPECIALIST , BOB S. 1JTIT. MME. LA nOOK. MASSAGE , 1COJ LEAVEN- worth street , third floor. ; .ont rooms ' WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. J. Mnller'j ) new Ice crtnm parlora , 2S03 Leaven- wortli street ; everythlns Is new. Including the build inc. Tel. 10W. Ice cream delivered , U * 53 SI 4 TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOSTS to two responslblo gentlemen , 1C03 Ixnven * ' worth. 3d Moor. _ U MM3 3' IOC CIGAR FOR 50 , HAVANA FRECKLE3 U M631 S27 KLECTRO-THEItMAL DATHS , FACIAL MA 3- B.ise&cumileilon ) treatment. Mme. Po t , 31B',4 H.15. U X7S-SO I3ATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST , 319 S. 15TH. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. I.IPE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chcinty , Kansas City , Mo. W-J55 _ ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 313 N.Y. LIFE loanj nt low rateq for choice Keciirtly In Ne- bra&Ka and Iowa farms or Omaha city property W "CD _ MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM IN DOUGLAS Improved and unlmpnnwl Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam st , W 761 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate Dronnan , Love & Co. , Pax ton blk. VT T62 OJIAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , HTII AND Douglas streets , lonn money tin city oml farm piojieriy at lovuest rates of Interest. W 7C3 TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATIOS. THE 0 F. DaAls Co. , 1M5 Farnam at. _ W 761 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital t2Oi)0OW. Surplus JWXOOfl. ) Hub- mlt choice lands to F. S. i'usey , agent. First National tank building , W 765 _ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 lo 5 sears. Fidelity Ttust Co. , 1702 Fainam. W-761 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property ; M.OOO A upwards , li to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. Tarnam Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnam , W 102 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA RKAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. 11. Mollclv , 1st Hat. hank ? . W 763 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagono , etc. , nt lowest lates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; > ou can pay the loan oft at any time or in any amount. OMAA 3ORTaAOE LOAN OO. , 300 S. ICth st.ce' . X M J. B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 ItAMGE I1LOC1C Jv7' ' SHOUT TIME LOANS. 432 1'AXTON liLOCK , X 031 b MONKY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Hnrvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life build ing , X 7M MONKY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUIINI- ture. pkinos. hornes. wuKona , or any kind oC chattel security , nt lowest po lble rntM , which you can iiay bark nl anv tlmo and In any amount. J'lDCLITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4. Wllliiicll lilotU. X 767 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOtl KENT. A DEPART.MENT ON SECOND floor. 3' ' > x80. In one of the largest houses In Council 1)1 ) nfta. 13. care Ilee , Council llluffs. y TOS FOR SALE , A RIG PAYING 11USINESS NO competition ; J1.SU0 cash takes It. Addiess S. 60. lice. T MHO SS' A HOWLING SUCCESS , HAVANA FRECKLES. Y M651 H.'Z FOR SALE OR TRADE. THE PAPILL1ON hotel In I'apllllon. Neb. , an IS-room liotcU nl In Rood Bhapu ; will trade for unlncuinbeiec land or sell cheap for cash , Address Fred HaKcJorn , Pniillllon , Neb. Y M8C2 3 THE NATIONAL INFORMATION AND EX- cliunec Co. , 20J First National hank. Omaha has cuctomers with cash , farm lands nnd property for meichandUe ; also stocka of e for a.l and trade , Y MSW FOB EXCHANGE. I WILL TIEADE AN IMPROVED FARM WITH plenty of feed for cattle. N. II. Drydcn , Ollrlths , S. D. Z M7W 4 * AMERICA'S PRIDE , HAVANA FRECKLES , SC. Z M651 Si ! M,000.00 STOCK FARM IMPLEMENTS. W , 000.00 rral estate , moi traces and cash. ( SvO DO rea estate , building and lots , all In northeastern Nebraska , far land , cattle or sheep. Address U 43. Bee. Z Ml 4 A CHEAP , UNINCI.'MIIERED LOT IN OiiAKA ' | j < trade for good buggy and team. Addroi I.tit. . Uee. ? -Mtt- > ' I HAVE CASH , IOWA AND OTHER LANDS to exchange for meichandlse. H , A. Wacner Omaha , Neb. Z Mi.65 FOR TRADE , ONE OR ALL OF S STORE buildings on N street , South Omnha. bringing nice Income , for rood clear furin land near tr > Omaha , South Omaha or Council Bluff * Valu of properly about JK.OOO.W , Address H W , lieo. Z-MC91 H _ _ FOR EXCHANGE. IMPROVED LANDS , CLEAT at Incumhiance , rood quality , wllh comi * carh for g-enerul merchamllse ; correspondence con fidential. Address loci : box 30 , llraver rty ; N'nb , Z M853 7 FINELY IMPROVED FARM OF 210 ACRES In Dlxan county , Nebraska , 33 ill I leu suuthwei of Hlouic City ; bet of snll ; lies level and nice all cultivated except line large trrove nf 'M acreH for pasture ! Hold in June for $ C , < XX.09 ) Innimbranca U.OOO.CO. running 5 yars at 7 per cent , want Mock of general merchandise ; wll put In Jl,003,00 , cash wllh farm for ( rood utocl of K&od . Davenpoit & AVaterman , 8M N. Y Life. i-M8S8 3 CLKAR r-ITV PROPERTY FOR LAND. WII Mams & Mlltnn , McCagua bulldlns , room 31.1. Z-M893 Ol KOil SALE OR TRADE , SO ACRES OF school land In Howaid county , Nehranka. Prrfer good upright piano or currhiRfl and double haineia. II. M , Covert , Magnolia. 1 - X M91B 3 CHOICE RESIUENCH LOTS. SIK MINUTES from iiostoHlc1 and court house * to exchange for grocery utocfc. lMone r agency. Sheridan Wj-o. X M5IO t FOU' SALE REAL ESTATE. FARM LANDS. C.F.HARRISON , MS N.Y.LIFK. RE 9C FOR RALE. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAOH : CEL- lar. cittern , city water ; cor. 13lh and Knhlor J1KX.0 ) ; lonr time. Enquire 131S Fnrnam Samuel llurm. R E 773 ICO ACRES GOOD \ND FOR W . WIL- Hains and Mlttun , room 313 McCainia Mde. RE-I29-2 GARDEN LANDS. B mll from postonice , long time , easy termi Call at * 0 N. Y. Life , KE-711 ONE OK THE 11E8T HOMES IN KOUNTZ * Place < t019 Ulnney ) If sold before S pt lit will co for less than cost of house Terms ftboul half cash , balance easy. It , N. Wlthnel ( owner ) . [ 07 N. Y. Lite. It E344 NOTICE TO INVESTORS. WE HAVE I'tNE Income benrlnr property at sila at holt Its value. It Is on elegant pavtd street nnd motu llns Set this before you buy. It will pay you Williams It Uitlnn , room 511 McOiRue Imlld In * oBpoilie pott " * i ft. MVIV.I FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. 1ARC1AIN8. HOUSESV LOTS AND FARMS , nl or trnde. F. K. Darling , Umker lilock. - - - 11 nn * CHOICE OAItDKN' LAKDH. t , MILES PROM P stoine7 , In tracts frOm-W to 101 srrea. A bargain. Will tntu .somc trail * . N. 1) , Kcj-es , 617 1'axlon blotk " is nOR - " ' OR SALK-J.1.600 LOTTOn IIXM. I'teKant corner , iriod. m'lvw , tl.OW. B-nxim house nnd loluooi.tral , JJ.W ) . 5-room house , corner lot. l5.Sr > . 6-rooni house iind 1OU..SL2W. 4 ncrefi. HfiiK > n , near motor , $ I,4 < ) Q. 7moni nv > dni ( house , Iftttliitn st. . $1 , Jl.SiXI liit for J'f'O. 7-rxim hou s nnd lot , ' 10 per cent rental fruiwUy. M.toO. O. ! ' . llultn. 820 So.fttn'M. . It E 377-1 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS TiorniiT , SOLD. EX- cliiinrcd , rented nnd rvimlrnl. Typewriter nnd olfice 9U | > i < llen. Typewriting reined at SI per month. The UmnhA Typewriter exclmnKe , sue- ttssttrn to the typewriting department uf the Meg-eath Stationery Co. , S14 S. Uth , tel. 1J 1. SHE THE NEW DOUGHERTY TYI'EWIHTKR. The Omnli.1 T > pewrltor exchange , tel , 13G1 , No. 211 8 , 13lh t. 777 ' " " . ! TVI nWIUTKJiaOKFKREO TOR sale should make you suxidcloua ; funny they i\r mostly Smlth'H. ' Try one nnd you wilt uniU-rstund why ; full line of nupidlCM. Smith- Preiiler Co. , 17th ana rarnim ; telephone , l,2l. M 703 TYPHtt'R ITERS-OMA HAJTOPLB UO.V'T Btenl lyin-wrlterB , they liuy uf U3. Whv ? llc- cnuso tlio Uonsmoru Ciill inpli nnd Tout are the best machines ni.ide ; thev nil ) Hnt > rcwrltei' mn le. and dn n letter quntlty of work. Our sujiply ileparlrnent will be sine to pleaa > o , Send your ninrhlne * to us It yon iint them repaired. I'nltnl Typewriter nnd Supidlcs Co. , 1619 Karnam itn-et. Tote- phone , 138. , P30 BUSINESS NOTICES , OMAHA MEERSCHAUM IMI'i : rACTOIlY ; OLD pipes mnilP nc ' . 603 S. loth , 780 D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OK- Ilc < - to 2i S. 16th St. , llruttti block. 78i DAMAC1EU MIHROH3 ItESILVEllED , 719 N. U 731 STOVE itEi'Ains or' ALL KINI > S ; ALSO hotel rnnRe & Keneral assortment of range ? , r.ooka & licatera ; water iittnclimenti imt In & vC-r.ected at J Hughes , 507 S. 13 at & Jaelvson 308 BICYCLES. niCVCLES ItKl'AIItl'.D AND IlEMOnnLEil. Tires nnd sundries. . nrea opened , repaired. C. n. Hrllln. locksmith , 31t N. 16th 8t. . 90' ' ) 83 HICVCLES , NEW AND OLD , fM TO ) I2 . e < isy p.ivmentii ; we rent and repair. Om-ihn llloycle Co. . 32J N. ICth'Bt 778 mCYCLES ALL STYLES. ALL rnicna Send for our list of occoml rmtul nnd slio | > - wurn Mcyclcs. Itcnalrs nnd cyclr ( undtles of all klmU M. O .Damn , 402 N , ICth st. 77t ! IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BICYCLL' take It to Omaha Ulcycle Co. . :23 N. ICth st. 4CS--I LOST. LOST A SMALL 11LTJI5. ENAMEL LOCKET with poM K-fr.tno uttuehxlnxrnvcd "Sept 2i , 93. " Itcturn to 1304 Oeorgla. live. anI receive re ird. S7S-3 * LOST AT COIUtTLANlV PEACH. TUESDAY nlKlit , u child's iluik Ijlitb Jacket. Howard for return ti J. W. lledford's olllce , ICtli tind Fur- rum Btifc-t. / t M32J 3 LOST WHITU Tlt'LL T100 , AllOUT 11 niiMiths old , marked blaclr on both aides efface face , ears cropped , joiw istralRht up , other drooping. Suitable reward for return to 433 3. 21th street. , - -c MOMJ' LOST. 1SUMCII OF 'iujyJS : RETURN TO Percy li. Turd , lice Hide.will ' be ieward l. J Lost M960 3 BUILDING & LOAN" AaSOCIATION. THK OMAHA LOAN ANP > 'lUILlINl ) ASSO- clntlon pay a larger Interest than , any savings bank , Recedes Investments o ( U nr more per mo , G. M. Nnlllnger. Sec'y , 1701 Far- nam St. . Tiae building. , ' 724 YOU CAN MAKE MORR IS.TEUEST ON YOUR money liy iiayliiR us Jlqor more per month than In any savlnc * lunk.i Iu\estiKnte. Slu- tual Ixinn and -Hulldine nfsoctivUon , G. M. Nattlnger , sec.'y. 170 ( Farnam st. ! 2o ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage b.ittrrlca recharged ; and Ben- < -ral mnchliiHtK : Buptilor work Kimraiueed , Omaha Ulectilcal Work 017 nnd Gl ? B. IGth st , < 83 , ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONT IAC- tor ? for electric llKhr and motor iilnnta ami all Kinds oC electrical construction XV'esteni Elec- < trie Supply Co , , 41S and 420 S. ith at. 784 DNDEBTAKEIta ANXIEMBALHEBS H K. HL'RKET , Fl'NERAL DIRECTOR AND embjlmer , 1613 Chicago St. , telephone U9. 785 SWANSON & VALIEN , UNDERTAKERS AND cmbalmers , 1,01 CumliiB St. , telephone 10 . 788 ill O MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM- bilmer , 1417 Farnam st , , telephone 221 7a7 PLUMBEES. HIEE PLUMUING OF EVERY KIND , GAS Rtcam & hot nater lieutlnKl seuerage. 313SIS. 78S J. J. HANIOAN. PLUMniNG , STEAM AND hot water heutlne. 2703 Lc.ncnworlli Et. " 89 JOHN HOWE & CO . PLUMISING , STEAM AND hot nater heating , iron llxtures. Elobu.i , 421 S. 15 790 TJBESSTyiAXING- . MISS MASON'S SCHOOL FOR DRESSMAK- 1ne , establlslied 1S92 , la ready for the fall vork , A thotoush tailor system Is taught , taken fiom actual measurements and founded on a mathematical b.fsls. From two to three dresses lire made during the term of ten lessons. Each pupil being compelled to handle the garments durlns the dllTeivnt stages of proerfsalon. Room III S. 26tli ctieet. M-922 8 HAY ANB GBAIN. BUY YOUR HAY IIY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Sndei-,1515 Hurt St. , tel. 1107 - . 86S-S5 NF.I1RASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY , Kralti and mill stuff. We lire alwu > s on the market to buy or sell. 1492-4-0 Nicholas st. 791 OPTICIANS , O&CAHA OPTICAL CO. , LEADING OPTICIANS. J. F. Ponder , manager. Kyes tested free. 221 South ICth. . In Klnsler's drug store , 416311 THE ALOE & PENFOIiD CO , . SCIENTIFIC opticians , U'M ' Furnam nt. , opposite 1'axton hotel , Eyes examined free. 791 JOB PK1NTING. HEED JOIl PRINTING CO . FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th st , , IJee llulldlng. 7'J9 MAIL ORDER COMMERCIAL PRINTING ! A rpeclalty. Douglas Printing Co , 419 S. llith B | . , Klu-cly bldr. Tel. C44 for prompt service. too TJPHOLSTEBING- . UPHOL'RINO CADINETJM.VTTRESSVORK3. . W. II. Uell , R. A. Mcr.fii. | ) . 17 L vnw'th , UPHOLSTERING VERY'CjllSAP THIS MONTH M. 8. Walkln , 2111 Cuiifliui. , Tel. C02. HO. ! \VESTEHN CORNII'E WO11KS. GALVANIZED Iron cornices , 1722 S. Man's ' ave. 803 EAGLE CORNICE" " ivoHics , JOIIN EPE"- tveter , [ > rop. , 10S , 110 , IK.NJ , Uth. Kstnb. 18 1 . . ' * sru _ SC1SSOHS , LAWN MOM'.llS. RAZORS , ETC. , trround , Mclchoir Droa.uti Farnam street. IIAXORS , SHEARS , CLU/I'JjRS. LAWN MOWer - er . etc. A. L. Undelalil'Io ) ' , < i N. llth. 782 MTJSIO , ABT Q. F. GELI/ENHEClv RANJOIST AND Jviicl. mo California gtr et. 911 FOR HARGVIN3m I'A'NpS AND OltOANS ; eaty payments ; Instruments rented ; rents apply on purchase. A. llospe. Jr , 7M TENTS AND AWNINGS. WOLF BROS. & CO. , MANUFACTURERS Of awnings , tenls , flags , wagon , hay stuck covers , tarpaulins , balloons and parachute * . 703-703 S. 16th st. , telephone COI. Tentt for rent. 877 S17 DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE 8. NASON , DENTIST. SUITE 20C I'axton block , ICth and Farnim ! . , lei. 71t. 8)8 DR. I'AUL. DENTIST , gO RUHT ST. BliT" MATHEMATiOAL INSTRUMENTS ! ALVA J. GHOVKR , MATHEMATICAL AND surveying lastrumenla. entclneer * ' anil archl- tects' nuppUct ; tracing clolh , Mua process uapers , 319 S. IStli ; mall orders. 131 TAKEN" UP. TAKEN UP-OKAY I'ONT , OWNER TAtf JIAVH IT paying pxpcnves. MrD.nmM , S2.I and Grant -are. B74-8 * I1K8T FttRNAPE MADB. SOFT COAL SMOKE cwnsumlnit and linrd conl furnaces , KAKle Cor nice Wntks. 109-112 N" . HIM si S10 TAXIDEB.MISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FUIIS. SEND YOU CATA-f Ueornc E. Hroun , Jr & Co , 70) S. 16lh. WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON 11ROS. , WIIOLnSlLK DEALEim IN nil kinds of cual. Corre ! < t > ondciice eollclted. IQOH I'arnnm si. 812 _ STE NOG 11 1 PHElt T. 1\ J ! SITCL ! I'FK. GENERAL KTENOG- fapher. fU Ilee bulletin : ; ' Telephone B07. STABLE. ROARDINO STARI.ES. FINE LIVERY RKlfl cheap. Ed llaumley , 17th anJ St , Mary * nvo. HOTELS. AtrTNA HOl'HB ( Kt'UOPEAN ) N W. COR , Uth and Dodge. Room by day or week.143S 143-S ) * CABPENTEUS AND BUILDEBS. C. E , MORRILL , CARPENTER , OFFICE AND store fixtures a ty. Patching ami plastering , 1511 Capital me. , ti-l. 4)8. 79G DYE WOBKS SCHOEDSACK , TWIN CITY DYE WORKS , 15S1 Fnrnam street Dyelne of in cry descrip tion nnd dry denning. 737 PAWNDKOK13HS , VL.UIOWITZ 1J3ANS UONEV , 418 N. 10th s' . 722 HABNES3. GET MY PRICES BEFORE YOU I1UY A 1IAR- liffl.t. August Itcihne , * 11 S. ICth l. 2G3 BHOBTHAND AJSTDTY/PEWBITING , VANSANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for cliculm. 793 HOBSESHOEIWG. MRS. THOMAS MALONEY , 912 N. 10TII ST. 234 DANCING. Au. . ON MORANH FOR LESSONS. SOCIIfJ" ot MAKO dunces. 1510 llaraey. 3J2 J Purely YegetalJle , Prepared from the original formula pre served in tlio Archives oC tlie Holy Land , hav ing an autheut IB hi story dating buck 000 years. A POSITIVE CURE for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel troubles , especially CHRONIC CONSTIPATION , Price CO cents. Sold by nil druggists. The Franciscan Remedy Co. , 134 VAN QUEEN ST. , OHIOAQO , ILL. Bend for Circular and Illustrated Calendar. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve end Brain Treatment Ci sold under positive written fraarmitee. by author ized agents only , to cnro Weak Memory ; Loss ol Ilraluanrl Xorva Poworj Lest Manhood ; QuIntaiuM ; Night losses ; Ii\ll I > rcams : Last o ( Confldeuco ; Nurvounneps ; Lr.i ltc < le ; all Drata ; Lossol Tower ol the Qonorntlva Orca In Dllh r set , caused by iiTor-oxertlon ; Vouthlul Urrors , or EICCPBIT& UfO of Tobacco , Opium or Liquor , nlilch eoon lend to . lleor/ , Consumption , lumnltyandTlcatli. liy mall , 'laboi ; 6forU : wtlhwrlltcmirunrmiteo to cure or i Bf und money. WrST'S COI I a H H YIt UP. A curtain -uro for Co'iglis. Cold" , Asthmn. JJroncliltli" , Croup. iVhooplnH UOURII. Son. Thront. I'leasnnt totflke. Iniall tlze ilKconilrmftl ; olil.Wo. fKo , nowKo. : old _ , , rn. " - lvi"'T-aivl ] , , Qooamnn Drus Co. , Ouaba. PERMANENTLY CURED NO PAY UNTIL GUREO WE REFER YOU TO 8,000 PUIENTS , \VriteforBanHKeferoncea. EXAMINATION FBEE. Jo Operation. Ko Detention from Business , SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THrH 0 , FT iVULLER CO. , 30C-30S New Tork LUe CI'OB. , Omalia , Neb. BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Boo Building : , OMAHA , Nob. Atlvluo FREh RRlLWflY TIME GRRD Leaves I UHIUAQO & NOHTHWEST'NJArrtvea Omulia.U. | r. Un qt10tli & Manon Btal Omalio HOSnm : Ki9trn ; Uxpresa C:30 : m 1,00pm . . .Vrjtlbukd Limited OilCam 0:55am. : , . . , Mo. Valley l ocal 10:30jm : SMipin Omah.Chleaga Special. , . . . 3:15iiin : Leaven ICIIICA GO. HUrtLlNGTON' & Q.lArrlves Omahal Depot 30th mid tlqBon Stu. | Omaha Il5pm : . Chicago Veatlbule . 9SOim : 1:02pm : . Chicago and Iowa. Local . 8:00nm : lt35arn ! . 1'jcllic Junction Local . S.SSpro Leaves I I1U liLINOTON & MO. ItlVEH.JArrUes Ouahal Depot 10th nnd Mason Btg. | Omaha lOilSam . Denver U press . 93nm ; ] 3irani. : . . . , . Ucadwoad express. . . , . . . . 4inpm : liMipm . Uenrrr Kipresa . 4ilOpm 6 : 0pm. Nebratka Local tcicept Sunday } . 6SOpm ; 8 ! l5jm. . Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . .I Leavra I K. C. , fiT. J. & C. H. lArrlvca Omaha Iil ] DepotJl thnnd _ Mason St . I Omaha 0rnm : Kansas City Day lUpre-s , . . , > ; pm.K.C. _ _ Night Kx.yla.UlTrana. , . C'.Mam " " " " ' Leavei fCHICAGO"IC" ! , TPA'crricrrXiTlvcT OmahalU. I' . Depot. l lh & Slason Hta.f Omuli * EAHT. IQ'.r.nni . .Atlantic Rxpreaa ( ex. Sunday ) . , . 6OSpm ; G:23pm : . NlKht Kipress . 6tOnm : MUpm..ChlcaKO VnttlJUUd Limited. . . lJ5pm : ll:3 jiii.Olilahoma Exi. ( to C. D. ex , Sun ) El 35am _ "WEST. S:3Sam.Oklahoma : & Tcina 'Etp. 'ex. Sunll:5pm ) : l : pm . Colorada Llmlteil , . < i0pm ! Leavea I UNION * " I'AClt 1C. I ArrlveiT Omah.iUnlon | Depot. 10th & Munon Sta.f Omaha 10:001 : m . Kearney nxpreta. , . . , . 2Wpm J:15pm : . , Overland Plyo.r . B : pm SMSpm.lteatrtce A Slromsli'a Ex : ( ex 8uri.12 ) : pm C:40t : > m. . . . Pacific Kiprvsa . 6Qpm : . F.nt Mall . Leaves I CHICAGOTVlfL. A ST. OmahiiUnlon | Depot , loth & Manon Htu. | Omaha ( liSpm. . ChlcMcn Llmlteil. ' . , SlsCam llrlQ.iin. . . .Chicago lixprera ( ex. Hun. ) . tiOOpm Leave's" I P,7 R * MO VA"LLKY ; ( Arrlrea ' Ornahaj Pt | > ot 15th und\Veb _ * lor Hta. _ [ _ Oinaha 'BMam : , . , , . .Dead wood" Express . : ll > pm CC'nni ; . ( P.i. Bat. ) Vya , Kx. ( Kx. Man. ) . . CilOjim & ( > , , . Norfolk nxpresi ( Kr. Hun. lav ) , .10:4Sam . St. I'aul I enves I MISSOURI PACIFIC.Urrlres Ornahal DtP ° t 15th nnd Webttcr St . Omaha 'O0nnm. ; , , , SI , Louis Exprc tlOOam 0SOpm : .St. Louli Exprea * . . . . . . . . . . 6Hpni : ClO : | > m.Dally < . Sun. Nrbrasldi Local. . 9:10am : lxavtI I C , ST. I' . . M. & O , ( Arrives * Omaha ] Depot 15t li ' and _ \Veb t r _ Sti. I Omaha S:03am..Rlou Clty'Aecotn. < Ui. Sun. ) , . . lOSpm 10iWam..Sioux Clly Arcom. ( Bun , Only ) . , 8:00pm 12lEpm..Sloui : City Kiprcsa ( Ex. Sun. ) . .ll:5ram SiiOpm. . . St. Taul Limited aMOnm Leaves I "HBIOUX C1TV & PACIFIC JArrlvea OmahaUnion ) Dl * j 10tjjfi ! Man tit * I Omnhn .Slout City riiBaTnKerr..10'pm : ( . . . .St. Paul ixpre : 3 lQOOum Leavea I Slb UX cTTVlt rXcTFiC : ? : lArrlvra OmahaLDepot 10th and Welnter Kt . I Omaha S : lpm 1st. Paul Limited. , , . . . , , . , t : hiin tSOim. ! | . . . . . . . . .Chlcajra Llmlte-j 9MJ.ini LIRVPJ ! ' .VAIIASH RAILWAY lArrlvt * OmahaltJnton Depot. 10th & ilaton BH.I Om ' Il5pm. : . . , at. Louis Cannon IJall..lJj'.uu : "Cuckool CucTcool All Sins Cuckooi ! " la the tlllp of a new rctmhUcnn odttipalRn song published br KiullVulschtieT & Son , In- illannnolla , Intl. Hook NPWS lor AtiRtisl Is nccoinpiinlctl with an Intert portrait of the novelist , J. Stanley Werinnn , niul a sketch of hU ca reer , John \Vnnntnakcr. I'hllailelplila. An nnmsltig anachronism lately nppoaTCil In a econil-liand hooksdler's cittalOKtie "Aristotle on Iho V liierican Constitution , translatud by Kcnj-oii. " Kcnyon lately jnih- llshctl a tranel.itlnn of Arlstotle'a treatise on the Constitution of Athens. "The Hnchelor at the Jlldwny , " by Uou- tenant O orgc Kathborno , contains graphic pen iilcttires of the blznrrc plulanncoorlteil Into n roinanco lu which a Chicago wheat king la a Ir.idltiK chnrnotcr. Paper , 311 P.IRFS , C-0 cents. The JIascot I'ttbllshlnK Com- p.iny , Now York. "How Members of ConRroaa Are llrlbpil" la the title of nn open letter written l y Jo seph II. Moore .Tlilrtssed to congress. 11 piotost : aKalttst the practices of the loliliy ntul inintcs Irntn somp correspouilonro of Collla P. Iluntlnston tta ovIUcnco of the prevalence of such corruption. "Tho House' of the Wolf , " by J. Stanley \Veyirwn. Is another \crslon of n curious French nlemalr or frugtnetit of autobiogra phy apparently Vrlllcn about the year U20 ! , by Anne Vlcomto tlo Cayltia. The i > rlnclp.ii Interest In tli ? story lies In Its clmractors. Paper. 2EO PJKCS , BO cents. lUtntl , McNully S Co. , ClllCBKO. Cy AV'artnan , who wrote the well rcniom- bercd ' Klycr" article In McClurc's Mngaglne for Jnnuiiry , will have an article In I IIP Sep tember number describing the marvelous proflls Ihni have attended , and the yt-t inure manelnui proflls that promise to attend , IrrlKatlon In the > \est. The article will bo fully Illustrated. Here Is an aRreeabln story which Mark Twain Is quoted as telling about himself : H Rave him pleasure. lu > salil , to hoar that hH works orc almost the only thing which Mr. Darwin read during the last year of his life , till he hcanl that Mr. Uarwln suffereil front a kind of mental atrophy , and wnb [ orbitden ! to rcnil anything but absolute drlvol. The United Typothetnc convention souvenir number I'.itier nnd Tress will be Issued to subscribers the 1st of September. As a printing house test book of lllora- lure , sufigestlve art , demonstration and object lesson , hints and formulae , for reference. It will bo the most complete and valuable com pilation ever published for popular distribu tion. tion.The The reminiscence of nn old Virginia town Is convoyed In Lolla Mechlin's article en titled , i'Winchester An Hlstorlcnl Hovorlc , " nppearlnR In tlie August lllue and Gray , n. B. nonraO , M. D. , lalo licet burgeon , C. S. navj , contributes a paper "With nuchanan on the Tennessee , " nnd n poi trait of Ad miral lluchanan npprars as fiontlsplece. The Patriotic American Company , Phlludclphla. The K.ilainazoo AuRtistlnlan Is out with a hanclsonio Jubilee edition. Issued as a me morial of the silver jubilee of the dedication of the present St. Augustine's church , wlilch occurred July + , 18G ; > . Its space I * mainly devoted to historic rcmlnlBCcnces relating to the founding and maintenance of tills church and n presentation of Its present status. It Is lib.rally Illustrated , and Is a most ex cellent memorial. "The Maiden's Progress , " by Viola Hunt , Is a new departure In ttctlon , presenting a novel wholly composed ot dialogue. .The conversation Is realistic and enjoyable. Th ; Ktory shows the dangers an innocent and uncumentlanal girl of the "smart" set may encounter In rejecting the safeguards that society has devised. Cloth , S vo. ornamental , $1.00. Harper & Bros. , Now York. Sold by Slegeatli Stationery Company. "The- Chain of Destiny. " by Edith Honln- son , Is a splendid piece of fiction , opening the August number of Outing. Other nota ble features are : "The Ascent of Mount Hood , " by Earl Morse Wilbur : "Tho Land of ths Uread-fnilt , " by r. M. Turner , "Pln- talled Grouse Shooting , " by James S. Crane , nnd "The New York Yacht Club , " by Cap tain A. J. Kennedy. The Outing Company , Ltd. , 239-211 Fifth avenue , New York. Headers of "The T\vo Salomes" will wel come Its senuel now out under the title "Out of Step , " by Marlon Louise Pcole. The story Is deeply Interesting and strikes a deep chord of dmotlon H presents With lights and shades a curious psychologic study , "In which the conflict between heredity and environment Is beautifully Illustrated. Cloth , S vo. , $1.25. Harper & Llros. , New York. Sold by Mfgeath Statlcnery Com pany , Omalis. In a recent magazine article Mark Twain told of the discovery ot his "Jumping Frog" story In a Qrwlc text book , the Inference being that the story had a classical prototype. Hut the resemblance was so striking , says the Literary World , that it proved tco much , and now Prof. Sedgwick , who prepared the text book In question , states that he. teok the Story straight from Its American source , merely to use It as nn exercise for transla tion Into Greek. PaludantiB , , In his "Thesaurus Nevus , " ac cording to Mr. Daring-Gould , states positively that Alexander the Great undertook his east ern expedition In order to flnd the earthly paradise He got near It perhaps to 41 de crees east of Greenwich but never Into It , and one- day in a remote valley his soldiers found an old man who said , "Go and tell your king lie will never find Eden. The way to It Is a way of humility , a way of which ho knows nothing. " Among many Interesting topics relating to the vegetable kingdom discussed In the August Meehan's Monthly It develops thai the root which recently , killed five boys at Tarrytown , N. Y. , In one hour after eating' waa the common elderberry root. A portrait trait and sketch ot the life of Miss Wilkin son , nn English landscape gardener and architect ot some reputation , Is one ot the features ot th& month , Thomas Median & . Sons , Germantown , Philadelphia. Tlio August number of Paving and Munl- .clpal Engineering contains an Instructive "paper from Mr. J. M. Helskcll , C. E. , In. which the Important relation the width ot wheel tires bears to the paving problem Is shown. The magazine contains much ad ditional Information relating to brick street pavements , a new plan of assessing the cost of sewer construction and further discus sion of the comparative merits of as phalts. Tha Municipal Engineering Com pany , Indianapolis. It Is Intended to celebrate on April 2C. 1895 , the third century of the death of Torquato Tasso. A new life of the poet Is being written for-tho occasion by Prof. Angelo Solcrtl , and Is to bo published early next year by Messrs. Loeschor & Co. ot Home and Turin. This book will embody the valuable matter contained In Bema COO documents , hitherto unpublished , and will be illustrated with photogravures of all the port rails of which copies can bo obtained , besides other Interesting memorials. An Ideal picture of Eden entitled "The Sixth Day of Creation" appears as frontis piece to the August Homo nnd Country. Frederick It. Costo describes "Some Well Known Now York Divines , " D. M , Morrell touches the theme "Women as Wage Earn ers , " and an Interesting and well Illustrated paper entitled "In the Court Kitchen of Germany , " l > y Hcber J , Hatfleld , gives the reader nn Idea of a royal kitchen. Short stories , sketches and. poems are presented In most enlortalnlng variety. Joseph W. Kay , C3 East Tenth street , New Yorlt. The publishers of tha Century havn had Corsica thoroughly searched for material ro tating to Napoleon , lo be used In connection with the new life ot the great commander. The result of this activity Is that mucti has been discovered that has norer before been published. One Interesting find la H picture of Napoleon's mother , which , although It has always hung In tlie homo lu which the emperor was born , at AJacclo , , will jiow for the first lima be engraved. There has- also been secured a portrait uf Mile. Caroline du Colomblcr , generally reputed to be Napoleon's flrat love. Whoever takes an Interest In tha study of free Institution * will flnd a rich Held In Robert Henry Viewers' "History ol Bo hemia , " telling the Htory of an energetic race , strongly Individualistic and full of that liberty-loving instinct that gives rise to the birth of heroes. To afford & true conception of Bohemian Itlstory tlio work portrays the geographical features of the country and the character of Jts early occupants , ana the methods of administrating government prior to its formation Into a kingdom ; All the customs , manners and local peculiarities are reviewed In detail. In following the career of the little kingdom ha traces tbu Influence of ( he democratic spirit In the evolution of tha Iiohenilan constitution , It Is the demo cratic spirit and dislike to a firm ruli that has prevented the Dohemlani from establish- IDE a powerful and Independent stats lu middle Kiiropt. Tlio contest Inter vllh Catholic Europe At the tlmo uf the Hussite tnoietncnl for religious liberty shows the In tense visor nnd spirit In which this p'oido drugged ugnlnst enormous odds. Tha record ol barbarous cruelties nnd mcrclle a Persecutions Inflicted by the fnnntlc victors will cause the sheddlnfe of lear * for centuries to come as often as the story Is read. The nation survived Ha enemies , but to this day li.ta not acquiesced In Us thirst for the lib erty of trim Independence. Published by Charles It. Sergei , Co. , Chlcnfio. A fine portrait of the Into I.otils Kcmuth , engraved by Gll.irdl , occupies the place of honor ns frontispiece In the August edition of Tlio Art Amateur. Another striking- Ittll-pngo picture In this number Is n copy ot "Toilers of Iho S.MI. " from the painting ot Lionel \VaIden. "Tlio Open Sea" Is nn nd- mlrablo sketch by ( J. DclleiiRer. "Notes from nn Ocean Studio" U a line study ot the moMmicnts of vnvo nnd surf and Is nc-1 eoii'pjtilod vrlth n series of Instructive pen drawings. Montnfiiio Marks , 23 Union Squire , New York , "The queen of Kcuador , " by K , M , Man- ley , divides the scorns between the mibtirbi ot New York and tropical Kcuador. Tlio book conveys no practical moral , but the plot nnd the manner In tUilch It unfolds forms nn excellent story , clear , well told , of nbsorblnc Interest nnd creditable from many points of view. .It is a startling talc , but Is told In so quiet a manner as to avoid the' kn proas tenet ot strain. There Is some pleasant love-tnnk- IntC , light satlru and a tew dramatic sltru- tlons. Its general tltslRii. print , .Illustra tions and finish are agreeably attractive. Paper. 3.S1 pages , 60 cents. The H. W. Hago- man Publishing Company , 111 Klfth Avcnuo , Now York. Thp Cosmopolitan for August Illuminates French history with tlirtw Important articles from this Interesting Held The first Is "Mario Antoinette In Petit Tralnon , " giving a picture of the brilliant gaycty of her pri vate life nnd Us terribly tragic end. Tha second Is from the pen ot Murat Halstead. entitled "OutllankliiR Two Hmperors , " nnd laUos the reader amid scenes In thi > Krnnco- Prussian war. The third , "The Kngllsh Na poleon , " by J. Howe Attains , Is accompa nied by a vsry Interesting and nmtislns series of. caricatures ot the Corslcan hero , copied from the lirittsu literature of the limes. It shows clearly the terror nnd fear Iho French emperor Inspired among his Kngllsh contenipor.irles. whoso views are most ludicrous as seen In the light of our day. The Cosmopolitan , Now York. The third number of Ynnkce Doodle Is fully in keeping with the g'nlus of Its title. It combines originality and art with the KO-ahead spirit and snap so oliaractorlstio nf America. It tells the story of the Great F.ilr with the living eloquence of true art , free from the monotony of that close adher ence to custom that copying that In art Is virtual Idolatry. Two handsome full page colored portraits , In themselves works of nrt , accompany the number one entitled "Arcadia , " Is a preparatory study by Alex ander Harrison for his painting , "En Arca dia , " and the other , "Tho Orphan Olds of Amsterdam Singing Psalm 110 , Ix , " from the painting by Miss Thoreso Schwurtzo. Tlie treatment is made to run along Iho line of special phases , this number containing "Ilio Manufactory of Serves , " by Edward. Garner , "Navy i\hiblt , " a continuation from the previous numbers , "The Orphan Girls o Amsterdam , " by Mile. Thcrese Schwartzo , a talk on the superiority of Dutch paintings , "The Architecture of the Exposition , " an other continuation from a former number , and "Along the Midway. " by William Wal ton , Illustrated by Charles II. Johnson. It Is needless to say morn than that the whole Is a fiom In art production. Ibsued monthly at $ U > .00 per year. Ueorge llarrle , Phila delphia. Two articles In a symposium on the great railway strike appearing In the August North American Review will attract much attention among thoughtful people. One by Harry P Robinson , editor of the Hallway Age , taken an extreme view of the situation ns a menacb still confronting our government and amounts tacitly to a confession that legislative an archy must sooner or later conlront Its prod uct and counterpart In the anarchy of the streets. The other article , by Samuel Gom- pers , takes , n broad and rational view of the situation. The writer pertinently says : "As a matter of fact , the organizations of labor are endeavoring to secure that protection and Ktiaranty to Ine warklngmen 'which tlie state has failed to take cognizance of. Without organization , the workmen would sjmply bo reduced to a worse condition than slaves In ante.-bcllum days. " Ho calls attention to the declaration ot Judge Grosscup In an oration delivered on Decoration day that "tho growth of labor organizations must be checked , by law , " and In a measure treats the strike as an outburst provoked by the attitude of courts lii endeavoring to crush labor by de cisions nnd law hostile to this only weapon of emancipation left in the hands ot the workingman. Senator 'Vytlllam V. Allen \\rllea on "How to Purify Legislation , " en tering a vigorous protest against speculation In bonda , stocks , etc , on the part of senators and legislators , upon wham its inllucnco Is paramount with bribery North American Review , New York. "Told In Whispers , " Is a story that really shrieks to catch the. car of the multitude. It begins with a roaring mountain nnd ends with n mouse , It Is an echo of the nolso In the labor world the drum and the tom tom marshalling the'hosts , the confusion of riots and bloodshed , and the terrorism of an archists the energies ot battle let loose without a line of march or plan of campaign. It deprecates all solutions other than the employment of Idle people through an en list men' for five years to work on a reser vation , to bo set aside for them. The au thor , Mr , Leigh H , Irvine , will be remem bered by many Omaha people as a member of the Omaha Herald staff back In ' 79. The plot deals with' tlio ntparutlon of two lovers who reside In a , small Missouri town. The young swain mysteriously disappears , \vhllo tlio pining maid loses her only surviving parent , whoso entire earthly wealth Is de voured by the panic. The young girl , with poverty as her sole companion , now drifts to New York , where she becomes Impressed by the terrible environment In the poor dis trict , and meeting u fellow townsman , who Is a violent anarchist , she Is led to attach herself to a woman's branch of their organi zation. In the end her former loyor turns up , nnd a happy union of hands seals the union of their hearts. The principal value of tlio book lies in Its lesson on the danger from anarchy. Paper , 223 pages , CO cents. The Crown Publishing Company , 10 Astor Place , Now York. For sale by Mcgeath Stationery Company , Omaha. LITERARY NOTES. It Is reported thatWIlllain Waldorf Astor has contracted to pay Robert Louis Stevenson $15,000or his next novel. Macmlllan & Co. announce that K , J. Sim- cox , the author of "Primitive Civilizations. " la a woman , the Initial K. standing for Edith , A new serial from the pen of Hva Wilder McGlasson Is running In Harper's Weekly. It Is Illustrated by Carleton and It U to bo { completed In two Issues. Paul Sabatler. tlie author of the "Life ot St. Francis of Anstal , " recently crowned by the French Academy , Is a priest ot a little country pariah In Krancc. An authorized life of Mr. Edison Is an nounced for publication by an English linn. The work was written with the approval of the great inventor himself. Mr , Edward Stanton Macley , author ol "History of the Navy , " la the son of a well known missionary In China and Japan , now president ot tlio Macloy Theological Seminary at Los Angeles , Cal. The Magazine of American History which lias languished since tlio death of Us founder and editor , Mra. Lamb , wilt be revived by the Patriotic Publishing company. General 0. O. Howard , TJ. S. A. , Is the new editor-In ch Icf , English journalists arc badly muddled on American affairs. Aa a recent oxnmpla Vanity Fair remarks : "Five years ago Hud- yard Kipling Icfl India to BOO China , Japan , nnd America , after wlilch ho came to Lon don and got married. He has now made his home In Vermont , ot Central America , and when he has passed BQVOII years In the study of the people among whom he dwells wa may expect to liavu a great work on that country , which has In It the rnaklnc ot sev eral empires. " When Baby was sick , tro cavoher CutorU. When sbo was a Child , Bho cried for Castor ) * , When she became JItis , the clung to Castori * . Whea eho had Children , ulio R&rothem distort * .