THR OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUM DAT , SEPTEMBER 2 , 1891. f ST. JOSEPH'S FAIR AND RACES SEPTEMBER roth to Kth , . , * / E The Diav , For Thirteen Purses nnd as usual the St. Joseph Fair will have by far the Best Races to be Seen in the West : display in the Agricultural and Me Trotting and pacing races will be disposed of by Friday night , and Saturday is set aside a chanical department will be first class : f f' a gala day for running and bicycle races. and the list of general attractions is the best / LIJBRRA.L PURSEie OFFEXREID- ever secured for the St. Joseph Fair , The 4th BURN uzz Regiment N. G. M. , will be encamped at the ist Mounted .Division of the K. P. , Society will fair ground Fair Week , and a grand military ' Give a Grand Parade and Exhibition review , competitive drills'and a sham battle at night , are among the attractions. m il ! . rid I it REDUCED RATRS ON AL.RAILROADS. ] . ST JOSEPH , MISSOURI. The Pncumatio Dynamite Gun and Its Yaat Possibilities. REVIEW OF THE SANDY HOOK TESTS Ukcly to llecoiue nn i : ientlal Pnrc of Our Gouit Uefeniet.-Melh.oa of Applylug tlio Comproucil Air CompujI- tlon of the 1'rojcctllcu. The great cuns that throw Into the air in acre of the Atlantlo ocean last -week , lays the Now York Sun. are perhaps helpIng - Ing another cause than that of war. and nolng their Involuntary share in moving the world along toward that stale of friendly aulet In which the Peace congresses believe. wo should dwell. The knowledge of the bower for dreadful destructlvenesa that each bow Improvement gives causes even kings to hesitate while the name of war grows more hateful to the people. Improvements In explosives and in small and big arms have done this much for the peace of the world , and now a quarter of a ton of dyna mite thrown a mlle and a half out to sea. end placed with an accuracy that has va ried only slightly throughout the tests , has como to aid In the work of abolishing war. There comes out of thesp tests the con clusion for New Yorkers that n hostile ship la not Jlkely to enter the harbor. If the fjuns at Sandy Hook were not equal to keep ing out a foreign vessel then n battery of the guns stationed on Coney Island and Hockawny could odd strength that should prove Invincible , The owners and promoters of I ho new guns maintain that one of the projectiles Is capable of destroying three hien-cf-war. Seven years ago n experi ment In the lower bay gave a measured In dication of the destructtvcness of one of these projectiles when It was discharged at B vessel. An old wooden schooner which had been used in the coast survey was an chored about 1,804 yards from Fort Lafay ette. An right-Inch pneumatic gun was mounted and loaded with n projectile con taining fifty-five pounds of nitre-gelatine , tthlch Is somewhat more than one-tenth of the strength of the projectiles used In the tests las week. The gun. moreover , had not been brought to Its present state of completion , altaough these experiments at tracted public attention to the use ol dyna mite. Th $ schooner was ninety feet Ions and was anchored bows on. The first shot from the gun at Fort Lafayette fell short , and the second exploded about ten yards from the vessel , broke off the malnmait nd blew up a part of the deck. The third hrejectlle exploded under the Ech-oner and lifted her out of the water. She seemed | p rise- slowly Into the air and then broke In | wo parts directly amidships. Two moro projectiles completed her demolition and left bnly a rnas of floating wreckage. This Jras the result of ttoe experiment ? ma-J when the gut ) was Incomplete and the explosive In the projectile only & small proportion of thq amount used now. But It Indicated jomelhltiK of what might be expected when ine of these projectiles and a vessel should tame Into close quarters. AS COAST DEFENDERS. The news comes from Washington that | ho results obtained by tbcse latest test , and , more especially , the great accuracy wltji which projectiles have been placed , have at tracted , the admiration of the ordnance ex perts In both cervices , They believe the suc- CCM ot tbo gun will lead lo Its adoption for purposci ot coast defence , and for the protection of thpso coastwise cities lor which the Fortification Hoard baa recommended a general policy ot defense against attacks from foreign fleets. The , army ordnance offi cers believe that these tvits have proved beyond Uoubt that the dynamite gun will be a most significant factor In the harbor defense of our cities , and that , however strong fortifi cations may be they will not prove completely adequate without ono of these guns. There was lor several years In Washing ton a prejudice against the naval experts , and the failure of the gun on the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius towork satisfac torily In the exhaustive tests which have been given since the cruiser hfisJ been com pleted , has Increased the lack ot Confidence in them. The army has always contended that one of these guns , scientifically manipulated , was capable of greater destructive power than three of the heaviest pieces of ordnance manufactured for coast defense. General Flnglor. chief of ordnance of the army , has maintained that while thcro was great devel opment yet to be secured In perfecting the dynamite gun , sufficient progress had already been made to guarantee its adoption -with other ordnance In the protection of great cities. Captain. Sampson , chief of the ordnance - nanco bureau of the nay , has always been in some doubt as to the expediency of adopt ing the gun for UBS in the navy , but be be lieves that the disadvantages which have been encountered , mounting one of the guns on a war ship , can bo readily removed with a stationary platform on shore , and that all the difficulties which prevent its effective use can easily be reduced to a minimum. The recent results obtained at Sandy Hook ore regarded by ordnance officers here as in- SIDD VICW OF'TUB BIQ PNEUMATIC GUN. dlcatlng that the- use of dynamite In modern warfare has become practically indispensable to the proper protection of harbors , and they now admit that whatever doubt was formerly held as to the impossibility ot securing range and accuracy has been removed by the appar ent facility with which the projectiles were discharged by the fifteen-Inch gun last week , The present congress authorized the secre tary ot the navy to convert the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius Into a torpedo cruiser in the discretion ot the department. The Sandy Hook test , however , will probably lead to' the postponement of any such action until the guns on the vessel have been tried again , EARLY EXPERIMENTS. The navy was the firul to take up the question cf using dynamlto expelled from tubes by compressed air for the destruction ot a ship. Early in 18SG the department ordered the construction of a veisel which was to be fitted with three dynamlto tubes mounted forward stationary and aimed by the ship's rudder. The vessel was to have great speed , and It was believed she would "revolutionize warfare , " A favorable re port on the system had been made by the pneutnatio gun board , ind the vessel was build by the Cramps at a cost of nearly 100,000. The first trial with the guns occurred In 1889. Three shoti wer fired for range and fifteen for endurance. The report of th board Bays that no attempt was made to secure accuracy of practice , the trial being simply to meet the contract requirements RS to the rapidity ot fire and the capacity ot the system to maintain \hat rapidity for a given time. After consider ing the report the depXrtroent ordered second trlaj , the projectile ted \ used be ing a fiiu-callber containing a 201-pound charge ot gun , cotton And filled with me chanical fucca. The result showed that a shell containing 200 pounds ot gun cottcn or other high explosive could be thrown at least one mile by each ot the dynamite guus constituting the YetBel'a armament. After considering maturely all the tests on the Vesuvius the chief ct ordnance reported on the value of dynamite on war ships as j follows : "Each time the conclusion has been more or less favorable. Each report , however , has stated that the accuracy at the guns leaves much to be desired. It is manifest that the accuracy of a gun Is its most im portant quality , and without a satisfactory degree ot accuracy all other advantages are of minor Importance. The difficulty in the pneumatic guns appears to center ( n fho main valve which admits the air to the gun. At ill ranges except the maximum the suc cessful working of the gun demands that this valve should open and close In an ex ceedingly short time , probably a small frac tion of ta second. Thu difficulties en countered In accomplishing this have not been overcome. The department has already expended J30.000 upon experiments with these guns without any decided Improvement. Without entering" further at this time into the merits of the system the bureau recommends that further ex periments be deferred until after the In stallation at Sandy Hook of the flftecn-lnch guns now In course of construction for the War department. In these guns the com pany promise to overcome the difficulties which exist in those of the Vesuvius. " EFFECTIVENESS OF .DYNAMITE. Next to the interest that attaches to the establishment of the effectiveness of dyna mlto as an ammunition , probably as in teresting a lesson of the recent tests Is to be drawn from the use cf compressed air In the guns. The officers say that for many reasons It would be Impossible to use pow der. Perhaps the most Important is that It would detonate so sensitive an explosive as dynamite. The 30,000 pounds pressure to the superficial Inch , which Is about the overaga force of powder , would cause the projectile to explode before it left the gun , Another necessity which renders the use ot powder Impossible is the Importance of keeping the gun cool. Powder would heat It to such an extent that the dynamite would explode. As It Is. the pneumatic gun is made cooler by every Inlroductlon of com pressed air. If powder were used the shell of the projectile would have to be very much heavier that it Is now. and there would be less space for the explosive. The largest projectile , now weighs 1,120 pounds , and about 45 per cent of this weight Is in the explosive , which la these large projectiles weighs COD pounds. The projectile must , moreover , bo expcllftl nt a uniform rate. The first shock ot the explosion of powder , diminishing until its force ceases , would causa the projectile to explode , while an explosion Is prevented by the unvarying pressure ot compressed air. which maintains the same rate about 1,000 to the Inch throughout the gun. An other reason given by the company for the USB of compressed air Is that the forca ot powder it likely lo be variable. It Is cot always uniform , and for that reason greater accuracy la obtained by ilia ue of com- pr&ted air , wiiKh. they say they can bo cer tain will always produ.ce &n exact result. In addition to these advantages , as * the com pany regards thiin , there Is. ot course , no dirt or smoke or necessity for scrubbing out the gun after It has been used. The'Idea of using compressed Kir as a substitute for powder la said to have origi nated with a Toledo mechanic named Met- fort , who had made a study ot explosives , The pneumatic gun ot today Is laid to hive i developed Iron ; an. Idea guese > t 4. to Meflorl by arrangement of a pieca of pas pipe and a roughly made dynamite torpedo , He suc ceeded in throning his projectile by means of an improvised mortar , but could not make It explode more than 01103 or twice in a half dozen efforts. This was due to the fact that his fuses were not adequate. Since that time Meffort's idea has been Improved upon from time to time until the present jgun \vas devised , and .members . of the company say that the latest tests have suggested possible improvements In the details ot the gun. gun.Tho The gun and carriage weigh in the nggre- gat ; fifty-two tons , but the gun can btf moved by the turn of a wheel or turned in any direction. A telescope htands by the gun , and through this the gunner places his. aim , The gun Is moved by electricity. The compressed air Is conveyed from the engine rooms by means of pipes to wrought Iron and steel reservoirs , which are In chambers under the gun platform. From these reser voirs the air Is conducted by means of large plpss up through the carriage to the trun nions , and from the trunnions through a large casing surrounding the barrel to the breach. Rotary Joints are provided in this pipe at the pintle and at the trunnions , which allow the gun to bo moved with free dom without breaking ths contlnuallty of the pipes and Allowing any escape of air. A largo valve near the breech controls the ad mission of air Into the barrel. The opening and closing ot this valve Is automatic and completaly under tha control of the gunner. THE PNEUMATIC SYSTEM. A feature of the pneumatic system Is the ability of the nunner to change the range without changing the elevation of the gun by controlling the amount of compressed air that escapes at each discharge. When the discharging lever is pulled the large valve at the breach opens and remains opin a suffi cient time to allow a certain quantity of air to escape Into the barrel ; then 'the valve closes , before the projsctilo leaves the muz zle , cutting off the escape of the air and retaining In the reservoir all that was not needed In propelling the prnjectllc. The length of time the valve remains open Is under control of the gunner , and by regulat ing the amount of air that enters the barrel he regulates the energy Imparted to the pro jectile , und so can change his range without changing the elevation of ths gun. The system of keeping the reservoir always stocked with compressed air Is a simple one. At each discharge of the gun the air pressure In the reservoir fills according to the adjustment of the valve. If the stand ard pressure In the reservoir is 1,000 pounds to the square inch , one shot may reduce this pressure to 900 or S50 pounds , or any pres sure , not usually less than 00 pounds. Dy drawing from a storage reservoir beside the engine rooms , which contains air at a pressure of more than 1,000 pounds to the square Inch , the pressure In the gun reser voir may bo speedily restored. This Is , In brief , the compressed air system which the company uses. The system of loading the gun has been arranged so that there Is no danger from tlie rapid handling of tha projectiles. The projectiles are brought from the magazines In trays , which are run onto a loading car riage. This carriage runs on a circular track around the gun and brings the pro jectile Into position for loading. A wind lass Is used for forcing the projectile Into the bore of the gun. It requires four men to load the gun with a sub-caliber projectile , while the full caliber' projectiles , which which weigh OB much as 1,120 pounds , re quire six men. The company's managers say they have never had an accident. Captain Rapteff , the designer of the gun tested last week , says that the projectiles can be easily thrown upon the deck of a TUB FULL CALIBRE PROJECTILE. vessel. There are two kinds ot projectiles used In the gun one- , termed a full caliber , fits the bore closely ; the other , a sub-call- ter. Is considerably smaller than the bor $ and Is made lo fit tnpgly at the ends by a system of circular blocks , which are loosfc and which fall into the water a few hunr dred yards from t q eun after the discharge All ol the projebttloa have oglval heads and long bodied. JTho gun being a smooth bore , rotation Is stiren to the torpedoes at they inovo through the air by means ol spiral vanes , something on the plan of a ship's propeller , tVhlCb are attached to the rear. The full tallbtr projectile- eleven feet In length auUl U s a capacity ( or COO pounds of high explosive. The point is rnado of bronze and the bcdy of steel three- sixteenths of an inch in thickness. The ex plosive charge Is divided Into two parts by a diaphragm across the Interior of the pro jectile , about at Its middle , the object belnp to distribute equally the strati caused by the setting back of the charge at the Instant ot the discharge , thus causing less shock to the explosive. The fuse which causes the explosion is situated In the point cf the projectile , where it is Inserted just before the loading. The range of this projectile is 2,600 yards. THE PROJECTILES , Two sizes of sub-caliber projectiles are used : One ten inches In diameter , which carries n-charge of 200 pounds of high ex plosive and has n range of more than 4,000 yards , and the other eight Inches In diame ter , carrying 100 pounds of dynamite find having a range ot 6,200 yards. The fuse used In this projectile Is somewhat more than twelve inches long and three and one- halt Inches In diameter , and weighs twenty pounds , To the end ol It Is attached a brass case containing a priming charge ol two and cue-half pounds of dry gun cot ton. About thirty-seven grains ot fulminate cf mercury are used to explode the gun cot ton. All of the mcro important parts of the fuses are In duplicate. In order to secure cer tainty of action. The hammers are locked until the projectiles are well out of the muz zle ot the gun , when they are automatically unlocked. The fuses may be set to explode the In stant the projectile strikes the water , or two or three seconds later. The projectile flies through the air always in view until It striker the water. Tons of water burst Into the air anil then settle down Into great fctretches of white foam. The force of the shots Is felt at Sandy Hook , and one on Friday was distinctly noticeable on Atlantic Highlands , 'tour miles from the spot where , the projectile exploded. Tha board of ordnance officers will report on the results ol the test , and until that time It Is not likely that army or navy officers will give their opinions. It Is pre sumed that It will be accepted by the govern ment , as the conditions have been mo-re than compiled with , On Friday , for In- .stance , trig five shells fired fell in a straight line within n space of thirty-nine ami one- half yards long at a distance of 2,000 yards from the gun. The government would have been satisfied if 74 per cent of tlio shells had fallen In a space three limes as long. The accuracy of the projectiles eoem to be stabllshed , as well at ) the certainty of explosion at a given time. The entire plant , as it will be turned over to the government by the Pneumatic Torpedo and Construction company , includes the three guns with their carriages and all of the electrical appliances , the engines and machinery which compresses and stores the air that forms the motive power , the dyna mlto magazine and all of the storage reser voirs , outhouses , projectile carriages and gun attachments. The total cost to thp gov ernment for the plant will be (162,000 ( , and It will represent almost the first large amount of money the company has received since they began to perfect the gun some twelve years ago. ago.Kntl Kntl of n Frud. For repeating to General Cutler , then in command of the Army of the James , a dispar aging remark made , by a subordinate con cerning the general's military efficiency , an officer in a Pennsylvania regiment , says ; the Philadelphia Record , was promised a sound thrashing by the officer whom lie had reported , and who. In consequence , had suffered a bad quarter of an hour In the general's society , The Crashing was to be bestowed after the rtar was over , at their very first meeting , no matter under what circumstances it might occur. The two officers became prominent civilians In adjoining states. For many years one ot them went around armed with a revolver , the other with a blsnk ball bond. Though often In this city ( whore one ot them resided ) at the tame time , they never met until recently , and then they encountered each other face to face In the surf at Atlantic City. Each had grown so stout as to weigh over 250 pounds , yet they Instantly recog nized each other. Something ludicrous In the thought ol such vast spheres ol flesh engaged in a rough-and-tumble fight may have entered their minds ojt the same mo ment , for they called each other by name , smiled and shook hands. The feud was thus terminated. 7//.S Tom JIasson In New York Sun , "I'm ' golnp liack to town , " he said. Spake the muldon , "Say no more. " While the waves from the sea curled rest lessly Over the whitened shore. v "you're , cruel nnd heartless and all things else , * You're' a mean old horrid tiling ! For j > 6ti jsnUl you'd stay till I went a.way , There ! 'I'll give you back your ring. " "I'm goins back to town. " "Cnoughl" She spiike with a look of scoin. "I'll make you Buffer you poor old duffer , Ami sorry that > -ou were born. > "You nre going back to town , then go , There nre other men ns sweet ! " And she quickly rose from her former pose , And moved nwny ten feet. "I'm going back to town , " lie said ; "Nny , dearest , hear me speak. And don't bu rush to get the cash To carry me through next week. " PUN CH WITH CARE. Various ll.-nioiis Why the Conductor Slioulil Obey TlilH Injunction. Tha ticket punching system Is the- ma sonry of railroading. It almost ranks as an occult science. The ticket auditing depart ment is the custcdlan ot these mysterious symbols the punch marks , which are as Important in the disposition of tickets as are slgnnatures in the acceptance ol bank checks. In any case of dispute between passenger and conductor , or conductor nnd company , the punch marks arc final and In controvertible evidence , except where an original punch mark has been punched out by a larger punch In criminal hands , which seldom happens. Every passenger conductor In America , says the St. Paul I'loneer Press , has n punch of his own , though not of his own se lection , and when he applies It to a passen ger's ticket ho has committed himself to It as irrevocably as though ho affixed his sig nature oh the back cf the contract. Every conductor must- punch every ticket on his train , or hold himself liable for personal payment ot the fare for hla division or part thereof over which the unpunched portion reads. In nothing arc railroad companies more strict than In the use of 'ticket punches , the conductor's Insignia of office and the company's material guarantee of square dealIng - Ing by all Interested. The punch mark la the passenger's protec tion. Dy It or Its absence any mUtakc or oversight on the conductor's part involving subsequent confusion or loss to the passen ger can easily bo traced , proved and rectified. For Illustration , a passenger recently pur chased a round-trip ticket from Portland to San Francisco. On the going trip a con ductor , by mistake , tore off the section read ing "to San Francisco. " The next conductor , having no evidence of the passenger's right to travel over his division , demanded cash faro , wlilch was paid anil receipted. On ar riving at San Francisco the passenger called upon the general passenger agent , and , show- nig his return portion of the ticket and re ceipt for part cash payment on going trip , asked that his loss be made good , The gen eral passenger agent hesitated a moment. "Look here , " said ( he passenger , "I know something aboutl rallroid tickets myself , even if I'm not a deadhead. You look up the going portion of my ticket , and if you don't find punch mark 'V on It I'll ' give you ? 50 casb and go home. " The ticket was looked up and the Identical punch mark discovered , whereupon the pas senger department refunded the cash pay ment made on the- train , , The first mark punched In the ticket Is the letter "L , " meaning originally "limit , " by the city ticket agent or local agent who Issues It. This letter Is used by all agents who Kcll tickets In this country , and desig nates the class and limit of the ticket. The Etar punch Is used about as freely as the "L , " and has about the same significance , It is generally applied to ironclad , or non- stop-oier. one-way tickets , and also de scriptive , tickets. It U even used on coupon tickets , known to auditors as "ex cursion"tickets. . which read over come foreign line , and book tickets , which read to a far point on home line , to designate class and limit. Like the "L , " It ik used on the body ot contracts. In the auditor' * cfflce It U used for cancellation. Ordinary card tickets ' Wlilcli' , " us mi , trnsportation one way between never punched by the S * t. BwMw the "L" nnd star all offices have the mark "H " wh ch Is to " W"'Cl1 ' " "vents a isscng 150 pounds of bacgaEO checkp. ! am' ' ailot"cr 15 ° Ules Ule respective classes. Conductors have dN v dual punches . . , already explained , no two sand u.n.T , , . bj ° " 10 Balllq marh' Tc" tllou- a moderate estimate of all the ' conductors' punch marks In this ciuntry. The system of punching tickets held by passengers Is simple enough. if a ticket reads to a point on | , | s d vision tha conductor punches It ami places t In pocket. Jf lt rcads b { J irpincjw , ? t to , o end of his division , and If a so parata section represents his division ho tears it off and Maces It In his pocket. Bachpuc- ceed ng conductor follows the same rule. If the passenger asks for Stop-over at any ntcrmcdlato point his ticket Is punched to the end of tjlo run Just the same , and a stop. o\er check Is Issued. Tha return portion of a round-trlp ticket IB never touched by conductors on golns passage. If a ticket reads over two or moro roads the conductors' pf each are responsible only for their own p-rtons ! and must under no circumstances meddle with any foreign portion. In this way all confusion Is avoided by the rqspectlve ticket auditing departments In making the mqnthly sottluinciit of proportions with each other In t ho case of ordinary tickets It Is Imma- terlal whether conductors punch high or low , to the right or left , but Involuntarily they select certain pet portions. Of course , there ere portions cf every ticket where no con ductor is supposed to apply Ms Instrument. Every conductor knows a few other con ductors' punches , but the ticket auclltlnc dc- parjment knows them all. iWore the gen eral passenger agent gives out a punch to a conductor the ticket auditor writes I ho name of the recipient In a large book , and opposite it his mark Is punched out , nnd for every ticket with that mark which Is subsequently received that conductor Is personally respon sible , His mark means that within a given time on a certain train , running over a cer tain division , fas accepted from a passenger. named or unnamed , the material evidence ot his right to travel , nnd endorsed the com pany's specification of privileges to said pas senger. The punch mark means all thin and more. It means that the conductor holds himself ptreonally responsible for any oversight. In discretion , or Irregularity In Ills Immlllnff of the ticket. If ho loses his punch be must report Immediately to headquarters , where upon his geircra ] passenger agent will fur- n'sh him with a new one , ncccHsarlly not ot the same denomination. The oM punch mark Is bulletined AS lost. Or. at care Is exercised In this regard because of the op portunity afforded a scalper securing th old punch and manipulating tickets , A fa- vorlto trick of some scalpers used to bo to punch out a small mark by Inserting about it n largvr mark , thereby changing the de nomination of the ticket. Such marks as "K" or "F" or other let ters , excepting " 0 , " "L" and " 11. C. . " liave no significance whatever , any more than has on angle or bar. Some people suppose they represent conductors' names. Kvery mark has untold significance to the ticket auditor , but noner to any one else. . Having exclusive Jurisdiction over con ductors , the division superintendent ! , can change them around to different ( rains without notifying tlio ticket auditing depart * emnt , which cares little , ] t | fact , since tlio same conductors always carry the iam punches , and the In'tilllile rcon ] Is not dis turbed , _ Rev. R. P. Ilod ! > "U pt Ore uwlch. Mass. . the oldest r in | > 'nt i < ( sfrvlu with one exception. In tlic L'u'tid State * , closed his official ciin ctKn liU QujiKregatlon with n parting tcrmon Jt Sunday after noon aflnr nirvlcc of flf/-oilo ( yearn.