Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1894, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY HEKr-SUNTlASr. AITGOST 2(5 ( , 1894t 5
TUESDAY , AUG. A Beautiful Ballet fu & Aerta. . and Aquatic TUESDAY , AUG.
Glittering Tableaux , Fireworks ,
Council Bluffs Night. Council Bluffs Night.
Modest , handsome and shapely AND GLITTERING
ladies neatly and classically cos TABLEAUX.
tumed in a series of marvelous
Ladies and children
groupings and intricate evolutions. corted can visit this refined
HIND , performance with perfect pro'
U. P. train to Pompeii leaves Council Bluffs at 9th and Broadway at 7:00 p , m ;
returning leaves Courtland Beach at 10:45 : p. m- Fare for round trip 25c.
350 Immense Lake 300 AWE-INSPimNG REDUCED
& *
Performers on 0-3 Z& on S ) .
Feet LongJOO C3 " O C = J c 3 C = J S t '
the Stage. on { = = 5
P = -
Feet . Wide with
C = 3
Charming Music by > i CO = 3
Boyd's Theatre Band Pompeiian Flotillas. on CCS CX3 OF VESUVIUS. RAILROADS ,
Admission , with good scat 50c AQUATIC Take the Sherman nvcntic curs nnd change cars at Locust struct ; no
Admission , with resarveil scat 75o transfer slip Is necessary. On entering cars at Locust street pay ten
Boxes , five . . . * . . - . FIREWORKS ,
Family seating
parsons. 35.00 cents , conductor gives you a return ticket. On returning from Courtland
Single Sjal. in Boxes 1.00
GRAND Bench conductor takes up this return ticket nnd hands you a transfer
Children uiulttr 12 years 25o
CliildVon 10,000 slip which will take yon to either cud of the Sherman avenue line yon
occupying Reserved Scats or Box Seats full price. , BEYOND
may desire to go.
Held to the District Oonit on the Charge of
Train Wrecking.
Jndjro r.aniiRTnkDj ) , OccaMon In Uln
thn Prisoner Ovar to Kxnlnla the
I mv Hearing ou the
LINCOLN , Aug. 25. ( Special to The Dee. )
The preliminary hearing of Davis , the alleged
train wrecker , was continued bcforo Judge
Lansing thin morning , with an examination ot
' the remaining witnesses who testified before
the coroner's Jury. Nothing new was de
veloped and after addresses by the various
attorneys the prisoner was held to the dis
trict court without ball. Before the morning
session opened one-of the attonipys for the
defense took occasion to administer a rather
li * scathing roast to the local morning paper
Is * for Its report of the proceedings yesterday.
In which It was stated that one of the wit
nesses positively Identified the prisoner as the
colored man tctn on- the scene when the
wreck occurred. So far there Is nothing
but circumstantial evidence to connect the
prisoner with the ciltnc , but the prosecuting
attorney thinks that lis has n good case. The
trial before the district court will come up at
the next session.
Judge Lansing In holding the prisoner
Btntod that in BO Important a case he con
sidered It necessary cither that the state
Bbould. produce so llttlo ovldcnco or the de
fense so much that the defendant should bo
entirely freed from blame. He admitted that
the evidence so far would not convict him ,
but considered his presence nt the wreck
nnd attendant circumstances rather suspi
cious ,
Doth Hie local theaters have cut paper an
nouncing the opening events of the season
and both have confidence In n fairly good
year. Special attractions hate been secured
for the fair week and later on during the
session ot the legislature. The Lansing's
opening : event will come on next Tuesday ,
with PoUcr-Hellew 03 the attraction , and on
the 29th J. Edgar Owens "Fairies' Carnival"
I * the attraction of the rejuvenated Funke.
The old house has teen so metamorphosed
that Us former patrons will scarcely know
It. The lobby has a new tiled florr and a
colling- beautifully frescoed In white , gold and
lemon yellow. A smoking room and n new
stairway to the 'gallery have been added. In
the Interior the prevailing tints are ngnln
while and gld , worked up Into a strikingly
pleasing effect. The carpets are blue velvet
with a gold llgure. and a wilderness nf elec-
trlo lights bespangles the celling. The stage
has been provided -with new scenery. Harry
Irvine ot the State band will lead the or
chestra , and If Manager Zehrung keeps his
word the coming legislature will hive nothing
to complnln of In the way ot amusements ,
Local floilsts are agitating the question of
holding a chrysanthemum show.
Rev Mr. Dcall of the Third Prcsbytcrlnn
church has chosen as the subject of his
morning sermon tlio question , "Kor Whom
Should I Vote for Governor ! "
Ilcyond the authorising of same changes
In the text books used in the city schools
there was no business of Importance consid
ered at the regular meeting of the school
board last night.
At a meeting held at the Lincoln hotel last
night It was decided to hold the Jubilation
over the nomination of the republican ticket
on September II , as that Is to be the old
soldiers day at the State fair. Ed Slier will
bo the grand marshal.
The pr'.nclpal feature ot the meeting ol the
Lincoln Labor club last night was the re
joicing of the speakers and members over
Iba action ot the Grand Island convention.
The four union printers at work In the Call
office , after being- called out , were expelled
from the club.
I > < ! > rntft btruERle with Highwaymen.
BTANTON , Neb. , Aug. 25 , ( Special to
Tlift Bet. ) John McKlniey , a farmer living
two alibi loi'tb. ol town , wis held up oa
the road from Norfolk last night , an * after
being cut and beaten was robbed of $300 In
cash. McKlnscy had been hauling grain to
Norfolk for several days , and drew his
money yesterday afternoon , Uwas late
when he left town and was after 9 o'clock
when the robbery occurred. When along a
line ct trees , about three miles from Stanton ,
four men sprang Into the wagon and ons lethe
the team. McKlnsey Is a powerful man ,
weighing over 200 pounds. He was on a
spring seat en a hlgl , wagon box , and stood
no show against four men. Ho fought for
a short time , but finding the odds so much
against him , was obliged to give up. In the
fight McKI'iscy received several cuts on the
face and one scalp wound , apparently made
with a shsrt knife. The sheriff was noti
fied , nnd took a posse of men to the scene ,
but they found no trace of the robbers. Ho
went on to Norfolk and notified the au
thorities there.
IIolluoM Society anil MothocllnU Conducting
lnti > Tcatlne EicrrlHn * .
BENNETT. Neb. , Aug. 25. ( Special to The
Beo. ) Today's trains brought many now ar
rivals Irom over the state , and many others
drove In from neighboring towns. Indica
tions point to a very large attendance here
tomorrow. The preaching of Evangelist
WlUon Is. attracting much attention , as is
seen In the Increasing attendance at the
morning sermons. His sermon yesterday
morning on "The Pour Baptisms" wan a
powerful argument and carried conviction
with It. Prominent arrivals today arc ;
Rev. Mr. Walsh of University Place : J. S.
Cockran , F. E. Foltz , A , N. Wycoff , Lincoln ;
Mesdames Warren and Murphln , Elkhorn ;
ox-Prcsldsnt II. T. Davis of Beatrice.
OAKDALB. Neb. , Aug. 25. ( Special to
The Bee. ) The camp meeting ot the Nellgh
district of the Methodist church Is largely
attended , notwithstanding the scorched con
dition of 'the country , and there are more
tents on the- ground now than ( hero were
last year , with the people still coming. Dr.
Marquette , the presiding elder , who has
had charge of the meeting for four succes
sive sentons , said last evening that the
financial .obligations were inure easily met
than ever. There Is great religious en
thusiasm. Among the distinguished preach
ers present from beyond the bounds of the
district are : Rev. Alfred Hodgetts , D. D. ,
of the Norfolk district ; Rev. H. C. Myers , D.
D. , ot Stanton ; Hev. II. A. Barton of Mad
ison , and Rev. William Gorst of Norfolk.
Vrrmont Hews Kotcn.
FREMONT , Aug. 25. ( jncclal to The
Bee. ) A test of the new wells ot the clly
water works was made yesterday , and as
two ot the five wells developed a capacity
of 1.21)6,000 ) gallons In twenty-four hours ,
they are satisfactory. When the uystem Is
completed the city will have a reliable dally
supply of over 37 < K)0,000 ) gallons of pure
The Young Men's Christian association
gymnasium Is being refitted for outdoor
A lively fisticuff at a dance on First street
last night caused the arrest of Henry Cook ,
and he Is now awaiting trial for disturbing
the peace.
The funeral of the late George H. Forney
took plaro at the Methodist church yester
day afternoon. The attendance was largo
and Ihe different orders , which were out In
full uniform , made an Imposing procession.
Rev. F M. Slsson officiated ,
\V. C. r. U. Conv. ntUm.
AINSVVORTH , Neb. , Aug. 25 , ( Special to
The Ilee , ) The annual convention of the
Sixteenth district Woman's Christian Tem
perance union held at this place has Just
closed a very Interesting session of two
days. The officers re-elected were :
President , Mrs. L. H. Dlackburn. Atkinson ;
corresponding secretary , Mrs. Havens , At
kinson ; recording secretary. Mrs. Ramsey ,
Valentine ; treasurer , Mra. Helen M. Jlornby ,
Valentine ; Mrs , Mary Rising. Amsworth ,
chairman , The .finance committee madu a
satisfactory report , and will continue to act
In tlict capacity.
Last evening Mrs. C. M. Woodward of
Seward addressed & large and Interested
Injured la a Ituunway.
SURPRISE. Neb , , Aug. ! 5. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) John Kaln had his right
shoulder blade broken today by a runaway
Nebraska Veterans Arriving at Grand
Island for the Event.
Arningoiuvnta Completed for the - Entertainment
tainment of tlie .11 tin j- VUlture Sev
eral L'opullat C'lindltfiitcs Remain
to Attend lha-Uucnuipiueut.
GRAND ISLAND , Aug. 25. ( Special to Tha
Bee. ) Preparations for the big state reunion
are already practically completed and tomor
row the grounds will bo thrown open for the
usual Sunday Inspection by citizens and vis
itors. A thousand , tents are pitched , and
hay. straw , water ami other necessities pro
vided In ample abundance , and next week's
visitors will meet with every accommodation
It Is possible to give them. There will be a
large crowd , that being assured , owing to
the fact that Quartermaster Harrison has
already received applications for every tent ,
The usual number of booths are erected and
the railroad companies' baggage rooms will
ba erected by tonight. Visitors are thus en
abled to check their baggage from any point
In the state direct to the'grounds.
A mimber of veterans have already arrived
by team and a number of the populist del
egates will remain over for nt least one or
two days of the reunion. The city Is also
providing- the big week. Owingto dim-
cultlcs between the council nnd the lighting
company , Grand Island has for some time
been without electric light. Thursday night ,
however , by special contract , the lights were
turned on and will remain to for a month.
The old veterans will , from Indications , not
be deprived of a good reunion this year
simply on account of hard times.
Kcijulre < t to Glv n Horn ] Signed \ > y
IMnttft'moutli I'orilcfi.
PLATTSMOUTII. Neb. , Aug. 25. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) Jimmy LIndsey Is
confined in the Plattsmauth Jail and will
stay there until he can secure a resident
bondsman who can qualify In the sum of
$3,500 , so says Judge Archer. Officer Mallck
returned from Omaha today with LIndsey
nnd a man named Spcllman from Omaha ,
who was willing to go on Llndsey'B bond ,
but ns ho could only qualify for the sum of
$1,500 and as County Attorney Travis had
been In Omnha this morning looking up
Llndscy's father-lti'Iaw. Edward Lynch , who
signed the bond yesterday and found that he
had misrepresented his financial standing.
Judge Archer could do nothing but again
consign Llndsey to the Jailer's care. It Is
extremely improbable that Llndsey can secure -
cure a resident bondsman who can qualify.
Jerry Farthing , the man who signed the
first bond , being worthless.
Knor County Tuirlicra Meet.
CHEIQHTON , Neb. , Aug. 25. ( Special to
The I3ee. ) The onnual teachers' Institute of
Knox county , which convened at Crelghton
Monday , Is still In session and will continue
until August 31. The enrollment has al
ready reached 123 and by the first of next
week will aggregate HO. This. Is a larger
number of teachers than ever before assem
bled at an Institute In this county. The In
structors are : D. K. Hand , Coon Rapids ,
la. ; C. A. Manvllle , Dodge. Neb. ; WlllUm
Hadcbaugh , Crelghton , and D. Feldman ,
Wuuiiela. llrnrin hi III ltlo\r .
WAUNBTA. Neb , , Aug. 25. ( Special to
The llee. ) The Nebraska editor Hated In
Us bit Issue that the Wauneta Breeze had
suspended. The report Is untrue , at the
Dreczo still floats , with J. W. Harm as Its
eJltor- ( _ _ _ _ _ _
Slnirnlur und Kill ill Arrldcllt.
LOUP CITV , Neb. , Aug. Z5. ( Special Telegram -
, gram to The Bee , ) Yesterday evening a team
ran away with Joseph Baker , ft farmer ra-
nldlng six- miles west of here , formerly of
Oakland , la. , and threw him from his wagon
Into a wire fenca , cutting the artery of his
right leg above the knee , from which ha
bled to death in a few minutes.
Governor Crotinne Call * Upon All Citizens la
Property Observe September 3.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Aug. 25. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee , ) The following Labor
day proclamation was Issued today ;
Slate at Nebraska , Executive Depart
ment Labor day proclamation : Whereas ,
under the laws of this state the first { on-
day In September of each year la desig
nated oa Labor day , now , therefore , I , Lo-
renpj Crounse , governor of the state or Ne
braska , tlo hereby recommend that on Mon
day , September 3 , 1S94 , nil places of busi
ness be closed In order that opportunity
be- given ( hose who- toll by hand or bralp to
eel f brute the day In such a. manner as Is
calculated to recognize and teach the -worth
of honest effort , to elevate and dignify
labor and Improve the condition of wage
earners In our midst. In testimony where
of I have hereunto set my hand nnd caused
to be afllxed the great seal of the state.
Dane nt Lincoln this 25th day of August ,
A. D. 1894 , by the governor ,
JOHN C. ALLEN , Secretary of State.
Tokanmli Divorce fiuo.
TEKAMAH , Neb , , Aug. 25. ( Special to
The Bee. ) Mrs. S. 0. Woodruff has com
menced suit for divorce against her husband
nnd names Mrs. Nora Van Ostrand as co
respondent. Woodruff has left the city. Mrs.
Woodruff will continue the publication of the
Burtonlan , the newspaper she and her hus
band jointly edited.
Sneak Tfilctm nt Dennett.
DENNETT , Neb. , Aug. 25 , ( Special to The
Dee. ) While Mrs. Richard was attending
camp meeting hero last night sneak thieves
entered and ransacked the house , carrying
away 18 and some ellverwarei
Dodge County Fiirmsr li ! > nnil > > eatl.
FREMONT , Aug. 2S. ( Special Telegram to
The Bee. ) John Cramer , aged 72 years , n
farmer living northeast of town , was found
dead In his Held thla afternoon.
GORDON , Neb. , Aug. 21. To the Editor of
The Dee : Please answer the following- ques
tion In The Sunday Wee' !
If I should presen * ° . M'e ' treasurer of the
United States JtO.OOA'lIn sliver certificates
and demand gold -miuld1 I bo paid in that
coin ? ' n. J , O.
The United States r ajmry need not , and ,
at times , will quf gold upon presen
tation of silver certificates. Any holder of
the latter can easily otmfort them Into gold
by making exchangei'With any Importing
house or any party iwh'o has duties to pay
to the government. lYbu will notice upon
the reverse of the certificate : "This certifi
cate Is receivable lor' customs , taxes and. all
public dues. " * H
ASHLAND , Neb. . Aug , . 16. To the Editor
of The Dee ; I am quljejmre that some time
last fall or winter r > aV la your paper a
decision or statemenfeoribernlng the owners
of land having the rfghtvlo seine In a stream
on bla own land. ( .It ivras , if I remember
right , on the Elkhorn river , either In Douglas
county or Sarpy county. Will you please
elre mo eome Information a > to what that
decision was and oblige.l .
The law Is clear that the owner of land
has no right to seln . except In a. private pond
on his own land.
A was born In New York City In 1810 , re
moved to France In 1861 , lived there , until
1800 , but does not forsrear allegiance to-
the United States ; at that time returns ' .o
the United States. Would ho then have been
eligible to the office of president of the United
States , his parents being native bom resi
dents of the United Slates and hai-mg re-
BlJsil continuously here ? He did not live In
Prance In any official capacity , X. Y. Z.
Ho would bo eligible.
Please state In your nixt Sunday's fssuo
the date of the murder of Cdrter Harrison.
On October 28 , USS.
Position of Parties in the Central Pacific
Oasa Will Be Reversed.
I'oBulbllltjthat tlio Govornment'a Suit for
the Collodion of the I ) l > t Agulnst
tko Tactile UoiiUaMay Ho Settled
Early Next S * alon.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 26. Thcr ? Is a pos
sibility that ateps may be taken by con
gress early next session to relieve Mrs. Stan
ford as speedily as may be of the embarrass
ment placed in the way ot settlement of Sen
ator Stanford's estate by Attorney General
Olney's claim against It on behalf ot the gov
ernment for the Pacific railroad debt.
A now method o ! procedure not contem
plated haa been outlined at the suggestion
of Representative Magulre of California , who
has advocated the enforcement of claims
against the personal estate ol the four great
directors of the Pacific railroads , and has
been one ot the strongest opponents of any
plan for an extension of their debt. The
proposition , briefly stated , Is to authorize Mrs.
Stanford to bring suit against the United
States , and thus cause an Immediate adjudi
cation of the government's ' suit. Under this
proposed method of procedure , Mrs. Stanford
would become the pUlntlff , and the govern
ment the defendant for the purpose oi the
suit. So long as the government : stilt Is pend
ing the trustees of the estate cannot make a
distribution of the funds ot the Lelaml Stan
ford , Jr. , university , which are In a certain
measure affe/cted.
In the regular course of litigation the
attorney general's proposed suit could not bo
tried until the bonds of the road on which
default Is Inevitable have matured Senator
Hill , however. Introduced recently a bill to
require the prompt prosecution and speedy
determination of the claim ot the United
States against the estate of the late Leland
Stanford , which would make the attorney
general of the United States to cause to bo
Instituted In the circuit court of the United
States for the t 'it r let of California such suits
as may be nec . tary to enforce the claim ,
directing the court to give such suits prece
dence over all others , and also directing the
attorney general to first prosecute the claim
In the state court if that may be necessary.
When Representative Culbcrson , chairman
'of the judiciary committee , brought the bill
up In the house yesterday. Representative
Magulro says that he objected to the bill be
cause It was loosely drawn. Afterwards ho
told Mr. Culbarson that lie would draw a
bill under which the same object mlcht be
accomplished partially. The Magulre bill will
enable Mrs. Stanford to bring suit against
the United States In the United States cir
cuit court ot California to determine the
validity of the claim. It will contemplate a
suit of the same character as the proceedings
In equity which a real estate holder might
Institute to quiet the title a party
who asserted a title to his Inr.U. Mr. Magulre
will probably not Introduce the1 bill him
self , but says he will sco the measure Is an
Ironclad one in Us protection of the govern
ment's Interests.
i'lllST Tir TAKHN' ,
fihlp Cpnnl from L. kn Hrl to tlie Ohio Is
Niivr Within Slclit.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 25. The project of
s , uhlp canal from lake Erie to the Ohio
river has had advocates for many years both
In and out of congress and has had oppo
nents an well. The first practical step toward
a solution ot the engineering scheme' li taken
In the river and harbor appropriation act ot
this year , requiring the eocretary of war to
appoint a board of army engineers to make
i. survey of the different routes proposed
and to report to the next sestlon ot congress
| as to practicability of the project and Its
I coat. Tbrea routes proposed are from Erie
to Pitt burg , from Cleveland lo Marietta , O , ,
and from Toledo to Cincinnati. There Is al
ready existing an all-water nay for canal
boats over each of these routes , The cost
of widening and deepening the channels and
putting In locks so as to accommodate vessels
of 2SO tons burden Is what Is sought to as
certain. While the floating ot the vessels
without unloading from the lakes to the gult
Is a fascinating conception , the opponents
of the expenditure urge that the vessels built
so as to navigate the lakes would be helploss-
after getting Into the Ohio river. On the-
other hand It Is argued that an all-water
route for the Michigan Iron ores and th&
Pennsylvania and Ohio coal supply Is the
only thing that will enable the western Penn
sylvania and Ohio Iron manufacturers to com-
petei with the fast developing industry In the
south. Advocates ot the project see pros
pects of an enormous growth of the water
traffic If the canal Is completed. One au
thoritative settlement of these conflicting-
opinions Is hoped for from the work ot the-
commission to bo appointed.
Assistant Attoriu > j Appointed.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 25. The following
appointments were today made by the at
torney general : Jnmes _ A. ( Marshal of Salt
Lake , special assistant United States at
torney for the territory ot Utah ; P. D. Kelsey -
sey of Sltka , assistant United States at
torney for the district of Alaska.
IllB Dcnl In. Vavailn ,
CARSON , Nov. , Aug. 25. It Is reported
here that the Tahoa Lumber and Flume com
pany has sold out to the Sierra Lumber and
Flume company. There ore many conflict
ing rumors In circulation. One Is that D. O.
Mills wanted to sell his railroad Interests
to the Sierra company , which Is owned by
the Hobart estate , but thnt the Sierra com
pany refused to take the Carson & Colorado
railroad at any price. Another version Is
that the Tahoe Flume company has pur
chased the lumber Interests ot the Sierra
company and that General Marlett has sold
his Interest In the Sierra company. It Is
said that D. L. Ullss will be at the head of
the new company , while others Insist that
Joseph Overton will be the new manager.
Demoralizing Uio Price of JtnUlnK.
FRESNO , Cat. , Aug. 25. A dispatch from
San Francisco confirms the report that east
ern Jobbers have secured agents to pick In
this country and cut the prices ol raisins be
low the standard fixed by Ihe combine.The
report Is that E. E. Langley , formerly of the
[ Inn of Cook & Langley , who conducted a
packing house here last fill and closed down ,
will reopen the nlacc ns agent for the Cut
ting Fruit company of San Francises. If
this guerrilla warfare U Inaugurated ( ho
price of raisins -will fall to next to nothing
ami many gran ITS will be ruined. The
securing of SO per cent of the output by the
local combine Is now their only hcpe.
ri ! icrmi ii , ( 'Hpture iv Illit OrtojmK ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 25. The fishing
boat Alexandria , with a crew of five men ,
had an exciting experience on Thursday
with a giant octopus. The men were fish
ing just outside of the Gulden Gate when sud
denly a terrific tug was felt at the lines.
After a terrible struggle with the monster
the fishermen killed him and brought the
fish to this city. The Chinese are very fond
of the flesh and the capture of an octopus
Is very profitable to the fishermen.
Two Countorfnlturd Cnptureil.
PHOENIX , Ariz. . Aug. 25. Two member *
of a gang of counterfeiters who have been
manufacturing and pissing spurious coin hero
for a week past have been arrested. One U
Jim Young , the other Is known as Murray ,
Bail .quarters and half-dollars were found
upon each with uniiiUtakable evidence that
they were mada here. The prisoners are
noncommittal. The town hat been flooded
with counterfeit money.
StD l Wnrbi Ciintiitt Jmlgmrnt.
POTTSVILLB , Pa. , Aug. 25 , Judgment *
aggregating $141.00 ? were confessed by th
Pottsvllle Iron and Steel works , one ot the
largest Industrial establishments In thin re
gion. The officers refused to give out any
statement of assets and liabilities. It was
stated , however , the- amount of judgments
represents only a verj' small cart ot the com
pany' * resources-
Property Owners Ask that Thirteenth Street
Bo Eil ended BouthwaTd.
Conference tu Ho Ilml wICi Harpy County
Hoard-Vgly Tnlrs Continue to Tour
In About. Justice llrandci Com U
plaint of John I.ulibo.
At the regular meeting of the county com
missioners yesterday afternoon action was
talcon looking towards the opening ot South
Thirteenth street from Its present terminus
south to the site of Fort Crook. This mat
ter hod been under consideration by the
members of the board for several days , and
the ground was examined with a view to
ascertaining what the probable expanse of
the contemplated Improvement would bo.
At yesterday's meeting a commlttio con
sisting of Herman Kountzo , John Rush , Don
B. Wood and Thomas Swobo and rcpcsentlng
the property owners Interested appeared be
fore the board and urged that some action
bo taken In the matter at an early date.
They stated that they had had an estimate
prepared of the approximate cost of the
undertaking , and It had been thought that
J5.000 would pay for all the work neces
sary to ba done In Douglas county to grade
and open a road twenty-five feet wide nnd
sufficiently substantial for any kind of light
At thla point Commissioner Williams In
troduced a resolution by which the county
clerk was directed to communicate with
the Sarpy county commissioners and ask
( hem to meet ths Douglas county ofdclals
at a joint meeting to consider the question
of opening the road. This was adopted
and the commissioners assured the commit
tee that they were unanimously in favor
of the proportion , and that It was likely
that more definite action would be taken
as soon as. they had como to an understand
ing with the Sarpy county officials.
Another cmplalnt against Justice Charles
Brandes was read and referred to the finance
committee and the county attorney. Tha
complainant was John Lubbc , who asserted
that the wheels of justice had been BO manip
ulated by the accused as to deprive him ot
his liberty and money In a manner entirely
contrary to the usual operations of law.
Lubbo claimed that about n week ago
Brandos appointed William Wilde a special
constable to arrest him and bring him Into
court. Although Wilde gave no bond ho
proceeded to carry out his commission and
finally arrested Lubbo and brought him O
Mauer's ct4oon , where ho said the Justice
was waiting to take his bend , The Justlco
did not appear , so AVIlde allowed him to go
on the deposit of $3.90 as security that ho
would appear before Judge Brandes at his
office on Fourteenth street , near Farnim , on
Monday morning.
The complaint goes ou to state that Lubbo
appeared as desired , but as the Justice
again failed to put In an appearance , Wilde
took him to the allco of Albert Ritchie , In
the Karbach block , where he was made to
pay (2.GO ( as court costs and ? 5 for at
torney's fee , without any trial or n ap
pearance before any legal tribunal.
There are cne or two other complaints of
the same general nature now In the hands of
the committee , and It U understood that
they will be ttken up together as soon as
Commissioner Paddock returns from his va
City Engineer Rosewater and County Sur
veyor House were instructed to take a trp
to the Platte and iSlkhorn rivers and make
an estimate of the number ct cubic Inches
of water In the How of each of the strotm * .
Bide for the construction of the bridge on
the Military road wore opened and referred
until the next meeting.
Tha InvlUtlon of the Central Labor union
to participate In the exercises on Labor day
waa accepted.